Index to the Pacific Biological Station Archives

K. S. Simpson, J. R. Carmichael, and C. Groot

Pacific Biological Station Resource Services Branch AM Ditiphve 614.„) Nanaimo, V9R 5K6 ("? is• MAY 26 1976 '/() 441. LIBRARY, NF February 1978

Fisheries & Marine Service Manuscript Report No. 1443

Fisheries and Environment POches et Environnement I Canada Canada Fisheries Service des peches and Marine Service et de la mer Fisheries and Marine Service Manuscript Reports These reports contain scientific and technical information that represents an important contribution to existing knowledge but which for some reason may not be appropriate for primary scientific (i.e. Journal) publication. They differ from Technical Reports in terms of subject scope and potential.audience: Manuscript Reports deal primarily with national or regional problems and distribution is generally restricted to institutions or individuals located in particular regions of Canada. No restriction is placed on subject matter and the series reflects the broad interests and policies of the Fisheries and Marine Service, namely, fisheries management, technology and development, ocean sciences and aquatic environ- ments relevant to Canada. Manuscript Reports may be cited as full publications. The correct citation appears above the abstract of each report. Each report will be abstracted by Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts and will be indexed annually in the Service's index to scientific and technical publications. Numbers 1-900 in this series were issued as Manuscript Reports (Biological Series) of the Biological Board of Canada, and subsequent to 1937 when the name of the Board was changed by Act of Parliament, as Manuscript Reports (Biological Series) of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Numbers 901-1425 were issued as Manuscript Reports of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. The series name was changed with report number 1426. Details on the availability of Manuscript Reports in hard copy may be obtained from the issuing establishment indicated on the front cover.

Service des peches et des sciences de la mer Manuscrits Ces rapports contiennent des renseignements scientifiques et techniques qui constituent une contribution importante aux connaissances actuelles mais qui, pour une raison ou pour une autre, ne semblent pas appropries pour la publication dans un journal soientifique. Its se distinguent des Rapports techniques par la port& du sujet et le lecteur vise; en effet, ils s'attachent principalement A des problemes d'ordre national ou regional et la distribution en est generalement limit& aux organismes et aux personnel de regions particulieres du Canada. Il n'y a aucune restriction quant au sujet; de fait, la serie reflete la vaste gamme des interets et des politiques du Service des peches et de la mer, notamment gestion des peches; techniques et developpement, sciences oceaniques et environnements aquatiques, au Canada. Les Manuscrits peuvent etre consideres comme des publications completes. Le titre exact parait au haut du résumé de chaque rapport, qui sera publie dans la revue Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts et qui figuera dans l'index annuel des publications scientifiques et techniques du Service. Les numeros de 1 A 900 de cette serie ont ete publies a titre de manuscrits (Serie biologique) de l'Office de biologie du Canada, et apres le changement de la designation de cet organisme par decret du Parlement, en 1937, ont ete classes en tant que manuscrits (Serie biologique) de l'Office des recherches sur les pecheries du Canada. Les numeros allant de 901 a 1425 ont ete publies a titre de manuscrits de l'Office des recherches sur les pecheries du Canada. Le nom de la serie a ete change partir du rapport numero 1426. La page couverture porte le nom de l'etablissement auteur ou l'on peut se procurer les rapports sous couverture cartonnee.

•Coyer design by ChriStine Rusk Fisheries and Marine Service Manuscript Report 1443

February 1978



K. S. Simpson, J. R. Carmichael, and C. Groot

Pacific Biological Station Fisheries and Marine Service Resource Services Branch Nanaimo, British Columbia V9R 5K6 - ii -

(c) Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1978

Cat. no. Fs 97-4/1443 ISSN 0701-7618 - iii -








CHUM •. 19-26

COHO 27-36

'PINK 37-52




MISCELLANEOUS 91-95 - iv -


The authors would like to thank the following people who struggled to organize what was, in many cases, virtually unclassifiable volumes of material:

Madeline Sherry Norman Menard Diane White Sue Harder. - v -


Simpson, K. S., J. R. Carmichael, and C. Groot. 1978. Index to the Pacific Biological Station archives. Fish. Mar. Serv. MS Rep. 1443: 95 p.

An archives has been established at the Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., to make unpublished and original data safe and accessible. The archives presently comes from P.B.S. salmon investigations only. Access is by permission of the original investigator or the Director. This report provides a storage location index for material which is described by species, life stage, geographic area, and date.

Key words: Index, Archives, Salmon Studies, British Columbia.


Simpson, K. S., J. R. Carmichael, and C. Groot. 1978. Index to the Pacific Biological Station archives. Fish. Mar. Serv. MS Rep. 1443: 95 p.

La station de biologie du Pacifique de Nana!mo, en C.-B., a mis sur pied un service d'archives afin d'assurer la conservation des donnees et de les rendre accessibles. Actuellement, seuls les resultats de ses recherches sur le saumon y figurent. Pour les consulter, il faut obtenir la permission du chercheur qui les a fournis ou du directeur. Le present rapport renferme un index derangement des donnees classees selon l'espece, le stade de vie, l'aire geographique et la date.

Mots cles: Index, documentation, recherches sur le saumon, Colombie-Britannique. INTRODUCTION

There is a large amount of unpublished and original data at the Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., collected in the course of studies on Pacific salmon. Its nature and many locations have never been documented, making much of it inaccessible. Several instances have occurred where valu­ able data have been lost. These are the reasons for the formation of an archives and the production of this index.

The immediate goal is to index and store in one location all data, notes, diaries, etc., from past and present Station salmon investigations once the authors are no longer actively using it. Since this project was initiated by the Salmon Enhancement Group, the present data is confined to salmon studies. We hope that all aspects of Station work will be included eventually. The long-range objective is to incorporate some of the material into a computer data acquisition-retrieval system which would include data from all Pacific Region fisheries agencies, federal and provincial.

The archives are in the storage area in the basement of the Taylor Building. Until formal arrangements have been made and a Station policy set, access and use of the data will be by permission of the investigator. Permis­ sion of the Director, Pacific Biological Station, is required if the investi­ gator is no longer available. Some data collected by Station investigators came from other sources, e.g., Fisheries Operations and U.S.A. fisheries agencies. In this case, the usual rules for use of scientific material apply. Borrowed documents must be signed out and their location marked with an out­ file card.


The index is arranged in nine sections: a "Salmon - General" section written in narrative format; one section for each salmon species (arranged alphabetically); one section for "Other Fish Species"; a section with environmental and invertebrate sampling data; and finally, a section containing miscellaneous information (e.g., diaries). The material within each section is grouped by broad geographic area in the following order:

Skeena River North and Central Coast Southern Mainland B.C. Coast - General Alaska Continental U.S.A. Asia High Seas - 2 -

Entries are roughly classified by local area, author, and year within these geographic groupings. An explanation of table headings is given below with part of a typical page as a reference.


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Year ity gator no.

Predation by Skeena 51 J God 1

Escapement Hook Nose 62 M Par 3 Cr.

Ages Qualicum 46 M Bil 2

Explanation of codes

- Area Locality, system name, or fisheries statistical area

- Years Period covered by the work or the year of completion

- Fish maturity code Fry and smolt - J Young (ocean ilrumature) - Y Adult (mature) - M All or several life stages - A

- Investigator code Andersen - And Aro - Aro Bilton - Bil General - Gen Mason - Mas Scrivener - Scr Godfrey - God Parker - Par Smith - Smi Jordan - Jor Wickett - Wic

- Description Key words have been used to convey a more detailed idea of the file contents. - 3 -

It is important to realize that (1) the archives material remains as it was originally placed in storage by the authors, i.e., there has been no rearrangement of files to consolidate material; and (2) the records often mad~ it impossible to obtain an accurate description. Consequently, we advise the user to examine any data with an index entry approximately corresponding to what he is looking for. The author, if available, may be able to help him identify the data and assess its usefulness.

Concerning the material located in offices, this is only the saLmon material which investigators have listed with the archives. Much more data exists at the Pacific Biological Station pertaining to salmon.



HIGH SEAS SALMON DATA Contact person: K. V. Aro

1. INPFC documents

An almost complete set of INPFC documents by Japan, United States, and Canada on Pacific salmon in the North Pacific Ocean is stored in the Library.

2. High seas salmon catch and tag release data by Canada, 1956-1967

This includes:

(a) Computer cards for each salmon caught by longline and gillnet from 1960 to 1967 - in Computer Centre.

(b) Printouts of (a) - in the INPFC file and Room C263.

(c) Summary cards of numbers of salmon caught and tagged by set - in Com~uter Centre.

The data are being published in many new joint comprehensive INPFC reports and have been published in various MS reports.

3. Recovery data from high seas tagging by Canada, Japan, and the United States, 1956-1975

Computer cards and magnetic tape of tag recoveries in years 1955 to 1975 are stored in the Computer Centre. The data are published in:

(a) INPFC documents by each nation.

(b) MS reports by Aro et al. and Aro.

(c) INPFC joint comprehensive reports (in preparation).

4. Japanese mothership catches of salmon on the high seas from 1951 onward

This information can be found in:

(a) INPFC Statistical Yearbooks.

(b) Computer cards in the Computer Centre.

(c) Printouts by species, high seas area, and time period - Room C263.

5. Meristics and scale studies, 1965-1967

A set of original records including about 20 boxes of X-ray plates are stored in the basement of the Taylor Building. The data have been key­ punched onto a set of meristics cards and a matching set of scale cards. - 8 -

Both sets can be found in the Computer Centre. The data have not been published.

6. Histological studies of gonads from salmon sampled on the high seas

This work was started by Nancy Parker but never completed or published. Slides are stored in the basement of the Taylor Building and Computer printouts pertaining to her studies are filed in C263.

PARASITES OF SALMON Contact persons: L. Margolis, N. Boyce

Data has been collected on the parasites of approximately 13,000 sockeye and 2,000 pinks during various stages of their life histories, mainly from North America and the high seas (1955-1959 for sockeye and 1955-1957 for pinks).

All the data is on hand-sort punch cards and tablulated by sample session on summary sheets. It has been partially summarized and analyzed in MS Reports No. 624, 658, 687, and 703; and in INPFC Documents No. 115, 216, 250, 303, and 409.

