Senior Newsletter 24 November 2017

Dear Parents

I hope that you will enjoy the latest newsletter which gives a flavour of the events of the last three weeks. The School has been busy and full of purpose. Christmas and the end of term does seem to be looming fast.

I wrote to you all a little while ago and asked for parents to help out with Friends of Gresham’s (FOGS) and I would ask again if anyone is willing step up. It is a very sociable group and they do great work to support the School. If anyone would like an informal discussion about what is involved please do not hesitate to contact me.

We run an exciting programme of Academic Enrichment lectures on a Friday evening in the Fishmongers’ Recital Hall. In the new year we will invite any interested parents to attend the talks and I will send on details of the lectures at the start of next term.

In the meantime I will look forward to seeing many of you at the Musical and Carol Services at the end of term.

With best wishes

Douglas Robb

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Senior Newsletter 24 November 2017

HISTORY Year 9 pupils have created a poignant tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice during the First World War.

The pupils recreated the trenches and battlefields using materials of their choice as part of their First World War studies in History.

The Headmaster, judged the creations and awarded Leila Yuasa as the winning creator. Leila made her trench and No Man’s Land with a variety of materials including wood, foam, matches, coiled wire and shredded wheat.

The project follows a trip the Year 9 History pupils made in October to the battlefields of the First World War.

Mr C Cox, Head of History

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Senior Newsletter 24 November 2017

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Pupils and teachers joined the Holt community in a united service of Remembrance at the War Memorial in Holt on Sunday 12 November.

One hundred cadets from the School’s Combined Cadet Force joined the Headmaster, as he laid a wreath to honour the Old Greshamians who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Tom Kinder played the Last Post and Cadet C/Sgt Naomi Crame carried the CCF Banner, the first female cadet to be bestowed with this honour.

Mr S Gates, CCF Contingent Commander 3 of 22

Senior Newsletter 24 November 2017

UK PARLIAMENT WEEK (13-19 NOV) This year Gresham’s participated in the UK Parliament Week for the first time, one of over 4500 institutions doing so in the UK.

The aim of UK Parliament Week is to allow young people to engage and explore the work of the UK Parliament, and to empower them about politics.

On Monday, the Government (Prime Minister Barney Gill, Woodlands, and Deputy Prime Minister Tom Kinder, Tallis) lost a vote on independence for Catalonia to the Opposition (Leader Opposition Fidan Hajiyeva & Deputy Leader of the Opposition Amelia Doran, both Queens’). The debate took place in Gresham’s Chapel in British Parliamentary Style, with a dramatic division at the end, the Government motion failing 14-31 votes.

On Tuesday, the whole school voted in a ballot on the question: ‘Are adults setting a bad example when it comes to bullying?’ Turnout was 89%, with 250 students voting yes, 161 against and 7 abstaining.

On Wednesday evening in Fishmongers’ Recital Hall Mr Kinder, Mr Myers and Mr O’Donnell took questions from the audience in a ‘Question Time’ debate which was recorded live. Questions explored Brexit, Theresa May’s prospects of political survival, votes at 16, the renewal of Trident and other topical issues.

During Friday, students had the opportunity to ask questions to UK politicians live via Twitter and the week closed on Saturday morning with a Chapel presentation led by Mr Kinder and Lora Naydenova discussing the history and role of the UK Parliament and reviewing UK Parliament week 2017 at Gresham’s.

Mr S Kinder, Head of Teaching & Learning

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Senior Newsletter 24 November 2017

PRAYER BOOK SOCIETY’S CRANMER AWARDS Three boys took part in the Prayer Book Society’s Cranmer Awards recently. Kaelin Wills, Joe Oxtoby and Hector Robb (all HO) went to St. Lawrence’s Church at Castle Rising, to join 30 or so other pupils from around the county in reciting passages (mostly psalms, some epistles) from the Book Of Common Prayer, in its original text. Pupils are encouraged to memorise their passages, of about 3 minute’s length, but most passages were read.

