2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey

Final Report August 3-27, 2016 Cambridge Bay, Nunavut

Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre PO Box 3232, Vancouver, British Columbia Canada V6B 3X8 www.vanaqua.org

Report written by: Jeremy Heywood (corresponding author: [email protected]), Danny Kent, Donna Gibbs, Laura Borden, Mackenzie Neale, Justin Lisaingo, Ruby Banwait and David Caughlan.

Contributions from: Takuji Oyama, Eric Solomon and Dr. Andrew Day.

Photos by: Danny Kent, Jeremy Heywood, Donna Gibbs, Laura Borden and Justin Lisaingo.

December, 2016

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 1

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Polar Knowledge Canada 4

Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre 4

Methods 5

Dive Site Catalogue 8

 Dock  Lumpsucker Rock  Northern Dock  West of 5 Island  Old Town Site  Middle Mouth North  Old Camping Spot  Middle Mouth South  West Arm Tank Farm  Cape Colborne Inside  West Arm Airport Wall  Cape Colborne Outside  West Arm BCB  Cape Colborne Sandbar Deep  West Arm West End  Cape Colborne Sandbar Shallow  West Arm End of Arm  Starvation Cove Point  West Arm Mud Bank Wall  Unnamed Findlayson Island 1  West Arm Mud Bank South End  West Arm Step Wall  Unahitak Island North End  Simpson Rock  Unahitak Island Rectangle Rock

Summary 95

Acknowledgements 100

Appendix A - ID Photos 108

Appendix B - Dive Site List and Coordinates 110

Appendix C - Google Map of Dive sites 111

Appendix D - Taxon Report 112

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 2

Introduction Many of the biological and ecological effects of climate change and other factors impacting the Arctic Ocean and nearshore marine ecosystems are poorly understood. Key driving factors include shifting freshwater input, changes in upwelling and current regimes, fluctuations in water temperature and chemistry, and increased human activity. All of these factors influence the health and biodiversity of nearshore ecosystems. Nearshore Ecological Surveys (NES) are needed to provide baseline information and document examples of different nearshore ecosystems, habitats and marine life in the Arctic. These types of surveys are best undertaken by scientific divers making first-hand observations in the water. To that end, the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre, working with Polar Knowledge Canada, and supported by community experts, visited a range of dive sites in the vicinity of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut in August 2016 to survey, record and catalogue nearshore ecology. The 2016 NES continues the work started with the 2015 NES to document the local nearshore environment.

The objectives of the Vancouver Aquarium/POLAR NES are two-fold. First, the short term objective is to create a dynamic catalogue of nearshore ecosystems that will serve as a reference document for POLAR/Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) scientists and other researchers when considering science projects in the Cambridge Bay area.

Second, the long term objective is to enable meaningful planning and monitoring of Arctic ecosystems to gauge the effects of climate change and increased commercial activity, and to help establish CHARS as a hub for Arctic scientific research. Ideally these survey records will be maintained at CHARS, and become a resource that will assist researchers and policy-makers identify sites of special interest, protect sensitive ecosystems, plan future research, and track ecological changes over time.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 3

Polar Knowledge Canada (POLAR)

POLAR is responsible for advancing Canada’s knowledge of the Arctic and strengthening Canadian leadership in polar science and technology. A key mission of POLAR is to manage Canada’s new high Arctic research station in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. There, POLAR expects Canadian and international scientists to conduct world-class cutting edge Arctic research on both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. POLAR serves as Canada’s primary point of contact with the circumpolar knowledge community, and liaises with research organizations and institutes throughout the circumpolar world, providing guidance for multilateral scientific projects relevant to Canadian interests.

POLAR’s programs consist of a pan-northern science and technology program, a knowledge acquisition management and mobilization function and the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) being built in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. (www.canada.ca/en/polar-knowledge)

Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre

The Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre (VAMSC) is a non-profit society dedicated to the conservation of aquatic life. (www.vanaqua.org). VAMSC has been involved in the Canadian Arctic since 1974 maintaining a collection of living Arctic marine for display, interpretation and research. That expertise has been combined with knowledge of marine ecological survey techniques, gained over decades on Canada’s West coast, for this study.

Funding for the 2016 NES was jointly provided by POLAR and the VAMSC.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 4

Methods The 2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey (NES) was undertaken by two teams spending two weeks each in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut in August 2016. Team One, led by VAMSC curator Danny Kent and including research divers Donna Gibbs, Justin Lisaingo and David Caughlan were in Cambridge Bay from August 3 to August 14. Team Two, led by Jeremy Heywood and including research divers Mackenzie Neale, Ruby Banwait and Laura Borden were in Cambridge Bay from August 15 to August 27. Teams One and Two overlapped in Yellowknife on August 14, where a debrief session was held. All divers are qualified to the Canadian Association for Underwater Science Scientific Diver Level II rating and are experienced scientific divers. The team completed multiple no-decompression air dives (dive details available upon request) at each selected site; one buddy pair collected video and live specimens, and the other collected still images, temperature data (using a diver-carried depth-temperature data logger; raw temperature data available upon request), and made species observations. To maintain a conservative dive regimen, no more than two dives per day were planned. Dives met the requirements of the Nunavut Consolidation of General Safety Regulations, Part VI, Section 484: Commercial Diving Operations. A preprinted log sheet was used to record observations in the field, and team members convened at the end of each day to collate all collected information and review video and still images. Live specimens were held at the Nunavut Arctic College in a portable, chilled seawater holding system constructed by the team (right). Collated data and images were organized into NES Dive Site catalog pages and appendices with additional video and mapping content online. For a highlight reel of the 2016 NES diving activities, please visit the Vancouver Aquarium’s YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO5J69 uSvTs). Divers (right) used neoprene drysuits, three- finger wet gloves with double cuffs on the drysuit or dry gloves, and hi-vis orange wet hoods, sometimes with additional 1mm neoprene hood liner worn under main hood.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 5

Divers carried a primary 80 ft3 aluminum cylinder with a Poseidon XStream regulator and a fully redundant 30ft3 cylinder with an Apeks XTX 50 regulator as back up. A gear checkout and Arctic diving skills refresher dive was conducted as the first dive of each NES team deployment. This allowed for the fine-tuning of dive and imaging equipment and practice of emergency skills prior to the commencement NES diving operations. Underwater images were collected with: 1. Sony NEX-5 camera in Aquatica housing with Hugyfot video light – used for video and some stills 2. Canon 20D camera in Ikelite housing with Ikelite strobe – used for stills 3. Nikon D800 camera in Aquatica housing with Sea & Sea strobes – used for stills Shore dives were accessed by locally rented 4-wheel drive vehicle (right). Boat dives were accessed by the vessel Ugyuk (right), a sturdy aluminum, open-deck 8m skiff hired from Cambridge Bay resident John Lyall Jr., who acted as boat operator and guide. The Ugyuk maintained a speed of approximately 40 km/hour in good weather conditions, and estimated run times to dive sites are based on this speed. However, vessel speed could be greatly reduced if weather or sea conditions were rough, and increased if sea conditions were flat calm. The boat was loaded and unloaded at the beach adjacent to the Cambridge Bay dock. All dives were conducted as live-boat dives.

Salinities were determined using a hand-held refractometer unless otherwise noted.

Temperature profiles were collected by diver-carried ReefNet Sensus Ultra Pro data logger, unless otherwise noted. (Temperature accuracy +/- 0.8oC, depth accuracy +/-0.3m) The same logger unit was carried by both teams, and also by divers on the 2015 NES.

In addition to the data collected by the diver-carried data logger, an EXO2 oceanographic sonde was used to collect water quality profiles at 13 of the NES dive sites. Information collected included temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen and turbidity (detailed profile data available upon request). For each deployment a maximum depth of 30m or the deepest depth possible was sampled using 1.5m or 3m increments.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 6

With the assistance of CHARS staff, the teams also held a community-wide open house and a school program experience for all Kullik Ilihakvik elementary school students and teachers. These programs featured live specimens, photographs and video gathered by research divers.

NES team accommodations were provided by POLAR at the new CHARS facility (below, showing main building under construction) in Cambridge Bay.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 7

Dive Site Catalogue NES Dive Site: Dock

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates1: 69.1138oN, 105.0594oW

This is an easily accessible shore dive located adjacent to the public dock at the south end of the Hamlet of Cambridge Bay (HoCB). The dock provides an ideal location for personnel and equipment checkout and familiarization dives. Vessels tied up at, and adjacent to, the dock could present a hazard if vessel operators are unaware of diving activities.

Dive(s): Team One - August 4.

Underwater: A flat, gently sloping silt and with occasional dropstones and boulders. The site, especially closer to dock itself, is strewn with refuse discarded from the dock and (presumably) vessels moored at the dock. Care must be taken when diving around these hazards.

Salinity: 26 parts per thousand (ppt) at surface. However, it was noted that on some days the salinity was as low as 2-3 ppt. This fluctuation seemed to depend on wind direction and whether or not the fresh water from the nearby river was A - Divers exit the water after a dive at the ‘blown’ over to the dock. Cambridge Bay Dock.

1 Coordinates acquired in 2016 may not exactly match those acquired in 2015 for the same dive sites. Also see Appendix B.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 8

9 0

8 1 7

2 C) ° 6

3 5 4

4 Depth (m)

Temperature Temperature ( 5 3 6 2

1 7

0 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46

Dive Time (min)

Figure 1: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at the Dock over the course of one dive on August 4, 2016.

B - A diver makes observations at the Cambridge Bay Dock.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar Saccharina latissima thread brown algae undetermined brown algae rockweed Fucus sp.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 9

yellow-orange blob sponge undetermined sponge burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis Arctic lion's mane Cyanea sp. double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis comb jelly Mertensia ovum polychaete worm possibly Phyllodoce groenlandica tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm Arctic saxicave or nestler clam arctica mussel sp. limpet Tectura sp. helicid pteropod Limacina helicina dendronotid nudibranch possibly Dendronotus frondosus amphipods Onisimus sp. barnacle Balanus sp. small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis sea cucumber possibly Chiridota discolor pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis Greenland cod Gadus ogac2 Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus fourline snakeblenny Eumesogrammus praecisus slender blenny Lumpenus fabricii banded gunnel Pholis fasciata shorthorn sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpius four-horn sculpin Myoxocephalus quadricornis ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius

2 Gadus ogac has been placed in the synonymy of Gadus microcephalus owing to recent molecular genetic analyses. (Pacific Arctic Marine Fishes, Mecklenburg et al, 2016)

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 10

NES Dive Site: Northern Dock

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.1172oN, 105.0400oW

This is an easily accessible shore dive located on the north-western side of the HoCB. Access is possible either from the floating dock or from the beach.

