

Belnf a Collection of Various Kent Co. Roads Topics of Looal and FORTY -SEVENTH YEAR LOWELL, . Aujfust 24, 1939 No. 15 Qonsral Interest (By K. K. VIning) Some nine or ten years ago Milo CHEERING CROWDS Letter Written by Rix Robinson Mrs, Byron Frost, 51 Schuitema, a Grand Rapids bus- rpo MOST of us the sound of iness man, was instrumental in 1 Big Crowd Attends LoweD Schools cheering crowds emlnatlng al- Laid to Rest Monday raising money in the city to buy 98 Years Ago, Comes to Light seedling pine trees for distribution most every night froof Recreation Funeral services were held Mon- Park during the present aumtner A time-worn letter written bjr "I have not time or room to de- to boys and girls In Kent County. day afternoon for Mrs. Byron The other day we noticed a has been cheerful and inspiring. Kent 4-H Fair | pioneer Rix Robinson, feunder of scribe the machines. They are. Frost, 51, who passed away last Start Fall Term It means that a lot of folks are a trading post near Ada, came Into however, operated by 12 horses and week Friday evening at her home promising piece of young pine near forgetting their troubles if they the possession of the Perry sisters do all the work at once, to wit: the road. Inquiry showed that the on West Main-st. Services were trees were some that Mllo Schuitema have any,, and are full of enthusi- recently through their cousin, cut the grain, thresh and clean It held at the residence with the Rev. asm, as they urge on their athletic On Opening Day Silas Onlooker's philosophy; In Lawrence Robinson of Los Angele*, at the same time. Walter T. Ratciiffe officiating. September 5 had raised money for. On the favorites. the old days we didn't have to lo- Calif., who paid them a visit this "Now. Dennis, sell youitfarra as Burial was In Oakwood cemetery. Greenville road, in Courtland town- In some countries the aound of cate a finance company before summer and requested that they soon as possible, no matter if you Mrs. Frost, who was a well- ship, is a pine planting on the D. D. the crowd would be likely to mean More Exhibits of biding a horse and buggy. place the letter in the Lansing make a sacrifice of $2,000 in actual known and beloved resident of the Improvements in Davis farm. A part of these trees that discontented people w*re ris- Museum along with other Rix Rob- value If you get prompt payment, community, had been In pwr came from the same source. Other ing in riots and demonstrations Better Quality Let Florldlans rave over their inson papers. The letter was wrlt^ and come out immediately to me health for several years, the ifftt H. S. Building farms have promising pine wood- against the government. There the Hayden Mangoes but for us we'll ten by Mr. Robinson to his brother, and if I do not satisfy you, then illness of about two months being lots growing. Two plantings we l have watched with Interest, WII- noise of the crowd Is a sign of dis- Activity Is running high at Recre- take luscious Michigan peaches Dennis Robinson, Esq., Venice, you will say you were deceived by the most severe. Before her health Lowell schools will content and unhapplness. any day In the week. Home-grown Cayuga County, New York, on a brother in whom you confided. failed, she was an active member open Tues- Ham and James Read, In Vergen- ation Park this week as the fifth day, Sept. 5, with several changes nes township: Gerald and Charles In America the noise of the crowd annual Kent County 4-H Club Fair varieties, tree-ripenad, are now be- September 5, 1841, begging him to Rent a comfortable place for your of the Cyclamen Chapter, O. E. S.. in the corps of teachers and with means Just the opposite thing, that ing marketed. sell out and come to Ada with the family and leave them there for played the organ at the Methodist KItson, In Cannon township. Many holds the Interest of scores of boys, very few changes In the course of of these trees are now 10 feet or people have found happiness in girls and grown-ups as well. Ex- rest of his brothers. The following the present." (Note by Editor; The church many years, served as Study. The resignations of Bruce sport. It is a sign that on the Jokes, Jests, Jabs and jibes just extracts from the letter should brother did not respond to the ap- township treasurer, was a member more tall and putting on healthy hibits wsre placed on Tuesday to Walter, Mrs. Jane Barber and growth each year. whole Amsricaa life, with all its be ready for Judging on Wednes- by Jeff; The vacation some Lowell prove interesting to the people of peal but a number of other broth- of the Garden Lore Club, and the June VanPeursem necessitated the troubles, is yet iBsentlally happy, men had was In doing the things this vicinity. ers and sisters did move to this Methodist Ladies Aid. Those who know tell us It will day, the opening day. Prom all ap- hiring of teachers to fill their take 35 to 50 years for a pine and that in our freedom and wide pearances and opinions, this year's their wives had thought out for Written Nearly Century Ago locality). The letter continues: Maude Andrews was born Feb- places. Orval Jessup will fill Mr. opportunities, people find pleasant them to do during the winter. . . . "Edward has been sick all the ruary 28. 1888, on a farm In Bowne- planting in Michigan to make fair Is bigger and better than ever "I have recently been to Kalama- Walter's position in the music de- lumber. Incidentally, Kent Agri- things to console them for what- before, the exhibits being larger In One of the most appropriate year with chill fever, which Is tp., the daughter of W. R. and partment, Miss Margaret Allen of ever difficulties they encounter. showers for a bride Is the "canned zoo to hold a consultation with Mr. something prevalent here. His son, Mary E. Andrews. She attended cultural Extension Service stands number and better In quality. The Moore and Hon. Lucius Lyon con- Flndlay, , will take the place ready to distribute trees that any fine spirit in which the fair is con- goods" surprise. What Is a bride Nelson also sick. Both are now on country school for her early educa- of Mrs. Barber In the seventh HOME TOWN FAdUTIBS without a can-opener? ... What cerning the Harvesting Machine the gain. My health has been very tion. The family later moved to individual, or group, would care to ducted by the boys and girls and Invented by Mr. Moore. It StoJ grade home room as social buy for this purpose. rPHE* majority of people do not their leaders, makes everyone feel puzzles many a youngster here is good all summer and still continues Lowell, where she attended high science teacher in the grades; Miss how their parents have lived this been completely tested last hk/l so. The other brothers are all well school, graduating In the Claas of fully realise all that their that Kent County's farming future vest and several hundred aorM Margaret Colllnge will take over Drilling oil wells on farms pre- Is safe In their hands. Much of the long without knowing any more and their families. 1906. the duties of Miss VanPeursem. home town can do /or them. They harvested with the two machlM She was united In marriage with sents some problems that are not do not realise the full merit and success of the event should be than they do. "Crops, except wheat, are gener- One new teacher has been added already constructed. It Is asder- ally very light In this country Earl MacNaughton on June 19, always agricultural. Albert Pales, extent of the services that the bus- credited to County Agricultural talned that the machines will yield to the staff. Miss Phyllis Huston, who is farm foreman on the Rex iness of their community provides Agent K. K. VIning and County "An advertiser has to pay the De- owing to the drought Wheat is 1912. To this union were born two who will teach tenth and eleventh troit News 11205 a page In order to from 50 to 100 percent profit on about average and the berries very sons, Donald E. and Richard M. Johnson farm in Walker township, for them. They frequently go else- Home Extension Agent, Miss Elea- their cost annually. We are thsre- grade English. finds plenty to do In trying to where to buy costly articles, when nor Densmore, who have worked tell the 329,944 subscribers that he fine. I have on the farm about 80 Mr. MaoNaughton passed away In Is In business," points out the Ing- fore preparing and Intend to acres of corn and 20 acres oats, 1915. During his lifetime he built Improvements Made raise feed for the farm herd of the same thing can be found In the many weeks In an attempt to stage Holstelns and to'keep out of the ham County News at Mason . In an struct as many more machines very fine, good for any season. the house on W. Main-st. where Many Improvements have been home stores, and usually at a low- a fair of fairs and their efforts possible the ensuing winter Mrs. Frost passed away. way of the drillers. The Johnson er price. editorial entitled "What Price Ad- Barley, potatoes and other crops made In the high school building. have not been unwarranted. summer so as to have them In 1922, the deceased was mar- farm has, or will soon have, twelve Thus the time and expense In- vertising?" The editor concludes: "3 light, as good as any In the coun- A partition between two classrooms Greater Niypber of Exhibits "Yes, sir. It costs money to adver- next harvest. try however." ried to Byron Frost. They were producing wells. The work of volved In making purchases else- at the rear of the high school ses- drilling these wells with all the The exhibit building Is overflow- tise, yet big business has found "We are not visionary men nor Lawrence Robinson Is a grand- blessed with one son, Lloyd Arden. sion has been moved and a fine where Is often lost. If there Is any are we mistaken In our calculatioaa Mrs. Frost Is survived by the equipment, plus trying to raise difficulty about the goods, and ing with flowers, baked goods, that advertising pays. So has little nephew of Rix Robinson and as new library room will be equip- business. So have farmers. It costs as to the profits. A machine his home Is In California, believed husband, three sons, Donald and corn, alfalfa and grain crops makes they do not prove as represented, clothing, handicraft, canned foods, ped for reference work In all for a strenuous job. Oil men are handiwork, etc. There Is a total money to tell people where you structed under the present sltuir the letter would be of more value Richard MacNaughton and Lloyd i classes. Mrs. Warner Roth will be it is more trouble to get the ml^ tion, for want of a machine shop, Interested In oil. not alfalfa or corn, of 900 exhibits In all phases of are, what you have for sale, and to the residents of this vicinity and FYost; a brother, L R Andrews of ln cha of thlt room and will take rectified. The home stores Mr Trtonnn • am aunt VCr« VJn »•*»***• . . so Fales. whose Job It Is to see that home economics, in the Open and what the price is, but It costs more will not cost over |600, Moore says the state of Michigan, they know- St Joseph; an aunt, Mrs. Harvey are equipped to do far more for the *500. collect materials which will be of these crops are produced for the 4-H classes. The open class flower money In the long run not to tell ing more of Its history. Hall of Grand Rapids; a niece. benefit to the boys and girls. An public than many people realize. them." Mrs. T. A Coklnos of Chicago; and Johnson herd, has had a few more exhibit, which contained 160 en- office has been arranged for Prin- problems than usual. tries, attracted much attention. many cousins and other relatives cipal Lee R. Miller where he may FTOEUTT IN LABOR and friends. Added to ths drilling job Is the This department Is growing each After extensive research the consult with students. A doorway laying of pipes from the wells to "DEOPLE'S future Is largely shap- year. It was Judged and organ- National Dunking Association has Two Men Killed has been made between the session ed by the kind of spirit tney Out for Football? the storage tanks. These pipes ized by Mrs. Ora Chadwlck of discovered that there are 981 dif- room and commercial department must be placed below plow depth show in youth. They begin making Grand Rapids, Mrs. F. E. White ferent s»yles In ("unking. The style I NearSaranac Cut-off which will relieve congestion at that fnture when they study in or there will be more trouble. and Mrs. P. J. Finels of Lowell. which carries the official stamp of, Two men were fatally Injured Open Examination the head of the stairs. Mr. Johnson has a fine producing school. If they are determined to Open class exhibits were Judged approval of the , Dunking associ- Coach Issues Call arid another seriously hurt Wednes- Many changes have been made master every lesson and will let herd of Holstelns with excellent by Miss Leora Smith of Caledonia ation is described thus: "After you Lowell high school football pl®|J day night In an accident involving In the shop department which Cow Testing Association records nothing stand In the way of doing and Mrs. K. K. VIning of Grand break the doughnut in half, pick IK1 (III mil make the lower hall much wider so, they create a reputation for tlce will get under way next WI6k two cars and a truck on US-16, one- For P. 0. C and the ownership of one of the Rapids. The Misses Olga Bird and up a half between the thumb and half' mile east of the Saranac road than heretofore and which have themselves as good students, and Friday, September 1, according to Announcement has been made of few proven sires in the county. A Lois Corbett from the State Club forefinger, pointing the other fing- intersection. made a new stairway possible to larg; flock of White Leghorn hens get high recommendations when ers daintily upward. Swish the an announcement made by Coadi open competitive ex««mination for Department at East Lansing, Carrol (Chris) Burch. The two men killed were Carl A. the old gymnasium. George Pap- have also been maintained on this they leave school. judged the 4^H entries In the home doughnut rhythmically In the bev- the position of charman for custo- pin, shop instructor, has also .Tiade It is the same when they take A state ruling requires that no Rehm. 44. of South Bend, Ind., and farm. economics division. erage, keeping It Immersed for two his companion, James C. Gamble, dial service in the Lowell post some changes to the balcony In jobs. Some people think it makes formal practice shall be held before office department applications to In the 4-H Boys' handicraft and a half seconds. Remove the 28, of Indianapolis. The driver of this room which is a decided im- Driving by the Carl James farm no great difference whether they doughnut and hold it above the the first day of September or the be filed by August 30, 1939, with division there are more exhibits first day of school. the westbound car who was seri- provement. in Vergennes township the other do perfect work In* each little de- than ever before. The vegetable cup, permitting ail the excess drops the Manager. Seventh U. S. Civil All boys In high school wishing ously injured, was Al. Nlemic, 38, New lighting equipment has been day we noticed the basement win- tail. But If they leave things at and crops exhibits are not as to drip back Into the cup." The Service District, Post Office Bldg.. added to the high school session loose ehda, there are complaints to go out for football should report of Chicago, who was enroute to dows in the barn were boarded up. large as usual but of higher qual- Ledger publishes the above In or- Grand Rapids when a car passed Chicago, 111. Application blanks and many classrooms. This will and dissatisfaction, and some peo- at the high school gymnasium on may be obtained at the local post We had our suspicions as to the ity. Mr. P. C. Lundln of Michigan der that local restaurant patrons him, skidded and rammed Into the make studying much more con- reason and found out that Mr. ple lose their Jobs. If they perform may know how to keep up with the Thursday. August 31 or Friday. office. State College, East Lamiing, com- September 1. truck which was eastbound. Mr. venient for boys and girls on the James had converted his one time each task perfectly and In a fin mented very favorably on the qual- styles. This examination Is announced 'dark fall days. New shades have ished way, their reputation grows Suits will be Issued on Thu Nlemi-'s auto then hit the car and cow stable into an air cooled apple ity of the handicraft entries. r the double impact caused the for filling a vacancy In the position been added throughout the build- every year. These are the people from 1:00 p. m. to 4:00 p. m. named above. Vacancies In the storage. Apples and cows had al- Guess we'll have to call him "the r4 semi-trailer outfit t0 ov rturn ing and several rooms have been attention on this farm who get promotions, and stand the Stock Banm Filled on Friday from 1:00 p. m. to 8:00 ,n , * ' same or related positions In the waya had carpet sweeper thief. One night ,or near,y two redecorated. best chance of jobs when out of The two 4-H stock bams, the p. m. The first formal practice same locality, requiring similar but with the orchard growing In during the Showboat a thief enter- be held Friday at 3:00 o'clock. Contemplate Bus Purchase size necessitated more storage work. Lowell horse barn and two tents ed the C. H. Ruaciman residence qualifications and at approximate- bouse 110 head of eattle. 80 hogs, Only high school boys should The truck was driven by Harvey 11 room so the cows went. Insulating and attempted to get away with a Wklns, 34, of Grand Rapids. ly the same rate of pay v' he The Board of Education Is con- TRAFFIC INSTRUCTION 85 sheep, 6 colts and 29 pens of port rtext week. Any boy who filled as a result of this examina- material plus air outlets converted couple of vacuum sweepers but was sidering the purchase of a new bus a cow bam Into a satisfactory TT IS ESTIMATED that 8.000 poultry. It is the largest exhibit of not report next Thursday or tion. If found in the Interest of to accomodate the many demands apparently frightened away by day but who expects to come fruit storage. high schools in S3 states are hogs ever displayed at the fair. neighbors going to their garage. It the service, however, any position made on the district by non-resi- for football should get In toi Frcth Michigao Prodocts teaching traffic safety to students. Nevels Pearson, assistant state will be remembered that the same may be filled by reinstatement or dent pupils. The citizens of Loweli club leader from Michigan State with Mr. Burch a suit may transfer. The farmer takes plenty of Such Instruction may be a leading kind of thief was frustrated at the reatjio Florida should understand that the cost chances with rain, frost soil, bugs, reason why the number of automo- College, who judged the livestock laid aside for him. However, If pos- This examination requires no for the bus Is ultimately paid by entries, stated the Guernsey class Lawrence Rutherford reaidence a sible, all should plan to get your plant diseases and others too bile accidents has decreased. When few weeks ago. On Sunday night Swift WInegar, who owns a fine written test. Applicants will those who are being transported. of eight cows Is the best cla^s he suit next week so that as IHtle fkrm near Alto, redently sent a rated on their phyelcal ability and The law specifically provides that numerous to mention but there the great majority of automobile the M. E. Simpson residence was are some., troubles he can guard driven have had such InatrucUoo, has judged this year. time as possible will be lost In get- shipment of home-grown fruits must be between the ages of 18 a sufficient charge must be made entered through a rear window ting under way this year. Each boy against such as good seed, buying the traffic death rate should be Evening Entertainment during the family's absence, a and vegetables, several chickens and 50. The usual citizenship re- not only to defray operation costs should also plan to get football quirements will apply. well grown plants and proper cul- greatly reduced. quantity of silverware taken and and some steaks from beef raised but for the depreciation of the The Wednesday evening program shoes and other necessary equip- on his farm, to W. Edward Wine- tural practices. When sucll Instruction includes was featured by the Initiation of the house generally ransacked. busses and this is done. On the ment now and be ready to go the gar In Coral Gables. Fla. This ship- other hand, a charge of $26.00 per This was forcefully brought to actual training by competent In- five boys and five girls Into the About two weeks ago the Culver the County Agent's attention In structors in running a car, with the first day of practice. ment of fresh Michigan products Alto Merchaots Defeat pupil Is very reasonable to those Kent County 4-H Service Club In summer home in Segwun was brok- The townspeople are looking for- July when he. In company with Dr. Instructor sitting beside the driver, ken Into while the owners were was made possible by the newly who are being transported. recognition of their club activities ward to a good season of their fa- developed food freezing process and Belmont Team, 17-1 As usual there will be hot Paul Harmer, of the Soils Depart- and telling him every time he does as fair department heads, projects, away, the thieves taking fishing ment at Michigan State College, something risky, the accident rate vorite sport, football and hope the refrigerated shipping system. lunches served during the cold leadership, etc. The boys were Ed- tackle, a revolver, a shaving outfit Lowell te^T. will smash Its way to Alto batters showed no mercy on 01 R day 0 mll k fa^m, In should come down by a big per- and several other articles. The following excerpts from a months and every effort will be ff® . T? "* f ward May, Cascade; Walter Allen, victory with the usual fine, clean, letter written from Coral Gables three Belmont pitchers, winning made to satisfy the wishes of the Byron township. One farmer had centage. The American people an Walker: Robert Sowerby, Oakfield; the game at Fallasburg Park last asked for help In a celery field. The capable of learning to drive better, hard-working spirit after receipt of the shipment, are boys and girls who require this Russell Powell, Aigoma; Harold Twenty-five years ago the United proof that It was appreciated. Sunday by a score of 17-1. service. Mrs. A. H. Stormzand will year before this field had a fine but they need to have their oper- Williams, Oakfield. The girls were States agriculture department or- Johnny Brlggs and Uoyd Dygert crop. Something w^s wrong and ating faults pointed out "The container reached us on again be in charge of this depart- Crystal Homrich. Byron Center; ganized the 4-H clubs, made up of Friday night, July 28. at 8:30 formed the Alto battery. Besides ment one look would tell any one that Claire Jensen. Walker; Ruth Huy- rural youths, each of whom under- o'clock. I checked on the express pitching a four hit game, Briggs There have been some changes something unusual had happened. CHANGING THANKSGIVING Dead line Near Dr- 1 ser, Walker; Dorothy Dunavcn, takes some Important piece of bill and noted that It left Lowell on hit a home run with two on base In text books and parents and H*™ " tested the soil, not In PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT an- Coiirtiand; Eleanor Stevens, Oak- work that will demonstrate better July 26 and reached Miami at 7:30 to put the game on ice. students arc urged not to buy any one place but several, and found nounces that he will appoint field. The ceremony was In chsrge methods In agriculture and home- In the evening on July 28. That Is Bob Slater made the most spec- new or used copies of any texts no plant deficiencies. Then a sick of Charles KItson, president of the the Thanksgiving holiday this year making. The clubs are now a On Half-Year Plates just two days for the delivery, tacular play of the year. With run- until after they have received In- looking plant was pulled up and Service Club; Zetba Patterson, SAC- nation-wide group numbering 1,250,- ners on first and second base the the answer was found. The roots a week earlier fhan usual, so it Use of the blue and white color- wnlch is as fast as a. person can struction on the opening day of will come Nov. 28 Instead of Nov. retary. and Professor C. C. Nlcle of 000. Thus this great army marches make the trip by train. batter hit a line drive over first. school. were full of nematodes. What are Michigan State College. ed half-year auto license plates Bob stabbed the ball, touched first they? They are a microscopic 30. Retail stores are asking for cheering along the rural roads, will be Illegal riter midnight "Now, you will be happy to learn The next Issue of the Ledger will this change so as to provide A band concert by the Lowell full of enthusiasm for country life, and threw to second in time to contain a complete course of study worm living In the roots of plants. band, directed by Bruce Walter, August 31, 1939. All motor vehicles that the contents were in excellent complete a triple play. longer Christmas shopping season. trying to bring success, comfort, operating In the State after that condition and were still coM upon with an explanation of require- Asked where he obtained his plants Probably inconvenience will be and a short musical program pre- and happiness Into country homes. Next Saturday Alto boys will ments for entrance into college. he told us he raised some and date must be equipped with buff arrival. We unpacked them Imme- play Howard City at Reeds Lake, caused to some by the proposed ceded the Initiation ceremonies. The results are seen In fat farm diately and put them In our re- The school office will be open on bought some at several places. and black colored full year plates Grand Rapids. Perry Preston will change of date. Ancient historic Baseball Tournament animals, fields growing abundant which will be legal to use until frigerator. The chickens we cook- Friday and Saturday, Sept. 1 and Some he bought small were reset customs should not be changed un- harvests, and homes of refinement pitch. On Sunday Alto will play at 2, for consultation with parents in his seed beds. These plants Ten 4-H Clubs are participating February 28, 1940. ed and took them with us on a trip Fallasburg Park. less there is a real reason for it, but efficiency, and culture. The fifth The Lowell branch office is lo- down to Key West. They were de- and students. Children who will brought him a mess of nematodes In a baseball tournament, games annual Kent County 4-H Fair now and which spread to the other people will have to get used to being played each afternoon. cated at the Fahrni Cream Station licious, so much better than Flor- enter high school for the first time changes when real benefit Is ao- In progress at Recreation Park Is It Is most important in this this fall should make an effort to plants. The nematodes cause Hem pulling conteatoare eched- , i demonstration of on East Main-st, first store west ida chickens. compllshed by them. ip endId "We have not eaten the steaks world to be pushing, but It Is fatal visit the school on one of these swellings on the roots, shut off cir- ulsd for Thursday and Friday with achievements being accomplished of the State Savings Bank. Mrs. Retail merchants will probably John Fahrni Is in charge. yet but will broil them soon ss to seem so.—Jowett days. culation. resulting In a stunted cash prizes awarded. Light weight by these progressive young people. plant. What can be done? The field support this change, and feel that contest on Thursday morning and they certainly look good. Will have It will help business. Their opinion fresh strawberry shortcake with can be fall plowed and care taken Is entitled to a great deal of heavy weight contest Friday morn- In the growing of plants on soli ing. Two of the oddest looking men 55th Annual Picnic them. The peas, rhubarb, cherries weight, as whatever helps their we ever sat eyes upon dropped into anu raspberries all came through free from nematodes. Control in trade puts peopk- to work. The A parade of bicycles, pets, best the oren field Is much easier than costume# and any other uuch ex- the Ledger office a few day* ago. Caledonia, August 31 In fine -ondltlon and we are look- main thing about Thanksgiving is They Were Nels Holmes of Chicago ing forward- to a real treat The In the greenhouse. not the date, but the question hibit is scheduled for Friday night after dinner with cash prizes for and Irwin N. Vallean of Paw rtiw, N. C. Thomas, President of the asparagus was fresh looking and TROTH about ADVERTISING whether people give any thanks, winhers. who are visiting all the state capl- Thornapple Pioneer Association, Just like It came from your place. and whether this holiday brings tols in the United States, Holmes announces that the 55th annual You know how we will enjoy It" By CHARLES B. ROTH Watch Out For together families in joyful reunion Each day there will be games, races and contests for everyone. on a scooter bike and Vallean on picnic will be held all day Thurs- to renew ties of love and friend- a bicycle. Holmes' black, ringtail day, Aug. 81, at Lakeside Park, Bogus Investigators ship. The West Michigan Jersey Par- OH. FOR THE GOOD OLD DAYS ish Show will feature today's monkey, "Mary," rides on his Caledonia. Merchants throughout the state shoulder wherever he goes. Vallean There will be ail kinds of sports Two No-Hk Gaines Anyone who understands simple WHEN NEWS WENT SLOW (Thursday) activities. Thursday RANDPA BUTLER WAS 84 were warned against bogus sales evening iWll feature a livestock has a beard and his hair hangs to and games with prizes for all win- G when he died, but he held out economics will tell you why. Two tax investigators recently by Walter A WINNEPEG man has a copy of parade and program. his shoulders. The two men pick ners. to the very last for what he affec- words will do it The words are F. Reddy. managing director of the the London Times of Nov. 6, The Fair will eontlnue through fruit, sell souvenir pest cards, and tionately called "the good old days." mass production. State Board of Tax Administra- poem booklets, writ^ for magazines Winners for Locals 1798, which prints a story based on Friday. It is free to everyone and He liked to tell about them. Life Mass production is impossible tion. and pose for artists to make a liv- tne statement of George Washing- the public Is cordially invited. Dr. Htrry Henry to Two no-hit games were pitched was simpler then, said he. We didn't without mass distribution, which is Reddy said that he has received ton that he would not be a candi- Inging. Each has travelled around n ^ I u n j at Recreation Park last Friday 25,000 miles by freight train, house "Cre 000017 hurry so fast We just another way of saying that wnen numerous complaints that persons date for a third term as president ALL HAD SWELL TIME night when Betty Harter of the a larger number of things are made falsely representing themselves as trailer, hitch-hiking and bicycles. Staal girls team fanned 16 of the had more time to of the United States. The news AT COMMUNITY PICNIC .Dr. Harry Henry, pastor of the read and to enjoy a large number of people must be tax administration field men are story was based on a letter sent They are vegetarians and fruita- Semper Fidells Club glrle of Grand Central Methodist Church of Win- our friends. And the made to buy them. annoying business men and obtain- from New York on the September The annual Board of Trade com- rians and advocate out-door life, Rapids to defeat them 14 to 2. The ona. Minn., will preach In the local cost of living—say, There wasn't any mass distribu- ing Information to which they have 27 previous. So It took 40 days for munity picnic held at Fallasburg sun bathing, simple diet for health two runs were the result of two no right. Park this week Tuesday was well and contentment When passing church next Sunday. Aug. 27. Dr. you could live for a tion until advertising was developed, that Important uews to travel Henry served a brief term here as walks and an error. Stella Rltzema "Ail bona fide representatives of across the ocean and get into attended by about 1200 people. through Lowell, Che pair were on hit two home runs for Staal's girls. third of what it costs and there wasn't any of the things in pastor last fall. He previously has our lives r we call modern until ad- the administration have been print. Everyone attending expressed their way to the Ionia Free Fair In the second game of the eve- • fellow these days. equipped with full credentials." themselves as having a "swell and Lansing. They came from been President of Iowa Wesleyan Where Grandpa vertising put them there. Quite some contrast from now, University, and served churches In ning, Carrol Potter, Lowell Moose Reddy said. "Our men have been when London news flashes across time." Traverse City where they had been pitcher, allowed no hits and no Butler's logic fell In many foreign countries even picking cherries. Grand Rapids, Hillsdsde, and Iowa ordered to show their authority be- the ocean with lightning speed, and The crowd consumed upwards of runs, walking only two batters to down was in confus- today you have to spend weeks fore they request any records. If a 2800 sandwiches, 5 bushels of pota- City, Iowa. His message will be gets Into print In an Incredibly "Some New Holy Ground." The defeat the Penn Oils of Big Rap- ing the standards of scouring the markets for what you man representing himself as an short time. Lest we be too proud to salad, 50 grllons of tea, 800 Speoial Safe of School Salts public Is cordially invited. ids. 6-0. Only one man of the op- living when he wat a :i want Farmers bring their cattle Investigator cannot Identify him- of the changes science has wrought, bottles of pop and about 100 pounds position reached second base. and produce to market They stay self he Is an Imposter and the tax of baked beans. A group of 21 suits, sizes 84 to 40. boy and when he was Rou, it migut be said that some things Single and double breasted, mostly Stormzand led the Moose hitters an octogenarian. in town two or three weeks dispos- payer should notify the nearest were better in those days. No one The afternoon was spent in play- ROGER O. McMAHON with a home run and two doubles. sales tax office Immediately." ing games, pie eating contests, hus- sport models. Regular $18.75 grade. When he was young you could ing of it Consumers have to go was thinking of bombing great NAMED ASST PROSECUTOR Last night the Moose played In from stall to stall and dicker for The credentials of authorized in- cities from the air in those times. band calling contests and a ball Ideal for school wear, offered al live for less—but you had less in little more than cost of sweater Roger O. McMahon of Lowell will Ionia In the State tournament and everything they want vestigators carry the state seal and game between the east and the at time of going to press the result your life. You put up with discom- and trousers. Choice up to and In- begin his duties as assistant coun- If you have the time and enjoy are signed by Reddy or Orville E. HOME TOWN THOUGHTS west side business men. of the game was not known. forts which would be unthinkable to- Atwood, late managing director of cluding Saturday, Sept 2, $10. ty prosecutor on September 1, suc- day. You ate unbalanced meals, trading, that sort of thing is fine, ceeding Gerald M. Henry, who has There will be, games next Mon- the tax administration. If you want business to grow, Gee's Hardware Offers Free Heat -COONS day night at the Park when the lived in uncomfortable homes, bad is fun; but most of us have other give it some advertising and pub- served In that capacity for the past things to do. We Ond it simpler to Unit ' two and one-half years. Mr. Henry fast Hart Indians meet the Moose no radio sets, automobiles or elec- HOME-COMING AT OVID licity on which U can expand. WOB8TEB CHEVROLET boys. A girls game is being arrang- tric servants. do our trading by reading the news- With every Estate Oil Heatrola recently announced his resignation paper advertisements, decide what The village of Ovid, Clinton People are usually paid accord- LEADS IN BUICK SALES ed for the preliminary game to As a matter of fact—bat we were sold before Sept. 9, Gee's Hardware In order to enter private law prac- we will buy and then go down to the County, will hold a home-coming ing to the results they get If they is offering a free automatic Heat A Lowell firm, Webster Chevro- tice. start at 7:30. never able to convince Grandpa But- are dissatisfied with what they There are games every Tuesday store or telephone. jubilee and gladiolus festival, Sep- control unit regularly priced at let Sales, which in oart of the De- Roger McMahon Is a graduate of ler of it—the cert of living today, tember 1, 2 and 3. Amusements of earn, better try to see if they can't 114.50. Just dial the temperature troit dealer8"zone, led the tone In Lowall high school. Grand Rapids and Friday nights under the lights dollar for dollar of value consid- It saves time. It saves more II produce results of greater value. saves money. Without advertising all kinds and silver anniversary oi you want the automatic heat con- selling their quota of 1939 Bulck Junior College, the University of at Recreation Park and the public ered, is far less than It was in his to smooth the rente of goods from gladiolus culture in that commun- The folks who are satisfied if trol holds the temperature at that cars. A very fine record. Michigan law school and became a Is Invited to come. young days. ity. they produce just as good results point See adv. on page 5. member of the Michigan bar In seller to buyer, the cost of every- Where peace Is not, God can not Your dollar actually buys more, as they did 10 years ago. will '1 suppose you are preparing April, 1938. thing Is higher than when advertis- Coffee Contest Still On probably find the world has moved Reveller—"Excush me, is thish yourself to be able to manage your come; where God Is not, peace can brings you more value, than any ing Is in the picture. on slnee that day, and is producing house number 9?" uncle's millions when they come to Brazil is oonstructing a number not come.—Erasmus. other dollar in history. eaurUi B. Roth. Kroger clerks' contest to sell bigger and better results. Passer-by—"No, that is number you?" of buildings to house various min- coffee for a World's Fair trip is at 99." "Oh, yes; but I am also prepar- istries, pensions Institutes, govern- All other knowledge is hurtful to midpoint with three more weeks Good health and good sense are Reveller —"Hurrah! Then I'm ing to be a carpenter in case they ment savings banks and Army and him who has not honesty and good Many people have found the Ledger Want Column an effective to go. The Lowell store is among two of life's greatest blessings. shober after all." don't" Navy edifice.. nature.—Montaigne. medium for bringing buyer and seller together. the leaders of the district TWO THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST ti, IMS Che Cowtll Cedgtr Weekly Scrapbook THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL, MICHIOA.V, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1M8 THRER and ALTO SOLO Michigan's Lakes Strand Calendar Published mry Thureday morning at Week's Best Recipe This and That 210 &Mt Main SUvet, Lowfll, Michigan. SERVING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR X,oweU Stems Entond at P oat office at Lowell, Michlfan. Manhattan Mufflnfi:12-15 medium Friday and Saturday, Aug. 25- ai second Claaa Matter. We Furnish TOdum size. >4 cup Crisco, >4 cup sugar, H Make State Great MORE THAN 50 YEARS From Around 26—"On Borrowed Time" with First Showing FALL HATS B. 6. OEFTKRIES, Editor and rubllther teaspoon salt, 1 cup milk, 1% cups of25,30 and Lionel Barrymcre and Cedrlc Hard- Msnber .Mlrhlran Prra* AiaodaUoa flour, 1 egg. Blend Crisco, sugar, The Home Complete! wlcke. Comedy, Cartoon, News. Mrmber National Editorial AuoclaUon This old mutual windstorm insurance company the Old Town and salt; add beaten egg, then Vacation Land Frigidsirs Electric Ranges and Refrlgsrstort Bnbtcriptlon lUtea rajabte ki Advance i milk. Stir in baking powder and has really been "A Shelter in the Time of Storm" Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Llnsday spent 35 2/earsJ^go Sunday and Monday, Aug. 27-28 Year $1.00; Six month* $1.00 flour sifted together; mix only un- Armstrong's Linoleum—Dexter Wsshsrs Fresh Home-Made THE CHAMPION Hlnfle Coplea &c to its policyholders for over half a century. the past week In Northern Mich- til ingredients are blended. Bake Perfection Oil Stoves—Superfax Oil Heaters igan. AiiKiint 27, 1914—25 Years Ago The Lowell Ledger, eitablUhed June, 24 minutes. Four Great Lakes, America's Favorite 18C3; The Alto Solo, eaubllahed January Millions of dollars promptly paid in claims, sav- Lamps—Rugs—Stoves Bernlce Mullen spent last week William Krum, 82. passed away 1904. Consolidated June, 1917. Candy light weight felt hat- Garden Hints 4,187 Inland ing many a family from financial loss, after a In Wyoming Park with Jo Anne at the home of a daughter in Evart A HOLM) DOCTB1NE Mellor. He was a former resident of Ver- weighs just 2 ounces— The broken handle of a shovel or « li .. windstorm had wrecked buildings, killed live- gennes and came from New York Every sovemment official or board that Ic h a W. A. Roth Myron Carter of Detroit Is visit- ready in the new Fall handlej public money ahould publlah at broom make, an excellent tool for . " . '« " 1' * stock and destroyed farm tools. H. C. SCOTT with his parents In 1838. digging holes for tulips, hyacinths. ,ng app"1 " an ,dea, v*<*"on- FURNITURE ing at the Jay Carter home for colors. Made by La- regular Intervals an accountlnc of It, land to the simple geographical Percy Herman had the misfor- •bowing where and how each dollar la narclssus and other spring bulbs. some time. Horn* of Sood Home fact that It forms a peninsula. The splendid financial position of this company FUNERAL DIRECTOR tune to lose parts of the second Salle and guaranteed apent. We hold thla to be a fundamealal If you want to plant madonna lilies Prompt Careful Ambulance Service Mads Csndlss principle of democratic government. Translated Into less pedagogic Allen Roth and R. M. Wilcox and third fingers on one hand buy them right now and put them should commend it and its services to every by them and by us. language. Michigan is, verily. The Store Phone 55 Lowell Res. and Nights 330 apent the week-end In Flint with while working at the WInegar In the ground in September. Plant "Lake State." thoughtful and business-like property-owner in Walter Fennell. factory. a# Snap, style and built them 4 or 5 inches deep and give Michigan. Fred Morse's store at the Grand plenty of plant food. When J. Leo Barrett, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hansen of to take it like a true manager of the Southeastern Mich- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown call- Trunk crossing was burglarized, onren1f0t»hr1^^.,*7r* *PI** acr0M Michigan and the above wreck U Stanton were Friday callers of ed Sunday on Ford Brown In Flint. some change, a box of cigars, canned champion. UNCOMMON igan Tourist association, proposed y ,,catro ed Low cost for sure protection. See a local repre- Kitchen Ktnkn c£md/n ^wn.M >' - « wo. a fine bam located on section 2 of Mrs. Lena Luz. * goods, butter and candy being that Michigan be known officially South Bowne Mrs. Arthur Acheson Is spending M0Dttd 10 Th, sentative or write the home officc. taken. AMERICANS Use carrot tops for a bouquet In as the "Lake State" and that auto- promptly ^ald the Z"l ^ • We are glad Mrs. Jennls Parle* Robert and Jack Lalley are at- this week with her sister In Flor- tending the coaching school at Mt John Troy of Parnell left for place of fern. . . . Add a tablespoon mobile license plates carry this ad- to Join with ence, Wis. Sonja Henle and Tyrone Power $2.95 •» BLMO •corr WATMN of mint Jelly to a tablespoon of vertising slogan, he probably felt the rest of the Pleasant this week. Ellendale, N. D. in "Second Fiddle." March of Time. Ben Quick of Delton and two Kendall Corey of Matherton Pat Bowes went to Grand Rapids butter, melt and pour over diced that the word "peninsula" was too Michigan Mutual Wiitdftorm people of Low- Miss Marie Bell of Ionia and Al. Cartoon. daughters of Grand Rapids were spent Monday with his aunt. Mrs. to take charge of the Wealthy-st. Standard weight LaSalles at $3.95, $4.50 carrots. . . . Place a small amount coldly scientific, being the cause ell in extend- Smith of Detroit were Sunday call- callers at Jerry Blough's Sunday Fred J. Ford, of Vergennes. division of good roads building. "Magnificent Failure" of cinnamon In the string beans rather than the effect, whereas the Good Judgement Should Prompt You to Get Wind- ing a cordial ers of Mrs. Pat Bowes. Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. Insurance Company forenoon. Marriage licenses were issued to N ALL the history of the next time you cook them. word "lake" conjured Immediately welcome to the Will Cudney, wife and sons, By- Judson Corey of Vergennes spent 29-30 Paint a small size tin spoon and a happy mental picture of outdoor HARBISON DODDS, GUT E. CROOK, M. E. COT A, 4-H Clubs of Homer Hubbel and son Robert of last week In Hubbardston and Norman Taylor and Katherine Gra- I work in America, there is no storm Insurance With This Big Company VfjMa A ron and Gerald visited his brother, Grand Rapids were Sunday callers put a hole in the handle, use as enjoyment VKw rrc«iaent Kent County. Matherton visiting relatives and ham, both of Lowell: and to Claude more remarkable record than that Vern and family of Charlotte Sun- of Mrs. Emma Hubbel. W. Richardson and Vesta E. Wash- of David Zeisberger. For 63 years curtain tlebacks with the spoon The dictionary defines a penin- May success day afternoon. friends. bowl toward the front of the win- sula: "A piece of land almost sur- Today— Waiting is Dangerous. Organized 1885. Home Office* Hastings, Mich. continue crown your ef- Miss Roxle Elckhoff of Sauga- burn, both of Ada. he labored among the Indians and to Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Eash and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson First Showing FALL SHOES dow. rounded by water and connected forts. tuck spent Monday with her moth- Thirty thousand small-mouth during that time he traveled many The Largut /nturance Company of ii$ kind in Michigan, Clare Eaah and family attended of Bowne were Friday evening with the mainland by a neck called er, Mrs. Martin Elckhoff. black bass from the state fish the Eash reunion at Shlpshewana, sunper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. thousands of danger • filled miles an isthmus." hatchery were planted In Flat Honvmaking Hints Ind., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Crane of through the wilderness on foot and Without getting sidetracked Into Richmond's Gift Cosgrlff. river pond above Mahi-st. dam. by canoe. He built no less than A serve-yourself centerpiece for Phone SIM LoweO. Mich. Will Mlshler and family and Lansing spent the week end with Mrs. D. K. Thyng of Tacoma, an embarrassing discussion about Miss Virginia Moore of Freeport Mrs. Ne.lle Taylor of Grand Rsp- IS Indian towns as centers of Chris- the table Is a summer time saver. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gramer. Wash., came for a visit with Lowell what counties constitute the "neck' attended the Ionia Fair Wednes- Ids and Mrs. Will Swartz of Dorr < : tianity in a heathen land and he Gayly decorate a large platter of consider for a moment the follow- . Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Spencer and were visitors at the home of Wfll relatives. cold meat, salads and bard cooked Ladies, It's Worms That Ledger Entries Hickory Hollow day. Mrs. Jude Fletcher of South Bos- lived to see all but one of them ing facts. Most of them, we ven- Mrs. Msry Rickert Mrs. Lucy Yoder of Illinois visit- family of Ionia spent Sunday with Deverlng last Tuesday. wiped out of existence. He had eggs, with relishes, buttered bread ture to say, are unknown to the W. JL tarsi, 1. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Spencer. ton entertained with a miscellane- ed Friday and Saturday with her Mrs. Nellie Yelter returned home ous shower In honor of Miss Flos- failed but truly hit was • "mag- slices and dabs of Jelly and Jam. average native who looks at Mich- Cause Runs in Stockings A FORGETFUL PUBLIC Ware District Mr. and Mrs. Jiramie VanHuelen brother, Jerry Blough and wife. Mr. and Mrs. John Klemp of Friday after spending a week in sie Conklln. ... A few darts in the back of the igan with complacent Indiffer- TN OHIO, recently,. two women, CHIROPRACTOR K. M. 8. nificent failure." The question of whether or not skirts mustn't be more than eight of Grand Rapids were Saturday Mrs. Rachel Stahl and son Ar- Saginaw were week-end guests of Freeport with the Stuart children F. J. Parker and wife of New neck of a garment makes a gap- ence Just because it has become convicts of a reformatory, es- Zeisberger was bom in the women of America should Inches from the floor.) night and Sunday guests of Mr. thur of Campbell, In company Mr. and Mrs. Byrne McMahon. while Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stuart York City visited his brother, Ed. ping neckline into a thing of commonplace to him. caped and remained in hiding for Our school will start Monday, In 1721 and in 1740 came to Geor- beauty. ... If your family liken cotton stockings Instead of silk in "The men and women who work and Mrs. Guy Rickert with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Blough, were on a vacation In Northern Parker and family In Keene, en- gia where bis church was organiz- order to show their disapproval of over a month before their capture. Sept. 4, with Evelyn Brlggs as visited at the Vincent Kelly home Mr. and Mrs. Gerritt Kragt of variety, add a little spice to your Leads In Shore Line In stocking factories are given free Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sparks and Holland were Thursday evening Michigan. route home from Denver, Colo. ing i mission among the Creeks. the war being waged on China by During this period the newspapers teacher. near Clarksvllle Sunday afternoon. pie crusts. A quarter teaspoon each Michigan has more shore line manicures and aren't permitted to children spent Sunday at the home X-Ray and guests of George Boyenga and frju- Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cudney of Alto fell from a Next he was sent to Japan, continues to be a live topic wear engagement rings or other of the state made front-page news of bis brother and wife, Mr. and The 4-H Club boys from our Manley Pollard of Flint visited load of hay, breaking his collar Bette Davis In "Dark Victory." of cinnamon and cloves will be than any other state In the Union. of the cases. As is usual, a certain district made a very good showing "y. Elmer Ellis were Mr. and Mrs. where he aided Count Zinzendorf in much so in fact that a noted Jewelry on their hands ... Another Mrs. Floyd Sparks, at Muskegon. the past week with his brother Bob bone In two places. Cartoon and Musical. enough for each one-and-a-half Four of the Great Lakes—Super- amount of sentiment was aroused at the Ionia Free Fair. They car- Floyd Flynn and Mrs. Jennie columnist publishes the following reason to be thankful you're in Mr. and Mrs. G^n Graham of OfBoo Hoars—4:00-U :00 a.m, at the Alden Porrltt home. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Curtis and A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. building the Moravian towns of Naz- cups of flour. It's mighty good with ior, Michigan, Huron and Erie— In favor of the culprits and many ried away a number of first and Flynn of Bowne Center, Mr. and paragraph on the subject; America: In Turkey, Syria and the Grand Rapids and Miss Audrie and 7;eM4» p. m. C. M. Benedict and wife spent family of Lansing spsnt the week- Freeman Whltmyer (nee Bessie Thursday, Aug. 31—"Undercover areth and Bethlehem. fresh fruit or berry pies. create the two peninsulas. letters were sent the superintend- second premiums. The boys are Mrs. John Nash and two daughters Balkan States, they sell stockings Lue Monroe of Newaygo were Wednesday in Hastings. end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Layer of South Lowell). Doctor." and "Unmarried." Beginning his work among the There sre 492 miles of frontage 'IFlo Ziegfeld said that a stock- ent of the reformatory. She was very generous in their praise for of South Bowne. which are made from the inner luncheon and evening guests Suh- N* a. m^M p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Art Klchardson vis- Curtis. Mrs. Wilbur Dickinson died at Carter's Famous Fives in new Fall Lasts and Dslawares at , Pa., he Inspirational on Lake Superior, the largest body inged leg was much more attrac- advised to use leniency and for^ their leader, John Freeman. They tive than a nude one . . . T. irs is tubes of automobile tires ... A day of Mr. and Mrs. Theron Ga- ited Monday evening with Joe and Richard Snell of Greenville spent her home in Ada. Colors. Styles that are different — Antique was adopted by the Munsey tribe of The World's Worry; The world is of fresh water in the world. Along giveness upon the return of the will exhibit their stock in Lowell Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schneider a Hays Office edict that photos of fashion trend today Is to give a boon. Delia Scott of Pleasant Valley. last week with his grandparents Cascade that nation. Then he went to New looking for the man who can do Lake Michigan the coast lino ex- prisoners. There were so many c5, tf this week. and daughter, Barbara Ann of Brown, a stained finish, and many new num- movie chorus girls can't be sent to bride a stocking shower—so Che Lewie Tefft, who Is working hi Ralph Sherwood, wife and son Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Snell. On Sat- Mrs. M. VanderJaot York where the Six Nations made something, not for the man who tends for 855 miles with harbors sympathetic notes that the super- Mrs. Robert Stlenger of Sturgls Grand Rapids were Sunday callers August 26, IMS—SO Years Ago the newspapers if there is flesh bridegroom won't realize too soon Detroit spent over Sunday with Junior of Lorrell visited Saturday urday Mr. and Mrs. Snell took bers in black. Arch supports, solid leather him a sachem and keeper of their and inlets adding another 90 miles. intendent says she was hounded to Mrs. Kate Gougherty and Mrs. was a Tuesday dinner guest of of Mrs. Hannah Bartlett can "explain" why he didn't do it. showing between the top of the that the most expensive Item of his his family here. evening at Jennie Pardee's. Richard to his home and remained Austin L. Coons, faithful clerk Jane Doerr and Elsie Osmer at- Lake Huron borders the state death. The reason for the sympathy Kate Curley and son Albert at- Mrs. Carl Wlttenbach and family. Arils Hostettler is assisting El- construction. Guaranteed for service. records, an unusual honor for a girl's stocking and the bottom of wife's apparel is her stockings . . . Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sparks and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shultls and for over Sunday. and operator at the P. M. depot for tended the Young People's confer- fr^m Mackinaw City to Port was through the publicity and tended the funeral of E -mis BIRD* Ethel Prentice of Hastings, Mrs. Henry Karcher and daughter spent But It's True Pa., and Cassle June Lee of Grand Mr. and Mrs. Glen Yelter attend- Thomas Donovan returned from Pennsylvania railroads, was next C Western Newspaper Union. Florence Cronkright and children Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George And in this spirit we respectfully solicit the patronage of the car HYBRID CORN A POOR PARENT Rapid*. ed the Klnyon reunion Sunday at Harietta to make his home In with $112,806,000. South Haven was and Mrs. Glenora Cronkright and Karcher of Piainwell. Fallasburg Park. 'How'd you get along with your Lowell again. and truck owners of Lowell and the neighboring territory, on the the only port city to show a gain daughters of Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Forward of Competing with other counties at wife In that fight the other night?" James Finn, aged 81 years, died last year. Much of this was due to Saturday Mrs. Ida Falrchllds Home Acres were Thursday eve- East Lansing last Friday and Sat- basis of quality of materials we sell at our respective stations, com- oavia 'Aw, she came crawling to me on at his home In Vergennes. shipment of foreign and Canadian called on her aunt, Mrs. Christie ning guests of Mrs. Ella Robinson urday, Priscilla Smith and Dorothy CPOMWELL her knees." J. S. Hooker spent a week at bined with careful and thoughtful attention to the needs of all wood pulp for paper mills located Findlay aoi daughter Ina of and Mrs. Herbert Connor and chil- Clark represented Kent County 4-H "Yeah? What did she say?" Groen Lake, where he addressed a at Kalamazoo. Grand Rapids. She found her aunt dren of Grand Rapids were Sunday Cluba In Food Preparation, by customers. '"Come out from under that bed, large picnic gathering. At Detroit the heavy lake traffic able to be up in a wheel chair. evening callers. demonstrating a plate luncheon. you coward!" Loveland & Hlnyan building a prompted in 1936 the establishment Ansel Falrchllds attended the Ionia Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Doyle of De- Fifteen Morse Lake Classy Cooks branch warehouse at Beldlng. All we want is fair play and the right to "live and let live." Don't of s marine post-office, the G. F. Fair Thursday. Sunday Bob Lee took the summer project on Food Mrs. S. C. Alger returned from a Learning to do without sugar and troit were Sunday dinner guests of Mook, which Is operated on three of South Boston and Sidney Shores Mr. and Mrs. John Layer. Sunday Preparation and finished 100^-. four months' tour through Oregon. be fooled by outside-controlled concerns that hope to crush indi- eight-hour shifts and meets all cream in your coffee saves a lot of visited Clyde Falrchllds. callers were Mr. and Mrs. John vidual competition by selling at a loss for a time and then if they ships passing up and down the De- bother. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Davis and Nash and two daughters and Mrs. A fellow has to be a contortionist troit river to receive and dis- daughter Margaret of Lansing were should succeed, make up that loss by boosting prices higher than Jennie Flynn of Bowne Center. to get by these days. First, he has McCord's Matters tribute mail. Sunday guests of Mrs. Davis' par- to keep his hack to the wall and Mr*. R. T. Williams before. , Approximately 175 freight ves- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. McPher- Mrs. F. E. White spent part of his ears to the ground. Then, he sels ply the waters of the Great son. A short wide last week In Chelsea with Mrs must put his shoulder to the wheel, Mr. and Mra. Walter Clark and Lakes. Of these the Pittsburgh Mrs. Robert Blackford and son Margaret MacKay. On Sunday Dr. his nose to the grindstone, keep a Mrs. Jennie Williams visited from Protect yourself by patronizing the following home-controlled Steamship company operates a Br. 6. T. Pukkirtt of Grand Rapids drove out and got loaf appljUg White and Charlotte went after level head and have both feet on Wednesday until Friday in Sturgls. fleet of 79 ships in transport of her sister, Mrs. Sam Ryder and Mrs. White and Charlotte remained service stations your neighbors and friends: Ionia, Mkhlgau the first prin- the ground. Mrs. George Lane and baby and ore, coal and oil. family and took them to the Ionia In Lansing with Mr. and Mrs Mrs. G. H. Clark motored to Sturgls Fair. Sunday the Ryders spent the dplea of good Roger' White to spend the week. Friday and all returned home with Eye, Eir, ISM I Tkrstt day with the Blackfords and the KEEP INFORMED ON PUBLIC Sunday callers at the Jay Carter them. took the two boys to the bread-making. Hela's Teuco Siper Service OPINION THROUGH home were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Yon- James Engelsman and Bernard Mae's Stiidard Service AMERICA SPEAKS * lid's Show at the Regent Your eyes soientl'noally re- Stays fresh and ker and daughter Violet of Cale- Lit Aitoaitic Heit Bronslnk visited their brother, Often called the "politician's fracted; frames and mount- Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur donia and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bert and family In Ada Sunday. bible," America Speaks is eagerly ings styled in the moat mod- Cronkright and children and Mrs. Yonker of Lake Odessa who were solve your Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Flndley of H. Andrews D-X Service Vera E. Arnstrcig, D-X watched by citizens in all walks of ern types to lit yon Individ- Glenora Cronkright and daughte;- Wing. Better recently married. Mrs. Jim Yonker Kalamazoo and Mr. and Mrs. Ward life. If you would know how the ually. visited at the Arthur Anderson remained at the Carter home for a Stewart visited Mr. and Mrs. A. E. public feels about candidates, pol- home and inspected the place flavor I Ask for few days' visit Firiit Probiemi Wood Sunday afternoon. where the oil well is to be. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Zoet were Iriy's Sinoeo Service Toby's Siidair Sere. J. R. GUU icies and Issues facing the nation, i t — by nom« Miss Janet Englehardt of Royal The Monte Carlo management has found that it is profitable in the OFFICE HOURS dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe tag nm to keep aa ariag the tables. The gamblers lavariaUy tan to read this feature. It appears ex- Oak Is spending this week with clusively In Michigan in The De- Zoet of Grand Rapids Sunday. (he ether eaes, the eaes which ehaw a great profit far the hewe. 8:30 to 1240 — 140 to 4:80 Men's disoontents dig the chan- —at Indepen- Anothsr test of usiaa a hybrid corn yield as seed stock the second her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. troit News. nels of their progress.—Albion W. Made only by RAY COVERT Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hunt of Rock- Blie Mill Mcbilgas Service Molder A Keiser Ifce Peoatyhraala law gees hack te 1116, when a geaeral year is proving foor Xit * R. Marstonl, MichigaMic - n Stat- •o Colleg- - e plant H. J. Englehardt. On Tuesday Mrs. On sale at Christiansen's or Small: Between Eras from Capital- dent Grocers'. ford visited Mr. and Mrs. A. E. waa ascribed to the eating af strawberries. MICHIGAN BAKERIES, INC. brsedsr, that the hybrid makes good feed but poor seed for contmusd Englehardt and Janet attended the Plaaibing Heatiag phone for delivery. adv ism to Democracy. ass. His tests in 1818 showed a hybrid could yield 71J bushels an luncheon meeting of the Garden Wood Saturday night. a ns, while the second rasrstion seed from the some hybrid cross Lore dub and the tour of the Sheet Matal Work fill doTT» to 61.4 Hopkins Gardens. Ledger want ads. bring results.

