
Donna Gay Anderson, MFA Spalding Univer- Holly Day ( has been a sity, is a playwright/lyricist currently collabo- writing instructor at the Loft Literary Center in rating with composer Theodore Christman on Minneapolis since 2000. Her has recently the musical, Unfolded, based on the life and work appeared in Asimov’s Science Fiction, Grain, and of Susie Scott Krabacher. Works include High and Harvard Review, and her newest full-length poetry Mighty, Shrimp and Crab, and Formula One. She collections are Into the Cracks (Golden Antelope has served as a contributing writer to Dramatists Press), Cross Referencing a Book of Summer (Silver Magazine and Her fiction has Bow Publishing), The Tooth is the Largest Organ in been included in The Louisville Review. She and the Human Body (Anaphora Literary Press), and her husband live in swampy south Louisiana. Book of Beasts (Weasel Press). Gregory Hansen is Professor of Folklore and Catharine Savage Brosman, known widely for English at Arkansas State University where he her poetry, criticism, and creative , is Pro- also teaches in the Heritage Studies Doctoral Pro- fessor Emerita of French at Tulane University. gram. He is the author of A Florida Fiddler: The Her recent poetry collections are A Memory of Life and Times of Richard Seaman, and his publica- Manaus (2017) and Chained Tree, Chained Owls tions focus on roots music, folklore and lan- (2020). Short fiction of hers appeared in 2019 guage, and public folklore. under the title An Aesthetic Education and Other Stories. Her latest biographical and critical studies Matthew Hawk is an MFA candidate in Creative are Louisiana Poets: A Literary Guide (2019), with Writing at the University of Memphis, specializ- Olivia McNeely Pass, and Mississippi Poets: A Lit- ing in poetry. He also serves as the Poetry Lead erary Guide (2020). A chapbook of her verse, Editor for The Pinch Literary Journal. His academic Clara’s Bees, will be out in summer 2021, and a focus areas are mid-twentieth century American full-length collection of new work is in prepara- and contemporary American poetry. tion. He has a chapbook of original poetry, Poems from the Heart (Desert Willow Press, 2018) and is cur- Floyd Collins received his baccalaureate degree rently working on an article about the various in English from the University of Memphis. He iterations of William Faulkner’s uncollected earned an MFA in Creative Writing and a PhD short stories. in Twentieth Century Literature at the Univer- sity of Arkansas. His volumes of poetry are Scare- Susan Isaak Lolis was shortlisted in the William crow (1980), The Wedding Guest (1988), Forecast Wisdom-William Faulkner contest. One of (1993), and What Harvest: Poems on the Siege and her stories, “Vivien’s Sister,” won the James Battle of the Alamo (2011). A book-length critical Knudsen Prize for Fiction and is published in study entitled Seamus Heaney: The Crisis of Identity Bayou Magazine. She was a finalist in the River Styx appeared from the U of Delaware P in 2003. His Microfiction Contest, the Mighty River Short poems and critical essays appear regularly in The Story Contest, the Fiction Southeast Editors’ Prize, Georgia Review, The Gettysburg Review, The Kenyon and the Blood Orange Review Literary Contest. Review, and The Southern Humanities Review. His Her work has appeared in New Madrid: Journal of work-in-progress is The Teresa Poems. Contemporary Literature, Yalobusha Review, and elsewhere. She has work forthcoming in Drunk ______Arkansas Review 51.3 (December 2020) 239 Monkeys. She holds an MFA in fiction from the worked as an English instructor, an ESL instruc- University of Miami. While there, she was a tor, and formerly served as director of the Ozark James Michener fellow and won a University of Foothills Literacy Project in Batesville, Arkansas. Miami fiction award. Lauri Umansky serves as Professor of History and Adrienne Pine has published creative nonfiction Director of the Heritage Studies PhD Program at in The Write Place at the Write Time, Tale of Four Arkansas State University. Cities, The Yale Journal of Humanities in Medicine, Carte Blanche, Feminine Collective, Gravel, and Jay Waters is a photographer and writer from other venues. McCalla, Alabama. His emphasis is on simplicity and serendipity, so all of his photos are from his Marcus Charles Tribbett is General Editor of phone, with minimal processing. He looks for Arkansas Review: A Journal of Delta Studies and As- the happy coincidence of life, light and camera. sistant Professor of English at Arkansas State Jay’s photos have been published in several print and online journals, most recently in The Broken University, where he also teaches for the interdis- City, The Lincoln Review, Straight Forward Poetry, ciplinary Heritage Studies doctoral program. He and The Wondrous Real. Find more of his work at has published scholarly work on blues per- formers, such as Memphis Minnie, and on a nineteenth-century slave narrative by William John (Jianqing) Zheng is author of Enforced Rus- and Ellen Craft. His most recent publication, on tication in the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Delta Jessmyn Ward’s Sing, Unburied, Sing, appeared in Sun, and The Landscape of Mind and editor of Af- rican American Haiku, The Other World of Richard Journal of Ethnic American Literature in 2019. Wright, and Sonia Sanchez’s Poetic Spirit through

Haiku. He was a recipient of the literary arts fel- Mary Troy is the author of five books of fiction— lowship from Mississippi Arts Commission in three collections of short stories and two : 2004 and 2014 and his poems have appeared in Swimming on Hwy N, Beauties, Cookie Lily, The Arkansas Review, Mississippi Review, Poetry East, Alibi Cafe and other stories, and Joe Baker Is Dead. and Tar River. He edits Valley Voices: A Literary Re- She has won the USA Book award for literary fic- view and Journal of Ethnic American Literature. tion, the Devil’s Kitchen Reading Award, a Nel- son Algren award, a William Rockhill Nelson award, and more. Her sixth book (as yet untitled) of new and selected stories, will be published in 2021. For more than twenty years, Mary taught in the MFA Program at the University of Mis- souri-St. Louis. For ten years she was the editor of Natural Bridge, a journal of contemporary litera- ture. Mary has won the University of Missouri sys- tem award for leadership, and the Missouri Governor’s award for excellence in teaching.

Lauren Adams Willette is a PhD student of Her- itage Studies at Arkansas State University. Her scholarly interests include the Ozarks, popular culture, and critical theory. She has previously ______Arkansas Review 51.3 (December 2020) 240