Abies Mill. ()


Jan De Langhe

(4 October 2014 - 5 March 2015)

Vegetative identification key.


This key is based on vegetative characteristics, and therefore also of use when cones are absent.

- Use a 10× hand lens to evaluate stomata, buds and pubescence in general. - Buds must be dry, rainy weather can affect the visibility of bud scales and resin. - Look at the entire and especially the most healthy shoots. Young specimens, shade, coning, top crown and strong shoots give an atypical view. - Beware of hybridisation, especially with raised from other than wild origin.

Taxa treated in this key: see page 9.

Names referred to synonymy: see page 9.


- JDL herbarium - living specimens, in various arboreta, botanic gardens and collections - literature:

Bean, W.J. - (1987) - Abies in and Shrubs hardy in the British Isles VOL.1, p. 141-169. Clarke, D.L. - (1988) - Abies in Trees and Shrubs hardy in the British Isles supplement, p. 16-33. Debreczy, Z., Racz, I. - (2011) - Abies in around the world - 2 VOL., 1089 p. Eckenwalder, J.E. - (2009) - Abies in Conifers of the world, p. 77-119. Farjon, A - (1990) - Abies in Pinaceae, p. 9-109. Farjon, A - (2010) - Abies in A Handbook of The World's Conifers, p. 55-128. Grimshaw, J. & Bayton, R. - (2009) - Abies in New Trees, p. 43-61. Hillier, J. & Lancaster, R. - (2014) - Abies in The Hillier Manual of Trees & Shrubs, p. 468-473. Hunt, R.S. - (1993) - Abies in Flora of North America VOL.2, p.354-362. Mitchell, A.F. - (1972) - Abies in Conifers in the British Isles, p. 3-49. Krüssmann, G. - (1977) - Abies in Handbuch der Nadelhölze, p. 21-44. Liu, T.S. - (1971) - A monograph of the genus Abies, 608 p. Rehder, A. - (1940) - Abies in Manual of cultivated trees and shrubs hardy in North America, p. 9-18. Rushforth, K.D. - (1987) - Abies in Conifers, p. 71-87. Rushforth, K.D. - (2001) - Abies in the European Garden Flora VOL.1, p. 88-94. Rushforth, K.D. - (2008) - The Tibetan silver in IDS Yearbook 2008, p. 39-46. Strandby, U., Christensen, K.I., Sørensen, M. - (2009) - A morphometric study of the Abies religiosa-hickelii-guatemalensis complex (Pinaceae) in Guatemala and , Plant Syst Evol (2009) 280: p. 59-76.


I am particularly grateful to Wolfgang Bopp, Peter Brownless, Koen Camelbeke, Dan Crowley, Dirk De Meyere, Philippe de Spoelberch, Paul Goetghebeur, Tom Hudson, David Jewell, Joke Ossaer, and Iván Racz for extra help with constructive comments and specimens. Many thanks to Keith Rushforth for his valuable comments and answers to my questions. Also thanks to the responsible persons of various arboreta, botanic gardens and collections where I could collect herbarium specimens since 1982. My explicit thanks for support goes to Arboretum Wespelaar, Benmore Botanic Garden, Dawyck Botanic Garden, Ghent University Botanical Garden, Hillier Gardens and Arboretum, Plantentuin Meise, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.

Copyright © 2014-2015 Jan De Langhe

Non-commercial use authorized with mentioning "Jan De Langhe - Ghent University Botanical Garden".



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01 a Foliage above shoot clearly parted in the middle...... 02

b Foliage above shoot predominantly not parted in the middle...... 03

02 a Leading shoot in bottom view with needle rows predominantly forming a ≤80-120° angle...... GROUP A1: see page 2

b Leading shoot in bottom view with needle rows predominantly forming a 120-180° angle...... GROUP A2: see page 4

80° 120° 180°

03 a Needle US with several stomatal lines over the whole length (10× LENS)...... GROUP B1: see page 6

b Needle US without stomatal lines, OR with a few stomata near apex to a few stomatal lines in apical half (10× LENS)...... GROUP B2: see page 6

GROUP A1: Foliage above shoot parted in the middle.

Leading shoot in bottom view with needle rows predominantly forming a 80-120° angle.

