AS Secretary Reinstated Station on Airwaves .Again

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AS Secretary Reinstated Station on Airwaves .Again Asian task force lists EAST iOS AN6I1ES COUEGE classes for Chinese By ELENA MEDELLIN She added that the program will help The President's task force on students initiate, continue or resume Chinese-American affairs met this their post-secondary education. month and listed possible classes and According to Kestelman, other programs for the growing Chinese com­ courses that were suggested for newly- munity on campus. arrived immigrants were Survival j^. --ZZ II /-v_. According to President Arthur Avila, English (very basic emphasis on Elac is planning to implement new phonetics and daily use phrases), programs and classes for the Chinese English as a Second Language for population. He said that these Adults and Children. Citizenship for the Veium* XXXVil IMM* 20 Monterey Park, California programs will be under the Community Chinese Survival. Overcoming Shyness Services non-credit program. (to get ahead in a new culture). Nutri­ According to Rosa Kestelman. direc­ tion and Fitness (taught in Chinese), tor of the Advancement Studies In­ and First Aid, also taught in Chinese. stitute, some of the suggested Also suggested were courses for se­ programs are high intensity language cond and third generation Chinese- training, co-operative education and Americans. They include Chinese other Community Services non-credit Brush Painting. Chinese for Daily Use, courses. Mandarin. Ancient History of the Speaking of the language training, Chinese Culture. Chinese Cooking I and Kestelman explained, "These courses II. Kung Fu. China and Porcelain offer intensive basic language skills Painting. Chinese Culture Visualized in and bilingual counseling to students of Slides. Career Opportunities, and deprived educational backgrounds or History of the Chinese-American Com­ limited English language skills." munitv. Chicano Faculty Association Meeting provides insight of concern By SHARON TAKESHITA division will be a requirement. As a Elac sponsored the annual LACCD result, the general requirement will be Chicano Faculty Association meeting increased from 32 to 48 units. last Saturday in the faculty dining The subjects which will be included room It was open to faculty district in the upper division level are physical wide. sciences, social sciences and "The purpose of the meeting was to humanities. cover the issues and concerns of all stu­ Though the Executive order is still in UP, UP AND AWAY—Elac's Steve Selvidge takes one of his long jump attempts during the track meet last week at Rio Hondo. dents, with minority students in par­ the formulation stage, it will take ef­ ticular, ' said Carmen Estrada, fect this fall. Photoby Stuart Smith counseling liason to the journalism "We discussed what implications the department. order would have on all students, es­ The meeting enabled us to share con­ pecially the disadvantaged students," cerns with other colleges, said Maria said Estrada. Perez, Chicano studies instructor. This may be a concern to students AS secretary reinstated Among the various issues discussed who have weaknesses in certain core- was Executive Order 338. which con­ courses areas, she said. cerns the general education require­ Thirty people from the district at­ ments A revision will be made by the tended, including Dr. Al Fernandez, Supreme Court rules against Curry state chancellor's office. President of LA. Mission College. processes her payroll late, yet same method used to appoint a person The purpose of the revision is to By MEMO MUNOZ pointed secretary last Spring by former provide a wider scope of courses. president Marcella Vasquez. manages to keep up-to-date with to the position. A motion written by Associated Stu­ Presently. Elans are required to take dent Organization (ASO) President Gilmore said the motion used to tem­ timecards for Pinball Room employees However. Curry has said that he is Workers lauded like himself 32 units for general requirements With Rodney Curry to temporarily dismiss porarily dismiss her was introduced by simply enforcing a clause in the con­ this order however. 39 units are re­ Although It was not mentioned in the secretary Liza Gilmore on grounds of director Jesus Geraldo because "he Gilmore produced a copy of a dis­ stitution which states that the quired to be taken on the community last issue of Campus News, the Classi­ "non-adherance to work schedule and didn't care." Geraldo made the motion bursement request signed by Chavez secretary "be responsible to the A.S. college level. fied Employees received a high report an inability to meet requirements of because Curry refused to relinquish his President, who will furnish him/her and Student Activities Coordinator Lar­ Then an additional nine units of upper from the Accreditation team who re­ the job" has been reversed by the ASO duties as chair in order to motion ry Rozadilla. which was dated the day with a written list of duties." cently visited the campus. Supreme Court himself. after student government workers