By HELEN K. BURBANK San Bernardino, Your home is just a desert shack Far beyond the dripping fog But your friends all think you envy Them their villas in the smog. They shake their heads in wonder And they cannot understand What it is that keeps you happy In the land of endless sand. So just ask them for a visit Get them up at break of day And then wait for their reactions To the desert's reveille. Will their criticisms vanish? Well, at least they'll be less vocal And perhaps some day they will admil You're not just a stupid yokel. They've been touched by desert magic And some day they'll understand That the desert has a meaning Far beyond the shifting sand.

THE WHIRLWIND By MERLE A. BROWN Piedmont, California Such a lonesome little whirlwind On the desert's vast expanse. Pirouetting prettily In her lovely lissome dance. DESERT NIGHT SONG OF THE SPURS By ELIZABETH LEE SARGENT By NINA O. LANSING Ontario, California St. David, Arizona DESERT LOVE By EVA L. BROWNE Far removed from throbbing highways. A ranch woman knows Las Vegas, Nevada From the mad roar of rushing cars. The song of the spurs The desert offers solitude, Buckled to booted feet; I found my love in a lovely place And quiet peace beneath the stars. The jingly, jangly, breadwinning spurs A meadow the flowers had left; With music in their beat. The trees and rivers had passed it by. No man-made traps for weary feel, Deserted—forlorn—bereft. Nor lurid scenes for tired eyes, She hears them when Only the silent solitude, They accompany There the wind came down from the Walapi, And peace beneath the tranquil sides. A bawling calf at hand, A sword in each hand he came, • • • Bewailing the searing branding iron But he glanced away from love's glowing Burning the owner's hrand. cheek, TRYST And melted his icy flame. By IDA F. COMBESI She hears them, too. Denver, Colorado They sing, they say The dagger plant tipped his weapons with I know cool nights on desert land As horse and rider take off, light, With emerald stars and rising moon; "Pound the leather and uncoil the twine, The cactus his barb had forsworn, A expanse of sun-bleached sand Pile on the loop—and he's caught!" Mesquite and Joshua, spine bedight Where flowers pale in early June. For love, they had hidden their thorn. But the brashest tune The burnish lustred sand I saw Is the tune they play Men called it a desert whose charms were And Joshua trees now bent with age: With raking rowels that ring, few, I drank the brimming cup of awe "Ride that bronc if you're able, Desolate, barren of grace; High—wide an' han'some—Zing, Zing!" Men called it a desert, but oh. I knew And caught the myrrh-sweet breath of sage. Love dwelt in a lovely place! A silent land on any night. Oh jingly, jangly • • • Wearing a robe of soft blue mist Rollickin' spurs, Ranch woman would have you retreat; SILENT GUARDS With gleaming stars like candle light; By FERN GREENWALD DAVIS Within my heart I hold a tryst. The day is so long when you're bucked too long Long Beach, California • • • To her cow-man's booted feet. As shades of blue and purple Bathe distant rugged peaks. DESERT FUN Twilight falls in silence— By MARIE NYEHOLT Only nature speaks. Pico, California It's fun to explore in the desert; As sleep on wings of blackness To prowl through the soft golden sand. Smothers the sunset's glow, It's fun to examine the flowers By TANYA SOUTH Those hills—like knights in armor— That rear their bright heads from the land Unstable is our lot—unsure. Stand guarding the desert below. From day to day some new allure • • • It's exciting to hunt for the driftwood Haunts us. And our endeavors fritter. BRIGHT SENTINEL And minerals and gemstones that hide Change brings so many things to litter In the cascading shade of the canyons. The Pathway to the free and wide. By NELL GRIFFITH WILSON Or that lurk in the shifting sand tide. We lack a concentrated stride. Kenwood, California We lack a fullness in our soul. So rich its flame against the desert sky, It's a glory to drink at the chalice All dedicated to some goal— So clothed in glory like a throne on high. Of the life giving amber gold sun. Some purpose, to unswerving press. It is as if And to feel the swift wing Therein lies Greatness—and Success. A thousand sunsets Of the air as it sings Forever stamped their beauty It's a wonderful place to have fun! On the cliff. DESERT MAGAZINE DESERT CRLEIlDflR May 30-June 17—Southwest Archi- tecture Exhibition, Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff. June 1—Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, opens evening sessions for public on alternate Fridays. Ad- mission by tickets obtainable free of charge at Chamber of Commerce or at Observatory Library. June 1-3—Kids' Rodeo, Otero County Fairgrounds, Alamogordo, N. M. June 1-15—Second Annual Art Show, sponsored by Rodeo de Santa Fe, Volume 19 JUNE, 1956 Number 6 Museum of New Mexico Art Gal- lery, Santa Fe. June 2—Park Lake Day and Fishing COVER Lurt Knee, Guide and Uranium Prospector. (See Derby, Santa Rosa, New Mexico. June 2-3—Morongo Valley, Califor- story page 15.) By JOSEF MUENCH nia, Annual Spanish Fiesta at the POETRY Prescription and other poems 2 Morongo Lodge. CALENDAR June 3—Corpus Christi Sunday, Out- June events on the desert 3 door Religious Processions from HISTORY Charcoal—The West's Forgotten Industry St. Francis Cathedral and Cristo Rey Church, Santa Fe, New Mex- By NELL MURBARGER 4 ico; and Ouadalupe Church and DESERT QUIZ A test of your desert knowledge 8 Old Mission, Taos and Ranchos de CONTROVERSY Taos. Long-Eared Problem Child of the Desert June 7-9—Murray, Utah, Rodeo. By RUSS LEADABRAND 10 WATER June 9-10—Carson Valley Days, Min- Seventeen Palms, by WALTER FORD .... 13 den, Nevada. FIELD TRIP June 10—Tour to Grave of Eugene Petrified Forests in Utah's Circle Cliffs Manlove Rhodes, Alamogordo, New By RANDALL HENDERSON 15 Mexico. EXPERIENCE June 10—Procession of La Conquis- One-Eyed Snake of Betatakin tadora from St. Francis Cathedral By LOLITA ALICE OLAINE 19 FORECAST to Rosario Chapel, Santa Fe, New Southwest river runoff predictions 20 Mexico. NATURE June 10-17—New Mexico Girls' State, Poisonous Desert Plants Albuquerque. By EDMUND C. JAEGER 21 June 11-16 — Nevada Boys' State, CLOSE-UPS Reno. GARDENING About those who write for Desert 22 June 12—St. Anthony's Procession Summer Garden Zinnias, Marigolds after Vespers, La Loma, Taos, New Mexico. PRE-HISTORY By RUTH REYNOLDS 23 June 13—San Antonio Corn Dance, DESERT LIVING Inscription House, by JOHN L. BLACKFORD . . 25 Taos Pueblo, New Mexico. Cor- doba and various other northern We Use the Sun to Heat Our Water New Mexico rural communities LETTERS By JENNELLA ROBERTSON 26 will celebrate Feast of San Antonio de Padua. Fiesta at Sandia; Dance CONTEST Comment from Desert's readers 28 at San lldefonso. FICTION Picture-of-the-Month Contest announcement . . 28 June 15—Junior Rodeo, Globe, Ariz. June 15-17—9th Annual New Mexico NEWS Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley 29 State Championship High School MINING From here and there on the desert 30 Rodeo, Santa Rosa, New Mexico. Current news of desert mines 35 June 16—Desert Catalpa Club Hos- URANIUM pitality Day, Lenwood, Barstow, HOBBY Progress of the mining boom 36 California. LAPIDARY Gems and Minerals 39 June 16-17—Navajo Roundup, Win- dow Rock, Arizona. COMMENT Amateur Gem Cutter, by DR. H. C. DAKE . . 45 June 16-17—Kearny Entrada, Raton, BOOKS Just Between You and Me, by the Editor ... 46 New Mexico. June 18-22 — Nevada Girls' State, PHOTOGRAPHY Reviews of Southwestern Literature .... 47 Reno. Pictures of the Month Back cover June 20-23—Annual Strawberry Days, Pleasant Grove, Utah. The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc., Palm Desert, June 23-24—Lions Club All Indian California. Re-entered as second class matter July 17, 1948, at the postoffice at Palm Desert, Rodeo, Gallup, New Mexico. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office, June 24—Annual Fiesta and Cere- and contents copyrighted 1956 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce contents monial Dances, San Juan Pueblo, must be secured from the editor in writing. New Mexico. Corn Dances at Taos RANDALL HENDERSON, Editor EUGENE L. CONROTTO, Associate Editor and Acoma Pueblos. BESS STACY, Business Manager EVONNE RIDDELL, Circulation Manager June 25-July 6 — Southwest Writers' Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned or acknowledged Workshop, Arizona State College, unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for Flagstaff. Phyllis and Weldon damage or loss of manuscripts or photographs although due care will be exercised. Sub- Heald, directors. scribers should send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding issue. June 27-30—Rodeo, Miniature Par- SUBSCRIPTION RAXES ade and Stock Parade, Lehi, Utah. One Year $4.00 Two Years $7.00 June 29-30—Vernal, Utah, Amateur Canadian Subscriptions 25c Extra, Foreign 50c Extra Rodeo. Subscriptions to Army Personnel Outside U. S. A. Must Be Mailed in Conformity With June 29-July 1—Rodeo, Elko, Nev. P. 0. D. Order No. 19687 Address Correspondence to Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, California

JUNE, 1956 Charcoal kilns near the ghost town of Frisco, Utah. CHARCOAL The West's Forgotten Industry

NEVADA, August Between 1860 and 1880, when double decades between 1860 and 11, 1879 — Two thousand countless boomcamps were pro- 1880. It was an industry so profitable persons, banded together, and ducing silver, there came into be- and powerful that in the space of com- with arms in their possession, defied ing in the West a gigantic industry paratively few years it poured into the the civil authorities and refused to without the aid of which the fabu- pockets of operators inestimable mil- have any of their number arrested. lous era of the silver moguls would lions of dollars, and by its strangle- They now hold forcible possession of never have been realized. Even hold on the smelter fires of the West, many coal pits in this county. By force then little heralded and now virtu- cast over the entire structure of West- they have prevented, and are now pre- ally unknown, charcoal produc- ern mining a menacing pall and con- venting, the owners of charcoal from tion was a powerful, lusty business. stant threat. hauling it to their furnaces, and they Here is the story of that wasteful Reviled, greedy, troublesome, waste- threaten to destroy other property and venture which literally swept the ful and corrupt—it still was the Grand burn the town. Arrests have been re- West like a blazing forest fire. Panjandrum industry of the West and sisted by the rioters, who are well when the smelter operators of Eureka armed, and organized under the com- By NELL MURBARGER united in slashing the price they would mand of desperate leaders." Photographs by the author pay for a bushel of charcoal to 21 Vz When Governor Kinkead read this cents instead of the 30 cents they had message from Sheriff Kyle and County been paying, on the grounds that min- Commission Chairman B. J. Turner The Fish Creek War was on—and ing conditions no longer enabled them of Eureka, he immediately called into all over the price of charcoal. to pay the higher price, the trouble active service a force of state militia The supplying of fuel to the boom began. and ordered them to the stricken city. camp smelters was big business in the The Charcoal Burners Association,

DESERT MAGAZINE numbering several thousand men in was scorned by every man from the to burn to a certain degree before be- Eureka alone, rejected the reduction, gamblers and saloon keepers who ing smothered with earth, the cargo refused to permit further deliveries of greedily seized his purse, to the muck- of such a pit would smolder flamelessly charcoal to the plants, and, on August ers and mill-men whose very liveli- for 15 to 20 days before finally burn- 11, forcibly took possession of the hoods depended upon his continued ing itself out. One firing in a pit of town. labors. this size would produce from 2500 to When the well-armed militia ar- Sweeping over the West like a pesti- 3500 bushels of charcoal—the black rived a lull in the fighting ensued until lence, leaving behind it tens of thou- porous residue of wood from which August 18 when a posse of nine men, sands of acres stripped of timber, the all organic matter has been burned, headed by Deputy Sheriff J. B. Simp- charcoal industry also left in its wake leaving only pure, or nearly pure, car- son, attacked a coal pit on Fish Creek, a black record of bloodshed, racial bon. Fed into the smelter furnaces in 30 miles south of Eureka, and in a strife and corruption, as well as whole admixture with the ore and certain one-sided battle killed five of the coal Indian tribes rendered hostile and fluxing materials, and re-ignited under burners, seriously wounded six others threatened by starvation through ruth- forced draught, this charcoal-carbon and took several prisoners. None of less destruction of the nut-pine groves burned without smoke and produced the law men suffered damage except which, for untold centuries, had pro- an intense white heat—much hotter to their reputations—the posse being vided their mainstay of life. than could be realized from any type criticized rather freely for the tactics In these days of the electric furnace, of wood in which organic matter still employed. The battle, nevertheless, capable of volatilizing any known sub- was present. had the effect of ending the war. stance, it is impossible to appreciate The practice of dealing in charcoal Charcoal burning was not an exalted the important industrial role played by by the bushel unit prevailed through- calling. Except for the men in charge charcoal in the last 5000 years. out the West. A bushel of charcoal of operations, it was work that de- Following the custom established had a bulk of 1.59 cubic feet, and manded neither skill nor exceptional generations before in the Old World, weighed from 16 to 20 pounds, de- intelligence, and those so employed the first charcoal produced commer- pending on the species of wood used were looked upon as the dregs of the cially in the West was burned in pits and quality of the finished product. Western labor barrel. Receiving less —the beehive-type kilns being still un- One cord of green wood—four feet than half the wage paid to common developed. high, four feet wide and eight feet mine laborers, the charcoal camp em- The pits were of various sizes. A long—yielded by pit-burning, approxi- ployee lived in crude hovels or dugouts, large pit might hold as much as 100 mately 25 bushels of 'coal. under bad conditions of sanitation and cords of green wood, generally pinyon Price was contingent upon several health; and in the towns where he pine, juniper, mountain mahogany or factors—quality, hauling distance be- squandered his weekly $10 wage, he quaking aspen. Ignited and allowed tween pit and smelter, and that most

Charcoal from this stone and brick kiln was used in Native stone kiln that once supplied charcoal to Tybo Iron City, Utah, iron smelters. and Hot Springs, Nye County, Nevada.

JUNE, 1956 basic of all criterions—supply and de- ing six weeks of 1872, Ruby Consoli- mand. the mining country, it may be imag- dated Co., at Eureka, used 59 bushels ined what was happening to the tree Lowest quoted price for charcoal I to each ton. For a three-month period crop. have found in thousands of old mining in 1872, Bristol & Daggett Smelter at reports and cost records, is the eight- Silver and lead mines of the South- Bingham Canyon, Utah, also used 59 west were situated in arid desert-type cents-a-bushel rate paid by Oregon bushels to the ton; and Winnamuck Iron Works, near Portland, in 1867— country having little or no merchan- Furnaces, in Utah, used charcoal to a table timber and that was far more a price that would have yielded only value of $24.45 for every ton of ore two dollars for cutting an entire cord valuable for construction purposes and smelted—56 percent of the entire cost mine timbering than for charcoal. of wood, processing it into charcoal, of their smelting operation. and delivering it to the plant! The lash of the charcoal woodcut- During the balmier years of its oper- ters, consequently, fell upon the small Lead smelters at Oreana, Nevada, at ation the Eureka Consolidated Mining that same time, were paying an exor- juniper and pinyon pine trees. Mature Company consumed charcoal at the specimens may be no more than a bitant 65 cents a bushel for their char- average rate of 4600 bushels daily. dozen feet in height, with trunks a coal. As importation of charcoal from Throughout the year the company foot in diameter, and eight or 10 cords better wooded areas became feasible maintained a stockpile of 120,000 of wood to the acre is about the most through arrival of the railroad in 1868, bushels—only 30 days' supply—and they yield. Oreana's profiteering charcoal contrac- the superintendent's report on Septem- Thus, each filling of a single large tors found it necessary to slash their ber 30, 1872, lists the value of charcoal demands to 25 cents a bushel—about charcoal pit required the total tree then on hand as $150,665.92. Rich- crop from 10 or 12 acres of land, and the average price paid throughout the mond Consolidated, also of Eureka, West. when such lands were set upon by the had 215,000 bushels of charcoal on swinging axes of the woodcutters, their Even at 25 cents, charcoal repre- hand—enough to supply their opera- small brush-timber disappeared almost sented the smelter's largest single item tion for 46 days. By 1874 this com- as fast as if swept by forest fire! of expense. That outlay varied widely pany also was using 4600 bushels from one mine to another, and from daily, and during the 22 month period Evidence of the rapidity with which year to year—the quantity of charcoal from March, 1873, to January, 1875, the Western desert hills were denuded required being contingent upon refrac- expended for charcoal the staggering is contained in two government reports. toriness of the ore, quality of the 'coal sum of $880,000. At their peak of In Statistics of Mines and Mining in and skill of the operator. production, the dozen furnaces at Eu- the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains, Rossiter W. Ray- Lead-silver smelters at Eureka, Ne- reka were purchasing $600,000 worth of charcoal monthly! mond proclaimed in 1872: "The wood vada, for example, ordinarily required for 10 miles around Eureka has been about 30 bushels of charcoal to reduce With this same situation, in greater used up in a little over a year—thus one ton of ore; but during the conclud- or lesser degree, prevailing throughout the question of fuel becomes, at once, a very important one." Dr. F. G. Tagert of Austin, Nevada, examines the excellently-wrought Three years later, the Appendix to masonry of one of the six charcoal kilns at Ward. Journals of Senate and Assembly, 1th Session, stated: "The timber in the vicinity of Eureka is fast disappearing. The coal burners have stripped the hills and mountains within a radius of 25 miles, so that the supply of fuel for smelting purposes is a very important one in making an estimate on the future mining prosperity of this county. Charcoal . . . must be obtained from some other source very soon, or the furnaces must be stopped . . . Should the charcoal rates advance within the next month or two, a crisis is immin- ent . . ." The situation in some sections of the desert became so drastic woodcut- ters were seizing upon almost any •••'•• •• 'If vegetation available. At White Hills, Arizona, even the spongy Joshua tree •••'• ;1. • ' •; 4,-. was pressed into service, and silver • •••• .' * ' smelters at Candelaria and Tuscarora, Nevada, were fed with charcoal burned from sagebrush. So slow and tedious was this operation that at one time more men were working in Tuscarora's charcoal camps than in all the mines and mills of that silver-rich district.

^ This growing shortage of fuel ma- terials was responsible, in large meas- ure, for a transition that began creep- ing into the charcoal industry about 1870. Where, previously, all charcoal was burned in earthen pits, the new trend

DESERT MAGAZINE Burning Charcoal, Early Industries Case, Knox Hall of Civilization, Buffalo Museum of Science. Primitive manufacturing arose largely from accidental dis- covery. Modern industry is based upon scientific knowledge. Photo by C. E. Simmons. was to beehive-type kilns, stoutly con- to a subsequent fire. The above yield, on their fuel costing them about one- structed of stone or brick. Offsetting it is seen, is far higher than can be half the usual rates. A force of 20 the original cost of $500 to $1000 obtained in a common charcoal pit." men were employed about three each, was the fact that such kilns As effectiveness of the beehive kiln months in building the kilns." could be used almost indefinitely, and became apparent, they began sprouting If the kilns were superior to the by producing charcoal of a much in groups of three, five, 10; and every- pit-method of burning, it was, indeed, higher quality and with less dross than where built, they were at once a point a fortuitous circumstance, for the situ- was possible in pit-burning, the resul- of local interest. On September 2, ation in many parts of the mining coun- tant saving in fuel material soon would 1877, the Eureka Sentinel reported: try was becoming drastic. A squeeze repay the initial cost of construction. "Henry Allen, the well-known con- play had developed, with the mills and I have encountered no authenticated tractor of Eureka, has just finished a smelters in the middle. As surface ores record of beehive charcoal kilns being work of considerable magnitude at were depleted and the mines deepened, used in the West prior to 1872. In the Hot Creek. Last summer he was em- production became more costly; and summer of that year, according to ployed by Tybo Consolidated Co. to as exhaustion of timber resources Raymond's report published in 1873, build 15 kilns in which the company forced upon the charcoal contractors Sultana Smelting Works, in American proposed to burn the charcoal neces- an ever-lengthening haul, the price de- Fork Canyon, Utah, had in operation sary to supply their furnaces at Tybo. manded for charcoal crept slowly but 12 kilns, with three more soon to be He finished the work about a week ago, steadily upward. This situation lead built. and some idea of its magnitude may directly to the Fish Creek war. "They have the shape of an aid be gathered from the fact that 600,000 Another charcoal war, marked by fashioned bee hive," wrote Raymond. bricks were used in building the kilns. less bloodshed and more humor, fol- "A diameter of 23 feet at the base, They are oval in shape, having a di- lowed the importation of Chinese coo- and a height of 20 feet. There is a ameter of 25 feet. Each one has a lie woodcutters to a charcoal camp charge door near the top in the back capacity of 1400 bushels, turning out near Tybo, Nevada. side, and a discharging door in front, that quantity of coal to each charge, Because they would work more level with the ground. A kiln holds the operation consuming five days. A cheaply, Chinese laborers, in most 25 cords of wood, and the time for great economy of time results from mining camps of the Great Basin area, burning is 12 days; 38 to 48 bushels of these kilns, instead of burning in the were about as welcome as the plague. good, solid charcoal are produced per old-fashioned way, and as the com- Therefore, when charcoal burners with cord of wood, or from 950 to 1200 pany owns a vast quantity of wood in a contract to supply several million bushels per day. Brands are returned the immediate vicinity, they calculate bushels of fuel to the Two-G Mining

JUNE, 1956 Co., imported a large gang of coolies camp. To the tune of cracking bull- the still-jittery Celestials were ordered to perform the labor, white workmen whips, pistol shots and drunken curses to resume work, and throughout that united in protest. they sent the Orientals fleeing for their day discharged their duties under the Assembling on street corners and lives. Morning found the charcoal con- combined threat and protection of in saloons, small knots of muttering tractors scouting the nearby hills for loaded Winchesters. whites congregated in a roaring mob their scattered woodcutters. Driven Nightfall brought another conclave and stormed the sleeping charcoal back to the kilns, virtually at gunpoint, of miners bristling with guns and in- dignation. In deference to the armed guards, still vigilantly patrolling the One of the goals of Desert Magazine is to charcoal camp and its environs, the give its readers a better acquaintance with original plan to "clean out the Chinks" Desert Quiz: the history, geography, minerals, botany, lost some of its fire, and the contractors Indian lore and the recreational opportunities in the desert country. And were given 24 hours in which to get probably no part of each monthly issue contributes more to this end than rid of the Chinamen. the monthly quiz. You can always learn something new from this page. When end of this grace period found Ten correct answers is very good for a tenderfoot. Those who answer 15 them still cutting wood under protec- correctly are eligible to become honorary members of the fraternity of tion of the rifle-armed guards, another Desert Rats. When you average 18 or more you become a Sand Dune ultimatum was issued: Either the Sage. The answers are on page 42. Chinese leave camp before another 1—If you were equipping your car for desert roads where there is likely nightfall, or both they and their em- to be heavy sand, the least important item in your kit would be— ployers would be ridden out of town Water Jack Tire chains Shovel on rails. 2—After mining and processing, quicksilver is shipped in—Pigs White laborers, by this time, were Flasks Bags Kegs so thoroughly aroused that wholesale 3—Ruth, Nevada, is well known for its—Famous caves Prehis- bloodshed would have been inevitable toric cliff dwellings Volcanic crater Open pit copper had not the Chinese offered to leave mining peacibly in exchange for stage fare to Eureka, 100 miles distant, and pas- 4—Which one of the following words is not a synonym for the others— sage money was supplied quickly by Arroyo Wash Escarpment Wadi Tybo's Anti-Asiatic League. 5—The Colorado River tributary which Major Wm. Powell named the Dirty Devil is now known as—Fremont River Virgin Meanwhile the charcoal industry San Juan Escalante was eating itself out of the land. Smel- ters at Eureka, to cite only one mining 6—The Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial is held annually in August at— center out of hundreds, were consum- Gallup Albuquerque Santa Fe Window Rock ing 1,200,000 bushels of charcoal an- 7—According to legend, those who drink of the waters of the Hassayampa nually—the total tree crop from over River will—Live to a ripe old age Always have good luck 5000 acres of juniper-pinyon woodland Become bald-headed Never again tell the truth. —and the hills were completely de- 8—Cochise was a famous—Apache Indian Yuma Navajo__ nuded of wood in a 35-mile radius. Papago But whether the smelter operators 9—Color of the Joshua Tree blossom is — Orange Creamy liked it or not the handwriting was on white Blue Lavender the wall. The only answer was coke; 10—On Highway 66 near Winslow, Arizona, the motorist crosses the— and with retooling, experimentation Bill Williams River Rio Grande Verde River Little and increased skill in both coking and Colorado River smelting, the transition was gradually 11—Historically, the Jayhawkers are associated with—Trek across Death —but grudgingly—made. Valley Navigation of the Colorado River The Apache As each smelter, in turn, discon- wars The Mormon migration to Utah tinued the use of charcoal and con- 12—Charleston peak is located in—Arizona Nevada New verted to coke, erstwhile woodchop- Mexico Utah pers and charcoal burners drifted to 13—Hardest of the following minerals is—Chalcedony Calcite other jobs, many of them to the coal Obsidian Topaz fields of Utah and Wyoming. So the 14—To Reach Palm Canyon from Palm Springs, California, one travels— conversion, at last, was completed. South West North East With the last charge of wood laid 15—The University of Arizona is located in—Phoenix Tempe in the great stone ovens, and the last Tucson Prescott fire grown cold, the desert wind and 16—The historically famous Hole-in-the-Rock crossing on the Colorado brush moved in to erase the black River was used by—The Escalante Expedition Mormon set- scars of the charcoal camps, and Na- tlers California '49er gold seekers Kearny's Army of the ture reclothed the land laid waste. West Many of the old beehive kilns are 17—Galleta is the common name of a desert — Grass. Tree still standing. The best ovens I have Lizard— Bird seen are those near the old ghost town 18—Dr. H. H. Nininger is widely known in the scientific world as an of Ward, Nevada, 18 miles south of authority on—Paleontology Cacti Meteorites Arid Ely. Six in number, these kilns are land farming larger than average—being 30 feet in 19—Rawhide is a ghost mining camp in—Nevada California height, with a floor diameter of 27 Arizona New Mexico feet, and walls two feet in thickness 20—Telescope Peak is in the—Funeral Mountains San Francisco at the base. Five of the 80-year-old Mountains Panamint Mountains White Mountains ovens are preserved perfectly, the top of the sixth showing some deteriora- DESERT MAGAZINE T/ie !/>ye o/ coke by Southwest smelters ended the charcoal era. This Arizona Pioneers' Historical Society photograph shows a coke team between Bisbee and St. Davids in 1886.

