Neotypes Author(S): David B. Dunn Source: Taxon, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Jan., 1960), Pp

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Neotypes Author(S): David B. Dunn Source: Taxon, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Jan., 1960), Pp Neotypes Author(s): David B. Dunn Source: Taxon, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Jan., 1960), pp. 27-28 Published by: International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT) Stable URL: . Accessed: 29/03/2014 09:38 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT) is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Taxon. This content downloaded from on Sat, 29 Mar 2014 09:38:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 239- jedoch unter ihrer 'Torula basicola' das Buphane: Herbert, Amaryllidaceae, pp. Chlamydosporenstadiumdes spaiter als Thie- 241, 1837. laviopsis basicola bekanntgewordenen Pilzes. The above spelling is used consistently Der Name Thielavia basicola Zopf (non in this volume, appearing on pp. 61, 77, Torula basicola B. et Br.) ist demnach giiltig 385, 390, 392 and on plate 22 as well No derivation die Ascomycetenspecies, die zudem Gat- as the pages cited above. fiir mentioned. tungstypus sein muss; Torula basicola B. et or other spelling is Br. darf nicht einbezogen werden (Code Marloth (Flora of South Africa, 4: 115, intern. Nom. Bot. 1956, Art. 59)." 1915) accepted the spelling Buphane postul- It is just the other way! If Thielavia basi- ating it was derived from Bupho = toad. cola and Thielaviopsis basicola were treated Milne-Redhead and Schweickerdt (A new as conspecific, i.e. as members of one and conception of the genus Ammocharis Herb.) the same pleomorphic life cycle, the former in Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. 52: 162 (footnote). name would be quite valid, as stated by the 1939, accept Wittstein's (Etymol. Bot. Hand- Code (Ed. 1956, Art. 59; Ed. 1952, Art. 69; worterbuch, 131. 1856) derivation of the p. = Ed. 1947, Art. 57). genus name from Boi-s =ox and oun Thus, the arguments of Hairriare unaccept- murder. This was based on the fact that B. able, and the only correct name for the toxicaria is known to be fatal to homed cattle. fungus known formerly as Thielavia basicola They further state, "Herbert in 1821 spelt the is Thielavia renominata. name 'Boophane' which in view of the above is clearly an error for 'Boophone'," and that Literature cited: Herbert in 1825 changed the spelling to of Milne- HARRI,E. 1959: Physiologische Untersuchun- 'Buphone'. On the basis this, conclude that the gen die Gattungen Thielavia Zopf Redhead and Schweickerdt uiber Thus und Thielaviopsis Went. Phytopathol. Z. correct spelling is 'Boophone'. they 386:27-66. accept Herbert's supposed correction of but his of PACLT, J. 1951: A nomenclatorial discussion 'phane' to 'phone', reject change of Thielavia basicola. Parasitica 7: 109-110. 'boo' to 'bu' because of the derivation. It is true that in 1825 Herbert once spelled J. PACLT the name Buphone, but subsequently he This THE SPELLING OF BOOPHANE used the spelling Buphane consistently. suggests that Buphone may well have been William The name of one of Herbert's a typographical error. Amaryllidaceous genera 'Boophane' is seen I have discussed the situation with G. H. spelled in four different ways. Therefore, it M. Lawrence and we presented the problem seems advisable to review the situation in to F. A. Stafleu. Dr. Stafleu is of the opinion order to arrive at the legally correct spelling. that, since there is no clear proof that the Boophane: Herbert (A Treatise on Amarylli- original spelling, Boophane, is an ortho- deae) p. 17, 1821. (Appendix, Edward's graphic or typographic error, neither the Botanical Register, vol. 6). change to Buphane nor that to Boophone In this work only the one spelling is can be justified under the present Code of used and it is accompanied by a full Nomenclature, and that the original spelling description and synonymy of the taxon. must stand. No derivation of the name is given. D. G. HUTTLESTON Buphane: Herbert, in Curtis' Botanical Maga- zine, sub. t. 2578, 1825. NEOTYPES In a brief discussion of certain Amaryl- In view of the confusion which followed lidaceous genera following a description a rather warm discussion of Prop. H. (155 - of Brunsvigia josephinae v. josephine Bullock et Ross, Taxon 7: 258) for Article 7 (t. 2578) Herbert states in part, "Bu- at the IXth International Botanical Congress phane (Boophane, Appendix) forms a at Montreal, Canada, it seems appropriate link between Amaryllis and Haeman- to attempt to review some of the consequen- thus." ces which would result from the adoption Buphone: Herbert, in Curtis' BotanicalMaga- of this proposal to delete neotypes, leaving the