Biogeochemistry of Wet Ecosystems: from Root Zone to Landscape
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BIOGEOCHEMISTRY OF WET ECOSYSTEMS: FROM ROOT ZONE TO LANDSCAPE A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Science By La Toya Tricia Kissoon In Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Major Program: Environmental and Conservation Sciences April 2012 Fargo, North Dakota North Dakota State University Graduate School Title BIOGEOCHEMISTRY OF WET ECOSYSTEMS: FROM ROOT ZONE TO LANDSCAPE By LA TOYA TRICIA KISSOON The Supervisory Committee certifies that this disquisition complies with North Dakota State University’s regulations and meets the accepted standards for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE: Marinus Otte Co-Chair Donna Jacob Co-Chair Achintya Bezbaruah Larry Cihacek Mark Hanson Approved: 05/23/2012 Craig Stockwell Date Department Chair ABSTRACT The biogeochemistry of wetland ecosystems varies, causing them to act as sources, sinks, filters or transformers of nutrients and pollutants. Wetland plants play important roles in the cycling of elements in wet ecosystems. The structural and physiological adaptations that allow these plants to colonize wetland habitats as emergent or submerged species contribute to biogeochemical processes in wetland substrates. Rhizosphere (root zone) oxidation, iron and manganese oxide precipitation, acidification of the rhizosphere, root exudation, and microbial activity influence the mobility of elements in wetland substrates. Both emergent and submerged wetland plants can alter conditions in the rhizosphere that influence the mobility of elements. These plants are also capable of removing elements such as Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, N, P and Zn from solution and accumulating them in their tissues. Root zone studies were carried out in the greenhouse using the wetland plants Typha angustifolia (cattail) and Rumex crispus (curly dock) and in the field using Triglochin maritima (seaside arrowgrass) to determine differences in element concentrations in the root and bulk zone under different soil moisture conditions. Studies involving shallow lakes of Minnesota were carried out to determine relationships among (1) landscape variables (e.g. lake watershed size, percent agriculture, percent woodland), water and sediment characteristics (turbidity, chlorophyll-a, organic content, particle size), (3) element concentrations in waters and sediments, and (3) plant abundance and community composition. The studies reported here showed that different factors influenced the distribution of multiple elements in the root zone of emergent wetland plants and in waters and sediments of shallow lakes. First, the root zone studies indicated that pH, redox and moisture content of wetland soils influenced the distribution of elements in the rhizosphere and subsequent uptake of these elements by wetland plants. Second, the shallow lake study showed that land cover uses (agriculture and woodland), lake watershed size, and sediment physical characteristics (organic content and particle size) influenced the distribution of elements in waters and sediments of shallow lakes. Concentrations of these elements, land cover uses, open water area, turbidity, chlorophyll-a concentrations and sediment physical characteristics influenced abundance and distribution of submerged and floating plants. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my advisors Drs. Donna Jacob and Marinus Otte for their tremendous support and for believing in my abilities. Thanks to my committee members Drs. Achintya Bezbaruah, Larry Cihacek and Mark Hanson for their advice and for proofreading my dissertation. I am especially grateful for Dr. Hanson’s help with multivariate statistical analysis. This project was supported by ND ESPCoR and NSF (grant #EPS-0814442), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Red Lake Department of Natural Resources, The Wetland Foundation, Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research and grants from the National Center for Research Resources (5P20RR016471-12) and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (8 P20 GM103442-12) from the National Institutes of Health. Thanks to Drs. Wei Lin and Craig Stockwell, the Environmental and Conservation Sciences Program and the Department of Biological Sciences for their support. I am very thankful to all those who assisted directly with various aspects of my project: Drs. Sharmila Sunwar, Dimuthu Wijeyaratne, and Sanjaya Gyawali; Wet Ecosystem Research Group (WERG) graduate students: Aida Asgary, Alex Stalboerger, and Alex Yellick; WERG undergraduate volunteers: Emily Fischbach, Ryan Sullivan, Ankit Dhingra, Brandi Roshau, Brett Lyslo, Eden Friedrich, Justin Tabaka, Kevin Christensen, Maurice Dullea, Patrick Culhane, Alex Hoele, Christina Swenson, and Hannah Passolt; MN DNR interns: Winston Allen, Brandon Palesh, Joshua Norenberg, and Stefan Bischof; Red Lake DNR interns: Vince Smith and Josh Suckow; and friends: Francelet Charles, Nerlene Olivier, Sylvie Schweyen, Kelly Riske and Nafeeza Baksh. Thanks to the Wetland Science class of 2009 for helping with sample collection at the Kellys Slough. Thanks to all the DNR personnel for their help with my shallow lakes project: Mark Hanson, Brian Herwig, Shane Bowe, Kayla Bowe, and Kyle Zimmerman. Thanks to Larry Swenson in the Soil Testing Laboratory for letting me use his laboratory for loss-on-ignition analysis. Thanks to Shannon Viestenz from the NDSU Department of Mechanical Engineering for his advice and for letting me use his facility for constructing sampling equipment. Thanks to John Charles for his loving support, encouragement and creative input. Thanks to Carrie Werkmister-Karki and Jaynee Harwood for their friendship, support and advice. I am very grateful to my Mother and other family members for their support and encouragement over the years, for giving me the opportunity and freedom to pursue my dreams even though it was thousands of miles from home. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................................... ix LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................... xii CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 1.1. Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2. Rhizosphere processes ............................................................................................................... 1 1.2.1. The rhizosphere defined ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2.2. Rhizosphere biogeochemistry ............................................................................................. 2 1.3. Biogeochemical effects of emergent wetland plants ................................................................... 3 1.3.1. Adaptations to soil flooding and waterlogging..................................................................... 4 1.3.2. Iron oxide formation ............................................................................................................ 5 1.3.3. Influence on element concentrations in the soil or sediment .............................................. 6 1.3.4. Element accumulation by emergent plants ......................................................................... 7 1.4. Submerged plants: relationships with biogeochemistry ............................................................ 11 1.4.1. Influence on element concentrations in the sediment and water ...................................... 11 1.4.2. Indicators of biogeochemical conditions ........................................................................... 14 1.4.3. Role in lake turbidity .......................................................................................................... 16 1.5. Conceptual model – a synthesis ............................................................................................... 17 1.6. Objectives of this research ........................................................................................................ 20 1.7. Dissertation outline .................................................................................................................... 21 SECTION 1 – ROOT ZONE STUDIES ....................................................................................................... 23 CHAPTER 2. MULTI-ELEMENT ACCUMULATION NEAR RUMEX CRISPUS ROOTS UNDER WETLAND AND DRYLAND CONDITIONS ........................................................................................... 24 2.1. Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... 24 2.2. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 24 2.3. Materials and methods .............................................................................................................. 25