•l&nBSSBHBBMQ wmmmmtm *1 " —'• '••• L' THK LOWELL LROOBR, LOWBLL, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, AUGUST M, \K» TIB LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL. MICHIOAN, THURADAT, AUGUST U, IBM ^F—I I I FIVE Spanish Town, Jamaica*! Capital, Old Attraction Ada Department Life Stniffffle UNDER SEA KROGER ["alto department I Capital of Jamaica for over three (Mra. Hattle R. Pitch) CO Odds and Ends CampbeU'i centuriei under both Spanlih and I (Mra. Ftrd PmttJton) j English rule, the ancient town of Here and There Ada Locals BIGGEST CAKE SALE Spanish Town, slumbering In the Pretty Co-Ed Rattles Deadly Six-Foot WANTEDS Soups 3 cam 25c tropic sun IS miles west of Kings- Mr. and Mra. Arthur Martin mo- Brief Paragrapha of News and Bryant Reunion Alto Ixtoals ton, draws within her conflnes vis- tored to Litchfield on Monday, re- Barracuda Six Fathoms Below Surface OF 'THE SEASOM Except Chicken and Muahroom turning home Tuesday evening. WANT ADV. RATES—36c FOR U WORDS OR LESS, IF OVER U Information on a Variety )) The fifth annual Bryant family Dorothy and Stanley Alexander itors anxious to turn back the pages WORDS, ADD lc FEB WORD. TWO WEERS FOR ttc, FOUR They visited Mr. and Mra. Rollln of Topics GREAT SAVINGS reunion was held at Campau Lake are spending the week with their of history and re-live the brave REPEATED ... BY POPUIA* MQUISTI WEEKS FOR SlOt. IF ORDERED BY MAIL PLEASE ENCLOSE grandmother, Mrs. Bertha John- days when from here the minions of Davis and daughters, Ruth Mary Sunday, Aug. 20. A very lovely COIN OR STAMPS. WHEATIES For Family Food Buyers potluck dinner was served to 34. son, of Hastings. Old Castile and their British con- and Kathleen, who had Just re- mm s Pflnim Fourteen million trees will be Bertha and Edith Culver and a querors governed the Island. turned home from a visit with rel- sdded to Michigan foreat resources Games were played. atives In California and the San FOR SALE-Peachea. all varietlea in plantings to be made by public lady friend from Grand Rapids While there are very few old QUALITY developing and printing, BrukfitlFori pkg. 10e Francisco Fair. any 6 or 8 expoaure roll, plua ripe beginning Auguat 24. Milton agenciea, civic groupa and in- At C. THOMAS Birthday Party called on their cousin, Mrs. Jennie Spanish buildings remaining any- CAKE litf William and Richard Cannon 5x7 enlargement, for 2Sc. Prompt Wilcox, Lowell phone 95-F11, two dividuala next fall and spring. Johnson, Thursday. where in Jamaica, the Great square Regular value IBe Mrs. Ernest Roark entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harold Metternick spent three days of the past week aervlce. Mail to Picturea, Box milea eaat of Lowell on M21 then of Spanish Town is authentically Hurry! Special price only while USED CARS SUPER-VALUE STORES for her mother, Mrs. John Ellis, attended the North Dorr chicken at a church conference at Hopkins praent supply last*. 825, Grand Rapida, Mich. pl5-2t IH milea north. pl4, 4t Anticipating record traffic vol- Post Toisties Spanish. It was laid out after the Lake. Chrysler 4-dr. Tourlnf umes over the Labor Day week- Wednesday afternoon, it being her dinner Sunday. ltS7 WANTED—Position by young man 78th birthday. Guests were Mrs The Young People's Class of the plan of Spanish cities when the Dons Ada high school opens its fail healer. FOR RENT-SO acres with build end, atate police and atate highway decided to leave Seville on the North term Tuesday, Sept. 5, with tbe Inga, located 1 mile eaat of Alto, on farm by the month. Refer- officiala are planning concerted Carrie Dygert, Mra. John Warner Methodist Church had a picnic Michigan Maid - Churned Frath Daily encea, experience. Gulf Gaa Sta- 2 large pkgt.17e and daughter Bernadine, Mrs. supper at Campau Lake Friday coast and establish their seat of same faculty. 1937 Chevrolet Town Sedan. Alvin Wells. pl6 action to prevent accidents during tion at Pratt Lake. US-18. pl5 the holidsy period. Maud Ellis, Iva Sherman. Mrs. night. government inland. This Is believed Mr. and Mra. James McCormlck, ItM ChetroM, Short Wheel FOR SALE—Amarlng foot comfort Fred Clark. Mra. Sam Snyder and Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Gephart to have been In 1M8. Bob and Pat spent Wednesday at WANTED — Horse-shoeing, either BUTTER 2 £ 49c Truck, a beauty. in kid-soft Wolverine Shell horse- Word seepa from the Department Mra. Ed. Davis. Ice cream and called on Mrs. Nettle Morse of Spanish Town was evacuated hi the Ionia Fair, meeting Mr. and hide work ahoea. Save you at the blackamith ahop on my cake were served and Mrs. Ellis Cooks Corners and also on the Don 1655 in the face of the British under Mra. Ed. Mueller and sons there for Krogar't Clock Twin lt$t Cherrolet Coupe Pick-up. place, or will call at your farm. of Commerce that the re-building Kiffee Hig money too In months and mllea job started by Harry Hopkins with gallon received several lovely remem- Flsk family Sunday afternoon. Admiral Penn and General Vena- the late afternoon and evening. of extra wear. S2.S4 up at Coona". Phone 153-F14. Wm. Predoua. lb. brances. Mr. and Mra. Carl Rankin moved bles, but remained the capital until Mrs. Delia Frame and daughter, ItSS Ford DeLuxe Tudor, 4 cl5 a flourish hss collapaed with that 35, VINEGAR cylinder. ud Suki bulk Saturday Into their new home, the im Mra. Harold Barnard and children, BREAD 2 £ 10c SOW and 8 pigs, 4 weeka old. S35, huge department allpping back into FOR SALE — Pedigreed Cocker the rut It has filled during the New Caffeine removed. Brlnf own container. Library Board Meeting Thorndike residence. The ancient government buildings Harold, Jrn and Gean of Chicago, or will exchange for cattle; Jet^ Raisin. Swingtima, Floral Sandwich. Square Sugars Ittt OMs Coach. Spaniel puppies. Herbert Con- Deal. Mr. and Mra. Carl Gllllland of are among Spanish Town's chief were guests on Wednesday of Mr aey cow, 8 years old, heavy pro- The Library Board met in the Lake Odessa were Friday night and Mra. Harry Fitch. ducer, (85. Steenman, 2Vi miiea ner, Saranac, Mich. plS, 4t Alto library Tuesday afternoon. points of Interest Hie old House of Mr. and Mra. James Fumer were •ifriir 15c StNtrt lb Youthful aldea to Harry Hop- guests of the Ranklns. Assembly and King's house date COOKIES 10c WEBSTER north of Lowell on Lincoln Lake FOR SALE—An upright piano, in- The chairman, Mra. G. M. Thorn- Mr. and Mra. Ernest Rosenberg dinner guests of Miss Priscilla road, first house off to left plS kina in rejuvenating the Depart- dike. called the meeting to order. spent the week-end with the from 1762. The former in particu- Sparits on Tuesday of this past Coaatry Club Fancy Cruahtd CHEVROLET SALES quire by phoning W. F. Shan- ment of Commerce are heavy on The secretary and treasurer, Mrs. former s brother, Mose Rosenberg lar gives direct contact vith the FOR SALE—Registered Springer non. Lowell phone 51-F23. cl4, tf the aide of apending for recovery. V. L Watts, read the minutes of and wife of St. Joseph. • days of the Eighteenth century. In Among those from Ada attending Spaniel pups, liver and white Inaide word la that the attempted last meeting and treasurer's re- bygone years tradition has it that PINEAPPLE 2 r 25c Make fine pets and good huntera WANTED—Girl for general house- rejuvenation atanda to meet a atone Mr. and Mra. John Bosma and the lonla Free Fair during the past work. Inquire Ralph'a Tire and port. which were accepted. Dae to son and G. Noordam of Kalama- there was an underground passage week were Mr. and Mrs. John As she stambM late a bale, her spear waa thrast apward the Edwin Y. Marshall. R. S, Low- wall In a civil aervice aet-up that the delay of officials in appointing ell. plM8 Radio Shop or phone Lowell 23- changea with difficulty. zoo spent Sunday with Mr. and leading from the old cathedral Adrianse, Mr. and Mrs. Mttle month of the harracwda, and be Immediately made • F2. cl5 a regular librarian, we are badly Mra. Walter Crawford. Mra. Craw- •cross the square to the tuembly Cram ton, Mr. and Mra. Joe Sro- Imbedded to Hi threat Phmspta 2 Z: Itc KMaiy Ium 3'°™ 1H SUPER VALUES FOR SALE—South Haven and In need of funds and many plant ford's mother, Mrs. Noordam. is building, which was used in trou- boda, Mr. and Mra. Shirley Ward FOR SALE—Uaed. rebuilt and re- The marriage of convenience be- i for raising money were discussed web belt and • pointed Lockwood peaches, nice quality, tween Republican candidatea for visiting her daughter. blous times by the law-makers as and their nlecos from Lapeer, Mr By WILLIAM •OVfl bamboo T reasonably priced. Wm. Dollar, poaseaaed waahers, radios and Mra. Thorrdlke's resignation waa Mra. John Troy of Harris Creek • quick means of getting into and and Mra. James Furner, Mra. Wm. spear five feet long. refrigerators, coal and wood office and old-age penaion bloca AND QUICK, HELPFUL SERVICE-ltemli«d Cash Register Receipt WHh Every Purohase. jtytag to PhMawte Jik« tT 25c Mt CwktaN * Ik 10 miles north of Lowell on M-t8, In the 19S8 elections will not be read and accepted, and she has called on Mra. Wm. C. Anderson Fumer and her sister, Mrs. Ethel For I mc tkmt faun goblinBliss Defore stepped down the ranges, heaters and Duo-Therm moved to her home in Atlanta. A out of tbe chambers where the as- . the alyn mind, Beldlng Phone 7111-F8. pl5 repeated In 1940, Washington hears. Monday. sembly sessions were being held. Crowe, and many other Ada resi- Udder aa the tender aboard the IXTSA SNOAl - catsco oa oil heaters. Ralph's Tire a BALL snd QUARTS dot. 69c vote of thanks was given Mra. Robert McWhlnney and son dents. And t kmm tfctra could frt Umgkur PEACHES — South Havens now Radio Shop, W. Main St, Lowell Several Republican candidatea Thorndike for the fine bookcase en the hidden fact af Codlaunc— h began pumping oxygen into found their campaign promises of KERR MASON. Garry spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. James Furner her helmet The surface dosed ready. Bring containers. Peaches Phone 28-F2. cl5 PINTS she gave the library. Mra. D. V. Mr. and Mra. Boyd McWhlnney of tored to Grand Rapids Sunday aft- Whilneyville are very reasonable thla yeai pensions rose to embarrass them Bif Canning dot. 60c Curtiss was appointed temporary Praymf Mantis '"THUS O. K. Chesterton about toe tiny windows on her head- SPRY 3 ~ 45c WANTED—Worn out and crippled after election. Wayland. ernoon to visit Mr. and Mrs. Davis fill yoQr cana. Hilton Orcharda FRUIT MRSSesto n Ahesd. chairman and Mra. Floyd Flynn of 8. Brown i- rhymes about a fish he gear and she waa lowered to the stock. Don't be misled. We will K PINTS dot. 58c Mr. and Mra. Clyde Demlng and Reqaira Suitable Mate* bottom. on US-18, 2\4 mllea weat of US-16 Bowne Center was appointed on ffcmlly of Greenville were Sunday Mrs. Perry Denlson of 248 Bur- had seen at sea by night and M-t8 junction. cl5 pay the most cash. Write Roy The Treasury Is taking no the board to fill vacancy. The courtship of the male pray- "I could easily see tor twenty or One day last week Robert Mun- Cooper, R R 2, Rockford, or call chances with the $25,000,000 It KERR JAR UDS dot. 10c j JELLY GLASSES dot. 35c dinner guests at the home of Mr ing mantis Is not unlike that of our ton St, SW., Grand Rapids, will be And there are creatures LOWIST MICI IVIt I ger and Mary Fuller called on her and Mra. Roy* Demlng. hostess to members of the Booster thirty feet to either direction, for FOR SALE — Reconditioned elec- 19S-F1S. cl5tf loaned to China through the Ex- spiders, tor If the lady docs not much queerer than any- the water was exceptionally dear," aiater, Mrs. Fraser of Ada who is tric refrigerators, ranges, water po rt-Im port Bank for purchase of KERR JAR COVERS dot. 25c | Morfu FRUIT PECTIN, bottle 10c Swift's Prsoilum Garton ChA Entertained Mr. and Mra. Fred C. Chamber- Club and their husbands at an KMOGSK'S EMBASSY III FOR SALE}—Toy Terrier pup, S consider him a suitable matt she she says, "asd I was Instantly in- heaters. Save 50% or more. Sell trucks. Secretary Morgenthau per- lain and daughter of Cattarangus, evening meeting to be held at bar thing imaginable in our land* Mr. and Mrs. Earl Aikey of Tra- months old, eligible for register. The Alto Garden Club met at the N. Y.. and F. E Chamberlain, Jr., will pounce on him and kill him. home on Wednesday, Sept 6. A fatuated by the myriad colon of only to families not reached by sonally selected J. L. Keeahln, of world. Creatures so bisarre verse City spent Thursday at the Inquire of Mary Ann Weaver, Keeshln Freight lines, to go to fiOLI MEML 241/2 lb. bag 75c OGRREI BEEF pleasant Clark-Williams home at wife and son Elmer of Lansing The spider sometimes has a good potluck supper will be served ana plant life all about me. Par to toe gaa aervlce. Gas Co, 47 North McCords Tuesday afternoon, 22 chance of escaping, for he ap- and so unbelievably grotesque WM DRESSIN8 Wm. Bates home. .Division, Grand Rapida. Phone Riverside Dr, Lowell Phone China to supervise the use of the were Thursday guests of Rev. and a business meeting held under the laft I could see Professor Farris and 274-FJ. cl5 FLOUR members present. Guest* were proaches in a wary manner, but tbe that they seem like cosmic Donna and Dorothy VandenHout 8-1SS1. plS American trucks. PILLSIlin BEST 241/3 lb. bag 75c 12-oz. csn 11c airs, F. E. Chamberlain. direction of the club president the group of girls. Ibey were sang over Uncle Nick's Safety Pro- Mra. Jack Rockefellow, Mra. My- Mr. and Mra. Einer Moobeck of female mantis is more cunning, and Mrs. Grace Wbaley. All members 25" "J"! mouth Deluxe Coach. Urge pkg. 23c body's Garden Club of Saranac and respond with spring, summer or au- unbdievaKe length of 8H feet we White of Caiedonla were Sunday Beef, live, lb JM-13 dent comes word that If anything Blacult Hour Pkt. 27e George Mllltr Is feeling much bet- Miss Ellcabetb Ana and Reles Tt was Just as 1 now turned and 19X7 Ford VB Tudor (Radio). Ma Crackers 2-lb. bn 18c Lowell Garden Lore Club at Fal- can readily hnagine the havoc ha StOtUCHT com 3 3tc dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. IStt Ford Model B, 4 cyl Tudor Beet dressed, lb. should induce Mr. Roosevelt to ter. Louise Chaffee of Lansing would cause should be suddenly started to resume my way toward C. Proctor, Mrs. Clara Ady of Chi- seek a third term It would be the lasburg Park Sept 12, with pot- overnight guests of Mra. Gould'a Garage, Dodge * Ply- Chickens, lb .1D-.16 Mr. and Mra. Basil Hayward and choose to run amuck among the Professor Farris that I first had a cago has also been a guest at the Insistence of conservative Demo- luck dinner at 12:80. Miss Doree of Morris and Joan on Thursday. mouth Sales. Phone Mt dS Robber Fly Swatten Rrispy Crackcrs lb. b« 15c Grand Rapids will lecture on Cleone were Sunday evening guests hundreds of bathers at a crowded warning ot toe nearness of danger. Proctor heme from Thursday un- cratic Senators that a third term each 5c LAVA SOAP of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. VanVranken OHgta af Garrett Stukkle of Detroit waa A dark, streaking shadow fL shed til Monday. Keene Breezes candidacy would split the Demo- gourds and have many on disolay. guest of his grandparents, Mr. resort LTVEBTOCK AUCTION SAUCS- of Hastings. In ancient timos when a new ship near me. I could ted the tag ot DINNER Mrs. Emmett Sheehan and Mrs. cratic Party. Sentiment for a Kibbled Dog Biscuits 3 lbs. 25c Mra. Ed. Timpson read some inter- was launched the libation (or pour- and Mrs. Peter Brunflcol, this part Strange, but the barracuda of the Every Wednesday. Bring your 4 ban 25c esting articles on Birds and all Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ellis and water ag&tost me by the movement HONEY ROCK S. VanNamee spent Thursday la cattle, hogs and oalvea. M-114, "purge" and a apllt remains stron* GREEN Vivian Silcox visited the latter's ing out of wine) was practiced, con- week. Pacific coast is not nearly so vora- within the Inner circle, saya the derived much pleasure from the cious or so pugnadous as the Flor- of something. 1 turned to look be- BOLLS Grand Rapids. Mra Sheehan shop- known as South Belt line, be- Kr. at-J Mrs. Leo Richmond and Tanflefoot Fly Spray pt cai 4Sc sister, Mra. Frank Tyler and hus- secrating the ship to the god whose Eugene Morris is spending a ping and Mrs. VanNamee visiting United States News. Liptoi's TEA tM7e talk given on Gladioli by Mrs. F. week's vacation period with Tils ida species. Nor does he grow so hind me, and t think ! screamed at tween Oyde Park and Division Lanche Reed motored to Coid- E Chamberlain, describing the band of Bellaire several days last Image she bore. The acticc of bless- what I taw. 1 g&f 9c Mra VanNamee, Sr., and Mra. H. Ave, Rapida j „ - pU water Monday, returning In tbe week. ing ships is alluded to by the Monks uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Seth fcrge- MELONS Inner government circles are OLB BBTCH many beautiful varieties she had •Tt was a six-foot barracuda, and E Prague. evening. ah < Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Gephart of St Denys, and there are records VanWonner, in Grand Rapida. J Ihe latter la Indeed a fearful an- Mr. and Mra. Harold Welton James Ford of LoweO and Mr. laying plans to secure more WPA on display, all of which were gtv»n Mrs. Homer Moms and Joan when 1 flrst saw it the thing was EVERGREEN TREKS—Cash and SeeiMle risnt 4^; ** ZSc to Mra. Arch Wood, to express our took the former's mother, Mrs. Em- of ship christentogs from July, 1418, tagonist when encountered, and spent the week-end In Detroit with carry prices, 50c, 75c. SI. Call and and Mrs. Burnette Condon were appropriations for use In the pres- Argo Class Starch lb. bci lc CLEMISER 4 MIS 25C ma Haviland. to Belding last Wed- and Eugene, Mra. Ida Moms and more than one instance has been just passtog me like a long, blade. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Van Horn, see our 50-acre planting. Six Sunday afternoon visitors at the ent fiscal year. An appropriation pleasure at having her with us when tbe bishop nf Bangor was 8«nt Mrs. Glenn Chalfee of Gr&nf Hap- swifUy moving shadow. again. The hostess and committee nesday where she will visit friends to Southampton, England, to bles? recorded when fishennea, bathers . ca. 5c GRAHAM Jr. miles north of Greenville Burr Carr home. for this purpose aa hl^h aa half a for an indefinite time. ids and her guests, Elizabeth Ann bUHon dollars Is being considered served ice cream and dainty cakes thr king's ships for successful voy- and divers have lost their lives to "I was terror-stricken, trying to A large crowd attended the pic- Highway 06. l-« mile west of The Eeene Sunshine Club schcd We are glad to bear that Mra. R. and Helen Louise Chaffee of Lan- these bloodthirsty UBera. move fast and couldn't Like a hid- CtAOCESS nic of the Social Club held at Lake- Turk Lake school Choates Nurs- uled to meet this week Wednes- for submission to the next session and iced cea at tables on the beau- ages. On October 20, 1797, the Con- sing, enjoyed a picnic party at D. Bancroft, who has been very eous dream, trying to run from a side Park, Caledonia Thursday. ery. dStf day at the E M. Frost home hss of Congress. That sum would re- tiful spacious lawn. Mrs. Williams stitution, flrst U. S. navy ship John Baft Parlt, Grand Rapids, on Among the Florida keys and on had pome very pretty* dahlias, one in at Blodgett hospital, is gaining goblin with a pair of anvils for sho-s Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. been postponed to Wednesday aft- store for the current year dl the nicely. launched, was christcned by an of- Thursday. up toe coast past Miami it has 2 £ 15c measuring ll^i inches across. that dragged my feet back. That's Richard Mack, who were married FOR SATE —A crocheted bed- ernoon, Aug. JO. Each member funds lost to WPA through the re- The Timpson brothers have sold ficer who broke a bottle of wine become quite a fad to study marine ction toe way water holds you bade un- laat spread. Far further details call bring a bouquet for the flower ;* of lendlng-spending bill 15,800 bushels of fine tpy apples to over her prow. The practice of life with the aid c4 portable, corn- lodging content. K la a supper :at "^e last seaalon. Alto Loads News From Grand der toe surface, even at a shallow at Miss Hazel Hoag'e Hat Shop. ( Kent Storage. Grand Rapids. We christening ships has thus developed pad diving apparatus. People gi.e for many different E Main St, LoweO. plS distance down, and I was at six meeting CTfwnmStores Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and hear they have the finest crop of gradually into a recognized custom, Of Ft reasons, but seldom out of the Mr. aad Mra. MHvllle Buche The State Department's demand fathoms, which is thirty-six feet, re- P & G daughters drove to Lansing Sun- spy apples In this vicinity-. and champagne is probably used for By Clara M. BranOebury Scientists snd students of marine Saaat Matin 4 ^ lie goodness of their heart. TWO MODERN HOUSED and one moved to their new home in lonla that Mexico and U. & oil com- 209 W. Msin St. LOWELL day, taking Miss Virginia back to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ryder call- the ceremony because it is a rare member. FB*!—i - e. a. Ba. I SO At small apartment for rent Call la«t Wedneaday. panlea settle their dispute ovtt ex- life have organized special classes propriated oil landa is a first move her work. Enroute they visited the ed on Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis wine and suitable, therefore, for Mrs. Cyrus Hunsberger attended for the purpose. Most people stand up when the Mrs. Florence Stiles, Phone J Mr. and Mra. Clayton Cahoon are Grand Ledge Park. Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon such nn important occasion. the Bechtel Reunion at Townsend Patataw IS ^ Ik National Anthem Is played, and F2, Lowell or Heath-Geib Co, giving a reception for their daugh- to show Latin America that the Professor Charles Farris has such *1 never did fully regain my feet 8 25c "good neighbor" can not be pushed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison were Frost brought their grandson. Con- Park Saturday. Glen Burkholder after I stumbled to a big hole be- fall down when they try to sing it Murray Bldg., Grand Rapida. ter and Ro- Mr. and Mrs. Melville rad to stay with his grandparents, a school at Miami It is equipped CHip Mary tic around. Also an element Is Brit- met Monday evening at Aid Hall to and Mra. Wm. Thompaon Monday her mother. Mra. Rac-el StahL Mr. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Em- and family of Detroit brought her fore the barracuda attacked .me —Hie Kablegram. d4tt Buche. at Keene Grange hall nwrt Bowne Bugle Notes ma Moffit and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roark, while with a dozen or more lightweight ish and Dutch impatience with the practice songs for the 4-H Fair, j afternoon. Sunday evening guests and Mrs. Wesley Clemenz and son home and were her guests until again. I was half leaning on my Saturday night TTjelr friends and Myrtle Porrttt Sanborn of Alaska. Mr. and Mrs they were enroute to Lansing. diving apparatuses and a sixteen- lelativec are cordially invited. slow progress of negotiations In Prof. Nichols of M. S. C. met with were Mr. and Mrs. Oacar Moore of Lowell were afternoon callers. The drum is something more, in Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. spear, point upward, when I ithem Wednesday for special train- and Mr. and Mra. George Golds. O. E. Meyer and son of Grand Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Anderson Race of South Lyons were Sunday foot launch. Fifteen coeds are en- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geiger were which the United States is sup- The Weaver family reunion will India, than a musical instrument- chanced to glance back and up posed to be carrying the ball for W. F. M. S. ing. Mrs Valda Watts and Miss Callera Sunday afternoon at the be held at the home of Mr. and Rapids called «t the Pattison home visited Mra. Ella Flyr.- at Free- dinner guests of Mrs. HunSberger. rolled on his books for a course of week-end guests of their parents, TeU r It occupies an important place in through my helmet port American, British and Dutch oil Tk. •.r,,,.! a..«..t Kto— « ^vt been assisting. Staal home were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ovid Miller Saturday, Aug. 26. in the evening. port Friday. Mrs. Race was formerly Mrs. Ben six months. This course consists Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sparks. Mr and Indian myth and legend. The most investors. J5? 225' Odea and Howam Raimer and children. Mr. and Mrs. Semiah Weaver Vernor Lynn of Grand Rapids Mr. and Mrs. Valda Chaterdon Burkholder and a cousin of Mrs. of two submersions weeily for each "Two rows of sharp. Jagged teeth Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Benson. Mr. ancient of these drums is the in an open mouth ten inches across, ^ 77c ard slTtlll ^ . fcuniiy 'Pent Sunday evening with, George Staal la spending a few spent Sunday with his daughter, and another party caught their and children of Grand Rapids, Mr. Hunsberger. student toe classes divided seven and Mrs. Harold Benson and son. Mrf Ware St0 yt MAr,h mrdanga, the two heads of which We wiah to commend Secretaxy ^ ^ - ^- ?' ^ » ^ Mrs. Orville Deardorf and family of limit of bluegills and perch on Mor- and Mrs. Seymour Hesche and George Ford took his niece, Miss to one and eight to the other. and coming right toward me. I Richard Harold and Mr. and Mrs. a children and father, Wm. Bunker, are made of parchment and tuned Azor Parker were Sunday after- CarksviUe. rison Lake recently. Sarah Bannan, who Is in train- So far there have been none to don't remember raising my spear. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Richard- Mrs. Ernest Roth and Mrs. Miles by braces. A mixture of flour and noon guests at the Dell Lee home. 0 N John o d Sall,p ny, Saunders okf Grand Mrs. Josephine Miller of Cale- ing as a nurse at St. Mary's Hos- suffer as victims of accidents ex- All I do remember dearly is that last week son and the latter's brother-in-law O"Harrow were Sunday afternoon water is frequently applied to the within a moment after I saw toe Mrs. Esther Sparks was brought " " "" ™ ' ° ^ . •°" ' 5s!? • -~ •»» donia spent Thursday and Friday pital, to Lowell Monday and they cepting a student by the name of steak supper at Caledonia Lakeside Elaine Toles. who returned home with her nephew, Clarence Miller and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clare callers of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Sil- head to increase tbe volume, and were dinner guests of Sarah's par- thing coming, it was there almost home last FViday from Belding hos- York Worlds Fam He courteously Velma Nash Mrs. Bertha Por- cox. Myrlin before, whose home is in pital and is slowly gaining. Her d flmid Park Thursday evening In honor with her Sunday to stay this week. and wife. Porrltt of West Bowne, spent Sun- the drum is played with the Angers. ents, Jack and Ella Bannan. at my face. I felt the spear shaft SSnllir^ ^ ^ in t oxica Ets , ntt ^ in ch^e, ^ a fa Ctocinnati. Miss Defore, who was >ICk,n of Mrs. Johnson's birthday. Nearly everyone In our neighbor- Harold Merrill is visiting his day afternoon with their brother Barbara Cummings of Lansing Among primitive peoples the drum Mr. and Mra. Ralph Rockwood aunt, Mrs. Gertie Gould, is caring ^ ^ J " ""Me repon of year s work. Mrs. spending some months in Miami Jerked from my hands, and again Mrs. Ralph Coomb and two chll- hood attended the Ionia fair last brother and sister at Kalamazoo and sister-hi->law, Mr. and Mrs. and Dorothy Chaterdon of Grand is used as a medium for transmit- of Lansing were Saturday evening PORK LOIN 1 7 for her. son« attack on national sta^ aaio xho% Gardner, Devotlonala. Re- 1 stumbled into the hole from which C rrp T,,in dren of Gladwin spent a few days week, some going several days. It this week. Clinton Brewer of Zeeland. Rapids, who spent last week with ting signals, news and other types guests of Mr. and Mra. Edwin Pot- with an aunt enrolled in the marine # v Sex era] relatives and friends S-TSa Tr f. ^ freshments of cake and lemonade wa8 1 X hadn't fully escaped. ROAST - ea a. • W Uld h m lf 10 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clare the be? ever this year. Mr. and Mrs. Spenor Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ted Scott and their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mra. of messages. Some of them can be school tor a course in undersea m called at the Alden Sparks home ^ ***** L « were .erred at the a.d hall, truff of Diamond St. "I fell back slowly, like a man in tc see Robert Nelson, Jr. and conduct representing the gov- Alderink. CaUera Tuesdsy afternoon at the!and children attended the Johnson family and J. O. Scott attended the Claud Silcox, returned to their heard for a distance of six miles, J. B. Keller, wife and two daugh- study. homes Sunday. a slow-motion movie, and that bar mother Sunday. ernor's character. Mr. Kelly, you Mrs. Stanley Coles attended her Ed- Potter home were Mr. and Mrs 'family reunion at Morley Saturday Buttrlck reunion at the home of and one small instrument not two ters are enjoying a trip through "It was a lark," she declared, ISc Faacy •» 2Sc 00 Charles Buttrlck at Cascade Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Blossom racuda was as swift a> lightning The Hoskins brothers, Wayne grew in the estimation of a lot of Bowne Locals class reunion at Bertha Brock By*" Potter and Mr. and Mrs. afternoon. feet high, has been known to send its northern Michigan, through Can- "as weD as educational. That is. Kah.MMRssssVHt.esRepkg.llHc Park Sunday. Wm, Letts if Grand Rapids ] Mrs Lizzie Whit me r of HoUand day. and family expect to move to their It WoS a lark until that day the compared to my movements. Be- and Junior, moved their 12 head VmLT* did The Bowne Kitchen Maida enter- sound for 10 miles. ada and will visit many points of fore I felt toe stubble at growth at of registered Jersey artock to the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nash are Mr. Kohlbeck has sold hia farm and Mrs. Lydia Thompson spent Mrs. Zora Miller is home agoin new home, the Draper farm, next interest. They will go to sec the barracuda attacked me." And pous ^ ^ -xiaed a group of twelve mothers after finishing her nursing at Alle- week. my back as I sank down on bottom, BarraftPartUaf^ZSe C.i Marshall FVir which opens Tues- their leader, Mrs. Edwiaa Wlngeier the proud parents of an 8\-lb boy 1° * Mr. Dietman of Grand Rap-lSunday with their sister, Mrs. El- # famous quints before coming iiere's how it happened. day. They won 5 fi-tl prirea, one born Friday at Luz Maternity hos- id8- ton Church and family. gan. Mrs. Chas. Timpson has return- home. the thing was making off tn the Tens of thcuaands of chiidrer. and advisor. Miss Benson, at a Mrs. N. S. Huichlnson of Pon- Speed of Arrows and Bullets Zt was 10 o'clock to toe morning. grand champion and several sec- pital, named for his two grand- Mrs. Gordon Stahl and children, ed from a week's visit at Levering, Mr. and Mra. Ed. Pottruff with direction, turning over and would be better fed and clothed, demonstration dinner»at the aid tlac spent from Tuesday until Fri- with Mrs. Maud Lemon.' The range and speed of an arrow Tbe dass was visiting Just off Key r onds at tbe lonla FYee F'air. The and many thousands of workmen s hall Ftiday noon. The tables were parents, John Henry Nash. Mrs. Chas. Wieland and Mrs. Revill Sarah Bannan. Mra. BUa Bannan, I and the shaft of my spear *is Mr. aad Mrs. Leonard Johnson were among those who attended day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Houghton cannot begin to compare with that We«t to study some new plant life was sticking out from its mouth. boys left Sunday forenoon. They wives would be happier, and em- decorated in the dub colors, green Russel Smith and wife of Lowell wd attend 'he Jersey Pariah Show spent Friday at Indian Lake and the Brethren Ladies Aid at the Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Sydnam. and daughter of Clarksvllle were of a rifle bullet An arrow leaving that had been discovered there. Not In some manner 1 must have raised and employes would be and white with center bouquets of Many from Alto attended the attended tbe Ionia Fair one day of # cloud marred Florida's sky, and at Wayland where tbey win be heard Gov. Dickinson speak Friday Ray Seese home. Sunday evening lunch guests of the bow such aa deer hunters use last week and they enjoyed a pic- my spear unconsciously as it at- better off. if it was not for the baby zinnias. The meal was aerved Ionia Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Silcox. travels at a speed of from ISO to toe rays of the moming sun shone judged for tbe Detroit State Fair. quand between the (30. beaded j three courses. A short program evening. Rev. and Mrs. Rivell and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Semiah Weaver nic dinner while there. tacked, and I guess toe open mouth n spent several days with his broth- Miss Carol Klink of Philadelphia, 185 feet per second, while the bul- perfectly through the crystal-clear They will also attend the Jackson by John L. Lewis, and tbe Amer- waa given at the table. Further re- Lydia Thompson are attending the Elmer Howk and wife of Kala- was so big 1 couldn't miss It with Pair the laart of the week. 3 beaded District meeting of the Brethren er. Alvin Weaver and family of Pa., and Mrs. Fred Pattison called A group of German-born settlers let from a 80-80 sporting rifle baa a waters. An ideal day for under- port see 4-H News Bowne 4-H dubs on Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ellis Wed- of the Loon Lake district in Sas- mazoo visited Mra. Howk's sister, toe spear point It had dived right BROADCAST ny Wm. Green. Strikes have been ^id outstanding work last year. So. Keene-No. Boston Churches of Michigan at Shepard Prescott the first of last week. muzzle velocity of approximately Mra. Ed. Pottruff and husband on water observations. onto the point and rammed It down this week. George Johnson spent Sunday nesday evening. Miss Klink is vis- katchewan have gone back to Ger- 2,000 feet per second. The killing GOOD ADTICC caDed becauae of differences aa to Watch for 4-H news and keep up Mra. E4. Potter iting Rev. and Mrs. Clint Garvin many because of what tbey term- Down lute Che Deep. its throat That was a lucky Jab RIDI-MIAT which union shall nfle, and tbe ^hat the youngsters of our Mrs. Lizzie Whitmer of Holland with his cousin. Dale Johnson, of range of the arrow is seldom over The Glasgows with Mrs. Florence OI1 spent from Friday night until Sun- Bowne Center. of East Caledonia. ed "anti-German propaganda" in Miss Defore was a few minutes forme. poor worker hta to contribute to coaatjr and state are doing in 4-H Sunday evening dinner gueau of 60 yards, while a rifle bullet has a Becbtel enjoyed an outing at Brow- day with her brother. Semiah Mr. and Mrs. John Mlshler enter- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Behler and Western Canada. A number of late getting into her diving gear. "As far as I could sec it writhed ^ 25c one or tbe other in order to get a m.oriJ range upward at 800 yards, but the Mr. and Mrs Jake Staal were Mr. tained the Kauffman family re- jon Ralph of Pontlac spent tbe Czech refugees recently settled er Lake last week. Professor Farris had already gone to agony, toe bamboo shaft stick- job aaid hold it then lays off to un Alice Colea and children, and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mr. Weaver and wife. week-end at the V. L Watts home. around Loon Lake. usual kin is made from about 80 J. 6. Brandebury and wife were tog from Its month. And Mood strike becauae the bosses quarrel. Vernice Benson. Myrtle Porrltt and Mary Louise Warren of Kalama- union. Those present were her sis- yards. , overboard with his brood of seven and Mra. Robert Ford and daugh- ter, Mrs. Emma Troyer of Pitts- The Behlers, accompanied by Mi Sunday dinner guests of Will Glas- streaked behind it and clouded toe Such a condition is inexcusable in and Mrs. Floyd ter, Mr. and Mrs. ADen Reiadorph, zoo spent last week with her gow, -wife and Mildred. In tbe af- young women to the classroom on Alice Heacock cousin. Mra. Chas. Wieland and burgh, Pa.; her brothers, Mr. and Pauline Montague, are spending Friendship is a sheltering tree.— tbe ocean's floor six fathoms be- „a civilized country. ... ,. . an.. d _w_e .stil l Flynn enjoyed an amateur show George Raimer and housekeeper tbe week at the Northrup cottage ternoon they all went to Ideal Park family. Mrs. Henry Kauffman and two Samuel Taylor Coleridge. neath the launch when the tardy •Q-Jexr thing i flrmfr believe that if the CIO bad put ^ aeverai members of tbe "*1 Mr. and Mra. Geo. Veeastia. at Grand Haven. OM Capital a new and very beautiful park in k Donald, Herbert and Willard daughters from Ohio; John Kauff- student donned her equipment and Farris was leaning over me and not ?