Summary of Responses (Regulation 20)

June 2015

Summary of Responses

To Proposed Submission East District Local Plan:

Housing and Employment Allocations

June 2015

DOES THE WHICH TESTS IS THE PLAN IS THE RESPONDENT FOLDER RESPONDENT AGENT SUPPORT/ PERSON COMMENT OF DOES THE REPRESENTATION SUGGESTED CHANGE TO POLICY/PARAGRAPH OF SITE ALLOCATIONS PLAN ORGANISATION LEGALLY PLAN REPRESENTATION SUMMARY WANT TO REFERENCE NAME NAME OBJECT ID ID PLAN FAIL TO PLAN COMPLIANT SOUND APPEAR AT MEET EXAMINATION Update Appendix 1 to give the correct land supply situation as at 1st April 2015. The base date for the information should also be clearly stated in the Southern Plan. Planning Giles Stogdon Practice Consider Appendix 1 is out of date and does not give the latest position on Amend the information about site VL11 to give the 21 Appendix 1 - Current Planning Status of Sites Giles Stogdon Object 1832 23588 Unknown No i, ii, iii No [1832] (Ian houisng land supply in the District. correct planning application reference and the Donohue) correct number of houses proposed for the site. [2296] These should be:

Application number 55826 Number of dwellings 15. Appendix 2 does not comprise the Council's latest stated position. This is most probably because the Council's latest stated position as at 1.1.2015 is Neame flawed and has been the subject of challenge through a number of S.78 Sutton Ltd Planning Appeals. The document seeks to disaggregate the requirement Southcott Homes 14 Appendix 2 - Housing Land Supply (1st October 2014) (David Object 1655 23599 Yes No i, iv set out in the JCS which has no basis or support from national policy in the Appear Limited [1655] Neame) form of the Framework or the NPPG and appeal case. The [1339] Council does not accurately record its record of delivery and presents a misleading interpretation that it does not have a record of persistent under delivery.

175 identified in JCS for /. Appx 2 identifies 119 dwellings were complete from 2011 to 2014 and a further 141 have planning Pegasus permission. No assessment of deliverability of these permitted sites has The information included in Appendix 2 needs to Group (Mr been undertaken. The Plan seeks to allocate a further 3 sites with a Hurlock be validated in order to check that there is no 15 Appendix 2 - Housing Land Supply (1st October 2014) David Object 2422 23566 Yes Yes None capacity of 237 dwellings (107+79+51). These are incorrectly summed to Appear Investments [2422] double counting and that it is consistent with what Hutchison) 242 dwellings in Appx 2. This mistake has been carried forward to Table A is being proposed. [2424] of the Medstead and Four Marks Neighbourhood Plan. Concern also some of the allocations may be double counted with the larger site planning permissions, given all 3 have permission. Southern Planning Update to give the correct land supply situation as Giles Stogdon Practice Appendix 2 is out of date and does not give the latest position on housing at 1st April 2015. The base date for the 21 Appendix 2 - Housing Land Supply (1st October 2014) Giles Stogdon Object 1832 23589 Unknown No i, ii, iii No [1832] (Ian land supply in the District. information should aslo be clearly stated in the Donohue) Plan. [2296] Total number of completions, commitments and windfalls now 122, unexplained increase. Rowlands Castle Keyline site initally 'windfall' now 'large site', needs clarified and justified. 91 Appendix 2 - Housing Land Supply (1st October 2014) Lisa Walker Parish Council ( Object 1118 23526 No No i, ii, iii Appear 279 target need considered in light of SA - adverse effects on biodiversity, Lisa Walker) [1118] rural location, impact on SPA. Traffic levels and road safety must be considered. Historic (Southern Region) 50 CF1 - Land at Down Farm, Green Lane Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23333 Yes Yes None Welcomes criterion in Policy CF1 regarding archaeological remains. No (Mr Martin Small) [1545] New criterion - Identify any extreme and high vulnerability zones within the site before the development layout is finalised.

Added words:

make provision of a detailed Flood Risk Portsmouth Water Assessment, which should include a Surface No objection subject to inclusion of the additional text to protect driniking 90 CF1 - Land at Down Farm, Green Lane Tracey Viney plc (Tracey Viney) Object 2340 23553 Unknown No ii Water Disposal Strategy, to address any No water quality. [2340] measures required to mitigate any potential impacts on groundwater and surface water. Potential measures ......

- ensure adequate infrastructure is provided for sewerage (on and off site). The layout and construction of the sewage infrastructure should minimise the risk to groundwater. Sport England (SE Sport England supported the Down Farm allocation because it requires the 98 CF1 - Land at Down Farm, Green Lane Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Support 972 23359 Unknown Yes None No provision of sports facilities on site to support the 207 dwellings. Clarke) [972]

Addition to CF2 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Considers Policy CF2 to be sound but would wish to see an addition added 50 CF2 - Drift Road Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23334 Yes Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) to the site specific criterion on programming of archaeological work etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF). It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 CF2 - Drift Road Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23363 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population.


Addition to CF3 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Consider Policy CF3 to be sound subject to an addition to the site specific 50 CF3 - Trafalgar Rise Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23335 Yes Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) criterion regarding programming of archaeological work etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF). It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 CF3 - Trafalgar Rise Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23364 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. Para 1.9 object Neame The SPBs, gaps, special character areas and the review of the Local Plan Sutton Ltd saved policies should form part of the Allocation document to form a clear Southcott Homes 14 Chapter 1 - Introduction (David Object 1655 23593 Yes No i basis for the future. This will bring forward a disjointed approach. Appear Limited [1655] Neame) [1339] The proposed allocation of Hazelton Farm, is a direct contradiction with the objectives the Council is seeking.

Neame Para 1.1 and para 1.11 - object Sutton Ltd Southcott Homes The Plan needs to be in accordance with the JCS or if it intends to deviate to Provide evidence to justify its disaggregated 14 Chapter 1 - Introduction (David Object 1655 23591 Yes No i, iv Appear Limited [1655] a desegregated approach and supply evidence on why this approach is now approach. Neame) being taken contrary to the JCS. [1339]

Neame Sutton Ltd Southcott Homes 14 Chapter 1 - Introduction (David Object 1655 23590 Yes No i, iv Object to Para 1.2 Appear Limited [1655] Neame) [1339]

Para 1.39, para 2.4 and Appendix 1 object Neame The delivery timings within the Plan are unrealistic. The Council has cited a Sutton Ltd number of permissions that have been granted and seeking to include these Southcott Homes 14 Chapter 1 - Introduction (David Object 1655 23596 Yes No i, iii, iv as allocations. These sites were progressed to address a shortall in Appear Limited [1655] Neame) housing land supply so the Council should not be seeking to rely upon such [1339] sites to meet a future need. Also concerned that if current permission are not implemented they will remain allocations.

Para 1.34 object. The Inspector settled on a minimum level of 592 dpa but did not identify a Neame ceiling level. Furthermore the evidence base that underpins the JCS Sutton Ltd housing requirement figure is now out of date. The NPPG and the Southcott Homes 14 Chapter 1 - Introduction (David Object 1655 23594 Yes No i, iv Framework requires Council's to maintain an up to date evidence base to Appear Limited [1655] Neame) ensure that development plan policies remain up to date and relevant to [1339] meeting the needs of the District. Re. affordable housing the Council is actively planning to deliver significantly lower levels than its own evidence base identifies a need for.

Para 1.3 object. Objects to the Local Interim Planning Statement (LIPS) and the lack of Neame consultation. The LIPS had no formal 6 week consultation which is required Sutton Ltd Southcott Homes by Regulation 18. The LIPS is limited in scope and only involved local 14 Chapter 1 - Introduction (David Object 1655 23592 Unknown No i, iv No Limited [1655] residents. The statement continues to also look to take on board the Neame) community engagement of Neighbourhood Plans with no timeframe to allow [1339] for these to be included. The Local Plan should guide and take the lead on allocating the minimum housing allocation set out in the JCS.

Whilst we welcome the intention to provide flexibility within the Plan, it is not Turley sufficiently far reaching in the context of Government objectives to boost Additional sites should be allocated in order to Associate signficiantly the supply of housing or meet objectively assessed needs. provide the necessary flexibility and certainty that 29 Chapter 1 - Introduction Bloor Homes [1893] s (Ms Object 1893 23558 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Table 1 indicates the total housing provision will exceed approx. 15.38% of Appear the residual housing requirement will be met over Jade Ellis) the mimimum target. However, if individual settlements are to be aligned the course of the JCS plan period. [1800] with the increased housing requirement there is still a shortfall of at least 1,966 dwellings if the Plan is to meet all needs including affordable needs.


Expedited ,adverse impact on public consultation ,limited weight to HEA. Unresolved objections. Limited examination of evidence, compromised consideration and assessment of reasonable alternatives. SA does not test any housing requirement than minimum 10,060. Concern that 10,370 would meet OAN - effect on affordable housing. Lacking flexibility. Turley

Associate Sixten & Cassey No logical approach to contingencies. Commitments from April 2013 should Settlement boundary is amended to include land at 30 Chapter 1 - Introduction s (Ms Object 1681 23457 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Appear [1681] not contribute. Concern allocations do not provide contingency for non- Crookley Park, Lane. Jade Ellis) implementation. Requirement should be 12,580. Sites with PP not most [1800] appropriate, should be tested through SA. Should review settlement boundaries and gaps.

Land at Crookley Park should be included. Previously developed land. No landscape impact.

Expedited - adverse impact on public consultation - limited weight to HEA. Unresolved objections. Limited examination of evidence, compromised consideration and assessment of all reasonable alternatives through the SA, does not test any housing requirement than minimum of 10,060. Concern Turley that 10,370 would meet OAN - effect on affordable housing. Lack of Associate Taylor Wimpey UK flexibility. 31 Chapter 1 - Introduction s (Ms Object 1801 23455 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Appear [1801] Jade Ellis) No logical approach to identification of contingencies. Commitments from [1800] 1st April 2013 should not contribute. Concern allocations do not provide contingency for non-implementation. Requirement should be 12,580 dwellings. Sites with planning permission not the most appropriate- should be tested through SA. Should review settlement boundaries and gaps.

White - Increase the overall housing number in the Plan The Plan is unsound for the following reasons: Young by 518, in order to deliver the shortfall of 207 in - A failure to meet identified affordable housing need in full; Fastnet Properties Green (Mr affordable housing resulting from recent changes 32 Chapter 1 - Introduction Object 2327 23560 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv - A failure to consider reasonable alternatives; Appear Ltd [2327] Jeremy to government policy. - A failure to provide adequate buffers against possible non-delivery;and Heppell) - Consider reasonable alternative strategies in - A failure to comply with the requirements of the NPPF. [1722] terms of overall housing numbers

The Plan should allow for additional site allocations in order to meet any shortfall. This approach is Woolf further supported on the basis that the housing Bond LLP requirement to be met during the plan period is a Taylor Wimpey UK (Mr The Plan should provide for flexibility in the event that the identified sites fail minimum and represents a floor not a ceiling. We 35 Chapter 1 - Introduction Object 1801 23562 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Appear [1801] Steven to come forward at the rate and/or date envisaged. suggest the inclusion of a 'reserve site' policy that Brown) identifies suitable sites for development that could [1678] be released in the event of a shortfall in housing delivery. This is particularly the case at Alton and Horndean.

Basingstoke & Deane Borough 36 Chapter 1 - Introduction Mr Edward Rehill Support 2193 23513 Unknown Yes None No comments No Council (Mr Edward Rehill) [2193]

The council needs to account for all the changes to Sites allocated for employment and listed in the 2013 Employment land the Employment Land Supply notably the 2006 review have been developed for residential (OSU and Buckmore Farm). Local Plan Allocations. The Council should Reduction of employment land in Whitehill & to 9.5ha. Unclear if this consider allocating additional land for employment has been considered in the allocation of sites. Also changes to permitted instead of relying on windfall sites. Windfall sites Business East development impact windfall allowance. Impact on the supply position of the carry a degree of uncertainty. Reliance on such 39 Chapter 1 - Introduction David Joel Hants (David Joel) Object 1486 23330 Yes No ii, iii, iv No 2013 ELR as evidence base. site would impact on business growth, enterprise, [1486] job creation and the ability to support housing There have been significant changes to the proposed employment land growth in the area. supply without any revised evidence base. It is difficult to determine how the council can meet current and future need for employment land. Para 6.18 - remove "about" 2ha Horndean Allocations

Concern that HEA does not include a strategic approach to mitigation or recreational impacts on the Wealden Heaths Phase II SPA.

HRA only assesses two allocated sites of LIP004 and HERA007 and not Hampshire and Isle windfall applications of up to 521 dwellings. HRA recognises windfall sites of Wight Wildlife Dr Pauline but has not take the in-combination impacts arising from these into account 46 Chapter 1 - Introduction Trust (Dr Pauline Object 718 23460 Unknown No ii No Holmes MIEEM when reaching its conclusion. EHDC should seek mitigation from small scale Holmes MIEEM) developments. [718]

HEA would not lead to sustainable development and not protect SPA

HEA should include Ecological Network Maps.

There are a number of allocated sites within Table 1 which lie either within the Mineral Consultation Areas or the Mineral Safeguarding Area as set out Hampshire County Request that an additional site specific criterion is Mr Pete in the Hampshire Minerals & Waste Plan policies map. Allocated sites 47 Chapter 1 - Introduction Council (Mr Pete Object 971 23576 Yes No iii, iv added to each policy which relates to the No Errington which conflict with these may have potential to encroach, prejudice, Errington) [971] 'investigation of mineral potential'. jeopardise or unnecessarily sterilise safeguarded strategic infrastructure. These sites being: EMP1, EMP2, HN1, HN2, RC1, RC2, VL5 and VL6.

Page 3 of 29 DOES THE WHICH TESTS IS THE PLAN IS THE RESPONDENT FOLDER RESPONDENT AGENT SUPPORT/ PERSON COMMENT OF DOES THE REPRESENTATION SUGGESTED CHANGE TO POLICY/PARAGRAPH OF SITE ALLOCATIONS PLAN ORGANISATION LEGALLY PLAN REPRESENTATION SUMMARY WANT TO REFERENCE NAME NAME OBJECT ID ID PLAN FAIL TO PLAN COMPLIANT SOUND APPEAR AT MEET EXAMINATION Hart District Council There would not appear to be anything substantive within the Plan to cause 48 Chapter 1 - Introduction Mr Ray Bryant (Mr Ray Bryant) Support 2376 23358 Yes Yes None No Hart District Council any specific reason for concern. [2376] Havant Borough 49 Chapter 1 - Introduction Gavin Stonham Council (Gavin Support 2271 23325 Unknown Yes None No comments to make. No Stonham) [2271] Thank you for consulting Natural England on the above. Natural England 88 Chapter 1 - Introduction Francesca Barker (Francesca Barker) Support 2406 23461 Unknown Yes None We note that our comments from our previous responses have been No [2406] incorporated into the Local Plan, in line with the Statement of Common Ground. Natural England therefore has no further comments to make Consultation process was of limited value - no parish boundaries, gaps identified. Supply driven process does not reflect demand. SDNP is taking a small proportion of areas target (16%), undue burden on Rowlands Castle Southern Parishes. Will not be acceptable to compensate further for 91 Chapter 1 - Introduction Lisa Walker Parish Council ( Object 1118 23524 No No i, ii, iii Appear Whitehill & Bordon shortages. Lisa Walker) [1118] Concern that approach ignores brownfield sites just going to redraw SPB around new greenfield sites. Flexibility in the 10,370 target should apply too all parishes.

An updated in-combination assessment should be undertaken for the Plan. This should include a full The accompanying HRA does not undertake an in-combination effects assessment of the allocation sites within 5km of assessment in respect of recreational pressures from new housing around the SPA (including predicted additional windfall the Wealden Heaths SPA. As a direct consequence, policies LP1(e), Ms Carrie RSPB (Ms Carrie housing within the area), existing uncompleted 93 Chapter 1 - Introduction Object 747 23575 No No iii VL3(f), VL4(f), VL5(h) and VL6(e) which refer to recreational disturbance Appear Temple Temple) [747] permissions and other unallocated developments mitigation but without a consistent basis for application, are not sound. This currently under consideration. The assessment is on the grounds that clear policy requirements for applicants have not been must also include housing both within the National set out in these individual policies. Park area and (as far as it is currently possible to determine) within Waverley BC.

East Hants lies within SW Water's resource zone 4 and 5. SE Water's WRMP indicates these zones will remain in surplus for average demands. For peak demand a deficit is forecast from 2020 onwards. Additional South East Water schemes are scheduled which will satisfy demand. The allocation of 2,596 96 Chapter 1 - Introduction Helen Chapman Ltd (Helen Support 2392 23444 Unknown Yes None dwellings is broadly in line with WRMP assumptions. Our published planned No Chapman) [2392] programme will be fully able to satisfy the growth in demands.