are Gilmore said the secretary's duties The Classified Employees are made In a written statement entitled "The Curry's motion was introduced, says paid according to the F"iscal Office. outlined by the president must be ap­ Lopez resigns up of such employees as the custodians, Final Decision On The Liza Gilmore Gilmore. following numerous reim­ proved bythe BOD first. gardeners, clerical employees, and the Case" the court said it "found Gilmore bursement requests for $50 given to "I have gone from four-to-six weeks instructional aides. President Avila Rozadilla. who also serves as advisor fronn ASO innocent of the allegations against Curry as a "loan to the .ASO" which she without a check." sai^ Gilmore. asked a member of the CE to be on the for student government, said the her." The court recommended that the had been told would be used for former After serving on the associated stu­ Steering Committee, which consists of Parliamentary procedure argued problem with Gilmore's payroll has Board ol Directors iBOD) reinstate Vice President Waller Mondales visit dent organization (ASOI board for a chairperson, a representative from been resolved. He added. 'I told Gilmore as secretary and pay her time last Fall During the meeting where (iilmore most of the year. Mike Lopez chairman the administrative staff, a member of Rodnev he's stuck with her until June." lost v.hilc the matter was under in­ .After several months without being was temporarily dismissed an argu­ of entertainment and fundraising. the faculty senate, a slucient and a ment about Curry attempting to en­ vestigation reimbur.sed Gilmore said Curry told .After delivering a message to Curry resigned. member of the community. force improper parliamentary More personal than anything other student government members to contact CN for an interview about The resignation was reportly due to a procedure occurred between Curry, The Steering Committee's job is to "I feel it was more personal than that the loan had been "personal " her temporary dismissal Gilmore said conflict with ASO president Rodney several BOD members and a former help set up a task force that examines anything." said Gilmore last week. Payroll processed late that he refused "He said contacting Curry and .ASO comptroller Ralph director in the audience campus facilities. It also coordinates Gilmore. one of only two women of­ In addition (Jilmorc said that CN was 'unimportant', " said Gilmore. Chavez, according to Liza Gilmore, all information, reviews reports, ficials of the ASO. was originally ap- Comptroller Ralph Chavez routinely Director David Jones, who recently ASO secretary. makes recommendations and prepares resigned from the .ASO along with Curry was "disappointed" by Lopez" the final report that is to be presented entertainment committee head Mike resignation. "It had to do with to the Accreditation team. Sexual discrimination Lopez, argued that Curry could not monetary hassles."" Curry said. "The Accreditation team was make a motion without first relin­ Gilmore said that the conflict sur­ impressed with how the Classified Em­ quishing the chair, forcing Geraldo to Plan rounded the scheduled powder puff ployees were able to work together for make the motion instead. football game. Lopez had been given an The Powder Puff football game was the benefit of the whole campus," said Legislation available informal go ahead to organize the Mary Schick "As far as Robert's Rules of Order or cancelled because of legal problems game So after organizing a team, How did she feel about the high parliamentary procedure are con­ three weeks ago It was to be sponsored Lopez went to the ASO for funding, report they received'' "We were very cerned, he doesn't go by the book. Ac­ by the Associated Student Organization where Curry "tabled the plans."' cording to Robert's Rules you don't fire (ASO) pleased tliat we were able to com­ for harassment victims Gilmore said. "Ralph (Chavez) told municate our feelings about Elac to the a secretary temporarily." said Mike (Lopez) if you dont like it. quit. FROM THE STUDENT common tactics are avoidance, sub- Gilmore. The comptroller for ASO. Ralph Accreditation team." she said. PRESS SERVICE mission and ignoring the incident The Chavez, said that girls would get in­ So he did " The significance of the high report is "I asked the teacher if I could write a best response, according to the report. impeachment proceedings used jured and the team did not have John Barrios, who has organized the "being able to obtain a realistic picture report or take the class over to help my IS outright rejection She said the process used to tem­ liability insurance. upcoming Hiroshima concert, is con­ of Elac. Sure, we have problem areas grade He said. There's one option I Sexual harassment is a problem that porarily dismiss her were impeach­ sidered by Curry as the top contender that need to be corrected." can give you that I can't give the males has been 'kept in the closet " for many ment proceedings from the ASO con­ Other problems would arise, such as for the job.
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