Appendix 4. Komplett litteraturlista

Vetenskapliga publikationer n=892

1. (2020). "Correction to: Early dinner or “dinner like a pauper”: Evidence, the habitual time of the largest meal of the day – dinner – is predisposing to severe COVID-19 outcome – death (Chronobiology International, (2020), 37, 6, (804-808), 10.1080/07420528.2020.1772810)." Chronobiology International 37(6): 952. 2. (2020). "Note from the editors: Don't stop thinking about tomorrow." Eurosurveillance 25(1). 3. (2020). "Rapid risk assessment from ECDC: Resurgence of reported cases of COVID-19 in the EU/EEA, the UK and EU candidate and potential candidate countries." Eurosurveillance 25(26). 4. (2020). "The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: characterisation of cases and risk factors for severe outcomes, as at 27 April 2020." Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin 25(50). 5. (2020). "Updated rapid risk assessment from ECDC on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: increased transmission in the EU/EEA and the UK." Eurosurveillance 25(12). 6. (2020). Eurosurveillance 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.50.2001431 "COVID-19 and lessons learned from the pandemic wave of meningococcal meningitis (19851990)." 20(1). 7. Abd-Elaziz, K., et al. (2021). "Revisiting matrix metalloproteinase 12: its role in pathophysiology of asthma and related pulmonary diseases." Curr Opin Pulm Med 27(1): 54-60. 8. Abrucio, F. L., et al. (2020). "Combating covid-19 under bolsonaro’s federalism: A case of intergovernmental incoordination." Revista de Administracao Publica 54(4): 663-677. 9. Achdut, N. and T. Refaeli (2020). "Unemployment and psychological distress among young people during the covid‐19 pandemic: Psychological resources and risk factors." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(19): 1-21. 10. , L., et al. (2020). "Australia can use population level mobility data to fight COVID-19." Medical Journal of Australia 213(7): 296-297.e291. 11. Adarkwah, M. A. (2020). "“I’m not against online teaching, but what about us?”: ICT in Ghana post Covid-19." Education and Information Technologies. 12. Adiga, A., et al. (2020). "Mathematical Models for COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Analysis." Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 100(4): 793-807. 13. Adlhoch, C. and R. Pebody (2020). "What to expect for the influenza season 2020/21 with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in the World Health Organization European Region." Euro Surveill 25(42). 14. Adongo, C. A., et al. (2021). "Beyond fragmentary: A proposed measure for travel vaccination concerns." Tourism Management 83. 15. Ahlbom, A. (2020). "Epidemiology is about disease in populations." European Journal of Epidemiology 35(12): 1111-1113.

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2 34. Almqvist, J., et al. (2020). "Neurological manifestations of coronavirus infections – a systematic review." Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 7(10): 2057-2071. 35. Almskog, L. M., et al. (2020). "Rotational thromboelastometry results are associated with care level in COVID-19." Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. 36. Alonso-Fernandez, F., et al. (2020). Soft-Biometrics Estimation in the Era of Facial Masks. BIOSIG 2020 - Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group. 37. Amaku, M., et al. (2021). "Modelling the test, trace and quarantine strategy to control the COVID- 19 epidemic in the state of São Paulo, Brazil." Infect Dis Model 6: 46-55. 38. Ameis, S. H., et al. (2020). "Coping, fostering resilience, and driving care innovation for autistic people and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond." Molecular Autism 11(1). 39. Amér, S., et al. (2020). "Almost two-thirds of the elderly with covid-19 surviving in nursing homes." Lakartidningen 117. 40. Amini Moghadam, S., et al. (2020). "Clinical features of pregnant women in who died due to COVID-19." International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 41. Aminizadeh, M., et al. (2020). "Hospital preparedness challenges in biological disasters: A qualitative study." Disaster Med Public Health Prep: 1-13. 42. Ammon, A. (2020). "Contributing to health security in Europe since 2005 – ECDC’s 15th anniversary." Eurosurveillance 25(20). 43. Andersson, E. and A. Sönnerborg (2020). "[Future testing for SARS-CoV-2: not only more but smarter]." Lakartidningen 117. 44. Andrius, K., et al. (2020). "Swedish Policy Analysis for COVID-19." SSRN. 45. Angelino, E., et al. (2020). "Risk communication during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for lifestyle interventions in cardiovascular prevention." Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia 21(6): 401-407. 46. Ankarali, H., et al. (2020). "Modeling and short-term forecasts of indicators for COVID-19 outbreak in 25 countries at the end of march." Bangladesh J. Med. Sci. 19(Special issue): 6-20. 47. Arnold, M. and I. Kerridge (2020). "Accelerating the De-Personalization of Medicine: The Ethical Toxicities of COVID-19." Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. 48. Arzate-Mejía, R. G., et al. (2020). "Long-Term Impact of Social Isolation and Molecular Underpinnings." Frontiers in Genetics 11. 49. Asadikia, A., et al. (2020). "Systematic prioritisation of SDGs: Machine learning approach." World Development. 50. Aschwanden, C. (2020). "The false promise of herd immunity for COVID-19." Nature 587(7832): 26- 28. 51. Asif, S., et al. (2020). "Weak anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody response is associated with mortality in a Swedish cohort of COVID-19 patients in critical care." Critical Care 24(1). 52. Atkinson, K. M., et al. (2020). "The digital immunization system of the future: imagining a patient- centric, interoperable immunization information system." Therapeutic Advances in Vaccines and Immunotherapy 8. 53. Awad, M. E., et al. (2020). "Modeling of the adsorption of a protein-fragment on kaolinite with potential antiviral activity." Appl Clay Sci 199: 105865.

3 54. Azoulay, E., et al. (2020). "Symptoms of burnout in intensive care unit specialists facing the COVID- 19 outbreak." Annals of Intensive Care 10(1). 55. Azzam, D. B., et al. (2020). "Oculofacial plastic surgery-related online search trends including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic." Orbit (London). 56. Baidya, A., et al. (2020). "Diabetes and covid-19: A review." Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 35(1): 40-48. 57. Baker, M. G., et al. (2020). "Estimating the burden of United States workers exposed to infection or disease: A key factor in containing risk of COVID-19 infection." PLoS One 15(4). 58. Bakker, A., et al. (2020). "E-health applications in the field of traumatic stress." European Journal of Psychotraumatology 11(1). 59. Balakrishnan, A., et al. (2020). "Delivery of hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: an European-African Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (E-AHPBA) cross-sectional survey." HPB 22(8): 1128-1134. 60. Bambra, C., et al. (2020). "COVID-19 and the gender health paradox." Scandinavian journal of public health: 1403494820975604. 61. Banerjee, S., et al. (2020). "The impact of COVID-19 on oncology professionals: Initial results of the ESMO resilience task force survey collaboration." Annals of Oncology 31: S1200-S1201. 62. Barakat, S., et al. (2020). A Three-Stage Periodic Model: An Initial Analysis of Government Preventive Measures against COVID-19 Epidemics. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 63. Baral, R., et al. (2020). "Effect of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Inhibitors in Patients with COVID-19: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of 28,872 Patients." Current Atherosclerosis Reports 22(10). 64. Baral, S., et al. (2020). "Leveraging epidemiological principles to evaluate Sweden's COVID-19 response." Ann Epidemiol 54: 21-26. 65. Bardosh, K. L., et al. (2020). "Integrating the social sciences in epidemic preparedness and response: A strategic framework to strengthen capacities and improve Global Health security." Globalization and Health 16(1). 66. Barone, S., et al. (2020). "Building a statistical surveillance dashboard for COVID-19 infection worldwide." Quality Engineering 32(4): 754-763. 67. Barrett, P. M., et al. (2020). "Measuring the effectiveness of an automated text messaging active surveillance system for COVID-19 in the south of Ireland, March to April 2020." Eurosurveillance 25(23). 68. Bartos, M. (2020). "Australia and the rhythm of the COVID-19 epidemic." Asia-Pasific Journal: Japan Focus 18(14): 1-8. 69. Bartoszek, K., et al. (2020). "Are official confirmed cases and fatalities counts good enough to study the COVID-19 pandemic dynamics? A critical assessment through the case of Italy." Nonlinear Dyn: 1-29. 70. Bastard, P., et al. (2020). "Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in patients with life-threatening COVID-19." Science 370(6515). 71. Battisti, N. M. L., et al. (2020). "Adapting care for older cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: Recommendations from the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) COVID-19 Working Group." J Geriatr Oncol 11(8): 1190-1198.