Dive(s): Team One - August 8, August 10, Team Two – August 16.

Underwater: The man- made rock breakwater transitions to a rocky slope and then a steep vertical wall at C - Divers prepare to dive the Northern Dock. approximately 15m depth.

Salinity: 25 ppt (August 8), 26 ppt (August 16) at surface.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 11

7 0

6 2



C) °

6 4 8 3

10 (m) Depth Temperature Temperature ( 2 12

1 14

0 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42

Dive Time (min)

Figure 2: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at Northern Dock over the course one dive

on August 8, 2016.

D - Underwater at the Northern Dock.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima thread brown algae undetermined brown algae flat bladed brown algae undetermined brown algae

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 12

rockweed Fucus sp. encrusting brown algae undetermined encrusting brown algae rose seaweed possibly Rhodymenia palmata bladed red algae undetermined red bladed algae coralline algae Corallina sp. orange encrusting sponge undetermined sponge white encrusting sponge undetermined sponge bread crumb sponge Halichondria sp. vase sponge Sycon sp. yellow-brown sponge undetermined sponge shallow white finger sponge undetermined sponge rugose anemone (with bumps) Hormathia nodosa dahlia or horseman anemone Urticina eques deep Urticina anemone Urticina sp. snail-dwelling anemone Allantactis parasitica burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis four-tentacled jelly Aegina sp. jellyfish thimble Sarsia sp. hydromedusa Aglantha digitale double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus folded stomach jelly Ptychogastria polaris lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis comb jelly Mertensia ovum sea gooseberry Pleurobrachia sp. featherduster tubeworm possibly Chone sp. tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa calcareous tubeworm possibly Serpula sp. cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm spaghetti worm undetermined terebellid worm arrow worm possibly Parasagitta elegans chiton Tonicella sp. discordant mussel Musculus discor chalky macoma Macoma calcarea truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica limpet Tectura sp. ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 13

velvet snail Velutina sp. white nudibranch possibly Adalaria sp. polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris blade shrimp Spirontocaris sp. Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus barnacle Balanus sp. polar sea star red spiky sea star Icasterias panopla frilled sea star Urasterias lincki wrinkled cushion star Pteraster militaris small yellow star with orange tips Poraniomorpha tumida rose star Crossaster papposus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis sea cucumber possibly Chiridota discolor scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii peachy burrowing sea cucumber Psolus phantapus pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis leopard tunicate undetermined tunicate sea peach Halocynthia pyriformes undetermined bristly tunicate possibly Halocynthia igaboja hairy tunicate Boltenia sp. warty tunicate undetermined tunicate Arctic cod Boreogadus saida polar cod Arctogadus glacialis Greenland cod Gadus ogac Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus banded gunnel Pholis fasciata Arctic sculpln Myoxocephalus scorpioides four-horn sculpin Myoxocephalus quadricornis ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 14

NES Dive Site: Old Town Site

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.1092oN, 105.0322oW

This dive is accessible by a short 1km boat ride from the HoCB. Although the general area is accessible by vehicle, the steep shoreline makes it very difficult to conduct a shore dive at this location.

Dive(s): Team One - August 5.

Underwater: The rubble slope topography of the shore extends underwater, as seen in E - Old Town Site as seen from boat. Figures E and F. The slope levels of at approximately 20m depth and becomes a soft muddy bottom.

Salinity: 11 ppt at surface. This very low surface salinity was probably a result of freshwater inflow from the nearby river.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 15

9 0 8

7 5


C) °

5 10 4

3 Depth(m) 15 Temperature Temperature ( 2 1 0 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 -1 -2 25 Dive Time (min)

Figure 3: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at the Old Town Site over the course of one

dive on August 5, 2016.

F - Underwater at Old Town Site.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima bladed red algae undetermined red bladed algae coralline algae Corallina sp.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 16

bread crumb sponge Halichondria sp. vase sponge Sycon sp. rugose anemone (with bumps) Hormathia nodosa dahlia or horseman anemone Urticina eques snail-dwelling anemone Allantactis parasitica double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus folded stomach jelly Ptychogastria polaris stalked jelly possibly Haliclystus auricola lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis comb jelly Mertensia ovum gray ribbon worm possibly Cerebratulus sp. polychaete worm possibly Phyllodoce groenlandica tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm arrow worm possibly Parasagitta elegans chiton Tonicella sp. Iceland cockle Clinocardium cilatum Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme velvet snail Velutina sp. polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus barnacle Balanus sp. red spiky sea star Icasterias panopla frilled sea star Urasterias lincki rose star Crossaster papposus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis long clear tunicate undetermined tunicate Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus fourline snakeblenny Eumesogrammus praecisus slender blenny Lumpenus fabricii Arctic sculpln Myoxocephalus scorpioides Arctic staghorn sculpin Gymnocanthus tricuspis

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 17

NES Dive Site: Old Camping Spot

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.1104oN, 105.0761oW

This dive is accessible by a short < 1km boat ride from the HoCB. A shore dive might be possible here, but would require a long surface swim.

Dive(s) completed: Team One - August 5.

Underwater: A flat silt bottom interspersed with dropstones and smaller rocks.

Salinity: Not measured. G - Old Camping Spot as seen from shore. (Photo from 2015, showing One Ocean Expedition vessels Akademik Ioffe and Akademik Sergey Vavilov at anchor.)

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 18

6 0

5 2



C) °

6 3 8 2

10 Depth(m) Temperature ( 1 12

0 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 -1 16 Dive Time (min)

Figure 4: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at the Old Camping Spot over the course of

one dive on August 5, 2016.

H – A diver takes photographs at Old Camping Spot.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima bladed red algae undetermined red bladed algae coralline algae Corallina sp. coralline algae undetermined arching coralline algae

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 19

burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis Arctic lion's mane Cyanea sp. double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum comb jelly Mertensia ovum sea gooseberry Pleurobrachia sp. gray ribbon worm possibly Cerebratulus sp. tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm arrow worm possibly Parasagitta elegans chiton Tonicella sp. Iceland cockle Clinocardium cilatum margarite snail 1 Margarites sp. velvet snail Velutina sp. amphipod undetermined amphipod calanoid copepod possibly Calanus sp. polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus barnacle Balanus sp. red spiky sea star Icasterias panopla frilled sea star Urasterias lincki rose star Crossaster papposus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis leopard tunicate undetermined tunicate slender blenny Lumpenus fabricii

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 20

NES Dive Site: West Arm Tank Farm

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.1029oN, 105.0881oW

This is an easily accessible shore dive 3.5 km west of the HoCB. Take care not to trespass on tank farm property. Be aware of potential vessel traffic at barge landing adjacent to the tank farm.

Dive(s): Team One - August 11, Team Two - August 24.

Underwater: A moderate slope of rocks and boulders interspersed with sections of silt and occasional dropstones. Large 30cm tall Alcyonium soft corals and transparent tunicates were observed at the deepest part of this dive.

Salinity: 25 ppt at surface (August 11). Shore access at West Arm Tank Farm.

I - West Arm Tank Farm and dive tender as seen from water.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 21

10 0

5 8


C) 6 ° 15

4 20 Depth(m) 25 Temperature Temperature ( 2 30 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 35

-2 40 Dive Time (min)

Figure 5: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at West Arm Tank Farm over the course of one dive on August 24, 2016.

J - Underwater at West Arm Tank Farm with Pachycerianthus anemone in the foreground.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 22

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima thread brown algae undetermined brown algae encrusting brown algae undetermined encrusting brown algae bladed red algae undetermined red bladed algae red algae possibly Dilsea carnosa coralline algae Corallina sp. Arctic crimson anemone Cribrinopsis similis snail-dwelling anemone Allantactis parasitica burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis pale soft coral Alcyonium sp. four-tentacled jelly Aegina sp. hydromedusa Aglantha digitale double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus folded stomach jelly Ptychogastria polaris lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum parachute ctenophore Dryodora glandiformis comb jelly Mertensia ovum lugworm undetermined arenicolid tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm chiton Tonicella sp. Iceland cockle Clinocardium cilatum chalky macoma Macoma calcarea Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica limpet Tectura sp. ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme margarite snail 1 Margarites sp. margarite snail 2 possibly Margarites costalis or sordidus sea angel Clione limacina amphipod Stegocephalus inflatus amphipod Gammaraus wilkitzkii hyperid or jelly-riding amphipod Themisto abyssorum polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris shrimp undetermined shrimp barnacle Balanus sp. red spiky sea star Icasterias panopla

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 23

frilled sea star Urasterias lincki wrinkled cushion star Pteraster militaris small yellow star with orange tips Poraniomorpha tumida small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis giant black sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa burrowing sea cucumber 1 undetermined Cucumaria sp. burrowing sea cucumber 2 undetermined Cucumaria sp. speckled burrowing sea cucumber possibly Thyonidiumsp. sea cucumber possibly Chiridota discolor scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii peachy burrowing sea cucumber Psolus phantapus pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis long clear tunicate undetermined tunicate Greenland cod Gadus ogac Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus fourline snakeblenny Eumesogrammus praecisus slender blenny Lumpenus fabricii banded gunnel Pholis fasciata shorthorn sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpius

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 24

NES Dive Site: West Arm Airport Wall

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.1001oN, 105.1163oW

This is shore dive only accessible by a 3 km boat ride from the HoCB. Be aware of submerged rocks when beaching the boat. The water depth drops dramatically very near shore so care is needed when wading in the shallows. The end of the Cambridge Bay airport runway is directly above the beach. This dive is in the West Arm of Cambridge Bay, a 6 km K – West Arm Airport Wall as seen from boat. long inlet running east to west terminating approximately 7 km west of town.

Dive(s): Team One - August 12.

Underwater: A wall of irregular slabs and blocks drops vertically to ~15m within 2m of shore. The base of the wall transitions into a slope of rocks and boulders with evident ice scouring channels.

Salinity: 27 ppt at surface.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 25

12 0

10 2


C) 8


6 6

8 Depth(m)

Temperature Temperature ( 4 10

2 12

0 14 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 Dive Time (min)

Figure 6: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at West Arm Airport Wall over the course

of one dive on August 12, 2016.