01 a Needle US, at least in part of the foliage, with 1 to several (sometimes incomplete/interrupted) stomatal lines (10× LENS)...... 02

b Needle US without stomatal lines or with a few stomata near apex only (10× LENS)...... 07

02 a Shoot clearly pubescent...... 03

b Shoot glabrous to minutely pubescent in grooves only...... 04

03 a Shoot pubescence greyish...... A. balsamea

b Shoot pubescence ferruginous...... A. kawakamii

04 a Needle US with 1-10 +/- incomplete stomatal lines (10× LENS) [cone bluish-purplish, bracts exserted]...... A. vejarii

b Needle US with 1-4 +/- incomplete stomatal lines (10× LENS) [cone yellowish-brownish, bracts hidden]...... 05

05 a Needle US dull pruinose green to greyish green...... A. durangensis

b Needle US (shiny) green...... 06

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06 a Needle apex acute to obtuse; LS with midvein prominent, predominantly wider or as wide as stomatal bands...... A. durangensis var. coahuilensis

b Needle apex obtuse to emarginate; LS with midvein predominantly narrower than stomatal bands...... A. guatemalensis

07 a Needle remarkable slender: Ø 1-1,6 mm...... 08

b Needle obviously wider: Ø 1,6-2(-3) mm...... 09

08 a Bud dark purplish, +/- covered by whitish/grey resin layer (10× LENS) [cone bract scales exserted and recurved]...... A. sachalinensis

b Bud yellowish to reddish brown, +/- covered by whitish/grey resin layer (10× LENS) [cone bract scales hidden]...... A. sibirica

09 a Short needles of upper rows strongly directed forward, forming a narrow ≤45° V-shaped parting...... 10

b Short needles of upper rows directed forward to more sideward, forming a wider 45-60° V-shaped parting...... 13

10 a Needle 30-70 mm, apex bifid to acute bifid (10× LENS)...... A. pindrow

b Needle 15-40(-40) mm, apex obtuse to emarginate (10× LENS)...... 11

11 a Bud purplish brown, (very) resinous. Needle LS with sombre greenish white stomatal bands...... A. kawakamii

b Bud brown, not to slightly resinous. Needle LS with white stomatal bands...... 12

12 a Needle Ø 1,8-2,5 mm. Long needles of lower rows predominantly directed forward to sideward, in a 90-120°(-more) angle...... A. nordmanniana

b Needle Ø 1,8 mm. Long needles of lower rows predominantly directed forward, in a ≤90° angle...... A. cilicica

13 a Current year shoot above red or mahogany brown AND needle 10-40(-60) × 2-2,5 mm...... A. chengii

b Current year shoot above brown to fawn brown or greyish, OR needle <35 mm long OR needle ≤2 mm wide...... 14

14 a Leading shoot prominently grooved, Ø 3,5-10 mm, with bud well developed, 5-10 mm...... A. spectabilis sensu lato

- Shoot often pubescent in the grooves with long reddish brown hairs. Coning shoot with foliage assurgent [cone 10-17 × 4-7 cm, bract scales hidden]...... A. spectabilis

- Shoot almost glabrous to moderately pubescent in the grooves with rather hidden short hairs. Coning shoot with foliage radial [cone 8-12 × 4-5 cm, bract scales exserted]...... A. densa

b Leading shoot not or shallowly grooved, Ø <3,5 mm, bud small, <5 mm...... 15

15 a Foliage above shoot with needles not or slightly ascending...... A. alba

b Foliage above shoot with needles clearly ascending...... 16

16 a Shoot pubescence short and restricted to the grooves. Needle 10-30 × 1,6-2 mm...... A. nephrolepis

b Shoot pubescence long and scattered over the surface. Needle 10-23 × 2-2,2 mm...... A. fraseri

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GROUP A2: Foliage above shoot parted in the middle.

Leading shoot in bottom view with needle rows predominantly forming a 120-180° angle.

01 a Needle +/- concolourous, OR LS rather dull greyish green to greenish white to the naked eye...... 02

b Needle clearly bicoloured: LS obvious white to glaucous white to the naked eye...... 05

02 a Needle US with stomatal lines...... A. concolor var. lowiana

b Needle US without stomatal lines, or with few stomata near apex...... 03

03 a Needle 15-35 × 2-2,5 mm AND foliage above shoot +/- assurgent and often recurved, below shoot pectinate and recurved in part...... A. recurvata

- Needle 25 mm, especially on young shoots US often +/- glaucous...... A. recurvata var. recurvata

- Needle 20-35 mm, US green...... A. recurvata var. ernestii

b Needle 20-75 × 2,5-4,5 mm. Foliage above shoot ascending to +/- assurgent, below shoot pectinate...... 04

04 a Current year shoot (and second year shoot in lesser degree) pubescent in the grooves (10× LENS) [Cone with bract scales exserted]...... A. firma

b Current year shoot glabrous or minutely pubescent (10× LENS) [Cone with bract scales hidden]...... A. chensiensis

- Needle long: 40-90 × 3-4,5 mm...... A. chensiensis subsp. salouenensis

- Needle shorter: 20-45 × 2,5-3,5 mm.

