Resettlement Plan

Document stage: Draft for Consultation Project Number: 49107-003 May 2018

IND: Urban Flagship Investment Program (TNUFIP) – Underground Sewerage System

Prepared by Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation, Government of Tamil Nadu, for the Asian Development Bank.

CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 11 May 2018) Currency Unit – Indian rupee (₹) ₹1.00 – $0.0149 $1.00 = ₹67.090


ADB – Asian Development Bank ASO – Assistant Safeguards Officer BPL – below poverty line DWC double walled corrugated EMP – environmental management plan GIAC – Governance Improvement and Awareness Consultant GRC – grievance redress committee GRM – grievance redress mechanism MPS – Main Pumping Station PIU – Project Implementation Unit PMU – Project Management Unit PPTA – project preparatory technical assistance R&R – rehabilitation and resettlement RoW – right of way SPO – Social Project Officer SPS – Safeguard Policy Statement STP – sewage treatment plant TLC – Town Level Committee TWADB – Tamil Nadu Water and Drainage Board UGSS – underground sewerage system ULB – urban local body WHH – women headed household

NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.

This resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I. RESETTLEMENT PLAN 1 A. Subproject Description 1 B. Scope of Land Acquisition and Resettlement 2 C. Socioeconomic Information and Profile 10 D. Information Disclosure, Consultation and Participation 11 E. Grievance Redress Mechanism 13 F. Legal Framework 16 G. Entitlements, Assistance and Benefits 17 H. Resettlement Budget and Financing Plan 20 I. Institutional Arrangements and Implementation Schedule 21 J. Monitoring and Reporting 26

APPENDIXES Appendix 1: Details of Roads/Streets Screened Under Resettlement Survey 27 Appendix 2: Safety Measures for Pipelaying-Sample Template 45 Appendix 3: Site Visits and Consultations 47 Appendix 4: Details of Land 60 Appendix 5: Land Records 71 Appendix 6: Proposed Structure of Subproject Iinformation Disclosure Leaflet 146 Appendix 7: Sample Grievance Registration Form 147


1. Subproject Scope. The Tamil Nadu Urban Flagship Investment Program (TNUFIP) is designed under the Multi Tranche Financing Facility (MFF) modality of ADB financing and will primarily focus on improvement of water supply and sewerage services in selected cities of the state. The three main outputs include: (i) provision of sewage collection and treatment system; (ii) improved access to reliable and smart water supply; and (iii) strengthening of urban governance and urban management. The Project 1 (Tranche 1) of TNUFIP will include six major city corporations of Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Tirunelveli, and Vellore, and Rajapalayam municipality. In Coimbatore, under TNUFIP, 14 out of 40 new wards (87-100 wards from erstwhile Kuniamuthur and municipality under Zone IV) are taken up for provision of comprehensive underground sewerage system (UGSS). Proposed 14 wards under TNUFIP Coimbatore UGSS are spread over 19 km2. area and will cater to projected population of 341,163 for the intermediate design year of 2035. Proposed subprojects comprise: (i) laying of around 424 kilometers (km) of sewer network of double walled corrugated (DWC)/ cast iron pipes ranging from 200-900 mm dia; (ii) laying of 40 km of pumping mains of cast iron pipes of 150-800 millimeter (mm) dia; (iii) construction of three main sewage pumping stations and 10 sub pumping stations; (iv) construction of 17 sewage lift stations; (v) construction of new sewage treatment plant (STP) of 30 million liters per day (MLD); (vi) outfall sewer of length 5 km. of 800 mm DI pipe for disposal of treated water from STP into River Noyyal; and (vii) provision of 69,668 house service connections with inspection chambers.

2. Key Findings. There is no permanent/ temporary land acquisition envisaged for implementation of proposed subproject components. Construction of proposed sewage pumping stations and lift stations will be either accommodated within the existing facilities’ premises or on vacant Government lands. Construction of new STP will be undertaken at within corporation land where existing STP and solid waste management facility is located. New sewer system will be laid within road rights-of-way (ROW) in the centre of the road by cutting black top. In wider roads, like State highways and national highways, divided roads etc., sewers will be laid along the edge of the road, but mostly within the black top portion. Potential temporary impacts are assessed due to laying of new pipe networks. To estimate the potential temporary impacts, all roads/streets in project area were screened through transect walks for any encroachments on black top portion/RoW and detailed surveys were conducted for roads where temporary impacts were identified (August 2017). Based on this, a total of 123 roadside movable/ transitory businesses that are current within RoW are identified as potentially (temporarily) affected. These businesses are mainly (46%) tea/ food/ juice related stalls and the other businesses include selling of fruits/ vegetables/ flowers; hardware and mechanic shops; and electronic items. Survey found 4% affected persons below poverty line (BPL) and 7% were women headed households. None of the surveyed potential affected persons belong to scheduled tribes (STs) or are women headed households. Average monthly income for pontetially affected BPL is estimated at ₹85 per day and overall average for all affected persons is ₹336 per day.

3. Recommended Actions. A draft resettlement plan has been prepared for Coimbatore subproject components and mitigate temporary impacts envisaged during construction/pipe laying. This resettlement plan is in line with the ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) 2009 and Resettlement Framework prepared for TNUFIP. A total resettlement budget (only compensation and grievance redress mechanism costs) is estimated at ₹2.67 million (approximatel $42,000) which includes livelihood losses for 25 days. A detailed measurement survey will be conducted in sections ready for implementation, based on detailed design, and the draft resettlement plan updated, based on survey results. The draft resettlement plan will be reviewed by project management unit (PMU) and submitted to ADB for approval prior to start of


construction. In line with the resettlement framework, the resettlement plan has also laid down the required institutional and implementation arrangements with schedule, grievance redress mechanism, consultation and disclosure activities and monitoring and evaluation. A summary of resettlement framework and resettlement plan in local language will be disclosed to representatives of all key stakeholders through a city level stakeholder workshop. A hard copy of summaries will also be made available at ULB offices and full documents will be uploaded at their/ ADB websites. Project Implementation Unit’s Assistant Safeguard Officer (PIU’s ASO) will be responsible for updating and implementation of Resettlement Plan. Project management unit’s Social Project Officer (PMU’s SPO) is responsible for approval and implementation monitoring of RPs. Governance Improvement and Awareness Consultant (GIAC) will assist in monitoring Resettlement Plan implementation


A. Subproject Description

1. The proposed Tamil Nadu Urban Flagship Investment Program (TNUFIP) is aligned to support in the following: (i) urban infrastructure across the state improved and world class cities focusing on universal access to 24x7 water supply services and sanitation facilities including tertiary treatment of sewage to become engines for economic growth developed (Vision 2030, Government of Tamil Nadu, [GOTN]); (ii) five industrial corridors developed (GOTN Vision 2030); (iii) quality of life for all, especially the poor and the disadvantaged improved (Mission Statement and Guidelines, Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) Government of , 2015); and (iv) a clean and sustainable environment provided (Smart Cities - Mission Statement and Guidelines, Government of India, 2015). TNUFIP will focus on cities in five priority economic corridors: (i) Chennai-Hosur, (ii) Chennai–Tiruchirapalli, (iii) Coimbatore–Madurai, (iv) Coimbatore-Salem, and (v) Madurai–Thoothukudi. The reform-based component of the program will seek to provide results-based performance incentives to select cities and towns. The program shall also focus on transformative investments in 24X7 water supply, full sanitation coverage smart water management, and urban climate change resilience drawing from the support of various Asian Development Bank (ADB) grant technical assistance. The TNUFIP is envisaged to be structured under three main components: (i) investment in municipal infrastructure namely water supply and sewerage, (ii) municipal reform-based activities, and (iii) technical assistance for design, supervision, program management, reforms, and climate change. TNUFIP will be implemented over an 8-year period beginning in 2018, and will be funded by ADB via its multi tranche financing facility (MFF). The impact of the TNUFIP will be improved livability and resilience in urban areas of economic importance in Tamil Nadu.

2. A majority of the Coimbatore city is provided with underground sewerage system which is present within its old corporation limits. In 2011, the city limits were expanded to include surrounding three municipalities; seven town panchayats; and one village panchayat1 increasing the corporation area from 105.60 km2 to 257.04 km2. The newly added area is divided into 40 municipal wards and lack underground sewerage system where wastewater is majorly disposed into roadside drains. Under TNUFIP, 14 out of 40 new wards (87-100 wards from erstwhile Kuniamuthur and Kurichi municipality under Zone IV) are taken up for provision of comprehensive underground sewerage system (UGSS).

3. Proposed 14 wards under TNUFIP Coimbatore UGSS are spread over 19 km2. area and will cater to projected population of 341,163 for the intermediate design year of 2035. Proposed subprojects comprise: (i) Laying of around 424 kilometers (km) of sewer network of DWC/cast iron pipes ranging from 200-900 millimeters (mm) dia.; (ii) Laying of 40 km of pumping mains of cast iron pipes of 150-800 mm dia.; (iii) Construction of 03 main sewage pumping stations and 10 sub pumping stations; (iv) Construction of 17 sewage lift stations; (v) Construction of new sewage treatment plant (STP) of 30 million liters per day (MLD); (vi) Outfall sewer of length 5 km. of 800 mm DI pipe for disposal of treated water from STP into River Noyyal;

1 Three municipalities: Kurichi, Kuniamuthur and Kavundampalayam; Seven Town Panchayats: Chinnavedampatty, , , Vellakinaru, , , and ; and One Village Panchayat: .


(vii) Provision of 69,668 house service connections with inspection chambers.

4. This draft resettlement plan document is prepared for proposed sewerage subprojects under Zone-IV in Coimbatore (Figure 1) and is in line with the Resettlement Framework prepared for the implementation of social safeguards under TNUFIP. A detailed measurement survey will be conducted in sections ready for implementation, based on detailed design, and the draft resettlement plan updated, based on survey results. The draft resettlement plan will be reviewed by PMU and submitted to ADB for approval prior to start of construction.

Figure 1: Proposed Underground Sewerage System under ADB Financing

B. Scope of Land Acquisition and Resettlement

5. Consistent with the subproject selection criteria, rehabilitation is prioritized over new construction to avoid/minimize involuntary resettlement impacts. Construction of proposed sewage pumping stations and lift stations will be either accommodated within the existing facilities’ premises, on vacant Government lands or along the roads and no new land acquisition is envisaged. Construction of new STP will be undertaken at Vellalore within corporation land where existing STP and solid waste management facility is located. Within a large area of around 650 acres, 75 acres will be allocated for new STP. There is no permanent/temporary land acquisition envisaged for implementation of proposed subproject components. Potential temporary impacts are identified due to rehabilitation and laying of sewer networks. Table 1 provides the details of proposed subprojects under Coimbatore UGSS and anticipated involuntary resettlement impacts.

6. The sewer lines are generally laid in the centre of the road/street; away from water supply and other utility lines to avoid problems in accessibility for future O&M. New sewer system will be hence laid within road rights-of-way (ROW) in the centre of the road by cutting black top. In wider roads, like SH and NH, divided roads etc., sewers will be laid along the edge of the road, but mostly within the black top portion. Laying of sewers either in the middle of the road or at the edge of the road within the black top portion/RoW will not require land acquisition or cause permanent displacement but will cause temporary access disruptions and possible temporary income loss during construction.


7. All roads/streets in project area were screened through transect walks for any encroachments on black top portion/ ROW and detailed surveys were conducted for roads where temporary impacts were identified (August 2017), indicating potential temporary income loss to 123 roadside movable/transitory businesses. These impacts will be verified further through detailed measurement surveys based on detailed design prior to implementation. Annex 1 provides the detailed list of roads/streets that were screened and a summary of transect walk surveys, which confirm that the impacts of sewer laying in Coimbatore are temporary. These are majorly non-titled movable/transitory structures within the ROW. In line with the ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009, and based on the identified impacts, the Coimbatore subproject can be classified as Involuntary Resettlement Category “B”. Resettlement Plan preparation is required for Coimbatore subproject components in line with the ADB’s SPS-2009 and resettlement framework prepared for TNUFIP. This document is a resettlement plan for Coimbatore Underground Sewerage System (UGSS).

8. To further minimize construction impacts, work will be executed during early hours of the day in order to avoid inconveniences to the public as well as traders and vendors. All safety norms would strictly be adhered to depending on the magnitude of work and the sensitivity of the location. Appendix 2 provides sample impact minimization measures template to be followed for pipe laying2. The project implementation unit (PIU) will also ensure that all the necessary rules related to safety and security of the public and residents are followed by the contractor. The actual dates of construction schedule with respect to rush hour, festival time, and special business days will be discussed with vendors, squatters, market committee members, and residents, and accordingly construction activities will be planned. After laying pipes the lane/road will be restored to its original condition (including bitumen, cement concrete and cement concrete interlocking tiles as applicable).

2 This will be updated based on the revised project scope and detailed drawings before project implementation.


Table 1: Proposed Subproject Components in Coimbatore Proposed Subproject Components Scope of Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Summary 1 Sewer Network. Laying of new 424 km of Sewer pipes will be buried below in a trench in the middle of the road within Temporary economic sewer network of DWC/cast iron pipes black top portion/RoW. For wider/divided roads sewers will be buried below impacts to 123 vendors ranging from 200-900 mm dia. in a trench on the edge of/jkp’,00”4the road but still within the black top portion; within the existing ROW). Temporary impacts on movable structures within RoW are envisaged. 2 Pumping Mains. Laying of new 40 km Pumping mains will be buried below in a trench in the middle of the road within No involuntary pumping main of cast iron pipes ranging RoW. No LA and R&R envisaged. resettlement from150-800 mm dia. /Indigenous peoples impacts anticipated

3 Main Pumping Stations (MPS). Main Pumping Station-1. The proposed MPS-1 is located at Chinna Sudukadu No involuntary Construction of three new main sewage and the land belongs to Revenue Department (SF No. 467/1). The site is resettlement pumping stations at Chinna Sudukadu, partly used for solid waste collection and is surrounded by /Indigenous peoples Arputham Nagar and Muthu Nagar. residential/commercial buildings. MPS-1 requires total area of around 2,430 impacts anticipated m2. and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition (Refer Appendix 3/Appendix 5 for and R&R envisaged. layout drawings, site photos, ownership records and EUPs/NOCs). Main Pumping Station-13. The proposed MPS-13 is located at Arputham Nagar and the land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation (SF No. 500). The site is located in newly developing areas at the end of residential area. Other sides the site is surrounded by vacant / agricultural lands. MPS-2 requires total area of around 1,012 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Main Pumping Station-10. The proposed MPS-10 is located at Muthu Nagar and the land belongs to Revenue Department (SF No. 620). The site is located on the outskirts of the city and mostly surrounded by vacant / agricultural lands. MPS-3 requires total area of around 1,660 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

3 Sub Pumping Stations (PS). Pumping Station-2. The proposed PS-2 is located at Nethaji Nagar and the No involuntary Construction of 10 new sub pumping land belongs to PWD (SF No. 24). The site is part of large vacant land partly resettlement stations at Nethaji Nagar, Gayathri covered with trees. PS-2 requires total area of around 243 m2 and adequate /Indigenous peoples Nagar, Sathya Nagar, Krishnasamy land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged. impacts anticipated Nagar, Poonga Nagar, Rajagopalan Nagar, Pillayarpuram, Amman Nagar, Pumping Station-3. The proposed PS-3 is located at Gayathri Nagar and the land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation reserved for public purpose (SF


Proposed Subproject Components Scope of Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Summary Rajarajeswari Nagar, and Sathyasai No. 223). The site is vacant and surrounded by hilly areas. PS-3 requires Nagar. total area of around 689 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

(Refer Appendix 3/Appendix 5 for Pumping Station-4. The proposed PS-4 is located at Sathya Nagar and the layout drawings, site photos, ownership land belongs to Slum Clearance Board (SF No. 691). The site is vacant, records and EUPs/NOCs). covered with shrubs and surrounded residential buildings. PS-4 requires 2 total area of around 162 m and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged. No involuntary Pumping Station-5. The proposed PS-5 is located at Krishnasamy Nagar resettlement and the land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation reserved for public purpose /Indigenous people (SF No. 100). The site is in residential area, besides an overhead tank impacts anticipated 2 Sub Pumping Stations (PS). currently under construction. PS-5 requires total area of around 202 m and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Pumping Station-6. The proposed PS-6 is located at Poonga Nagar and the land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation reserved for public purpose (SF No. 127). Site is located next to Kurichi Kulam (lake) bund; selected site is between the residential houses/plots. A shed, used for construction material storage, is located in the site; this is a temporary shed used for construction of a house nearby and will be dismantled soon. PS-6 requires total area of around 648 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Pumping Station-7. The proposed PS-7 is located at Rajagopalan Nagar and the land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation reserved for public purpose (SF No. 186). Site is selected in a large open plot reserved for common amenities in the residential area; three sides are buffered with roads and a large vacant space is present on the other side. PS-7 requires total area of around 770 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Pumping Station-8. The proposed PS-8 is located at Pillayarpuram and the land belongs to Revenue Department (SF No. 17, 25). Site is open space along the road and covered partially with shrubs and bushes. PS-8 requires total area of around 608 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged. Pumping Station-9. The proposed PS-9 is located at Amman Nagar and the land belongs to Revenue Department (SF No. 666). Site is surrounded by vacant/agricultural lands and covered partially with shrubs and trees. PS-9


Proposed Subproject Components Scope of Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Summary requires total area of around 162 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Pumping Station-11. The proposed PS-11 is located at Rajarajeswari Nagar and the land belongs to Revenue Department (SF No. 602). Site is located in village area next to a residential house with small temple and surrounded by agricultural lands. Site appeared to be under cultivation sometime back; but no crop at present. PS-11 requires total area of around 810 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Pumping Station-12. The proposed PS-12 is located at Sathyasai Nagar and the land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation (SF No. 425). Site is located in a newly developing residential area and currently used as a playground as this is earmarked for common facilities. flows adjacent to the site. PS-12 requires total area of around 608 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged. 4 Lift Stations (LS). Construction of xx new Lift Station-1A. The proposed LS-1A is located at Periyasamy Street and land No involuntary lift stations at various locations belongs to Revenue Department (SF No. 658). Site is located in a lowlying resettlement /Indigenous area adjoining a small drain. Two old municipal water pump rooms (wooden people impacts structures) are on the site; these are currently used; however adequate space anticipated is available for construction of LS-1A. LS-1A requires total area of around 202 2 (Refer Appendxi 3/Appendix 5 for m . layout drawings, site photos, ownership records and EUPs/NOCs). Lift Station-2A. The proposed LS-2A is located at MGR Nagar and land belongs to Revenue Department (SF No. 158). Site is covered partly with shrubs and old municipal pump room is present at site. LS-2A requires total area of around 202 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Lift Station-3A. The proposed LS-3A is located at Rainbow Colony at the deadend corner of corporation road in residential area (SF No. 2, 3). LS-3A requires total area of around 20 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged. Lift Station-3B. The proposed LS-3B is located at Krishna College Road and land belongs to Revenue Department (SF No. 11). Site is located on the bank of a stream/nallah with residential building adjacent to it. LS-3B requires total area of around 202 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.


