BARON's (Hat the Course1 Will Carry No'credit Try Contest, Sponsored, by C^Our^, Aid Sqfuaij's Praised Educational Grant,,Or Stipend • Pf;Up Cine to Date

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BARON's (Hat the Course1 Will Carry No'credit Try Contest, Sponsored, by C^Our^, Aid Sqfuaij's Praised Educational Grant,,Or Stipend • Pf;Up Cine to Date • •;,— •£.•-. •••••' ,'.',' '• . .' /'. ;••/:/-••;?;$ THE CRANFORD, .CITJZEN AND. CHRONICLE. THURSDAY; JUNE 14,/l956' ' - \ , " ,-' ^p . :;'"''- / •"' '..' South Pole Expedition the U. S. Naval Academy with dis- tzinfe a tinction in 1954 and.spent a year Experiences Related on the naval transport ,beuel out 1 . >*c ^t^ William ,Muuse. of 44*7 Or- of Norfblk before .being assigned • /' • "•••-» -, Crane as 'Man o| Mbnth' chard street, a member of Ad-to New Lo'ndtfh'...'.-,.. •-'..'• BARONSDRUG JUST Mr. and Mrs. Glovier, Sr., will , •:/ ^ Month" in' the June issue- t)f Fuel. Oil mirals Byrd's >cc.erit ("Operation attend the graduation ' exercises • -.••! publication' of; the. New Jersey State Master Hjjaljnjj descVibed his experiences ~-in^ the* D CRANFORD KfeNILWORTH 'Cooling Association, .is-RobeVt M. Crane of 42b Riverside drive.'pres- Antarctic and showed colored slides ident of the Reel-Strong.Fuel Company. "Entered a* «econd clw mkll matter at- at -last Thursday's luncheon meet- Rearick Awarded The Pott OBIW »t Crmtuid; N.-JT- Mr. Crane, who also is president ing at the': Rotary Cllub in the 'and one. pf th"e~idunders of tljef Methodist .Church educational Army Commission, m; 'Union County Oil Heat .Association Honored by Dealers building. ' •••-...• — . Presbyterian Assistant as well as. national chairman of Introduced' by Dr. Kenneth C. Maine Degree SetCotitse Parochial Dedicated to Service l)f^CranT<m • the management education oom- Ma.cKay',' the speaker gave, many Charles.C. Rearick, son '61 "Mr. ..*-' .mittee of the Distribution interesting-.sidelights on '.the ex- and Mrs. E.-C. Rearick of 306 Diplomas Go pedition; He said; he expects to AMITY $2.98 PURE BADGER ZIPPO In .America,- js Verted by the t sqor fftr~GTeenland——: River^idc'-cirivc, was_graduated_ rine "for his leaden hip, earnest-- Vice-presid.ent. Arthur K. Bur- Sunday afternoon with, a bachelor -M To m Friday .ness, modesty and his many ac- t ditt presided in theabsenqe of of science electrical en- Diplornas^will be:«awarded to 68 Detailed- instructionE for Cranford's .second' clinic for- adminis- complishment;). "\ ;, 7' . • Presidertt Peter J. Clark, who was b^f^h"dtil WEI 1 tration of Salk .anti-polio vaccine to children up to the age of 15 His picture .also appears ori the gineering frorh the University o'f in Philadelphia attending the an- A. one-semester, elective course bf St. Michael's ' School 'in cere- y^ars and .pregnant women,' were isstmn today hv MWor. F-I^I H.-; . cover of (he current issue-of Fi'tl ,nunl convention'of Rotary Inter- Maine', Grono, Me. He also was- monies tomorrow evening. The J S1.59 j,i typewriting for personal use* AndeFsenT' pfesKrent'bf'the Bqard~of --Hea.lthr—In"jcctlons-iarc^.to_feg _ Oil .News, and iia . another photo- national.."- °*'' . •' .' ; •'••.' - . eomrnissioned a Second lieutenant S3J0 Rev. William By Donnelly; pastor r will'-bo initiated'at.Cranford High given Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m.. to 1. p.rn. at the ,, 'graph inside stowing him accepting. In ordnance.,. •-. ' School in the fall,' it was decided bf St. Michael's School, will make the presentation of the diplomas ._;—:—; ;.