L - A diver explores West Arm Airport Wall.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima thread brown algae undetermined brown algae encrusting brown algae undetermined encrusting brown algae

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 26

coralline algae Corallina sp. orange encrusting sponge undetermined sponge pink thick finger sponge undetermined sponge vase sponge Sycon sp. deep white finger sponge undetermined sponge rugose anemone (with bumps) Hormathia nodosa dahlia or horseman anemone Urticina eques Arctic crimson anemone Cribrinopsis similis snail-dwelling anemone Allantactis parasitica burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis hedgehog hydroid Hydractinia sp. four-tentacled jelly Aegina sp. double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis comb jelly Mertensia ovum gray ribbon worm possibly Cerebratulus sp. dwarf calcareous tubeworm possibly Spirorbis borealis or Pileolaria sp. cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm arrow worm possibly Parasagitta elegans encrusting bryozoan undetermined encrusting bryozoan chiton Tonicella sp. truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica limpet Tectura sp. ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme margarite snail 1 Margarites sp. dendronotid nudibranch possibly Dendronotus frondosus amphipod Gammaraus wilkitzkii polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris barnacle Balanus sp. red spiky sea star Icasterias panopla blood star 1 undetermined seastar wrinkled cushion star Pteraster militaris small yellow star with orange tips Poraniomorpha tumida rose star Crossaster papposus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 27

giant black sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa speckled burrowing sea cucumber possibly Thyonidiumsp. peachy burrowing sea cucumber Psolus phantapus pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis tunicate possibly Cnemidocarpa sp. Greenland cod Gadus ogac fish doctor Gymnelus retrodorsalisor G. viridis Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus banded gunnel Pholis fasciata shorthorn sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpius

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 28

NES Dive Site: West Arm BCB

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.1093oN, 105.1717oW

This is an easily accessible shore dive 5 km west of the HoCB.

Dive(s): Team One - August 7, Team 2 – August 19.

Underwater: A narrow beach drops off abruptly to a steep silt slope interspersed with rubble and boulders.

Salinity: 25 ppt (August 7) and 28 ppt (August 19) at M - West Arm BCB as seen from shore. surface.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 29

14 0

12 5 10


C) ° 8

6 15 Depth (m) Depth 4 Temperature Temperature ( 20 2 25 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 -2 30 Dive Time (min)

Figure 7: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at West Arm BCB over the course of one

dive on August 19, 2016.

N - West Arm BCB underwater.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

thread brown algae undetermined brown algae rockweed Fucus sp.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 30

rose seaweed possibly Rhodymenia palmata bladed red algae undetermined red bladed algae coralline algae Corallina sp. coralline algae undetermined arching coralline algae snail-dwelling anemone Allantactis parasitica burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis four-tentacled jelly Aegina sp. double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus folded stomach jelly Ptychogastria polaris lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis purple beroe Beroe abyssicola parachute ctenophore Dryodora glandiformis comb jelly Mertensia ovum gray ribbon worm possibly Cerebratulus sp. scale worm possibly Hormothoe imbricata tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm chiton Tonicella sp. Iceland cockle Clinocardium cilatum Greenland cockle Serripes groenlandicus chalky macoma Macoma calcarea truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica limpet Tectura sp. ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme black footed Buccinum snail Buccinum sp. snail undetermined snail margarite snail 1 Margarites sp. velvet snail Velutina sp. helicid pteropod Limacina helicina white dendronotid nudibranch Dendronotus sp. mysid undetermined mysid polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris red spiky sea star Icasterias panopla rose star Crossaster papposus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 31

white urchin possibly Strongylocentrotus pallidus burrowing sea cucumber 1 undetermined Cucumaria sp. scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii peachy burrowing sea cucumber Psolus phantapus pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis leopard tunicate undetermined tunicate long clear tunicate undetermined tunicate Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus slender blenny Lumpenus fabricii four-horn sculpin Myoxocephalus quadricornis leatherfin lumpsucker Eumicrotremus derjungini

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 32

NES Dive Site: West Arm West End

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.1059oN, 105.2202oW

This dive is easily accessible by a 7 km (10- 20 minute) boat ride from the HoCB.

Dive(s): Team One - August 12.

Underwater: A mainly mud and silt bottom with occasional dropstones. Near the northern extent of the dive a vertical rock O - West Arm West End as seen from boat. wall was encountered (See Figure P).

Salinity: 21 ppt at surface.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 33

14 0

12 2

10 4



8 6

6 8 Depth(m)

Temperature Temperature ( 4 10

2 12

0 14 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 Dive Time (min)

Figure 8: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at West Arm West End over the course of

one dive on August 12, 2016.

P - Divers explore West Arm West End.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

thread brown algae undetermined brown algae rockweed Fucus sp. rose seaweed possibly Rhodymenia palmata

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 34

bladed red algae undetermined red bladed algae coralline algae Corallina sp. coralline algae undetermined arching coralline algae snail-dwelling anemone Allantactis parasitica burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis four-tentacled jelly Aegina sp. double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus folded stomach jelly Ptychogastria polaris lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis purple beroe Beroe abyssicola parachute ctenophore Dryodora glandiformis comb jelly Mertensia ovum gray ribbon worm possibly Cerebratulus sp. scale worm possibly Hormothoe imbricata tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm chiton Tonicella sp. Iceland cockle Clinocardium cilatum Greenland cockle Serripes groenlandicus chalky macoma Macoma calcarea truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica limpet Tectura sp. ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme black footed Buccinum snail Buccinum sp. snail undetermined snail margarite snail 1 Margarites sp. velvet snail Velutina sp. helicid pteropod Limacina helicina white dendronotid nudibranch Dendronotus sp. mysid undetermined mysid polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris red spiky sea star Icasterias panopla rose star Crossaster papposus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis white urchin possibly Strongylocentrotus pallidus

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 35

burrowing sea cucumber 1 undetermined Cucumaria sp. scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii peachy burrowing sea cucumber Psolus phantapus pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis leopard tunicate undetermined tunicate long clear tunicate undetermined tunicate Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus slender blenny Lumpenus fabricii four-horn sculpin Myoxocephalus quadricornis leatherfin lumpsucker Eumicrotremus derjungini

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 36

NES Dive Site: West Arm End of Arm

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.1006oN, 105.2217oW

This dive is a shore dive accessible by road and ATV track in good weather conditions. Wet weather may make passage of the ATV in a vehicle difficult. It is located at the terminal end of the West Arm, 10 km from the HoCB.

Dive(s): Team Two - August 19.

Underwater: A shallow mud and silt bowl located between the beach at the Q - West Arm End of Arm and dive tenders as seen from water. south-western end of the West Arm and a small island 100m east of the beach. A previously unrecorded (by the NES) species of Terebellid worm was observed at this site.

Salinity: 26 ppt at surface.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 37

12 -1

10 0


C) 8


2 6

3 Depth (m)

Temperature Temperature ( 4 4

2 5

0 6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34

Dive Time (min) Figure 9: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at West Arm End of Arm over the course of th

one dive on August 19 , 2016.

R - West Arm End of Arm underwater.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 38

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima yellow-brown sponge undetermined sponge tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis solitary hydroid possibly Tubularia sp. four-tentacled jelly Aegina sp. double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus parachute ctenophore Dryodora glandiformis tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm mop worm undetermined cirratulid worm chalky macoma Macoma calcarea mussel Mytilus sp. mysid undetermined mysid polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris Arctic blood star Aleutihenricia beringiana green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus slender blenny Lumpenus fabricii Arctic sculpln Myoxocephalus scorpioides four-horn sculpin Myoxocephalus quadricornis

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 39

NES Dive Site: West Arm Mud Bank Wall

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.1042oN, 105.1602oW

This dive is accessible by a short 5km boat ride from the HoCB.

Dive(s): Team Two - August 16.

Underwater: Starting at the edge of the West Arm Mud Bank (see next NES Dive Site entry) this site consists of an abrupt wall of irregular slabs and blocks S - Diver about to enter the water at West Arm Mud Bank Wall. (similar to West Arm Airport Wall) running parallel to shore for several hundred metres. From the mud bank it drops vertically to a depth of ~15m. The base of the wall transitions into a slope of rocks and Mud Bank boulders. Mud Bank Wall

Salinity: 23 ppt at surface.

T - Aerial photo of Mud Bank and Mud Bank Wall dives in the West Arm. Note the dust along the airport runway from the plane’s take-off.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 40

18 0

16 2

14 4

C) 12 6


10 8

8 10 Depth(m)

6 12 Temperature Temperature (

4 14

2 16

0 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Dive Time (min)

Figure 10: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at the West Arm Mud Bank Wall over the course of one dive on August 16, 2016.

U - A diver makes a species list at West Arm Mud Bank Wall.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima thread brown algae undetermined brown algae rockweed Fucus sp. encrusting brown algae undetermined encrusting brown algae

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 41

rose seaweed possibly Rhodymenia palmata coralline algae Corallina sp. orange encrusting sponge undetermined sponge white encrusting sponge undetermined sponge bread crumb sponge Halichondria sp. yellow-orange blob sponge undetermined sponge rugose anemone (no bumps) Hormathia digitata deep Urticina anemone Urticina sp. burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis four-tentacled jelly Aegina sp. jellyfish thimble Sarsia sp. double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus folded stomach jelly Ptychogastria polaris lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum purple beroe Beroe abyssicola parachute ctenophore Dryodora glandiformis comb jelly Mertensia ovum featherduster tubeworm possibly Chone sp. tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm spaghetti worm undetermined terebellid worm arrow worm possibly Parasagitta elegans chiton Tonicella sp. chalky macoma Macoma calcarea truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica limpet Tectura sp. margarite snail 2 possibly Margarites costalis or sordidus velvet snail Velutina sp. dendronotid nudibranch possibly Dendronotus frondosus orange aeolid nudibranch possibly Cuthona sp. brown aeolid nudibranch undertermined aeolid polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris blade shrimp Spirontocaris sp. Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus barnacle Balanus sp. red spiky sea star Icasterias panopla wrinkled cushion star Pteraster militaris

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 42

small yellow star with orange tips Poraniomorpha tumida small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis leopard tunicate undetermined tunicate long clear tunicate undetermined tunicate Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus shorthorn sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpius Arctic sculpln Myoxocephalus scorpioides

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 43

NES Dive Site: West Arm Mud Bank

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.1019oN, 105.1590oW

This dive is accessible by a short 5km boat ride from the HoCB. This is essentially the same geographic location as West Arm Mud Bank Wall, but on this dive only the mud flat was surveyed, not the wall. The two areas are distinct enough in topography and species diversity to consider them separate sites.