zine, post t. 2606 sub. Amaryllidearum only the descriptions as types when found. Synopsis, 1825. original material could no longer be The genus does not appear in the index I must first acknowledge that I have done of the volume. exactly what Bullock and Ross suggest i.e. 27 This content downloaded from on Sat, 29 Mar 2014 09:38:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions use the description and an illustration as acceptable so long as the material used the type when it was impossible to locate originally in describing the taxon is missing. the type material. This was done in deter- Article 8 in the 1956 International Code mining the identity of the taxon Lupinus quite adequately takes care of any abusive ornatus (see Leaflets of Western Botany 8: use of either neotypes or lectotypes. 52. 1956). I did point out that the material DAVID B. DUNN of L. hellerae was representative material and amounted to a topotype (i.e. from the NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN In this case original type locality). particular Dr. WILLIAMC. Director of The the illustrationin Edwards Botanical STEERE, Register New York Botanical Garden, has been and the are ex- accompanying description Dr. ALAN T. Direc- and are almost as as notified by WATERMAN, ceptionally good good tor of the National Science an actual Foundation, specimen. Original descriptions that the Garden has been awarded a seldom have such excellent illustrations. The grant of for the of a alone would not have been suf- $ 145,400 support plant description of the Guiana of South ficient to the of the taxon. survey Region verify identity America under the direction of Dr. BASSETT Even with the excellent colored illustra- MAGUIRE, Head Curator and Coordinator of tions in the Botanical unless the Magazine, Tropical Research, and Dr. JOHNJ. WURDACK, are those which illustration and description Associate Curator. The grant, which will be first describe the there is no assur- taxon, five years in duration, became effective July ance that the material a dif- they represent first of this year. ferent author used when he the supplied The New York Botanical Garden also original description for a taxon. received a National Science Foundation grant I cite the mass of describ- might "species" of $ 20,100 of three years' duration, for the ed C. P. Smith in by Species Lupinorum, of basic research on monographic without would be support which, specimens, imposs- studies in the Hypocreales (Ascomycetes) ible to identify even though he supplied under the direction of Dr. CLARKT. ROGER- elaborate latin Smith was for descriptions. SON,Curator of Cryptogamic Botany. The the most variations of in- part describing Hypocreales are higher fungi related to the dividual plants sent to him without picking mushrooms. out characteristics which could be used to The third to the Garden - 6,000 identify species. His shotgun approach of grant $ names on for one year - is for the support of basic scattering plants undoubtedly research on the characterization of causal placed some names on taxa which require a to to unravel this maze agents in the crown-gall of plants and is name-but attempt under the direction of Dr. RICHARD M. KLEIN. without specimens would be impossible and Dr. Klein, who is a holds where specimens cannot be found there will plant physiologist, be names which will have to be the Alfred H. Caspary Curatorship at The probably New York Botanical Garden. rejected as provided in the present rules. I believe this same could arise as problem EXCHANGE OF PUBLICATIONS much of the "protologue" with the types of species wear out with time and use. The Federal Herbarium(SRGH), Salisbury, In short it is quite conceivable that it Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland has for of would eventually be necessary for mono- been struggling a number years to of graphers to designate neotypes for many old improve its collection taxonomic works. long established names and if we are to Its staff is now doing its best to help with achieve stabilization of names we must the writing of the Flora Zambesica and the certainly have a means of maintaining mate- lack of botanical literature is creating more rial considered to typify these taxa. If not, difficulties than ever. Efforts to remedy this there would be a gradual and continual loss state of affairs are being made by the pur- of the oldest and longest established names chase, as well as the manufacture on the as the "protologue" disintegrated in time. spot, of microfilm and the purchase of books In short, I view the idea of deleting the in the normal way. term neotype as casting a shadow on the Many other herbaria in the less developed entire type method of verifying taxa.
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