STOCK ASSESSMENT AND RACIAL STUDIES Contact persons: H. T. Bilton, D. W. Jenkinson

1. Age, size, and sex composition of sockeye, pink, and chum salmon in commercial catches, 1957-1972

This includes:

(a) Raw data - in the basement of the Taylor Building.

(b) Computer cards - in the Computer Centre.

(c) Annual MS Reports from 1957 to 1972.

2. Scale impressions and associated data for all salmon species from various Alaska coastal areas, 1956-1966

Copies of the original data are in the basement of the Taylor Building.

3. Scale cards and associated data for all species of salmon caught by Canadian, Japanese, and American high seas fishing, 1956-1972

Duplicate or original data are in the basement of the Taylor Building.

INSHORE SALMON TAGGING Contact person: K. V. Aro

1. Areas 3-5 for 1944 to 1958

This includes all species except in 1944 when only sockeye were tagged. The data are accessible through: - 9 -

(a) Progress Reports of Pacific Coast Stations by Pritchard and Milne.

(b) File cards for recoveries in the earlier years and computer cards for later years. Printouts are also available.

(c) MS Report No. 984.

2. Alaska District 4, 1957-1958

This includes all species of salmon. We have computer cards and print­ outs of the recoveries.


B.C. Catch Statistics volumes from 1951 to the present time are located in Room C263. An incomplete time series of annual summaries of Conservation Measures in B.C. fishing areas is also available in Room C263.


1. Salmon streams and spawning reports (forms B.C. 16 and F3481), 1951-1976

These are filed by area in the basement of the Clemens Building.

2. Summary tabulations by area, stream, and species, 1951-1975

These are also filed in the Basement of the Clemens Building.

I 6

1 1 - 13 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Ages of tagged salmon Skeena 48 M Bil 1

Ages, scale characters, Skeena 56 M Bil 1,9 lengths/weights for 58-63 test fishing program

Fence counts Babine fence 46-71 M Smi 6,7

Jack spring counts Babine fence 50 M Smi 6

Daily counts Babine fence 50 M Smi 6

Marks sighted Babine 50 M Smi 6 system

Jack counts Babine 50 M Smi 6 system

Length and sex data, dead Babine fence 52 M Smi 6 recovery sampling data

Dead on fence, sampling Babine fence 52-53 M Smi 6 data, size, % spawned, condition

Mark record data, sampling Babine 51 J Smi 6 data, daily observation system logs

Ages of tagged salmon Babine 58 M Bil 11

Escapement survey counts Kitwanga R. 58-65 M Gen 2

Fence counts Kitwanga R. 60 M Gen 2


Tagging programs- scale North Coast 58 Y,M Bil 2 characters, lengths/ weights - 14 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Juvenile samples - scale Area 4 57 J Bil 2 characters, lengths/ weights

Tagging programs -scale Pr. Rupert 53-54 Y,M Bil 10 characters, lengths/ weights

Weekly sampling summaries Pr. Rupert 64-65 Y,M God 211 ' Biological sample sheets Pr. Rupert 64-67 Y,M God 1-2 4-5

Mark recovery illustrations Pr. Rupert 67 Y,M God 5

Mark recovery logs Pr. Rupert 64-67 Y,M God 3-5

Scale reading Hook Nose 63 Y,M Par 1 Cr.

Age composition of Rivers 51-55 Y,M Bil 10 sport catch Inlet

Weekly sampling summaries Namu 64-65 Y,M God 11

Mark recovery logs and Namu 65-68 Y,M God 1 forms 3-7

Mark illustrations Namu 68 Y,M God 8

Biological sample sheets Namu 64-68 Y,M God 1-2 5,7


Tagging programs- scale Georgia 56-57 Y,M Bil 10 characters, lengths, Strait weights

Tagging programs- scale Juan de 57-58 Y,M Bil 2 characters, lengths, Fuca weights - 15 - CHINOOK

Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Juvenile scale identifi- Porlier 64-68 J Bil 15 cation Pass

Juvenile scale identifi- Qualicum 64-68 J Bil 15 cation

River trap records Cowichan R. 65 J God 9

Weight and length Cowichan 65 J God 9 records Bay

Graphs, number of fry/ Cowichan 65 J God 9 day, temperature/day. Bay Weight/date

Catch records from sport Cowichan 65 M God 9 fishing R.

Research catch records Cowichan 65,67 A God 9 R. & Bay

Catch records from purse Cowichan 66,67 A God 9 seining Bay

Seine catch, fry sample Cowichan 67 J God 9 data R.

Aging data Cowichan 67 M God 9 R.

Weights, lengths, etc. Cowichan 66-67 J God 9 R. & Bay

Marking programs - Cowichan 65,67 J God 9 marking data R. & Bay

Marking programs - Cowichan, 66-67 Y,M God 9 sport catch marking Saanich forms

Juvenile scale identifi- Estevan Pt. 64-68 J Bil 15 cation

Juvenile samples West 68 J Bil 8 Vancouver Island - 16 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Circulus formation vs. Rosewall 71-72 A Bil 5 age and size of parents, Cr. feeding/starvation, size of eggs and fry

Weekly sampling summaries - Victoria 64 Y,M God 4 selected markings

Biological sample sheets Barkley 64 Y,M God 2 Sound


Tagging programs - scale Vancouver 53-54 Y,M Bil 10 characters, lengths/ weights

Biological sample sheets Vancouver 64-68 Y,M God 1-2 5,7

Mark recovery logs and Vancouver 64-68 Y,M God 1 forms 3-7

Weekly sampling sunmaries Vancouver 65 Y,M God 2

Mark illustrations Vancouver 68 Y,M God 8

Selected marks Vancouver 68 Y,M God 7


Fence counts Cultus Lake 32-35 M Gen 3

Juvenile scale identifi- Mission 64-68 J Bil 15 cation

Escapement samples - scale Fraser 56-57 M God 1 characters, lengths/ 59 9-10 weights

Test fishing - scale Fraser 66 M Bil 7 characters, lengths, weights .. 17 -


Matur- Investi- Box Descripti~n Area Years ity gator no.

Composition of freshwater Fraser 66 M Bil 7 ages


Length and weight data, B.C. 51-53 Y,M Bil 10 size composition 57-58

Commercial catches - ages, B.C. 50-63 Y,M Bil 2-5 scale characters, lengths/ 9-10 weights

Monthly and annual catch B.C. 53-55 Y,M Bil 10 stat. from sport fishing

Monthly and annual catch B.C. 51-59 Y,M Bil 10 stat. from commercial fishing

Sampling summaries for B.C. 58-60 Y,M Bil 2-3 commercial catches 63-71 5-8

Tests of differences of B.C. 66-67 M Bil 19 scale characters between stocks


Tag failure associated with Taku 61 M Par 7 a net fishery as a source of experimental error

Tests of differences of scale Alaska 66-67 M Bil 19 characters between stocks


Test fishing - scale Columbia 64 M Bil 6 characters, lengths/weights

Juvenile scale identifi- u.s.A. 64-68 J Bil 15 cation -F.R.I. - 18 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Washington State spring Washington 5o,51 M Par 6 data


Tagging programs - High seas 57 Y,M Bil 2,12 scale characters, 60-61 lengths

F,R.I, age summaries High seas 62-67 Y,M Bil 12

U.S.A. sampling data High seas 59 Y,M Bil 14

U.S.A. release data High seas 61 Y,M Bil 14 Canadian daily tagging recor:ds with ages for "Sea Queen" High seas 66·-6 7 Y,M Bil 12-13 "Canadian No. 1" High seas 66 Y,M Bil 12 "G.B. Reed" High seas 65-67 Y,M Bil 12

Canadian fishing data High seas 57 Y,M Bil 14

Recovery data High seas 55,57 Y,M Bil 14 59-60 64-65

High seas tagging program - High seas 68 y ,M Bil 8 age and sampling data from "G.B. Reed" parasite studies


Concept of growth in fishes - 59 A Par 7 MS - 19 -


- 21 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Stream survey cards Skeena area 19-49 M Gen 10,11

Ages of tagged salmon Skeena 48 M Bil .1

Ages of tagged salmon Skeena 56 M Bil 1 test fishing

Ages, scale characters, Skeena 56,65 M Bil 1,6 lengths/weights, etc., from test fishing

Age analysis of escapements Skeena area 64-66 M Bil 10

Fry observations, catches Lower 56-58 J Gen 3 Skeena (Kwinitsa)

Fry output estimates Lakelse 56-63 J Gen 2

Fry netting counts Kalum R. 56 J Gen 3

Fry output estimates Kispiox 58 J Gen 2

Tagging and ocean tag Mor;icetown 46-47 M Aro 1 recovery data Falls

Scale sampling record Moricetown 46-47 M Aro 1 Falls

Analysis of Indian Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 gaffing success Falls

Spot counts of salmon Moricetown 46-47 M Aro 1 migration Falls

Daily catch and effort Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 data Falls

Daily counts Babine 46-47, M Smi 6 fence 52

Ages of tagged salmon Babine 58 M Bil 11

Ocean tag recovery Bear L. 47 M Aro 1 area - 22 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Ages, scale characters, North & 58,64 M Bil 2,6 lengths, weights, from Central tagging programs B.C. coast

Some approaches to the study Bella Cool a 49-51 A Par 7 of pink and chum salmon - area MS

Quality of marks Bella Cool a 61 J Par 5 area

Sampling data Bella Cool a 61 J Par 5 area

Stomach analyses Bella Cool a 62-63 J Par 1,5 area, Fitzhugh Sd.

Lengths, weights Bella Coola 61,63 J Par 1, area, Port 4-5, John, 7 Matthew Is.

Copepod infections Bella Cool a 63 J Par 1 area

Two-boat trawl data Bella Coola 64 J Par 4 area

Fry sampling Bella Coola 65 J Par 2 R.

Coho predation Bella Cool a 66-67 J Par 3 area

Fortran program to Bella Cool a 66 J Par 3 analyse predation data area

Coho size selection Bella Coola 67 J Par 3

Before and after lengths Burke 67 J Par 3 for predator/prey Channel experiments - 23 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Age composition Port John 47-49 M Par 6

Life expectancy in Port John 50-62 A Par 6 stream and percent sea survival

Salmon and other fish Hook Nose 45-51 A Par 6 catches Cr.

