Conversation Analysis

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Conversation Analysis Conversation Analysis 153 Conversation Analysis H Mazeland, University of Groningen, Groningen, with the original recording, the transcription enables The Netherlands researchers to examine the forms of language use that ß 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. were available to the participants in the recorded interaction itself. A CA transcription is still readable without consid- Introduction erable expert knowledge. The transcript does not What kinds of social organizations are used as represent speech production at the level of its me- resources when people communicate through talk in chanical reproducibility (the etic approach that is interaction? It is this question that conversation anal- typical of phonetics). Rather, the transcription pro- ysis attempts to answer. Conversation analysis (CA) vides an empirically reliable approximation of the studies the methods participants orient to when they interpretative assemblies that participants in talk are organize social action through talk. It investigates working with (the emic approach). A transcription is rules and practices from an interactional perspective the combined result of carefully listening to how and and studies them by examining recordings of real-life where utterances are produced and the interpretative interactions. work of the transcriber as a competent member of the Although conversation analytic research may be culture under investigation. subsumed in typically linguistic disciplines such as Extract (1) exemplifies this way of transcribing pragmatics, discourse analysis, or (interactional) so- talk. It documents a short episode – just 7 seconds – ciolinguistics, it started in American sociology. In from a Dutch telephone conversation (the original particular, the sociologists Erving Goffman (see text is followed by an English translation in italics): Goffman, Erving (1922–1982)) and Harold Garfinkel prepared the ground in which CA arose – Goffman Extract (1). Telephone call between brothers. Back- with his study of cultural rules and rituals in face-to- ground information: Jan is calling his brother Ton face interaction (Drew and Wootton, 1988), and Gar- from their Rhine barge. Their parents sail a barge as finkel with his investigations into the situated and well. Ton is in the office of the shipping exchange. normative character of shared understanding in ev- Caller Jan is inquiring whether their mother is also at eryday courses of action (Heritage, 1984). Enabled by the shipping exchange. the spread of recording techniques that opened new 54 Jan: mamah, (0.2) is die d’r ook? ways of inspecting interactional data, Harvey Sacks mama (.) is she there too? (y1975) and Emanuel Schegloff established a novel 55 0.4 paradigm for researching the organization of human 56 Ton: HE` ":h? action in and through talk in interaction (Schegloff, huh? 1968; Schegloff and Sacks, 1973; Sacks, 1992) (see 57 (.) Telephone Talk; Sacks, Harvey (1935–1975)). Al- 58 Jan: mama:h though the foundational work in CA focuses on talk mama in conversations, the framework has gradually been 59 0.6 extended to research of other types of talk such as 60 Ton: waa:r medical and clinical interaction, lessons, or news where 61 0.3 interviews. This is why the more general characteri- 62 Jan: is die daa:r? zation ‘talk in interaction’ nowadays is often pre- is she there? ferred over ‘conversation.’ 63 0.3 64 Ton: "hie":r? Studying Transcriptions of Recorded Talk here? 65 (.) In conversation analysis, the investigation begins 66 Jan: j [ah with making an audio and/or video recording of nat- yes urally occurring talk. These recordings are carefully 67 Ton: [nEEj! transcribed according to specific conventions first de- nO! veloped by Gail Jefferson (see Jefferson, 2004). The 68 (.) CA transcription notation is designed for rendering 69 Jan: oh:. 70 0.6 details that contribute to the organization and intelli- gibility of talk. It helps to retain features of prosody In order to be able to read a transcription like this and turn positioning in the transcription. Together one, the reader has to know the conventions. Notice 154 Conversation Analysis first that each speaker contribution – or turn – has a organization of turn taking. Second, the talk in this separate line. This indicates the turn’s chronological fragment is an interactionally coherent exchange of position relative to its predecessor and its successor. communicative actions. The episode starts with a Other notation conventions include: question and it ends with the answer to that question (see lines 54 and 67, respectively). How are we able to . 