Health and Wellbeing Board
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Public Document Pack Health and Wellbeing Board Dear Member, You are invited to attend the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board to be held as follows for the transaction of the business indicated. Miranda Carruthers-Watt Proper Officer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE: Tuesday, 10 October 2017 TIME: 2.30 pm VENUE: Salford Suite, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton In accordance with ‘The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014,’ the press and public have the right to film, video, photograph or record this meeting. AGENDA 2.30P.M. 1 People's Story (film) - a perspective on health and wellbeing 'Start Well' theme (Charlotte Ramsden / Deborah Blackburn) 2.35P.M. 2 QUESTIONS - From Members of the Public (Chair) (Pages 1 - 2) 3 Introduction and Apologies for Absence (Chair) 4 Declarations of Interest (Chair) 5 Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 20th June 2017 (Chair) (Pages 3 - 8) 6 Matters Arising - Review of Action Log (Chair) (Pages 9 - 10) 2.45P.M. 7 Locality Plan - progress update: Quarter 2 2017/18 quarterly (Pages 11 - 42) highlight report and risk register (Anthony Hassall) 2.55P.M. 8 Population Health Plan - verbal update (Siobhan Farmer) 3.15P.M. 9 (To follow) Start Well - issue based 'deep dive' (Charlotte Ramsden / Deborah Blackburn) Discussion with invited speakers, covering a sample of Starting Well outcome priorities, for example: further development of the Early Years Delivery Model, focus on Oral Health, Education Strategy Progress/ headlines, Work and Skills Update, Transition to Adulthood, and Emotional Health and Well-being work: building resilience. 4.05P.M. 10 Salford Suicide Prevention Strategy - including 2017/18 (Pages 43 - 90) Implementation Plan (Chair) 4.10P.M. 11 GM Primary Care Reform Investment Agreement (Anthony (Pages 91 - 146) Hassall) 4.15P.M. 12 Any Other Business (Chair) 4.20P.M. 13 Update Papers (Provided for Information & Assurance Purposes (Pages 147 - 372) Only): (a) 2017/18 HWB Forward Plan (b) Health Protection Annual Report (c) Update on Living Wage work (d) CCG Annual Report 2016/17 (e) HWB Annual Review 2016/17 (f) Health Watch Salford – Priorities for 2017/18 and Annual Report (g) Safeguarding Children Annual Report - (h) Safeguarding Adults Annual Report (i) Better Care Fund update (j) Locality Plan – Workforce Strategy update (k) Children and Families Act – Implementation of SEND reforms 14 Date and Time of Next Meeting - Tuesday 14th November 2017 (2 - 4pm): 'Live Well' focus Contact Officer: Tel No: 0161 793 3011 Mike McHugh, Senior Democratic Services E-Mail: [email protected] Advisior This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 2 From: Skelton, Judd Sent: 20 July 2017 12:49 To: '[email protected]' Subject: Mental Health Service User Forum - query on hoarding Hi Anne I hope you are keeping well. I assume you are still Chair of the Mental Health Forum – if not please could you pass this on or let me know who this is so I can do so. Please see below a response following the questions put to the Salford Health & Wellbeing Board by the Salford Mental Health Forum regarding the issue of hoarding. 1. How can this illness (hoarding) be addressed, if those affected by it do not recognise they are ill themselves, and the services are not trained to support them? Chris Taylor from Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust attended a recent Forum meeting to talk about this. Chris had been asked at the previous meeting if he could conduct some research to find out how people who hoard are recorded in Salford and if there are any stats. Chris assured the group that hoarding IS increasingly being recognised, and mental health services will assess people referred to them with this problem and offer treatment and support where appropriate. Chris also informed the group of the following : Hoarding is now recognised as an illness in its own right and not just associated with the condition known as OCD. There are 2-5% of the population estimated to have the illness Using the Salford population figure of 239,000, and using the lower end prevalence estimate of 2%, this means that approx. 