tion. Built of random stone, square- against an iron frame set into the purchased today—and for more than faced to the exterior, with dressed stone doorway, thereby effecting a seal 60 years, miners and ranchers in that stone forming the frames of the charge nearly airtight. All air necessary to vicinity have drawn upon this charcoal and discharge doors, the gracefully- control the burning process was sup- bank for fuel to fire the forges used arched stone roofs of these kilns—like plied through a series of small vents in sharpening their tools and drill steel. those of most charcoal ovens—derive built into the kiln wall. In other ways, as well, the kilns have their sole support from the highly skill- The yards around most of the old been of use to man. All have been ful manner in which their stones are kilns are still scattered with fragments used as storm shelters by horses, cat- fitted together. of jet-black charcoal, which is recog- tle and sheep; and many have provided I doubt if many stone masons of nized as one of the most imperishable temporary havens for blizzard-threat- today possess the masterly technique of all man-processed materials. A few ened desert wayfarers. necessary to erect such'a structure, kilns are known to have been aban- But such uses, of course, are only completely without mortar or struc- doned with their last charge still intact. transient and incidental. The real tural steel reinforcing—yet these fine In a remote section of the Stone Cabin old kilns have been standing solidly worth of the old charcoal ovens is range, northeast of Tonopah, Nevada, their historical function in reminding since shortly after the Civil War, and several kilns which supplied the smel- for more than 60 years of that time present-day Americans of a now-van- ters at Tybo, were left packed with ished industry, without which the great have known virtually no maintenance their final charge—charcoal as excel- or repair. silver and lead bonanzas of the early lent in quality as any that may be West could not have been harvested. Most charcoal kilns in the West were built of native stone, but occa- sionally brick or brick-and-stone kilns Rock and adobe kiln built at Gold Hill, Utah, 65 years ago. are encountered. At the ghost town of Iron City, Utah, second point west of the Missis- sippi River where native iron ore was smelted, stands a perfectly preserved kiln and the remains of two others, all built of random stone for the lower two-thirds, and brick for the upper third. Thirteen badly deteriorated charcoal kilns at Tennessee Pass, Colo- rado, were constructed entirely of brick; and two groups of kilns I have visited—at Gold Hill, Utah, and Cot- tonwood Canyon, Inyo County, Cali- lijjlfSijp fornia—were built of adobe. All the many kilns I have examined follow the same basic pattern—bee- hive in form, with an interior floor diameter of 20 to 30 feet. Near the top of each kiln is a charge door for receiving wood, and at ground level a wmtsm discharge door for removing the char- •', :...-,oi.. coal—both openings fitted, originally with heavy iron doors which closed

JUNE, 1956 Long-Eared Problem Child of the Desert

Should wild burros be rigidly protected or ruthlessly destroyed? There are plenty of argu- ments for and against both, of these extreme points of view. Here is a current review of the controversy and of the burro—the problem child of the desert Southwest.

By RUSS LEADABRAND Photographs by W. H. Ringe

behind by prospectors but those feral burros in northeastern California des- cend from sheepherders' animals. This latter breed, according to the Fish and Game experts, are bigger and huskier than their desert cousins. Even as late as World War II bur- ros were being released in the desert. Healthy, well-fed burro. Burros have cross marks on their In the middle 1940s a geological sur- backs (black line on spine and shoulder), said to date back vey team working in the Saline Valley to the day Jesus placed his hand on the burro that carried area of Inyo County abandoned a herd him to Jerusalem. of burros there. Today an estimated 2500 wild bur- ros roam the California desert areas, EVERAL YEARS AGO during burro is entitled to respect and pro- and irregular checks by the Game an exploration expedition into tection. Management branch of the Fish and S the badlands of the Coso Range Others hold the view that the burro Game Department indicate that the of Southern California I saw my first in reverting to the wild, is taking the burro population is on the increase. herd of wild burros. forage that properly belongs to the So rapidly is the wild burro herd There were 40 or more animals in native wildlife of the region—the deer gaining that both the Fish and Game the group—jacks, jennies and young- and the mountain sheep—and if there people and representatives of the Na- sters of all sizes. They all looked is not browse enough for both of them, tional Park Service have voiced con- healthy and well fed. They were wild the burro must be controlled. The fact cern over the possible effect the bur- but curious enough to let us get within that the burro is a canny little crea- geoning burro population will have on camera range. ture that can fend for itself better than the delicate balance of Nature. A few weeks later I was shocked some of the original natives, merely The plight of the wild burro at- when I read in a desert area news- serves to aggravate this attitude. tracted considerable attention shortly paper that a number of the animals Spanish explorers brought the first after the war when the jeep opened had been found shot. This report and of these North Africa natives to the up the desert. subsequent accounts of wanton atro- New World where they were used as Unfortunately some of these new cities against the long-eared creatures pack animals. desert explorers could not resist shoot- prompted me to investigate the wild Early Western prospectors discov- ing at everything on the desert that burro situation. ered they could go just about any- moved. They used small caliber rifles, It was like poking down a hornet's where with the burro. These solitary pistols and bows and arrows and their nest with a short stick for no one on adventurers prowled every inch of the targets many times were the peaceful the desert is neutral when it comes to desert looking for mineral wealth. wild burros. wild burros. Some of those that made bonanza Desert residents began finding The battle lines are not clearly strikes gave full credit to their burro wounded, crippled and dead burros in drawn, but the opposing opinions can companions. increasing numbers throughout the be condensed into these views: The California Fish and Game De- back country. One faction feels that the burro partment states that the wild burros Wild burros were not protected by helped make the West what it is today. roaming the Colorado and Mojave law except that a sentence in the Fish In consideration of past services, the Deserts are descendants of animals left and Game Code made it unlawful to

DESERT MAGAZINE kill a burro if the meat was to be used £#« for animal food. WMsB$W£ Law enforcement officers found it impossible to apprehend the many back country butchers who killed and life chopped up hundreds of the animals and sold the meat to Southern Califor- nia fox and lion farms. These repeated depredations at- tracted the attention of conservation- ists, animal lovers and doughty desert folks and they protested vigorously. It was not until May 11, 1953, how- ever, following an unfortunate and quickly repudiated news release by the Fish and Game Department advo- cating burro hunting—that the "Burro Bill," supported by senators Charles Brown of Shoshone and Jess R. Dor- sey of Bakersfield, became a law. This legislation, Section 1403 of the In some parts of the Southwest, burros are still used to herd sheep. California Fish and Game Code, made it illegal to kill any undomesticated burro. law our duty would require us to elim- water so badly stock will not drink The conservationists were pleased inate every last burro in Death Valley from such spots. They also complain with the bill except for a clause limit- National Monument. that rampaging jacks have killed calves ing it for only two years. "We have been unable to do so for on the desert ranges. In spite of the 1953 law, reports of two reasons, public sentiment and the Burro supporters strongly deny this, burro atrocities continued to come out fact that the burro population is always but the rugged jacks have reputations of the desert country. Many of them on the move, in and out of the Monu- as fierce fighters. There are few adult originated in the Panamint Valley area ment. Outside the Monument boun- male burros that do not show some of Inyo County. daries they are protected by the same evidence of righting—a missing ear, These slaughters and a report of laws that protect all wild creatures." scarred heads and shoulders or the poisoning of 60 burros near Rands- Death Valley National Monument wounded flanks. burg aroused much public wrath. Superintendent Fred W. Binnewies told Game management officials in sev- At the height of public sentiment for me that he takes exception to the 1939 eral Southwestern states report that the protection of the burro, news that sheep survey report issued by the Cali- bighorn sheep have been driven from the National Park Service was killing fornia Fish and Game Magazine. their ranges because of the reckless burros in Death Valley National Mon- He points out that a new, current way the burro treats the public water- ument became public. bighorn survey in the National Monu- holes. The National Park Service explained ment has uncovered evidence that big- Fred L. Jones, former assistant game that the barren mountains of the Na- horn sheep and burros are equally biologist of the California Department tional Monument are home to both guilty of fouling desert water holes. A of Fish and Game asserts that the burro the feral burro and the bighorn sheep. 1952 report by the Arizona Fish and places such heavy pressure on the In a 1939 survey of the bighorn sheep Game Commission strongly hints that range the desirable forage plants are population it was reported that there burros have driven bighorn sheep away killed. was considerable competition between from certain mountain areas. "These forage plants are the ones the burro and sheep for water. Binnewies reiterates, however, that that bighorn sheep, quail, chukar part- The wild burro is an uninvited guest the Park Service will favor the sheep if ridge and other birds and mammals to the desert, the Park Service decided, they have to make a choice between depend upon for survival. In some and it declared in favor of the sheep. the two animals. cases, high burro populations have In a recent issue of Pacific Discovery "If the burro population gets out of seriously depleted or completely de- the Park Service's feeling is summed hand we will have to treat it the same stroyed the range, not only for other up by former Death Valley National as we would any other intruding spe- creatures but for themselves as well. Monument naturalist L. Floyd Keller: cies," Binnewies said. "There are areas in which burros "Ten years ago there were 500 "There are no burros in the moun- are heavily utilizing creosote bush, a Nelson's bighorn sheep in the Death tains in the Funeral Range on the east plant that is absolutely zero in value Valley region. Today there is perhaps side of Death Valley now. We want as forage. Nothing else is known to only half that number. Ten years ago to try to keep it that way for there eat it, even as a starvation diet. Ac- there were 1000 burros in the same are a number of sheep in that region," ceptance of it by burros reflects a very area. Today, in spite of drastic meas- he added. severely depleted range condition with ures to reduce their number, there are Binnewies gave no indication that the accompanying disappearance of still 1000 burros in the area. large scale slaughter of the burros is native wildlife species. "Since the burros feed over the en- even being considered by the Park "The situation at water holes is even tire range and tend to crowd out other Service. He said the Service was en- more drastic," Jones pointed out. forms of animal life, they must be con- gaged in a "wait and see" attitude to- "Burros completely devastate the trolled before they gain exclusive pos- ward the long-eared clan. surrounding area both by feeding and session of the park. The finger of guilt for fouling water- trampling. Birds require cover around "The burros are thinned out by holes is being pointed at the feral bur- water holes so that they can drink with shooting. As to the extent of the pro- ro from several other sources. protection from predators. gram, if we obeyed the letter of the Cattlemen insist that burros muddy "In many areas burros have criss-

JUNE, 1956 11 taken from the desert, tamed and made into admirable pets. This practice is prohibited now by the newest Califor- nia burro law. Burros may be taken for pets only upon licensing by the state Department of Agriculture. Only 12 such permits can be issued each year by the state. Conservationists have not relented in their attempts to improve the wild bur- ro's lot. Men like W. H. Ringe of Flintridge, California, hammer away at law makers and beat the pro-burro drums in public. Ringe feels that unscrupulous pet food canners are still using burro meat. He's trying to get legislative support for a Many burros are used throughout the nation as suaate animals )or cnuaren. bill that would make it mandatory for Capture of wild burros for this purpose is prohibited without license. pet food canners to list burro meat whenever it is an ingredient. Perhaps the most realistic summa- crossed steep hillsides with their wide population would starve in the Saline tion of the wild burro problem was told trails. These trails serve as avenues Valley region in a matter of years and me by Fred Jones, state biologist: for the downhill movement of the soil. before they would starve the burros In the desert, soil is a scarce commod- "The burro should be managed so would wander back into Death Valley as to insure its continued existence. ity. The density and character of the in search of food. "In order to fit it smoothly and vegetation is linked directly with soil In the third place the Saline Valley conditions. without conflict into the complicated region is being coveted by the Navy network of interrelationships existing "A serious aspect of any range de- as an extension of its desert empire. among our native species, a sound pletion in desert areas is the extremely It is not likely that the Navy would background of factual information slow recovery rate of native vegetation, care to share the region with the state's should be used as the basis for man- even under complete protection from entire burro population. agement. the depleting agent. The recovery rate The suggested Panamint Mountain of this desert plant cover is so slow "Total protection is no more the area as a sanctuary for the animals answer than was non-controlled hunt- that even under favorable conditions, would be quickly vetoed by the Na- ing. it may take more than a lifetime to tional Park Service. "The burro is an exotic, true, but return to a favorable vegetative pic- Thus it would seem that the wild ture," Jones concluded. so are chukar partridges and ring- burro is unloved and unwanted by necked pheasants. The mere fact of In the face of such evidence against everyone on the desert. the burro plus the continuing atrocities being an alien does not disqualify one by week-end desert gunmen, the burro Which, of course, is not true for the from becoming a valuable and desir- supporters last year suggested that a wild burro, pesky as he is, represents able citizen. burro sanctuary be established some- a real and colorful page in the South- "The burro is here to stay, and we where in the California desert. west's history. welcome his presence as an interesting Senator Brown proposed Saline Val- Hundreds of the animals have been addition to the desert family." ley, a vast desert area immediately west of Death Valley in Inyo County. Saline Valley has few roads of egress ARIZONA WITHOUT SEAPORT ratification on one of these. The others and is sparsely populated. BECAUSE CONGRESS SKIMPED would automatically be cancelled. But there were obvious drawbacks The recent announcement by Ari- To the dismay of today's Arizonans, to such a proposition. zona Governor McFarland of the cre- our congress on June 30, 1854, ac- In the first place the California burro ation of a quasi-official seaport author- cepted the least desirable of the three population is well scattered—there are ity to study the possibilities of bringing options. It was the cheapest one. The between 500 and 1000 in Death Val- ocean-going vessels up the Colorado U.S. purchased 45,535 square miles of ley National Monument. Most of these to Yuma has brought into focus de- territory south of the Gila for $10 are in the Panamint Mountains. The velopments of a hundred years ago million. Inyokern Naval Ordnance Test Range which robbed the state of an outlet to For $25,000,000, Mexico offered to supports a burro population of about the sea. sell all that land north of 30-degrees 500 animals. These live on the salt James Gadsden had been appointed N. Latitude from the Rio Grande to flats immediately south of the Coso by President Pierce as a special minis- the Gulf of California, including all of Range and elsewhere in the Coso and ter to Mexico for the purpose of buy- Baja California. This would have Argus Ranges. The Chocolate Moun- ing land south of the Gila River. The made the border a straight line 70 tains Naval Gunnery Range has at U.S. needed room for wagon roads miles south of the present boundary least 500 wild burros. The remaining and a warm-weather railroad route to at Nogales. 500 to 1000 estimated California des- California. Following the Mexican The other option was sale of land ert burros roam all though the back War thousands of gold seekers going north of a line approximately 20 miles country. to California traveled the southern south of Nogales, and extending di- It would be a near-impossible job bank of the Gila, then Mexican terri- rectly west to the Gulf of California. to round them all up. tory. Total cost: $15,000,000, or $5,000,- Could the Saline Valley area support On December 30, 1853, Gadsden 000 more than was paid for the area such a burro herd if they could be completed three treaties with Mexico purchased. — Bert Fireman in the placed there? Some say the growing and returned to Washington to obtain Phoenix Gazette VI DESERT MAGAZINE Seventeen Palms...

HISTORIC DESERT WATERHOLES III The Indians called the Borrego Badlands the "Devil's House"— ing. The network of gullies into which and for good reason, for it was a country easy to enter but difficult to the hills have become worn and in get out of—alive. Water in this scorched, eroded land is especially which the traveler loses all sense of scarce which explains the value off-trail desert travelers have placed direction, could easily have become a on the oasis of Seventeen Palms. Although some say the brown, bitter death-trap for the thirst-weakened water is unfit for human consumption, there are others whose very lives wanderers. J. Smeaton Chase, in his were saved by it. California Desert Trails, quotes an In- dian acquaintance as describing that By WALTER FORD section of the Badlands as a "Devil's House," where a man can get in but never out, a description to which any- HE LITTLE band of Mexican taining work and seemingly, less chance one who has viewed the area from a 7 "wetbacks" aimlessly wandering of being apprehended and returned to distant height will readily agree. in the heart of California's Bor- their native land. Seventeen Palms has long been a rego Badlands on that warm spring If the group that left the note at favorite camping place for desert pros- day were fast approaching the limit of Seventeen Palms had veered westward, pectors and travelers. Henry Wilson, their endurance. Their water supply thereby missing the oasis, their trek dean of the Lost Pegleg hunters, told had long since been consumed and the across the unfamiliar clay hills would me about visiting the oasis in 1900 and last watering place at Harper's Well undoubtedly have had a disastrous end- Chase gives an interesting account of was 13 miles behind. Suddenly the oasis of Seventeen Palms came into view and as fast as As long as the Seventeen Palms spring is kept clear, a good supply of water their waning strength would permit, can be obtained from it. Unofficial "register" is found under the skirt of the exhausted travelers staggered to dead fronds of tlie tree on the right. the pool beneath the palms and eased their tortured throats. Then one of the Mexicans wrote a note of thanks for their deliverance. From the mis- sive which I found in a can near the spring, it was not difficult to visualize the dramatic scene that followed the sighting of the life-saving spring. The note, written in Spanish, read: We thank God for this little waterhole. We were four compan- ions who were dying of thirst, lost, and God directed us to this water. The 8th day of March, 1951. The back-door entry to the agri- cultural areas of Southern California, via Harper's Well, Borrego Valley and Coyote Canyon, is preferred by many of the illegal entrants from below the border. Once when I was traveling in a jeep from Anza to Borrego Valley I met an Immigration Officer who told me that wetbacks seldom strayed as far easterly as Seventeen Palms. Their usual trail, he stated, was a more di- rect line to the old waterhole at Bor- rego Springs, thence up Coyote Creek to the more populated farming areas where there are opportunities for ob-

JUNE, 1956 13 camping there in mid-summer, while rugged section of the Badland area— average does not exceed 12 visitors a collecting material for his book Cali- where the slopes of the Santa Rosa year. Although Seventeen Palms has fornia Desert Trails. The faint Indian Mountains drop off into a maze of been reached in standard two-wheel trails which converge upon the spring sandstone pinnacles and deep ravines drive cars by experienced desert dri- indicate that it sustained a large popu- before spreading out into the washes vers, the trip should not be attempted lation long before the white man ap- and clay hills of the open desert. After by those unaccustomed to driving in peared. Some authorities believe the taking the jeep as far as it could go, sandy washes with other than a four- trails are 200 years old and if such we searched the rough terrain on foot wheel drive vehicle. estimates are anywhere near correct, but found nothing remotely resembling And one should not travel into the they have withstood the effects of ero- the clues Bill Schnake described to area alone. Help is at least 12 miles sion remarkably well. From the air Henry. away in any direction. Henry Wilson they look as if they could easily have Back in camp at Seventeen Palms had the misfortune of having his car been made within the last 20 years. that evening we decided that it was break down at Seventeen Palms and The quality of Seventeen Palms time to bring our desert adventure to he had to walk the 12 miles to Ocotillo water has long been a debatable topic a close and we made plans to return Wells for help. In spite of his 77 years among the desert fraternity, the view- to our homes in the Los Angeles area Henry made the trip without mishap. point depending mainly upon one's the following day. Once back at our For one less wise in the ways of the need for water at the time he was con- daily routines, it was easy to consider desert, such a trip might have had an sidering its suitability for drinking. Schnake's story in a more proper per- entirely different ending. Normally, Chase described the water as brown, spective and place it in the category of Seventeen Palms may be reached by bitter and nauseating, and stated that "just another lost-mine yarn." way of Borrego Springs or the Truck- it would have been dangerous to drink However, Joe Foster did not follow haven road, but it is well to make local unboiled. I camped at Seventeen this line of reasoning for he was in- inquiries before taking either route. Palms for several days with Henry trigued with the story and felt we had Wilson, and he avoided using the water not made a thorough enough search for drinking. Henry said he used the for Schnake's clues. Joe headed back CANCER—CLOUDY SKIES water many times in the past without for the Seventeen Palms area, alone, CORRELATION DISCOVERED ill effects, but so long as he had a sup- and on the second day of his search A retired Yakima, Washington, sur- ply of fresh water he preferred to use found one of the clues, the riven rock. it. geon believes virus infections may Returning to his jeep he slipped de- cause heart disease, arteriosclerosis, In his Water Supply Paper 224, scending a sandstone waterway and cancer and diabetes. Radiation from Walter C. Mendenhall said the water lay bruised and stunned for a long the 'sun, his theory holds, kills the was fairly good when the spring was while before he could continue on. viruses; therefore, death rates from kept open, but it becomes bitter and Back in camp he was so lame and these diseases are lower in areas where bad by neglect and disuse. When the exhausted that the sun had barely there is a lot of sunshine. group of thirst weakened Mexicans settled behind the distant Volcan stumbled on to Seventeen Palms, it is Mountains before he was in his sleep- The theory was advanced by Dr. hardly likely that they voiced any com- ing bag. He slept fitfully that night Joseph E. Bittner who has spent more plaints about the quality of the water. and dreamed he was standing at the than four years on research and statis- tical studies. Some forms of cancer In the spring of 1950 Joe Foster edge of the missing cinder cone, which was lined with dazzling golden nuggets. in chickens, researchers have estab- and I accompanied Wilson on one of lished, can be caused by a virus, but his periodic searches for the Pegleg An old prospector stood near the cone and directed Joe to gaze upon the the cause of human cancer remains mine. After unsuccessfully following unanswered. Heart disease, diabetes a number of clues in the Grave Wash brilliant display. "Here is the gold you sought," he said, "but after seeing and artery disease generally are re- area where Henry believes the mine garded as degenerative diseases. exists, we moved up to Seventeen it, your sight will be lost forever." Palms. Around the campfire one eve- Joe awoke from his dream and for Dr. Bittner believes the single great- ning Henry told us a story about a lost some agonizing moments he was actu- est avenue of virus entrance into the cache of gold in the hills around us ally unable to see. An overcast sky body is on raw, uncooked food prod- and we decided to try to locate it the made the night so black that he could ucts, especially vegetables. next day. not see his hand before his face. Joe Dr. Bittner studied the seasonal and The story, told to Henry by the late began reviewing the events of the pre- geographical variations in heart-disease Bill Schnake, a long-time resident of vious day, his accident and the several and cancer death rates, seeking an ex- Borrego Valley, was as follows: One possible outcomes — and how fool- planation of why, for example, the day while Bill was visiting "Seventeen" hardy his one-man expedition had Columbia Basin death rate is substan- he met two young fellows from San been. He started to check on the num- tially lower than the rest of Washing- Diego who were trying to locate two ber of days he had been away from ton and why the death rate from heart landmarks, which would guide them home and suddenly recalled that he disease is lower in summer than win- to a place where a plentiful supply of had an important business appointment ter. gold nuggets would be found. The in Los Angeles on the following day. By charting the death rates by embryonic gold hunters were rather In less than half an hour he packed counties against the number of cloudy cagey about the nature of the land- his gear and was heading down Arroya days in each county, Dr. Bittner found marks, but from their map Bill was Salada for home. a very close correlation. Similar cor- able to spot them as a riven rock and Seventeen Palms has long been a relation was found on comparisons for 8* cinder cone. Bill never got around favorite camping spot for the off-trail counties in Arizona, and for the United to' looking for the landmarks but be- desert travelers who prefer the ultimate States as a whole, by state. fore he died he passed the information in isolation and solitude. If the un- On those statistics, he showed that on to Henry. official register, a glass jar under a the death rates from heart disease and The following morning we drove palm tree containing cards and slips cancer in any area studied are in direct our jeep northward from Seventeen of paper bearing visitors' names can proportion to the number of cloudy Palms into what is probably the most be considered an accurate guide, the days.