Proposed Subproject Components Scope of Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Summary Lift Station-3C. The proposed LS-3C is located at Krishna Nagar Extension at the deadend corner of corporation road in low-income residential area (SF No. 1). LS-3C requires total area of around 20 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Lift Station-3D. The proposed LS-3D is located at Indira Nagar at the deadend corner of corporation road in residential area (SF No. 57). LS-3D requires total area of around 20 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Lift Station-3E. The proposed LS-3E is located at EB Colony and land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation reserved for public purpose (SF No. 41). Site is vacant, partly covered with shrubs and bushes. A high-tension line passes near the site. LS-3E requires total area of around 202 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged. No involuntary Lift Stations (LS). resettlement Lift Station-3F. The proposed LS-3F is located at Bismi Nagar at the deadend /Indigenous people corner of corporation road near Pillayarpuram hill (SF No. Road Poromboke). impacts anticipated A school is located at about 50 m from the site. LS-3F requires total area of around 20 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Lift Station-6A. The proposed LS-6A is located at Thulsi Garden at the deadend corner of corporation road in residential area (SF No. Road Poromboke). LS-6A requires total area of around 20 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Lift Station-8A. The proposed LS-8A is located at Kuruchi Housing Unit and land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation reserved for public purpose (SF No. 186). Site is adjoined by industries and covered with thick shrubs and bushes. LS-8A requires total area of around 81 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Lift Station-8B. The proposed LS-8B is located at Mohan Nagar at the deadend corner of corporation road in residential area (SF No. Road Poromboke). Site is adjacent to a stream/nallah in a predominantly lowlying area. However, land is reclaimed and level is raised. An industry/godown is located near the site. LS-8B requires total area of around 20 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.


Proposed Subproject Components Scope of Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Summary Lift Station-11A. The proposed LS-11A is located at LIC Colony and land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation reserved for public purpose (SF No. 191/2). Site is covered with shrubs in a undulating area near the railway line (~50 m.). LS-11A requires total area of around 202 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Lift Station-11B. The proposed LS-11B is located at Annapuram and land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation reserved for public purpose (SF No. 603). Site is surrounded by vacant/undeveloped lands on one side, and newly developed residential areas on the other side. Site is covered with few shrubs and bushes; a water tank is located in the site. LS-11A requires total area of around 81 m2 and adequate land is available for the Lift Stations (LS). construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged. No involuntary resettlement/Indigenous Lift Station-12A. The proposed LS-12A is located at Kanthiravan Nagar and people impacts land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation reserved for public purpose (SF anticipated No. 435). Site is located in a residential colony and earmarked for developing common facilities. A playground is located behind the site while the proposed site is covered with shrubs and bushes. LS-12A requires total area of around 36 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged. Lift Station-12B. The proposed LS-12B is located at Silver Jubilee Nagar and land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation reserved for public purpose at the end of road (SF No. Road Poromboke). The proposed lift station lies adjacent to a community toilet. It is proposed to utilize the existing septik tank as a lift station by installing pumps; if not suitable, a new LS will be constructed at the same location by dismantling the septic tank. Site is within the slum, a high dense residential area. LS-12B requires total area of around 20 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Lift Station-13A. The proposed LS-13A is located at Sri Ram Nagar at the deadend corner of corporation road in densely populated residential area (SF No. 537). LS-13A requires total area of around 20 m2 and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

Lift Station-13B. The proposed LS-13B is located at Annai Therasa Layout and land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation reserved for public purpose at the end of road (SF No. 582). The site is at the end of the residential colony. Site is vacant with no tree cover. LS-13B requires total area of around 81 m2


Proposed Subproject Components Scope of Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Summary and adequate land is available for the construction. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged. 5 STP. Construction of new STP of 30 MLD Proposed STP site is located within the solid waste management facility of the No involuntary corporation at Vellalore, in southern outskirts of Coimbatore city. Total land resettlement/Indigenous area of this waste management facility is 650 acres, of which 75 acres allotted people impacts for construction of STP. The actual construction will however will require upto anticipated 25 acres. The land belongs to Coimbatore Corporation (SF Nos. 571-573, 576-577, 582,584, 588-591, 593-597). Site is presently vacant, and covered with shrubs and bushes of local species. A government police housing colony (RAF) is located adjacent to the site. However, given large site, existing SWM facilities, and old STP are located well inside the site and adequately away from the surrounding residential areas. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged.

6 Outfall Sewer. Laying of around 5 km Pipe will laid underground in -Singanallur Road within the ROW /black No involuntary length outfall sewer of 800 mm dia DI top portion and no land acquisition and R&R envisaged. resettlement/Indigenous pipe peoples impacts anticipated

7 House Service Connections. Provision of Inspection chambers and house service connections will be provided within No involuntary 69,668 house service connections with individual’s property boundary. No land acquisition and R&R envisaged. resettlement/Indigenous inspection chambers peoples impacts anticipated

CMWSSB = Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board, CPCL = Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, CPR = Common Property Resource, DWC = double walled corrugated, EUP = enter upon permission, GCC = Greater Chennai Corporation, HR&CE = Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowment, km = kilometer, LA = land acquisition, mld = million liters per day, m = meter, mm = millimeter, NOC = no objection certificate, OHT = overhead tank, ROW = right of way, R&R = resettlement and rehabilitation, SPS = Safeguard Policy Statement, STP = sewage treatment plant, UGT = underground tank Source: Coimbatore UGSS DPR, CMC and site visits.


C. Socioeconomic Information and Profile

9. Transect walks identified a total of 123 affected persons whose business will be temporarily affected during pipe laying, as they carry their activities within/very close to ROW. A close to 46% of these businesses are tea/ food/ juice related stalls and the other business mainly include selling of fruits/ vegetables/ flowers; hardware and mechanic shops; and electronic items. A close to one third of businesses (31%) have movable structures while an additional 57% affected persons sit on roads or have extended their activities on roads for selling their goods. Around 12% of affected persons with kiosks may require shifting assistance. Structures that are extended on roads can be easily dismantled or removed. Almost all affected persons indicated that they can shift to nearby areas to continue their business during construction work and may not necessarily get affected during sewer laying. Street vending is quite a common practice in many cities of the state including Coimbatore and close to 50% of the affected persons indicated that they are doing their business at present location for more than five years.

10. In terms of the socioeconomic background, a majority of these vendors appeared to be poor. However, only 4% earn income below poverty line (Indian Rupee less than 2,500 per month). A majority (50%) earn monthly income between ₹5,000-₹10,000 and belong to lower middle income group. Average monthly income works out at ₹8,728 with minimum at ₹2,000 and maximum at ₹40,0003. Considering work week of six days (26 days per month), average daily income is estimated at ₹336 for affected persons. This is lower than the notified minimum wage rate for Tamil Nadu at ₹6434.

11. A majority of the surveyed affected persons belong to other backward classes (OBC-87%) while the remaining were scheduled castes. No scheduled tribes were identified during Resettlement surveys. During site visits it was found that scheduled tribes in Coimbatore do not show any distinct indigenous characteristics that are different than mainstream society. This will hence not trigger ADB’s indigenous peoples plans (IPP) policy. Around 7% of affected persons were women headed households (WHH)5. Total vulnerable6 affected persons comprise 20% of the total surveyed affected persons.

12. Transect walk data/ analysis will be updated road wise based on detailed measurement survey considering detailed design in sections ready for implementation and revised resettlement plan will be submitted to the ADB for approval. A 100% census and socioeconomic survey will be undertaken to register and document the status of affected people within subproject impact area. Any temporary impacts or costs incurred by affected persons will be identified through the DMS and compensated at replacement cost, in line with the principles of the Resettlement Framework.

3 As per data published by the Planning Commission, Government of India, in 2011-12, poverty line in urban Tamilnadu was ₹993 per capita per month. On adjusting for inflation, this works out to ₹1,406 per capita per month in 2017, or a monthly household income of ₹5,540 for BPL households, considering the average urban household size in the state per Census 2011. Hence, a majority of the identified potentially temporarily impacted persons are estimated to be below poverty line, based on limited data available. 4 Minimum wage rate estimated based on: Weblink: HTTP://CMS.TN.GOV.IN/SITES/DEFAULT/FILES/GO/LABEMP_E_62_2017_2D_PDF.PDF 5 Household is considered women headed when she is the single bread earner of the family or earn most of the income for the family. 6 Vulnerable households may include female-headed household, physically handicapped-headed household, scheduled tribe-headed households, Below Poverty Line households, and households with marginal land holdings, that is the only source of livelihood, and majority of that land is being acquired under the project.


Figure 1: Type of Business

9% Tea/Snacks/Juice 2% 4% Fruit/Vegetables/Flower

6% Hardware/Mechanic Shops 46% Electronic Items 6% Furniture/Wood

Cobbler 14% Utensils

13% Other Business (Cloth, toys, mis items etc.)

Figure 2: Monthly Household Income

4% Monthly Income below Rs. 2,500 20%

25% Rs. 2,500-5,000

Rs. 5,000-10,000

51% Monthly Income more than Rs. 10,000

Figure 3: Type of Structure

12% Cart/structure on wheels 31%

Extended activities/structure that can be easily dismantled-removed

Shelter not on wheels but can be moved 57%

D. Information Disclosure, Consultation and Participation

13. The key stakeholders to be consulted during subproject preparation, resettlement plan preparation, implementation and program include: (i) Heads and members of households likely to be affected; (ii) Program beneficiaries, groups/clusters of affected persons; (iii) Local voluntary organizations and community-based organizations (CBOs);


(iv) Government agencies and departments; and (v) Major project stakeholders, such as women, trader’s associations, CBOs, etc.

14. Consultations undertaken during project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA) stage are attached in Table 2. These include consultations during baseline surveys to integrate household’s preferences into project design. Consultations with potentially affected persons were conducted during transect walks. The concerns expressed mainly included traffic disruptions and temporary impacts on livelihood, including duration of impact (Appendix 3). It was informed to surveyed potential affected persons that appropriate measures will be undertaken during construction to minimize impacts. (including scheduling of activities during the early morning and reducing construction activities during the rush hour). It was also informed that, if despite mitigation measures, there were any temporary impacts on livelihood; these would be compensated in accordance with the resettlement plan’s entitlement matrix. Further consultations will also include focus group discussions (FGDs) and structured census surveys parallel to detailed measurement survey in sections ready for implementation before the project implementation. These will be carried out by PIU Assistant Safeguard Officer (ASO) who will work closely with PMU Social Project Officer (SPO). A city wide stakeholder consultation involving representatives from all stakeholder groups to brief them about the technical details of project and project implementation cycle; project benefits as well as adverse impacts envisaged during construction; environmental and social safeguards, gender inclusion, community participation aspects built into the project etc. is proposed. Minutes of meeting will be added to the updated resettlement plan.

15. At this PPTA disclosure activities includes dissemination/ distribution of summary of resettlement framework and resettlement plan in local language to key stakeholders including affected persons. The approved resettlement framework/resettlement plan full documents will also be disclosed on ADB and local government’s websites and will be available in key local/state government offices. During the subproject implementation, construction schedules will be informed to all residents (including affected persons) prior to the commencement of pipe laying through signboards. The signboards will be in local language and will include at minimum: (i) section to be affected, (ii) start and end dates, (iii) information on traffic rerouting if any, and (iv) contact information for questions/grievances.

Table 2: Consultation and Disclosure Activities during Project Preparatory Technical Assistance Stage Responsible Activities Details Agency Preliminary awareness City visits and series of meeting with key stakeholders PPTA team about the project activities (ULB, Tamil Nadu Water and Drainage Board or TWADB, DC etc. officials) Baseline surveys Sample household socioeconomic surveys to PPTA team understand baseline infrastructure situation, problems faced in service delivery, household’s willingness to get connected to new systems and willingness to pay for it Profiling of potential Undertake transect walks and screening of project PPTA team affected persons impact area to identify potential affected persons and record their socio-economic and business profile. City wide stakeholder Dissemination of project related technical and other PPTA team/ consultation information to representatives of all key stakeholders relevant (at one platform) and disclosure of summary of social government safeguard documents in local languages departments


CMWSSB = Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board, PPTA = project preparatory technical assistance, TNUIFSL = Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services Ltd., ULBs = urban local body.

16. Continued involvement of those affected by the sub-project will be ensured. An intensive information dissemination and feedback campaign for affected persons will be conducted by the PIU from the time of resettlement plan preparation to implementation and monitoring. The proceedings of such campaigns shall be documented. All the comments made and concerns raised by the affected persons will be documented in the sub-project records and summarized in subproject monitoring reports.

17. During revised resettlement plan preparation, PIU/PMU will be responsible for issuing various required public notices. For the temporary impacts the date/period of socio-economic surveys will be considered as cut-off date. Cut-off-date for temporary impacts will be communicated to affected persons through PIU, 2-3 days before the start of survey (and not in much advance) and also by putting up printed information in project affected area at some common advertisement place. Similarly, list of affected persons will be published at common places with contact details of PIU officials. The list will be put up area wise and at a time for the entire city. This will avoid affected persons moving into other areas and to identify any duplication of affected persons. PIU will facilitate affected persons to approach lists in their area and get confirmation on any duplication, missing/absent affected persons.

18. Additionally, draft/final resettlement framework/resettlement plan will be made available in PIU and PMU offices. The resettlement framework and resettlement plan will be disclosed in ADB’s website and the PMU websites. Finalized resettlement plans will also be disclosed in ADB’s website, PMU websites, and PIU or city websites; and information dissemination, through subproject specific leaflets and public announcements, and consultation will continue throughout program implementation. The project leaflets will be distributed by GIAC to the affected communities for their information. A sample project leaflet is attached in Appendix 6.

E. Grievance Redress Mechanism

19. A common grievance redress mechanism (GRM) will be in place to redress social, environmental or any other project related grievances. The GRM described below has been developed in consultation with stakeholders. Public awareness campaign will be conducted to ensure that awareness on the project and its grievance redress procedures is generated. The campaign will ensure that the poor, vulnerable and others are made aware of grievance redress procedures and entitlements per project entitlement matrix, and PMU and concerned PIUs will ensure that their grievances are addressed.

20. Affected persons will have the flexibility of conveying grievances/suggestions by dropping grievance redress/suggestion forms in complaints/suggestion boxes or through telephone hotlines at accessible locations, by e-mail, by post, or by writing in complaints register in ULB or PIU or implementing agency offices. PIU Safeguards officer will have the responsibility for timely grievance redress on safeguards and gender issues and for registration of grievances, related disclosure, and communication with the aggrieved party.

