Bill to Increase King Fund "Discussion Was Always One- Way Traffic — Every Direction by MARGE COHEN Fund to Date, Thompson Said
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ora 110 U&®,00* iBLAA • I 0 * II ,- BJ in "L . mm «¦ Km 1.^bp Jiibj w ^gr ^^p r ^fUlfLSff I O^fe^ iBF" " " " !^ ¦ ^Hi ^BBI V ¦ ^W ^ ^«^H jw m m i^ e d S 41* *ti P" #% /#% All jsL • _ HI Hi ^ Tg §» |B i^B HI U BB. JH H Hf flEl—SBk H B m VI9 n g I H SB *g Kg tfa l 1 w I«^W #" %llwV^ % ¦ %# ¦ B The Undergraduate Student Government last night passed a "bill allocating $1500 to help finance Colloquy. Mowry Offers 'Project 217 "Colloquy: The American Dream . Conflict '69" is a student initiated educational program striv- ing for "the continual interaction of minds and Councils ideas." Colloquy will involve the academic com- To Phase Out USG. level. Each of the 12 represen- munity and the downtown area. By PAT DYB L1E the Senate tatives would have a vote on the Senate Terry Jablonski , North Halls congresswoman Collegian Staff Writer of said the program is receiving President Uoor. and sponsor the bill , Inter College Council Board Minimal Success support from students, f aculty, Administration and Rick Mowry yesterday called for Un- "Penn State's student council system has dergraduate Student Government presiden- the community. had minimal success in recent years." tial candidates to support a changed form of \ Goals Mowry said . He cited lack of power, University government. responsibility and money as factors in "less Lee Nollau, Colloquy programming chairman, The implementation of Project 217. a plan than enthusiastic" student and faculty explained to Congress the three goals of the program: developed by Mowry. would " phase out" DONN BAILEY, right, Douglass Association adviser, response. n •! « —to stimulate out-of-class learning with empha- USG and student councils to create the has made progress in DUffey KOIpS , discusses alleged racial imbalance at Penn State's Mont "The council system sis on an intensive weekend with a wide range of "College Council System." such areas as pass-fail, student advisory A Alio Campus. He was speaking at a teach-in in the Heizel f Tainch^in ideolog ies presented; "All candidates for executive positions course evaluation guides," Ctlvil HJ Union Ballroom, sponsored jointly by Students for a Demo- systems and —to prove that students can run an educational should make a commitment toward this Mowry said , and "to this CNtent . the stu- cratic Society and the Student Union. program, with academic reform, student power and - (Project 217)," Mory said. "USG. as it is dents have proved themselves responsible in a free university implied; now, is a farce because there is no real com- helping to formulate policy." —to prove that Penn State students are inter- munication with the Administration." he ad- "It is the legitimate right of the students ested in "true learning." ded. to be given more responsibility." Mowry Larry Rubenstein, Colloquy general chairman, Strengthen and Revitalize said. He added , "The College Council listed former Vice President Hubert Humphrey as a System obviously calls for the addition of Bailey Cites Example The College Council System is "a plan to possible keynote speaker. Muhammad Ali, f ormerly student responsibility to the existing strengthen and revitalize the academic com- known as Cassius Clay, syndicated car- University structure." and Al Capp, munity of the University," according to Mowry said the plan has been supported toonist, are scheduled to address students. Mowry. The plan proposes a "tripartite of by 20 students working in USG and that six faculty; Administration and students" to for- Of Hacial Imbalance HUB Expansion student council presidents have backed Pro- mulate and implement policies al the college ject 217. Mowry indicated he is seeking Gwen Herman , USG Administrative Action and university levels. ROB M cHUGH Bailey said that he, had spoken to Paul more support within USG and the student By commissioner, made a report to Congress on the Althouse, vice president of resident instruction, College Councils, which would replace the Collegian Staff Writer planned four-point expansion of the Hetzel Union councils. and K. L. Holderman, director of com- current student councils of each college, Deans A ware Donn Bailey, adviser to the Douglass Building. monwealth campuses, about the incident. He wou'd be composed of students, faculty and Deans of all colleges arc aware of Project Association, last night related an incident of Proposed plans include addition of a third floor said that Holderman had privately investigated administrators. One-third of each council 217, according to Mowry. He said Paul M. racial imbalance encountered at the Mont Alto to consist of a room designated for USG expansion the matter and informed him that the state- , would include undergraduate h:;«1 graduate Althouse. vice president for resident instruc- Campus. of the ballroom of ' ment meant that the campus had no plans to , expansion the Lion s Den and students elected from their departments in tion , has invited 1CCB representatives to Bailey was speaking at a teach-in held in the construction of a building enroll the culturally disadvantaged. to house a new proportion to tile number of students enroll- meet with the Council of Deans and to ex- Hetzel Union Building Ballroom. It was thev Bailey was also critical of Theodore Kneel, cafeteria. ed in the department. plain the projj osal. part of a week-long series of events being Miss Herman reported a nationally known labor mediator who visited that construction will be Mowry said the University Senate would Mowry stated. "The role of students in Students for a Democratic Society sponsored by Penn State Wednesday in order, to investigate financed with University funds. Architects will begin contain one-third undergraduate and this system can only be determined through and the Student Union. the campus situation. He criticized Kheel for making bids April 16. graduate students elected irom the College earnest experiment. The College Council According to Bailey. Henry Chisman. direc- "not thinking of addressing himseif once to the Any student may make suggestions for the type Councils. Faculty and Administrat'on would System would provide the needed rapj>ort tor of the Mont Alto Campus, was asked on black issue" while on campus. of rooms to be constructed on the proposed third compose the remaining two-thirds. Students between students and facultj . Student March 3 about the number of black students William , Semple, assistant professor of floor. Ideas concerning HUB expansion should be would be included on all appropriate Senate responsibility and participation is essential enrolled. Bailey claimed that Chisman replied , architecture who attended the teach-in. said put in the University Union Board mailbox in the committees. for the existence of a true academic com- "A grand total of two, and that's all we want." that "the black population of the United States HUB. Two representatives from the Association munity." Bailey said that when he spoke to Chisman has been dehumanized. This is happening now, of Women Students, the Men 's Residence He speculated that implementation of Pro- yesterday, Chisman denied the statement but today." He also said that the violence at Penn m%mm2i&&BZi Council , the Town Independent Men , the In- ject 217 would take severa l years. He term- then added , "I said, in effect , we have two and State" has been so damn mild" when compared tcrfraternity Council, the Panhellenic Coun- ed the plan "quite idealistic" but added , we are happy." Bailey also quoted Chisman as to "the violence perpetrated by the Ad- i cil and the University Union Board would "We can't do anything with what we have — saying that blacks on_campus had numbered up ministration." • - ,.. .. < compose an "All-University Committee" at it's lutilc. " to "six or seven " and that "relationships be- Movies on women's liberation arid on war tween whites and blacks on campus are quite crimes in Vietnam also were shown last night. good ." The originally planned faculty panel discussion "I would like to see President Walker on student rights was cancelled and an open- disassociate himself from that statement, and mike format was substituted, i Paul Krassner,, editor of the magazine Red China to make clear his directives to his subor- Professor Says dinates," Bailey said. He added "We indeed are "Realist", is scheduled to speak at 8 p.m. today going to take this to other authorities. " in the HUB Ballroom. Resembles Huge Prison By CONNY BERRYMAN homes." Chan added. " In- rogation, 1 broke down com- To Run Indepe ndentl y doctrination is very sue pletely. They (the Com- Collegian. Staff Writer cessful." munists) knew I was in terri- Red China is like a huge Chan described how the ble health and took pity on me prison with fear within its Communists stirred up the by letting me go to Hong Kong walls, a Penn State professor peasants to revolt and for my father-in-law ' s who lived and taught in Com- slaughter their landlords by funera l ." Thompson Seeks Presidency munist China , said last night. promising them ownership of Chan said his family had Speaking at a meeting of the the land they worked. "Then been able to leave for Hon:; with areas in which the pur- Young Americans for the Communists reclaimed the Kong earlier, and he joined Ted Thompson , Un- C o mmunity-Stale involve- LARRY RUBENSTEIN TERRY dergraduate Student ; Govern- pose of academics is not being ment, the fourth point of JABIONSKI Freedom, Samuel Chan, assis- land ," he said. them there. ment vice president, announc- fulfilled. Thompson said he T hompson's platform, con- Colloquy Chairman Introduced Bill tant professor of biology at the Chan, a native of China who "Freedom once lost is very ed last night he will seek the would like to make changes cerns the creation of programs Altoona Campus, said the taught at i the L i n g n a n hard to regain unless you arc USG presidency.