New mains will be required for Whitehill & Bordon. Some mains reinforcement will be required for some settlements. Southern Water only provides wastewater services to , Liss, Horndean, Clanfield and Rowlands Castle and does not supply water to the Southern Water area covered by District Council. We note that the 97 Chapter 1 - Introduction Clare Gibbons Services (Clare Support 1786 23469 Unknown Yes None No submission document contains amendments which seek to address our Gibbons) [1786] previous representations. We wish to submit no further representations at this stage. Woolf Bond LLP The inclusion of a reserve site policy. The subject The suggestion at para. 10.6 that problems with housing delivery may Taylor Wimpey UK (Mr site represents a sustainable opportunity as either 35 Chapter 10 - Implemention and Monitoring Object 1801 23565 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv trigger a review of plans or delivery mechanisms does not result in a Appear [1801] Steven a baseline or reserve site allocation - land at Chalk responsive or flexible plan. Brown) Hill Road, Horndean. [1678] Para 2.4 and para 3.1 object. This para is not in line with the Localism Act, it is clear that if a Neame Neighbourhood Plan (NP) fails the referendum or is not carried forward it Sutton Ltd Southcott Homes should not form part of the emerging Local Plan. The Local Plan should 14 Chapter 2 - Proposal for Settlements (David Object 1655 23595 Yes No i, iv Appear Limited [1655] allocate at least the minimum housing target figure to guide any NP, if a NP Neame) is adopted under the development plan then it will take precedence over the [1339] allocations plan. Ignoring the allocation of these areas in reliance of a NP is untenable. ProVision - Overall strategy is inflexible with limited options in the event of large sites Planning & not delivering or Neighbourhood Plans being delayed. Bargate Homes Ltd Design 17 Chapter 2 - Proposal for Settlements Object 2324 23507 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv - 20% applied to five year land supply Include provision of more deliverable housing sites Appear [2324] (Richard - Fail to meet housing need Osborn) - evidence base used to determine sites is flawed [1165]

ProVision Planning & - Allocations plan inflexible incase large sites dont deliver or neighbourhood Bargate Homes Ltd Design plans are delayed Make further provision for additional deliverable 17 Chapter 2 - Proposal for Settlements Object 2324 23501 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Appear [2324] (Richard - fails to meet housing need sites Osborn) - Evidence base is flawed [1165] Land to the East of Will Hall Farm, Alton is suitable for development for up Barton to 180 dwellings. It should be for EHDC, within the HEA to allocate sites Hallam Land Willmore initially to ensure its preparation is not delayed by the preparation of Land to the East of Will Hall Farm, Alton should be 3 Chapter 3 - Alton Management Ltd (Robin Object 1368 23447 Unknown No i, ii Neighbourhood Plans and to enable the latter to be prepared in conformity included in the HEA for development of up to 180 No [1368] Shepherd) with the development plan. Request that the HEA allocates sites in and dwellings. [2396] around Alton. HEA should be aligned to the Alton Neighbourhood Plan. Site should be included in the HEA.


Employment allocations should be more Mr Elstream comprehensive and other wider areas and more Richard 13 Chapter 3 - Alton Development Ltd Object 2402 23492 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Please see attached document uses, including a hotel allocation for Alton. A full Written reps Goodall [2402] and fair assessment of the two competing Alton [2401] hotel sites can then be made

ProVision - Sites AL035 and AL036 should not have been excluded from the SHLAA Planning & and should be allocated Bargate Homes Ltd Design 17 Chapter 3 - Alton Object 2324 23511 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv - Overall strategy is inflexible with limited options in the event of large sites Include land at Windmill Hill, Alton Appear [2324] (Richard not delivering or Neighbourhood Plans being delayed. Osborn) - 20% applied to five yea [1165]

The Plan should allow for additional site allocations in order to meet any shortfall. This approach is Woolf further supported on the basis that the housing Bond LLP requirement to be met during the plan period is a There is an over reliance on delivery from strategic sites and the lack of Taylor Wimpey UK (Mr minimum and represents a floor not a ceiling. We 35 Chapter 3 - Alton Object 1801 23563 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv flexibile strategy to respond to meeting needs in the event that the sites fail Appear [1801] Steven suggest the inclusion of a 'reserve site' policy that to come forward. Brown) identifies suitable sites for development that could [1678] be released in the event of a shortfall in housing delivery. This is particularly the case at Alton and Horndean.

Holybourne is a separate village and little recognition has been given to as a separate settlement and no proposals have been made to allocate sites for housing within the settlement. The draft Alton NP Section 3 of the EHDC Allocations Plan needs to continues to propose no allocation for open market or affordable housing be updated to acknowledge Holybourne as a Savills (Rebecca 94 Chapter 3 - Alton Rebecca Altman Object 1904 23413 Yes No ii, iv within Holybourne. My clients own four suitable sites which have the separate village and to clarify that the housing No Altman) [1904] potential for housing development. It is accepted that the correct needs of this village are required to be considered mechanism for assessing allocation sites within Holybourne is currently through the Alton NP process. through the Alton NP process but there is no acknowledgement of this within the EHDC Draft Allocations Plan.

SGN Gas Infrastructure at the allocated locations would not be significantly impacted by the level of future developments projected. However, SGN would wish to reinforce that should alterations to existing assets be required SGN Gas to allow development to proceed these should be funded by the developer. Viginus Emeka Infrastructure 95 Chapter 3 - Alton Support 2263 23384 Unknown Yes None Should major alterations or diversions be required the Council must highlight No Okpara (Viginus Emeka that the developer should liaise with SGN. If a developer is proposing to Okpara) [2263] include renewable technologies related to production of biomethane, early discussions between developer and SGN is required.

Adams Hendry Trustees of the It would have been helpful to show the proposed Consulting We support the amendment to the settlement policy boundary of English Province of change to the settlement boundary within the main 1 Chapter 4 - Horndean Ltd (Mrs Support 1619 23517 Yes Yes None to include the allocated housing site north of James Copse Road and west No Our Lady of Charity Local Plan Policy document and include the Debra of Lovedean Lane, Lovedean. [1619] change on the plan on page 23. Ivory) [1422]

ProVision - SHLAA ref HD003 should be allocated Planning & - Overall strategy is inflexible with limited options in the event of large sites Bargate Homes Ltd Design not delivering or Neighbourhood Plans being delayed. 17 Chapter 4 - Horndean Object 2324 23509 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Site (SHLAA HD003) should be allocated Appear [2324] (Richard - 20% applied to five year land supply Osborn) - Fail to meet housing need [1165] - evidence Southern Planning There is a continuing high need for more affordable housing in Horndean. Practice Mr Andrew Hull The Plan does not allocate enough housing sites to meet the existing known 26 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mr Andrew Hull (Mrs Object 1242 23533 Unknown No i, ii, iii Allocate additional housing sites in Horndean. Appear [1242] need for affordable rented and intermediate housing, let alone meeting the Alison need which will emerge throughout the plan period. Wood) [738] Southern Planning Practice Lack of flexibility in the proposals for new housing, employment and open Mr Andrew Hull Allocate additional smaller and medium sized sites 26 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mr Andrew Hull (Mrs Object 1242 23532 Unknown No i, ii, iii space in Horndean should development of site HN1 be delayed or prevented Appear [1242] at other locations in the parish. Alison from taking place. Wood) [738] Southern Planning Practice Object to all of the new housing in Horndean being allocated on one site. Mr Andrew Hull Allocate additional smaller sites for housing 26 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mr Andrew Hull (Mrs Object 1242 23531 Unknown No i, ii, iii The council is giving people insufficient choice in the location of new homes Appear [1242] elsewhere in Horndean. Alison within the parish. Wood) [738]

Page 5 of 29 DOES THE WHICH TESTS IS THE PLAN IS THE RESPONDENT FOLDER RESPONDENT AGENT SUPPORT/ PERSON COMMENT OF DOES THE REPRESENTATION SUGGESTED CHANGE TO POLICY/PARAGRAPH OF SITE ALLOCATIONS PLAN ORGANISATION LEGALLY PLAN REPRESENTATION SUMMARY WANT TO REFERENCE NAME NAME OBJECT ID ID PLAN FAIL TO PLAN COMPLIANT SOUND APPEAR AT MEET EXAMINATION Southern Planning The settlement policy boundary of Horndean Practice Mr Andrew Hull Object to the failure of the Council to review the settlement policy boundary should be extended to include all the properties on 26 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mr Andrew Hull (Mrs Object 1242 23535 Unknown No i, ii, iii Appear [1242] of Horndean as part of the work on this Plan. Lovedean Lane on Day Lane, and the two sites the Alison client is proposing for development. Wood) [738] Southern Feel there is a need for the Plan to provide a range of smaller and medium Planning sized sites in Horndean in order to give flexibility and choice. The client Practice proposes that their sites off Lovedean Lane, Horndean should be allocated Mr Andrew Hull 26 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mr Andrew Hull (Mrs Object 1242 23534 Unknown No i, ii, iii for development in the Plan. Although both sites have been considered in Allocate the sites off Lovdean Lane, Horndean. Appear [1242] Alison the 2014 and earlier SHLAA (HD009 and HD027), our clients believe that all Wood) of the concerns raised by the Council can be overcome in the design and [738] layout of the sites. Southern Planning Practice The allocations for 740 homes on two sites which already have permission is Additional site allocations should be made in the Mr Andrew Hull 26 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mr Andrew Hull (Mrs Object 1242 23529 Unknown No i, ii, iii effectively a cap on development. This does not meet the JCS requirement Plan to meet the housing needs of the area Appear [1242] Alison of a minimum target of 700 homes in Horndean. throughout the plan period. Wood) [738] Southern Planning Southern Planning Practice Lack of smaller housing allocations in Horndean parish to provide sufficient Allocate the land to the south and east of 28 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mrs Alison Wood Practice (Mrs Alison (Mrs Object 738 23549 Unknown No i, ii, iii housing land throughout the plan period. Land on the south and east of Appear Blendworth Lane, Horndean, for housing. Wood) [738] Alison Blendworth Lane should be allocated for housing in the Plan. Wood) [738] Southern Planning There is a continuing high need for more affordable housing in Horndean. Southern Planning Practice The Plan does not allocate enough housing sites to meet the existing known 28 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mrs Alison Wood Practice (Mrs Alison (Mrs Object 738 23548 Unknown No i, ii, iii Allocate additional housing sites in Horndean. Appear need for affordable rented and intermediate housing, let alone meeting the Wood) [738] Alison need which will emerge throughout the plan period. Wood) [738] Southern Planning Southern Planning Practice Object to all of the new housing in Horndean being allocated on one site. Allocate additional smaller sites for housing 28 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mrs Alison Wood Practice (Mrs Alison (Mrs Object 738 23546 Unknown No i, ii, iii The council is giving people insufficient choice in the location of new homes Appear elsewhere in Horndean. Wood) [738] Alison within the parish. Wood) [738] Southern Planning Southern Planning Practice The allocations for 740 homes on two sites which already have permission is Additional site allocations should be made in the 28 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mrs Alison Wood Practice (Mrs Alison (Mrs Object 738 23544 Unknown No i, ii, iii effectively a cap on development. This does not meet the JCS requirement Plan to meet the housing needs of the area Appear Wood) [738] Alison of a minimum target of 700 homes in Horndean. throughout the plan period. Wood) [738] Southern Planning Southern Planning Practice Lack of smaller housing and employment allocations in Horndean parish. Allocate the land between the Church Centre and 28 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mrs Alison Wood Practice (Mrs Alison (Mrs Object 738 23543 Unknown No i, ii, iii Land on the south side of Blendworth Lane between the Church Centre and Appear Cadlington House, Horndean, for up to 40 houses. Wood) [738] Alison Cadlington House should be allocated for development in the Plan. Wood) [738] Southern Planning There is a continuing high need for more affordable housing in Horndean. Southern Planning Practice The Plan does not allocate enough housing sites to meet the existing known 28 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mrs Alison Wood Practice (Mrs Alison (Mrs Object 738 23542 Unknown No i, ii, iii Allocate additional housing sites in Horndean. Appear need for affordable rented and intermediate housing, let alone meeting the Wood) [738] Alison need which will emerge throughout the plan period. Wood) [738] Southern Planning Southern Planning Practice Lack of flexibility in the proposals for new housing, employment and open Allocate additional smaller and medium sized sites 28 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mrs Alison Wood Practice (Mrs Alison (Mrs Object 738 23547 Unknown No i, ii, iii space in Horndean should development of site HN1 be delayed or prevented Appear at other locations in the parish. Wood) [738] Alison from taking place. Wood) [738] Southern Planning Southern Planning Practice Lack of flexibility in the proposals for new housing, employment and open Allocate additional smaller and medium sized sites 28 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mrs Alison Wood Practice (Mrs Alison (Mrs Object 738 23540 Unknown No i, ii, iii space in Horndean should development of site HN1 be delayed or prevented Appear at other locations in the parish. Wood) [738] Alison from taking place. Wood) [738] Southern Planning Southern Planning Practice Object to all of the new housing in Horndean being allocated on one site. Allocate additional smaller sites for housing 28 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mrs Alison Wood Practice (Mrs Alison (Mrs Object 738 23539 Unknown No i, ii, iii The council is giving people insufficient choice in the location of new homes Appear elsewhere in Horndean. Wood) [738] Alison within the parish. Wood) [738]

Page 6 of 29 DOES THE WHICH TESTS IS THE PLAN IS THE RESPONDENT FOLDER RESPONDENT AGENT SUPPORT/ PERSON COMMENT OF DOES THE REPRESENTATION SUGGESTED CHANGE TO POLICY/PARAGRAPH OF SITE ALLOCATIONS PLAN ORGANISATION LEGALLY PLAN REPRESENTATION SUMMARY WANT TO REFERENCE NAME NAME OBJECT ID ID PLAN FAIL TO PLAN COMPLIANT SOUND APPEAR AT MEET EXAMINATION Southern Planning Southern Planning Practice The allocations for 740 homes on two sites which already have permission is Additional site allocations should be made in the 28 Chapter 4 - Horndean Mrs Alison Wood Practice (Mrs Alison (Mrs Object 738 23536 Unknown No i, ii, iii effectively a cap on development. This does not meet the JCS requirement Plan to meet the housing needs of the area Appear Wood) [738] Alison of a minimum target of 700 homes in Horndean. throughout the plan period. Wood) [738] Requirement is minimum of 700 dwellings. 95% reliant on one site. Dwelling capacity may be reduced below 700 due to constraints. 740 dwellings does not provide sufficient flexibility or contingency. Horndean is a sustainable settlement - can accommodate additional growth to meet OAN. Allocations Turley may not meet OAN. Associate Taylor Wimpey UK 31 Chapter 4 - Horndean s (Ms Object 1801 23454 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Land off Southdown Road should be allocated. Appear [1801] Only moderate weight can be given to HEA. Significant objection to draft Jade Ellis) allocations. Shortcomings of community engagement over LIPS and [1800] methodology of identifying sites. Sites west of Horndean sustainable. Should contribute towards Horndean and not Clanfield. Inadequate assessment of reasonable alternatives. Limited assessment in SA. Land off Southdown Road should be allocated.

The Plan should allow for additional site allocations in order to meet any shortfall. Land at Chalk Hill Road, Horndean, should be allocated to provide for Woolf approximately 50 dwellings. This approach is Bond LLP Omission of land at Chalk Hill Road, Horndean as a housing allocation to further supported on the basis that the housing Taylor Wimpey UK (Mr provide for approximately 50 dwellings. There is a lack of flexiblity, including requirement to be met during the plan period is a 35 Chapter 4 - Horndean Object 1801 23564 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Appear [1801] Steven a lack of a reserve site strategy, in seeking to ensure a robust mechanism minimum and represents a floor not a ceiling. We Brown) for the delivery of sufficient housing numbers during the plan period. suggest the inclusion of a 'reserve site' policy that [1678] identifies suitable sites for development that could be released in the event of a shortfall in housing delivery. This is particularly the case at Alton and Horndean.

Concern over 740 allocated dwellings for Horndean. Significant adverse effect on Rowlands Castle from Horndean generated traffic. Rowlands Castle 30% of allocated sites in Horndean within Rowlands Castle parish - unjust 91 Chapter 4 - Horndean Lisa Walker Parish Council ( Object 1118 23527 No No i, ii, iii Appear and conflicts with Bartons Road approach. Lisa Walker) [1118] JCS Policy CP10 states priority to sites within SPBs, other sites in Horndean should be given priority over Land east of Horndean.

SGN Gas Infrastructure at the allocated locations would not be significantly impacted by the level of future developments projected. However, SGN SGN Gas would wish to reinforce that should alterations to existing assets be required Viginus Emeka Infrastructure to allow development to proceed these should be funded by the developer. 95 Chapter 4 - Horndean Support 2263 23385 Unknown Yes None No Okpara (Viginus Emeka Should major alterations or diversions be required the Council must highlight Okpara) [2263] that the developer should liaise with SGN. If a developer is proposing to include renewable technologies related to production of biomethane, early discussions between developer and SGN is required.

Paras 5.1 - 5.4 - The JCS sets a minimum of 175 dwellings. The current Turley Plan identifies only a single site for allocation in . In its current form Associate Liphook does not benefit from any contingency for non-implementation. Chiltley Farm is allocated for housing in the Plan 29 Chapter 5 - Liphook Bloor Homes [1893] s (Ms Object 1893 23557 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Appear There is no reason that the additional buffer/contingency cannot be applied as an apporpriate and available development site. Jade Ellis) to Liphook. Chiltley Farm offers a suitable housing site to accommodate [1800] additional growth due to the lack of insurmountable constraints.

SGN Gas Infrastructure at the allocated locations would not be significantly impacted by the level of future developments projected. However, SGN SGN Gas would wish to reinforce that should alterations to existing assets be required Viginus Emeka Infrastructure to allow development to proceed these should be funded by the developer. 95 Chapter 5 - Liphook Support 2263 23386 Unknown Yes None No Okpara (Viginus Emeka Should major alterations or diversions be required the Council must highlight Okpara) [2263] that the developer should liaise with SGN. If a developer is proposing to include renewable technologies related to production of biomethane, early discussions between developer and SGN is required.