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5 90. Bhaskar, S., et al. (2020). "At the Epicenter of COVID-19-the Tragic Failure of the Global Supply Chain for Medical Supplies." Front Public Health 8: 562882. 91. Bialer, M., et al. (2020). "Progress report on new antiepileptic drugs: A summary of the Fifteenth Eilat Conference on New Antiepileptic Drugs and Devices (EILAT XV). I. Drugs in preclinical and early clinical development." Epilepsia 61(11): 2340-2364. 92. Bilinski, A. and E. J. Emanuel (2020). "COVID-19 and Excess All-Cause Mortality in the US and 18 Comparison Countries." JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association 324(20): 2100-2102. 93. Biswal, A., et al. (2020). "COVID-19 lockdown and its impact on tropospheric NO2 concentrations over India using satellite-based data." Heliyon 6(9). 94. Bivins, A., et al. (2020). "Wastewater-Based Epidemiology: Global Collaborative to Maximize Contributions in the Fight Against COVID-19." Environ Sci Technol 54(13): 7754-7757. 95. Blanco-Arana, M. C. (2020). "Socio-economic factors on the evolution of mortality in Europe in the XXI century: Policy proposals to face the COVID-19 crisis." Revista de Economia Mundial 2020(56): 86- 100. 96. Blangiardo, M., et al. (2020). "Estimating weekly excess mortality at subnational level in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic." PLoS One 15(10). 97. Blomström-Lundqvist, C. (2020). "Effects of COVID-19 lockdown strategies on management of atrial fibrillation." European Heart Journal 41(32): 3080-3082. 98. Boëlle, P. Y., et al. (2020). "Excess cases of influenza-like illnesses synchronous with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic, France, March 2020." Eurosurveillance 25(14). 99. Bogogiannidou, Z., et al. (2020). "Repeated leftover serosurvey of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies, Greece, March and April 2020." Eurosurveillance 25(31): 1-6. 100. Boncz, I., et al. (2020). "PIN112 Geographical Inequalities of the Incidence of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Caused By Sars-COV-2 VIRUS in the European Union." Value in Health 23: S562. 101. Bordi, L., et al. (2020). "Differential diagnosis of illness in patients under investigation for the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), Italy, February 2020." Eurosurveillance 25(8). 102. Boretti, A. (2020). "After Less Than 2 Months, the Simulations That Drove the World to Strict Lockdown Appear to be Wrong, the Same of the Policies They Generated." Health Serv Res Manag Epidemiol 7: 2333392820932324. 103. Borges do Nascimento, I. J., et al. (2020). "Novel Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19) in Humans: A Scoping Review and Meta-Analysis." J Clin Med 9(4). 104. Borkowski, P., et al. (2021). "Lockdowned: Everyday mobility changes in response to COVID-19." Journal of Transport Geography 90. 105. Bose, S., et al. (2020). "Atypical Presentation of Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 in a Peritoneal Dialysis Patient." Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports 8. 106. Bousquet, J., et al. (2020). "Spices to control COVID-19 symptoms: Yes, but not only." International Archives of Allergy and Immunology. 107. Bowen, J. D., et al. (2020). "COVID-19 in MS: Initial observations from the Pacific Northwest." Neurology(R) neuroimmunology & neuroinflammation 7(5).