>een fostered by our govern- junjor Dramatic Club Thursday whose honor the dinner was Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacNaugh- PUBLIC NOTICES The capital of England at toe time Wyoming township. KROGER * Tucker of Flint spent the past two and daughter and grand- helping me to my feet He signaled ment and cur r^^^^ tw-o yearf aftemooiL Cookies and punch were given, the latter leaving Tuesday ton called on Mr. and Mrs. Clare of the Wessez kings—Winchester- Mra. Minnie King of Greenville stepped boldly down the rope lad- TO tET Tmt MFT TM MIT Otn «d more ago the CSO with ita sit- ^ ^ tot their home tn California. weeka with their grandmother, daughter of Elkhart, Ind.; their was a recent caller on her uncle, der that dangled to the water from wHh toe line to haul us up. and mo- "What do you Think I ought to do Mra. Elton Church and family. children, Mr. and Mrs. John Mlsh- Can- of Grand Rapids Sunday. ORDER APPOTVTIXr. TIME FOR HEAR- was once the city of King Alfred. It down strike? and un-Amencan tac- ^ ^ john ^ash, Marie Mr. and Mra. Sam Detmer and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Behler of J. S. Brandebury and wife. the low rafl. tioned to toe rest of toe girls to when a man tells me that I haven't Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kaufftnan ler and children of Indiana; Mr. ING CLAIMS saw the parliaments of William the Oca oouid not have grown to its ^ Elizabeth PUrritt and Mr. and «*»"ly were Sunday dinner guests and Mrs. Henry Mlahler, Mr. and Lake Odessa and Mrs. Sarah Behler Her equipment merely consist- follow. Classes were through for am ounce of brains?" present size and Its. menacing im- Henry Thompson attended of Mr. and Mra. Albert Detmer in and children apent Saturday night State of MJchican. Tbe Probate Court Conqueror and Edward the Confes- toe day. And for every other day. Mr& with hia parents, Mr. and Mra Mra. Ivan Root, Mrs. Alice Mlshler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs ior the County of Kent. Thank goodness we live in a ed of a one-piece bathing suit a 'Td waive examination.'* portanoe.—Casaopolia Vigilant. Ion4a Tbur*M.y. Grand Rapida. sor's coronation and ranked in im- ao far as Tm concerned. IU get Jake Kauffman of Indiana. On and son of Grand Rapids; Mr. and Val Watts. At a «eMion of cald court, heM at tbe portance with London to medieval free country, where a man may pair of leaded-sole tennis slippers, Mrs. Jennie Flynn and Clair, i Tuesday afternoon guests of Mr. Loren Blocher of Grand Rapids probate office, in tbe city of Grand Rap- a lightweight diving helmet a from books, hereafter." Sunday they attended the Kauff- Mrs. Herman Fisher and family of kU. In aatd county on the 21ft day of times. An that remains of Its for- say what he thinks—if he Isnt No McConls-FAsf Mrs. Floyd Flynn and Geraldine Mra. Wm. Thompaon were Mr. Fremont and Mr. and Mrs. Milton gave an "aluminum supper" at the afraid of wife, neighbors, or boss, sheathed kntta fastened onto a light After six weeks stay, ITNab an family reunion at the Daniel D. 1939. mer greatness is the cathedral—the c-pent Monday evening with Mrs. snd Mrs. Hoyt Wood, Mrs. Jennie Kauffman home. home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs it. Hon. JOHN DALTON. Judce and if he's sure it won't hurt his grudgingly gave fbe hotel porter a of Probate. longest Gothic church to Europe. P*—Alice Gardner" and Emory Lowe. McDonald and Mr. Gardner of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Van- Clinton 31ocher, Wednesday eve- business or his reputation.—Patter- dollar. Logan school win begin SepL 5 In the Matter of the Estate of NrWe K. - CASCADE VILLAGE - uTTXTZ Mra. Jennie Miller of Portage. Ripii* and Mr. and Mra Dusen and daughter of Grand Rap- with Miaa Schantz of Midt&eville aa ning. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. son fKan.) News. *Te know when I was in Paris cox w.soonsm. is visiting friend, and Thompaon. Thuraday din- Tbe way family necessities keep - ids were Sunday dinner guests of teacher again. Frank MacNaughton and Mr. and It appearlni; to tbe court that tbe time Miss Annette Britton returned When we see that CHIROPRAC- tips coat me nigh on $30.*' he said. re .atiws of the communitv. I®" rwrt* we Mr. and Mra. Dave Mrs. Amos Stereick. for pretenutloo of claim* acalnat said rising to equal the breadwinner's home with them after spending the Try a classified ad to the Ledger TIC is successful in such diseases "Were yon there many years, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houaeman, ^ ^ Lyk Armstrong of Sowers and family of ML Pleasant- Mrs. Hockett, Mrs. Brown and Me fbould be limited, and that a time Income is an inexplicable mystery. and get results. tf Mra. Basil B. Vrasland past week at the Silooz-Vreeland and place be appotated to reoelye. exa- as mentioned before, plua ANEMIA, and family visited at the EL Forbes Df.lrrtt SuI,"daV at A J. Por- Andrew Hoover of Lansing spent Mrs. Floyd Clark and Chloe Hock- home. sir?"—Florida Times-Union. s-'ie and adjutt all clattnj and demands '. and Mrs. Josepn B. Ander- ARHHRim. EYESTRAIN, F®- home Tueaday evening. ritfa A J. returned home with the week-end with John Hoover ett of Kalamaroo spent Friday acaliut nld deceased by and before said NOTICE Mra. Harry Pankeo and daughter attended the lonla Fair last MALK DISORDERS, STOMACH. Mr. and Mra. J. Cox and sona at- f«. a visit and family. Afternoon guests were -with Mr. and Mra. Ed. Clark. court: of Plymouth and sister of North- tended Grace Church Sunday and ^ i spenMr. tan d Mrs. Aloysius Hoover and It is Ordered. That all tbe crodltors of A Joint session of the Lowell Wednesday. LTVER and KIDNET diseases, we. Swain (in late hours)—How can I QhjxMOI1 Peaches, Plums, Apples Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brower of ville spent the week-end with Mr. hom oS r daughter of Ionia and evenir* said deoaased are required to present their Township Board and the Bowne John Smelker, Jr., and John realise that Chiropractic does far leave you? ;' * - ^ Friday and Saturday with Ida Detroit were Sunday evening call- claims to aaid court at said Probate Office and Mra. John Heler at their home ever 5 guests were Mr. and Mrs. George oe or before the ma tey of Demmber, a. Township Board will be held Tues- Eash left last Tuesday by auto on more than lust Tired Father (poking his bead ST " , * grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eut Be* Lbe Frail ScdiH ers at the P. F. Kline home. day, August 29, 1989. at 8 o'clock here. Herman VanderStolpe of Grand BourfmeTof Freeport. Mrs. Margaret Arndt of New D. ISM, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon their way to see the sights to Cal- The school house is receiving a r^ound the door)—Bus No. 7, Train said time and place being hereby appointed p. m., E. S. T., at tbe Alto school 1 CARRY ifornia. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Vandenhout HAS FINEST QCAUTT FRITTS GROWN York City and Mra. Goldle Moore new coat of paint inside, Melvin No. 40, OT any taxi cab!—Capper's . "r « , _ Mr and Mrs George Clarke of for thr examination and adjustment of house in the township of Bowne, James Barnes, Ernest Barnes . iZfTZ. qgrSS ? T Ca^onia called at Ward Boulard's spent Friday in Grand Rapids. Al Va of Lansing visited Mra. Dale Cur- all claims and demands against aaid de- ANTI- Ellis of Alto doing tne work. Weekly. tended the 4-® Fair at Lowell on ^ Mr. and Mrs. ADen Riesdorph of Xent County, Michigan, for the and family, Mrs. Lawrenoe, Jerald Mra. Ella Flynn of Freeport Phone Grand Rapids 118, Ask far tiss two days last week. purpose of considering the question Pennsylvania came Saturday to It Is Porther Ordered. That public no- Anderson, Joseph Flynn, Harold spent Sunday at the John Flynn m-Pt MrB 4 F1 Iiri OT Den Holcomb of Logv called at tloe thereof be siren by pubHcatton of a of transferring Lots 10 and 11, Vreeland and Michael UcGlhn •Auctioneering is my apecia] Eugene' Dahlka and wife are f** >" visit her mother, • Mrs. Frank the Falrchild home Friday. copy of this order for three successive CHar.ow and Hlnyan addition, were the ones from this way who home. a of business. Prices very rea- working for Arthur Ped, taking Edith and Ethel Boulard, Mra. Thompson and husband and other Adems's StsmUrd Senice Ststiss Mr. and Mrs. Val Johnsuu c* iks previous to aaid day of bearing, in care of the peaches. Libbie Layer and Mrs. Ahna Mish- LffweU Lodger, a Mtrapaper printed owned by Charles Demlng of INSURANCE attended the Ionia Fair Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Vredand ac- Zf I am out arrange dates relatives. Detroit called at fee John Linton and circulated In said county. Lowell-tp., Kent county, Michigan, John Flynn was in Wayland on companied Mr, and Mra. George with my wife."—Ad. in Titusville. Mr. and Mra. Nick DeYoung and l* Friday evening. Mr. and Mra. Homer Thornton (MU4) a home Sunday. JOHN DALTON, to School District No. 4, Bowne-tp., Monday. Brisbun and son Robert to Grand Pa., paper. family attended the milkmen's Mr. and Mra. Dee Bryant and of Grand Rapids were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Miller of Jodse of Probate. A tn* copy Kent county, Michigan. d Mrs. Basil Vreeland and Monday afternoon. Gee's Hardware picnic at Townsend Park Tuesday, daughters attended the Bryant re- guests at the Toles home. Ada were Sunday afternoon callers Leonard Johnson, Silcox were in Grand There in no substitute for polite- union at Campau Lake Sunday I Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McDon- at tbe Wilson home. The Bowne 4-H girls and boys lough and son were callers of Mr. cli ft cl3, St cl8-«t Bowne-tp. Clerk. it Friday Ledger Classified Ads Get teaks v Mkfti. It pays to advertise in tbe

-« — 53

1 T THE LOWELL LEDGES, LOWELL, MKSBBOAN, THURADAT, AUGUST U, 1939 SEVEN tfDt THE LOWELL LEDGER, UfWMLL, M10HIQ41f, THURSDAY, AUGUST U. 19S9 Council Proceedings Fallasburg & Vicinity Short Story Mrs. Wesley Miller PUBLIC NOTICES VILLAGE OP LOWBLL ANGELUS Official t Mrs. Wesley Miller went to But- The regular meeting of the Com- LOWELL BAPTIST CHURCH terworth hospital Sunday after Speaker, Rev. Kenneth T. Rbmlg They're Sometimes NOTICE OF MOBTQAOC 8AUS HAI.E OR MOBTOAGE OF BEAL ESTATE mon Council of the Village of Low- noon for a major operation Tues- Dtfaultf having b«en nude (and rich Stale of Michigan. The Probate Court ell was held In the City Hall Coun- day morning. At this writing her 9:45 a. m. —Worship Scrvlcc. dcraulu hiving continued (or more than for the County of Kent. Subject, "Forgiving and Forget- IDflRSHfflRLLOUIS cil Rooms August 7, 1939. Grateful nlnrty dayi) In the condition* ot a cer At a eeaiion of said court, held at the condition is not definitely known. ting," a message especially for tain mortnase made by Jack J. Roee and Probate Office In the City of Orand Rap- The meeting was called to order Mr. and Mrs. fid. Jones and chil- Nellie Roee. huibind and wife, of Grand id*, In aaid County, on the nth day o( by President Arehart at 8 p. m. dren, Bill and Betty, Mrs. Prlmeau children. Rapida, Kent County. Michigan, to Home Auguit, A. D. 1939. Trustees present: Day. Cook, of Hollywood, Calif., Dorothy Arm- 10:45 a. m.—Bible School. Classes Uv WILLIAM SMITH STORfS Ownera' Loan Corporation, a Corporation Present. Hon. JOHN DALTON, Judge o( for all ages. Charles Thompson, Probate. Roth. Shepard, Christiansen, Ruth- strong, Pat Nelson, Jack Brown 'Atunrlnlcd Newspapers.) organlied under the lawi ot the United Supt. WNU Seivlce. l-lb. Cello. Bag Slatea of America, dated Auguat 31, 1934 In Ihr MalUr of the Ealale o( Iva D. erford. \ and friend, Mr, and Mrs. Norman 10* and recorded In the office of the Reglater Smith, Dereaeed _ Minutes of meeting held July 8 Brown and daughter and Mr. and 7:00 p. m.—B. Y. P. U. of Deede (or Kent County, Michigan, on Thoma* A. AuJereon having (lied In "W rpafi -nj -nnroved 8:00 p. m.—Song Service. court h1.* pelltl n. praying (or llcenae tO|re®f approvea. Mrs. Harland Sarson and daughter K IRS MILL was a good and rath- September Jfl. 1»34, In Liber 779 of Mort 8;80 p. m —Subject, "Why Can't 1 Mb. gagea, on fagea 581-58J, and atld mort sell the Interest o( aaid estate In certain | Moved by Trustee Roth and sup- spent the week-end at the Jones ON THE "f-amauA ^ er pretty little widow. Her five HORMEL'S bags gagee having elected under the terma of realf} esUte then In described. aw —j jport** b>' Trustee Day that the'cottage. The Brown and Sarson We Live Forever?" (This will be children adored her aad usually RED CIRCLE COFFEE 2 35c aaid mortgage lo declare the entire prln J!wr. * attmoctockin ihe ,lmf for collection of taxes be ex- families remained at the cotUge an answer to an article in the Sep- WELCOME! obeyed her, which is significant She elpal and accrued mtereat thereon due tember Issue of the American mag- which election It do«a hereby exerclae, f .rfnoon. Bt aiU* probate o((ice, be and tended to September 16, 1939. for a week. had never smiled merrily since the SPAM P1LLSBURY FLOUR 73g h,r b azine). punuant lo which there la claimed lo be ,• » ^ frr f*'; | The water supply for the Village Adam Bailey wat a recent caller day her husband died, finely fighting MIRACLE MEA7 due and unpaid on aaid mortgage at the ia^d Mtate Appear iS(^ aaid a° of L0**11 wa« reported by the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E*rn 8:00 p. m., Thursday—Prayer, XEIT4-H CLIBS date of Ihle •otic* for principal and in Tirestone Praise and Bible Study hour. the worst blaze that had ever oc- 12-OZ. said time and place, lo show cause why Michigan Department of Health as Johnson. QOLD MEDAL FLOUR 75c leretl the eum of Two Thouaand Bight August SI will be the annual bus- curred In the history of peaceful Hundred nfty-alx and 401 100 Dollan dr PRIZE Winning But- can (I2.U8.4S) and no ault or proceeding al ute^Sr*saM'real^MUuTbooid Ulrt '^ Ro,h an<1 ^ of New- iness meeting of the congregcUon. Dannsville. 27 -lb. Moved by Trustee Roth and sup- aygo are spending a week with his STANDARD TIRES Ur and Dairy Product! law or In equity having been Inatltuted to r n, l Dora Mill was a dressmaker and PEANUT BUTTER 2 jar 21c recover the debt aecured by aaid mortgagt * i| |s Further Ordered. That public no- ported by Trustee Day that the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Den- or any part thereof! lice thereof be glvm by publication o( a following bills be paid. nis. ZION METHODIST CHURCH are on Sale tha Year • good one, though if she hadn't copy o( thla order, (or three successive John Claus, Pastor 1*11 CECr MEL-O-BIT 4 -Ib. Now. There(ore, by rlrtue of the power weeka previous lo Mid day of hearing, In Mr. and Mrs. John Wheat and 'Round at Our Stora. been quite clever with her garden Vll CCaL AMERICAN OR DIUCK L of aale contained in aaid mortgage and General THE THRIFT SENSATION German prcaching Sunday at CRISCO loaf 39c punuant lo Ihe Blalutea of the BUIe of he Lowell Ledger, a newspaper printed family were Sunday visitors of Mrs. as well, making It support the hun- Michigan In euch caa« made and provided ind clrculaled In eaid county. L E. Johnson 10 o'clock. gry five ond supply early peas to Mb. can 18c JOHN DALTON, . lo J n 86.75 Wheat's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra For the Bast and Saf- -lb. Notice la Hereby Given that on geptembei Judge of Probate. (Fred Gramer 95.15 Johnson, OF 1939 Sunday School at 11 o'clock. some of the neighbors. It was hard 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 3 bag 39e 88. 1939 al ten o'clock forenoon, Eaalern You are cordially Invited. est drink, Standard Time at Ihe North front door a true copy. I Gene Carr 110.00 Beulalne Miller visited friends in to see how she could moke ends FRED ROTH. chrU Bergln 24-ox. of Ihe Court Houae In Ihe City of Grand Reglater o( Probate. cli. 31 175.00; Wyoming Park over the week-end HOW YOU CAN GET ONE OF LOWELL CREAM'RY meet. 3 -lb.an 47® Ate SOFT TWIST loavei Rapida, County of Kent. MlcMgan (that M. N. Henry. 2.15 and enjoyed a chickep dinner at FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Her attractive face and pleasant BREAD 3 23c being Ihe place of holding Circuit Court OBDEB APPOINTING TIME FOB HEAB- R. E. SprlngOtt Walter T. Ratciiffe. Minister PASTEURIZED MILK In aaid County) aaid mortgage will be 29.641 Dorr on Sunday, returning home THESE AMAZING TIRES manner had called forth at least one forecloae4 by a tale at public auction lo ING CLAIMS |P Hosley, P. M 3.00: Monday afternoon. 10:00 a. m. —Sunday School. stands flrstl offer of marriage, but she dreaded WHITE HOUSE MILK 4 tall 23c Ihe hlgheal bidder of the premlsea dea- stile o( Michigan. The Probate Court Dr. H. P. Gotfredsen 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stauffer and The world Is astir! Rival ideas are the effect of a stepfather on the af- SPRY cnbed In aaid mortgage, or ao much (or the County ot Kent. p-j.! KeUoair 11.251 daughter of Lowell, Mr. and Mrs. fighting for supremacy. What Idea thereof aa may be necesaary to pay the Al a session o( aaid court, held at Ihe " ' fairs of the five, which she was ca- l-lb. can cans amount due aa aforeaald. and any aum probate o((lce. In ihe city o( Orand Rap- I* E. Johnson 6.00 •' Bill Zwiers and children of Kala has captured your mind? Come pably directing to certain definite 18c POTTED MEAT 3 10c or tuma which may be paid by Ihe under ds In aaid couMr on the 3rd day o( Au- Dave Clark 6.001 mazoo and Mr. and Mrs. Tom with us and seek the True and Liv- ends. Derrick was to be an electri* algned at or before aaid aale for laxee gust. A. D. 1939. 'Wm Collins 6.00 Chalmers of Grand Rapids apent ing Way. Lowell and | or Inaunnce on aaid permiaea. and Preaent. Hon. JOHN DALTON. Judge of , ™; LOWELL HIGH SCHOOL csl engineer. He knew, of course, -lb. can amhpa6e qf. Probata. Lodle Shear 6.00 Sunday at the home of their par- 3 47® SALAD DRESSING all other aumi paid by the underelgned, 11:00 a. m. —Worship Service. that this meant immense effort on 25c with mtereat thereon. purauAnt lo law and j ^ Jo^^ Earl Dowllng r. 5.00 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Emlel Stauffer. The guest preacher Is Dr. Harry his own part, for Dora never dis- lo Ihe term* of aaid mertgage, and all 5.00 Elaine Miller has enrolled at the Henry, who served tills church for Creamery legal eoata. chargea and expenaea. Includ- ir^TSrSe court that tbe time £"1 Havens guised that triumph meant work. P a G or KIRK'S ing an attorney'a fee. which premlaee are for preaentitlopresenUMon of claims against aaid iKay Hand 5.00 Heaney's Commercial College In short period last fall. Everyone Is E. A. Compagner APPLES ONIONS deaciibed aa followa: estate ahould be limited, and that a time Ray Covert 5.001 ^and Rapids and will start Sep- welcome. Sermon topic Is "Some Lowell, Mich. JTanny was to be a designer. Tom That certain piece or parcel of land tnd place be appointed lo receive. i o,vviTHhhloMt r 5.00 tember 6. was too small to be seriously in- MICH. U. b. No. 1 MICH. U. 8. No. 1 alluated In the City of Grand Rapid*. mine and adjust all claims and demands fy t ®r """"'fir. • Extends a New Holy Ground." clined toward any calling, and the SOAP WEALTHIES YELLOW County of Rent, Michigan, more particu- against sild deceased by and before aaid Merle Dawson. 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bradley were larly deaciibed aa: court: Bud Gaunt 8.00! visitors at the home of Mr. and CATHOUC PARISHES twins were mere babies. Lot number Sevenly-one (71) o( Harrl- It la Ordered, That all ths credlton of Lowell Ledger 15.00 Mrs. Emlel Stauffer on Sunday. aon'a Fourth Addition to Ihe City of ssld deceased are required lo present • BUY 0 N EA T St. Mary's—Lowell Therefore when Gerard Filey, their claims lo said court at asld Probate W. 8. Darley Co 37.70 2:45 p. m., under the auspices of 10 b.. 33® ib c c Grand Rapida. Kent County, Michigan, Rev. Fr. Jewell, Pastor Dr. John E. Zoller of Detroit owner of the Filey Iron Works, drove 5 ">• 14 according lo Ihe recorded pla» thereof, to- Office on or before ths -lUi day af Deeem- State Mutual Fire Ins. Co.. 8.08 LIST PRICE AND GET up to the tiny house snd asked for 5 ' 13 gether with the heredlUmenta and ap- ber, A. D. ISM. at ten o'clock In tbe fore- 7.00 m.. Low Mass sermon. Preaching by Lyle Harmon. noon. aaid time and place being hereby ap- Lowejl Light A Power Co.. 13.40 Gore Lake Dora, she was surprised and Just a purteaancea thereunft belonging. Mrs. H. L. Cogsr THE NEXT ONE AT 9:00 . m.. High Mass and ser- You are cordially Invited to Dated; June 2S, 1939. pointed for Ihe examination and adjust- Prank Stephens 14.00 little frightened. Tom would throw HOME OWNERS" LOAN ment of all claims and demands against mon attend. CHIPSO CORPORATION, said deceaaed. 50%- DISCOUNT... bslls. Possibly his baD had broken It Is Further Ordered. That public no- Total .1 685.12 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rogers of Small 9c Mortgagee. St Patrick's—Parnell CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE a sizeable window. FRENCH'S BIRD SEED PK* 13c JOSEPH BHULWCT. tice thereof be given by publication of a City Hail Big lUpIds were Sunday callers of Attorney for Mortcagee. copy of thla order for three successive Cordial Welcome Rev. Fr. McNeil, Pastor Elmdale, Mich. But no. I her aunt, Mrs. Rufus Gregory and BualneM Addreaa; 300 Michigan •veeks previous to said day of hearing. In "You are Mrs. Mill?" asked FUey. 9-ox. the Lowell Ledger, a newspaper printed Fred Gramer 24.75 family. 8:00 a. m . Low Mass and sermon R. C. Johnson, Pastor Trust Bldg.. Grand Rapida, Michigan Mich. Bell Tsle. Co AS IOW,AS 10:00 a. m.. High Mass and ser- "I am." replied Dora, "won't you ^ 21' FRENCH'S MUSTARD I" 13c DE-W7-LG App. 10-13-36 C7. ISt and circulated In said county. 7.44 Dr. and Mrs. Woodburn enter- 10:00 a. m.—Sunday School. JOHN DALTON, Light A Power .90 tained a group at a "barn warm- mon. come in?" NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE Judge ot Probate. 11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship. pkg. A true copy: ing" at their home last Saturday 7:18 p. m—N. T. P. S. "If I may. 1 will." said the AMERICAN FAMILY WHEATIES 11c Defaults having been made (and such FRED ROTH, Total .1 33.09 evening. Cascade and Bowne stranger. drfaulta having continued for more thai* Register of Probate. cl3, 3t 8:00 p. m.—Evangelistic service ninety days) In the conditions of a cer- Street Little Jack Neubecker broke his Rev. Fr. E H. Racette. Pastor 8:00 p. m. Wednesday—Prayer "I came." said Filey, coming di- cakes tain mortgage made by William Golden OBDBB APPOINTING TIME FOB HEAB- arm again last week, about three To ambitious boys and girls of Lowell I Services at 8:80 and lO'OO a. m. meeting. rectly to the point, "to tell you SOAP PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 17e and Katherine Golden, husband and wife 1NO CLAIMS Fred Gramer 34.65 weeks after the first break. that your husband saved my Ufe. of the Clly of Grand Rapida. Kent County. L. A. Tanner FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CH. Michigan, lo Home Ownera' Loan Corpora- Slate of Michigan. The Probata Cnrt 10S.00 Mrs. Effle Gregory spent a part CAMPAU LAKE CHURCH Possibly you did not know of It." HEINZ BABY FOOD 2 cant 15c lion. a Corpora tion organized under the for the County of Kent. Lodle Shear HMH 105.00 of last week with her daughter, Robert M. Barksdale, Minister At s aesslon of aald court, held at the jp d Sunday School—10:00 a. m. 10 b.. 52® iaws of the United Itatea of America, 105.00 Mrs. Carl Wlttenbach at Ware and surrounding townships to take ad- Mrs. Mill fiushed painfully. 14-ox. dated Sixteenth April, 1934, and recorded probate office. In the clly of Orand Rap- 10:00 a. m. —Sunday School. Preaching—11:00 a. m. "I think Tom dlU his duty—al- In the office of Ihe Register of Deeds for .Ids, In aald county on the 15th day of John Dawson 16.50 Center and attended the lonla While the opportunity Is ours, let bottle ISc Auguat. A. D. 1939. Manly Johnson 1.75 Fair. Evening Service—7:80. ways," she said, quietly. HEINZ KETCHUP Kent Coanty. Michigan, on May 7lh. 19S4, us learn the way of Christ. We would like to have everyone tn Liber 707 of Mortgagee, on Pages 399 J0HN DALT0N V W Hunter 8.25 Mrs. Ervln Kent Is reported as ^'i'ob.'ie.n**' • ' 11:00 a. m. —Worship Service. who can, come to these sendees. Filey looked at her. What a love- OXYDOL cakes and 400, and aaid mortgagee having elec- A 210.00 slightly improved. ted under the lerma of aaid mortgage to In Ihe Mailer of Ihe Eatale of Loalaa i Hubbel, Roth Clark vantage of the increased opportunities The sermon ti.cme will be "Pray ly little face it was. How refined Giant 57e WOODBURY'S SOAP 3 25c declare Ihe entire principal and accrued Mlshler. Deceased. MuMer A Kelser 14.79 Ellen Coger is staying vlth her In expression. It appearing to the court that the time p.^v ppnH Tires tone iTANDaiiD | Without Ceasing." Prayer Is the ALTO and BOWNE CENTER Interest thereon due. which election it doea ruy 3.61 friend, Mrs. Howard VanDusen llFirestane CHMWION j highest function of tbe soul. It is Medium 9c hereby exerclee. pursuant to which there fur presentation of claims against said . " , V, 1 METHODIST CHURCHES "I wasn't thinking of any material 23c estate ahould be limited, and that a Ume Assoc. Trk. Lines, Inc 226 (Billy DeRoller) of Orand Rapids, YOU that connection with God by which WRIGHT'S SILVER POLISH la claimed lo be due and unpaid on said and place be appointed to receive, exa- m F. E. Chamberlain, Minister expression of gratitude." he has- mortgage at the date of this notice for Krcuter Faasen 12.30 formerly of these corners, who tat IAVI our desires are made known to principal a-d interest and Tax Advanc* mine and adjust all claims and demands H. J. Hartman Fdy. Co.... 20.70 with her husband, is leaving for for learning offered by this steadily X Alto Parsonage, Phone 50 tened to explain, "I only thought < pkg. against said deceased by and before said Him and His will is revealed to us. perhaps we might — might — be 2i^.39 BRILLO FOR CLEANING PANS 8c Ihe sum of Three TbouaacJ snd Sixty court: , . C. L. F. Williamson 13.30 their new work at Pontlac with 17 JO tut 111* mt MUTl Alto Four and seven one hundredths dollan 11441 17.11 m.ti I7J1 Neglect not this highest religious friends. I lost a son. you know. (13.044.07) and no ault or proceeding at It is Ordered, That all the creditors of Gee's Hardware 5.77 the Walt Dept. store. MS-IT) virtue. Wb Invite you to worship Worship Service—10:00 a. m. said deceased are required to preaent their Mrs. James VanNorman spent 7.41 Ml 11.11 1.71 Frat house burned. Maybe you cam law or lu equity havlne been IrtUliiled to clalma to aaid court at aald Probile Off- Lowell Lumber A Supply.. 22.43 us-u llfl 7.H ii.ti 7.77 with us. Sunday School—11:00 a. m. PARD DOG FOOD 3 25c recover Uh debt secured by aaid mortgage last Monday with her friend, Mrs. advancing school. 7M t.N 1MI IM beard of It And my wife slipped, icc on or before the ISILI day of Decem- Curtla-Dyke, Inc 14.77 or any part thereof; 7:80 p. m.—There will be a ser- Bowne Center ber, A. D. ISSS, at ten o'clock In the fore- Mulder A Kelser 20.87 Merle Coger. •JMI. 17.H Mf ii.fi M7 climbing in Switzerland. I'm alone, Northern Now. Therefore, by virtue of Ihe power noon. said time and place being hereby ap- fM 4.71 14JI 4.71 vice of Installation which gives our Sunday School—10:x5 a. m. pkg. of aale contained In aaid mortgage and. MMI. local Pilgrim Fellowship Group don't you see? And I'm very sorry PABST ETT CHEESE 15c pointed for the examlnaUon and adjust- Ml 4J2 IfJI 9M SIJI f47 Worship Servicr—11:15 a. m. pursuant to the Btatutos ot Ihe Slate of ment of all claims and demands against I Total I 717.08 4JI lift recognition In the State organiza- for folks who are alone. That's all Michigan tn such case made and provided 7J0-W TISSUE ssld deceaaed. West Lowell ti.n IMt titt 1M7 Notice Is Hereby Given that on Satarday, IMf Ml tl.M •.17 tion. We Invite all members and Tten, I know Dr. Blgby who Judged pkgs. It la Further Ordered. That pablle no-1 Light ft Power Mrs, Melvin Court ALTO BAPTIST CHURCH SHREDDED WHEAT 2 23c Oct. tlat, ISSS at Ten o'clock forenoon. nee thereof be given by publication of a .„ Afcava PrUas IscJada Yaw OW Tira-OHar tbas Maaofaly Uw| friends of the church to this ser- your babies. And I am particularly Eaalern Standard Time at Ihe North Front copy of this order for three successive Westlnghouse Elec I 127 JO vice which gives recognition to the W. B. Gardner. Pastor Interested in better babies." Door of the Court House In the Clly of weeks previous to said day of nearlng. In p. J. McMahon :. 4 r* 21® Y* Orand Rapids, County of Kent, Michigan 311.55 Peter Baker of Alma visited his Our new $80,000 unit with its six new class- A 10% DISCOUNT ALSO APPLIIS TO TNI work of the young people of the Bible School at 0:00 a. m. Ed- It was ail said so simply that Dora RITZ CRACKERS 21c (that being tbe place of holdtng Circuit a ^ 190.00 brother, John Baker and family church. A tea will be served after ward Wood, Supt. could not take offense or suspect ul- Court In aaid County) aaid mortgage will JOHzzr'N DALTON. Mert Sinclair 165.00 Sunday PURCHASI OP 2ud TIRE ON TNI POLLOWINO: the servicc in the Parish house. Preaching service at 11:00 a. m. be forceloaed by a aale at public auction judge of Probate: Byrne McMahon terior motives. to the highest bidder of the precilaea des- 175.00 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Easterday ol Prayer meeting every Thursday LUX or LIFEBUOY A true copy: Paul Rickert 150.00 Traverse City and Mr. and Mrs rooms and large auditorium-gymnasium adds evening. "If you are unhsppy." said she cribed In said mortgage, or ao much there-' FRED ROTH. flrestoaeMMinB flrestoae CONVOY 1 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY R1NSO Lux r lakes of aa may be neceaaary to pay the amount Register of Probate. ci5. 3t Gerald Staal 135.00 Melvin Court were Sunday after- Communion ths first Sunday in with the same fine frankness. "I Sma8 9e due aa aforesaid, and any sum or sums TOO Morning service every Sunday, each month. shall be glad to help you if 1 can. which may be paid by the undersigned at - Rosrer McMahon 123.75 noon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Will fOM YOU 11 o'clock. SOAP Smal 9c APPOINTINO n^/OB HEAB1NO D,ck Rulherford un mz '' Giant 57c or before aaid aale for taxes and | or In 90.00 Eaaterday near Palo. much to the advantages presented by this £5: X' teSs £ un Sunday School at 11:60 a. m. X am not very well educated. I've surance ca said pretnlaea, and all other ^ 'Bruce McMahon 90.00 Dorothy Billinger and Clarissa WHITNEYVILLE and SNOW never been further away than St auma paid by Ihe undrralgned, with In Slate of Michigan. The Probate Court w-k-i 110.10 tui 11 Ml IMI *11 14.10 11141 14.17 The reading room is located In lereat 'hereon, pursuant to law aad to for the Onunty of Kent. 111.38 Davenport spent the week-end in METHODIST CHURCHES Louis in my lift. But I want the c 1U0 uo 1040 I4S M0 440 1140 the church building. It is epea to 4 c*. 25® 2^39« the terms of aald mongage, and all legal At a session of said court, held at the,Kittle Charles 44.68 Detroit 440 the general public from twa to four Rev. Fleming, Minister best of life for all my little ones. And ^21 eoata, chargea aad expenaoa. Including an probate office, m the dly of Grand Rap-'jerry Do Vine 130.80 Lyle Baker and friend were Sun- strong school. i£i! im M0 1040 440 1141 140 1140 I.W o'clock each Saturday afternoon. Preschlng service at 10 o'clock I am glad they're healthy and good. attorney's fee, which premises are des- , U, 120.36 day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester S J0-1S cribed aa followa: &£ ^D.Tm! ^ ^ • ^ ^ I* VanOcker •AMI. 14JI 7.11 1141 7.17 Hero all the authorized literature at Snow church and at 11:80 at Do you know," with half a smile, Ray Ingersoll 113.92 Dawson of Saranac. 1040 140 1140 140 That certain place or parcel of land Present, Hon. JOHN DALTON. Judge of 8.25-Uj 17.40 0.70 of Christian Science may be read the Whitneyville church. " '1 was afraid little Tom might have BACON SQUARES Ib. 11c situated In the City of Grand Rapids, Probate. WHl Wood 3.50 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Court at- ti.10 Uf 11.91 140 1741 147 Sunday School at 10:80 at Whit- County of Kent, Michigan, mora particul- In (be Mailer of tte Estate of Wlillani or borrowed. Subscriptions may be broken one of your windows." Mich. Bell Tele, Co 20X7 tended the Fair in lonla Wednes- jAkava Priest Year OM Tlra-Otftar Shas neyville and at 11:00 at Snow. arly deacribed aa: fill JnaSESatjjonmr ii y uw made for the periodicals and or- Pilcy smiled, too. "No," tc said, Lot Blghty-nve (89) of KM land's Se- It appearing io the court that the iime|0«i. Elec. Supply Corp.... 33.20 ^y- This is a cordial welcome to Rev an M ders placed for tbe textbook, quai^ "it was Just that ! couldn't wait cond (2nd) Addllloo to the City of Grand for presentation of claima against said Webster Chev. Sales 15.52 * 6 Worship Scrvlce—10:00 a. m. little better." He smiled half wist- Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Cole and Farmers, Attention! At a session of aaid coon, held at the Lot thirty-seren (37). Biock Eleren (11) Roll Call: Trustees Day. Cook, Fair be 100% successful and may Study Service—11:15 a, m. lispeeled Row! Probata Office la tbe dty of Graad Bap- of Soothlawn Park, according to the re- Fall Term Begins Tuesday, Sept. 5,1939 fully, as he took her into Ills arms. daughters. In company with Mr. Rath, Rutherford, Shepard, Chris- Worship Service—7:30 p. m. Ids. In said County, oo the 9th day of corded put thereof each of you continue to move forward and Mrs. Evan Fuller and children August. A. D. 1939 Dated: August 34th, 1W«. tiansen, yeas 6, nays 0. Carried. Now is tha time to have HOME OWNERS' LOAN LOWELL PUB. LIBRARY of Hastings spent Sunday with Mr. Present: HON. CLARK E. HIGBEE, Moved by Trustee Christiansen CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Judge of Probate. CORPORATION. GRAHAM BLDG. —WtST SIDE in good citizenship and honorable your Furnace checked Many things difficult to design and Mrs. John Vincent of Battle Mortgagee and supported by Trustee Cook Elmdale, Mich. Creek. DEAD STOCK la tbe Matter af tbe Eatate of Mrs. that the meeting adjourn. Yeaa 6. — OPEN- over and cleaned by our prove easy to performance.—Sam- MIMms (Mary^Tader. Deceased. JOSEPH E. ARSVLOVVICZ. achievements, keeping ever in mind Rev. Wm. iH. Rivell, Pastor Myrtle Kiahn bartng filed In aaid court Attorney for Mortgagee. nays 0. Carried. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday uel Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wesbrook at- her f.nal administration account, aad her Business Address: 82S O. R. Nat'I. L. E. JOHNSON. Clerk from 2 to 8 p. m. the aims and principles for which R. 2. ClarksvlUe Power Svctioii Cleaner. tended the Klnyon reunion Sunday. petition praying for the allowance thereof Bar.k Bide , Grand Rapids, Michigan DE-SJ7-LG App 12-13-26 Cl3. 131 J. A. AREHART. President AUDIE E. POST, Librarian Sunday School—10:00 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Burras at- and for tbe asstgnment and dlstributios 4-H stands. Preaching—11:00 a. m. and 8:00 Train Schedules REMOVAL of tbe residue of said estate, We can supply and in- tended the wedding Monday ot It Is Ordered. That the Stb day o( Sept Poblic opinion is everything. Moody: Say, Doc, do you re- p. m. The time given below is Eastern Clyde Gardner and Miss Ruth taker. A D. IMS. at ten o'clock tn the With It nothing can fall, without DR. R. T. LUSTIG Plan to Attend School at Lowell Young People's Meeting —7:15 stall parti for any fur- standard time. Blssonette at Sandusky. member last year when you cured foreoooo. at said probata offlca. be and It nothing can succeed. He who p. m. rere Marquette Is hereby appotatsd for examining and al my rheumatism? You told me to OSTEOPATHIC Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell of Phone Collect Prompt Service moulds public opinion goes deepet Stats Mitial Fire ImraiM Ctipay Wednesday Prayer Meeting at nace, stove or boiler. lowing Mid account aad hearing said petl avoid dampness. Physician and Surgeon Train going east 8:40 a. m. Indianapolis and Mrs. George than he who enacts statutes, for M. D.: That's right What's General Fraction 8:80 p. m. Train going west 7:40 p. m. Stephens and children of Grand Tt' to Further Ordered That public ao- the moulder of public opinion Sermon subjects for Sunday are tlca thereof be gives by publlcatioo of a wrong? Special Attratlon to Eectal of MMrigac Grand Trunk Rapids called on Mr. and Mrs. copy af this order, for three successive makes statutes possible or impos- Moody: Well, can I take a bath "The Sabbath" and "The Believer's Chsi. W. Ceelc Eastbound, No. 22 8:59 a. m. Claude Cole Monday afternoon Valley Chemical Company wMka srrrtsos lo said day of heartag ta sible to execute.—Abraham Lincoln. BOARD OF EDUCATION 702 Church St, Flint, Mktlgan Hope." sow? Plumbing and Heating Na M *2:10 p. m. Miss Leah Reynolds of Jackson (Prepared and equipped to treat W. V. BURRAS, Pissttft H. K. FISK, Secretary Piles, Prolapan, Fissures aad Phone 78 Westbound, Na 19 12:60 p. m. spent Friday night and Saturday CLABK K. I am always content with that SOUTH LOWELL CHURCH No. 21 •n-.U p. m. Telephone lenis 7100 judge of Probata. Time alone relieves the foolish Flstull without hospitalixatkMB) with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. which happens; for I think that Church services next Sunday at f—Flag stop •—Daily what God chooses is better than from sorrow, but reason the wise.— 4S Sherman Reynolds. Week-end what I c^.uojb.—Eplctetus. Epictetus.