Where logs of petrified wood are weathering out of the Chinle sandstone formation in Circle Cliffs.

overlooking the creek. They have limited accommodations for guests, and Lurton guides station-wagon tours Petrified Forests in into the rugged desert wilderness of that region——to fishing creeks on Boul- der Mountain, to Goblin Valley, Ca- thedral Valley and the Circle Cliffs. Utah's Circle Cliffs We arrived there late in the after- noon just as the sun was dropping behind the great dome of Boulder Millions of years ago the logs from some pre-historic forest were Mountain to the west. Our travel had deposited, probably by currents or tides, in what is now known as the taken us over the well-graded road Circle Cliffs area of southern Utah. Today they have all turned to stone which follows the base of the red by the slow process of fossilization—and here is the story of a visit to domes and turrets of the Capitol Reef the colorful land where they are found. escarpment, and we had stopped for a few moments at Fruita, Monument headquarters, to pay our respects to By RANDALL HENDERSON Charles Kelly, author and explorer Map by Norton Allen who has contributed many interesting stories to Desert Magazine. Kelly is YEARS Lurt Knee had been ant Creek ranch bordering on the superintendent of the Monument. telling me about the petrified Capitol Reef National Monument last As we sat by the huge stone fire- wood to be found in a remote summer. We always welcome an op- place that evening Lurt described a geological formation in southern Utah portunity to return to that colorful dozen interesting trips which might be known as the Circle Cliffs. southern Utah country of multi-colored made into the surrounding area, but "There are three distinct forests," sandstone spires, cliffs and buttes always the conversation came back to he said. "Great logs lie around on fringed with piny on and juniper. Circle Cliffs, a great oval basin sur- the ground, many of them still intact The Knees, Lurton and Margaret, rounded by an escarpment of red and just as they were deposited ages ago had discovered a little mountain cream sandstone. At one time almost before the cell structure of the wood meadow along Pleasant Creek just out- inaccessible, the Cliffs area is now was replaced by minerals. You should side the Capitol Reef Monument criss-crossed by the roads made by come up and see them." boundaries many years ago, and had uranium prospectors. It was in response to this suggestion built a comfortable cabin of rough Knee himself had staked out a prom- that Cyria and I visited Knee's Pleas- hewn logs and native stone on a bluff ising claim within the Monument be-

JUNE, 1956 15 TO LOA and drifts actually are weathering out of U.S.HWY. 89 Chinle formation in coves of the Circle Cliffs escarpment—and the trees are : the fossilized remains of forests which •JH-SSJ Y long ago toppled over and probably were submerged in mineral-bearing waters for millions of years while their cell structure slowly was being replaced by silica. Most of the exposed logs are dark brown, gray or black. It is not spec- tacular in coloring, nor is it good cut- ting wood for the lapidaries, due to lack of brilliant eoloring and to frac- ture. The petrified logs of the Circle Cliffs are there to be seen—not to be carried away. There is much material for rock collectors in the broad ex- panse of desert and mountains sur- rounding the Capitol Reef National Monument, but it is to be hoped that the great logs of the Circle Cliffs petri- fied forests will be left intact. Some of the logs are fully exposed and others are weathering out of a 600-foot stratum of Chinle sandstone which lies below the Wingate forma- tion of this area. Every uranium pros- pector who comes to Circle Cliffs sooner or later goes over the petrified wood areas with his Geiger Counter, because high grade uranite ore occa- sionally is found in petrified logs—but the Circle Cliffs fossilized wood gives no reaction. Late in the afternoon we followed a winding road down Silver Falls creek to its junction with the Escalante River. The creekbed is dry most of the way but the canyon walls in many places are pocked with thousands of small erosion vugs, sometimes arranged in fantastic patterns. We spread our sleeping bags that "//r ' •-. night on the grassy bank of the Esca- %„_ " . ^-,, lante River, beneath great cottonwoods with dancing leaves. This was a mem- fore it was closed to mine prospecting and thence across a glorious expanse of mesa often called the "painted des- orable spot for Cyria and I, for it was May 1, 1955. The Green Monster, here six years ago that with Harry Lurt calls his mining claim, and some ert." Lurt was our guide, and we were accompanied by two of his guests, Aleson, Georgia White and Chuck ore has been shipped to the mill, al- Lindsay we launched two 6-man rub- though no rich strike has been made. Melvin and Eleanor Johnson of San Jose, California. ber boats for the 70-mile voyage down We visited the mine the next day and the Escalante to its junction with the I was given my first lesson in the Eventually our route ascended a Colorado. The water was low but we identification of the ores which react winding and newly graded gravel road thought that tributary streams coming to the Geiger Counter. Some of the known as the Burr Trail. This trail in below would increase the flow. Less uranite ores are black or gray, but took us over the southern extension of than a hundred yards downstream the carnotite is yellow and torbernite is Capitol Reef and into the great Circle boats grounded on a sandbar—and we green. Lurt's claim is of the latter— Cliffs Basin. We were in a forest of spent the next six days wading the hence the name Green Monster. juniper and pinyon, and only an ex- shallow stream and pulling boats that In the days that followed we passed perienced guide would have known were scraping bottom much of the many prospecting and drilling outfits. which of the many prospector's roads time. We survived the experience none The equipment generally consisted of would take us to our destination^the the worse for the wear, but were glad a jeep or pickup truck with a drum of fossilized wood area. our departure this time was to be in water and one or two drums of fuel Then we came to Horse Canyon a station wagon rather than rubber oil. Invariably the greeting was: "Yu which our guide had named the Black boats. findin' anything?" Forest of petrified wood. From there We left the ranch early one morning we continued on to Picturewood and Lounging around the campfire that with Circle Cliffs as our destination. Fallen Giant forests in Wolverine evening I learned about our guide. Our route was through the Capitol Canyon. "Canyon" and "forest" really Lurt told me he was born in Kanawha, Gorge to the little settlement of Notom, are misnomers, for these petrified wood Iowa, in 1910, and had moved with 16 DESERT MAGAZINE his parents to Deer Creek, Colorado, when he was very young. His father had worked on the narrow gauge rail- road from Durango to Silverton until he was killed in an accident. Then the family moved to Van Nuys, Cali- fornia, where Lurton completed high school. He became interested in radio and electronics, and during the war was a trouble-shooter for the Department of ^ROCKY MOUNTAIN URANIOM Interior, setting up short wave stations CORP ~ at remote points in the Southwest. Lurt is a brother of Mrs. Harry Goulding of the Monument Valley Trading post and he spent several months there with the Gouldings. He learned a little of the Navajo language. Also it was there that he met Margaret Tracy, a visitor from the East, and a few months later they were married. Lurt and Maggie, as she likes to be known, decided to seek a location of their own, where they could build a guest ranch or trading post as the Gouldings have done in Monument Valley. One day, following a rocky trail down from the top of Boulder Moun- SYlLt 2\\/\\ I IN The Toadstool — fust one of the many wierd rock formations found in the Circle Cliffs.


Above—Entering the Circle Cliffs area over the Burr Trail, one sees evi- dence of the intense search for uranium which has been going on in this area.

Below—The visitor leaving the Capitol Reef National Monument at the eastern entrance faces a drive of nearly 200 miles across one of the most desolate areas in the Southwest, before reaching the paved road again at Blanding. A standard car with good clearance can make this trip—but it is rough and rocky in places.

tain along Pleasant Creek they came hogan. Buster knew that wasn't the to a little meadow along the creek— right way, but after some grumbling and this was the answer to their he consented. The crisis came when dreams, the Pleasant Creek ranch of Lurt said they would have no smoke today. vent in the center of the roof. Lurt employed a Navajo Indian, "But how could the Great Spirit Buster Whitehorse, to help build the look down and see when one of the cabin, and later a hogan to be used as family was sick, if there was no hole a storehouse. Buster was an old-timer in the roof?" Buster protested in Nav- from the reservation—a longhair. He ajo. When Lurt refused to compro- was willing to follow the white man's mise, the Indian threw down his tools '•*£> ZujlflJ instructions in building a white man's and went out in the field and began house. But when it came to the hogan hoeing corn. He would have nothing he knew how that should be built, and to do with a hogan that violated the he wanted no help from a Belihkahnah, sacred traditions of his tribe. as the whites are known in Navajo. Lurt finally went out in the field to Lurt wanted to put windows in the make peace. "The Great Spirit could JUNE, 1956 17 green of fields and orchards and pin- yons and junipers are in lovely con- trast to the red sandstone buttes that rise above. Our home-bound trip from Pleasant Creek Ranch was over the long road via Hanksville to the Hite ferry on the Colorado and thence past the Natural Bridges National Monument to Bland- ing and Monument Valley. There is only one service station in a span of 90 miles, and the road is stony in places, but we never had to resort to our 4-wheel drive. We'll go back to southern Utah again—it is a gorgeous country.

REFUGEES COULD USE GHOST TOWNS, GERMAN BELIEVES Wolfgang von Boden, a German mattress stuffer, thinks it would be a good idea if some of the still-habitable Western ghost towns were turned over to homeless escapees from East Ger- many. In a letter to Arizona's Verde Inde- pendent, von Boden asked: "What industry might be possible in Jerome? Is the ground good for agriculture? Could one raise, for instance, minks or chinchilla? Are there any marriag- able young ladies in Jerome or nearby? Would there be by any chance, a mat- tress factory in your vicinity? . . . ". . . With so many empty houses that must be falling in disrepair, could not your town benefit by having indus- trious people who would appreciate homes and land to cultivate?"

SCIENTIST CONVINCED HUGE METEOR VAPORIZED Above—Pleasant Creek Ranch, the starting point for hurt Knee's guided trips into the southern Utah wilderness area. Meteorologist Dr. H. H. Nininger of the National Meteorite Museum, Below—"We camped one night on the grassy bank of the Escalante River Sedona, Arizona, is convinced that the under great cottonwoods with dancing leaves." biggest meteorite ever to strike the earth simply vaporized, except for a look in the window," he suggested. the way. On the mountain slope we few fragments. This meteorite, which Buster grudgingly returned to work. stopped at the little community of fell an estimated 50,000,000 years ago But after the job was completed and Boulder where Mormon farmers with 20 miles southwest of Winslow, Ari- the Indian had departed the Knees characteristic industry and thrift have zona, is not buried deep in the ground, discovered that Buster had won the created a little agricultural Shangri-la as everyone once assumed and many argument. Before he left he had poked along Deer and Boulder creeks. These still believe, he declared. a shovel handle through the dirt roof people with their milk cows and vege- Much effort has gone into drilling where the smoke vent should be. table gardens would be well fed and for the meteorite in the 4000-foot wide From the Escalante River we fol- healthy even if all the rest of the world and 600-foot deep crater. Dr. Nin- lowed an old road up Harris Wash went to pot. I am sure they have more inger is convinced that these attempts toward the little farming town of Es- freedom and genuine security than any failed because the meteorite was turned calante. While not as massive as some group of people I know—but work to gas at the moment of impact. The of the other gorges in this region, Har- hard for their independence, and they gas recondensed as round or angular ris Wash is a colorful canyon — and forego many of the frills and gadgets spheroids which can be found in the really deserves a name more descrip- which Americans in more populous soil over an area of 100 square miles. tive of its fantastic formations and centers regard as necessities. Scientists who have investigated coloring. We ate lunch that June day in a Meteor Crater believe the aerial bomb Our return trip to Pleasant Creek snow storm 9000 feet up on Boulder that made it must have weighed from Ranch was the dirt and gravel road Mountain, and then dropped down 100,000 to 500,000 tons and that it over Boulder Mountain—a road that into the lovely valley which lies along was traveling not less than nine miles is unpaved, but well graded most of the base of the Capitol reef where the a second.—Los Angeles Times


This Navcrjo boy had a difficult decision to make—between the the head ranger who carried a long- religious faith taught by his tribal ancestors, and his duty as a ranger handled shovel. Laughter was pale, in the National Park Service.... but stood firmly by while his chief pried for the snake. We sensed the By LOLITA ALICE OLAINE struggle Laughter had experienced with his conscience—a struggle that saw duty triumph over his tribal tradition. WO YEARS ago we spent eight you' so the snake does not hurt us," enchanted days camping near he said with a smile. The snake rattled furiously when 7 the ranger station above the We told Laughter we would take a he was uncovered, but refused to coil. cliff dwellings of Betatakin Ruins in chance and try his method. We would The ranger probed him repeatedly, but northern Arizona. It was a delightful tell the snake to stay out of our camp, the rattler still did not coil or strike. camping spot with enough large pinyon and we would stay out of his. Laugh- Laughter stood back through all of trees for shade, and plenty of good ter chuckled and went on his way. this, looking more ill and frightened water available at the ranger station. But in a half hour he was back with at every thrust of the shovel. We knew Each day we drove into Monument Valley or other interesting areas. We Betatakin Cliff Dwelling ruins in Navajo National Monument, northern grew to like the rangers very much, especially the assistant ranger, a hand- Arizona. Photo by Josef Muench. some young Navajo. We spent many hours with him, discussing his people, their habits, customs and religion. He was an extremely likable man, always greeting us with a wide grin and even when he was serious, there was a merry twinkle in his eye. His name, aptly enough, was Laughter. When Laughter took us down the cliffs to visit the ruins of Betatakin, we asked about rattlesnakes. We were told that no snakes had ever been found at the campground or near the cliff dwellings, though they abounded in the surrounding lower country. Laughter then confided to us that the Navajos have reverence for thunder because it precedes rain in this parched country. Rattlesnakes are regarded as messengers of the gods, since the snakes always come out of the ground just before a thunder shower. Rattlesnakes seldom venture forth in the heat of the day, but when the thunder-heads are gathering the ground is dark and shaded, and the snakes emerge from their holes. The Indians believe, however, that they come out to tell them that rain is on its way. We were happy to know that there were no snakes near the campground for our sons enjoyed running about with the dog while I prepared the eve- ning meal and my husband readied the camp for the night. One evening, however, the dog dis- covered a rattler across the road, not 20 feet from camp. Laughter came by on his evening patrol a few minutes later and we asked him if we should destroy the snake. "When we see a snake, we say to it, 'Do not fear brother, I will not hurt

JUNE, 1956 19 he was praying "Lie still little brother bluish white and across it was the Finally the ranger said, "I might as so they won't harm you." jagged mark of an old injury. well kill him and get it over with. I The snake was a huge old fellow. But we were puzzled to know why almost hate to do it—never saw a He must have been the grandfather of the snake did not strike at the shovel. rattler that would not strike." all snakes, and he bore a peculiar scar Could he hear Laughter whispering, Laughter shuddered. He looked so on his face. His blind left eye was "Lie still little brother, lie still"? striken that we immediately suggested the snake be taken down the mountain and released among the multitude. The Indian boy brightened at this sugges- tion and the ranger decided in favor of it, although he said it was against his Continued Dtoutk Reduces better judgment. They scooped the snake into an empty garbage can on the pickup truck and Laughter insisted on going Rim Runoff Ptedietions along to see that it was released un- harmed. Much below normal precipitation year are in prospect for the main Gila Next day the ranger told us that as was recorded during March over most River. The April through June stream- soon as the snake was placed on the of the Southwest, resulting in a con- flow of the Tonto Creek and Verde ground, Laughter complained of a siderable reduction in the forecasts for River are also expected to be lower stomach ache and asked for the rest water - year runoff for the major than last year. The water supply out- of the day off. "I know he wanted to streams in the area. look for the Salt River near Roosevelt, pray or have a sing or whatever they Arizona, is the most favorable in the do, to ask forgiveness of that snake," Most of the Colorado River Basin the ranger said, "so I let him go." received rainfall averaging slightly less Gila Basin where the April through than half of normal, and much above June runoff is expected to be 39 per- We discussed the extremely dry normal temperatures were reported cent of the 15-year average, greater summer the reservation was experienc- during the latter part of March which than last year's. ing and other topics of interest that caused some early season snow melt March was the second successive morning. at high elevations. Streamflow is ex- month of much below normal precipi- The following day we had a refresh- pected to be about 10 percent above tation over the Rio Grande Basin, and ing afternoon thundershower, and the average in the extreme headwaters of the watersupply outlook has again been day before we left it rained all day and the Colorado and near average for the revised downward. Forecasts are: night, with many exclamations from Roaring Fork and Taylor River basins. tributary drainage of the San Juan the Navajo god Thunder. Near 75 percent of average runoff is Mountains, 78 percent of average; As we packed the car we reflected in prospect for the Uncompahgre and tributaries draining the western slopes on our Navajoland adventure. lower Gunnison Basins. Flow of the of the Sangre de Cristo range, 37 per- cent to 53 percent of average; middle There were many unanswered ques- Colorado River near Cisco, Utah, dur- tions that puzzled us. How did that ing the past six months has been 83 Rio Grande valley at Otowi Bridge, 46 percent of average; inflow into ancient and grizzled old veteran of the percent of the 1938-52 average and sand dunes find its way up to the top streamflow for the remainder of the Elephant Butte Reservoir, 34 percent of average. of Betatakin? Why were there no other water year is forecast to be 89 percent snakes on top of this granite dome— of the 15-year average. March precipitation over the Great a habitat which snakes would wel- The current watersupply outlook Salt Lake Basin was in many cases come? How did our snake lose his for the Green Basin in Wyoming is the lowest ever recorded. Over most eye? And where did all the rain come for above average runoff ranging from of the basin, amounts ranged from only from so suddenly and unexpectantly? 5 percent to 10 percent of normal, al- 112 percent to 126 percent. Stream- though storms during the first three Laughter has been thoroughly ex- flow for the Yampa and White Basins days of April have aided the water posed to the Christian faith, both in in Colorado is forecast to range from supply prospects. school and in the service. His sister near average to 118 percent. Near 80 is a member of a Christian church in percent of average streamflow is fore- Forecasts for the Bear and Logan Tuba City and he himself told us that cast for the Duchesne River at My ton, Rivers are for water-year runoff near he saw much good in it. Still, the be- Utah. the 1938-52 average; Weber Basin, lief of his ancestors was strong and 109 percent of average at the South Laughter was proud of the fact that The San Juan River Basin forecasts Fork of the Ogden River to 93 percent have dropped 10 percent because of he was one of the youngest medicine of average for the upper reaches of the men in his tribe. light March rainfall. The current out- Weber River; Sevier Basin, 47 percent look is for 78 percent of the 1938-52 to 61 percent of average; Beaver Basin, There is a strange beauty enveloping average runoff for the San Juan at 63 percent of average; Humboldt River Navajoland. Even in the Grand Canyon Rosa, New Mexico, near the head- Basin, 150 percent of average for the Country, where there are many tourists water area, to 70 percent downstream main stream at Palisade, Nevada, and and conveniences, one feels a closeness at Farmington, New Mexico. Near 75 for the South Fork near Elko, Nevada; to the beginning of all things. The mys- percent of average is expected for the Martin Creek, 132 percent of average tery, the wonder and the power of God northern tributaries. near Paradise Valley, Nevada; Truckee are all around you. The water supply outlook for the and Carson Rivers, 170 percent of av- Laughter saw our God and his in Little Colorado Basin is very poor; erage; West Walker River, 109 percent the thunder and he felt God in the runoff is expected to be about 30 per- of average; East Walker River, 148 rain. Is it too much to believe that cent of the 1938-52 average. percent of average; Owens River, 100 God rewarded Laughter for his devo- Streamflows as low or lower than percent of average; Mojave River tion with a sloshing good thunder- the record low flows experienced last Basin, 30 percent of average. shower?


Not all desert plants are pro- tected by thorns and spines — a few use a more subtle defense — poison. The ability to identify these plants is an easily-acquired tal- ent and one that will prove valu- able to desert travelers and especi- ally to livestock owners.

By EDMUND C. JAEGER, D.Sc. Curator of Plants Riverside Municipal Museum

yf FEW YEARS ago while in 9*f search of birds' nests, I was scouting the desert near the Southern Pacific railway tracks when I came to a dry wash and there found encamped a grizzled, bearded old man —a tie-walker dressed in rags. He greeted me with a cheery "hello" and we soon fell into conversation over the pail of deep brown beverage he was brewing over a small, fragrant fire of creosote twigs. "I've been right sick," he confided, "and I reckon this tea will surely make me well again. It's a kind I used to make for myself when I walked the ties in Minnesota." One look at the plant being boiled made me a bit apprehensive. I knew that his "tea" was likely to make him even more ill than he already was, for the plant was California Croton (Cro- ton californica), which contains a vio- lent digestive disturbant. Argue as I would, however, I could not persuade my new acquaintance that he was mis- taken in the identity of this plant, which he took to be some harmless herb. "It's just like a weed we had in Minnesota that we all used to make medicine out of for all kinds of com- plaints," he insisted. "I've used it lots of times. Always got better right away." IMS After some moments of conversation Some of the desert's poisonous plants: Datura or Jimson Weed, upper left; about our respective travels, I gave Croton, upper right; Thamnosorna or Desert Rhue, lower left; Astragalus him final warning not to drink his or Locoweed, lower right. Sketch by Lloyd Mason Smith. newly brewed tea, bade him goodbye, and was on my way leaving him still unpersuaded. I have often wondered what happened to that poor, misguided a poisonous herb used to narcotize them we have full knowledge of their fellow. I fear he fared rather badly if fish. toxicity. he partook of that "tea," for the plant The desert has many plants which One of the best known of the poi- contains croton oil which even physi- are good to use as medicines, pot herbs, sonous species is the Jimson weed or as salad greens, but there are also cians administer only in very small (Datura meteloides and allied species). a few species which definitely belong The several kinds of the widely dis- doses, since its action is extremely in the "never use" class. It is well to tributed genus, Datura, are employed violent. Croton is called El Barbasco learn these few. Native Indians long in many parts of the tropics and sub- by the Mexicans, a name which means have known these plants and from tropics by natives to produce delirium.