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1. 1-C Nonlinear Covid-19 Epidemic Model and Application to the Epidemic Prediction in France. Jean- Pierre Quadrat. medRxiv 2020.05.24.20111807; doi: 2. 4P Model for Dynamic Prediction of the Covid-19: A Statistical and Machine Learning Approach new window. Hasan KT, Rahman MM, Ahmmed MM, Chowdhury AA, Islam MK. Research Square. Doi: 55610/v3 3. A cell phone data driven time use analysis of the COVID-19 epidemic. Eli P. Fenichel, Kevin Berry, Jude Bayham, Gregg Gonsalves. medRxiv 2020.04.20.20073098; doi: 4. A Clash of Minds in a Post-Virus World new window. Dargel D, Mahammadalizada N, Tandon P, Cho S. SSRN. Doi: 5. A Comparison of Monthly Global Indicators for Forecasting Growthnew window. Baumeister C, Guérin P. SSRN. Doi: 6. A Counterfactual Economic Analysis of Covid-19 Using a Threshold Augmented Multi-Country Model. Chudik A, Mohaddes K, Pesaran MH, Raissi M, Rebucci A. SSRN 2020-09-23. Doi: . 7. A COVID-19 Model for Local Authorities of the United Kingdom. Swapnil Mishra, Jamie Scott, Harrison Zhu, Neil M. Ferguson, Samir Bhatt, Seth Flaxman, Axel Gandy. medRxiv 2020.11.24.20236661; doi: 8. A COVID-19 transmission model informing medication development and supply chain needs. Annabelle Lemenuel-Diot, Barry Clinch, Aeron C. Hurt, Paul Boutry, Johann Laurent, Mathias Leddin, Stefan Frings, Jean Eric Charoin. medRxiv 2020.11.23.20237404; doi: 9. A data first approach to modelling Covid-19. Jayanti Prasad. medRxiv 2020.05.22.20110171; doi: 10. A delayed modulation of solar radiation on the COVID-19 transmission reflects an incubation period. Maosheng He, Keyan Fang, Feifei Zhou, Tinghai Ou, Deliang Chen. medRxiv 2020.10.13.20183111; doi: 11. A demographic scaling model for estimating the total number of COVID-19 infections. Christina Bohk-Ewald, Christian Dudel, Mikko Myrskylä. medRxiv 2020.04.23.20077719; doi: 12. A geotemporal survey of hospital bed saturation across England during the first wave of the COVID- 19 Pandemic. Bilal A Mateen, Harrison Wilde, John m Dennis, Andrew Duncan, Nicholas John Meyrick Thomas, Andrew P McGovern, Spiros Denaxas, Matt J Keeling, Sebastian J Vollmer. medRxiv 2020.06.24.20139048; doi: 13. A Global Scale Estimate of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases Using Extreme Value Distributions. M. Aadhityaa, K. S. Kasiviswanathan, Idhayachandhiran Ilampooranan, B. Soundharajan, M. Balamurugan, Jianxun He. medRxiv 2020.04.17.20069500; doi: 14. A Heuristic Model for Spreading of COVID 19 in Singapore. Fook Hou Lee. medRxiv 2020.04.15.20067264; doi: 15. A Large-Scale Clinical Validation Study Using nCapp Cloud Plus Terminal by Frontline Doctors for the Rapid Diagnosis of COVID-19 and COVID-19 pneumonia in China. Dawei Yang, Tao Xu, Xun Wang, Deng

52 Chen, Ziqiang Zhang, Lichuan Zhang, Jie Liu, Kui Xiao, Li Bai, Yong Zhang, Lin Zhao, Lin Tong, Chaomin Wu, Yaoli Wang, Chunling Dong, Maosong Ye, Yu Xu, Zhenju Song, Hong Chen, Jing Li, Jiwei Wang, Fei Tan, Hai Yu, Jian Zhou, Jinming Yu, Chunhua Du, Hongqing Zhao, Yu Shang, Linian Huang, Jianping Zhao, Yang Jin, Charles A. Powell, Yuanlin Song, Chunxue Bai. medRxiv 2020.08.07.20163402; doi: 16. A longitudinal study of the impact of human mobility on the incidence of COVID-19 in India. Sarbeswar Praharaj, Hoon Han. medRxiv 2020.12.21.20248523; doi: 17. A machine learning aided global diagnostic and comparative tool to assess effect of quarantine control in Covid-19 spread. Raj Dandekar, Chris Rackauckas, George Barbastathis. medRxiv 2020.07.23.20160697; doi: 18. A Machine Learning Solution Framework for Combatting COVID-19 in Smart Cities from Multiple