21. GRM provides an accessible, inclusive, gender-sensitive and culturally appropriate platform for receiving and facilitating resolution of affected persons' grievances related to the project. A two-tier grievance redress mechanism is conceived, one, at project level and another, beyond project level. For the project level GRM, a grievance redress committee (GRC) will be established in PIUs; Safeguards Officer will be responsible for creating awareness among


affected communities and help them through the process of grievance redress, recording and registering grievances of non-literate affected persons.

22. GRM aims to provide a time-bound and transparent mechanism to voice and resolve social and environmental concerns linked to the project. All grievances – major or minor, will be registered. Documentation of the name of the complainant, date of receipt of the complaint, address/contact details of the person, location of the problem area, and how the problem was resolved will be undertaken. PIU will also be responsible for follow-through for each grievance, periodic information dissemination to complainants on the status of their grievance and recording their feedback (satisfaction/dissatisfaction and suggestions).

23. In case of grievances that are immediate and urgent in the perception of the complainant, the contractor, and supervision personnel of the PIU will resolve the issue on site, and any issue that is not resolved at this level will be dealt at PIU head level for immediate resolution. Should the PIU fail to resolve any grievance within the stipulated time period, the unresolved grievances will be taken up at ULB level. In the event that certain grievances cannot be resolved even at ULB level, particularly in matters related to land purchase/acquisition, payment of compensation, environmental pollution etc., they will be referred to the district level GRC headed by the District Collector. Any issue which requires higher than district level inter-departmental coordination or grievance redress, will be referred to the state level Steering Committee.

24. GRC will meet every month (if there are pending, registered grievances), determine the merit of each grievance, and resolve grievances within specified time upon receiving the complaint-failing which the grievance will be addressed by the state-level Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will resolve escalated/unresolved grievances received.

25. Composition of Grievance Redress Committee. GRC will be headed by the District Collector, and members include: PIU head, Safeguards Officer of PIU, representative of TNPCB, one elected representative/ prominent citizen from the area, and a representative of affected community. GRC must have a women member.

26 State level steering committee will include Commissioner of Municipal Administration as chair, member include managing directors of TNUIFSL, CMWSSB, Tamil Nadu Water and Drainage Board (TWADB) and others as applicable.

27. Areas of Jurisdiction. The areas of jurisdiction of the GRC, headed by the District Magistrate will be (i) all locations or sites within the district where subproject facilities are proposed, or (ii) their areas of influence within the District. The Steering Committee will have jurisdictional authority across the state (i.e., areas of influence of subproject facilities beyond district boundaries, if any).

28. The multi-tier GRM for the project is outlined below (Figure 4), each tier having time-bound schedules and with responsible persons identified to address grievances and seek appropriate persons' advice at each stage, as required. The GRC will continue to function throughout the project duration. The implementing agencies/ULBs shall issue notifications to establish the respective PIU level grievance redress cells, with details of composition, process of grievance redress to be followed, and time limit for grievance redress at each level. (i) 1st level grievance. The contractor and PIU supervision personnel can immediately resolve issues on-site in consultation with each other, and will be required to do so within 3 days of receipt of a complaint/grievance.


(ii) 2nd level grievance. All grievances that cannot be redressed within 3 days at field/ward level will be brought to the notice of Social Safeguards Officer (SSO) of PIU. PIU will resolve the grievance within 7 days of receipt of compliance/grievance in discussion with the Contractor. (iii) 3rd level grievance. All the grievances that are not addressed by PIU within 7 days of receipt will be brought to the notice of the Town Level Committee (TLC), of which ULB Commissioner will be the Chairperson, and will be assisted by the concerned city level engineers. TLC will meet twice a month and determine the merit of each grievance brought to the committee. The PIU SSO will be responsible to see through the process of redressal of each grievance. The TLC will resolve the grievance within 15 days of receiving the complaint. (iv) 4th level grievance. All grievances that are not addressed by the TLC within 15 days, and which require the District Collector’s intervention, will be escalated to the district level grievance redress committee (GRC), chaired by the District Collector. The district level GRC will have the District Collector as chair, PIU head as Convenor, and Safeguard Officers of the PIU, representative of TNPCB, one elected representative, one prominent person/member of the community, and a representative of affected persons/community as members. At least one member of the GRC will be a woman. The GRC will resolve the grievance within 30 days of registration. (v) 5th level grievance. Any grievance that remains unresolved by the GRC will be escalated to the state level steering committee.

Figure 4: Grievance Redress Process

29. The project GRM notwithstanding, an aggrieved person shall have access to the country's legal system at any stage, and accessing the country's legal system can run parallel to accessing


the GRM and is not dependent on the negative outcome of the GRM. In case of grievance related to land acquisition, resettlement and rehabilitation,7 the affected persons will have to approach a legal body/court specially proposed under resettlement frameworkCTLARR, 2013; Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Authority (LARRA).

30. In the event that the established GRM is not in a position to resolve the issue, the affected person also can use the ADB Accountability Mechanism through directly contacting (in writing) the Complaint Receiving Officer at ADB headquarters or the ADB India Resident Mission (INRM). Before submitting a complaint to the Accountability Mechanism, it is necessary that affected persons make a good faith effort to solve the problem by working with the concerned ADB operations department and/or INRM. Only after doing that, and if they are still dissatisfied, will the Accountability Mechanism consider the compliant eligible for review. The complaint can be submitted in any of the official languages of ADB’s developing member countries. The ADB Accountability Mechanism information will be included in the project-relevant information to be distributed to the affected communities, as part of the project GRM.

31. Recordkeeping. Records of all grievances received, including contact details of complainant, date the complaint was received, nature of grievance, agreed corrective actions and the date these were effected and final outcome will be kept by PIU and submitted to PMU.

32. Information dissemination methods of the Grienvance Redress Mechanism. The PIU will be responsible for information dissemination to affected persons and general public in the project area on grievance redress mechanism. Public awareness campaign will be conducted to ensure that awareness on the project and its grievance redress procedures is generated. The campaign will ensure that the poor, vulnerable and others are made aware of grievance redress procedures and entitlements per this resettlement framework including contract details of officials/mebers of GRC, where/ how to register grievance, various stages of grievance redress process, time likely to be taken for redress of minor and major grievances, etc. Grievances received and responses provided will be documented and reported back to the affected persons. The number of grievances recorded and resolved and the outcomes will be displayed/disclosed in the PIU, offices, ULB notice boards and on the web, as well as reported in the semi-annual environmental and social monitoring reports to be submitted to ADB.

33. Periodic review and documentation of lessons learned. The PMU will periodically review the functioning of the GRM and record information on the effectiveness of the mechanism, especially on the PIU’s ability to prevent and address grievances.

34. Costs. All costs involved in resolving the complaints (meetings, consultations, communication and reporting/information dissemination) will be borne by the respective PIU.

F. Legal Framework

35. The policy framework and entitlements for the TNUFIP are based on: (i) The recently passed-The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act (RFCT in LARR), 2013 and RFCTLARR GoTN Notified Rules, 2017; (ii) Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of TNUIFSL; (iii) ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009; and

7 The Authority admits grievance only with reference to the land acquisition and R&R issues under the RFCTLARR, 2013.


(iv) The agreed entitlement matrix and Resettlement Framework.

36. The salient features of Government and ADB polices are summarized below. The resettlement principles and procedures to be followed for social safeguards under TNUIFP are detailed out in the Resettlement Framework document. In case of discrepancy between the policies of ADB and the government, gap-filling measures will be adopted to bridge the discrepancies. Core involuntary resettlement principles for the TNUFIP to be followed for each subproject, including sample sub-projects are: (i) screening of the project to identify involuntary resettlement impacts and risks. Minimizing and avoiding land acquisition and resettlement impacts of each subproject by exploring all viable alternative designs; (ii) where unavoidable, time-bound resettlement plans be prepared and affected persons will be assisted in improving or at least regaining their pre-program standard of living; (iii) full information and close consultations with affected persons including consultation with affected persons on compensation, disclosure of resettlement information to affected persons, and participation of affected persons in planning and implementing sub-projects will be ensured; Disclose a draft resettlement plan, including documentation of the consultation process in a timely manner to affected persons and other stakeholders. Disclose the final resettlement plan and other documents such as the monitoring reports to affected persons and other stakeholders; (iv) Where the resettlement impacts are unavoidable, the displaced persons should be assisted in improving or at least regaining their standard of living; (v) Vulnerable groups comprising below poverty line households, including female- headed households, disabled persons, elderly, children, landless, non-titled households with no tenure security, and schedule castes and scheduled tribe households will be given special assistance; (vi) payment of compensation to affected persons including non-titled persons (e.g., informal dwellers/squatters, and encroachers) for acquired assets at replacement cost; (vii) payment of compensation and resettlement assistance prior to the contractor taking physical acquisition of the land and prior to the commencement of any construction activities; (viii) provision of income restoration and rehabilitation; and (ix) establishment of appropriate grievance redress mechanisms.

37. A detailed description of each compensation measure and assistance is provided in the Entitlement Matrix attached in resettlement framework while a Coimbatore subproject specific /applicable entitlement matrix is given in Table 3. Affected persons will be entitled to a combination of compensation measures and resettlement assistance, depending on the nature of ownership rights of lost assets and scope of the impact, including social and economic vulnerability of the affected persons.

G. Entitlements, Assistance and Benefits

38. Livelihood impacts identified for Coimbatore subproject components are temporary ranging from 20-30 days of construction time for each road stretch of about 500m. In majority of the roads impacts are avoidable since sewer network will be laid in the middle of the road. In wider and divided roads where work needs to be undertaken on both sides of the road, impacts can be avoided/minimized by taking construction on one side of the road at a time. In such cases


temporarily affected person will be assisted in moving to the other side of the road and returning their structures after construction is completed. Where moving is not required, access will be ensured by the contractor through measures prescribed in bidding documents/environmental management plan (EMP). During implementation if more number of affected persons are identified at one place (e.g. vegetable market) then an alternate place in the vicinity will also be identified so that they can continue with their livelihood activities.

39. Majority of potentially affected persons use movable stalls (Appendix 3) that can be shifted to nearby locations if properly informed. Advance notice regarding construction activities, including duration and type of disruption provided to temporarily affected persons once contractor’s work plans are finalized, with minimum 7 working days. If required, they will also be assisted to temporarily shift for continued economic activity. For example, they will be assisted to shift to the other side of the road or nearby areas where there is no construction. Ensuring there is no income or access loss during sub-project construction is the responsibility of contractors.


Table 3: Entitlement Matrix8 No. Impact Category Entitlements Explanations Unforeseen Impactsa A Unforeseen Impacts Unforeseen impacts encountered during - implementation will be addressed in accordance with the principles of this resettlement framework. Temporary Economic Impacts during implementation A Temporary economic Compensation for loss of income for the duration -Advance notice provided to temporarily affected impacts of impact based on the net income or as per IT persons once contractor’s work plans are returnes or based on notifed minimum wage finalized, with minimum 7 working days. rates, whichever is higher. a If unanticipated involuntary resettlement impacts are found during implementation, a social impact assessment will be conducted, and the resettlement plan updated or a new resettlement plan prepared, in accordance with ADB SPS 2009.

8 Any changes required in the Entitlement Matrix pursuant to any Amendments in the LARR 2013 Act be notified by the GOTN and will be incorporated with the concurrence of the ADB. All cash allowances in this EM will be revised at the rate of 5% per annum starting from financial year 2019-20.


40. If construction activities result unavoidable livelihood disruption, compensation for lost income based on the net income or as per notified minimum wage rates, whichever is higher will be provided. Vulnerable affected persons will be given priority in project construction employment. Compensation and assistance to temporarily affected affected persons must be made prior to their shifting from original place of business (if required) and before start of civil works. Since most affected households have moveable stalls, ID cards should be distributed 7 days before compensation. In summary, temporarily affected persons will be provided with: (i) Advance notice regarding construction activities, including duration and type of disruption provided to temporarily affected persons once contractor’s work plans are finalized, with minimum 7 working days; (ii) Contractor’s actions to ensure there is no income/ access loss consistent with the initial environmental examination. This includes: leaving spaces for access between mounds of soil, providing walkways and metal sheets to maintain access across trenches for people and vehicles where required, increased workforces to finish work in areas with impacts on access, timing of works to reduce disruption during business hours, phased construction schedule and working one segment at a time and one side of the road at a time; (iii) Assistance to mobile vendors/hawkers to temporarily shift for continued economic activity. For example, assistance to shift to the other side of the road where there is no construction; and (iv) For construction activities involving unavoidable livelihood disruption, compensation for lost income for the period of disruption.

H. Resettlement Budget and Financing Plan

41. The resettlement budget for Coimbatore subproject is estimated at lumpsum ₹2.67million. The costs are indicative estimates to be confirmed post detailed measurement survey based on detailed design, and comprise GRM and consultation costs. Resettlement plan costs will be confirmed during detailed project preparation/implementation.

Table 4: Resettlement Cost Unit Total Cost Details No. Cost (₹) 1 Temporary Income Loss Provisional sum for compensation of temporary income loss @ 25 1,977,225 notified minimum wage ratea 123 days 643 2 Surveys, consultations, grievances and awareness DMS Survey for Resettlement Plan updationb - LS 200,000 Consultation, grievance redress, disclosurec - LS 250,000 Subtotal - 2,427,225 Contingency @ 10% - 242,723 Grand Total (₹) - 2,669,948 Note: a For the purpose of budget preparation in the draft resettlement plan, notified minimum wage rate is used, as per the entitlement matrix. Costs in the updated resettlement plan will be based on a comparison of census and socio-economic survey data on income with the prevailing notified minimum wage rate at the time of compensation payment.(Estimated based on: Weblink: HTTP://CMS.TN.GOV.IN/SITES/DEFAULT/FILES/GO/LABEMP_E_62_2017_2D_PDF.PDF). Costs in the updated resettlement plan will be based on actual survey. b Detailed measurement surveys (DMS) will be conducted in sections ready for implementation, based on detailed design to confirm impacts. c The allocation for disclosure includes cost of translation of the resettlement plan to Tamil.


42. All land acquisition and resettlement costs will be borne by the government/ULB/PIU. Under TNUFIP, it is suggested that payment will be directly made by PIU to affected persons. The GIAC will be involved in facilitating the disbursement process, and will facilitate opening bank accounts for the affected persons (both permanent and temporary loses) who do not have bank accounts.

I. Institutional Arrangements and Implementation Schedule

43. The Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department (MAWS) acting through the Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services Ltd. (TNUIFSL) will be the state-level executing agency. A program steering committee, headed by Principal Secretary, MAWS, GOTN, will provide overall guidance and strategic directions to the program. A program management unit (PMU) for TNUFIP, headed by the Managing Director (MD), TNUIFSL acting as Program Director will be established within TNUIFSL for overall management, planning, implementing, monitoring, reporting, and coordinating TNUFIP. The Commissioner of Municipal Administration will act as the Deputy Program Director in the PMU. The project urban local bodies (ULBs), represented by respective Municipal Commissioners, will be the implementing agencies (IAs) for works in cities/towns and will establish program implementing units (PIUs) headed by a municipal engineer as full-time Project Manager. For sewerage and water supply works in Chennai, CMWSSB, represented by its Managing Director, will be the IA and establish a PIU headed by a superintending engineer as full-time Project Manager. PIUs will be responsible for overseeing implementation of the various projects on a day-to-day basis. ULBs under the Program with less project implementation capacity, may utilize implementation support from the TWADB to act as PIU. The Project Managers of the PIUs will be supported by technical, financial, safeguards and administrative staff from a Contract Management and Supervision Consultant (CMSC) recruited by TNUIFSL. For the capacity development and incentivized reforms components, CMA acting through its Commissioner, will be responsible for carrying out these activities and establish a PIU.

44. A Program Steering Committee, headed by Principal Secretary, MAWS, and Members comprises of: (i) Managing Director, TNUIFSL (Convener); (ii) Commissioner of Municipal Administration; (iii) Managing Director, CMWSSB; (iv) Managing Director, TWADB; and (v) Managing Director, TUFIDCO.

45. Project Management Unit. PMU will monitor the Project and have overall responsibility for ensuring adoption and compliance of RF and ADBs SPS. Additionally, PMU will monitor PIUs for: (i) identifying and preparing sub-projects; (ii) reviewing RPs prepared by PIU/ULB; (iii) ensure adoption and compliance of RF in land acquisition and other safeguards; (iv) guide in awareness campaigns and participation programs; (v) organize and operate the program performance monitoring system; (vi) prepare and submit timely reports to ADB; and (vii) design and organize capacity building programs. PMU will be assisted by CMSC in managing and guiding the overall implementation of the Program. SPO of PMU will responsible for all land acquisition and resettlement matters from PMU side.

