Community Health Assessment & Community Health Improvement Plan 2019-2021 (CHA/CHIP)
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COUNTY OF ERIE MARK C. POLONCARZ COUNTY EXECUTIVE GALE R. BURSTEIN, MD, MPH COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH The mission of the Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) is to promote and protect the health, safety, and well-being of Erie County residents through active prevention, education, enforcement, advocacy and partnerships. 1 COUNTY OF ERIE MARK C. POLONCARZ COUNTY EXECUTIVE GALE R. BURSTEIN, MD, MPH COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH PART A A Message to the Community The Erie County Department of Health worked with Kaleida and Catholic Health Systems, and a diverse group of community partners to create the Erie County Community Health Assessment & Community Health Improvement Plan 2019-2021 (CHA/CHIP). The CHA/CHIP is a comprehensive review and analysis of health status indicators, public health, socioeconomic, demographic and other qualitative and quantitative data from the service area of Erie County, NY in alignment with the New York State Department of Health’s 2019-2024 Prevention Agenda. This report utilized primary (surveys, interviews and focus groups) and secondary (data from third party sources, i.e., US Census Bureau) disease incidence and prevalence data for Erie County. The data was reviewed and analyzed and used to strategically identify community health priorities, develop interventions, and commit resources to improve the health status of the region. The CHA-CHIP can be used as a resource for health care providers, policy makers, social service agencies, community groups/ organizations, religious institutions, educational institutions, businesses, and consumers who are interested in working toward improving the health status of Erie County and the overall quality of life of its residents. It is the intent of the ECDOH and the community partners that worked with them to create this report, that the information presented is not only a useful community resource, but is a catalyst for new ideas, effective collaborations, interventions and campaigns Partner Organizations Erie County Department of Health Kaleida Health Systems Catholic Health Systems The mission of the Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) is to promote and protect the health, safety, and well-being of Erie County residents through active prevention, education, enforcement, advocacy and partnerships. 2 COUNTY OF ERIE MARK C. POLONCARZ COUNTY EXECUTIVE GALE R. BURSTEIN, MD, MPH COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you to all of our community partners that came together to assist with the planning and completion of the Erie County Department of Health’s Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan. The information in this document would not be possible without the support and contributions of our valued community partners as well as the authors of previously produced documents. The CHA and CHIP Planning Group & primary contributors: Name Organization Email Kelly Asher ECDOH [email protected] Kelly Fletcher ECDOH [email protected] Cheryll Moore ECDOH [email protected] John Gaeddert ECDOH [email protected] Roger Duryea CHS [email protected] Yvonne Askew CHS [email protected] Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter UB Family Medicine [email protected] Jonathan Lindner Buffalo State [email protected] Alan Delmerico Buffalo State [email protected] Renee Cadzow D'Youville College [email protected] Mary K Comtois United Way [email protected] Bartholomew Rodrigues CHS [email protected] Kathleen Tompkins Kaleida Health [email protected] Megan Wilson UB Family Medicine [email protected] Stephanie Valenzuela CHS [email protected] Lisa Neff American Heart Association [email protected] Michele Mercer Millennium CC [email protected] Michael Nanfara Program Coordinator PHC [email protected] A special thanks to: The Public Health Alliance Population Health Collaborative (WNY region PHIP) The Erie County Medical Examiner’s Office Erie County Department of Health Epidemiology The Opiate Task Force The mission of the Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) is to promote and protect the health, safety, and well-being of Erie County residents through active prevention, education, enforcement, advocacy and partnerships. 3 COUNTY OF ERIE MARK C. POLONCARZ COUNTY EXECUTIVE GALE R. BURSTEIN, MD, MPH COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH Executive Summary The Prevention Agenda is a six-year effort to make New York the healthiest state. Developed in collaboration with 140 organizations, the plan identifies New York’s most urgent health concerns, and suggests ways local health departments, hospitals, and partners from health, business, education, and community organizations can work together to solve them. The New York State Department of Health’s 2019-2024 Prevention Agenda serves as the blueprint for state and local action to improve the health of New Yorkers in five priority areas and to reduce health disparities for racial, ethnic, disability, socioeconomic and other groups who experience them. This report is a compilation of the results of the Community Health Assessment (CHA) conducted by the Erie County Department of Health, Kaleida Health and Catholic Health Systems and the Erie County Department of Health’s Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) resulting from the CHA. Contained in this report is a detailed assessment of the health status of the residents of Erie County and a prioritization of the health concerns identified. This report also contains the Erie County Department of Health’s CHIP and implementation strategy for the next three years. In the spring of 2018 the Erie County Department of Health brought together the local hospital systems, Kaleida Health and Catholic Health, as well as decision makers from government agencies, educational institutions, service providers, community based organizations agencies and the Public Health Collaborative (PHC) to create the CHA and CHIP Planning Group (CCPG). The group was tasked with assessing and prioritizing community health needs and priorities and selecting at least, two, common priorities areas from the NYS Prevention Agenda The selections would guide the Erie County Department of Health through the Community Health Improvement Plan process as well as Kaleida and Catholic Health Systems through their individual Community Service Plans. (To view specific partner and their roles please see Appendix A, page 6) The mission of the Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) is to promote and protect the health, safety, and well-being of Erie County residents through active prevention, education, enforcement, advocacy and partnerships. 4 COUNTY OF ERIE MARK C. POLONCARZ COUNTY EXECUTIVE GALE R. BURSTEIN, MD, MPH COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH Although the hospitals systems and the Erie County Department of Health completed the Community Health Assessment together; and together, agreed on and selected the priority and focus areas that they would work collaboratively to address in their Community Service Plans and Community Health Improvement Plan (respectively), the decision was made for each partner to submit their own report to New York State Department of Health. The partners believed doing so would allow each organization to expand their focus, interventions and work plans beyond those the partners would select through the collaborative process. Social determinants of health were given special attention through the assessment process. The assessment was planned and conducted using the NYS Prevention Agenda and its five identified priority areas as a guide: (1) prevent chronic diseases; (2) promote a healthy and safe environment; (3) promote healthy women, infants and children; (4) promote well-being and prevent mental health and substance use disorders; and (5) prevent communicable diseases. Aside from health data; demographics, geography and socio-economic indicators were used to do the assessment. Other areas included or addressed in this report are social determinants of health, evidence based interventions, prioritization of needs and resources and capacity. Again, the Community Health Assessment (CHA) was conducted to identify significant health needs as outlined by New York State Department of Health’s 2019-2024 Prevention Agenda and, from that assessment, select at least two Prevention Agenda Priority areas to focus on collaboratively. The CHA & CHIP Planning Group (CCPG) developed a data collection plan which included a consumer survey, community and provider input from several community and provider focus groups and data gathered from vital statistics, epidemiology data bases, research studies, hospitals and other sources (a full list of sources can be found in the data analysis section of the CHA). The gathered data was then used to conduct a comprehensive and reliable assessment of the population’s health status and health challenges. Regional, state, county, sub-county data and data The mission of the Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) is to promote and protect the health, safety, and well-being of Erie County residents through active prevention, education, enforcement, advocacy and partnerships. 5 COUNTY OF ERIE MARK C. POLONCARZ COUNTY EXECUTIVE GALE R. BURSTEIN, MD, MPH COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH gathered in the Community Health Survey, and the Community Conversations developed by the group, were analyzed to review trends and compare Erie County’s health indicators to state goals and local averages. The group developed a rating/ criteria prioritization system (described more thoroughly in the data analysis section of this report)