Fatal Motor Ciu- Accident Weirs Oestrovedi Indian Linds Cowichan Polo Clnh (ivmkiiana Mr. \. V. Mnrpliy Killed Xeiv Fisliiiijr Knles ('oiuinission Sits Again 1 t?rv Fail* (ioiid Sport It will be a Miurce r»f grniification A fat&] motor car acctriciu occurred fhe final ses'lon in this district of On tho heamo were many..... • bunuti-...... to»o manyiimiiy cnihusinsliceninusmsiic fidiermenti^herm in ftt what it known an Shermau’e cro«s- Royal Commission on tho Imliau Tcaths, among them bating this district to learn that the A gviiiklmna was hchl at tho Pi»lo Duuenu I'ett l^•.Mll-. Am»tlier gv’iii- tog, abont ono and a (|uartor miles affairs wjw hrltl at the B««anl of grnutids Koksitttli »ni Thnralar June from the Cowichan Cricket Club, khana will pr..l«My Imt hel.l i,y*thc on the Cowichan River have been Trade rooms on Friday evening the from Duncan on the McKinnon Road which was in the f»irm of a cricket 8th. The pietura-que ground of the club during .\ngu*t. destroyed daring the last week by fitli inst. on Monday morning last. Capt&in 'bat, tied with the Club colours; the Cowichan club presented a very order of the Dominion Government, Thera were hut (rw witnesses to Clifton was approacliing Duncan in Oiik Hay Cricket Club, Mr. and Mrs. pretty spectacle during the afternoon. ann the Indians: sittiuc, almost all tho necessary data V. Mnrphj. Captain Clifton was stonn, Mr. and Mrs. Bandock. lator* present ami -mio \ei-y pretty very enjoyanle dance in the K. of P. “No wotrs oi nets of any kind to be haring l*een laid before them in a driying the car which is a 30 H. P. Dr. and Mrt. Barcrr>ft, Mr. go«-ns were noticnl. Unfortunately, Hall Duncan on ThursiJay evening. placed in the river above the comprehenKivo memorandum drawn Everett roadster for two passengers. and Mrs. Charter, Miss Holmes, several membcis of the Victoria Poio Tho hall was not over crowdoermanent title to WIM it U to be hoped that they will un- this land Imt it was fouml that there dorsUnd that these regulations will n'erc complications owing to the work to their own ultimate advant ­ reversionary interest claimed by the age as well as to tho advanuge of Provincial Government. the white man. The Indiana admit Tho speaker said that they had that there am not nearly so many funnd the old short lease an impam- salmon as there used to be, and it able obstacle in the way of getting CAITAIX CLItTON'S CAR AFTER THE ACCIDENT should be impressed on them that money fur permanent buildings, and they have been gradually destroying that tho present 99 year lease was COWICHAN PULO TEAM ing Duncan at 11.18 crashed into it ing Department, Uessra. F. Orr. the “goose that lays the golden egga” aKo inconvenient in this way. A From left loriirSitt Messrs. IL Oore Langton, E. E. Koigot, A. Keoniogton (Csptaini and J. R. Itwtliby. The car was apparently struck just in Pegler, H. R. 8uUi«'an and others. The fishing in the Cowichan River clear title to the property would do front of the rear wheels. Mr. Murphy, has for some years attracted many away with all these diflicoltieH of make some efiort fur tho eonvenionco who was Bitting on the left side visitors to this district, and also a financing. of their patrons. Tho Victoria ponies ■* aIIITCII nearest the engine, wm stmek by it The Inquest. certain proportion of people mate Mr. Herd said that tho Society were at the E. and N. depot at On Friday, Junofiih, the first i*oIo and carried some distance along the their permanent resideoee hero large­ was also desirioos of extending their The inquest to inquire into the Victoria at 7 a. m. They were not match ever witnesstsi in Cowichan track. Fearful njuries were inflicted ly on account of this aUraetioa. land slightly on the West nml South circnmstances surrounding the death shipped until 9.30 and did not arrive took place at Koksilah. It will bo on his bead and body, his skull being The Ashing of lato years has detei sides. He said that unless they were of Mr. V. V. Murphy on Monday, the in Duncan until after the gymkhana. rciocmlierod tliat on .May 31»t tho fractured and his left leg broken in iorated from various causes, one of able to get their boundaries extemlod, 9th inst., took place at the Municipal Despite this fact there was a good Cowichan Club playcsl its firet match two places. Ho was killed instan- the most important being tho run­ it would undoubtedly be neceinarv to Council Chamber on Tuesday, 10th, entry list for each event. in Victoria against tho Club there, taneonsly. Captain Clifton seems to ning of logs which swept away the move the ground altogether at some at 5 p. m. In tho hnnlle race the ponies and was beaten after a close game— have had a very narrow escape from redds and spawning beda This prac- fntnro date. The area they needed Dr. Stephens R. N., district jumped very well considering the 6 goals to 3. Last week on their death. The ear was span completely tic has been abandoned for some time to odd to the present grounds con­ coroner was in charge of the enquiry little schooling they had had, Mr. M. own grounds tho local clnb hail its round by the impact and Captain past, however, but the weirs and nets sisted of ono acre on the West side while the jury conusted of Measra. Gore-Langton was 1st. revenge and defeated the visitor* by Clifton fell very near the rails, the on the Indian