All three boys performed very well indeed. Hector was a runner-up in the junior category, but Joe Oxtoby won it ! He received a smart certificate, £50 and his own copy of the BCP. Joe will now enter the national finals, in February, being held this year at The Old Palace in Worcester.

In the senior category, Kaelin Wills was placed second but to common consent gave the finest performance of the morning. Kaelin is our South African exchange boy. The head judge, Anne Robinson, asked Kaelin, when she presented his certificate, if he had won it last year as well? She recognised his South African accent, as our previous exchange boy, Ray Barrow had won the same competition last year! Perhaps the judges wanted to ‘share the spoils’. Either way, Kaelin came home £30 richer, and we all had a drink at The Crown in East Rudham on the way home, to celebrate and to mull over the judging. Kaelin and Joe had memorised their passages – the only two to do so – and this certainly had an impact. A good morning’s work!

Mr A Stromberg, Housemaster Howson’s

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Senior Newsletter 24 November 2017

OKTOBERFEST Tallis had their annual Oktoberfest on the return Monday of this Half Term. Deniz Sareen and Max Hussmanns ran an entertaining quiz for mixed year groups as the boys ate imported bratwursts and weisswursts, and drank German beers (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). Much fun was had by all.

Mr P Laidler, Housemaster Tallis

SKIOUROS The Gresham’s Philosophy society held a meeting on Friday 10 November which explored the idea that “Power Corrupts”, prompted by a host of recent stories in the news. The society chairman Charles Hickman, supported by senior members Rupert Tancred, Naomi Crame, Ben Wood and Bill Carter led a discussion about various examples of corruption and abuse of power including issues of tax avoidance, MPs behaviour and the status of world leaders. Additional observations were added by Sam Aldersley-Williams & Tiah-Paige Davie, eventually reaching the conclusion that it was not the power itself that corrupts, but the nature of the human beings themselves that led to such abuses.

Mr S Gates, Head of RS, Philosophy & TOK

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Senior Newsletter 24 November 2017

MUSIC The second half of term has hurtled long… leading to the Musical, Christmas Carol services, and Christmas jumpers….

Not long after coming back from Half Term the School observed Remembrance Day. This is an occasion which the School does particularly well. The Chapel Choir book-ended the service with two beautiful motets They shall grow not old (Guest) and Drop, Drop, slow tears (Gibbons). The whole School joined in the singing of one of the anthems. Sam Aldersey-Williams sang the baritone solo in Fauré’s Libera me (from the Requiem), and then the whole School stood and sang with him. Majestically. This was Gresham’s at its very best. The pupils, respectful and dignified, sang with real heart and strength in our memorial chapel. One for the memory bank.

Music Department Opera Trip On Thursday 16 November, the Music Department GCSE and A level students had a wonderful afternoon at the opera! The Glyndebourne Touring Opera Company gave a matinee performance of Mozart's Cosi fan Tutte at the Theatre Royal. It was a very special opportunity to see a first-class opera production so close to home, and members of the cast even came out to speak to students after the performance. A helpful introduction before the opera set the scene for the twists and turns in the plot, and this first step into to the world of opera couldn't have been better.

St Celicia’s Day Concert The annual St Cecilia’s Concert took place for the very first time in the Fishmonger’s Recital Hall on 22 November. St. Cecilia (Patron Saint of Music) shares a birthday with our most famous composer, Benjamin Britten and it is customary at this concert to feature Britten with our own pupil composers.

Masterminded by Mr Coleman, the concert opened with movements from Ode to St Cecilia by Henry Purcell sung by the St Cecilia’s Day Choir, (including the overture as an organ duet) before moving on to a number of songs by Britten sung by Isobel Kitto, Libby Lukins and Sam Aldersey- Williams.

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MUSIC (cont/d) The second half of the concert was devoted to composition by our current academic musicians. This included a choral work by Sam Aldersey-Williams and piano duets by Tiah-Paige Davie, Poppy Robinson and Diana Edwards.