JUNE, 1956 21 Even our own desert Cahuillas once acid from otherwise very nutritious lowed. When brushing past this rhue, used a decoction of Datura roots in acorn meal by very similar procedure. one can detect a strong but pleasant the initiation puberty rituals of adoles- The meal was placed in a crater of odor in the foliage, an odor which be- cent youths and the induced dreams, sand, and hot water percolated through lies the plant's dangerous potentiality. usually described as being in brilliant it until all the acid was leached out. Once in former days of ignorance color, were supposed to guide them in Oddly enough, in Mexico where there of this plant's toxic character, I rub- later life. This ceremony was called are many kinds of oaks, the natives bed some Thamnosoma twigs between toloache and was rather widespread never hit upon this idea of leaching out my fingers to better detect the pro- throughout the Southwest, but an over- the tannic acid, and consequently a nounced odor. Later, because of an dose by the shaman could, and some- vast supply of available food was left itching, I scratched the skin on the times did, cause death. The custom is untouched. hollow of my knee with the nails of fortunately not sanctioned today, for those same fingers. In an hour I was The Prince's Plume is not the only most uncomfortable with a pronounced the Datura contains both atropin, a plant that contains selenium. Many narcotic which stimulates the sympa- burning pain and next day I was species of Astragalus readily take-up amazed to note that the skin at this thetic nervous system and depresses the element if it is present in the soil site had entirely come off, leaving only the cerebro-spinal nerves, and hyoscy- in which they are growing, and yet the raw flesh beneath. It was several days amin, a hypnotic. All parts of the very same species may be perfectly before I could walk with any degree plant are to be avoided —• the leaves, harmless if growing in selenium-free of comfort. Needless to say, since roots, stems and especially the seeds. soil. However, only laboratory analy- then, I have consistently avoided com- A person with an overdose of Datura sis can determine which soil has the ing into contact with the desert rhue. is said to die in violent convulsions. poison and which does not—the plants In the great scheme of things I sup- The oleander (Nerium odorum), a in either case appear identical. Com- pose poisons play the role of deterrent native of the dry Sahara, is so widely monly this plant is called Locoweed against certain plants being eaten, a planted and grown in the Southwest because it may produce "loco disease" means to them of survival, just as other that its poisonous nature should be in cattle that browse upon its foliage, desert species have profited by becom- made fully familiar to all desert dwel- causing them to go "loco" or crazy. ing thorny. Fortunately the list of des- lers. It contains a powerful cardiac No informed desert camper would ever ert plants to be avoided is a short one poison. I well remember one summer risk adding the leaves of an Astragalus and the time taken to recognize these few will be well spent. long ago when some of the almost to his green salad or boiled stew. starved cattle of the Cahuilla Indians at Palm Springs ate some of the dry Around the borders of dry lakes oleander leaves and twigs that had and in moist alkali flats near desert been thrown out on the village dump streams or lakes grows a rather ugly pile; within a matter of hours they shrub commonly called "ink weed." were dead! Children have been made Although its succulent leaves contain violently ill by innocently chewing much tannic acid, which in small doses this beautiful shrub's leaves and flow- is supposed to cure diarrhea, I have ers. witnessed instead violent cases of dys- entery in my hungry burros which sev- "One-Eyed Snake of Betatakin is Some of the native desert tobaccos, my first attempt at writing and prob- too, may be considered among poison- eral times ate of this plant. It also is known to be toxic to sheep. ably my last. I could have painted ous plants. There are several species three pictures in the time it took me which when smoked almost "raise the The juice of the native California to type up that little story," wrote roof off your head," their narcotic ef- poppy (Eschscholtzia), was long re- Lolita Alice Olaine of Palo Alto, Cali- fects being much greater than the to- garded by southwestern Indians as a fornia, whose first love, obviously, is bacco of commerce. The late Dr. poison and was used in the incanta- painting. Albert Setchell of the Department of tions of witch-doctors. A strong in- Botany of the University of California, fusion of the plant was sometimes Mrs. Olaine was a commercial art- himself a great tobacco user, once gave given as a love potion "to weaken the ist for eight years before her marriage me his word that having sampled in will of men and women and thus make 22 years ago. Since then she has been his pipe about every kind of wild to- them become easy prey to immoral busy raising two boys "and a lot of bacco known, he never found any sat- persons." When such practices of flowers." In between PTA, Cub Scout isfaction in them — "just too strong witch-doctors came to the attention of and Red Cross duties, she has found and foul-smelling for anyone but a the tribal chiefs, strong punishment time to paint landscapes in oil and tough-lunged fool." and eventual banishment was usually watercolor and flowers in watercolors. the result. She is an active member of the Palo Because it contains the poison selen- Alto Art Club and was Exhibition ium, a non-metallic element causing Another plant widely distributed Director for it last year. "alkali disease" in both cattle and over the Southwestern deserts is the man, one species of the handsome desert rhue (Thamnosoma montana), * * * Prince's Plume (Stanleya elata) which which has numerous yellowish glands is widespread in the Death Valley re- on the surface of its leaves and green Jennella Robertson, who wrote this gion, was once used by local Indians branches. These contain an oil which month's "We Use the Sun to Heat as food only after being boiled in sev- is very irritating to the skin and very Our Water," has lived in Indian Wells eral waters which were drained off to dangerous if brought into contact with Valley with her family since 1949. In remove the poison. These Indians the eyes. The Indians used a tea of it that year they returned to California claimed that they always got sick if as a counter-irritant to be applied in from a three-year stay in Oregon "be- the boiled greens were consumed after rheumatic conditions, but were very fore the webbing on our feet became only the first water was drained away. loathe to drink it, even in a weak brew, too pronounced." Her husband, Al- Similarly, many tribes in southern Cali- because of the violent stomach irri- lan, is employed at the Naval Ordnance fornia removed the poisonous tannic tation and the halucinations that fol- Test Station. DESERT MAGAZINE HOME ON THE DESERT Summer Garden Zinnias, Marigolds... AST SUMMER I went east for There is no denying it—summer With that I withdrew from the feud an extended visit, and learned days on the desert are hot. But and we enjoyed a friendly truce. that the easiest way to lose new and improved varieties of zin- Now, confronted with June, the friends and alienate relatives is to keep nias and marigolds thrive in the prospect of a summer at home, and a telling them—during a record-break- sun and when all other plants have return visit of that eastern branch of ing heat wave—how wonderful it is long since dropped their blossoms the family, I may as well face the facts. to live in the desert, even in summer. and faded away, these hardy flow- The desert does get hot—very, very They merely looked at me strangely ers add color and joy to the home hot. The sun is inclined to over-shine when their humid heat became unbear- on the desert throughout the sum- a little and the garden could easily able and gasped, "Coming from the mer months. burn up—and the gardener-housewife- desert, you're used to heat like this cook has problems. of course." By RUTH REYNOLDS "There's nothing to it," Ted tells They were surprised when I told me. All I have to do, he says, is to help them I was not. I told them I was no telling to what length I might have him keep the lawn green and free of used to being fairly comfortable in the dwelt on the desert's sun power had crabgrass, make the vegetables thrive, dry heat of the desert; that evaporative not my son-in-law, Charles, dryly ob- make the flowers bloom and practice cooling systems were quite effective served that my desert sunshine must drying meat. and as common in desert homes as be wonderful—for making jerky. I My idea of helping my husband were furnaces in theirs. assured him that it was and that there with his lawn problem is to order fer- Moreover I went on to mention how was no better basic diet than came tilizer—nitrogen high ammonium sul- pleasant summer evenings are in the seca, although I myself had never tried phate—insuring a vigorous growth of desert—how cool, how moonlit, how any. bermuda to crowd out the crabgrass mosquito-less. and weeds. I told them how beautifully my des- Pygmy Primrose Dwarf Double Also it might be well to keep a look ert garden grows. I attributed its suc- French Marigold, a new creation out for a sure and easy herbicide to cess to an over abundance of sunshine. from the Burpee's Floradale Farms. use. In a spring issue of Progressive "After all," I said, "no amount of Plants are compact growers, six- Agriculture in Arizona, published by nutrients from soil and water can grow inches high and spread about one- the College of Agriculture of the uni- a plant without the sun's help." And foot across. versity, an article by Keith C. Hamil-

JUNE, 1956 23 ton and H. F. Arle is headed, "Promis- to zinnias. Its blooms are fully double, before company arrives from the east ing new chemicals control crabgrass in 5 inches across, with informally quilled —but I can make jerky as of now. bermuda grass lawns." petals. The plant grows to 27 inches Modern cooking has gone primitive But the conclusion of the writers is and is free blooming. in this age of the charcoal brazier and that, "while the results of experiments The marigold is enjoying a period what could be more colorfully south- are most promising, there is not suf- of great popularity and may soon at- western or more delicious than carne ficient experience at this time to rec- tain a new distinction—whiteness— seca burros? ommend widespread usage of the her- and win some lucky gardener $10,000, Given a year to practice in, any- bicides." The two herbicides referred a sum offered by the W. Atlee Burpee body can learn to make them. There's to are available, they say, under the company for a "glistening white" mari- nothing to it. Just take a couple of trade names Karmex W and Karmex gold, the prize going to the first person good steaks — round or sirloin, cut D. "Their use should be attempted submitting seed which when grown at medium thin, salt them well on both only by persons familiar with the pre- their Floradale farms in Lompoc, Cali- sides, cover with netting and hang cision application equipment that must fornia, produces a qualifying flower. them up to dry in the shade, prefer- ably in a screened porch. The meat be used." So, while this news is only The contest was launched in 1954 may be pinned, with clothespins, to a promising, it appears that science is and from the 204 seed samples en- coat hanger. Let it dry for two days on the verge of solving the crabgrass tered, no winning marigold was pro- then broil it, eight minutes on each problem. duced in 1955. side. Now, substituting any clean For the vegetable garden, the only Sometimes, however, Nature comes stone or concrete surface for a metate timely trick I know is the use of a up with a miracle in the form of a and using a hammer or "hand stone," hormone spray for tomatoes. There sport; that is, a plant whose flowers mash it between covers of clean cloth. may be many similar products but the differ from others of its kind. From Then, beginning at the edges, shred it one I use is called Tomatoset. You just such an event may come the white by pulling it apart. spray the plants only once, when they marigold. Perhaps even now the prize So much for dried meat. Now for are in blossom, or you can use it on plant may be growing at the Floradale the burros. Brown lightly one chopped blossoms as they appear if you keep it trial gardens, from seed received in onion and one minced garlic clove in confined to them only. I tried it last 1955. But the offer is repeated in oil—one-fourth cup to each pound of year and fewer blossoms fell off, more the 1956 Burpee seed catalog. meat—add a small can of green chile fruit set on and quality was improved. Among the nearest-to-white mari- peppers and the meat. Cook this mix- When it comes to making the flowers golds is Man-in-the-Moon developed ture a few minutes then spoon servings bloom, the sun can be a big help—in by the Burpee staff. The palest so of it onto large flower tortillas, folded some cases at least. My Texas Ranger far, it is one in which the desired mu- once; fold over and roll into burros— and Crape Myrtle especially ask for tation might well occur. In the mean- individual servings. little more than to have the overshad- time it is a beauty in its own right. It Nothing to it? Well, hardly any- owing oleanders to the east and west has solid, round, carnation-like three thing. Still I'm glad tortillas are easily of them trimmed back so they may to three and one-half inch blooms available throughout the southwest. get their full share of sunshine. No with broad, crisply ruffled, taffeta-like And I'm glad Charles likes to cook shade and no nitrogen high fertilizer pale moon-yellow petals with lighter and I hope he takes to the "grinding for them or they run to foliage. Full highlights. It is a vigorous African stone" as exuberantly as to the char- sun and scant, occasional feedings of variety, growing to three feet. Other coal burner. And I hope he "takes to" a complete fertilizer produce more near-whites have chrysanthemum-like the home on the desert, reputed—by bloom. and peony-like flowers. me—to be so comfortable, so moonlit, This year there are on the markat Burpee's staff has also created the so mosquito-free, so all-around won- improved organic type fertilizers with new Orange Mum Marigold, the first derful. "chelated iron and minor trace ele- giant chrysanthemum-flowered, tall ments" recommended for alkaline-cal- African marigold with orange flowers. careous soils. All organic fertilizers Its blooms are fluffy, ball-like and have some delayed action—last longer made up of numerous finely cut florets, CHEAP DISTILLED SEA WATER —and build up the soil. intertwined in true mum form, four FORECAST WITHIN 10 YEARS Roses, never at their best in sum- inches across and freely born on long, Fresh water distilled from the ocean, mer, should be mulched heavily and strong stems. Companion to the All cheap enough and in quantities for sprayed frequently for both insects and American winner, Mammoth Mum of sulphur-yellow, it is a strong growing use for drinking, industry and irriga- fungi. For, while I never see aphids tion, will be available within 10 years, when the sun is at summer heat, I do plant two and one-half feet tall. predicts Dr. Everett D. Howe of the see thrips. And mildew is always New also is their Pygmy Primrose possible and does appear in the desert University of California. According to dwarf double French marigold. Six Dr. Howe, pilot studies, in one process rose garden. Black spot seldom does. inches tall, with a 12-inch spread, it being studied at the Richmond, Cali- The real standbys of the summer has double blooms one and one-half inches across, with pale primrose-yel- fornia, field research station, indicate garden are zinnias and, for later that fresh water can be produced from bloom, marigolds. Both may still be low ruffled petals tinged at first with planted and there are, besides the older red near the base and slightly curled sea water for about $100 an acre foot. favorites, exciting 1956 innovations of at the center. They are fine for bed- The cheapest of the several conver- both flowers. ding plants, borders and short-stemmed sion methods being studied at the sta- cut flowers. A creeping zinnia with small, dainty tion is the "low temperature difference" flowers is ideal for low borders or .Marigolds are not quite as sun lov- distillation process in which warm sea planters. There is the giant zinnia ing as zinnias. They appreciate a little water is evaporated at low pressure Kismet, developed by the W. Atlee afternoon shade and a fairly fertile and passed through a turbine to pro- Burpee Seed Company. Even its color, soil. duce power and become fresh water. a brilliant Persian red, is entirely new I probably cannot make mine bloom —Phoenix Gazette


Cliff City Ruins In deep, secluded, fertile-floored Nitsie Can- yon, far within the massive sandstone formations of northern Arizona, the Ancient Ones built a cliff city, perching it high on a narrow shelf of the precipitous red walls. The date "1661," scratched on the side of a mud-plastered room, and found by early discoverers, is believed to have been carved by a Spanish military adven- turer, and gives celebrated Inscription House its name. Nitsie Canyon Cornfields Today the Navajo plant fields of corn where once cliff dwellers harvested multi-colored maize. As the former were nomadic invaders from the north, they doubtless obtained their first seed during raids upon the agricultural pueblo peo- ples. Defending warriors of Inscription House kept watch over these fields where beans and squash were also raised. Theirs was an idyllic scene—long before the curtain of recorded his- tory was lifted in the storied Southwest. So, first came the well. It just so hap- pened that our lean-flanked purse and We Use the Sun professional drillers did not have a common meeting ground. "Nothing to it," said my husband. to Heat Our Water Years ago he had dug his own well in the Lucerne Valley by hand—all 20 feet of it. But he soon discovered, after six-feet of back-breaking digging on the new well, that this was going to The Robertsons of Indian Wells Valley, California, were old-fash- be quite a different proposition. ioned enough to build their own desert home and equip it with an antiquated windmill. And when it came to providing hot water, they So we looked around, keeping both borrowed from both the past and the future—they harnessed the sun- eyes and ears open for a bargain, and shine which is so plentiful on the Moiave desert and built a very efficient found an old well-rig for sale. We solar heater. bought it without a thought, lest we lose our golden opportunity. Naturally By JENNELLA ROBERTSON it needed repairing—welding and new parts and, of course, since the head of the house is handy at doing just about HE NATION'S press recently slopes of the rocky Radamacher Range anything he sets his mind to, judicious has given much attention to the overlooking Indian Wells Valley be- additions soon had the rig in top run- 7 harnessing of the sun's energy neath the southern tip of the Sierras ning order. and the snow-topped crown of Mt. for man's use. Solar furnaces, solar The well was put down on weekends heaters, solar water desalters — even Whitney. and after work on weekdays. We hit solar-powered coolers and refrigerators There was much work to do before water at 146 feet but continued drilling will be the commonplace appliances of we actually started on the house. We to 175 feet to give our well a good tomorrow. So, we reasoned, while all pitched in to help Dad clear away standing depth. planning our desert home in Califor- brush and creosote bushes—leaving as many of the latter as possible, for with As soon as the well was ready to nia's upper , why not pump, we decided to be old-fashioned make a start at putting solar energy water these drab nondescript plants green out into handsome, heavily foli- —and practical. We looked around to use on our modest level? aged, pungent bushes. once more—this time for a windmill. A farmer in Lancaster had one for sale We—my husband Allan, son Bob, After the ground was cleared, we 14, daughter Carrol, 8, and I—all had and because it was in excellent condi- put up a utility shed for our tools and tion, we bought it. a hand in engineering and building our equipment and then moved our house- home and also the solar hot water trailer to the site. We painted it brick-red, oiled the heater which rests atop its roof on our Hauling water for household use various moving parts and placed it 10-acre homesite on the brown, rolling was a continuous and weary chore. atop a sturdy, 20-foot welded tower of heavy, three-inch steel pipe. You have to live on the desert and The Robertsons' solar hot water heater on the roof of their desert home. haul every precious drop of water you use to be able to appreciate owning your own cool, free, flowing water. Meanwhile, construction was started on the house, but it went slowly. One man, working after regular work hours and on weekends and on less than a broken shoe string most of the time can scarcely go much faster. But after a year a cool house, heav- ily insulated and finished in asbestos- board, was partially built and ready for occupancy. The rest of the house will be built when time and finances permit. Large windows face the changing colors of the Sierras to our west and north. To the northeast we have the panorama of the Cosos and the dusky Argus ranges, and due east rise the lavender-misted summits of the distant Panamints which guard Death Valley. The longer we live on the desert, the more beautiful we find this majestic scenery. Around our home we have planted cottonwoods, tamarisk windbreaks, DESERT MAGAZINE Cold Water Supply

Wtf'.i'WSi*!\'\'-\< AW:-'-'.'-/ -.

fruit trees and a variety of grapes. It into a coil and placed into a box seven Opposite these outlets should be soon became apparent that the four inches deep and large enough in width two other openings, the bottom one 50-gallon drums we were using to and length to hold the coil. Shaping leading to the water supply and the store water did not give us enough copper tubing is a delicate skill and one on top piping the hot water to capacity. unless one has experience in this type the house. work he may have to get some help. Once more we went shopping for An easier method is to use black iron We enclosed our entire storage tank a bargain and found a 3000-gallon pipe, although this takes longer. Cut in plywood and painted it for neatness' redwood tank formerly used by a and thread 20 pieces of three-quarter- sake. winery. We brought the monster home inch pipe seven feet long and connect Here is how this appliance works: with bated breath across the Cajon these pieces with return bends to form when the infra-red rays of the sun Pass, securely tied on the bed of our a flat coil. strike the heat-exchanger coils, they pick-up. Allow space in the bottom and sides cause the heated water within the coils It required diligent cleaning, soak- of the heat-exchanger box for three- to rise and enter the top of the storage ing and liming to remove the dark inches of rock wool and cover this tank. wine stains from the interior. What insulation with plywood. a wonderful sight it is to see that mon- As the water circulates the warm Both the coil and the plywood in- water rising in the coils is displaced by strous tank atop the tank-house — side the box should be painted a dull 3000 gallons of our own water! incoming colder water from the stor- black, which will absorb heat, and age tank. As long as heat reaches the then covered with glass. The heat- Now my husband was ready to har- coils, circulation will take place, event- ness the sun. exchanger box should be installed atop your roof at a 35-degree angle facing ually heating the entire tank of water. The solar hot water heater he built south so it will catch the maximum This is called thermo-syphoning and for our household and shower use pro- amount of heat from the sun during compares very much to the cooling duces water that is every bit as hot-— the colder winter months. system of the old Model T Fords which and often hotter than that heated by did not use water pumps. gas or electricity—summer or winter! The storage section consists of an 82-gallon water tank, insulated with Of course, this method of heating It has two main parts, the heat-ex- six-inches of rock wool. Connect the water is not new, but for those of us changer section and the storage section. two ends of your coil to outlets in the who live in the Southwest it is a prac- The former consists of 100 feet of top and bottom of the tank with the tical and inexpensive way to have hot three-quarter-inch copper tubing bent same size tubing as used in the coil. water throughout the year.

JUNE, 1956 27 Not Main Spring . . . claim or stumbling across a prospect San Francisco, California hole. Desert: Nine times out of ten I am unable to answer my wife's questions regard- I don't know what spring Walter ing the minerals being sought in these Ford was looking at in his account of holes which leads her to doubt my min- Las Vegas Spring (Desert, Aprfl, '56), umnsFond of Mesquites . . . ing knowledge. It is all very discour- but it was not the main spring. It is aging. Willits, California located three miles west of the old Desert: ranch house and I believe it is now BEN F. CROSS Cap Smith's account of the Iron- boarded up. wood in the December, 1955, Desert It was a great body of water boiling Pegleg Mine Rediscovered • . . interested me greatly for his feeling from the ground—probably 400-inches, Redondo Beach, California toward his venerable patriarch is the which made quite a sizable stream. All Desert: same I have in regard to one particular of this water, except a small flow, was Mesquite tree. bought by the railroad when it founded I am sending you the first of a two- Las Vegas. part account of my rediscovery of the It is growing at the far western end Lost Pegleg Smith Gold Mine. Read of Clark Dry Lake and is the largest After the Mormons left the well it over carefully, syndicate it, print it, spread-out tree of its kind I have ever was not bought by O. D. Cass, as and send me a nice fat royalty check seen, but not the tallest. reported, but by O. D. Gass who lived for my efforts and I will send you the I have camped under this tree many in that region from the 1870s to 1882. other half of the story—the complete times. It affords convenient spots for T. R. GASS story about the most fabulous gold my bed-roll, water cans, grub box, etc. strike ever to be made in all time—a After a rain it is impossible to drive strike to outdo the Gold Rush of '49 a car over the lake, so a road was Rockhound's Lament . . . many times over. made around it which one can drive in I will prove that the gold is still any season. This road is the best route Fontana, California Desert: where Pegleg Smith first found it. Di- to my mesquite for it is difficult to rections in Part II of my story will locate from the lake. In years past I have done some seri- ous prospecting, but as of late my wife lead you to a five-square-mile field This Mesquite is old but still very and I have become ardent rockhounds where there is more gold than can be much alive, and it is my most earnest of the Mojave Desert: It's getting so found at Fort Knox. The fact that wish for it to live many more years. we can't search a wash or bajada with- gold nuggets can still be found in large H. E. W. WILSON out trespassing on someone's mining quantities should be convincing enough to satisfy even the most skeptical of hard headed pessimists. I won't guarantee that if you go there you will or will not get shot in the back like the prospector in Part I Picttite-of-tbe-Montk Contest... of my story did. I am also placing this story with Photography is an integral part of any desert adventure for there another publisher and if I don't get is so much to see and to record. And the abundance of sunshine and the results from your office, or the early morning or late afternoon shadows greatly contribute toward office of the other publisher, that I making these photos even more outstanding. Each month Desert expect, I will give the story to the Magazine selects for its readers two of the best of these photos and newspapers. Any eastern newspaper reproduces them in our Pictures of the Month page. This contest is would like to scoop you western pub- open to all and cash prizes are given for the photographs chosen. lishers, especially if you lack the fore- Entries for the June contest must be sent to the Desert Magazine sightedness to see the potentialities of office. Palm Desert. California, and postmarked not later than June 18. a story such as this. Winning prints will appear in the August issue. Pictures which arrive NEAL O'REILLY too late for one contest are held over for the next month. First prize is $10; second prize $5. For non-winning pictures accepted for publication Dear Neal O'Reilly: Congratulations $3 each will be paid. on your discovery of the Pegleg Mine. But I am afraid that if we HERE ARE THE RULES ran a story telling where the Pegleg 1—Prints lor monthly contests must be black and white, 5x7 or larger, printed on glossy paper. gold is located some greedy bow might rush out there and beat you 2—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, time and place. Also technical data: camera, shutter speed, hour of day. etc. to it. Since you have gone to all 3—PRINTS WILL BE RETURNED WHEN RETURN POSTAGE IS ENCLOSED. the trouble of re-discovering this 4—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine oifice by the 20th of the contest rich placer field, I think you, more month. than anyone else, are entitled to the 5—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photographers. Desert fruits of your toil. We want to be Magazine requires first publication rights only of prize winning pictures. fair with the prospectors, and we 6—Time and place of photograph are immaterial, except that it must be from the just don't think it would be right desert Southwest. for us to publish the story before 7—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and awards will be made you have gathered up enough gold immediately after the close of the contest each month. to make you rich and happy the rest Address All Entries to Photo Editor of your life. After you have done that it really will not make much PALM DESERT. CALIFORNIA difference whether any dumb short- 'Decent 7ftafOfcH€ sighted editor buys the story or not. —R.H. 28 DESERT MAGAZINE Wildcat Offspring . . . but I guess the coyotes had long since OBSERVERS CLOCK DESERT Genoa, Nevada saved him the trouble of finding his TORTOISE AT .30 M.P.H. SPEED Desert: masters. PAUL CHILDERS Mrs. C. H. Mitchell's letter {Desert, Tortoises are known in legend and folklore for their leisurely ways and March '56) regarding a half-breed Mule Couldn't Move . . . wildcat brought to mind a similar ani- slow gait. That this reputation is jus- mal that I once owned. Desert- Tujunga, California tified is clearly shown by the records. In the '30s our persian cat gave Hardrock is a danged liar! The fastest of our land turtles is either birth to a peculiar kitten that the chil- Pisgah weren't nowhere near Eagle the Desert Tortoise {Gopherus agas- dren immediately named "Monkey Mountain mine {Desert, March '56)— sizi) or the Florida Gopher Tortoise Blood." This cat was tall, gray striped, I know 'cuz I were there and know {Gopherus polyphemus). Angus M. had heavy legs and would hide from first hand you can't pull shoes off a Woodbury and Ross Hardy have stud- strangers. It liked to climb the tallest mule like Hardrock sez. When they ied the Desert Tortoise in Utah and trees and leap 10 to 12 feet from limb get on that magnetic iron the mules report a series of five tests in which to limb. It was not at all docile and jest can't move. it walked at a speed of .13 to .30 mile when we attempted to pet him, Mon- When I found my mule stuck, I had per hour. A large Florida Gopher key Blood would hiss and growl al- to walk near 10 miles back to camp Tortoise walked between .27 and .50 though he never bit anyone. At feed- for a file, nippers, hammer and a chisel mile per hqur in several trials. Only ing time he was very calm and got to git her loose from them shoes. Like at the "higher" speed did the animal along with the other cats, but he pre- to not made it 'cuz she got mad at me seem to be exerting itself. W. D. ferred to be left alone. When he was and kept tryin' to kick my head off. Klimstra clocked two Common Snap- a year old, he disappeared into the This was in '79—two years before ping Turtles {Chelydra s. serpentina) Pisgah ever showed up in the territory. nearby Sierra Nevadas. on an overland jaunt of 1830 feet. I often wonder if this cat was sired If anyone finds four mule-shoes stuck on them rocks with the nails still in This distance was covered in two and by a wildcat. a half hours, including two short stops WALTER S. YOUNG 'em, they belong to me—but I ain't got no use for 'em now. I traded my during the trip, for a speed of .138 Praise for Prospector . . . mule fer a jalopy, and I ain't found no mile per hour. — J. A. Oliver's The Chicago, Illinois pay ore since. Natural History of North American Desert: PAUL BUNYAN CHILDERS Amphibians and Reptiles I have noted with interest comments on the January, 1955, cover, The Prospector, with salty criticism as to his "true to life portrayal. Early in 1942 I met such a desert wanderer who was endeavoring to keep Rock Shorty clean both over and under clothing as well as his skin. He had been out long of Death Valley enough so that he was holding con- versations with himself—and quite in- Hard Rock Shorty was sitting telligent ones! He knew how to find beside the pot-bellied stove to figger out how to make them the waterholes and springs to make thumbing through an old seed mescal bud stalks taste like 'spar- the most of them. catalog when the homesteader gus. Doesn't take much water To me he was of the new generation who had filed on a claim at the to grow mescal, Bill figgered. and refused to carry the chesty mud spring in Tulle Canyon came into It'll grow anywhere on the high cakes so prevalent with the older gen- the Inferno store and walked desert without no irrigatin'. era. I have placed the January cover over to the seed rack. "Bill did a lotta plantin' an' picture in a suitable wormwood frame "Gonna do some plantin'?" graftin' an' fussin'—an' the more and it makes a most attractive picture Shorty asked. he worked, the bigger them mes- which I have dubbed "the Collegian," "Yep. No canned grub for me cal daggers got. They wasn't used starting a new era in prospecting duds when I got plenty of water and to so much waterin' and pam- and equipment and their arrangement. sunshine to grow my own." perin'. CARL WENDRICK "Yu outta do some experiment- "Then one day one o' them in' like oP Pisgah Bill. He's got botanist fellers came into camp. Abandoned in Desert . . . more different kinds o' things He wuz out lookin' fer some rare Tujunga, California growin' in that little patch o' kind o' somethin' or other. Desert: garden up Eight Ball crick than " 'Fine patch of agave you While traveling the lonely stretch you ever saw. The rabbits an' have out there', he said, point- from Rice Road to Amboy we stopped the burros gits most of 'em—but in' to Bill's mescal garden. to investigate a campsite. In a way I Bill keeps a tryin'. wish we hadn't. "Then Bill told him about the We found a dead campfire, a coffee "Bill has some good ideas— 'periments. can full of water and a can of dog even if they don't work. I re- " 'Great scheme', he exclaimed, food pressed from its container—un- member when he got the notion 'but I guess you know those touched and dried out. Around the 'o crossin' mescal with 'spargus. agave plants only send up a campfire was a circle of tracks left by He'd been watchin' them big mes- flower bud every 15 or 20 years. an apparently abandoned small dog. cal flower buds shootin' up in the And then the plant dies. That is I wonder how many hours that poor air out of a patch o' daggers. the reason they call them century animal paced back and forth around 'Looks jest like 'spargus, only a plants.' that campfire waiting for his owners lot bigger,' he said. "Next day Bill dug up his mes- to come back for him? "So Bill went to work tryin' cal an' planted radishes." We watched for him down the road,