Dive(s): Team Two - V - West Arm Mud Bank, looking toward the north shore of the West Arm. August 23.

Underwater: A flat, shallow shoal covered in fine silt and mud with occasional dropstones. The water at this site was very warm, but a much colder upwelling of water was noted when approaching the edge of the wall. (Also see West Arm Mud Bank Wall.)

Salinity: 24.86 ppt at surface (from sonde).

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 44

10 0

C) 9 1



Temperature Temperature ( 8 2

7 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Dive Time (min)

Figure 11: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at West Arm Mud Bank over the course of one dive on August 23, 2016.

W - Underwater at West Arm Mud Bank.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 45

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

thread brown algae undetermined brown algae rockweed Fucus sp. tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum comb jelly Mertensia ovum Nereid worm possibly Alitta virens tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm polychaete worm undetermined pelagic polychaete discordant mussel Musculus discor truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica amphipod undetermined amphipod mysid undetermined mysid green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis Greenland cod Gadus ogac Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus fourline snakeblenny Eumesogrammus praecisus slender blenny Lumpenus fabricii Arctic sculpln Myoxocephalus scorpioides four-horn sculpin Myoxocephalus quadricornis

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 46

NES Dive Site: West Arm Step Wall

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.0970oN, 105.1150oW

This dive is accessible by a short boat ride from the HoCB, and is located directly across the West Arm from the Airport Wall NES site.

Dive(s): Team Two - August 23.

Underwater: In a similar fashion to West Arm Airport Wall, this site also features a wall of step-like slabs and blocks that drops vertically to a depth of X - Ugyuk at West Arm Step Wall. 15m within 4-5 m of shore. (The drop-off can be seen in Figure X, where light blue transitions abruptly to dark blue.)

Salinity: 25.03ppt at surface (from sonde).

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 47

10 0

5 8





15 4

20 Depth(m) Temperature( 2 25

0 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

-2 35 Dive Time (min)

Figure 12: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at West Arm Step Wall over the course of one dive on August 23, 2016.

Y - A diver explores West Arm Step Wall.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima coralline algae Corallina sp. bread crumb sponge Halichondria sp.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 48

shallow white finger sponge undetermined sponge rugose anemone (with bumps) Hormathia nodosa dahlia or horseman anemone Urticina eques burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis clear white anemone undetermined anemone four-tentacled jelly Aegina sp. hydromedusa Aglantha digitale double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis purple beroe Beroe abyssicola comb jelly Mertensia ovum tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm chiton Tonicella sp. truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica limpet Tectura sp. ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme margarite snail 2 possibly Margarites costalis or sordidus dendronotid nudibranch possibly Dendronotus frondosus polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris blade shrimp Spirontocaris sp. Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus rose star Crossaster papposus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis leopard tunicate undetermined tunicate tunicate possibly Cnemidocarpa sp. Arctic cod Boreogadus saida Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus Arctic sculpln Myoxocephalus scorpioides

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 49

NES Dive Site: Simpson Rock

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.0313oN, 105.0966oW

This dive is accessible by a 12 km (20-25 minute) boat ride from the HoCB, and is adjacent to a small rock island marked Simpson Rock on the chart. There is an orange navigational aid on the island.

Dive(s): Team Two - August 25.

Underwater: Boulder- covered ridges and gullies slope away from this Z - Simpson Rock as seen from boat. small island. Recent ice scouring was evidenced by deep furrows and freshly exposed clay on the otherwise sandy bottom.

Salinity: 25.18ppt at surface (from sonde).

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 50

Salinity: Not measured 8 0

7 1 6


C) °

5 3 4 4 3 Depth(m)

Tenmperature Tenmperature ( 5 2

1 6

0 7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Dive Time (min)

Figure 13: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at Simpson Rock over the course of one

dive on August 25, 2016.

AA - Underwater at Simpson Rock.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

thread brown algae undetermined brown algae rockweed Fucus sp. tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 51

Arctic lion's mane Cyanea sp. hydromedusa Aglantha digitale lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis comb jelly Mertensia ovum polychaete worm possibly Phyllodoce groenlandica arrow worm possibly Parasagitta elegans truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica boreal astarte Astarte borealis limpet Tectura sp. sea angel Clione limacina amphipod undetermined amphipod calanoid copepod possibly Calanus sp. green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii Greenland cod Gadus ogac Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus ribbed sculpin Triglops pingelii sculpin Icelus sp.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 52

NES Dive Site: Lumpsucker Rock

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.0037oN, 105.0818oW

This dive is accessible by a 14 km (20-30 minute) boat ride from the HoCB, and is adjacent to a small rock island, dubbed Lumpsucker Rock, due to the fact that lumpsuckers were observed here on a non-NES dive in 2014.

Dive(s): Team Two - August 18.

Underwater: Boulder- covered ridges and reefs surround this small island. BB - Lumpsucker Rock as seen from boat. A slight current was noted during the dives at this site.

Salinity: 24.32ppt at surface (from sonde).

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 53

9 0

8 2

7 4

6 6



5 8

4 10 Depth (m) Depth

Temperature Temperature ( 3 12

2 14

1 16

0 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38

Dive Time (min)

Figure 14 Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at Lumpsucker Rock over the course of one

dive on August 18, 2016.

CC - A view of divers underwater at Lumpsucker Rock.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima thread brown algae undetermined brown algae

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 54

clump brown algae undetermined brown algae rockweed Fucus sp. rose seaweed possibly Rhodymenia palmata coralline algae Corallina sp. yellow-orange blob sponge undetermined sponge rugose anemone (with bumps) Hormathia nodosa dahlia or horseman anemone Urticina eques stubby anemone similar to Coriacea sp. Arctic crimson anemone Cribrinopsis similis burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis hydroid Lafoeina maxima Arctic lion's mane Cyanea sp. hydromedusa Aglantha digitale double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum parachute ctenophore Dryodora glandiformis comb jelly Mertensia ovum polychaete worm possibly Phyllodoce groenlandica tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm arrow worm possibly Parasagitta elegans chiton Tonicella sp. Iceland cockle Clinocardium cilatum truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme helicid pteropod Limacina helicina sea angel Clione limacina dendronotid nudibranch possibly Dendronotus frondosus amphipod Gammaraus wilkitzkii polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus barnacle Balanus sp. cumacean undetermined cumacean Arctic blood star Aleutihenricia beringiana rose star Crossaster papposus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 55

scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis undetermined tunicate similar to Styela sp. Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus banded gunnel Pholis fasciata Arctic sculpln Myoxocephalus scorpioides

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 56

NES Dive Site: West of 5 Island

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.0687oN, 105.1967oW

This dive is accessible by an 18 km (30-35 minute) boat ride from the HoCB, and is just north-west of 5 Island on the chart.

Dive(s): Team One - August 6

Underwater: A soft muddy bottom interspersed with rocky debris and dropstones of varying sizes.

Salinity: Not measured

DD - West of 5 Island as seen from boat.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 57

5 0 4.5 2 4

3.5 4

C) ° 3 6 2.5 8

2 (m) Depth Temperature Temperature ( 1.5 10 1 12 0.5 0 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34

Dive Time (min)

Figure 15: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at West of 5 Island over the course of one

dive on August 6, 2016.

EE - Underwater at West of 5 Island, with Cucumaria sea cucumber in foreground.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima thread brown algae undetermined brown algae coralline algae Corallina sp.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 58

coralline algae undetermined arching coralline algae bread crumb sponge Halichondria sp. pink thick finger sponge undetermined sponge rugose anemone (with bumps) Hormathia nodosa rugose anemone (no bumps) Hormathia digitata stubby anemone similar to Coriacea sp. anemone Stomphia sp. Arctic crimson anemone Cribrinopsis similis snail-dwelling anemone Allantactis parasitica burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica hydroid Obelia sp. hydromedusa Aglantha digitale double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis comb jelly Mertensia ovum scale worm undetermined scale worm cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm arrow worm possibly Parasagitta elegans encrusting bryozoan undetermined encrusting bryozoan Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica limpet Tectura sp. ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme margarite snail 1 Margarites sp. helicid pteropod Limacina helicina sea angel Clione limacina amphipods Onisimus sp. calanoid copepod possibly Calanus sp. mysid undetermined mysid polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus barnacle Balanus sp. rose star Crossaster papposus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis giant black sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis Greenland cod Gadus ogac

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 59

fourline snakeblenny Eumesogrammus praecisus slender blenny Lumpenus fabricii ribbed sculpin Triglops pingelii

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 60

NES Dive Site: Middle Mouth North

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.0318oN, 105.1852oW

This dive is accessible by a 15 km (20-30 minute) boat ride from the HoCB, and is in the middle of the mouth of Cambridge Bay, not adjacent to any nearby land mass.

Dive(s): Team Two - August 25.

Underwater: A flat silt and sand bottom with occasional drop-stones.

Salinity: 25.09ppt at surface (from sonde).

FF – A diver prepares at Middle Mouth North.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 61

8 0

7 5


C) 10 °


4 15

3 Depth(m)

Temperature Temperature ( 20 2 25 1

0 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Dive Time (min)

Figure 16: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at Middle Mouth North over the course of one dive on August 25, 2016.

GG - Underwater at Middle Mouth North, with dropstone, Crossaster sea star and Hormathia anemone in foreground.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 62

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima thread brown algae undetermined brown algae red algae possibly Dilsea carnosa coralline algae Corallina sp. rugose anemone (with bumps) Hormathia nodosa dahlia or horseman anemone Urticina eques stubby anemone similar to Coriacea sp. snail-dwelling anemone Allantactis parasitica hydroid Obelia sp. Arctic lion's mane Cyanea sp. hydromedusa Aglantha digitale lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis comb jelly Mertensia ovum tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa chiton Tonicella sp. chalky macoma Macoma calcarea truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme moon snail undetermined moon snail helicid pteropod Limacina helicina sea angel Clione limacina amphipod undetermined amphipod Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus thatched barnacle black legs possibly Semibalanus sp. rose star Crossaster papposus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis giant black sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa speckled burrowing sea cucumber possibly Thyonidiumsp. scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii peachy burrowing sea cucumber Psolus phantapus pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis undetermined tunicate similar to Styela sp. Arctic cod Boreogadus saida saddled eelpout Lycodes mucosus

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 63

NES Dive Site: Middle Mouth South

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.0127oN, 105.1805oW

This dive is accessible by a 15 km (20-30 minute) boat ride from the HoCB, and is in the middle of the mouth of Cambridge Bay, not adjacent to any nearby land.

