Eric Powell,Mel Rubi,Christian Zanier,Paul Lee,,Christopher Golden,Brett Matthews,Tom Sniegoski | 480 pages | 12 Jul 2011 | ,U.S. | 9781595827067 | English | Milwaukie, United States Angel Omnibus PDF Book

Apr 18, Ahmed Naguib rated it it was ok. It's sort of the Angel reboot arc after the first batch of stories. Buffy, Giles, and the others learn about recent chaos, and Buffy believes she should go to help Angel in L. Average rating 4. Brian Horton. Review to come when i get around to it :p. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. I received an e-version of this book through NetGalley. Yes he's dark. Sort order. Noe seems to hold expert knowledge on removing demonic forces. Certainly worth a read for a fan. Maybe I found the titles of the individual series to be a little cliche. A retired L. Studios ; this version of the series is a reboot with no continuity to the television series or previous comics. Gunn must try to find him before the city chews him up and spits him out. I had read this after I started reading the After the Fall story line and while it was ok, I didn't feel that the stories contained within held up to After the Fall. The struggle to try to keep up with the developments on the show kept the comic from developing its own continuity — this volume contains a randomized series of leftovers and crumbs. considers whether she is capable of guilt. Unfortunately, it was a non-starter and was cancelled after a few issues. Details if other :. No trivia or quizzes yet. Various related works have come out coinciding with these volumes. But — and this is a spoiler, sorry — there was one massive flaw: the idea that the gypsies had some other motive than what was given in Buffy. In the end, I'm glad I stuck with it and I'm looking forward to finding and reading the next season because, in true Joss Whedon fashion, the ending does not remotely satisfy every storyline. From the stuttering uncertainty of Wesley to the slight arrogance of Cordelia, their speech certainly brought back fond memories. Spike: Asylum Spike Omnibus. Scott's rendering of faces and body language is apt. There are some decent stories in here, but nothing earth-shatteringly good. Penciller: Derlis Santacruz. To ask other readers questions about Angel Omnibus , please sign up. However, I did like most of the stories in Spotlight , which featured select characters in small tales of their own, specifically everyone's but Gunn's, which were about Illyria, Wesley, Doyle and Connor. A Californian congressman is robbed and killed by a woman of the night, a front-page sleaze scandal emerges with a scary twist: Cordy has a vision of the congressman just before his death, it seems the prostitute who murdered him was not human. The Spotlight issues were really nicely done. It's that pesky "one moment of happiness" thing that really needs to go. Jun 19, graveyardgremlin rated it liked it Shelves: vampires , comics-and-graphic- novels , buffy-the-vampire-slayer , library-loan. Writer: Corinna Bechko. Let's do this. Collected in Angel: Earthly Possessions. Eric Powell. Feb 09, Ishanie rated it it was amazing. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. Angel Omnibus Writer

The only story not to feature in those is a short by Allie and Powell about the effects of a strange Nepalese mask. Angel's searching for a kidnapped child, only to stumble upon a force of unspeakable evil and unimaginable power, seeking him for some reason. Christopher Golden. Anyway, very enjoyable. Try these. Oct 14, Chris rated it really liked it. Read more Storylines were disappointing Christian Zanier ,. They'll all look good on the bookshelf together. Other Editions 1. This would have made such a cool episode Average rating 4. No trivia or quizzes yet. Paperback , 1st Edition , pages. Other editions. Jan 03, John Michael Strubhart rated it it was amazing. It was a shame — the artwork was so much better quality, the writing actually got a chuckle or two out of me … and then there was that. Spike: Asylum Spike Omnibus. Yes he's dark. Angel Omnibus Reviews

Scott Tipton ,. More adventures for Angel and the gang. Open Preview See a Problem? Finally, the strange evil reveals itself; Perfect Zheng, a vampire who beat Angel up in the s. The stories in this omnibus aren't very interesting, they're passable but nothing special, the dialogue so-so, and the artwork is pretty disappointing. A very good read. Trivia About Angel Omnibus. My main critiques are that I felt the art was sometimes Probably more like 3. Read more Lists with This Book. I appreciated Allie's introduction which. Jun 25, Cale rated it liked it. But I am definitely looking forward to reading all the other Angel a A great continuation of Angel's story for fans of the series who just couldn't let go. It's not so much fun flipping your tablet every 10 seconds. Most of the issues were purely ugly. Quite lackluster and similar to the very early Buffy comics. At the same time monsters are leaving L. Jan 03, John Michael Strubhart rated it it was amazing. Colorist s : Dave Stewart. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. In the other story Cordelia lands the main role in a Blair Witch type film about three film makers looking for the Helm of Haraxis. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. View all 3 comments. The thugs aren't the only things Angel face. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog '. Scott's rendering of faces and body language is apt. Penciller: Geraldo Borges. Float Left Float Right. Angel's searching for a kidnapped child, only to stumble upon a force of unspeakable evil and unimaginable power, seeking him for some reason. It just starts to all look the same. When it went off the air it was a sad day indeed. Average rating 3. Mel Rubi. Oct 01, Bibliofiendlm rated it really liked it Shelves: urban-fantasy , vampires , sci- fi-fantasy , other-creatures , magic , horror , i-see-dead-people , graphic-novels. He must face both a large group of vampires, and a battle the much stronger force of lust. Error rating book. Comics Novels Undeveloped productions. He is known to some as "The Exorcist to the Stars.

Angel Omnibus Read Online

Nov 11, Christina Rause rated it liked it Shelves: read-graphic-novels. They definitely make good use of the medium, but are hamstrung by the fact that they can't have any real impact on any of the characters, since they were coming out while the show was on. But I am definitely looking forward to reading all the other Angel and Spike comics. In fact, I think these really captured the aura of the television show perfectly. In fact, as it turns out, the gypsy curse that was used on Angel was meant to be used on Zheng, turning him into the 'vampire champion', but it didn't take, and Zheng is determined to find out why Angel's soul was restored and his wasn't. In the first issue Cordy says "ewwww" to seeing a dead body, one that was supposed to have been pretty brutally killed, but the body as depicted looks the character is sleeping. Escaping his captivity just in time to survive the harsh light of day, Angel and his gang are able to stop the clinic. Category Book Abridged. The flow is fairly good, but sometimes, the panels switch from portrait to landscape too often. Collected in Angel: Strange Bedfellows. The coloring was acceptable, but nothing to write home about. The first volume was an ongoing series halted after seventeen issues. I received an e-version of this book through NetGalley. Plus they were all written by Christopher Golden, who just Horrible's Sing-Along Blog '. Want to Read saving…. However unlike fan fiction , overviews summarizing their story, written early in the writing process, were 'approved' by both Fox and Joss Whedon or his office , and the books were therefore later published as official Angel merchandise. At the same time monsters are leaving L. Meanwhile, Spike finds himself thinking about some of his evil actions in some new found guilt. Apr 18, Ahmed Naguib rated it it was ok. Their language though was very reminiscent of their characters and brought out a chuckle from time to time. Rows: Columns:. Detective Kate Lockley eventually becomes involved in the case, while Angel and Wesley continue their attempt to discover the vampire-prostitute known on the streets by the name of Candy. Oct 24, Kate M. Angel believes that he deserves some happiness with a woman, possibly with Nina having been through so much and lost so many that had been close to him. The core group of characters were visually appealing too with their strong lines and bold looks.