JUNE, 1956 29 U.S. Highway 89 through Arizona as the Blue Star Memorial Highway. Hete mi Ibete on the Desert ... Members of the Arizona Federation of Garden Clubs plan to erect tables, ARIZONA State Seeks Dam Townsite . . . landscape wayside rest areas, bird sanctuaries, arboretums and forests Telescope Site Studied . . . FLAGSTAFF—Arizona's two larg- est chambers of commerce have along the route.—Phoenix Gazette TUCSON—A site for the proposed sounded a call for cooperation of other • • • X-inch giant telescope of the National communities in the state for establish- 25-Ton Rock Removed . . . Astronomical Observatory is being ment of the townsite for the Glen WELLTON—A 25-ton stone relic seriously investigated 48 miles south- Canyon Dam on the southeast side of of ancient Yuma County Indian his- west of Tucson on Kitt Peak, a 7000- the Colorado River. In a joint state- tory was removed to Tucson as a tro- foot-high mountain in the Papago In- ment, the Phoenix and Tucson cham- phy of the Arizona Pioneer Historical dian Reservation. The National Science bers said the locating of the Glen Society. The huge stone has 11 great Foundation has budgeted $5,000,000 Canyon Dam townsite on the south- depressions worn in it, presumably by during the next three years to start east side of the Colorado, rather than Indians grinding mesquite beans. The erecting a battery of optical telescopes. the northwest, will have a tremendous rock was located at the foot of the —Los Angeles Times effect on Arizona's overall economy. rugged Tinajas Altas Mountains south Approximately 20,000 people will be of Wellton.—Yuma Sun employed for five to seven years while • • • Farmland Needs Road . . . the dam is being built, after which Only Two Horses Captured . . . MESA—Sixty-two chagrined riders YUMA—Yuma County Farm Bu- about 3000 will remain permanently to administer the project. Flagstaff from the Fort McDowell and Salt River reau wants two communities in north- Indian reservations and the Southside ern Yuma County, Parker and Ehren- will be railhead for construction of the dam. Sheriff's Posse had only two wild horses berg, to be linked with a paved road. to show for their Wild-Horse Roundup Between them, a distance of about 40 in Tonto National Forest. The weary miles, lies a great agricultural poten- Climbers Conquer Peak . . . horsemen, in the saddle for the better tial in the fertile Colorado River val- part of two days, were unable to cope ley. The land is part of the Parker CHINLE — A three-man team of climbers from the Sierra Club of Cali- with the 80 wily Indian ponies which Indian Reservation. A paved road the forest service estimates are ranging extends part way between the two fornia conquered Spider Rock in Can- yon de Chelly after spending one night forest grazing lands.—Phoenix Gazette towns but lacks about 12 miles from • • • being completed.—Yuma Sun lashed to the 900-foot vertical face of the treacherous peak. They were Jerry Worst Insects Listed . . . Gallwas, 19, Chula Vista; Don Wilson, PHOENIX—Dr. J. N. Roney, ex- 23, Los Angeles; and Mark Powell, tension entomologist for the University GLORIOUS flDVEflTURE 27, Merced. This is the first conquest of Arizona, listed the 10 most unpopu- of the peak, according to John Aubu- lar insect pests in the state in the order chon, superintendent of Canyon de of the amount of crop damage they Chelly National Monument. were responsible for: 1. spotted al- • • • falfa aphid (responsible for a $3,500,- 000 loss in yields of alfalfa over the Customs Extension Sought . . . state); 2. cotton boll worm; 3. lygus YUMA—The Yuma County Cham- bug; 4. beet armyworm; 5. cabbage ber of Commerce stands in favor of looper; 6. salt marsh caterpillar; 7. opening the international border at khapra beetle; 8. cottony cushion San Luis 24 hours a day. The Cham- scale; 9. leaf roller; 10. serpentine leaf ber will make its position known to miner.—Graham County Guardian the U. S. Customs Service, which has • e • jurisdiction over border hours. At the CALIFORNIA present time the San Luis inspection station is open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Navy Land Curb Asked . . . on week days and all night Saturdays. SACRAMENTO—Senator Charles —Yuma Sun Brown of Shoshone has introduced a In the Canyons of the Colorado resolution in the State Senate asking and San Juan Rivers • • • Sturdy boats and skilled boatmen-guides President Eisenhower and other high insure safe and thoroughly enjoyable passage Roadside Parks Planned . . . officials to block the Navy's land grab through the most colorful canyons of the PHOENIX—A roadside beautifica- of 800,000 acres of Saline Valley land Southwest desert. SAN JUAN AND COLORADO RIVERS tion program, envisioning park rest in Eastern Inyo County. The resolu- Mexican Hat to Lee's Ferry areas on the state's most heavily trav- tion emphasizes that the Senate In- 7-day trips scheduled in May and June eled roads, is now under way by the terim Committee on Public Lands held $200 for each person state highway department. At the pres- hearings in Independence at which GLEN CANYON OF THE COLORADO Hite, Utah, to Lee's Ferry ent time 10 new park areas are being time the Navy's representatives testi- 8-day trips in August and September constructed and forms have been built field that they would recommend to $150 for each person for standardized historical markers. the 11th Naval District that "no fur- GRAND CANYON OF THE COLORADO Eventually it is planned to have a road- ther acquisitions be made by the Navy Lee's Ferry to Lake Mead 18-day trip in July side park rest area every 40 miles on for exclusive use of said lands without Special charter trips may be arranged. roads with a traffic count of less than first making an attempt to devise a Write for 1956 summer schedule and rates. 2000 per day and every 20 miles on plan whereby such use by the Navy J. FRANK WRIGHT highways with an average daily count would not be incompatible with private MEXICAN HAT EXPEDITIONS of over 2000. A project due to get uses currently being made of said P.O. Box 427 Blanding, Utah under way soon is the designation of lands."—Inyo Register

30 DESERT MAGAZINE Tijuana to La Paz Highway . . . Drama to be Moved . . . NEVADA SAN DIEGO—Plans for construc- IMPERIAL —The colorful Desert Community Hunts Doctor . . . Cavalcade of Imperial Valley, staged tion of a freeway from the interna- AUSTIN—Austin is looking for a tional border to Ensenada, Mexico, a in Calexico every spring in years past, will be held in Imperial in the fall of doctor—with an M.D. degree—and fog-free paved road from Tecate to county commissioners have made it Ensenada, and a highway to La Paz at this year. The board of directors or- dered the switch after studying the clear that they are ready to subsidize the southern tip of the peninsula were a doctor to some extent. The com- announced. Construction of the free- financial losses incurred by the page- ant in recent years. Moving the loca- munity's present desire for medical way has been started from the border service is not due to any general fail- to Rosarito Beach. It later will be ex- tion from the desert amphitheater near the Mexican border to the California ure in health, but is occasioned pri- tended to Ensenada, following a coastal marily by the persistence of miners, routing. The grading of a road from Mid-Winter Fairgrounds will facilitate extra seating, directors said. October prospectors, cattlemen and others in Tecate to Ensenada has been com- contriving to get themselves hurt. Ac- pleted and a paved roadway 33-feet 27 has been given as the starting date for the Cavalcade and the international cidents are increasing throughout the wide is to be laid as soon as financing area, it was reported.—Reese River is available.—Los Angeles Times theme will be maintained.-—Los An- geles Times Reveille • • • 3 • • • • • • Imperial Road Progress . . . NILAND—The assistant secretary Acreage Asked for Park . . . Caves Plan Approved . . . of the Navy for material, R. H. Fogler, BORREGO SPRINGS—The state ELY —Members of the Utah-Ne- has requested the chief of the bureau may spend $350,000 to acquire 83,- vada Lehman Caves Committee voted of yards and docks to negotiate and 290 acres for the Anza-Borrego State to continue to investigate the possibili- reach an agreement with the Imperial Park which would extend into Im- ties of making 28-square-miles of Leh- County board of supervisors as to the perial and San Diego counties in the man Caves-Wheeler Peak area a na- Navy's share of the cost of a new road next five fiscal years. The net gain to tional park. The plan agreed upon to replace the Niland-Blythe route, the park would be 42,570 acres, since calls for consultation with the Forest closed by the military across the Choc- the Division of Beaches and Parks Service on grazing rights and the work- olate Mountains gunnery range.—Palo proposes to rid itself of 40,720 acres ing out of arrangements to minimize Verde Valley Times it now has which are considered less any damage to existing economic in- • • • desirable for park purposes. The proj- terests in the area. A survey of the ect received only honorable mention Land Reopened to Entry . . . proposed park area has been ordered in the beaches and parks five-year ac- JOSHUA TREE—The Bureau of by the Park Service and the Forest quisition program which Gov. Knight Land Management announced that 50 Service.—Pioche Record recommended in his budget message. square miles of Riverside and San Ber- • • • —Borrego Sun nardino county land adjoining the • • • Small Tract Acreage . . . Joshua Tree National Monument are ELY—More than 500 small tracts now open for filing of five-acre home- Caltech Plans Telescope . . . BIG PINE—A $500,000 twin tele- with a total area of approximately steads and mining claims. The opening 2767 acres, located along or near of the tracts was believed brought scope that may record radio waves from objects farther away than any that Highway 93-50A between Ely and about by the release of several hun- McGill, have been classified for lease dred thousand acres removed from the can be recorded by Palomar's 200- inch light telescope is to be built by and sale under the Small Tract Act. Monument in 1950 when it was re- —Ely Record duced from more than 800,000 acres Caltech six miles from Big Pine. De- to 586,000 acres. The bureau said signed to be the world's greatest instru- the 160,000 acres were withdrawn ment for decoding the mysterious radio- YOU'VE HEARD ABOUT IT! from entry in 1933.—Indio Date Palm like waves received from the cosmos, • • • the instrument will consist of two giant YOU'VE READ ABOUT IT! Sierra Highway Feasible . . . radio telescopes, each of which will this year—SEE IT! LONE PINE—The State Highway run on a 2000-foot-long track.—Inyo Commission announced that a highway Register from Lone Pine across the High Sierra to Springville and Porterville is feasible. It has been estimated that an average of 300 to 400 vehicles a day would KENT FROST use a State highway between Porter- ville and Lone Pine and Sunday traf- JEEP TRIPS fic volumes have been estimated at Into the Famous 1000 vehicles for a 24-hour period.— Utah Needles Area Inyo Independent Junction of the Green and Colorado rivers, • • • Indian Creek, Salt Creek, Davis Canyon, AUGUST Lavander Canyon, Beef Basin, Elk Mts., Railway Link Planned . . . Lock Heart Basin, Monument Canyon, Dead PALMDALE —The Southern Pa- Horse Point, Grand View Point, Red Canyon, 9-10-11-12 Noki Dome, Bridges National Monument, cific Railroad is giving consideration to Hovenweep National Monument. SPECTACULAR DANCES feasibility of building a rail line in 3-Day or longer trips arranged for 2 to SPORTS • RODEOS Southern California eastward from 6 person parties $25 daily per person PARADES • CRAFTS Palmdale to provide a route that will Fee includes sleeping bags, transportation, guide service and excellent meals cooked connect with its main line at Colton. over the open camp fire. EXHIBIT HALL Over such a route, through freight would bypass the Los Angeles metro- For reservation write— DON'T YOU MISS IT! politan area where there is a heavy KENT FROST CEREMONIAL ASSOCIATION volume of local and industrial freight Monticello, Utah traffic. — Valley Press BOX 1029 — Dept. D6 — GALLUP. N.M.

JUNE, 1956 31 GOLD PROSPECTING Catalog — Listing, placer and lode maps, steel gold pans, mining and mineral books, books on lost THE DESERT TRADING POST mines, pocket magnifying glasses, mineral collection sets, blueprints of dry washers Classified Advertising in This Section Costs 12c a Word, $2.00 Minimum Per Issue and wet washers you can build yourself. Catalog and Gold Panning Lessons — Free. Old Prospector, Box 729, Desk 5, Lodi, California. INDIAN GOODS 18 COMPLETE Volumes of Desert Maga- zine, November, 1937, to January, 1956. DESERT TEA. One pound one dollar VISIT THE Three Flags Trading Post on Perfect Shape in binders. $70.00. Robert postpaid. Greasewood Greenhouses, Len- 395 Highway, 4V4 miles south of Cole- Woolf, 10257 Santa Monica Blvd., West wood, Barstow, California. ville, California. Genuine Indian made Los Angeles 25, California. Apt. 14. goods at reasonable prices. Desert Dave INTERESTED IN prospecting for gold and or The Duchess will show you around. URANIUM PROSPECTORS—Send 35c for Industrial Minerals? Join United Pros- a sample copy of The Uranium Prospec- pectors and read Panning Gold. Write CALIFORNIA MOUND trade beads; 20- tor Magazine to Box 936, Albuquerque, for application: United Prospectors, 701Vi inch strand (tiny) $1.00; 24-inch (me- New Mexico, and learn from articles and E. Edgeware Rd., Los Angeles 26, Calif. dium) $1.00; 24-inch (large) $1.50; 20- pictures all about the great uranium rush. inch (tube) $1.75. 5 ancient arrowheads, INDIAN PHONOGRAPH Records. New $1.00. Grooved net sinker and scraper 422 DIFFERENT issues of National Geo- singers! Latest songs! As well as many $1.00. Drill, flint knife and birdpoint, graphic Magazines, 1908-1955, $175 de- old-time songs and chants—all completely $1.00. Good spearhead (3%-inch) $1.00. livered. National Geographic Magazine authentic. Write for free record list No. Paul Summers, Canyon, Texas. with the article and color plates "Rock- 5. Canyon Records, 834 N. 7th Avenue, hounds Uncover Mineral Beauty" $3 each. Phoenix, Arizona. 5 FINE ANCIENT Indian arrowheads, $2. Back issues of National Geographic Mag- Flint eagle ceremonial, $2. Perfect Fol- azines with articles on every subject, in- SILVERY DESERT Holly plants: One dol- some, $5. Spearhead, $1. List Free. Lear's, quiries invited. Walter Busch, 43-32 lar each postpaid. Greasewood Green- Glenwood, Arkansas. Elbertson St., Elmhurst 73, New York. houses, Lenwood, Barstow, California. BEAUTIFUL TURQUOISE and Silver jew- OUT-OF-PRINT books at lowest prices! FIND BURIED Treasure, gold and silver, elry by the Pueblo Tribes — Authentic You name it—we find it! Western Ameri- with Goldak's sensational 3V4 lb. "Find- Navajo rugs. The Bradleys. 4639 Cren- cana, desert and Indian books a specialty. It" locator, only $49.50. Write for free shaw Blvd., Los Angeles 43, California. Send us your wants. No obligation. In- literature on complete line of mineral, ternational Bookfinders, Box 3003-D, metal locators; Geiger and scintillation PAPAGO INDIAN baskets. Wholesale. Beverly Hills, California. counters. Goldak, 1541 W. Glenoaks Keystone. Baskets are in short supply this Blvd., Glenoaks, California. year. David L. Young. Coleville, Calif. REAL ESTATE LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest OVER 600 fine old baskets. Many rare Beautifier." For women who wish to Navajo rugs, both old and new, Bayeta- become beautiful, for women who wish Germantown. Artifacts, gems, and fine SAVE, BUY direct from Government, Sur- to remain beautiful. An outstanding des- Indian jewelry. Open daily 10 to 6, closed plus farms, land, homes, etc. List $1.00. ert cream. For information, write or call Mondays. Buffalo Trading Post, Highway Box 169-DMA, East Hartford 8, Conn. Lola Barnes, 963 N. Oakland, Pasadena 18, Apple Valley, California. BEAUTIFUL, PARTLY level, 20 acres in- 6, Calif., or phone SYcamore 4-2378. FIVE FINE Prehistoric Indian arrowheads cluding famous Coral Reef Mt., many FREE "Do-It-Yourself" Leathercraft Cata- $2.00. Perfect stone tomahawk $2.20. Ef- superb building spots. Full price $6000. log. Tandy Leather Company. Box 791- figy pipe $5.00. Perfect flint thunderbird The All American Canal wanders lazily T15, Fort Worth, Texas. $3.00. Flint fish hook $3.00. List free. through an 80-acre farm surrounded with Five offers for only $12.00. Arrowhead, lovely desert mountains just 7 miles from GHOST TOWN ITEMS: Sun-colored glass, Box 1249, Hot Springs, Arkansas. Indio. It's for sale, $26,500. Ronald L. amethyst to royal purple; ghost railroads Johnson, Thermal, California. materials, tickets; limited odd items from ORDER BY mail: Indian Made Thunder- camps of the '60s. Write your interest— bird necklace $2.95. Papago Tray Basket CHOICE HOMESITES and acreage. Salton Box 64-D, Smith, Nevada. $2.50. 18 by 36 inch Navajo rug $3.95. Sea vicinity. For full information write Price includes postage and sales tax. Three Pon & Co., Box 46 DA, Azusa, Calif. POWERFUL POCKET size black light with Flags Trading Post, Coleville, California. low drain battery kit carrying case, com- FOR SALE—5 acres, 660 feet frontage on plete $29.50. Glowspar Company, Box RARE OLD Navajo Indian Rug for sale. Highway 91-466; near Knott's Calico 8721, Los Angeles 8, California. Unusual coloring, diamond design, 5x7 Ghost Town road. New 3 room desert feet. In good condition. Write Rt. 1, home, interior unfinished; $800 down BUY SURPLUS direct from government at Box 430, Yucaipa, California. payment. See O. A. Russell, Motel Cal- tremendous savings. Farm tools, machin- ico, 3 miles west of Yermo, California, ery, feed, truck, jeep, tractor. Hundreds on Highway 91-466. of others. List $1.00. Box 169-Daa East BOOKS — MAGAZINES Hartford 8, Connecticut. RARE GEOGRAPHIC magazines for sale. MISCELLANEOUS DO-IT-YOURSELF. Save dollars. Three Write Frank Drew, 901 Ormond Lane, tested Geiger counter circuits, $1. Sadler Radio, Clayton, New Mexico. Redondo Beach, California. GLOWSPAR THREE-WAY black lights. Operate from AC or batteries or car. SAVE MONEY. Give your camera proper ROCK COLLECTORS Idaho and Nevada. Lowest prices. Glowspar Company, Box care. Send $1 for pamphlet "Camera Excellent book on locales. $2.50. D. 8721, Los Angeles 8, California. Care." Projector Camera Service, P.O. Henry, Adin, California. Box 5612, Tucson, Arizona. HAVE REAL fun with desert gems, min- OLD WALL TELEPHONES—oak cabinet, erals and rocks. The rockhound's how- good condition. Regular $15—now $9.95. to-do-it magazine tells how. One year Two $18.50. Six $50.00. Tontz's, Dept. (12 issues) only $3.00. Sample 25c. Gems 31, Elsinore, California. Lake Mead Travel Up ... and Minerals, Dept J-10, Palmdale, Calif. LAKE MEAD—A new tourist rec- BUILD YOUR OWN real swimming pool! FREE! BIG 40 page book "Where to Look Fun for the entire family! Easy plan and ord appears to be in the making this for Uranium in California" when you instructions, only $1.00. Delta Pools, Box year for the Lake Mead Recreation subscribe to Western Mining Magazine— 604, Stockton, California. area. The first quarter figures of the one year, $2.00, a real value. Western Mining, Box 787, Sonora, California. SECTIONIZED COUNTY maps — San new year as announced by Charles Bernardino $1; Riverside $1; Imperial Richey, superintendent, show a 33 per- WANTED—Back issues of Desert Magazine. 50c; San Diego 5Qc; Inyo 75c; other Cali- cent increase over the same period of Will pay $5 for Nov. '37; $1 for Apr. '38; fornia counties $1.25 each. Nevada coun- $1.50 for Sept. '38; $1.00 for Feb. '39, in ties $1 each. Topographic maps of all the preceding year. Last year, inci- good condition. Desert Magazine, Palm mapped areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114 dentally, was a record year for'tourism. Desert, California. W. Third St., Los Angeles, California. —Mohave County Miner