The Council's approach in respect to Clanfield has arbitrarily imposed an Neame allocation on the settlement as a result of the resolution to grant consent. Sutton Ltd The Council has taken the view on the basis this scheme will deliver a Southcott Homes Land at 102-120 Downhouse Road, Clanfield, 14 Chapter 6 - Clanfield (David Object 1655 23598 Yes No i, iv minimum of 200 dwellings and has not assessed the options. The Council Appear Limited [1655] should be allocated for housing. Neame) ignores the clear need for both open market and affordable housing within [1339] Clanfield together with the availability of suitable and sustainable development locations such as land at 102-120 Downhouse Road. CL012 Land at South Lane, rear of Trafalgar Rise, Clanfield

Should additional housing sites within Clanfield or Hampshire County The site is owned by Hampshire County Council. The site is contained in the Mr Pete surrounding areas be required during the Plan 47 Chapter 6 - Clanfield Council (Mr Pete Object 971 23577 Yes Yes None SHLAA and performs well within the SA. Should additional housing sites No Errington period, the site remains suitable for development, Errington) [971] within Clanfield or surrounding areas be required during the Plan period, the subject to County Council Member approval. site remains suitable for development, subject to County Council Member approval.

Persimmon Homes New Policy: CF4 Mr Christopher South Coast (Mr To allocate an area of land at South Lane, 89 Chapter 6 - Clanfield Object 2404 23467 Yes No iii Please see attached letter and plan Appear Southwood Christopher Clanfield, for residential development and then Southwood) [2404] further land as green or open Gap Space.


SGN Gas Infrastructure at the allocated locations would not be significantly impacted by the level of future developments projected. However, SGN SGN Gas would wish to reinforce that should alterations to existing assets be required Viginus Emeka Infrastructure to allow development to proceed these should be funded by the developer. 95 Chapter 6 - Clanfield Support 2263 23387 Unknown Yes None No Okpara (Viginus Emeka Should major alterations or diversions be required the Council must highlight Okpara) [2263] that the developer should liaise with SGN. If a developer is proposing to include renewable technologies related to production of biomethane, early discussions between developer and SGN is required.

Bryan This representation relates to land at Whichers Jezeph The Plan has not been based upon objectively assessed development and Gate Road for approximately 160 dwellings. This Consultan infrastructure requirements. The Plan should await the publication of the 8 Chapter 7 - Rowlands Castle #NAME? - - Strange [2420] Object 2420 23561 No No i, ii, iii, iv site could make good the shortall in the Allocations Appear cy (Bryan South Hampshire Strategy. Furthermore, the Plan has over estimated the Plan. The Plan should be modified, page 35, to Jezeph) level of windfalls. show the revised settlement boundary. [1336]

All new sites shown now have planning permission. No action is being taken Rowlands Castle to reduce traffic impact on adjoining residential areas. 91 Chapter 7 - Rowlands Castle Lisa Walker Parish Council ( Object 1118 23525 No No i, ii, iii Keyline site should count as a 'new allocation'. Appear Lisa Walker) [1118] Allocations do not address need for retirement accomodation specifically acknowledged in LIPS and SA. Does not satisfy JCS Policy CP11.

SGN Gas Infrastructure at the allocated locations would not be significantly impacted by the level of future developments projected. However, SGN SGN Gas would wish to reinforce that should alterations to existing assets be required Viginus Emeka Infrastructure to allow development to proceed these should be funded by the developer. 95 Chapter 7 - Rowlands Castle Support 2263 23388 Unknown Yes None No Okpara (Viginus Emeka Should major alterations or diversions be required the Council must highlight Okpara) [2263] that the developer should liaise with SGN. If a developer is proposing to include renewable technologies related to production of biomethane, early discussions between developer and SGN is required. In order to be sound the plan should allocate new sites to accommodate a minimum of 175 dwellings. One such site which stands on its own merit as a true potential allocation, or in addition to the proposed "allocations" (and thereby still compliant with the 175 minimum), is land at 32 Telegraph Lane/5 Blackberry Lane, Four Marks. This 1.9h site was refused planning permission (54976/001) recently, substantively owing to a similar misinterpretation of the policy but for no other technical or practical reasons. The site Barker should be included in the site allocations Parry document. With regard to Section 8 (Four Marks and South Medstead), moving existing Town permissions into the allocations column is false accounting and as with the Mr B Hobbs and Mr B Hobbs and Ms Planning Finally, this site identified as "reasonable" in the 2 Chapter 8 - Four Marks and South Medstead Object 2303 23487 Yes No i, ii, iv draft plan is not compliant with the provisions of the JCS (CP10) and Written reps Ms A Griffin A Griffin [2303] Ltd (Mr companion Sustainability Approval (SA) - FM 024 - consequently this document cannot be sound. The SA summary for site Steven is still misdescribed therein. We made comments FM024 remains inaccurate. This site should be allocated. Barker) in respect of the Interim SA (December 2014) and [2252] for the record as the SA is a part of the evidence base repeat them now:

"It is not clear whether the author visited the site but, for the avoidance of doubt, and as confirmed by the owners in respect of the most recent application, which was in outline, with access and layout not reserved:

* The access (approved by highways and not a reason for refusal) was adjacent to 1 TP0d tree. * The existing woodland remained. Consider that their site - land to the south of Winchester Road, Four Marks - should be included as a residential allocation within the draft Site Allocations Barton Consider that their site - land to the south of and the extended Settlement Policy Boundary for Four Marks/South Hallam Land Willmore Winchester Road, Four Marks - should be included Medstead. Whilst FM1, FM2 and FM3 benefit from extant planning 3 Chapter 8 - Four Marks and South Medstead Management Ltd (Robin Object 1368 23556 Unknown No i, ii as a residential allocation within the draft Site No permissions, there is no guarantee of their delivery and other sustainable [1368] Shepherd) Allocations and the extended Settlement Policy sites, which help to meet an identified housing need and contribute towards [2396] Boundary for Four Marks/South Medstead. the delivery of sustainable development, should not be discounted as a result. Kevin JCS CP10 makes provision for a minimum of 175 dwellings in Four Marks Scott A more appropriate approach would be a review of and Medstead. The Council include three allocated sites for this area Shanly Homes Ltd Consultan the position in Four Marks and Medstead after 10 Chapter 8 - Four Marks and South Medstead Object 2342 23574 Yes No i, iii comprising 237 dwellings. The Council's approach allows no flexibility Appear [2342] cy (Kay 2019 or the identification of 'reserve sites' should should any of these identified sites not be delivered or the number of Collins) these not come forward. dwellings on the identified sites is under delivered. [2320] Kevin Site at Land to the rear of 97-103 Blackberry Lane, Four Marks. The Scott location of this site and lack of constraints means it is better placed to fulfil This site should be added to the plan to enable Shanly Homes Ltd Consultan future housing requirements in the District. We do not consider that the 10 Chapter 8 - Four Marks and South Medstead Object 2342 23573 Yes No i, iii flexibility in the context of housing deliverability and Appear [2342] cy (Kay Council's approach to the requirement for housing in the longer term is the Council's five year housing land supply. Collins) robust nor does it provide flexibility or potect them from under delivery in [2320] later stages in the plan.


The Plans Policies Map 6 and the Policies Map in Appendix A of the pre- submission Four Marks & Medstead Neighbourhood Plan each propose a Matthew different Settlement Policy Boundary. The Plan does not include a mixture Utting The Policy Map 6 and Policies Map in the Four Messrs I Foden of domestic curtilages and open paddock land associated with other 12 Chapter 8 - Four Marks and South Medstead Messrs I Foden (Matthew Object 2411 23582 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Marks & Medstead NP should accordingly revised No [2411] properties on Boyneswood Road within the SPB; and neither does the NP Utting) their SPB. include the land at Woodview Place and Timbers within the SBP. If not [796] rectified, this will give rise to an illogical SPB which would not follow any firm, recognisable or defensible feature on the ground.

Pegasus There are more sustainable sites which should be identified for Four Marks Additional allocations should be included that Group (Mr and Medstead, including the land at the r/o 131 Winchester Road, Four Hurlock would provide for sustainable development 15 Chapter 8 - Four Marks and South Medstead David Object 2422 23568 Yes No i Marks. The SPB should be revised to include the land at the rear of 131 Appear Investments [2422] including one at the rear of 131 Winchester Road, Hutchison) Winchester Road, which provides for sustainable development in Four Marks. [2424] accordance with the NPPF.

The Plan includes a partial review of the Settlement Policy Boundaries through the inclusion of the proposed allocations and existing permissions. Pegasus The SPB should be fully reviewed in accordance Given the existing boundaries are time expired and were not designed to Group (Mr with the role which they play. There should not be Hurlock provide for the current plan period, it is considered that a full review of these 15 Chapter 8 - Four Marks and South Medstead David Object 2422 23567 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv any excluded areas in the SPB as this does not Appear Investments [2422] boundaries is required now. The proposed revision to reflect Bislands Lane Hutchison) provide for positive planning, is not justified or has implications for not just this site but also for the land to the north. An [2424] effective and is inconsisitent with the NPPF. alternative SPB for Four Marks is being proposed within the Four Marks and Medstead Neighbourhood Plan.

- Plan does not provide flexibility Land at east of 20-38 Lymington Bottom Road, Cala Homes - Allocations application led not through objectively assessed evidence Land rear of Stretfield, Stoney Lane, and rear of 40 Chapter 8 - Four Marks and South Medstead Mr Alan Ward (Thames) (Mr Alan Object 2426 23500 Yes No i, ii, iii - Four Marks/S medstead has limited constraints Appear Belmont, Five Ash Road, all in Medstead should Ward) [2426] - Neighbourhood Plan promotes railway hub, site would provide footfall be included in allocations plan - No five year housing l

Letter accompanying Proposed submission states that Alton and Bentley are preparing a Neighbourhood Plan but fails to mention Medstead and Four Marks are preparing a Neighbourhood Plan. Medstead Parish Miss Katie Amend section 8 to be consistent with section 3 53 Chapter 8 - Four Marks and South Medstead Council (Miss Katie Object 1793 23327 Unknown No ii No Knowles The Allocations Plan should be consistent. Sites are not allocated for Alton and 9 (Alton and Bentley) Knowles) [1793] and Bentley but are being allocated for Medstead and Four Marks. The Allocations Plan should take the same approach to both areas as they both have emerging neighbourhood Plans. SGN Gas Infrastructure at the allocated locations would not be significantly impacted by the level of future developments projected. However, SGN SGN Gas would wish to reinforce that should alterations to existing assets be required Viginus Emeka Infrastructure to allow development to proceed these should be funded by the developer. 95 Chapter 8 - Four Marks and South Medstead Support 2263 23389 Unknown Yes None No Okpara (Viginus Emeka Should major alterations or diversions be required the Council must highlight Okpara) [2263] that the developer should liaise with SGN. If a developer is proposing to include renewable technologies related to production of biomethane, early discussions between developer and SGN is required.

The distribution of dwellings within the villages does not reflect the evidence The Plan should provide guidance on the timing base of the Sustainability Appraisal, which identifies Bentley as having the Smiths and nature of any intervention by the District, in best access of all the northern villages to facilities etc. It is also not Gore terms of allocating sites, if the Bentley Westella (Mr Simon appropriate for the Plan to leave all considerations of future housing 20 Chapter 9 - Bentley Mr Simon Bladon (Joanne Object 1137 23523 Unknown No i, ii, iii, iv Neighbourhood Plan is not made as in this event Appear Bladon) [1137] allocations in Bentley to the Neighbourhood Plan. The evidence base that Unsworth) there would be no provision for Bentley to deliver supports the Allocations Plan does not include the Bentley LIPS event. [1745] its share of the housing requirement set out in the Finally, the Allocations Plan does not identify any contingency in the event JCS. that the Neighbourhood Plan for Bentley does not proceed further.

These words should be added to the end of paragraph 9.4; "The following site has been allocated for housing development in the Bentley Parish This section should include the site allocation made in the Submission Submission version of the Bentley Neighbourhood Clerk to Bentley Council (Clerk to 37 Chapter 9 - Bentley Object 1214 23428 Yes Yes None version of the Bentley Neighbourhood Plan. This should be set out in a table Plan". A table should then be inserted showing the Written reps Parish Council Bentley Parish in the same way as the other villages north of the SDNP. site allocated in the Submission version of the Council) [1214] Bentley Neighbourhood Plan containing the relevant details in the same way that the table has been included in clause 9.2..

Allocate the Land East of Hatch House Farm, DHA Object to the failure of the Council to plan for any future development in Headley Road, Lindford for residential Planning & Lindford during the plan period. Land to the East of Hatch House Farm has Lindford Land development of about 33 dwellings. Developm been robustly assessed through the recent planning application for a 9 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park David Evans Limited (David Object 2308 23572 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Amend the SPB for Lindford to include the Land No ent (Sati development of 33 dwellings. SA flawed in its assessment of the site. The Evans) [2308] East of Hatch House Farm. Panesar) review of local gaps has not been done as part of the preparation of this Amend the Lindford/Headley Local Gap to exclude [2306] Local Plan. We consider this to be a major failing of this Plan. Land East of Hatch House Farm.

Mr should include a housing allocation and Elstream Richard full and fair consideration be given to the Wolfs 13 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park Development Ltd Object 2402 23494 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv see attached Written reps Goodall lane site, which has enabling development [2402] [2401] potential for much needed visitor facilities


The site has been the subject of technical investigations which demonstrate its deliverability.

The contribution from identified housing sites in the Plan should be The Sustainability Appraisal of the Plan (page 253) increased so that there is sufficient flexibility to ensure that the minimum incorrectly identifies that the site has inadequate Planning "target" provision of 150 dwellings can be successfully achieved. access. A junction design has been produced Works Ltd Mr O Hombersley The Plan should therefore seek to provide for all the housing requirements which provides safe and appropriate visibility (see 16 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park Mr O Hombersley (Mr Gary Object 2275 23453 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Appear [2275] of Policy CP10 through the identification of specific sites. This will provide for attached plan) which is based on actual vehicular Thomas) more certainty and flexibility in the supply of dwellings to meet identified speeds along Church Lane following an automatic [2274] requirements and reduce the likelihood of having to identify additional sites traffic count. through a separate Development Plan Document. The Sustainability Appraisal also surmises that the site may have some biodiversity value but neither is this correct as the ecological survey confirms that the site is ecologically poor and presents no bar to development.

A proposed indicative layout (attached) demonstrates one way that the site could be sensitively developed for 8 dwellings with no adverse impact on the adjacent Conservation Area or its setting (see land usage plan). Southern 1. Allocate land between the Telephone Exchange Support the housing allocations proposed for the village of Ropley but object Planning and Carpenters in Ropley as a housing site for 5 to the Plan as consider that the village of Ropley requires more sites to be Giles Stogdon Practice dwellings. 21 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park Giles Stogdon Object 1832 23587 Unknown No i, ii, iii allocated to it in order to meet housing needs later in the plan period (2019 Appear [1832] (Ian 2. Amend the settlement policy boundary for onwards). Propose that land between the Telephone Exchange and Donohue) Ropley to include the land between the Telephone Carpenters in Gilbert Street is allocated for development. [2296] Exchange and Carpenters. More housing sites should be allocated in the Southern villages north of the National Park to ensure that Clients support the housing allocations proposed for the village of Ropley but Planning there is sufficient land available to meet the need consider the Plan fails to allocate enough housing to meet the needs of the Giles Stogdon Practice for more affordable and market homes throughout 21 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park Giles Stogdon Object 1832 23586 Unknown No i, ii, iii villages north of the National Park, particularly in the village of Ropley. The Appear [1832] (Ian the plan period. At the present time, the sites strategy for providing sufficient market and affordable housing in the villages Donohue) allocated in these villages are likely to be north of the National Park to meet local needs is not justified. [2296] completed by about 2019. Additional sites are needed for development from 2019/20 onwards.

Southern Supports the allocation of sites in Ropley. Additional SPB areas required. Planning HEA fails to allocate enough housing to meet the needs of the village. Amend the settlement policy boundary for Ropley Practice Proposes that an additional SPB area is identified at the western end of 22 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park T Kingsland T Kingsland [2297] Object 2297 23475 Unknown No i, ii, iii to include the land at the western end of Appear (Ian Petersfield Road, Ropley. Provides the opportunity for a small scale housing Petersfield Road as shown on Map B1 Donohue) development of 5-7 houses. Ropley is a sustainable settlement. Need for [2296] smaller dwellings and affordable housing.

