Species Recorded at S A National Park's Head Office at Groenkloof:

Status: O = only recorded overhead, V = considered a passing vagrant, I = irregular

Rob: # Name (Roberts 6) Species Name (Roberts 7) Recorded Status 62 Grey 1 O 63 Blackheaded Heron Blackheaded Heron 1 O 71 1 O 81 Hamerkop 1 91 Sacred Sacred Ibis 1 O 94 Hadeda Ibis Hadeda Ibis 1 102 Egyptian Goose Egyptian Goose 1 O 126.1 Yellowbilled Kite Yellowbilled Kite 1 O 127 Blackshouldered Kite Blackshouldered Kite 1 O 131 Black Eagle Verreaux's Eagle 1 O 159 Little Banded Goshawk Shikra 1 I 171 Peregrine 1 O 181 Rock Kestrel Rock Kestrel 1 O 199 Swainson's Francolin Swainson's Spurfowl 1 203 Helmeted 1 255 Crowned Plover Crowned Lapwing 1 258 Blacksmith Plover Blacksmith Lapwing 1 297 Spotted Dikkop Spotted Thick-knee 1 348 Feral Pigeon Rock Dove 1 349 Rock Pigeon Speckled Pigeon 1 352 Redeyed Dove Redeyed Dove 1 354 Cape Turtle Dove Cape Turtle Dove 1 355 Laughing Dove 1 373 Grey Lourie Grey Go-awayBird 1 377 Redchested Redchested Cuckoo 1 378 Black Cuckoo Black Cuckoo 1 382 Jacobin Cuckoo 1 386 Diderick Cuckoo 1 391 Burchell's Coucal Burchell's Coucal 1 392 Barn Barn Owl 1 401 Spotted Eagle Owl Spotted Eagle Owl 1 405 Fierynecked Nightjar Fierynecked Nightjar 1 411 Eurasian 1 I 415 Whiterumped Swift Whiterumped Swift 1 417 Little Swift 1 421 Palm Swift African Palm-Swift 1 I 424 Speckled Speckled Mousebird 1 BIRDS AT GROENKLOOF NATIONAL PARK

Rob: # Species Name (Roberts 6) Species Name (Roberts 7) Recorded Status 426 Redfaced Mousebird Redfaced Mousebird 1 428 Pied Kingfisher Pied Kingfisher 1 438 Eurasian Bee-eater European Bee-eater 1 443 Whitefronted Bee-eater Whitefronted Bee-eater 1 I 457 Grey Hornbill African Grey Hornbill 1 464 Blackcollared Barbet Blackcollared Barbet 1 473 Crested Barbet Crested Barbet 1 476 Lesser Lesser Honeyguide 1 I 478 Sharpbilled Honeyguide Brownbacked Honeybird 1 I 486 Cardinal Woodpecker Cardinal Woodpecker 1 489 Redthroated Wryneck Redthroated Wryneck 1 518 Eurasian 1 526 Greater Striped Swallow 1 529 Rock Martin 1 530 House Martin Common House-Martin 1 541 Forktailed Drongo Forktailed Drongo 1 I 545 Blackheaded Oriole Blackheaded Oriole 1 548 Pied Crow Pied Crow 1 560 Arrowmarked Babbler Arrowmarked Babbler 1 568 Blackeyed Bulbul Darkcapped Bulbul 1 577.1 Olive Thrush Karoo Thrush 1 580 Groundscraper Thrush Groundscraper Thrush 1 I 581 Cape Rockthrush Cape Rockthrush 1 V 586 Mountain Chat Mountain Wheatear 1 V 593 Mocking Chat Mocking Cliff-Chat 1 I 601 Cape Robin Cape Robin- 1 602 Whitethroated Robin Whitethroated Robin-Chat 1 621 Titbabbler Chestnutvented Titbabbler 1 631 African Marsh Warbler African Reed-Warbler 1 643 Willow Warbler Willow Warbler 1 645 Barthroated Apalis Barthroated Apalis 1 651 Longbilled Crombec Longbilled Crombec 1 I 657.1 Greybacked Bleating Warbler Greybacked Camaroptera 1 664 Fantailed Cisticola Zitting Cisticola 1 O 681 Neddicky Neddicky 1 683 Tawnyflanked Prinia Tawnyflanked Prinia 1 685 Blackchested Prinia Blackchested Prinia 1 I 693 Fantailed Flycatcher Grey Tit-Flycatcher 1 V 698 Fiscal Flycatcher Fiscal Flycatcher 1 701 Chinspot Batis Chinspot Batis 1


Rob: # Species Name (Roberts 6) Species Name (Roberts 7) Recorded Status 706 Fairy Flycatcher Fairy Flycatcher 1 710 Paradise Flycatcher African Paradise-Flycatcher 1 713 Cape 1 732 Fiscal Shrike Common Fiscal 1 736 Southern Boubou Southern Boubou 1 739 Crimsonbreasted Boubou Crimsonbreasted Shrike 1 V 740 Puffback Blackbacked Puffback 1 743 Threestreaked Tchagra Browncrowned Tchagra 1 I 744 Blackcrowned Tchagra Blackcrowned Tchagra 1 I 746 Bokmakierie Bokmakierie 1 I 753 White Helmetshrike Whitecrested Helmetshrike 1 V 758 Indian Myna 1 764 Glossy Starling Cape Glossy Starling 1 769 Redwinged Starling Redwinged Starling 1 787 Whitebellied Sunbird Whitebellied Sunbird 1 792 Black Sunbird Amethyst Sunbird 1 796 Cape White-eye Cape White-eye 1 801 House Sparrow House Sparrow 1 803 Cape Sparrow 1 807 Thickbilled Weaver Thickbilled Weaver 1 813 Cape Weaver 1 814 Masked Weaver Southern Masked Weaver 1 824 Red Bishop Southern Red Bishop 1 841 Jameson's Firefinch Jameson's Firefinch 1 844 Blue Waxbill Blue Waxbill 1 I 846 Common Waxbill Common Waxbill 1 860 Pintailed Whydah Pintailed Whydah 1 881 Streakyheaded Canary Streakyheaded Seedeater 1 Total 105

List of personal sightings by Chris Patton from 1998 to 2004

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