The Cedarville Herald, September 18, 1936

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The Cedarville Herald, September 18, 1936 Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The eC darville Herald The eC darville Herald 9-18-1936 The edC arville Herald, September 18, 1936 Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, September 18, 1936" (1936). The Cedarville Herald. 1615. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eC darville Herald by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A HEW THINGS ARE ADVERTISED ADVERTISING IS NEWS, »S HHCfH EX MERCHANTS FIRST, ADVER­ AS, THE HEADLINES ON THp TISEMENTS KEEP YOU ABREAST FRONT PAGE, OFTEN IT IS OF OF THE TIMES, READ THEM! MORE SIGNIFICANCE TO YOU. FIFTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 42 CEDARVIIiLE, OHIO, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 18,1936 PRIOR, $1.50 A YEAR NEWSLETTER Tax Collection MINISTERS ARE | A Picture From An Oljd Album Exceeds Charge ■5 * h*' ' FR8W 'S TA TE A tax collection approximately $30,- NAMED BY M. E. 0Q0 in excess of the current charge on real estate and special assessments DEPARTMENTS for 1935 was disclosed Tuesday, by H. CONFERENCE M. Smith, Greene County treasurer. COLUMBUS.—-Ohio is believed toj Whereas a total of $437,400 was There will bo four new assignments have established several records in ■ charged for collection for 11935, tax to Methodist Churches in this county, liquidating closed banks in the state, payers, of. the. county actually paid following the li|t o f appointments at it was, asserted by Superintendent, $503,400, the treasurer reported. the conclusion of the annual session Samuel H, Squire of the state division i The- added income represented li­ o f Ohio Conference in Toledo this of banks and banking in • a report; quidation of taxes delinquent from week, covering the six and one-fmlf years! former years, he explained. Ac­ Rev. L, R, Horner, Arlington, O,, from January 1, 1930, to June 30,! cumulated tax delinquencies from past comes to the New Jasper church; suc­ 1936, An average of 62.2' per cent o f ' years,, amounting to $173,200 at the ceeding Rev. J. F. Young, who retires; the $518,692,900 in deposits impound-1 start o f 1935,. have now been reduced Rev, W. G. Thompson, goes to Spring ed. as a result o f bank closings during j to $143,3^0, the treasurer said, Valley, he formerly having been lo­ the period has been repaid to deposit-! cated in BOwersville; Rev. L, A. tors, Superintendent Squire said, and i Griffith, New Richmond, O., goes to the average time of bank liquidation! Dayton Presbytery Bowersville and Rev. L. F. Williams, was slightly more than three years in! that place, goes to New Richmond. comparison to an average time of Met Tuesday Ray. G. H; Weaver, Chillicothe Dis­ from seven to nine years in other- trict, was assigned to- New Burling­ states. Twenty-seven of - the 211. ■ At the annual fail meeting of Day ton. i closed banking institutions paid oft} tpn Presbytery, held. Tuesday in the All the other M.' E; pastors were re­ 100 per cent; one paid 99.5 per cent; Gettysburg Presbyterian church, Rev, appointed to their respective churches, forty were liquidated with an average W; Wood Duff, Yellow Springs, was including Rev. C. E. Hill o f this place. return o f 91.5 per cent; five at a little elected , moderator, eff. the organiza­ tion; Rev. R^-Ar. Hartman, Bellbrook, better than 90 per cent; two at 80 per HIDDEN HARVEST” AT ROSS cent; and one at 66 per cent. The di- temporary clerk and Rev. Ohas. Ryan j TWP. SCHOOL, SEPT 23 vision o f banks -and banking in ci>n-'| Adams, Springfield, .was named vice ducting the affairs of banks in liquids-! moderator. “ Hidden Harvest," a thrilling tion has returned to stockholders. A. memorial service was conducted romance of the, Farm is to be shown $322,699,692, and there remains in the for the late Rev. John Bamford, for i at Ross Twp. school auditorium, Wed­ hands of the divisions as of June 30' ten years pastor o f the Northminster nesday, Sept. 23 at 8 p. m. The ad­ a total of $196,568,583 to be liquiated, Presbyterian church, Springfield, by j mission is free and the entertainment with assets , having a' book value of j the necrology committee, Carl R, JUNIOR-SENIOR CLASSES OF CEDARVIL1.E HIGH SCHOOL, 1902-03 is given by Purina Mills and C. L. $284,000,000 to cover the remaining! Troutman,, an officer in the North- First Row—Roy McFarland, Ralph Wolford, David McElroy, Supt. R. A. Brown.,i Secbnd Row—Fern Ervin, Eleanor McGuinn, the local dealer. ® impounded deposits. A “very bright” minster church, paid tribute to Mr. Smith, Mable Grindle, Bessie Stcrrett, Edna Townsley, Ethel Collins. Third Row-~Eva Matthews, Margaretta Watt, future for banking and depositors was Bamford and Dr. Hugh I. Evans led Lorwette Storrett, Fannie I|ilt, Fannie Tonkinaon, Carrie Finney, Bertha Mitehe)!. 