——:. ,~-i :- . vvlnnui'/U'cnut; 'tjcubu.. .• • The local" resident was a menir ;a{ ;V meeting of ,the Board of Edu- froni Willia'rd •Hago'rman, • vice- Completes ction Monday-night. .' •' before an ^address to the graduat- ' .Parents are 'requef.ted. to. tifl'.e ber-of the.indoor and outdoor'var- Ml SETS^ALtlEADIHG BRANDS ing, class bV the RcVvtyilliam Hal- 'their children to the school! accbrd- president of the Fuel Oil Distrib- sity trsfc'k teams yX Maine for-three On the motion of Mrs. Charles, utors'' Association' of' New ^Jersey, VARDLEY • SEAFORTH • 01D SPICE • SPORTSMAN # MAX' FACTOR •"•• LEN- v liwell, "a professor at Seton Hall • i'p'g-to'•« schedule'which-hiis been Nuclear Course : R('dii''n, . curriculum '. at thc.'association's '" 18th annual years, the university, band for 1 University,- South Orange.. : alphabeticti'l oj'de'r'for Lt.-(j.g.) Harold -A. Qi'oyier, Jr., four years, Phi Eta Kappa, social THERIC > • GOURELLI • COURTLEV » ANP MANY OTHERS '•:,.' from ,00 choirman, the board adopted" a - convention in Asbury, Park re- : 'Madeline SavocK&s will be ^ the three "days. Detailed listinK-of . USN, son of Mr, ,and, Mrsi' Glovi^r fraternity; Scabbard ..and Blade, resolution', establishing the course ' •cehtly,' ' ••' '• ', • $4.95' . $2.50 Value a.warded a four-year . scholarship i j "i ' Tj.. times is presonled in i\\\ advertise- of 11 (i Cpluhjbia avenue,' will be honorary military sbciety; an,d on -I'non-credit basis;.. It will be mmi In-its salute 1". the local/man, to Mount St.. 'Mary's! Academy,- graduated tomorrow morning from Served, as-social chairman for'the MEti'S $1.50 SPORT RECORD offered primarily for ninth-grade Afl OHLeO 'appearing- on'Page a of. See- • Fuel. Oil News remarks, that "Rob- the first basic nuclear po'wer. class" StEAFflf pupils ^ open. .to. any. •North-Plaihfield,-it has-been an- x*.%*VFj*i;v>v..'t Q - Throe of this/issue of Tho Maine. Christian Association. .. $15X)0 i R oft Crane in the 'post, few ye.irs a'nd first advanced-'nuclear'power .— plus .-r- ' ' ' student • wflo wishes to , take—it, nounced.- 'Other--aw.ards- include, Mr. Rearick will report for ac- "'••' '• ••" .- , ', • ' -."'•' •••-.- . •..'.. .-, .._i-h(i;n hv'Xi lioixilm ••The' Board of Education today,•c-tfeeiv-and_£hroniclc. has' emerged/as one of- the .most class of the'Naval Submarine Base jjijiird members' explained; gold medals for Christian Doctrine ; ive duty with the'arrny in. Jari- $1.00-GILLETTE RAZOR Mayor Frod P. Andersen is sho\vn/-ti;ddressiiiK;:;.the nssemblage~as-dodicarioh- ceremonies .. announced th.e-adopUon,of a' nevvj. Scco.nd injections will be giy'e'a- dynamic leaders of the oil heating SNORKEL : at New London, Conn; Thc local, The; course will not interfere to Michael. Hahn and Catherine u'ary. • •'.•'.'• ;.•• . '• PEN AND held SUnday afternoon at the Cranford First Aid S quad's new'headquarters buiiding on Centenriial plap of teacher recruitmQht by, to those -who r,eceivcdr tjietr first) dealers in the State rof Now Jer- •••'••• ROBERT ML ..CRANE officer-is graduating in-the upper \viih Die commercial typing course Washburn.'.., , v . , ' r Mr and" Mrs. Rearick • and ari^ . ROBERT W. K10RTH ; .'