Maritime Alps

Spring in Mercantour

A Greentours Tour Report

18th to 25th May 2011

Led by Paul Cardy and Stefano Doglio

Daily Accounts and Systematic Lists written by Paul Cardy

This year’s May tour to the Maritime Alps was especially productive, with some very special finds. Initially we were based at a small pleasant family run hotel in the Valdeblore hamlet of La Bolline, a fine location, well situated for all excursions, and with a small grocery and a bakery just along the street where I could do the daily picnic shopping whilst the group enjoyed breakfast. Dinners at the two restaurants we used in the friendly village were very enjoyable. For the last three nights we moved to the other side of Mercantour National Park, and the hamlet of Casterino, which allowed easy access into the Italian Alpi Marittime, a superbly productive area.

On the arrival day Stefano and I drove to Nice from my home in Italy, a few valleys to the north, across the Col de la Lombarde. At the airport, arrival was straightforward, with me driving the earlier arrivals, and Stefano waiting for the others. On this first journey to the hotel I made one of the discoveries of the tour, the endemic Lilium pomponium in superb flower, and later in the week we would see more of this beautiful at another site.

Our excursions during the week mixed lower Mediterranean influenced sites, through mid altitude meadows and subalpine forests, to alpine pastures above the tree line, producing a wealth of flora and fauna in these different habitats. A feature in this season is callosa in fine flower, locally abundant cascading from cliffs.

On the first full day we travelled up to the alpine zone, driving down to the Tinee Valley, thence to Isola, and up to Isola 2000 and above to the Col de la Lombarde (or Lombarda). Remarkably for this time of year the melted snow allowed us to get all the way to the Col itself, at about 2,300m, with fine views of the surrounding peaks as a backdrop. Perhaps the best find here was Saxifraga retusa augustana in fine flower.

This and various higher altitude stops yielded species such as Ranunculus kuepferi; the endemic Gentiana ligustica; both purple and yellow Elder-flowered Orchids just coming out; the near endemic Viola calcarata cavillieri; Pulmonaria picta; Crocus albiflorus; Gagea fragifera; and some fine examples of the tessellated yellow moggridgei variety of Fritillaria tubaeformis. The more prosaic Colt’s foot was numerous, and lower down Clematis alpina was in bloom, and there were two fine Lady Orchids.

Back in the Tinee valley yet more of interest were found in a series of stops. Here were Saxifraga paniculata, Saxifraga cuneifolia, Alyssum ligusticum, Tree Heath, White Asphodel, and Rock

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Cinquefoil. Common on the roadsides here, and in much of the area generally were Rock Soapwort, Snapdragon, Red Valerian, and Blue Lettuce. Much more local was Senecio cineraria, with a few in flower.

Another alpine day saw us driving a valley above St.Martin Vesubie, above the tree line, to Madone de Fenestre. Here the slopes had much Alpine Pasque Flower, and the only Primula hirsuta of the tour was found. In the village of Le Boreon, a stop to admire a waterfall had the bonus of Primula latifolia by the roadside. Below the view point was much more of the primula, but little else was in flower here. This was the case around the small hamlet itself, where the vegetation was just waking up after the long winter, with butterburs being just about all that was in flower. Above the village a short walk proved productive for Violas, with Viola biflora, Viola palustris and more Viola calcarata cavillieri all in bloom. Coal Tits and Blackcaps were active in the spruces, and we enjoyed fine views of snow-capped mountains against a pure blue sky.

At Madone de Fenestre, as well as the aforementioned fine Pulsatilla alpina, in perfect fresh flower, Androsace adfinis was a pleasing find. Northern Wheatears were typical of the habitat. A little lower a Soldanella alpina stop produced many fine patches of this always special by the snowmelt, as well as many, mostly white, Crocus albiflorus and some great Scilla bifolia. A short stop was to admire a fine plant of Hairy Broom beside the road.

A drive again along the Tinee Valley took us back to the village of Rimplas, perched impressively above the valley, its Maginot line fort dominating, a fine defensive vantage point. In the hot afternoon sun we walked up the winding road towards this fort, built following the First World War. The flora here shows a strong Mediterranean influence, but with montane species also a feature. Spiny Spurge was common, and the architectural umbellifer Molopospermum peloponnesiacum was as always impressive, not least for its name. Plantago sempervirens was an interesting species, and there was much Meadow Saxifrage and St.Lucie’s Cherry. A Humming-bird Hawk- nectared on the Red Valerian. The Lizard Orchids were in bud, and in fact were in fine flower this year when I returned in July. Short-toed Eagle and Golden Eagle were seen very well.

A road took us to just below a village where we enjoyed a remarkably productive stop. The highlight was a cliff cascading with Saxifraga callosa, the white sprays being in just perfect form at this time. Otherwise there was a distinct Mediterranean influence with Prickly and Phoenicean Junipers, Mediterranean Buckthorn, and Terebinth among the shrubs. The attractive pink Common Rockrose was berteroanum, and there were Spiny Spurge, Jasminum fruticans, Argyrolobium zanonii and Tassel Hyacinth. The viviparous Poa bulbosa was much in evidence. Lower down the same road were a number of Sword-leaved Helleborines on the verges, and a few Monkey Orchids, and St. Bernard’s Lily was in bloom. Many other good plants followed including Bastard Balm, Purple Gromwell, Alpine Calamint, Stachys recta, Linaria simplex and Carex halleriana. A highlight was a patch of Aristolochia pistolochia. A feature of the roadsides here was the impressively large flowered Biscutella cichoriifolia.

A number of Chamois were seen during the week, closely below the Col de Lombarde, several at Madone de Fenestre, and one at Limone 1400. Alpine Marmots were active on the alpine slopes, and Red Squirrel was seen well along the Casterino road. A good trip for reptiles began with a Western Whip Snake on the highway just north of Nice, with another seen later in the week at La Bolline. Montpellier Snake was recorded, and a species of Elaphe appeared too briefly to be positively

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identified. Common Wall Lizards were widespread and a bonus was two Slow Worms found near Tende.

Back in the Vesubie valley a longer drive took us down past the impressive village of Lantosque, through a gorge, then up the western slope of the valley to the village of Utelle, through olive groves and fine roadsides of Mediterranean flora. The interesting Mediterranean shrub Coriaria myrtifolia, one of very few members of its family, was locally common. A lone Greater Butterfly Orchid was in bloom on the verge, where were also some St. Bernard’s Lilies.

More fine weather saw us heading south for more Mediterranean climes. Having got through the coastal sprawl after about an hour and a half we were back in fine limestone upland. On the way the roadsides were colourful with species such as Rosy Garlic, Galactites, and Urospermum, the Cote d’Azur stretching below us. Already the Fritillaria involucrata was mostly over this year. Aristolochia pallida was a pleasing find. Both Swallowtail and Scarce Swallowtail were on the wing. At lower altitudes Common Rockrose, Lathyrus cicera, and Helichrysum stoechas were among the many typical Mediterranean plants, whilst species such as Globularia bisnagarica showed the alpine influence. Toothed Orchid, Pyramidal Orchid, and a lone Ophrys drumana were here. Nightingale sang continuously and both Cirl and Ortolan Buntings perched atop bushes.

A drive up towards a ski station, of course deserted at this time of year, produced slopes with much Valeriana tuberosa, Ornithogalum umbellatum, and Anthyllis montana. The attractive Potentilla cinerea was in flower, and became commoner the higher up we went, the diminutive Hornungia petraea was found, and Ranunculus monspeliacus was in flower. We enjoyed a rather cool picnic in a productive site near the ski village. There were many of the diminutive Tulipa australis here, albeit rather closed up in the dull weather. Viola rupestris and Iberia saxatilis were here too. Later a stop was made for Elder-flowered Orchids in both colour forms. Two interesting composites discovered in the area this year were Leucanthemum burnatii and Serratula nudicaulis.

Next we visited a site at which I had been delighted to discover a superb colony of Paeonia officinalis huthii, an endemic subspecies, the previous year. Colouring the hillside red were literally hundreds of blooms. Excitedly we had clambered up through the trees, and hundreds became thousands, stretching all along the slope. Sadly this year nearly all were gone over, but finally a few good flowers were located at the top of the slope. This was also a good site for butterflies, with several of the species mentioned below being seen here. There followed another highlight, a series of wet meadows full of many thousands of Poet’s-eye Narcissus. Here too were Broad-leaved Marsh Orchids, Greater Spearwort, and Marsh Cinquefoil in bud.