Dive(s) Team One - August 10.

Underwater: Clean sand and gravel bottom with HH - Middle Mouth South as seen from boat boulders covered in pink coralline algae (Corallina sp.), Cucumaria frondosa and Psolus fabriciii. Transitions down slope to a sand and mud bowl.

Salinity: 25 ppt at surface.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 64

14 0

12 5


C) ° 10 8


15 Depth(m) Temperature Temperature ( 4 20 2

0 25 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Dive Time (min)

Figure 17: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at Middle Mouth South over the course of one dive on August 10, 2016.

II - A diver explores Middle Mouth South.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 65

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima flat bladed brown algae undetermined brown algae encrusting brown algae undetermined encrusting brown algae bladed red algae undetermined red bladed algae coralline algae Corallina sp. coralline algae undetermined arching coralline algae pink thick finger sponge undetermined sponge rugose anemone (with bumps) Hormathia nodosa dahlia or horseman anemone Urticina eques stubby anemone similar to Coriacea sp. Arctic crimson anemone Cribrinopsis similis burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica hydromedusa Aglantha digitale comb jelly Mertensia ovum cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm arrow worm possibly Parasagitta elegans chiton Tonicella sp. Iceland cockle Clinocardium cilatum chalky macoma Macoma calcarea truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica limpet Tectura sp. wavy Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum angulosum ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme helicid pteropod Limacina helicina sea angel Clione limacina hyperid or jelly-riding amphipod Themisto abyssorum calanoid copepod possibly Calanus sp. polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus barnacle Balanus sp. wrinkled cushion star Pteraster militaris rose star Crossaster papposus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis giant black sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa white burrowing sea cucumber undetermined Cucumaria sp.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 66

scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii peachy burrowing sea cucumber Psolus phantapus pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis Greenland cod Gadus ogac fourline snakeblenny Eumesogrammus praecisus ribbed sculpin Triglops pingelii

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 67

NES Dive Site: Cape Colborne Inside

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 68.9668oN, 105.2304oW

Cape Colborne marks the southern entrance to Cambridge Bay and is accessible by a 22 km (35- 40 minute) boat ride from the HoCB. This dive site is 1 km north of Cape Colborne.

Dive(s): Team One - August 10.

Underwater: Shallow areas featured a clean sand bottom with Fucus covered rocks, transitioning to a silt and JJ - Cape Colborne Inside as seen from boat. mud slope as depth increased.

Salinity: 25 ppt at surface.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 68

12 0 2 10 4


C) 8 ° 8 6 10

12 Depth(m)

Temperature Temperature ( 4 14 16 2 18 0 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42

Dive Time (min)

Figure 18: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at Cape Colborne Inside over the course of one dive on August 10, 2016.

KK - A diver takes photographs at Cape Colborne Inside.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 69

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima thread brown algae undetermined brown algae rockweed Fucus sp. bladed red algae undetermined red bladed algae rugose anemone (with bumps) Hormathia nodosa stubby anemone similar to Coriacea sp. Arctic crimson anemone Cribrinopsis similis burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis hydromedusa Aglantha digitale comb jelly Mertensia ovum scale worm possibly Hormothoe imbricata polychaete worm possibly Phyllodoce groenlandica featherduster tubeworm possibly Chone sp. tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm encrusting bryozoan undetermined encrusting bryozoan Iceland cockle Clinocardium cilatum truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica mussel Mytilus sp. ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme helicid pteropod Limacina helicina sea angel Clione limacina white dendronotid nudibranch Dendronotus sp. white nudibranch possibly Adalaria sp. mysid undetermined mysid punctate blade shrimp Spirontocaris phippsii Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis Arctic sea blister undetermined tunicate fourline snakeblenny Eumesogrammus praecisus Arctic staghorn sculpin Gymnocanthus tricuspis

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 70

NES Dive Site: Cape Colborne Outside

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 68.9544oN, 105.2526oW

Cape Colborne marks the southern entrance to Cambridge Bay and is accessible by a 22 km (35- 40 minute) boat ride from the HoCB. This dive site is 1 km south of Cape Colborne.

Dive(s): Team One - August 9.

Underwater: Clean sand and gravel bottom with large boulders and dropstones. Gersemia soft LL - Divers prepare for dive at Cape Colborne Outside. coral specimens were observed at this site. As it is located in Dease Strait, it is presumed that this site experiences greater tidal current flow than sites inside Cambridge Bay. However, no current was noted during the NES dive.

Salinity: 24 ppt at surface.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 71

12 0

2 10


C) 8 6


8 6

10 Depth(m)

Temperature Temperature ( 4 12

14 2 16

0 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Dive Time (min)

Figure 19: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at Cape Colborne Outside over the course of one dive on August 9, 2016.

MM - A dropstone and Cribrinopsis anemone at Cape Colborne Outside.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 72

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

filamentous green algae undetermined green algae sugar kelp Saccharina latissima winged kelp Alaria grandifolia thread brown algae undetermined brown algae flat bladed brown algae undetermined brown algae bladed red algae undetermined red bladed algae coralline algae Corallina sp. coralline algae undetermined arching coralline algae coralline algae undetermined smooth coralline algae orange encrusting sponge undetermined sponge yellow-orange blob sponge undetermined sponge yellow-brown sponge undetermined sponge trumpet sponge undetermined sponge rugose anemone (with bumps) Hormathia nodosa dahlia or horseman anemone Urticina eques stubby anemone similar to Coriacea sp. anemone Stomphia sp. Arctic crimson anemone Cribrinopsis similis burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica red or white soft coral Gersemia rubiformis hydromedusa Aglantha digitale double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis comb jelly Mertensia ovum gray ribbon worm possibly Cerebratulus sp. scale worm undetermined scale worm polychaete worm possibly Phyllodoce groenlandica featherduster tubeworm possibly Chone sp. dwarf calcareous tubeworm possibly Spirorbis borealis or Pileolaria sp. cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm polychaete worm undetermined pelagic polychaete arrow worm possibly Parasagitta elegans chiton Tonicella sp. Iceland cockle Clinocardium cilatum truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 73

boreal astarte Astarte borealis limpet Tectura sp. ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme velvet snail Velutina sp. velutinid snail Onchidiopsis sp. moon snail undetermined moon snail helicid pteropod Limacina helicina sea angel Clione limacina dendronotid nudibranch possibly Dendronotus frondosus Arctic stubby squid eggs Rossia sp. amphipod Gammaraus wilkitzkii calanoid copepod possibly Calanus sp. tank shrimp Sclerocrangon boreas spiny lebbeid Lebbeus groenlandicus polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris punctate blade shrimp Spirontocaris phippsii blade shrimp Spirontocaris sp. Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus barnacle Balanus sp. thatched barnacle black legs possibly Semibalanus sp. sea star Leptasterias groenlandica small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis giant black sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa burrowing sea cucumber 2 undetermined Cucumaria sp. speckled burrowing sea cucumber possibly Thyonidiumsp. scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii peachy burrowing sea cucumber Psolus phantapus sea cucumber possibly Sclerodactyla sp. pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis saddled eelpout Lycodes mucosus fish doctor Gymnelus retrodorsalisor G. viridis ribbed sculpin Triglops pingelii Arctic staghorn sculpin Gymnocanthus tricuspis leatherfin lumpsucker Eumicrotremus derjungini juvenile lumpsucker possibly Eumicrotremus spinosus

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 74

NES Dive Site: Cape Colborne Sandbar Deep

o o Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 68.9347 N, 105.2387 W

Cape Colborne marks the southern entrance to Cambridge Bay and is accessible by a 22 km (35- 40 minute) boat ride from the HoCB. This dive site is 3 km south of Cape Colborne and near a sandbar that is exposed at low tide. (Beware – the sandbar could pose a navigational hazard.)

Dive(s): Team Two - August 21. NN - Cape Colborne Sandbar Deep as seen from boat. Underwater: A deep water site with a relatively featureless flat sand bottom. However, numerous large (up to 30cm tall) Alcyonium soft coral specimens were observed here. As it is located in Dease Strait, it is presumed that this site experiences greater tidal current flow than sites inside Cambridge Bay. However, no current was noted during the NES dive.

Salinity: 24.12ppt at surface (from sonde).

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 75

14 0

12 5 10


C) ° 15 8 20 6 25 Depth(m)

Temperature Temperature ( 4 30

2 35

0 40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Dive Time (min)

Figure 20: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at Cape Colborne Sand Bar Deep over the course of one dive on August 21st, 2016.

OO - A diver examines Alcyonium soft coral at Cape Colborne Sandbar Deep.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

rose seaweed possibly Rhodymenia palmata rugose anemone (with bumps) Hormathia nodosa deep Urticina anemone Urticina sp. burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 76

red or white soft coral Gersemia rubiformis pale soft coral Alcyonium sp. hydromedusa Aglantha digitale scale worm possibly Hormothoe imbricata cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm scallop Similipectin greenlandicus Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme helicid pteropod Limacina helicina sea angel Clione limacina hedgehog amphipod Paramphithoe histrix amphipod undetermined amphipod Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii peachy burrowing sea cucumber Psolus phantapus

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 77

NES Dive Site: Cape Colborne Sandbar Shallow

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 68.9320oN, 105.2168oW

Cape Colborne marks the southern entrance to Cambridge Bay and is accessible by a 22 km (35- 40 minute) boat ride from the HoCB. This dive site is 3.5 km south east of Cape Colborne and adjacent to a sandbar that is exposed at low tide. (Beware – the sandbar could pose a navigational hazard.)

Dive(s): Team Two - August 21. PP - Cape Colborne Sandbar Shallow as seen from boat. Underwater: A sand bottom with abundant drop-stones and boulders. As it is located on Dease Strait, it is presumed that this site experiences greater tidal current flow than sites inside Cambridge Bay. However, no current was noted during the NES dive.