- Needle Ø 2,5-3,5 mm...... A. chensiensis subsp. chensiensis

- Needle Ø 2,5 mm...... A. chensiensis subsp. yulongxueshanensis

05 a Needle US with 1-several weakly developed stomata lines in apical third to apical half (sometimes from apex to base), at least in part of the ...... 06

b Needle US without stomata rows, OR with only a few stomata near the apex...... 08

06 a Needle apex acute to rounded (10× LENS)...... A. mexicana

b Needle apex notched (10× LENS)...... 07

07 a Shoot sparsely pubescent. Needle LS with 4-8 rows/stomatal band...... A. balsamea

b Shoot +/- densely pubescent. Needle LS with 8-12 rows/stomatal band...... A. fraseri

08 a Needle apex predominantly obtuse to acute or to mucronulate (10× LENS)...... 09

b Needle apex notched to obtuse, sometimes +/- bifid (10× LENS)...... 11

09 a Needle short: 10-22 × 2-3 mm, apex obtuse to mucronulate (10× LENS). ... A. nebrodensis

b Needle long: 15-35 × 1,5-2,5 mm, apex acute to +/- acuminate (10× LENS)...... 10

10 a Shoot glabrous. Needle US not or +/- slightly grooved (10× LENS)...... A. cephalonica

a Shoot (minutely) pubescent, at least in part, Needle US clearly grooved over the whole length...... A. religiosa

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11 a Shoot clearly grooved, forming a regular pattern of dark lines (10× LENS)...... 12

b Shoot shallowly grooved, without a pattern of dark lines (10× LENS)...... 13

12 a Shoot glabrous (10× LENS)...... A. homolepis

- Cone 7-10 cm, purplish blue (brownish later), apex obtuse...... A. homolepis var. homolepis

- Cone 10-14 cm, green (brownish later), apex depressed...... A. homolepis var. umbellata

b Shoot +/- pubescent in the grooves (10× LENS)...... A. spectabilis sensu lato

- Shoot often pubescent in the grooves with long reddish brown hairs. Coning shoot with foliage assurgent [cone 10-17 × 4-7 cm, bract scales hidden]...... A. spectabilis

- Shoot almost glabrous to moderately pubescent in the grooves with rather hidden short hairs. Coning shoot with foliage radial [cone 8-12 × 4-5 cm, bract scales exserted]...... A. densa

13 a Needles densely packed on rather thick shoots...... 14

b Needles loosely placed on rather slender shoots...... 15

14 a Shoot yellow grey but sometimes reddish in part of branches. Needle Ø 2,5-3,5 mm AND/OR length 40-70 mm (see 04b -page 4, for infraspecific taxa)...... A. chensiensis

b Shoot orange brown to purplish brown. Needle Ø <2,5 mm, length ≤40 mm. .... A. forrestii

- Shoot glabrous...... A. forrestii var. forrestii

- Shoot pubescent, hairs ferruginous.

- Foliage with lower needle rows predominantly forming a <170° angle...... A. forrestii var. georgei

- Foliage with lower needle rows predominantly forming a 180°(-more) angle. ... A. forrestii var. ferreana

15 a Needle relatively short: ≤30 mm...... A. fabri

- Foliage above shoot with needles predominantly strongly directed sideward, few needles also backward...... A. fabri subsp. fabri

- Foliage above shoot with needles directed forward and sideward...... A. fabri subsp. minensis

b Needle relatively long: 15-60 mm...... 16

16 a Current year shoot LS olive greenish...... A. grandis

b Current year shoot rusty to coppery...... A. fordei

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GROUP B1: Foliage above shoot predominantly not parted in the middle.

Needle US with several stomatal lines over the whole length (10× LENS).