Dimensions. Ibrahim Abaker Targio Hashem, Absalom E Ezugwu, Mohammed A. Al-Garadi, Idris N. Abdullahi, Olumuyiwa Otegbeye, Queeneth O Ahman, Godwin C. E. Mbah, Amit K Shukla, Haruna Chiroma. medRxiv 2020.05.18.20105577; doi: 19. A mathematical model to investigate the transmission of COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Fehaid Salem Alshammari. medRxiv 2020.05.02.20088617; doi: 20. A modified SEIR Model with Confinement and Lockdown of COVID-19 for Costa Rica. Tomas de- Camino-Beck. medRxiv 2020.05.19.20106492; doi: 21. A Multi-Task Pipeline with Specialized Streams for Classification and Segmentation of Infection Manifestations in COVID-19 Scans. Shimaa El-bana, Ahmad Al-Kabbany, Maha Sharkas. medRxiv 2020.06.24.20139238; doi: 22. A multivariate spatiotemporal spread model of COVID-19 using ensemble of ConvLSTM networks. Swarna kamal Paul, Saikat Jana, Parama Bhaumik. medRxiv 2020.04.17.20069898; doi: 23. A new estimation method for COVID-19 time-varying reproduction number using active cases. Agus Hasan, Hadi Susanto, Venansius Tjahjono, Rudy Kusdiantara, Endah Putri, Panji Hadisoemarto, Nuning Nuraini. medRxiv 2020.06.28.20142158; doi: 24. A New Mathematical Approach for the Estimation of epidemic Model Parameters with Demonstration on COVID-19 Pandemic in Libya. Mohamed E Saleh, Zeinab Elmehdi Saleh. medRxiv 2020.07.19.20157115; doi: 25. A new, simple method of describing the COVID-19 trajectory and dynamics in any country based on Johnson Cumulative Distribution Function fitting. M. Ćmiel, Bogdan Ćmiel. medRxiv 2020.12.05.20244178; doi: 26. A New, Simple Projection Model for COVID-19 Pandemic. Jian Lu. medRxiv 2020.03.21.20039867; doi: 27. A Novel Approach for Estimating the Final Outcome of Global Diseases Like COVID-19. Demetris T Christopoulos. medRxiv 2020.07.03.20145672; doi: 28. A novel comprehensive metric to assess COVID-19 testing outcomes: Effects of geography, government, and policy response. Anthony C Kuster, Hans J Overgaard. medRxiv 2020.06.17.20133389; doi:

53 29. A novel deterministic forecast model for the Covid-19 epidemic based on a single ordinary integro- differential equation. Felix Koehler-Rieper, Claudius H. F. Roehl, Enrico De Micheli. Medrxiv 2020.04.29.20084376; doi: 30. A novel epidemiological model for COVID-19. Mauro Gaspari. medRxiv 2020.07.23.20160580; doi: 31. A Novel Heuristic Global Algorithm to Predict the COVID-19 Pandemic Trend. Panagiotis G. Asteris, Maria Douvika, Christina Karamani, Athanasia Skentou, Tryfon Daras, Liborio Cavaleri, Danial Jahed Armaghani, Katerina Chlichlia, Theoklis E. Zaoutis. medRxiv 2020.04.16.20068445; doi: 32. A Novel Method for the Estimation of a Dynamic Effective Reproduction Number (Dynamic-R) in the CoViD-19 Outbreak. Yi Chen Chong. medRxiv 2020.02.22.20023267; doi: 33. A novel predictive mathematical model for COVID-19 pandemic with quarantine, contagion dynamics, and environmentally mediated transmission. Diego Carvalho, Rafael Barbastefano, Dayse Pastore, Maria Clara Lippi. medRxiv 2020.07.27.20163063; doi: 34. A pandemic at the Tunisian scale. Mathematical modelling of reported and unreported COVID-19 infected cases. Ines Abdeljaoued-Tej. medRxiv 2020.05.21.20108621; doi: 35. A parsimonious description and cross-country analysis of COVID-19 epidemic curve. Kristoffer Rypdal, Martin Rypdal. arXiv:2008.02475 36. A phenomenological algorithm for short-range predictions of the Covid-19 pandemics 2020. Chrusciel PT, Szybka SJ. medRxiv 2020-05-26. Doi: 37. A pitfall in estimating the effective reproductive number Rt for COVID-19. daniel wyler, markus petermann. medRxiv 2020.05.12.20099366; doi: 38. A pragmatic model to forecast