46. PMU SPO will perform responsibilities like: (i) addressing social safeguards issues; (ii) implementing the resettlement framework; (iii) report to Projects Head with respect to land acquisition and resettlement plan implementation in the sub-projects; (iv) monitoring physical and financial progress on land acquisition activities and updating the PMU on the same; (v) monitoring

implementation of safeguards plans (resettlement plan); (vi) guiding the PIUs as and when necessary; and (vii) endorsing and submitting periodic monitoring reports.9

47. Project Implementation Unit.10 PIUs will be established in each of the participating ULBs within their structure or at TWADB and in CMWSSB. For Coimbotore UGSS subproject PIU will be established at TWADB and an Assistant Engineer rank officer from Coimbatore Corporation, designated as ASO, will be part of PIU. PIU ASO will implement social safeguards at the PIU level. The PIUs will be responsible for implementation of the resettlement plans. PIUs will undertake internal monitoring and supervision and record observations throughout the project period to ensure that the safeguards and mitigation measures are provided as intended. PIUs will be responsible for: (i) conduct briefing to contractors on safeguards requirements including GRM; (ii) implementing and monitoring safeguards compliance activities, public relations activities, gender mainstreaming activities, and community participation activities; (iii) coordinating with district administration and GIAC for land acquisition and R&R aspects and addressing any problems and/or delays; (iv) monitoring physical and financial progress on land acquisition and R&R activities; (v) organizing monthly meetings with the PIU to review the progress on R&R; and (vi) share all reports relating to land acquisition, alienation, R&R activities etc. and status to PMU. Further details on agencies responsible for RP activities are in Table 6.

48. Governance Improvement and Awareness Consultants (GIAC). The scope of service will include, but not be restricted to, implementation, monitoring and reporting of the consultation and participation plan (CPP); Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Plan, and monitor and guide RP implementation and lead involuntary resettlement trainings. Specific tasks related to social safeguards include: (i) monitor and guide PIUs on resettlement plan implementation, with particular reference to significant impacts; (ii) lead involuntary resettlement training and capacity building on involuntary resettlement/IP safeguards to project PIUs and CMA; (iii) guide PIUs to set up grievance redress mechanisms, record keeping and feedback mechanisms; and (iv) guide PIUs in keeping detailed records of progress and establishing monitoring and reporting systems for resettlement. GIAC will also provide guidance to PIUs on specific requirements for IPP implementation, if Safeguard Requirement 3 triggered.

49. To build the institutional capacity for resettlement plan preparation and implementation, following key training activities will be undertaken (Table 5). The cost of trainings will be borne by Project’s capacity building program by PMU. The detailed cost and specific modules will be customized for the available skill set after assessing the capabilities of the target participants and the requirements of the project.

Table 5: Indicative Training Needs Assessment Description Target Participants and Venue 1. Introduction and Sensitization to Social/Resettlement Issues (1 All staff and consultants day) involved in the project - ADB Safeguards Policy Statement At PMU, Chennai

9 The monitoring report will focus on the progress of implementation of the IEE/EIA and EARF, resettlement plan/RF and IPP/IPF, issues encountered and measures adopted, follow-up actions required, if any, as well as the status of compliance with subproject selection criteria and relevant loan covenants. 10 If the subproject triggers new LARR, PIU will facilitate land acquisition (LA) through DC and will provide all details of land acquisition to PMU. PIU ASO will incorporate the same in resettlement plan and check its compliance with RF/ADB SPS-2009 to make necessary additions (if any). ULB will bear the cost of any deviations in the compensation etc. to comply with RF/ADB SPS-2009. Government procedures under land acquisition act can run parallel even though under ADB project required surveys/preparation of resettlement plan will be undertaken. ADB project need to wait for the outcomes of government procedures to finalize the compensation and disbursement of payments.


Description Target Participants and Venue - Government of India and Tamil Nadu applicable social safeguard First year of the launch of acts TNUFIP. - Incorporation of social/resettlement components under EMP into the project design and contracts - Monitoring, reporting and corrective action planning 2. resettlement plan implementation (2 days; 2 times during All staff and consultants implementation with interval of 1 year in-between) involved in the subproject - Roles and responsibilities - resettlement plan components and stages in implementation All contractors prior to award of - Construction schedules and timelines contract - Public relations - Consultations At each PIU - Grievance redress - Monitoring and corrective action planning - Reporting and disclosure - Timely documentation 3. Experiences and best practices sharing (1 day) All staff and consultants - Experiences on resettlement plan implementation involved in the project, All - Issues and challenges contractors, All NGOs - Best practices followed At PIU Chennai ADB = Asian Development Bank, NGO = nongovernment organizations, PIU = project implementation unit, PMU = project management unit, TNUFIP = Tamil Nadu Urban Flagship Investment Program

Table 6: Institutional Roles and Responsibilities Activity Responsible Agency Sub-project Initiation Stage Finalization of sites for subprojects PIU Disclosure of proposed land acquisition and sub-project details by PIU issuing Public Notice Meetings at community/household level with affected persons PIU/CMSC Resettlement Plan Preparation and Updating Stage Conducting Census of all affected persons PIU/ULB Conducting FGDs/meetings/workshops PIU/ULB Computation of replacement values of land/properties proposed for PIU/ULB and as per acquisition and for associated assets RFCTLARR 2013 for Land Acquisition Categorization of affected persons for finalizing entitlements PIU/ULB Formulating compensation and rehabilitation measures PIU/ULB Conducting discussions/meetings/workshops with affected persons PIU/ULB and other stakeholders Fixing compensation for land/property with titleholders As per RFCTLARR 2013 Finalizing entitlements and rehabilitation packages PIU/ULB Disclosure of resettlement plan PIU Approval of resettlement plan PMU/ ADB Sale deed execution and payment PIU/ULB Taking possession of land PIU/ULB Resettlement plan Implementation Stage Implementation of proposed rehabilitation measures PIU/ CMSC Consultations with affected persons during rehabilitation activities PIU/ CMSC Grievances redressal CMSC/ PIU/ GRC/ PMU Internal monitoring PMU / PIU/ULB ADB = Asian Development Bank, CMSC = construction, management, and supervision consultant, CMWSSB = Chennai Metro Water Supply and Sewerage Board, FGD = focus group discussion, GRC = grievance redress

committee, PIU = project implementation unit, PMU = project management unit, RFCTLARR = The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

50. Implementation of Resettlement Plan. All proposed subproject utility sites will be secured prior to the contract award and start of civil works. Prior the contract award, for all CMC/government lands, PIU will confirm that there are no legacy issues related to acquisition of the sites (i.e., year in which land was acquired/obtained, whether acquired in anticipation of ADB funding, whether all compensation has been paid and accepted, and whether there are any pending legal/other issues). This could be in the form of self-certification by the owner department/TMC. This will be submitted to ADB through PMU before contract award and start of civil works. The resettlement plan will also be disclosed in English and its Executive Summary in Tamil prior to contract award.


Table 7: Schedule of Resettlement Implementation 20172018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q4 H1 H2 Setting up of PIUs Appointment of GIAC Setting up of project level GRM Awareness generation among affected persons on entitlements, impact avoidance and mitigation measures to be implemented by the contractor Conduct detailed measurement surveys, census surveys and issuance of ID cards in sections ready for construction Identify Vulnerable affected persons, if any* Update draft Due Diligence Report Update draft Resettlement Plan to reflect surveys, consultations, design changes, and due diligence results Consultations and disclosure Review and approval of updated Resettlement Plan (PMU and ADB) Training/capacity building of PMU and PIU safeguards officers, engineers and other staff, DSISC supervision staff and contractor’s staff Payment of compensation Handover of sites and alignments to contractors Start of civil works Internal monitoring, including surveys of affected persons on entitlements, satisfaction surveys Repair/reconstruction of affected facilities, structures, utilities, if Immediately, in consultation with other departments, as required any

ADB = Asian Development Bank, GIAC = government improvement and awareness consultant, GRC = grievance redress committee, PIU = project implementation unit, PMU = project management unit, CMSC = construction, management, and supervision consultant. * The start date of census will be the cut-off date for non-titled affected persons. ** The Resettlement Plan will be updated based on final detailed design and affected person census and surveys. *** Endorsement and disclosure of final Resettlement Plans consistent with the Resettlement Framework to be undertaken


J. Monitoring and Reporting

51. Resettlement plan implementation will be closely monitored by the PMU. PIU will prepare monthly progress reports on implementation of resettlement plan and submit to PMU, documenting actual achievements against targets fixed and identifying reasons for shortfalls, if any. These reports will feed into the overall monitoring reports for the TNUFIP which will be generated every quarter for the first year of implementation and bi-annually thereafter. Details to be covered under internal monitoring are elaborated in resettlement framework.

Appendix 1 27

DETAILS OF ROADS/STREETS SCREENED UNDER RESETTLEMENT SURVEY Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No KUNIAMUTHUR ZONE 87 1 Adisakthi Nagar - Sunnambu Kalavai Residence No 87 2 Anbu Nagar 87 3 Ayyasamy Pannadi Street - Kuniamuthur Commercial No 87 4 Bay & Bay Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 5 Bharati Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 6 Black Mari Amman Kovil Veedhi - Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 7 Brindavan Circle – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 8 Chinnasamy Pannadi Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 9 Classic Park – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 10 Gandhi Nagar – 1 Residence No 87 11 Gandhi Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 12 Ganesh Garden 87 13 Hasan Garden 87 14 Jeeva Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 15 K P P Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 16 K R Shanmuga Pannadi Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 17 Kasthuri Nagar - Sunambu Kalavai Residence No 87 18 Kavery Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 19 Kurinji Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 20 Lovely Garden Residence No 87 21 Magestic Garden 87 22 Mahalakshmi Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 23 Maharaja Colony Residence No 87 24 Mayana Veethi - Sunambu Kalavai Residence No 87 25 Mullai Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 26 Muthusamy Servai Veethi - Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 27 Muthusamy Udaiyar Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 28 Nalangilli Street – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 29 Paari Nagar – Kuniamuthur 87 30 Palakkadu Main Road - Kuniamuthur Commercial Yes 87 31 Palakkadu Main Road - Sunambu Kalavai Commercial Yes 87 32 Pappanna Pannadi Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 33 Pattakkara thottam – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 34 Pechi Muthu Lane – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 35 Periasamy Veethi - Sunambu Kalavai Residence No 87 36 Petchi Muthu Pannadi Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 37 Prince Avenue Residence No 87 38 Ramasamy Naidu Veethi - Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 39 Rangasamy Pannadi Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 40 S.N.R. Garden Residence No 87 41 Sadam Nagar - Sunambu Kalavai Residence No 87 42 Samundi Pannadi Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 43 Shanmuga Pannadi Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 44 Sornapuri Layout – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 45 Sundakamuthur Main Road - Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 46 Tirumurthi Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 47 Thiruvalluvar Nagar 2nd Street Residence No 87 48 Thiruvalluvar Nagar -Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 49 Tippusultan Colony - Sunambu Kalavai Residence No 87 50 V.P.C. Nagar 87 51 Vaiapuri Pudur - Sunambu Kalavai Residence No 87 52 Vasantham Garden Residence No

28 Appendix 1

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 87 53 Vasantham Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 54 Vedapannadi Street – Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 55 Velayuda Pannadi Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 87 56 Vetrilai Kara Veethi Residence No 88 1 Abirami Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 2 Alakatchi Thottam – Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 3 Andavar Colony – Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 4 Archana Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 5 Arumuga Boyan Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 6 Arumuga Gounder Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 7 Arumuga Gounder Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 8 Ayyaswamy Naicker Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 9 Chozhlan Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 10 Cross Cut No.2 – Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 11 Cross Cut No.1 – Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 12 Dharmaraja Kovil Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 13 Dharmaraja Kovil Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 14 Ellamman Kovil Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 15 Ganga Nagar 4th Street Residence No 88 16 Ganga Nagar – Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 17 Govt. Staff Colony - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 18 Gunavel Lay out - Kuniamuthur 88 19 Gunavel Thottam - Kuniamuthur 88 20 Idtary Thottavathi Lane - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 21 J J Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 22 J P Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 23 K G K Road - Kuniamuthur Mixed No 88 24 K P Palanisamy Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 25 Kaliappa Gounder Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 26 Kaveri Poyan Street - kuniamuthur Residence No 88 27 KNG Garden Residence No 88 28 Koniamman Layout - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 29 Kosal Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 30 Kuruvai Chetty Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 31 M S Garden - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 32 Maniyakara Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 33 Mariappa Aasari Lane - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 34 Marudachala Naicker Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 35 Mill Road - Kuniamuthur Mixed No 88 36 Moovender Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 37 MS Park Avenue Residence No 88 38 Muniyappan Kovil Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 39 Muthu Naickar Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 40 Muthusamy Servai Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 41 Muthusamy Servai Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 42 Nachimuthu Gounder Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 43 Nagamma Naicker Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 44 Nagamma Naicker Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 45 Nallathambi Achari street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 46 Nanjappa Gounder Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 47 P.N.Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 48 Palakadu Road - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 49 Palani Andavar Kovil Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 50 Palani Andavar Kovil Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No

Appendix 1 29

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 88 51 Palani Gounder Lane - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 52 Pall Pannai Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 53 Pandari Poyan Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 54 Ponnachari Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 55 Prince Avenue Residence No 88 56 Pulla Gounder Street - Kuniamuthur 88 57 Raj naicker street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 58 Rajaji Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 59 RajNaicker Thottam - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 60 Ramasamy Lane - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 61 Ramasamy Poyan Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 62 Ramasamy Servai Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 63 Rangasamy Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 64 Royal Garden - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 65 Santhi Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 66 Sastha Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 67 Savadi Lane - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 68 Seenappa Gounder Street - Kuniamuthur 88 69 Seenappa Gounder - Kuniamuthur 88 70 Shanmuga Gounder Street - Kuniamuthur 88 71 Shanmuga Velayudam Street - Kuniamuthur 88 72 SKK Raj Servai Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 73 State Bank of Mysore Colony - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 74 Subbaiah Pannadi Street - Kuniamuthur 88 75 Subbu Pillai Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 76 Subramanian Lane - Kuniamutur Residence No 88 77 Sundakamuthur Main Road - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 78 Sundakamuthur Main Road - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 79 Sundakamuthur Main Road - Kuniamuthur Annual Lease Residence No 88 80 Sundarraj Thottam - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 81 Swarnambiga Garden - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 82 Thal Factory Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 83 Thandakara Lane - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 84 Thiru Nagar Colony - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 85 Veeramathi Kovil Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 86 Velalar Veedhi - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 87 Vettri Thirunagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 88 Vignesh Garden - Kuniamuthut Residence No 88 89 Vinayagar Kovil Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 90 Vinayagar Kovil Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 88 91 Vinayagar Kovil Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 89 1 Adi Dravidar Colony - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 2 Amma Nagar - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 3 Anbu nagar - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 4 Anna Nagar - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 5 Arumuga Chettiar Street Residence No 89 6 Ashok Nagar - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 7 Bagya Nagar Extension Residence No 89 8 Bagya Nagar - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 9 Bajanai Kovil Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 10 Balaji Nagar - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 11 Balaji Nagar - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 12 Bank Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 13 Bank Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No

30 Appendix 1

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 89 14 Bommi Chetty Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 15 Chekkan Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 16 Chinnasamy Pandaram Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 17 Happy Space - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 18 Idaiyar street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 19 Indian Bank Colony - Ramachettypalayam Residence No 89 20 J.R.D Smart Homes - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 21 Judicial Colony - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 22 K.K.Nagar - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 23 Kamarajar Colony - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 24 Kamarajar Colony - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 25 kanikavinayagar - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 26 Kasinath Garden - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 27 krishna Chettiar Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 28 Krishna Nagar - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 29 Krishna Naickar Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 30 Kumaran Garden Residence No 89 31 Kurinji Nagar - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 32 M.M.Garden - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 33 Main Street - Ramachetrtipalayam Commercial No 89 34 Main Street - Sundakkamuthur Commercial No 89 35 Main Street - Sundakkamuthur Commercial No 89 36 Marappa Gounder Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 37 Mariappa Naidu Street - Sundakkapalayam Residence No 89 38 Marudam Nagar - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 39 Murugan Nagar Residence No 89 40 Muthu Chettiar Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 41 N.T.P Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 42 Naicker Street - Sudakkamuthur Residence No 89 43 Nanjapandaram Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 44 Nanji Chettiar Street - Sundakkapalayam Residence No 89 45 Nataraj pillai Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 46 Nataraj nagar - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 47 New Harijana Colony - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 48 Old Harijana Colony - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 49 P&T Colony - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 50 Pacha Gounder Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 51 Palanisamy Pandaram Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 52 Patti Chetty Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 53 Periyapatti Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 54 Podi Naicker Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 55 Ponni Naicker Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 56 Radha Ram Nagar - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 57 Ram Nagar - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 58 Ram Naicker Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 59 Ramasamy Pandaram Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 60 Ramatha Gounder Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 61 Rayappa Nagar - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 62 Roopa nager - sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 63 sameeem Garden Extn - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 64 sameeem Garden - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 65 School Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 66 School Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 67 School Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No