This was a superb trip for butterflies. The south-western Alps boast a very rich butterfly fauna, although high summer is the most productive time. Nevertheless we saw some sixty species here in May, which was excellent, with many special species. Southern Festoon was still on the wing north of Grasse, and Clouded Apollo was seen in two sites, whilst Southern Small White flew in the Gorge della Reina, where Duke of Burgundy was much in evidence too. Sooty and Purple-shot Coppers were on the wing, and among the blues were Little, Green-underside, Black-eyed, Baton, Chequered, Chapman’s, and Adonis. A total of some seven Southern White Admirals were seen, and Camberwell Beauty was noted on three days. A remarkable selection of fritillaries were on the wing this early in the season, namely Queen-of-, Marbled, Pearl-bordered, Glanville, Knapweed, Spotted, Heath, Provençal, and Marsh! A great find at lower altitudes was Western Marbled White, and Tufted Marbled Skipper was already flying. Among other species were Swallowtail, Scarce

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Swallowtail, Black-veined White, Orange-tip, Berger’s Clouded Yellow, Cleopatra, Wood White, Green Hairstreak, all three wall brown species, and Red-underwing Skipper. Among the seen were nevadensis and a Puss Moth.

For the last three nights of the tour we travelled east to the Roya Valley, and the beautifully situated hamlet of Casterino, on the other side of the Mercantour National Park. Leaving La Bolline under cloudless blue skies we travelled the now familiar road via St. Martin down to Roquebilliere. From there we turned east and headed up over the Col de Turini, the many bends becoming ever more floriferous as we ascended. Orchis pallens was in fine flower in one area of forest. West of Sospel were Helianthemum italicum and the attractive Linum austriacum collinum. Once through Sospel a short stop yielded Green-underside Blue and the attractive umbellifer Orlaya grandiflora became a feature of the roadsides. Having crossed into Italy we ate lunch by a dry river, where there was at least some shade in the now rather hot weather. Here Ajuga genevensis and Buglossoides purpurocaerulea were among the flowers.

Once in the Roya Valley we stopped by the eponymous river at Saorge, the town perched impressively above us. Here the cliffs had much Opuntia, figs and the like showing the strong Mediterranean influence. The rocks here had the beautiful endemic Potentilla saxifraga in fine flower, and much Campanula rotundifolia, whilst Sedum fragrans was in leaf. In a small cave cascaded much Maidenhair Fern.

A short walk above the river had a great biodiversity of geraniums(!), among them Geranium nodosum, Geranium phaeum, and Geranium lucidum. In the shade bloomed Saxifraga cuneifolia, and Jasminum fruticans and Campanula trachelium were seen. The cliffs above had a strong Mediterranean influence with Olives, Euphorbia characias, and a species of naturalised Opuntia.

The road to Casterino took us through more fine scenery and habitat up to the village with a great alpine location, which was to be our comfortable home for the next three nights. Here we enjoyed superb dinners in the excellent restaurant, complete with log fire and paintings of such subjects as Ibex standing among Saxifraga florulenta! A stop before Casterino yielded a colony of Geranium macrorrhizum, a predominantly south-eastern European species. We had a stroll around the lake which had much Water Horsetail, and also Groenlandia densa in the water. Two days spent on the Italian side of the Alpi Maritime were superbly productive, especially floristically. The alpine slopes were full of colour.

The journey up to and through the Tende tunnel is always impressive, taking us into the Italian province of Cuneo, which is where I live. The town of Tende enabled me to search out picnic supplies, and the group to have a wander around this interesting mountain settlement.

The slopes in Italy boasted the finest floral show of the tour. Both Trumpet and Spring Gentians coloured patches of turf deep blue, whilst Oxlips coloured large areas pale yellow, and white was provided by Ranunculus kuepferi. Elder-flowered Orchids were numerous, as were Long-spurred Pansies, both with yellow and purple forms. There was much Corydalis solida, with a little Corydalis intermedia too. Crocus albiflorus was still in bloom, as was some of the abundant Soldanella alpina. At various altitudes were three different gageas, several Gagea fragifera, and at least one Gagea villosa. Woodland edge had Pulmonaria picta, Mezereon, both Cardamine pentaphyllos and Cardamine heptaphylla, and Anemone ranunculoides. Tree Pipit sang atop a ruined building and Whinchat and Yellowhammer were here too.

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Lower down were some fine examples of Primula marginata but as we reached the Col itself the shows of this fine species on the rocks just had to be seen to be believed. It was abundant up here among the many rosettes of the yet to flower Saxifraga callosa. Draba aizoides was also common. Trochiscanthes nodiflora was found in bud. At the Col itself there was still some snow, and Water Pipit and Alpine Chough characterised the habitat. Here I set out the picnic inside the impressive walls of one of the several ruined nineteenth century defensive forts.

Our second destination in Italy was a rather well hidden gorge. Here today the snow had all but gone, other than in the deeply shaded clefts of the narrow gorge itself. We parked by a deserted hamlet and set out initially along a wooded path, before turning off and heading steadily up a side path, amidst impressive scenery. Elder-flowered Orchids were abundant here, and there were a few Common Twayblades in bud. Alpine Buckthorn, Polygala chamaebuxus and Lathyrus vernus were additions to the list. There was a good selection of ferns on the boulders and along the woodland edge, notably Limestone Fern and Holly Fern, and Fir Clubmoss was here too. Early Dog Violets were numerous.

Having reached the small narrow gorge itself the cliffs had much flowering Primula marginata, and much Saxifraga callosa. After much searching I finally found the very local endemic Primula allionii, with traces of the very early flowers still. A few Pedicularis gyroflexa were already in bloom, the grass Sesleria caerulea was particularly attractive, and the endemic Moehringia lebrunii was found, although not yet in flower. Anemone ranunculoides was a feature this year. There was a very attractive Treacle Mustard in the area, probably Erysimum rhaeticum, there being four very closely related species here. Nearby the meadows had some interesting plants, especially the striking Silene flos-jovis, and Cynoglottis barrelieri.

A tour primarily with a botanical and butterfly focus, but birds of note other than those already mentioned included Crag Martin, Tawny Pipit, Water Pipit, Dipper, Black Redstart, Whinchat, Subalpine and Sardinian Warblers, Bonelli’s Warbler, Common Treecreeper, Alpine Chough, and Ortolan Bunting.

Saying farewell to the helpful staff in Casterino we headed once more back to the Roya valley and thence south, the road taking us in and out of Italy, before we reached the coast at Ventimiglia. Many tunnels later, and along a rather hazy Cote d’Azur, we arrived at Nice airport, and after farewells at the end of a very enjoyable and productive week, I drove back along the coast, back up the Roya Valley, through the Tende tunnel, and home. After returning the mini-bus to Turin, I finally arrived home late in the evening.

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Systematic List Number 1 Plants

The systematic order and nomenclature follow ‘Flora Alpina’ by Aeschimann et al (2004), the standard work for the area. The flora in May is significantly different to that seen on the July tours, and many different plants are in flower in the area at this time of year.

Ferns and Allies Huperzia selago Fir Clubmoss Entracque Selaginella selaginoides Lesser Clubmoss Casterino area Selaginella helvetica Swiss Clubmoss Casterino area Equisetum fluviatile Water Horsetail Casterino lake Equisetum arvense Common Horsetail Scattered records Equisetum telmateia Great Horsetail Day 5, 2011 Botrychium lunaria Moonwort Madone de Fenestre 2011 Adiantum capillus-veneris Maidenhair Fern Saorge etc. Polypodium cambricum Southern Polypody Bairols etc. Polypodium vulgare Common Polypody Scattered records Polypodium interjectum Intermediate Polypody Local Pteridium aquilinum Bracken Scattered records Asplenium trichomanes Maidenhair Spleenwort Scattered records Asplenium viride Green Spleenwort Entracque Asplenium adiantum-nigrum Black Spleenwort Saorge 2011 Asplenium fontanum Smooth Rock Spleenwort Local, e.g Notre Dame des Fontaines Asplenium septentrionale Forked Spleenwort On one rock below Casterino, 2010 Asplenium ruta-muraria Wall-rue Local Asplenium ceterach Rusty-back Fern Scattered records Aythyrium filix-femina Lady Fern Day 5 Cystopteris fragilis Brittle Bladder-fern Casterino and Entracque Gymnocarpium dryopteris Oak Fern Scattered records Gymnocarpium robertianum Limestone Fern Entracque Polystichum lonchitis Holly Fern Entracque and above Limone 1400 Polystichum aculeatum Hard Shield Fern Limone 1400 Dryopteris filix-mas Male Fern Entracque Dryopteris affinis Scaly Male Fern Entracque

Gymnospermae Pinaceae Abies alba Silver Fir Scattered Picea abies Norway Spruce Locally dominant Larix decidua Larch Locally dominant Pinus sylvestris Scot’s Pine Widespread and locally dominant Pinus mugo ssp. mugo Dwarf Mountain Pine Higher altitudes Pinus mugo ssp. uncinata Mountain Pine Widespread Pinus halepensis Aleppo Pine Mediterranean sites in Pinus cembra Arolla Pine Isola 2000

Cupressaceae Cupressus sempervirens Italian Cypress Mediterranean influenced sites Juniperus communis ssp.communis Juniper Scattered records Juniperus communis ssp.alpina Prostrate Juniper Locally common at higher altitudes

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Juniperus oxycedrus Prickly Juniper Rimplas etc. Juniperus phoenicea Phoenician Juniper Rimplas etc.