There are a number of very keen singer-song-writers currently in Years 10-13 and we had new songs (performed by the composers) from Adrian Leung, Casper Schlueter, Josh Field, Teddy Chapple, Rachel Heath, Tom Oliver and George Giles-Loane. The concert ended with a work by Mr Coleman for all the performers including St Cecilia’s Choir and Gresham’s Girls’ Choir.

Many congratulations to all our composers and performers. It was a magnificent show-case and the audience left with huge smiles! The future for composition here, following in the footsteps of Benjamin Britten and Lennox Berkeley is very exciting!

Music & Munch We had a fantastic start to this Half Term's lunchtime concerts on 9 November, with Big Band led by Mr Gillingwater performing an excellent set of classic and modern numbers to an appreciative audience in Fishmongers' Recital Hall. Please do join us in Tig's Cafe on Thursday 23 November and Thursday 6 December (1.20 pm) for our final lunchtime concerts of the academic term.

Instrument Help Following the appeal in the last newsletter, do please contact John Bowley [email protected] if you find an instrument languishing in your house that you would like to donate, so that itis played once more.

Music lesson timetables on parent portal There is now a link to the music lesson timetables on the parent portal. This is updated weekly and shows the current and next week's timetables.

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Senior Newsletter 24 November 2017

MUSIC (cont/d)

Dates for your diaries: Schola Cantorum are singing an Advent service at Cley Church, on Sunday 3 December, 4pm. This is a beautiful service. It will feature a combination of medieval music through to very modern music, with some of the famous Advent readings. This service allows you time to stop and listen, before the madness of Christmas sweeps us all off our feet. Cley Church is a beautiful building in which to stop and reflect, and listen to beautiful music.

There is a great tradition of singing Handel’s Messiah at the end of Michaelmas Term. On Sunday 10 December, 7.30pm, you are invited to either come and listen or come and sing! The solos are taken by members of the School, so it is a special occasion!

Carol services: Lastly, I hope you know that parents are warmly invited to attend the Junior Carol service, (6.30pm on Friday 8 December) and/or Senior Carol service, (6.30pm on Tuesday 12 December). We very much hope that you can join us at one of these services!

Mr J Bowley, Director of Music

THE GRESHAM’S GARDEN CLUB The Gresham’s Garden Club has recently been given a project by Tim Keen. Louise Stevens (Clerk of the Parish Council) raised money to plant daffodils in Letheringsett village, in memory of Royston Fish, who was the previous Clerk and a Parish Councillor for nearly 50 years. Arthur Lewis was the previous chair of the Parish Council who also recently died; he worked at Gresham's for many years in the Chemistry Department. Both gentleman liked daffodils, hence the project the Gresham’s Garden Club embarked on.

Mr S Brown, Head of Geography

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Senior Newsletter 27 November 2017

CHAPEL The second half of the Michaelmas term is predominated in Chapel by the Armistice Day service, which this year fell on 11 November. The School gathered in solemn dignity to recall the 230 pupils and 3 teachers who were killed in action during the two World conflicts and their names were read out by Captain Scoles and Lt Colonel Gates as pupils and staff stood in silence. Following the Last Post and Reveille, played by Miss Roberts and Tom Kinder, Billy Buckingham (Head of School) and the Headmaster laid two wreaths at the foot of the altar. Daisy Quick (Head of School) read the lesson and the Heads of Houses led the prayers.

The next day, the School joined with Holt for the Town Service of Remembrance. Again, Tom Kinder played Last Post and Reveille and Rupert Tancred, participated in the actual Act of Remembrance.

Speakers in this part of term have included Mrs Hepburn and Lily Hepburn speaking on the School supported charity, ‘I Afrika’, while the Heads of School, George Giles-Loane and Lora Naydenova led a week-long presentation during Anti-Bullying Week to raise our awareness. In addition, Daisy Brucki, Deniz Sareen and Max Hussmanns initiated the Environment Society by presenting the challenge of global warming to the School.