0.6 The length of silences between and recognize this kind of interactional order in a series of within turns is measured in tenths of utterances? How is it achieved? This question is an- seconds. swered at the level of sequence organization, that is, . (.) A dot between brackets (.) indicates a the way in which participants coordinate actions in short silence of less than 0.2 seconds. series of turns in order to effectuate interactional . [ In the case of simultaneous talk, the projects. onset of the overlapping turn is located by a left square bracket in the over- lapped turn. Turn Design and the Organization of . .,? Aperiod indicates a falling final pitch Turn Taking contour, a comma a slightly rising A remarkable feature of the interaction in extract (1) pitch contour, and a question mark a is that speaker change is coordinated smoothly. Both strongly rising one. interruptions (or other kinds of simultaneous talk) . #" Vertical arrows provide information and gaps are relatively rare. In a seminal paper first about local pitch movements within published in 1974, Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson syllables or at the level of a single syl- formulate these observations in more technical, orga- lable. A downward arrow signals a nizational terms; the participants display an orienta- falling tone movement, an upward tion to minimization of overlap, while at the same arrow a rising one. time, they also orient to minimization of gap. Sacks . word Underlining signals salient stress. and his colleagues account for this fine organizational . wor:d A colon renders a noticeable sound balance by a description of the systematics that stretch. conversationalists orient to when they coordinate . sto- The hyphen is used as a cut-off marker. the organization of turn taking. >faster< This utterance part is produced with The basic organizational problem that participants higher pace than the talk surrounding have to solve each turn anew is to determine when the it. speaker will complete the current turn. The recipient . <slower> The pace is relatively slower. is not only figuring out what the turn is about and . LOud Capitals indicate relative loudness. what the speaker is doing with it, he also has to be . soft The degree sign signals that an utter- alert for the moment it might become his turn to ance part is produced more softly than speak. Recipients anticipate such organizationally re- the surrounding talk. levant moments by building expectations as to what . Áh Hearable inbreath. the utterance underway is going to look like. Turns . hh Hearable aspiration. are produced linearly in real time, but in the course . (guess) The transcriber is uncertain about the of a turn’s production, a recipient can make an in- utterance part between parentheses. formed guess about the structure of the whole unit by Even the transcription of a brief episode such as inspecting – in its environment of use – the part that is the one documented in extract (1) already displays already there. The turn so far provides cues as to how very basic features of talk in interaction. Note, for a the unit underway is constructed and when it will start, how short turns may be. If the reader was possibly be complete. expecting utterances in turns at talk to consist of The building stones of turns are turn constructional complete, well-structured sentences, he will be sur- units (TCUs). Each turn is built with at least one turn prised to find out how little the participants need to constructional unit. The design of a TCU may vary. achieve meaningful verbal interaction. How do they A TCU can be built as a one-word unit, such as the do this? This question will be answered by looking at turns with no more than the words here, yes, or no in two levels of the organization of talk that are central extract (1). Other TCUs have a syntactically more in conversation analytic research: turn taking and elaborate design, such as the interrogative clause ‘is sequence organization. The interaction in extract (1) she there too.’ Depending on the unit type the speaker shows that the participants know where and how to is recognizably using for the construction of a TCU, change the roles of speaker and listener. How they the recipient will make different predictions as to manage this is the subject of the section about the when the ongoing turn may be complete. Conversation Analysis 155 Figure 1 Prosodic analysis of the TCU in lines 321–322 of extract (2). The more complex the unit type is, the more facet- information. Whereas the TCU’s construction type ed the projection of completeness. Compare the ex- ‘nominates’ a place in an ongoing TCU as a syntacti- tract below. Angela begins a TCU with a particular cally plausible point of completeness, prosody can type of subordinate clause ((but) if you get them back, ‘second’ the nomination (Schegloff, 1998). For exam- line 321). This makes the unit underway analyzable ple, a speaker can stretch or reduce the vocalization of as the first part of a compound TCU with an [if ..., the intended last syllable of the turn, or mark it with a then ...] structure. The turn will not be complete until noticeable tone movement such as the falling pitch the speaker has finished the then-part that is projected movement in the last word of Angela’s turn in extract by the if-part: (2).
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