Angiospermae Dicotyledons

Aristolochiaceae Asarum europaeum Asarabacca In leaf at Entracque Aristolochia pistolochia Spanish Birthwort Bairols Aristolochia rotunda a birthwort Vence 2010 Aristolochia pallida a birthwort Prealpes de Grasse 2011

Ranunculaceae Helleborus foetidus Stinking Hellebore Widespread Trollius europaeus Globe-flower In bud above Limone 1400, etc. Actaea spicata Baneberry East of Col de Turini Caltha palustris Marsh Marigold Casterino Delphinium sp. a larkspur In leaf Anemone nemorosa Wood Anemone Widespread, in leaf Anemone ranunculoides Yellow Anemone Col de Tende and Entracque Anemone narcissiflora Narcissus Anemone In flower 2010 Hepatica nobilis Hepatica Widespread, several in flower Pulsatilla alpina millefoliata Alpine Pasque Flower Madone de Fenestre, many, and Isola 2000 Pulsatilla alpina apiifolia Alpine Pasque Flower A few at Casterino Clematis vitalba Traveller’s Joy In leaf Clematis alpina Alpine Clematis Scattered records 2011 Ranunculus repens Creeping Buttercup Scattered Ranunculus acris Meadow Buttercup Widespread Ranunculus montanus Mountain Buttercup Scattered Ranunculus bulbosus Bulbous Buttercup Scattered Ranunculus monspeliacus Montpellier Buttercup Greolieres les Neiges Ranunculus ficaria Lesser Celandine In flower at Entracque Ranunculus platanifolius a buttercup Entracque, in bud Ranunculus lingua Greater Spearwort Caussols water meadows Ranunculus kuepferi a buttercup Locally common at higher altitudes Ranunculus trichophyllus Thread-leaved Water-crowfoot Caussols 2011 Aquilegia atrata Dark Columbine Scattered records Aquilegia sp. a columbine Another species in leaf at Entracque? Thalictrum ?aquilegifolium Greater Meadow Rue This species in leaf at Notre Dame des Fontaines?, 2010

Berberidaceae Berberis vulgaris Barberry Gorge della Reina, 2011

Coriariaceae Coriaria myrtifolia Mediterranean Coriaria Locally common in Mediterranean influenced sites

Papaveraceae Papaver dubium Long-headed Poppy Scattered records

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Papaver rhoeas Corn Poppy Widespread Papaver somniferum Opium Poppy Lower roadsides Chelidonium majus Greater Celandine Scattered records

Fumariaceae Corydalis intermedia a corydalis A few above Limone 1400 Corydalis solida Bird-in-a-bush Scattered records Fumaria capreolata White Ramping Fumitory Mediterranean sites Fumaria officinalis Common Fumitory Scattered records

Platanaceae Platanus orientalis Oriental Plane

Ulmaceae Ulmus glabra Wych Elm Ulmus minor Small-leaved Elm Celtis australis Nettle Tree

Cannabaceae Humulus lupulus Hop

Moraceae Ficus carica Fig

Urticaceae Urtica dioica Common Nettle Parietaria officinalis Common Pellitory Parietaria judaica Pellitory-of-the-Wall

Juglandaceae Juglans regia Walnut

Fagaceae Fagus sylvatica Beech Castanea sativa Sweet Chestnut Quercus ilex Holm Oak Quercus cerris Turkey Oak Quercus petraea Sessile Oak Quercus pubescens Downy Oak

Betulaceae Betula pendula Silver Birch Alnus viridis Green Alder Alnus glutinosa Alder Alnus incana Grey Alder Carpinus betulus Hornbeam Ostrya carpinifolia Hop Hornbeam Corylus avellana Hazel

Cactaceae Opuntia sp. a prickly pear Saorge cliffs

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Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium bonus-henricus Good King Henry Chenopodium album Fat-hen

Caryophyllaceae Arenaria serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Sandwort Scattered records Moehringia lebrunii a sandwort In bud at Entracque Moehringia sedoides Casterino road 2011 Bufonia paniculata Recorded 2011 Stellaria media Chickweed Widespread Stellaria holostea Greater Stitchwort Vence Stellaria graminea Lesser Stitchwort Scattered records Cerastium arvense Field Mouse-ear Widespread Cerastium fontanum ssp.vulgare Common Mouse-ear Scattered records Cerastium glomeratum Sticky Mouse-ear Scattered records Cerastium ligusticum Ligurian Mouse-ear Very local, existence in Cuneo province unconfirmed in Flora Alpina Herniaria glabra Glabrous Rupturewort Entracque Lychnis flos-cuculi Ragged Robin Entracque Silene flos-jovis Purple Lychnis A few in Entracque area Silene italica Italian Catchfly Widespread Silene nutans Nottingham Catchfly Scattered records Silene rupestris Rock Campion 1 at Le Boreon 2011 Silene latifolia ssp. alba White Campion Scattered records Gypsophila repens Creeping Gypsophila Scattered records Saponaria ocymoides Rock Soapwort Widespread and common Petrorhagia saxifraga Tunic Flower Widespread

Polygonaceae Polygonum aviculare Knot-grass Polygonum bistorta Common Bistort Entracque etc. Rumex acetosella Sheep’s Sorrel Scattered records Rumex scutatus French Sorrel Local Rumex alpestris Mountain Dock Scattered records Rumex acetosa Common Sorrel Widespread Rumex alpinus Monk’s Rhubarb Eutrophied pastures Rumex crispus Curled Dock Scattered records Rumex obtusifolius Broad-leaved Dock Scattered records

Plumbaginaceae Armeria arenaria Jersey Thrift Entracque

Paeoniaceae Paeonia officinalis huthii a peony Thousands in bloom on one limestone slope was the discovery and floral highlight of the tour in 2010. In 2011 most of these had finished flowering but a very few were still in bloom.

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Hypericaceae Hypericum perforatum Perforate St.John’s-wort In leaf at Saorge etc.

Tiliaceae Tilia platyphyllos Large-leaved Lime Tilia cordata Small-leaved Lime

Malvaceae Malva sylvestris Common Mallow Roadsides Malva neglecta Dwarf Mallow Towards Col de Turini

Cistaceae Cistus albidus Grey-leaved Cistus Mediterranean influenced sites Cistus salvifolius Sage-leaved Cistus Mediterranean influenced sites Helianthemum nummularium ssp.nummularium Common Rock-rose Widespread, yellow flowers ssp.semiglabrum Scattered, pink flowers ssp.beteroanum Bairols etc., pink flowers Helianthemum apenninum White Rock-rose Widespread and locally common Helianthemum italicum a rock-rose Scattered records Fumana procumbens West of Sospel 2011

Violaceae Viola odorata Sweet Violet Scattered records Viola rupestris Teesdale Violet Several at Greolieres les Neiges Viola reichenbachiana Early Dog Violet Common at Entracque Viola riviniana Common Dog-violet Widespread and locally common Viola canina Heath Dog-violet Entracque 2011 Viola palustris Marsh Violet Le Boreon Viola biflora Yellow Wood Violet Le Boreon and Casterino Viola calcarata calcarata Long-spurred Pansy Casterino and Tende Viola calcarata cavillieri Long-spurred Pansy Locally common at higher altitudes Viola tricolor Wild Pansy Scattered records Viola arvensis Field Pansy Entracque etc. Viola kitaibeliana Dwarf Pansy Entracque, unconfirmed for Cuneo province in Flora Alpina

Cucurbitaceae Bryonia dioica White Bryony Saorge etc.

