Friday, October 22, 1971. The Ottawa Journal Hull brothers lead Chicago to 5-2 in over Buffalo By The Canadian Press Bob y getting 44 and Dennis games and regained for them delphia's home opener before fenceman Bob Woytowich to The Hull brothers are up 40. In seven games this season sole possession of first place 14,120 at the Spectrum. Bobby replace Horton. to their old tricks for Chi- th y have six, Bobby four and in the West Division. Berry and Real Lemieux each At Toronto, the Leafs re- cago Black Hawks in the Na- m is two. "We were glad to get this tallied twice to lead the Kings' ported that centre Dave Keon, tional Hockey League. Bobby got his fourth late who has missed five games win and bounce back after offensive. Bobby and Dennis Hull in the second period against our loss to New York Rangers with a knee injury, could be scored three goals between the Sabres to break a 2-2 Wednesday," said Hawk coach Meanwhile at Pittsburgh, in the lineup tonight when them to lead the Hawks to a tie before a record turnout Billy Reay. "This was the defenceman Tim Horton will Detroit Red Wings invade 5-2 victory over B u f f al of 15,451 at Buffalo's Memo- second of our seven-game road be lost to the Penguins for Maple Leaf • Gardens. Sabres Thursday night. In t e rial Auditorium. Dennis add- trip and we'll be glad to get possibly six weeks because Earlier it was reported Keon only other NHL game I s ed two more in the last three any victory we can on the of a broken ankle, the Pen- might not start skating until Angeles Kings routed P la- minutes of play for good road." guins said Thursday. Oct. 27. delphia Flyers 7-0. measure. Dennis' goals were his first Boston forward Don Mar- Horton, a former Ranger cotte will undergo surgery to- A year ago the Hull bro ers It was the Hawks' sixth of the season and the young- and Toronto Maple Leaf who combined for 84 goals, with victory in their first seven er Hull brother said "it felt day to correct a spinal disc came out of retirement to ailment, the Bruins said 1,~ï~~riï~s::ï good to break into the scoring sign with Pittsburgh, suffered column." Thursday. the injury against Los Angeles Marcotte has been out of Los Angeles goalie Gary Wednesday when he crashed action since the Bruins' season Edwards kicked aside 34 shots into the boards. opener. 5TWRCI{ as the Kings spoiled Phila- The Penguins activated de- iT6â1'tv NHL records Weekly roundup EAST DIVISION ?'$ W L TF A P TIPS New York ____ 4 1 1 25 19 9 notes and comment Boston 3 1 1 19 12 7 2 1 2 22 18 6 By BOBBY ORR Vancouver _ _ 3 4 0 21 25 6 Toronto 1 2 2 13 19 I AT LEA ,-1• Jack Gotta doesn't have to waste any time Copydight 1971, Toronto Telegram Syndicate Buffalo 2 5 0 19 30 I expl , fining the importance of the weekend of Hamil- Detroit - 1 4 0 13 22 2 Equipment ton to 7 s charges . .. And for some time hasn't had to WEST DIVISION deal lkith what happens over a loss tomorrow . • very boy should have a and more players coming into WLTFAP Merl win, or it's game over in more ways than one fuT1 set of equipment BE- the NHL will have worn hel- Chkogo 6 1 0 20 10 12 • - /And, of course, this happens whether they win or FORE he starts to play Pittsburgh . 5 1 0 22' 9 10 mets throughout their hockey Minnesota 3 1 1 17 8 7 not - and the Larks still come up with a victory over hockey. Proper equipment câreér. That's when the Los Angeles -. 1 17'^-24., 5 the next day . . . Actually the Larks have lessens the chances of injury Philadelphia _._ 2 3 0 10 17 4 league will put in a rule mak- 4 a$other angle going for them, since they could still make and for young boys, hockey St. Louis 2 4 0 19 16 ing helmets compulsory. California 0 4 2 21 29 2 Mecond place. . , . Regardless of what happens, Riders injuries can be serious if hel- mets or pads are left off in a But for minor hockey play- RESULTS THURSDAY could still do themselves a lot of good by taking Hamilton CMcogo, 5; Buffetto, 2. at home, which is never any easy task. , , practice. ers, helmets are a must. And Los Angeles, 7; Philadelphia, 0. for a very good reason. The EVENING FOR SPORTS I know that most players in GAMES \ONIGHT the professional player, by the Montreal at Vancouver. Institut Canadien Francais d'Ottawa holding a refuse to wear helmets. I time he reaches the National Toronto at Detroit. promising sports gathering tonight at their new head- Boston at California. don't wear one myself. But all Hockey League, has mastered quarters, 95 York