Salinity: Not measured.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 78

14 0

12 2

10 4



8 6

6 8

Depth (m) Depth Temperature Temperature ( 4 10

2 12

0 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Dive Time (min)

Figure 21: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at Cape Colborne Sand Bar Shallow over the course of one dive on August 21st, 2016.

QQ - A dropstone covered with Urticina anemones at Cape Colborne Sandbar Shallow.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 79

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima thread brown algae undetermined brown algae branching thread brown algae undetermined brown algae rockweed Fucus sp. coralline algae Corallina sp. tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis red or white soft coral Gersemia rubiformis parachute ctenophore Dryodora glandiformis brown ribbon worm undetermined nemertean scale worm possibly Hormothoe imbricata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica mussel Mytilus sp. helicid pteropod Limacina helicina dendronotid nudibranch possibly Dendronotus frondosus Arctic stubby squid eggs Rossia sp. amphipod undetermined amphipod thatched barnacle black legs possibly Semibalanus sp. rose star Crossaster papposus green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis giant black sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa sea cucumber possibly Chiridota discolor scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii saddled eelpout Lycodes mucosus fish doctor Gymnelus retrodorsalisor G. viridis

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 80

NES Dive Site: Starvation Cove Point

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.1492oN, 105.9233oW

This dive site is accessible by a 47 km (60-90 minute) boat ride from the HoCB. It is located on the east side of a spit of land approximately 2.5 km east of Starvation Cove, at the north end of the Findlayson Islands. The trip should only be undertaken in favourable weather and sea conditions. The Findlayson Islands are a 15 km chain of islands RR - Starvation Cove Point as seen from boat. extending south easterly into Dease Strait from Oxford Bay on the south side of Victoria Island toward Kent Peninsula on the mainland.

Dive(s): Team Two - August 17.

Underwater: A gentle rubble-covered sandy slope.

Salinity: 25 ppt at surface.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 81

10 0 9 2 8 4

7 6

C) ° 6 8 5 10

4 12 Depth(m)

Temperature Temperature ( 3 14 2 16 1 18 0 20 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 Dive Time (min)

Figure 22: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at Starvation Cove Point over the course of one dive on August 17, 2016.

SS - Underwater at Starvation Cove Point.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima thread brown algae undetermined brown algae coralline algae Corallina sp. yellow-orange blob sponge undetermined sponge

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 82

stubby anemone similar to Coriacea sp. Arctic crimson anemone Cribrinopsis similis burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis red or white soft coral Gersemia rubiformis hydromedusa Aglantha digitale lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis comb jelly Mertensia ovum brown ribbon worm undetermined nemertean polychaete worm possibly Phyllodoce groenlandica tubeworm undetermined tubeworm calcareous tubeworm possibly Serpula sp. truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica limpet Tectura sp. ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme snail undetermined snail helicid pteropod Limacina helicina sea angel Clione limacina dendronotid nudibranch possibly Dendronotus frondosus calanoid copepod possibly Calanus sp. mysid undetermined mysid polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus barnacle Balanus sp. thatched barnacle black legs possibly Semibalanus sp. small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis burrowing sea cucumber 1 undetermined Cucumaria sp. scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis banded gunnel Pholis fasciata ribbed sculpin Triglops pingelii

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 83

NES Dive Site: Unnamed Findlayson Island 1 South End

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.0938oN, 105.8989oW

This dive site is accessible by a 45 km (60-90 minute) boat ride from the HoCB. The trip should only be undertaken in favourable weather and sea conditions. The Findlayson Islands, of which this small island - which the NES team dubbed Unnamed Island 1 - is one, are a 15 km chain of islands extending south easterly into Dease Strait from Oxford Bay on TT - Unnamed Findlayson Island 1 South End as seen from boat. the south side of Victoria Island toward Kent Peninsula on the mainland.

Dive(s): Team Two - August 17.

Underwater: The topography of the island (Figure TT) continues underwater in a series of ridges and crevices crammed with benthic marine life. Some tidal current was experiences at this site, and it is presumed that this current brings plentiful nutrients to the abundant fauna observed.

Salinity: 27 ppt at surface.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 84

10 0 9 2 8 4


C) ° 6 6 5 8

4 Depth(m) Temperature Temperature ( 3 10 2 12 1 0 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Dive Time (min)

Figure 23: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at Unnamed Finlayson Island 1 South End over the course of one dive on August 17, 2016.

UU - Numerous Urticina anemones at Unnamed Findlayson Island 1 South End.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima filamentous diatom undetermined brown algae thread brown algae undetermined brown algae

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 85

filamentous red algae undetermined filimentous red algae rose seaweed possibly Rhodymenia palmata coralline algae Corallina sp. yellow-orange blob sponge undetermined sponge rugose anemone (no bumps) Hormathia digitata dahlia or horseman anemone Urticina eques stubby anemone similar to Coriacea sp. deep Urticina anemone Urticina sp. Arctic crimson anemone Cribrinopsis similis red or white soft coral Gersemia rubiformis hydroid Lafoeina maxima hydroid Obelia sp. jellyfish thimble Sarsia sp. hydromedusa Aglantha digitale lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum purple beroe Beroe abyssicola comb jelly Mertensia ovum brown ribbon worm undetermined nemertean calcareous tubeworm possibly Serpula sp. chiton Tonicella sp. Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica helicid pteropod Limacina helicina sea angel Clione limacina dendronotid nudibranch possibly Dendronotus frondosus orange aeolid nudibranch possibly Cuthona sp. brown aeolid nudibranch undertermined aeolid calanoid copepod possibly Calanus sp. polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus barnacle Balanus sp. rose star Crossaster papposus green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis giant black sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii fourline snakeblenny Eumesogrammus praecisus juvenile lumpsucker possibly Eumicrotremus spinosus

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 86

NES Dive Site: Unahitak Island North End

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.0532oN, 105.8795oW

This dive site is accessible by a 43 km (60-90 minute) boat ride from the HoCB. The trip should only be undertaken in favourable weather and sea conditions. The Findlayson Islands, of which Unahitak Island is one, are a 15 km chain of islands extending south easterly into Dease Strait from Oxford Bay on the south side of Victoria Island toward Kent VV - Unahitak Island North End as seen from boat. Peninsula on the mainland.

Dive(s): Team Two - August 20.

Underwater: A gently sloping sand bottom featuring large rectangular boulders similar to those on shore (Figure VV). The sand and boulders were clean and silt-free, presumably due to the current that flows past this site. In the shallows, numerous, robust patches of Fucus were observed.

Salinity: 25 ppt at surface.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 87

16 0

14 2



C) °

10 6 8 8

6 Depth(m) Temperature ( 10 4

2 12

0 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Dive Time (min)

Figure 24: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at Unahitak Island North End over the course of one dive on August 20, 2016.

WW - Underwater at Unahitak Island North End.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 88

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

thread brown algae undetermined brown algae rockweed Fucus sp. coralline algae Corallina sp. dahlia or horseman anemone Urticina eques Arctic crimson anemone Cribrinopsis similis burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis hydroid Obelia sp. Arctic lion's mane Cyanea sp. four-tentacled jelly Aegina sp. hydromedusa Aglantha digitale double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis parachute ctenophore Dryodora glandiformis polychaete worm possibly Phyllodoce groenlandica Nereid worm possibly Alitta virens tubeworm undetermined tubeworm calcareous tubeworm possibly Serpula sp. polychaete worm undetermined pelagic polychaete arrow worm possibly Parasagitta elegans chiton Tonicella sp. truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica boreal astarte Astarte borealis limpet Tectura sp. ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme helicid pteropod Limacina helicina sea angel Clione limacina dendronotid nudibranch possibly Dendronotus frondosus amphipod undetermined amphipod polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris punctate blade shrimp Spirontocaris phippsii barnacle Balanus sp. sea star Leptasterias groenlandica wrinkled cushion star Pteraster militaris rose star Crossaster papposus

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 89

green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus juvenile lumpsucker possibly Eumicrotremus spinosus Pacific sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 90

NES Dive Site: Unahitak Island Rectangle Rock

Chart: Cambridge Bay, CHS # 7750 Coordinates: 69.0213oN, 105.8391oW

This dive site is accessible by a 42 km (60-90 minute) boat ride from the HoCB. The trip should only be undertaken in favourable weather and sea conditions. The Findlayson Islands, of which Unahitak Island is one, are a 15 km chain of islands extending south easterly into Dease Strait from Oxford Bay on the south side of Victoria Island toward Kent XX - Unahitak Island Rectangle Rock as seen from boat. Peninsula on the mainland. A distinctive rectangular boulder marks the dive site. A seabird nesting site was observed on the flat rocks that make up the cliff-like aspect of this part of Unahitak Island.

Dive(s): Team Two - August 20.

Underwater: A gently sloping rubble bottom interspersed with dropstones and boulders covered in Fucus until a depth of approximately 5m. Deeper than 5m the kelp was not present and the rubble was silt-free. A mild current (less than 2 km/h) was noted during the dives at this location. This current presumably prevents silt from settling on the substrate. Specimens previously observed only in deeper water, such as Gersemia, were observed as shallow as 7 m at this location.

Salinity: 25 ppt at surface.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 91

14 0

12 2



C) °

6 8 8 6

10 Depth(m) Temperature Temperature ( 4 12

2 14

0 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 Dive Time (min)

Figure 25: Dive depth (black line) and water temperature (grey line) at Unahitak Island Rectangle Rock over the course of one dive on August 20, 2016.

YY - Underwater at Unahitak Island Rectangle Rock.