A Junior Saturday service before Home Weekend saw Tiah-Paige Davie deliver her own reflection on standing-up to bullying while Oliver Bailey and Joseph Oxtoby were confident and mature in their readings: the latter especially so in the wake of winning the Junior section of the regional heat of the Prayer Book Society Public Recitation Competition the previous Thursday. A runner-up in the Senior Section of the same competition, Kaelin Wills raised the Sunday evening service of Compline to a new level by sharing his memorised oration of Psalm 95 and the Collect for Advent on the following Sunday evening. Father Bryan Roberts, Chaplain ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT October and November have seen pupils attending our Friday evening lectures transported from prehistoric pebbles to caterpillars with pet ants. We welcomed parent, filmmaker and author Jim Ring to tackle some of the ‘what if?’ questions around major events in history, before former Head of Biology Dr David Horsley introduced us to the weird and wonderful relationships between blue butterflies and ants. Just before the half-term break OG Kate Webb, director of the Responsible Safari Company, challenged her audience to think carefully about the balance between charity and sustainable business in Malawi. To conclude our programme for the term, Henrietta Robinson, Gresham’s Head of History of Art, took us through a broad range of artwork that discussed the different ways humanity can be represented.

The programme for next term is currently being finalised, but speakers already confirmed include: Dr Carolin Crawford (University of Cambridge), who will ask “The Next Big Questions in Astronomy”; Laurence , our Dyson Foundation Fellow, suggesting that “Design is Dead”; Dr Rebecca Mitchell (University of Cambridge) with an introduction to Linguistics; and our own Douglas Robb on “Liberalism”. Mr M Gillingwater, Teacher Research Lead 10 of 22

Senior Newsletter 27 November 2017

SIXTH FORM OPTIONS EVENING – To IB or Not To IB? That is the question! On 8 November the School held an Options Evening to support Year 11 students and parents with the sometimes difficult choice of what subjects to study after GCSEs. Although final choices need not be made until later next year, this is a particularly valuable evening to start the process of deciding upon subjects for the Sixth Form and obtaining information about some of the new options that are offered.

The many subjects on offer at Sixth Form were displayed around Big School and the classrooms nearby. Desks were set up with staff from those departments along with some student volunteers from either Year 12 or 13. This is a really useful way for both students and parents to be able to learn more about the subjects and what they are really like from both the dedicated staff and the students that study the subject, along with seeing materials from the departments such as past exam papers, text books, exam board specifications, handouts or subject leaflets.

Gresham’s is proud to be able to offer both the choice of A level or the IB DP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme). This year John Claughton, the Development Manager from the UK branch of the IB Organisation, IBSCA, came to provide more information on the IB DP for students and parents. He gave a very informative talk about the many advantages and the acceptability of IB in the eyes of the Universities and employers and the wide range of benefits that it brings to the students who take advantage of this fantastic option.

Gresham’s will continue to offer both A level and IB courses running alongside each other. Should any further information be required about the IB Diploma Programme, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Peter Detnon, the IB Coordinator on [email protected]

RIFLE TEAM At the start of Half Term, the final selection weekend for the Great Britain Under 19 Rifle Team to South Africa took place and hoping for selection was Toby Little. Hurri- cane Brian, which hit the UK over that weekend, made the shooting conditions particularly tricky for everyone involved and scores were certainly down on what would normally be expected from such a high quality squad of shooters. By the end of the weekend the squad of twelve was cut to just eight touring team members and Toby Little was fortunate enough to be one of the eight selected. We wish Toby every success on his tour to South Africa, in March 2018, with the Great Britain Under 19 Rifle Team. 11 of 22

Senior Newsletter 27 November 2017

DRAMA The diverse and wholly inclusive Total Ensemble Theatre and The Actors of Dionysus who make fresh and bold new interpretations of classical Greek Theatre have recently visited the Auden with two contrasting productions and approaches to creating Theatre.

