lmperium Romanum is the first full-length book in English on the organisation of the for over fifty years and will provide the student at all levels with a conspectus of the latest research on all its aspects. Much important new material is now available; Andrew Lintott brings to light and discusses recent dis­ coveries of documents preserved in inscriptions and on papyrus. The classic books on the Roman empire emerged in a period when imperial enterprise was generally exalted. These works transferred the values and preconceptions of the British empire on to that of the Romans. They stressed territorial control, defined frontiers, clear divisions of responsibility and channels of communication. More recent research, by contrast, highlights how flexible, casuistic, per­ sonal and (sometimes deliberately) ill-defined the principles and methods of Roman imperialism were. Andrew Lintott provides an up-to-date assembly of the evidence and suggests new interpretations of this material. How far did a system arise from this apparent lack of system? How far did Rome's subjects grow into a unity, which transcended the results of direct Roman coercion? Andrew Lintott is Fellow and Tutor in at Worces­ ter College, Oxford. He is the author of Judicial Reform and Land Reform in the (1992), Violence, Civil Strife and Revolution in the Classical City (1982) and Violence in Republican Rome (1968). IMPERIUM ROMANUM

Politics and administration

Andrew Lintott

R London and New York First published 1993 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge 270 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016 Reprinted 1997 Transferred to Digital Printing 2005 © 1993 Andrew Lintott Typeset in 10/12pt Garamond by Witwell Ltd, Southport All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Lintott, Andrew Imperium Romanum: Politics and Administration I. Title 937 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Lintott, A. W. (Andrew William) Imperium Romanum: politics and administration/Andrew Lintott. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Rome—Politics and government—265-30 B.C. 2. Rome—Politics and government—30 B.C.-A.D. 284. 3. Rome—Provinces—Administration. I. Title. DG241.L56 1993 930/.0971237—dc20 92-26011 CIP ISBN 0-415-01594-4 0-415-09375-9 (pbk) For my colleagues and pupils CONTENTS



Between pages 128 and 129 1 The foundations of the Roman forum and underlying Punic streets at Carthage 2 View of the ruins at Corinth, including the temple of Apollo and Roman-built shops against the background of Acrocorinth 3 Trajan's column with a close-up of its relief sculpture 4 Two examples of Roman triumphal architecture and sculpture 5 A law against extortion in bronze, and a probably stolen 'winged Agon 6 Examples of Roman religious architecture, monuments and public amenities 7 Mosaic of a beast-fight arranged by a local magistrate for public entertainment


Over a number of years while I have been teaching Roman history I have regretted the lack of an up-to-date book which would explain to my pupils the structure of the Roman empire and how it worked. In an attempt to fill this gap for them I became interested not only in the mechanics of the administration but in the conceptualisation of the empire both by the Romans themselves and by modern scholars. This led me to deliver a paper, which in turn persuaded Eyre Methuen to commission a book. The delay in its appearance (during which Eyre Methuen was incorporated into Routledge) may be in part explained by my desire to finish some work on Republican legal texts first as a foundation for part of the argument, partly by the need to assimilate new documents, largely preserved in inscriptions, which have appeared in profusion during the last decade, partly also by my diffidence, when I realised what I had perhaps too confidently undertaken. One aim of the book which has gained in importance over these years is to bring to the reader's notice the accumulation of new evidence. Another is to provide an introductory overview of an historical subject which, like the Roman empire itself in its time, has expanded phenomenally and is hard to conceive as a coherent intellectual entity. I would like to think that, while attempting this, I have also been able to make some contribution of my own to the new thinking about the empire, whose fertility may be found in many modern works on particular aspects of it, and which is very far from exhausted. I have learnt much from a number of contemporaries and it would be invidious to limit this in a brief list of names. I am, however, particularly grateful to Greg Woolf for reading the typescript and making a number of useful suggestions. Much of the work on the latter half of the book was done when I was a visiting scholar at the ix IMPERIUM ROMANUM Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton in 1990 and it is pleasant to record here my thanks for the hospitality I received and for the assistance and stimulating discussion provided in the Department of Historical Studies. ABBREVIATIONS

Abbreviations of periodicals in general follow the system of L'Annee Philologique, with one important exception: ZSS for Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, romanistische Abteilung.