the COVID-19 epidemic in different countries and allowing for daily updates. Carlos Nordt, Marcus Herdener. medRxiv 2020.04.07.20056481; doi: 39. A Predictive Model for the Evolution of COVID-19. Rajneesh Bhardwaj. medRxiv 2020.04.13.20063271; doi: 40. A prototype for decision support tool to help decision-makers with the strategy of handling the COVID-19 UK epidemic. Anatoly Zhigljavsky, Ivan Fesenko, Henry Wynn, Roger Whitaker, Kobi Kremnizer, Jack Noonan, Jonathan Gillard. medRxiv 2020.04.24.20077818; doi: 41. A Real-Time Statistical Model for Tracking and Forecasting COVID-19 Deaths, Prevalence and Incidence. Jack A. Syage. medRxiv 2020.05.16.20104430; doi: 42. A retrospective analysis of the dynamic transmission routes of the COVID-19 in mainland China. Xiandeng Jiang, Le Chang, Yanlin Shi. medRxiv 2020.03.01.20029645; doi: 43. A simple mathematical model for Coronavirus (COVID-19). Said Melliani, Abdelati El Allaoui, Lalla Saadia Chadli. medRxiv 2020.04.23.20076919; doi: 44. A Simple Method of Finding an Approximate Pattern of the COVID-19 Spread. Hemanta Kumar Baruah. medRxiv 2020.05.24.20112292; doi:

54 45. A simple model to fit the time evolution of the daily death rate of Covid-19 in European Union countries. Tristan Beau, Julien Browaeys, Olivier Dadoun. medRxiv 2020.05.06.20093062; doi: 46. A Surprising formula for the spread of Covid-19 Under Aggressive Management. Ivan Cherednik. medRxiv 2020.04.29.20084483; doi: 47. A Two-Region SEIR COVID-19 Epidemic Model for the Island of Ireland. James J. Grannell, James R. Grannell. medRxiv 2020.10.31.20223727; doi: 48. A two-wave epidemiological model of COVID-19 outbreaks using MS-Excel® Agenor De Noni Junior, Bernardo Araldi da Silva, Felipe Dal-Pizzol, Luismar Marques Porto. medRxiv 2020.05.08.20095133; doi: 49. Accounting for super-spreading gives the basic reproduction number R0 of COVID-19 that is higher than initially estimated. Marek Kochanczyk, Frederic Grabowski, Tomasz Lipniacki. medRxiv 2020.04.26.20080788; doi: 50. Adaptive short term COVID-19 prediction for India. Shuvrangshu Jana, Debasish Ghose. medRxiv 2020.07.18.20156745; doi: 51. Adjusted Dynamics of COVID-19 Pandemic due to Herd Immunity in Bangladesh. Enamul Hoque, Md. Shariful Islam, Mohammad Ruhul Amin, Susanta Kumar Das, Dipak Kumar Mitra. medRxiv 2020.09.03.20186957; doi: 52. Adjusted fatality rates of COVID19 pandemic: a comparison across countries. Carlos Canelo-Aybar, Jessica Beltran, Marilina Santero, Pablo Alonso-Coello. medRxiv 2020.05.13.20099796; doi: 53. Adjusting COVID-19 Reports for Countries Age Disparities: A Comparative Framework for Reporting Performances. Enes Eryarsoy, Dursun Delen, Behrooz Davazdahemami. medRxiv 2020.08.31.20185223; doi: 54. Agent-Based Simulation for Evaluation of Contact-Tracing Policies Against the Spread of SARS-CoV- 2. Martin Richard Bicher, Claire Rippinger, Christoph Urach, Dominik Brunmeir, Uwe Siebert, Niki Popper. medRxiv 2020.05.12.20098970; doi: 55. Age-targeted dose allocation can halve COVID-19 vaccine requirements. T. Meehan, Daniel G. Cocks, Jamie M. Caldwell, James M. Trauer, Adeshina I. Adekunle, Romain R. Ragonnet, Emma S. McBryde. medRxiv 2020.10.08.20208108; doi: 56. An attempt to optimize human resources allocation based on spatial diversity of COVID-19 cases in Poland. Andrzej Jarynowski, Monika Wójta-Kempa, Łukasz Krzowski. medRxiv 2020.10.14.20090985; doi: 57. An improved method to estimate the effective reproduction number of the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from its application in Greece. Theodore Lytras, Vana Sypsa, Demosthenes Panagiotakos, Sotirios Tsiodras. medRxiv 2020.09.19.20198028; doi: 58. An improved methodology for estimating the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2. Virag Patel, Catherine McCarthy, Rachel A Taylor, Ruth Moir, Louise A Kelly, Emma L Snary. medRxiv 2020.08.04.20168187; doi:

