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| LET’S NAIL THE LIES OF THE KEPT sae Ys : author- It will give © initial ex penses of its development, and you, Mr. Free American, arc urged to bi of thes ready for denomii able at the expi of five Fate of interest of February year. Please fi send direct to the association. an immense 1. success, must help ‘Then to make you will this know Free what is going on, and you will be abie to act for your own interests HAVE YOU SEEN THE FEDERATED PRESS BULLETIN? LET US ‘The association is strictly a business proposition. It is SEND YOU A FREE COPY FOR YOUR INSPECTION co-operative and non-profit-making. It THE FEDERATED PRESS BULLITIN was authorize the express purpose of giving working was class organized news to. the for Te is designed for public: speakers, ‘writers, worker, which is now either entirely suppressed by the Kept abr organizations and Press or minimized. It has as the chairman of its executive and not for publication, Th yard, Robert-M, Buck, editor of The New Majority, which tang i xaetiy the same matter which appears cmd in the lished organ by of the the Chicago American Federation Labor party. of Labor Other and members is the “der the board are E. B. Ault, editor of The Seattle Union Hilton, editor of Majority, at Wheeling, W. The Butte Daily Bulletin, Butte, jor of The Detroit Labor New: the Detroit Federation of Labor The Advance, the official organ of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America; Herbert wersigued applies for bonds of HE E. Gaston, of the Nonpartisan league papers of the denominated $3) eae ad Ineludes here Schwanz, editor of The Worker, Fort at Minneapolis, Wayne, Ind, five head of the organization is E. J. Costello, of Milwaukee Leader, for seven years an editor and stat ess and more recently THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE: By JOHN COWAN, M.D. WORKERS’ DEFENSE. CONFERENCE OF » NEW ENGLAND Hacrag in ts moral and, physi rte Over 400 men and Deg Island in the recent women wete arrested and taken to in Liberty Bonds ras. $200,000 more is needed has heen placed as bail, THE PHILOSOPHY oF MA MARRIAGE AND GUIDE for $16,000 and $5,000. to bail 110 as many are held By MICHAEL RYAN, M.D. Money is heeded for defen, A book dealing with the hygiene, physiology and philosophy loney is needed to aid the families of those being held. ‘of marriage. fitustrated. Price $1." Bost pald, ‘They are making this sacrifice for you. What are jose two, Dooks $2 net? pont pal willing to do for them? 2 you Sond for free elreular and price Hist of our other books. —GIVE—_ THE MODERN BOOK CO., Dept. 8503 Make checks payable to The Workers’ Defense Confer- 82 Union Square, New. York gnce’of New gland and send’ tox 65; Eoses St P. 0., Boston, 10, Mass. _* : Oe ooD PROTECTED! Phone Chelsea 7325 Tear How, Wh, When, through ‘ADVANCE MAILING CO. trol Review mandi 80 FIFTH AVENUE Weekly and Month; Pabieations iit suhJects. interesting: Hames ant Sot thinely Information on the Aduressing, Multigraphing BIWEH CONTROL REVIEW, 1018 Filth Av 1 New York City. Jane Burr's Drowsy Saint Inn A CONCERT EVERY NIGHT Ope: April Third for week-endlers ‘The best cuisine and music * and all’ the tecolaroungors can be enjoyed in the Croton-on-Hudson, New York. HUNGARIAN WORKMEN’S HOME FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE LIBERATOR Fly Tonight May be sent direct to 138 West Out of a deep sleep he woke her. 13th Street, New York, or She thought she knew him so well. through one of the following Yet now, at two in the morning, he agencies. No prices are stated this terror—this on account of the fluctuating »)) mystery—this burst on her with what? exchange in many of the countries. Please consult the It’s the beginning of one of the best agent about the price. mysteries ever solved by the great AUSTRALIA Will Andrade 201 Bourke Street Melbourne he American SherlochHolmes ENGLAND Oe Aner The Reformer’s Bookshop He is the detective genius of our age. He has taken sci- 103 Kirkgate, Bradford ‘ence—science that stands for this age—and allied it to the mystery and romance of detective fiction. Even to the small- est detail, every bit of the plot is worked out seient FRANCE For nearly ten years Ameri been watching his C Kennedy—marvelling at_the e, new, startling th Boris Souvarine that detective hero would unfol th plots—such su Le Populaire —with real, vivid people moving through the maelst life! Frenchmen have mastered the art of terror 42 Rue Feydeau, Paris English writers have thrilled whole nations by their heroes in ingenuity has fashioned wild tales of tery, But all these geet old:feshioned out-of-date beside HAWAII PRESIDENT. 