ANN ARBOR HEALTH OFFICIAL SPEARS AT ROTARY ranmnts—Bwi—iuuiini^ An Interesting talk on the de- velopment and advancement of We have for your public health work since the turrl inspection When . . • of the century was given at Low- ell Rotary Club Wednesday noon High Clasa you'd rather not go thopping by Dr. John Wesslnger, who has been head of the Public Health De- Toilet Units When It's loo hot lo shop, whan ll ralni, when thara are other thing! you partment of the city of Ann Arbor for the past 84 years. Dr. Wes- Our prices are reas- Happy Cooks » onable and quality would rather do, it's nice to have WEAVER'S to depend on for food needs. slnger Illustrated his points by The demonstration dinner was citing several Instances auch aa the of the best. We endeevor lo send just the kind of things our customers would select If held at the home of our leader, fact that diphtheria Is seldom fatal Mra. O. K. Graham Thursday, Aug. now days while 40 years ago about Come in ahd let ut they were shopping personally. Try WEAVER'S today—and than go back to 17. It was served by the first, sec- one out of every three afflicted quota you on ond and third year girls to eight with the disease died. The de- Batiirooii Fixturei, your old love tomorrow if you can. gueats, namely, Mrs. Lester, Alice creased death rate from tuber- Holmes, Mra, Graham, Anne Marie culosis in recent years was also Qulnlan, Dorothy Wlngeier, Dorla cited as another example of pro- Premier .Lyons, Marjorle Lyons and Bernlece gress. II I) tytinii/l & Veqeiah-ie i Strouae. We served grapejulce The speaker was presented by cocktail, scalloped potatoea, meat F. R, MacFarlane, program chair- CRUSHED PIIEAPPLE 2 31c loaf, cabbage aalad, sliced tomatoes man. MICHIGAN ROCHESTER with green pepper garnlah, rolls, 14-oz. Haco fruit salad and punch. The center READER OFFERS 1 F piece consisted of green and whita SHOWBOAT CRITICISM PEACHES slicin°' g 6 lbs. 25c flowers and the piacecards were A feminine reader sends a letter CATSUP K.' " Vfa one-maated sailboats. to the Ledger crltldalng the recent pen RIPP —Theresa Rolllna, Rep. Showboat production which we SWEATERS Green & White Colfee lb. 15e summarise aa i'ollowa: Willing Workers (1) That the aeats are apaced TOMATOES "Zn 4 lbs. 10c The Willing Workera boya 4-H too cloae, causing cramped legs SPECIAL SELLING Early Riser Coffee Ib. 19c Club held their meeting at Gove and crowding of knees Into the Lcmem 4 for 10c School Auguat IB. back of the person In front; New Fall Sweaters kyRufby Bfse & White Coffee Ib. 25o The weenie roast that had been (2) That some of the end-men planned for an earlier date waa Jokes and antics are In bad taste; Grttn Ptppen etch 1c held at Campau Lake Friday, Aug. (8) That performing bears are and Allen-A that set a Red & White Coffee Ib. 27e 18. out of place on a Showboat pro- Booka of tickets were given out gram; New Mark in Sweater Val- Long Cucumbcn 2 for Sc to the boys to be sold for the bene- (4) That the view would be Im- fit of the 4-H club buildings at proved by the application of paint ues. While APRICOTS Firm Cabbage Ib. 3c . Lowell. The next and laat meeting to the rear of the business houses for this year will be at Gove School located on the river. Red Beans, Corn or NORTH STAR OR August 29. at 8:80. Sueda Fronts, iVo-tonas Raymond Heache, Jr., Rep. No. 2 er. Lowell Dist. No. 8 and Covert Cloth Fronts, cans fc™ Mrs. R. J. Maxson TOMATOES 3 WEALTHY Apple, "">• 19c i-H Demonstration Dinner in Craw Neck Slipovars, Bowne Kitchen Maids entertain- Dear Readers: Button and Zippar Modals. free No-Drip Syrup Jug with each tack ed with a delicious luncheon Fri- In spite of all the rain we've had Try a Really New Cereal day noon at L. A. S. Hall. The three lately Dad Foster is wearing an YOU'LL SAVE BY course meal was entirely prepared unusually broad smile—he's great- ox PurAsdow Floor MMbi. 81c and served by the girls. Thirty-two grandpa now! A son was born on , BUYING EARLY were present In all. Guests were August 15 to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd In package ^ Made by Oenernl Mllla, Inc. The only floor we know of Mesdames Chas. Posthumus, Wm. Nelson of Coldwater, the former Ruskets 15c Porrltt, Floyd Flynn, Roy Seese, Marian Foster, daughter of Marvin sold with a double money back fiiarantee. Walter Kowalczyk, Alma Stahl, Foster of Fremont Ind., who Is Si.91 - $2.95 Frances Seese, John Nash and Dad'a son by his previous mar- Mrs. Mack WaUon and Vernice riage. There are now five genera- Benson, advisory board, and Mra. tions of the Foster family living. John Krebs and Mrs. Alec Wlngei- Wanda Foster Is spending part REV HOLDS' 9/. S. Sovernmenl inspected Choice Treatser, leaders. of this week with her aunt Helena A welcome to mothers was given in Grand Rapids. MEN'S WEAR by Mary Kowalczyk with Response A large number from our district to Daughters by Mrs. Chas. Post- took In the lonla Fair last week. 1 humus, after which the following And don't try to tell me there's i PURE ( PORK SHOBLDER ROAST lb. Ifo j Choice, Mtity program was presented: Poem, nothing In a name—Thursday aft- Bacon Squarci lb. Its "Mother O' Mine", Maxine Flynn; ernoon I watched a horse named j Home Rendered Style I Club Motto, Dorothy Ruasel; Club "Rosalie" win one of the cups! Beef Pot Roast Ib. ISc I Pledge, First Year Girls. The menu Mr. and Mrs. Carol Kraft of Dut- Kent Fanners For Flavor and Quality I consisted of Tomato cocktail and ton, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Dahiman wafers, meat loaf, escalloped pota- and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snyder ac- Beef Chuck Roast Ib. SOc companied John and Lena Camp- Get Tree Ripened ' I LARD • toes, a vegetable plate of peas, car- Pork Steak Ib. SOc rotts and lima beans, strawberry bell to the Fair on Friday. Insuring 1940 2 lbs. Jam and rolls, home made Ice Betty and Virginia Young spent Pork Sausagt Ib. 15c cream and cake. Monday night with Theresa Rollins I • This event was much enjoyed and and attended the Fair Tuesday. Wheat Crops PEACHES Fresh Ground Beef Ib. 17c appreciated and mothers of 4-H Theresa spent the week-end at the •Herman Page home. of Leona girls may bo mighty proud of the I progress made In Food Preparation Elmo and Thelma Scott came 17c Saturday from Lansing and with I and canning classes. lb. ISc» Aunt Lena and Uncle Jonn Camp- Gnaranteed 75% Lee E. Lsmpkin MINCED HAM - - This year's class has finished bell, attended the Taylor reunion PHONE 8S-F8 100 per cent with 21 me-nbers com- ot Muskegon on Sunday. Of Normal Yield pleting work. The .afternoon was Mr. and, Mrs. Glen Loveland en- spent In work on poster and note- We Deliver tertained Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Averlll insurance on the 1940 Michigan ph«ne m Weaver's Market books. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralpn ixiveland wheat crop Is now being offered to Monday evening both boys and "MICHIOAJr BREAD TRUCKS of Grand Rapids at dinner Friday all farmers In the State. Repre- girls clubs met at Bowne ll A. S. night. In honor of Mrs. AveiiU's sentatives of the Kent County Ag- TRAVEL OVER 2^00.0M MILES hall to practice songs for the 4-H birthday. On Sunday they were ricultural Conservation Commit- Interesting figures relating to Fair program. AH club members dlnnwr guests at the Averlll home. tee are now calllnj on all wheat mileage covered by the company's were present the number being growers, discussing with them their Frank MacTavlsh, Jr., 16, son of Mrs. Loveland "a sisters, Mrs. Aus- large fleet of delivery trucks are forty-five. Leaders, Mrs. John 1940 wheat acreage allotments and Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacTavlsh, Sr., Coming Events BIRTHS tin Livingston of Clarksvllle and cited by H M. Carle, of Michigan More Local News Krebs, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Wlngeier Mrs. Sheldon Mesecar of Grand offering them the opportunity to Bakeries Inc., in charge of "Mich- wan treated at Blodgett hospital. The 19th annual reunion of the and music Inatructora, Mrs. Valda I^dge spent Monday with her. insure their next year's wheat. igan" bread truck operations. Will and Walter Klsor of Lansing: Grand Rapids, Wednesday for a Blew descendants will be held at To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nash Watts and Miss Bernlce Yelter The Glen Behler family of Pon- Farmers In Kent County can be In the course of one year the were Saturday guests of their right arm fracture, received while Fallasburg Park on Friday, August (nee Dorothy Hawley), on August were also on band. tlac were Saturday night dinner guaranteed 75 percent of their company's ffc^t of 120 trucks travel mother, Mrs. James Mulr. he waa cranking an automobile. 25, with basket luncl. at 1 o'clock. 18, an 8% ib. son, John Henry, at guests of Mrs. Sarah Behler. normal yields by taking out In- nearly 8 million miles and gasoline Mrs. John Layer and Miss Nina Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kl^nsterman the Lux maternity hospital. Mrs. Charles Stendck and sons, surance, according to John Mo- consumption exceeds 800,000 gal- Chubb spent Tuesday at the El- and three children have moved Into Harry Hellmann baseball excur- Adrian and Boyce, and Miss Dol- Cabe, chairman of the Kent Coun- lons annually. sion, sponsored by the Catholic To Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Potter, mer Dlntaman home In Alto. the late Christ Fahrni home on ores Holzhay of Marne accom- ty Triple A Committee. Premiums Besides Its delivery trucka, Mich- West Maln-st which they recently Order of Foresters, to Detroit on a 8H lb. daughter, Tuesday after- run as low as one-half bushels per Mr. and Mrs. Miles O'Harrow and Our Automobile panied Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Evans igan Bakeries' rolling equipment purchased. Mr. Kloostorman is em- Sunday, Aug. 27. The Detroit noon, Aug. 22, at their home on acre. Farmers who have cooperated sons, Darl and Keith of Carlton of Sunfleld to the lonla Fair and Includes 18 business cars used by Tigers vs. the New York Yankees. M-21, East Lowell. with the farm program this year were Sunday visitors at the Ernest ployed at the Grand Rapids post HRE AND THEFT *pent the evenlr.g in Lansing. The the plant managers, sales managers office department and will drive Train leaves Lowell nt 9:38 a. m., To Mr. and Mrs. Elvln Hoskins Sterzloks, Boyce and Dolores at- may pay for their Insurance by and Home' Service department Roth home. Saranac 9:38. pl4-2t back and forth to his work. (nee Velma Burras) of Flint » Gives tended the Klnyon reunion at Fal- simply having their premiums de- representatives. Mrs. Elmer S. White and sister. ducted from their Triple A pay- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roth and daughter, Esther Jean, born Wed- lasburg Park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earle pointed out that the terri- Mrs. C. E. Hathaway of Grand Mrs. Rel K. Branch, 226 College neaday, Aug. 16. ments. Mr. and Mrs. George Story return- 114 Different Covertfes John Stendck and Mra. H. R. tory aerved includes all northern, Ledge attended the homecoming at Avenue, NE!, Grand Rapids, will Evans also called at the Sterxlck Through this insurance program, western and southern Michigan. ed Monday night from a 10-day To Mr. and Mrs. James Marsh Hesperla last week Thursday. open her home on Friday, Aug. 25, home during tHe past week. John McCabe says, the Triple A Michigan Bakeries' plants are lo- motor trip, during which time they (nee Glennls Lee) of Chicago, a Buy Protection for a luncheon meeting of the Kent Mr. and Mra. E. H. Roth and is helping farmers get more uni- cated at Grand Rapids, Jackson, Tulip hulbs for fall planting, 2 saw many places of Interest Includ- son, on Monday morning, Aug. 21. County Women's Republican Blrtu- family spent Sunday evening at the form income from year to year. Muskegon, BatUe Creek, Kalama- cents each, direct from the Nether- ing the World's Fair. New York day Club to launch the Vandenberg- Carl Roth home In Vergennes. Mr. Even In years when wheat crops zoo and Traverse City. lands. Call Mrs. Elmer S. White, City, Washington, Philadelphia, for-{Presldent movement among Those who are wise seldom N. I HTTEIIEI, Aft and Mrs. Chas. Kraft, Mra. Hannah are seriously damaged or totally Lowell Phone 268, at once. cl5 Niagara Falls and many ovuer the women of Kent County. Pur- know how to talk, and those who Lowell, Mich. Bartlett, Mrs. Florence Glenn and destroyed, farmers will have at CARD OP THANKS points of Interest. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and pose of the Vandcnberg-for-Pres- talk are seldom wise.—Lin Yutang. Miss Edna Allen were Wednesday least 75 percent of their normal Idcnt movement is to work for the yields on which they can depend. I We wish to expreao our deepest daughters Carol and Priscilla of Friends of Dr. John F. Thomas, evening visitors at the Roth's. appreciation for the many kind- Morse Lake were Tuesday evening deputy superintendent of Detroit nomination and reelection of Sen- Mr. and Mrs. Oren Graham call- A new regulation permits the In- ator Arthur H. Vandenberg to the sured farmers to a-slgn their crop nesses and the beautiful flowers callers at the Rosella Yelter home. public schools, are congratulating ed on their sisters. Mrs. Alice furnished by the neighbors and him upon his election to the vice United States Senate or his nom- Wright and Miss Genevieve Gra- Insurance policies as sec irity for Miss Evelyn Yelter and Don Wln- ination for President of the United loans, tbe proceeds of wnich may friends, also to those who acted as geier and Mr. and Mrs. Edward presidency of the Michigan Educa- ham, at the home of another sis- pallbearers and to those who fur- tion Association at a recent meet- States on the Republican ticket. ter, Mrs. L. A. Dygert, Sunday aft- be used without restriction. Kiel were Sunday guests of Mrs. nished cars. ing of that organization. Dr. # STRAND § ernoon. About one out of every ten Mich- Rosella Yelter at Whiteflsh Lake The Phlla A. Clark Circle will Byron J. Frost Thomas was superintendent of LOWELL Miss Annie Easterby entertained igan farmers who took out crop at the Lustlg cottage. hold a supper or the lawn of Mrs. insurance on their wheat last Fall Lloyd Frost schools at Lowell from 1900-1906. at dinner Thursday in honor of her Donald MacNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dlller and' Supt. John S. Page of Howell, Arthur Schneider on the evening niece. Miss Ruth Townsend of will receive at least partial idemn- of August 25. Everyone is invited. pl5 Richard MacNaughton. her brother of St. Johns have mov- predecessor to Dr. Thomas In the FRIDAY - SATURDAY, AUG. 25 - 26 Olympla, Wash. Guests were Mrs. Ity this year, John McCabe says. Remember the date. cl5 Although weather conditions have ed to the MacNaughton apaitment office of vice president, assumed Lincoln Dygert and Mrs. John CARD OF THANES on West Maln-st. They will be em- office July 1 as president of the Brannan of Alto and Mrs. Alice been generally good Jn Michigan The annual reunion of the class ployed at the Rutherford canning Association. Dr. Thomas Is also Wright and Miss Genevieve Gra- this year, rust, winterkill. Fall and I wish to extend my sincere ap- factory. president of the Detroit School- of 1927, L H. S., will be held at ham of Kalamasoo. The ladies are Spring droughts, hall and Insects preciation for all the kindnesses Fallasburg Perk Sunday, Aug. 27. men's Club. all second cousins of Miss Town- have taken their toll of wheat shown me during my recent Illness. The new home now under con- Potluck dinner at one o'clock, send and had not met for years. Last year 5.077 Michigan wheat cl5 Mrs. G. G. Webster. struction on Elizabeth st for Mr. Mrs. Rosella Yelter returned sharp. Srturday Miss Townsend and Mies growers took out Insurance pol- home Tuesday evening from White- and Mrs. Mike Friedll Is moving Easterby left for Detroit to spend icies with the Federal Crop Insur- forward to completion and bids fair fish Lake after spending two weeks Chicken dinner at Marlam Cath- a fc»7 days with Mr. and Mrs. ance Corporation. These policies to make an attractive looking prop- with her nieces, Marilyn, Carolyn olic church, Sunday, Sept. 3, start- BoS'WJf Miles Easterby. Since coming from Insured 54.492 acres, guaranteeing •WIN YOUR RA( erty when finished. and Dorothy Lustlg. while their ing at 12 noon and continuing un- the West in June Miss Townsend a minimum yield of 305,662 bushels parents. Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Lustlg til all arc served. No standing in of wheat. The total amount of • For Basioess Seprsmacy | Mrs. Fannie Avery Ball and LIONEL SIR CEDRIC has spent some time In Washing- were In the east on a business and line" as ticket numbers will be ton, D. C., also visited New York wheat paid Into the Crop Ins.> daughter Bessie of Mason and pleasure trip. They attended the called. Take M-6S, 9 miles north of BARRYM0RE HARDWICKt ance Corporation for premium was gragdson, David VanderCook of and the World's Fair. World's Fair while In New York Lowell and % mile west. pl5-16 Jack Is wondering how he Is 31,079 bushels. Scran ton, Pa., were last Friday af- and spent some time In Atlantic Comedy — Cartoon — Serial - News going to get used to calling his Un- ternoon callers of Miss Annie May- City. They feel divine providence Tested cle Orval "Mr. Jessup" at school Demand Michigan Sugar! nard. Sunday visitors were Mr. and must have been with them, for the Little Nellie was asked the differ- this year! Mrs. Ford Halsted of lonla. train which they came on from At- ence between the quick and the SUNDAY - MONDAY, AUG. 27 - 28 Our boys and girls are all plan- lantic City to New York was only dead. ning to attend the 4-H Club Fair one-half hour ahead of the east "The quick are those who get out this week, then next week—the coast filer that was wrecked hi of the way in time; the dead are school bell rings again for the ones New Jersey due to the heavy rain- those who don't" below high school. fall last Saturday. As ever, Rosalie. FUTURE COAL PRICES A Close Enough Teacher—Who was king of France Dedtoe's Social Events during the revolution? Bedloe's Island in New York har- Confused Student—Louis the Thir- bor was declared tbe Statue of Lib- Entertains for Recent Bride teenth—no, the Fifteenth—no, the erty National monument by presi- Fourteenth-well, anyhow, he was Mrs. Wm. Johnson of South dential proclamation on October IS, Lowell entertained with a bridal In his 'teens. vvtt 1924. It Is owned by tbe United shower on Thursday afternoon for Statea government and adminis- her daughter Mable, who was mar- Bad Taste tered by the National Park serv- ried August 12 to Eric Strand, at "Look here, waiter, is this peach ice, department of tbe interior. Bed- the home of an aunt, Mrs. Albert or apple pie?" loe's Island has flown the Dutch and Johnson, In Battle Creek. Mrs. "Can't you tell from tbe taste?" British flags, and has been owned George Wieland presented some "No, I can't" by several individuals, and by the Keeping the Home new games, providing much fun. "Well, then, what difference does city and later the state of New York. Mrs. Johnson served delicious it make?" It is named for Its flrst private Attractive cakes and Ice cream. Mable re- owner, Isaac Bedloe, whose family ceived many lovely and useful Mass Introdnoilen had title to it from the 1800s until Needed repairs here and there gifts. She returned to Battle Creek Voice (on phone)—This is Smith. to* im . . . improvements that add Thursday evening. Smith and Smith. Take Advantafe Of Low Summer so mtich charm and comfort Oliver — Good morning, Good He: "Now that we are married, . . . these thinfs need cost morning. Good moming. Firearms Work fame Way perhaps I can point out a few of but little, yet make your home TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY. AUG. 29-30 Every flrearm, from tbe smallest so much more inviting and your defects." She: "Don't bother dear, I know Not Today pistol to tbe most elaborate mr chine attractive. Consult us for ad- gun, works the same way; the pow- nices all about them. It's those defects Hubby—The garbage man is at vice on all these special prob- the back door. der explodes and expanding gases lems. Our planning senice that kept me from getting a better A Ton Of More — Whatever You Can Buy. Mrs. Newlywed—Tell him we force the projectile out of the bsr- will gladly help you and fur- man than you." don't need any. rel says the Washington Post nish complete estimates on Buy Today And Save Money I Strangely, firearms started 600 the materials you need. Operator: 'It costs 75 cents to years ago, as clumsy cannon re- talk to Springfield." Cool Summer Joke Patron: "Well, what's your listen- Mr. Jonea—When did the Ice age quiring two men to operate. The Lowell Lumber ^in g rate? I want to call my wife." end? word rifle comes from the Danish Oliver—When the ice melted. mm "riffle," meaning ripple. This re- C. H. RUNCIMAN ferred to the groove in the barrel ft Supply Co. | On her 98th birthday anniver- Invented by some unknown genius. sary a Vermont woman remarked A friend that you have to buy Call 34 Lowall, Michigan Cah «Woh sent the bullet out spinning. 152 BEUCE WALTER that these days "a man would have won't be worth what you pay for Ada—Gall 14184. Ne fell Owner and Manager | to be a magician to bide behind a him, no matter what that may be. woman's skirts." —George D- Prentice. Try a want ad. in the Ledger.

mUmrn LEDGER o Up and Down ENTRIES D

Being ft OoUeetton of Varlow Kent Co. Roads Topic* of Loool and FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN, August 24, 1939 No. 15 Ooaoral Intereot (By K. K. Vlning) Some nine or ten years ago Milo CHEERING CROWDS Letter Written by Rix Robinson Mrs. Byron Frost, SI Schuitema, a Grand Rapids bus- rpo MOST of us the sound of Big Crowd Attends iness man, was instrumental in Laid to Rest Monday Lowell Schools raising money in the city to buy cheering crowds eminatlng al- most every night from Recreation 98 Years Ago, Comes to Light seedling pine trees for distribution Funeral services were held Mon- to boys and girls in Kent County. Bark during the present summer A time-worn letter written by "I have not time or room to de- day afternoon for Mrs. Byron The other day we noticed a has been cheerful and Inspiring. Kent 4-H Fair pioneer Rix Robinson, founder of scribe the machines. They are, Frost, 51, who passed away last Start Fall Term promising piece of young pine near It means that a lot of folks are a trading post near Ada. came into however, operated by 12 horses and week Friday evening at her home thf road. Inquiry showed that the forgetting their troubles If they the possession of the Perry sisters do all the work at once, to wit: on West Main-st. Services were trees were some that Milo Schuitema have any, and are full of enthusi- recently through their cousin, cut the grain, thresh and clean it held at the residence with the Rev. asm, as they urge on their athletic On Openmg Day Silas Onlooker's philosophy: In Lawrence Robinson of Los Angeles, at the same time. had raised money for. On the Waiter T. Ratcliffe officiating. SeptemberS Greenville road, in Courtland town- favorites. the old days we didn't have to lo- Calif., who paid them a visit this "Now, Dennis, sell your farm as Burial was in Oakwood cemetery. ship. is a pine planting on the D. D. In some countries the sound of cate a finance company before summer and requested that they soon as possible, no matter if you Mrs. Frost, who was a well- Davis farm. A part of these trees the crowd would be likely to mean More Exhibits of buying a horse and buggy. place the letter In the Lansing make a sacrifice of $2,000 in actual known and beloved resident of the Improvements in came from the same source. Other that discontented people were ris- Museum along with other Rix Rob- value if you get prompt payment, community, had been in poor farms have promising pine wood- ing In riots and demonstrations Let Floridians rave over their inson papers. The letter was writ- and come out immediately to me health for several years, the last Better Quality H. S. Building lots growing. Two plantings we against the government. There the Hayden Mangoes but for us we'll ten by Mr. Robinson to his brother, and if I do not satisfy you, then Illness of about two months being have watched with interest, Wil- noise of the crowd Is a sign of dis- take luscious Michigan peaches Dennis Robinson, Esq., Venice, you will say you were deceived by the most severe. Before her health Activity Is running high at Recre- Lowell schools will open Tues-jliam and James Read, in Vergen- content and unhapplness. any day in the week. Home-grown Cayuga County, New York, on a brother in whom you confided. failed, she was an active member ation Park this week as the fifth day. Sept. 5. with several changes Ines township; Gerald and Charles In America the noise of the crowd varieties, tree-ripened, are now be- September 5, 1841, begging him to Rent a comfortable place for your of the Cyclamen Chapter, O. E. S., annual Kent County 4-H Club Fair in the corps of teachers and with Kitson. in Cannon township. Many means Just the opposite thing, that ing marketed. sell out and come to Ada with the family and leave them there for played the organ at the Methodist holds the Interest of scores of boys, very few changes in the course ofjof these trees are now 10 feet or people have found happiness In rest of his brothers. The following the present." (Note by Editor: The church many years, served as girls and grown-ups as well. Ex- Study. The resignations of Bruce more tall and putting on healthy sport. It Is a sign that on the Jokes, jests, jabs and jibes just extracts from the letter should brother did not respond to the ap- township treasurer, was a member hibits were placed on Tuesday to Walter, Mrs. Jane Barber and j growth cach year. whole American life, with all Its by Jeff: The vacation some Lowell prove interesting to the people of peal but a number of other broth- of the Garden Lore Club, and the be ready for Judging on Wednes- June VanPenrsem necessitated the Those who know toll us it will troubles. Is yet essentially happy, men had was in doing the things this vicinity. ers and sisters did move to this Methodist Ladies Aid. day, the opening day. From all ap- hiring of teachers to fill their take 35 to 50 years for a pine and that in our freedom and wide their wives had thought out for locality). The letter continues: Maude Andrews was born Feb- pearances and opinions, this year's Written Nearly Century Ago places. Orval Jes^up will fill Mr. planting in Michigan to make opportunities, people find pleasant them to do during the winter. . . . "Edward has been sick all the ruary 28, 1888, on a farm in Bowne- fair Is bigger and better than ever Walter's position in the music de-number." Incidentally. Kent Agri- things to console them for what- One of the most appropriate "I have recently been to Kalama- year with chill fever, which Is tp., the daughter of W. R. and before, the exhibits being larger in part ment. Miss Margaret Allen of cultural Extension Service stands ever difficulties they encounter. showers for a bride Is the "canned zoo to hold a consultation with Mr. something prevalent here. His son. Mary E. Andrews. She attended number and better in quality. The Findlay, Ohio, will take the place | ready to distribute trees that any goods" surprise. What Is a bride Moore and Hon. Lucius Lyon con- Nelson also sick. Both are now on country school for her early educa- fine spirit In which the fair Is con- of Mrs. Barber in the seventh | individual, or group, would care to HOME TOWN FACILITIES without a can-opener? . . . What cerning the Harvesting Machine the gain. My health has been very tion. The family later moved to ducted by the boys and girls and grade home room as soclalibuy for this purpose. puzzles many a youngster here is Invented by Mr. Moore. It has good all summer and still continues Lowell, where she attended high rPHE majority of people do not their leaders, makes everyone feel science teacher in the grades; Miss} how their parents have lived this been completely tested last har- so. The other brothers are all well school, graduating in the Class of fully realise all that their that Kent County's farming future Margaret Collinge will take over; Drilling oil wells on farms pre- long without knowing any more vest and several hundred acres and their families. 1906. home town can do for them. They is safe In their hands. Much of the the duties of Miss VanPoursem.'sents some problems that are not than they do. harvested with the two machines "Crops, except wheat, are gener- She was united in marriage with do not realise the full merit and success of the event should be One new teacher has been added always agricultural. Albert Fales already constructed. It is ascer- ally very light in this country Earl MacNaughton on June 19. extent of the services that the bus- credited to County Agricultural to the staff. Miss Phyllis Huston.'who is farm foreman on the Rex "An advertiser has to pay the De- tained that the machines will yield owing to the drought. Wheat Is 1912. To this union were born two iness of their community provides Agent K. K. Vihing and County who will teach tenth and eleventh [Johnson farm in Walker township, troit News $1205 a page in order to from 50 to 100 percent profit on about average and the berries very sons, Donald E. and Richard M. for them. They frequently go else- Home Extension Agent, Miss Elea- their cost annually. We are there- grade English. 1 finds plenty to do In trying to nor Densmore, who have worked tell the 329.944 subscribers that he fine. I have on the farm about 30 Mr. MacNaughton passed away In where to buy costly articles, when fore preparing and Intend to con- Improvements Made j raise food for the farm herd of the same thing can be found In the many weeks In an attempt to stage is in business." points out the Ing- acres of corn and 20 acres oats 1915. During his lifetime he built ham County News at Mason in an struct as many more machines as very fine, good for any season the house on W. Main-st. where . ^ Holsteins and to keep out of the home stores, and usually at a low- a fair of fairs and their efforts Many improvements have been way of the drillers. The Johnson editorial entitled "What Price Ad- possible the ensuing winter and Barley, potatoes and other crops Mrs. Frost passed away. er price. have not been unwarranted. made in the high school building, i farm has. or will soon have, twelve vertising?" The editor concludes: summer so as to have them ready | light, as good as any in the coun- In 1922, the deceased was mar- Thus the time and expense In- A partition between two classrooms producing wells. The work of Greater Number of Exhibits "Yes. sir, It costs money to adver next harvest. try however." ried to Byron Frost. They were volved in making purchases else- at the rear of the high school ses- drilling these wells with all the Use. yet big business has found "We are not visionary men nor Lawrence Robinson is a grand- blessed with one son. Lloyd Arden. where Is often lost. If there Is any The exhibit building is overflow- slon has boon moved and a fine j oquipn^nt, pi trving to raise ing with flowers, baked goods, that advertising pays. So has little are we mistaken in our calculations nephew of Rix Robinson and as Mrs. Frost is survived by the us difficulty about the goods, and new library ^ room will be equip-j corn, alfalfa and grain crops makes business. So have farmers. It costs as to the profits. A machine con- husband, three sons, Donald and they, do not prove as represented clothing, handicraft, canned foods, his home is in California, believed ped for reference work in all handiwork, etc. There Is a total money to tell people where you structed under the present situa- the letter would be of more value Richard MacNaughton and Lloyd " for a strenuous job. Oil men are it is more trouble to get the ml# are. what you have for sale, and tion, for want of a machine shop, T-. . u i classeseiiisaea. Mrs. Warnewurnerr Rotnomh wilwinl bue interested in oil, not alfalfa or corn, take rectified. The home stores of 900 exhibits in all phases of to the residents of this vicinity and charg. of this room and wiM what the price Is, but It costs more will not cost over $600, Moore says St. Joseph; an aunt. Mrs. Harvey so Fales. whoso job it Is to see that are equipped to do far more for the home economics, in the Open and the state of Michigan, they know- collect materials which will be of money In the long run not to tell $500. ing more of Its history. Hall of Grand Rapids: a niece. these crops are produced for the public than many people realise. 4-H classes. The open class flower benefit to the boys and girls. An Mrs. T. A. Cokinos of Chicago: and Johnson herd, has had a few more exhibit, which contained 160 en- them." office has been arranged for Prin- many cousins and other relatives problems than usual. tries, attracted much attention. cipal Leo R. Miller where he may FIDELITY IN LABOR and friends. Added to the drilling job is the This department is growing each After extensive research the consult with students. A doorway PEOPLE'S future Is largely shap- year. It was Judged and organ- National Dunking Association has Two Men Killed laying of pipes from the wells to r ed by the kind of spirit tney Out for Football? has been made between the session the storage tanks. These nines ized by Mrs. Ora Chadwick of discovered that there are 981 dif- room and commercial department p j ' . show In youth. They begin making NearSaranac Cut-off mu5l be laccd bebw low Grand Rapids, Mrs. F. E. White ferent styles In dunking. The style which will relieve congestion at or there will be more trouble that future when they study in and Mrs. P. J. Finels of Lowell. which carries the official stamp of Open Examination school. If they are determined to Coach Issues Call Two men were fatally injured the head of the stairs. j Mr. Johnson has a fine producing Open class exhibits were judged approval of the Dunking associ- and another seriously hurt Wednes- Many changes have been made i herd of Holsteins with excellent master every lesson and will let ation Is described thus: "After you by Miss Leora Smith of Caledonia Lowell high school football prac- day night in an accident involving In the fhop department which Cow Testing Association records nothing stand In the way of doing and Mrs. K. K. Vlning of Grand break the doughnut In half, pick tice will get under way next week two cars and a truck on US-16, one- For P. 0. Custodian make the lower hall much wider nnd the ownership of one of the so, they create a reputation for Rapids. The Misses Olga Bird and up a half between the thumb and Friday, September 1, according to half mile east of the Saranac road than heretofore and which have few proven sires in the countv A themselves as good students, and Lois Corbett, from the State Club forefinger, pointing the other fing- Announcement has been made of intersection. made a new stairway possible to iarge flock of White Leghorn hens get high recommendations when ers daintily upward. Swish the an announcement made by Coach open competitive examination for Department at East Lansing, Carrol (Chris) Burch. The two men killed were Carl A. the old gymnasium. Go rgo Pap- have also been maintained on this they leave school. judged the 441 entries in the home doughnut rhythmically In the bev- the position of charman for custo- pin, shop Instructor, has also made farm. It is the same when they take A state ruling requires that no Rehm, 44, of South Bend, Ind., and economics division. erage, keeping It Immersed for two his companion, James C. Gamble, dial service in the Lowell post some changes to the balcony in Jobs. Some people think It makes formal practice shall be held before office department, applications to In the 4-H Boys' handicraft and a half seconds. Remove the 26, of Indianapolis. The driver of this room which is a decided im-, Driving by the Carl James farm no great difference whether they division there are more exhibits doughnut and hold It above the the first, day of September or the be filed by August 30. 1939, with do perfect work In each little de- first day of school. the westbound car who was seri- provoment. in Vergennes township the other than ever before. The vegetable cup, permitting all the excess dropti ously Injured, was Al. Niemic, 35. the Manager, Seventh U. S. Civil New lighting equipment has been day we noticed the ba'emer/ w'- tail. But If they leave things at and crops exhibits are not as to drip back into the cup." The All boys in high school wishing Service District. Post Office Bldg., loose ends, there are complaints to go out for football should report of Chicago, who was en route to added to the high school session dows in the barn were boarded un large as usual but of higher qual- Ledger publishes the above in or- Grand Rapids when a car passed Chicago, III. Application blanks and many classrooms. This wllllwe had our suspicions a- to the and dissatisfaction, and some peo- at the high school gymnasium on may be obtained at the local post ity. Mr. P. G. Lundin of Michigan der that local restaurant patrons him, skidded and rammed into the make studying much more con- reason and found out that' Mr ple lose their Jobs. If they perform may know how to keep up with the Thursday, August 31 or Friday, office. State College, East Lansing, com- truck which was eastbound. Mr. venlent for boys and girls on theijamcs ha(] converted his one time cach task perfectly and in a fin- September 1. This examination is announced mented very favorably on the qual- styles. Niemic's auto then hit the car and dark fall days. Now shades have|cow stable into an air cooled apple ished way, their reputation grows Suits will be issued on Thursday for filling a vacancy in the position ity of the handicraft entries. the double impact caused the been added throughout the build-forage. Apples and cows had al- every year. These are the people from 1:00 p. m. to 4:00 p. m. and named above. Vacancies in the Guess we'll have to call him "the semi-trailer outfit to overturn, Ing and several rooms have been ways had attention on this farm who get promotions, and stand the Stock Bams Filled on Friday from 1:00 p. m. to 3:00 same or related positions in the carpet sweeper thief". One night blocking traffic for nearly two redecorated. h t with the orchard growing in best chance of Jobs when out of The two 4-H stock barns, the p. m. The first formal practice will same locality, requiring similar u during the Showboat a thief enter- hours. s ze work. Lowell horse barn and two tents be held Friday at 3:00 o'clock. qualifications and at approximate- Contemplate Bus Purchase | ' necessitated more storage ed the C. H. Runclman residence The truck was driven by Harvey house 110 head of cattle, 30 hogs, Only high school boys should re- ly the same rate of pay will be „ , , ri i i,- • room so the cows went. Insulatlns and attempted to get away with a Wilkins, 34, of Grand Rapids. The Board of Education is con- tC],ial lus ail, outl convert(.| TRAFFIC INSTRUCTION 35 sheep, 6 colts and 29 pens of port next week. Any boy who cen- filled as a result of this examina- couple of vacuum sweepers but was sidcrlng the purchase or a new bm a b„,,„ aatl9(act poultry. It Is the largest exhibit of not report next Thursday or Fri- tion. If found in the intorost of TT IS ESTIMATED that 5,000 apparently frightened away by to accomodate the many demand? jfrUjt storage day but who expects to come out high schools in 33 states are hogs ever displayed at the fair. neighbors going to their garage. It Fresh Michigan Products the service, however, any position made on the district by non-resi- teaching traffic safety to students, Nevels Pearson, assistant state will be remembered that the same for football should get in tcuch may be filled by reinstatement or dent pupils. The citizens of Lowell club leader from Michigan State with Mr. Burch so a suit may be transfer. p,e, ,> of Such instruction may be a leading A Treat in Florida should understand that the cost rh^L'".TL ; ' kind of thief was frustrated at the ! 0 reason why the number of automo- College, who Judged the livestock Lawrence Rutherford residence a laid aside for him. However, if pos- This examination requires no for the bus is ultimately paid hy :I? '.I "' T*' entries, stated the Guernsey class sible, all should plan to get your Swift Winegar, who owns a fine written test. Applicants will be those who air being transported.I!! " . . 0. trs 0 bile accidents has decreased. When few weeks ago. On Sunday night bUt the great majority of automobile of eight cows is the best class he the M. E. Simpson residence was suit next week so that as little farm near Alto, recently sent a rated on their physical ability and The law specifically provides that I"" ™ I has Judged this year. time as possible will be lost in get- shipment of home-grown fruits must be between the ages of 18 a sufficient charge must be made arc some t'0UbI'!s 110 can fuari1 drivers have had such instruction entered through a rear window against such as good seed, buying ting under way this year. Each boy and vegetables, several chickens and 50. The usual citizenship ro- not only to defray operation costs the traffic death rate should be Evening Entertainment during the family's absence, a well grown plants and proper cul- should also plan to get football and some steaks from beef raised qulrements will apply. bu..t . for the depreciation of- th. e greatly reduced. quantity of silverware taken and tural practices. The Wednesday evening program shoes and other necessary equip- on his farm, to W. Edward Wine- busses and this is done. On the When such Instruction Includes the house generally ransacked. This was forcefully brought to was featured by the initiation of ment now and be ready to go the gar in Coral Gables. Fla. This ship- other hand, a charge of $25.00 pot- actual training by competent in- About two weeks ago the Culver the County Agent's attention In five boys and five girls into the first day of practice. ment of fresh Michigan products pupil is very reasonable to those structors in running a car, with the summer home in Segwun was brok- Alto Merchants Defeat July when he. In company with Dr. Kent County 4-H Service Club In The townspeople are looking for- was made possible by the newly who are being transported. instructor sitting beside the driver, recognition of their club activities ken into while the owners were Paul Harmer. of the Soils Depart- ward to a good season of their fa- developed food freezing process and Belmont Team, 17-1 As usual there will bo hot and telling him every time he does away, the thieves taking fishing ment at Michigan State College, as fair department heads, projects, vorite sport, football and hope the refrigerated shipping system. . . lunches served during the cold , . . . something risky, the accident rate tackle, a revolver, a shaving outfit 1 spenspent t aa daday visiting muck farms in leadership, etc. The boys were Ed- Lowell team will smash its way to The following excerpts from u Alto batters showed no mercy on months and every effort will be >' visiting muck farms in should come down by a big per- ward May, Cascade; Walter Allen, and several other articles. town0 h| 0nOnco farmcr had victory with the usual fine, clean, letter written from Coral Gables three Belmont pitchers, winning mamaddce tto satlsfsatisfvy ththe wishess off the.the "fj ?, ?T, P-f* had centage. The American people are Walker; Robert Sowerby, Oakfleld; tho game at Fallasburg Park last a hard-working spirit. after receipt of the shipment, are boys and girls who require this "lery fleid. The capable of learning to drive better, Sunday by a score of 17-1 ca4r e a 4,1 had a finc Russell Powell, Algoma; Harold Twenty-five years ago the United proof that It was appreciated. UIIUUJ UY II OUUIE III 1.-1. service. Mrs. A. H. Stormzand willl^willl^" 2. ^"" but they need to have their oper- Williams, Oakfleld. The girls were cro wrong States agriculture department or- "The container reached us on Johnny Briggs and Lloyd Dygert nnrrnipailnl bhep |in chargphnrcreo onff thithis* departrlnnnrf-. CropP-1, SomethinSomethingg wWa s Wl'Ong and ating faults pointed out formeirmod the Alto battery. Besides t. onc i00k would toll Crystal Homrlch, Byron Center; ganized the 4-H clubs, made up of Friday night. July 28. at 8:30 mcnmont any one that Claire Jensen, Walker; Ruth Huy- pitching a four hit game, Briggs something unusual had happened. rural youths, each of whom under- o'clock. I checked on the express - — ... Ther4 tiV**e have bee\ nt i somk-'k'tlive. changes CHANODfO THANKSOIVINO ser. Walker; Dorothy Dunaven, Dead Um Near Dr. Harmer tested tho soil, not In takes some important piece of bill and noted that It left Lowell on hit a home run with two on base |n (PX( bo.iks and parents and to put the game on ice. one place but several, and found PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT an- Courtland; Eleanor Stevens, Oak- work that will demonstrate better July 26 and reached Miami at 7:30 students are urged not to buy any field. The ceremony was in charge Bob Slater made the most spec- no plant deficiencies. Then a sick nounces that he will appoint methods In agriculture and home- in the evening on July 28. That is now or used copies of any texts of Charles Kitson, president of the On Half-Year Plates tacular play of tho year. With run- looking plant was pulled up and the Thanksgiving holiday this year making. The clubs arc now a just two days for the delivery, until after they have received in- Service Club; Zetha Patterson, sec- ners on first and second base the the answer was found. The roots a week earlier than usual, so It nation-wide group numbering 1,250,- wh.'ch is as fast as a person can struction on the opening day of retary, and Professor C. C. Nicle of 000. Thus this great army marches Use of the blue and white color- batter hit a lino drive over first, were full of nematodes. What are will come Nov. 23 instead of Nov. ed half-year auto license plates make the trip by train. school. Michigan State College. cheering along the rural roads, Bob stabbed the ball, touched first they? They are a microscopic 30. Retail stores are asking for will be illegal after midnight, "Now, you will bo happy to learn The next Issue of the Lodger will A band concert by the Lowell full of enthusiasm for country life, and throw to second in time to worm living In th ew roots of plants. this change so as to provide a August 31, 1939. All motor vehicles that the contents were in excellent contaii miitiiini tai completi * /ii i |fii ei * coursiwmrie - of studi uy < M c • "~ - — —... band, directed by Bruce Walter, trying to bring success, comfort, complete a triple play. with an explanation of require-whore he obtained his plants longer Christmas shopping season. operating in the State after that condition and wore still cold upon and a short musical program pre- and happiness into country homes. Next Saturday Alto boys will ments for entrance Into college,j*10 Md us he raised some and Probably inconvenience will be date must bo equipped with buff arrival. We unpacked them imme- ceded the initiation ceremonies. The results are seen in fat farm play Howard City at Heeds Lake, Tho school office will be open onj''011^ some at several places. caused to some by the proposed and black colored full year plates diately and put them In our re- animals, fields growing abundant Grand Rapids. Perry Preston will Friday and Saturday. Sept. 1 and i ^onu' bo bought small wore reset change of date. Ancient historic Baseball Tournament which will be legal to use until frigerator. The chickens wo cook- pitch. On Sunday Alto will play at 2. for consultation with parents!'11 '1'-s 3oed beds. These plants customs should not be changed un- harvests, and homes of refinement, February 28, 1940. ed and took them with us on a trip Ten 4-H Clubs are participating efficiency, and culture. The fifth Fallasburg Park. brought him a moss of nematodes less there is a real reason for it, but The Lowell branch office is lo- down to Key West. They were de- and students. Children who will In a baseball tournament, games annual Kent County 4-H Fair now and which spread to the other people will have to get used to cated at the Fahrni Cream Station licious, so much better than Flor- enter high school for the first time being played each afternoon. in progress at Recreation Park is It Is most Important In this this fall should make an effort to plants. The nematodes causo changes when real benefit Is ac- on East Main-st,, first store west ida chickens. Horse pulling contests are sched- a splendid demonstration of world to be pushing, but it Is fatal. visit the school on onc of those swellings on the roots, shut off cir- complished by them. of the State Savings Bank. Mrs. "We have not oaten the steaks uled for Thursday and Friday with achievements being accomplished to seem so.