reserves still remained. and two acres on the Sooth side. The W. Herd, foreman, J. H. Whitt^tme, The lug of war wliich was decided 7 goals to 3. steps of the coaches passing over him SeriooB damage has been done to tho Society would be quite satisfied ii J. I. Mutter, H. W. Bevan, Carr by the best of three pulls affortlcd The Victoria team were slightly as he lay. Ashing by those practices, not only to the land was put on the market so Hilton and J. T. Boll. considerablo amusement. Tho win­ rcakcr being without one of their The car was smashed to matchwood, tho fishing in the river, but also to that they might have an opportunity ning team was compuse<] of Mewtrs. besv men. parts of it being found 30 yards or The jury, after having viewed the of acquiring it at a fair figure. tho salmon fishing in Cowichan and A. Kennington, il. Gore-Langton, E. more op the track, but a curious part remain\ inspected tho scene of the Mr. David Ford, Postmaster at Considering the fact that with i other Bays oo the East coast. Parry and J. R Boothby. of the accident is that the engine of accident. Duncan pointed ont to the Com few except ions all the players were At two years old tho Fry or Par Bending rreo in and out among the car appears to be more or less Mr. J. F. Murphy, brother of the missionura that there was a good beginners, the showing moile by Imtii leave tho river bed where they uro itakes, 1st A. Kennington. uid>m.iKed. deceased, gave evidence of having clay bank near at hand oo the Indian sides was highly creditable, and the batched and the survivals invariably Stick and ball, J. R. Boothby. The crosring where the accident identifled the body as that of his Reserve, ami suggested that it would game was really fast am] alw.wys af. retnrn to that same river as full Ladire nomination race, the lady Jrappened has long been known as one brother. He said that bis brother be a good thing for tho Indians and forded plenty of excitement. grown fish or grilse. 8 givn an envelope containing n of the roost dangerous oo the whole was 32 years of age and came from also for the white people if on in­ Uudoub*e(lly the outstanding icaturo needle which she must thread, 1st of the £. it- K, It is imposnible to Waterford, Ireland. structor was sent to teach tho In­ of the game was the play of Mr. Miss .Mihs and .Mr. .M. Gore-Langton. too or hear a train approaching from Dr. Holston said that he bad ex ­ diana how to utilize tho clay. Wouil Kennington, Captain of the I.«a| JScurry, 1st G. Gore-Langton on the road when travelling south and amined the remains of deceased and and water were at hand and the Club. JIo made very many lino City Council Cigarette. it is equally impossible for tho engine described the injnriea He said that situation was conveiiieut iu everv runs for hi* side, and seeimsl to l>o J-adies race, .Mrs. Powell on Ijidv- dnvorto see the road until he actnally they were sneh as to canso instantan­ The City Council liatl an cosy ses­ way. always everywhere Ih.tli in dtfenco eous death. bird. reaches the crossing. sion on Monday evening, tho meeting Tho Clminuan said that bethought ami attack. He score.I 3 goub, ull Relay roce, Mr. M. Gore-Langton. The train was palled up within _ 31r. Fred Bland, ongine-drivor on being over before 9-30. the suggesiiuD a very practical one from nms the length of the grouml ' In this rare each rider Itad two very short distance and Captain Clif­ Train So. 1—the northboond train Among other mattcis considenHl anti adtied that the couiinissifincn For the l-wra Captain Clarke nml horses, riding half way on one and ton and the body of Mr. Morphy Jlonday morning, said that tho was tho report of Mr. R. G. Harvey were giving much thought to the Dr. E. Richanls b.ith played very ([uestion of finding suiinblu and pro­ changing to the other. well. were conveyed back to Duncan troin left Duncan SUtion at 11.18. on the Johnston Motor Track, which Just when they reachwl the crossing fitable work fur the Indians on their After tho gymkhana .Mrs. \V. H. It is to U* h<»pts| Dow that the the train which pot back to tho it has been proposed to purclia<«o for reserves. This suggestion, he said. Hayward verv kimlly presentts] the Club has had a g.Kx! start more will station. a car appeared on Ihn road, directly tho City Fire Department. w*»uld receive the eurtiest attention in front of the engine. He ot once prizes which bad Us*n donatcsl bv join as pl..\ing memliers. .More Captain Clifton was at once taken Mr. Harvey went to Vancouv ’er of tho commissiuners with a view to apiilicd the eincrgoney brakes, but it thoroughly investigating the pracli- momliors itf the {eilo club, the Cow- mutches are likely to take jdace in to tho Duncan hospital. Tho shock and made a trial run in tho car, and was iiiipasdblo to avert an accident bility of :ho scheme. iclian Merchants and WliiUnker and the near future. Fi.Mun-s Imve al­ he Hustained was very severe, and at reported that the car seemed in fair Jones. and tho engine struck tho car with Mr. Ormonde ^*milhe alsu gave ready iKH-ri ariang«‘«l for Curui%at the time of going to press his condit­ condition, although acconiing t«» him evidence, in lie-* cuurM< of which h«* great force. The car was thrown off Among thoM* pri-^>ut were: Mr. and week in Vicl-.ri:i Mid f..r a *J..aiim- ion is still such as to give cause for it has tisd a considerrble amount ««f stated that he thought the Imiiaiis the track on tho loft side of the .Mrs. Uanmll and .Mr. P, G.vmett of meijt in •'..k.ine in Si-pti'niber. anxiety. The doctors aie as yet un­ u*age. theitiMdves would Ik- much l.eiier oil train. Tho train, which was travel­ if they cutild s,.|l their land. He wu- C'tbble Hill, F. H. .Miiiil;ind-I>iiii:,';dl, The teams that plaved on Frida\ able to say if thero are internal Tho mailer was referred to the .Ml', i'hipps J. .Mailhiiiil-lioug.ilt, ling at about tniles an hour, was Fire Coiiimiitee. nwiirc tluit the c>hh*r \....p!e mti-.t are: injurids but it is hopci) that it will always renmin wants of the Domin- pulIo