32 DESERT MAGAZINE Tourist Courtesy Classes . . . NEW MEXICO tunnel will provide the outlet for re- CARSON CITY—First of a series Coyote Numbers Increasing . . . leasing water from the flood control of schools designed to give those who ELY—Lyle Autry, C-B Land and reservoir. Work on the actual dam come in contact with tourists tips on Cattle Company exterminator, reported structure — part of the $27,000,000 how to give information courteously that the coyote population is increas- Abiquiu-Chamita flood control system and accurately got underway in Car- ing in the Ely area. For some time the —will not be started until the outlet son City in early April. The tourist coyotes were kept in reduced numbers tunnel is completed. It will take an training programs are sponsored joint- by use of poisoned horse meat, but estimated two years to bore the hole. ly by the Department of Economic Autry said the animals are becoming Meanwhile a delegation of Texans and Development and the State Department suspicious and will not take the bait. New Mexicans urged the Corps of of Vocational Education. The classes —Ely Record Engineers to install a spillway in Abi- will strive to impress upon those who • • • quiu Dam to free any water over 700,- meet tourists the importance of the Geophysical Year Activities . . . 000 acre feet. Present plans are for an outlet to free impounded water industry to Nevada. — Nevada State ALAMOGORDO — Alamogordo Journal after it reaches 1,200,000 acre feet. will be a focal point in the celebration The dam will be on a tributary of the in 1957-58 of the International Geo- Rio Grande and irrigation farmers physical Year—a massive study by 42 downstream in New Mexico and Texas U. S. to Aid "Itchy" . . . nations of man's environment, particu- fear too much water might be stored.— larly the atmosphere and the oceans. New Mexican IONE—Arthur G. Nord, in charge Many projects are planned at nearby of regional planning for the U.S. Forest Holloman Air Force Base and Sacra- Service in the Intermountain States mento Peak Upper Air Research Ob- 'Hopper Danger Seen . . . with respect to recreational, historic servatory.—Alamogordo Daily News and archeological sites, said that his SOCORRO — Socorro, Catron and department is interested in bringing • • • a part of Sierra county are expected about a cooperative program between Tunnel for Abiquiu Dam . . . to bear the brunt of a grasshopper the federal agency and the Nevada ABIQUIU—Contract for construc- infestation in New Mexico which may State Park Commission for develop- tion of a $3,000,000 tunnel 12-feet be three times as bad as last year, ment of the 500-acre Ichthyosaur Park in diameter more than a third of a agriculture experts warned. Ranchers, area in Nye County {Desert, December mile through the rocky Chama River Federal Government and State share '55, p4). Thousands of visitors have gorge wall is scheduled to be let by the cost of grasshopper control which already visited the archeologically im- the Corps of Engineers May 31. This is expected to be about $91,000 each portant site, and there is some evidence will mark the first phase of construc- for the threatened area.—New Mexi- of vandalism.—Nevada State Journal tion of the big Abiquiu dam. The can


NON-PERISHABLE • LIGHTWEIGHT BERNARD KAMP-PACK IDEAL FOR OUTDOOR LIVING AND TRAVELING IN THE SOUTHWEST Here is delicious concentrated food in foil that never spoils. Proved in use on year-long safaris in hottest Africa and on expeditions to chill Alaska. Won't freeze—won't spoil. Waterproof, too. Easy to fix in seconds. Packed in lightweight, compact foil pouches, you'll find delicious food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sweet Cream Buttermilk Pancakes, Rich Savory Soups, Meat Stews and Chili, Hot Biscuits, Stir 'N' Serv Instant Puddings are just a few of over 100 tasty varieties. Add only water, stir, (heat) and serve. WRITE FOR COMPLETE CATALOG AND ORDER FORM BERNARD fOOD INDUSTRIES, INC. 1208 E. San Antonio San Jose 27. California

JUNE, 1956 33 SF Land Office Closed . . . Solar Furnace Drafted . . . Youth Forest Planted . . . ALBUQUERQUE—Santa Fe Rail- ALAMOGORDO — The air force BRIGHAM—-Eight thousand lodge way went out of the land business on will turn to the sun for energy to fire pole pines were planted at the Youth April 1, terminating the company's the hottest furnace "known to exist in Forest site at the entrance to Box historic land department in Albuquer- the world today." It will be done with Elder Park in April in a project spon- que. All that remains of the original mirrors in a solar furnace to be built sored by the Northern District, Utah 14,000,000 acre land grant which cut soon at a spot 9000 feet high in the Federated Women's Clubs. Planting a diagonal swath across the territories Sacramento Mountains near Holloman of the three-year-old trees was super- of New Mexico and Arizona in alter- Air Development Center, Alamogordo. vised by members of the U. S. Forest nate sections is 1650 acres in the The Air Force said the furnace may Service and the Utah Foresters from former state and 150,000 acres in the attain temperatures of 7000 to 8000 Utah State Agricultural college. Young- latter. degrees Fahrenheit over a "substanti- sters representing youth groups from ally larger area than any other furnace Cache and Box Elder Counties did the known to exist." The Air Force said actual planting.—Box Elder News Carson Park Dedication . . . such terrific heats are needed for ad- • • • TAOS—The Kit Carson Memorial vanced research and testing of ma- Access Roads Endorsed . . . State Park at Taos will be dedicated terials for use in high speed, high during ceremonies to be held on Mem- altitude aircraft.—Phoenix Gazette ST. GEORGE—A group represent- ing southern Utah civic clubs, business orial Day, according to an announce- • • • interests and county governments met ment by Mrs. Marion Estergreen, chair- Tradition Drift Cited . . . man of the park board. Top state recently and passed resolutions en- SANTA FE—City Councilman Leo dorsing access roads through Utah to officials, members of the Carson fam- Murphy says he is worried that his ily, representatives of Taos Pueblo the Glen Canyon dam site. Purpose historic city might lose its ancient face. of the organization, known as Glen and others will take part in the cere- He called for a comprehensive plan- mony.—El Crepusculo Canyon Dam Access Road Commit- ning study to insure orderly develop- tee, is to coordinate efforts of com- ment in order to retain the qualities munities in southern Utah regarding and characteristics that make Santa the access road question.—-Washing- MELODY LANE APT. MOTEL Fe an attractive place to live in and ton County News to visit. "Study should be given," said NORTH ADOBE ROAD Murphy, "with the view in mind of • • • Park Improvements Slated . . . TWENTVHINE PALMS, CALIFORNIA retaining the charming characteristics WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Na- P. O. Box 66 Telephone 3211 so closely associated with the historical landmarks of our city." He said he tional Park Service plans to spend would like to see homes and commer- $16,345,000 on improvements for its cial buildings kept to the traditional two parks and nine monuments in styles.—Alamogordo Daily News Utah during the next 10 years. More Looking for a PUBLISHER? than one-fourth of the proposed out- Do you have a book-length manuscript you • • • would like to have published? Learn about Memorial Having Problems . . . lay is earmarked for Dinosaur National our unusual plan whereby your book can be published, promoted and distributed on a GALLUP—A peculiar land prob- Monument. There it is planned to professional basis. We consider all types of spend $2,433,000 on roads and trails work—fiction, biography, poetry, scholarly lem has temporarily snagged plans for and religious books, etc. New authors wel- and $1,746,000 on buildings and util- come. For more information, write for valu- a nine-million-dollar living memorial able booklet D. It's free. to the American Indian. The search ities. The park service's so-called Mis- VANTAGE PRESS, INC. continues in Gallup for a suitable site sion 66 program calls for the expendi- 0253 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. ture of $3,411,000 for Zion National Main Office: New York I, N. Y. for a proposed National American In- dian Center whose contribution to Park and Monument; $1,134,000 for Indian welfare and American culture, roads and $744,000 for buildings at according to the foundation backing Bryce National Park; Arches, $2,409,- You'll want to keep those it, "would be limited only by our 000; Capitol Reef, $1,651,000; Cedar country's sense of obligation to the Breaks, $1,354,000; Natural Bridges, American Indian." The land problem $975,000; Timpanogos, $233,000; MAPS stems from the fact that every other Rainbow Bridge, $171,000; and Ho- which appear each month in section in the area is owned by the venweep, $84,000.—Salt Lake Trib- Desert Magazine—maps which Navajo Tribal Council and, according une . • • will be your guide on many de- to one committee member, the Indian Bryce Highway Progress . . . lightful excursions into the great is naturally suspicious and resentful TROPIC—Road Commissioner Lo- desert playground. of any move by a non-Indian to take renzo Bott announced that the State Attractive loose-leaf binders em- over his lands.—New Mexican is making application with the Federal bossed in gold not only will • • • Government for public lands funds for preserve the maps, but will be UTAH the construction of 4.5 miles of road- a beautiful addition to your Grazing Ban Studied . . . way within Bryce National Park on home book-shelf. Each binder WENDOVER—Assurance has been State Road 54, including the recon- holds 12 copies. Easy to insert, received from the Air Force that it struction of Water Canyon Wash they open flat. will re-examine a previous decision to Bridge, 3.7 miles east of Tropic, and ban grazing on 66,000 acres of range Tropic Wash Bridge, 3.3 miles east Mailed postpaid for land near Wendover Air Force Base. of Tropic Junction. The total cost of $2.00 Rep. William A. Dawson of Utah said the roadway and two bridges is esti- the pledge was given after he pro- mated at $280,000. Bott also made tested that the grazing ban would known that a contract has been cause extreme hardship on stockmen awarded for the construction of the using the range and threatened to put Paria Creek Bridge and approaches, PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA some of them out of business.—Salt in Garfield County, in the amount of Lake Tribune $219,500.—Garfield County News

DESERT MAGAZINE Carson City, Nevada . . . Nevada is in the midst of a minor boom in silver production following a period of several years in which the trend was steadily MINES ni Ml NINOdownward, according to the Bureau of Mines. Preliminary 1955 production figures Santa Fe, New Mexico . . . Carson City, Nevada . . . indicate a 48 percent increase over 1954 Legislation to extend the federal mica Nevada mercury mines during 1955 pro- output.—Reese River Reveille program four years beyond the 1957 expi- duced 5549 flasks of quicksilver—30 percent ration date was introduced in the Senate by of the national output—reported the U. S. New Mexico Senator Dennis Chavez and Bureau of Mines. As a result of large ex- Albuquerque, New Mexico . . . other western state senators. The legislation ports of mercury from Mexico, the market comes at a time when New Mexico is put- for quicksilver is weaker and supplies are One of the most significant oil discoveries ting considerable effort into an expansion said to be increasing as the mid-point nears ever made in the Four Corners area, the of mica in northern Rio Arriba County in in the 1956 mining year. Effective in the Texas Co. No. 1-C Navajo, has been com- an effort to bolster the economy in that fourth quarter of last year, the Bureau of pleted, flowing 1704 barrels of 43.3 degree area on a long-time basis. The New Mexico Foreign Commerce announced that mer- oil per day through open two-inch tubing. Economic Development Commission is en- cury would require licensing for export, but —Pioche Record gaged in a thorough study of mica produc- would not be subject to quantity control.— tion possibilities in the state, particularly in Nevada State Journal the Petaca area.—New Mexican • • • • • • Apple Valley, California . . . Henderson, Nevada . . . Forminco, Inc., a $150,000 mining cor- The Titanium Metals Corporation of poration formed under the laws of Pennsyl- America announced that it will nearly dou- vania, has established headquarters in Apple ble its plant facilities at Henderson before Valley. According to D. A. Benson, presi- the end of the year, making the southern dent of the corporation, the firm will con- Nevada operation the largest of its kind centrate on tungsten and gold development in the nation. Present capacity of 3600 tons in the nearby Fry, Ord and Rand Moun- of titanium sponge—the hard, porous, pri- tains.— Victor Valley News-Herald mary form of titanium—will be increased to 6000 tons a year as a result. The new facilities will be constructed independent of Phoenix, Arizona . . . government contractual guarantees.—Pioche Uranium prospectors, miners, recreation- Record ists and conservationists received word from • • • the U. S. Forest Service that it is putting Yucca, Arizona . . . new mining law provisions into action in The 120-ton flotation mill at the Antler's Arizona. The new federal mining law in- Mine went into operation in early April on tegrates land usage on National Forests a one-shift basis. Mill officials said they under mineral claims with game and other If you're prospecting hoped to be working three-shifts by May 1. conservation purposes and for industry and The mine has produced over a million dol- recreation. Examination of thousands of fer anything lars in copper and zinc in the last seven old mining claims is under way and the years and is presently being operated by agency urged claim owners to place their the Samicol Mineral Corporation of Santa holdings under voluntary provisions of the Fe, New Mexico.—Mohave Mirier law to save themselves time and the gov- ernment cost of long drawn-out examina- need an • • • tions and hearings.—Phoenix Gazette Ultra-VIolet Rifle, Colorado . . . • • • Union Oil Company of California's pilot Fi«i

JUNE, 1956 35 BOOM DAYS IN URANIUM New AEC Rate Schedule Boon to Plateau Miners The AEC's new purchase schedule for high lime content uranium ores sold at Monticello and Moab, Utah, provides a welcome and necessary relief for miners in New Techniques Cut U-Ote these districts, reports Robert W. Bernick, Salt Lake Tribune business editor. However, adds Bernick, as the schedule allows the shipper who elects no penalty on lime no return for vanadium, there are Bxtmtkn, Milling Costs bound to be those who will object on some ground or another. Two schedules are listed in the circular A solvent extraction process which greatly reduced by more than 30 percent in the being sent to Moab-Monticello area miners reduces the cost of processing uranium from last several years, an official of the Atomic and millers. Colorado Plateau ores has been perfected Energy Commission said. As a result of by the Bureau of Mines. Ap- new flow sheet development, cheaper proc- Schedule I is the same as exists at pres- plicable to acid treatment of ores as dis- essing costs have been attained in recovery ent and provides a penalty of 30 cents a tinguished from alkaline leaching, the proc- of uranium, W. H. Lennemann, metallurgi- ton for each percent of lime above the ess is a result of research by J. Bruce permissable six percent maximum. There cal advisor to AEC's Grand Junction Op- is also a basic dollar-a-ton charge for ex- Clemmer, chief, and J. R. Ross and J. B. erations Office declared. Rosenbaum, all of the division of Minerals cessive lime content ores. Technology of the Salt Lake station of the The new Schedule II replaces the old Mines Bureau. levy of $3.70 a ton on high lime ores. It Atomic power scientists estimate that one states: "Payment for high lime ores de- "Solvent extract is the coming acid proc- pound of uranium metal, slightly larger than livered to and accepted at the commission ess for routine production of uranium con- a one-inch cube, can produce the same buying station will be at prices set forth centrates," Clemmer said. "The inherent amount of energy as 3,000,000 pounds of in domestic uranium program circular 5, flexibility and wide choice of reagents and coal. This power could light the city of revised, except that no payment will be techniques makes the method applicable to Chicago for a full day or the average home made for vanadium or any other constitu- most ores suitable for acid processing." for 9000 years—longer than recorded his- ent of the ore." Cost of milling uranium ore has been tory.—Pioche Record

Discovery of pitchblende ore has been made on the Orphan claim 1300 feet down the slope from the South rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona by Golden Crown Min- ing Co., a subsidiary of Western Gold and Prospectors' Headquarters Uranium, Inc. According to Ralph G. Brown, president of the firm, the strike is estimated to contain at least 100,000 tons GEIGER COUNTERS AND SCINTILLATORS and possibly 300,000 tons or more of Tho "Snooper" Geiger counter—model 108 $ 29.95 The "Lucky Strike" Geigcr counter—Model 106C 89.B0 marketable ore in a "stovepipe" formation Tho "Professional" Goiter Counter—Model 107C 149.50 extending almost vertically. Depth of the The "Special Scintillator"—Model 117 299.50 deposit has not been determined.—P/oc/ie The "Deluxe" Scintillator—Model 111B 495.00 Record ULTRA-VIOLET MINERALIGHTS Model NH—Operates on 110 AC only 14.75 Model M12—Operates on batteries only—with battery. 4O.fi5 An officer of United Western Minerals, Model SIJ-2537—Operates on batteries or 110 AC—without case and batteries 39.50 Inc., said his company has received four With No. 303 case and batteries 61.00 proposals for construction of processing With No. 404 case and batteries Sfi.OO mills near its uranium holdings in New Mexico. Alva Simpson of Santa Fe, com- BOOKS pany president, also reported a $130,000 "Prospecting with a Geiser Counter" by Wright 60 exploration program is underway to deter- "Uranium Color Photo Tone" 1.00 mine the exact size of the ore bodies in the "Uranium Prospectors Hand Book" 1.00 "The Uranium and Fluorescent Minerals" by H. C. Dake 2.00 Ambrosia Lake area 26 miles north of "Popular Prospecting" by H. C. Dake 2.00 Grants.—New Mexican "Uranium, Where It Is and How to Find It" by Proctor and Hyatt 2.50 "Minerals for Atomic Energy" by Nininger 7.50 "liet's Go Prospecting" by Edward Arthur 3.50 What are probably the first patents issued MAPS on lode uranium mining claims in Utah Map and Geology (Uranium and Mineral Districts of California) 1.50 were made effective in late Maroh by the Map of Kern County (New Section and Township) 1.50 United States Government. Patents were Map Uranium and Minerals (The Nine Southwest States) 1.00 Hook and Map "Gems and Minerals of California" by McAllister - 1.75 issued to the Utex Exploration Co., Moab, Book and Map "Lost Mines and Treasures of the Southwest" 2.00 covering the Mi Vida mine and 10 other claims.—Salt Lake Tribune OTHER SUPPLIES Mineral Hardness Test Set 2.00 Radiassay—Uranium Test Kit 14.95 TREASURE HUNTERS Mercury—Detector Fluorescent Screen fi.75 Scheelite Fluorescent Analyzer , 6.00 New type metals detector. Distinguishes Fluorescent Mineral Set—10 Specimens—boxed 2.50 metals from black magnetic sands. Ideal for Mineral Specimen Boxes (35 named Minerals) 1.50 locating gold nuggets, placer deposits. De- Prospectors Picks (not polished) 3.95 tects metals under salt water. Locates coins, Prospectors Picks (polished) 4.25 ^v . jewelry on 12" Diameter Steel Gold Pan 1.25 beaches. Free 16" Diameter Steel Gold Pan 1.70 from false de- tections. Each -«£"•.-«-«.*T>SiSi unit supplied All prices F.O.B. Los Angeles with two dif- Add 4% Sales Tax if you live in California - ferent search •.<; coils. Ask for Member of American Gem & Mineral Suppliers Association free litera- ture. GARDINER ALLEN LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT COMPANY * ELECTRONICS \ • • CO., DEPT. DM 3632 West Slauson Ave., Dept. D Open Monday evening until 9:00 Los Angeles, Calif. 2545 E. INDIAN SCHOOL ROAD PHOENIX, ARIZ.

36 DESERT MAGAZINE Federal Uranium Output Atlas Seeks Approval interest in Ute Milling Co., the proposal states. Hits 4000 Tons Monthly Of New Uranium Mill Hidden Splendor would do the mining on Federal Uranium Corporation is now Atlas Corporation has filed initial pro- the several major ore bodies being brought shipping ore at a rate of over 4000 tons under control of Atlas and its affiliates in monthly from two of its five producing posal with the AEC to erect a multi-million the district. Homestake itself operates two mines, W. D. Nebeker, president, told stock- dollar uranium mill at Big Indian District, mines in the district through affiliates. holders in a quarterly report. San Juan County, Utah. It is probable that the proposed mill— Production now is at a rate of 100 tons Vehicle is the Ute Milling Co., an affiliate one of the largest ever to be built in the a day from the Radon Mine (or 3000 tons of Atlas' wholly-owned subsidiary, Hidden United States—will be located near the monthly) and 1000 tons monthly from the Splendor Mining Co. It is anticipated that Cal-Uranium mine or at least the north end Oakie Mine at Elk Ridge District, he said. Homestake Mining Co. will have a financial of the district—Salt Lake Tribune At the Glen Williams Mine in New Mex- ico's Haystack Mining District, drilling has increased ore reserves by 10,000 additional tons and production, which amounted to 4064 net tons after acquisition by Federal, is increasing. Drilling has blocked out to NOW IS THE TINE date an 8700-ton ore body on the Elizabeth Group of claims in Mesa County, Colorado, to trade in your present instrument or equipment on the and production, which has just started is LONG RANGER B. V. MODEL increasing. Production has been regular and increas- EZ terms on the balance ing on properties of subsidiary Plateau Mining Co.—Salt Lake Tribune Customers toll us this instrument is much more sensitive when only using one • • • tube than Scintillation Counters are, and instruments usins up to 80 lubes. You may compare these Long Bangers with anything else made regardless of the price. New York Firm to Run Send for the big FUK15 photo and literature on this remarkable instrument. Monticello U-Ore Plant National Lead Co. of New York has • Circuit control switch so that any taken over operation of the government- broken or defective tube may bo switched out of the circuit without owned uranium processing mill at Monti- interfering with your prospecting! cello, San Juan County, Utah. Look at • Three speaker ranges of sensitivity! Grand Junction Operations Office of the • Four meter movement speeds! AEC made the announcement after execu- • Powerful super sensitive built in speaker! tion of an agreement between the commis- What You • Fifteen ranges of meter sensitivity! sion and the firm. National Lead enters • Will delect float as well as deep the picture after announcement by the Gali- ;tn(I dis(;iiil deposits. gher Co., Salt Lake City, that it would not • l;"'h ahoi-t an(1 '•""-• '"'-'• "il"' Get in an are used. Detects Alpha, Beta, and seek renewal of the contract on expiration Gamma rays. March 31, • Directional (o indicate the direc- tion of the deposit yet will detect National Lead, which is a prime con- Oremaster radiation from all directions. tractor for the AEC, participated with the • Built in separate battery testing commission in development of resin-in-pulp voltmeter so batteries may be tested while the instrument is processes used at Monticello in reduction of working. uranium ore.—Pioche Record • Can be used in plane, car, horse- back, boat, or on Coot. • Built in flashlight tor checking tunnels, shafts, and for emergency Apex Uranium's first carload shipment light at night. of ore from the Austin area has broken all OIL-ORE switch. records for Nevada, returns proving it is Designed for detecting oil, uranium, and all of the radioactive and valuable Bare Earth minerals. the richest uranium shipment ever made in Big 4Va" super .sensitive high quality built in microameter. the state. Control assay put the value of the Big Wi" external plug in meter for steering post of car or instrument panel of plane. ore at $99.12 a ton—a total value for the Zero control to zero out all background count in high background areas and over granite carload of approximately $5000. The first formations. Sensitivity control switch to use 1, 2, or % lubes, depending upon the amount of sensitivity shipment was a test carload, and Apex offi- and range desired. cials appear uncertain at the moment as No calibrated samples needed. to just when it will be followed by another Metal, perforated speaker cover all waterproof. Built in preamplifier that will operate on a 1000 foot cable, for drill hole testing. carload, although more will be made as Preamplifier control for using any length of cable for drill hole testing from 50 to 1000 feet. fast as ore accumulates. — Reese River Automatic voltage regulation. Reveille Tropicalized. Used in Laboratories, schools, colleges, by geologists, engineers, chemists, etc. Fully guaranteed for one year, except batteries and tubes. Liberal trade ins on your present equipment. Generous discounts to mining companies. $35 000 Easy terms available, NO INTEREST CHARGED. Gold nuggets, placer pockets and veins, have also 0 REWARD been detected by OREMASTERS, as well as Copper, Silver, Cobalt, Tungsten, Lead, etc. Due to the weakly Radio FOR Active isotopes, that so frequently are found with these minerals, and the ability of OREMASTERS, to detect URANIUM these isotopes and the various rays they are emanating. PRICE $545.00 Prepaid and Insured to You Here's your chance to "cash in!" Over $2,500,000 in Government Bonuses have been paid for URANIUM discoveries in the past 2 years. Currently Order from your dealers or write to— $150,000 a month is paid to people just like you. Precision Geiger Counters and Scintillators are the finest instruments made for URANIUM prospect- WHITE'S ELECTRONICS ing. These highly sensitive instruments are compact, lightweight and ruggedly built for field use. Prices 1218 MAIN ST. start at $29.95. CONTACT YOUR NEAREST DEALER SWEET HOME, OREGON or write direct to factory for FREE 12-PAGE CATALOG, de- OREMASTER OWNERS PLEASE NOTICE scribing URANIUM and Metal The OIL-ORE control circuit can be installed in your present instrument for $25.00 detectors. and prepaid back to you. PROSPECTORS The OREMASTER Super Sensitive preamplifier can be installed in your present ORE- f>) RELY ON . . .(_ MASTER for $50.00 so that you may use a deep well probe with cable length up to 1000 0 RECISION RADIATION INSTRUMENTS, INC. feet. Probe and cable are extra. 4223 W. Jefferson Boulevard • Los Angeles 16, California OREMASTERS DO NOT BECOME OBSOLETE! WORIOS LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF RADIATION INSTRUMENTS Please write to Department DS