Appendix 1 31

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 89 68 Servaikarar street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 69 Shabana Garden Residence No 89 70 Shopnam Garden - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 71 Siva nagar Residence No 89 72 Siva Nagar -Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 73 Sri Raiyapa Nagar - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 74 Swarnapuri Nagar Residence No 89 75 Tank Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 76 Teachers Colony - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 77 Thandakara Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 78 Thillai Nagar - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 79 Thiyagaraja Nagar - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 80 Thotta Veedhi - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 81 Thatta Veedhi - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 82 Vaiyapuri Chettiar Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 83 Vannar Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 84 Velappa Naidu Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 85 Velayudham Pillai Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 86 Venkidasamy Street - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 89 87 Vennal naidu Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 88 Venugopal Naidu Street - Sundakkamuthur Residence No 89 89 Vinayagar Nagar Residence No 89 90 Visaka Gardens Residence No 89 91 Visalatchi Nagar - Ramachettipalayam Residence No 90 1 A Block - Residence No 90 2 Alamu Nagar Extn - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 3 Alamu Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 4 Alfa Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 5 Anna Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 6 Bank of India Colony - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 7 Bharati Nagar Extn - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 8 Bharati Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 9 Dhanalakshmi Nagar 90 10 Elango Nagar Residence No 90 11 Eswar Nagar Residence No 90 12 Farook Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 13 Gandhi Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 14 Iswaryam Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 15 J.R.D.Hill View Residence No 90 16 Jamiya Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 17 K K Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 18 Kovai Garden - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 19 Kutralam Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 20 Lakshmi Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 21 M G R Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 22 M.S. Garden Residence No 90 23 Marutham Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 24 Meenakshi Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 25 Mullai Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 26 N Block - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 27 Nadesar Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 28 Nethaji Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 29 P Block Extn - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 30 P Block - Kovaipudur Residence No

32 Appendix 1

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 90 31 Pallivasal Street - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 32 Paripoorna Estate - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 33 Perumal Nagar Extn - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 34 perumal Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 35 Press Enclave - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 36 Q Block - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 37 R Block - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 38 Rangasami Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 39 S Block - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 40 S.M.Garden - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 41 Saibaba Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 42 Sankar Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 43 Santhi Enclave Residence No 90 44 Santhi Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 45 Sarada Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 46 Saraswathi Nagar Residence No 90 47 Saravana Nagar Residence No 90 48 Selvam Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 49 Shalini Garden - Kovaipudur 90 50 Siruvani Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 51 Siva - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 52 Sivan Adikar Nagar - Kovaopudur Residence No 90 53 Special Police of 4th Batalian - Kovaipudur Mixed No 90 54 Spring Field Valley - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 55 Sri Vinayaga nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 56 Sri Lakshmi Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 57 T Block - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 58 Teachers Colony - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 59 Thillai Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 60 Thirupathi Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 61 U Block Residence No 90 62 V Block - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 63 V O C Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 64 Vaigai Nagar - Kovaipidur Residence No 90 65 Vasanthi Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 66 Visalatchi Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 67 Vishnu Garden _ Kovaipudur Residence No 90 68 Vairadhi Enclave Residence No 90 69 W Block - Kovaipudur Residence No 90 70 X Block - Kovaipudur Residence No 91 1 Ammasai Gounder Veedhi - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 2 Ammasai Gounder Veedhi - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 3 Andi Gounder Veedhi - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 4 Arjuna Gounder Veedhi - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 5 Ashok Nagar Residence No 91 6 Ayya Gounder Veedhi - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 7 Balu Avenue - B.K.Pudur Residence No 91 8 Chandra Garden - B.K.Pudur Residence No 91 9 G.K.M.Nagar - Sugunapuram West 91 10 G.R.G Garden - Sugunapuram West Residence No 91 11 Gayathri Nagar Residence No 91 12 Gayathri Nagar - Sugunapuram Residence No 91 13 GD Layout - Kovaipudur Residence No 91 14 Gokulam Colony Extn 2 - Kuniamuthur Residence No

Appendix 1 33

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 91 15 Gokulam Colony Extn - Kovaipudur Residence No 91 16 Gokulam Colony - Kovaipudur Residence No 91 17 Harijana Colony - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 18 Housing Board Road - Kovaipudur Road Commercial No 91 19 Itteri Street - Sugunapuram west Residence No 91 20 JRD Garden - Kovaipudur Residence No 91 21 K B R Colony - B.K.Pudur Residence No 91 22 Kalki Garden - Sugunapuram West Residence No 91 23 Kamatchi Nagar Extn - Kovaipudur Residence No 91 24 Kamatchi Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 91 25 Kasmo Colony - B.K.Pudur Residence No 91 26 Krishnasamy Naicker Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 27 Kulathupalayam Road - B.K.Pudur Residence No 91 28 Kuppusamy Gounder Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 29 Lakshmi Nagar - B.K.Pudur Residence No 91 30 Lavanya Garden - Kovaipudur Residence No 91 31 Maakaliyamman Kovil Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 32 Maakaliyamman Kovil Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 33 Mahalakshmi Puram - Kovaipudur Road Residence No 91 34 Mallaiya Garden - Sugunapuram West Residence No 91 35 Maruthachalam Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 36 Matheena Nagar Residence No 91 37 Mattukarasamy Kovil Street - Sugunapuram West Residence No 91 38 Monabai Nagar - Sugunapuram West Residence No 91 39 Nagappa Gounder Street - Sugunapuram West Residence No 91 40 Naicker Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 41 Nanjama Naicker Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 42 New Harijana Colony - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 43 Old Harijana Colony - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 44 Omsakthi Nagar Extn - Kovaipudur Residence No 91 45 Omsakthi Nagar - Kovaipudur Residence No 91 46 Oor Gounder Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 47 Oor Gounder Thotta Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 48 Palaniyappa Nagar - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 49 Palaniyappa Naicker Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 50 Parvathipuram - B.K.Pudur Residence No 91 51 Pasumpon Garden Residence No 91 52 Pleassant View layout - Kovaipudur Residence No 91 53 Rajam Layout - B.K.Pudur 91 54 Ramanujam Nagar - B.K.Pudur Residence No 91 55 Ramraj Nagar - Kovaipudur 91 56 Rangappa Gounder Colony - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 57 Rangappa Gounder Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 58 S.K.Nagar - B.K.Pudur Residence No 91 59 Sangavi Garden Residence No 91 60 Saravana Nagar - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 61 Sathya Nagar - B.K.Pudur Residence No 91 62 Sree Vatsa Hill View - Kovaipudur Road Residence No 91 63 Sri Bal Nagar - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 64 Sri Krishna Nagar -Sugunapuram West Residence No 91 65 Sri Nagar Colony - B.K.Pudur Residence No 91 66 Sri Rajeswari Nagar - Sugunapuram West 91 67 SSS Avenue - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 68 SSS Mary Land - Kovaipudur Residence No

34 Appendix 1

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 91 69 Sugunapuram Itteri Lane - Sugunapuram West Residence No 91 70 Sugunapuram Lane - Sugunapuram West Residence No 91 71 Sugunapuram West - Sugunapuram Residence No 91 72 Sundakkamuthur Main Road - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 73 Thasami Sumeru Appartment Thottarayan Kovil Street Residence No 91 74 Thiru Nagar Colony - B.K.Pudur Residence No 91 75 Thottarayan Kovil Street - Kovaipudur Road Residence No 91 76 Vasantham Nagar LIC Colony - Kovaipudur Residence No 91 77 Vasantham Nagar - Kovaipudur Road Residence No 91 78 Veerapadira Samy Kovil Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 79 Vellingiri Gounder Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 80 Vigneshwara Layout - Kovaipudur 91 81 Vinayagar Kovil Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 82 Vinayagar Kovil Street - Kulathupalayam Residence No 91 83 Vishal Estate - Kovaipudur Residence No 91 84 Visalakshi Colony Residence No 91 85 Vivegananda Puram - B.K.Pudur Residence No 92 1 Anna Nagar N- Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 2 Ashok Kumar Nagar - B.K.Pudur Residence No 92 3 Ayyappa Nagar - Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 4 B.K.Pudur New Area - B.K.Pudur Residence No 92 5 Balu Garden Residence No 92 6 Chinnakkani Konar Street - Sugunapuram Residence No 92 7 E.B. Colony - Sugunapuram Residence No 92 8 East Itteri Street - Sugunapuram Residence No 92 9 Gandhi Lane - Narasimmapuram 92 10 Indira Nagar - B.K.Pudur Residence No 92 11 Kaliappa Gounder Street - Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 12 Makarajar Street - Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 13 Krishna anagar - Sugunapuram Residence No 92 14 Krishnasamy Nagar - Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 15 Kumaran Garden - Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 16 Kumaran Street - Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 17 Lakshmi Nagar - Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 18 Madurai Veeran Kovil Street - B.K.Pudur Residence No 92 19 Mangalya Garden Residence No 92 20 Mettukadu - Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 21 Muthusamy Servai Street - B.K.Pudur Residence No 92 22 N G R Bhavanam Street - Narasimmapuram 92 23 Narasimmapuram New Area Residence No 92 24 Nehru Street - Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 25 Padasalai Street - Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 26 Palakkadu Main Road - B.K.Pudur Commercial Yes 92 27 Palakkadu Main Road - Edayar Palayam Pirivu Commercial Yes 92 28 Palakkadu Main Road - Narasimmapuram Commercial Yes 92 29 Palaniappa Nagar Residence No 92 30 Palanisamy Gounder Street - Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 31 Palaniappa Konar Street - B.K.Pudur Residence No 92 32 Palaniappa Nagar Extn - B.K.Pudur Residence No 92 33 Palaniappa Nagar - B.K.Pudur Residence No 92 34 Parasakthi Nagar - Narasimmapuram 92 35 Perumalsamy Nagar - B.K.Pudur Residence No 92 36 Pudunagaram - Sugunapiram 92 37 Rainbow Enclave - Sugunapuram Residence No

Appendix 1 35

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 92 38 Rajarajeswai Nagar - B.K.Pudur Residence No 92 39 Rajiv Gandhi Nagar - Sugunapuram 92 40 Santhi Nagar - B.K.Pudur Residence No 92 41 Sarada Nagar - B.K.Pudur Residence No 92 42 Senthamil Nagar - Sugunapuram Residence No 92 43 Sindhu Nagar - Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 44 Sugunapuram East New Area - Sugunapuram Residence No 92 45 Sugunapuram East - Sugunapuram Mixed No 92 46 Sugunapuram Hill Area - Sugunapuram Residence No 92 47 Sugunapuram North - Sugunapuram Residence No 92 48 Sugunapuram South - Sugunapuram Residence No 92 49 Thotta Salai - Sugunapuram Residence No 92 50 Vinayagar Kovil Street - Narasimmapuram Residence No 92 51 Vinayagar Kovil Street - B.K.Pudur Mixed No 93 1 Alamel Avenue - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 2 Amman Colony - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 3 Ammasi Konar Veedhi - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 4 Annamma Naicker Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 5 Anna Nagar Residence No 93 6 Aranmanai Thottam - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 7 Balaji Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 8 Balu Avenue Phase - II - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 9 Belle Gounder Veedhi - Edayarpalauam Residence No 93 10 Bhagavathi Nagar Residence No 93 11 Church Street - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 12 E B Colony - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 13 Edayarpalayam - Vinayagar kovil Street Residence No 93 14 Gnana Puram - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 15 Government Staff Colony - Edayarpalayam 93 16 Harijana Colony - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 17 Idayarpalayam Main Road - Edayarpalayam Mixed No 93 28 Idayarpalayam Thottam Lane - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 19 Jaya Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 20 Kaani Konar Street - Edayarpalayam 93 21 Kariyanna Gounder Street - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 22 Krishnar Kovil Veedhi - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 23 Lakshmi Nagar - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 24 Lakshmi Nagar - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 25 M.G.R.Nagar - Edayarpalayam 93 26 Madurai Veeran Kovil Street - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 27 Manigandan Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 28 Mariamman Kovil Street - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 29 Mariyappa Konar Street - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 30 Min Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 31 Nalla Varadha Konar Street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 32 Nanja Konar Street - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 33 Palakkadu Main Road - Edayarpalayam Mixed No 93 34 Palakkadu Main Road - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 35 Palaniyappa Konar street - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 36 Palaniyappa Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 37 Park Avenue - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 38 Park Town - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 39 Perumal Konar Street - Edayarpalayam 93 40 Poonthottam - Edayarpalayam

36 Appendix 1

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 93 41 Rajagopal Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 42 Raju Nagar Residence No 93 43 Ramasamy Konar Street - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 44 Ramasamy seervai street - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 45 Rampaul Garden - Kuniamuthur 93 46 Rangasamy Konar Street - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 47 Rangasamy Naidu Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 48 Sai Garden - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 49 Sakthi Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 50 Selvam Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 51 Shantha Saibu Veedhi - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 52 Siruvani Road - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 53 Sowbagya Avenue - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 54 Sri Ram Colony - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 55 State Bank Colony - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 56 Subbulakshmi Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 57 Sun Garden - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 58 Syed Basha Sahib Street - Edayarpalayam 93 59 Thiru.Vee.Ka.Veedhi - Edayarpalayam 93 60 Thirunavukarasu Nagar - Kuniamuthur Residence No 93 61 Ucha Konar Street - Edayarpalayam 93 62 Usman Saibu Veedhi - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 63 V O C Nagar Residence No 93 64 V.P.C.Nagar - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 65 Venkata Raman Colony - Edayarpalayam Residence No 93 66 Venkatachala Konar Street - Edayarpalayam 93 67 Vinayagar Koil Street - Edayarpalayam Residence No KURICHI ZONE 94 1 Amman Nagar Residence No 94 2 Ammaniammal Colony Residence No 94 3 Arumuga Gounder Street Cross Road - 1 Residence No 94 4 Arumuga Gounder Street Cross Road - 2 Residence No 94 5 Arumuga Gounder Street Cross Road - 3 Residence No 94 6 Arumuga Gounder Street Cross Road - 4 Residence No 94 7 Arumuga Gounder Street Residence No 94 8 Chandra Gounder Street Residence No 94 9 Edayarpalayam Arijana Colony Residence No 94 10 Edayarpalayam Cross Road - 1 Residence No 94 11 Edayarpalayam Cross Road - 2 Residence No 94 12 Edayarpalayam Cross Road - 3 Residence No 94 13 Edayarpalayam Cross Road - 4 Residence No 94 14 Edayarpalayam Cross Road - 5 Residence No 94 15 Edayarpalayam Road Commercial No 94 16 G.K.Square 1st Street Residence No 94 17 G.K.Square 2nd Street Residence No 94 18 Gokulapuram Residence No 94 19 Harsha Garden - Edayarpalayam Road Residence No 94 20 Kacheri Nanja Boyar Street Residence No 94 21 Kallukuli Street Residence No 94 22 Krishnappa Gounder Street Residence No 94 23 Kuppa Boyar Street Residence No 94 24 Machampalayam Street Residence No 94 25 Mara Boyar Street Residence No 94 26 Mariamman Kovil Street Residence No

Appendix 1 37

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 94 27 Mariamman Kovil Street Residence No 94 28 Mariamman Kovil Street Cross Road - 1 Residence No 94 29 Mariamman Kovil Street Cross Road - 2 Residence No 94 30 Mariamman Kovil Street Cross Road - 3 Residence No 94 31 Mariyappa Konar Street Residence No 94 32 Masakali Konar Street Residence No 94 33 Nanja Boyar Street Residence No 94 34 Nanjappa Gounder Street Residence No 94 35 Palani Boyar Street Residence No 94 36 Palaniappa Konar Street Residence No 94 37 Palkara Kuttiappa Konar Street Residence No 94 38 Pattilinga Pandaram street Residence No 94 39 Pollachi Main Road Residence No 94 40 Poonga Nagar Residence No 94 41 Power House Palaniappa Konar Street Residence No 94 42 Railway Ponkali Konar street Residence No 94 43 Rasadi Ramasamy Konar Street Residence No 94 44 Round Road Residence No 94 45 Round Road Residence No 94 46 Round Road Residence No 94 47 Round Road Cross Road - 1 Residence No 94 48 Round Road Cross Road - 2 Residence No 94 49 Sengappa Konar Street, Cross Road - 1 Residence No 94 50 Sengappa Konar Street, Cross Road - 2 Residence No 94 51 Senguttukarar Street Residence No 94 52 Senkappa Konar Street Residence No 94 53 Thiru Nagar Residence No 94 54 Uppiliyar Thittu Residence No 94 55 Varent Office Street Residence No 94 56 Vathiyar Street Residence No 94 57 Vinayagar Kovil Street Residence No 94 58 Yoor Gounder Ramasamy Konar Street Residence No 95 1 Alagu Nagar Venkadasamy Lay out Residence No 95 2 Amman Nagar Residence No 95 3 Anna Nagar Residence No 95 4 Anna Nagar East Pollachi Road Residence No 95 5 Anna Nagar Silver Jubilee Road Residence No 95 6 Anna Nagar West Pollachi Road Residence No 95 7 Arumugam Mesthiri Cross Street Residence No 95 8 Bajanai Kovil Street Residence No 95 9 Barathi Nagar Residence No 95 10 Chatram Street Mixed No 95 11 Gandhiji Road Residence No 95 12 Gandhiji Road Residence No 95 13 Guruvaiya Naidu Thol Shop Street Mixed No 95 14 Jothi Nagar 3rd street Residence No 95 15 Jothi Nagar - 1 Residence No 95 16 Jothi Nagar - 2 Residence No 95 17 Jum Jum Nagar Residence No 95 18 Kadhar Basha Cross Street 95 19 Kamarajar Street Residence No 95 20 Karunanithi Nagar Cross Street - 1 Residence No 95 21 Karunanithi Nagar Cross Street - 2 Residence No 95 22 Karunanithi Nagar Main Mixed No