—Jowett. I days. culation. resulting in a stunted Retail merchants will probably John Fahrni is in charge. yet, but will broil them soon as cash prises awarded. Light weight by these progressive young people. plant. What can be done? Tho field support this change, and feel that contest on Thursday morning and they certainly look good. Will have it will help business. Their opinion fresh strawberry shortcake with can be fall plowed and care taken is entitled to a great deal of heavy weight contest Friday morn- in the growing of plants on soli ing. Two of the oddest looking men SSth Annual Picnic them. The peas, rhubarb, cherries weight, as whatever helps their we ever sat eyes upon dropped into and raspberries all came through free from nematodes. Control in A parade of bicycles, pets, best the open field is much easier than trade puts people to work. The the Ledger office a few days ago. in fine condition and we are look- main thing about Thanksgiving If costumes and any other such ex- Caledonia, August 31 in the greenhouse. hibit is scheduled for Friday night They were Nels Holmes of Chicago ing forward to a real treat. The not the date, but the question and Irwin N. Vallean of Paw Paw, N. C. Thomas, President of the asparagus was fresh looking and whether people give any thanks, after dinner with cash prizes for winners. who are visiting all the state capi- Thornapple Pioneer Association, just like It came from your placc. and whether this holiday brings tols in the United States, Holmes announces that the 55th annual You know how wo will enjoy it." By CHARLES B. ROTH Watch Out For together families In Joyful reunion Each day there will be games, races and contests for everyone. on a scooter bike and Vallean on picnic will be held all day Thurs- to renew ties of love and friend- a bicycle. Holmes' black, ringtail day, Aug. 31, at Lakeside Park, Bogus Investigators ship. The West Michigan Jersey Par- OH. FOR THE GOOD OLD DAYS ish Show will feature today's monkey, "Mary." rides on his Caledonia. Merchants throughout the state shoulder wherever he goes. Vallean There will be all kinds of sports Two No-Hit Gaines RANDPA BUTLER was 84 Anyone who understands simple wore warned against bogus sales WHEN NEWS WENT SLOW (Thursday) activities. Thursday evening will feature a livestock has a beard and his hair hangs to and games with prizes for all win- G when he died, but he held out economics will tell you why. Two tax investigators recently by Walter A WINNEPEG man has a copy of parade and program. his shoulders. The two men pick ners. to the very last for what he atTec* words will do it. The words are F. Roddy, managing director of the the London Times of Nov. 6, The Fair will continue through fruit, sell souvenir post cards and Winners for Locals tlonately called "the good old days." mass production. State Board of Tax Administra- 1796, which prints a story based on Friday. It Is free to everyone and poem booklets, write for magazines He liked to tell about them. Life Mass production is Impossible tion. the statement of George Washing- the public Is cordially Invited. and pose for artists to make a liv- Dr. Harry Henry to Two no-hit games were pitched was simpler then, said he. We didn't without mass distribution, which is Roddy said that he has received ton that he would not be a candi- ing. Each has travelled around at Recreation Park last Friday hurry so fast. We just another way of saying that when numerous complaints that persons date for a third term as president ALL HAD SWELL TIME 25,000 miles by freight train, house Preach Here Sunday night when Betty Harter of the a larger number of things are made falsely representing themselves as trailer, hitch-hiking and bicycles. Staal girls team fanned 16 of the had more time to of the United States. The news AT COMMUNITV PICNIC Dr. Harry Henry, pastor of the read and to enjoy a large number of people must be tax administration field men are story was based on a letter sent They are vegetarians and fruita- Semper Fidells Club girls of Grand made to buy them. annoying business men and obtain- The annual Board of Trade com- rians and advocate out-door life, Central Methodist Church of Win- Rapids to defeat them 14 to 2. The our friends. And the from New York on the September ona, Minn., will preach in the local cost of living—lay, There wasn't any mass distrlbu ing information to which they have munity picnic held at Fallasburg sun bathing, simple diet for health two runs were the result of two no right. 27 previous. So It took 40 days for church next Sunday, Aug. 27. Dr. you could live for a tlon until advertising was developed, that important news to travel Park this week Tuesday was well and contentment When passing walks and an error. Stella Rltzema "All bona fide representatives of attended by about 1200 people. through Lowell, the pair were on Henry served a brief term here as third of what It costs and there wasn't any of the things In across the ocean and get Into paator last fall. He previously has hit two home runs for Stual's girls. the administration have been Everyone attending expressed their way to the Ionia Free Fair In the second game of the eve- a fellow these days. our lives we call modern until ad- print. been President of Iowa Wesleyan vertising put them there. equipped with full credentials," Quite some contrast from now, themselves as having a "swell and Lansing. They came from ning, Carrol Potter, Lowell Moose Where Grandpa Reddy said. "Our men have been M Traverse City where they had been University, and served churches in Butler's logic fell In many foreign countries even when London news flashes across tlme. Grand Rapids, Hillsdale, and Iowa pitcher, allowed no hits and no ordered to show their authority be- the ocean with lightning speed, and The crowd consumed upwards of picking cherries. runs, walking only two batters to down was in confus- today you hsve to spend weeks fore they request any records. If a 2800 sandwiches, 5 bushels of pota- City, Iowa. His message will be gets into print in an Incredibly "Some New Holy Ground." The defeat the Penn Oils of Big Rap- ing the standards of scouring the markets for what you man representing himself aa an short time. Lest we be too proud to salad. SO gallons of tea, 800 Special Sale of School Suite public is cordially Invited. Ids, 6-0. Only one man of the op- living when he was a want Farmers bring their cattle investigator cannot Identify hlm- of the changes science has wrought, bottles of pop and about 100 pounds position reached second base. A group of 21 suits, sites 84 to 40. boy and when he was Cbarlea Both and produce to market They stay aelf he is an impostor and the tax it might be said that some things of baked beans. Stormaand led the Moose hitters an octogenarian. in town two or three weeks dispos- payer should notify the nearest The afternoon was spent In play- Single and double breasted, mostly ROGER O. NcMAHON with a home run and two doubles. were better In those days. No one sport models. Regular $18.75 grade. When be was young you could ing of it. Consumers have to go aales tax office Immediately." was thinking of bombing great ing games, pie eating contests, hut- NAMED ASST PROSECUTOR Last night the Moose played in from stall to stall and dicker for The eredentlala of authoriaed in- band calling contests and a ball Ideal for school wear, offered at live for less—but you had less in cities from the air In those timet. Roger O. IfcMahon of Lowell will Ionia In the State tournament and everything they want veatlgators carry the state seal and game between the east and the little more than cost of sweater at time of going to press the result your life. You put up with discom- and trousers. Choice up to and In- begin his duties aa assistant coun- If you have the time and enjoy are algnsd by Reddy or Orville E. west side business men. of the game was not known. forts which would be unthinkable to- Atwood, late managing director of HONE TOWN THOVORTS cluding Saturday, Sept. 3, $10. ty prosecutor on September 1, suc- day. You ate unbalanced meals, trading, that sort of thing la fine, ceeding Gerald M. Henry, who has There will be games next Mon- the tax administration. If you want business to grow, Gee's Hardware Offset Fret Hsat -COONS day night at the Park when the lived In uncomfortable homes, had is fun; but most of us have other give It some advertising and pub* served in that capacity for the past things to do. We find It simpler to CmM UaH fast Hart Indians meet the Moose no radio sets, automobiles or elec- HOME-COMING AT OVID licity on which It can expand. WEB8TER CHEVROLET two and one-half years. Mr. Henry do our trading by reading the news With evsry Estate Oil Heatrola recently announced his resignation boys. A girls game is being arrang- tric servants. People are usually paid accord- LEADS IK BUICK SALES ed for the preliminary game to paper advertisements, decide what The village of Ovid, Clinton sold before Sept. 9, Gee's Hardware in order to enter private law prac- Aa a nutter ef fact—but we were County, will hold a home-coming ing to ths results they get If they start at 7:80. never able te eeuvtece Grandpa But- we will buy and then go down to the is offering a free automatic Heat A Lowell firm, Webster Chevro- tice. store or telephone. jubilee and gladiolus festival, Sep- are dissatisfied with what they control unit regularly priced at let Sales, which It part of the De- Roger McMahon Is a graduate of There are games every Tuesday ler ef It—MM ceat ef living leday* earn, better try to see if they can't and Friday nights under the lights It saves time. It savea more. It tember 1, 2 and 3. Amusements of $14.80. Just dial the temperature troit dealert' gone, led the gone In Lowell high school, Grand Rapidt dollar for dollar ef value consid- all kinds and silver annlveraary of produce results of greater value. you want, the automatic heat con- aelllnf their quotm of 1M9 Bulck Junior College, the Univeralty of at Recreation Park and the public ered. la f ar lesa than It waa te Ua aavea money. Without advertialni to ameoth the route ef goeda from gladiolus culture in that commun- The folks who are satisfied If trol holds the temperature at that ears. A very fine record. Michigan law school and became a Is Invited to come. young days. ity. aeller to buyer, the coat of evei. they produce Just as good results point See adv. on page 5. member of the Michigan bar in Your dollar actually buys more, April. IMS. Where peace Is not, God can not thing la higher than when advertla- as they did 10 years ago, will '1 rappoee you are preparing brings you more value, than any Coffee Content Still Ori Reveller—"Excush me. It thlsh yourself to be able to manage your come; where God Is not. peace can Ing la te the picture. probably find ths world has moved other dollar In history. cn since that day. and Is producing house number 9?" uncle's mlllloni when they come to Brasil la constructing a number not come.*—Erasmus. • Cbarlea B. Roth. Kroger clerks' contest to sell bigger and bstter results. Passer-by—"No, that is number you?" of buildings to house various min- coffee for a World's Fair trip Is at 99.'* "Oh, yea; but X am also prepay istries, pensions institutes, govern- All other knowledge is hurtful to midpoint with three more weeks Good health and good sense art Reveller —"Hurrah! Then I'm Ing to bt a carpenter In case they ment savings banks and Army and him who has not honesty and good Many people have found the Ledger Want Column an effective to go. The Lowell store It imong two of Ufe'i greatest blessings. shober after all." don't." Navy edifices. nature.—Montaigne. medium for bringing buyer and seller together. the leaders of the dlatrlct. I— I

THE LOWELL LEDGER. LOWELL. JOCHIGA* TH1R>DAT. ArGrST 24. 193$ THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL. MiCHIOAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST M, INt tie Cewtll Ctdger WeeklyJcnpbook Midl^ao's UkeS and ALTO SOLO This and That XoweH Stems I Strand Calendar trtrr TZ-xatLj ^zcrz-zj Week'i: s Best Recipe SERVING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR tic- EiT. yu- 5-rw.. L.T*tr.. We Farnlth Friday and Saturday, Aug. 25- • 7] Lsttrtd u PO«;O^JC* I: L.;-c> . Mi--it: • - Muf12-13 2:^:^2: From Around t£ S«-OD1 Om Make State Great MORE THAN 50 YEARS of 25,30 and 26—"On Borrowed Time" with First Showing FALL HATS The Heine Complete! Lionel Barrymore and Cedric Hard- B. «- JtrraUES. C4iMr AA4 F^Mtolhe* | t'eas; r. -i t 1 rr.: tup. the Old Town wicke. Comedy, Cartoon, News. JUdU«a« rm« AMoriatfc* ^zr 3".rni Crii.; i.rir r This old mutual ivindsloriri InHurancw company Frigldeire Electric Ranges and Refrlgeratora I M«ab*f E4it.>rtil As.vKia^*>a ...... --- 35 O/oarsJtgc Vacation Land has really been "A Shelter in the Time of Storm Arimtrong'a Linoleum—Dexter Wathert Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Linsday spent Fresh Home-Made Sunday and Monday, Aug. 27-28 I THE CHAMPION e«bicnp(ie« EktM to | rc;lk. 5".:r; :r. : - r z:*:*: i-; the past week in Northern Mich- T««f »2.«; to nwat^i II.W four - • — -c n.". U"- to its policyholders for over half a century. Perfection Oil Stoves—Superfax Oil Heaters August 27, 1914—25 Years Ago Si8«le C«9 r ; J! -jrj '.o -•? 1 ;ua«laa«ctAi ' 4 - - - - 1:' Allen Roth and R, M. Wilcox and third fingers on one hand pesezpte cf iic >:ru.-: If vo'i ~5r.t t ilar.'. mail''a Ii! 4--^-_4 _ should commend it and its services to every Store Phone S5 Lowell Baa. and Nights 380 spent the week-end In Flint with while working at the Winegar by them and hy us. « - &/..• i-wzBL&rm.-*-thoughtfuc-i l and business-like property-owner in Walter Fennell. factory. Snap, style and huilt Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hansen of Fred Morse's store at the Grand '.r.iTr. 4 or !• ; - d??; ir.; rive 4 Michigan. to take it like a true Wae- J Lrr Earr? .-.. :f Detroit Stanton were Friday callers of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Brown call- Trunk crossing was burglarized, r-ir-s-r of the Sout-.eait-err. Mich- Juze 10th. 1535 a 'ever? "sri-•:r"r2i r;rr?i arrest Michigar. ani the abc-re -rreck is Mrs. Lena Luz. ed Sunday on Ford Brown In Flint, some change, a box of cigars, canned champion. Low cost for sure protection. See a local repre- goods, butter and candy being UNCOMMON •:r.r of the pieces cf proper*.v ie^trrve-i. It wu & fi-« bam '.rested -- «ec^to- ••> South Bowne Mre. Arthur Acheson Is spending Kitchen Kinks Robert and Jack Lalley are at- taken, tiv- M::higas be kr:y. cfflciiiy ^^nder. t:xr;hlp. Hillsdaie ccurty anl be!;=re4 to Frark .%*. Lcvej-ry." Thii coipary sentative or write the home office. We are glad Mrs. Jennie Pardee this week with her sister In Flor- to Join with tending the coaching school at Mi John Troy of Parnell left for AMERICANS ence, Wis, Sonja Henle and Tyrone Power $2.95 the rest of tha Pleasant this week. Ellendale, N. D. m Ben Quick of Delton and two Kendall Corey of Matherton In "Second Fiddle," March of Time. If UMO iCOTT WATtON people of Low- Miss Marie Bell of Ionia and Al Pat Bowes went to Grand Rapids Michigan Mutual daughters of Grand Rapids were spent Monday with his aunt, Mrs. Cartoon, ell In extend- callers at Jerry Blough's Sunday Smith of Detroit were Sunday call- to take charge of the Wealthy-st. Standard weight LaSalles at $3.95, $4.50 ing a cordial Fred J, Ford, of Vergennes, division of good roads building. Good Judgement Should Prompt You to Get Wind- forenoon. ers of Mrs. Pat Bowes. Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. "Magnificent Failure" Insurance Company welcome to the Will Cudney, wife and sons, By- Judson Corey of Vergennes spent Marriage licenses were Issued to 29-30 Homer Hubbel and son Robert of Norman Taylor and Katherlne Gra- N* ALL the histrr? :! r.Ijsicnary 1'- M. E. COT A, 4-H Clubs of ron and Gerald visited his brother, last week In Hubbardston and storm Insurance With This Big Company HARRISON DODDS, GIT E. CROOK, Grand Rapids were Sunday callers ham, both of Lowell; and to Claude [ work in America, '-.ers is SurreUry-T rtMorer Kent County. Vern and family of Charlotte Sun- Matherton visiting relatives and President Vice President May success of Mrs. Emma Hubbel. W. Richardson and Vesta E. Wash- mere remarkable reitrd tha n that day afternoon. friends, Tre iir.ie-arv ief:r.« a r-er.-.r.- Today—Waiting is Dangerous. Organized 1883. Home Office: Hastings, Mich continue to crown your ef- Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Eash and Miss Roxie Eick'hoff of Sauga- burn, both of Ada. cf David Zeisberger. For 63 years Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Johnson Thirty thousand small-mouth a - forts. tuck spent Monday with her moth First Shewing FALL SHOES he labored among th In • ITs ar.i The Largest /nturanee Company of itt kind in Michigan Clare Eash and family attended of Bowne were Friday evening the Eash reunion at Shlpshewana, er, Mrs, Martin Elckhoff. black bass from the state fish during that time he travel ed many supper guests of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. hatchery were planted in Flat thcusands cf danger • £1! miles Richmond's Cift Ind., Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Roland Crane of Cosgrlff, Homemakiru: Hints river pond above Main-st. dam. through the wilderness tn t and Phone 1100 LoweB, Mich. Will Mlshler and family and Lansing spent the week-end with Miss Virginia Moore of Freeport Mrs. Nellie Taylor of Grand Rap- Mrs. D. K. Thyng of Tacoma, bv came. He built nr Mr, and Mrs, Will Gramer, ess attended the Ionia Fair Wednes- ids and Mra. Will Swartz of Dorr Wash., came for a visit with Lowell 13 Lilian towns as centers . t Chr.s- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Spencer and relatives. - •* v 3 day. were visitors at the home of Will tianity in a heathen lan-d 3 Ladies, It's Worms That Ledger Entries i Hickory Hollow Mrs. Lucy Toder of Illinois visit- family of Ionia spent Sunday with Devering last Tuesday. Mrs. Jude Fletcher of South Bos- Lived to see a" but cne - ' th - rr. ... i - Mr*. Mary Rickert W. A. Large, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Spencer. ton entertained with a misccilane • • ed Friday and Saturday with her Mrs. Nellie Yeiter returned home wip-ed cut cf existence. had Ware District ous shower in honor of Miss Flos- Cause Runs in Stockings K. M. 8. brother, Jerry Blough and wife. Mr. and Mrs. John Klemp of Friday after spending a week In CHIROPRACTOR Mrs. Rachel Stahl and son Ar- sie Conklln. Saginaw were week-end guests of Freeport with the Stuart children F. J. Parker and wife of New Palmer School Gradoate thur of Campbell, In company Mr. and Mrs. Byrne McMahon. while Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stuart Our school will start Monday, with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Blough, York City visited his brother, Ed. Sept. 4, with Evelyn Briggs, as Mr. and Mrs. Gerrltt Kragt of were on a vacation In Northern Parker and family in Keene, en- Phone 42 Kiaf Block visited at the Vincent Kelly home Michigan, teacher. near Clarksvllle Sunday afternoon. Holland were Thursday evening route home from Denver. Colo. X-Ray and Neorocatoneter The 4-H Club hoys from our guests of George Boyenga and fam- Sunday callers of Mr, and Mrs. Abe Cudney of Alto fell from a Manley Pollard of Flint visited Bette Davis in "Dark Victory." Service district made a very good showing the past week with his brother Bob ily, Elmer Ellis were Mr. and Mrs, load of hay, breaking his collar bone in two places. Cartoon and Musical. at the Ionia Free Fair. They car- at the Alden Porrltt home. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Curtis and Floyd Flynn and Mrs. Jennie Office Hour*—£»:00-15:00 aoL, ried away a number of first and Flynn of Bowne Center, Mr, and A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. l:W>-5:(l0 and *:W9:00 p. BL C. M. Benedict and wife spent family of Lansing spent the week- Thursday, Aug. 31—"Undercover second premiums. The boys are Wednesday in Hastings. Mrs, John Nash and two daughters Freeman Whltmyer (nee Bessie Wednesday and Saturday end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Layer of South Lowell), Doctor." and "Unmarried." ... ."j T'.'. Z.-'rt'e'.i 5Ti;i that a sttok* Stelxaz States they sell ito-ikittss S* .^, Lue Monroe of ^.ew&ygo werfe very generous in their praise for Mr. and Mrs. Art Richardson vis- Curtis. of South Bowne, 10:00 a. m.-9:00 p. m. their leader, John Freeman. They Mrs, Wilbur Dickinson died at Cartels Famous Fives in new Fall Lasts and Inspirational ited Monday evening with Joe and Richard Snell of Greenville spent : a will exhibit their stock in Lowell Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schneider her home in Ada. Colors. Styles that are different — Antique t .- r';-. .Vv;-7 !r A:*-?? i^-u ~ "A ^ ^rTa ct Delia Scott of Pleasant Valley. last week with his grandparents, r this week. and daughter, Barbara Ann of Cascade c5, tf Ralph Sherwood, wife and son Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Snell, On Sat- Brown, a stained finish, and many new num- Mrs. Robert Stlenger of Sturgls Grand Rapids were Sunday callers August 28, 1909—30 Years Ago Mra. M, Vanderjagt Junior of Lowell visited Saturday urday Mr. and Mrs, Snell took 7 : was a Tuesday dinner I guest of of Mrs. Hannah Bartlett. bers in black. Arch supports, solid leather -a- Xh: ;:V:. V.- ^ v « -7^"= •: 'rr- "';/' orierrt-^r- rVi'^e •;T; Detrr.t. jrert over Sunday with evening at Jennie Pardee's. Richard to his home and remained Austin L. Coons, faithful clerk Mrs. Carl Wittenbach and family. Jane Doerr and Elsie Osmer at- Arils Hostettler Is assisting El- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shultls and for over Sunday. and operator at the P. M. depot for construction. Guaranteed for service. Frank Slssem and Mrs. Carry tended the Young People's confer- — Vf; mer Shaffer with his farm work Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tidd left Sat- two years, resigned his position to Hatch of Lansing visited Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Ellis were ence at Crystal Bcach Aug. 13-19. for a month. urday night on an auto trip to the attend Ferris Institute, Big Rapids. Mrs. Lyle Bovee and family Tues- Sunday evening callers of Mr. and They gave very interesting reports Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shaffer New York World's Fair. Company M, Sixth Michigan $3.95 day and Wednesday. Sunday din- Mrs, Ted Ellis of East Caledonia at the Bible School hour on Sun- Health - Hygiene of Campau Lake and Lois Shaffer Cavalry, held its annual reunion in ner guests at the Bovee home were Mr, and Mrs, L, B. Ayres spent Joan Ellis returned home Sunday day morning. visited their sister and husband, Lowell, with eight members with Mr. and Mrs. E. Marshall and son the week-end in Jackson with Mr. after a ten days' visit with her Mr, and Mrs. P. M. Dennison and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Slater, of their families and friends present. Diiiemlnated Through Edwin. Sunday evening callers and Mrs. L, J. Benson and all at- cousins near Bowne Center. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Slater spent a Mulr from Friday until Sunday. Miss Clara Lawrence and Dean County Health Department were Carl Kyser and Florence tended the Cascade Festival. very pleasant evening with Mr. and All prices include sales tax. Noah Shrlner of ElkKart, Ind., Is Mrs. John Alien of Lansing spent McCarty, both of Lowell, were Stiles of Lowell. Mrs. Doerr at their cottage a: th^ State Joint Committee visiting a couple of weeks at the Sunday guests of Mrs. Jennie last week with her mother, Mrs married in Palisades, Colo., at the Public Health Edacatic Mrs. G. C. Richards and Mrs. Spring Lake August 18. eitacliahed t -; rr.:re rr.is5.ttis r. Elmer Shaffer home. Townsend were Mr. and Mrs. Clare Anna Acheson, and her brother and home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Baker called on Mrs. John Dalstra Mr. and Mrs. Martin VanderJagt County Medical So-ciety Jerry Blough and Ife accom- Townsend of Lansing and Mr. and family, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Ache- Althen. 1 and Margaret and Mary Good spent 0 f-? rating and Mrs. Carl Wittenbach recently. panied Mrs. Rachel Stahl and son Mrs, Robert Townsend of Char- son. Vivian Acheson returned to Giles Condon of Black Hills, S. lie call f:r s'er.ice leytr.i the ~h.: Billle Briggs, son of Mr. and Thursday afternoon and evening at Arthur to the Ionia Fair Wednes- lotte. Lansing with her to spend this D.. a former resident of Keene cane to him and in I'Tl he frmded CAXKER SORE Mrs. Ira Briggs, was taken to St. the Ionia Fair, Mrs. VanderJagt day. week with relatives. vicinity, visited old friends here. Mat-y's hospital. Grand Rapids, on Mr, and Mrs, Herman Decker and remaining there to spend the Mr. and Mrs. John Nash arc Harry Baird returned to Ala- . i. daughter Ruth of Grand Rapids Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. week-end with her cousin, Mrs. Friday to be treated for an abscess wearing a broad smile over the bama after a visit with his parents tire r-czeye state. Xext the t: ~-r. forming on the appendix. It Is ex- were Friday evening callers of Mr, M. E. Simpson at their cottage at Charles Hazzard of South Ionia. advent of a 9 lb. grandson, arriving here. cf Gnadenhutten estahhihe-i and Mrs, A, H. Stormzand and Morrison Lake were Mr. and Mrs. The church will soon have a new pected that Billle will be In the at the home of their son, Harold Mr. and Mrs. E. S. White at- hospital for aome time. family, Harold S. Knight and son Harold, coat of paint. Clare Coger is the and an era :f peace began and wife of Lowell, on Friday, Aug. tended the dedication of the new M. Mrs. C, G, Hassberger and son painter. But trouble j bre'shng f:r him. Mrs. Jennie Filklns Is spending 18, named John Henry. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Rittenger E. Church at Bannister, of which two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Donald of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Elaine Hobbs spent Sunday with Althourh Ze.sberrer restrar.ed the Mr. and Mrs. Buell Slsson of and family and Mrs. John Ritten- Mrs. White's father. Rev. Charles day dinner guests at the Claude C. A. Simpson and two daughters Margaret Osmer of Cascade. rela^sres fr:rr. taking ;irt in the Post and family of Belmont. Carlton, Mrs. Bessie Knot and Mrs. ger spent Sunday with Mr, and Hayward, was pastor. Mapes District Schmidt home. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Will Filklns Is quite 111 and has of Grand Rapids. Mrs. Knight and Mr. and Mrs. George Venneman Floy Lowe of Grand Rapids, Joe Mrs, Charles Rittenger of South Mrs. Lorenzo Kopf of Bremerton, Mrs. S. M. Rowland Rowland and daughter Marie were been taken to the home of his Harold remained to spend over are the proud parents of a 7 lb. Lehman and housekeeper and Lowell. Wash,, visited her mother here. evening callers. Labor Day. boy. He will answer to the name brother, I. F. Filklns. daughter of Pleasant Valley. H. F. Delia, 4-year-old daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richardson of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Rowland and Mr, and Mrs, Carl Roth, Jr,, of of Phillip Linn. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pltsch and Miller and daughters and Dorthea Dora Bangs has returned from a and Mrs. Frank Steenman of East Traverse City spent several days daughter, accompanied by Isadore cans. Tne British stirred ut; ! " ca- a^fc-rd - Vergennes were Sunday dinner The Missionary society will hold •j^v. - j... . • .- '. •- r .. p ir. 1 '.r.e .t^er ar.erttr - ••- i.re- Larry attended a chicken dinner Holdon of Elkhart, Ind., spent six-day boat cruise on the S. S. Lowell, died of cholera Infantum. last week at the Claude Schmidt and Elery Onan, attended the Ionia guests of Mrs, Martin Elckhoff, its regular meeting at the church Sunday at North Dorr. Monday with M.rs. Miller and Mr. Georgian, out of Detroit, She vls- Gladys Lockwood and Paul Mc- home. Fair. »• Schcenbnmn and Its teachers : ... ss<.,. . 1.^. J./ ;. " cftr - -• Mrs, Roth was celebrating her Friday evening, Aug. 25. All art- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cahoon and and Mrs. W. H. Pardee. Itet many points of interest, going Carty left for New Orleans, La., to Mr. and Mrs. Orley Rulason were tried as Amer.iatt so.es birthday. welcome. Gay of Saranac spent Sunday with Mrs. Elmer Shaffer visited her north through Georgian Bay, stop- begin their year's engagement with spent the week-end al Murray Mr. and Mrs. Ware Story. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sanke and son With the notation "we have gone v sister, Mrs. Paul Kauffman of Dr. J, W, Durkee of Morrlstown, ping off at Parry Sound to visit a special act in vaudeville. Lake. blt~. "shen a ^irt , 1 brutai Arr.er- f- -ust i:e to :.:ii*al"*^v-' i-THE MEN tf the United States r-**ts of the firmer* brother, j m'ery* and Miss Peggy Schloss spent Wed- hogg wild for education," three J evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Pleasant Valley Saturday after- N, J., spent a few days this week the quintuplets at Callander, Ont,, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Smith spend- ;:ans c:mm;tted v.r htiet-i rr.aj- -- • - i — ~ • •' ...... /. , ...... 1 . . I O -.. •.— a - .- ' 3 -'v ' nesday afternoon at the Ionia Fair, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Rowland Houston heirs of the late Will C. . -- - - • • *. atar. 1 ret a* much n a am a., w-; nave a:oec . "7"' . *•' *. , Stanley Coles and children of noon. Little Iva Kauffman came visiting his sister, Mrs. Florence then on up to Manitoulin Island ing two weeks in Canada. !S :re ;f H Chriitian Ir.;.-r.i at iI: a 1 i Mrs. Minnie VanderMaas and and daughter wore Sunday after- Hogg deeded lands in Texas and fr;~ tr.e -a e f f.ll-: •t:::.;.r-? ;r. '."er. have been dtinr a ayirvelltus 1 ' " *- - Ancenon.) It pays to advert»e'nU:e Z Bowne. home with them to remain over Glenn, and his niece, Mrs, Hannah and Little Currant, where the C. E. Watts and family of Chi- son Frank spent last week visiting noon callers at the Chester Place Louisiana to the University of George Blake and Blanch Gilbert Sunday. scenery Is most picturesque, and cago spending the remainder of the Reynolds. friends in Northern Michigan. home. Texas. The deed bore the names with Mr. and Mra. Stanley Gardner Klllarney, an isolated little fishing summer with W. A. Watts and fam- Mr. and Mrs, Fred Althaus of Adrianna and Buddy Wallace are Miss Inez Frazee of Grand Rap- of Miss Ima Hogg, Thomas Hogg and family of Detroit are spending village on the edge of the wilder- ily at their cottage home "Fair- Louisville, Ky„ spent a few days recovering from tonsil operations. ids was a Wednesday evening call- and Mike Hogg. two weeks at Torch Lake. Spring Hill-East Ada ness, In all, she covered over nine view." this week with Mr, and Mrs, Er- er at the S. M, Rowland home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mulder Mrs. Earl Vesburfl hundred miles and found the cruise The people of St. Patrick's parish made a business trip to Grand Rap- nest Althaus and other friends and I like people who know where Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Enders Men do not drift into high places relatives, most enjoyable. at Parnell observed the first anni- \ ergennes Center Ids Monday. versary of the death of their late they are going and what they want. and family of Freeport were Sun- by chance. CT"C I V^T Mr. and Mrs. VanOrder of Mid Here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gregory of Cascade spent a Mr, and Mrs, Lynn Fletcher, pastor. Rev, Fr, James J. Byrne, by dlevllle were Sunday visitors of Mrs, Byron Frost Monday were the part of last week with her daugh- Dorothy and Alyn, and Mr, and erecting a magnificent monument their daughter, Mrs. Lewis Powell following people from out of town: T . . ter, Mra. Carl Wittenbach. Mrs, Burke Kenyon visited at the over his grave in the Parnell ceme- bu^iiRSi.iiU.Nb and family. Mr, and Mrs. D, F, Butts of Flint, W, D, Fletcher home near Mlddle- tery, A solemn requiem mass was Arrangements have been made Bill Vandetnark of Grand Rapids Mr. and Mrs. L, R. Andrews of St. vllle Sunday, celebrated, with twenty priests en. with the Lowell school board for was a recent caller at the Moer- Joseph, and daughter, Mrs, T. A. •• present In the sanctuary. I • transportation of the eighth grade dyke and Vosburg homes. Mrs, Ida Young spent last week Cokinos of Chicago; Mrs. A. J. Thirty-one Lowell and Grand pupils of our district on the high Ernest Vosburg spent last week in Grand Rapids with Mr. and Nash and L, E, Nash of East Lan- Rapids people held a rally at the school bus. with Erwin Smith of Ionia. Mrs. Earl Behler and Mr. and Mrs. sing. Mr. and Mrs. Guy McDonald, home of Will Chapman in Los Mr. and Mrs. Dave Veenstra and Wayne Young. They also spent a Mrs. Harvey Hall, Mrs. George Yes, Angeles, Calif, Mrs. Emma Greene daughters were Sunday visitors at few days at Eel Lake. Harden and Oliver Hall of Grand and Miss Annie Maynard of Low- Henry Fase's. Rapids, Mr, and Mrs. Marcus Put- Mrs. John Rittenger of Lowell ell being numbered among the Grace and Effie Theule of Grand nam and daughter Mary and Mr, r. " i.-i-.- i was a Wednesday guest of Mrs. guests, Lowe District Rapids were Sunday visitors of and Mrs. Newton Coons, who were We Sell 11. PMLITMIEI Fred Roth. Callers this week Mon- A picnic gathering was held on V** G» —.*-"> "-: — 5 their parents. visiting the Putnams at Eaton day were Mr, and Mrs, Fred Alt- the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. S. Finch Mrs. Arthur Burton spent a few Rapids; Mrs. Sophronia Church haus of Louisville, Ky, in honor of Mrs. Clifford Long of OptoMtnit, Isiia days recently at the Burton farm and Mrs, Geneva Clifford of Flint, Redondo, Calif., and Mrs. Myrtle with Mr. Burton and Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Croff and Dorus Church and Chester Church at Hatch of Cucambnga, Calif., 32 be- Elbert Veenboer and little daugh- family of Big Rapids wore Friday of Evart and Mrs. Elwood Sullivan tor. ing present. K«nt Jewelry Store and Saturday guests of Mr. and of Ionia. • ' ' • •: -• Mi: • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richmond Mrs. Roye Ford and Mr. and Mrs. • • :" . . • wa • t : r: has r m: d •-r r.: z- II" '•.i? sr. I.E.: Lowell and children of Vergennes were Fred Ford in Vergennes. AugiiKt 24, 1901—35 Veare Ago 4 c recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. ' v..:", named the City of Munlsin 5- -> .NiO" j" "n-.T - -Exi®'. Wednesday - Saturday Morse Lake George O. Dutcher of Carlyton, GAS! : Aut mobile traff;: ha. Earl Vosburg. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Washburn ; CCwwD 5S. C^EO 0= V5.w--v. spent part of last week in Gen- Mrs, Frank Houghton N, Y„ visited his parents here after / -• *- / from 10,000 vehicle* In 15:3 when .A.'WDiCg Bv Si:?:^VNATSR--;' Correct lens may improve a four years' absence. etAt<4 esse and Tuscola counties. On Sun- •- " Vr-- 'fe. t- wer.^ t tl-..- fcrr.- bu»- C^NTA;rtA.^O" A Be t- poor vlalon to nonnal. I know a lady who would be Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Morrison Charles Boyle and Will Denick, : oe*:a; ur.t:l Fr.diy -.tr. pn-i rrinipiren-s tf a i: lb bey. day they attended the Shear re- felt that were - \ •' V • • 5 ^ • about :?! v.- annuaUv a- AND BV C^A^T.-^c quite splc If she had less span.— of Grand Rapids were Sunday Jr., bought the Lowell Laundry out- r.;s sister Mrs Cha- £tor-.e. tf born t: Mr and Mr? Ralph F:x union at Fallasburg Park, We are really more than just dispensers "i'i. t:m.\ C:T.nt:ssicner Murrav \V.ATE5 W^Ch nAO BBE\ PC^t Heavy Stuff. breakfast guests at Leslie Hobbs', fit. However 11 v&n s aa exptanat n of'Vhis. for ^ W«^n«r has stated that the QVEJ? TrtE ANIMAL 0 Mr. and Mrs, L, A, Hubbard of Saturday callers at J, R, Freyer- James Pardee and son Wilbur of of gas, oil, grease and other car needs 3 er.i rue?-? at the -i; r.:r.-.e were :; .. i.- i-.reet * iff; t ' ?aturat: :n po;nt has been reached Grand Rapids spent from Thursday muth's were Mr, and Mrs. Paul Logan left for New York State to :r Charles Rea.; ar.: Mrs tsen ti-lers at Watt Thtmas' Wednes- We are your own friends and ~ • • • tfarr- may ha fa".; - 'be r.umber :f boats that can be until Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Horn of Charlotte and Mr, and visit the former's brother, Vrv r. - *< v -v.. handled efficiently between pres- tf Flint and Mr ar.i Mrs Tr.a.-les day er.rtrte tt the I.tria Fair v r c Bert M, Purchase and all attended Mrs. Percy Acker of Grand Rap- Lewis Daller of Keene left for neighbors, most of us are property •raff;: .-.-.ay r.v - -r. r.e a-.7 t tr.r.r ao-t;it xVitr&i ^nt terminal docks. B-tughey -r.. rranddaurn-er tf Mr and Mrs Orv.n Smelker Mr. the Ionia Free Fair on Friday, Ids and on Sunday Peter Horn and the St, Louis Fair. owners and taxpayers, either owning Thirty 21.lei ar. r.; u: .r. ier the I n;a. Mr ar.i Mrs Perty Reti and Mrs Sari Fix. Mr and Mrs. Charles Harmon of Charlotte were Births at Cascade: To Mr. and t.r.d.t.tr.i xai, entirely w.thin t Tonnage at Lake Ports and family stent Sunday w-.th Henri. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. ASK YOUR Mr. and Mrs, Arend Cox and daughter, Clna Beth of Stlllman callers, Mrs, G, Ray Cook, a son; to Mr. or in full control of our respective bus- law but not w.thir. the law tf co: Because the lakes are :pen to them. * :hn Nash attended the Ionia Fair Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blakeslee -iftern pelt player kissed h * traffic from March until late N> ftSV gQgb DEALER FOR Valley, III,, spent the week-end and Mrs, Eaiie Sinclair, a daugh- iness places, not dominated by some on sense Mr and Mr; Lawrence Birrs the pas* week. r with Mr, and Mrs, F, A. Gould. and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Blakeslee ter; to Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCul- are now l;v r.r ;n Urand Rapids Sunday vlrltors at the Th;mas- of Grand Rapids attended the Ionia lough, a daughter. large corporation telling us just what Wed n-id iy Mr? Emma Dew*-.- Karoher home were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Cox Is a niece of the Gould's. Mf SWtOMP OtLMMUt Fair Friday, Mrs, E, M, Cummins of Sioux we can do or cannot do in the manage- •"Sited her au.--.. Mr? Mar/ Kerr Ray Tr.:mas of Detroit. Mr. and Billy Briggs, son of Mr. and Mrs, Elaine Hobbs spent Saturday City, Iowa, visited friends In Low- and uncle A.-.v.: Anderson, w'nrre Mrs John Thomas and Harris of ment of our individual business affairs. Ira Briggs of South Boston, was night and Sunday with Margaret ell and South Boston. Rev. Dewey ind son George at- Lansing Mr and Mrs Sam Clem- Unini m taken to St, Mary's hospital, Grand Gamer at Cascade, Miss Lizzie Althaus of West We are independent, free-thinking cit- 'tended the Ionia Fa..* Tr.e Deweys ens tf Webberville Mr. and Mrs. £12!%,y ^ ^ ^ "The FLOUR . Rapids, last Friday and will un- Mr, and Mrs, John Schwab and Lowell and Edward Clemenz were o: had supper with Mrs Kerr and Orrin Smelker Mr. and Mrs. dergo an operation some time this son Jack of Rockford were Sun- izens and proud of our American her- Jolw Layer East united In marriage, Never argue with a woman whose na?^ .r. Western Michigan harbors ^hi^WKi'lE Nettie. Wayne Bent in Janet and Marlene the Betf Ceoks IWj week. day evening guests at W. Blakes- Mrs, Wm, Green of Segwun fell itage. Ledger want ads. bring results. ?hces are killing her was cltse to a half billion dollars. A H. Scormnnd \P Sunday callers at the Mary Kerr ani Mr and Mrs Russell Benton Central Garage lee's. Jack stayed for a few days Frankfort car-ferrv terminal o' Hl/NTlNGEAGiJES Mac*# Senrky (Nation Sunday dinner guests of Bruce and broke her arm, home we re Mr and Mrs Ira Wes- children of Hastings. • - West Mais SJ. with his grandparents, Adlaska Jay went to Edmore to •h.- V.'ibash-Ann Arbtr railrrad ^0 RENDER brook of Seeley Ctrner? Paul and Wr and Mrs. Merrill Karoher Prank Sfephene McMahon were Lois Banks, Margie M* at MoBaln and John MacDonell of Mt Frank Houghton returned from accept a position as foreman on the led with S13CSS2 VX Muskegtn V' Norma Gibson of Middle-.-iHe M-ss **- children and Mr. and Mr#. Roy Richaidson his Western trip Friday evening, Wt Do Our Vary Best te Merit Your Palrenift I 4 M-!l and Ada Pleasant, A, Monaca of Pittsburgh, railroad, terminal for the Grand Trunk- T® ThlS BiRDs Ethel Prentice of Hastings Mrs Henry Karoher and daughter spent Mr. and Mrs. Glen Yeiter attend- Per.r.r.-lvania railroads, was .-."x* C w*rerr. 'JrJca. Georve A Story. local IIMrtNitor Pa., and Cassle June Lee of Grand Thomas Donovan returned from Florence Cronknght and children S-=day wi*n Mr and Mrs. George PWoae ed the Klnyon reunion Sunday at Harletta to make his home In And in this spirit we respectfully solicit the patronage of the car with $:!2.v«5,W. South Haven was .. and Mrs Glentra Crtnkr-.ght an-: Karoher of Plamwell. Louis UFebre. Ada imtrlhitor HYBRID CORN A POOR PARENT Rapids. H: ; : a: Ada FIkw $5 Fallaeburg Park, the only port city to show a gain * - -*'• -'? ^-h yt-. Lowell again, and truck owners of Lowell and the neighboring territory, on the V daughters of Rook ft rd. >Cr. and Mrs, Stanley Forward of Competing with other counties at Jamei Finn, aged 81 years, died last year Muth ;f ihii wa.- ^ the ather night* Saturday Mrs Ida Fairchilda Home Acres were Thursday eve- basis of quality of materials we sell at our respective stations, com- ccvta y Bast Lansing last Friday and Sat- at hie home In Vergennes. CfiOMWtU ning guests of Mrs, Ella Robinson urday, Prlscllla Smith and Dorothy ' / / ^ . $' m J. S, Hooker spent a week at bined with careful and thoughtful attention to the needs of all MAf;s*vaacM and Mrs, Herbert Connor and chil- Clark represented Kent County 4-H Green Lake, where he addressed a eustomers. dren of Grand Rapids were Sunday Clubs In Food Preparation, by large picnic gathering, evening eallers, demonstrating a plate luncheon. Loveland A Hlnyan building a 9 ? Fifteen Morse Lake Classy Cooks branch warehouse at Beldlng, o. a marine post-tffite.. the O. F. Fair Thursday Sunday Bob I>e fuvm*: y ' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Doyle of De- All we want is fair play and the right to ^live and let live/ Don't troit were Sunday dinner gutsts of took the summer project on Food Mrs, 8. C. Alger returned from a Moox wr.tin is tperated on three Leirrlng tt it witht-t 'irirar.-i ;f South Boston and S.dnev Shores Preparation and finished lOOtf, four months' tour through Oregon. be fooled by outside-eontrolled concerns that hope to crush Indi- eight-hcur shif's and meets all 'ream ir. your : ff-e saves a Itt of visited Clvde Fairch.lds Mr. and Mrs. John Layer. Sunday callers were Mr. and Mrs. John vidual competition by selling at a loss for a time and then if they 'nip- passing up and dtwn -he De- b:ther. Mr and Mrs. Ruw^ll Da-Jis and 3lorr A fellow has to be a contortionist r iiv Nash and two daughters and Mre. *' ^ - '••• daughter Margaret of Lansiar were Jennie Flynn of Bowne Center. to get by these days. First, he has McCord's Matters should succeed, make up that loss by boosting prices higher than Sunday guests of Mrs Davis par- to keep hit back to the wall and Mrs. R. T. Wiillami Appnximatel; 1"; freirnt ves- r •» •>: W W ^ <•: >: ents Mr. and Mrs M B MoPher- Mrs. F. E. White spent part of before. 5 hli ears to the ground. Then, he 'e- wa-er.- of the Great R ^ ^ ^ ta . * son. last week in Chelsea with Mrs. must put his shoulder to the wheel, M R b' « *^^ rlplea af food Friday and all returned home with KEEP INFORMED OX PrBIJC " • lllifal j 4ty Elaokfirdj and the Sunday callers at the Jay Carter them. OPINION THROl'GH £ " ladies took the two boys to the Tiun Sipr StrviN br<*a«f*makiaa* home were Mr. and Mre. Jim Ton- James Engelsman and Bernard Mm'i Staidird Senriot Nfia'i th AMERICA SPEAKS ' T«, ^ ^miflraUy «. g « ' / *' J. ker and daughter Violet of Cale- ^lava freali and Lil Aitiaitii liat Bronsink visited their brother, Ofte)ften called the "politician'-politician's 9ft fracted: frames and moont- Sunday Mr. and Mrs WW::4 »>ur donia and Mr. and Mrs, Lciter Bert and family In Ada Sunday. bible America Speaks is eagerly >b*« etyled In the most mod- ft Croakright and children and Mrs.j wiWsl. m> emm* Tonker of Lake Odessa who were Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Flndley of Sirviee ton L Arattmi, l-X watched by citizens in all walks of g type* to fit yon Individ- • Glenora Cronkright and daufhter recently married. Mrs, Jim Yonker solve your N. Arirewi B-X 9 Kalamaioo and Mr, and Mrs, Ward life. If ytu wcuid know how the •ally. 6 visited at the Arthur Anderson Mine. Better remained at the Carter home for a Stewart visited Mr. and Mrs, A, E, public feels about cand:dates, pol- g heme and inspected the place few days' visit. Haw! Aak far Firiii Pnbliat Wood Sunday afternoon, ides and issues facing the nation. * here the oil well is to be "v^ 4. jfrf' •« lily's Shin SirviN Tiky'i tiiilalr Sirv, j R Cahu Ikt IMa Carle •mgianil haa thai It !• pratiaMt to Che L k Atn . * Miss (Janet Englehardt of Royal Mr, and Mrs, Andy Zoet were ttmi read this feature. It appears ex- OFFICE HOTBS {if!, iMf rm la Imp ea w*m *• taMea. TW gaaMen larartaMy lara la Il — hy name Oak Is spending this week with dinner gueste of Mr, and Mrs, Joe clusively :n Michigan in The De- 9 g M to UtOO — I:* to 4;M A Men's discontents dig the chan- Zoet of Grand Rapids Sunday, fti omrn mm, Ike «m vMcfe tfcew a great pratt fee the W«e. ; —al Indepen* Another test of uslnf • hybrid corn yield at iMd Ho* the Mew* her unele and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, RAY COVERT tro^t >ews. .. n ! - *|nels of their progreu —Aloion W. H. J. Englehardt, On Tueeday Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, Dick Hunt of Rock- Hit Mill Mibilfit Strvin ihu* t KdMr On fa.e at Christiansen's or 9 ****** ta f ^ gttA:i; B^.WMa Cru from capital- Englehardt and Janet attended the ford visited Mr, and Mrs, A. E phoee for delivery. dant ttouSj hybrid makeegood PlaaiblBg Heallag to Democracy we. HU teste ia 1988 showed a hybrid eoald yield Tl J hat aa luncheon meeting of the Garden Wood Saturday night. Mia. while the eeeoad juaswtloa toad freai the asaM hjrhrl Lore Club and the tour of the Sheet Metal Week Ml down to 81.4 fcnhtfi aa aM Hopklne Gardens. Ledger want adt. bring reeulte.