JUNE, 1956 Texas Co. Given Option New Jersey Zinc Co. and Shattuck-Denn Mining Co. share interests. New-Shat-Tex On Happy Jack U-Mine already has made a completed proposal for The Texas Co. has been given option to establishment of a uranium mill and ura- buy the Happy Jack uranium mine in White nium oxide treatment plant to be built on lew and Improved Canyon, San Juan County, Utah, from Navajo Indian lands near Mexican Hat, San Bronson and Cooper Mining Co., Monti- Juan County, Utah.—Salt Lake Tribune cello. The Texas Co. is majority share- Products for holder in New-Shat-Tex Corp. in which Stockholders of Apache Uranium Corpo- ration approved merger into and with Inter- Desert Livini national Oil & Metals Co., Spokane, Wash- ington. Apache shareholders will receive one share of International for each 30 shares held.—Salt Lake Tribune HICKORY FUEL AVAILABLE TO BARBECUE ENTHUSIASTS United Western Mineral Co. of Santa The Hickory Nuggets Co. of Wil- Fe is participating in a new company, Foley mette, Illinois, introduced nationally a Metals Corp., which is negotiating with the AEC for a contract to build and operate a new Carya-alba hickory fuel that will large uranium ore custom processing mill be sold under the trade name "Hickory near Grants, New Mexico. The mill would Nuggets." Each bag contains separate process ore from and tributary to the Am- pieces of hickory bark so outdoor chefs brosia Lake area. The stock of Foley Metals can vary their hickory flavoring. The will be owned by three groups, United West- MINERALOGY ern, Rio de Oro Uranium Mines Inc. and manufacturers claim their product is Offers unlimited opportunity for rock collector or Ura- a clean cooking fuel and imparts a nium prospector. Make It your career or hobby. We train the Foley group. Extensive core drilling you at home. Diploma course. Send for Free Catalog. has indicated that Rio de Oro has one of deliriously sweet hickory flavor to food the largest ore bodies in the newly discov- cooked over it. Carya-alba hickory MINERAL SCIENCE INSTITUTE ered Ambrosia Lake area and is the only Desk 7 • 159 E. Ontario • Chicago 11 one which has a shaft completed into the grows principally in Mississippi and ore and on which mining operations have Alabama. Fuel bags will sell for ap- commenced.—New Mexican proximately 10 pounds for a dollar. Instructions for best cooking results The "mystery mineral" recently found in come with each bag. the Rundberg district has been identified as • • • coffenite by the mineralogy laboratory of the Atomic Energy Commission. The radio- LOW PRICED URANI-TECTOR metric assay of the specimen sent for anal- MAKES IDEAL GIFT ITEM ysis was 3.00 percent U3O8 and the chemical analysis was 3.19 percent.-—Pioche Record Designed for both amateur and pro- fessional prospectors, the Urani-Tector Uranium Kit is inexpensive and simple to use, the manufacturers announce. I NEW OUTSTANDING FEATURES The kit contains all materials needed • battery test switch (deluxe model) to prospect for uranium and has actu- | • headphones with clear signal ally found uranium passed up by ex- great sensitivity pensive counters. Urani-Tector Kit low cost operation includes a detector, four samples of one knob control uranium from commercial mines, and chemicals for appraising the uranium. - the easiest of all metal detectors to operate .More Accurate—It's the first Metal Detector de- Ideal gift for outdoor man, boy or girl li signed specifically for detecting placer gold, nug- prospector, vacationer, hunter, fisher- gets, and other small metal objects. Price complete man. $8.49 ppd. from CMG Indus- ready to use— tries, Box 611, Laramie Wyoming. MODEL 27—$98.50 with phones, batteries and instructions • • • W*M Kik ' » MODEL 27—8110.00 CAR COOLER RE-DESIGNED • Pp * m I same as above plus meter — deluxe model Frigikar Corporation, 1602 Coch- SEND FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION ran, Dallas, Texas, announced the ad- ^1 V-43 Mineralight—Ideal for field use in prospecting, dition of new features to its refrigera- . , ,. . mine sorting, etc. Has 6 bar quartz tube, thumb Model 27 Metal Detector Up switch ' $ 7750 tive automobile air conditioner, "Frigi- king." The 1956 models will have a V-43 Battery $3.95 • Other Models from $39.75 up new control system, re-designed case, Literature available on all models green-dot light on the face of the case TUNGSTEN PROSPECTORS—No more costly assaying. Scheelite fluores- cence analyzer now available, priced $ 6.00 that remains lighted only when the unit is refrigerating, and plastic 360- COLLECTORS degree directional air control louvers. Do you have a specimen of Native Silver from Honduras, S.A. $1.00-$40.00 The unit sells for $298 plus installa- Smithsonite from Kelly Mine, New Mexico $1.00-$15.00 tion. Beautiful Wnlfenite, (new find) Glove Mine, Amado, Arizona... $2.00-$50.00 No mail orders on specimens please THE PROSPECTOR'S CATALOG Bank Terms Arranged on Approved Credit in California We are pleased to announce the advent of a new Minerals Unlimited Catalog, specifi- cally designed for the amateur or profes- sional prospector. If you are interested In C^omhtoi J\oan. Jbhoh. Gelger Counters, Mineralights, Blowpipe Sets, Gold Pan or any of the other equipment Telephone Ne-Mark 2-9096 — 4 blocks south of Olive necessary to a field or prospecting trip, Open Tuesday Evening 'til 10:00 p.m. send 5c in stamps or coin for your copy. MINERALS UNLIMITED, Dept. D 1409 S. LONG BEACH BLVD. COMPTON, CALIFORNIA 1724 University Are., Berkeley, California

38 DESERT MAGAZINE When lack C. Moomaw of Estes Park, The wife's blond cocker soon came back, Colorado, shows the chalcedony roses he but the terriers continued their chase. While found in Southern Arizona years ago, peo- I waited I picked up an arrowhead and, ple do not believe that Nature fashioned while looking for more relics, found that these striking pieces. Here is lack's yarn the hill was littered with chalcedony roses. of a routine roadside stop and his lucky The largest pieces were the size of silver discovery. dollars and most of them were flat. But they had beautiful patterns in whorls and fine By JACK C. MOOMAW crystals and the snow-white material was Photographs by the author

Many years ago the wife and I and the three dogs were driving east across south- ern Arizona on state route 86. After we Hanibal had gone 40 miles from Ajo, the dogs said they wanted out. So, we stopped by the roadside near a sign that read, "Twelve of the attic. Some of them, without any Miles to Water." 1 later determined that we work at all, made beautiful pendants. Others, were three miles west of Pozo Blanco. with a little chipping of patina here and The dogs, as dogs will do, went about there to bring out the profiles, made in- their sniffing and investigating in the proc- triguing ornaments. And many people won- ess of which they flushed a rabbit. And dered how I could have carved them. They away they went, barking and in full sail. would not believe that they were natural. While the wife, as wives will do, implored The thought, of course, came to me that me to do something about it. primitive men might have shaped them, but There was a small 100 foot high mound archeologists, after seeing the stones, say, nearby, more on the order of a cone, from "No." But some geologists have been puz- which one could look into infinity in all zled. directions. I had read or heard somewhere that rabbits, when pursued, run in a circle and come back, eventually, to home base. Here was an excellent opportunity to see FOSSIL QUALITY ENHANCED if I had been misinformed. So, I hastened WITH DEXTRINE TREATMENT to the summit of the cone. As near as I could observe, as I watched Those who have fossil plant specimens the chase, this rabbit knew nothing about that are not of the highest quality will be the theory of curved space but was a firm interested in the following method of treat- believer in that of an expanding universe. ment to increase their value. It is suggested by George Langford of the Chicago Natural History Museum. Nero First, clean the specimen. Using steel Catherine the Great points remove the white kaolin that some- times occurs on fossils. Next paint the mottled with tints of red, pink and yellow. fossil with a solution of yellow dextrine, With very little imagination one could make taking care not to touch the matrix. When out in these shapes and patterns, busts in this dries the fossil will appear much darker profile; heads of humans, dogs, horses and than the surrounding matrix and details, other animals including reptiles with scales such as veination, will stand out. The yel- and eyes. Naturally, I stuffed my pockets. low dextrine solution is prepared by dissolv- ing one part powdered dextrine to six parts After a while the terriers, with tongues hot water. If the solution is thin, apply two hanging, came limping back. And we, or three coats. When the specimen needs everybody happy, went on our way. cleaning, or the solution is too thick or Several years later I somehow became runs onto the matrix, the dextrine can be immersed in the lapidary hobby and, re- washed off with water. membering the agate heads, dug them out Langford warns never to apply a solu- tion of shellac or varnish to a fossil for it gives a messy appearance and can ruin a Snakes specimen permanently after it dries.—Saint Louis Mineral and Gem Society's Rock Lore

New officers of the Rawlins, Wyoming, Mineral and Gem Club are Chris Larsen, president; Ned Cross, vice president; Mrs. Ned Cross, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Effie Jaramillo, corresponding secretary; Cleo East, historian; Mrs. Bernice East, field trip director. The club is currently conducting lapidary classes for new members.

JUNE, 1956 39 ROYAL BLUE turquoise from Nevada, $8 per pound. Sample ounce $1. Roy Sad- ADVERTISING RATE ler, Clayton, New Mexico. 12c a word . . . Minimum $2.00 GEfll fllRRT FINE CRYSTALLIZED minerals and mas- sive ore specimens for prospectors and collectors. No cutting material. Write for free list. Rocky Mountain Minerals, ROCKS—opposite West End Air Base, ag- NOTICE—Send for an assorted approval Box 1088, Anaconda, Montana. ate, woods, minerals, books, local infor- selection of beautiful agate, etc. Robert mation. Ironwood Rock Shop, Highway E. Frazee, Box 316, Valley Center, Kans. DESIGNS FOR making modern jewelry. 60-70 West of Blythe, California. Folder with over 60 original designs for BEAUTIFUL FREE gold—Specimens $1.00 pendants, necklaces, earrings and brace- GENUINE TURQUOISE: Natural color, each. Return if not satisfied. Prices to lets—some using tumbled stones. All blue and bluish green, cut and polished dealers, J. N. Reed, Box 102, Cabazon, easy to make. No soldering necessary. cabochons —• 25 carats (5 to 10 stones California. Few tools needed. Complete set $1 post- according to size) $3.50 including tax, paid. Dills-Gould, Box 87, St. Helena, postpaid in U.S.A. Package 50 carats (10 SAVE BATTERY costs! Run mineral light California. to 20 cabochons) $6.15 including tax, from your car cigar lighter socket. Only postpaid in U.S.A. Elliott Gem & Mineral $12.50 postpaid. Also operates your elec- FOR SALE: Rock collection, saw and Shop, 235 E. Seaside Blvd., Long Beach tric shaver. Glowspar Company, Box polisher. Stamp collection and antiques. 2, California. 8721, Los Angeles 8, California. Formerly, the RockSmiths. Applegate, Oregon, up Thompson Creek 6 miles. FOR SALE: Beautiful purple petrified wood WANTED YOUNG or middle aged man, Iva B. Smith. with uranium, pyrolusite, manganite. Nice woman or couple, to live in and operate sample $1.00. Postage. Maggie Baker, Gem Shop. P. O. Box 122, Palm Desert, Kingman, Arizona. California. GEMS OF THE desert, tumbled polished FACETING NOT FOR AVERAGE HAVE REAL FUN with desert gems, baroques, Mexican lace and carnelian ROCKHOUND. ZOLLARS SAYS minerals and rocks. The rockhound's agate, Death Valley jasper agate, rose how-to-do-it magazine tells how. One quartz, petrified wood palm, black fig, There is a great challenge to a rockhound year (12 issues) only $3.00. Sample 25c. many others. General mixture, $6 pound. in producing a beautiful faceted gem and Gems and Minerals, Dept. J10, Palmdale, Mexican agate slices and various cuff link many have accepted this challenge and con- California. preforms. Slabs and findings. Earring quered the obstacles with commendable size tumbled turquoise $8 pound, larger perseverance. But the ordinary rockhound, GEMS A-PLENTY: Beautiful baroque gems, size $1 ounce. Price list. Golden West Gem with the average income and with no sales large variety, tumble polished all over, Co., 7355 Lankershim Blvd., North Hol- or commercialism involved, will find the $10.00 for one pound (about 100 stones). lywood, California. purchasing of expensive facet-cutting equip- 10 lbs. of top grade gemstone prepaid for ment, the spending of many hours in learn- $7.00. Wholesale price to dealers on ba- QUARTZ GOLD specimens. Approximately ing how to do this skilled work with the roque gems and gemstone in the rough. 1-inch size, 50c; 2-inch, $1; 3-inch, $2; consequent procuring of good faceting ma- Satisfaction guaranteed on every sale. 4 to 5 inch, $5. Return in 10 days if not terial impracticable, believes H. L. Zollars San Fernando Valley Gem Co., 5905 satisfied for refund. Tom Chapman, P. of the El Paso, Texas, Mineral and Gem Kester Ave., Van Nuys, California. O. Box 392, Bakersfield, California. Society. After the first gems are produced from COLORADO MINERAL specimens, cut- TUMBLE POLISHED gems. Good variety inexpensive quartz and like material, most ting and tumbling materials. Send 2 cent of material, colors and sizes. 100 approx- of which are presented to friends and rela- stamp for list and terms. Dealers please imately 1 pound, $4.40, tax included. tives, the great urge comes to use better write for wholesale list. John Patrick, Sent on approval. Pay for what you want and more expensive material, which is often Idaho Springs, Colorado. only. Please send 25c for packaging and done, with the result that soon the faceter postage. Western Minerals, Box 61, Boul- finds himself possessed with a number of NOTICE—MINERALS of all types wanted der City, Nevada. lovely gems which he cannot use, does not for retail store. Would like to buy genu- sell and cannot afford to give away. There ine Indian artifacts also. Robert E. Fra- ENGLISH MADE mahogany chest, 20 have been many instances in which a begin- zee. Box 316, Valley Center, Kansas. shallow drawers, show case above. Per- ner in the rockhound hobby started at the fect condition. $150. Bernard, Box 972, top and became a faceter but in a few VISIT GOLD Pan Rock Shop. Beautiful Santa Cruz, California. months or years realized the mistake and sphere material, gems, mineral specimens, is now finding more enjoyment in produc- choice crystals, gem materials, jewelry, ing less valuable gems with a much smaller baroques, etc. Over 100 tons of material investment, Zollars said. to select from. John and Etta James, CRUST DIFFERENTIATES proprietors. 2020 N. Carson Street, Car- METEORITES FROM STONES Most any faceter in this country cannot son City, Nevada. compete on the open market with those of The first meteorite seen to fall in the foreign countries where the pay scale is U. S. GEM Quality Desert Roses (chalce- United States at Weston, Connecticut, in not nearly as high, thus there is little en- dony) V2" to 2"—cabinet specimens or 1807, was reported by two Yale professors, couragement to follow the business as a cutting material. All beautiful—no "duds" Benjamin Silliman and J. L. Kingby. Of money-making project. Even for those who —at $2 per 1b. (state size), 3 lbs. $5.00, this report Thomas Jefferson, it is said, have constructed their own equipment and postage, please. C. Earl Napier, 20472 remarked that it was easier to believe that learned to use it with all of its defects, Harvard Ave., Hayward, California. two Yale professors would lie than that faceting soon loses its original enchantment stones should fall from heaven. and the hobbyist turns to other endeavors, CRYSTAL CAVERN novelties—Jewelry- Some years later, however, it was finally he concluded.—The Voice natural quartz crystals, silver mounted, accepted by most people that meteorites sold at Sinnock's Furniture Store, East actually came from outer space. Blythe; and at No Palms Cafe, California Most meteorites are not made up of iron (3 miles west of Desert Center), also as is commonly believed. In fact, 93 per- LAPIDARY TIPS . . . Rock House 4 miles further west. cent of all those known are composed of Hilda Chance makes these lapidary sug- McSHAN'S GEM SHOP—open 5 to 9 p.m. stone, not dissimilar to many earthy rocks gestions: except Mondays and Thursdays. Rocks, in appearance except for their thin brown A polishing wheel covered with wool gems, cholla cactus wood. Mile west on crust of fused stone—the result of heating Axminister rug is excellent for unakite, rho- U.S. 66, Needles, California, Box 22. as the meteorites sped through the atmo- dochrosite, sodalite and the feldspar family sphere. of minerals. COLLECTORS ATTENTION! A dollar Most minerals in meteorites are the same Make a paste of silicate of soda and tal- deposit brings you a brilliant approval as those found in terrestrial rocks, includ- cum powder for dopping opal and any other selection of assorted polished choice cab- ing nickel, iron, diamond, graphite, magne- stone that cannot stand heat. Also dop inet sized agates. Pay for what you keep. tite, quartz, olivine, pyropene and feldspar. turquoise this way. Soaking the stone in Rare Priday Plume and Moss Nodules But, some rare minerals never found on water will remove the dop. from the old beds of 30 years ago, $3 earth are known only in meteorites, such Organdy material will sometimes put a per lb. in mixed lots of 5, 10 and 20 lbs. as cohenite and schreiberite.—San Diego, polish on turquoise that does not respond plus postage. Helena Jones, 15420 South- California, Lapidary Society's Shop Notes to felt or rug polishers.—Gems and Min- east Division, Portland 66, Oregon. and News erals

40 DESERT MAGAZINE The Rocky Mountain Federation has scheduled its annual convention and show for Rapid City, South Dakota, on June 14-16.—The Voice • • • Wyoming State Mineral and Gem Soci- (fatvatttott - S&acv w eties will hold their convention and show at Laramie on June 8-10. Field trips are planned, according to President W. Crout. The Fresno Gem and Mineral Society nial this year and the Federation's show will —The Voice • • • will be host to the 17th Annual Convention follow that theme, "Centennial Days." In- of the California Federation of Mineralogi- formal dress of blue jeans and gingham will New officers recently installed by the cal Societies on June 22-24. The event will be in order. Shawnee Geology and Rockhound Club of take place in the new air-conditioned Ar- Topeka, Kansas, were George Dauzenroth, mory Building at the Fresno District Fair- Post-convention field trips are scheduled president; Delbert Cross, vice president; grounds. for June 25, 26 and 27 to the Greenhorn Evelyn Gifford, secretary; and Mrs. Homer Herrick, treasurer. Sara K. Smerud, secretary of the 1956 Mountains in Kern County. Federation Show, announced that there will be adequate free parking for the many people expected at the combined conven- tion-show. Home-cooked food will be avail- On or about July 1st, 1956, we will publish our able at nominal cost and unlimited free camping and trailer sites at Kearney Park 25th SILVER ANNIVERSARY EDITION of await visitors, she added. The city also has a wide range of hotel-motel accommo- GRIEGER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA AND SUPERCATA- dations. LOG OF THE LAPIDARY AND JEWELRY ARTS Fresno county is celebrating its Centen- YES, WE HAVE GIVEN THE ORDER TO OUR PRINTERS FOR item. DIAMOND BLADES THE PAPER TO PRINT THIS HUGE VOLUME. Do you know that T WILL TAKE 5 TONS OF PAPER to print the 10,000 copies required Super Stand. and that this is equal to MORE THAN A CARLOAD. This will be a Chgd. Chgd. $ 9.03 $ 7.98 BOOK OF OVER 180 PAGES (8V2" x II") and will contain THE 11.50 10.44 15.23 14.02 MOST PRACTICAL INFORMATION for the JEWELRY CRAFTS- 22.26 18.53 29.40 25.67 MAN and GEM CUTTER that has EVER BEEN PUBLISHED. NEVER 32.76 29.08 43.20 36.12 BEFORE has anyone, attempted such a project FOR YOU. RESERVE 51.97 39.84 65.73 51.40 YOUR COPY NOW. 125.73 188.05 Send $ 1.00 for the paper bound •ditto*. ACT NOW State Arbor Size $2.00 for the Deluxe Hard Book binding. Sales Tax in California Allow for Postage and Insurance AFTIR PUBLICATION DATE THE PRICES WILL BE $1.50 and $2.50 respectively. Covington Ball Bearing Grinder and shields are YOU SAVE —;—- by ordering NOW. On every order we receive before publi- furnished In 3 j cation date we lose money — YOU GAIN. sizes and price ranges to suit ILLUSTRATIONS IN COLOR your require- YOU CANNOT BUY A COPY OF ments. Water "GRIEGER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA Many of the pages will be in color. and srit proof. There will be many wonderful articles COVINGTON 8" TRIM SAW AND SUPERCATALOG OF which have never been in print before. and motor are com- THE LAPIDARY AND Typical of such articles will be one by pact and do not JEWELRY ARTS" the director of research for Linde Air splash. Save blades Products Co. on how SYNTHETIC STAR and clothing with for 1948 or 1950 at 5 or ten times the RUBIES are manufactured. this saw. original cost of $1.00. Most of the peo- OTHER ARTICLES are: BUILD YOUR OWN LAP ple who still have these books will not and SAVE with a COV- sell them at any price. HOW TO CUT CABOCHONS IJYGTON 12" or 16" Lap HOW TO POLISH SPECIMENS Kit. We furnish every- Here are some actual letters we FACET CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS thing you need. Send received from customers who pur- for new free lapidary HOW TO HARD SOLDER catalog. chased our 1948 Encyclopedia. by Wm. T. Baxter COVINGTON "I had much doubt about sending $1.00 THE FIRST POPULAR ARTICLE ON HOW I Multi-Feature for I thought—just a mere catalog. But 16" Lapidary AUTOMATIC CHAIN MAKING MA- Unit Does just try and buy it back for $10.00. You everything CHINES OPERATE. would not get it for that price unless I COPPER ENAMELING INSTRUCTIONS positively knew that I could get another." COVINGTON Use of the Diamond Saw 12", 14" A T. Wilson—Coalinga, California Care and Use of Grinding Wheels or 16" W Power Feed How to Set Up a School Shop Diamond "I do not see how you expect to sell Slab Saws books when you put so much technical Prospecting for Uranium SAVE information in your catalogs on how to Determination of Rocks BLADES pursue one's hobbies." Determination of Minerals USED BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT Send for Now Catalog, IT'S FREE C. W. Stimson—Seattle, Wash. And MANY OTHERS DEALERS WANTED 1633 E. Walnut St. Covington Lapidary Eng. 4.ic i i:<.i:irs. inc. Pasadena 4, Calif. REDLANDS D, CALIFORNIA MAIL ADDRESS: P. O. Box 4185, CATALINA STATION, PASADENA, CALIF.

