Virtual Machine/ System Product Release 4 Guide

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Virtual Machine/ System Product Release 4 Guide ------- - :i~~~ Virtual Machine/ System Product Release 4 Guide Release 4 SC24-5248-1 c ( " Second Edition (July 1985) This edition, SC24-5248-1, is a revision of SC24-5248-O, and applies to Release 4 of the Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP), program number 5664-167, unless otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newslette~. Changes are made periodically to the information herein; before using this publica­ tion in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM System/8rO and 4800 Processors Bibliography, GC20-0001, for the editions that are applicable and CUrrent. References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make them available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM program product is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's program product may be used. Any functionally equivalent program may be used instead. Publications are not stocked at the address given below. Requests for IBM publi" cations should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Programming Publica­ tions, Dept. G60, P.O. Box 6, Endicott, NY, U.S.A. 13760. IBM may use or dis­ tribute whatever information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1984, 1985 -("-~- --- Preface This manual describes the new and changed functions in Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP) Release 4. By describing in one place the main effects of each change, this manual makes it easier for you to understand and take advantage of the changes. However, this manual is not intended to replace the full VM/SP library for either new or current users. Information applying to previous releases of VM/SP, yet similar to that found in this publication can be found in the following publications: For VM/SP Release 3: VM/SP Release 3 Guide, SC24·5240 For VM/SP Release 2: VM/SP General Information Manual, GQ20·1838 For VM/SP Release 1: VM/SP General Information Manual, GT20·1838 Who This Manual Is For This manual is intended forcurreilt users of VM/SP Release 3 who plan to migrate to Release 4. It is written for data processing managers, system programmers, system analysts, and other programming personnel respon· sible for migrating an installation from VM/SP Release 3 to VM/SP Release 4. However, other users, for example application programmers, will also be able to learn about the effects of the new release. How This Manual Is Organized "Part 1: General Information" is an overview of VM/SP Release 4. It sum· marizes the environmental considerations of the release and describes the changes in the VM/SP library. "Part 2: New Facilities and Enhancements" describes the functional c changes introduced in Release 4. Preface III "Part 3: Migration" describes the general requirements and aids for migrating to Release 4. "Part 4: Internal Design Changes" describes changes to the internal design of VM/SP that affect performance, usability, or maintenance. How To Use This Manual When using this manual you should: • Refer to Part 1 for a general overview of VM/SP Release 4. • Refer to Part 2 for the functional changes introduced in VM/SP Release 4. • Refer to Part 3 for information about migrating from VM/SP Release 3 to VM/SP Release 4. • Refer to Part 4 for the internal design changes in VM/SP Release 4. Privilege Classes The privilege classes (A-G) mentioned in this book refer to the IBM-defined classes. An installation can override any of the IBM-defined privilege classes, in which case the installation's administrator is responsible for any new authorizations and restrictions. C·' -,/ IV VM/SP Release 4 Guide Preface v The VM/SP Library Evaluation Index ~.' NO ' MNmRNlEX ~CIC18-I207 Planning Installation GUIlE NO GUEIIT [;.1~r;:1 [:JEJ= ::: SCZ4-&241 bJJ bj t;.;d Administration Operation Applications ., EJ.A rL1 EJ~rnn r;:J ~ SC_ ~ ac.aoz ~ End Use CMBPMER FOR UNE­ ORIENTa) EJ[] lBIMIW..B BlITOR U8BI'B ClI.:lE EJ8C24-U20 SC24-5221 z INTERPREIER IIITBIPRETfR REFBBICE UIIER'8 ~ E]REl'ERBlCE BSC24-&288 SC_ EJSC24-U1ll Reference Summaries -----------------------------------------------------,To order d the Relerenoe BUIIIIIII/Ie8, _ order nutIIber BBOF 3221 I QUICK . I IE]I R~E II I I I I I 8X2Q-.UQO I I I c/ L _____________~--------------------------------------J VI VMjSP Release 4 Guide Diagnosis IMITEM OLTeEP BERl/lCE ME88AIIE8 NIl ERROR ROUTlNEB CROS8- RECORDING PROaRAM REFERENCE CIUIIlE LOGIC [:J8C~ 8CZ4-52e4 8C18-8206 EJ LY2O-08IIO PROIILEM DIITA_.. DIITA ARE:AII DETERMlNA- AM) CONTROl. DETERMINA- AND CONTROL TIOH BLOCK8 nON BLOCK8 VOL. 1 (CP) VOL 1 (CP) -VOL 2 (CMS) VOL. 2 (eMS) LY2O-CI882 LV24-6220 LV2O-08II8 LV24-6221 Auxiliary Service Support DIMoe"-l1'lallllee 6748-)0(0 DlMeE SUPPORT FACILITlES ~CIUDE _CE ( Auxiliary Communication Support RICa R8C8 Rac8 fE1WQRICN3 NE1'WORICING NETWORI<ING VERSION 2 VER8ION 2 PLANNINa OPERATIOH VERSION 2 AND NIl USE DIAIIN08I8 INSTALLATION REFERENCE 1JH24.