1. Amend the settlement policy boundary for Southern Support allocation of sites in Ropley. Additional site between Homeview and Ropley to include the land at the western end of Planning Wykeham House required for 5-7 homes to meet shortfall. Ropley has good Petersfield Road as shown on Map B1. Practice 22 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park T Kingsland T Kingsland [2297] Object 2297 23458 Unknown No i, ii, iii range of facilities. Need for smaller dwellings in village and need for Appear (Ian affordable housing. Further sites required to meet need for affordable and 2. Allocate land between Homeview and Wykeham Donohue) market housing. Site is sustainable location and well screened. House, Petersfield Road, Ropley as a housing site [2296] for 5 - 7 dwellings as shown on Map C1. Southern Supports the allocation of sites in Ropley.HEA fails to allocate enough Planning housing to meet the needs of the villages north of the SDNPA, particularly in Practice the village of Ropley. Strategy for meeting need of sufficient market and 22 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park T Kingsland T Kingsland [2297] Object 2297 23473 Unknown No i, ii, iii Appear (Ian Affordable Housing is not justified. Additional allocations needed. Scope Donohue) within SPB limited. Need for further sites 2019 onwards. Review of SPB [2296] offers limited scope. Southern - supports allocations in Ropley Planning - fails to allocate enough housing to meet the needs of villages north of the More housing should be allocated in the villages Cllr Chris Cllr Chris Graham 23 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park Practice Object 2335 23470 Yes No i, ii, iii SDNP, particularly Ropley north of the SDNP to meet housing need, Appear Graham [2335] (Ian Ellis) - Only small element of flexibility added, Council will not meet high need for especially post 2019/20. [1168] affordable and market homes, therefor - Fails to allocate enough housing sites to meet the needs of Ropley Southern throughout the plan period Planning Cllr Chris Cllr Chris Graham - Land at Vicarage Lane should be allocated for development 23 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park Practice Object 2335 23472 Yes No i, ii, iii #NAME? Appear Graham [2335] - One of largest villages in East hampshire, with good facilities and (Ian Ellis) services [1168] - High need for a is classified as a Small Local Service Grayshott is classified as a Small Local Service Centre in the JCS but it is Centre in the JCS but it is the only Service Centre Southern the only Service Centre not to have a housing allocation proposed for it. not to have a housing allocation proposed for it. Planning Welbeck Land 24 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park Practice Object 2329 23570 Unknown No i, ii, iii Appear [2329] Land is available at Applegarth Farm for housing, employment, leisure, Land is available at Applegarth Farm for housing, (Ian Ellis) recreation and open space and should be allocated for development in the employment, leisure, recreation and open space [1168] Plan. and should be allocated for development in the Plan.

Page 10 of 29 DOES THE WHICH TESTS IS THE PLAN IS THE RESPONDENT FOLDER RESPONDENT AGENT SUPPORT/ PERSON COMMENT OF DOES THE REPRESENTATION SUGGESTED CHANGE TO POLICY/PARAGRAPH OF SITE ALLOCATIONS PLAN ORGANISATION LEGALLY PLAN REPRESENTATION SUMMARY WANT TO REFERENCE NAME NAME OBJECT ID ID PLAN FAIL TO PLAN COMPLIANT SOUND APPEAR AT MEET EXAMINATION Southern More housing sites should be allocated in the Planning The need for more housing in the villages north of the National Park. The villages north of the National Park. At the present Practice Mr Peter Charles Council has not looked at how it will meet the continuing high need for both time, the sites allocated in these villages are likely 27 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park Mr Peter Charles (Mrs Object 1315 23581 Unknown No i, ii, iii Appear [1315] affordable and market homes in the villages north of the National Park. to be completed by about 2019. Additional sites Alison Additional site allocations are needed. are needed for development from 2019/20 Wood) onwards. [738] Southern Planning Although supports the decision to allocate housing sites in Medstead village. Allocate land at Trinity Hill for housing and open Practice Objecting to the Plan as the village requires more sites to be allocated to it space. Mr Peter Charles 27 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park Mr Peter Charles (Mrs Object 1315 23580 Unknown No i, ii, iii in order to meet houisng needs later in the plan period (2019 onwards). Appear [1315] Alison Land at Trinity Hill should be allocated for development in the Plan to provide Amend the settlement policy boundary for Wood) more housing and open space. Medstead village to include the land at Trinity Hill. [738] Land at Spring Stables, Beech is available for We do not consider that the Site Allocations within the villages that the development and can make a valuable contribution White council has chosen are appropriate having regard to reasonable to affordable housing needs whilst delivering a high Young alternatives. The numbers should be increased to ensure appropriate and quality scheme which respects the local character Sentinel Housing Green timely delivery of housing and to reduce the Council's reliance on windfalls. 34 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park Object 2328 23569 Yes No i, ii, iii of the area. Beech is a sustainable settlement in Appear Association [2328] (Paul Concerned that the SA does not test a higher level of growth. Less which to accommodate development; has Thomas) affordable housing will be delivered due to recent government changes. The excellent links to Alton, and therefore it is [1805] council needs to take a proactive approach to housing delivery and allocate requested that the site is allocated for sites which are greater than 10 dwellings. development of approximately 30 dwellings.

SGN Gas Infrastructure at the allocated locations would not be significantly impacted by the level of future developments projected. However, SGN SGN Gas would wish to reinforce that should alterations to existing assets be required Viginus Emeka Infrastructure to allow development to proceed these should be funded by the developer. 95 Chapter 9 - Villages North of the South Downs National Park Support 2263 23390 Unknown Yes None No Okpara (Viginus Emeka Should major alterations or diversions be required the Council must highlight Okpara) [2263] that the developer should liaise with SGN. If a developer is proposing to include renewable technologies related to production of biomethane, early discussions between developer and SGN is required. Savills (Mr - Whole site should be included within allocation site area as access may be Tanvale Holdings Peter considered to the north. Would also allow for more employment land to be - Include whole site area 19 EMP1 - Land at Lynch Hill Object 1506 23499 Yes No iii Written reps Ltd [1506] Warren) delivered if required. - Revise wording regarding access [1505] - Object to wording on access location as it restricts flexibility. Savills (Mr Tanvale Holdings Peter 19 EMP1 - Land at Lynch Hill Support 1506 23498 Unknown Yes None Supports allocation of Land at Lynch Hill for about 7ha of employment land N/A No Ltd [1506] Warren) [1505] Environment We support the inclusion of development criteria in this policy specifically 43 EMP1 - Land at Lynch Hill Laura Lax Agency (Laura Lax) Support 326 23479 Unknown Yes None relating to provision of a buffer zone and the requirement for a detailed flood No [326] risk assessment. Addition to EMP1 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site Historic England (and, if that programme results in the discovery of (Southern Region) Consider Policy EMP1 sound but would wish to see an addition to the site 50 EMP1 - Land at Lynch Hill Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23336 Yes Yes None nationally signficiant remains, provision to be made No (Mr Martin Small) specific criterion regarding programming of archaeological work etc. for the retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF).

Bell Cornwell Support inclusion of Land at Wilsom Road as an employment site. Lamron Estates Ltd Partnershi Criteria set out in Policy EMP2 provides a suitable basis for the site's Criterion (e) should have been attached to EMP1 5 EMP2 - Land at Wilsom Road Support 2421 23514 Yes Yes None No [2421] p (Mr Ian development. (Lynch Hill) rather than EMP2 (Wilsom Road) Sowerby) Development proposals for the site are well advanced. [1543] Environment We specifically support the development criteria in this policy relating to the 43 EMP2 - Land at Wilsom Road Laura Lax Agency (Laura Lax) Support 326 23477 Unknown Yes None No required buffer zone and the flood risk assessment requirement. [326] Addition to EMP2 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site Historic England (and, if that programme results in the discovery of (Southern Region) Considers Policy EMP2 to be sound but would welcome a further addition to 50 EMP2 - Land at Wilsom Road Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23339 Yes Yes None nationally signficiant remains, provision to be made No (Mr Martin Small) the site specific criterion on programming of archaeological works etc. for the retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF). There is other office space available in Alton than Wilsom Road for employment purposes. The site is questionable as it is outside the town Mrs Rachel Mrs Rachel Palmer boundary and Alton NP boundary, rife with wildlife, floods, impacts on the 84 EMP2 - Land at Wilsom Road Object 2360 23329 Unknown No i, ii No Palmer [2360] landscape, access hazardous with new link road onto the A31 and Alton NP stresses that the reuse of previously developed employment land should be encouraged.

Page 11 of 29 DOES THE WHICH TESTS IS THE PLAN IS THE RESPONDENT FOLDER RESPONDENT AGENT SUPPORT/ PERSON COMMENT OF DOES THE REPRESENTATION SUGGESTED CHANGE TO POLICY/PARAGRAPH OF SITE ALLOCATIONS PLAN ORGANISATION LEGALLY PLAN REPRESENTATION SUMMARY WANT TO REFERENCE NAME NAME OBJECT ID ID PLAN FAIL TO PLAN COMPLIANT SOUND APPEAR AT MEET EXAMINATION Barker Parry Town This site has outline planning permission and was (amongst others) relied Mr B Hobbs and Mr B Hobbs and Ms Planning upon for not needing to make allocations in the draft plan. It does not qualify 2 FM1 - Lymington Farm Object 2303 23488 Yes No i, ii, iv As in Chapter 8 above Written reps Ms A Griffin A Griffin [2303] Ltd (Mr as an allocation and the plan should make appropriate allocations to comply Steven with the JCS. Barker) [2252] Environment We support the inclusion of development criteria regarding foul drainage for 43 FM1 - Lymington Farm Laura Lax Agency (Laura Lax) Support 326 23483 Unknown Yes None this site but request clarity in where and/or how this is included within the No [326] policy. With regard to the programming of archaeological work, if that programme results in the discovery of Historic England nationally significant remains, provision should be (Southern Region) Welcomes the criterion in Policy FM1 regarding programming of made for the retention and careful management of 50 FM1 - Lymington Farm Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23337 Yes Yes None No (Mr Martin Small) archaeological work but wishes further criterion to be added. any important archaeological remains, within and [1545] adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF. It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 FM1 - Lymington Farm Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23368 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. Thames Water Concerns regarding Wastewater Services in relation to the site. The The developer should provide a detailed drainage 99 FM1 - Lymington Farm Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23400 Yes No iii, iv wastewater network capacity in the area is unlikely to be able to support the strategy informing what infrastructure is required, No Mathews) [791] demand anticipated from this development. where, when and how it will be delivered. Barker Parry Town This site has outline planning permission and was (amongst others) relied Mr B Hobbs and Mr B Hobbs and Ms Planning upon for not needing to make allocations in the draft plan. It does not qualify 2 FM2 - Land at Friars Oak Farm, Boyneswood Road Object 2303 23489 Yes No i, ii, iv As per our representations in Chapter 8 above Written reps Ms A Griffin A Griffin [2303] Ltd (Mr as an allocation and the plan should make appropriate allocations to comply Steven with the JCS. Barker) [2252] Environment We support the inclusion of development criteria regarding foul drainage for 43 FM2 - Land at Friars Oak Farm, Boyneswood Road Laura Lax Agency (Laura Lax) Support 326 23484 Unknown Yes None this site but request clarity in where and/or how this is included within the No [326] policy. Addition to FM2 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Considers Policy FM2 to be sound but would welcome an addition to the site 50 FM2 - Land at Friars Oak Farm, Boyneswood Road Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23338 Yes Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) specific criterion on programming of archaeological work etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF).

We would like to see a modification of the proposed SPB to incorporate the land to the East of our houses, Woodview View and Timbers, currently a To extend the proposed SPB around Housing mixture of domestic land and paddocks. This land is bounded by the Allocation FM2 to include the land to the East of Mr Hugh Bethell Watercress Line, Chawton Woods and the FM2 site. It abuts directly onto 59 FM2 - Land at Friars Oak Farm, Boyneswood Road Mr Hugh Bethell Object 2373 23451 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Woodview Place and Timbers, Boyneswood Road, Written reps [2373] FM2 with which it forms a single block of land. It would be illogical to exclude as bounded by the houses, the Watercress Line our land from the SPB, leaving it as a small isolated patch of land. Our and Chawton Woods proposal gives the new SPB clear natural boundaries - ie the Watercress Line and Chawton Woods. It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 FM2 - Land at Friars Oak Farm, Boyneswood Road Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23369 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. Thames Water We do not envisage infrastructure concerns regarding wastewater 99 FM2 - Land at Friars Oak Farm, Boyneswood Road Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23401 Yes No iii, iv No infrastructure capability in relation to this site. Mathews) [791] Barker Parry Town The site was granted outline approval at appeal in December 2014. It does Mr B Hobbs and Mr B Hobbs and Ms Planning 2 FM3 - Land north of Boyneswood Lane Object 2303 23490 Yes No i, ii, iv not qualify as an allocation and the plan should make appropriate allocations As per our representations in Chapter 8 above. Written reps Ms A Griffin A Griffin [2303] Ltd (Mr to comply with the JCS. Steven Barker) [2252] ProVision Planning & Bargate Homes Ltd Design 17 FM3 - Land north of Boyneswood Lane Support 2324 23504 Unknown Yes None Support allocation of FM3 No [2324] (Richard Osborn) [1165] Environment We support the inclusion of development criteria regarding foul drainage for 43 FM3 - Land north of Boyneswood Lane Laura Lax Agency (Laura Lax) Support 326 23485 Unknown Yes None this site but request clarity in where and/or how this is included within the No [326] policy.


Add further criterion - If that programme results in the discovery of nationally significant remains, Historic England provision should be made for the retention and (Southern Region) Welcomes criterion on Policy FM3 regarding programming of archaeological 50 FM3 - Land north of Boyneswood Lane Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23340 Yes Yes None careful management of any important No (Mr Martin Small) work. However further criterion to be added. archaeolocial remains, within and adjacent to the [1545] site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF. It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 FM3 - Land north of Boyneswood Lane Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23370 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. Where capacity is constrained the developer is Thames Water Concerns regarding Wastewater Services in relation to the site. The required to provide a detailed drainage strategy 99 FM3 - Land north of Boyneswood Lane Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23402 Yes No iii, iv wastewater network capacity in the area is unlikely to be able to support the No informing what infrastructure is reuqired, where, Mathews) [791] demand anticipated from this development. when and how it will be delivered.

HN1 has uncertainty on its delivery as there are substantial objections. Also the Council should not count the 40 towards the target for Horndean at Neame Lovedean Lane as the consent was granted to meet a current housing land Sutton Ltd supply shortfall and not an allocation for some future point in time. The Southcott Homes 14 HN1 - Land East of Horndean (David Object 1655 23597 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Council proposes HN1 for employment purposes too and this must be Appear Limited [1655] Neame) clearly identified. The Council's approach to Horndean is lack of [1339] understanding of the clear evidence of housing need in the locality etc. This approach must be reviewed and follow the evidence in the SA, which supports a more disbursed distribution. Southern Planning Practice HN1 includes land in Rowlands Castle parish. Object to the proposed Mr Andrew Hull Allocate sites for an additional 210 homes within 26 HN1 - Land East of Horndean Mr Andrew Hull (Mrs Object 1242 23530 Unknown No i, ii, iii housing allocation HN1 being counted as 700 homes when some 210 Appear [1242] Horndean parish. Alison homes lie with Rowlands Castle parish. Wood) [738] Southern Planning Southern Planning Practice HN1 includes land in Rowlands Castle parish. Object to the proposed Allocate sites for an additional 210 homes within 28 HN1 - Land East of Horndean Mrs Alison Wood Practice (Mrs Alison (Mrs Object 738 23545 Unknown No i, ii, iii housing allocation HN1 being counted as 700 homes when some 210 Appear Horndean parish. Wood) [738] Alison homes lie with Rowlands Castle parish. Wood) [738] Southern Planning Southern Planning Practice HN1 includes land in Rowlands Castle parish. Object to the proposed Allocate sites for an additional 210 homes within 28 HN1 - Land East of Horndean Mrs Alison Wood Practice (Mrs Alison (Mrs Object 738 23537 Unknown No i, ii, iii housing allocation HN1 being counted as 700 homes when some 210 Appear Horndean parish. Wood) [738] Alison homes lie with Rowlands Castle parish. Wood) [738]

Expedited - limited weight to HEA. Unresolved objections. Compromised assessment of alternatives. Concern 10,370 would meet OAN (effect on affordable housing). Lacking flexibility.

No logical approach to contingencies. Commitments from April 2013 should Turley not contribute. Requirement should be 12,580. Sites with pp not most Associate appropriate. Should review settlement boundaries and gaps. Taylor Wimpey UK Land off Southdown Road should be included as 31 HN1 - Land East of Horndean s (Ms Object 1801 23456 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Appear [1801] an additional allocation. Jade Ellis) Requirement is minimum. Reliant on one site. Capacity may be reduced by [1800] constraints. Insufficient flexibility or contingency. Horndean is sustainable settlement accommodate additional growth to meet OAN.

Objections to draft allocations. Shortcomings of community engagement. Sites west of Horndean sustainable. Contribute towards Horndean not Clanfield. Inadequate assessment of alternatives.

HN1 (4th bullet point) " a new 2FE primary school". White A development of 700 dwellings will generate a Young Supportive of HN1 but the allocation itself requires refinement in respect of requirement for a One-form entry (1FE) primary Cala Homes (South) Green 33 HN1 - Land East of Horndean Object 1905 23521 Yes Yes None the description of the site and the education requirements of the allocation school but discussions are ongoing with HCC No Ltd [1905] (Patrick and should not prejudice discussion with HCC. regarding potential to accommodate a 2.0ha site Barry) for a Two-form entry (2FE) and the policy should [1843] not prejudice these discussions.

The text of the JCS and Allocations plan refers to 2ha at Horndean. Policy HN1 refers to about 2ha. Failure to provide clarity on the exact amount of Remove the word "about" from the employment land allocated for the area means that Horndean could effectively end up land allocation. This should explicitly state 2ha. Business East with insufficient employment land to meet future needs. Revise the allocation of Land East of Horndean to 39 HN1 - Land East of Horndean David Joel Hants (David Joel) Object 1486 23331 Unknown No ii, iii, iv No reflect the planning approval. [1486] Recent planning permission of 1.7ha of land at Horndean would result in a Allocate another site to cover the shortfall in supply shortfall of employment land in Horndean. No explanation has been provided of 0.3ha by the council.