4,780 people in Salford would be estimated to have the illness (Hoarders UK) – and if upper estimate of 5% used, then this would rise to 11,950 hoarders 2. How are we going to get a standardised way of collating information about specific diagnosis for hoarding, so we can measure just how many people are in Salford and needing support? The Salford Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) has recently revised and launched a new policy and procedures on self-neglect, which includes hoarding. These documents can be accessed using the following link (click on the tabs on the left hand side of the page to access the actual procedures). The procedures have a specific visual tool to support agencies to identify the level of hoarding related to risk. Page 1 There are plans to review how this policy and procedure is being applied in practice in March 2018 and there is on-going multi-agency training on the policy and procedure being rolled out funded by the SSAB. 3. Is there a clear pathway of support for people with this illness? This is outlined in the revised policy and procedures relating to self-neglect. These guidance documents promote a multi-agency response, which includes assessing and managing the risks associated with the hoarding behaviours. The policy draws on person centred best practice identified through extensive national research and outlines a model with two referral pathways into multi-agency forums to support a multi-agency approach to working with these issues. The policy recognises that each response to these issues needs to be personalised to that individual, and that for each case there should be a link person to work with them and monitor the situation, feeding back into the multi-agency process as required. I hope this response addresses your queries satisfactorily . If not please feel free to contact me All the best Judd Skelton Assistant Director - Integrated Commissioning NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group / Salford City Council Integrated Commissioning 7th Floor St James' House Pendleton Way Salford M6 5FW Tel: 0161 212 5632 Mobile: 07717341953 Fax: 0161 212 6030 Email: [email protected] Page 2 Agenda Item 5 SALFORD HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD 20 June 2017 Meeting commenced: 9.00 a.m. “ ended: 10.51 a.m. PRESENT: Tom Tasker – in the Chair Members: Councillor Jillian Collinson LA Representative Chris Dabbs Manchester Chamber of Commerce Councillor Tracy Kelly LA Representative Councillor Gina Reynolds LA Representative Delana Lawson Healthwatch Salford David Herne Director of Public Health Councillor Lisa Stone LA Representative Anthony Hassall Salford CCG Jean Rollinson Age UK Salford Gill Green Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust Lee Sugden Salford Strategic Housing Partnership Invitees: Siobhan Farmer Consultant in Public Health Claire Connor Salford CCG Officers: Anne Lythgoe Manager Policy & Partnerships Mike McHugh Senior Democratic Services Advisor ITEM ACTION BY 1. INTRODUCTION AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Tom Tasker welcomed those present to the meeting of the Salford - Health and Wellbeing Board and introductions were made. Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of James Sumner, Councillor John Merry, CBE, Alison Page, Margaret Rowe and Charlotte Ramsden. 1 | Page Page 3 Salford Health and Wellbeing Board 20 June 2017 ITEM ACTION BY 2. PEOPLE'S STORY - PERSPECTIVE ON HEALTH AND WELLBEING Claire Connor and Sue Fisher introduced a video presentation. Tom Tasker confirmed the importance of the role of members of the public in the future success of this Board. RESOLVED: THAT an item in respect of this matter be included at the start of each future meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board. 3. QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC A question was presented on behalf of the Mental Health Forum, as follows - “The Mental Health Forum would like to know if certain organisations recorded any stats around hoarding, especially when it got people into trouble e.g. eviction or made them live in an unsafe environment. The group would like to ask - i) How can this illness be addressed when if they do not recognise they are ill themselves, and the services are not trained to support them ii)How are we going to get a standardised way of collating information about specific diagnosis for hoarding, so we can measure just how many people are in Salford and need support? iii) Is there a clear pathway of support for people with this illness? They would like to know how they can support the prevention agenda and Salford priorities around homelessness with partnering organisations to gather data and outline a pathway of support.” RESOLVED: THAT a response be made, in writing, directly to the Judd Skelton representatives of the Mental Health Forum; and that a copy of the response be included on the agenda for the meeting of this Board in September 2017. 4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 2 | Page Page 4 Salford Health and Wellbeing Board 20 June 2017 ITEM ACTION BY 5. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS (a) The minutes of the meeting held on 24 January 2017, were - approved as a correct record, subject to Councillor Tracy Kelly being included on the list of apologies for absence recorded at the meeting. - (b) The minutes of the meeting held on 28 March 2017 were approved as a correct record, subject to the attendance list being amended to reflect the correct title of Chris Dabbs’ organisation, as follows: ‘Chris Dabbs - Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce’ 6. MATTERS ARISING - REVIEW OF ACTION LOG An update was provided in respect of issues contained within the - Action Log.