-&OIi7 LV24-6228 VTAM VTAM VTAM VTAM IN8TALLATION DIITA_ ClAaN08J8 DWIN08J8 AND FOR VMI8P auDE REFERENCE =-=TIOHFOR VM/8P RESOURCE CODES ow FOR VM/8P Sow DEFNTION =-- 8C23..ot11 8C30-U75 ~8C28-C1118 8C23...Q117 VWPA88- VWPA88- nROuaH lHROuaH FACR.nY FACILITY aLJIIlE AND LOCIIC REFERENCE IIC2<I-Q08 LY24-5208 Preface Vll Vill VM/SP Release 4 Guide Contents Part One: General Information Chapter 1. An Overview of VM/SP Release 4 •••••••••••••••• 1-1 Significant Changes ....................................... 1-2 Addition of the Group Control System ....................... 1-2 Addition of the Interactive Problem Control System ............ 1-3 Enhancement of the Programmable Operator Facility ........... 1-3 Enhancement of the System Product Editor ................... 1-4 Enhancement of User Class Restructure ..................... 1-4 Enhancement of CMS File Searching ........................ 1-5 Enhancement of the HELP Facility ......................... 1-5 Enhancement of the System Product Interpreter ............... 1-5 Enhancement of the DASD Dump Restore Program ............. 1-5 Enhancement of Installation and Service Procedures ............ 1-6 r- Support for the 3480 Magnetic Tape Subsystem ................ 1-6 Support for Communications Controllers ..................... 1-6 Summary of Other Additions and Enhancements ................. 1-7 Chapter 2. Environmental Considerations •..•••...••.•.•••. 2-1 Programming Requirements ................................. 2-1 Group Control System ................................... 2-1 Chapter 3. VM/SP Library •••.••••.••••...•••...••.•.••• 3-1 Between-Release Publications ................................ 3-1 Bill-of-Forms Number for Easy Ordering ....................... 3-2 VM/SP Manuals ........................................ 3-2 Reference Summaries .................................... 3-3 Release 4 Items Not Available in a Bill-of-Forms ............... 3-4 Changes to the Library ..................................... 3-4 New Manuals .......................................... 3-4 Release 3 Manuals ...................................... 3-5 Enhancements and Changes to Existing Publications ........... 3-6 Part Two: New Facilities and Enhancements Chapter 4. Addition of the Group Control System ..•..•...... 4-1 GCS Support for The System Product Interpreter ................. 4-2 Chapter 5. Addition of the Interactive Problem Control System . 5-1 Major Functions ofIPCS ................................... 5-1 Contents IX Problem Diagnosis ....................'.................. 5-2 Problem Reporting ...................................... 5-2 Problem and Data Management ............................ 5-2 Support for Symptom Records ............ ;................... 5-2 HELP Screens ............................................ 5-3 Chapter 6. Enhancement of the Programmable Operator Facility 6-1 Running the Programmable Operator Facility from NCCF ......... 6-2 The NCCF Logical Operator ............................... 6-2 The Programmable Operator/NCCF Message Exchange ............ 6-2 Using the LGLOPR Command ............................... 6-2 Chapter 7. Enhancement of the System Product Editor .••..•. 7-1 Programmed Symbol Sets ................................... 7-1 SI XEDIT Macro .......................................... 7-2 Improved Performance of XEDIT ............................. 7-3 Improved Appearance of XEDIT Screens ....................... 7-3 SET BRKKEY Subcommand ................................. 7-3 XEDIT Command ......................................... 7-4 Changed Filetype Defaults for ffiM BASIC ..................... 7-4 Double-Byte Character Set Usage ............................. 7-4 SET ETMODE Subcommand .............................. 7-4 SET ETARBCH Subcommand. .............. ..... .......... 7-5 Chapter 8. User Class Restructure ...•...•.•.••••..•...... 8-1 Changing the ffiM-Defined Privilege Classes .................... 8-2 0 Responsibilities of the Installation ............................ 8-2 \"'---j New Commands and Macros ................................. 8-3 Advantages of UCR ........................................ 8-3 Chapter 9. Enhancement of CMS File Searching •...•.•...•.. 9-1 Hyperblock Map Table, ................................... 9-1 Hash Table ............................................ 9-1 Chapter 10. Enhancement of the HELP Facility
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