4 FORMER GREENE COUNTIAN painted by Superintendent' Squire in in the-memorial prayer. calling attention to the fact that there The Dayton Central .church and the DIED IN MOTOR ACCIDENT -has not been a single bank: failure in Coon Dog Field Auto Driver’s Licenses Somerville church were supplied with Ohio during the last two years. pastors. Rev. Stanley L. Weems, ac­ Elmer L. Kinser, 45, London, Trials, Sept. 27 C O U R T NEW S SCHOOLNEWS Now On Sale cepted the call o f Central church and formerly o f this county, died in Mt. will lie installed October 20th. Rev. Carmel Hospital, Columbus, Tuesday, Issuance o f motor Vehicle driver’s 1 licenses started this week throughout Elaborate plans are being form­ Motorists in the state must secure Herrick L. Todd will be installed over following an accident when his motor DIVORCES the state under the direction of Reg­ ulated for the second anrfual “Coon New High School Organization 1 a driver's license before' October 1, the Somerville church next Sunday truck was/ derailed at Florence Ruby Freeman has been awarded a night and will carry that work- in istrar Frank West of the Bureau of Dog” Field Trials sponsored by the Since we have made quite a few which went on sale Wednesday. switch. He leaves a widow; a son and divorce from Robert L. Freeman on connection with his work at Camden Motor Vehicles. Registrar West esti­ Greene County Fish and Game As­ changes in our school regulations, we Those named to issue licenses are: two daughters. The funeral will be the grounds her husband is imprisoned New-Paris. mated that between two and three sociation to be held at Tarrymoro feel that tne parents qa well as the Lois Purdom, Xenia; J. A. Alexander, held, Friday afternoon in London in the Mansfield state reformatory Rev, Paul McLaughlin- was dis- million Ohio motorists will be li­ Springs Park, 2 miles east of Spring students should be informed, so that Osborn; Harold Hackett, Yellow with burial in Woodland Cemetery; (uiider sentence from Darke . County censed. There are at the present time Valley, Sunday, September 27, start­ parents, teachers and students can Springs; Mrs. R. C. Ritenour, Cedar­ dismi3sed to the Predbytery of .Ports­ Xenia. courts on a breaking and entering approximately 1,800,000 pieces of ing at 9:00 A. M. work together, ville; John David, Jamestown; H. W. mouth where he is accepting the charge. • ’ , pastorate of the Presbyterian church motor vehicle equipment, including A purse of $100 will again be guar- (a) We expect goods,: attitude as Badgley, Spring. Valley; Dorothy MISSING MATERIAL- RETURNED automobiles, buses, trucks and motor- anlm l blj the association, .with, $40 Other divorce decrees have been formerly. Hook, Bellbrook; Mrs. M. F. Valentine, at Winchester. Arrangements were granted as follows; lVa E. Floyd from cycles in operation in Ohio, In the for the first tree dog, $30 for the first (b) Every one will be required to Wiiberforec. made for an eight day preaching-mis­ Deputy Sheriff Lighthiser, Xenia, on Harvey M. Floyd, on a charge o f gross sion in tjhe churches o f the- district cape of pleasure cats two, three or line dong, $15 for the second tree dog take semester examin^iona regard- { It is estimated that.Greene county Thursday morning returned' a quantity neglect;. William G. Wants from Mary beginning early in October for' the more members of a family frequently and $15 for the second line dog, less o f uncxcused «& rtn#*or attitude, has 9,509automobiles, making possible , ^ of . bedding, and' other household An entry ^ fw of $t«ft Will, be ^iaMmth Wants, -to:, Dayton., o f . Dr. - 8 *1115/,., _B„ articles*, -along ^witSt - suns- ■valauble ' drive the; machine apd aompawReUL. MaBtrnv Philadelphia, moderator o f cense is required for each individual cTSugetl *fdr each dog. All dogs" m uItpY «l« no*}.,.or death of a member of the'issued. Each license costs 40 cents family heirlooms to Mrs. J. D. SilvPy. the Presbyterian general assembly, on operator in accordance with the pro- be entered at the gate as they arrive 'Burba, on grodmis Of neglect, With the family, relative or close friend, an eX-jand each ; member of a family that The property belonged to her mother, November 18th. and that of.
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