38 Appendix 1

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 95 23 Kathamuthu Cross Street 95 24 Kathiravan Nagar Residence No 95 25 Kovai To Road Mixed No 95 26 Kovai To Podanur Road Mixed No 95 27 Kovai To Podanur Road Mixed No 95 28 Loyds Avenue Residence No 95 29 M.C.R. Nagar Kovai To Podanur Residence No 95 30 M.G.R.Nagar - 1 Residence No 95 31 M.G.R.Nagar - 2 Residence No 95 32 M.G.R.Nagar - 3 Residence No 95 33 M.G.R.Nagar Main Residence No 95 34 M.M.P.Nagar Residence No 95 35 Mariamman Kovil Street Residence No 95 36 Moulana Steel Nagar Residence No 95 37 Mudupar Kovil Street Residence No 95 38 Muniappan Kovil Street Residence No 95 39 Nanjundapuram Itteri Cross Street - 1 Residence No 95 40 Nanjundapuram Itteri Cross Street - 2 Residence No 95 41 Nanjundapuram Itteri Cross Street - 3 Residence No 95 42 Nanjundapuram Itteri Cross Street - 4 Residence No 95 43 Nanjundapuram Itteri Cross Street - 5 Residence No 95 44 Nanjundapuram Itteri Cross Street - 6 Residence No 95 45 Nanjundapuram Itteri Cross Street - 7 Residence No 95 46 Nanjundapuram Itteri Cross Street - 8 Residence No 95 47 Nanjundapuram Itteri Cross Street - 9 Residence No 95 48 Nanjundapuram Itteri Residence No 95 49 nanjundapuram Road Mixed No 95 50 Nehru Street - Podanur Residence No 95 51 New Street Extension Residence No 95 52 New York Avenue Residence No 95 53 Pathai - Anaimedu Residence No 95 54 Palaniappa Gounder Street 95 55 Palsamy Naidu Thol Shop Street Mixed No 95 56 Pechiammal Kovil Street Residence No 95 57 Podanur Main Road Mixed No 95 58 Podanur New Town 95 59 Pollachi Road Cross Road - 4 Residence No 95 60 Pollachi Road Commercial Yes 95 61 Pollachi Road Commercial Yes 95 62 Pollachi Road Cross Road - 1 K.M. Colony Residence No 95 63 Post Office Street Residence No 95 64 Puthu Street Residence No 95 65 Puthu Street - 2 Residence No 95 66 Rail Nagar Residence No 95 67 Raju Pannadi Street Residence No 95 68 Ramasamy Cross Street 95 69 Ranga Colony 95 70 Ranga Pannadi Street Residence No 95 71 Rose Garden Residence No 95 72 Sabari Nagar Residence No 95 73 Sabari Nagar Residence No 95 74 Sai Nagar Residence No 95 75 Sangamam Nagar 95 76 Sathya Narayanan Nagar Residence No

Appendix 1 39

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 95 77 Silver Jubilee Road Residence No 95 78 Swiss Garden - Karuparayan Kovil Street Residence No 95 79 Thirumarai Nagar Residence No 95 80 Thiruvalar Nagar Residence No 95 81 Ummar Nagar Residence No 95 82 Vannarapettai Residence No 95 83 Venkadasamy Layout Residence No 95 84 Venkatachalapathy Nagar Street - 1 Residence No 95 85 Venkatachalapathy Nagar Street - 2 Residence No 95 86 Venkatrama Pannadi Street 95 87 Vinayagar Kovil Street Residence No 96 1 Aandal Thottam Residence No 96 2 Anganna Devar Corss Street Residence No 96 3 Anna Teachers Colony - Sundarapuram Residence No 96 4 Arumuga Devar Cross Street Residence No 96 5 Ayyasamy Naicker Street Residence No 96 6 Balaji Nagar Residence No 96 7 Easwaran Kovil Street Residence No 96 8 Gandhiji Road Commercial No 96 9 Gandhiji Road Commercial No 96 10 Koniappa Pillai Street Residence No 96 11 Kovilandi Street Residence No 96 12 Krishna Nagar Residence No 96 13 Kunisai Elangavan Nagar Residence No 96 14 Kurichi Puthu Nagar Residence No 96 15 Loganathapuram Residence No 96 16 Lotus Mill Colony Residence No 96 17 Manickam Servai Street Residence No 96 18 Mudaliar Street Main Road Residence No 96 19 Mudaliar Street, Cross Road - 2 Residence No 96 20 Mudaliar Street, Cross Road - 1 Residence No 96 21 Mudaliar Street, Cross Road - 3 Residence No 96 22 Mudaliar Street, Cross Road - 4 Residence No 96 23 Mudaliar Street, Cross Road - 5 Residence No 96 24 Mudaliar Street, Cross Road - 6 Residence No 96 25 Mudaliar Street, Cross Road - 7 Residence No 96 26 Mudaliar Street, Cross Road - 8 Residence No 96 27 Muruga Nagar Mixed No 96 28 Muruga Nagar, Cross Road - 1 Residence No 96 29 Muruga Nagar, Cross Road - 2 Residence No 96 30 Muruga Nagar, Cross Road - 3 Residence No 96 31 Muruga Nagar, Cross Road - 4 Residence No 96 32 Muruga Nagar, Cross Road - 5 Residence No 96 33 Muruga Nagar, Cross Road - 6 Residence No 96 34 Nagammal Layout Residence No 96 35 Pechiannan Devar Cross Street Residence No 96 36 Periyasamy Servai Street Residence No 96 37 Perumal Kovil Street Mixed No 96 38 Pollachi Road Commercial No 96 39 Pollachi Road - Left Side Commercial No 96 40 Ramanna Devar Cross Street Residence No 96 41 Rangasamy Chettiar Street Residence No 96 42 Sangam Street Mixed No 96 43 Sangam Street, Cross Road - 1 Residence No

40 Appendix 1

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 96 44 Saradha Mill Road Commercial No 96 45 Saradha Mill Road Commercial No 96 46 Thaiammal Layout Residence No 97 1 A.V.G.Layout Residence No 97 2 Anna Nagar Sundarapuram Residence No 97 3 Annai Indira Nagar Cross Road - 1 Residence No 97 4 Annai Indira Nagar Cross Road - 2 Residence No 97 5 Aringar Anna Colony Residence No 97 6 Arul Garden Residence No 97 7 Ashok Nagar, Road Residence No 97 8 Asta Lakshmi Nagar, Madukkarai Road Residence No 97 9 C.T.O.Colony, Madukkarai Road Residence No 97 10 C.V.G.Layout, Madukkarai Road 97 11 Gandhi Nagar, Pollachi Road Residence No 97 12 Housing Unit Phase - 1 Residence No 97 13 Indira Nagar, Madukkarai Road 97 14 K.V.K.Nagar Residence No 97 15 Kamarajar Nagar Residence No 97 16 Kasthuri Nagar, Madukkarai Road Residence No 97 17 Kurinji Nagar, Madukkarai Road Residence No 97 18 M.G.R. Nagar, Madukkarai Road Residence No 97 19 M.G.R. Nagar, Madukkarai Road - Extn Residence No 97 20 Madukkarai Road Commercial No 97 21 Madukkarai Road Commercial No 97 22 Mani Layout Residence No 97 23 Palaniappa Layout Residence No 97 24 Palaniappa Layout Residence No 97 25 Pathivaalar Colony Residence No 97 26 Periyar Nagar, Madukkarai Road Residence No 97 27 Pillaiyar Puram Residence No 97 28 Pollachi Road, Sundarapuram Commercial Yes 97 29 Pollachi Main Road Commercial Yes 97 30 Pollachi Road, Rettiar Colony - 1 Residence No 97 31 Pollachi Road, Rettiar Colony - 2 Residence No 97 32 Pollachi Road, Rettiar Colony - 3 Residence No 97 33 Ramalinga Nagar Residence No 97 34 S.S.Avenue, Madukkarai Road Residence No 97 35 Saravana Nagar, Madukkarai Road Residence No 97 36 Sathya moorthy Nagar Residence No 97 37 Sree Gopalapuram Residence No 97 38 Srinivasa Nagar, Madukkarai Road Residence No 98 1 Ameer Saibu Street Residence No 98 2 Annai Sathya Nagar Residence No 98 3 Arputham Chettiar Street Residence No 98 4 Arumugam Pillai Street Residence No 98 5 Bharath Nagar Residence No 98 6 Cylone Colony Residence No 98 7 Cylone Colony Residence No 98 8 Elangovan Nagar Residence No 98 9 Gandhi Nagar Cross Road - 1 Residence No 98 10 Gandhi Nagar Cross Road - 2 Residence No 98 11 Gandhi Nagar Cross Road - 3 Residence No 98 12 Gandhi Nagar Cross Road - 4 Residence No 98 13 Gandhi Nagar Cross Road - 5 Residence No

Appendix 1 41

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 98 14 Gandhi Nagar Cross Road - 6 Residence No 98 15 Gandhi Nagar Cross Road - 7 Residence No 98 16 Gandhi Nagar Cross Road - 8 Residence No 98 17 Gandhi Nagar Pakuthi, Kudisai Nagar Residence No 98 18 Gandhiji Road Commercial No 98 19 Gandhiji Road Cross Street - 1 Residence No 98 20 Gandhiji Road Cross Street - 1 Barthi Nagar Residence No 98 21 Gandhiji Road Cross Street - 2 Residence No 98 22 Gandhiji Road Cross Street - 3 Residence No 98 23 Guruamy Pillai Street Residence No 98 24 Guruamy Pillai Street, Kumaran Nagar Residence No 98 25 Gurusamy Pillai Street, Uthami Naghar Residence No 98 26 Gurusamy Pillai Street Cross Street - 1 Residence No 98 27 Guruamy Pillai Street - Extn Residence No 98 28 Ismail Street Residence No 98 29 Kudisaikal Residence No 98 30 Kunisai Elangovan Nagar Residence No 98 31 Kurichi Pudu Nagar Residence No 98 32 L.I.C. Colony - 1 Residence No 98 33 L.I.C. Colony - 2 Residence No 98 34 L.I.C. Colony - 3 Residence No 98 35 Lakshmanan Nagar Residence No 98 36 Lords Avenue Residence No 98 37 M.G.R. Nagar Residence No 98 38 Masthan Saibu Street Residence No 98 39 Mohamed Ismail Street Residence No 98 40 Muthaiya Nagar Residence No 98 41 Muthusamy Pillai Street Residence No 98 42 Nagammal Layout Residence No 98 43 Panchayat Office Street, Cross Road - 1 Residence No 98 44 Panchayat Office Street, Cross Road - 2 Residence No 98 45 Panchayat Office Street Mixed No 98 46 Pappammal Thottam Residence No 98 47 Police Quarters Residence No 98 48 pollachi Road Residence No 98 49 Raja Muthaiya Nagar Residence No 98 50 Ramanuja Naidu Street Residence No 98 51 Rangasamy Pillai Street Residence No 98 52 Sai Nagar Cross Road - 1 Residence No 98 53 Sai Nagar Cross Road - 2 Residence No 98 54 Samy Nagar Residence No 98 55 Saradha Mill Road Commercial No 98 56 Saradha Mill Road Commercial No 98 57 Saradha Mill Road Commercial No 98 58 Sengottaiya Colony Residence No 98 59 Sheik Moideen Saibu Street Residence No 98 60 Sivasakthi Colony Residence No 98 61 Teachers Colony Residence No 98 62 Teachers Colony Extn, E.B.Colony Residence No 98 63 Uthami Nagar Residence No 98 64 V.O.C.Colony Residence No 98 65 Valliammal Street Residence No 98 66 Velankanni Nagar Residence No 98 67 Velayudham Servai Layout Residence No

42 Appendix 1

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 98 68 Velayudham Servai Layout Residence No 99 1 Anbu Nagar Residence No 99 2 Arputham nagar Residence No 99 3 Arulmurugan Nagar, Road Residence No 99 4 Asbestos Street Residence No 99 5 Boyar Street Residence No 99 6 Cheran Nagar, Vellalore Road Residence No 99 7 Chettipalayam Road Commercial No 99 8 Chinnammal Street Residence No 99 9 Chittannapuram, Vellalore Road Commercial No 99 10 Church Road Commercial No 99 11 Eswaran Chettiar Street Residence No 99 12 Gandhi Nagar Mettu Thottam Residence No 99 13 Indira Nagar Residence No 99 14 Kallarai Cheri Residence No 99 15 Kaniappa Konar Street Residence No 99 16 Karuparayan Kovil Street Residence No 99 17 Konavaikalpalayam Mixed No 99 18 Kurukbar Street Residence No 99 19 Madurai Veeran Kovil Street Residence No 99 20 Muthaliar Street Residence No 99 21 Nabi Nagar, Chettipalayam Road Residence No 99 22 P& T Colony Residence No 99 23 Palaniandavar Kovil Street Residence No 99 24 Perumal Kovil Street Residence No 99 25 Railway Police Line Residence No 99 26 Samanna Nagar Residence No 99 27 Sardar Saibu Street Residence No 99 28 Shree Ram Nagar East, Chettipalayam Road Residence No 99 29 Shree Ram Nagar East, East Cross Street Residence No 99 30 Shree Ram Nagar East, Main Road Residence No 99 31 Shree Ram Nagar West, Chettipalayam Road Residence No 99 32 Sree Ragavendra garden Residence No 99 33 Subbaraya Mudaliyar Street Residence No 99 34 Thiruvalluvar Nagar 99 35 Valluvar Street Residence No 99 36 Vellalore Road Commercial No 99 37 Vellalore Road Street - 1 Mixed No 99 38 Vellalore Street Mixed No 99 39 Vinayagar Kovil Street Residence No 99 40 Vivekananda Nagar Residence No 100 1 Aiyavu Gounder Street Residence No 100 2 Amma Nagar - Ganesha puram Residence No 100 3 Amman nagar Residence No 100 4 Amman Pudur Residence No 100 5 Amman Pudur Residence No 100 6 Angamuthu Gounder Street Residence No 100 7 Anganna Gounder Street Residence No 100 8 Annapuram Main Residence No 100 9 Annapuram Main Cross Road - 3 Residence No 100 10 Annapuram Main Cross Road - 1 Residence No 100 11 Annapuram Main Cross Road - 2 Residence No 100 12 Annapuram Main Cross Road - 4 Residence No 100 13 Annapuram Main Cross Road - 5 Residence No