JUNE, 1956 FOUR FACTORS DETERMINE the fastest diamond saw cut slowly. Most NEW RULES ANNOUNCED saw manufacturers overlook a very impor- LIFE OF DIAMOND BLADE tant factor by leaving no play in the saw FOR JADE COVE ENTRY mandrel. This means a cut started out of The military announced that collecting Four vital factors effect the life of a line causes binding as the saw cuts deeper regulations at the Hunter Liggett Military diamond saw and cause an unwarranted into the stone. This puts a dish into the Reservation's Jade Cove have been changed. sluffage of the grains: method of presenting saw which means a loss of 15 to 20 percent Deputy Post Commander Harry A. Welsch work to the saw; lubrication; pressure; speed. of the saw life. writes from Jolon, California, that two large signs are being erected on the high- There are several methods of presenting Diamond saws are made from soft cold way near Jade Cove announcing the regula- work to the saw. The most widely used roll steel and at best it is hard to keep them tions for entering the area. Military Police, today is the sliding carriage, a very satis- running true. Lack of lubrication causes Col. Welsch said, will make spot checks factory way when the unit is well made, the saw to heat, which, in turn, causes from time to time to make sure that posted but a constant source of trouble from poorly "flopping" which sometimes tears the work regulations are being complied with. Writ- made equipment. Perfect alignment be- from the carriage and completely ruins the ten permission to enter the area was re- tween saw and carriage rods is a must. Too saw. quired in the past. small and loose carriage bearings will make There is a great variation in equipment The requirements are: as to the proper pressure for weight pull No explosives or winches will be used for units. Too much weight causes the saw to removing jade; bend. The hydraulic retardant weight pull Jade will not be taken in large quantities. is recommended for greatest saw blade life. This field is open to give rockhounds a With the hydraulic retardant the pressure chance to get samples of jade and not for exerted against the saw can never exceed the benefit of dealers who collect this type that of the weight pull. of material for sale; With the average semi-precious gem Visitors will use the two stiles when trav- stones, the most satisfactory speed is around eling to the beach from the highway. This 3000 surface feet per minute and it is very will prevent damage to fences which has important that the lapidarist starts his cuts occurred in the past; straight. The greatest damage to the dia- Visitors will not harass the cattle nor mond saw takes place while starting and trample planted grain in this area. The land finishing cuts. — Fred S. Young in The has been leased for farming and grazing; Mineralogist and Visitors will not build fires nor camp in this area. MANY MINERALS, GEM STONES CONTAIN TITANIUM METALS DESERT QUIZ ANSWERS Titanium is the third most abundant metal Questions are on page 8 in Nature, but at the high temperatures at which rocks are formed, it is so active 1—Tire chains generally are worse chemically that it is never found except in than useless in soft dry sand. compounds in its natural state. A number 2—Flasks. of minerals containing titanium are fairly 3—Open pit copper mining. common, among them ilmenite, rutile, tita- 4—Escarpment. nite, perovskite, octahedrite and brookite. 5—Fremont River. It is often found as an impurity in magnetite. 6—Gallup. HILLQUIST Gems that contain titanium are sphene, 7—Never again tell the truth. rutile, benitoite and euxenite. 8—Apache Indian. # Put the Hillquist Gemmaster beside any lapidary Because at melting temperatures titanium 9—Creamy white. machine — cheaper, flimsy "gadgets" or units that reacts readily with almost any material a 10—Little Colorado River. sell at twice the price. Compare construction! Com- crucible can be made of, it has been a 11—Trek across Death Valley. pare ease of operation! Compare how much you difficult metal to refine and has only been 12—Nevada. get for your money and you'll say, "I'll take the available in its metallic form in the past 13—Topaz. Gemmaster!" few years, it is the strongest metal for its 14—South. Here is a worthy companion for our larger and weight in use.—The Sooner Rockologist 15—Tucson. more expensive Hillquist Compact Lapidary Unit. 16—Mormon settlers. Tho smaller in size, the Hillquist Gemmaster has 17—Grass. many of the same features. It's all-metal with spun 18—Meteorites. aluminum tub. You get a rugged, double-action rock The North Lincoln Agate Society will 19—Nevada. clamp, not a puny little pebble pincher. You get a hold its 14th Annual Agate Show in the 20—Panamint Mountains. full 3" babbitt sleeve bearing and ball thrust bear- Deloke, Oregon, School on Highway 101, ing. You get a big 7" Super Speed diamond saw on July 29-30. and all the equipment you need to go right to work. USES ALL ACCESSORIES You can wsa all the regular Hillquist accessories* with the Gemmaster: The Hillquist Facetor, Sphere Cutters, Laps, Drum and Disc Sanders, etc. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG TcOMPUn~REAt>fT0~

HAND MADE IN STERLING SILVER Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings BIG 7" Diamond Saw • 6" x 1" Gri Wheel • 6 "Felt Buff • 6" Backing Wheel and Brooches 6" Disc Sander • Double-action Rock § Clamp • Oil Feed Cup • Water Feed SPECIALLY SELECTED STONES WITH | Hose & Clamp • Dop Sticks & Dop Wax* CHOICE COLORS AND PICTURES I Polish, Compound, Etc. Write for Folder With Prices BUILT FOR LONG SERVICE! No other low-cost lap unit gives you full 3" sleeve bearing, ball thrust bearing ELLIOTT'S GEM SHOP and pressure lubrication. 235 East Seaside Blvd. Long Beach 2, California Across from West End of Municipal / #A Auditorium Grounds Hours 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily Except Monday

42 DESERT MAGAZINE NORTHWESTERN SOCIETIES The Redwood Gem and Mineral Society Members of the Santa Fe, New Mexico, ANNOUNCE SHOW DATES of Santa Rosa, California, will present its Gem and Mineral Club elected Walter annual show in conjunction with the So- Wright president for the coming club year. Show dates have been told by the fol- noma County Fair, July 20-28. Club offi- Other officers elected were W. Burton lowing organizations: June 1-3, Hell's Can- Lewis, vice president; Joe Lawler, secretary; yon Gem Club, Lewiston, Idaho; June 2-3, cers are Leo Connolly, president; Mrs. Roy Spring Pow Wow No. 2 of the All Rock- Dutro, vice president; Hazel Sewell, secre- Pat Insley, treasurer; and Hilda C. Voetberg, hounds of America, Inc., at Medford Ore- tary; and Lottie Miller, treasurer. corresponding secretary. gon; June 9-10, Umpqua Mineral Club's Southern Oregon Gem and Mineral Show, Roseburg, Oregon; June 22-24, Second an- nual show of the Gem County Rock and Mineral Society, Emmett, Idaho; June 23- 24, Magic Valley Gem Club's fifth annual show, Gooding, Idaho; June 30-July 1, sec- .MTIIIML GEM Al URAL SHOW ond annual show of the Paradise, California, Gem and Mineral Club; June 30-July 1, All JULY 12-13-14-15, 1956 Rockhounds of America, Inc., Pow Wow at Home Activities Building — Minnesota State Fair Grounds the Fairgrounds in Ellenburg, Washington; July 7-8, Prineville, Oregon, Mineral So- St. Paul, Minnesota ciety. MINNESOTA MINERAL CLUB —HOST • • • to DIAMONDS ARE HARDEST THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MINERALOGICAL SOCIETIES SUBSTANCE ON EARTH ninth annual convention The diamond is a precious gem with a and hardness on Mohs' scale of 10—the hardest THE MIDWEST FEDERATION OF substance known to man and the only gem- MINERALOGICAL & GEOLOGICAL SOCIETIES stone composed of a single pure element, carbon. sixteenth annual convention The two most common shapes of dia- Display competition (club and individual)—Woodruff trophy—Midwest monds are octahedron — eight triangular trophy—awards—two of finest Jade collections in Western World— faces — and rhombic dodecahedron — 12 Carvings—Mosaics—Gems—all types—fine Minerals—Lectures—Field equal faces. However, diamonds have been found in cubes and other forms. Diamonds trips—Movies—Banquet—"Pops" Concert—free camp grounds—trailer cannot be marred by alkali or acid and will park—services—all types—lunch bar—vacation and field trip arrange- take heat up to 2700 degrees F. ments—and more— The value of a diamond is determined by Commercial and non-commercial exhibitors from coast to coast; from its color, perfection and cutting shape. The ideal color is white with a blue tint. The north to south borders; from Canada and Alaska are registered. A slightest tinge of yellow or brown makes larger variety of gems and minerals will be shown here than has ever them less desirable but rare diamonds of been shown ANYWHERE. green, pink, blue, red, violet and black are priceless.—Lockheed Employees' Rockcraft-

Arthur L. Flagg, co-founder and 20-year active member of the Mineralogical Society GRIEGER'S FABULOUS TREASURE CHEST OF of Arizona, was recently honored by that organization. In Flagg's honor, the society JEWELRY VALUES established a perpetual award to be presented each year to the Arizona school that enters KEY CHAINS - LOW AS 19c each the most outstanding exhibit of miniature BRACELET CHAINS - LOW AS 16c each cabinet specimens at the State Fair. LARIAT CORDS - LOW AS lie each

• • 9 BELL CAPS - LOW AS 5y2c each July 14-15 are the dates for the first BAROQUE RINGS - LOW AS $1.40 each annual gem and mineral show with com- BAROQUE CUFF LINKS - LOW AS $1.60 pair mercial dealers of the Reno, Nevada, Wa- BAROQUE STONES - LOW AS $1.00 for 8 oz. shoe Gem and Mineral Society. The show is scheduled to take place at the California (with purchase) Building, Idlewild Park, Reno, and society RING MOUNTINGS - LOW AS $1.00 each president Richard C. Frey announced that (with purchase) field trips are planned. LUCKY CLOVER EARWIRES - LOW AS 23c pair' • • • The South Bay Lapidary and Mineral Society of Hermosa Beach, California, has set September 15-16 as the dates for its SAVE $ $ $ show, scheduled to take place at Clark Stadium. SEND FOR OUR LATEST BULLETIN OF BARGAINS

BLANK MOUNTINGS NEW DEALERS: IF YOU ARE NOT ON OUR MAILING LIST, send for for our latest dealer catalog. AGATE JEWELRY WHOLESALE GRIEGER'S, INC., are the LARGEST SUPPLIERS OF JEWELRY Rings — Ear Wires — Tie Chains PARTS, GEM CUTTING EQUIPMENT, JEW- Cuff Links — Neck Chains Bezel — devices — Shanks ELRY TOOLS, GEM STONES & PROSPECT- Solder — Findings ING EQUIPMENT. Send stamp for price list No. 3 O. R. JUNKiNS & SON (OVER 10,000 ITEMS TO SELECT FROM) 440 N.W. Beach St. GRIEGER'S INC. • Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 4185 • CATAUNA STATION, PASADENA, CALIF. NEWPORT, OREGON Store Address: 1633 I. WALNUT ST. • PASADENA 4, CALIF. • Phone SV. 6-6423 OUR STORE IS OPEN EVERY DAY 8:30 A.M. UNTIL S:OO P.M. — CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY

JUNE, 1956 4'i master cutter worked the foot treadles of the lathe and fed the abrasive. The jade then went to the master carver who carried the rough forming still further by cutting many small circular rings into the work with tubular drills. This opera- By CARROLL KELLEY respects the art of carving jade has changed tion required the highest degree of skill— but little. a slight chip or fracture in the wrong place, During the late Chou period—600 to 200 The carving of a jade object was rarely and the piece was ruined. B.C.—Chinese lapidaries produced carved the work of one artisan. In China, Jade It was now necessary to clean and smooth jade pieces which, for excellence of work- carving has for centuries been an important the rough projections left by the chisels and manship, were not to be surpassed for 2000 industry, and the work was specialized. drills. This was done by grinding these The most important man in the produc- edges with a wheel or ring made of wood years. The work was done with the most tion of a carved jade piece was the master primitive and simplest of tools. Modern carver. Not only did he perform the most or iron and charged with an abrasive called abrasives have supplanted some of the less difficult phases of the work, but he alone "dragon teeth," a mixture of coarsely ground effective ones formerly used, but in other had the privilege of deciding what object abrasive and horse fat. should be made from a given piece of jade. If the design required undercutting so as With this end in view he subjected the rough to bring certain portions into relief, this stone to a long and careful examination, was done in the lathe using iron cutting taking into account size, shape and color tools shaped like a nail—the "head" of the patterns. His decision, when made, was tool making the undercut. Fretwork and final. No sketches were required, the design other small openings in the design were LAPIDARY and and all details regarding the finished piece made with a bow drill. First a tiny hole were kept in the master carver's head. was drilled into each angle of a projected opening, and then the remaining web of Rough cutting of the block to size was JEWELRY done outside the shop in an area called the material was removed by threading a small yard. Here two men sawed the jade by charged wire into one of the holes and drawing a knife-edged iron affair back and sawing out the slug. Objects such as incense SUPPLIES forth across the work while a boy fed burners often had hundreds of such open- abrasive such as quartz sand into the cut. ings. Chrome Oxide . 1 Ib. $ .80 By now several years of patient labor Uncle Ruby 1 Ib. 2.00 The master cutter next marked a rough had gone into the piece, and almost as Tin Oxide (optical grade) lib. 1.50 outline of the object to be made. If the many years remained before it would be Cerium Oxide 1 Ib. 2.75 inside was to be hollowed out this was done finished. For the next step, polishing, was Uncle A 1 oz. 1.25 before any further work on the outside. one which the Chinese lapidary considered Undo B 1 oz. 1.25 The hollowing out was accomplished by to be of the highest importance. The "feel" Damascus Ruby 2 oz. 1.00 means of a tubular iron drill mounted in a crude wooden spindle which was given of the finished piece depended on how well Dop Wax 1 Ib. 1.00 a reciprocal motion by a leather belt fast- the artisan did this job, and time and labor Jeweler's Red Rouge 'A Ib. .20 ened to a pair of foot treadles. Various were not spared. White Rouge ..'A Ib. .40 abrasives were used: garnet, quartz, corun- The master carver, sitting at his treadle 4X White Diamond .__ 1 Ib. .50 dum, ruby, diamond—whatever was avail- lathe and using tools with ball shaped Tripoli Block 1 Ib. .35 able. These were crushed to varying degrees heads charged with diamond dust, would of fineness depending on the type of work give the entire surface a thorough "burnish- JEWELRY TOOLS at hand. Sometimes a paste was made by ing" to remove all traces of the saws, drills, chisels and gouges. According to some an- Bench Vise, 1%" Jaw... $1.70 mixing an abrasive with bone-meal, dried blood or pork fat. cient accounts, a full year might be required Ring Clamp _ 1.35 to perform this one operation. Ring Sizer Set 1.75 The core from the drilling was broken Ring Mandrel Plain 4.50 out and the bottom of the hole roughly Satisfied, at last, that the piece was prop- Ring Mandrel Grooved 5.00 finished by grinding with metal tools charged erly prepared, the carver began the first with abrasive. actual polishing. This was done in the lathe, 5" Pliers—Chain, round and flat Pr. 1.75 using wooden or leather tools of every size Tap and Die Set, Swiss—46 Pieces Next the master cutter, guided by the .076 to .021 in Carry Case __ 8.75 lay-out lines, removed as much surplus ma- and shape necessary to reach all surfaces of ODORLESS Silver Oxidizer 1.00 terial as he could with the circular saw. the carving. Finely ground ruby crystals Liquid Flux, 2 oz 35 While two assistants held the work, the were used for this "rough" polishing. The Magnifocuser Pr. 10.50 final polishing was done with leather wheels charged with pulverized bamboo chips. Some of the finest carved jade in America BARGAIN BASEMENT YOUR TRAVEL DREAMS COME TRUE! is in the collection of the Walker Art Go where you please, stay as long as you like. Explore Center and the Minneapolis Institute of the byways, relax by a rippling stream ... enjoy the Arts; both located in Minneapolis, Minne- sea, the woods, the mountains-travel care-free with all sota. Visitors and exhibitors at the 9th the comforts of home. Write today for Free booklet! Annual National Convention of the Ameri- PLIERS - PLIERS AIRSTREAM TRAILERS Dept. p can and the Midwest Federations of Miner- 110 CHURCH ST., JACKSON CENTER, OHIO alogical Societies, July 12-15 will see these MADE IN SWEDEN 1755 N. MAIN ST., LOS ANGELES 31, CALIF. outstanding jades in Minneapolis. 1 4 /2-inch CHROME PLATED Chain Nose or Flat Nose Pliers. THE FRESNO GEM AND MINERAL SOCIETY PRESENTS THE These pliers are made of the famous— 17th ANNUAL CONVENTION & SHOW SWEDISH STEEL of the California Federation of Mineralogical Societies $1.75 pair — 3 pairs, $4.50 JUNE 22, 23 AND 24, 1956 Minimum Mail Orders, $3.00 A fabulous exhibit of gems and minerals from the Smithsonian Insti- Postage extra. California residents, add 3% tution — outstanding displays of diamonds and gold. PLUS many Sales Tax exciting special exhibits — club, dealer and educational displays. BELMONT Plan to attend! LAPIDARY SUPPLY Armory Building Fresno District Fairgrounds 703 RALSTON AVE BELMONT, CALIF. FRESNO, CALIFORNIA

DESERT MAGAZINE small grinding wheels and buffs, mounted on a small mandrel, and held in a hand grinder. AMATEUR GEM CUTTER Hand grinders are available from various lapidary supply houses, and are available By DR. H. C. DAKE, Editor of The Mineralogist in several styles. One type is powered by a very small electric motor contained within the unit. Another style hand grinder has a Bracelets for wrist wear, cut from various work against the grinding wheel. The work flexible shaft which can be attached to the semi-precious gem minerals can be worked is revolved against the wheel and by this armature shaft of a small electric motor. by various lapidary methods. Perhaps the method it is not at all difficult to produce Grinders of this kind find wide use in the method used by the Chinese lapidarist is a symmetrical piece of work. A method home jewelry and lapidary shop. the most simple and effective. The Chinese whereby the grinding wheel revolves in one often produce splendid bracelets from jade direction and the work in the opposite di- and nephrite. In selecting a gem material rection would be ideal. Owing to its porous nature, tiger eye or for bracelet cutting, the mineral should be After the blank cut from hollow cylinder crocidolite may be readily colored by soak- tough, free of fractures, flaws and cleavage. has been properly shaped by grinding, the ing in various dyes, usually aniline dyes are A gem mineral with a marked cleavage deep scratches should be removed by the used. To facilitate the penetration of the would be wholly unsuited to withstand wear usual sanding operation. The inner surface coloring solution, same may be heated from as a bracelet, or even a finger ring. of the bracelet or ring can be sanded by time to time. The time for coloring will vary some with the porosity of the gem. In working valuable jade, the Chinese the use of various size felt cones, and small have learned various methods of conserving felt wheels, using fine grit (220 or finer) The gem is often colored a pale green or the rough material. In hollowing out a vase, silicon carbide or Norbide. dull yellow to simulate the chrysoberyl cats cup or bowl, the Chinese artisan will first Final polishing is carried out on the eye. The stones are usually placed in the cut a small core to the proper depth. This regular felt buffs, holding the work by hand. beauty bath after the cabochon has received core is sunk by tube drilling and then The inner surfaces can be reached by small its final polish. broken out with a sharp blow from a ham- felt polishing wheels or cone-shaped polish- * * * mer. The core can, of course, be used for ing wheels. A cone-shaped polisher can be The gem material lapis lazuli may carry cabochons or any other suitable ornament. made by cementing felt or soft leather to admixtures of calcite in the matrix. These After the central core has been removed, a a cone-shaped piece of wood. areas being soft will tend to under cut and larger size tube is used to take out a hollow Small felt buffs and cones are available to "polish out." This fact may account for cylinder of the desired diameter. In order from supply houses. These are intended to the difficulty in obtaining a uniform and to avoid breakage when taking out the be used on small polishing motors and hand even polish on some lapis. cylinder, same should be undercut, working grinders. The regular polishing agents are in the space left by the original core. The indicated in this work. undercut can be made by the use of small and tin-mounted silicon carbide wheels, on There are a number of gem minerals other a hand grinder. than jade and nephrite which can be worked into bracelets and rings. Agate, free of ALTA INDUSTRIES A block of rough gem material will also flaws and fractures, can be utilized as this 2133 W. Encante Blvd., Phoenix, Arizona suffice for obtaining hollow cylinders of material lacks cleavage and is quite tough various sizes suitable for rings and bracelets. and tenacious. Some of the hard, tough, and LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT The same technique as described above can compact varieties of massive garnet (grossu- be applied, first removing a central core. larite), are well adapted for these orna- MANUFACTURE AND DESIGN Tube drilling can be carried out by vari- ments. Other gem minerals will suggest New 10-12 inch powerfeed slabbing ous methods, the power drill press being the themselves as being suitable. saw unit. most convenient and effective. The Chinese In cutting a hollow cylinder for a brace- 16-18 inch powerfeed slabbing saw use ordinary iron pipe of various diameters, let due care and attention should be given and as an abrasive coarse silicon carbide to the final size to slip over the hand. The units. grit serves as the cutting agent. Copper and size of a finger ring can be enlarged, by 8 and 10 inch trim saw units. brass tubing is also excellent. Diamond dust grinding on the inner surface, if there is Plain and ball bearing belt sanders. (bort) of about 120 grit is the fastest cut- enough material to permit same without ting agent for use in tube drilling. breakage of ring. This can be done with Send postal for free literature. In order to cut clearance the tube used for drilling should be slightly flanged on the working face. This can be done by gently tapping with a hammer. With large heavy tubes, a chisel can be used to cut It's a notches on the working face, and a flange bent down by hammering. The notches Hillquist! will also serve to better hold the abrasive where the cutting is being done. Plenty of lubricant should be applied at the working point. In drilling very small holes, light oil is mixed with the abrasive grit. For very large holes, water is a satis- HERE IS THE ROCK HOUNDS' H 12 Model factory lubricant. FAVORITE and has been for After a cross section has been cut from over 20 years. A ruggedly-built Price 76.00 the cylinder, it is necessary to round off saw unit that will handle BIG With Auto, feed 125.00 the edges by grinding on the silicon car- rocks. Comes in two sizes. The Crating extra . bide wheels. Holding the work by hand is H 12 BENCH MODEL with 12" .... 4.00 Shipping Wgt. unsatisfactory as it will be found difficult blade capacity and the H 16 100 lbs. to keep the bracelet the same diameter FLOOR MODEL with 16" blad. throughout. If cut too deeply on one area capacity. Look at the clamp and other features. You will it will be necessary to reduce the entire never see another saw with a clamp that is so easy to surface to this same diameter. H 16 Model adjust and it is STRONG. The crossfeed will handle over In grinding a bracelet (or finger ring) Price 118.00 4" of cutoff. Heavy 1" steel rails with solid metal end the Chinese does not attempt to hold the With Auto, feed 167.50 plates provide track for the clamp carriage. Work is visible at all times. Splash proof curtains are provided. Crating extra . S.OO All prices F.O.B. Factory and less motor or blade FREE TRAILER m ROCKHOUNDS m FREE Shipping Wgt. .150 lbs. w SPACE WELCOME • WATER WIND-MILL STATION WRITE FOR OUR FREE, COMPLETE LAPIDARY CATALOG CABINS - GASOLINE Can furnish guide for field trips. 4 miles west of old Copper World Mine. 11 miles [1545 WEST 49* ST. east of the Turquoise Mountains. Located 25 miles east of Baker on mnoifsiMCgSr MAH/OFACrUREIlS Of f/NE GEM-purriNC Et/U/PMENrSEATTLE 7, WASH. Highway 91-466

JUNE, 1956 between Uou and. Mi


I SPREAD my sleeping bag on the in addition to the millions it already has appropriated in high plateau of the Sierra Juarez in Baja California southwestern states for aerial gunnery and bombing pur- beneath some of those "four-leaf" pinyons which poses. Dr. wrote about in the April issue of The latest Navy grab is in the Black Rock-Sahwave Desert Magazine. With four companions I. was on a country of northwestern Nevada where application was three-day backpack trip in a desert wilderness so precipi- made to withdraw 2,800,000 acres of the public domain tous we frequently had to resort to the use of our ropes. in addition to the purchase of 300,000 acres of range and That evening, and during the strenuous days which mining lands from private owners. followed, my mind kept reverting to a passage in The Nevadans are not going to give up their land without Desert Year written by Joseph Wood Krutch. The author a struggle. The Air Force and Atomic Energy Commis- suggested that "the way of the desert and the way of the sion already have taken 3,360,000 acres from the state jungle represent tv/o opposite methods of reaching sta- for target purposes and atomic tests, and Nevada ranchers bility at two extremes of density. and mining men feel that the admirals are asking too "In the jungle there is plenty of everything life needs much of them. except space. . . . Everything is on top of everything else; The Air Force offered to let the Navy use 1,000,000 there is no cranny which is not both occupied and dis- acres of the Tonopah Range—but so far, the Navy has puted. At every moment, war to the death rages fiercely. ignored the offer. "In the desert, on the other hand, it is the environment You may wonder why it would not be possible for itself which is the limiting factor. To some extent the the Army and Navy and Air Force to coordinate their struggle of creature against creature is mitigated, although training and testing activities under a unified command— it is of course not abolished even in the vegetable kingdom. as they will have to do if a war comes. I think I know For the plant which in the one place would be strangled the answer to that one. A unified command means just to death by its neighbor dies a thirsty seedling in the desert that—with a single commander in charge of the over-all because that same neighbor has drawn the scant moisture operation. He would be either an admiral or a general. from the spot of earth out of which it was attempting to Can you imagine a general taking orders from an admiral, spring. or vice versa? That is the way it would have to work in "Sometimes it seems to me that, of the two methods, a unified command. And to the royal braid and brass of the desert's is the kindlier ... I wonder if it does not the Pentagon that is unthinkable. I know how it works. augur ill for the human race that its techniques have I was an officer in two wars. enabled it to produce for itself a sort of artificial, techno- logical jungle in which too many people can live somehow —if not well—and where, therefore, as in the jungle, the struggle inevitably becomes ultimately the struggle of man Fifty years ago Gordon Stuart was a mule-skinner in against man and not the struggle of man against Nature." Imperial Valley, California. He was leveling sand dunes down there when the Colorado broke through in 1905 Dr. Krutch might have gone further and pointed out and formed Salton Sea. More recently he has retired that the most effective limiting factor on the desert is a and his hobby is a little pamphlet called Pacific Palisades sort of birth control. Prodigious numbers of seeds are Press which he prints occasionally in his garage. produced by the various species—but due to factors which are essentially of the desert environment only a few of He wrote: "Forty years ago down on the desert we them germinate. built flat-roofed box houses for utility only. We built them out of plain boards and only hoped for shelter from This would seem to bear out Dr. Krutch's conclusion the sun, wind and sand. that as between desert and jungle, the desert method is the kindlier. "We received no publicity, no one praised our skill or called us masters of our art. We were not proud of Perhaps the human family sooner or later will have our houses. We called them shacks. Today we wonder. to decide whether it will pursue the way of the desert or Were we 40 years ahead of our time in designing? Last the way of the jungle. week an architect got a prize for designing a house just * * * like our desert shacks. We will sue him. No, we can't The U. S. Navy is encountering stormy seas in its sue him for stealing our design. We stole the design from efforts to acquire another 3,100,000 acres of Nevada land a man who built hen houses."


Pictms of the Month

Hotned Imii This studio photograph of an Ari- zona Horned Lizard won Richard A. Slater of Phoenix, Arizona, second prize in the contest. Slater used a 4x5 Speed Graphic, 127 mm. Ektar F/4.7 lens, Kodak Tri-X film, 1/400 at f. 32 with flash.

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