Handwritten Multiscript Pin Code Recognition System Having Multiple Hidden Layers Using Back Propagation Neural Network
International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering Volume 2, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2249–071X, ISSN (Print): 2278–4209 Handwritten Multiscript Pin Code Recognition System having Multiple hidden layers using Back Propagation Neural Network Stuti Asthana, Rakesh K Bhujade, Niresh Sharma, Rajdeep Singh Abstract— India is a country where multiple languages are were performed on different multi scripting samples and 96 spoken depending upon the place where people live as well as % accuracy is achieved. their mother tongue. For example ,a person living in tamilnadu At present postal sorting machines are available in several is more familiar in writing/speaking Tamil as compared to countries like USA, UK, Canada, Japan, France, Germany Hindi or any other language. Usually due to this problem , etc. There are only a few works on Indian postal system [4,5] sometimes people write pincode in the combination of two different numeric scripting, mainly the local language (which and at present no postal automation machine is available for depend on the location or the mother tongue) and the official India language (which may be national language hindi or international language english).In this paper, we are Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Overview of Hindi, concentrating on this problem of recognizing multiscript English, Urdu, Tamil and Telugu scripts in section 2, phases number recognition using artificial neural network on postcard, in recognition of pin code numerals in section 3, keeping accuracy as a chief criteria. This work has been tested Experimental results and comparative study in section 4 and on five different popular Indian scripts namely Hindi, Urdu, finally conclusion is explained in section 5.
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