Page 13 of 29 DOES THE WHICH TESTS IS THE PLAN IS THE RESPONDENT FOLDER RESPONDENT AGENT SUPPORT/ PERSON COMMENT OF DOES THE REPRESENTATION SUGGESTED CHANGE TO POLICY/PARAGRAPH OF SITE ALLOCATIONS PLAN ORGANISATION LEGALLY PLAN REPRESENTATION SUMMARY WANT TO REFERENCE NAME NAME OBJECT ID ID PLAN FAIL TO PLAN COMPLIANT SOUND APPEAR AT MEET EXAMINATION Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Dr Pauline HN1 - Add criteria requiring protection of woodland foraging corridor for HN1 - Add criteria requiring protection of woodland 46 HN1 - Land East of Horndean Trust (Dr Pauline Object 718 23459 Unknown No ii No Holmes MIEEM bats. foraging corridor for bats. Holmes MIEEM) [718] Historic England (Southern Region) 50 HN1 - Land East of Horndean Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23342 Yes Yes None Policy HN1 is sound in respect of the historic environment. No (Mr Martin Small) [1545]

I support this site as the least worst option to build 700 homes in Horndean. I welcome the provision of accommodation for the elderly, the school and community facilities and understand that these are key to the development Mrs Janice Smith 81 HN1 - Land East of Horndean Mrs Janice Smith Support 2350 23318 Unknown Yes None obtaining planning permission. My only concern with the plan is any form of No [2350] traffic signals on the adjacent A3(M) junction which would halt traffic flow. The junction is already congested at peak times and approach roads would gridlock if traffic signals were introduced. Roundabouts keep traffic moving.

New criterions - Identify any extreme and high vulnerability zones within the site before the development layout is finalised.

investigation of the extent and type of contamination on site to identify any necessary mitigation measures required.

Added words:

ensure provision of a detailed Flood Risk Portsmouth Water Assessment, which should include a Surface No objection subject to inclusion of the additional text to protect drinking 90 HN1 - Land East of Horndean Tracey Viney plc (Tracey Viney) Object 2340 23555 Unknown No ii Water Disposal Strategy to address any measures No water quality. [2340] required to mitigate any potential impacts on groundwater and surface water. Potential measures ......

- demonstrate that any development will not result in contamination (including turbidity) of groundwater ......

- ensure adequate infrastructure is provided for sewerage (on and off site). The layout and construction of the sewage infrastructure should minimise the risk to groundwater.

The additional increase in population will put an increase demand on existing swimming pools which may not have spare capacity. It may be Sport England (SE Allocation is seeking to create a minimum of 700 dwellings and a new useful to consider how the new school could 98 HN1 - Land East of Horndean Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23360 Unknown No i, ii, iii, iv school. There is no requirement in this allocation to provide for sport. Sport No provide for community sport. The Council must Clarke) [972] England are aware of an unmet demand for Swimming Pools in Horndean. understand and make it clear what is needed in terms of playing field and built sports facilities to provide for the additional population in Horndean.

ProVision Planning & Bargate Homes Ltd Design 17 HN2 - Land Rear of 185-189A Lovedean Lane Support 2324 23502 Unknown Yes None Support allocation of site No [2324] (Richard Osborn) [1165]

Addition to HN2 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Considers Policy HN2 to be sound but would welcome an addition to the site 50 HN2 - Land Rear of 185-189A Lovedean Lane Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23341 Yes Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) specific criterion on programming of archaeological work etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF).


The layout and construction of the sewage infrastructure must be carefully designed to minimise the risk to groundwater.

Added words:

Portsmouth Water make provision of a detailed Flood Risk No objection subject to inclusion of the additional text to protect drinking 90 HN2 - Land Rear of 185-189A Lovedean Lane Tracey Viney plc (Tracey Viney) Object 2340 23554 Unknown No ii Assessment, which should include a Surface No water quality. [2340] Water Disposal Strategy, to address any measures required to mitigate any potential impacts on groundwater and surface water. Potential measures ...... highway. The site should be attenuated ....

demonstrate that any development will not result in contamination (including turbidity) of groundwater as the site ......

The Council must understand and make it clear Sport England (SE The additional population in Horndean will put an increase demand on what is needed in terms of playing field and built 98 HN2 - Land Rear of 185-189A Lovedean Lane Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23361 Unknown No i, ii, iii, iv No existing swimming pools which may not have spare capacity in Horndean. sports facilities to provide for the additional Clarke) [972] population in Horndean. Land West of Headley Road, Liphook is suitable for development for up to 40 dwellings. Requirement for 175 dwellings in Liphook as a minimum. Barton Liphook is a highly sustainable service village. Site is available and suitable Reside Willmore Land West of Headley Road, Liphook should be for residential development. Currently a lack of a 5 year housing land supply 4 LP1 - Land at Lowsley Farm Tim Vincent Developments Ltd (Sophie Object 1828 23446 Unknown No i, ii included as a draft allocation for up to 40 No within the district. Further land needs to be identified within the HEA to (Tim Vincent) [1828] Jamieson) dwellings. ensure the OAN of the district can be met. Additional sites are required in [1903] Liphook. This site is the most appropriate location for the required additional development in Liphook and should be included as a draft allocation.

Boyer It is considered that the policy for LP1 is shound, justified, effective and Planning positively prepared. However, whilst we consider the allocation to be sound, See comments made in JDi for LP1 under the 6 LP1 - Land at Lowsley Farm Easterton Ltd [1252] (Ms Donna Support 1252 23519 Yes Yes None Appear there should be some amendments made to the supporting Sustainability Sustainability Appraisal. Palmer) Appraisal. [2332] Kiely More holistic approach to meet Liphook housing target needed. Planning Consideration should be given to smaller sites as well as Lowsley Farm and LIP027 - Land at Church Road, should 11 LP1 - Land at Lowsley Farm Mr T Connor Mr T Connor [2427] (Mr Colin Object 2427 23518 Unknown No ii reserve site west of Church Centre, Silent Garden. No be included in the Allocations document. Kiely) Smaller scale development would contribute to meeting housing needs and [2429] would have a lesser impact on landscape.

- Overal 10,060 is a minimum target as is 175 dwellings in Liphook Savills - Liphook is large service centre, housing will create support for services (Katherine 18 LP1 - Land at Lowsley Farm Mr Bill Mills Mr Bill Mills [2337] Object 2337 23538 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv and facilities Add site at Old Shepherds Farm Appear Munro) - Liphooks score in settlement hierarchy equvalent to Alton and Petersfield [2295] - Allocating one s

Addition to LP1 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Considers Policy LP1 to be sound but would welcome an addition to the site 50 LP1 - Land at Lowsley Farm Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23343 Yes Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) specific criterion regarding programming of archaeological works etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF). It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 LP1 - Land at Lowsley Farm Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23362 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. Where there is a capacity constraint the developer Thames Water Concerns regarding Wastewater Services in relation to the site. The is required to provide a detailed drainage strategy 99 LP1 - Land at Lowsley Farm Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23403 Yes No iii, iv wastewater network capacity in the area is unlikely to be able to support the No informing what infrastructure is required, where, Mathews) [791] demand anticipated from this development. when and how it will be delivered. Historic England (Southern Region) Welcomes criterion in Policy RC1 regarding provision of a heritage Policy RC1 (e) 'English Heritage' should not be 50 RC1 - Land at former Rowlands Castle Brickworks Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23611 Yes Yes None No (Mr Martin Small) statement. 'Historic England'. [1545]


investigation of the extent and type of contamination on site to identify any ncessary mitigation measures required.

Portsmouth Water No objection provided the inclusion of the amended text in the site criterion Added words: 90 RC1 - Land at former Rowlands Castle Brickworks Tracey Viney plc (Tracey Viney) Object 2340 23551 Unknown No ii No addressing drinking water quality. [2340] - demonstrate that any development will not result in contamination (including turbidity) of groundwater ...

- ensure adequate infrastructure is provided for sewerage (on and off site). The layout and construction of the sewage infrastructure should minimise the risk to groundwater. It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 RC1 - Land at former Rowlands Castle Brickworks Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23365 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. Historic England (Southern Region) 50 RC2 - Land south of Oaklands Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23344 Yes Yes None Policy RC2 is sound in respect of the historic environment. No (Mr Martin Small) [1545] New criterion - investigation of the extent and type of contamination on site to identify any necessary mitigation measures required.

Added words:

Portsmouth Water No objection subject to the inclusion of additional text within the site criterion - demonstrate that any development will not result 90 RC2 - Land south of Oaklands Tracey Viney plc (Tracey Viney) Object 2340 23552 Unknown No ii No addressing drinking water quality. in contamination (including turbidity) of [2340] groundwater ...

- ensure adequate infrastructure is provided for sewerage (on and off site). The layout and construction of the sewage infrastructure should minimise the risk to groundwater. It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 RC2 - Land south of Oaklands Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23366 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. Addition to RC3 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Considers Policy RC3 to be sound but would wish an additional site specific 50 RC3 - Land north of Bartons Road (Eastleigh House Cottages) Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23345 Yes Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) criterion to be added regarding programming of archaeological works etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF). It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 RC3 - Land north of Bartons Road (Eastleigh House Cottages) Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23367 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. Parish Council initially supported the allocation of 6 houses. This has now doubled to 12 to which the PC strongly objects. We feel the Bentworth Parish following areas are problematic to sustain the doubled allocation: Access, 38 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Allison Spyer Council (Allison Object 1808 23415 Yes No ii Bentworth PC supports six houses only Written reps drainage, sewage, disruption during build in an extremely confined vehicle Spyer) [1808] access area and increased traffic. Please be advised that Bentworth has started the process of developing a neighbourhood plan. It does not appear that EHDC have given adequate notice of the original Charles Bailey Either revert to 6 units, or withdraw due to failure to 41 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Charles Bailey Object 2385 23419 No No i, ii plan, or explained the soundness of double the number of dwellings Written reps [2385] give propoer notice of the increase to 12 units proposed from 6 to 12


(e) ...nearby Bentworth Conservation Area and demonstrate how any impact has been taken into account and avoided or minimised within the proposals.

new criterion: The implementation of a programme Historic England Welcomes provision of a Heritage Statement but would wish additional text of archaeological work to establish a record of (Southern Region) 50 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23612 Yes Yes None to be added (e) and an additional site criterion regarding archaeological potential archaeological significance of the site No (Mr Martin Small) significance. (and, if that programme results in the discovery of [1545] nationally significant remains, provision to be made for the retention and careful management of those important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF. Section 9.2 VL 1: change Site Area from 1.27 ha. to 0.4 ha. and Net Dwellings from 12 to 6

Bentworth - Housing Allocation - VL 1 Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth: change "Land at Ashley Road in Bentworth is allocated for residential development for about 12 dwellings on The draft plan proposed 6 houses on 0.4 ha "developed with linear frontage 1.27ha." development in keeping with the characteristics of the village". to Bentworth PC held a meeting. 40 parishioners and the council voted to "Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road support the proposal. in Bentworth is allocated for residential Mr John Mr John Stockdale EHDC have changed the allocation to 12 houses on 1.27 ha with provision development for 6 dwellings on 0.4ha." 61 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Object 2259 23332 Yes No ii, iii Written reps Stockdale [2259] of vehicular access, no mention of "in keeping with the characteristics of the change village" "The site will be developed in accordance with the This is very different from the supported proposal which I believe would have following site specific criteria: been opposed, so the plan fails the test of soundness. a) provision of vehicular access from Church I believe that 6 houses is reasonable but 12 is unreasonable. Street or Ashley Road and incorporate junction radii;" to "The site will be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria: a) linear frontage development along Church Street in keeping with the characteristics of the village"

Site map change the site map so that the Proposed Housing The proposed housing density is far too high and the layout could not respect the characteristics of the village or reflect its character. To align with the linear development pattern of the surrounding area you could Mr Paul Davis possibly establish four or five dwellings. It should also be borne in mind that Reduce the density of proposed housing to four 67 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Mr Paul Davis Object 2388 23423 Yes No i, iii Written reps [2388] there are no public transport services any longer in the village and that there dwellings. is no employment of any significance so all householders will be contributing to the existing traffic overburden from the development of Medstead and Four Marks. Last-minute increase of number of houses (was 12, now 6) and area (was 0.4ha now 1.2ha) without sufficient consultation; lack of infrastructure for Mr Tim Mr Tim Lipscombe Revert to original proposal, as supported by local 70 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Object 2387 23422 No No i proposed development - no gas, mains drainage on site, local roads not Written reps Lipscombe [2387] Parish Council, for just 6 houses on 0.4ha suited to increased traffic, severely limited local bus service, local school already at capacity, no local shops, development will spoil rural nature of site

The proposed development should be reduced in I ovbject to the proposed development on the grounds that it represents an size to six houses or fewer, with road frontage unacceptably large single development for this rural village; that EHDC rather than a single entrance to an estate failed to follow protocol in notifying the Parish Council of the consultation; development (as typifies the rest of the village). Mr Toby Stevens that the landowner was unaware of the SHLAA application on his own land; 71 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Mr Toby Stevens Object 2386 23421 No No i EHDC should seek alternative sites in the parish to Written reps [2386] that when the village was forced into a vote, the vote was taken for the 6 distribute the houses to multiple sites. The Parish properties proposed by EHDC, not the 12 that were allocated; that Council needs time to prepare a fresh local plan so Bentworth needs time to prepare a local plan before a proper response can that the nature of the proposed housing can be be made that reflects local housing needs. determined prior to allocation. At our last PC meeting Nicky Branch informed us that Bentworth's allocation for affordable housing had doubled from six to twelve "due to a The allocation of twelve house should be reduced mathematical error". It was questionable as to whether the village's to six in order that Bentworth's infrastructure might infrastructure could sustain six extra houses, let alone twelve. There is little Mr. Stuart James stand a chance of coping with the increased traffic 74 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Mr. Stuart James Object 2414 23481 Yes No i, ii, iv or no employment in Bentworth meaning that any additional residents would Appear [2414] on it's narrow road's, (a safety issue.) Also to avoid likely be driving, (due to very limited public transport,) to Alton, Winchester spoiling a delightful country village that would be or Basingstoke at peak hours on country roads that have already become unable to sustain that much development. much busier due to excessive continued development in neighbouring Four Marks.


Addition of extra housing in the village will add to traffic through narrow lanes already used as a cut through to A339. Church Lane becomes congested during school pick up/ drop off, particularly as lay-by by post box on Holt End Mrs Alison Mrs Alison Lalne has now been filled in, so extra traffic & congestion would pose a 76 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Object 2395 23442 Yes No i, ii To refuse this proposal. Written reps Tollemache Tollemache [2395] danger to school children walking to and from school to cars or homes. Plenty of new housing in Medstead already, causing pressure on school places in area. Cluster of modern houses would be incompatible with the historic and traditional appeal of the village.

Church Street, Bentworth is unsuitable for housing because:-

1. Original plan 6 houses changed to 12 rumoured to be 24. Excessive increase in a village that has approx. 220 houses. Reduced to 6 houses max 2. No sewage, transport, shop Other sites considered within the Bentworth Parish Mrs Jenny Lewis 82 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Mrs Jenny Lewis Object 2383 23420 Yes No i, ii, iii 3 an infant/junior school close to site heavy traffic each school day. New Village Statement being drawn up nothing Written reps [2383] 2. cars are parked along roadside - normal travel along Church St should be decided until this has been produced. dangerous Consideration taken of new housing already built 3. no pavements along this road children walking in the road over last 10 years in village 4. Access along Drury Lane is effectively single carriageway just grass verge 5. Permanent pasture, containing traditional grasses forming unique habitat

The number of houses in the original document was 6 and now it is 12. There is no explanation for this increase Bentworth is a small village with no mains drainage, mains gas or daily bus service. Bentworth also has very mrs veronica mrs veronica parker Reduce the number of houses allocated to 5 or 84 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Object 2416 23493 Yes No i, ii little employment. The village already has a traffic problem which will be Written reps parker [2416] less exacerbated by more housing and the need for new residents to travel away for work. Church street is very narrow. For all of the above reasons I believe that the proposal in NOT sustainable and I object to it. It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23371 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. The site is not served by public sewerage infrastructure. Developers will Thames Water either have to make on site network and treatment arrangements or transfer VL1 should make reference to the need for a 99 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23404 Yes No iii, iv No flows to a public sewerage network, the nearest of which is approximately sewerage/foul & surface water disposal strategy. Mathews) [791] 2,500 metres away to the south east of Bentworth.

The housing allocation needs to be reduced from 'Positively prepared' Cllr Nicky Branch said at the Bentworth Parish Council 12 to 6 (or less) due to lack of infrastructure. meeting (May 2015) that EHDC had got the 'arithmetic wrong' hence the Bentworth does not have mains drainage, nor increase of property allocation from 6 to 12. This is not objective piped gas, the internet is extremely slow and the assessment ! There's not employment in Bentworth for these new residents lanes are narrow and pot-holed. There are many Valerie James and would mean more cars driving to Basingstoke and other places of wild animals living here - some of which are getting 100 VL1 - Land at corner of Church Street and Ashley Road, Bentworth Valerie James Object 2413 23480 Yes No i, ii, iv Written reps [2413] employment. maimed and killed due to the extra traffic running 'Justified' The houses should be built where the people are likely to be through our tiny village. In time, this may also employed, e.g. Basingstoke. happen to children and old people living in Not 'Consistent with national policy' as the 'sustainable' alternative is Bentworth. Properties should be built close to building homes close to where people are likely to work. where people work in order to reduce the overall carbon footprint of new developments.

