Extensions of Remarks 2567 Extensions of Remarks
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March 4, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 2567 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO NELLIE LONGSWORTH creating and supporting community health pro lates an emphasis on involvement in the com grams, bestowing grants and donations, and munity. Through its activities, the Temple has HON. CONSTANCE A. MOREllA providing scholarships, education and training endeavored to promote and enhance human OF MARYLAND for medical students and health professionals. relations in the Orangeburg area. Members IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I can attest personally to the group's lasting are particularly attentive to the needs of the community involvement. For example, in my young and elderly. The Temple promotes edu Wednesday, March 4, 1998 district, the staff of The Permanente Medical cation through scholarships and tutorial pro Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Group volunteers clinical time on Saturday grams, and it also assists the elderly and pay tribute to Nellie Longsworth of Bethesda, mornings to remove gang-related tattoos from needy through the donation of time, food, Maryland, one of the nation's leading advo at risk youth who want to make positive clothing and other means. cates for historic preservation. Nellie will retire changes in their lives. Please join me in recognizing Jeddah Tem this week after serving as president of Preser The Permanente Medical Group is now the ple No. 160 of Orangeburg County as it cele vation Action, for twenty-two years. During that nation's largest medical group, comprised of brates the fiftieth anniversary of its creation. time, Nellie has been tireless in her efforts to more than 3, 700 physicians, as well as save America's architectural and cultural nurses, employees and other caregivers. In treasures, its historic sites and districts, and its Northern California alone, they provide health TRIBUTE TO MARC ZALKIN OF neighborhoods and communities. care services to more than 2.5 million people. CIDCAGO, IL For more than two decades, with enthu The men and women affiliated with the med siasms, perseverance, and wisdom, Nellie has ical group have consistently demonstrated helped thousands of Americans become their excellence, creativity and care as they HON. DANNY K. DAVIS aware and involved in public policy debates have provided quality health care to all the OF ILLINOIS about our nation's cultural resources on the people of our communities. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES local, state, and federal levels. For Members Through its 50 year affiliation with the Kai Wednesday, March 4, 1998 of Congress and their staffs, Nellie has been ser Permanente Medical Care Program, The the principal contact for historic preservation Permanente Medical Group has demonstrated Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I rise issues and a resource for us all. that affordable and high quality medical care today to pay tribute to Marc Zalkin an indi Largely because of Nellie's leadership and can be provided through a relationship, both vidual who has been a serious advocate for hard work, thousands of communities across integrated and autonomous, between a non the disabled and the poor. Marc departed this the country use historic preservation to profit health care plan and an independent, life Monday, February 23, 1998 at the age of strengthen and preserve their character. Cit self-governing medical group. This is a model 49. He leaves behind a committed life of serv ice to humanity and mankind. His legacy of ies, towns, and rural communities use historic relationship in which medical decision-making advocating peace in the midst of the Vietnam properties to build pride and to foster eco and standard-setting are safeguarded and War, and compassion for those who were nomic development. Last year alone, 902 conducted by medical professionals. Mr. owners of historic commercial properties took Speaker, I ask you to join me in celebrating disenfranchised will forever be remembered. Martin Luther King once said that if a man advantage of the federal historic rehabilitation the half century of remarkable care that Cali tax credit, spending $1.73 billion and creating fornians have received and wishing The has not discovered something that he will die 42,000 jobs. Permanenete Medical Group another fifty for, he is not fit to live in this society. I assure Mr. Speaker, as Nellie Longsworth leaves years of excellence in the community. you that Marc had many things for which he Preservation Action, please join me in cele was willing to lay his life down for. Although brating her leadership in preserving America's he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in built environment and its cultural and natural TRIBUTE TO JEDDAH TEMPLE 1981 his drive, commitment, passion and zeal resources for generations to come and in NO. 160 to champion social causes to uplift humanity thanking her for her commitment to the rich never waned. He was a founder and the first ness and diversity of our American heritage! HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN executive director of the 46th Ward Commu nity Service Center, which opened in the mid- OF SOUTH CAROLINA 1970s to provide educational, legal, health and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONGRATULATIONS ON 50 YEARS housing services to Uptown neighborhood OF HEALTH CARE SERVICE Wednesday, March 4, 1998 residents. Whether focusing his attention Up Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to town or downtown Marc was a committed ad HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK pay tribute to Jeddah Temple No. 160 of vocate for people with disabilities. He founded OF CALIFORNIA Orangeburg County, South Carolina. Friday No Limits Inc., which he later called Abilities Inc., a company that created products for peo IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES evening, March 6th, I will join its members in celebration of its fiftieth anniversary. ple with disabilities, including a Braille cook Wednesday, March 4, 1998 Jeddah Temple is affiliated with the Prince book. Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, 50 years ago, Dr. Hall Free and Accepted Masons, which is the Marc was truly an idealist, whose tireless Sidney Garfield with six other physicians oldest existing African-American group in the work and commitment helped elect Chicago's forged a pioneering, self-employed medical United States. Jeddah Temple has produced first African American Mayor the late Harold partnership to provide prepaid health care men of distinction throughout the nation, in the Washington. The 46th Ward Community Cen services and preventive health care services fields of education, law, engineering and fi ter he conceived evolved into the Uptown to the residents of northern California. The nance. Since its inception in 1947, the Temple People's Law Office and Community Learning group ministered to its members' health care has grown in annual membership from 29 to Center. Marc was able to help a number of needs, both on and off the job. 159 Nobles in 1982. The group has 95 mem families who suffered from Black lung disease Since those doctors began their work, the bers in this, its fiftieth year. receive benefits and pursue legal claims. This physicians, nurses and employees affiliated The Orangeburg Chapter of Jeddah Temple world is a better place because of the service with The Permanente Medical Group have im has offered tireless assistance to the Orange Marc rendered. To your family we say thank proved community health by providing medial burg community over the fifty years since its you for allowing Marc to touch our lives in a care, conducting clinical and medical research, establishment. Its mission statement articu- very special way. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 2568 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 4, 1998 NEW BALANCED BUDGET FIGURES My bill would expand opportunities for stu grade 12 attend public school. If we can find dents in kindergarten through twelfth grade the resources to provide additional tax incen HON. RON PACKARD and beyond. This goal is crucial to the coun tives, those incentives should be focused on OF CALIFORNIA try's social and economic well being . It's a well improving the public school system that serves IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES known fact, that without the proper educational such a large segment of our student popu Wednesday, March 4, 1998 tools, young people lose hope for the future. lation. I have and will continue to oppose leg We have only to look at the high levels of islation such as the so-called "Coverdell" leg Mr. PACKARD. Mr. Speaker, yesterday the crime, drug use, juvenile delinquency, teen islation, that diverts scarce resources away Congressional Budget Office announced that pregnancy, and unemployment to know the from our public school system. for the first time in almost four decades, the value of a good education. Without basic aca Although the bill that we are introducing federal budget is finally balanced. I applaud demic opportunities, the future is bleak. My bill today contains only tax provisions, I recognize my Republican colleagues in Congress as well identifies communities that shoulder a dis that tax provisions alone cannot provide suffi as the Appropriations Committee on which I proportionate share of these social problems cient additional resources needed to assist serve for the efforts they put forth to achieve and offers a solution- a future of hope. students in obtaining a quality education. this success. The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 provided Therefore, I also support the other education The American people gave Republicans a additional financial resources to assist families improvements included in the President's congressional majority because we promised in meeting the cost of higher education. I be budget.