; Corporation of th. City of ^ The Scattercfl Citxlo of King's Duncan. nUTTER& DUNCAN Social and Personal Daughters »i!l meet at Misa Clack's, n^idunce on Friday, June 13 at 2.30. A BUYER OR AGENT Sprinkling L>awn« and* Notaries Public. •|»r. K«'it will U* iu l>uu* .Mr. L. W. Huntingdon expects to I IN THE “ OI.I) COUNTRY ” Watorlns Gardena rail Mil jiipI nft«*r Jane l8lh. Make 1 ‘ave fur England in the course i»f a Land, Insurance and Fi­ at <*ii-ty, Mr. Siiiurth- Her instance, a couple t f weeks ago a gcntlcaiin a-ked .\ team on Sntuniay last. Tlic scores fulliiwing houri odIv: us for an English Perambulator; wc have never seen one Oil the Wftt .Side of tho Railway •r..„ ...... ».ly :.ll . l ..n ll.f Tr.i..k ■' l.uil.lilia « li..u-.- uii hi* |.r..- were Cowichan 2-12, Albion 74...... M »r ’ albl I’imI of tl ese lliitigs in Canada, but undertook to pn eure one Track: Ml liv r..*ai*i. We heai vviih regret of the death of r....M »:.■! k..t i.M.I ■■.II « I:nr.l.-ll K.'l.' v.ill !«• i;iv.-ii l.v for him while in England. Bel ween the linurHof 7.00 a. m., to Hon. Mrs. Uoyce. of Wiwlsor,Kngliind Pei haps there is somelliing w-c can do for you. We 8-30 a. III.: i>ctwoeD the hounof 4-30 pf.;,.^ W.; .yiM; t^rriK. ra«li. l»al- |))«> « uf St. Julm » l»uii- which to.»k place last week. .Mrs. Twl Me-lu-ait pun-.as^r at :|*cr t. ^un at "Th-ClilK" June1‘Mli frein lioiie to lie in Europe during July. August and Septem­ p. m. and 6 (•. m. Bazett and Mrs. Combe Martin are ber. Personal commissions sh' uld be in our hands not On the Kant .'^iile of the Railway l.'» seres -‘lol let* I loi-l. cl.^e to S.sine. -J |,. f . a. III. Tlieie will Ik* n daughters «.f the H*'U Mis. Royec n.M ."I. lion. Mil ro-l: priee. tfn«i t* - later tban June l alh. Commissions by mail may lie sent Track: TMunintn**nt, Clock and much syiii|>athy is felt for them |K-r her--: leriii-. v.'Vi .l>.iUure lu. »•«««' through the Auction Mart duiing June, July and -Aug­ Between the h'»ur« of 8-30 a. m. to ■nit »t 7 per i*ei»i. Cricket iiialcli nii'l various other ill their bercnvcmutit ust. ; 10 a. ul: between tho houra of 6 p. T.,. :i I ..I . ...;l- Ir..... Tr,.„k II....I. 'P'"-'*' The mill of the lumiH'r c«»mpauy m. to 7-30 p. m. Hiui iml*^ irorn hniiiMti: priee. ?.V»|H*r , )>.• itiU*ic from i .30 toJniiil refresh- Yours Faithfully, l. rm,. »_l...... l..l«u.-e lo inlt, fp,,,, J .J. appears to be working ovortimo just By order of the City Council. |•n^•Mll<••’r at < |M*reiMit. , Dow. We understand that there is a ROLAND A. THORPE JAS. GKEIG, Clerk. r^I nVCAINI ^ .\tiiMii;'visitors to Duncan HuriiiK verv large demawl for lundier fnmi Munlock. a the prairie (irovinces and also from,

..r M.a...,i«, Mr the local market, so tlixl the over ­ Teacher Wanted-Putlic |iayinriits at 7 |s*r ecut. | Munlock was KilitoranJ pr«iprietor time is easilv oDdcrstootl. Schools Nr. 4 tuo I...I l.«o«..... yo.1 l»t. K«.i o( ' .>f Il>r n. »i.ii»|»:r at Hartii. y. Mani- •The outdoor (>erforniance of , KnilwHV line: priee $7.V»; terms rail f*»r inativ veara. He has roccot- The Board of School Trusteea for .rra..^-«l.» ...il ,..n l,..-r. ; Califuraia and Scones from Ivanhoe which is to Unless You Boy Stationery taku place at The Cliffs on Juno I2th the City of Duouan, give n«*tico that •yQ REIST iwill possitily ileciilo to settle iu this there will be a vacancy at the end of at 8.30 p. m. will bo accompanied by Several himsps to mil. fnniislied an«l me * 'Hslrict. HERE the preNetit term, for a Lady Teacher a Maypole and Country danco. The| fiirtiisiie.1; nnils. to S4'» per monlii. You lose out on three mobt important essentials in the Public SchooK Duncan. Tliu n;;am‘lnout I4 nnD..unr..iI of tickets cost 50c, childien 2.5c, and j Particulam as to aalary, etc., can Money to Loan Walloi d.din Maitrati. i.. fr.>T, Dlitor the entertainment will finish up with ; Style! Quality! Price! be obtained from the undersigned, to IV,-Ve hnxehn>.--■>. M-xeinl r..l-UIII. «.Ulie» fi»rf..rmv.-.tii.inl inve>tliKll j»f thi- L.ndon IIlmtrato.1 Weakly a dance- | Ml...I. tir-tt.r.l ni.ot::aM.* alat curr.-litcurrent rat.*rat ’ jiajoT ••t'alia.la", pl,U-.t non of the and when you lose on even one of these three things there’s not whom aDo all ap|>licatiun4 for the Mr. and Mr*. R. A. Thor(M! (of the . piHt should be addreuncun» D. C» in Bonaall'a creek, while bathing with JS PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST it npjiearcd that the case arose over a companion named Daniel Johnson. a Home by tbe Sea'' a game of (Hiker which was played at Ho was buried on the 6th from Ku- Three Snaps! Tiileriiigton's houae. The diaputu per Island Indian School. Indian 4 l!i»oine>l CoUnii" UII trlenreJ lot O'KlU'J— arose when the bet was raised and Constable O'Connell and Constable! R. A.