Historic England (Southern Region) 50 VL10 - Land adjacent to Bullfinches, Park Lane, Ropley Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23354 Yes Yes None Policy VL10 is sound in respect of the historic environment. No (Mr Martin Small) [1545] It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 VL10 - Land adjacent to Bullfinches, Park Lane, Ropley Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23380 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. The site is not served by public sewerage infrastrucure. Developers will Thames Water either have to make on site network and treatment arrangements or transfer VL10 should make reference to the need for a 99 VL10 - Land adjacent to Bullfinches, Park Lane, Ropley Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23396 Yes No iii, iv No flows to a public sewerage network, the nearest of which is approximately sewerage/foul & surface water disposal strategy. Mathews) [791] 3,600 metres away to the north east of Ropley.

ProVision Planning & Bargate Homes Ltd Design 17 VL11 - Land at the corner of Dunsells Lane and Gilbert Street, Ropley Support 2324 23506 Unknown Yes None No [2324] (Richard Osborn) [1165]

Southern Although support the allocation at VL11, the Plan underestimates the scope 1. Increase the number of homes to be built on site Planning of the site to help meet the high need for housing in Ropley. Object to the VL1.9 (Dunsells Lane, Ropley) to 15 dwellings. Practice proposed number of homes on the site (10 units), the allocation should be 2. Amend the site boundary to include all of the Giles Stogdon 25 VL11 - Land at the corner of Dunsells Lane and Gilbert Street, Ropley Giles Stogdon (Mrs Object 1832 23585 Unknown Yes None increased to 15 dwellings. The planning application covers a slightly larger land proposed for development in planning Appear [1832] Alison area of land and would wish to see the boundary of site VL1.9 is extended application 55826. Wood) slightly to include all of the land voered by planning application 55826 and 3. Amend the settlement policy boundary of Ropley [738] extend the settlement boundary of Ropley to include the site. to include the Dunsells Lane site (VL1.9) within it.


Addition to VL11 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Consider Policy VL11 to be sound but would wish to see an additional site 50 VL11 - Land at the corner of Dunsells Lane and Gilbert Street, Ropley Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23355 Yes Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) specific criterion regarding programming of archaeological works etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF). It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 VL11 - Land at the corner of Dunsells Lane and Gilbert Street, Ropley Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23381 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. The site is not served by public sewerage infrastrucure. Developers will Thames Water either have to make on site network and treatment arrangements or transfer VL11 should make reference to the need for a 99 VL11 - Land at the corner of Dunsells Lane and Gilbert Street, Ropley Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23397 Yes No iii, iv No flows to a public sewerage network, the nearest of which is approximately sewerage/foul & surface water disposal strategy. Mathews) [791] 2,400 metres away to the north east of Ropley.

Addition to VL12 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Consider Policy VL12 to be sound but would wish to see an additional site 50 VL12 - Land off Hale Close, Ropley Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23356 Yes Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) specific criterion regarding programming of archaeological works etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF). It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 VL12 - Land off Hale Close, Ropley Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23382 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. The site is not served by public sewerage infrastrucure. Developers will Thames Water either have to make on site network and treatment arrangements or transfer VL12 should make reference to the need for a 99 VL12 - Land off Hale Close, Ropley Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23398 Yes No iii, iv No flows to a public sewerage network, the nearest of which is approximately sewerage/foul & surface water disposal strategy. Mathews) [791] 2,700 metres away to the north east of Ropley. Southern Planning Cllr Chris Cllr Chris Graham Support the site for 15 dwellings as outlined ingranted planning consent. Site 23 VL13 - Land southwest of Dean Cottage, Bighton Hill, Rople Dean Practice Support 2335 23468 Yes Yes None Appear Graham [2335] is available, viable and developable. (Ian Ellis) [1168] Historic England (Southern Region) 50 VL13 - Land southwest of Dean Cottage, Bighton Hill, Rople Dean Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23357 Yes Yes None Policy VL13 is sound in respect of the historic environment. No (Mr Martin Small) [1545] It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 VL13 - Land southwest of Dean Cottage, Bighton Hill, Rople Dean Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23383 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. The site is not served by public sewerage infrastrucure. Developers will Thames Water either have to make on site network and treatment arrangements or transfer VL13 should make reference to the need for a 99 VL13 - Land southwest of Dean Cottage, Bighton Hill, Rople Dean Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23399 Yes No iii, iv No flows to a public sewerage network, the nearest of which is approximately sewerage/foul & surface water disposal strategy. Mathews) [791] 3,600 metres away to the north east of Ropley.

Addition to VL2 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England Welcomes the criterion in Policy VL2 regarding the heritage statement etc programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) 50 VL2 - Land at Crows Lane, Upper Farringdon Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23346 Yes Yes None but would wish to see added site specific criterion on programming of signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) archaeological works etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF).

The intention for the delivery of this site is that it will be divided into self-build plots. This will be facilitated by introducing an access road within the site Parts of (g) should be deleted to read: HLF Planning likely to be set to run along the identified sewerage pipe. This approach to 51 VL2 - Land at Crows Lane, Upper Farringdon David Bevan (David Bevan) Object 2391 23435 Unknown Yes None housing is supported by the government and we expect every (g) The site should be attenuated to ensure that No [2391] encouragement will be given to this approach from the council. The the run-off rate is no greater than the run-off prior requirement for a flood risk assessment for each plot would therefore be to development taking place; and onerous and the requirements of (g) should be amended.


(b) There is support for internal walking and cycling routes, but it is unclear where these can link to the HLF Planning Support the allocation for residential dwellings at Crows Lane, Upper existing rights-of-way network as the site is 51 VL2 - Land at Crows Lane, Upper Farringdon David Bevan (David Bevan) Object 2391 23434 Unknown Yes None Farringdon. But would wish to see some consideration given to criterions (b) surrounded by private property on three sides. No [2391] and (c). (c) Design that respects the character of the village is supported.

To achieve sight-lines the access from Crows Lane will have to be central to the site and therefore inclusion within the policy for an internal HLF Planning Support the allocation for residential dwellings at Crows Lane, Upper access road should be considered. This access 51 VL2 - Land at Crows Lane, Upper Farringdon David Bevan (David Bevan) Object 2391 23433 Unknown Yes None No Farringdon. But would wish to see some consideration given to criterion (f). would require the repositioning of the existing [2391] hedge for the policy to be deliverable and care should be taken to ensure that requirement (f) does not prejudice this. It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 VL2 - Land at Crows Lane, Upper Farringdon Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23372 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. Thames Water On the information available to date we do not envisage infrastructure 99 VL2 - Land at Crows Lane, Upper Farringdon Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23405 Yes No iii, iv concerns regarding wastewater infrastructure capability in relation to this No Mathews) [791] site. OBJECT:

Reasons for previous application 20772/006, HPC "REFUSAL" still apply. Proposal outside SPB contrary to Policy C14, GS2, GS3. Housing density twice that of other proposed sites outside NSNP. Highways, REFUSAL: R12D, R12K, "Substandard Access". "an access that cannot be deemed safe for this level of traffic". Dr Ryan Dr Ryan Edmonds Arboricultural Officer, "Strong in Principal" objection to previous application, There are no changes which could make the 42 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Object 2382 23418 Yes No i, iv Written reps Edmonds [2382] "trees protected by TPOs". proposal safer. Environmental Health Officer, 'land lies on and/or adjacent to potentially contaminated land". Impact upon character of area. Impact upon amenities of neighbours. Access/parking issues. Unsustainable due to lack of local amenities/services. Unproven need in this village.

Addition to VL3 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Considers Policy VL3 to be sound but would wish to see an addition to the 50 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23347 Yes Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) site specific criterion regarding programming of archaeological work etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF).


DPD not sound. Assessment for SHLAA was incorrect. Objections have not been properly addressed:

1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable.

2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities.

VL3 should not be included in the Site Allocations juliette halliday 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. 52 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down juliette halliday Object 2190 23436 No No ii Plan as the assessment of the site is neither Appear [2190] legally compliant or sound 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of impact on TPOs etc.

5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station.See Environmental Agency report WT20534.

7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town


The Development Plan Document is not legally compliant as the Sustainability Appraisal is flawed as regards this site. The plan is not sound as it has not been 'positively prepared', nor is it 'justified'. In the first instance, it should not have been included in the SHLAA due to the incorrect assessment of I OBJECT: various green/amber/red requirements. In addition, DPD not sound. certain issues raised during the first consultation Objections have not been properly addressed: period have not been adequately resolved in the 1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. Statement of Consultation, these being: 2. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions.

3. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. Miss Helen Miss Helen 1. In reality, it would be impossible to achieve the 54 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Object 2224 23431 No No i, ii, iii, iv 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of Written reps Ephgrave Ephgrave [2224] proposal to 'implement appropriate measures' to impact on TPOs etc. reduce the traffic impact on adjoining residential 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from roads. The fact that the number of houses pumping station. proposed for this site has now been increased 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. from 10 to 12 would only add to the problem. 7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after

construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town. 2. The entry point for an access road to and from the proposed new houses on the Nurseries site with Glayshers Hill would be inherently dangerous, as recognised when planning permission was refused for building just one new house on the site.

3. The site does not fulfil sustainability criteria. The bus service has recently been cut back even more OBJECT: DPD not sound. Assessment for SHLAA was incorrect. Objections have not been properly addressed: 1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. 2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. VL3 should not be included in the Site Allocations Miss Siobhan Miss Siobhan 55 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Object 2237 23486 No No i, ii 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of Plan as the assessment of the site is neither Written reps McLeod McLeod [2237] impact on TPOs etc. legally compliant or sound. 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station. 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. 7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town.

The new housing will increase traffic in the area so it will not be possible to Plan should be abandoned as the new housing is reduce traffic impacts of the development on adjoining residential roads, Mr Carl Tusler not needed given the many thousands of new 56 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Mr Carl Tusler Object 2352 23323 No No ii, iii particularly Barley Mow Hill and Churt Road which are low capacity roads, Written reps [2352] homes to be built at Bordon, where the roads are already treacherous to use as there are several sections which are more able to cope. effectively single track. Site specific criterion b. cannot be met.

DPD not sound. Assessment for SHLAA was incorrect. Objections have not been properly addressed: 1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. 2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. VL3 should not be included in the Site Allocations 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of 57 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Mr David Fry Mr David Fry [2205] Object 2205 23432 No No i, ii Plan as the assessment of the site is neither Written reps impact on TPOs etc. legally compliant or sound. 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station. 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. 7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town.

OBJECT: DPD not sound. Assessment for SHLAA was incorrect. Objections have not been properly addressed: 1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. 2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. VL3 should not be included in the Site Allocations Mr Kris Pittard 62 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Mr Kris Pittard Object 2381 23430 No No i, ii, iii, iv 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of Plan as the assessment of the site is neither Written reps [2381] impact on TPOs etc. legally compliant or sound. 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station. 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. 7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town.


OBJECT Failure of EHDC to adequately address objections of previous consultation, ie: 1. Traffic impact from 12 houses unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. 2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. Mr Kris Pittard 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. 62 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Mr Kris Pittard Object 2381 23417 Yes Yes None VL3 should not be included within the SHLAA. Written reps [2381] 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of impact on TPOs etc. 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station. 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. 7. Lack of documented evidence of housing need specifically in Headley after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town.

OBJECT: DPD not legally compliant due to faulty SA. Not sound as assessment for SHLAA was incorrect and objections have not been addressed: 1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. 2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. VL3 should not be included in the Site Allocations Mr Luke McBain 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of 63 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Mr Luke McBain Object 2280 23462 No No i, ii Plan as the assessment of the site is neither Written reps [2280] impact on TPOs etc. legally compliant nor sound. 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station. 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. 7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town.

Glayshers hill cannot cope with further traffic and traffic movements so close to current junctions.

VL3 should not be included in the Site Allocations Mr Mark Stevens No likelihood of improved public transport. 64 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Mr Mark Stevens Object 2407 23464 No No i, ii Plan as the assessment of the site is neither Written reps [2407] legally compliant or sound. Extra housing is not required due to development in Bordon/Whitehill.

local infrastructure cannot cope without significant investment.

DPD not sound. Assessment for SHLAA was incorrect. Objections have not been properly addressed: 1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. 2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. VL3 should not be included in the Site Allocations Mr Paul Bonner 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of 66 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Mr Paul Bonner Object 2418 23497 No No i, ii Plan as the assessment of the site is neither Written reps [2418] impact on TPOs etc. legally compliant or sound. 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station. 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. 7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town.

OBJECT: DPD not sound. Assessment for SHLAA was incorrect. Objections have not been properly addressed: 1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. 2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. VL3 should not be included in the Site Allocations Mr Roger Mr Roger Jackson 69 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Object 2204 23448 No No i, ii 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of Plan as the assessment of the site is neither Written reps Jackson [2204] impact on TPOs etc. legally compliant or sound 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station. 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. 7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town.

The site is adjacent to a deprived Heatherlands Estate; allocating high density development upon such a small estate would add to the deprivation. It was the Policy Planners who added 2 affordable dwellings to the original Mr Trevor Burton 72 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Mr Trevor Burton Object 2201 23610 Yes No i, iv allocation number. The proposed allocation is unsustainable and will have a Appear [2201] negative impact upon residents and road users. Previous site applications for one dwelling have been refused due to access and egress of the site. There are too many uncertainties in regard to this high density development


OBJECT: DPD not sound. Assessment for SHLAA was incorrect. Objections have not been properly addressed: 1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. 2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. VL3 should not be included in the Site Allocations Mrs Angela Mrs Angela Jackson 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of Plan as the assessment of the site is neither 77 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Object 2184 23416 No No i, ii Appear Jackson [2184] impact on TPOs etc. legally compliant nor sound. 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station. 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. 7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town.

The building of 12 houses will have a severe impact on the narrow country roads of Barleymow Hill, Churt Road and Glayshers Hill. These roads cannot support a minimum of another 24 cars. The environmental impact Remove the area for any potential planning Mrs Angela Mrs Angela Thames would be devastating to this small corner of Headley Down. There is applications. Maintain the beech hedge that runs 78 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Object 2226 23463 No No i Written reps Thames [2226] insufficient roadway for pavements or a cycle track. There are no public alongside Glayshers Hill. Maintain the local gap transport links or infrastructure to support another 12 families. Glayshers Hill and rural landscape of Headley Down. is hazardous in winter with many a road accident due to the steep hill especially when ice and snow are present. Drainage system inadequate.

OBJECT: DPD not sound. Assessment for SHLAA was incorrect. Objections have not been properly addressed: 1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. 2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. VL3 should not be included in the site allocations Mrs Carla Bonner 79 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Mrs Carla Bonner Object 2417 23495 No No i, ii 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of plan as the assessment of the site is neither legally Written reps [2417] impact on TPOs etc. compliant or sound 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station. 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. 7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town.

OBJECT: DPD not sound. Assessment for SHLAA was incorrect. Objections have not been properly addressed: 1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. 2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. VL3 should not be included in the Site Allocations Mrs Carla Bonner 79 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Mrs Carla Bonner Object 2417 23496 No No i, ii 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of Plan as the assessment of the site is neither Written reps [2417] impact on TPOs etc. legally compliant or sound. 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station. 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. 7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town.

OBJECT. DPD not sound. Assessment for SHLAA was incorrect. Objections not properly addressed:

1. Traffic impact detrimental.

2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities.

3. Dangerous access unavoidable, too close to other junctions.

4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of Changes: VL3 should not be included in the Site Mrs Corin Bowyer- Mrs Corin Bowyer- 80 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Object 2241 23443 No No ii impact on TPOs etc. Allocations Plan as the assessment of the site is Appear Crombie Crombie [2241] neither legally compliant or sound. 5. Sewage known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station.

6. Housing density excessive, not in keeping with Glayshers Hill.

7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon eco-town.


OBJECT: DPD not sound or legally compliant due to faulty SA. Assessment for SHLAA was incorrect. Objections have not been properly addressed: 1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. 2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of VL3 should not be included in the Site Allocations Ms Freda Ms Freda Jackson 86 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Object 2272 23450 No No i, ii impact on TPOs etc. Plan as the assessment of the site is neither Written reps Jackson [2272] 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from legally compliant nor sound. pumping station. 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. 7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town.

OBJECT: DPD not sound. Assessment for SHLAA was incorrect. Objections have not been properly addressed: 1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. 2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. VL3 should not be included in the Site Allocations Ms Lindsay Burns 4. Proposed housing density too high for 'appropriate mitigation' of impact on 87 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Ms Lindsay Burns Object 2248 23465 No No i, ii Plan as the assessment of the site is neither Appear [2248] TPOs and wildlife. legally compliant or sound. 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station. 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. 7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town.

It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23373 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. Thames Water On the information available to date we do not envisage infrastructure 99 VL3 - Land at Headley Nurseries, Glayshers Hill, Headley Down Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23406 Yes No iii, iv concerns regarding wastewater infrastructure capability in relation to this No Mathews) [791] site. Addition to VL4 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Considers Policy VL4 to be sound but would wish to see an additional site 50 VL4 - Land south of Headley Fields, Headley Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23348 Yes Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) specific criterion regarding programming of archaeological works etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF).