Salicaceae Salix alba White Willow Salix herbacea Dwarf Willow Salix cinerea Grey Willow Salix caprea Goat Willow Salix viminalis Osier Salix eleagnos Olive Willow Salix purpurea Purple Willow Populus tremula Aspen Populus nigra Black Poplar

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Brassicaceae Sisymbrium officinale Hedge Mustard Scattered records Alliaria petiolata Garlic Mustard Locally common Arabidopsis thaliana Thale Cress Entracque Isatis tinctoria Woad Locally common at lower altitudes Erysimum rhaeticum a treacle mustard This species locally common at Entracque, Tende etc.? May be more than one species present, a complex genus. Another species with toothed leaves, Prealpes de Grasse. Erysimum virgatum a treacle-mustard Scattered records Hesperis matronalis Dame’s Violet Widespread Hesperis inodora a dame’s violet This species along the Casterino road? Barbarea vulgaris Winter-cress Widespread Sisymbrella aspera Prealpes de Grasse 2011 Nasturtium officinale Water Cress Le Boreon Cardamine heptaphylla Seven-leaflet Bittercress Limone 1400, in fine flower Cardamine pentaphyllos Five-leaflet Bittercress Limone 1400, with the previous species, and also in fine flower Cardamine asarifolia Asarum-leaved Bittercress Roadside streamlets along Casterino road etc. Cardamine amara Large Bitter-cress Recorded 2011 Cardamine resedifolia a bittercress Below Isola 2000, 2011 Cardamine impatiens Narrow-leaved Bittercress Casterino road in bud Arabis planisiliqua a rock-cress Scattered records Arabis ?sagittata a rock-cress Possibly this species recorded Arabis hirsuta Hairy Rock-cress Scattered records Arabis turrita Tower Cress Widespread Arabis alpina Alpine Rock-cress Locally common Turritis glabra Tower Mustard Notre Dame des Fontaines 2010 Lunaria annua Honesty Scattered records Alysum ligusticum an alison Rocks in Tinee valley and west of Sospel, very locally common Alyssum alyssoides Small Alison Scattered records Bertoroa incana Hoary Alison Noted on day 1, 2011 Clypeola jonthlaspi Buckler Mustard Bairols etc. Draba aizoides Yellow Whitlowgrass Numerous above Limone 1400 Draba muralis Wall Whitlowgrass Entracque Draba sp. A whitlowgrass A white flowered species on Casterino bridge rocks, to be identified next visit Erophila verna Common Whitlowgrass Casterino road Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd’s-Purse Widespread Pritzelago alpina Chamois Cress Scattered at higher altitudes Hornungia petraea Hutchinsia Greolieres les Neiges and below Col de Turini Thlaspi arvense Field Penny-cress Scattered records Aethionema saxatile Burnt Candytuft Scattered records e.g. Prealpes de Grasse, in fruit Iberis sempervirens Perennial Candytuft Entracque and Tende Iberis saxatilis Rock Candytuft Greolieres les Neiges and Casterino Iberis umbellata Garden Candytuft Roadside just north of Nice

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Biscutella laevigata Biscutella Entracque etc. Biscutella coronopifolia a biscutella Recorded in France Biscutella ambigua a biscutella Very local in France Biscutella cichoriifolia a biscutella Bairols, very showy large flowers Lepidium campestre Field Pepperwort Above Tende 2011 Lepidium hirtum a pepperwort Recorded 2010 Cardaria draba Hoary Cress Scattered records Diplotaxis muralis Annual Wall Rocket Scattered records Erucastrum nasturtiifolium a hairy rocket Scattered records Coincya cheiranthos cheiranthos Wallflower Cabbage Widespread Coincya cheiranthos montana Wallflower Cabbage Local

Resedaceae Reseda phyteuma Corn Mignonette Reseda lutea Wild Mignonette

Ericaceae Erica arborea Tree Heath Tinee rocks Erica carnea Winter-flowering Heath Locally common in Casterino area Calluna vulgaris Ling Entracque Rhododendron ferrugineum Alpenrose In leaf and bud at Madone de Fenestre and Limone 1400 Vaccinium myrtillus Bilberry Entracque and Casterino etc.

Pyrolaceae Orthilia secunda Nodding Wintergreen In leaf on day 2, 2011

Primulaceae Primula acaulis Primrose Entracque Primula elatior Oxlip Locally common above Limone 1400 Primula veris Cowslip Widespread and abundant Primula latifolia Viscid Primrose Le Boreon Waterfall Primula allionii Several rosettes near Entracque Primula marginata Marginate Primrose Chastillon rocks, many plants at Entracque, with a few still in flower, and abundant in superb flower at Col de Tende Primula hirsuta a primrose Madone de Fenestre, 1 plant, in flower Androsace adfinis a rock-jasmine Madone de Fenestre and Lombardie Soldanella alpina Alpine Snowbell Locally numerous by snowmelt Asterolinon linum-stellatum Flax Star Prealpes de Grasse Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel Vence Coris monspeliensis Coris Noted on day 1, 2011

Crassulaceae Umbilicus rupestris Navelwort Sospel area etc. Sempervivum arachnoideum Cobweb Houseleek Rosettes Sempervivum montanum Mountain Houseleek Rosettes Sempervivum tectorum Common Houseleek Rosettes Sempervivum calcareum a houseleek Rosettes

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Jovibarba allionii a hen-and-chickens Rosettes houseleek N.B. Nearly all the following species of stonecrop were noted only in leaf. Sedum telephium ssp.maximum Orpine Sedum anacampseros Reddish Stonecrop Sedum sediforme a stonecrop Sedum anopetalum Creamish Stonecrop Sedum montanum Mountain Stonecrop Sedum acre Biting Stonecrop Sedum alpestre a stonecrop Sedum sexangulare Tasteless Stonecrop Sedum album White Stonecrop Sedum dasyphyllum Thick-leaved Stonecrop Sedum fragrans a stonecrop Saorge Sedum cepaea Pink Stonecrop Saorge Rhodiola rosea Roseroot

Saxifragaceae Saxifraga stellaris Starry Saxifrage In leaf at Le Boreon Saxifraga rotundifolia Round-leaved Saxifrage Locally in leaf Saxifraga cuneifolia Lesser London Pride In flower in the Tinee valley Saxifraga oppositifolia Purple Saxifrage Entracque 2011 Saxifraga retusa ssp.augustana a saxifrage Several at Lombardie 2011, endemic subspecies Saxifraga callosa Thick-leaved Saxifrage Widespread and locally very common in fine flower Saxifraga cochlearis a saxifrage Local, in leaf Saxifraga paniculata Paniculate Saxifrage Widespread Saxifraga granulata Meadow Saxifrage Locally very common Saxifraga exarata Musky Saxifrage In very early flower on day 3 Saxifraga tridactylites Rue-leaved Saxifrage Vence Chrysosplenium alternifolium Alternate-leaved Golden Casterino Saxifrage Ribes uva-crispa Gooseberry Casterino Lake

Rosaceae Filipendula vulgaris Dropwort Scattered records Rubus caesius Dewberry Scattered records Rubus fruticosus agg. brambles Rosa canina Dog Rose Noted on day 2 Rosa spp. roses A few in flower were not identified to species Sanguisorba officinalis Great Burnet Many at Caussols Sanguisorba minor Salad Burnet Scattered records Geum rivale Water Avens Noted on day 3 Geum urbanum Herb Bennet Scattered records Potentilla palustris Marsh Cinquefoil In bud in Caussols water meadows Potentilla rupestris Rock Cinquefoil Local Potentilla argentea Hoary Cinquefoil Tinee Valley etc. Potentilla neglecta a cinquefoil Day 2 Potentilla recta Sulphur Cinquefoil Noted on day 1

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Potentilla hirta a cinquefoil Mediterranean influenced sites Potentilla crantzii Alpine Cinquefoil Scattered records Potentilla aurea Golden Cinquefoil Local Potentilla neumanniana Spring Cinquefoil Scattered records Potentilla cinerea Grey Cinquefoil Numerous in leaf at Greolieres les Neiges Potentilla erecta Tormentil Entracque Potentilla reptans Creeping Cinquefoil In leaf Potentilla valderia a cinquefoil Local in leaf Potentilla micrantha Pink Barren Strawberry Below Col de Turini and at Casterino Potentilla saxifraga Tufted Potentilla In fine flower at Saorge, and lower Tinee valley Fragaria vesca Wild Strawberry Scattered records Fragaria viridis Green Strawberry Scattered records Alchemilla alpina Alpine Lady’s Mantle Higher altitudes Alchemilla conjuncta Silver Lady’s Mantle Widespread Alchemilla hybrida a lady’s mantle Scattered records Alchemilla spp. lady’s mantles Other species not identified Malus sylvestris Wild Apple Scattered records Sorbus aucuparia Rowan Widespread Sorbus aria Whitebeam Widespread Amelanchier ovalis Snowy Mespilus Widespread and locally common Cotoneaster horizontalis Wall Cotoneaster Naturalised at Rimplas, 2011 Cotoneaster tomentosus Brickberry Cotoneaster In leaf 2011 Crataegus monogyna Hawthorn Widespread Prunus spinosa Blackthorn Widespread Prunus avium Wild Cherry Widespread Prunus mahaleb St.Lucie’s Cherry Locally very common as at Rimplas

Fabaceae Laburnum anagyroides Laburnum Common Laburnum alpinum Alpine Laburnum Surely present too Cytisophyllum sessilifolium a broom Widespread Cytisus ardoinoi Ardoino’s Broom Bairols Chamaecytisus hirsutus ssp.pumilus Hairy Broom Very local, Madone de Fenestre and Entracque Genista cinerea Ash-coloured Broom Lower roadsides in Vesubie valley Genista hispanica Spanish Gorse Vence Genista germanica German Broom Entracque Spartium junceum Spanish Broom Scattered records Argyrolobium zanonii Silver Broom Bairols etc. Robinia pseudacacia False Acacia Locally naturalised Astragalus depressus a milk-vetch 1 at Limone 1400, 2011 Astragalus australis a milk-vetch Casterino 2011 Astragalus glycyphyllos Wild Liquorice Scattered records Astragalus monspessulanus False Vetch Local, e.g. Tinee Valley Psoralea bituminosa Pitch Trefoil In leaf cracca Tufted Vetch Widespread Vicia onobrychoides a vetch Rimplas Fodder Vetch Scattered records Vicia hirsuta Hairy Tare Scattered records

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Vicia parviflora Slender Tare Day 3, 2011 Vicia pyrenaica Pyrenean Vetch Prealpes de Grasse Vicia sepium Bush Vetch Widespread Vicia sativa Common Vetch Both sspp. sativa and nigra Vicia peregrina a vetch Local Lathyrus vernus Spring Pea Entracque Lathyrus niger Black Pea Scattered records 2011 Lathyrus filiformis a pea Vence Lathyrus linifolius Bitter Vetch Scattered records Meadow Vetchling Day 2, 2011 Lathyrus sylvestris Narrow-leaved Everlasting In leaf pea Lathyrus latifolius Broad-leaved Everlasting-pea In flower lower down Lathyrus sphaericus a pea Scattered records Lathyrus setifolius a pea Scattered records Lathyrus cicera a pea Mediterranean influenced sites Lathyrus aphaca Yellow Vetchling Local Pisum sativum Wild Pea Scattered records Ononis reclinata Small Restharrow 1 at Lilium pomponium site on Day 5, 2011 Ononis minutissima a restharrow Tinee Valley 2011 Melilotus altissimus Tall Melilot Day 2, 2011 Melilotus officinalis Ribbed Melilot Scattered records Melilotus ?italicus a melilot This species at the helipad lunch site? Medicago lupulina Black Medick Scattered records Medicago sativa Lucerne Widespread Medicago orbicularis Large Disk Medick Day 1, 2011 Medicago rigidula a medick Scattered records Medicago arabica Spotted Medick Scattered records Medicago minima Bur Medick Widespread Trifolium montanum ssp.rupestre Mountain Clover Recorded 2011 Trifolium repens White Clover Widespread Trifolium campestre Hop Trefoil Prealpes de Grasse etc. Trifolium stellatum Star Clover Lower altitudes Trifolium pratense Red Clover Widespread Trifolium medium Zig-zag Clover Scattered records Dorycnium hirsutum Canary Clover In leaf Dorycnium pentaphyllum a dorycnium Scattered in leaf and bud Lotus corniculatus Bird’s-foot Trefoil Widespread Lotus alpinus Alpine Bird’s-foot Trefoil Day 3, 2011 Lotus maritimus Dragon’s Teeth 1 at Caussols 2011, synonym Tetragonolobus maritimus Anthyllis montana Mountain Kidney Vetch Greolieres les Neiges and Entracque Anthyllis vulneraria Kidney Vetch Various sspp. present and widespread Coronilla scorpioides Annual Scorpion Vetch Scattered records Hippocrepis emerus Scorpion Senna Widespread Hippocrepis comosa Horseshoe Vetch Scattered records Onobrychis supina a sainfoin Recorded 2011 Onobrychis viciifolia Sainfoin Widespread

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Thymeleaceae Daphne mezereum Mezereon Limone 1400, two plants, and Madone De Fenestre Daphne laureola Spurge Laurel Local

Onagraceae Epilobium angustifolium Rosebay Willowherb In leaf Epilobium hirsutum Great Willowherb In leaf

Cornaceae Cornus sanguinea Dogwood

Santalaceae Osyris alba Osyris Mediterranean influenced sites 2011 Thesium linophyllon a bastard toadflax Seen on Day 1, 2011 Thesium divaricatum Branched Bastard Toadflax Scattered records 2011 Thesium alpinum Alpine Bastard Toadflax Between Isola and Isola 2000, 2011

Loranthaceae Viscum album ssp.austriacum Mistletoe On pines

Celastraceae Euonymus europaeus Spindle Euonymus latifolius Large-leaved Spindle

Buxaceae Buxus sempervirens Box

Euphorbiaceae Mercurialis perennis Dog’s Mercury Scattered records Euphorbia hyberna ssp.canuti Irish Spurge Day 6, 2011, endemic subspecies Euphorbia dulcis Sweet Spurge Widespread Euphorbia verrucosa a spurge Locally common Euphorbia spinosa Spiny Spurge Locally very common Euphorbia helioscopia Sun Spurge Scattered records Euphorbia taurinensis Turin Spurge Scattered records Euphorbia nicaeensis a spurge Prealpes de Grasse Euphorbia cyparissias Cypress Spurge Local Euphorbia amygdaloides Wood Spurge Local Euphorbia characias Large Mediterranean Spurge Roya Valley etc.

Rhamnaceae Rhamnus alaternus Mediterranean Buckthorn Rhamnus alpina Alpine Buckthorn Entracque Rhamnus saxatilis Rock Buckthorn Col de Tende 2011

Linaceae Linum austriacum ssp.collinum a flax West of Sospel, and Rimplas Linum bienne Pale Flax Local Linum viscosum Sticky Flax Near Sospel 2011 Linum suffruticosum ssp.appressus a flax Prealpes de Grasse 2011

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Polygalaceae Polygala chamaebuxus Shrubby Milk-wort Entracque Polygala nicaeensis Nice Milkwort Prealpes de Grasse Polygala vulgaris Common Milkwort Scattered records Polygala calcarea Chalk Milkwort Scattered records Polygala amarella Dwarf Milkwort Recorded 2011

Hippocastanaceae Aesculus hippocastanum Horse Chestnut

Aceraceae Acer campestre Field Maple Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore Acer opalus Italian Maple

Anacardiaceae Cotinus coggyria Smoke Tree Pistachia terebinthus Terebinth

Simaroubaceae Ailanthus altissima Tree of Heaven

Rutaceae Ruta chalepensis a rue Noted on 2 days 2011

Oxalidaceae Oxalis acetosella Wood Sorrel Forests

Geraniaceae Geranium macrorrhizum Rock Crane’s-bill Discovered at one site along the Casterino road, 2011 Geranium sanguineum Bloody Crane’s-bill Scattered records Geranium sylvaticum Wood Crane’s-bill Scattered, e.g. Entracque Geranium nodosum Knotted Crane’s-bill Saorge Geranium phaeum Dusky Crane’s-bill Saorge and Entracque Geranium pyrenaicum Hedgerow Crane’s-bill Widespread and common Geranium rotundifolium Round-leaved Crane’s-bill Scattered records Geranium molle Dove’s-foot Crane’s-bill Scattered records Geranium columbinum Long-stalked Cranesbill Scattered records Geranium lucidum Shining Crane’s-bill Saorge Geranium robertianum Herb Robert Widespread Geranium purpureum Little Robin Scattered records. Treated as a subspecies of Geranium robertianum in Flora Alpina. Erodium botrys a stork’s-bill Bairols 2010 Erodium cicutarium Common Storksbill Scattered records Erodium moschatum Musk Stork’s-bill Bairols road 2010

Araliaceae Hedera helix Ivy

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Apiaceae Eryngium campestre Field Eryngo In leaf Chaerophyllum hirsutum Hairy Chervil Entracque 2011 Chaerophyllum villarsii a chervil Entracque Chaerophyllum temulum Rough Chervil Saorge Anthriscus sylvestris Cow Parsley Widespread, e.g. Entracque Myrrhis odorata Sweet Cicely Recorded Molopospermum peloponnesiacum Molopospermum Rimplas and Bairols Smyrnium perfoliatum Perfoliate Alexanders Lower roadsides in France Conopodium majus Pignut Day 5, 2011 Aegopodium podagraria Ground Elder In leaf Foeniculum vulgare Fennel Scattered records in leaf Trochiscanthes nodiflora In bud at Limone 1400, 2011 Meum athamanticum Spignel In leaf at Isola 2000, and in Italy Carum carvi Caraway Scattered records Peucedanum ostruthium Masterwort In leaf Pastinaca sativa Wild Parsnip Scattered records Heracleum sphondylium Hogweed Widespread Laserpitium gallicum Scattered records Caucalis platycarpos Small Bur Parsley Scattered records Orlaya grandiflora Orlaya East of Sospel

Gentianaceae Blackstonia perfoliata Yellow-wort Scattered records 2011 Gentiana lutea Yellow Gentian In leaf at Casterino Gentiana ligustica a trumpet gentian A few in fine flower near Isola 2000, and Casterino Gentiana acaulis Trumpet Gentian Locally common Gentiana verna Spring Gentian Locally common above Limone 1400, and Madone de Fenestre Gentiana brachyphylla Small-leaved Gentian Isola 2000, 2011

Apocynaceae Vinca major Greater Periwinkle Scattered records

Asclepiadaceae Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Swallow-wort Widespread

Convolvulaceae Cuscuta sp. a dodder Rimplas etc., not in flower Convolvulus cantabrica Pink Convolvulus Mediterranean influenced sites lower down Convolvulus arvensis Field Bindweed Scattered records

Boraginaceae Buglossoides purpurocaerulea Purple Gromwell Scattered records Cerinthe minor Lesser Honeywort 1 at Casterino 2011 Echium vulgare Viper’s Bugloss Widespread Pulmonaria officinalis Lungwort Scattered records Pulmonaria apennina a lungwort This species at Limone 1400? Apparently too high altitude?

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Pulmonaria picta a lungwort Italy Symphytum tuberosum Tuberous Comfrey Scattered records at various altitudes Cynoglottis barrelieri False Alkanet Entracque meadows Borago officinalis Borage Vence Myosotis arvensis Field Forget-me-not Scattered records Myosotis ramosissima Early Forget-me-not Scattered records Myosotis sylvatica Wood Forget-me-not Italy Myosotis alpestris Alpine Forget-me-not Higher altitudes Myosotis scorpioides Water Forget-me-not Casterino etc.

Lamiaceae Ajuga genevensis Geneva Bugle Widespread Ajuga pyramidalis Pyramidal Bugle Scattered records Ajuga reptans Bugle Scattered records Teucrium chamaedrys Wall Germander In leaf Teucrium botrys Cut-leaved Germander In leaf, Prealpes de Grasse 2011 Teucrium montanum Mountain Germander Day 1 2011 Melittis melissophyllum Bastard Balm Bairols etc. Phlomis lychnitis a jerusalem sage Along the motorway Lamium garganicum Gargano Dead-nettle Scattered records Lamium maculatum Spotted Dead-nettle Scattered records Lamium album White Deadnettle Only a few sites Lamium amplexicaule Henbit Deadnettle Scattered records Stachys recta Yellow Woundwort Mediterranean influenced sites Glechoma hederacea Ground Ivy Isola 2000 Prunella vulgaris Self-heal Recorded 2011 Acinos alpinus Alpine Calamint Bairols etc. Origanum vulgare Wild Marjoram In leaf at lower altitudes Thymus vulgaris Common Thyme Widespread and abundant Thymus praecox polytrichus a thyme Entracque and Prealpes de Grasse Mentha aquatica Water Mint In leaf at Bousset Lavandula angustifolia Common Lavender Locally common in leaf Salvia glutinosa Sticky Clary Local, in leaf Salvia pratensis Meadow Clary Widespread Salvia verbenaca Wild Clary Scattered records

Plantaginaceae Plantago major Greater Plantain sspp. major and intermedia Plantago media Hoary Plantain In leaf Plantago atrata Mountain Plantain sspp. atrata and fuscescens, Limone 1400 Plantago lanceolata Ribwort Plantain Widespread Plantago sempervirens Shrubby Plantain Rimplas, Prealpes de Grasse etc.

Buddlejaceae Buddleja davidii Buddleia Naturalised on river gravels

Oleaceae Jasmimum fruticans Wild Jasmine Bairols and Saorge Fraxinus ornus Manna-ash Scattered records in flower Fraxinus excelsior Ash Widespread

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Syringa vulgaris Lilac Widely naturalised Ligustrum vulgare Privet Widespread Olea europaea Olive Mediterranean influenced slopes Phillyrea latifolia Phillyrea Day 5, 2011

Scrophulariaceae Verbascum boerhavii a mullien Bairols Verbascum spp. mulleins Others in leaf or bud Scrophularia lucida a figwort Scattered records Scrophularia canina French Figwort Scattered records Scrophularia nodosa Common Figwort Casterino road Antirrhinum latifolium Snapdragon Widespread and very common Linaria supina Prostrate Toadflax Prealpes de Grasse, and in leaf at Casterino Linaria simplex a toadflax Very local Cymbalaria muralis Ivy-leaved Toadflax Scattered records Digitalis lutea Small Yellow Foxglove Day 1, 2011 Veronica serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Speedwell Recorded 2011 Veronica prostrata a speedwell Noted on days 2 and 3 Veronica chamaedrys Germander Speedwell Widespread Veronica beccabunga Brooklime Casterino Veronica persica Common Field-speedwell Scattered records Parentucellia latifolia a bartsia Prealpes de Grasse Pedicularis comosa Crested Lousewort Towards Caussols. A few over. In flower at Tende. Pedicularis gyroflexa Tufted Lousewort A few at Gorge della Reina Rhinanthus alectrolophus Large Yellow Rattle Italy 2011

Globulariaceae Globularia bisnagarica a globularia Local at very varied altitudes Globularia cordifolia Heart-leaved Globularia Greolieres les Neiges and Casterino Globularia repens Creeping Globularia Casterino

Orobanchaceae Orobanche caryophyllacea Bedstraw Broomrape 2 at Bairols Orobanche alba Thyme Broomrape Prealpes de Grasse 2011

Lentibulariaceae Pinguicula sp. Butterwort sp. Roya valley in leaf

Campanulaceae Campanula rapunculus Rampion Bellflower Widespread Campanula medium Canterbury Bells Recorded 2011 Capanula trachelium Nettle-leaved Bellflower Saorge etc. Campanula rotundifolia Harebell Locally common on rocky roadsides, and at Saorge Phyteuma ovatum Dark Rampion Entracque 2011 Phyteuma orbiculare Round-headed Rampion Day 4, 2011

Rubiaceae Sherardia arvensis Field Madder Greolieres les Neiges and Day 1

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Galium verum Lady’s Bedstraw Sospel meadows etc. Galium mollugo Hedge Bedstraw Widespread Galium album Upright Hedge Bedstraw Widespread Galium corrudifolium a bedstraw In leaf at Greolieres les Neiges Galium aparine Cleavers Scattered records Cruciata laevipes Crosswort Scattered records Cruciata glabra a crosswort Gorge della Reina Cruciata pedemontana a crosswort Recorded 2011 Rubia peregrina Wild Madder Prealpes de Grasse etc.

Caprifoliaceae Sambucus nigra Elder Scattered records Sambucus racemosa Red-berried Elder Scattered records in flower Viburnum lantana Wayfaring Tree Scattered records Lonicera xylosteum Fly Honeysuckle Notre Dame des Fontaines Lonicera etrusca Etruscan Honeysuckle Noted in leaf

Valerianaceae Valerianella sp. corn salad sp. Day 1, 2011 Valeriana tuberosa Mountain Spikenard Abundant in Prealpes de Grasse Valeriana tripteris Three-leaved Valerian Isola and Roya valley Valeriana montana Mountain Valerian Above Isola 2011 Centranthus ruber Red Valerian Widespread and abundant

Dipsacaceae Dipsacus fullonum Teasel Old fruiting heads Knautia arvensis Field Scabious Scattered records

Asteraceae Bellis perennis Daisy Day 1 Aster alpinus Alpine Aster Reina 2011 Aster bellidiastrum Daisy Star Locally common on cliffs Erigeron annuus Annual Fleabane Noted in bud 2011 Erigeron karvinskianus Mexican Fleabane Naturalised on walls Filago vulgaris Common Cudweed East of Sospel Helichrysum stoechas Shrubby Everlasting Mediterranean influenced sites Antennaria dioica Cat’s-foot Recorded 2011 Phagnalon sordidum a phagnalon Bairols 2011 Phagnalon saxatile a phagnalon Rimplas area Pallenis spinosa Pallenis Day 5, 2011 Anthemis arvensis Corn Chamomile Recorded 2011 Achillea millefolium Yarrow In leaf Achillea tometosa Woolly Yarrow At one site in the Tinee Valley 2011 Tanacetum corymbosum a tansy Local Tanacetum vulgare Tansy In leaf Casterino road Leucanthemum vulgare Ox-eye Daisy Widespread Leucanthemum burnatii an ox-eye daisy Greolieres 2011. Endemic. Artemisia vulgaris Mugwort Scattered records Artemisia absinthium Wormwood Leaves, e.g. Casterino Artemisia chamaemelifolia a wormwood In leaf

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Tussilago farfara Colt’s-foot Locally very common Petasites albus White Butterbur Locally very common Petasites hybridus Butterbur Locally very common Petasites paradoxus a butterbur Le Boreon, Casterino lake Doronicum pardalianches Leopard’s-bane Casterino road Senecio cineraria Silver Ragwort Lower altitude roadside rocks, a few in flower Senecio sylvaticus Heath Groundsel Scattered records Senecio vulgaris Groundsel Scattered records Carlina vulgaris Carline Thistle Old fruiting heads Carlina acaulis Stemless Carline Thistle Old fruiting heads, Casterino Carlina acanthifolia Acanthus-leaved Carline Old fruiting heads near Caussols Thistle Carduus acanthoides Welted Thistle Prealpes de Grasse 2011 Carduus litigiosus a thistle Local Carduus defloratus Variable-leaved Thistle Widespread Carduus pycnocephalus Plymouth Thistle Local Cirsium eriophorum Woolly Thistle In leaf Galactites tomentosa Galactites Roadsides lower down Serratula nudicaulis a saw-wort Greolieres 2011 Centaurea leucophaea a knapweed In leaf, Tinee Valley, 2011 Hyoseris radiata Hyoseris Prealpes de Grasse Urospermum dalechampii Urospermum Common along roadsides lower down Urospermum picroides Prealpes de Grasse 2011 Leontodon crispus a hawkbit Prealpes de Grasse 2011 Scorzonera aristata a viper’s-grass Prealpes de Grasse 2011 Tragopogon porrifolius australis Salsify Scattered records Tragopogon crocifolius a salsify Prealpes de Grasse 2011 Tragopogon pratensis Goat’s-beard Widespread Sonchus asper Prickly Sowthistle Scattered records Sonchus oleraceus Smooth Sowthistle Scattered records Lactuca perennis Perennial Lettuce Locally common on rocky roadsides Taraxacum laevigatum a dandelion Recorded 2011 Taraxacum officinale Dandelion Widespread Taraxacum spp. dandelions Other species not identified Lapsana communis Nipplewort Widespread Crepis nicaeensis French Hawk’s-beard Prealpes de Grasse etc. 2011 Crepis spp. hawksbeards Others not identified Hieracium cymosum a hawkweed Prealpes de Grasse 2011 Hieracium murorum Wall Hawkweed Widespread Hieracium pictum a hawkweed Scattered records Hieracium tomentosum Woolly Hawkweed Leaves at Entracque and Casterino


Potamogetonaceae Groenlandia densa Opposite-leaved Pondweed In Casterino lake

Araceae Arum italicum Large Cuckoo Pint A few of the lowest altitude sites

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Juncaceae Juncus acutiflorus Sharp-flowered Rush Recorded, 2011 Luzula campestris Field Wood-rush Limone 1400 etc. Luzula sylvatica Great Wood-rush Near Caussols Luzula lutea a wood-rush Day 3, 2011 Luzula luzuloides White Wood-rush Casterino road Luzula forsteri Southern Wood-rush Scattered records

Cyperaceae Schoenus nigricans Black Bog-rush Lilium pomponium site, waterfall, 2011 Carex spicata Spiked Sedge Scattered records 2011 Carex divulsa Grey Sedge Below Turini Carex riparia Greater Pond Sedge Caussols Carex sylvatica Wood Sedge Entracque Carex flacca Glaucous Sedge Scattered records Carex flava Large Yellow Sedge Lilium pomponium site, waterfall 2011 Carex halleriana Haller’s Sedge Bairols road, Entracque, etc. Carex digitata Fingered Sedge Notre Dame des Fontaines 2010 Carex ornithopoda Bird’s-foot Sedge Limone 1400 Carex caryophyllea Spring Sedge Widespread at higher altitudes Carex montana Soft-leaved Sedge Scattered records Carex liparocarpos a sedge Lilium pomponium site, waterfall 2011 Carex sempervirens Evergreen Sedge Scattered records

Poaceae Festuca paniculata a fescue Festuca rubra Red Fescue Festuca ovina agg. Sheep’s Fescue Festuca spp. fescues Poa annua Annual Meadow-grass Poa trivialis Rough Meadow-grass Poa pratensis Smooth Meadow-grass Poa bulbosa Bulbous Meadow-grass Poa alpina Alpine Meadow-grass Dactylis glomerata Cock’s-foot Sesleria caerulea Blue Moor-grass Melica uniflora Wood Melick Melica ciliata Ciliated Melick Bromus diandrus Great Brome Bromus sterilis Barren Brome Bromus tectorum Drooping Brome Bromus erectus Upright Brome Bromus hordeaceus Soft Brome Bromus squarrosus Rough Brome Aegilops ovata Hordeum murinum Wall Barley Avena fatua Wild Oat Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass

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Anthoxanthum alpinum Alpine Vernal Grass Holcus lanatus Yorkshire Fog Phleum pratense Timothy Phleum alpinum Alpine Cat’s-tail Alopecurus pratensis Meadow Foxtail Stipa sp. Arundo donax Giant Reed

Liliaceae Veratrum album White False Helleborine First leaves appearing at Madone de Fenestre, Limone 1400, etc. Asphodelus albus White Asphodel Tinee and Roya valleys, local, and Entracque Asphodelus fistulosus Hollow-stemmed Asphodel Presumably this species on roadside in Tinee valley Anthericum liliago St.Bernard’s Lily Widespread in small numbers Paradisea liliastrum St.Bruno’s Lily Le Boreon waterfall 2011 Aphyllanthes monspeliensis Aphyllanthes Locally very common on dry roadsides Colchicum alpinum Alpine Meadow Saffron In fruit at higher altitudes Colchicum autumnale Meadow Saffron Locally very common in fruit, e.g. Notre Dame des Fontaines, Entracque Colchicum neapolitanum a meadow saffron Possibly this species also seen in fruit Gagea minima Least Gagea Locally common above Limone 1400 Gagea fragifera a gagea Several at Isola and Limone 1400. (Gagea fistulosa) Gagea villosa a gagea 1 above Limone 1400. (Gagea arvensis) Tulipa australis Wild Tulip Several in flower, and many leaves, at Greolieres des Neiges. Also a few at Casterino. (Tulipa sylvestris ssp.australis) Fritillaria tubaeformis a fritillary Several fine examples of ssp. or var. moggridgei, at Isola 2000 Fritillaria involucrata a fritillary Good numbers Prealpes de Grasse, gone over this year. Also in fruit on day 2. Lilium martagon Martagon Lily First leaves appearing at Entracque, Casterino, etc. Lilium pomponium Red Lily In flower at two sites and a trip highlight Ornithogalum narbonense a star of bethlehem Prealpes de Grasse and Sospel Ornithogalum umbellatum Star of Bethlehem Widespread and locally very common Ornithogalum gussonei a star of bethlehem Scattered records Scilla bifolia Alpine Squill Col de Tende Hyacinthoides italica Italian Bluebell Prealpes de Grasse 2010 Muscari comosum Tassel Hyacinth A few records Muscari botryoides Compact Grape Hyacinth One site near Entracque 2010 Muscari neglectum Grape Hyacinth Scattered records Allium roseum Rosy Garlic Lower altitudes Maianthemum bifolium May Lily In bud at Gorge della Reina Streptopus amplexifolius Streptopus Seen on day 2

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Polygonatum multiflorum Common Solomon’s Seal Casterino road 2010 Polygonatum odoratum Angular Solomon’s Seal Scattered records Paris quadrifolia Herb Paris Limone 1400 Asparagus acutifolius Sharp-leaved Asparagus Mediterranean influenced sites Asparagus tenuifolius an asparagus In flower along Roverino road, Entracque, 2010 Smilax aspera Smilax In leaf

Amaryllidaceae Narcissus poeticus Pheasant’s-eye Narcissus Abundant in wet meadows at Caussols

Iridaceae Iris germanica Bearded Iris Naturalised Crocus versicolor a crocus Possibly this species present as well as the following Crocus albiflorus a crocus Locally common by snowmelt Gladiolus italicus Field Gladiolus Scattered records on lower roadsides

Dioscoreaceae Tamus communis Black Bryony Scattered records, in flower at Saorge

Orchidaceae Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved Helleborine In leaf 2010 Cephalanthera damasonium White Helleborine Local, 2010 Cephalanthera longifolia Sword-leaved Helleborine Widespread in small numbers Listera ovata Common Twayblade Scattered records, e.g. Casterino Platanthera chlorantha Greater Butterfly Orchid One at La Tour Dactylorhiza sambucina Elder-flowered Orchid Widespread, both colour forms. Dactylorhiza majalis Broad-leaved Marsh Orchid Numerous at Caussols Dactylorhiza fuchsii Common Spotted Orchid Leaves scattered, in flower Casterino area Neotinea maculata Dense-flowered Orchid One, gone over, Prealpes de Grasse, 2010 Orchis morio Green-winged Orchid A few at Caussols, 2010 Orchis tridentata Toothed Orchid Prealpes de Grasse, and on day 1 Orchis simia Monkey Orchid Bairols road Orchis purpurea Lady Orchid 2 along Isola 2000 road Orchis mascula Early Purple Orchid Locally common on Prealpes de Grasse etc. Orchis pallens Pale-flowered Orchid A few below Col de Turini Aceras anthropophorum Man Orchid Recorded 2010 Himantoglossum hircinum Lizard Orchid In bud Prealpes de Grasse and Rimplas Barlia robertiana Giant Orchid Scattered records, gone over Anacamptis pyramidalis Pyramidal Orchid Prealpes de Grasse 2010 Ophrys araneola a spider orchid 1 Prealpes de Grasse, and a few Bairols road, 2010 Ophrys sphegodes Early Spider Orchid 1 Prealpes de Grasse 2010 Ophrys drumana a bee orchid 1, Prealpes de Grasse, 2010 Ophrys provincialis a spider orchid 1 Prealpes de Grasse 2010 Ophrys fuciflora Late Spider Orchid 1 at Bairols 2010

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Systematic List Number 2 Butterflies

The taxonomic order and nomenclature follow Tolman and Lewington’s ‘Butterflies of Britain and Europe’. This was a very good tour for butterflies, with a very respectable list for the time of year, 61 species in total! Species seen this year and not in 2010 are annotated 2011.

Papilionidae Swallowtail Papilio machaon Scattered records of small numbers. Scarce Swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius Widespread in small numbers. Southern Festoon Zerynthia polyxena c.4 north of Grasse. Clouded Apollo Parnassius mnemosyne Prealpes de Grasse and Entracque.

Pieridae Large White Pieris brassicae Limone. Black-veined White Aporia crataegi Widespread. Southern Small White Artogeia mannii Gorge della Reina in the vicinity of Iberis. Mountain Small White Artogeia ergane Entracque. Green-veined White Artogeia napi A few records. Western Dappled White Euchloe crameri Prealpes de Grasse 2010. Orange-tip Anthocharis cardamines Widespread and reasonably common. Moroccan Orange-tip Anthocharis belia A few at lower altitudes 2010. Clouded Yellow Colias crocea Only on day 5. Berger’s Clouded Yellow Colias alfacariensis Scattered records. Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni Widespread. Cleopatra Gonepteryx cleopatra Scattered records from more Mediterranean sites. Wood White Leptidea sinapis Seen on 4 days.

Lycaenidae Green Hairstreak Callophrys rubi Widespread in small numbers. Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas 1 at Entracque. Sooty Copper Lycaena tityrus A male, Prealpes de Grasse. Purple-shot Copper Lycaena alciphron Prealpes de Grasse and Saorge. Little Blue Cupido minimus Seen on 5 days. Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus Lunch stop on day 5. Green-underside Blue Glaucopsyche alexis Seen on 4 days. Black-eyed Blue Glaucopsyche melanops Several colonies found in 2010. In 2011 only 1 seen, on day 5. Baton Blue Pseudophilotes baton Prealpes de Grasse. Chequered Blue Scolitantides orion Rimplas, Saorge, Bairols, and Italy. Idas Blue Plebejus idas Day 5. Brown Argus Aricia agestis Day 5. Mountain Argus Aricia artaxerxes Day 4. Mazarine Blue Cyaniris semiargus Scattered records. Chapman’s Blue Agrodiaetus thersites A few records. Adonis Blue Lysandra bellargus Scattered records in France. Common Blue Polyommatus icarus A few records.

Riodinidae Duke of Burgundy Fritillary Hamearis lucina Isola, Prealpes de Grasse, and some 15 at Entracque, 2011.

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Nymphalidae Southern White Admiral Limenitis reducta A total of 7 seen, 2011. Large Tortoiseshell Nymphalis polychloros Seen by PGC before the group arrived, 2010. Camberwell Beauty Nymphalis antiopa Seen on 3 days, e.g. Entraque. Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta Seen on one day. Painted Lady Vanessa cardui A faded individual at Rimplas. Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae Seen on 4 days, 2011. Comma Polygonia c-album 1 at Saorge 2011. Fritillary species Argynnis sp. A large fritillary seen in flight, Gorge della Reina. Queen-of-Spain Fritillary Issoria lathonia Prealpes de Grasse. Marbled Fritillary Brenthis daphne Seen on day 5, 2011. Pearl-bordered Fritillary Clossiana euphrosyne A few at Entracque, 2011. Glanville Fritillary Melitaea cinxia Prealpes de Grasse etc., seen on 3 days. Knapweed Fritillary Melitaea phoebe 1, Prealpes de Grasse, 2011. Spotted Fritillary Melitaea didyma Widespread in small numbers, 2011. Heath Fritillary Mellicta athalia Noted on 2 days, 2011. Provencal Fritillary Mellicta deione Rimplas 2011. Marsh Fritillary Euphydryas aurinia Widespread in small numbers.

Satyridae Western Marbled White Melanargia occitanica Prealpes de Grasse, 2011. Spring Ringlet Erebia epistgyne 1 at Greolieres les Neiges, 2010. Small Heath Coenonympha pamphilus Widespread in small numbers. Dusky Heath Coenonympha dorus Seen by PGC before the group arrived, at Saorge, 2010. Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria Saorge and lunch stop on day 5. Wall Brown Lasiommata megera Entracque. Large Wall Brown Lasiommata maera Scattered records. Northern Wall Brown Lasiommata petropolitana 2 in Italy, 2011.

Hesperiidae Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus malvae Madone de Fenestre 2011. P.malvoides. Large Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus alveus Seen on 2 days, 2011. Carline Skipper Pyrgus carlinae Entracque, 2011. Red-underwing Skipper Spialia sertorius Seen on 3 days, e.g. Saorge and Entracque. Mallow Skipper Carcharodus alceae Preaples de Grasse, 2010. Tufted Marbled Skipper Carcharodus flocciferus 1 at Entracque, 2011. Dingy Skipper Erynnis tages On 3 days.

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Systematic List Number 3 Birds

Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Casterino. Common Buzzard Buteo buteo Scattered sightings. Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus Rimplas and Limone. Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos Isola and Rimplas. Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Scattered records. Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni Day 4. Yellow-legged Gull Larus cachinnans Environs of Nice, where abundant. Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus Environs of Nice. Rock Dove Columba livia Scattered records. Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus A few records. Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto Widespread in towns. Cuckoo Cuculus canorus Heard daily and sometimes seen. Scops Owl Otus scops Heard in La Bolline. Common Swift Apus apus Seen daily. Wryneck Jynx torquilla Heard on day 4. Green Woodpecker Picus viridis Heard occasionally. Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major Scattered records. Woodlark Lullula arborea Heard, Prealpes de Grasse. Skylark Alauda arvensis Prealpes de Grasse. Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris Widespread and locally common. Swallow Hirundo rustica A few records. House Martin Delichon urbica Widespread. Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris 1, Prealpes de Grasse. Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis Limone 1400. Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta Col de Tende. Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea Widespread. White Wagtail Motacilla alba Widespread. Dipper Cinclus cinclus Casterino. Wren Troglodytes troglodytes Heard often, sometimes seen. Dunnock Prunella modularis A few records. Robin Erithacus rubecula Heard often, sometimes seen. Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos Prealpes de Grasse etc. Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros La Bolline etc. Whinchat Saxicola rubetra 1 above Limone 1400. Stonechat Saxicola torquata Scattered records. Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe Locally common at higher altitudes. Blackbird Turdus merula Widespread. Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus Several at higher altitudes. Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans West of Sospel. Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala Rimplas etc. Common Whitethroat Sylvia communis Heard. Garden Warbler Sylvia borin Scattered records. Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla Widespread and common, often heard. Bonelli’s Warbler Phylloscopus bonelli Scattered records. Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita Heard. Goldcrest Regulus regulus Scattered records, mostly heard. Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata Entracque. Marsh Tit Parus palustris Entracque.

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Coal Tit Parus ater Scattered records. Great Tit Parus major Scattered records. Common Treecreeper Certhia familiaris Casterino. Jay Garrulus glandarius Widespread and common. Magpie Pica pica Lower altitudes. Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus Col de Tende. Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Day 6. Carrion Crow Corvus corone Widespread. Hooded Crow Corvus cornix A surprising high altitude record at Limone 1400. Raven Corvus corax Scattered records. Starling Sturnus vulgaris Lower altitudes. House Sparrow Passer domesticus Local in towns. Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Widespread and common. Serin Serinus serinus Scattered records. Greenfinch Carduelis chloris Scattered records. Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Scattered records. Linnet Carduelis cannabina A few records. Cirl Bunting Emberiza cirlus Lower altitudes in France. Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana Vence.

Systematic List Number 4 Amphibians, Reptiles & Mammals

Common Wall Lizard Podarcis muralis Scattered records. Slow Worm Anguis fragilis 2 on French side of Tende tunnel. Montpellier Snake Malpolon monspessulanus A young individual at Rimplas. Snake species Elaphe sp. Prealpes de Grasse. Western Whip Snake Coluber viridiflavus Near Nice, and near La Bolline. European Mole Talpa europaea One dead near Roquebilliere (PGC), 2010. Badger Meles meles Road casualties Tinee Valley and La Bolline. Red Squirrel Sciurus vulgaris Casterino road. Alpine Marmot Marmota marmota Locally common at higher altitudes, above Limone 1400, and Lombarde. Alpine Chamois Rupicapra rupicapra 2010. c.12 along Isola 2000 road, c.30 a few days before that (PGC), several at Madone de Fenestre, a few at Rovina. Some very close views. 2011. 2 at Lombardie, several Madone de Fenestre, 1 at Limone 1400. Roe Deer Capreolus capreolus Seen by PGC before the group arrived, 2010. Wild Boar Sus scropha One near La Bolline as I drove group home after dinner in Rimplas, 2010. Many signs of rooting activity elsewhere.

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