SpanUh Town, Jamaica's Capital, Old Attraction Ada Department Life Struggle UNDER SEA IHIKROGER Odds and Enda Oampbell'i ALTO DEPARTMENT Capital of Jamaica for over three (Mn. Hattie R. Fitch) centuries under both Spaniih and Here and There (Mn. Fred Pattlton) English rule, the ancient town of BTGGEST cake SALE cans Ada Locale Pretty Co-Ed Battles Deadly Six-Foot IWAMT-AOS Soups 3 25e Spanish Town, slumbering in the Brief Paragraphs of Newa and tropic sun 13 miles west of Kings- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin mo- Except Chicken and Mushroom Alto Locals Barracuda Six Fathoms Below Surface 0E THE SEASON WANT ADV. BATES—Me FOR 25 WORDS OR LESS, IF OVER U Information on a Variety > Bryant Reunion ton, draws within her confines vis- tored to Litchfield on Monday, re- WORDS, ADD le FEB WORD. TWO WEEKS FOR SDo, FOUR GREAT SAVINGS Dorothy and Stanley Alexander itors anxious to turn back the pages turning home Tuesday evening. WEEKS FOR StOS. IF ORDERED BY MAIL, PLEASE ENCLOSE of Topics The fifth annual Bryant family They visited Mr. and Mrs. Rollin REPEATED ... BY POfUlA* REQUEST I reunion wa« held at Campau Lake are spending the week with their of history and re-live the brave COIN OR STAMPS. WHEATIES Sunday, Aug. 20. A very lovely grandmother, Mrs. Bertha John- days when from here the minions of Davis and daughters, Ruth Mary Fourteen million trees will be For Family Food Buyers son, of Hastings. and Kathleen, who had just re- unm piuvi added to Michigan forest resources potluck dinner was served to 34. Old Castile and their British con- FOR SALE—Peaches, all varieties Bertha and Edith Culver and a querors governed the island. turned home from a visit with rel- QUALITY developing and printing, In plantings to be made by public Breakfast Fosd pkg. IOC Games were played. oniv any 6 or 8 exposure roll, plus ripe beginning August 24. Milton At C. THOMAS lady friend from Grand Rapids While there are very few old atives in California and the San agencies, civic groups and in- called on their cousin, Mrs. Jennie Francisco Fair. CAKE I (M 5x7 enlargement, for 25c. Prompt Wilcox, Lowell phone 05-F11, two dividuals next fall and spring. Birthday Party Spanish buildings remaining any- William and Richard Cannon Regular value 19e service. Mail to Pictures, Box miles east of Lowell on M21 then Johnson, Thursday. where in Jamaica, the Great square USED CARS SUPER-VALUE STORES Mra. Ernest Roark entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harold Metternlck spent three days of the past week Hurry! Special price only while 625, Grand Rapids, Mich. pl5-2t 1% miles north. pl4, 4t Anticipating record traffic vol- for her mother, Mrs. John Ellis, of Spanish Town is authentically at a church conference at Hopkins present supply lasts. 1937 Chrysler 4-dr. Touring umes over the Labor Day week- Post Tossties attended the North Dorr chicken WANTED—Position by young man Wednesday afternoon, it being her dinner Sunday. Spanish. It was laid out after the Lake. Sedan, heater. FOR RENT—20 acres with build- end, state police and state highway plan of Spanish cities when the Dons Ada high school opens its fall ings, located 1 mile east of Alto. on farm by the month. Refer- officials are planning concerted 78th birthday. Guests were Mrs. The Young People's Class of the 1937 Chevrolet Town Sedan. Carrie Dygert, Mra. John Warner Methodist Church had a picnic decided to leave Seville on the North term Tuesday, Sept. 5, with the Nfehigan Maid - Churned Frtsh Daily Alvln Wells. pl5 ences, experience. Gulf Gas Sta- action to prevent accidents during 2 large pkgi.17o coast and establish their seat of tion at Pratt Lake, US-16. pl5 and daughter Bemadine, Mrs. supper at Campau Lake Friday same faculty. 1985 Chevrolet, Short Wheel FOR SALE—Amazing foot comfort the holiday period. Maud Ellis, Iva Sherman, Mrs. night. government inland. This is believed Mr. and Mrs. James McCormlck, Base Truck, n beauty. in kid-soft Wolverine Shell horse- WANTED — Horse-shoeing, either Fred Clark, Mrs. Sam Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gephart to have been in 1538. Bob and Pat spent Wednesday at BUTTER 2 49c hide work shoes. Save you at the blacksmith shop on my Word seeps from the Department oiDca the Ionia Fair, meeting Mr. and 1986 Chevrolet Coupe Pick-up. of Commerce that the re-building Mrs. Ed. Davis. Ice cream and called on Mrs. Nettie Morse of Spanish Town was evacuated in Krogar's Clock Twin money too In months and miles place, or will call at your farm. Kiffoo Hag cake were served and Mrs. Ellis Cooks Corners and also on the Don 1655 in the face of the British under Mrs. Ed. Mueller and sons there for of extra wear. $2.34 up at Coons'. Phone 153-F14. Wm. Precious. Job started by Harry Hopkins with gallon 1933 Ford DeLuxe Tudor, 4 a flourish has collapsed with that lb. received several lovely remem- Fisk family Sunday afternoon. Admiral Penn and General Vena- the late afternoon and evening. cl5 lid Siika can 3s, VINEGAR bulk brances. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rankin moved bles. but remained the capital until Mrs. Delia Frame and daughter, cylinder. SOW and 8 pigs, 4 weeks old, $35, huge department slipping back into Ceffelne removed. Bring own containay* Saturday Into their new home, the 1872. Mrs. Harold Barnard and children, BREAD 2 £ 10c 1929 Olda Coach. or will exchange for cattle; Jer- FOR SALE — Pedigreed Cocker the rut it has filled during the New Library Board Meeting Thorndlke residence. The ancient government buildings Harold, Jr., and Goan of Chicago, Bqitin Swingtima. Floral Sandwich, Square Sugara sey cow, 6 years old. heavy pro- Spaniel puppies. Herbert Con- Deal. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gllllland of were guests on Wednesday of Mr. ducer, $65. Steenman, 2% miles ner, Saranac, Mich. pl3, 4t The Library Board met in the are among Spanish Town's chief Youthful aides to Harry Hop- Lake Odessa were Friday night points of interest. The old House of and Mrs. Harry Fitch. WEBSTER north of Lowell on Lincoln Lake Alto library Tuesday afternoon. guests of the Ranklns. Mr. and Mrs. James Furner were COOKIES bpiir 15e felbn lb. 10c road, first house off to left. pl5 FOR SALE—An upright piano, in- kins in rejuvenating the Depart-j The chairman, Mrs. G. M. Thorn- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rosenborg Assembly and King's house date dinner guests of Miss Priscilla quire by phoning W. F. Shan- ment of Commerce are heavy on 1762 CHEVROLET SALES dike, called the meeting to order. spent the wook-ond with tho 1 ' ^e former in particu- Sparks on Tuesday of this past Country Club Fancy Crushad FOR SALE—Registered Springer non. Lowell phone 51-F23. cl4. tf the side of spending for recovery. The secretary and treasurer, Mrs. former's brother, Mosc Rosenberg lar gives direct contact with the week. Phone S9S Spaniel pups, liver and white. Inside word is that the attempted V. L. Watts, read the minutes of days of the Eighteenth century. In Among those from Ada attending G. G. WEBSTER, Prop. Make fine pets and good hunters. WANTED—Girl for general house- rejuvenation stands to meet a stone and wife of St. Joseph. work. Inquire Ralph's Tire and last meeting and treasurers re- Mr. and Mrs. John Bosma and bygone years tradition has it that the Ionia Free Fair during the past PINEAPPLE 2 r 25c Edwin Y. Marshall, R. 3. Low- wall in a civil service set-up that port. which were accepted. Duo to there was an underground passage ell. pl5-16 Radio Shop or phone Lowell 23- changes with difficulty. son and G. Noordam of Kalama- week were Mr. and Mrs. John As she stumbled lata a bole, her spear waa thrast upward lata the Csaalty Clab Faaef Sliead Avoadole Bed F2. cl5 the delay of officials In appointing zoo spent Sunday with Mr. and leading from the old cathedral Adrianso, Mr. and Mrs. Merle month of the barracuda, and be Immediately made eff wfth Um weapsa FOR SALE—South Haven and SUPER VALUES a regular librarian, we are badly across the square to the assembly Cramton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Svo- nassppk 2 tl 29c KMsey lean 3 ^ lie The marriage of convenience be- Mrs. Walter Crawford. Mrs. Craw- Imbedded ia his threat. Lockwood peaches, nice quality, FOR SALE—Used, rebuilt and re- in need of funds and many plant ford's mother, Mrs. Noordam, is building, which was used in trou- boda, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Ward possessed washers, radios and tween Republican candidates for for raising money wore discussed. web Ciaalsi Clab faaey HoaaSaa Laacioma Diced reasonably priced. Wm. Dollar, i visiting her daughter. blous times by the law-makers as and their nieces from Lapeer, Mr. By WILLIAM BOBNB I and a pointed bamboo refrigerators, coal and wood office and old-age pension blocs AND QUICK, NELPFUL SKRVICK—Iftemlied Cash Regiatar Receipt With Every Purchaae. Mrs. Thorndike's resignation was and Mrs. James Furner, Mrs. Wm. „ , , , , I ,Pear flv* '»«t long. 10 miles north of Lowell on M-66, in the 1938 elections will not be Mrs. John Troy of Harris Creek a quick means of getting into and Phsapple Jske tr 25c Fnrit Cscktsil ™ 10c Beldlng Phone 7111-F6. pl5 rangea, heaters and Duo-Therm read and accepted, and she has called on Mrs. Wm. C. Anderson Furner and her sister, Mrs. Ethel oil heaters. Ralph'a Tire and repeated in 1940, Washington hears. BALL and moved to her home In Atlanta. A out of the chambers where the as- Miss Defore stepped down the QUARTS doz. 69c Monday. Crowe, and many other Ada resi- UddeT M Radio Shop, W. Main St., Lowell. Several Republican candidatea vote of thanks was given Mrs. sembly sessions were being held. / knew there could be leughter ^ EXTRA SPICIAL - CRISCO OS PEACHES — South Havens now KERR MASON. Robert McWhinney and son dents. launch began pumping oxygen into ready. Bring containers. Peaches Phone 23-F2. cl5 found their campaign promises of Thorndlke for the fine bookcase Mr. and Mrs. James Furner mo- on the hidden face of Cod— pensions rose to embarrass them PINTS doz. 60c Garry spent Sunday afternoon with her helmet The surface closed Whitneyville are very nasonable this year— Big Canning she gave the library. Mrs. D. V. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd McWhinney of tored to Grand Rapids Sunday aft- Mary Jane Batea WANTED—Worn out and crippled after election. Curtlss was appointed temporary Praying Mantis Females '•THUS G. K. Chesterton about the tiny windows on her bead- SPRY 3 i. 45c fill your cans. Hilton Orchards FRUIT JARSSeaso n Ahead. Wayland. ernoon to visit Mr. and Mrs. Davis on US-16, 2*4 miles west of US-16 stock. Don't be misled. We will Vi PINTS doz. 58c chairman and Mrs. Floyd Flynn of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Demlng and Require Suitable Mates S. Brown. •i rhymes about a fish he gear and she was lowered to the pay the most cash. Write Roy The Treasury is taking no Bowne Center was appointed on bottom. One day last week Robert Hun- and M-66 Junction. clS family of Greenville were Sunday The courtship of the male pray- Mrs. Perry Donison of 245 Bur- had seen at sea by night. Cooper, R. R. 2, Rockford, or call chances with the $25,000,000 it KERR JAR LIDS doz. 10c I JELLY GLASSES !< p>>t doz. 35c the board to fill vacancy. "1 could easily see for twenty or LOWIST mci IVH I ger and Mary Fuller called on her 192-F13. cl5tf loaned to China through the Ex- dinner guests at the home of Mr. ing mantis is not unlike that of our ton St., SW., Grand Rapids, will t>e And there are creatures FOR SALE — Reconditioned elec- hostess to members of the Booster thirty feet in either direction, for ulster. Mrs. Fraser of Ada who is port-Import Bank for purchase of KERR JAR COVERS and Mrs. Roy Demlng. spiders, for if the lady does not tric nfrigerators, ranges, water doz. 25c | Morgan FRUIT PECTIN, bottle 10c Swifft'a Premium Club and their husbands at an much queerer than lany- the water was exceptionally dear,'* KROGER* EMBASSY 111. heaters. Save 50% or more. Sell FOR SALE—Toy Terrier pup. 8 trucks. Secretary Morgenthau per- Garden Club Entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Chamber- consider him a suitable mate she months old, eligible for register. lain and daughter of Cattarangus, evening meeting to be held at her thing imaginable in our land- she says, "and I was instantly in- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Aikey of Tra- only to families not reached by sonally selected J. L. Keeshin, of OGRREB BEEF The Alto Garden Club mot at the N. Y., and F. E. Chamberlain, Jr., will pounce on him and kill him. home on Wednesday, Sept. 6. A world. Creatures so bizarre fatuated by the myriad colors of verse City spent Thursday at the gas service. Gas Co., 47 North Inquire of Mary Ann Weaver, Keeshin Freight Lines, to go to 60LB MEML 24V2 Ik. kig 75c pleasant Clark-Williams home at The spider sometimes has a good potluck supper will be served and plant life all about mc. Far to the Wm. Bates home. Division, Grand Rapids. Phone Riverside Dr., Lowell. Phone China to supervise the use of the McCords Tuesday afternoon. 22 wife and son Elmer of Lansing and so unbelievably grotesque SALAD DRESSING 274-F2. cl5 FLOUR wore Thursday guests of Rev. and chance of escaping, for he ap- a business meeting held under the left I could see Professor Farris and Donna and Dorothy VandenHout 8-1331. pl5 American trucks. PILLSBIRY'S BEST 24V2 Ik. kig 75c 12-oz. can 18e members present. Guests wore sang over Uncle Nick's Safety Pro- Mrs. F. E. Chamberlain. proaches in a wary manner, but the direction of the club president, that they seem like cosmic the group of girls. They were TEOTIM FliVH I . Mrs. Jack Rockefollow. Mrs. My- gram Saturday which is broad- SOUTH HAVEN PEACHES—Pick- Mr. and Mrs. Elner Mosbeck of female mantis is more cunning, and Mrs. Grace Whaley. All members jokes tossed off in some idle grouped about something or other, CtEMff UMOTI! C**rt Lowell Market Report Diplomats privately express ron Henry. Mrs. G. H. Clark. Mrs. cast from the Kieth's Theater over ing now. Ray Parker, Lowell amazement at the consistency with ICYAL KEIFFERS No. 2 oil 9c Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. will let the male think she is about are invited to attend. moment of creation by a and I couldn't tell if they had dis- Corrected August 24, 1939 Harley York. Mrs. Noil Clark and Mack Watson Sunday. to accept him. Then, if she does not Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Afton MCI MIKB eOLM ! 21c WOOD. Phone 118-F12. % mile north of which Hitler operates on a time- Mary' Sinclair. Several members covered me or not Wheat, bu $ .63 PEARS Mrs. Grotta Proctor of Cascade consider him sufficiently good-look- and son Walter, Jr., returned home Deity that knows how to The Whitneyville School Is be- Pinckney cemetery in Keene-tp. Rye, bu 40 table that is made known in ad- FARCY BARTLETTS No. 2 en 15e SNO-SHEEN plan to make entries at tho 4-H spent the week-end at the home of Sunday after a 1600 mile trip in Taken by Sirprlsa. ing cleaned thia week In prepara- cl5 vance and then adhered to In Fair at Lowell and several mem- ing, those powerful pincer legs flash chuckle grimly. Corn, bu .48 Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Up- Ciaaigy Clab Tastr Bay 3 Bora fee lie oad Get tion for the fall term. strictness. German technique of b TOP VALUE bers also plan to accept tho in- Mrs. Peter Kline. Mr. and Mrs. out, and there is no hope of escape. But not only in the phosphorescent *1 was let slowly on down, and WANTED—Washings, ironings, al- Buckwheat, cwt 1.00 Piioike Floir 2-lb. CAKE FLOUR Vernor Lynn of Grand Rapids Apart from courtship, one mantis per Peninsula. They report having Nancy Ellett called on Grace Barley, cwt 80 crisis and astute bargaining is ex- £ 14c vitation to visit the M. S. C. gar- waters of the South Seas do these suddenly felt my feet touch bottom. FraicftlrsMiag&llc Mire Saap 1 FREE Douglass one day last week. so curtains, rugs and quilts. Work COFFEE bag 25c wore also week-end guests, all hav- will not hesitate to attack another, enjoyed wonderful weather and a Oats, bu .27 pected by American diplomats to 5-1 b. dens and grounds on Sept. 6. Call guardians of the deep haunt tropic There was a very little current to Kenneth Prescott returned home guaranteed. Price very reason- be effective at least one more ing Sunday dinner at the Claud relates a writer in London Tit-Bits fine trip in every way. Tifhtly W( Corn and Oats Feed, cwt.... 1.40 Con Moil yellow bebigt 13c A naw "Top Value" Grada Bourbon pkg. 23e transportation committee. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tichlaar waters. As near as the Florida keys tug at me, and I had no trouble in Sunday after spending a few weeks able. 117 Washington Ave., Low- time. Mack Watson or Mrs. Walter Goldnor cottage at Morrison Lake. Magazine. making my way toward the class. ell. pl5 Corn Meal, cwt 1.25 Santos Coffaa. Mr. and Mrs. George Yaegor and have moved into the Harry Kane we find many species of undersea Lsri 2 ^ 15c Caivas Gloves 3 ^ 25c at a camp in northern Michigan. Bergy, by Sept. 4 If you wish to go. I started in their direction, carefully Coarse Cracked Corn, cwt... 1.85 Mr. and Mrs. John Linton called on The European mantis harmonizes house at the foot of Ada hill on creatures Just as ferocious as any leer ee BoU Btea. Wasco Tested Barbara Bates is spending a Shelled Corn, cwt 1.18 Instructions have gone out to Rivy Bins cr.*.' 3 Iks. IDs Several are planning to accept Mrs. remarkably with its surroundings, octopus or conger eel or South Sea pickinr, my way among the Jutting week with her sister, Mrs. Richard APPLES FOR SALE—Transcend- Labor Board attorneys to avoid Mr. and Mrs. Robert McWhinney M-21. ent Crab, best for Jell, at Hahn's, Bran, cwt 1.05 V. D. Dlckerson's invitation to at- but other species have it beaten. Clarence Teople of Grand Rap- shark. And. indeed more dangerous plant * that seemed to sway and nod Bssea Jsrs S? 59c Scratch Fead'^ ll.! Rawlings of Beverley. writing decisions that may be re- Tripaint tend the Lakevlow Flowor Show Saturday evening. Weaver's or Yellow Front, or for Middlings, cwt , 1.25 P & G SOAP Joan Ellis of Lowell, Margaret. Some are colored like tropical flow- ids was a Sunday afternoon caller to man than either of them—the g?nt]> hi I passed: through the versed by the courts. Promotions Egg Rooilei lb. pkg. 14e Sept. 8. All who wish to go. call Wesco bushel lots, call Carl James, Flour, bbl 480 SALAD DRESSING qt.j«r2Jc Maxino and Goraldino Flynn of ers and as they remain motionless, of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira barracuda. !'• —k set weed that grew in abun- Pea Beans, cwt 2.00 and salary increases are talked of Mrs. Fred Pattlson. $10 was voted East Caledonia Lowell Phone 8-F12. pl5 privately as "prizes" to attorneys Rich, Creamy Bowne Center were Saturday vis- bees and other insects alight upon Teeple. Meet the Barracuda. dant , and past clumps of beauti- tifir 25p£r£*t1.21 Eu Math '£,*$1.85 Mrs. S. VanNamse Light Red Beans, cwt 8.00 Tiidirized Pmis 2-ib.box 17c 4 Gint Birs 15c to help defray expenses of Alto Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Whittemore with clean court records. Meaning library and voted that we have a itors at the Roy Doming home. them to be caught and devoured. ful coral - like formations and FOR SALE— Dark Red Beans, cwt 8.00 Dr. Will Cressy of New York were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Of all inhabitants of North Amer- patches of living sponge. is in increased Labor Board sen- Garden Club book shelf at the Others have wings which resemble ica's tropical waters this fellow is 1938 Dodge 4 dr. Trunk Sedan. Light Cranberry Beans, cwt. 2.50 Kraft's Freach Iressiag l-oz. 14c City Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Swift leaves, with smaller leaf-like ap- and Mrs. Al. Harvey in Grand] SPECIAL I Kroger's Hot Dated Gregory Nulty and friend of 1987 Dodge 4 dr. Trunk Sedan. Butter, lb .24 sitiveness to public opinion and the SPRY 31k. on 49e library as many other libraries the worst He is. we might say, "Once a beautiful sea snake wrig- Grand Rapids called at the Gene effect of unfavorable court de- Winegar. pendages on their legs. These change Rapids. 1936 Dodge 4 dr. Trunk Sedan. Butterfat, lb .25 now have. A few more members Mr. and Mrs. George Sillaway of the pike of warm salt waters. But gled slowly toward me. Curiosity, Bruton home Wednesday night. cisions. IVORY SNOW paid In their dollars and more plan Mr. and Mrs. Will Schultz of De- color according to the seasons, and I suppose. I drew back in alarm 1938 Plymouth Bus. Coupe. Eggs, doz 10 Kicx Bolitin Fkg. 20c troit spent the week-end with their Cedar Springs were Sunday after- nasty tempered. Deadly. John and Ida Gilbert of Goshen, Leeaa Wilea to do so soon. Next meeting will as the leaves change from green to for I've never liked snakes of any 1935 Plymouth 2 dr. Tr. Sedan. Hogs, live, cwt 5.50-6.75 father. George Miller. Reports wore noon callers of Mrs. Miry Harris FRENCH COFFEES 19c Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. Fnnk Hogs, dressed, cwt 8.50-9.00 From sources close to the Presi- p,,, , d 40.oi. be a joint meeting with Every- brown, they alter their coat to cor- Since he sometimes reaches the kind, out of water ot in the water. mu 10DBD - reMUUR d^loriT tie POT lb.1 1984 Plymouth DeLuxe Coach. Lirge pkg. 23c received from hospital that Mrs. and other relatives in Ada. unbelievable length of 8H feet we White of Caledonia were Sunday 1987 Ford V8 Tudor (Radio). Beef, live, lb .04-12 dent comes word that If anything Bltfiick Biscui" *t Flour phi. 27c Sods Cnckers body's Garden Club of Saranac and respond with spring, summer or au- should induce Mr. Roosevelt to 2-lb. box 13c George Miller Is reeling much bet- Miss Elizabeth Ann and Helen can readily imagine the havoc he "It was Just as I now turned and dinner guests of Mr. and Sin. J. 1982 Ford Model B, 4 cyl. Tudor. Beef, dnssed, lb .08-.20 Lowell Garden Lore Club at Fal- tumn. SPOTUCHT com 3 & 39c C. Proctor, Mrs. Clara Ady of Chi- seek a third term it would be the lasburg Park Sept. 12. with pot- ter. Louise Chaffee of Lansing were would cause should he suddenly started to resume my way toward Gould's Oarage, Dodge ft Ply- Chickens, lb 10-.15 Mr. and Mrs. Basil Hayward and overnight guests of Mrs. Homer Professor Farris that I first had a cago has also been a guest at the insistence of conservative Demo- luck dinner at 12:30. Miss Poroe of choose to run amuck among the mouth Salea, Phone 269. cl5 cratic Senators that a third term Rubber Fly Swatters eacb 5c Rrisw Cnckcrs lb. box 15c LAVA SOAP Grand Rapids will lecture on Cleone were Sunday evening guests Morris and Joan on Thursday. warning of the nearness of danger. Proctor home from Thursday un- Origin of Christening Ships Garrett Stukkie of Detroit was hundreds of bathers at a crowded til Monday. Keene Breezes candidacy would split the Demo- gourds and have many on display. of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. VanVranken resort A dark, streaking shadow flashed RSIOHIOAN LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALES— of Hastings. In ancient times when a new ship a guest of his grandparents, Mr. Mrs. Emmett Sheehan and Mrs. Every Wednesday. Bring your Mrs. A. Lee cratic Party. Sentiment for a Kibbled Dog Biscuits 3 lbs. 25c 4 birs 25c Mrs. Ed. Tlmpson read some inter- Strange, but the barracuda of the near me. I could feel the tug of DINNER "purge" and a split remains strong esting articles on Birds and all Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ellis and was launched the libation (or pour- and Mrs. Peter Brunikol, this past water against me by the movement S. VanNamee spent Thursday In cattle, hogs and calves. M-114, GREEN Vivian Silcox visited the latter's ing out of wine) was practiced, con- week. Pacific coast is not nearly so vora- HONEY ROCK Grand Rapids. Mrs. Sheehan shop- known as South Belt line, be- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Richmond and within the inner circle, says the derived much pleasure from the cious or so pugnacious as the Flor- of something. 1 turned to look be- ROLLS United States News. Tanglefoot Fly Spray pt. can 45c Liptoifs TEA t'x'lTe talk given or. Gladioli by Mrs. F. sister, Mrs. Frank Tyler and hus- secrating the ship to the god whose Eugene Morris is spending a ping and Mrs. VanNamee visiting tween Clyde Park and Division Blanche Reed motored to Cold- band of Bellaire several days last week's vacation period with his ida species. Nor does he grow so hind me. and I think I screamed at Mrs. VanNamee, Sr., and Mrs. H. E. Chamberlain, describing the image she bore. The action of bless- what I saw. Ave., Grand Rapids. pis water Monday, returning in the OLB BBTCH week. ing ships is alluded to by the Monks uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Seth large. 2 Sft* 9c E. Sprague. evening. Inner government circles are hMt many beautiful varieties she had MELONS laying plans to secure more WPA on display, all of which were given Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gephart of St. Denys, and there are records VanWormer, in Grand Rapids. The latter is indeed a fearful an- "It was a six-foot barracuda, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Welton EVERGREEN TREES-Cash and 'James Ford of Lowell and Mr. SoalioloTisiio 4,T.' 25c CIIS took tho former's mother, Mrs. Em- Mrs. Homer Morris and Joan tagonist when encountered, and when I first saw it the thing was spent the week-end in Detroit with carry prices, 50c, 75c, $1. Call and and Mrs. Burnette Condon were appropriations for use in the pres- Argo Gloss Stircb lb. box 8cCLEANSE R 4 25C to Mrs. Arch Wood, to express our of ship christenings from July, 1418, ent fiscal year. An appropriation pleasure at having her with us ma .Haviland , , to, Beldlng last, Wed, - and Eugene, Mrs. Ida Morris and more than one instance has been Just passing me like a long, black, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Van Horn, see our 50-acre planting. Six Sunday afternoon visitors at the 0S a V v s t when the bl.hop ot Bangor waiient jj'" c^Chartee'of G rami" Rap- for this purpose as high as half a again. The hostess and committee j^ ^ ' ' ' 'fiends 0 recorded when fishermen, bathers swiftly moving shadow. Jr. miles north of Greenville on Burr Carr home. * Southampton, England, to blesii^g amj jlcr gUCgtg( Elizabeth Ann 5c GRAHAM I billion dollars is being considered served ice cream and dainty cakes j *0! ,an time. Snd divers have lost their lives to A large crowd attended the pic- Highway 66, 1-8 mile west of The Keene Sunshine Club sched- W1o are glad to hoar that Mrs. R. ships for successful voy- nd Helen Louise Chaffee of Lan- "I was terror-stricken, trying to for submission to the next session a these bloodthirsty killers. move fast and couldn't Like a hid- CRAdCIRS nic of the Social Club held at Lake- Turk Lake school. Choates Nurs- uled to meet this week Wednes- Miehiaoa Wealthy Hde Park, Caledonia Thursday. ery. cl5tf day at the E. M. Frost home has of Congress. That sum would re- Among the Florida keys and on eous dream, trying to run from a store for the current year all the Apples 10 •>». 25c Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. been postponed to Wednesday aft- | up the coast past Miami it has goblin with a pair of anvils for shoes 2 £ 15c Richard Mack, who were married FOR SALE —A crocheted bed- ernoon, Aug. 30. Each member funds lost to WPA through the re-j become quite a fad to study marine 11131 dragged my feet back. That's For Eotiaf. CoeUaf or Bokiaf flower iiect*on tho londing-spending bilij la.-t week. spread. For further details call bring a bouquet for the ia t e '15.500 bushels of fine spy apples to over her prow. The practice of life with the aid of portable, coo* the way water holds you back un- at Miss Hazel Hoag's Hat Shop. judging contest. It is a supper ^ ^ session. Alto Locals Newt From Grand Rapids der the surface, even at a shallow Saskiet Orsages dosea 19c C.T/wjjmStores | Kent Storage. Grand Rapids. Wo i christening ships has tlius developed pact diving apparatus. People give for many different E. Main St.. Lowell. pl5 meeting. Baaey Hall The State Department's demand! Mr. and Mrs. Chark-s Smith and | hear they have the finest crop of gradually into a recognized custom, Of Former Bowne Folks School for Divers. distance down, and I was at six ioasons, but seldom out of the Mr. and Mrs. Melville Buche P 4 G that Mexico and U. S. oil com-| 209 W. Main St. LOWELL daughters drove to Lansing Sun- spy apples in this vicinity, and champagne is probably used for By Clara M. Brandebury fathoms, which is thirty-six feet, re- Sweet Mattes 4 u* 15c goodness of their heart. TWO MODERN HOUSES and one|moved to their new home in Ionia day. taking Miss Virginia back to; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ryder call- Scientists and students of marine member. small apartment for rent. Call uwt Wednesday. panics settle their dispute over cx-i the ceremony because it is a rare life have organized special classes Mickifu - D. 1. >. 1 SOAP propriated oil lands is a first move 1 hcr work. Enroute they visited the ed on Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis wine and suitable, therefore, for Mrs. Cyrus Hunsberger attended Finds Fish Are Biting. Most people stand up when the Mrs. Florence Stiles, Phone 385- Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cahoon are Grand Ledge Park. |Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon for the purpose. Petstees 15 ^ 19c N.-itional Anthem is played, and F2, Lowell, or Heath-Geib Co., giving a reception for their daugh- to show Latin America that the such an important occasion. the Bechtel Reunion at Townsend! "I never did fully regain my feet "good neighbor" can not be pushed I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattlson were Frost brought their grandson. Con- 1 Professor Charles Farris has such S ^ 25c fall down when they try to sing it. Murray Bldg., Grand Rapids. ter and son Mr. and Mrs. Melville mot Monday evening at Aid Hall to Park Saturday. Glen Burkholder a school at Miami. It is equipped after I stumbled in a big hole be- Crisp Celery Lfs. baaeh 10c around. Also an clement Is Brit- and Mrs. Wm. Thompson Monday her mother. Mrs. Rachel Stahl. Mr. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Em-lrad to stay with his grandparents, and family of Detroit brought her - The Kablegram. cl4tf Buche. at Keene Grange hall next Bowne Bugle Notes practice songs for the 4-H Fair. afternoon. Sunday evening guests land Mrs. Wesley Clemen/, and .-on ma M.ffit and Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roark. while with a dozen or more lightweight fore the barracuda attacked me Saturday night. Their friends and ish and Dutch impatience with the! Mlsa Myrtle Porrltt Ancient Drums of India jhome and were her guests until slow progress of negotiations in i Prof. Nichols of M. S. C. met with were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Moore'of Lowell were afternoon callers, Sar.b rn c: Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. they were enroute to Lansing. diving apparatuses and a sixteen- again. I was half leaning on my •elatives are cordially Invited. them Wednesday for special train- The drum is something more, In I Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. r",*",* nch"' '^1"^' spear, point upward, when I which the United States is sup- and Mr. and Mrs. George Golds. j The Weaver family reunion will O. E. M.-y.r ar. i sor. of Grand Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Anderson en C SIAUTIHIL REVERIE SILVERWARE Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geiger were \V. F. M. s. ing. Mrs. Valda Watts and Miss Callers Sunday afternoon at the j be held at the home of Mr. and Rapids' called at the Pattlson home visited Mrs. Ella Flynn at Free- .dia, than a musical Instrument-:naco of South Lyons were Sunday, rollcd on ^ book| fo r a course Si chanced to glance back and up week-end guests of their parents, posed to be carrying the ball fori Beaatilal Bevetie Silverware obtainable American, British and Dutch oil Bernice Yeiter have been asilsUng.j Stattl home were Mr. and Mrs. jMi.s. Ovid Miller Saturday, Aug. 26. through my helmet port, the iaespeasive Eroger way. See it ea Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sparks. The annual August Kings Herald Mr. and Mrs. Manley Cole.s and i Howard Haimer Par Investors. wa litnK,n, c,nm!h! and children. | Mr. and Mrs, Semiah Weaver "Two rows of sharp, jagged teeth display at yoai Exeger Store today - Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Benson, Mr. * ^ family spent Sunday evenln with j George Staal W spending a few i.spent Sunday with his daughter. in an open mouth ten inches across, Toa'U want to atart your set right away. Unit and Mrs. Harold Benson and son, ... . . 1 , „ and aid hall Tuesday. A short pro- .. . .. WRie Stoi> v Wo wish to commend Secretary I . . beautiful * " 1 days with Martha Quiglcy and ,.Mrs. Orville Deardorf and family of and coming right toward me. I With Filled Richard Harold and Mr. and Mrs. gl am ln the chui chi u Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bou|}in(ir family, Cl.irksville. SIX UMITS NOW AVAILABLE Of State Harry F. Kelly for the lighting service, was given don't remember raising my spear. Certificate Book Azor Parker were Sunday after- of Freeport and Mr. and Mrs, Law- Little Sally Saunders of Grand Mr-. Josrphine Miller f Cale- WATCH FOB ADDITIOMAL UNITS SENSATIONAL OFFER noon guests at the Doll Lee home. dignified way in which he repre. by children in costume under .llrcc- All I do remember clearly is that lh renco Johnsop and .sons enjoyed a Hapids spvnt last week with donia .^pont Thursday and Friday «cnlecl G»y. Dlcklnaon '' tlon of Mu. Alverta Ponlll i ul .-on ,i..u wt. . u. - ---- c«u:u:ay auernaon | wuicr « u iit:u iu «»« jp i. to Lowell Monday and thov Mrs. Esther Sparks was brought " steak supper at Caledonia Lakeside W ita cepting a student by the name of within a moment after I saw the home last Friday from Beldlng hos- York Work!« Pair. Ho c urtouusly Mrs. Vclmu Nuah. Mrs. Horllm Por- Elaine Toles, who returned homeUvith her nephew, C'iarencc Miller and sister. Mi. and Mi>. i Ure;oa..ors f Mr. and Mrs. Claud Si!-, head to increase the volume, and iWore dlnner KUegt, of Sarah's par- Park Thursday evening in honor with her Sunday to stay this week. and wife Myrlin Defore. whose home is in thing coming, it was there almost ORDER YOUR pital and is slowly gaining. Her but firmly declined all Intoxicants, l wfllJ jn ;inj ^'uvc u fa- Porntt o. West Bowne. .-pon. Min- cox. ! the drum is played with the fingers. ' of Mrs. Johnson's birthday. Nearly everyone in our neighbor- Harold Merrill is visiting^ hi.- onts, Jack and Ella Kantian. tt my face. I felt the spear shaft dcc lnod to discuss Gov. Dlckln-1 v01.ab|e , w01.|t, M,v, day aftorno. n witn their brother Barbara Cummings of Lansing i Among primitive peoples the drum Cincinnati. Miss Defore. who was aunt, Mrs. Gertie Gould, is caring Mrs. Ralph Coomb and two chil- hood attended the Ionia fair last Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rockwood jerked from my hands, and again for her. 8 a, ,ck cott and their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. of messases Some of them can be 1 hadn't fully escaped. ROAST - Rib Ind | B # V called at the Alden Sparks home °" °" " "1 himself toiw(!1.e Ecl.v.cd al lh0 ,M 1 me88agei 8,ome 01 inem can M truff of Diamond St. school for a course in undersea b Alderink. Callers Tuesday afternoon at the and children attended the Johnson family and J. O. Scott attended the Claud Silcox, returned to their • "I fell back slowly, like a man in ESTATE 0# HEATROLAto se c Robert Nelson, Jr. and conduct representing the gov-. heard for a distance ot six miles, J. B. Keller, wife and two daugh- study. ernor's character. Mr. Kelly, youi "" Mrs. Stanley Coles attended her Ed, Potter home were Mr, and Mrs. family rem.ion at Morley Saturday Buttrlck reunion at tho homo of:homes Sunday. "It was s lark." she declared, a slow-motion movie, and that bar- mother Sunday. class reunion at Bertha Brock Byron Potter and Mr, and Mrs, afternoon, Charles Buttrlck at Cascade Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Blossom and one small instrument, not two ters are enjoying a trip through IsceR 15c Fsscy CUckess * 25c The Hosklns brothers, Wayne grew in the estimation of a lot of | Bowne LocuIh northern Michigan, through Can- "as well as educational. That is. racuda was as swift as lightning Wit. MsH Sssss ssHi pfcg. 11^0 Boaatiaf or Frying f ( ) f • S < | ) f ' t h Park Sunday. Wm. Letts of Grand Rapids. Mrs. Lizzie Whitmer of Holland day- and family expect to move to thejr feet high, has been known to send its compared to my movements. Be- and Junior, moved their 12 head people when you did that.