OBJECT: DPD not sound or legally compliant due to faulty SA. Assessment for SHLAA was incorrect. Objections have not been properly addressed: 1. Traffic impact unavoidably detrimental and unacceptable. 2. Sustainability criteria not met, very poor public transport and facilities. 3. Dangerous access unavoidable as too close to other junctions. VL3 should not be included in the Site Allocations Ms Freda Ms Freda Jackson 4. Proposed housing density too high to permit 'appropriate mitigation' of 86 VL4 - Land south of Headley Fields, Headley Object 2272 23449 No No i, ii Plan as the assessment of the site is neither Written reps Jackson [2272] impact on TPOs etc. legally compliant nor sound. 5. Sewage already known to have caused pollution due to spillage from pumping station. 6. Housing density excessive and not in keeping with Glayshers Hill. 7. Lack of clear evidence of housing need specifically in Headley Down after construction of Whitehill/Bordon Eco-Town.

It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 VL4 - Land south of Headley Fields, Headley Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23374 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. Thames Water On the information available to date we do not envisage infrastructure 99 VL4 - Land south of Headley Fields, Headley Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23407 Yes No iii, iv concerns regarding wastewater infrastructure capability in relation to this No Mathews) [791] site.


Land adj. to Linden, Fullers Road in Holt Pound is allocated for residential development for about 17 We continue to support the principle of the site being allocated for dwellings on 0.74ha rather than 12. development, the removal of the requirement to be 'linear' and the increase Boyer in dwelling numbers. However, we do not consider that this increase has Delete criterion (d) relating to a pedestrian Planning Bewley Homes Plc gone far enough to enable the full capacity of the site to be achieved. crossing on the A325. There is no clear 7 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound (Ms Julia Object 1340 23550 Unknown No i, ii, iv Appear [1340] Additionally the policy wording incorrectly identifies the site as falling within justification and an evidence base to support this Mountford) 5km of the SPA. This is inconsistent with the Council's own HRA which requirement other than the IDP. [2316] concludes that the site would have no mechanism for Likely Significant Impacts, being 5.08km from the SPA. Delete criterion (h) relating to the need to carry out a Screening Assessment as the site is within 5km of the SPA as the site it actually 5.08km.

We note that there is a small patch of flood zone 3 to the north of this site. Environment We support the fact that the proposed allocation seems to avoid this area. 43 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Laura Lax Agency (Laura Lax) Support 326 23482 Unknown Yes None No [326] We are particularly pleased that the site development criteria, bullet (f), specifically excludes built development within flood zone 3.

Your own planning committee made it clear that development of the Fullers Road frontage might be tolerated but no backfilling of the site would be. This village is largely Linear development of wide and deep plots.

Fullers Road The previous figure of 8 houses could not possibly Residents Group have been squeezed in on that frontage while 44 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Mr Jeremy Ward Object 2261 23322 Yes Yes ii Why have you removed reference to Linear development? Written reps (Mr Jeremy Ward) maintaining the condition of Linear development so [2261] the correct solution would surely be to reduce the number and density of houses to match the locality. That would be no more than 5 houses to match the plots opposite.

Please reinstate the condition for linear development.

Accept the principle of development but object to the proposed density. Examination of the plot size has shown that VL5 is Twelve properties in VL5 will not meet criterion (e). Also concerned equivalent to 5. Regarding the traffic the solution regarding traffic from Fullers Road and the A325, likely run-off of storm Gp Capt Michael Gp Capt Michael would be to install a roundabout or traffic lights at 45 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Object 2232 23424 Unknown No ii, iv water from the Linden site into the small stream that runs on the south side No Thom Thom [2232] the intersection. Perhaps a condition of approval of Fullers Road behind the houses and the effects of the additional number for the Linden site? I trust that criterion (i) will of houses to the main sewer running beyond the houses may lead to address storm water run-off? overload. Historic England (Southern Region) 50 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23349 Yes Yes None Policy VL5 is sound in respect of the historic environment. No (Mr Martin Small) [1545] Mr James Mr James Rodger Why have you increased from 7 dwellings to 12 this is gross over 60 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Object 1511 23393 Yes Yes None 5 Maximum Written reps Rodger [1511] development The planning committee insisted that any development on Fullers Road should follow a pattern of linear/ribbon development.

In the 1st draft, the proposed plot densities were too high to meet this requirement. The plot density should be lowered in the 2nd draft. The site cannot realistically support more than 5-6 Mr Martin Mr Martin Robinson The 2nd draft / Statement of Consultation proposes even HIGHER plot houses without detriment. 65 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Object 1567 23440 Yes No ii Written reps Robinson [1567] densities. The planning committee's requirement for The requirement for linear/ribbon development was raised as a key issue, linear/ribbon development must be re-instated. but these objections seem to have been completely ignored in the 2nd draft. In fact, the issue has been addressed by completely removing it. It has been replaced with "respecting the local character", which is clearly open to abuse.

I think this land is unsuitable for development as it is not a very sustainable location. Adding new junctions close to the A325/ Fullers Road junction makes no sense and the dangers this would create outweigh any benefit that development would bring. Reintroduce the requirement for linear Mr Paul Noble 68 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Mr Paul Noble Object 2218 23476 No No ii If this land is allocated for residential development then I think it must be in a development only. Written reps [2218] linear form if it is to respect the local character. It would be impossible to Reduce the number of dwellings to about 5. achieve this with 12 dwellings (maximum of 5). There are other, more sustainable locations, that would be much better suited to accommodate residential development. Site is an outlier of the village of . Development will affect the village and residents will depend on the village for facilities. No indication that gas, electricity, water and sewage facilities will be Mr Trevor Mr Trevor Williams available. 73 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Object 2410 23515 Unknown No i, ii, iv Site is not practicable and should be abandoned. No Williams [2410] Fullers Road is the principal connection of the village to the A325 which is already busy in the mornings and evenings. Exit onto A325 from Fullers Road is already problematic. Site is outside the Settlement Policy Boundary.


It goes against the planning committee's clearly stated requirements Planning committee last year specified plot should only have linear development in keeping with existing housing, impossible for the 12 houses proposed Linear development could not have plot sizes in keeping with existing Reduce number of houses Mrs A D Geering housing 75 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Mrs A D Geering Object 2225 23427 Yes No ii Have linear varied development as with existing Written reps [2225] Development as a whole would not be in character with the locality and housing existing varied linear housing It would be out of keeping with the largely rural nature of Holt Pound Village infrastructure and resources are already stretched; It is very near the dangerous A325 junction and will cause significant traffic problems there are through the village

In the first draft of the HEAA, the planning committee required linear development, if any, in keeping with the character of existing housing in Fullers Road, although the number of dwellings they suggested would have to be far closer together than those already in existence. Concerns were Mrs Jill Davies Reinstatement of linear requirement. Lowering of 83 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Mrs Jill Davies Object 2258 23438 Yes No ii expressed about this overdevelopment as well as traffic safety, habitat and Written reps [2258] proposed house numbers on this site. infrastructure. It is astonishing therefore that the second draft shows the committee abandoning its own requirement of linear development in favour of the vague idea of houses being 'in character'. They have also INCREASED the number of houses instead of lowering it.

In the original document, the planning committee recognised that a linear development was the only appropriate way to develop the site, in keeping with existing houses along Fulllers Road. However, the proposal had too Ms Dorcas Ms Dorcas Podger many dwellings to be in keeping. In the latest plan, the requirement for linear Return to linear development with 5-6 properties at 85 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Object 1520 23394 Yes No i, iii Written reps Podger [1520] development has been removed and the plan is now for up to 12 properties a maximum. in a block. This is not suitable for the character of the locality and is far too dense at the end of the existing building line. The plan should be 5-6 properties in a linear development.

Surprised reference to "linear development" has been removed (see Statement of Consultation). Linear development is precisely the character of Reduce number of properties on the site and the existing settlement. and proposed number of dwellings on this site is not Rowledge respect the linear nature of development in Holt consistent with linear approach and is out of character with the surrounding Residents' Pound. Mr Richard G proper ties. Even where side roads are part of the settlement, density of 92 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Association (Mr Object 2228 23319 Yes No ii Written reps Precious development is lower than that proposed for this site. Richard G Precious) Include a requirement for a full traffic assessment

[2228] to be carried out by Hampshire Highways for the The junction of Fullers Road and the A325 is very dangerous and needs a junction of Fullers Road and the A325. detailed assessment of the traffic flows and impact of additional traffic from the two sites proposed in Holt Pond. It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23375 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. Thames Water On the information available to date we do not envisage infrastructure 99 VL5 - Land adjacent to Linden, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23408 Yes No iii, iv concerns regarding wastewater infrastructure capability in relation to this No Mathews) [791] site.

The previous concerns raised were that any development that was NON-linear would be out of character and that there is insufficient space on this plot to accommodate that number of houses in a linear fashion.

This village is almost entirely linear, as highlighted by your own planners when throwing out a previous non-linear development proposal. And it has low average densities and large plots. Fullers Road You seem to have misunderstood previous objections and those of your own Residents Group planning committee. NON-LINEAR development on this site would be OUT But you have now inexplicably removed the linear 44 VL6 - Land adjacent Stream Cottage, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Mr Jeremy Ward Object 2261 23321 Yes No ii Written reps (Mr Jeremy Ward) OF CHARACTER in this LINEAR village. 5 houses is too many for Linear restriction. Whereas it is good that you have [2261] development of the plot frontage so that number must be reduced. included a reference to respect the existing character of the village, you must please put back the linear-development-only restriction or you will encourage denser plans for the site that your own planning committee have said were completely inappropriate.

If there is not enough linear room for the linear development of c. 5 dwellings then the proposed number must be reduced to preserve the plot density and keep it in character with the village.

Accept the principle of development but object to the proposed density. Examination of the plot size has shown that VL6 is Five properties in VL6 will not meet criterion (c). Also concerned regarding equivalent to 3. Regarding the traffic the solution Gp Capt Michael Gp Capt Michael traffic from Fullers Road and the A325, likely run-off of storm water from the 45 VL6 - Land adjacent Stream Cottage, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Object 2232 23425 Unknown No i, ii, iv would be to install a roundabout or traffic lights at No Thom Thom [2232] Linden site into the small stream that runs on the south side of Fullers Road the intersection. Perhaps a condition of approval behind the houses and the effects of the additional number of houses to the for the Linden site? main sewer running beyond the houses may lead to overload.


Addition to VL6 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Considers Policy VL6 to be sound but would wish to see an additional site 50 VL6 - Land adjacent Stream Cottage, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23350 Yes Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) specific criterion added regarding programming of archaeological works etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF). This site is the only green land separating Holt Pound to Rowledge why not keep it. If we have to have develop this site it should be limited to 3 dwellings and Mr James Mr James Rodger Maximum 3 dwellings within the existing housing 60 VL6 - Land adjacent Stream Cottage, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Object 1511 23392 Yes Yes None kept within the housing line on Fullers Rd. Written reps Rodger [1511] line Your own planning authorities have stated they would not tolerate over development in Holt Pound i consider 5 dwellings on this site over development. The planning committee insisted that any development on Fullers Road should follow a pattern of linear/ribbon development.

The requirement for linear/ribbon development was raised as a key issue in Mr Martin Mr Martin Robinson the Statement of Consultation, but these objections seem to have been The planning committee's requirement for 65 VL6 - Land adjacent Stream Cottage, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Object 1567 23441 Yes No ii Written reps Robinson [1567] completely ignored in the 2nd draft. linear/ribbon development must be re-instated.

In fact, the issue has been addressed by completely removing it. It has been replaced with "respecting the local character", which is clearly open to abuse. I think that this land should not be allocated for residential development as it forms an important gap between Rowledge and Holt Pound. There are Mr Paul Noble Reintroduce the requirement for linear 68 VL6 - Land adjacent Stream Cottage, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Mr Paul Noble Object 2218 23478 No No ii other, more sustainable locations available. Written reps [2218] development only. If this land is allocated for residential development then I think it must be in a linear form if it is to respect the local character. Site is an outlier of the village. Proposed development will affect village and new residents will depend on village facilities. No indication that gas, electricity, water and sewage facilities will be available. Mr Trevor Mr Trevor Williams Fullers Road is the principal connection of the village to the A325 which is 73 VL6 - Land adjacent Stream Cottage, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Object 2410 23516 Unknown No i, ii, iv No Williams [2410] already busy in mornings and evenings, exit onto it from Fullers Road is problematic. Site is adjacent to difficult junction and not suitable. Pedestrian crossing on A325 will obstruct traffic flow and cause issues. Site is outside Settlement Policy Boundary.

It goes against the planning committee's clearly stated requirements. IPlanning Committee specified last year this plot should only have linear development in keeping with existing housing, impossible for proposed 5 houses. Linear development could not have plot sizes in keeping with existing housing. Reduce number of houses Mrs A D Geering It would not be in character with the locality or varied existing linear 75 VL6 - Land adjacent Stream Cottage, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Mrs A D Geering Object 2225 23426 Yes No ii Have varied linear development in keeping with Written reps [2225] housing. existing housing No designated gap between Rowledge and Holt Pound altering essential rural nature Village resources and infrastructure are already stretched, eg school, parking, doctors' surgeries Any development will increase the traffic and exacerbate the dangerous junction with the A325

In the first draft of the Housing and Employment Allocations Plan, the planning committee required linear development, if any, in keeping with the character of existing housing in Fullers Road. It is absurd that, having Mrs Jill Davies listened to a variety of local concerns about the numbers of new houses Lower number of projected houses. Reinstatement 83 VL6 - Land adjacent Stream Cottage, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Mrs Jill Davies Object 2258 23439 Yes No ii Written reps [2258] being proposed plus traffic safety, wildlife habitat and the pressure on of linear requirement. infrastructure, they are now abandoning that requirement and increasing the number of houses that might be permitted. If any new housing is to be built here it needs to be substantially less, not more, than outlined in this draft. In the original document, the planning committee recognised that a linear development was the only appropriate way to develop the site, in keeping with existing houses along Fulllers Road. However, the proposal had too Ms Dorcas Ms Dorcas Podger many dwellings to be in keeping. In the latest plan, the requirement for linear Return to the requirement for a linear development 85 VL6 - Land adjacent Stream Cottage, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Object 1520 23395 Yes No i, iii Written reps Podger [1520] development has been removed and the plan is now for up to 5 properties, and reduce the density to a maximum of 3 houses. possibly in a block. This is not suitable for the character of the locality and is far too dense. The plan should be 3 properties, at most, in a linear development.


Surprised reference to "linear development" has been removed (see Statement of Consultation). Linear development is precisely the character of Reduce number of properties on the site and the existing settlement. and proposed number of dwellings on this site is not Rowledge respect the linear nature of development in Holt consistent with linear approach and is out of character with the surrounding Residents' Pound. Mr Richard G properties. Even where side roads are part of the settlement, density of 92 VL6 - Land adjacent Stream Cottage, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Association (Mr Object 2228 23320 Yes No ii Written reps Precious development is lower than that proposed for this site. Richard G Precious) Include a requirement for a full traffic assessment

[2228] to be carried out by Hampshire Highways for the The junction of Fullers Road and the A325 is very dangerous and needs a junction of Fullers Road and the A325. detailed assessment of the traffic flows and impact of additional traffic from the two sites proposed in Holt Pond. It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 VL6 - Land adjacent Stream Cottage, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23376 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. Thames Water On the information available to date we do not envisage infrastructure 99 VL6 - Land adjacent Stream Cottage, Fullers Road, Holt Pound Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23409 Yes No iii, iv concerns regarding wastewater infrastructure capability in relation to this No Mathews) [791] site. Addition to VL7 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Considers Policy VL7 to be sound but would wish to see an additional site 50 VL7 - Land rear of Junipers, South Town Road, Medstead Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23351 Unknown Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) specific criterion regarding programming of archaeological works etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF).

No allocation should be made. The draft allocation is contrary to EHDC's own guidelines. This is likely to invalidate the whole submission. Another Boyneswood Road? When will EHDC listen to residents? The draft allocation should be immediately Inappropriate back land development out of character with Medstead. withdrawn and redrafted. The Medstead and FM Mr Duncan Pate Adjacent to the protected village green likely to change the character of the local plan was in consultation during the first draft 58 VL7 - Land rear of Junipers, South Town Road, Medstead Mr Duncan Pate Object 2178 23324 No No iv Written reps [2178] area. It is valuable agricultural land. Medstead has had more than its fair of the allocation. The inclusion of allocations in the share of development and other villages should accept their fair proportion. village is contrary to both the framework, localism With recent permissions Medstead has achieved its allocation. No justifiable and is probably illegal. reason why agricultural land should be lost forever to significantly exceed Medstead's quota

It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 VL7 - Land rear of Junipers, South Town Road, Medstead Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23377 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. The site is not served by public sewerage infrastrucure. Developers will Thames Water either have to make on site network and treatment arrangements or transfer VL7 should make reference to the need for a 99 VL7 - Land rear of Junipers, South Town Road, Medstead Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23410 Yes No iii, iv No flows to a public sewerage network, the nearest of which is approximately sewerage/foul & surface water disposal strategy. Mathews) [791] 2,000 metres away to the south east of Medstead. Southern Planning Practice Mr Peter Charles Our client strongly supports the allocation of VL8 for housing. The site 27 VL8 - Land east of Cedar Stables, Castle Street, Medstead Mr Peter Charles (Mrs Support 1315 23578 Unknown Yes None Appear [1315] already has planning permission for development. Alison Wood) [738] Addition to VL8 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Considers Policy VL8 to be sound but would wish to see an additional site 50 VL8 - Land east of Cedar Stables, Castle Street, Medstead Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23352 Yes Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) specific criterion regarding programming of archaeological works etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF). It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 VL8 - Land east of Cedar Stables, Castle Street, Medstead Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23378 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. The site is not served by public sewerage infrastrucure. Developers will Thames Water either have to make on site network and treatment arrangements or transfer VL8 should make reference to the need for a 99 VL8 - Land east of Cedar Stables, Castle Street, Medstead Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23411 Yes No iii, iv No flows to a public sewerage network, the nearest of which is approximately sewerage/foul & surface water disposal strategy. Mathews) [791] 2,300 metres away to the north east of Medstead.