List of observed species (See Appendix A for photos of species where available.):

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima thread brown algae undetermined brown algae

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 92

clump brown algae undetermined brown algae Arctic sea oak Phycodrys rubens coralline algae Corallina sp. stubby anemone similar to Coriacea sp. Arctic crimson anemone Cribrinopsis similis tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis clear white anemone undetermined anemone red or white soft coral Gersemia rubiformis hydroid Lafoeina maxima hydromedusa Aglantha digitale double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis comb jelly Mertensia ovum brown ribbon worm undetermined nemertean calcareous tubeworm possibly Serpula sp. chiton Tonicella sp. truncated mya Maya truncata Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica boreal astarte Astarte borealis limpet Tectura sp. glacial Buccinum snail Buccinum glacial margarite snail 1 Margarites sp. helicid pteropod Limacina helicina sea angel Clione limacina dendronotid nudibranch possibly Dendronotus frondosus tube-dwelling amphipod undetermined amphipod amphipod undetermined amphipod polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus barnacle Balanus sp. thatched barnacle black legs possibly Semibalanus sp. polar sea star Leptasterias polaris rose star Crossaster papposus small brittle star undetermined brittle star green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis giant black sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa speckled burrowing sea cucumber possibly Thyonidiumsp. scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 93

leopard tunicate undetermined tunicate fish doctor Gymnelus retrodorsalisor G. viridis ribbed sculpin Triglops pingelii

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 94


Over the course of one month and 56 dives, totalling over 33 hours underwater, the 2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey visited 25 dives sites in the Cambridge Bay area, 21 of which were new for the Survey. Four dive sites (Dock, West Arm Tank Farm, West Arm Airport Wall and West Arm Mud Bank Wall) were repeats from 2015. Three dives sites (Northern Dock, West Arm Tank Farm and West Arm BCB) were visited by both Teams One and Two. Compared to 2015, 2016 NES divers were able to extend the range of operations (including two day-trips to the Findlayson Islands) due to vessel availability, favourable weather and more dive days afforded by the longer duration of the 2016 NES (18 dive days in 2016 versus 4 dive days in 2015).

A variety of habitats at a range of depths (3m – 37m) were surveyed including: shallow mud flats, steep rubble slopes, flat sand and gravel plains with dropstones, and vertical rock walls. In the inaugural 2015 NES, 89 species were recorded; in 2016, 176 species were recorded, 154 of which have representative photographs in Appendix A.

35 Species recorded: 2015 vs. 2016 NES 30



15 2015 No. Species of 10 2016 5


Figure 26: Comparison of species

observed: 2015 vs. 2016 NES.

Efforts continue to positively identify unknown species observed by the team. As identifications are confirmed, photographs and species lists will be updated. The NES team welcomes input regarding species identification.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 95

As diverse and far-ranging sites were explored and familiar ones revisited, general trends started to appear in the habitat type of certain areas. As a result, the team began to group the NES sites into three main areas:

1. West Arm - includes the following dives sites in the West Arm proper and those very close to the Hamlet of Cambridge Bay. No tidal current was ever experienced while diving at these sites, and all surfaces are covered in silt and detritus, indicating very little water flow.

Dock Northern Dock Old Town Site Old Camping Spot West Arm Tank Farm West Arm Airport Wall West Arm BCB West Arm West End West Arm End of Arm West Arm Mud Bank Wall West Arm Mud Bank West Arm Step Wall

2. Mouth of Cambridge Bay - includes the following dive sites in the main body of Cambridge Bay and those close to Cape Colborne to the east, and “5 Island” to the west. A small amount of tidal current was experienced at several sites, and the substrate was ‘cleaner’ than that at the West Arm sites, indicating more water flow than West Arm sites.

Simpson Rock Lumpsucker Rock West of 5 Island Middle Mouth North Middle Mouth South Cape Colborne Inside Cape Colborne Outside Cape Colborne Sand Bar Deep Cape Colborne Sand Bar Shallow

3. Findlayson Islands - includes the following dive sites in the Findlayson Island archipelago. Moderate tidal current was experienced at these dives sites, presumably a result of their exposure to Dease Strait. This seems to provide these sites with a much greater degree of tidal flushing.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 96

Starvation Cove Point Unnamed Findlayson Island 1 South End Unahitak Island North End Unahitak Island Rectangle Rock

Although informal, these three areas appear to roughly represent three distinct habitat regimes, and so were used to compare some biological and physical parameters. Further, more regimented examination of dive sites in these different zones would surely prove useful in increasing understanding of the Cambridge Bay aquatic ecosystems.

Throughout the second half of the 2016 NES, the team opportunistically deployed a sonde at various locations in the survey area. The sonde provided very accurate measurements of depth, water temperature, pH and salinity, among other parameters, and would be a welcome addition to the NES team’s toolbox for future surveys. The figures below show selected data collated for the three NES areas. (The full data set is available upon request.)

Salinity (psu) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0 Figure 27: Salinity versus depth at the three NES areas. 5


15 Depth(m) 20

25 Mouth of Cambridge Bay

Findlayson Islands 30 West Arm

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 97

10 Figure 28: Temperature versus 9 depth at the three NES areas. 8


6 5

4 Temperature Temperature (C) 3 2 1 0 -1 Depth (m) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

The coldest temperature recorded using the sonde was -1.129°C at West Arm Tank Farm. Of the 13 sites sampled with the sonde, only sites in the West Arm recorded temperatures below 0°C, despite each area including at least one profile to a depth of 22m.

The greatest variability on a single profile also occurred in the West Arm, where water temperatures at the West Arm Step Wall site were -0.36°C at 22.9m and 9.59°C at the surface; a nearly 10°C change!

There are still numerous unexplored areas offering many potential additional NES dive sites within a similar range for a small boat (up to 50 kilometres from the Hamlet of Cambridge Bay) for future surveys. These include the Kent Peninsula, the shoreline east of Cape Colborne, mid-water Dease Strait, and continued exploration of the Findlayson Islands. As well, a larger vessel could facilitate multi-day excursions and surveys at more distant sites.

Additional, to more accurately assess biodiversity changes over time, some NES sites should be designated as ‘keystone’ locations. This subset of NES sites would be visited year after year, and more structured surveys undertaken. Discussion regarding the identification of these keystone sites should be included in the planning meeting for the 2017 Nearshore Ecological Survey.

Finally, although beyond the scope of the NES, a centralized, easily accessible database for cataloguing and archiving NES (and other study) data must be considered an essential part of future efforts involving the Arctic ecological studies

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 98


The authors would like to thank:

The Hamlet of Cambridge Bay for a warm welcome.

POLAR/CHARS – Dwayne Beattie, David LeBlanc, Crystal Qaumariaq, Angut Pedersen, Rebecca Turpin and the entire Cambridge Bay and Ottawa teams for invaluable support of all aspects of the NES.

John Lyall Jr. for taking us out diving.

Nunavut Arctic College for providing space for specimen holding.

Nunavut Research Institute for granting a Scientific Research Licence.

The staff, teachers and students at Kullik Ilihakvik elementary school.

Ekaluktutiak Hunters & Trappers Organization for allowing us to collect specimens.

Kitnuna Corporation for oxygen for specimen shipment.

Charlie Gibbs for assiting with species database development.

Our colleagues at the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre who assisted in innumerable ways.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 99

Appendix A - Species ID Photos3

3 Species were identified in consultation with recognized experts. However some specimens remain unidentified, and some, despite best efforts, may be misidentified. Please contact the authors with proposed identifications or corrections.

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Note: Gadus ogac has been placed in the synonymy of Gadus microcephalus owing to recent molecular genetic analyses. (Pacific Arctic Marine Fishes, Mecklenburg et al, 2016) 2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 108 Hyperid Amphipod sp.

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Appendix B - Dive Site List and Coordinates

Latitude(decimal Longitude(decimal NES Dive Site New for 2016? degrees) degrees) Dock 69.1138 N 105.0594 W Northern Dock 69.1172 N 105.0400 W Yes Old Town Site 69.1092 N 105.0322 W Yes Old Camping Spot 69.1104 N 105.0761 W Yes West Arm Tank Farm 69.1029 N 105.0881 W West Arm Airport Wall 69.1001 N 105.1163 W West Arm BCB 69.1093 N 105.1717 W Yes West Arm West End 69.1059 N 105.2202 W Yes West Arm End of Arm 69.1006 N 105.2217 W Yes West Arm Mud Bank Wall 69.1042 N 105.1602 W West Arm Mud Bank 69.1019 N 105.1590 W Yes West Arm Step Wall 69.0970 N 105.1150 W Yes Simpson Rock 69.0313 N 105.0966 W Yes Lumpsucker Rock 69.0037 N 105.0818 W Yes West of 5 Island 69.0687 N 105.1967 W Yes Middle Mouth North 69.0318 N 105.1852 W Yes Middle Mouth South 69.0127 N 105.1805 W Yes Cape Colborne Inside 68.9668 N 105.2304 W Yes Cape Colborne Outside 68.9544 N 105.2526 W Yes Cape Colborne Sand Bar Deep 68.9347 N 105.2387 W Yes Cape Colborne Sand Bar Shallow 68.9320 N 105.2168 W Yes Starvation Cove Point 69.1492 N 105.9233 W Yes Unnamed Findlayson Island 1 South End 69.0938 N 105.8989 W Yes Unahitak Island North End 69.0532 N 105.8795 W Yes Unahitak Island Rectangle Rock 69.0213 N 105.8391 W Yes

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 110

Appendix C - Google Map of Dive sites https://www.google.ca/maps/@69.0516369,-105.4279,10.75z/data=!4m2!6m1!1szS27KXL83vIQ.kgCbzUZnKKxE

Cambridge Bay/West Arm detail Arm Bay/West Cambridge

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 111

Appendix D - Taxon Report

In addition to site specific species lists, a binary quantification of presence-absence (presence = green cell, absence = empty cell) for each species was derived from a complete list of all species at all dive sites. See the following pages for the taxon report, indicating presence or absence of all species observed at each dive site.

Species were identified in consultation with recognized experts. However some specimens remain unidentified, and some, despite best efforts, may be misidentified. Please contact the authors with proposed identifications or corrections.

Please also note that, for descriptive convenience, some common names were ascribed to specimens by the NES Team. These names may not match other common names found in the literature.