Freshwater survival Hook Nose 47-56 J Par 7 Cr.

Fecundity samples Hook Nose 47-62 M Par 6 Cr.

Fry and adult counts Hook Nose 47-62 J,M Par 6 Cr. Tally Cr.

Fry distribution Hook Nose 52-54 J Par 6 Cr. Tally Cr.

Redd sampling Hook Nose 59-63 J Par 1-2, Cr. 6 Salloomt R. 65

Alaska Dep. Fish. Wildl. 65 J Par 2 survey Hecate Str.

Fence counts Hook Nose 48-52 J Gen 1 Cr. 54-61

Fence counts Tally Cr. 49-51 J Gen 1 52-60

Egg retention, life Tally Cr. 67 M Gen 1 expectancy studies Hook Nose Cr.


Age, scale characters, Vancouver 46 M Bil 1 lengths, weights Island

Age, scale characters, West 49 M Bil 1 lengths, weights Vancouver from stream surveys Island - 24 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Catches Cowichan R. 65-67 J God 9 & Bay

Weights, lengths, etc. Cowichan R. 65 J God 9 & Bay

Juvenile scale identi- Qualicum, 64-68 J Bil 15 fication Parlier Pass

Ages, scale characters, Southeast 65,68 J Bil 6,8 lengths, weights from Vancouver juvenile samples Island


Fence counts, size, sex, Cultus L. 32-35 M Gen 3 mark recovery data

Juvenile scale Mission 64-68 J Bil 15 identification


Commercial catches - B.C. coast 47-48 M Bil 1-9 ages, scale characters, 50,53 lengths, weights 55-72

Racial studies B.C. coast 55-66 M Bil 21

Age summaries B.C. coast 58 M Bil 5

Sampling summaries from B.C. coast 58-60 M Bil 2-3 commercial catches 63-71 5-8

Tests of differences in B.C. coast 63-66 M Bil 19 scale characters between stocks

Investigation of B.C. chum B.C. coast 66 A Par 7


Racial studies Alaska 55-66 M Bil 21 - 25 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Ages, scale characters, Alaska 57 M Bil 2 lengths, weights, etc., from commercial catches

Tests of differences of Alaska 63-66 M Bil 19 scale characters between stocks


Juvenile scale identi- u.s.A. 64-68 J Bil 15 fication - F.R.I.


Racial studies North 55-66 y Bil 21 Pacific

Racial studies Bering 55-66 y Bil 21 Sea

Ages, scale characters, High seas 56-66 Y,M Bil 1-3 lengths/weights from 12 tagging programs 14

Scale data and frequency High seas 56-57 y Bil 22 table

Length and weight, stomach 50°N 65-66 y Bil 6,9 contents - Ocean Stat ion 145°W 71-72 PAPA catches

High seas tagging program - age and sampling data - "G.B. Reed" parasite High seas 68 Y,M Bil 8 studies - F.R.I. age summaries High seas 62-67 M Bil 12 - F.R.I. release and High seas 58-61 A Bil 14 recovery data

Canadian fishing data High seas 57 Y,M Bil 14

Recovery data High seas 55,57 Y,M Bil 14 59-60 64-65 - 26 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Ages, scale characters, Toku R. 56 M Bil 18 lengths/weights from Chitose R. escapement samples (Japan) C OHO 4 - 29 - COHO

Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Ages of tagged salmon Skeena 48 M Bil 1

Stream survey cards Skeena 19-49 M Gen 10, ll area

Ages of tagged salmon, Skeena 56-62 M Bil 1-5 scale characters, lengths, test weights from test fishing fishing

Tag recovery, escapement Lower 58-59 M Gen 3 records Skeena mainstream

Tagging records Lower 60 M Gen 3 Skeena

Aerial photos (negatives) Lower 62 M Smi 1 of spawners Skeena

Fry trapping, counts Lakelse R. 56-63 J Gen 2

Double netting at different Lakelse R. 58-61 J Gen 2 depths

Fry netting counts Kalum R. 56 J Gen 3

Double netting at different Kitwanga 58-61 J Gen 2 depths

Double netting at different Kispiox 58-61 J Gen 2 depths

Escapement (fence counts) Kitwanga 60 M Gen 2

Tagging and ocean tag Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 recovery data Falls

Scale sampling Moricetown 46-47 M Aro 1 records Falls - 30 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Analysis of Indian Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 gaffing success Falls

Spot counts of salmon Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 migration Fa Us

Daily catch and effort Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 data Fa.lls

Aerial photos Morice R. 62 M Smi 1 (negatives) of spawners

Aerial photos Upper & 62 M Smi 1 (negatives) of Lower spawners Babine R.

Daily counts Babine 46-47 M Smi 6 fence 52

Dead recovery, sampling data, Babine 52 M Smi 6 % spawned, size, fence condition

Ages of tagged salmon Babine 58 M Bil 11

Netting and marking Babine 44 M Bil 1 records

Maternal influence vs. Babine 71 J Bil 15 hatching time

Counts Morrison 65 M Smi 7 R.

Fence counts Six Mile 50-51 M Aro 1 Cr.

Fence counts of fry Six Mile 51 J Aro 1 Cr.

Ocean tag recovery Bear L. 47 M Aro 1 - 31 - COHO

Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Age, scale characters, North 58 Y,M Bil 2 lengths, weights, etc., coast from tagging programs

Ages, scale characters, Area 4 57 J Bil 2 lengths, weights, etc., from juvenile samples

Salmon tagging data Chatham 56-58 M Aro Office Sound

Size composition Pr. Rupert 52-53 Y,M Bil 10

Marking programs Pr. Rupert 64-65 Y,M God 11 weekly. sampling summaries

Marking programs - Pr. Rupert 64-65 Y,M God ll, 12 mark recovery forms 67 and logs

Marking programs - Pr. Rupert 65 Y,M God 11 biological sample sheets

Catch data Bella Coola 30-48 M Par 6 Bella Bella

Stomach analysis Bella Coola 62-63 J Par 1,2 area 65 5

Predation on pink and Bella Coola 65-67 J Par 2,3 chum area

Pink/coho model Burke 67 J Par 3 Channel

Marking programs - mark Namu 65 Y,M God 11 illustrations

Marking programs - Namu 64-65 Y,M God 11 weekly sampling summaries - 32 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Marking programs - Namu 64-67 Y,M God 11,12 mark recovery logs and forms

Marking programs - Namu 65 Y,M God 11 biological sample sheets

Redd digging Port John 63 J Par 1

Daily counts Hook Nose 47-62 J Par 6 Cr.

Fecundity samples Hook Nose 47-55 M Par 6 Cr.

Fry counts and marking Hook Nose 48-55 J Par 6 Cr. 61

Adult migration counts Tally Cr. 48-60 M Par 6

Predation by smolts Hook Nose 61 J Par 6 Cr.


Fry counted Nile Cr. 48-54 J Wic Office

Yearlings counted Nile Cr. 48-54 J Wic Office

Adults and jacks counted Nile Cr. 48-54 M Wic Office

Fry counted Chef Cr. 61-65 J Wic Office

Stomach analysis Chef Cr. 62-63 J Wic Office

Smolts counted Chef Cr. 62-65 J Wic Office

Underyearling production Chef Cr. 62 J Wic Office

Length distribution, scales, Chef Cr. 61-65 J Wic Office counts, tagging data

Records of incubation Nanaimo 56-57 J Gen 3 experiments for artificial propagation - 33 -


Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Ages, scale characters, Vancouver 57 M Bil 9 lengths, weights, etc., Island from escapement samples

Marking programs - Victoria 64-65 Y,M God 11 mark recovery logs and forms

Juvenile scale identifi­ Porlier Pass 64-68 J Bil 15 cation

Juvenile scale identifi­ Qualicum 64-68 J Bil 15 cation

Catch records from: -purse seine operations Cowichan Bay 66 J,Y God 9 -sport fishing Cowichan Bay 66 Y,M God 9 -research samples Cowichan R. 65,67 J God 9

Weights, lengths, etc. Cowichan R. 65,67 J God 9

River trap records, Cowichan R. 65 J God 9 weight, length records

Marking data Cowichan B. 66-67 J God 9

Juvenile samples West Vancouver 68 J Bil 8 Island

Maternal influence vs. Rosewall 71 J Bil 15 hatching time Cr.

Fish population studies Carnation 71-76 A Scr Office Cr.

Fry trapping and sampling Lymn Cr. 71-73 J Mas Office

Smolt trapping and Lymn Cr. 71-73 J Mas Office sampling

Adults sampled Lymn Cr .. 71-73 M Mas Office

Juvenile scale identifi­ Estevan 64-68 J Bil 15 cation Point - 34 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Marking programs - Vancouver 64-65 Y,M God 11 weekly sampling summaries

Marking programs - Vancouver 64-65 Y,M God 11,12 mark recovery logs 67 and forms

Marking programs - Vancouver 65 Y,M God 11 mark illustration


Fence .counts Cultus L. 32-35 M Gen 3

Size composition Fraser & 57-59 Y,M Bil 10 Juan de Fuca

Records of incubation Cultus L. 56-57 J Gen 3 experiments for artificial propagation program

Juvenile scale identifi­ Mission 64-68 J Bil 15 cation

Maternal influence vs. Ste11ako 71 J Bil 15 hatching time


Ages, scale characters, South 50 Y,M Bil 2 lengths, weights, etc., coast 56-58 9-10 from tagging programs

Ages, scale characters, B.C. 50-64 Y,M Bil 1-6 lengths, weights, 68 9-10 from commercial catches

Monthly and annual catch B.C. 51-59 Y,M Bil 10 stat. from commercial fhhing - 35 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Monthly and annual catch B.C. 53-55 Y,M Bil 10 stat. from sports fishing

Ages, scale characters, B.C. 64-65 Y,M Bil 1 lengths, weights, etc., coast from viscera sample data


Length, sex, age data Alaska 52 M Smi 10 Area 61 Stikine R.