Addition to VL9 site specific criterion requiring the implementation of a programme of archaeological work to establish a record of potential archaeological significance of the site (and, if that Historic England programme results in the discovery of nationally (Southern Region) Considers Policy VL9 to be sound but would wish to see an additional site 50 VL9 - Land north of Towngate Farm House, Wield Road, Medstead Mr Martin Small Support 1545 23353 Yes Yes None signficiant remains, provision to be made for the No (Mr Martin Small) specific criterion regarding programming of archaeological works etc. retention and careful management of those [1545] important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance, in accordance with paragraph 139 of the NPPF). It is essential that the Council understand and Sport England (SE The NPPF requires local authorities to plan positively for sport. It is difficult make it clear what is needed in terms of playing 98 VL9 - Land north of Towngate Farm House, Wield Road, Medstead Heidi Clarke Region) (Heidi Object 972 23379 Unknown No i No to see how sport has been considered in this allocation. field and built sports facilities to provide for the Clarke) [972] additional population. The site is not served by public sewerage infrastrucure. Developers will Thames Water either have to make on site network and treatment arrangements or transfer VL9 should make reference to the need for a 99 VL9 - Land north of Towngate Farm House, Wield Road, Medstead Mark Mathews Property (Mark Object 791 23412 Yes No iii, iv No flows to a public sewerage network, the nearest of which is approximately sewerage/foul & surface water disposal strategy. Mathews) [791] 2,600 metres away to the south east and north east of Medstead.

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Summary of Responses to Proposed Submission

Sustainability Appraisal

June 2015


The SA (page 145) states Lowsley Farm includes an area of historic landfill. However, there is no evidence to show it is contaminated therefore the SA Although we consider LP1 allocation sound, it is considered that should note that the site "contains potentially contaminated land". Also the SA 6 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Easterton Ltd [1252] Boyer Planning (Ms Donna Palmer) [2332] Support 1252 23520 Yes Yes None some amendments should be made to the accompanying says (page 146) that traffic generated could require improvements etc which No Sustainability Appraisal. would involve removal of trees etc. EHDC and HCC have now agreed a scheme for environmental improvements and the SA should be updated to reflect this position.

There are several inconsistencies and factual inaccuracies in the evidence base. Object to the assessment of Land East of Hatch House Farm (HEA014) in the SA. The Proforma states the site is in the gap - this was a reason for refusal in the p/a but the 9 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal David Evans Lindford Land Limited (David Evans) [2308] DHA Planning & Development (Sati Panesar) [2306] Object 2308 23571 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv decision was made by members against the recom. of the No officers; site susceptible to surface water flooding - Another reason for refusal decided by members despite the councils own Drainage Engineer saying there is no evidence to support this; and proximity to SPA - the site is 0.8km from SPA.

Para 12.4.1 Object This para. places reliance upon the recent resolution to grant at Down Farm alone. The SA does not place any reliance upon the To present a robust strategy for this settlement that complies with the other two consents that are constructed, which in Southcott requirements of the JCS alone the Council must undertake a full and proper 14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Southcott Homes Limited [1655] Neame Sutton Ltd (David Neame) [1339] Object 1655 23605 Yes No i, ii, iv Appear Homes' view is the correct approach. This highlights the failing options appraisal that would identify further land for allocation, such as land at of the Council wherein the Council has deliberately included 102-120 Downhouse Road. unit numbers from sites that have already been accounted for as part of its housing land supply elsewhere.

Para 12.3.1 object There are clear problems with the delivery of land East of Horndean but there is increasing reliance in terms of unit numbers from the site. There are many constraints which has Land at 191 - 209 Lovedean Lane is ideally suited for delivering housing in the 14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Southcott Homes Limited [1655] Neame Sutton Ltd (David Neame) [1339] Object 1655 23604 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Appear resulted in objectors to the outline planning application. As a short term. result the delivery rate and total quantum envisaged by the Council from this site will not occur. The sites capacity will be reduced leaving the minimum requirement short.

11.3 - Southcott Homes consider the Council's conclusions to be fundamentally flawed. The option chosen by the council is not the most appropriate and a new option 4 would perform 14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Southcott Homes Limited [1655] Neame Sutton Ltd (David Neame) [1339] Object 1655 23603 Yes No i, ii, iv Appear better. The council consistently has not had a 5 year housing land supply and the JCS is out of date and fails to meet the full need identified

11.4 object as the lack of any proper options appraisal goes to the heart of the SA process and reflects the failings in the This section along with accompanying appendices need to be completely 14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Southcott Homes Limited [1655] Neame Sutton Ltd (David Neame) [1339] Object 1655 23602 Yes No i, ii, iv Council's inclusion of two consented and constructed sites as Appear rewritten to address the failing. allocations, which effectively double counts in terms of their respective contribution to the housing requirements in the JCS

Para 10.4.19 Object The Council's flawed approach to the provision of housing in Clanfield is clearly manifest in this section of the SA. The reliance upon 2 sites that effectively double count in terms of The SA must undertake a full and proper options appraisal for the settlement of 14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Southcott Homes Limited [1655] Neame Sutton Ltd (David Neame) [1339] Object 1655 23601 Yes No i, ii, iv supply has resulted in the decision by the Council and URS to Appear Clanfield, which would rightly include land at 102-120 Downhouse Road. present no options analysis in the SA. This cannot be right. Had the SA undertaken a proper analysis it would have looked at other suitable and sustainable development locations in Clanfield, in particular land at 102-120 Downhouse Road.

Para 10.4.15 Object The summary assessment for Horndean is not supported by the evidence that was available to either the Council or URS at the time of preparing this SA. The SA states that the sites in 14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Southcott Homes Limited [1655] Neame Sutton Ltd (David Neame) [1339] Object 1655 23600 Yes No i, ii, iv Lovedean are constained by their landscape impacts and risk of Appear flooding. The statutory consultation responses relating to the application confirm no material impact on the landscape setting of Lovedean at this point and no harm in relation to flood risk etc (191 - 209 Lovedean Lane). The following 2 sites should be allocated for housing: Concluding comments: From viewing the Plan and SA the Land at 191-209 Lovedean Lane, and Land at 102-120 Downhouse Road. Council has continued its hasty production of a document that

attempts to bring forward a part two Local Plan to help with 14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Southcott Homes Limited [1655] Neame Sutton Ltd (David Neame) [1339] Object 1655 23609 Yes No i, ii, iv There is a clear and present need for allocating these sites to meet both open Appear problems relating to housing land supply. In doing so it has market and affordable housing requirements and to assist the Council in failed to properly consider and update its evidence base and significantly boosting the supply of new housing in accordance with the the fundamental flaws in the SA process. requirements of the Framework and the NPPG. Appendix XIII Object The assessment table contains a number of key factual 14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Southcott Homes Limited [1655] Neame Sutton Ltd (David Neame) [1339] Object 1655 23608 Yes No i, ii, iv inaccuracies with in turn affect the validity of the conclusions Appear drawn. In particular relating to HD034 and land East of Horndean. Appendix V Object The Councils assessment of HD034 contains signficant inaccuracies. Under the heading of character the Council concludes the site has a rural character adj. to the barn etc. At 14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Southcott Homes Limited [1655] Neame Sutton Ltd (David Neame) [1339] Object 1655 23607 Yes No i, ii, iv Appear full detailed consent involved the demolition of the barn and replacement 3 dwellings. This statement in the SA should not have been made and demonstrates the poor quality of the document and the assessment. Appendix VII Object The Councils assessment of HD023 contains signficant factual inaccuracies. The conclusions fail to acknowledge the raft of 14 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Southcott Homes Limited [1655] Neame Sutton Ltd (David Neame) [1339] Object 1655 23606 Yes No i, ii, iv The technical appraisal information was available and should be used. Appear technical appraisal information that has been provided in support of a full detailed planning application, which is currently at appeal.


- SA is flawed - Large number of homes on single sites has advantages but has 17 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Bargate Homes Ltd [2324] ProVision Planning & Design (Richard Osborn) [1165] Object 2324 23508 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Methodology should be revised Appear environmental and infrastructural challenges and may not be delivered in timely fashion. Methodology should be revised

- SA is flawed - Large number of homes on single sites has advantages but has 17 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Bargate Homes Ltd [2324] ProVision Planning & Design (Richard Osborn) [1165] Object 2324 23505 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Methodology of |SA should be revised Appear environmental and infrastructural challenges and may not be delivered in timely fashion. Methodology should be revised

- SA is flawed - Large number of homes on single sites has advantages but has 17 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Bargate Homes Ltd [2324] ProVision Planning & Design (Richard Osborn) [1165] Object 2324 23512 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv SA methodology should be revised Appear environmental and infrastructural challenges and may not be delivered in timely fashion. Methodology should be revised

- SA is flawed - Large number of homes on single sites has advantages but has SHLAA was flawed in its identification of constraints and SA document should 17 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Bargate Homes Ltd [2324] ProVision Planning & Design (Richard Osborn) [1165] Object 2324 23510 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Written reps environmental and infrastructural challenges and may not be consider site HD003 delivered in timely fashion. Methodology should be revised

Although provision of large sites with number of homes has its advantages, but this could be set with environmental and 17 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Bargate Homes Ltd [2324] ProVision Planning & Design (Richard Osborn) [1165] Object 2324 23503 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv Methodology for SA should be revised Appear infrastructure challenges and delivery compromised. Methodology for SA should be revised 18 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Mr Bill Mills Mr Bill Mills [2337] Savills (Katherine Munro) [2295] Object 2337 23541 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv #NAME? Consider Old Shepherds Farm as a reasonable alternative Appear The site east of Hole Lane, Bentley (BEN009) does not reflect the evidence provided in the recent planning application. The assessment refers to site access being achieved via Hole Lane, however this land in the recent planning application was proposed as public open space. Also the SA concludes that the 20 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Mr Simon Bladon Westella (Mr Simon Bladon) [1137] Smiths Gore (Joanne Unsworth) [1745] Object 1137 23522 Unknown No i, ii sensitivity would be required due to the ecological interests. Appear The recent planning application has shown how these can be protected. However, contrary to the assertions in the SA the Council have accepted that there are no site specific reasons why residential development could not be accommodated on this site. Page 257 is incorrect in places - More community facilities in village besides school - Not distant from centre 23 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Cllr Chris Graham Cllr Chris Graham [2335] Southern Planning Practice (Ian Ellis) [1168] Object 2335 23474 Yes No i, ii, iii Amend SA in regard to ROP013 No - deletion of first sentence (bullet 14) - deletion of 2nd sentence (bullet 16) - Deletion of last bullet point

Amend as follows: i) 3rd bullet point - delete sentence - There are no issues about access to the site. (access is not via a 3rd party access the land is owned by my client). ii) 8th bullet point - delete sentence - The land in the NE corner of the site is susceptible to flooding. (Any concerns have been addressed through the p/a.) iii) 11th bullet point - add new first sentence - The site is within walking distance (500-600 metres) of all the community facilities in the village centre including Although support VL11, consider the SA is incorrect in places the primary school, shop, post office, recreation ground, village hall and church. relating to ROP008 (SA). Any concerns the Council had with the Delete existing 1st sentence and replace with: One kilometre from the nearest site have been addressed in the recent planning permission public service bus stop, 50 metres from the bus service to the local 25 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Giles Stogdon Giles Stogdon [1832] Southern Planning Practice (Mrs Alison Wood) [738] Object 1832 23583 Unknown No i, ii, iii, iv No granted for 15 dwellings on the site. The SA concerns relate to comprehensive school. The nearest local employment sites are in Gilbert Street access, surface water flooding, distance from facilities, rural and North Street, Ropley, both of which are within easy walking distance of the character, character and surface water. site. GP and dentist are some distance from the site in Four Marks. iv) 12th bullet point - Add at the start 'The site is adjacent to the SPB of Ropley and directly opposite the Rowdell housing estate'. v) 13th bullet point - delete 1st sentence and replace with: The site adjoins the Ropley settlement boundary and lies opposite the Rowdell houisng estate. Amend 2nd sentence to say: Although the site itself has a rural character, this area of Ropley .... vi) 14th bullet point - delete sentence.

i) 4th bullet point - Amend: The permitted access is on to Gilbert Street, not Gascoigne Lane. ii) 5th bullet point - Delete reference to lesser and intermediate surface water flooding. (The site is not subject to this). Amend 2nd part of sentence to refer to a small part of the site may potentially be contaminated as a result of the woodyard on the site in the 1940s and 1950s. iii) 6th bullet point - delete the site is not isolated..... iv) 8th bullet point - add to end of sentence - residential to the east and south In relation to ROP007 the SA proforma is incorrect in places. It west. should also take account of the impact of the planning v) 10th bullet point - delete - There are no long distance open ...... permission recently granted for 15 houses on site ROP008 vi) 12th bullet point - amend: There are employment sites in Gilbert Street and 25 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Giles Stogdon Giles Stogdon [1832] Southern Planning Practice (Mrs Alison Wood) [738] Object 1832 23584 Unknown No i, ii, iii No immediately opposite site ROP007. The SA should be amended North Street which are both easy walking distance from the site. regarding access, surface water flooding & potential vii) 13th bullet point - delete first sentence and replace with: The site is adjacent contamination, isolation, location, views and character. to the SPB at Dunsells Lane and Gascoigne Lane. Delete 2nd sentence - This describes nearby fields and not the site itself. Amend 3rd sentence - not all the housing nearby is low density. The Rowdell and Meadow View housing estates are at a higher density. viii) last bullet point. Delete 1st sentence. The site is not isolated and the pedestrian access to the village is not poor. Add in reference to the site being adjacent to the existing SPB. Add in reference to the Plans housing allocation immediately to the south of the site (proposal VL11) which, when developed, will bring the built up area of the village even closer to the site.


i) 2nd bullet point - The site is now in a 20 mph speed restriction. The site access is not on a blind bend. Delete 2nd bullet point. ii) 6th bullet point - The site opposite at Cedar Stables already now has planning permission for 10 dwellings (VL8), and so the character of the area will become more developed. Amend text to include a reference that 10 new dwellings will be built on the Cedar Stables equestrian centre. iii) 8th bullet point - Owner aware of the SAM. Add to end of the bullet point 'Any development will need to take account of the archaeological interest of the The SA as set out on page 249 is incorrect in places. Comments area'. 27 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Mr Peter Charles Mr Peter Charles [1315] Southern Planning Practice (Mrs Alison Wood) [738] Object 1315 23579 Unknown No i, ii, iii relating to speed limit and access, surrounding development, No iv) 10th bullet point - There is no proposal to develop the site indepth. Amend archeaology, character should be amended for Site MED036. 2nd sentence by deleting existing text and adding a new sentence "Any development here should be in keeping with the surrounding dwellings". v) 11th bullet point. The majority of the bullet point is inaccurate and should be deleted. Amend bullet point to read "The site is well contained by screening. Development of this site should be constrained to the Trinity Hill frontage with the remainder of the site being retained as open space to protect the setting of the SAM. The houses should be in keeping with the character of the surrounding houses'.

Paras 10.4.20 - 10.4.22, Appx VI - The only detailed assessment is the SA. Our conclusions on the SA is that no site is without constraints, and there is no obvious preferred site. Therefore to confirm there are no other reasonably available alternatives Requested that Chiltley Farm is allocated for housing in the Plan as an 29 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Bloor Homes [1893] Turley Associates (Ms Jade Ellis) [1800] Object 1893 23559 Yes No i, ii, iii, iv does not fully reflect the initial assessment. The elements appropriate and available development site. (Section 4 attached to response Appear which have resulted in Chiltley Farm being rejected as an sets out the sites development potential.) allocation or a reasonable alternative are either not as fundamental as suggested in the SA, or can be appropriately mitigated.

The Parish Council are commenting on 2 sites referred to in the Sustainability Appraisal - HD043 Land off Chalk Hill Road which 101 Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Carla Baverstock-Jones Horndean Parish Council (Carla Baverstock-Jones) [2361] Object 2361 23429 Yes Yes None goes against a number of the Joint Core Strategy Policies and No HD045 Land off Five Heads Road which has the same access, transport, countryside and GAP issues as HD043.

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Summary of Responses to Proposed Submission

Duty to Cooperate Statement – Regulation 22

June 2015


49 Duty to Cooperate Gavin Stonham Havant Borough Council (Gavin Stonham) [2271] 23326 Welcome commitment of EHDC to work with adjoining authorities and fulfil duty to cooperate.

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Summary of Responses to Proposed Submission

Policies Map

June 2015


Maps do not show existing or proposed gaps between Rowlands Castle Parish settlements. 91 Policies Maps Lisa Walker Council ( Lisa Walker) 1118 23528 Object No No i, ii, iii Appear Map 5 shows SPB around RC3 which is within Strategic [1118] Gap- conflicts with JCS Policy CP23 which protects gaps.

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