The workshops that accompanied It’s A Wonderful Moon George and Antigone have given our L6th theatre students the opportunity to explore for themselves a highly physical approach to devising and chorus work so integral to Greek Theatre.

Miss B O’Brien , Director of Drama 12 of 22

Senior Newsletter 27 November 2017


Hockey All teams have shown considerable improvement so far this term, from the 1st team to the junior development players who after working hard have started to play in teams. We have had some competitive triangular fixtures against The Perse, Norwich School and Felsted, RHS, the last one resulting in us winning the Headmasters’ trophy for the second successive year.

We have hosted the North Norfolk and County rounds at U14, U16 & U18s; unfortunately, despite only losing to Norwich School, the U18s didn’t make it through to the regionals.

The U14s went through unbeaten, beating Norwich School on flicks in the final. At their regional round they improved throughout the day culminating in 2 wins against Brentwood & Bourne Grammar coming 5th overall.

The U16s went through unbeaten from the North Norfolk and County rounds beating Norwich High School on flicks, to the East rounds where they faced some tough opposition, coming 6th overall.

The boys have started their preseason training; losing 5-1 against the HOGs in a very competitive and fast paced game and then had training sessions every Tuesday and Thursday.

Both boys’ & girls’ 16s & 18s have played in the County indoor rounds, with only a small amount of specific preparation, they all competed well playing some good hockey. Both boys’ teams came 2nd to strong Norwich teams, the U16 girls came 2nd on goal difference despite being unbeaten and the U18 girls came 3rd on goal difference to a strong Norwich School team & Langley.

Mr D Buckmaster, Head of Hockey 13 of 22

Senior Newsletter 27 November 2017

Hockey (cont/d)

Hollie Pearne-Webb Gresham’s welcomed Olympic gold medallist Hollie Pearne-Webb, MBE where she ran hockey coaching clinics and gave an inspirational talk to pupils.

Almost 10 million people watched Hollie score the winning penalty in the 2016 Olympic final in Rio against defending champions, the Netherlands, taking Great Britain’s women’s national field hockey team to the their first ever gold medal at an Olympic Games. Hollie, who is a Commonwealth Games silver medallist, was awarded an MBE in the 2017 New Year Honours List.

Hollie led defensive coaching clinics and demonstrated tackling techniques that the girls have now taken up in their games sessions.

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Senior Newsletter 27 November 2017

Hockey Tour to Holland Gresham’s 0 Kennermer Lyceum HS 2 Gresham’s 3 Noordwijck 3 Gresham’s 2 Hisalis 0 Gresham’s 0 HVM 2

Over the Half Term break, the Girls’ Senior Hockey Squad enjoyed a tour of Holland. As expected the hockey was of a very high standard, the Dutch being both skilful and very quick. All the matches were against club sides and we rose to the challenge. Our speed of play improved together with our confidence and strength. This was best seen in game three, when the team clicked, work rate was high and there was a real sense of understanding amongst the group.

Aside from the hockey, highlights included watching Bloemendaal, the most successful club in Europe, where we were fortunate enough to meet GB gold medallist Sophie Bray and five time world player of the year, Jamie Dwyer.

Amsterdam is a great capital city to visit, small, easy to get around and very friendly. The Dam fairground proved a favourite amongst the group and the hospitality of our opposition was exceptional. Evie Wills entertained us all riding a bicycle and Anja’s dancing was unforgettable. I think every girl on the tour would go again and I would recommend any future hockey tour.

Charlotte Seaman, 1st XI Girls’ Hockey Captain. Girls’ Inter-House Indoor Hockey Oakeley secured the top spot in both the Seniors and Juniors with some emphatic wins. Sisters Pip and Zara Howes starred within strong squads that included Ella Gill, Tilly Mann, Edith Broch and speedster Sophie Haughton amongst others. Edinburgh and Queens’ were left to scrap it out for second place. Edinburgh triumphed in both but Mr Seldon will take some encouragement from Queens’ performances for the outdoor competition later in the term.