~WFCK5 \Va'll“ini.l.aJ .■olt.;... on l.o iol,-.ll j »P l<> Fowcll held an investigation into the j Island Drug C ompany feurtsl bihI in g«r*lrii. •mnll frmis and ! f'nj. Each (ilavcr laid down his hand. MASONIC BLOCK DUNCAN. 8 C. Real Estate and ;l;il;r'.n77ru7* ■ ^ H-itton hel,l . full hoa.e »nd Tldnr- matter and found that his death was! due to misadventure. j ISO rii-ir.. Irii rle«r«.l and in crop, lifiacn ; ington a flush according to Britton ’s Employment Bureau arrr* sln.^ril. u'o*i.lUiid. rrrek. our mile Tideringtim took the Among those who joineil the ex- j WE MAKE A SPECIALTY punNF IflQ Irum-i .tiMU airl •ti»rr; pnre $.Vi per acre, • 1 . i. OF PRESCRIPTIONS rnUnt 108 Kennetb Street - Duncan. B.C t«>riii>i to,«uii. «u ! iiKinry and put it in his pocket. It cursioD to the AllH^rois at Duncan on , iwasstaUHl that Tiderington took no Wednesday morning were HisWor-i STATIONERY AND CONFECTIONERY Scu ProntaKC I have aea frontages for sale and I nike otr from the game. The miigis- ship ilayor Duncan, .Mr. A. Peterson j i:t'lrnTeS, [«|)lpn«Ud l.tiiil I Sl'i.'i |H*rnrre several gord launches from i8 feet i tmto sai>l that fiom the evidrnco President, and Mr. E. G. ^>mitll, j to 32 feet in length. Call in and subiiiitlisl ho did not think he c«»uld Secretary, of the Duncan Board of ^ VICTORIA PRICES see foil list. Support H0m6 Industry IioM the accused on a charge of Trade. The largo patty who went j Se^'xral good farms and large and theft, as hu wiis not '•ittiug as an up from Victoria, Nanaimo, Lail;- small acreage. Seme beanliful lake ex|K-it in a game of canls. The smith and other ivoints were rviyally rroperties. Cowieban ■ matter could onlr Im* dealt with eiitertaineil at the AllK>mis and I under sretion 44:f of the Criminal Select Yeur Wedding Gifts Agent for B. C. Accident and taken round the ueigldMuring dis­ jC'nIi*. whieh provides for ca^es of trict. I From Our “ llhistrated Catalogue ”-it represents Employers ’ Liability Insurance Co. iDUvvvl jchealing ui cards. The case was Limited. On Sunday last the membors of; jdistiiisMinI, Phone 107 ■ P.O.Box? the local Oddfellows lodge drove to j thoroughly our large, wen assorted Is now selling in all the Duncan i The Indies aid of the Duncan St. Peters church, Quamichan, and ■ Stores at quality stocks. I MctluKlist church on Tuesday gave n to the 3fethodist and Anglican! 50 cents per pound -icial to bid farewell to the Rev. A. churches at Soinenos to hold memor- 1 With our catalogue in batM*, you may sit do«o in tbe quiet of Northwestern Ther.:'s ro saving in I uyi.ig fcrrigr I K. *n.l Mrs. Uednuu. .D.l f.nnly and ial services over the graves of de­ yoor borne, and select your weddiog gifts as aatUfaetorily as though butter that has h st flavour in cold a very enjoyable time was spent, with parted brotbera The following arc yuo (*uQld viait oar store pereooally. Creamery storage when >oti can get the bust i only one draw back and that was the the names of those whose graves Tbe JeneUery eectioo of tbia catalogue, will be of exeoptioaal ia* FKKSH FROM IJIKciirRN. on ,vore Vidcrift. B.C were decorated; Win. Hooper, Alee. terest to tboae who must boy wedding jeweFary. It sbowa tbe gem da>s Thursilats and Saturdays. sustaiiiing on their leaving us, fur Blythe, Elias Caslley, Fred. Beech, Mt exquiaitea of the day. at prieea within tbe reach of tbe average The Largest Buyers of they have made themselves very John Nelson, John 31cPhorson, also buyer. Me erophaiise tbe rKAKL, >>eoanse it is tbe butb-day gem Fresh Eggs in Victoria popular nil through the district. A Mrs. Nicholson, late a member of the of Jane. M'rite for this eatalogoe —it w ill be sent free on ref)aeet, The Tea Kettle Inn very pleasing feature of the evening Rebekah lodge. In the evening the four Gidlei's Ong Store) was a presentation to them of a lodge hold its annual (mrade at the | We require more ship­ che*|uc fur $102.00 to show in *>mo Henry B.irb and Sons, Limited pers of strictly first- will be .Methmliat church. In the unavuid-; way the love and esteem in which able absence of Mr. J. W. Dickinson' Itwencts and SUrcrsmltlis class eggs. they are held here. Amongst the who was to have preachcl, the service OPENED Geo. E. Trorey, Man. Dir. We remit cheque for great work 31 r Redman has done was taken by Bro. E. J. Bowden. On Hastings & Granville Sts.. , B. C. same first mail after re­ since he lias lieen hero (3 years) has Monday evening throe new momlaTS On MONDA^June 16th ceiving them. been an increase in iho luemlKTship were received into the lodge by init­ by over 60 per cent awl the con- Liglit l.un<-fi»*oiis nii'l ,\(ternoon Tens iation: J. Dunning, F. E. Morloy and Wi solicit jiiiir boslotss. ■ervisl friitn I- to r>.3‘i p. m. IgregatioiH iuive increasiHl to such an A. H. Plnskett. The members of the 'extent that it has been found neccs- lodge ho(>o to be in their new home SUMMER TOYS saty to extend the church, and even carlv in July. When in the new Northwestern Creamery H. Norcross; now the Ixiibling is often «|uitc full premises they arc expecting a large VICTORIA, B. Ce which »|».