Abbreviations of papyri in general follow those in E. G. Turner, Greek Papyri: an Introduction (Oxford, 1980), 159ff.

AJ F.F. Abbott and A.C. Johnson, Municipal Administration in the Roman Empire, Princeton, 1926 ANRW Aufstieg und Niedergang der romischen Welt, Festschrift J. Vogt, ed. H. Temporini and W. Haase, Berlin and New York, 1972- Braund, AN D.C. Braund, Augustus to Nero. A Sourcebook on Roman History 31 BC-AD 68, London/ Sydney, 1985 Bruns G. Bruns and O. Gradenwitz, Pontes Iuris Romani Antiqui, 7th edn, Tubingen, 1919 CAH Cambridge Ancient History CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum Claros I J. and L. Robert, Claros I: les decrets helle- nistiques, Paris, 1989 Corinth Corinth. Results of the Excavations by the American School at Athens, Cambridge, Mass., 1932- CPJ V.A. Tcherikover, A. Fuks and M. Stern, Corpus Papyrorum ludaicarum, 3 vols, Cam­ bridge, Mass., 1957-64 EJ V. Ehrenberg and A.H.M. Jones, Documents xi IMPERIUM ROMANUM Illustrating the Reigns of Augustus and Tiber­ ius, 2nd edn, with addenda, Oxford, 1975 ESAR T. Frank, Economic Survey of , 5 vols, Baltimore, Maryland, 1933-9 FGH F. Jacoby, Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker, 3 parts, 11 vols, Berlin and Leiden, 1923-58 FIRA S. Riccobono, Fontes Iuris Romani Anteiusti- niani, 2nd edn, Florence, 1968 IDelos F. Durrbach et al., Inscriptions de Delos, Paris, 1926- IEphesos H. Wankel et al., Die Inschriften von Ephesos, Bonn 1979- lErythrai H. Engelmann, Die Inschriften von Erythrai und Klazomenai, Bonn, 1972-3 IG Inscriptiones Graecae 1GB G. Mihailov, Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae, vol. 1, 2nd edn, vols 2-5, 1st edn, Sofia, 1958-70 IGRR R. Cagnat et al., Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas Pertinentes, 3 vols, Paris, 1906-27 ILAfr R. Cagnat et al., Inscriptions latines d'Afrique, Paris, 1922 ILLRP A. Degrassi, Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Publicae, 2 vols, 2nd edn, Florence, 1966 ILS H. Dessau, Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae, 4 vols, Berlin 1892-1916, reprinted 1954 ILT A. Merlin, Inscriptions Latines de la Tunisie, Paris, 1944 IOSPE B. Latyschev, Inscriptiones Antiquae Orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini Graecae et Lati­ nae, 3 vols, 2nd edn, St Petersburg, 1916 iTrip J.M. Reynolds and J.B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, London, 1952 JRLR A. Lintott, Judicial Reform and Land Reform in the Roman Republic, Cambridge, 1992 Levick, GRE B.M. Levick, The Government of the Roman Empire: A Sourcebook, London, 1985 Milet Th. Wiegand, Milet. Ergebnisse der Aus- grabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem xii ABBREVIATIONS Jahre 1899, Berlin, 1908-90 Mitteis, Wilcken GCP L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, Grundzuge und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde, 4 vols, Stuttgart, 1912, reprinted Hildesheim, 1963 Mommsen, Ges.Schr. Th. Mommsen, Gesammelte Schriften, Berlin, 1904-13 Mommsen, Staatsr. Th. Mommsen, Romisches Staatsrecht, vols 1 and 2, 3rd edn, vol. 3, 1st edn, Leipzig, 1887-8 MRR T.R.S. Broughton, The Magistrates of the Roman Republic, 2 vols, 2nd edn, New York, 1960; vol. 