º$«§ýlÐéÆý‡… l Send your Feedback to [email protected] 11 ѧýlÅ Ðól$ l 22 l 2019 The constitutional principle of the 'Basic Structure'

MODEL QUESTIONS 1) The state which does not dis- provide adequate facility for consecutive term after S.Radha- criminate between religions instruction in the mother-tongue krishnan? 1. By which one of the following 2) The state which accepts all at the primary stage of Edu- 1) Acts was the Federal Court in religions as religions of state GeneralGeneral StudiesGeneral StudiesStudies cation? 2) K.R. Narayanan created? 3) The state which follows a par- GeneralGeneralGeneral StudiesStudiesStudiesStudiesGeneral 1) Article 349 3) B.S. Shekhawat 1) Indian Council Act, 1861 ticular religion 2) Article 350 4) Dr. 2) Act, 4) The state which is anti-reli- INDIAN POLITYPOLITYINDIAN POLITY 3) Article 351 36. Parliamentary or Presidential 1919 gion 4) Article 350A Government can be distingui- 3) Government of India Act, 11. The constitutional principle of useful for UPSC, SSC, 28. Part V of the Constitution deals shed mainly by: 1909 the 'Basic Structure' was invent- Groups, RRB with: 1) its federal nature 4) None of the above ed by the: 1) Union Executive 2) the rigidity of the Constitution 2. The demand for the Constituent 1) Executive 2) Parliament 3) the employer-employee rela- Assembly was put forward by the 2) Judiciary 3) Comptroller and Auditor tions in 3) Legislature from: General 4) the legislative-executive rela- 1936 at its session held at: 4) Civil Society 1) U.S.A 4) All of the above tions 1) Bombay 12. Which Constitution has inspired 2) Britain 3) Germany 29. Match the following: 37. Which one of the following is an 2) Kanpur 3) the Indian concepts of rule of 4) Greece List -1 essential ingredient of Parlia- 4) Lahore law, Parliamentary system and 20. According to the Constitution of A) Inter State Council mentary government? 3. The members of the Constituent law-making procedure? India, which of the following are B) Abolition of titles 1) A written Constitution Assembly were: 1) US constitution fundamental for the governance C) Administrative Tribunals 2) Political Parties 1) elected by Provincial Asse- 2) British Constitution of the country? D) Union Public Service Comm- 3) A rigid Constitution mblies 3) Canadian Constitution 1) Fundamental Duties ission 4) An independent judiciary 2) elected directly by people 4) All of the above 2) Fundamental Rights List -2 38. Who can initiate impeachment 3) nominated by the Government 13. The bor- 3) Directive Principles of State 1) Article 315 proceedings against the President 4) only representatives of the rowed the concept of 'Advisory Policies 2) Article 18 of India? princely states Jurisdiction of the Supreme 4) Fundamental rights and 3) Article 263 1) 4. The first attempt at introducing a Court' from the Constitution of: Fundamental Duties 4) Article 323(A) 2) Only representative and popular ele- 1) Ireland 2) Canada 21. Provisions of citizenship in indi- 1) A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1 3) Any Vidhan Sabha ment in administration was made 3) USA 4) UK an constitution became applica- 2) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4 4) Either House of Parlaiment by: 14. The Indian Constitution closely ble in: 3) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3 39. The President has the power to 1) Indian Councils Act, 1909 follows the constitutional system 1) 1950 2) 1949 4) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1 remove all the following except: 2) Indian Councils Act, 1900 of: 3) 1951 4) 1952 30. Under which Article of the 1) Attorney-General of India 3) Government of India Act, 1) USA 22. Who is competent to prescribe Constitution is the President's 2) Governor of a State 1935 2) Switzerland conditions as for acquiring rule promulgated on any State in 3) Council of Ministers 4) Indian Councils Act, 1919 3) Russia 4) UK Indian citizenship? India? 4) Chairman of a State Public 5. Which of the following was not 15. The Constitution of India is 1) Parliament 1) 356 2) 352 40. Which of the following Chief one of the features of the Gover- designed to work as a unitary 2) State Legislatures 3) 360 4) 370 Justices of India has acted as nment of India Act, 1935? government: 3) President 31. The rule of passing resolution by ? 