Ages, scale characters, U.S.A. 59,68 J Bil 9 lengths, weights, etc., from juvenile samples

Juvenile scale identifi­ u.s.A. 64-68 J Bil 15 cation - F.R.I.


Recovery data High seas 55,57 Y,M Bil 14 64-65

Ages, scale characters, High seas 56-62 Y,M Bil 2-3 length, weights, etc., 5,10 from tagging programs 12,14

Canadian daily tagging records with ages for - "Sea Queen" High seas 66-67 Y,M Bil 12-13 - "Canadian No. 1" High seas 66 Y,M Bil 12 - "G.B. Reed" High seas 65-67 Y,M Bil 13

F.R.I. age summaries High seas 62-67 Y,M Bil 12

F.R.I. tagging data - - "California Rose" High seas 58 Y,M Bil 14 - "Cormnander" High seas 64 Y,M Bil 15 - 36 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

u.s.A. sampling data High seas 59 Y,M Bil 14

u.s.A. release data High seas 61 Y,M Bil 14

Ages, scale characters, 50°N 62-63 Y,M Bil 5,6 lengths, weights, stomach 145°W 9 analyses, etc., from Ocean Station PAPA catches - 37 -

PINK .. - 39 -


Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Stream survey cards Skeena 19-49 M Gen 10-11 area

Skeena discharge Skeena R. 28-58 M Gen 2 records at Usk vs. pink returns

Ages of tagged salmon Skeena 48 M Bil 1

Ages, scale characters, Skeena 55,57 M Bil 1-2 lengths, weights, etc., test 65-66 6,11 from test fishing fishing

Escapement samples, ages, Skeena 56,64 M Bil 11,18 scale characters, lengths, weights

Length data Skeena R. 59,61 M Smi 4 64

Fry observations, catches Lower 56-58 J Gen 3 Skeena (Kwinitsa)

Aerial spawner counts Lower 59-60 M Gen 2 Skeena

Skeena pink salmon Skeena 56-58 M Gen 2 activity reports area

Escapement and analysis Skeena 64-66 M Smi 10 of escapement area

Annual escapement Major 50-56 M Gen 2 summaries Skeena spawning streams

Spawning potentials Lower 46-47 M Gen 2 Skeena

Tagging records Lower 60 M Gen 3 Skeena - 40 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Summary of effects on Lower 62-65 A Gen 3 pinks of proposed Skeena dredging - Jan., 1965, mainstream report

Field notes, set records, Lower 63-65 M Gen 3 aerial surveys, tagging Skeena records, hypural lengths, mainstream sex composition, gillnet construction details and river conditions

Annual summaries of results Lower 62-64 M Gen 3 of Skeena mainstream Skeena studies, e.g.' escapement numbers, timing estimates, locations

Aerial photos and negatives Major 62 M Smi 1 of spawners Skeena streams

Escapement estimates and Lakelse R. 55 M Gen 1 size/sex data

Spawner counts and estimates Lakelse R. 63-64 M Gen 2 on streams, tag recovery

Summary of fry output/ Lakelse R. 56-60 J Gen 2 survivals

Miscellaneous escapement Lakelse R. 55-65 M Gen 2 summaries

Fry trapping records Lakelse R. 58-61 J Gen 2

Experimental fry trapping Lakelse R. 62 J Gen 2 (using lights, etc.)

Redd sampling, spawner Lakelse R. 62-63 M Gen 2 distribution 56

Tag recovery summaries Lakelse R. 60-64 M Gen 2

Fry migration summaries Lakelse R. 56 J Gen 2 - 41 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Length data Lakelse R. 56-64 M Smi 4

Study of daylight Lakelse R. 63 J Gen 12 migration

Ages, scale characters, Lakelse 65 J Bil 10 lengths, weights from juvenile samples

Fry migration summaries Kalum R. 56 J Gen 2

Fry netting counts Kalum R. 56 J Gen 3

Fry release, diary, Kleanza 58-60 J Gen 3 counts, experiments

Fence samples - egg counts, Kleanza 59 M Gen 3 lengths

Length data f{leanza 60 M Smi 4

Fence samples - egg Kitwanga 59 M Gen 3 counts, lengths

Length data Kitwanga 5 7-61 M Smi 4 63

Summary of fry output/ Kitwanga 56-60 J Gen 2 survivals

Fry trapping record Kitwanga 5 7-61 J Gen 2

Sample data, sex, · Kitwanga 57 M Gen 2 condition, fork and hypural lengths

Tagging and recovery Kispiox 63 M Gen 3 records, lengths

Fry migration summaries Kispiox 56 J Gen 2

Aerial and ground Kispiox 56 M Gen 3 escapement surveys, 58-61 tag recovery, lengths 63 - 42 -


Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Summary of fry output/ Khpiox R. 56-60 J Gen 2 survivals

Length data Kispiox R. 57-63 M Smi 4

Fry trapping records Kispiox R. 58-61 J Gen 2

Daily counts Babine 46-47 M Smi 6 fence 52

Marked fish sighted Babine 49 M Smi 6 fence

Dead on fence (spawned and Babine 46-47 M Smi 6 unspawned) fence 49

Analysis of pink salmon Babine 57-61 M Smi 4 length data fence

Sample· data, e.,g., size, Babine 49,51 M Smi 6 condition sy~tem

Fry trapping Babine 67-68 J Smi 8,9 fence


Ages, scale characters, North 57 M Bil 2 lengths, weights, etc., coast from tagging programs

Notes on Skeena-bound Ogden 66 M Aro Office pinks in Ogden Channel Channel

Redd digging Hook Nose 59-63 J Par 1,6 Cr.

Redd digging Salloomt R. 65 J Par 2

Fry survival Bella Coola 62 J Par 1 area

Freshwater survival Hoo.k Nose 47-56 J Par 7 Cr. - 43 - PINK

Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Fry marking records, Whiskey Bay 63-65 J Par 1,2 summaries Fougner Bay 4 Bella Coola area Burke Channel

Fry releases, marking Port 61-62 J Par 5 John

Thread marking Hook Nose 45 J Par 6 Cr. 52-53 61

Dye marking experiments Port 59 J Par 6 John

Marking quality, mortality, Bella Coola 61-64 J Par 2-5 fin regeneration Whiskey Bay 66 7 experiments Port John

Saltwater marking Bella Coola 61 J Par 5 area

Marking apparatus Bella Coola 66 J Par 3 area

Markers' field notes ·Feugner Bay 62 J Par 5

Mark recovery Bella Coola 62-66 J Par 1-4 area

Sampling data - lengths, Bella Coola 61-66 J Par 1-5 weights, etc, area 7 Burke Channel Fitzhugh Sound Port John Matthew Island

Growth data Bella Coola 63 J Par 1 area

Graphs Bella Coola 65 J Par 2 area

Computer compilation of Bella Coola 66 J Par 3 relative % food to area total body weight - 44 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Initial and terminal Burke 67 J Par 3 length frequencies for Channel predator/prey experiments

Fry catches, lengths Bella Coola 66 J Par 4

Starv~tion experiment - Whiskey Bay. 64 J Par 4 lengths, weights

Lengths/weights from Bella Coola 65 Par 2 lost freezer samples

Length/weight regressions Fitzhugh 61 J Par 5 Sound

Stomach analyses Burke Channel 61-64 J Par 1 Bella Coola 4-5 area Fitzhugh Sound

Food observations Burke 66 J Par 3 Channel

Parasite damage and Bella Coola 61-63 J Par 1,5 incidence area

Caligus experiments Whiskey Bay 64 J Par 4

Predator studies, Bella Cool a 62-63 J Par 1-3 especially by coho area 65-67 7

Computer program to analyse Bella Coola 66 J Par 3 predation data area

Coho size selection of Bella Coola 66-67 J Par 3 pinks area

Predation by coho Hook Nose 61 J Par 6 Cr.

Pink/coho model Burke 61 J Par 3 Channel

Scale data Bella Coola 63-64 J Par 1,4 area - 45 - PINK

Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Fry orientation data Whiskey Bay 63,66 J Par 1,3 Coryden Bay

Conditioning experiments Bella Coola 66 J Par 3

Two-boat trawl catches, Bella Coola 64-65 J Par 2,4 locations area

Alaska Fish and Game De p. Dixon 65 J Par 2 surveys Entrance

Field notes Namu 66 J,M Par 3 Atnarko R.

Fry observations Burke 67 J Par 3 Channel

Distribution, charts of Bella Coola 64 J Par 4 movement area

Creek distributions Port John 52-54 J Par 6

Anaesthetics - MS 222 64 J Par 4 and 2 phenoxyethanol

Enumerations Bella Coola 66 J Par 5 area

Fry counts Hook Nose 61 J Par 6 Cr.

Early sea life of a Bella Coola 60-64 J Par 7 salmon - MS area

The relationship between Central 62 J Par 7 juvenile pink salmon - MS coast

Proximate biochemical Whiskey 64 J Par 4, 7 analyses Bay

Estimation of sea mortality Hook Nose 64 A Par 7 rates for 1960 brood year Cr. MS

Marine mortality schedules - Bella Coola 67 J Par 7 MS area - 46 -


Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Some approaches to the study Bella Coola 49-51 y Par 7 of pink and chum salmon area

Brood-year estimates of Bella Coola 63 Par 5 mortality area

Mark recovery counts and Areas 6-8 61-67 M Par 1-5 sampling data in streams Namu 7 and canneries Klemtu Lower Atnarko R. Salloomt R.

Quality of recoveries Bella Coola 63 M Par 5 area

Ca·tch statistics Areas 7 & 8 63-64 M Par 1 4-5

Stream .surveys, escapement Bella Coola 62 M Par 2 estimates area 64-66 4-5 Lower Atnarko R. Salloomt R. Area 8

Fence counts Hook Nose Cr. 47-62 M Par 6 Tally Cr.

Collection methods Hook Nose Cr. 45-51 A Par 6

Estimates of spawner density Atnarko R. 63 M Par 5

Band-marking Lower 66 M Par 2 Atnarko R.

Field notes and ·scales Bella Coola 65 M Par 4

Hypural and fork lengths Bella Coola 63 M Par 5 area

Sampling data, lengths Bella Coola 61 M Par 5,7 area

Fecundities Port John 54-(:iO M Par 7

Life expectancy studies Hook Nose 51-60 A Par 6 Cr.