—€a»- The Bowne Kitchen Maids enter- sound for 10 miles. ada and will visit many points of it was a lark until that day the sopolis Vigilant. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nash are Mr. Kohlheck has sold his farm and Mre. Lydia Thompson spent Mrs. Zora Miller Is home again new home, the Draper farm, next fore I felt the stubble of growth at of registered Jersey stock to the tained a group of twelve mothers, : to a Mr. Dietman of Grand Rap- after finishing her nursing at Alle- week. Interest. They will go to see the barracuda attacked me." And Eemd'sNrkLssfib 25c C. I. Esabapr & lie Manhall Fair which opens Tues- the proud parents of an 8 vlb. boy Sunday with their sister, Mrs, El- my back as I sank down on bottom, i their leader, Mrs. Edwina Wingeicr ids. ton Church and family. c,ha s famous quints before coming here's how it happened. SUeed Fresh Otanad - De Lane day. They won 5 first prizes, one Tens of thousands of born Friday at Luz Maternity hos- - - Tlmpson has return- the thing wss making off in the chlidren and advisor, Miss Benson, at a Mrs. Gordon Stahl and children. Speed ef Arrows aad Ballels home. It wss 10 o'clock in the morning. grand champion and several sec- would be better fed and pital. named for his two grand- Mrs, N. S. Hutchinson of Pon- ed from a week's visit at Levering other direction, turning over and clothed,; (lemonstration dinner at the aid parents, John Henry Nash. Mrs, Chas. Wieland and Mrs. Revill tlac spent from Tuesday until Frt-|wlth Mrs. Maud Lemon. The range and speed of aa arrow Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pottruff with The class was visiting just of! Key onds at the Ionia Free Fair. The and many thjusands of workmen's hall Friday noon. The tables were over, snd the shaft of my spesr Me Perk * 12Hc EsNeck FHIeu lie K Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnson Logan were among those who attended day at the home of her parents.' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Houghton cannot begin to compare with that Sarah Bannan, Mrs. Ella Bannan, West to study some new plant life Oeaoiae boys left Sunday forenoon. They wive* would be happier, and em- decorated in the club colors, green was sticking out from its mouth. Drr Ml spent Friday at Indian Lake and Mrs. Spenor Johnion the Brethren Ladies Aid at the Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Sydnam. and daughter of Clarksvllle were of a rifle bullet Aa arrow leaving Russel Smith and wife of Lowell that had been discovered there. Not will attend the Jersey Parish Show ployers snd employes would be and white with center bouquets of attended the Ionia Fair one day of In some manner I must have raised heard Gov. Dickinson speak Friday Ray Seese home. Many from Alto attended the Sunday evening lunch guests of the bow such as deer hunters use a cloud marred Florida's sky, and Prists isM at Wayland where they will be better off, if it was not for the baby sinnias. The meal was served Ionia Fair. last week and they enjoyed a pic- my spear unconsciously as it at- Judged for the Detroit State Fair. evening. Rev. and Mrs, Rivell and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Semiah Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Claud Silcox. travels at a speed cf from 190 to the rays of the morning sun shone quarrel between the CIO, headed m three courses. A short program Lydia Thompson are attending the spent several days with his broth- Miss Carol Klink cf Philadelphia, nic dinner while there. tacked. snd I guess ths open mouth They will also attend the Jackson by John L. l>wlf. snd the Amer- was given at the table. Further re- 1S5 feet par second, while the bul- Elmer Howk and wife of Kala- perfectly through the crystal-dear District meeting of the Brethren er. Alvln Weaver and family of Pa., and Mrs. Fred Pattlson called A group of German-born settlers let from a 10-30 sporting rifls has a was so big 1 couldn't miss it with Fair the last of the week. lean Federstion of Labor, headed port see l-H News. Bowne 4-H clubs Prescott the first of last week. on Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ellis Wed- mazoo visited Mrs. Howk's sister, waters. An ideal day for under* So. Keene-No. Boston Churches of Michigan at Shepard of tho Loon Lake district in Sas- muzzle velocity of approximately wster observations. the spesr point. It hsd dived right BROADCAST by Wm. Oreen. Strikes have been 4(4 ouutanding work last year, this week, George Johnson spent Sunday nesday evening. Miss Klink Is vis- katchewan have gone back to Ger- Mrs. Ed. Pottruff and husband on onto the point snd rammed it down COUNTRY CUfi called because of differences as to Watch for 4-H news and keep up Mrs. Id. Potter 8,000 feat per second. The killing Sunday. Down late the Deep. GOOD ADVICE Mrs. Lizzie Whitmer of Holland with his cousin. Dale Johnson, of iting Rev. and Mrs. Clint Garvin many because of what they term- its throat That was a lucky Jab RIDI-MIAT which union shall rule, and the on what the youngsters of our of East Caledonia. range of the arrow is seldom over The Glasgows with Mrs. Florence IthurmcerI spent from Friday night until Sun- Bowne Center. ed "anti-German propaganda" in Miss Defore wss s few minutes for me. SIT IT a a a poor worker has to contribute to county and state are doing in 4-H Sunday evening dinner guests of day with her brother, Semiah Mr. and Mrs. John Mlshler enter- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Behler and 00 ysrds. while a rifle bullet has a Bechtel enjoyed an outing at Brow- one or the other In order to get a worh. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Staal were Mr. Western Canada. A number of range upward of 300 yards, but tha late getting into her diving gear. "As fsr ss I could see it writhed Weaver and wife. tained the Kauffman family re- son Ralph of Pontiac spent the Czech refugees recently settled er Lake last week. JTwSSf •!? 25c] ITI job and hold it, then lays off to Alice Coles and children, and Mrs. Frank Thompson. Mr. usual kill is made from about 10 J. S. Brandebury and wife were Professor Farris had already gone In sgony, the bsmboo shsft stick- Mary Louise Warren of Kalama- union. Those present were her sis- week-end at the V. L. Watts home. around Loon Lake. overboard with his brood of seven ing from its mouth. And blood laaldlil*e .trlko bccau* the bos.e> quarrel, y,,,,,!,., Benaon. Myrtle Porrltt and and Mrs. Robert Ford and daugh- The Behlers, accompanied by Misi yards. Sunday dinner guests of Will Glas- zoo spent last week with her ter, Mrs. Emma Troyer of Pitts- young women to the classroom on Such a condition U Inexeu.able In A||ct, Heacock and Mrs. Kloyd ter. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Reisdorph. Pauline Montague, are spending gow, wife and Mildred, in the af- stresked behind it snd clouded tha cousin, Mrs. Chas. Wieland and burgh, Pa.; her brothers. Mr. and Friendship is a sheltering tree.-— the ocean's floor six fathoms be- water. a civilised country, and we .till Flynn enjoye<1 an amBteuI. Bhow George Raimer and housekeeper family. Mrs. Henry Kauffman and two the week at the Northrup cottage ternoon they all went to Ideal Park and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Veenstra, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. neath the launch when the tardy "Next thing 1 knew Professor firmly believe that If the CIO had .jU( on by several members of the Donald. Herbert and Willard daughters from Ohio; John Kauff- at Grand Haven. Eagtaad's OM CapNal a new and very beautiful park in .H not been fo.tered by our (tovern- J OttrntHc Club Thursday in whose honor the dinner was Wyoming township. student donned her equipment and Farris was lesning over me and s un|or Tucker of Flint spent the past two man and daughter and grand- Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacNaugh- PUBLIC NOTICES Tba cspital ot England at the tima KROCER e nt 0 r v r given, the latter leaving Tuesday " . . " ,K SJf 1 afternoon. Cookie, and punch were weeks with their grandmother, daughter of Elkhart. Ind.; their ton called on Mr. and Mrs. Clare of tha Wessex kings—Winchester- Mrs. Minnie King of Greenville stepped boldly down the rope lad- helping me to my feet Hs signaled and more ago the CIO with It. lit- .ft.r the show. for their home ir California. Carr of Orand Rapids Sunday. was a recent caller on her uncle, der that dangled in the water from with the line to haul us up and mo* TO HT THIS MPT VN MST MKI NPOMMPT. M Mrs. Elton Church and family. children, Mr. and Mrs. John Mlsh- was once the city of King Alfred. It "What do you think I ought to do down strikes and un-American tac- M |nd Mr, John Nl,h, Maric Mr. and Mrs. Sam Detmer and ler and children of Indiana; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Behler of OBPRR trroiVriKfl TINE FOB HEAB- J. S. Brandebury and wife. the low rail tioned to the rest of the girls to when a man tells me that 1 haven't Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kauffman 1KO C LAIMS saw tba parliaments of William tha lie. eould not have grown to Hi EHub.tt, porr|u and Mr. and family were Sunday dinner guests and children spent Saturday night and Mrs. Henry Mlshler, Mr. and Lake Odessa and Mrs. Sarah Behler Her equipment merely consist- fellow. Classes wen through for 1 Slate of Mtehtgan. Th# Probet# Court Conqueror and Edward tha Confes- an ounce of brains?" H""".. '.'! ?-.!'.Mr». Henry Thomp.on attended of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Detmer in Mrs. Ivan Root, Mrs. Alice Mishler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thank goodneas we live in a ed of a one-piece bathing suit, a the day. And for every other dsy, portsnce,—Cassopolis Vigilant. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. for the County of Kent. sor's coronation and naked la in* *Td waive examination." Ionia Fair Thursday. Grand Rapids. Jake Kauffman of Indiana. On and son of Grand Rapids; Mr. and Val Watts. At a •(••ion of •aid court, held tt the free country, where a man may pair of lesded-sole tennis slippers, portsacs with London in medieval •o far as I'm concerned. I'll get Mrs. Jennie Flynn and Clair, Tuesday afternoon guests of Mr. Sunday they attended the Kauff- Mrs. Herman Fisher and family of Loren Blocker of Grand Rapids probtto office. Ir the city of Grand Rap- say what he thinks-if he isn't a lightweight diving helmet, a from books, hereafter." Ldkhivsatf NliaptyMf and Mrs. Wm. Thompson were Mr. ide. in «ald county on the 21st day of times. AH that remains of its for* Mrs. Floyd Flynn and Oeraldlne man family reunion at the Daniel Fremont and Mr. and Mrs. Milton gave an "aluminum supper" at the afraid of wife, neighbors, or boss, sheathed kntfs fastened onto a light • BsD Syndicate.—WNU Service. No. McGords-East and Mrs. Hoyt Wood, Mrs. Jennie home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aufust A. D. IMS. mer gnstness is tha cathednl—tba Aaae C. Tiaimar After fix weeks stay, M'Nsb spent Monday evening with Mrs. Kauffman home. Mishler. Preaent, Hon. JOHN DALTON. Judge and If he's sure it won't hurt his Fill REIT MITIH grudginfly gave the hotel porter a Alice Oardner and Emory Lowe. McDonald and Mr. Gardner of Clinton Blocher, Wednesday eve- of Probate. longest Gothic church ia Europe. business or his reputation.—Patter- Ohlropraotor Cascade Grand Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Van- Logan school will begin Sept. 5 la tfcr Matter •# tke Eatel# af HMMe K. dollar. Mrs. Jennie Miller of Portage. Dusen and daughter of Grand Rap- with Miss Schantz of Middleville as ninf. Guests were Mr. and Mrs son (Kan.) News. • CASCADE VILLACK . Mrs. tills CSK Frank Thompson. Thursday din- Aadww. Deeeawd. The way family necessities keep "Ye know when I was in Paris Wisconsin, is visiting friends and ids were Sunday dinner guests of tcacher again. Frank MacNaughton and Mr. and It appearing to the court that the time Mias Annette Britton returned M ner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dave tips cost me nigh on |I0, he said. , J „ relatives of the community. Mrs. Amos fterslck for preientatioa of claims agalnat •aid rising to equal the breadwinner's Try a classified ad in the Ledger Harris Croak home with them after spending the When we see that CHIROPRAC- Sowers and family of Mt. Pleasant. aatate should b# limited, aad that a time income is an inexplicable mystery. Mrs. Basil R, Vreelsnd "Were you there many yean. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houseman Mr and Mrr Lyje Armstrong of Mra Hockett, Mrs. Brown and and get results. tf past week at the Sileox-Vreeland TIC ia successful in such diseases and family visited at the E. Forbes , | ^ Sunday at A. J. For- Andrew Hoover of Lansing spent Mrs. Floyd Clark and Chloe Hock- and place be appointed to receive, exa- as mentioned before, plus ANEMIA, •irT"—Florida Times-Union. D< tro t t ni mine and adjust all claims and demands Mr. and Mrs. Josepn B. Ander- home. borne Tuesday evening. {ritt's. A. J. returned home with the week-end with John Hoover ett of Kalamasoo speat Friday against said dseeaaed by and before said NOTICE Mrs. Harry Pankeo and daughter ARTHRITIS, EYESTRAIN. FE- Mr. and Mrs. J. Co* and sons at- | and family. Afternoon guests were with Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Clark court i son attended the Ionia Fair last MALE DISORDERS, STOMACH. He Treable them for a vU t> A joint session of the Lowell Wednesday. of Plymouth and sister of North- tended Orace Church Sunday and, P|iu| ||nd Dick johnion .pent Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius Hoover and , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brower of It U Ordered. That all the creditors of Swain (In late hours)—How can 1 PucIwb Plumt, Applet •aid decease* an required to praaeat their Township Board and the Bowne John Smelker. Jr., and John ville spent the week-end with Mr. LIVER and KIDNEY diseases, we called at the homes of Mr. and p^ey and Ssturday with his daughter of Ionia and evening Detroit were Sunday evening call claims Jo said court at aaid Probate Office and Mrs. John Heier at their home realise that Chiropractic does far ever leave you? guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Township Board will be held Tues- Eash left last Tuesday by auto on Mrs. M. Welly and Mr. and Mrs, grandperents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eut Belt Lia* Frail S«ctiM en at the F. F. Kline home. osi ' 1 —


Coancil Proceedings Fallasburg & Vicinity (Qmrch^U>i Short Story ANGELUS PUBLIC NOTICES VILLAGE OF LOWBLL Mra. Wttlcy Milter Official Mrs. Wesley Miller went to But- LOWELL BAPTIST CHURCH The regular meeting of the Com- terworth hospital Sunday after- Speaker, Rev. Kenneth T. Romlg They're Sometimes NOTUK OF SALE SAI.K OB MORTGAGE OF REAI. ESTATEmo n Council of the Village of Low- noon for a major operation Tues- 9:45 a. m.—Worship Service. ell was held in the City Hall Coun- day morning. At this writing her Default* having been made (and lucfc State of Michigan. The Probate Court Subject, "Forgiving and Forget- Grateful IMRSHfllllLLOUIS defaulu having continued tor more thaa for the County of Kent. cil Rooms August 7, 1939. condition is not definitely known. ting," a message especially for ninety days) in the conditions of a cer- At a session of said court, held at the The meeting was called to order Mr. und Mrs. Ed. Jones and chil- children. tain mortgage made by Jack J. Rose and STSSTcSUTSV WSjby PicsUiont Arohart at 8 p. m. dren, Bill and Betty, Mrs. Primeau Nellie Rose, husband and wife, of orand 10:45 a. m.—Bible School. Classes August, A. P. 1939. , Trustees present: Day, Cook, of Hollywood, Calif., Dorothy Arm- for all ages. Charles Thompson, Bv WIUIAM SMITH Kapids, Kent County. Michigan, to Home • AigncfMed ^tawpapcri.) Owners' Loan Corporation, a Corporation Present. Hon. JOHN DALTON. Judge Roth ghepard, Christiansen. Uuth- strong. Pat Nelson, Jack Brown Supt. organlzed under the laws of the United ProbateIn th.e Mat tor of the Kstute of Iva U. erford. and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Norman l-lb. Cello. Bag States of America, dated August 31. 1934, - 7:00 p. m.—B. Y. P. U. Sinllti. IK-misod. Minutes of meeting held July 3: Brown and daughter and Mr. and to and recorded in the office of the Register 8:00 p. m.—Song Service. Thomas v A.uicrson having filed in said j ^ | ppi oved. | Mrs. Harland Sarson and daughter \/|RS. MILL was a good and rath- of Deeds for Kent County. Michigan, on rea an( a ON IMf "/USHOtii J 7 - ir 8:30 p. m.—Subject, "Why C^n't iY1 i.ib. September 26. 1931. In Liber 779 of Mori- sour\he 'interest "ofidlest ate in'oortain Moved by Trustee Roth and sup- spent the week-end at the Jones We Live Forever?" (This will be er pretty little widow. Her five HORMEL'S RED CIRCLE COFFEE 2 bags 35c gages, on Pages 581-582. and si id mort- real estate thenm described. I ported by Trustee Day that the cottage. The Brown and Sarson children adored her aad usually gagee having elected under the terms of an answer to an article in the Sep- WELCIME! said mortgage to declare the entire prin- it u ordered. That the stii day of sept- time fol. coiiectlon of taxes be ex- families remained at the cottage tember issue of the American mag- obeyed her, which is significant She cipal and accrued Interest thereon due. ... .-mbono, im » W^K aalne). had never smiled merrily since the SPAM PILLSBURY FLOUR 73c which election it does hereby exercise. S hereby appointed for hearing said peti- Tho water supply for the Village. Adam Bailey was a recent caller day her husband died, finely fighting MIRACLE MEAT pursuant to which there is claimed to be si?? pf Tircsto'nc 8:00 p. m., Thursday—Prayer, KIT in cum due and unpaid on said mortgage at th# lion, and that all persons interested in ,f L.oWoll was reported by the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Praise and Bible Study hour. * the worst blaze that had ever oc- 12-02. date of this aotlce for principal and in- S3 '.•fy Michigan Dt'imrtment of Health as Johnson, August 81 will be the annual bus- curred In the history of peaceful 80LD MEDAL FLOUR 75c terest the sum of Two Thouaand Bight PRIZE Winniiif But- i license to sell the interest of said SS-IQ. K. for drinking. Ralph Dennis and son of New- iness meeting of the congregation. Dannsville. can 27' Hundred Fifty-six and 451 100 Dollara tate in said real estate should net be Moved by Trustee Roth and sup- aygo are spending a week with his STANDARD TIRES -lb. ($2 856.45) and no suit or proceeding at Ur snd Dairy Products Dora Mill was a dressmaker and tar law or in equity having been instituted to 1 PEANUT BUTTER 2 21c "TS Further ordered. That public no- ported by'Trustee Day that the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Den- ZION METHODIST CHURCH art on Salt tha Ytar a good one. though if she hadn't recover the debt secured by aaid mortgage tice thereof be glvtn by publication of a following bills be paid. ills. John Claus, Pastor Mirrct MEL-O-BIT 4 -lb. or any part thereof: copy of this order, for three successive Mr. and Mrs, John Wheat and THE THRIFT SENSATION 'Round at Our Store. been quite clever with her garden Now. Therefore, by virtue of the power weeli previous to said day of hearing. In iieneral German preaching Sunday at CRISCO VllCCaC AMERICAN OR D"IC!C L loaf 39c ' family were Sunday visitors of Mrs. as welt making it support the hun- of sale contained in said mortgage and he Lowell Ledger, a newspaper printed 10 o'clock. pursuant to the Statutes of the State of md circulated in said county. L, E. Johnson $ 86,75 Wheat's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra OF 1939 Por tho Boat and Sal- gry five and supply early peas to Mb. can 18c Michigan in such case made and provided. JOHN DALTON. Fred Gramer 95,151 Johnson. Sunday School at 11 o'clock. some of the" neighbors, it was hard Notice Is Hereby Given that on September Judge of Probate. You are cordially invited. •at drink, 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 3 & 39c 38, 1939 al ten o'clock forenoon. Kastern v true copy, Gene Carr 110,00 Beulalne Miller visited friends in to see how she could make ends Standard Time at the North front door 175,00 Wyoming Park over the week-end HOW YOU CAN GET ONE OF meet. 24-ox. /RED ROTH. Chris Bergin FIRST METHODIST CHURCH LOWKLL CMAM'IIY 3 -lb,e.n 47® A4P SOFT TWIST 3 loaves of the Court House in the City of Grand Register of Probate. dt. 3t 2.15 and enjoyed a chicken dinner at Her attractive face and pleasant BREAD 23c Rapids. County of Kent. Michigan (that M. N. Henry Walter T. Ratcliffe. Minister PASTKUIIIZIDMILK being the place of holding Circuit Court ORIUIK UTOivriNG TIMK FOB HKAB- R. E. Springett 29.64 Dorr on Sunday, returning home THESE AMAZING TIRES manner had called forth at least one in .snd County) .••aid mortgage will l»; CLAIMS f. Hosley, P. M 3,00 Monday afternoon. 10:00 a. m. — Sunday School. atandafiratl offer of marriage, but she dreaded tall (..recl.wtefc bv a sale at public auction to 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stauffer and The world Is astir! Rival ideas are WHITE HOUSE MILK 4 23c the highest bidder of the premises des- Siite of Michigan, The Probate Court Dr, H. P. (lotfivdsen.... the effect of a stepfather on the af. SPRY 1 erved in ."aid mortgage, or so much •r the County of Ken! paul Kollo.CR 11,25 'laiiirhtor of Lowell, Mr. and Mrs. fighting for supremacy. What idea fairs of the five, which she was ca- At a session of said court, held at the 6.C0 Bill Zwiers and children of Kata- has captured your mind? Come Nb. can 18c cant thereof as may be necessary to pay the .r ' ite office. ,n the > •> of Grand Rap- L. L. .lo.ms. n pably directing to certain definite POTTED MEAT 3 amount due as aforesaid, and any sum 10c ds :: sa.l c.-untv ,>:i the .r.l day of An- D.IVO Clark • 6.00 mazoo and Mr, and Mrs, Tom with us and seek the True and Liv- Lowell ends. Derrick was to be an electri- or sums which may be paid by the under- 6.00 Chalmers of Grand Rapids spent 10WEII HIGH SCHOOl ing Way. signed a*, or before said sale for taxes cist. A IV \m. Wm. Collins cal engineer. He knew, of course, qf. s; ,0 6.00 Sunday at the home of their par- 11:00 a. m. —Worship Service. 3 -lb,e.n 47® ANNPAGE and or insurance on said pernvses. and ,.S """ ' Lodle Shear that this meant immense efTort on SALAD DRESSING 25c all other sums paid by the undersigned. In the Matter of the Kulale •»! Joslnh Earl Dowling 'vOO ents, Mr, and Mrs, Emiel Stauffer. The guest preacher Is Dr. Harry CrNMery with Interest thereon, pursuant to ".aw and 5.00 Elaine Miller has enrolled at the i Henry, who served this church for his own part, for Dora never dis- to the terms of said mertga^e. and all j. Hiougb. Heerawd. Carl Havens guised that triumph meant work. legal costs, charge# and expenses, includ- 1: appearing to the court that the time 5.00 Heaney's Commercial College ini a short period last fall. Everyone is E. A. Compagner > a O or KIRK'S for present it ion ot c'.aims aga r.st said nana Fanny was to be a designer, Tom APPLES ONIONS ing an attorney s fee. which premises ire •state uM be limited, and that a time Ray Covert 5,00 Grand Rapids and will start Sep-! welcome. Sermon topic Is "Some Lowell, Mich. described as follows: Extends a New Holy Ground." was too small to be seriously in- MICH. U. t. No. 1 MICH. U. 8. No. 1 That certain piece or parcel of land m.l pa.v !.e apiw.ni.-d to receive, exa- gylvoster Bibblei' 5.00 tember 5. j situated in the City of Grand Rapids, mine and adjust a".', claims and demands 5.00 Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Bradley wore clined toward any calling, and the XX SOAP WEALTH IES YELLOW jcanst slid deceased by and before said Merle Daw.-on twins were mere babies. County of Kent Michigan, more particu- court: Bud Gaunt 5,00 visitors at the home of XIr, and CATHOUC PARISHES larly described as: It is Ordered. That all the creditors of r 0.Vpn Lodcer 15.00 Mrs, Emiel Stauffer on Sunday, j St Mary's—Lowell Therefore when Gerard Filey, Lot number Seventy-one (71) of Harri- said deceased are required to present H 2:45 p. m., under the auspices of 10 b.. 33® c s.Ws Fourth Addition t • the City of Rev. Fr. Jewell. Pastor Dr. John E. Zoller of Detroit. owner of the Filey Iron Works, drove 5 "»»• 13® up to the tiny house and asked for 514 uw Gove Lake 7:00 a. m., Low Mass sermon. Preaching by Lyle Harmon. : m Dora, she was surprised and just a 00 Mrs, H. L. Coger •;%S 9:00 a. .. High Mass and ser- You are cordially Invited to 14 n mon attend. little frightened. Tom would throw CH1PSO Pare.i Jane 2rt ^ 0WN>.RS. L0AN nent of acclaims and demands against H balls. Possibly his ball had broken •aid deceased $ 6S5.12 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rogers of Small 9c CORPORATION. 1; ? P.srther Ordered. That public no- Total St Patrick's—Parnell CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE a sizeable window. pkg. Mortgagee Big Rapids were Sunday callers of I FRENCH'S BIRD SEED 13c t ce thereof be given by publ'cation of a City Hull Cordial Welcome Rev. Fr. McNeil. Pastor But no. JOSEPH SHl'LSKV. pv of this order for three successive her aunt, Mrs. Rufus Gregory andi Elmdale, Mich. Attorney for Mortgagee. 8:00 a. m . Low Mass and sermon, "You are Mrs. Mill?" asked Filey. 9-ox. •vfVks previous to said day ot hearing. In pj.eij Gramer $ 24.75 family. R. C. Johnson, Pastor large 21® jar Business Address: 300 Michigan •.he Lowell Ledger, a newsRper printed , r 10:00 a. nu High Mass and SOP FRENCH'S MUSTARD 13c Trust Bldg . Grand Rapids. Michigan 7.44 Dr. and Mrs. Woodburn ente - "I am," replied Dora, "won't you .»n.l c.rc.i!ated .n said county. Mich, tell Tele. Co mon. 10:00 a. m.—Sunday School. DE-627-LG App. lC-:3-36 c7. 13? JOHN DALTON, Light & Power ,90 tained a group at a "barn warm-1 11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship. come in?" Judge of Probate. — ing" at their home last Saturday! "If I may, I will," said the pkg. NOTICK OF MORTOAC.K SAI.F. x ;rue . Cnscnde and Bowne 7:15 p. m.—N. Y. P. S. AMERICAN FAMILY WHEATIES 11c Total .5« 33.09 evening. 8:00 p. m.—Evangelistic service. stranger. Defaults having been made and such, vrkd ROTH, Rev. Fr. E. H. Racette, Pastor defaults having continued ' n-, re '.har,*. Keg.ster of Probate c:3. 3t Little Jack Neubecker broke hisj To ambitious boys and girls of Lowell 8:00 p. m. Wednesday—Prayer "1 came," said Filey, coming di cakes mnetv days' .n tee oondn.ons of a cer-; Street arm again last week, about three; f Services at 8:80 and lO'OO a. m PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 17c tain mortgage made by W.;: am Go.den joBI>KR API'OINTINT, TIMF. FOBillKAR- meeting. rectly to the point, "to tell you SOAP Fred Grhmer .$ 34,65 weeks after the first break. and Kathenne Goider. husband .»nd wife ING CLAIMS FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CH. that your husband saved my life. .. L. A. Tanner 105.00 Mrs, Effie Gregory spent a part j CAMPAU LAKE CHURCH Possibly you did not know of it." cans Shear 105.00 of last week with her daughter. I Robert M. Barksdale, Minister bar, HEINZ BABY FOOD 2 15c •i— — Loaio and surrounding townships to take ad- Sunday School—10:00 a. m. Mrs. Mill flushed painfully. 10 S2® 105.00 Mrs, Carl Wittenbach at Ware! 10:00 a. m. —Sunday School. Preaching—11:00 a. m. 14-ox. 16,50 Center and attended the Ionia i While the opportunity is ours, let "I think Tom did his duty—al- bottle Evening Service—7:80. ways," she said, quietly. HEINZ KETCHUP 19c 1.75 Fair, us learn the way of Christ. We would like to have everyone S.25 Mrs. Ervin Kent is reported as 11:00 a. m. —Worship Sorvlce. who can, come to these services. Filey looked at her. What a love- OXYDOL 210.00 slightly improved. vantage of the increased opportunities cakes The sermon theme will be "Pray ly little face it was. How refined Giant 57c WOODBURY'S SOAP 3 25c 14.79 Ellen Coger is staying with her I Without Ceasing." Prayer is the ALTO and BOWNE CENTER In expression. 3.61 friend, Mrs. Howard VanDusen Tirestoae flrtttOllt CHAMPION t.di- wh hoe, tor. • e« , . ; .. , . .ainst s.ud 1 ; highest function of the soul. It Is METHODIST CHURCHES "I wasn't thinking of any material Medium 9c v c m r 2 36 (Billy DoRoller) of Grand Rapids, | 23c e\cr. p.irs-ant t .T. there ':;^ite.i, and that a time Assoc. Irk. Lines, Inc SOI that connection with God by which WRIGHT'S SILVER POLISH 1230 formerly of these corners, who {&% F. E. Chamberlain, Minister expression of gratitude," he has • 1..0 and -inp s;u on sa... v. . . v.l, !lt, .irr to receive exa- Kreuter Faasen for learning offered by this steadily our desires are made known to toned to explain, "I only thought c rr. rtgage a: the date y nt.ne and adjust a,, .-'.aims and demands u i H-ntinm Fdv Co,... 20,70 with her husband, is leaving for a Alto Parsonage, Phone 50 FOR CLEANING PANS pkg. •l Him and His will is revealed to us. perhaps we might — might — be 2 Ufg. 39 BRILLO 13,30 their new work at Pontiac with $7MUM IIM I UM FJMFJ Neglect not this highest religious AKo 8c SJUTl I14M $741 m.ft friends. I lost a son, you know. F ..• and -ever, hundredths s Ordered That aii the creditors of Gee s Hardwa ro 5.77 the Wait Dept. store. 1t.1l virtue. We invito you to worship Worship Service—10:00 a. m. S" '^4 ar,J 7M m til Frat house burned. Maybe you cans eceased are required to present their iOwell Lumber & Supply., 22.43 M rs. James Van Norman spent MM I Ml with us. Sunday School—.11:00 a. m. PARB DOG FOOD 3 25c r. r;.;-.;. hav.ng beer, t .it. .1 to' ;i. , MV court' at sa d Probate Off- advancing school. 7M tM 1141 lift U.ft re;, vfr debt secured ty "• mortgage] ; re the Hlth day of IWrm- Cui'ir-Dvke IllC 14.77 last Monday with her friend, Mrs. tM 7:30 p. m.—There will bo a ser- Bowne Center heard of It. And my wife slipped, 20.87 Merle Coger. U^U 17.11 1.91 climbing in Switzerland. I'm alone, Northern r »r.y par. there 'f • •rM.r. \. H. uwst, a: ten . k m the for. Muldci & Kelsei fJt 411 1UI 471 vice of installation which gives our Sunday School—10:15 a. m. pkg. N ••»• Theref >re by virtue f tne power j. - ,n> j'.Y-,r.g hereby ap M9-1I. don't you see? And I'm very sorry 15c : IfJI local Pilgrim Fellowship Group PABST-ETT CHEESE ; ..tie r-r.t-.r.rd r. sa.d m.-rt.-age itidl ; T r "V,e "examir.ati.-r. a:.; adjust- 411 l&M 4IS IM Worship Scrvlcc—11:15 a. m. . S 71 (,05 recognition in the State organiza- for folks who are alone. That's all. 7 ' tr.e Stitutes of tho State ..f4 „; ,, , 4l2y ...... demands ag?..r^t Total TJO-lf ai.fi M -r, car. r. sueh case made and pr v dedj.. . deci-a'v.1 West Lowell IMS Ml IMS tion. We invito all members and Then. I know Dr. Blgby who judged TISSUE pkgs. Light & Power Mr«, Melvin Court m ALTO BAPTIST CHURCH 23c N • ' :« Here;;. Given th • n Saturday.; Ordered. That public r.o- Abevo Maes laelodo Year OM Tire . OTHIRJJLASSJFE|IERTFM^^ friends of the church to this ser- your babies. And I am particularly SHREDDED WHEAT 2 "et. Il»t, 19S9 at Ten .-.K forenoon.( V ,Ve„.f :>e given by publication of a W. B. Gardner. Pastor Ku-ierr. Stindarc 7.me a' tr.e North Front- .... .v.,. order for three sifcessive .$ 127.20 vice which gives recognition to the Interested in better babies." Our new $80,000 unit with its six new class- Bible School at 0:00 a. m. Ed- 4 roll 21® lib- 1 • • r f the : -Art House r f.-.e C ty f, ,wVks pre v. to said day of hearing tn F, J. McMahon... 311.53 Peter Baker of Alma visited his A SOS DISCOUNT ALSO APPLIIS TO THI work of the young people of the It was all said so simply that Dora RITZ CRACKERS ^c. pkg. 21c ••ra-.i Rapids ' .int . ,f Ken* Mich.can, .v,^ L:weii Ledger a newspaper printed jag McMahon ward Wood, Supt. 190.00,brother, John Baker and family' church. A tea will be served after eould not take offense or suspect ul- that belnc the place f r.-t-c C{rcult)ind circulated in laid county. _ JM. MCManon.... PURCHASI OP 2*4 TIM ON THI POLLOWINftt Preaching service at 11:00 a. m. C art in said " -r.ty sa d mortgage wiii{ JOHN DALTON Meit Sinclair . 165.00 Sunday. the service in the Parish house. terior motives. : e f.rce.osed \y a sa.e at put ,.c iuct a Judge of Pr bate Byrne McMahon., 175.00 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Easterday of rooms and large auditorium-gymnasium adds Prayer meeting every Thursday LUX or LIFEBUOY t the n chef, bidder ; tr.e pressis-s des- \ ••ye c>pv: Paul Packer* 150.00 Traverse City and Mr. and Mrs. TirtttontHioH CONVOY I evehfng. "If you are unhappy." said she RINSO ."'-i n said mortgage or s? mu.-h, there-1 FP.ED R07H Tirestoae CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Communion the first Sunday In with the same fine frankness, "I Lux Flakes :f HS may be nettj^ary t : p&y the am.••ur.t • F.rc-ter ; Pr: bate ci:. st Gerald Staal 135.00 Melvin Court were Sunday after- Sunday YOU Morning service every , each month. shall be glad to help you if I can. Small 9c due if af'resa ar.i any mm or sums Roeer McMahon.. 123,75 noon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Will sa 11 o'clock. SOAP Small 9c wfc -. may the undersigned at APPOINTING ,U AK,N,, FAVI 1 90,00 Easterday near Palo. much to the advantages presented by this frS; I am not very well educated. I've Giant 87c • trf re Kt i fir f .r taxes and r m-, Dick Rutherford Si Sunday School at 11:00 a. m. 90.00 Dorothy Billlnger and Clarissa 4.75.11 WHITNEYVILLE and SNOW never been further away than St surance on fa.l premlsw and al. other Bruce McMahon 5,00.11 IIMI IMS $1141 $1*11 $411 1411 I1U1 1417 The reading room Is located In rums pa.d by the under# gr.ed w/.h in- State cf M h--an The Probate C art ^label Knapp , 111,38 Davenport spent the week-end in METHODIST CHURCHES Louis in my life. But I want the e f -r tne County ..' Kent ... . 5,25.17 the church building. It Is opea to terr.'t thereon pursuant to law and to 44.68 Detroit. 5,50.17 1140 140 1141 440 4* lift 4ST 4<*.2S 2 larg. 39® u*.2I* .he terms .-a : mor.gage and all legal \\ i .-• i. f sa.d art held at the Kittle Charles the general public from two to four Rev. Fleming, Minister best of life for all my little ones. And 130.80 Lyle Baker and friend were Sun- strong school. 5,25.11 1240 440 1141 440 — t- enarge# and expenses, .ad.ng an. •••••ate ff r in th-.- ..ty Grand Rap. Jerry DeVine 5,50.11 %M14 M 4N o'clock each Saturday afternoon. Preaching service ut 10 o'clock I am glad they're healthy and good. att rr.e> s fee wh.ch, premi-e- arr des-' 3 tht I5:h da: 120.30 day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester at Snow church and at 11:30 at v'- :v rV-V '' ^ Ted' VanOcker 6,00.11 14JI 1.11 2142 1.17 IMS Here all the authorised literature Do you know," with half a smile, •r r-td as fo.. a .' Ra 113,92 Dawson of Saranac. 6,25.11 %M 40# tho Whltnoyvillo church. That certa n pirce r parcel of land ^ p'r-'si-nt H;.r. 'JOHN DALTON Judge of y Ingersoll 1740 1.70 24.10 0.70 of Christian Science may be read "I was afraid little Tom might have BACON SQUARES lb. 11c s tarted ir. the City of Grand Rapidl. Pr rate Will Wood 3.50 Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Court at- issji %M17.f l 1.97 or borrowed. Subscriptions may be Sunday School at 10:30 at Whit- broken one of your windows." 0:.ur.ty cf Kent. M.rhigan m r? part.cul. in thr Mutter nf th*- Uttate of \VIIlium Bell Tele. Co 20.37 tended the Fair In Ionia Wednes- AberaJWwJaajgdoJ^gfll^jragiOtNgJ^ made for tho periodicals and or- neyville and at 11:00 at Snow. ar c-.~:r.r-ed is: da Filey smiled, too. "No," he said, 1 •« - tbtt -.a. Gen."Elec. Supply Corp.... 33.20 >'' This Is a cordial welcomc to L t Eighty-f.ve I «'I f K.rtland • Se- Rev ders placed for tho toxtbook, quar- 15.52 * ^ Mrs. J. B. Harris and those services. "it was just that I couldn't wait 2nd' Adi.tion t tr.- ••.. ..{ Grand'' ' pr?ser,ti»t. • i i.m# aga nst .-.iid Webster Chev. Sales FOR QREATEST SAFETY AND ECONOMY terlies or any authorized literature any longer to tell you that my P.a; ... Mich.gar. a . rt nc t. the :e- ' - "-> • -Id i- ..m.vil and that a time j R Gahan 18.68 children of Lincoln Park arc here onc desires to purchase. rin p at tn-rt f --nd p.are bo a;.p''.nted t receive, exa- .. . . * KoUfiv 12.50 spending several days with their PUT A NEW TUIE IN EVERY NEW TIRE thoughts wore with you. Have been 1 "Christ Jesus" will be tho sub- ALASKA BAPTIST CHURCH g&p FOOD STOR6S I'att-d: Ju,y 2'. 