Street . , , All athletes who have taken the fundamentals of the game part in regional sports in the Ottawa area are invited and is used to being on skates. - for this "Old Timers" Night which is a repeat of a Youngsters aren't and the • former occasion that proved quite successful , Leo easiest check often knocks Godin, of the well known "Ottawa athletic family that them backwards. includes Sam and Vince, is president of the Institut Never wear loose equip- which always has taken a keen interest in sports and ment. Everything should fit • embraces many well known in the Ottawa front, snugly on the body. I wear including the secretary, Henri LaPerriere . , . They're my own equipment as tight always enjoyable affairs and former athletes are invited as I can without it interfering to be on hand at 8.15 tonight , . This organization with blood circulation. It is by the way is celebrating its 120th anniversary in 1972 the only way I feel comfort- able when playing. Ottawa University have rebuilt their Ice surface in If playing defence, attach the Campus Arena which used to be known as the ankle guards to your skates. Minto Rink . . . It seems the ice surface prior to this Extra protection is required was seven inches lower on one side than the other , . . to protect your feet against Nobody ever suggested there was any such difference low shots that might break an from end to end at the old Auditorium, but you'd hear ankle. many a top player who always figured they'd be "going After each game and prac- uphill" the next period ... This feeling seemed to per- tice, it is important to pro- sist chiefly when they had the old rush-end crowd perly air and dry all equip- rooting for Ottawa . . . It was a favorite expression of ment. Hang up your shoulder one of the game's greatest stars, the late Frank pads, pants, sweater and other Nighbor . . gear so that they will [fry out Even though he's a tyro es a ping pong player, we'll as quickly as possible. And don't forget to wipe your still have to depend on friend John Assad of Ottawa to fill usinon the sports picture in the Republic of China Twenty pounds of protection skates to prevent rust. This where John's now attending the trade fair in Canton. only takes a minute but it One recent visitor there seemed to find some significance junior players must wear makes sure that your skates In seeing children in Hong Kong playing the English them and eventually, more are in top condition all season. game of cricket; youngsters in Taiwan playing the American game of baseball, while this year "Peking launched its new America policy with table tennis - China's game." BASEBALL EXPERT UPSET Baseball writer and authority Len Koppett finds summaries baseball's offensive disturbingly low this year with major leagues combining to score an average of only 7.70 runs a game. , . . Only once since 1908 has the average been lower than this... , As a comparison in HAWKS, 5; SABRES, 2 . Ewes' Ito, Chlcogo7 Crozier, a Sporting News piece, Koppett points to last year's FIRST PERIOD Buffalo. 1-Chicago, Martin, 1 Attendance, 15,451. National Hockey League figures which show the average (Jarrett, Magnuson) . 11.10 number of goals scored last season as 6.32.. , , All of 2-Chicago, Papal*, 3 KINGS, 7; FLYERS, • which recalls hockey historian Charles Coleman once (Magnuson, Angotti) 18.51 FIRST PERIOD Penalties: Stapleton 3.33, Shock 1-Los Angeles, Bockstrom, 2 being much surprised while pointing out that in the 4.53, O'Shea 16.16. (Potvan, Flett) 6.49 highest brand of hockey before the turn of the century, SECOND PERIOD Penalties: Marotte 2.53, Ashbee 3-Buffalo, Meehan, 4 5.06, P4cnte 7.31, Potvin 15.57. when goalies used no extra pads, thin sticks between (Martin, Shock) .48 SECOND PERIOD 4-Buffalo, Luce, 1 (Martin) 4.11 poles with no cross-bar, the average number of goals 2-Los Angeles, Wading, 1 4 scored between 1893-1900 was seven. S-Chicago, R. Hull, (Fief, Berry) 5.54 (O'Shea, Morten) 19.38 3-Los Angeles, Berry, 1 16.00 That was a happy thought on the part of the Cana- Penalties: Maki .30, Hamilton 12.09, Penalties: Kelly, Marotte (molars) dian Lawn Tennis Association in arranging a get-together Watson 19.11. 8.24, Byers (motor), MacLehh. (ma• THIRD PERIOD for Eddie Condon at the Rideau Club on Saturday. , lor)„ Berry, Dontloefer 10.45, Goring 6-Chkogo, D. Hull, 1 12.41, Flett, Foley 19.09. 