Selectivity of a fishery Bella Coola 65-66 M Par 7 (data) - 47 -


Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Fence counts, fecundities, Port John 48-62 A Gen 1 dead unspawned counts, Hook Nose Cr. 67 mark recovery~injured counts, Tally Cr. egg retentiQn~ life expectancy studies, etc.

Ages, scale characters, Areas 59 M Bil 3 lengths, weights, etc., 8 & 12 from tagging programs

Incidence of supplementary Area 8 64 M Bil 11 scale checks

Escapement samples - age~, Area 8 64 M Bil 11 scale characters, lengths, weights, etc.


Juvenile scale identifi­ Porlier 64-68 J Bil 15 cation Pass Qualicum Estevan Pt.

Ages, ,scale characters, Nanaimo R. 68 J Bil 8 lengths, weights, etc., from juvenile samples

Fry abundance Head­ 64-66 J Bam Office quarters 69 Cr. 71-73

Adult runs Head­ 68-73 M Bam Office quarters Cr.

Lengths and weights Head­ 68-73 M Bam Office quarters Cr.

Egg counts Head­ 68 M Bam Office quarters 70-72 Cr·.

Tagging recovery Johnstone 45,50 M Aro Office Strait 55 - 48 -


Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Adult returns West coast 67 M Par 3 of Vancouver Island

Records of incubation Nanaimo 56-57 J Gen 3 experiments for artificial propagation


Escapement samples - ages, Glendale 68 M Bil 11 scale characters, lengths/ weights

Sampling data Vancouver 62,64 M Par 1,6

Mark recovery Vancouver 63-64 M Par 1,5


Juvenile scale identifi­ Mission 64-68 J Bil 15 cation


Ages, scale characters, B.C. 56-72 M Bil 1-9 lengths, weights, etc., 19 from commercial catches

Tests of differences of B.C. 56-66 M Bil 19 scale characters between coast stocks

Sampling summaries for B.C. 58-60 M Bil 2-3 commercial catches 63-71 5-8

Cannery samples, abundances, B.C. 70 M Bam Office lengths, weights coast 72-73 - 49 - PINK

Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Juvenile scale identifi- U.S.A. 64-68 J Bil 15 cation -F.R.I.


Tests of differences of Alaska 56-66 M Bil 19 scale characters between stocks

Ages, scale characters, Alaska 56-64 M Bil Even lengths, weights, etc., years: from commercial catches 2 10-11 19 Odd years: 19

Scale characters from Area 8 64 M Bil 19 various body locations Kodiak

Ages, scale characters, Alaska 65 J Bil 10 lengths, weights, etc., from juvenile samples

Sea survival Little 40-49 A Par 7 Port Walter


Ages, scale characters, High 56-66 Y,M Bil 1-3 lengths, weights, etc., seas 12-14 from tagging program 19

Catches High 61 Y,M Par 7 seas - 50 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

U.S.A. sampling data High seas 59 Y,M Bil 14

U.S.A. release data High seas 61 Y,M Bil 14

Canadian daily tagging records with ages for - "Sea Queen" High seas 66-67 Y,M Bil 12-13 - "Canadian No. 1" High seas 66 12 - "G. B.Reed" High seas 65-67 13

Canadian fishing data High seas 57 Y,M Bil 14

Recovery data High seas 55,57 Y,M Bil 14 59,60 64,65

"Commander," F.R.I. High seas 64 Y,M Bil 15 tagging data

Length and weight data, 50°N 65-66 Y,M Bil 6,9 stomach analysis from 145°W 71-72 Ocean Station PAPA catches

High seas tagging program High seas 68 M Bil 8 age and sampling data - "G.B. Reed" parasite studies

F.R.I. age summaries High seas 58-67 M Bil 12,14

F.R.I. tagging data High seas 58-61 M Bil 14 - "Ca 1 ifornia Rose"


Tests of differences of Great 61 M Bil 19 scale characters between Lakes stocks

Ages, scale characters, Lake 61 M Bil 19 lengths, weights, etc., Superior from escapement samples - 51 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Tests of differences of Nfld. 64 M Bil 19 scale characters between stocks

Ages, scale characters, Nfld. 64 M Bil 19 lengths, weights, etc., from escapement samples

- 53 -


- 55 -


Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Skeena discharge records Skeena R. 28-58 M Gen 2 at Usk vs. sockeye returns

D.K. Foerster thesis - Skeena 47 J Gen 3 predation on sockeye

Stream survey cards Skeena 19-49 M Gen 10,11 area

Ages, scale characters, Skeena 44-51 M Bil 1,4 lengths, weights, etc., 55-69 7 from escapement samples 10-11 18

Ages, scale characters, Skeena 48,50 M Bil 1,2 lengths, weights, etc., 58 7 from tagging programs 68-69 10,11

Ages, scale characters, Skeena 55-65 M Bil 1,3 lengths, weights, etc., 69 5,8 from test fishing 11,18

Ages, scale characters, Skeena 46-67 J Bil 10-11 lengths, weights, etc., from juvenile samples

Commercial catch etimates Skeena 51-66 M Bil 19 streams

Magnetic tagging analysis Skeena 66-71 J,M Smi Office River system

Aerial spawner counts Lower 56-57 M Gen 2 Skeena 59-60 streams

Age/length composition Skeena 64-66 M Gen 2 systems

Stream survey escapement Skeena 44-66 M Bil 19 counts streams - 56 -


Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no,

Indian catch estimates Skeena 29-66 M Bil 19 streams

MS Rep. 882, Smith and Lucop - Skeena & 04-64 M Gen 3 catalogue of salmon spawning Area 4 grounds and tabulations of escapements in the Skeena R. Stat. Area 4 (Sections 1-5)

Tagging records McLean Pt. 60 M Gen 3

Set logs (with summaries), Skeena 55-64 M Aro Office weather, water conditions estuary and catches

Summaries and rough drafts on Skeena 46-47 M Gen 2 (1) sex and jack composition, area 49-52 (2) lengths, (3) % injured, (4) maturity, (5) egg deposition

Aerial photo negatives of Lower 62 M Smi 1 spawners Skeena

Gillnetting Gitnadoix 59 M Gen 2

Aerial photo negatives of Gitnadoix R. 62 M Smi 1 spawners

Counts Gitnadoix R. 47 M Aro 1 Alastair trib.

Spawning stream escapement Lakelse L. 44-45 M Aro 1 surveys

Netting records Lakelse L. 44-46 M Aro 1

Redd sampling notes Lakelse L. 48 J Aro 1 trib.

River levels, temperature, Lakelse R. 55 J Aro 1 diary of smolt counting at fence - 57 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Live and dead counts Lakelse 53 M Smi 6 fence

Injury records Lakelse 53 M Smi 6 fence

Dead recovery, sampling Lakelse 53 M Smi 6 data system

Records of hatchery Lakelse L. 20-36 J Gen 10 plantings and egg Morrison L. sources Stuart L.

Scale studies of fry Lakelse 58-60 J Bil 6, ll 65

Lake and stream spawner Kalum L. 44-47 M Aro 1 surveys - counts and notes

J .A. McConnell thesis - Kitwanga L. 46 A Gen 3 limnological and fisheries survey

Escapement survey counts, Kitwanga R. 58-65 M Gen 2 tag recovery, length frequencies and egg retention

Stream survey - notes, "Northend 46 M Aro 1 counts Cr." Kitwanga R. Kitwancool Cr. Moon Cr.

Sockeye salmon netted Kitwanga 65 M Bam Office

Tagging and ocean tag Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 recovery data Falls

Scale sampling record Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 Falls

Analysis of Indian Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 gaffing success Falls - 58 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Spot counts of salmon Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 migration Falls

Daily native catch and Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 effort data Falls

Gillnetting records Morice L. 45 M Aro 1

Aerial photo negatives Morice R. 62 M Smi 1 of spawners

Aerial photos Kispiox 62 M Smi 1

Daily counts Babine 46-47 M Smi 4,6 fence 49-71 7

Daily counts - dead on Babine 46-47 M Smi 6 fence fence 49-50 53

Daily counts - jacks Babine 46-61 M Smi 3,6 fence

Injured and netted sockeye Babine 54 M Smi 6,7 records fence 58-71

24-hr counts Babine 54 M Smi 6 fence

Ocean tag recoveries Babine 46-47 M Smi 6,7 fence 55-61 63-69

Fin-marked fish sightings Babine 46-51 M Smi 6 fence 54-55 61

Fence tagging records Babine 46-47 M Smi 6,7 fence 53-54 63-64 70-71

Babine R. slide tag Babine 52-53 M Smi 6 recoveries fence - 59 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Operculum tagging Sabine 58 M Smi 6 fence

Pin tag recovery data Babine 69,71 M Smi 7 fence

Tagging records and Sabine 46-47 M Gen 6 sampling data fence

Sampling data, e.g., lengths Sabine 46-68 M Smi 4,6 and sex (from 1% of daily fence 7 fence run)

Fecundity samples Sabine 52-53 M Smi 6,7 fence 56 67-68

Hypural and fork lengths :Sabine 60 M Smi 6 fence

Dead recovery sampling Sabine 52 M Smi 6 data fence

Length frequencies Sabine 46-71 M Smi 3 fence (incom- Gen 2 plete series)

Scale books and samplil\g Sabine 46-47 M Gen 6 data fence

Photos of sampling Sabine 63 M Gen 12 fence

Photos of smolt Sabine Gen 12 enumeration operations fence

Spawning density experiments Babine 63 M Smi 6 using pens fence

Aerial photos and negatives Babine 51,62 M Smi 1,5 of spawners fence

Last year of F .R.B, operation Sabine 71 M Smi Office fence - 60 - SOCKEYE

Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Fry trapping Sabine 59-64 J Smi Office fence

