Forty-Third Annual Report of the Manchester and Salford Boys' and Girls' Refuges and Homes and Children's Aid Society [1913] Reference Number: DA/2020/1/8 (1912)
The Together Trust Archive The Forty-Third Annual Report of the Manchester and Salford Boys' and Girls' Refuges and Homes and Children's Aid Society [1913] Reference number: DA/2020/1/8 (1912) Original copies can be viewed at Manchester Central Library Rare Books Collection: 362.7M1 1910-12 © 2021 The Together Trust FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MANCHESTER AND SALFORD Boys' &Girls' Refuges &Homes AND CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. 1912, COMPRISING ;- Homes for Orphan Children. Emigration of Poor Children. Homes for Destitute Children. Police Court Mission. Home for Cripple Children. Prison Gate Mission. HolidayF for Poor Children. City Shelter for lost or cruelly treated Children. Knowing one thing the sacredest and fairest, Knowi1lg there is not anything but Love. Ay, and when Prophecy her fale hath finished, Knowledge hath withered from the trembli1lg tongue, Lovd shall survive and Love be undiminished, Love be imperishable, Love BE young, "These Homes are based upon Christian principles, they are managed by practical methods, and are doing a great work for all the Churches. They are doing the work of ten Societies, and are in danger of only receiving the support of one." -THE LORD BISHOP OF MANCHESTER (Dr. Ivloorhouse) at the Annual Meeting, 1892. Manchester and Salford BOYS' AND GIRLS' REFUGES AND HOMES AND CtllLDREN'S AID SOCIETY, STRANGEWAYS, MANCHESTER. J'rustees: LoRD ROTHERHAM. ·ALDERMAN JAMES FILDES, J.P. ·HENRY CHARLTON, Esq., J.P. ·HARRY E. GADDUM, Esq" J.P. W. A. ARNOLD, Esq. ·BRIAN CROSSLEY, Esq. THEODORE CREWDSON, Esq.,J.P, ROBT, N. BARCLAY, Esq. FRED J. HAYES, Esq. •Property J'rustees 0/ tile Institution.
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