3, Atlanta, Georgia, 1987 MW M. McCrum and A. G. Woodhead, Select Documents of the Principates of the Flavian Emperors, Cambridge, 1961 OGIS W. Dittenberger, Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae, 4 vols, Leipzig, 1903, reprinted Hildesheim, I960 ORF H. Malcovati, Oratorum Romanorum Fragmenta, 2 vols, 4th edn, Turin, 1976-9 PIR E. Groag et al., Prosopographia Imperii Romani saec. I, II, III, 2nd rev. edn, Leipzig/ Berlin, 1933- RDGE R.K. Sherk, Roman Documents from the Greek East, Baltimore, Maryland, 1964 RE Pauly-Wissowa, Real-Encyclopaedie der Mas sis ch en A Itertumswissenschaft RGE R.K. Sherk, Rome and the Greek East to the Death of Augustus (Translated Documents of Greece and Rome 4). Cambridge, 1984 RIB R.G. Collingwood and R.P. Wright, The Roman Inscriptions of Britain, vol. 1, Oxford, 1965; vol. 2, Gloucester, 1990 RRC M.H. Crawford, Roman Republican Coinage, 2 vols, Cambridge, 1974 SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Sel. Pap. A.C. Hunt and C.C. Edgar, Select Papyri, London, 1932 E. M. Smallwood, Documents Illustrating the Smallwood, GCN Principates of Gaius, Claudius and Nero, Cam­ bridge, 1967 E.M. Smallwood, Documents Illustrating the Smallwood, NTH xiii IMPERIUM ROMANUM Principates of Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian, London, 1966 Syll. W. Dittenberger, Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, 4 vols, 3rd edn, Leipzig, 1915; reprinted Hildesheim, I960 Welles, RC C.B. Welles, Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period. A Study in Greek Epigra­ phy. New Haven, Conn., 1934; reprinted Chicago, 111., 1974 The following legal texts may be referred to without further refer­ ence. Frag.Atest Fragmentum Atestinum, CIL, 1, 600; FIRA, I, 20. Lex agr. Lex agraria, CIL, I2, 585; FIRA, I, 8; JRLR, pp. 171-286. Lex Ant.Term. Lex Antonia de Termessibus, CIL, I , 589; FIRA, I, 11. Lex de Delo Lex Gabinia Calpurnia de insula Delo, CIL, I, 2500; C. Nicolet (ed.), Insula Sacra, Rome, 1980. Lex Flav.mun. The combined text of Lex mun.Mal. and Lex Irnit. (see below) Lex Irnit. Lex Irnitana,]. Gonzalez, JRS, 76 (1986), 147- 243. Lex luLagr. Lex lulia agraria (or Mamilia Roscia Peducaea Alliena Fabia), FIRA, I, 12. Lex mun.Mal. Lex municipii Malacitani, CIL, II, 1964; FIRA, I, 24. Lex mun.Tar. Lex municipii Tarentini, CIL, 1, 590; FIRA, I, 18. Lex osca Bant. Lex osca tabulae Bantinae, FIRA I, 16; Bruns, 8; new fragment, D. Adamesteanu and M. Torelli, Arch.Class., 21 (1969), 1-17. Lex portorii Asiae H. Engelmann and D. Knibbe, 'Das ZoUgesetz der provincia Asia. Ein neues Inschrift aus Ephesos', EpigAnat., 14 (1989), 1-206. Lex prov.praet. Lex de provinciis praetoriis {de piratis), FIRA, I, 9; new fragments, M. Hassall, M. Crawford and J. Reynolds, JRS, 64 (1974), 195-220. xiv ABBREVIATIONS Lex rep. Lex repetundarum, CIL, 1, 583; FIRA, I, 7; JRLR, pp. 73-169. Ltf* Ruhr.Gall. Lex RubriaRubria de Gallia Cisalpina, CIL, 1, 592; FIRA, I, 19. Ltf* t/n. LeLexx ColoniaColoniae Genetivae Ursonensis, CIL, I, 594; F/Ry4,1, 21. SC de Asclep. Senatus Consultum de Asclepiade, CIL, 1, 588; FIRA, I, 35. SC Calvisianum FIRA, I, 68, V (pp. 409-14); SEG, IX, 8. Tab.Heracl. Tabula Heracleensis, CIL, l\ 593; FIRA, I, 13.