Fry trapping Sabine 61-66 J Smi 8 fence

Daily smolt outputs by Sabine R. 66-68 J Smi 3 day and size group

Smolt out-migration estimates Sabine R. 51-73 J Smi 8 Office

Two-year-old smolts - summary Sabine R. 51-71 J Smi Office

Photos of smolt enumeration Sabine R. 63 J Gen 12

Electric counter development Sabine R. 61-64 J Smi 8,9 66 Gen 3,12 Jor Office

Fry behavior and their Sabine R. 48 J Gen 6 predators

Length, weight, age summaries Sabine R. 50-70 J Smi 3 of smolts

Sampling data for smolts Sabine R. 50-73 J Smi 3,8

Lengths, weights, sex, age, Sabine R. 51 J Gen 2 circuli, stomach contents, parasitization

Lengths, weights, scale Sabine R. 50-73 J Smi 10 characters for parasitized and non-parasitized smolts

Eubothrium incidence in Sabine R. 72 J Smi 8 smolts

Tagging and tag recovery Sabine R. 51-73 J Smi 3,8 data for smolts

Pin-tagging records Sabine R. 66-68 J Smi 8-10

Tow-netting for under­ Nilkitkwa L. 63 J Smi 8 yearlings - 61 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Catch and marking records Fort 47-48 J Aro 1 Babine

Notes on smolt migration Fort 47 J Aro 1 Babine

Smolt run model - rough Babine J Smi Office notes

Netting and marking Babine 44 M Bil 1 records

Stream surveys and Babine 44 M Bil 1 escapement counts

Beach seining catch, Babine L. 44-45 J Aro 1 marked and mark recovery records

Gillnet set and catch data Babine L. 44-48 M Aro 1 including lengths and sex compositions, tag recoveries

Smolt marking records Babine' 46 J Aro 1

No. of freshwater circuli Babine 52-60 A Bil 16 vs. age of return

Potential egg deposition, Babine 56-57 A Bil 19 smolt production and adult returns

Ages of tagged salmon Babine 58 M Bil 11

Stream survey records, Babine 44-48 M Aro 1 escapements, tag recovery trib. 58 Smi 7 62-71 Bil 1

Babine area spawning Babine 59 M Smi Office report

Spring growth of smolts Babine 58-65 J Bil 16

Scale studies of fry Babine 58-60 J Bil 6,11 65

Otolith/scale reading coding Babine A Smi 3 forms - 62 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Length, sex frequency forms Babine 64·-65 M Smi 3

Age composition, lengths, Sabine 62-71 M Smi 10 egg retention estimates

Lake distribution Sabine 66-68 J And Office

Maternal influence vs. Sabine 71 J Sil 15 hatching time

Data on smolt growth vs. Sabine J Sil 15 salinity

Netting log Sabine 61 M Gen 3 L.

Spawning success, live Sabine 62-71 M Smi 7 and dead counts, lengths L. trib.

Kokanee counts Sabine 62-71 M Smi 7 L.

Stream escapement surveys Morrison R., 45-48 M Aro 1 and tag recovery Tahlo Cr.

Daily fence counts Morrison R. M Smi 7

Gillnet set records - Morrison L. 45-48 A Aro 1 catches system

Fry observations Morrison R. 48 J Aro 1

McMahon thesis - on Morrison L. 44-47 J Gen 3 rearing capacity of Morrison L.

Daily counts Six Mile 50,53 M Aro 1 cr.

Stream escapement counts Six Mile 50,53 M Aro 1 cr.

Dead and dead unspawned Six Mile 50,53 M Aro 1 counts Cr. - ~3 -


Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Fecundity, egg retention, Six Mile 50,53 M Aro 1 lengths, sex composition Cr.

Tag recovery records Six Mile 50,53 M Aro 1 from Babine R. slide Cr. tagging and other taggings

Daily fence counts of Six Mile 51 J Aro 1 fry Cr.

Redd sampling Six Mile 51 J Aro 1 Cr.

Fry lengths Six Mile 51 J Aro 1 Cr.

Experimental thread Six Mile 51 J Aro 1 marking Cr.

Marking to assess fry Six Mile 51 J Aro 1 predation Cr.

Aerial photo negatives of Fulton R. 62 M Smi 1 spawners

Escapements, water Fulton R. 65-71 M Smi 9 temperatures

Maps of spawner Four Mile 64-65 M Smi 1 distribution Cr.

Live and dead fence Four Mile 64-65 M Smi 7 counts Cr. Gen 3

Predator kills Four Mile 64-65 M Smi 7 Cr. Gen 3

Dead recovery sampling Four Mile 64-65 M Smi 7 data, otolith data Cr. Gen 3

Displacement experiment Four Mile 65 M Smi 7 Four Mile to Pinkut Cr. Cr. - 64 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Tagging records Four Mile 65 M Smi 7 Cr. Gen 3

Counts in stream sections Four Mile 65 M Smi 7 Cr. Gen 3

Rough field notes on Four Mile 64-65 M Gen 3 spawning distribution Cr.

Escapements, water temp­ Pinkut Cr. 65-71 M Smi 9 eratures

Netting records - counts, Bear L. 45-48 A Aro 1 lengths, sex Gen 4

Indian fishing catches Bear L. 45,48 A Aro 1 area

Stream_surveys- counts Bear L. 45-48 M Aro 1 and descriptions tribs Gen 4

Lake spawning surveys Bear L. 45-48 M Aro 1 Gen 4

Tagging and recovery Bear R. 47-48 M Aro 1 including lengths, sex, fence Gen 4 net injuries

Ocean tag recovery Bear L. 47 M Aro 1 area Gen 4

Sampling data Bear L. 48 M Aro 1 area Gen 4

Scale books Bear L. 45-48 A Gen 4 area

Netting records, scale Damdochax L. 46 A Aro 1 books Damshilgwi:t L. Gen 4 S lamgee sh L • Kluayaz L. Motase L. Sustut L. Johanson L. Asitka L.

Catch records Sustut L. 45 A Aro 1 Johanson Cr. Gen 4 - 65 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Aerial survey records, Upper 61-67 M Smi 1 spawner counts, stream Skeena surveys, etc. lakes


Daily counts Hook Nose 47 A Par 6 Cr. 45-51 53-66

Age composition Hook Nose 48 M Par 6 Cr. 52-53 Atnarko 58

Adult counts Hook Nose 60 M Par 6 Cr. 49-58 Tally Cr.

Sockeye redds Tally Cr. 59-62 J Par 6 Hook Nose Cr.

Sockeye length Port John 61 J Par 7 samples


Records of incubation P.B.S. 56-57 J Gen 3 experiments for artificial propagation

Juvenile scale identifi- Qualicum 64-68 J Bil 15 cation Estevan Pt. Porlier Pass

Maternal influence vs. Qualicum R. 71 J Bil 15 hatching time Rosewall Cr.

Circulus formation vs. Rosewall Cr. 71-72 J Bil 15 age and size of parents and size of eggs and fry

Data on smolt growth Robertson Cr. J Bil 15 vs. salinity - 66 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Selectivity of fisheries . Fraser R. 30-32 M Par 7 for males

Ages, scale characters, Fraser 57-66 M Bil 3-7 lengths, weights, etc., 11,16 from escapement samples

Ages related to parasite Fraser 56,59 M Bil 1,3 studies

Ages, scale characters, Fraser 59-61 J Bil 3-5 lengths, weights, etc., 63-64 from juvenile samples

Ages, scale characters, Fraser 66 M Bil 7 lengths, weights, etc., from test fishing

Maternal influence vs. Stellako 71 J Bil 15 hatching time

Dead recovery record - Cultus L. 32-35 M Gen 3 tags recovered in lake

Fence counts - size, sex, Cult us L. 32-35 M Gen 3 mark recovery data, tagging records

Sockeye recovered in lake Cult us L. 32-34 M Gen 3

Record of spawned fish Cult us L. 32-34 M Gen 3

Fecundity samples Cult us L. 32-34 M Gen 3

Diameter measurements Cultus L. 32 J Gen 3 of eggs

Egg retention measure- Cultus L. 33 M Gen 3 ments - 67 -


Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Daily downstream migration Cultus L. 26-40 J Gen 3 counts, some including (1) counts of marked fish, (2) weights of sampled migrants, (3) stream temperature, (4) pro­ portions in samples of l­ and 2-year smolts, (5) coho counts, (6) various analyses of the runs, (7) record of fry marking (1935), (8) counts of non-sockeye species (1937-39)

Mark recovery records Cultus L. 33 J Gen 3

Juvenile scale identifica­ Mission 64-68 J Bil 15 tion

Photoperiod effects on Pitt R. 71 J Bil 15 circuli no.


Ages, scale characters, Misc. B.C. 44 M Bil 1-3 lengths, weights, etc., areas 57-67 5-7 from escapement samples 11,16

Ages, scale characters, Misc. B.C. 57-61 J Bil 2-4 lengths, weights, etc., areas 64,68 6-8 from juvenile samples 11

Ages, scale characters, B.C. 14-15 M Bil 1-9 lengths, weights, etc., 18-21 11,18 from commercial catches 23 29-31 43-46 49-72

Fry and egg transfers to B.C. 20-36 J Gen 10 and from hatcheries at Lakelse L., Morrison L. and Stuart L.

Mirror effects on growth 71 J Bil 15 and fat content - 68 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Scale variation within 71 M Bil 15 one fish

Meristics studies, ages B.C. 55-57 M Bil 1-2

Tests of differences of B.C. 63-66 M Bil 19 scale characters between stocks


Ages related to parasite Alaska 56,59 M Bil 1,3 studies

Ages, scale characters, Alaska 62 M Bil 1,4 lengths, weights, etc., 56-58 10,14 from escapement samples 19

Tests of differences of Alaska 63-66 M Bil 19 scale characters

Graphs of scale characters Alaska M Bil 19

Length, weight relationship Kitoi R. 55-57 A Par 7 Q. nerka - MS Sea survival tables Little 61 A Par 7 Port Walter

Experiments Little 62 M Par 7 Port Walter s·electivity of a fishery Little 62 M Par 7 Port Walter

Early sea life of a Little 62 M Par 7 salmon - MS Port Walter

Estimates of a biological Little 62 M Par 7 population subject to a Port biased mortality - MS Walter - 69 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Racial studies Bristol 58 M Bil 20 Bay 60-61

Meristics studies and Alaska 55-57 M Bil 1-2 ages


Age, scale characters, U.S.A. 56-70 M Bil 1 lengths, weights, etc., 10-11 from commercial catches

Ages related to parasite U.S .A. 56,59 M Bil 1,3 studies

Juvenile scale identifi- U.S.A. 64-68 J Bil 15 cation - F.R.I.