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Senior Newsletter 27 November 2017

Netball Many congratulations to the 1st VII Netball who have qualified for the East Region U19 Finals of the National School Competition to be held in Stanford-le-Hope in January 2018. The Norfolk Round took place at the UEA, and the girls played extraordinarily well to secure their place.

The U14 and U16s squads were also in action, finishing 3rd and 5th respectively; we were extremely pleased with their performances in the middle of the hockey season – and competition was very tough.

Excitement continues to build for the Netball season, and OG Alex Paske, recently named as winner of the 2017 Aviva Woman of the Future Award (Sport) is coming back to Gresham’s in January along with Pamela Cookey (ex Netball Captain) to deliver some pre-season training to our talented girls. Mrs J Flower, Head of Netball

Rugby The 1st XV Squad had an excellent tour to Portugal over Half Term staying at The Brown’s Resort, Villamoura. They played two matches against good opposition and had a great week, training, playing and surfing! This training camp certainly laid the foundations for excellent wins after Half Term versus Norwich (22-14) and Bedford Modern (49-12). The 1st XV play Uppingham in the NatWest Plate Round 4 on Thursday 23 November. Over the remaining few weeks of term we have block fixtures with RHS, Holbrook and Langley School. The U14s are playing in the Norfolk Cup Final on Thursday 30 November at Thetford RFC and we wish them success as they continue their excellent season. Inter-House Sevens takes place on Tuesday 12 December from 1.00pm and all parents are welcome to come and support.

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Rugby (cont/d) Sunday 19 November a group of Prep and Senior pupils went to watch v Sale Sharks in the Premiership at Welford Road. They were “flag-shakers” before the match and it was fantastic for them to support two OGs in Tom Youngs (T) and Harry Simmons (W) at this game. They saw a terrific match with Leicester winning 35 – 28. We are delighted Harry made his 1st team debut as scrum-half two weeks ago against Gloucester in the Anglo-Welsh Cup and then played at Bath the following week at full-back. This is an outstanding achievement for Harry at such a young age, as well as combining his playing commitments and studies whilst at Loughborough University.

Rugby Tour During Michaelmas Half Term the Gresham’s 1st team made the long and treacherous journey to the Brown’s Sports’ Complex (Vilamoura) in Portugal. Given the agreeable climate and facilities, Brown’s is used by many elite sports team as a training base including the England Rugby squad.

The first couple of days was all about acclimatising to the conditions. Training sessions were broken up with time around the pool and a visit to the beach.

Our first match; was, interestingly enough, against a strong Spanish side. It was a long and tiring two and a half hour trip and it was decided to play the game in quarters. This would provide more water breaks which was very welcome given the heat. We started strong with a couple of early tries from Rob Mackenzie and Ben Dugdale. We carried on our form with some great effort from Joe Hall and Finlay Wilcox, the bison in the centres.

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Rugby Tour (contd)

We played well as a team and the magic moment of the day was Billy Buckingham’s amazing try down the touchline, running half the length of the pitch. There were some large hits from Hudson De Lucchi and Barney Gill, putting them under huge pressure. Man of the Match was Ben Dugdale for scoring numerous tries, with the final score being 36-12 to us. It was a solid win and we celebrated beating the Spanish in a singing contest.

A rehab session followed the next day which included one of my personal highlights from the tour, the volleyball competition. Mr Curtis took his competitiveness to a whole new level and I was surprised with the skill levels of Tom O’Hanlon and Barney Gill.