1) Dyarchy of centre 1) in normal times 4) Attorney General 2/3rd majority of total number of 1) P.N. Bhagwati 2) Provincial autonomy 2) when the Parliament so desires 23. A person can become a citizen of members of the House of 2) 3) Bicameral Legislature 3) in times of emergency India even if born outside India if Parliament is applicable in the 3) P.B. Gajendra Ghadkar 4) All India Federation 4) at the will of the President his/her: case of: 4) All of the above 6. Who was the first Foreign 16. Which of the following features 1) father is a citizen of India 1) amendment of the Consti- 41. The executive authority of the Minister of free India? of the Constitution of India does 2) mother is a citizen of India tution Union is vested by the Consti- 1) Jawaharlal Nehr not resemble the American 3) father is a citizen of India at 2) approval of proclamation of tution in the: 2) Gulzari Lal Nanda Constitution? the time of person's birth emergency 1) Cabinet 3) 1) Federal form of Government 4) father or mother is a citizen of 3) impeachment of President 2) President 4) John Mathai 2) Fundamental Rights India at the time of the per- 4) disapproval of proclamation 3) Prime Minister 7. Which of the following was 3) Parliamental form of Govern- son's birth of emergency 4) Union Legislature adopted from the Maurya ment 24. The total number of Fundamental 32. While a proclamation of emer- 42. Who among the following are dynasty in the emblem of Gove- 4) Written Constitution Duties mentioned in the Const- gency is in operation in the coun- appointed by the President of rnment of India? 17. Which of the following deter- itution is: try, the State Government: India? 1) Four Lions mines that the Indian Cons- 1) 10 2) 9 1) cannot legislate 1) Chairman, Finance Commi- 2) Chariot wheel titution is federal? 3) 11 4) 13 2) is suspended ssion 3) Horse 1) An independent judiciary 25. Which one of the following 3) can legislate only on subjects 2) Chief Election Commissioner 4) Words 'Satyameva Jayate' 2) A written and rigid Con- amendments accorded prece- in the Concurrent List 3) Chief Minister of a Union 8. Who among the following was stitution dence to Directive principle over 4) can legislate on the subject in Territory the Chairman of the Provincial 3) Distribution of powers bet- Fundamental Rights? the State List 4) Both 1) and 2) Constitution Committee of the ween the Centre and States 1) 24th amendment 33. The President's rule is imposed Constituent Assembly? 4) Vesting of residuary powers 2) 42nd amendment for the period of: KEY 1) B.R. Ambedkar with the Centre 3) 44th amendment 1) 3 months 1) 4 2) 3 3) 1 4) 1 5) 3 2) 18. 'To uphold and protect the 4) 39th amendment 2) 6 months 6) 1 7) 1 8) 4 9) 3 10) 1 3) J.B. Kripalani Sovereignty, Unity and Integrity 26. Which of the following is correct 3) till the next election is held 11) 2 12) 2 13) 2 14) 4 15) 3 4) Sardar of India' is a provision made in about the Fundamental Duties? 4) it depends upon the Presid- 16) 3 17) 3 18) 3 19) 2 20) 3 9. What is popular sovereignty? the: 1) These are not enforceable ent's wish 21) 1 22) 1 23) 4 24) 3 25) 2 1) sovereignty of the head of 1) Directive Principles of State 2) They are primarily moral 34. On the basis of financial crisis, 26) 4 27) 4 28) 4 29) 4 30) 1 state Policy duties Emergency has been declared by 31) 3 32) 4 33) 2 34) 4 35) 1 2) sovereignty of people's repre- 2) Fundamental Rights 3) They are not related to any the President of India: 36) 4 37) 2 38) 4 39) 3 40) 2 sentative 3) Fundamental Duties legal rights 1) in 1962 2) in 1991 41) 2 42) 4 3) sovereignty of the people 4) Preamble of the Constitution 4) All of the above 3) in 1971 4) sovereignty of the legal head 19. The phrase "equality before law" 27. Which Article of the Constitution 4) not even once Prepared by: 10. Which of the following would be used in Article-14 of Indian of India provides that it shall be 35. Who was the only second Vice- N.D. Nagesh, Subject Expert. called a "Secular" State? Constitution has been borrowed the endeavour of every State to President of India to get a second