*aks for itself. Ue has re­ atlditiuo to their tnembersliip. Ten per cent Off... opened the Sonienus church and also ; commeiicril JSuwlay afternoon service TRANSFER OK RETAIL LIQUOR j at Deerholiiie and the congregations The Kiddies are alwayi |deaaed to get a tiire To)*. M’by not take LICENSE Milk: I in each place in the circuit has gieut- Local Readers aometliiiig iiume to them next lime yua are in! As a spetdal (his week NVe, tbe oiideralgaecl, hereby give pub* DAILY : iv increased and the deiit on the only we will give 10 per cent oft on anything in our large stock. lie uutiee that it in uur intentioD to apply at the next sittiug of the Roanl of Lic­ ill (Vulr;d Huurao. ' parsiitmge greatly rwlueeil (ladies aid ense Cuiiimissiuiieni for the City of. Duu- r. S.i\ton Wliii*. t’liarlwwl l*ooUr>- Sail Hoau ...... S .10 to S .« M«rl.|M.iKirilfti.ii. S .10 deserve gn-nl credit for their help in cnii. fur Iho transfer ot the l-icense of Farm. i« advertUiiig lialvliiiig eges and Mechatih’al BuaU.. .50 to 3.M) llftll...... S .10 to kkh .>\llk from Jersey Cows. ihk). It U with very great regret llio .Vhlerlea liutel, Dunran. I.. B. C., •lay old riiicks. See Ur^re ail iti tiiis issae. Wuvlrii Spailer...... lo to .25 Teiiuiti l!ar>|Urt<(...... l.OU to 1.35 we are lodiig their services and their truin .Ah-\atNler Sinil II ami Mary Siuilh Sand Ittiokom ...... 10 to .'iS rruu.|oet S««...... 3.‘"* U William .\le\.smlrr .‘‘milii. of Uniiraii. ever nady and uiiiiiiug eJl'Mil^ aWt IlfiT \V. I'cier#. till* »*«*ll kiiuwij piano tiAOleii .'»els...... 10 to .411 |)t»m...... 6 tu 2.5" Lluresuhl. ih'-ir iov it*g-V mpatliy and h dp to and orcan fxjierl. is i«..w in I»oi..mu. Ted.ly lh>nn»...... &(» to 2.0) n.ibirvna' Itrin^...... 25 i.wii i:i.i.i>Ti:v -\t r. IS.1.] .\le.\amler Smith. Kin.ny -eti-l onli-r* i.jr limiii-. fie., to Wool .\iiimalR...... 25 to 1.2-1 1V»U...... 5 to .25 It'ii.* oi Ml jii»pl.-s: b'C am awl all in tr-mhie. Mary Smitli. IV.-v.'-t's -tore or T/.Ma1iul-iii lluii-l. .35 to 2.00 ...... 15 U. l.T.5 1 4ii Titl" tM •! f K:s-t go Furniture...... Jil l-'* !hi” 1-1. I!il1l>.'’' 1. >;.;(Wuig.i|l Kmtiemlwr w« hnvx* every Toy you <-nn titiuk of. and imirc Kc-iiilfA Jii«ir.i-i. \li'i linroM lins jus: r-vivivl u now Sumeu.i*. r. O. Hu\ U2 I’liyiie I.s2 all going this week at 10 per cent off. ;• In r* by lmvcii «imy iutcuti »ti ■liij.uieui ol |intterii Imis iruiii Kn/loiid. Al*nl l.t to Slh. ni ...... Ilf iMir r:.l-:*d«r lountli TImtih'i. IiP.ro. !r..m ll •• i>r»t puldKatiou of l.i»—u- L A. S aOLE .hn-4*. Mi. M\. Miss Baron lots a (iue « •• ; ing. etc. oil ti.r Till '1'V ol ■'I’''' - »"•' - 42 O'* 2U.S0 t'lon-Iv showers .m>kingi 11.11...... llio Un.l lloilinry STATIONER Just below the Methodist Church 0 47 611 2V.95 Fine e;*rly ami ■ware Iwit luraliuti. Wnie C. ■ Votorin. llrili.li •.olumlilii llii« OliMlny Somcnos. IM 411 73 30.65 «Wly Musiciil and Fancy Art Goods. of M.Sr-'M- rhxi.ly Very handy for Somcnos Brick­ (SjJ.lS. V. WOTTOX n 55 30.**5 >yiiiein. Violoria, U. C., tor mici oml [ litlesl sBiliug Usta. j yard. a40 M-:i3 iti‘j(i.lnir iiciiorftl of Till...; ]l>r. 1’. M. Rol.iun. IL N. June 12, 1913. THE COWICHAN LEADER

duced. It is the history of a rot­ J. E. HALL An English Letter ter with a brave wife, who to Rul Estate and Insoraice Agcot, guard her children’s home, saves ! Firs, Lifs snd Acciileut iDtorsnes Chestnut Sunday is one of her husband from being arrested | HEAD orfiot: OUMOAN. 8. O. those national observances which for a forgery he has committed, Cowichan Merchants, Ltd. BRANCH OPriOC: KOENIG’S. and then turns him out of the BhAwfilgan tAhs. B. O. the jrrowth of London has only [Successors to Pitt & Peterson & W. P. laynes) served to intensify. For nowa ­ house forever. So you see. we mix our entertainments as usual.. FrMtigi M CowfobM Rim days few places are easier “The Store That Will Serve You Best.” 15 acres and fine modem dwell* to get at than Bisley Park, The ‘Marriage Market’ for the ing only ^ mile from city limits, and it is just as beautiful goose and ’Tone Clegg’ for the baxing large river frontMge, about as ever when you get there. gander. There are plenty of 7 acres under cultiv’aticn. Price both in London. $10,000. Teams V3 cash, balance 1, Moreover, the adjoining flower and 2 years at 7 per cent. beds of Hampton Court, which •••• Particularly good values in im^ are planted in the modern fash- Ireland used to be the distress-; proved farms. ion of massed flowers, are prob- ful country from which people j Acre tots at $500 and $600 per ably more beautiful than ever only went away, and though it! Stockings acre, only ,‘4 mile from High before. Yesterday, which was I has had a certain number of School, and propotied Public School the traditional Sunday for seeing I tourists for some years past, it >| and mile from City Limits. the chestnuts in bloom brought aj has not up to now been boomed : Terms where necessary can be ar* For the Family ranged. great crowd, in spite of the fact as the country to go and visit | Frontage oi> , that the chestnuts themselves, The Daily Mail has however de-; some choice properties. being less the slaves of tradition cided that Ireland has need of its [ Our stock of Women ’s, Boys ’ and Girls’ Shtnigu Laks Snknrbu Lots than Londoners are, were not services, and is giving a aeries [ DnndAs Farm Subdivision. Prices fully out That does not matter. of articles as to how why and i Stockings is now