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ROOSEVELT SAID: “% Send me, all Box 3601 reall? 4, "ole J08,¢f] HARPER & BROTHERS /,s of Arun ®: Johannesburg gulored Enjored naif nalts a osen dozen good good | established |, 1617 NEW é yoRK/ umes Alto send 12 vole "me, Bi Heerewome of thet abeolutoly. fre, the set WALES ‘Wore corkern” ‘2Wo SHELVES OY nooKS 20 of volumes. Eagar Allan’ If the Poesia books are not aatistactory Tall D. R. Owen uve setten at your oth expense, gets withta Other 40 Stepney Villas in'5 days wl and tend $2 you 4 mouth $1 ithe fOr Garmant, Carmshire 11" months South Wales ‘Address, —$—$—$— ee Occupation, NS Bond ae Oe, ae'ine post ene at New York 2 8 = a = g oe 0 Our THE LIBERATOR © Vol. 3, No. 4 [Serial No. 25] April, 1920 s it does at the very roots of Communism, cannot: EDITORIALS possibly exist in Soviet’ Russia, the only truly pacific BY MAX EASTMAD country in the world.” HE willingness of Soviet Russia in the moment of victory, to make peace at the cost of extensive con Tactics cessions to the capitalist nations, is of high importance. BELIEVE it is the first time in history that an over- To communists and capitalists alike it is the crucial fact whelmingly victorious army ever actually pleaded for in the history of these times. The New York World’s peace. And while this may seem disappointing to some Russian reporter, while quoting the popular opinion of rebels who identify the revolution with a satisfaction of Trotsky in Moscow and among his troops as “one of their own fighting impulse, it is a profoundly and dra- the greatest soldiers in the history of man,” and acknow!- matically revolutionary act. ‘edging that he is the leader of “the most formidable If the concessions that are offered to foreign capital army in the World to-day . the most sensational war: should involve any essential or prolonged renewal of ex- machine humanity has ever beheld,” states that the one ploitation, if the “insistence” of the Red Army upon going thing this formidable soldier sought to impress upon to work, turns out to be, as this reporter elsewhere de- him, was that Russia would offer economic advantages scribes it, a’ “militarization of labor”—then disillusion- for the sake of peace, and that “peace would lead to the ment indeed! But the detestation of war, the consé immediate demobilization of the Red Army.” cration of life, the renunciation of communism-by- “It is charged in some quarters,” said he to Trotsky, conquest, the fundamental reliance upon economic rather “that Soviet Russia is becoming militaristic, that by than military forces to bring freedom to the rest of the force of arms you will seek to impose your revolution world’s working-class, is unswervingly in accord with throughout the rest of Europe.” ‘Trotsky's black eyes the true science of revolution. An intuitive knowledge of this fact is what makes it blazed. so hard for the capitalist governments to make peace “Ludicrous lies,” he excl The Red Army is with Soviet Russia. “When? the Bolsheviks say they the most anti-militaristic body existing to-day. Nine~ want peace,” said Secretary Lansing, “and give assur- tenths of us, I mean organizers, are workers and peas- ances that they wish simply to be let alone in order to ants, pacifists all. work out their experiment in Ruésia, such offers of “Immediate demobilization is obligatory with us as compromise are purely tactical.” Of course they are soon as hostilities cease. ‘The workers and peasants w: purely tactical. And worse than that, they are correctly insist, once the revolution is no longer in peril, on return- tactical! The breakdown of capitalism has gone so far ing to their factories and farms and making Russia a fit in the other countries that it is possible, little as anyone land to live in. Frontier guards will be maintained, of hoped it would be, for Russia to develop a system of course.