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93 Grå litteratur n=20

1. Fohm Rapport över möjligt scenario i Sverige baserat på utvecklingen i Wuhan. ov-scenarier-wuhan-grafer-2020-03-nn.pdf 2. Fohm Rapport Uppdatering av modeller baserat på Wuhan, med tillhörande uppdaterad metodbeskrivning. av-vardplatsbehov-folkhalsomyndigheten.pdf 3. Fohm Rapport Möjligt scenario i Sverige baserat på utvecklingen i Lombardiet, Italien. g-av-behov-av-slutenvardsplatser-covid-lombardiet.pdf 4. 2020-05-14 uppdaterar FHM sina underlag till regionerna och lägger till nya värsta scenarion. Nu baseras scenarion på svenska data, och inte på data ifrån Wuhan och Lombardiet. ov-scenarier-vardbelastning-baserat-svenska-data-20200514.pdf 5. Den 2020-04-21 publicerar FHM en rapport över Skattning av peakdag och antal infekterade i covid- 19-utbrottet i Stockholms län februari-april 2020. material/publikationsarkiv/s/skattning-av-peakdag-och-antal-infekterade-i-covid-19-utbrottet-i- stockholms-lan-februari-april-2020/ 6. Den 2020-0701 utkom FHM med en uppdaterad version på rapport nr 5 ovan, nu även för Dalarna, Skåne, och Västra Götaland. ttps:// peak-day-infected-during-covid-19-outbreak-20103.pdf 7. Den 2020-06-15 utkom FHM med en rapport över olika tänkbara scenarios fram till årsskiftet i Sveriges samtliga regioner beroende på kontaktintensiteten i regionerna. Modellerna tas fram genom VirSim. Huvudrapport: okade-kontakter-okat-resande-sverige-sommaren-2020.pdf 8. Den 2020-08-26 presenterar FHM rapporten Scenarier – Tre smittspridningsscenarier inom regeringsuppdraget ”Plan inför eventuella nya utbrott av covid-19” tre-smittspridningsscenarier-plan-eventuella-nya-utbrott-covid-19.pdf 9. Den 2020-10-22 publicerar FHM en rapport med scenarion specifikt för individer äldre än 70 år. personer-70-ar-och-aldre-av-smittskyddsatgarder-mot-covid-19/?pub=81272 10. Den 2020-12-21 presenterar FHM en uppdatering av rapport 8 ovan, inom regeringsuppdraget att löpande uppdatera scenarier för hur smittspridningen av det virus som orsakar sjukdomen som orsakar sjukdomen covid-19 kan komma att utvecklas framöver.

94 fortsatt-spridning.pdf 11. Den 2020-12-30 publiceras nya prognoser av FHM med fokus på vårdbelastning. er-inlaggningar-pa-sjukhusens-vanlig-vardavdelningar-vecka-53.pdf 12. Den 2020-12-29 kom också FHM ut med en rapport som syftar till att skatta antalet nya fall per dag i regionerna. lys_region_2020-12-29.pdf 13. Den 2020-09 publicerar socialstyrelsen en rapport över planering i de olika regionerna. dessa är helt baserade på de rapporter FHM tagit fram tidigare. 6886.pdf 14. Den 2020-06 publicerar MSB en rapport med tre möjliga scenarion. forstarkning-till-befintlig-analys-och-planering-msb1594.pdf 15. Den 2020-09-17 publiceras projektioner över vårdbehov i EU 16. Den 2020-11-23 kom en uppdatering av dessa projektioner. 2020.pdf 17. Den 2020-04-13 publicerar ECDC en rapport över lämplig övervakningsstrategi i syfte att förbereda vården. Apr-2020.pdf 18. Den 2020-05-17 publicerar ECDC en rapport om hur medlemsländer bör sätta upp uppföljningsstrategier för covid-19. 19-long-term-care-facilities-surveillance-guidance.pdf 19. Den 2020-01-11 publicera ECDC en rapport över egen utvärdering av framtagande av (prognos) underlag till medlemsländerna covid-19, 2020. data/strategic-and-performance-analysis-ecdc-response-covid-19-pandemic 20. Den 26/5 baseline projections ECDC. assessing-impact-measures.pdf