in first class shape; in range from $250 to $500 per lot There was bloom enough to show when we should all go and visit : fact, it was never more complete. AH Easy terms. This property over* what the bloom would be like, Ireland. Golf, Ashing, scenery, : looks ShawnigKU l^ke and has a and there was the fresh air. and the good-hearted and witty | brands of any importance are to be found Southern aspect. Now is the time to buy. the stately form of the trees people, the sunsets, the weather, || in the collection and all weaves and col­ themselves, two centuries old. the hotel accomodation and thej* And- -who knows? By next year railway travelling — all these I ours are here for the asking. the Suffragettes mav have cut things are what they should be them down. and why wouldn’t a tourist go The following are a few of the many lines Kennington and there? Even the crossing is made to choose from : The talk this week is mainly of to seem quite pleasant —no Gore-Langton the wedding at Berlin, to which further than from Newhavento' Ral Estm lid the King and Queen have alrea- Dieppe. Well, if the Irish wish For the Boys In Penman’s Cashmere we have IIS7 in dy set out The visit is supposed f®'’ English tourists, there is no i I Black and Tan at soc. snoo a fine Llama li “The Boy Scout" comes in a fine one and to be purely friendly, and not in d®“*>t tlmy will be able to get;| hose done up in individual packages one rib spliced heels and toes in fine quality the least political, but our royal­ them. There is no place thej At *1.00 per pair cotton. Sizes 7 1-2 to 10 onion: ties are being received neverthc- English tourists will not make COWICIUN ltd COBBLE BILL less with a military pomp and I for—from Paris to the South Price 3Sc and 40e in black only. show which is unusual on Pole-provided he can get decent Amongst other grades of Women ’s Cashmere semi-private occasions. More­ meals and is allowed to keep the I Hose, we have over. Kaiser Wilhelm has signal­ railway carriage window down. || Dr. Jaeger’s Pure Wool Brand. Sizes 8'.: Phooe 16. CbemAiou The Hercules Rib Hose is another hose of ized the ocasion by granting par­ He does not like being cut off " sterling quality. 3 ply toes and heels, the limit and 9, at 65c ; 9'. and 10, at 70c. don to the three English officers from draughts and breakfast of strength, made of fine cotton in the cordu­ who have been shut up now in and be rather likes hot water to I roy rib. Sizes. 6 1-2 to 10 The “Jason" brand—A hose of extraordin ­ H. E. DONALD different German fortresses for shave with. Given these things, Price, 30c, 35c and 40c ary merit not extensively known in this some years on the espionage he will be quite happy with sun­ REAL ESTATE AND country, but regarded as the acme of per­ INSURANCE AGENTcharge. Already this courtesy sets that are not as good as London, and fishing where the fection in the old land. Comes in black and has produced a cordial feeling in tan. SOc and 60c per pair. Su, Kiv«r and Lika Kronti^ the newspapers, which are, by the victim is mostly at the butt end The “Wearwell” Brand is a lighter grade way, usually provoked to active of the rod. I should not be a bit of cotton in the fine rib style, spliced heels CHEMAINUS hostility when a spying charge is surprised if there was a large I i and toes. Sizes 5 to 10, in black only The Jason” woollen socks for children brought forward in either coun­ influx of visitors to Ireland this!I Price, 15c, 20c and 25c are also being shown in black, white and try. This hostility is an unrea­ summer, to see how Belfast is f tan. Sizes 4'A to 6. getting on with the drilling, for | soning thing, since civilized na­ Price 25c per pair. tions are as much entitled to example, and whether there is LLOYD AND HULKE protect themselves against spies, cattle driving in the West; and For the Girls Rul Estita Aguts as they are forced to use them. if they dont like the crossing, j We also can fill your wante in SILK HOSE. The Royal Rib—this is a fine one and one The cordiality is genuine enough. they can complain in letters to i The brands to choose from in this line are; mm*. ____ V. I., B. c. ribbed hose of good quality cotton ‘seamless’ The truth is, that but for trade the Times. ’’Holeproof,” “The Crown Brand" style, spliced heels and toes and comes in Good retideotlal lott lor lale At 8100 rivalry, and the suspicion attach­ •••■ and ” Radium.” ADd Qp, termi; aIio ImiioAia lota black only. Sizes 6 to 10 ACTBAge ADd tea IrootAxe. ing to the Bismarckian diplom­ Apparently, futurism is in-1 “Holeproof ” carries with it a three months' Croftoo U the termiooa of the Cow- acy, an understanding with Ger­ vading the world of fashion. Price, 25c to 40c guarantee and comes in black, white, tan. iehaa braoeh of the £. end N. Ky many would be the easiest thing Pictures of futurist cloaks arei gun metal, grey. pink, light and dark blue, with eptcDdid harboar aod to«-oaite. in the world to establish. There being given in the press, and for and sells for are no vital differences of opin­ the summer futurist parasols are The Princess Rib—This is a brand which is Three pairs for $3.00 ion between Germans and Eng­ to be quite the thing. A fashion too well known to require any further eulogy. lish. and the differences of taste writer declares that "with their i Colours are Tan, Black