
Book factsheet

Charles Dickens & Tatjana Hauptmann (Ill.) Children's books, Gift Books 160 pages January 1982

Published by Diogenes as Ein Weihnachtslied in Prosa World rights are handled by Diogenes Original title: A Christmas Carol in Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas

Rights currently sold: Chinese/CN (Hunan Juvenile)

Movie adaptations

2009: A Christmas Carol Director: Robert Zemeckis Screenplay: Robert Zemeckis Cast: Jim Carrey, Bob Hoskins, Colin Firth

2005: Bleak House. BBC-Serie Director: Dustin Chadwick Screenplay: Andrew Davis Cast: Gillian Anderson, Carey Mulligan, Charles Dance

1988: Scrooged Director: Cast: , , John Forsythe

1984: A Christmas Carol Director: Cast: George C. Scott, Nigel Davenport, Frank Finlay, Susanna York

1982: Oliver Twist Director: Clive Donner Cast: Richard Charles, Tim Curry, George C. Scott

1969: David Copperfield Director: Delbert Mann Cast: Richard Attenborough, Laurence Olivier, Edith Evans, Robin Phillips

1967: Oliver Director: Cast: Don Moody, Oliver Reed, Marry Secombe

1952: The Pickwick Papers Director: Cast: James Hayter, James Donald, Alexander Gauge

1951: Director: Brian Hurst Cast: Alastair Sim, Mervyn Jones

1948: Oliver Twist Director: David Lean Cast: , Alec Guiness, Kay Walsh

1947: Nicholas Nickleby Director: Alberto Cavalcanti Cast: Derek Bond, Sybil Thorndike

1 / 3 Photo: © Andrea Diglas Photo: Archiv Diogenes Verlag Award‹, category›bestbook ever‹. numerous awards,includingin2018the37th›Premio Andersen books, includingADayintheLifeofPetronellaPig, whichreceived Zurich. Sheistheauthorandillustratorofnumerouschildren’s Tatjana Hauptmannwasbornin1950Wiesbadenand livesnear Dickens died1870attheageof58. eagerly anticipatedthearrivalofeachnewparthisstories. the usualformatforfictionattime,andreadingpublic not onehasevergoneoutofprint.Dickenswroteserialisednovels, The popularityofDickens'novelsandshortstorieshasmeantthat massive worldwidepopularityinhislifetime. his richstorytellingandmemorablecharacters,achieved one oftheEnglishlanguage'sgreatestwriters,hewasacclaimedfor Victorian era,aswellavigoroussocialcampaigner.Considered February 7, 1812.HewastheforemostEnglishnovelistof Charles JohnHuffamDickenswasborninPortsmouth,England,on Nickelby /GroßeErwartungen Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte/Nicholas Rathbone Cast: FreddieBartholemew,W.C.Fields,Basil Director: GeorgeCukor 1935: DavidCopperfield Carroll Cast: ReginaldOwen,GeneLockheart,LeoG. Director: EdwinL.Marin 1938: AChristmasCarol 1982 1983 2002 2018 1978 1978 1982 Awards Movieadaptations(cont'd) ›International Childrenbooksof An der17.TokioterAusstellung Stiftung BaselfürihrGesamtwerk ›Jacob-Burckhardt-Preis‹ derGoethe- gewählt Oktober zum›BuchdesMonats‹ Jugendliteratur e.V.inVolkachfür Deutschen AkademiefürKinder-und und HuckleberryFinnwurdevonder Ausgabe DieAbenteuervonTomSawyer Die vonTatjanaHauptmannillustrierte für EinTagimLebenderDorotheaWutz (Bestes jemalsausgezeichnetesBuch) Kategorie ›MigliorLibroMaiPremiato‹ 37. ›PremioAndersen‹-Preisinder Tag imLebenderDorotheaWutz ›Premio Critici‹inErba,BolognafürEin Innern Schweizer BücherdesDepartements Jahres‹ imWettbewerbderschönsten ›schönstes SchweizerKinderbuchdes Ein TagimLebenderDorotheaWutzist Wutz istwiederda! Dorothea WutzundHurra,Eberhard Leipzig fürEinTagimLebender internationalen Buchkunstausstellung ›DDR-Preis‹. Ehrendiplomder originally pictures‹fürAdelheidSchleim 2 / 3 Peter Pan Little John All the Missing Things The Great Book of 208 pages, 22 × 27 cm 40 pages, 27.5 × 25.2 cm 96 pages, 14.3 × 21.3 cm Ballads 2016 2011 2011 152 pages, 22 × 27 cm 2009

The Most Beautiful Tales Kashtanka Tanja and the Magician A Sound like Someone From the Arabian Nights 160 pages, 14.3 × 21.3 cm 192 pages, 14.3 × 21.3 cm Trying Not to Make a 144 pages, 22 × 27 cm 2004 2004 Sound 2008 40 pages, 27.5 × 25.2 cm 2003

The Adventures of Tom The Great Book of The Giant Book of Fairy How the Mole Nearly Sawyer and Huckleberry Legends Tales Won the Lottery Finn 240 pages, 22 × 27 cm 672 pages, 22 × 27 cm 64 pages, 15.5 × 19 cm 816 pages, 14.3 × 21.3 cm 1997 1987 1981 2002 Award winner Movie Adaptation

Adelheid Goes to the Hurray for Peregrine Pig A Day in the Life of Opera 32 pages, 31.8 × 28.5 cm Petronella Pig 32 pages, 22.5 × 28.5 cm 1979 32 pages, 31.8 × 28.5 cm 1980 1978 Award winner Award winner

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