Appendix 1 43

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 100 14 Annapuram Main Cross Road - 6 Residence No 100 15 Auditor Street Residence No 100 16 Ayyappa Nagar Residence No 100 17 Bharathi Nagar Residence No 100 18 Carmel Nagar Residence No 100 19 Devasia Nagar Residence No 100 20 E - Shed SIDCO Industry No 100 21 Echanari Commercial No 100 22 Echanari, Chettipalayam Road Commercial No 100 23 Eswaran Nagar - Auditor Street Residence No 100 24 Ganesh Nagar Residence No 100 25 Ganeshapuram Residence No 100 26 Ganeshapuram Cross Road - 1 Residence No 100 27 Ganeshapuram Cross Road - 2 Residence No 100 28 Ganeshapuram Cross Road - 3 Commercial No 100 29 Harijana Colony Residence No 100 30 Harijana Colony Residence No 100 31 Harijana Colony Residence No 100 32 Housing Unit Phase - II Residence No 100 33 Indira Nagar, Ganesapuram Residence No 100 34 Iswarya Nagar Residence No 100 35 Jaikaran Nagar Residence No 100 36 K.G.N. Garden Residence No 100 37 K.K.Nagar Residence No 100 38 Kallukuli Residence No 100 39 Kallukuli Kudisaigal Residence No 100 40 Karupanna Gounder Street Residence No 100 41 Krishnasamy Naidu Street Residence No 100 42 Krishnasamy Naidu Street, Cross Street Residence No 100 43 Lakshmanan Nagar Residence No 100 44 Madukkarai Road Residence No 100 45 Madurai Veeran Kovil Street Residence No 100 46 Mariamman Kovil street Residence No 100 47 Mettur Main Road Mixed No 100 48 Mettur Main Road, Street - 1 Residence No 100 49 Mettur Main Road, Street - 2 Residence No 100 50 Mettur Main Road, Street - 4 Residence No 100 51 Mettur Puthu Street Residence No 100 52 Mullai Nagar, Echanari Residence No 100 53 Mullai Nagar, Ganeshapuram Residence No 100 54 Muthu Nagar Residence No 100 55 Nachimuthu Gounder Street - 10 Residence No 100 56 Nachimuthu Gounder Street Residence No 100 57 Nachimuthu Gounder Street - Harijana Colony Residence No 100 58 Nachimuthu Gounder Street - 1 Residence No 100 59 Nachimuthu Gounder Street - 2 Residence No 100 60 Nachimuthu Gounder Street - 3 Residence No 100 61 Nachimuthu Gounder Street - 4 Residence No 100 62 Nachimuthu Gounder Street - 5 Residence No 100 63 Nachimuthu Gounder Street - 6 Residence No 100 64 Nachimuthu Gounder Street - 7 Residence No 100 65 Nachimuthu Gounder Street - 8 Residence No 100 66 Nachimuthu Gounder Street - 9 Residence No 100 67 Padasalai Street, Echanari Residence No

44 Appendix 1

Ward Res/Com/ Impact No. Street Name Mix Yes/No 100 68 Palaniappa Gounder Street Residence No 100 69 Parasakthi Nagar Residence No 100 70 Peon Colony Residence No 100 71 Pollachi Road Commercial No 100 72 Private Industrial Estate Industry No 100 73 Raja Rajeswari Layout Residence No 100 74 Ranganatha Puram Residence No 100 75 Ranganatha Puram 4th Street Residence No 100 76 S.K.V. Devashiya Nagar Residence No 100 77 SIDCO Industry No 100 78 Sir.C.V.Raman Indusrtial Estate Industry No 100 79 Sri Ragavendira Garden Residence No 100 80 Srinivasa Nagar - 1 Residence No 100 81 Srinivasa Nagar - 2 Residence No 100 82 Thillai Nagar Industry No 100 83 Tiny Shed - SIDCO Industry No 100 84 Vasanthaq Mullai Nagar Residence No 100 85 White Street, Chettipalayam Road Residence No

45 Appendix 2

SAFETY MEASURES FOR PIPELAYING-SAMPLE TEMPLATE Working Length of Max. Max. width Width Single Average Pipe of Actual from One Working Type of Width Dia Excavation Method of Edge Stretch Road (m) (mm) (mm) Excavation (m) (m) Method of Traffic Management Remarks Bituminous 5 300 700 Mechanical 2 200 Flagmen at both ends plus no Night time working (mini parking sign for 100m on either end may be opted at busy digger) sections with prior permission, stake holder consultation and noise control measures.

6 -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- 7.5 -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- Concrete 2 100 250 Manual 0.5 50 Flagmen at both ends. Only -do- pedestrian traffic will be allowed.

3 100 250 Manual 1 50 -do- -do- 4 150 350 Manual 1 100 Flagmen at both ends. Pedestrian -do- traffic can be allowed during works. Vehicles will be allowed after day’s work by covering the trench with steel plates. 5 150 350 Mechanical 2 200 Flagmen at both ends plus no -do- parking sign for 100m on either end 6 200 500 Mechanical 2 200 -do_ Tiles 2 50 150 Manual 0.5 50 Flagmen at both ends. Only -do- pedestrian traffic will be allowed. 3 100 250 Manual 0.5 50 -do- -do- Earthen 1 50 150 Manual 0.5 50 Controlled by general operative. road Only pedestrian traffic will be allowed. 2 50 150 Manual 0.5 50 -do- Notes: (i) Works will be carried out with due intimation to ULB/ PWD and after stakeholder consultations. (ii) All service providers (electricity, telecom, OFC, cable TV, gas etc.) shall be notified and consulted well in advance to identify bottlenecks and possible solutions. (iii) Reinstatement will be carried out in two phases – temporary and final. (iv) Special festival, business (local bazar) etc. days will be strictly followed and works causing disturbance will not be carried out on those days.

46 Appendix 2

(v) No drainage channel shall be disturbed/stopped during construction works. Any drain affected by construction works shall be set right as early as possible and definitely before onset of monsoon. (vi) The pedestrian area shall be always kept free from debris/trip hazard. (vii) Environmental Management Plan (EMP) shall be strictly followed for all works and also dealing with any asbestos cement pipes. (viii) Land contamination, if encountered, shall be immediately brought to the notice of the PIU/PMU and remedial measures shall be taken as advised. Disposal of contaminated earth shall be as advised by the PIU/PMU experts. (ix) Night time work, if any, shall be carried out after due authorization with adequate safety and security measures. Acoustic hood shall be used on equipment to reduce noise pollution.

47 Appendix 3


Site Photos – Coimbatore

MPS-1 at Chinna Sudukadu MPS-13 at Arputham Nagar

MPS-10 at Muthu Nagar PS-2 at Nethaji Nagar

PS-3 at Gayathri Nagar PS-4 at Sathya Nagar

48 Appendix 3

Site Photos – Coimbatore

PS-5 at Krishnasamy Nagar PS-6 at Poonga Nagar

PS-7 at Rajagopalan Nagar PS-8 at Pillayarpuram

PS-9 at Amman Nagar PS-11 at Rajarajeswari Nagar

PS-12 at Sathyasai Nagar LS-1A at Periyasamy Street

Appendix 3 49

Site Photos – Coimbatore

LS-2A at MGR Nagar LS-3A at Rainbow Colony

LS-3B at Krishna College Road LS-3C at Krishna Nagar Extension

LS-3D at Indira Nagar LS-3E at Bismi Nagar

LS-6A at Thulsi Garden LS-8A at Kurichi Housing Unit

50 Appendix 3

Site Photos – Coimbatore

LS-8B at Mohan Nagar LS-11A at LIC Colony

LS-11B at Annapuram LS-12A at Kanthiravan Nagar

LS-12B at Silver Jubilee Nagar LS-13A at Sri Ram Nagar

LS-13B at Annai Therasa Layout Sewage Treatment Plant

Sewage Treatment Plant Sewage Treatment Plant

Appendix 3 51

Site Photos – Coimbatore

Outfall Sewer Outfall Sewer

Sewer Network Sewer Network

Appendix 3 52

Consultations during Transect Walks, August 2017 Years in Business at Surveyed Caste Monthly Road/ Location Type of Business Place Type of Structure Category WHH Income 1 Palakkad Road, Aathupalam Tea, Backery 10 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 2 Palakkad Road, Aathupalam Puncture shop 5 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 5,000 3 Palakkad Road, Aathupalam Pani Poori 6 Movable Cart OBC 7,000 4 Palakkad Road, Aathupalam Cycle, Puncture 5 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 3,000 5 Palakkad road, Sunnambu kaalavai Electronics items services 3 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 7,000 6 Palakkad road, Sunnambu kaalavai Seat cover items 4 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 7,000 7 Palakkad road, Sunnambu kaalavai Tyre, Puncture work 3 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 6,000 8 Palakkad road, Sunnambu kaalavai Hotel 6 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 12,000 9 Palakkad road, Sunnambu kaalavai Furniture items 7 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 7,500 10 Palakkad road, Sunnambu kaalavai Chicken 2 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 15,000 11 Palakkad road, Sunnambu kaalavai Hotel 1 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 12,000 12 Palakkad road, Sunnambu kaalavai Electronics Sales and Service 2 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 8,000 13 Palakkad road, Sunnambu kaalavai Fruits 1 Movable Cart OBC 5,000 14 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Fruits 1 Movable Cart OBC 5,000 15 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Fruits 10 Movable Cart OBC Yes 3,000 16 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Fruits 9 Movable Cart SC 3,000 17 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Seasonal Fruits 8 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 15,000 18 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Chips 5 Movable Cart SC 3,000 19 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Bakery 2 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 5,000 20 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Chips 15 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 5,000 21 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Snacks 10 Movable Cart OBC 5,000 22 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Hotel 10 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 23 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Auto Garrage 20 Extended activities/structure on road SC 10,000 24 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Fancy Store 4 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 3,500 25 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Cloth store 1 Extended activities/structure on road SC 10,000 26 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Mobile Service 3 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 15,000 27 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Snacks, books 24 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 4,500 28 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Flower 10 Kiosk/Shop SC 3,500 29 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Snacks, Books 10 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 30 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Vessels 1 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 4,000

Appendix 3 53

Years in Business at Surveyed Caste Monthly Road/ Location Type of Business Place Type of Structure Category WHH Income 31 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Mobile, Books 2 Extended activities/structure on road SC 8,000 32 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Hotel 4 Movable Cart OBC 15,000 33 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Provisional store 2 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 20,000 34 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Mutton stall 10 Kiosk/Shop OBC 15,000 35 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Banana leaf 6 Movable Cart SC 15,000 36 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Hotel 2 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 20,000 37 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Hotel 10 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 18,000 38 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Pillow, Bed 1 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 5,000 39 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Fruits 4 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 7,000 40 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Tender coconut 20 Movable Cart OBC Yes 4,000 41 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Sugarcane Juice 4 Kiosk/Shop OBC 4,000 42 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Snacks 3 Kiosk/Shop SC Yes 2,000 43 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Chappel business 10 Kiosk/Shop OBC 8,000 44 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Fruits 15 Movable Cart OBC 10,000 45 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Electronics items 5 Movable Cart OBC 8,000 46 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Old paper 10 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 7,000 47 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Puncture shop 15 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 48 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Flower 20 Kiosk/Shop OBC 5,000 49 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Hardware 3 Extended activities/structure on road SC 40,000 50 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Chips 4 Movable Cart OBC 7,000 51 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Buttermilk 3 Movable Cart OBC 5,000 52 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Tea shop 3 Kiosk/Shop OBC 8,000 53 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Fruits 10 Movable Cart OBC 7,000 54 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Fruits 12 Movable Cart OBC 8,000 55 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Snacks 5 Kiosk/Shop SC 5,000 56 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Wood Business 20 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 57 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Wood business 2 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 25,000 58 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Statue 1 Extended activities/structure on road SC 2,500 59 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Steel sheets 12 Movable Cart OBC 8,000 60 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Snacks 7 Kiosk/Shop OBC 8,000 61 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Pot 5 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 5,000

54 Appendix 3

Years in Business at Surveyed Caste Monthly Road/ Location Type of Business Place Type of Structure Category WHH Income 62 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Flower pot 2 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 63 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Fruits 1 Movable Cart SC 4,000 64 Palakkad road, Kuniamuthur Tea, Milk 4 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 5,000 65 Palakkad road P.K.Pudur Footwear shop 20 Kiosk/Shop SC 2,000 66 palakkad road P.K.Pudur Hotel 10 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 15,000 67 palakkad road P.K.Pudur Tea & Snacks 2 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 12,000 68 palakkad road P.K.Pudur Hotel 1 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 8,000 69 palakkad road P.K.Pudur Bonda & Bajji stall 10 Movable Cart SC 7,000 70 palakkad road P.K.Pudur Hotel 1 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 8,000 71 palakkad road P.K.Pudur Tiffen 5 Movable Cart OBC 8,000 72 palakkad road P.K.Pudur Two wheeler workshop 5 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 73 Palakkad road kovaipudur division Chips 1 Movable Cart OBC 7,000 74 Palakkad road kovaipudur division Tiffen 1 Movable Cart OBC 10,000 75 Palakkad road kovaipudur division Coffee & Snacks 3 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 15,000 76 Palakkad road kovaipudur division Hotel 2 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 20,000 77 Palakkad road kovaipudur division Snacks 8 Kiosk/Shop OBC 2,500 78 Palakkad road kovaipudur division Auto Mechanic shop 8 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 79 Palakkad road kovaipudur division Lemon soda drink 2 Movable Cart OBC 2,000 80 Palakkad road kovaipudur division Plastic items 1 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 81 palakkad road mailkal Chicken chilli & Soup 1 Movable Cart OBC 8,000 82 Palakkad road mailkal Flower 25 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 9,000 83 Palakkad road mailkal Fish 15 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 8,000 84 palakkad road mailkal Vegetables 3 Movable Cart OBC 10,000 85 palakkad road mailkal Provision 20 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 15,000 86 palakkad road mailkal Hardware 2 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 13,000 87 palakkad road mailkal Hardware 1 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 7,000 88 Palakkad road mailkal Vessels 2 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 8,000 89 Pollachi road Tea Shop 8 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 90 Pollachi Road Fancy Store 8 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 8,000 91 pollachi Road Vessels 6 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 6,000 92 Pollachi Road Tender Coconut 8 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 7,000

Appendix 3 55

Years in Business at Surveyed Caste Monthly Road/ Location Type of Business Place Type of Structure Category WHH Income 93 Pollachi Road Toys 8 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 5,000 94 Pollachi Road Tiffin 1 Movable Cart OBC Yes 5,000 95 Pollachi Road Snacks 15 Movable Cart OBC Yes 4,000 96 Pollachi Road Tea Shop 2 Kiosk/Shop OBC 15,000 97 Pollachi Road Snacks 10 Kiosk/Shop OBC 7,000 98 Pollachi Road Tea, Snacks 15 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 15,000 99 Pollachi Road Snacks 20 Movable Cart OBC 12,000 100 Pollachi road Snacks 20 Extended activities/structure on road OBC Yes 10,000 101 Pollachi Road Sugarcane and Tender coconut 5 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 7,000 102 Pollachi road Snacks 4 Kiosk/Shop OBC 5,000 103 Pollachi Road Snacks 2 Kiosk/Shop OBC 6,000 104 Pollachi Road Vessels 1 Movable Cart OBC 10,000 105 Pollachi Road Buttermilk 8 Movable Cart OBC Yes 5,000 106 Pollachi Road Cloth merchant 6 Movable Cart OBC 12,000 107 Pollachi Road Fruits 10 Movable Cart OBC 6,000 108 pollachi Road Fruits 12 Movable Cart OBC 10,000 109 Pollachi Road Fruits 15 Movable Cart OBC 10,000 110 Pollachi Road Tender Coconut 12 Movable Cart OBC 6,000 111 Pollachi Road Sugarcane Juice 15 Movable Cart OBC 7,000 112 Pollachi Road Snacks 5 Movable Cart SC Yes 3,000 113 Pollachi Road Electronics items 6 Movable Cart OBC 10,000 114 Pollachi Road Mechanical works 8 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 12,000 115 Pollachi Road Wood 15 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 116 Pollachi Road Scrap iron 1 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 8,000 117 Pollachi Road Old Rack 1 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 5,000 118 Pollachi Road Aluminium items 2 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 119 Pollachi Road Scrap iron, Wood 8 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 120 Pollachi Road Scrap iron, Wood 10 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000 121 Pollachi Road Cobbler 10 Extended activities/structure on road SC 3,500 122 Pollachi Road Scrap iron, Wood 10 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 12,000 123 Pollachi Road Old Electronics items 10 Extended activities/structure on road OBC 10,000

56 Appendix 3

Note: The DMS survey during detailed design will confirm whether any of the potential impacts identified can be avoided, whether there are any additional temporary impacts and how many will require shifting assistance.

No. of Participants Topics Discussed Issues Raised Participants Total=123 PPTA Team, CMC • Issues related to open defecation, • Delay in construction work M=115 officials, TWAD disposal of sewage and wastewater • Proper access provision to permanent F=08 officials into roadside drains eventually shop/houses/structures polluting the natural streams and • Indicated willingness to shift to other locations rivers; its health impacts • Provide support for project construction as it is • Need for comprehensive underground beneficial to enire city drainage system in the city; • Area covered by the project; • Disturbance in traffic movement and to businesses during construction work; • Assistance will be provided in continuing affected businesses at different location; • No structure loss • Compensation for lost income, if any

57 Appendix 3

Glimpses of Potential Impacts – Coimbatore1

1 Mobile hawkers (having carts with wheels) will not be affected. Some structures including wares on display, will require assistance for shifting.