1939. m.r.r and al;i--t al. '-la.m? ana demands 1., ~ , « ^74 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Billin- since I heard about it. That's all. H'.'MK O'.VN'KP^ LOAN I i/ •••r.st -.1 J - ra.-e.i •.•y and i.ebcc .-aid Edwin \\ iegand Co ject of the lesson-sermon In A. Cederlund, Minister 34.36 W' this wc<*' I'll be mighty grateful if you'll let CORPORATION, Elec. Supply LIFETIME GUARANTEE all Christian Science Churches Sunday School at 0:30 a. m Mjrtcage^ It V.:' v7-.-'.-. • VJ Capitol Supply | 36.37 M's. Isadore Onan attended the throughout the world on Sunday, the kiddies como around some tlmo HENRV C. HART 11,10 Moiso reunion at the home of Mr. Why You Should Attend Lowell Schools Classes for alt. guests at the Reynolds home were j working for two weeks In Grand At' irney f r Mortgagee. .rt .• • 1 Pr : if Of- L. R. Klose Supply Co NO TIME OR MILEAGE LIMIT August 27. and play. It doesn't matter If a IS 13 and Mrs. Sherm Reynolds Satur- Preaching services at 10,30 a. m. Seeley Corners Mr. and Mrs. Merle Aldrich anil j Rapids in the office where she Bus.ness Addreisi 2ii i- • • ' "• '"ii" day ..1 Memn- Tropical Paint Oil Co Tho Golden Text (John 1:14) is: ball or so goes astrny onco in a Mrs. 8. P. Reynolds H' .seman Bldg (ia No Sunday evening services. baby of Hastings and Alex Robert-.worked several years ago, the pre- 11"::;. \ •:•. .'ft r . w-tlntbouie Elec. Co 100.99 >'' [fr rirnhm* M SkWyme* Psrtm **d EnMMm B*(Ukg"The Word at wa St*s mad Ytfkc flesh WorWt, and Bibl e study and Prayer meeting while. I'm lonely. I wonder," hes- DK-b'-'T-LG App 12-1.-^ 3.060.00 Lawrence Endress and family of ' Jir. Aim Piti! tkt firtHmt EMM tt lit M«nMtMtmilkm$i ExpeMo* tl im Frtneitn son of Pontine. [sent help being on vacation, a;/; • • t : ; r ' xam.nat.on ,n.l Mnkin« Fund dwelt among us, (and we beheld His each Thursday evening. itatingly, "if you'd over let mo take DKTKRMlNATION Of HHIRS •a . • and -lemands L. & P. Surety Fund 17*50 Freeport were Sunday visitors at gbry, the glory as of the only be- you out in my car for a ride." Tho 21th annual reunion of thtf Mr, and Mrs. Aldrich and habyj Rnlph Coombs and children nst - i,d i'- 1, 1779 the home of Claude Schmidt, descendants of Benjamin State of Michigan the i'r ate Court Rudy Wittenbach 1. A teaching staff of known ability and character; gotten of the Fattier,) full of Morse and Mr, and Mrs, Reynolds attend- qI Gladwin are visiting her par- It 'urt.'ur Or:-red. That public n 399,44 Harry Spldell and daughter were ALASKA LATTER DAY SAINTS Dora knew Filey was rated at was hold Saturday at the home of ed the Goib reunion at the Calo-^ntg Mr and Mrs Rov Kvsor and ; >r the Count;, of Kent. •! ; giver, l';. publication "I Municipal Acc. Co grace and truth." Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ At a sesfibh said C'-irt, held at the! loogr, Wednesday callers at the Onan over half a million, but sho under- Mrs. Helen Reynolds. Although thejdonla home of Mr. an.l Mrs. Fred othc;. roiativcs hei:o * ' 1 • ' f '.• thr.- v.- L, L. & P. Labor Among tho Bible citations Is this other relatives here. Pr -.ate off •• ; •':•• city t Grand Rapids. : home Alaska School House stood his need. "If it helps you any, weather was stormy, 43 members Lutx Sunday. Westinghouse Elec.... 73.97 - passage (Isaiah 52:7): "How beau- 1 Mr. and Mrs. John in laid county, vr. the :oth day of August. I. -.••r a r.a per prlntrd Macey Ellis, Pastor of course I will. And I'd enjoy tho ofi mthe elaclan wore present htvii enjoenjoyy I Pete VenoinVenomna of Albion is visit-'.visit-! ...... , Atkin... s . of A I' it-.";:. Malonev Elec. Co 139,70 2. Practical shopwork to go hand-in-hand with mental Percy^J. Read & Bonatifu l upon the mountains are the •1 1. -a d .unty rides. I may bring tho twins, of the picnic dinner and vinitlng and ing friends and relatives in this ? I„®. *. Wp W, t V Pr^ent: HON. J .55N DALTON Juilgej JOHN DALTON. G. R, Herald 21,00 feet of Him that bringeth good 10:00 a. m.—Church School. of Pr uite. Lowell Dist, No, 5 11:15 a. m.—Prayer Services, course?" to honor Mrs, Reynolds whose !Ust vicinitv this work, pa,cnt8( Ml' and Ml's' Lvnv*1 1 uck" J u it go Probate. Sherwood Hall I.4 I training; McCormick'Dieting Sales and Servicetidings , that publlsheth peace; that . . . . i * /»!• Ill Hie MatIt-r ot 1 ai' l.«l:iti' 11I Daniel \ • rue c pyi Mrs. J. P. Neetlhnm 7:30 p. m.—Preaching. birthday occuned tho 22nd of this Mr. and Mrs, Henry Brown woiv,11' \V, I.u.vr, |),an and Hamilton Beach money. Sho was too genuinely un- Wednesday, Aug. Id. The young children of East Lansing spent daughter Rose nnd Mr. and Mrs. fiuiK-r, ii, limit, at ten > •. ick :r. t}> a c, D «?.. ; .-.t md w,;.- f tn- Electiomaster, Inc 743 Emmett Needham was quite bad- Clara and Stella Ritsema spent Baker Eddy, include the following me. sir, do yuu happen to play bil- sophisticated. To her ho was just lady will answer to the name of Miller Cravens of Chicago, Mr, and t irenoon at said probate !i. be and :.•* 2703 1.V Injured while cranking the Wednesday In Grand Rapids. (p. 833): "The advent of Jesus of liards? Thursday evening with his parents, hereby appointed for hearing said petition. Carbollneun Wood Pn,,.. ono Ruth Potter of Lowell spent the the man her Tom had saved. Filoy ISsthor Jean. Mrs, Claude Simmons, Mr, and 1 21.12 day recently. Roso Marie Aldrich spent last Mr. and Mrs. Claude Colo. It is Kurthor Ordered. That public no- a .rr.-ra •. • r/,;,,/.-1 under the laws Gill Glass and Fixture Co.. 4. A home economics course designed to aid in equipping week-end with Gladys Kinyon and Nazareth marked the first century Customer—Yes, why? hod met for tho first time In his tuv thereof bo given by publication of a 3g801' Mrs. C. Baker of South Boston week with relatives In Grand of the Christian ora, but tho Christ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houseman Mr. and Mrs, Howard Seeley and Mrs, George Lovell and two chll- t -ii- Un.t.-d Stat.-.. ; Amer -a. dated oimmenman Oil Co attonded tho Klnyon reunion at Barber—Then 1 must warn you, life a woman who thought all tho spent last Thursday with Rev. and famlly of Cascade and Mr. and Mrs, dren of Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Ed c.py of this order, for three succeasive 'th dr., ,f Mar 1 IM«, .and .'-.ora- ... . „ T , « 2'92 spent Saturday and Sunday with Rapids. woeks previous to said day of hearing, in 1 Ir. the if • J: iw -t-r of D-ds ^[cn. iseu ICIC. 1.0 the girl in the arts of home-making; Fullatburg Park, is without beginning of years or •ir, after using this lotion, to be 15*42 ber mother, Mrs. James Needham. end of days." time of others as If It were tho most Mrs. Auabma at Central Park near Vernor Seeley of Grand Rapids Knapp and children of Clio, Mr. the Lowell Ledger » newspaper printed f-r Kent C.unty Michigan, 'H th- Ifith Fitzgerald .s Orill..... Howard Aldrlch and daughter •ure and wash your hands before natural thing to do. But he noted Holland. were Friday night dinner guests of nnd Mrs. Emerson Soules of Alto, and circulated in sa.d county. day Apr., IHHI, in L.i.er 7O.'i 'if Murt- Lowfdl Lodger., 12.25 Joano of Grand Rapids spent Sun- Mabel; How Is your husband get- JOHN DALTON. •o much as touching a billiard bull! the drives brought a pretty color to Nancy Antonldes of Sparta U their parents and In the evening Ray Simmons and Wesley Lovelt gag' - Pag-.- idlt and -IT-' and said AuAntf0 . U,,WrecCKk ,C0o 3.25 dny with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judge of Probate. •r.ortgag'- hh-. ig under the t-rms i - ' - " ting along with his golf? LOWELL GOSPEL CHURCH —Montreal Star. her cheeks and that the twins grew visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Seeley and Mr. of Clarksvllle. ** "Tue copy. 14.25 DR. J. W. TRUMBLE &. W. Aldrlch. Alice: Oh, very well, indeed, Tho Charles W. Boman, Pastor f -i;d m'Ttgag'- t" declare the entire Consumers POWcl' 5. A comprehensive agricultural course for boys; to hug him as If he belonged, some- and Mrn. Frank Amonldes. and Mrs. Vernor Seeley attended PRKD ROTH. principal arid accrued interest thereon due. Carl Thum 4.00 VETERINARIAN Mrs. Ruth Slocum and son Don- children are allowed to watch him 10:00 a. m.—Sunday School. Thursday evening Rev. and Mrs. Register of Probat® rll.St ••hich .-lo' tion it b-reby ex-rc..-e. ^ Hnrdwnre Some Shooting how, In the simple scheme of their the Ionia Fair. Sunday afternoon J U II.03 aid spent Friday with her sister, now. 11:00 a. m.—Worship Hour. Howard Carey and sons of Bron- and evening guests were Earl pur-.ant t- wnK n there is claimed to be T 1 ./A U ' Office—Its N. Divialon St. Eph—Yes, sir, Zckc, as sure as I lives. HNAT ADMIN'MTKATION A(TOr.NT' m- ind unpaid .-n .-aid mortgage nt the Line .Maicnai *-0 38.20 Mrs Marlon Klnyon. 7:80 p. m,—'Evening service. lit here now. I shot that old double- Mm were supper guestit of Mr. and Robinson of Chicago and Mr, and 1 a to of tn.- ri'.tke for principal and in- The Elec. Supply Co 64.W Phon<, 52 I^mell, Mich. At last he asked Dora If she State of Michigan. The Probate Court 6. A thorough business course combining business math- Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Aldrlch and Our grand business undoubtedly barrel in that flock of ducks and 1 Mrs. Seymour Hoscho. Sunday eve- Mrs. Leon Rlakcslee of Grand f.'-efct and Other lawful charges the sum ginctajr Reflnlni: Co 45.71 thought she eould ever leam to care for the County of Kent. '"One Th u- ind S x Hur.dr-d N.n-ty ar.d * " ' ., pi^ i K. 'on Russell were la Ionia Thurs- Is, not to see what lies dimly at a UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH brung down Ave of them, ning Mupper guests were Mr. and Rapids. At a session of said court, held at the irin 50.34 for him a little. "Not" modestly, JTRjm Do, ar. (Sl.m.Mt and no suit Capitol Elec. hUppl> ematics, bookkeeping, typing, shorthand, business day. distance, but to do what lies clear- OF WEST LOWK1X Zeke (unconcernedly)—Didn't I Mrs. Valda Chaterdon and children Little Diane Seeley of near Gove probate office. In the City ..t Grand Rap- ir proc-oding at law or ,ti equity having Westlnghouse 177.28 F. E. WHITE "as you eared for—Tom. But If you'd of Grand Rapids. Lake Is staying with her Grandpa id*. in said County, on the 12th day of b-en instituted to r-cover the debt s-cur-d J^uhlnjan Elec, Co Recent callers of Mr. and Mra. ly at hand,—Carlyle. F. B. Harwood, Pastor ever tell you about me hunting frogs August. A. D. mi». 296.13 DENTIST English and business law; let me take eare of you. I'm so Mr. and Mrs, Otto Cornell arc and Grandma Seeley thfas week by said mortgage or any part thereof: H , sitmnlv Cn 10:30 a. M.—Sunday School. the other night? Fired at one, then Preient'. HON, CLARK E. HIGBKB, Now. Therefor-, by virtue of th« power rlalsma supply ^0 4.50! spending tho week with his par- while her parents In company with Negonce Block, Lowell, Mich. a m dam fond oi the kids,*' Judge of Probate, of sale contained in >aid mortgage and Weeks Elec. Co.. 8.94 11:80 . ,—Preaching Service, 800 croaked. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Cornell are on In thr Mutter of the KslHte of Iwirph For the first time the dlfferenee la ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cornell, at pursuant to the Htatutes of the State of yat Stamping, Elec. Wks,, 8.46 Closed Thursday Afternoons I., (iodfrey, llerrusrd. Michigan In such case made and provided..- ' , c.,.,- social position dawned on Dora. Charlevoix. Mr. and Mrs. John In- their vacation. Henry A. Johnson having filed in «ald Notice Is Hereby Given that on the •j»|||i«*en«.rai fcitc. 85.28 Fhonea: Office 151 Ret. IM 7. A sensible combination of grade and individual in- CASCADE CHURCH OP CHRIST On mi Tees gersoll of Lowell arc at tho Cornell court hi* final administration account, and •lay «f November, I Hit it at 10 o'clock in the L. R, Klone Elec, Co 18.0('; L. C. Doerr, Pastor Boy—I've called about the job for "I'm only a fireman's widow," she home during their absence, his petition praying for the allowance forenoon, Kastern Standard Time at the QJIdden Co 6.93 Our Best Wishes aald. thereof and for the assignment and dls' Sunday School—10:00 a. M. i smart message boy. Mrs. Lester Antonldes was honor- South Boston North front door of the Court House in Ameripan Automatic Elec . j£j struction. "My father was foreman at the tribution of the residue of said estate. the City Of Grand Rapid*, county of Kent, American Automatic fciec,. fi.37 B. H. SHEPARD, M. D. Church Sarvlces—11:00 a. m. Manager—Sorry, my lid, the va* ed at a family dinner Sunday by Miss Belle Vcun| It is Ordered, That the Mb day of Neyl- 7.80 Iron works," he said, "be was an Michigan (that being the place of holding Nllsson Dist. Co Phone 47 eancy was filled yesterday. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Imibrr, A. D. INt. at ten o'clock In the Circuit Court in said County) said mort- to the Inventor and that's how he made hla MR. MERCHANT ^ forenoon, at Mid probate office, be and la ADA CONGREGATIONAL CH. Boy—Then It's a smart manager Monks of West Lowell, the occa- Miss Elm a Noyea of Lansing gage will be foreclosed by a sale at pub- Tntnlouul £7048 88 J. A. MtcDONELL, M. D. hereby appointed for examining and allow lie auction to the highest bidder of the ••.vio.cr# Henry L, Rust. Minister you need, to take the notice out money. After all, we're Amerleana sion being her birthday. spent last week with her parents, The EYES of THE ^ ing aald account and hearing aatd petitloa; Phone 110 Tuesday of last week Mr, and premises devcrlbed In said mortgage, or so Wuter Work* Wetch next week's Ledfer for the Complete Course of Study, Sunday School—10 o'clock every of the window.—Stray Stories Mag' and 1 don't think It matters Mr. and Mrs, John Noyes, It is Further Ordered, That public no* much thereof as may be necessary to pay Nefoooe Block, Lowell m w Can't you like me just a little?" he Mrs. Wm. Hcscho motored to (.ONNUMTY WOULD . tice thereof be given by publication of a the amount due as aforesaid, and any sum Jul lug Easier S Sunday morning. ailne. copy of this order, for three auccteaive 75.00 Office Hours: 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. nv coaxed, "I love you, Dora." Courtland and Saranac; Wednes- George Tucker nnd daughter, BE ON YOUR AD- ^ or sunw which may be paid by the under- M, . R . ' ' * 1" Christian Endeavor—8:45 p. m. Mrs. Clyde Dawson were recent weeks previous to eaid day of hearing, In signed at or before said sale for taxea »icn. BCU leie. UO 6.67 Office Phone 36 Requirements for Greduetien/ Cellege Entrance, Etc. day they attended tho Ionia Fair yg? IE IT HAD BEEN the Lowell Ledger, a newspaper printed 1.00 4-H Evening Worship—7:30 p. m. A good deed Is never lost- -Rich- "I can't give you what I gave Traverse City visitors. and I or Insurance on said premises, and A. Velxy and Friday they were In Middle- and circulated in aaid county. ard Brooks. MHSealNTIIIS ISSUE all other aums paid by the undersigned. Gee's Hardware 9.72 Tho minister's theme will bo "Im- Tom," whispered Dora, "but I ra- Mrs. Ruth KlcUman has been CLARK R. HIOBEE, with interest thereon, pursuant to law and ville and visited Mr, and Mrs. Paul Judge of Probate, DOUGLAS H. OATLEY mortality." sped you with all my heart and Carey. to the terms of said mortgage, and all I love you for your goodness to ua A true Copy legal costa, charges and expenses, inclu- Total .1 92,39 Boyi end Girlf Mrs. lister Antonldes and Doug- FRED ROTH. ding an attorney's fee, which premlaes are ^ „ — DENTIST — ADA COMMUNITY REFORMED all." Register of Probate, CM, 3t Ins and Mrs. Loon Seeley and daacribed as follows; 1 Band Office over C. Thomas {Mora CHURCH "I guess I'll have to be satisfied Diane spent Thursday at John Ball That certain piece or parcel of land ait- ' , Office Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 W. B. Kolenbrandeft Pastor FINAL AONimmUTION ACCOVNT uated in the Townahlp of Paris. County of Bruce Walter ..I 25,00 with that then. Maybe, in the yeara Park in Grand Rapids, Closed Thursday Afternoons You are Invited to the services. Hni Yoir Firiaee Kent. Michigan, more particularly d«s- Qran(j j0taj ... 19.201 .M to come you may grow to like me s Mr, and Mrs, Claude Colo and •tate of Michigan. Tba Probate OMft May your Sth Annual Kent County Worship Servlcc—10:00 a, m. for tba County of Kent. ^ w ^ 1 Pbonee: Office M Rea. U little better." He smiled half wist* Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Cole and Farmers, Attention! Lot thirty-seven (37). Block Kleven fll) r0ii Call' Trustees Day, Cook, a At a eaaaion of aaid court, bald at tba of Southlawn Purk, according to the re- „ Fall Term Begins Tuesday, Sapt. 5,1939 Fair be 100% successful and may Study Service—11:15 . m. Inpotod Rim! daughters. In company with Mr. Probata Office la tba city of Ormad Rap. cordtd pitt thtrtof. Roth# Ruth^tfoidi Shopftiu# ChrlH* Worship Servlcc—7:80 p. m. fully, as he took her Into his arms. Ida, ia aald County, on tba Stb day of and Mrs. Evan Fuller and children Dated: August 9«th, i»3S. tiansen, yeas 6, nays 0, Curried. LOWELL PUB. LIBRARY each of you continue to move forward Now It tha tima to hava of Hastings spent Sunday with Mr. AU HOME OWNERS' LOAN Moved by Trustee Christiansen «in^ ioS'oLAMK E. HIOiER. CORPORATION. GBAHAN BLDG.-WEST BIDE CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN your Furnaca ehecktd and Mrs. John Vincent of Battle and supported by Trustee Cook In good citlsenshlp and honorable Many thlngH difficult to design JU Mortgagee — OPEN — Elmdale, Mkh. Creek, DEAD STOCK lJr rn! SStr rt tba MI# al Mia, JOSEPH E. ARRULOWICZ. that the meeting adjourn. Yeas 6, ovar and daantd by our prove easy to performance.-8um- NiHaa (Maryl Vadrr, Daevaaed. Tuesday, Thursday, Haturday achievements, keeping ever In mind Rsv. Wm. H. Rivell, Pastor Attorney for Mortgagee. nays 0. Carried. uol Johnson, Mr, and Mrs. Ira Wesbrook at- Myrtla Klahn having filed In aald eoun Bualneaa Address; *2» O, R, Nat'I. from t to I p. m. R. 3, Clarksvllle tended the Klnyon reunion Sunday. har final admlnlatrttlon account, and her Bank Bldg.. Grand Rapida, Michigan L. E. JOHNSON, Clerk the alms and principles for which PlNir iMtlM eiMMf. patltlon praying for the allowance thereof DE'627'LO App 12'13-3fl cl.V I3t J, A. AREHART, President AUDIE E. POST, Librarian Sunday School—10:00 a. m. Mr, and Mrs. W. V. Burras at- and for the assignment and diatributlon Preaching—11:00 a. m. and 8:00 tended the wedding Monday ot REMOVAL of tba realdue of aald aatate. 4-H stands. Train Schedules Public opinion is everything. p, m. Wa can supply and in- The time given below Is Eastern It la Ordered, That the Mb day af M*pt Moody: Say, Doc, do you re Clyde Gardnor and Miss Ruth j mlfr. A. P. ItN, at ten o'clock In tha With it nothing can fall, without DR. R. T. LUSTIG Plan to Attend School at Lowell Young People's Meeting —7:15 standard time. member last year when you cured stall parts for any fur- Bissonette at Sandusky, fofMooa, at aald probata offica, 1* snd it nothing can succeed. He who OSTEOPATHIC p. m. fere Marquette my rheumatism? You told me to naca, stova or bollsr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell of Phene Collect Prompt Service la bareby appointed for aiamlnlng aad al moulds public opinion goes deepei Wednesday Praysr Meeting at lawiiif aald account and bearing aaid peti avoid dampness. Physician and Surgeon Iimimm Train going east 8:40 a. M. Indlannpolis and Mrs. George than he who enacts statutes, for SMI Mitnl Fin CMpny 8:80 p. m. M. D,: That's right. What's General Practice Train going west 7:40 p, M. Stephens and children of Grand "Tt* ia furtbar Oftfarad. That public no the moulder of public opinion Sermon subjects for Sunday are wrong? Hiwdsl jlftaatlaB to Brrtel Grand Trunk Rapids called on Mr. and Mrs. liaa tbaraof ba givea by publication of a mikes statutea possible or Impos- it MIiU|h The Sabbath" and "The Believer's aaw aftbU owkr. far tbraa auceaaalve Moody: Well, can 1 take a bath SOARD OF EDUCATION Chas. W. Ceok Eastbound, No. 83 S:SS a. M. Claude Cole Monday afternoon. Villay Chamical Company waaka pravtoua to aM day of baartaa, la sible to execute.—Abraham Lincoln. TM Church St, flint, MIcMfin Hope," m OM Lowtil Ladftr, a atwapapar priatad now? (Prapared and equipped to treat Plumbinf and Haatinf No. M .*2:10 p, . Miss U>ah Reynolds of Jackson W. V. EURRA4 PrasMent H. K. FISK, Seoratory Westbound, No. IF 12:80 p. M. 1 am always content with that PI lea, Prolapse, Fissures and SOUTH LOWKLL CHURCH 78 Lowell spent Friday night and Saturday -ajSffV nom flatull without hospitalisation) No. 31.. .*18:12 p. m. with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Telephone lonie 7100 /udfa ftabata. which happens; for I think that Time alone relieves the foollah Church services next Sunday at f—Flag stop *—Dally what God chooses la bettor than from sorrow, but reason ths wlss.— 41 Lafajsiti, BE., Grand fherman Reynolds. WEEK-END mOTM' ^ ^ t Epiotstus. Office MM! ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0000000ooooooooooooooooooooos tt Mill. #U, 11 what I ohoo«.-*plcUtai. An Interesting talk on the de- velopment and advancement of We have for your public health work since the turn inapection When of the century was given nt Low- ell Rotary club Wednesday noon High CIsm yoa*d rather not go shopping by Dr. John Wesslnger, who has been head of the Public Health De- Toilet Unite When it's too hot to shop, when it rsins, when there sre ether things you partment of the city of Ann Arbor Our pricea erereaa- for the past 34 years. Dr. Wes- onable and quality I would rather do. It's nice to hsve WEAVER'S to depend on for food need*. Happy Cooks slnger illustrated his points by The demonstration dinner waa citluK several Instances such as the of the beat. We endesvor to send juat the kind of thinga our cuatomera would aelect if hold at the home of our leader, fact that diphtheria Is seldom fatal Come in and let ue Mrs. O. K. Graham Thursday. Aug. now days while 40 years ago about quote you on they were ahopping peraonslly# Try WEAV ER'S today and then go back to 17. It was served by the first, sec- one out of every three afflicted ond and third year girls to eight with the disease died. The de- Balhraoa Fiitam. guests, namely, Mrs. Lester, Alice creased death rate from tuber- your old love tomorrow if you can. •. V Holmes, Mrs. Graham, Anne Marie culosis in recent years was also Qulnlan. Porothy Wingcier. Doris cited us another example of pro- Pramlgr Lyons. Marjorie Lyons and Berniecc gress. i; K l .c I R 1 i 1 Ii 1) u.| tylndA, S Vex+eioMieA St rouse. We served grapejuice The speaker was presented by o.vktail. scalloped potatoes, meat P. P. MacFarlane, program chair- CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 2 ^ 3 Jc ] loaf, cabbage salad, sliced tomatoes man. MICHIGAN ROCHESTER with green pepper garnish, rolls, 14*oi. Naoo fruit salad and punch. The center KKAURK OFFKKS large size piece consisted of green and white SHOWBOAT CRITICISM bottle « /2C PEACHES X 6 lb*. 25c flowers and the piacccards were A feminine reader sends a letter CATSUP one-masted sailboats. to the Ledger criticising the recent RED RIPE Theresa Rollins. Rep. Showboat production which we SWEATERS lb. 15e summarize as follows: Greei & White Coffee Willing Worker* (1) That the seats arc spaced TOMATOES SX 4 lbs. 10c The Willing Workers boys 4-H too close, causing cramped legs SPECIAL SELLING Early Riser Coffee • lb. 19e Club held their meeting at Gove and crowding of knees into the School August 15. back of the person in front; Lemons . 4 for 10c (2) That some of the end-men New Fall Sweatere by Rutby Blie & White Coffee lb. 25c The weenie roast that had been, planned for an earlier date wasj jokes and antics are in bad taate; Green Peppers bold at Campau Lake Friday. Aug., (3> That performing bears are and Allen-A that eet a each 1c out of placc on a Showboat pro- Red & White Coffee . lb. 27e IS. Hooks of tickets wore given out gram; New Marie in Sweater Vel- Long Cucumbers 9 for 5c to tho boys to be sold for the bone-' (4) That the view would be im- fit of the 4-H club buildings at, proved by the application of paint uee. Whole APRICOTS fecanlT^c to the rear of the business houses Firm Cabbage lb. 3c Lowell. Tho next and last meeting' for this year will bo at Gove School• located on the river. Red Beans, Corn or NORTH STAR OR August 29. at S;30. Suede Front*, Two-tones 1011 Raymond Hoscho. Jr.. Rop. 1 Lowell Ditt. No. 8 3 ^ 25c WEALTHY Apples *-19c Mra. K. J. Maxaon and Covert Cloth Fronts, TOMATOES 4-H Demonstration Dinner In Crew N.ck Slipovers, I'owno Kitchon Maids ontertaln- Dear Readers: Button and Zipper Models. Free No-Drip Syrup Jug with each sack od with a dolicious luncheon Fri- In spite of all the rain we've had Try a Really New Cereal day noon at L. A. S. Hall. The three lately Dad Foster is wearing an course meal was entirely prepared ! unusually broad smile—he's great- YOU'LL SAVE SY PurAsnow Flour 24^ibs. 81c and served by tho girls. Thirty-two ' grandpa now! A son was born on BUYING EARLY wore present in all. Guests were August 15 to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ruskets fn s: ^ 15c Made by General MllU. Inc. The onlx flour we know of Mosdamos Chas. Posthumus, Wm. Nelson of Coldwater, the former sold with a double money back guarantee. Porritt. Floyd Flynn. Roy Seese. Marian Poster, daughter of Marvin Waiter Kowalczyk. Alma Stahl. Foster of Fremont, Ind., who is Sl.W - $S.95 Fiances Seese. John Nash and Dad's son by his previous mar- Mrs. Mack Watson and Vernice riage. There are now five genera- Benson, advisory board, and Mrs. tions of the Foster family living. John Krebs and Mrs. Alec Wingel- Wanda Foster is spending part REYNOLDS ?/. Sovernment Snspecied Choice '///eats er. leaders. of this week with her aunt Helena A welcome to mothers was given in Grand Rapids. WEAR by Mary Kowalczyk with Response A large number from our district Daughters by Mrs. Chas. Post- took in the Ionia Fair last week. PORK SHOULDER ROAST lb. 16c i humus. after which the following And don't try to tell me there's I PURE Choice, Meaty ) program was presented: Poem. nothing in a name—Thursday aft- Bacon Squares lb. 12c | •Mother O" Mine". Maxine Flynn; ernoon I watched a horse named | Home Rendered Style i I Club Motto. Dorothy Russel; Club ' Rosalie" win one of the cups! Beef Pot Roast lb. 18c ' Pledge. First Year Girls. The menu Mr. and Mrs. Carol Kraft of Dut- Kent Fanners DEEP ton, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Dahlman For Flivor and Quality 1 I consisted of Tomato cocktail and Beef Chuck Roast lb. 20c wafers, moat loaf, escallopcd pota- and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snyder ac- ! LARD • . s. a vegetable plate of peas, car- companied John and Lena Camp- Get Tree Ripened Pork Steak lb. 20c \ RIDS : r.ts and lima beans, strawberry bell to the Fair on Friday. Insuring 1940 j 2 lbs. 1am and rolls, home made ice- Betty and Virginia Young spent Pork Sausage lb. 15c rream! and cake. Monday night with Theresa Rollins This event was much enjoyed and and attended the Fair Tuesday. PEACHES Theresa spent the week-end at the Wheat Crops - Fresh Ground Beef lb. 17c j appreciated and mothers of 4-H - ils may be mighty proud of the Herman Page home. Of | 17I | cV A Leona 14c lb Elmo and Thelma Scott came p: ogress made in Food Preparation ! ! MINCED HAM • - - lb. 19c} ! and canning classes. Saturday from Lansing and with Guaranteed 75% Les E. Lampkin Tills year's class has finished Aunt Lena and Uncle John Camp- PHONE 88-F2 l'>0 per cent with 21 members com- bell, attended the Taylor reunion ot Muskegon on Sunday. pleting work. The afternoon was Of Normal Yield Mr. and, Mrs. Glen Loveland en- spent in work on poster and note- 1S6 tertained Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Averill Insurance on the 1940 Michigan Phone CH V'dT^We Deliver books. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Loveland wheat crop is now being offered to Monday evening both boys and "MICHIGAN" BREAD TRUCKS of Grand Rapids at dinner Friday all farmers in the State. Repre- L'irls clubs met at Bowne L. A. S. night in honor of Mrs. Averill's sentatives of the Kent County Ag- TRAVEL OVER 2.500,000 MILES ; hall to practice songs for the 4-H birthday. On Sunday they were ricultural Conservation Commit- Interesting figures relating to Fair program. All club members dinner guests at the Averill home. tee are now calling on all wheat , were present, the number being mileage covered by the company's J- rank Mat . tviaf. J.-.. 10. Mrs. Loveland'a sisters, Mrs. Aus- growers, discussing with them their large fleet of delivery trucks are Coming Events BIRTHS I forty-five. Leaders. Mrs. John tin Livingston of Clarksvllle and 1940 wheat acreage allotments and More Local News ; Krebs. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Wingeier cited by H. M. Earle. of Michigan 1 1 Mrs. Sheldon Mesecar of Grand offering them the opportunity to 1 ' •' • • ••.i. . r.s I'.-Ti ar.r.'ji". reunion of ih« and music instructors, Mrs. Valda Bakeries Inc., in charge of "Mich- Will and Walter Knor of Lansing Grar. ; .• -y a v. ' • Iiedge spent Monday with her. insure their next year's wheat. igan" bread truck operations. I Watts and Miss Bernice Yeiter were Saturday guests of their j right aim fracture, received while Fallasburz Park - ^ridav "Auru-t To Mr. and Mrs. Har:Id Nash The Glen Behler family of Pon- Farmers In Kent County can be In the course of one year the 'r.'.--; Dorothy Hawleyjr. August I were also on hand. guaranteed 75 percent of their mother, Mrs. James Mulr. |h'- wa,- crankl.'.;* ;v.mobile. .. •.v.:r. it 1 f/evvek tiac were Saturday night dinner company's fleet of 120 trucks travel I s, ar. j \ ih. son. John Henry, at guests of Mrs. Sarah Behler. normal yields by taking out In- Mr- John Layer and Mr - nearly 3 million miles and gasoline : M: r K the Luz maternity hospital. surance. according to John Mc- Chubl) I 'J'u'-s'jay at th'.- TT,- ti-'rhail excur- Mrs. Charles Sterzlck and sons, consumption exceeds 300,000 gal- Adrian and Boyce, and Miss Dol Cabe, chairman of the Kent Coun- rn-1 Dintarnar. : ir. Alto. f. . . j.-- — . ... • ' hy -.he Catholic To Mr. ar.d Mrs. Eddie Potior, lons annually. jinr ores Holzhay of Marne accom ty Triple A Committee. Premiums •' • s • .••.•••: • ta Detroit n a lh. daughter. Tuesday after- Besides Its delivery trucks. Mich- Mr and Mi M .e O w a'J run as low as one-half bushels per A..- The D* r.a r. Auaa 22, at their home on Our Automobile panied Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Evans igan Bakeri6s' rolling equipment a.'.'J K-.- •' Ca: .' . '. ; r. acre. Farmers who have cooperated -'j::- Dcit. - • •- •• Y yar.kee- M-2L East Loweil. of Sunfield to the Ionia Fair and Includes 15 business cars used by w • i- Sur.day v. a* • r «.• L: •••••. .•c. a: the Or spent the evening In Lansing. The with the farm program this year ft - I. a*. 9 32 a. rr.. FIRE AND THEFT the plant managers, sales managers Rotho:;.- Ta Mr. ar.d Mrs. E!vin Hosklns Sterzicks, Boyce nnd Dolores at- may pay for their Insurance by and* Home Service department M4-2t a'--- V'elma Burras) of Flint, a Givei tended the Kinyon reunion at Fal- simply having their premiums de- representatives. • ' K hr ir.'.r 2.''.iaughter OAl^f;. Esthe r Jean, born Wed- lasburg Park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ducted from their Triple A pay- Earle pointed out that the terri- nesday. Aug. IfJ. 14 Different Covengei John Sterzlck and Mrs. H. R. ments. tory served Includes all northern, • . Rapid-, will Through this Insurance program, Ta Mr. ar.d Mrs. Jarnes Marsh Evans also called at the Sterzlck western and southern Michigan. I Buy Protection home during the past week. John McCabe says, tho Triple A Michigan Bakeries* plants are lo- ' of tr.e KV" I .'-ei jf Chicago, a is helping farmers get more uni- . • . • ' . • -ar., ar. M ..aday morning, Aug. 21. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Roth and cated at Orand Rapids, Jackson, • • .-/.'..v. Birth- family spent Sunday evening at the form Income from year to year. Muskegon, Battle Creek, Kalama- tnm tr.i • ' " • - - • Va.'.'jer.bfc:?- ' V- }. '•• •• Even in years when wheat crops soo and Traverse City. ' .*.• Carl Roth home In Vergennes. Mr. Those v/ha are wis.- .-eldarn H. J. RITTEIQEI, fttf. nnd Mrs. Chas. Kraft, Mrs. Hannah are seriously damaged or totally v ' ' y.< •' r ..'.ty. kr.yPurW ho w to talk, and »h,He who Lowell, Mich. Bartlett, Mrs. Florence Glenn and destroyed, farmers will have at CARD OF THANKS •; r. •; e r. 'ut-.: ;f tal-fok r-Piare .seldo e •m • wise. Lin Vutang., Miss Edna Allen were Wednesday least 75 percent of their normal • aa- a- to /. for tae yields on which they can depend. We wish to express our deepest ' a- • , - - - . - . J evening visitors at the Roth's. appreciation for the many kind- wm Ti}< .;, ivez Mr. and Mrs. Oren Graham call- A new regulation permits the In- a »• • a: • • . K.ove 6 Ye ' • ;/ .ah' 'a ?,h« sured farmers to assign their crop nesses and the beautiful flowers rd on their sisters, Mrs. Alice furnished by the neighbors and • •r.orr;- Wright nnd Miss Genevieve Gra- insurance policies as security for • • •; .* ' * at af 'r.e V.a.va friends, also to those who acted as '• ' : • V. • • . / • ham, nt the homo of another sis- loans, tho proceeds of which may a a a '. be used without restriction. pallbearers and to those who fur- a • -- v . . '' •»' tor, Mrs. L, A, Dygert, Sunday aft- nished cars. ' . y • • * ' - Q STRAND ornoon. About onc out of every ten Mich- ' --jf v.-,;; Byron J. Frost. Miss Annie Easterby entertained igan farmers who took out crop •- ..v.- 'j! ;,u.- LOWELL insurance on their wheat last Fall Lloyd Frost. ' i v r.. r nt dinner Thursday in honor of her Donald MacNaughton. niece. Miss Ruth Townsend of will receive at least partial Idemn- .(• pl5 Richard MacNaughton. Olympia, Wash. Guests were Mrs, ity this year, John McCabe says. "J A'. FRIDAY - SATURDAY, AUG. 25 - 26 Although weather conditions have Lincoln Dygert and Mrs. John CARD OF THANKS Rrannan of Alto and Mrs. Alice been generally good In Michigan ployed at 'hi • •hi-, 'ia:-,.-. es elty aad latar the ststa of New York. Mrn. JohnHun nerved delieloiiH It make?" Attractive cakeH and lee cretim, Mable re It la namad for Its first private celved inuny lovely and uaeful owner, liaae Badlos, whose family Mass Isitrsdmllsn Needed repairs kere andtkare gift*. She returned to llaltb* Creek had title to It torn tha IMOs yatU Thursday evening. Voles (on phone) 'jhla ia HmHh, im . . . ImprovemenU that add Smith and Hmlth, so snech charm and comfort Take Advantaee Of Lew Summer . . . these things need cost He: "Now that wt« are iiiiinied, Oliver — (Joiiil inoming, Good but little, yet snake your home perhapn 1 cun point out u few of morninif, QixhI morning. nrsarma Wait Sams Way so much more Inviting nnd your defect TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY, AUG. 2» - 30 Evsry flrsarm, from the imaUsst attrnrtlve. Consult us for nd- She: "Don't bother dear. I know Not Tsgsy pistol to tha most alaborate maehlae all about them. It's thoae defeote PRICES vice on nil throe sperlnl prob- Hubby—The gurbuge man Is at gun, works tha sama way; tha pow* lems. Our planning service that kept me from getting u hotlei (bu back door. dsr sxplodss and sapandlng gaias man than you," will gindly help you nnd fur- Mra. Newly wed Tell him ws fores tha projsetlle out of tha bar A Ton Or More — Whatever You Can Buy. nish complete estimates un Jon't need any, rsl, sayi the Wsshlngton Post Buy Today And Save Money the DRMterlnb you need. Operator: "It coats 7!V centa to Strsngely, flrsarms started 000 i talk to Springfield." Cssl Hummer Isbs years ago. as clumsy cannon re- Patron: "Well, what'* your llxten Mr. Jotioi—When did the Ics aga quiring two men to operate. The Lowsll Lumbsr j ing rate? I want to call my wife,' Mid? word rifle comes from the Danish Oliver- When ths les msltad. "rlflle," meaning ripple. This fe> C. H. RUNCIMAN S Supply Co A; On her Wth birthday annlver ferred to the groove la the barrel. fsary a Vermont woman remarked Invented by some unknown genius, nrcB wALtcm A friend that you have to buy Call 34 I that these days "a man would have sent the bullet out spinning. Lowell, Michigan Gall 182 Owner and Maeagsr wont be worth what you pay for AS—aa 14IH N. Ml fito be a magician to hide behind a him, no matter what that may I*. woman's skirts." ~G*orgt D, Prsntlce. Try a waat ad. la the Ledger.