01 a Shoot densely pubescent, dark orange to purplish brown AND Needle at base closely appressed to shoot (10× LENS)...... 02

b Shoot pale yellowish or greyish brown, glabrous to sparsely pubescent, OR needle at base clearly ascending (10× LENS)...... 03

02 a Needle Ø 1,5-2 mm. Foliage very dense: at mid shoot 16-20 needles/cm [cone 15-25 cm, bracts exserted]...... A. procera

b Needle Ø ≤1,6 mm. Foliage +/- sparse: at mid shoot ≤14 needles/cm [cone 15-25 cm, bracts hidden]...... A. magnifica

- Intermediate: Foliage +/- sparse and cone <15 cm, bracts exserted...... A. magnifica var. shastensis

03 a Needle relatively long and slender, leathery and flexible: 15-40(-60) × 1,5-2,5 mm...... 04

b Needle relatively short and thick, +/- rigid: 6-20 × 2-3 mm...... 06

04 a Needle 40-60 mm. Foliage in front view with needles +/- strongly curved upward and/or +/- directed forward...... A. concolor

b Needle 15-45 mm. Foliage in front view with needles ascending and directed forward. . 05

05 a Needle green, apex acute to obtuse, 15-40 × 2-2,5 mm...... A. gamblei

b Needle often glaucous green, apex emarginate to obtuse, 25-45 × 1,5-2 mm. A. lasiocarpa

- Foliage in front view with needles distributed in upper half...... A. lasiocarpa var. arizonica

- Foliage in front view with needles also scattered in lower half...... A. lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa

06 a Shoot pubescent...... A. ×insignis

b Shoot glabrous...... 07

07 a Needle US with 8-14 stomatal lines...... A. pinsapo

b Needle US with 2-8 stomatal lines...... A. numidica

GROUP B2: Foliage above shoot predominantly not parted in the middle.

Needle US without stomatal lines, OR with a few stomata near apex to a few stomatal lines in apical half (10× LENS).

01 a Needle +/- concolourous, OR LS +/- sombre: stomatal bands greyish green to greenish white...... 02

b Needle clearly bicoloured, LS showy: stomatal bands white to glaucous white...... 04

02 a Foliage above shoot ascending. Needle apex bifid, length 5-7(-more) cm...... A. pindrow

b Foliage above shoot ascending to assurgent. Needle apex acute, OR/IF bifid then with length <4 cm...... 03 - 6 -

03 a Foliage above shoot strongly ascending to assurgent, below shoot directed forward and downward...... A. holophylla

b Foliage above shoot assurgent and recurved in part, below shoot pectinate and recurved in part...... A. recurvata

- Needle 25 mm, US often +/- glaucous on young shoots...... A. recurvata var. recurvata

- Needle 20-35 mm, US green...... A. recurvata var. ernestii

04 a Bud apex predominantly acute AND scales visible, not to slightly resinous (10× LENS)...... 05

b Bud apex predominantly obtuse AND scales obscured or very resinous (10× LENS). .... 12

05 a Needle 30-60 mm, apex painfully pungent. Bud yellowish brown, 10-20 mm, with remarkable large scales...... A. bracteata

b Needle 15-35 mm, OR apex notched, obtuse or acute, OR bud ≤10 mm...... 06

06 a Foliage above shoot assurgent to erect...... 07

b Foliage above shoot predominantly ascending and directed forward at ≤60°...... 10

07 a Shoot glabrous (10× LENS)...... 08

b Shoot pubescent, at least in part of the branches (10× LENS)...... 09

08 a Needle long: 15-35 × 2-2,5 mm, apex acute or rarely obtuse (10× LENS). ... A. cephalonica

b Needle short: 15-25 × 2-3 mm, apex obtuse to shallowly notched (10× LENS). A. numidica

09 a Needle apex obtuse to (sub-)mucronate (10× LENS)...... A. nebrodensis

b Needle apex emarginate (10× LENS)...... A. pardei

10 a Needle apex predominantly obtuse to acute (10× LENS)...... A. ×borisii-regis

b Needle apex predominantly emarginate to obtuse...... 11

11 a Needle Ø 1,8 mm. Current year shoot with lower needle rows predominantly directed forward, forming a ≤90° angle [cone bracts exposed]...... A. cilicica

- Shoot initially pubescent...... A. cilicica subsp. cilicica

- Shoot glabrous...... A. cilicica subsp. isaurica

b Needle Ø 1,8-2,5 mm. Current year shoot with lower needle rows predominantly directed forward to sideward, forming a 90-120° angle [cone bracts hidden]...... A. nordmanniana

- Shoot +/- pubescent. Needle Ø >2-2,5 mm...... A. nordmanniana subsp. nordmanniana

- Young shoot glabrous. Needle Ø ≤1,8 mm...... A. nordmanniana subsp. equitrojana

12 a Needle LS midrib very narrow and often whitish obscured, margin revolute. ... A. delavayi

b Needle LS midrib predominantly clearly visible, margin not or slightly revolute...... 13