and White. Sizes 4 1-2 The Crown Brand is a high grade silk are small compared with those linen morning suits at the sea­ to 10 COMOX VALLEY hose and comes in black only in plain and between French and English. side some girls will like to carry Price, 2Sc to 35c VAMCOUVa ISLAND embroidered styles, ranging in price from Only that habit of clattering the Is the Valley of Opportnnitiea. The sunshades that are frankly and sabre keeps Germany and Eng­ S2.S0 to *3.50 per pair. oldest and best fanning setUement on openly grotesque, and such can land apart, and compels even the Island. It is the ideal place for be discovered made of futurist The “Utde Daisy ” and “Uttle King” are your own Dominion to divide in­ the mao who wishos to make the best silk and cretonne, quaint as to| two of Penman’s products. These are wool, The "Radium” Hose is a beautifully fin­ to two on the subject of Dread- of life and caltivate the soil. colour strange as to design.” I' of course, in the finer grade of Cashmere and ished hose of fine silk and comes in black, naughts. However, the King’s can quite believe this. Indeed most of mothers swear by them. “They are white and tan. Sizes 8!.-. 9, 9; ■ and 10. We have a aninber of Rre acre tracU ot visit is not political, so it is no lojrged-eir Undi, aone with beach front- the trouble at present is that made to fit—and fit to wear.” They come in The price is $1.00 per |>air. ace. all overlookioe the heaotifal Conos use speculating about ‘ententes’ most girls seem to like what Harlkoor, well abeltered; easy clearing, black and tan only. Sizes, 4 1-2 to 8 1-2 good aoU, In every way ■attahfe for fmU, of the future. At present most is frankly and openly gro- 1 ponltry and market gardeuiog. Main of the Berlin news is connected tesque—not only in sunshades, I Prices, 25c to 40c In Children’s Cotton Sox we have a full laland Highway mnt right tbroogh this and well assorted collection property and the C.l'.K. right of way « with the Princess’ trousseau,- but in every mortal thing they cleared at the hack of it. The price U which seems very complete, as is wear. To the mere man this is From 20c up. low utd the terma easy. the house-linen, always the first We bare alao a few other choice pieces distressful. He does not like to ; “Dr. Jaeger’s Pure Wool ” are also includ­ of tea aod river frontage at the right price. consideration in Germany —and see his daughter’s head squeezed ' ed in our stock to fit the bigger girls. Sizes, And in the ChUdren’s Silk Hose we have Write na at oooe for partienlan. probably very chic as well. A into a saucepan with a ragged; 6 1-2 to 9 the Crown Brand (same as the ladies) in Cambridge blue is said to be her feather for handle; he objects to|L Price, 50c, 60c and 70c black, white, pink and sky at 40c per pair. favourite colour; and the Kaiser seeing his sister with her skirt | Cameron & Allan has ’passed’ all her household pulled into a tight bunch round CoMi Villq SfeciilUs belonginiTS, including the bed­ one leg. And he is appalled by spread! the bills which a wife who wish­ Now for the Ladies COURTNEY, V.I., B.C. ■••• es to be frankly grotesque pre-: I A new musical comedy was Bents to him. Futurism is bad j Penman’s, of course, are second to none and produced at Daly ’s on Saturday enough in a picture gallery; a are made in a large variety of qualities; there Improved night, and promises to be a great man does not want to find it is their 1720 a fine quality Cotton Hose at success. It is called the ‘‘Mar­ confronting him on his own 35c or 3 pairs for $1.00, Black and Tan. Farm 5nap riage Market,’’and the story is hearth. 160 acres; with fire roomed boose; started in a Bret Harte California, -R. E. V. bam and aUbliog; lOchlcken houses; where, at a cow boy camp, there 1810 a heavier grade Black and Tan. 3 25 acres cleared, with a lot more an open air auction of wives. THE STEWART pairs for $1.00. alder land. Only $65 an acre; 1-3 An English lordling (Mr. G. P. caah, easy terms for balance. Huntley) is there and wishes to Marble and Granite buy as his wife an American 1175 and 2000 “Soisette” fine quality 120 acres, good soil, timber cruised WORKS 2 1-2 million feet close to Fraser heiress (Miss Sadi Patrass) who Silk Lisle, full fashioned, seamless, in Black, Mills headquarter town, Caoadian happens to be masquerading in We have a full line of Red' White. Tan. Sky and Pink. Sizes, 8 1-2, 9. Northern survey lino through pro­ the neighbourhood as a farmer’s Granite and Marble Monuments 9 1-2 and 10 perty; timber worth $1500 at least. daughter, but manages to marry and Crosses. At 50c a pair Canadian Collieries drill and road Miss Gertie Millar instead. Mr. adjoin this land. Only $40 an acre, All first-class Stock and Work­ 1-3 cash, 6, 12 and 18 months for Berry is the comic valet, manship. balance, 7 per cent For further and the plot thickens, and there particulars apply are many taking songs and beau­ Write for Catalogue and Price tiful dresses, and there you are. List

Hardy and Biscoe On Monday an excellent tragic- Cowichan Merchants, Ltd. Courtenay. comedy called Tone Clegg’ (from Samm & Cox iMgB hrt of locil propertiei. Manchester, where all the good 1401 May and Ebert Streets Duncan, B. C. Frae pimpUeL plays come from) was also pro- P.O. Box 1343 Victoria. B. C. THE COWICHAN LEADEh June 12. 1918.