The second and final game was closer to home against the Portuguese side. It was in an amazing atmosphere, floodlights and on a very nice pitch. We started the game pumped up from renditions of “Sweet Caroline” and the national anthem and you could tell from the start that it was going to be a good game. A breakaway try from Rob Mackenzie brought the deadlock and settled the nerves and it remained 5-0 at half time. The second half was a different game and they brought on a whole new side who looked suspiciously a lot older than us. We defended well for long periods and we held a 15-14 going into the final minutes. Unfortunately a strong line out drive wrestled the victory from us 21-15 but we showed great heart and played brilliantly.

Charlie Simmons, 1st XV Captain


Gresham’s coach takes the stage at ECB conference Chris Brown, Gresham’s Cricket Coach and Norfolk Emerging Players Programme lead has taken to the stage at the England and Wales Cricket Board Coaches Association (ECB CA) National Conference.

Chris joined an impressive line-up of speakers including England cricketing greats, Jonathan Trott, Graham Thorpe and Ian Salisbury. As a spin consultant on the ECB’s Elite Spin Bowling Programme, Chris delivered ‘Spinning it up’, a presentation that included practical exercises, to a packed conference hall.

Three hundred delegates attended the event, billed as the flagship coaching event of the year. ‘Change the Game’ took place at St George’s Park (the home of the Football Association’s na- tional football centre) in Burton on Trent.

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Cricket (cont/d) The conference enabled coaches to broaden their knowledge by listening to and interacting with some of the top coaches and practitioners in the country exploring relevant and contemporary issues.

A former first-class cricketer, Chris Brown has captained Norfolk since 2013, as well as being the team’s coach and Norfolk Cricket Board’s performance manager. He also holds roles for the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB), as a Young Lions scout and a spin consultant working alongside head spin coach, Peter Such, on the ECB Elite Spin Bowling Programme. Chris joined Gresham’s as Director of Cricket in September 2017.

This is a tremendous accolade for Chris and the School to be invited to present at the ECB National Conference, it clearly shows how highly thought of he is with the ECB!

Gresham’s cricketer joins Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club Academy Programme Ben Wilcox, has been selected to join Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club’s Supported Talented Age Group (STAG) player programme for the second year running.

All-rounder Ben, who is part of the Norfolk Cricket Board’s Emerging Players Programme (EPP), led by former first-class cricketer and Gresham’s Cricket Coach, Chris Brown, has already featured in Norfolk’s U14 and U15 teams.

Chris Brown, who has coached Ben through Norfolk’s EPP, has provided an unrivalled link and pathway for talented players in Norfolk through to Northamptonshire CCC, Essex CCC and Nottinghamshire CCC where he currently works on their Academy programme. Chris said: “Ben had developed through our age groups and EPP and with the strong link now established at Nottinghamshire CCC; he is amongst four Norfolk EPP players connected with their Academy and STAG programmes”.

Ben will follow a programme of cricket skills and conditioning based training set up by Chris Brown and the STAG Academy Director, Matt Wood. Ben can also look forward to professional fitness assessments and lifestyle support provided by Nottinghamshire CCC.

This is a fabulous accolade for Ben and he is certainly deserving of this Academy contract. Ben is a very talented player and at only 13 represented the School 1st XI last season which is a fabulous achievement at this age! Mr S Adams, Sports Development Director 19 of 22

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OG Success

Alex Paske (E 2004 - 08) was awarded the 2017 Aviva Women of the Future Award (category - Sport). Alex set up Mintridge Events in 2015 to harness the power of positive sporting role models; delivering mentoring programmes to young people.

We are delighted to announce that Alex will be coming back to Gresham's in January, as we are using Mintridge Events for our Pre-Season Netball Training!

Kimberley Morrison (c & B 1992 – 2006) was awarded the Sports Personality of the Year Award (Norfolk) after a remarkable sporting year in which she won the Texas Ironman, The Monster Triathlon and the National Relay Championships - setting five bike course records in competitions across the globe.

Harry Simmons (W 2007 - 16) made his Premiership debut, becoming the latest OG to shine in the Leicester Tigers first team, and also retained his starting place in the next match against Bath.