When the Greek historian Polybius looked back about the middle of the second century BC on Rome's recent acquisition of the dominant position in his world, the Mediterranean lands and their neighbours, he found two general explanations for it. In part it was the work of fortune ityche) which had so associated and combined events that they had come to point in a single direction, in part it was the logical outcome of the efforts of the Romans themselves and a fair reward for their military and political strength. At the same time the notion of a Roman destiny to universal rule was already developing both among the Greeks and the Romans themselves. According to , in the funeral oration written for Scipio Aemilianus by his friend Laelius in 129 BC it was asserted that the land in which Scipio lived was bound to rule the earth. Earlier, though whether in the third or second centuries BC is disputed, there was incorporated in the Alexandrian poet Lycophron's play about the fall of Troy, Alexandra, a pseudo- prophesy about the race sprung from Trojan seed who were to take revenge on the Greeks for the humiliation of their mother-city by imposing their power on the eastern Mediterranean. This theme was only fully elaborated in the time of Augustus. He himself recorded his own achievements, Res Gestae, under the rubric 'the achievements by which he subjected the whole world to the imperium of the Roman people', while Vergil in the Aeneid immortalised Rome's rise to power, showing it to have been ineluctable, because decreed by heaven, and claiming in further justification that it was in governing others that Rome's true talent lay. The argument that some people were naturally fitted to rule and others to obey was especially powerful in an intellectual and moral climate where similar argu­ ments were used to justify slavery, pre-eminently in in Politics Book I.3

1 IMPERIUM ROMANUM Augustus' boast that he and Rome now had the world under their sway would not have seemed exaggerated to his contemporaries, even if the rhetoric in such a claim was betrayed by the fact that it had already been made over 100 years earlier. It is neatly illustrated by the silver denarii showing Rome with her foot on the globe, like a football referee before a game - a type which first appears under the Republic in the 70s BC but is frequently reused on the coinage of the emperors. Yet Roman ideas may seem transparently false and overinflated now. The territorial extension of Roman rule even in the hinterland of the Mediterranean basin fell short of complete dominance, while the lack of strict central supervision and elaborate administrative machinery both under the Republic and the emperors casts doubt on the quality of the control. This can lead to contrasting value judgements. The strength of the empire, it may be said, lay in the liberty it afforded its subjects, its weakness in the licence it allowed its officials and local potentates to rob and oppress. There is, moreover, the irony that at the point when central control of administration and life itself is apparently at its most elaborate in the later Roman empire, the empire is traditionally regarded as in decline. The present work does not aspire to tackle this final period because of the mass of material and special problems this entails. It seeks rather to clarify the nature of the empire during the epoch when in the Roman view it was self-evidently a success. The starting-point is how Romans understood the concept of imperium and could reconcile it with considerable flexibility both in the formal relationships between themselves and their allies and in administrative practice. Following this, we consider how the empire worked - the well-worn topic of 'provincial administration', which, although its scholarship stretches back for 400 years (Carlo Sigonio's De antiquo iure pro- vinciarum of 1568 was the pioneer text), is continually being illuminated by new documentary evidence. Finally, an attempt is made to assess the nature of the relationship between Rome and her allies and subjects. Of course, neither forms of organisation nor administration remained static over the period between c. 250 BC and c. 150 AD. There was a general tendency towards the restriction of independent action by Rome's allies or subjects combined with a diminishing differentiation between them and their Roman rulers. Yet at all stages the internal coherence of the empire and the influence of Roman hegemony is in my view greater than one may be led to suppose by the absence of elaborate governmental machinery.


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