. avenue near North avenue, ea!?t The structure, .v.alucd at morp"than $35,000, was .constructed at-a. which it hopes'To better meet the-injections-at the public clinics.Hll) sey and for the nation as a whole." fiuarter of his class. : ..' •- : B0THS1.00 PENCIL SET now being offered.-TJhis. latter sub- Three -graduates, Richard other 'son,' Daniel, whotiixs--ctSrn- .95 cost of $20;000,. with, much ofthe work being dorie by squad members and"other-v.olu>vteei*-woi-kcrs.^ growing >eds for > uall,W* per- ^f^XAS& •'Froiii th inception of the Oil q c •Lt, Glovier, Jr., :has been, as- ject will continue for students in- B'autsch, Catherine ,Washb.urn''and j •builders whereby, wholesalers and pieted .his sophornortr^ear-«t the j -i'_HeaX_Qoimciljof_ >Jew Jersey;" the signed to the submarine Sterritt .tcrosle'd in' learning typing for Madeline SarpckasV.\will receive tpnnel. ••'..-,. , '.,. ..., , hass been received for first injcc .re.buriderii (if ,the oil[ hcuvting in-} Universjty^PMalric, have returned, article, continues, "Bob Crane asT ; atOEearL Hjirbor:- He! arid . Mrs. STORE HOURS business purposes trustees said.. Qrdinatioji books for their prize-winning poe- The plan, believed toj.tionsfur u""ndcr 15 years erTfR^dinB_co^irijnricncement ex- its vice-president under Willard •dustr.y could raise their stnndifrds Glovier,',Tr,, try submitted in the,Catholic poe-' be. the. first of its kind,'-offers an of afic who have rocqived no vac-' cm ,an -over-alP basis .to the best ,y ercises.' . .• " ''.• ~ : 8:3p A, AA, to. }0 P.M. Mrs. G.- Holmes lyilliams stated Survey Aim Hodden, worked xinwasingly 'in Coffee, daughter pf MrC and Mrs. BARON'S (hat the course1 will carry no'credit try contest, sponsored, by C^our^, Aid SqfuaiJ's Praised educational grant,,or stipend • pf;up cine to date. Parents or .legal" interests- (if the dealers who dcV Rites Sunday every possible capacity. Learning J. Walter Coffee of 118.Oak lane, In 1927 U.S.' Marine;.C'orps-pilots We Issue Green,. Trading Stamps so students not not worry about Tririity, Catholic Daughters- of to $200 ns much as a yoiir Ruarciijlns ot lliose chiUlrBn .must <o work with 'others conies, easily •peiH'l oil thejr rebuilding and ; j 34 EASTMAN^T. Tel. CR 6-6100 CRANFORD, N.J. Robert' WilliaiTi Kurth'. will' be operating against bandits- in Nic how tho extra subject will affect" America. •'• '.....'^ ; ._.T, o Beautify yanco of encpura{>o"|fm out rcql,esl foims al thc cU-Hicj,. to-Dob and his skill as' an anibass- "wholesale-practices. ... will spend the week-end here en- aragua,.carried out the first ro-i. tlso in WestReld) tlicir scholastic, average on enter- ordained-Sunday at 8 p.m.; in the 'Jarnc.„„.„_s Brid^^e wil™.....l receivv^vet a„ .„cash„ MNew ""-' persons- to en tor tho Tiuios. have been listed., for par- • ndor, in . organizational.'work route to San Francisco where they We Reserve the Right; teaching profession and befiin their. '"Prior to becoming associated will-embark foi; Pearl 'Harbor later corded air attack directed by ing college.- • •' ';,":' '. •' First Presbyterian Chiir.chjDyJhe. _aw.ard_ofj;5:fpr his -contribution in Center Several hundred persorjs attended the. dedication and cornerstone-, entsr-who must accompany children. proved of tremendous asset. to .with, the-Heel-Strong Fuel Com- FREE DELIVERY ^ FftEE DELIVERY To Limit Quantities Presbytery of Elizabeth.
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