Henry Howard (k & W 1997 - 2011) and Olivia Colman (O 1990 - 92) have both been shortlisted for the Anthony Nolan Supporter Awards. The Awards will be presented on 28th November 2017 at the House of Commons.

John Cushing (c & H 1949 - 57) was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for the Thursford Christmas Spectacular, at the 2017 Norfolk Arts Awards.

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Recent Events

Edinburgh House 30th, London Reunion (16 November 2017)

Former members of Edinburgh House, together with staff and guests, gathered at the Cavalry and Guards Club in Mayfair for a drinks reception to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the official opening of Edinburgh House by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh on 16 November 1987.

All three Housemaster/mistresses were present, as well as Mrs Marie Handley and Mrs Sybil Gadd, the much-loved first two matrons. Prince Philip sent a message from Buckingham Palace to mark the occasion. Some of those attending had not seen each other since leaving the School, and although the room had been booked from 6.00 – 9.30 pm, the party finally ended at 11.00pm!

Class of 97 Reunion (28 October 2017)

Alex Bartlam (E/B 1990 - 97) writes: The class of ’97 had a very successful and fun reunion on Saturday 28 October. In total just over 40 members of the year group were able to make it, as well as a handful of key teachers from their time at school. The event started out with a drinks reception in the new Britten Building foyer, so the OGs had a chance to see what School had built recently. Lots of them commented on how incredible it was and how they were sure they would have been successful recording artists if they had could have had the use of such excellent facilities!

A special mention and thanks was given to the OG Club for its contribution of £20 per ticket. It made a huge difference to peoples costs as many travelled from far away and had to pay for hotels etc. The OGs were very grateful, so thank you again from everyone!

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Hong Kong (13 October 2017) Sue Wilson (Director of Admissions and Marketing) and Sophie Ellis-Retter (Overseas Pupils’ Coordinator, Head of English as a Second Language and Woodlands Tutor) recently travelled to Hong Kong. They attended several school recruitment fairs and also hosted an OG reunion event.

Sophie writes: It was absolutely super for us to meet up at the ‘Cordis Hotel’ in Mong Kok, Hong Kong with with OGs Jonathan Worby and his wife, Charlotte Brearley, Tom Ingram (on his way to work as a pilot for Cathay Pacific) William Rae (fresh from playing golf), Sam Chan, Norman Ung, Ben Jones and Jeffrey Li.

It was great to re-unite Norman with a painting he had done some years ago at Gresham’s, which had been gracing the walls of Woodlands. Charlotte was thrilled to receive goodies sent from home. Current parents Mr Louis Lee and Ms Ivy Chu, Mrs Yoyo Fok, Mr Denny Yeung and Ms Lai Ching, Mr Chi Lam, Ms Sharon Shum, Mr Lum and Ms Hui also attended. There really was a buzz as parents and OGS shared experiences and memories. Many thanks go to Ivy, Yoyo, Gavin Tam and Mr Chow (parent of OG Kunz Chow) who helped us out at the education fairs we attended. We hope to see you all again soon! Mrs J Thomas-Howard, Alumni Manager FRIENDS OF GRESHAM’S For several years, the Friends of Gresham’s has been an informal group of parents, OGs and others with connections to the school.

They run the weekly Bacon Butty club on Saturday mornings, now successfully moved to Tig’s cafe, as well as other social events during the year including the annual drinks party in September and the quiz night in the Lent term. Funds raised are used to support projects around the School including the recent purchase of two wood burning pizza ovens for use by all School houses.

They rely on new members coming forward each year, as children, and their parents, move through the school and leave. The roles of chair, deputy chair and secretary are currently vacant. If we want to see these events and activities continue, we now need more people within the School community and OGs to come forward and join in.

It’s a real team effort. You help out as and when you can. It’s a good way of feeling more connected with the School and making new friends.

If you’d like to join or would like more information about Friends of Gresham’s (FOG’s), please con- tact Moira Morrissey on [email protected]

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