Ages of tagged salmon Sea of 55 M Bil 1 Okhotsk

Scale studies of fry Kamchatka 58-60 J Bil 6, 11 65


Meristics studies and Jpn. high 55-57 Y,M Bil 1-2 ages seas fishing

Ages, scale characters, High seas 56-67 Y,M Bil 1-3 lengths, weights, etc., 12-14 from tagging programs 18

F.R.I. tagging data - High seas 58 Y,M Bil 14 - "California Rose" - "Commander"

F .R.I. release and recovery High seas 58-61 Y,M Bil 14 data - 70 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

U.S.A. sampling data High seas 59 Y,M Bil 14

U.S.A. release data High seas 61 Y,M Bil 14

Canadian daily tagging records with ages for - "Sea Queen" High seas 66-67 Y,M Bil 12-13 - "Canadian No. 1" High seas 66 Y,M Bil 12 - "G.B. Reed" High seas 65-67 Y,M Bil 13

Canadian fishing data High seas 57 Y,M Bil 14

Recovery data High seas 55,57 Y,M Bil 14 59-60

Canadian tagging data High seas 65 Y,M Bil 20

Ages, scale characters, 50°N 63 Y,M Bil 5 lengths, weights, etc., 145°W from Ocean Station PAPA catches

Lengths, weights, stomach 50°N 65-66 Y,M Bil 6,9 contents analysed from 145°W Ocean Station PAPA catches

F .R.I. age summaries High seas 62-67 M Bil 12

Catch/20 skates by Japan High seas 60-70 Y,M Bil 14

Marine growth of western High seas 62 y Par 7 Alaska salmon estimated from high seas sampling data- MS

Ocean mortality and growth High seas y Par 7 of sockeye salmon - 71 -


- 73 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


H. Godfrey thesis Skeena L. 49 A Gen 3 (whitefish)

Set logs - steelhead Skeena 55-64 M Aro Office caught and tagged test fishing

Sampling data, ages, catch Skeena 56 M Bil 1 records for steelhead, Dolly test Varden fishing

Ages, scale characters, Skeena 56 M Bil 1 lengths/weights - test 61-63 4-6 steelhead fishing 65

Length, sex, ages for Skeena 58 A Bil 11 lake trout

Gillnetting - Dolly Varden, Gitnadoix R. 59 M Gen 2 steelhead

Netting records - cutthroat, Lakelse L. 44-46 A Aro 1 whitefish, sucker, sculpin

Trap netting records, counts - Hot Springs 53 A Gen 1 squawfish, sucker, Dolly Cr. Varden, steelhead, cutthroat, Lakelse peamouth

Mark recovery for predator Lakelse L. 53 A Gen 1 studies - cutthroat

Emigrant fence counts and Lakelse R. 53 A Gen 1 creel census - Dolly Varden, whitefish, cutthroat

Stomach analysis data - Lakelse L. 53-55 A Gen 1 cutthroat, squawfish, Dolly Varden, sculpin, rainbow, whitefish, peamouth - 74 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Creel census data - Lakelse 53,56 A Gen 1 cutthroat, Dolly L. & R. Varden, rainbow

Fence counts of "coarse Lakelse R. 56 A Gen 1 fish" - Dolly Varden, suckers

Netting records - catches, Kalum L. 44-47 A Aro 1 lengths

Fence counts- trout Kitwanga 60 M Gen 2

Tagging and oc•ean Moricetown 46-47 M Aro 1 recovery data - steelhead Falls

Scale sampling records - Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 steelhead Falls

Analysis of Indian gaffing Moricetown 46-47 M Aro 1 success - steelhead Falls

Spot counts of migration - Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 steelhead Falls

Daily catch and effort data - Morice town 46-47 M Aro 1 steelhead Falls

Netting records- cutthroat, Morice L. 45 A Aro 1 Dolly Varden

Tagging records, counts, Kispiox 45-47 A Gen 6 lengths - cutthroat, system Dolly Varden, peamouth, suckers, squawfish, whitefish

Netting records - lake Morrison L. 45 A Aro 1 trout, cutthroat, whitefish, suckers, kokanee

Scale samples, limnology Morrison 45-47 A Gen 5 notes, netting records - L. sucker, kokanee, lake trout - 75 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Netting and marking Sabine 44 A Bil 1 records - trout, whitefish

Gillnet set catch data, Sabine 44-45 A Aro 1 lengths, sex composition - lake trout, whitefish, cutthroat

Netting records - cutthroat, Sabine 45 A Aro 1 whitefish, suckers, kokanee

Sampling data and scale Ft. Sabine 45-47 A Gen 5 books - sucker, squawfish, Sabine fence kokanee, lake trout, Sabine L • rainbow trout, bur bot (spawning streams)

Netting records and Sabine 45-47 A Gen 5

scale books ~ whitefish, trout, sucker

Netting records and Sabine 45-47 A Gen 5 seale books - whitefish, streams trout, sucker

Daily counts - steelhead Sabine 46-47 M Smi 6 fence

Weight/length and age, Sabine 58 M Bil 11 egg weight - kokanee 65-66

Ages of tagged fish - Sabine 58 M Bil 11 steelhead

Rainbow scales Sabine 69 A And Office Daily fence counts - Six Mile 50 M Aro 1 kokanee Cr.

Fence counts - Xainbow Six Mile 51 J Aro 1 Cr. - 76 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Fence counts - rainbow, Six Mile 53 M Aro 1 kokanee Cr.

Fence counts, lengths Six Mile 53 M Aro 1 and sex composition - Cr. kokanee

Dead counts - rainbow, Six Mile 53 M Aro 1 kokanee Cr.

Tag recovery - Six Mile 53 M Aro 1 kokanee Cr.

Fence counts - live and Four Mile 64 M Smi 1 dead - kokanee Cr.

Scale book - squawfish, Upper 45 A Gen 4 sucker, lake trout, Skeena whitefish, kokanee, lakes, e.g., rainbow, chub Sustut, Bear

Netting records and scale Upper 45-48 A Gen 4 samples - Dolly Varden, Skeena whitefish, sucker, lakes rainbow, chub

Netting records - whitefish, Bear L., 45-48 A Aro 1 chub, cutthroat, lake Azuklotz L. trout, sucker, burbot

Tagging records, netting Bear L. 47 A Gen 4 records, scale book - sucker, whitefish, Dolly Varden

Sampling data, tagging, Bear R. 48 A Gen 4 tag recovery, fence counts - fence squawfish, rainbow, white­ fish, sucker


Ages, scale characters, North 58 y ,M Bil 2 lengths/weights from coast tagging programs - steel head - 77 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Stickleback stomach Bella Coola 63 A Par 1 analyses area

Trawling data - Bella Coola 64 A Par 1 ratfish, turbot area

Lengths, mark and release Hook Nose 48-54 A Gen 1 records, netting records Cr. Port John L.

Predation by sculpins, Hook Nose 57-60 A Gen 1 stomach contents Cr.

Daily upstream and Hook Nose 48-62 A Gen 1 downstream counts - Cr. cutthroat, Dolly Varden

Fence counts- cutthroat, Port John 49 A Gen 1 steelhead, sculpins, Tally Cr. 51-60 Dolly Varden

Stomach analyses - Fitzhugh 62 A Par 5 sandfish, ling cod, Sound herring

Angling data - trout Bella 67 A Par 3 Coola R.

Salmon and other fish Hook Nose 45-51 A Par 6 collections Cr.

Lamprey migration Hook Nose Cr. 48-52 M Par 6 Tally Cr.

Predator tagging - Dolly Port John 49-51 M Par 6 Varden, cutthroat

Ages - trout Port John L. 5.0-51 A Bil 1 Sculpin predation - Hook Nose 56-60 M Par 6 daily counts, population Cr. assessment - 78 -


Matur­ Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Fry and adult counts Hook Nose 61 J,M Par 6 of steelhead and Cr. cutthroat


Counts - cottids, lamprey, Nile Cr. 48-54 A Wic Office trout

Escapement samples - Oyster R. 59 M Bil 3 steel head

Counts - trout Chef Cr. 61-65 A Wic Office

Stomach analysis - trout Chef Cr. 62-63 A Wic Office

Cutthroat MS - printout Chef Cr. 67 A Par 3

Aging of rainbow trout Barsby L. 71 A Bil 9

Circulus formation vs. Rosewall Cr. 71-72 M Bil 15 age and size of parents - kokanee

Counts, scale samples - Lymn Cr. 71-73 A Mas Office cutthroat above 15 em tagged


Stomach contents data - Cultus L. 35-38 A Gen 7,8 sucker, chub, squawfish, sculpin, cutthroat, steelhead, Dolly Varden, chum, kokanee

Growth rate in relation to Chilliwack R. 55 A Par 7 size as shown in steel­ head trout - MS


Ages - grey cod B.C. 58 A Bil 2 coast - 79 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Ages, scale characters, B.C. 63,69 Y,M Bil 5,8 lengths/weights, etc., from steelhead - commercial catches


Ages, scale characters, High seas 56-58 Y,M Bil 1-2 lengths, weights, from 60-64 5-6 tagged steelhead 12,14

Ages of grey cod Bering 59 A Bil 3 Sea


Aging - whitefish, Yukon 72-73 A Bil 9 trout

- 81 -


- 83 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Stream survey cards Skeens 19-49 Gen 10,11 system

Photos, negatives, notes and Skeens photo index of streams and system 64 Smi 1 their gravel Gen 3

Spawning stream aerial survey Skeena 61-67 Smi 1 field notes system

Aerial photos of spawning Skeena Smi 4-5 locations system

B.C. government air photos Skeens Smi 2 streams

Stream survey notes Skeena 65 Gen 2 system

MS Rep. 882 - catalogue of Skeena 04-64 Gen 3 sahnon spawning grounds system and escapements

Air temperature and Skeena 53-63 Smi 3 precipitation summaries area

Negatives of graphs, charts, Skeena Approx. Gen 12 contour maps of lakes system 44-48

Water conditions Skeens test 55-64 Aro Office fishing River conditions Lower Skeena 63-65 Gen 3 mainstream

Descriptive notes, soundings, Alastair L. Aro 1 water temperatures, plankton, & Gitnadoix secchi, stream surveys R.