17.17 Eddie's work in behalf of tennis would fill a large sized (Mlkito, Koroll) - volume. But somebody once stole a line from a well- 7-Chicago. D. Hula, 2 19 59 THIRD PERIOD Penalties: Chicago bencn served by 4--Los Angels, Joyol, 1 known Englishman to describe Eddie's contribution to ¢ Campbell 9.51, Martin 10.14. (Bockstrom) •-._ 1.44 Canadian tennis and paraphrased it something like this: Shots on goat by: S Los Angeles, Lemieux. I 13 12 8-73 (Goring) _.__-_ 6.2• Chicago - "Never did anybody do so much for so many." Buffalo 4 7 10-21 6 Los Angeles, Berry, 2 (Hillman) 12.53 'MEV' ON THE MEND 7-Los Angeles, Lemieux, 2 Many friends happy to hear Melville Rogers is on (Goring, Lonsberry) __ 13.25 Penalties: Dornhoefer .10, Foley the recovery road though still confined to Civic Hospital Aaron, Royer 7.50, 14.06. for a time yet "Mev," the man who started it all where Shots on goof by: government grants to Canadian athletes are concerned, Los Angeles e 14 17-39 Philadelphia 12 10 12-34 and a noted figure skater and official for years, now share lead Goal: Edwards, Los Angeles; Fa- seeing some of his friends. veil, Philadelphia. Note to J.B.L.: Going by present mileage here and there, the Pirates' new stadium in Pittsburgh isn't all NAPA, Calif. (AP) - Tom that far from their former site at old Fo}bes Field , , - Aaron and Hugh Royer The distance from the latter to the new stadium would matched six-under-par 66s be about three miles - - Thursday and shared the first- A HABIT WITH HIM round lead in the 5150.000 Kai- And to "hockey fan," who wants to know if the late ser International Open Golf Art Ross had redesigned the N.H.L. hockey net "all on Tournament. his own": The answer would have to be that nobody Billy Casper headed a group H of five at 67 as the touring would really know .. , Ross' name went with it and the "Do•It:Youiselff , Centers" late ' coach and owner always was figuring pros took advantage of ideal on some sort of changes . , , He was a controversial conditions to make a mockery figure as both player and manager and part club owner. of par 72. • LUMBER • BUILDING , Ross once designed a puck which was used in the Tied with Canner were J. C. N.H.L., and it was hard to tell whether the criticism Snead, the standout on the re- J\ATERIALS • HARDWARE that set in about it bouncing too much was valid or cent U.S. Ryder Cup victory, • PLUMBING SUPPLIES inspired by some of the people who weren't too friendly Al Geiherger, Mike Hill and • TOOLS • PANELING with him . When Ross was a player he fought for Jim Colbert. higher salaries and wasn't too far off at one time of Eight players, including • PAINTS forming some sort of players' union long in advance of Wilf Homenuik of Winnipeg the present group headed by Al Eagleson , , , were at 68 and Lee Trevino But when Ross became a part owner of the Bruins was one of about two dozen at BYTOWN LUMBER some of his old players will tell you "the shoe was on 69. Cyrvdle Po. e SI. lainrnl flhA Oltawa IEasl) 745-6825 the other foot," and he wasn't regarded as the easiest More than half the field etas guy to win increases from ... at par or better. Mrnvale ,Rd . 4 MCFarl.lne Rd. THE SUIT WITH STYLE AND ACTION George Knudson of Toronto 01taw.i I Wes11.825-0741 was among 23 players dead- locked at 71 while Ken Fulton GATINEAU MATERIALS The party is over! Sport styling is here! of Montreal was well down the 61~ntcr P,irc++r+l acid `,find Highnaj 9 Ex-Calgary coach dies pack with an 80. Flaps, patch pockets, inverted pleats and Gatineau -- 663:5383 CLEVELAND (AP) - How- Oklahoma State and later with bold new checks are for today's men. ard Keyes, backfield coach for Philadelphia Eagles, joined wife BONHOMME MATERIALS Cleveland Browns, died the Browns In 1969 as assis- Cheisea''Rd. , .HULL 7713281 Action styled pure wool suits from $90 at Thursday in Shaker Medical tant to personnel director _ -'v I] R/'t T T= Paptneauv.11e,• P 0. Dover's! Centre where he underwent an Paul Bixter. He was put in oe 417.6164 operation last Friday for a charge of the club's offensive Si-Euslache, P. 0. bowel obstruction. Ile was 36. backfield last year. FOR MEN 473.46$1 Keys, 36, was for four After retiring from the Superb Shoemonship Since 1898 Dover's Limited, 155 Bank Street and 189 Rideau Street, Ottawa years a coach of the offence Engles in 1965, Keyes joined STORES OPEN FRIDAY for Calgary, in the Canadian Calgary. HARTT SHOE STORE NIGHTS 'TILL 9 Football League. The cause of death was not 64 BANK ST. • Keyes, a standout player at disclosed. , L 1 1 4 1