13 a Needle remarkable slender: Ø 1-1,6 mm...... 14

b Needle obviously wider: Ø 1,6-2(-3) mm...... 15

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14 a Bud purplish, +/- covered by whitish/grey resin layer (10× LENS) [cone bract scales exserted and recurved]...... A. sachalinensis

b Bud yellowish to reddish brown, +/- covered by whitish/grey resin layer (10× LENS) [cone bract scales hidden]...... A. sibirica

15 a Shoot prominently striated to ridged AND glabrous. Needle US shiny and predominantly without or with a shallow groove in basal half (10× LENS)...... A. cephalonica

b Shoot smooth, OR pubescent, OR needle US clearly grooved (10× LENS)...... 16

16 a Shoot (reddish) brown to purplish...... 17

b Shoot pale yellowish to greyish brown...... 20

17 a Bark remarkably exfoliating, breaking into rough plates later. Needle US with a few stomata or several (interrupted) rows towards the middle...... A. squamata

b Bark not exfoliating, smooth, scaly to fissured. Needle US without, or with a few stomata near apex...... 18

18 a Shoot pubescent, ferruginous hairs (10× LENS); orange brown. ... A. forrestii var. georgei

b Shoot glabrous (10× LENS); reddish to purplish brown at least in part of the branches. 19

19 a Shoot orange brown...... A. forrestii var. forrestii

b Shoot reddish to purplish brown at least in part of the branches...... A. fargesi

20 a Needle firm (often remarkably widened towards apex), relatively short AND wide: ≤25 mm long AND Ø 2-2,5 mm...... A. koreana

- Needle 25-30 mm AND Ø 2-2,5 mm, apex often acute (not emarginate/obtuse as preceding). A. ×arnoldiana

b Needle slender (not widened towards apex), relatively long AND narrow: 10-40(-60) mm long AND/OR Ø 1,6-2 mm...... 21

21 a Foliage yellowish to grey green. Shoot pubescent in grooves...... A. nephrolepis

b Foliage dark green. Shoot uniformly pubescent...... 22

22 a Foliage above shoot with part of needles upswept, showing white needle LS. .. A. veitchii

- Needle 15-38 × 1,5- 2,2 mm. Cone 4-8 cm...... A. veitchii var. veitchii

- Needle 8-20 × 2 mm. Cone ≤4 cm...... A. veitchii var. sikokiana

b Foliage above shoot with needle LS hidden (only a few small needles near end bud may show LS)...... 23

23 a Foliage above shoot with needles strongly ascending to assurgent AND shoot +/- visible...... A. fraseri

b Foliage above shoot with needles directed downward to slightly ascending AND covering shoot...... 24

24 a Bud ≥4 mm. Needle 15-35 mm, LS with 5-8 stomatal lines (10× LENS), bruised foliage emits a sharp tangerine scent...... A. amabilis

b Bud ≤3 mm. Needle 10-20(-25) mm, LS with 10-14 stomatal lines (10× LENS), bruised foliage emits a heavy balsam scent...... A. mariesii

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Taxa treated in this identification key.

A. alba A. holophylla A. amabilis A. homolepis A. ×arnoldiana (A. koreana × A. veitchii) - var. homolepis A. balsamea - var. umbellata A. ×borisii-regis (A. alba × A. cephalonica) A. ×insignis (A. nordmanniana × A. pinsapo) A. bracteata A. kawakamii A. cephalonica A. koreana A. chengii A. lasiocarpa A. chensiensis - var. arizonica - subsp. chensiensis - var. lasiocarpa - subsp. salouenensis A. magnifica - subsp. yulongxueshanensis A. mariesii A. cilicica A. mexicana - subsp. cilicica A. nebrodensis - subsp. isaurica A. nephrolepis A. concolor A. nordmanniana - var. lowiana - subsp. equi-trojani A. delavayi - subsp. nordmanniana A. densa A. numidica A. durangensis A. pardei - var. coahuilensis A. pindrow A. fabri A. pinsapo - subsp. fabri A. procera - subsp. minensis A. recurvata A. fargesii - var. ernestii A. firma - var. recurvata A. fordei A. religiosa A. forrestii A. sachalinensis - var. ferreana A. sibirica - var. forrestii A. spectabilis - var. georgei A. squamata A. fraseri A. veitchii A. gamblei - var. sikokiana A. grandis - var. veitchii A. guatemalensis A. vejarii

Names referred to synonymy in this identification key.

A. chayuensis = A. forrestii var. ferreana A. pindrow var. brevifolia = A. gamblei A. ferreana = A. forrestii var. ferreana A. pseudochensiensis = A. gamblei A. nordmanniana subsp. bornmuelleriana = A. nordmanniana A. vejari subsp. mexicana = A. mexicana subsp. equi-trojani

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