Victoria County Centennial History F 5498 ,V5 K5
Victoria County Centennial History F 5498 ,V5 K5 31o4 0464501 »» By WATSON KIRKCONNELL, M. A. PRICE $2.00 0U-G^5O/ Date Due SE Victoria County Centennial History i^'-'^r^.J^^, By WATSON KIRKCONNELL, M. A, WATCHMAN-WARDER PRESS LINDSAY, 1921 5 Copyrighted in Canada, 1921, By WATSON KIRKCONNELL. 0f mg brnttf^r Halter mtfa fell in artton in ttje Sattte nf Amiena Angnfit 3, ISiB, tlfia bnok ia aflfertinnatelg in^^iratei. AUTHOR'S PREFACE This history has been appearing serially through the Lindsaj "Watchman-Warder" for the past eleven months and is now issued in book form for the first time. The occasion for its preparation is, of course, the one hundredth anniversary of the opening up of Victoria county. Its chief purposes are four in number: — (1) to place on record the local details of pioneer life that are fast passing into oblivion; (2) to instruct the present generation of school-children in the ori- gins and development of the social system in which they live; (3) to show that the form which our county's development has taken has been largely determined by physiographical, racial, social, and economic forces; and (4) to demonstrate how we may, after a scien- tific study of these forces, plan for the evolution of a higher eco- nomic and social order. The difficulties of the work have been prodigious. A Victoria County Historical Society, formed twenty years ago for a similar purpose, found the field so sterile that it disbanded, leaving no re- cords behind. Under such circumstances, I have had to dig deep.
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