2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 112

Airport Wall Airport

Colborne Sand BarDeep Sand Colborne

Common name Phylum

Photo in Appendix A in Appendix Photo Dock Dock Northern Site Town Old Spot Camping Old Farm Tank Arm West Arm West BCB Arm West End West Arm West Arm of End Arm West Wall Bank Mud Arm West Bank Mud Arm West Wall Step Arm West Rock Simpson Rock Lumpsucker Island 5 of West North Mouth Middle South Mouth Middle Inside Colborne Cape Outside Colborne Cape Cape Shallow Bar Sand Colborne Cape Point Cove Starvation End South 1 Island Findlayson Unnamed End North Island Unahitak Rock Rectangle Island Unahitak A BC MB MM M CC SB UR D ND OT OC TF WE EA MB SW SR LR 5I CCI SBS SC FI1 UN Green algae Chlorophyta W B W N MS O D R filamentous green algae undetermined green algae A BC MB MM M CC SB UR D ND OT OC TF WE EA MB SW SR LR 5I CCI SBS SC FI1 UN Brown algae Ochrophyta W B W N MS O D R

sugar kelp Saccharina latissima YES

winged kelp Alaria grandifolia YES

filamentous diatom undetermined brown algae

thread brown algae undetermined brown algae YES branching thread brown algae undetermined brown algae YES flat bladed brown algae undetermined brown algae

clump brown algae undetermined brown algae YES

Arctic sea oak Phycodrys rubens YES

DRAFT---2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 113

rockweed Fucus sp. YES encrusting brown undetermined encrusting brown algae algae YES A BC MB MM M CC SB UR D ND OT OC TF WE EA MB SW SR LR 5I CCI SBS SC FI1 UN Red algae Rhodophyta W B W N MS O D R undetermined filimentous red filamentous red algae algae YES

rose seaweed possibly Rhodymenia palmata YES

bladed red algae undetermined red bladed algae

red algae possibly Dilsea carnosa YES

coralline algae Corallina sp. YES undetermined arching coralline coralline algae algae YES undetermined smooth coralline coralline algae algae YES A BC MB MM M CC SB UR D ND OT OC TF WE EA MB SW SR LR 5I CCI SBS SC FI1 UN Sponges Porifera W B W N MS O D R orange encrusting sponge undetermined sponge YES white encrusting sponge undetermined sponge YES

bread crumb sponge Halichondria sp. YES pink thick finger sponge undetermined sponge YES

vase sponge Sycon sp. YES yellow-orange blob sponge undetermined sponge YES

yellow-brown sponge undetermined sponge YES shallow white finger sponge undetermined sponge YES deep white finger sponge undetermined sponge YES

trumpet sponge undetermined sponge YES

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A BC MB MM M CC SB UR D ND OT OC TF WE EA MB SW SR LR 5I CCI SBS SC FI1 UN Cnidarians Cnidaria W B W N MS O D R rugose anemone (with bumps) Hormathia nodosa YES rugose anemone (no bumps) Hormathia digitata YES dahlia or horseman anemone Urticina eques YES

stubby anemone similar to Coriacea sp. YES deep Urticina anemone Urticina sp. YES

anemone Stomphia sp. YES Arctic crimson anemone Cribrinopsis similis YES snail-dwelling anemone Allantactis parasitica YES

burrowing anemone possibly Halcampa arctica YES tube-dwelling anemone possibly Pachycerianthus borealis YES

clear white anemone undetermined anemone

red or white soft coral Gersemia rubiformis YES

pale soft coral Alcyonium sp. YES

hedgehog hydroid Hydractinia sp. YES

hydroid Lafoeina maxima YES

hydroid Obelia sp. YES

solitary hydroid possibly Tubularia sp. YES

Arctic lion's mane Cyanea sp. YES

four-tentacled jelly Aegina sp. YES

jellyfish thimble Sarsia sp. YES

hydromedusa Aglantha digitale YES

double bubble jelly Halitholus cirratus YES DRAFT---2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 115

folded stomach jelly Ptychogastria polaris YES

stalked jelly possibly Haliclystus auricola YES

lobed sea gooseberry Bolinopsis infundibulum YES

translucent comb jelly Beroe cucumis YES

purple beroe Beroe abyssicola YES

parachute ctenophore Dryodora glandiformis YES

comb jelly Mertensia ovum YES

sea gooseberry Pleurobrachia sp. YES Annelida, Chaetognatha, A BC MB MM M CC SB UR D ND OT OC TF WE EA MB SW SR LR 5I CCI SBS SC FI1 UN W B W N MS O D R Worms Nemertea

brown ribbon worm undetermined nemertean YES

gray ribbon worm possibly Cerebratulus sp. YES

lugworm undetermined arenicolid YES

scale worm possibly Hormothoe imbricata

scale worm undetermined scale worm

polychaete worm possibly Phyllodoce groenlandica YES

Nereid worm possibly Alitta virens YES featherduster tubeworm possibly Chone sp.

tubeworm possibly Euchone papillosa YES

tubeworm undetermined tubeworm dwarf calcareous possibly Spirorbis borealis or tubeworm Pileolaria sp. YES

calcareous tubeworm possibly Serpula sp.

cone worm undetermined pectinarid worm YES

mop worm undetermined cirratulid worm YES

spaghetti worm undetermined terebellid worm DRAFT---2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 116

polychaete worm undetermined pelagic polychaete

arrow worm possibly Parasagitta elegans YES A BC MB MM M CC SB UR D ND OT OC TF WE EA MB SW SR LR 5I CCI SBS SC FI1 UN Moss animals Bryozoa W B W N MS O D R undetermined encrusting YES encrusting bryozoan bryozoan A BC MB MM M CC SB UR D ND OT OC TF WE EA MB SW SR LR 5I CCI SBS SC FI1 UN Molluscs W B W N MS O D R

chiton Tonicella sp. YES

discordant mussel Musculus discor YES

scallop Similipectin greenlandicus YES

Iceland cockle Clinocardium cilatum YES

Greenland cockle Serripes groenlandicus YES

chalky macoma Macoma calcarea YES

truncated mya Maya truncata YES Arctic saxicave or nestler clam Hiatella arctica YES

mussel Mytilus sp. YES

boreal astarte Astarte borealis YES

limpet Tectura sp. YES

glacial Buccinum snail Buccinum glacial YES

wavy Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum angulosum YES

ridged Buccinum snail possibly Buccinum scalariforme YES black footed Buccinum snail Buccinum sp. YES

snail undetermined snail YES

margarite snail 1 Margarites sp. YES possibly Margarites costalis or margarite snail 2 sordidus YES

velvet snail Velutina sp. YES DRAFT---2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 117

velutinid snail Onchidiopsis sp. YES

moon snail undetermined moon snail YES

helicid pteropod Limacina helicina YES

sea angel Clione limacina YES dendronotid nudibranch possibly Dendronotus frondosus YES white dendronotid nudibranch Dendronotus sp. YES orange aeolid nudibranch possibly Cuthona sp. YES brown aeolid nudibranch undertermined aeolid YES

white nudibranch possibly Adalaria sp. YES Arctic stubby squid YES eggs Rossia sp. A BC MB MM M CC SB UR D ND OT OC TF WE EA MB SW SR LR 5I CCI SBS SC FI1 UN Arthropods Arthropoda W B W N MS O D R

hedgehog amphipod Paramphithoe histrix YES

amphipod Stegocephalus inflatus YES

amphipods Onisimus sp. YES

amphipod Gammaraus wilkitzkii YES hyperid or jelly-riding amphipod Themisto abyssorum YES tube-dwelling amphipod undetermined amphipod YES

amphipod undetermined amphipod

calanoid copepod possibly Calanus sp. YES

mysid undetermined mysid YES

tank shrimp Sclerocrangon boreas YES

spiny lebbeid Lebbeus groenlandicus YES

polar lebbeid Lebbeus polaris YES DRAFT---2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 118

punctate blade shrimp Spirontocaris phippsii YES

blade shrimp Spirontocaris sp. YES

shrimp undetermined shrimp

Arctic lyre crab Hyas coarctatus YES

barnacle Balanus sp. YES thatched barnacle black legs possibly Semibalanus sp.

cumacean undetermined cumacean YES A BC MB MM M CC SB UR D ND OT OC TF WE EA MB SW SR LR 5I CCI SBS SC FI1 UN Echinoderms Echinodermata W B W N MS O D R

polar sea star Leptasterias polaris YES

sea star Leptasterias groenlandica YES

red spiky sea star Icasterias panopla YES

frilled sea star Urasterias lincki YES

Arctic blood star Aleutihenricia beringiana YES

blood star 1 undetermined seastar YES

blood star 2 undetermined seastar YES

wrinkled cushion star Pteraster militaris YES small yellow star with orange tips Poraniomorpha tumida YES

rose star Crossaster papposus YES

small brittle star undetermined brittle star YES

green urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis YES possibly Strongylocentrotus white urchin pallidus YES giant black sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa YES burrowing sea cucumber 1 undetermined Cucumaria sp.

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burrowing sea cucumber 2 undetermined Cucumaria sp. white burrowing sea cucumber undetermined Cucumaria sp. YES speckled burrowing sea cucumber possibly Thyonidiumsp. YES

sea cucumber possibly Chiridota discolor YES

scarlet sea cucumber Psolus fabricii YES peachy burrowing sea cucumber Psolus phantapus YES

sea cucumber possibly Sclerodactyla sp.

Chordata (Subphylum: A BC MB MM M CC SB UR D ND OT OC TF WE EA MB SW SR LR 5I CCI SBS SC FI1 UN W B W N MS O D R Tunicates Urochordata)

pelagic tunicate possibly Oikopleura labradoriensis YES undetermined tunicate similar to Styela sp.

leopard tunicate undetermined tunicate YES

sea peach Halocynthia pyriformes YES undetermined bristly tunicate possibly Halocynthia igaboja YES

Arctic sea blister undetermined tunicate YES

tunicate possibly Cnemidocarpa sp. YES

hairy tunicate Boltenia sp. YES

long clear tunicate undetermined tunicate YES

warty tunicate undetermined tunicate

encrusting tunicate undetermined tunicate Chordata (Subphylum: A BC MB MM M CC SB UR D ND OT OC TF WE EA MB SW SR LR 5I CCI SBS SC FI1 UN W B W N MS O D R Fishes Vertebrata)

Arctic cod Boreogadus saida YES DRAFT---2016 Nearshore Ecological Survey - Final Report 120

polar cod Arctogadus glacialis YES

Greenland cod Gadus ogac YES

saddled eelpout Lycodes mucosus YES

fish doctor Gymnelus retrodorsalisor G. viridis YES

Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus YES

fourline snakeblenny Eumesogrammus praecisus YES

slender blenny Lumpenus fabricii YES

banded gunnel Pholis fasciata YES

ribbed sculpin Triglops pingelii YES

sculpin Icelus sp. YES

shorthorn sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpius YES

Arctic sculpln Myoxocephalus scorpioides YES

four-horn sculpin Myoxocephalus quadricornis YES Arctic staghorn sculpin Gymnocanthus tricuspis YES

leatherfin lumpsucker Eumicrotremus derjungini YES

juvenile lumpsucker possibly Eumicrotremus spinosus YES

Pacific sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus

ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius YES

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