58 Appendix 3

Appendix 3 59

Appendix 4 60

DETAILS OF LAND Component Land Proposals Set backs Remarks Require Pathway Green (LS/ Owners Classifica Available d Modules s Belts PS) Location hip tion (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) Within the Land Outside Land 1 MPS Chinnasudu Revene Porombo 2430 2430 900 210 1320 10.0m from the Residences are found Sufficient space is 1 kadu Land ke well on the North on North and west side available to provide a side,8.5m on the of the site which is buffer of 8m all west side,11.4m about 8m, 12 m around the units. on the south respectively. In the Three rows of trees side and15m on Southern side is a will be planted to the Eastern side. vacant land for 44m provide a green length and on the buffer with provision Eastern side lies an for compound wall on OHT at a distance of all the four sides. 13m 2 PS2 Nethaji PWD Porombo 243 243 91 31 121 3.4m away from Residences are found It is proposed to Nagar ke the well and on south and west side provide Trees on the 1.5m on the of the site which is open space areas northern side about 3.4m, 4.4 m also the Units are from the well. respectively. In proposed on the northern side is lake Northern side away and eastern side is from the Residential existing road. Units. 3 PS 3 Gayathiri Corpora Reserved 1215 689 155 75 459 6.4m on the Residential buildings The units are Nagar tion site for north side,2.0m are found on the located on the Reserve public from the south Northern side of the southern side of the d site purpose side,10m from site at a distance of Available site in order the east side 11m. There are vacant to provide a and 11.6m from sites on the Eastern maximum buffer of10 the west side and western sides m from the from the well about 5m and 16m Rresidential building respectively with a on the Northern side. waste land on the Two rows of trees will southern side. be planted.

Appendix 4 61

Component Land Proposals Set backs Remarks Require Pathway Green (LS/ Owners Classifica Available d Modules s Belts PS) Location hip tion (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) Within the Land Outside Land 4 PS 4 Sathya Slum communit 162 162 81 31 50 1m away from Residential buildings AS there is only Nagar Clearen y toilet the well on the are surrounding on limited space, Green ce north, south and three sides of the site plantations will be Board west side and a about 2m distance provided in the 7.5m on the east with a Temple on the available space to side of the well western side provide a green buffer from the surrounding Residential buildings. 5 PS Krishnasam Corpor Reserved 202 202 110 30 62 1.8m on the Residences are found AS there is only 5 y Nagar ation site for north side,1.0m on the Western side limited space, Green Reserv public on the west and only which is 4.8 m plantations will be ed site purpose south side,4.4m away from the well. provided in the on the east side. The Eastern and available space to Southern sides are provide a green covered by roads. buffer from the surrounding Residential buildings. Also the units are moved towards the western side to provide a maximum buffer of 6m fro the residential buildings on the eastern side. 6 PS 6 Poonga Corpor Reserved 810 648 139 51 458 5m away from the Residences are found Sufficient space is Nagar ation site for well on the north on east and west side available to provide a Reserv public side,4.4m on the of the site which is buffer of 8m all ed site purpose west,5m on the about 8m, 4 m around the units. south and east respectively. In Three rows of trees side. northern side lies the will be planted to Kurichi Kulam and provide a green southern side is buffer with provision covered with vaccant for compound wall on site. all the four sides. The units are also moved towards the Northern side to provide a

62 Appendix 4

Component Land Proposals Set backs Remarks Require Pathway Green (LS/ Owners Classifica Available d Modules s Belts PS) Location hip tion (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) Within the Land Outside Land maximum buffer on the southern side of the residential area 7 PS 7 Rajagopala Corpor Reserved 1094 770 175 79 516 5.0m from the On the Northern side Sufficient space is n Nagar ation site for well on the north lies the Kurichi lake. available to provide a Reserv public side,3.0m from The western and buffer of 8m all ed site purpose the west, 10m on southern sides are around the units. the south side covered with Three rows of trees and 7.7 on the residential buildings at will be planted to east side. about 8m and 32m provide a green respectively. The buffer with provision Eastern side is for compound wall on covered by a vaccant all the four sides. The plot a a distance of units are also moved 12m towards the Western side to provide a maximum buffer on the Eastern side of the residential area 8 PS 8 Pillayarpura Revene Porombo 608 608 219 53 516 10.0m from the On the Northern side Sufficient space is m Land ke well on the North is the Dinamalar office available to provide a side,6.0m from at a distance of 10m. buffer of 8m all the West side of With residential around the units. the well buildings on the Three rows of trees western side at a will be planted to distance of 80m. The provide a green other two sides are buffer with provision covered with large for compound wall on vacant lands. all the four sides. The units are also moved towards the Western side to provide a maximum buffer on the Eastern side of the residential area 9 PS Amman Reven Poromb 162 162 114 30 18 1.0m on the The Northern side is Large Farm lands are 9 Nagar e oke north side of the covered with vacant available on three Land well,2.0m on the land adjacent to sides with residential

Appendix 4 63

Component Land Proposals Set backs Remarks Require Pathway Green (LS/ Owners Classifica Available d Modules s Belts PS) Location hip tion (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) Within the Land Outside Land east and west Echanari road. on the buildings on the side from the southern side is a western side. Tree well. cocconut farm. On the plantations will be eastern side lies the provided for a green residential building buffer. Also, there is seperated from the an odai crossing pumping station by an seperating the units odai. from te residential buldings. 10 PS Muthu Revene Porombo 2430 1660 470 116 1074 2.0m from the There are residential Sufficient space is 10 Nagar Land ke northand east buldings on the available to provide a side of the well, Northern and Western buffer of 8m all 9.0m from the side at a distance of around the units. south side of the 20m and 50m Three rows of trees well. respectively. A will be planted to workshop and a provide a green garrage lies on the buffer with provision eastern side wile the for compound wall on southern side is all the four sides. covered by a kuttai. 11 PS Rajarajesw Revene Porombo 810 810 134 69 607 3.6m away from The Eastern side is It is proposed to 11 ari Nagar Land ke the well on the covered with Temple, provide with thick west side,2.0m The Western side is green plantations on on the north covered by an Odai of the open space areas side, 1.0m on 3m width. The other all around the units. the east side of Two sides covered There is large space the well. with vaccant land in the Southern side to provide sufficient plantations. Also the units are moved towards the Eastern side to provide a maximum buffer from the residential buildings on the western side

64 Appendix 4

Component Land Proposals Set backs Remarks Require Pathway Green (LS/ Owners Classifica Available d Modules s Belts PS) Location hip tion (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) Within the Land Outside Land 12 PS Sathyasai Corpor Reserve 608 608 410 80 118 2.0m on the On the Northern side Green plantations will 12 Nagar ation d site for north and flows the Noyyal river. be provided in the Reserv public south side of The other three sides available space to ed site purpose the well the south, east and provide a green west are covered by buffer from the residential buildings at surrounding a distance of 11m,5m Residential buildings. and 5m respectively Also, the units are moved towards the Eastern side to provide a maximum buffer of 10m from the residential buildings on the eastern side. 13 PS Arputham Corpor Reserved 1418 1012 295 66 651 2.0m from the On the Northern side Sufficient space is 13 Nagar ation site for well on the north flows an odai. The available to provide a Reserv public side, 4.8m on the southern and eastern buffer of 8m all ed site purpose west side,9.3m sides are covered by around the units. Two on the south side residential buildings at rows of trees will be from the well 17m and 46m planted to provide a respectively. The green buffer. Also the western side is units are moved covered with a vacant towards the Northern land. side to provide a maximum buffer fro the residential buildings on the Souther side. 14 LS Periyasamy Revene Porombo 202 202 11 12 179 2m on the north The lift station is The located site far 1A Street Land ke and west side, located on the away from the 3.0m on the outskirts from the residential area. south side and residential area. With Green plantations will 4.5m on the east large vaccant land on be provided on all side from the well the east, west and sides. south sides and a Burial ground on the

Appendix 4 65

Component Land Proposals Set backs Remarks Require Pathway Green (LS/ Owners Classifica Available d Modules s Belts PS) Location hip tion (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) Within the Land Outside Land northern side at a distance of 3m.

15 LS MGR Nagar Revene Porombo 202 202 8 8 186 2m on the north The located lift station A green Buffer of 5m 2A Land ke and east side, is surrounded by will be provided on all 4m on the vacant land on all the sides, with Two rows western side and four sides with a East of Tree plantations 5.5m on the west road seperating with in the compound south side from the vaccant land on wall. the well. the southern side. 16 LS Rainbow Corpor Road 20 20 8 8 101 0.9m away from 0.9m away from the Being the end of the 3A colony ation the well on the well on the East and road there is only Dead East and West West side. The limited space. It is end side. southern side is proposed to cover Road bounded by an odai the lift station with a and road on the North few gree plantations side. on the southern side. 17 LS Krishna Revene Porombo 202 202 11 12 102 1.5m on the On the eastern side A green Buffer of 5m 3B College Land ke south and east, flows an odai. The will be provided on all Road 5m on the west north side is covered sides, with two rows and 4.5m on the by a building at a of Tree plantations north distance of 5m..On the with in the compound western side lies the wall. Pillayarpuram hill area seperated by a road of 4m width. On the southern side lies a vacant open land.

66 Appendix 4

Component Land Proposals Set backs Remarks Require Pathway Green (LS/ Owners Classifica Available d Modules s Belts PS) Location hip tion (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) Within the Land Outside Land 18 LS Krishna Corpor Road 20 20 8 8 4 0.6m away from 0.6m away from the Being the end of the 3C Nagar ation the well on the well on the East and road there is only Extension Dead East and West West side. The limited space. It is end side. southern side is proposed to cover Road bounded by an odai the lift station with a and road on the North few gree plantations side. on the southern side. 19 LS Indira Corpor Road 20 20 8 8 4 0.6m away from 0.6m away from the Being the end of the 3D Nagar ation the well on the well on the East and road there is only Dead East and West West side. The limited space. It is end side. southern side is proposed to cover Road bounded by a vaccant the lift station with a site and road on the few gree plantations North side. on the southern side. 20 LS 3E EB Colony Corpor Reserved 405 202 11 12 102 2m on the north, The provided lift A green Buffer of 5m ation site for 4.5m on the station site is will be provided on all Reserv public south, 1.5m on surrounded by large sides, with Two rows ed site purpose the west and 5m vaccant land on all the of Tree plantations on the east side four sides with an east with in the compound from the well. - west facing approach wall. road of 5m length seperating the vacant land on the northern side. 21 LS 3F Bismi Nagar Corpor Road 20 20 8 8 4 0.9m away from 0.9m away from the Being the end of the ation the well on the well on the North and road there is only Dead North -South south..The East, West limited space. It is end side and North sides are proposed to cover Road covered with open the lift station with a lands with a 4m wide few gree plantations north - south facing on the Eastern side. road seperating the open land on the northern side.

Appendix 4 67

Component Land Proposals Set backs Remarks Require Pathway Green (LS/ Owners Classifica Available d Modules s Belts PS) Location hip tion (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) Within the Land Outside Land 22 LS 6A Thulasi Corpor Road 20 20 8 8 4 1.0m away from 1.0 m away from the Being the end of the Garden ation the well on the well on the East and road there is only Dead East and West West side. The limited space. It is end side. southern side is proposed to cover Road bounded by a vaccant the lift station with a site and road on the few gree plantations North side. on the southern side. 23 LS Kurichi Corpor Reserved 81 81 11 12 58 2m from the well On the northern side A green Buffer of 5m 8A Housing ation site for on the south and lies an Industry at 6m. will be provided on the Unit Reserv public west, 5m on the While the west and Northern side, with ed site purpose north and 3.6m south sides are Two rows of Tree on the east. covered with Vacant plantations with in the land at 2m distance. compound wall. On the eastern side lies a open land seperated from the lift station by a 4m wide road. 24 LS Mohan Corpor Road 20 20 8 8 4 0.9m away from 0.9m away from the Being the end of the 8B Nagar ation the well on the well on the North and road there is only Dead North- South south. The northern limited space. It is end side and southern sides are proposed to cover the Road covered with lift station with a few residential buildings. gree plantations on On the eastern side the Eastern side. flows an Odai. 25 LS LIC Colony Corpor Reserved 405 202 11 12 179 1m on the north, The lift station located A green Buffer of 5m 11A ation site for 5.m on the is covered by will be provided on Reserv public south, 3m on the residential buildings on Southern side, with ed site purpose east and 2m on the southern and two rows of Tree the west. northern side at a plantations with in the distance of 10m and compound wall. 8m respectively. While the eastern and western sides are covered with open space at a distance of

68 Appendix 4

Component Land Proposals Set backs Remarks Require Pathway Green (LS/ Owners Classifica Available d Modules s Belts PS) Location hip tion (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) Within the Land Outside Land 3m and 5m respectively.

26 LS Annapuram Corpor Reserved 81 81 11 12 58 1.5m on the The located lift station A green Buffer of 5m 11B ation site for south and east, is surrounded by will be provided on Reserv public 5m on the west vacant land on three Northern and ed site purpose and 4.5m on the sides, the north, south Western side, with north and east side at a Two rows of Tree distance of 5m,1.5m plantations with in the and 1.5m respectively. compound wall. while on the western side lies the L & T company seperated from the lift station by north-south facing road. 27 LS Kathhiravan Corpor Road 36 36 11 12 13 2.0m away from 1.0 m away from the Has the adjacent side 12A Nagar ation the well on all well on the North and of the lift stations are Reserv the four sides. South side. The covered with park ed site southern side is there is enough bounded by a vaccant space for providing site and road on the Tree plantations North side. hence additional tree plantations will be provided on the southern and Eastern sides.

Appendix 4 69

Component Land Proposals Set backs Remarks Require Pathway Green (LS/ Owners Classifica Available d Modules s Belts PS) Location hip tion (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) Within the Land Outside Land 28 LS Silver Corpor Reserved 20 20 8 8 4 2.0m away from The proposed lift Being the end of the 12B Jubilee ation site the well on all station lies adjacent to road there is only Nagar Land the four sides. a community toilet with limited space. It is residential buildings on proposed to cover the eastern and the lift station with a western sides, while few gree plantations an odai flows on the on the Northern side. northern side. 29 LS Sri Ram Corpor Road 20 20 8 8 4 1.0m away from 1.0m away from the Being the end of the 13A Nagar ation the well on the well on the North, road there is only Dead North, South and South and 1m away limited space. It is end East side. from the Odai on the proposed to cover Road Eastern side. the lift station with a few gree plantations on the Western side. 30 LS Annai Corpor Reserved 81 81 8 8 65 5.0m from the The Northern and A green Buffer of 5m 13B Therasa ation site for well on the north Eastern sides are will be provided on Layout Reserv public side,2.0m from covered with Three sides, with two ed site purpose the west side of residential buildings at rows of Tree the well a distance of 11m and plantations with in the 10m respectively. compound wall. while the southern and western sides are covered with vacant land at a distance of 13m and 2m respectively.

70 Appendix 4

Component Land Proposals Set backs Remarks

(LS/ Location Owner-ship Classifi Availab Require Modules Pathways Green Within the Land Outside Land PS) cation le d Acres Acres Belts Acres Acres Acres 31 STP Vellalore Corporatio Reser 70 20 15 2 3 500 m to the left Surrounded by The STP will be n ved of Rapid Action large Vaccant located 500m from the Reserved site Force (RAF) land on all the residential colony site for Quarters Four sides (650 (RAF quarters). The public Acres) Treated water will be purpo let into the Noyyal se river at a distance of 4.65 km through mm DI pipe. Source: CMC. Note: These tables provide summary translation of the land records.

71 Appendix 5


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Appendix 6 146


Up to 2-4 pages maximum. Sub-project Information Description Name of the subproject, Executing

Agency/Implementating Agency and city Proposed subproject technical details and project

benefits Summary of subproject impacts

Compensation and entitlements

Resettlement Plan budget

resettlement plan implementation schedule

Consultation and disclosure requirements

Implementation structure and GRM information

Contact numbers of GIAC, PIU, PMU Attach list of affected persons and Entitlement Matrix to this leaflet.

147 Appendix 7


(To be available in Hindi and English)

The ______Project welcomes complaints, suggestions, queries, and comments regarding project implementation. We encourage persons with grievance to provide their name and contact information to enable us to get in touch with you for clarification and feedback. Should you choose to include your personal details but want that information to remain confidential, please inform us by writing/typing *(CONFIDENTIAL)* above your name. Thank you.

Date Place of registration Project Town

Project: Contact information/personal details Name Gender * Male Age * Female Home address Place Phone no. E-mail Complaint/suggestion/comment/question Please provide the details (who, what, where, and how) of your grievance below:

If included as attachment/note/letter, please tick here: How do you want us to reach you for feedback or update on your comment/grievance?

FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Registered by: (Name of official registering grievance)

Mode of communication: Note/letter E-mail Verbal/telephonic

Reviewed by: (Names/positions of officials reviewing grievance)

Action taken:

Whether action taken disclosed: Yes No

Means of disclosure: