Journal of Proceedings
1 No. 2. m l>r^-r3 ef^ THE TRAiSSACTlUlMS JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS ) ( \ )L'MI I'l I-- -I ! 1 l;l W I , I I l|[(ihttd|ft$tatg ^^ntiijuariaii ^(rddu. Sessions 1878-7" ml 1879-80. • I 1 I : 1 \ I \ I I H \ 1 h Mil 1 1 : 1 ^J^ll-*.- No. 2. THE TRANSACTIONS JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS DUMFRIESSHIRE AND GALLOWAY J^lttttal M%Ut^ 1 1 nt{ii«»t}»tt $^#a^ Sessions 1878-79 and 1879-80. (life; [The Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society was instituted on 20th November, 1862, and continued in a prosperous condition till May, 1875, when its meetings ceased. During this period Transactions and Proceedings were published on six occasions, the dates of publication being 1864, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, and 1871. The present Society was r -organised on 3d November, 187C, and the first portion of its Transactions and Proceedings was published in February, 1879.] PRINTED AT THE DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY COURIER OFFICE. 18 8 1. OFFXCE-BEAHKRS AND COMMITTEE SEssionsr isso-si. Ipresl&ent. J. GIBSON STARKE, Esq., F.S.A. Scot., F.R.C.I., of Troqueer Holm. DicespreslDents. Sheriff HOPE, Dumfries. J. NEILSON, Esq. , Dumfries Academy. T. R. BRUCE, Esq. of Slogarie, New-Galloway. Secretarg. ROBERT SERVICE, Maxwelltown. assistant Secretary. JAMES LENNOX, Edenbank, Maxwelltown. tlrcasurcr. WILLIAM ADAMSON, Broom's Road, Dumfries. flftcmbers of Committee. A. B. CROilBIE, Architect, Dumfries. Dr GRIERSON, Thomhill. WILLIAM HALLIDAY, College Street, Maxwelltown. J. W. KERR, the Academy, Dumfries. WILLIAM LENNON, Brook Street, Dumfries JOHN MAXWELL, King Street, Maxwelltown. GEORGE ROBB, Rhynie House, Dumfries.
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