Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 2000 Daily Egyptian 2000 7-25-2000 The Daily Egyptian, July 25, 2000 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 85, Issue 182 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 2000 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 2000 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. .;;•". _ ·. :'. · · SOUTHERN llLINOIS. UNIVERSITY ,t\T CARBONDALE" ·. · - .c ·:,,__::"·,. =-;· •~ ,>~}\ ~m ' .' (left) Tim Carter hangs a gas lam;, at the base of their bat catching operation as Steve Carroll • prepares other aspects of the •camp in the Shawnee Forrest. (Below) Stretched out with a one foot wingspan, the Hoary bat is one of the largest · types of bats found in Illinois. Batmen A DAILY EGYPTIAN reporter travels into the Shawnee National Forest w:!!1 two SIUC graduate students in zoology. There, ~h.ey look for a mammal they say is misunderstood. Bats are not just mischaracterize_~! J!tey J!!Y, ·•~'-•. ____ ,.., ____ ,..,. ____ ' - .,,._, --,----.-~-···~·•·'- ~~ they could be disappearing. See related story, page 4 Vice president arrested Scott Belton is charged with driving without New president to be named Wednesday a 1:cense twice. KATE McCANN the Recreation Center to consider the appointmen.t of a Government President Bill Archer said he is confident page3 GOVERNMENT EDITOR new president. A news conference will follow the conclu any of the three finalists will adequately perform the sion of the meeting in Carbondale.