V. H. McMahon's thesis - Lakelse L. 44-47 Gen 1 a ltmnological study

Ltmnological and weather Lakelse L. 44-45 Aro 1 data 47-48 - 84 -


Matur- Investi- Box Deocription Area Years ity gator no.

Dredging records Lakelse L. 44 Gen 6

Water levels; air and Lakelse L. 44 Gen 3,6 water temperatures

Notes on creeks Lakelse L. 44 Gen 3 system

Hatchery and stream Lakelse L. 59-60 Gen 3 temperatures system

Levels, temperatures, Lakelse R. 55 Aro 1 diary

Thermograph charts Williams Cr. 51-54 Smi 5 Scully Cr.

Weather records, diary Lakelse R. 64 Gen 2

Mapping of areas of Lakelse R. 60 Gen 2 substrate

Limnology records - lake and Kalum L. 44-47 Aro 1 stream temperatures, system description of lake, , plankton, secchi, 0 2 pH

Water temperatures Kleanza Cr. 58-59 Gen 3

Stream surveys Kitwanga 45-47 Aro 1 system Gen 6

Limnology data Kitwanga L. 45-46 Aro 1

J. A. McConnel thesis - Kitwanga L. 46 Gen 3 limnology

Mapping stream width and Kitwanga R. 60 Smi 1 substrate

Water levels, temperatures Moricetown 46-47 Aro 1 and colours, weather Falls

Limnology data - soundings, Morice L. 46 Gen 6 temperatures, etc. Aro 1 - 85 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Descriptive notes, stream Morice L. 45-46 Gen 6 surveys area Aro 1

Stream conditions, levels, Kispiox R. 56-61 Gen 3 temperatures

Water observations Kispiox R. 62-63 Gen 3

Mapping notes (width, Kispiox R. 60 Gen 3 substrate composition) Sweetin Cr.

Water levels, temperatures, Lower Babine 45-71 Aro 1 weather R. fence Smi 4,6-7, 10

Thermograph charts Lower Babine 64-71 Smi 1,3 R. fence

Stadia mapping Lower Babine 66 Smi 1 survey R. fence to Nilkitkwa L.

Temperatures, soundings, Nilkitkwa L. 45-65 Smi 8,10 etc.

Climatological station Fort Babine 44-67 Smi 5 reports (62 - missing) (63 - incomplete)

Lake levels, temperature Fort Babine 44-56 Smi 5 Aro 1

Bathythermograph slide Fort Babine 46 Aro 1 index

Limnological data - pH, Babine L. 44-48 Aro 1 secchi, temperatures, Gen 6 , dredging, soundings, 02 plankton, weather

Ice break-up times Babine L. 45-65 Smi 10

Water temperatures, levels, Babine L. 50 Smi 6 weather

Zooplankton distribution Babine L. 66-68 And Office area - 86 -


Matur- Investi- Box Dest:ription Area Years ity gator no.

Notes on past fires and Babine L. 47 Gen 6 logging area

Stream surveys Babine L. 44-48 Aro 1 system Gen 6

Stream surveys including Babine L. 58, water data, especially streams 62-71 Smi 7 temperature

Limnological data - soundings, Morrison 45-47 Aro 1 temperatures, O:a' pH, L. Gen 6 plankton, secchi, lake levels, dredge sampling, weather

V. H. McMahon thesis - a Morrison L. 44-47 Gen 3 limnological study

Survey and mapping Upper Tahlo 47 Gen 6 Cr.

Levels, temperatures, Morrison R. 65 Smi 7 weather

Thermograph records Morrison R. 72-73 Smi 3

Stream surveys, tag Morrison R. 46 Gen 6 recovery Fulton R.

Escapements, water Fulton R. 65-71 Smi 9 temperatures Pinkut Cr.

Water levels, temperatures, Four Mile Cr. 64-65 Smi 7 weather Gen 3

Water levels, temperatures, Six Mile Cr. 50-51 Aro 1 weather

Descriptions Salix Cr. 45-46 Aro 1 ("Willow") Gen 4 Azuklotz Cr. ("Mink") Bear R. - 87 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Ltmnological data - soundings, Bear L. 45-48 Aro 1 current drogue measurements, Azuklotz L. Gen 4 weather, water levels

Water temperatures and Bear L. 48 Aro 1 percolation experiments in lake spawning substrates

Weather, stream levels Bear R. 47 Aro 1 fence Gen 4

Ltmnological data Sustut L. 45 Aro 1 Gen 4

Stream surveys Sustut L. 45 Aro 1 area, Gen 4 Johanson Cr.

Ltmnological data - Upper 46 Aro 1 soundings, temperatures, Skeena Gen 4 secchi, weather, de- lakes: scriptions, maps, etc. Sustut Johanson Asitka Damdochax Damshilgwit Slamgeesh Kluayaz Motase

Stream surveys The above 46 Aro 1 upper Skeens Gen 4 areas including: Kilankis Shaslomal Shilahou Sicintine Shelagyote Slamgeesh Kluatantan Squingula Nilkitkwa

Index of photos Above upper 46 Aro 1 Skeena areas Gen 4 - 88 -


Matur- Investi- Box Desl.!ription Area Years ity gator no.


Plankton (P.O.G.) Burke 64-67 Par 2-4 reports Channel

Station positions, B.T. Burke 65 Par 2 log and plankton log, Channel temperature and salinometer data sheets

Stream surveys Bella Coola 66-67 Par 2,3 area Areas 7 and 8 Atnarko R.

Oceanographic papers, Port John 47 Par 6 meteorlogical register

Precipitation Port John 47-49 Par 6 Ocean Falls

Bottom fauna Port John 49-50 Par 6 L.

Limnology data Port John 51 Par 6 L.

Temperature and salinity Port John 61 Par 7 area

Stream gauge, temperature Hook Nose 55-59 Par 6 records Cr.

Regression of Hook Nose Cr. Hook Nose 47-53 Par 6 temperature on Ocean Falls Cr. air temperature

Creek and lake temperatures, Tally Cr. 56 Gen 1 gauge readings, rainfall, Port John weather L. Hook Nose Cr. - 89 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Physical data Nile Cr. 48-S4 Wic Office

Weather, stream levels Tsolum R. 64-73 Bam Office and temperatures

Aerial photos Cowichan 67 God 9

Field notebooks Cowichan 6S-66 God 9

Water levels, temperatures Cowichan R. 6S God 9

Benthic data Carnation 71-73 Scr Office Cr.

Flow data Carnation 71-76 Scr Office Cr.

Gravel information Carnation 71-76 Scr Office Cr.

Hydrological data Carnation 71-76 Scr Office Cr.

Epiphyton data Carnation 72-76 Scr Office Cr.


Temperatures and rainfall Vedder R. 26-40 Gen 3 Sweltzer Cr.


Photos Lakelse area 40's to Gen 9 early SO's Port John 47-S3 Gen 9 area Nile Cr. 47-S3 Gen 9 Cowichan late 40's Gen 9 Skeena before 44 Gen 9 system to SO's - 90 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Photos and negatives Skeena 44-49 Gen 12 area and a few other areas, e.g.' Butedale Nile Cr. Glendale Bridge R. Dean Channel

B.C. Dep. of Agriculture B.C. 54 Smi 5 climate tables of 57-63 temperature, precip- itation and sunshine


Canadian weather review Canada 63-67 Smi 5 - 91 -


- 93 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.


Miscellaneous photos Skeena 62-63 Smi 1

Photos of equipment Skeena 58,61 Smi 5 63,65

Predators at nets - seals Skeena 55-64 Aro Office

Mesh sizes of test fishing Skeena 55-64 Aro Office

Wildlife records Lakelse 44 Gen 6 area

Experiments to assess Lakelse 53 Smi 6 efficiency and accuracy fence of adult fence counts

Diary Lakelse 53 Smi 6 fence

Field notebook - fence Lakelse R. 55 Smi 5 operations

Fence construction photos Williams 39 Gen 9 Cr.

Diary Kalum L. 45-47 Aro 1

Diaries Kleanza 52-59 Gen 3 Cr.

Diaries Kitwanga 45-59 Gen 4,6 area

Diary Morice town 46-47 Aro 1 Falls

Diary of a netting session Morice R. 56 Gen 3

Photos of Babine area Babine 46-50 Gen 9

Photos of Babine fence Babine R. 48 Gen 9

Photos of Babine slide Babine R. 51,57 Gen 9

Annual diaries Babine 53-54 Smi 6,7 fence 61 ... 71 - 94 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Photos of adult sampling Babine 63 Gen 12 fence

Photos of electronic Babine 63 Gen 12 counter development fence

Daily records of people Lower 63 Smi 6 travelling on river by Babine R. boat

Diaries Fort Babine 51-73 Smi 8 Nilkitkwa Gen 3

Plans, drawings - river Smi 4 boats, fry trapping equipment, etc.

Diary of fence and cabin Six Mile 50 Aro 1 construction Cr.

Diary Six Mile 53 Aro 1 Cr.

Photos of fence Six Mile 50 Gen 9 construction Cr.

Fence site photos Four Mile 50 Gen 9 Cr.

Diary Four Mile 65 Smi 7 Cr.

Diary, photo index Upper 46 Gen 6 notes, etc. Skeena lakes

Photos of an unknown fence Smi 5


Log books - "Noctiluca" Bella Coola 60-65 Par 1-2, area 5

Marking apparatus Bella Coola 65 Par 3 area - 95 -


Matur- Investi- Box Description Area Years ity gator no.

Field log Bella Coola 61-67 Par 2 area

Log book Port John 59-60 Par 7 Bella Coola Bella Bella

Plankton records Burke Channel 65 Par 2

Plankton MS Rep. Central 66 Par 3 coast

Plankton sample data Bella Coola area 64 Par 4

Photo of "A. P. Knight" Par 7 and "Vellella"

Marking apparatus Par 3 (F.R.B. MS 908)