nere and widenicK dangerous are at present, there are a large SoclelUt Cowicban Leader places. We do not think, how- number of children who have to ! ever, that the railway company go several miles each day to and A. 0. F. Herr Shalt she Press the People's nphl Leather & Be van I has done its part to encourage from school, which is not as it CMtl Upla. It. Sin Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agents Uaawril hy influence and nnhrihed 6y j piske more Safe the mOtor should be. MeaU tb« tint end third Tbondayi lo Undoubtedly the present school DUNCAN, V. I. ovary mootb lo the K. of P. HilL jfe‘re"palr,.,l Truth her Various traffic making USS of OUr roads. ViaitioK Brotliroo eordiftl'.y woleomed. Somenos is situated too far Branch Office at Weatholma. crpts ctraie. I Within the Cowicban district F. J. DhUOLVS, Chiof Kmogor. Ptedced to Ket,i,a..Uhert, and lets'. probably twenty level from the district in the immed- List your Property with us tsrithaut delay; it mill pay you. D. W. Bn.!., Seereury. i crossings which, at present, are neighbourhood of Somenos L 0. 0. F. PrinK.1 ....1 pui,u.hci .~ki, .1 Don- 1 left absolutely unprotected. Many Station to be convenient for Good 4 roomed Bungalow situated on one Lot on Maple cnn. n.c . by ihc Proprietors. these Crossings are highly children in that neighbourhood — Bay Townsite, close to wharf and beach. OtMM Lodp, It. 17 particularly is this so in the Moeta ©vory .Monday Evonlng in K. of 1*. Tiir. vOWiciUN i,F..\nER pR^nt- dgngeroua jt is impossible to Excellent water supply laid on. Hall, $t K:30. INC. AND PCBUSHINO CO.. DTD. and difficult to hear, the winter months. It is also true Purchase price, $2,000.00. Reasonable terms. \V. J. Cartley, Soi rolary i:. II. I.OKIN Johnston Bee, that there are large numbers of William Evasr, N. G. MaoAKii>»! Htlitor approach of a train. Monday's accident occurred at just such children in the neighbourhood of 20 acres, 4 cleared. Small house, bsrn, poultry K. OF P. OwiiiK lo the iiicrraM* in our wlrerli*- ! crossing — Only in thlS CESe the present school who live too houses for 100 birds. A modern Brooder and Incubator Mipli tadfi. lo. 15 I.R bn.mc» -e fin.i ih.t II .ill i j „uch moix serious far from Somenos Station to go house. n«vfury far us lo rMriVC cnlh with ; Maetinit ©vary S$tard$y ©raaiog la “copy ” h»f «*lverti«enicnt»" j owinj? tO the StecpneSS 01 the school there- every day. Purchase price, $2,100.00 cash. Ceatl© HaU. StAtioo Stre«t. VUitiof in future. The charise for iheBe i* hj|| over the CrOSSittg. Furthermore, there are quite a KoigliU coidieUy tovitad to ©ttaod. per wortl. No a.lvcrliiieiuriil »» taken i . __ number of children residing All lalormmtloa caa be else obtAlnefl ml our Westbolme ottice David Ford, C. C. for tew lliaii 25c. nn.l (our inHertionii are It IS time that the rail\ S> Joira N. Evans, K of K. & B. isivcn for 75c.. if Oicativeriiwmciit <^»vs | QQQjpsny W88 forced to provide nearer to Duncan and towards not run o«r« .or,K , protection Or ade- Weismiller’s who are too far Roilhm SUr, L 0. L even from the present school for A Rare Oiler—69 Acres Me©U ©vary aaeond and fooitb Tnasdny ' quate system of warning of the 3 »cre« cltwred. 4 »cn» Hniue, 3 ^oom^ water laid on; elope In orilrr lo rnsnrr iniwrlion in llie ... convenience. Again, on the North of Mcb mootb in tb© K. of P. UaU. cnrrrnt issnr. ch.ngrs far sun.iing ..!■, approach of a traia e do not and good bottom land; 2 gooil creelta, excellent fishing in one; 100 Maiting brotbrao emdUlly inriud. nnisrttirnts must be recrivr.1 by noon ; suggest that the Company should side of Somenos there is a dis­ yards from railway station. S6.300 on easy terms. J. .MtiTTISHAW, W.M. tance of about five miles between J. G. Somerville, 8©ey. ‘’“N^r.ul^r.o.nu n.s .nus, 1* in j be forced to keep a man at each A Pretty Home between the Lmken Westholme school and the pres­ 6 acres, all improved, bimkI iwiil; House, three rooms, large verandah; Tu.s.lny noon. condriiM-'l ..IvcrliMmcnls crossing. BS iS the CUStOm in barn; excellent water suiiply; fnmtago on good roatl three mil. s from F. 0. E. ent school. by Tuci.v nfirrii.K.n. England, although this is almost Uuncan. Price S21OO. Tb© Lodg© roeeta ©very aaeond and From these conditions it would necessary at crossings within the Larfie Lot, 140' i 60. larvct, in foartb Wedoeadmy in tb© K. of P. HtlL Fraaident, J.Mottlibnw, orioori Hmits ofacity. but we believe appear that there is need of grass and quite free from n»ek and FERGUSSggl BecreUry, Tbo©. E. Levy or Krnrrsl inlrrrsl are inrilcl. All | that Some System of automatic school nearer to Somenos station stumps. $425, on terms con,ninn.n.tions tnu.l t«r name an.l ^ installed than the present bunding, which MAPLE BAY a.Mrca. of sreitcr. not ncmsanly far. ... may be attended by children Summer house, 4 rooms; on large cor­ •RTl estate H. Y. Chin Hoan publication. No letter conuining ilia.1-1 at evtry cro.asing in the country, ner lot; close to sea: splendiil view over living between Tyee and Some­ ^INSURANCE Unhbinh cleartid Iona or oiirnsivc atatemcnis will w in-1 failing this, gates automstic- bay; well on lot. $850, easy terms. Wooil sold nos. and need of another schoo) ____ ally lowered when strain sp­ DUNCAN lAcd cleared about midway between the pres- Keonetb Street. Sulwcripllbn one .loll.r. livable in prOaclieS ______Fergusson & Boyd P.O.B4>sUS Phone 140 „lv.nce. j AS an instance where this is entKhool and the City limits. -'absolutely necessary we may cite Adequate school acommodation is a very necessary thing—par­ City Restaorant IT is with deep regret that we; the crossing at the Alderlea hotel SUNO HINO - Rroprimtor ticularly in a fast developing have to record the untimely . t'''® tity. 30c...... On© Meal country such as this and we have $5.S0 ...... Weakly Ticket (SI mealt) deathofMr.V.V. Murphy, who! We believe that there is no doubt but that whatever action S23...... Monthly Ticket (4 weaka) was killed while driving with | "atisfaetory system in use the school trustees may take will Captain Clifton in the latter’s some parts of the States by in the best interests of all Cbe Old Curiosity Shop motor car on Monday last. which the train automatically concerned. Duncan, B. C. Although Mr. .Murphy had 1 rings an electric bell when ap- Just in, any number of IH-ed in this district for only a'Droaching a crossing and shuts GUT S3 MTlIfni, ■sn|li| OkMln OLD CHINESE CURIOS MOTAtl* Furniture made to order. little more than a year, yet there it off as it passes over the cross were glad to hear the sub­ P.0.BO1S3 TiltphOMlOl was no man among us more ing- Such a system installed here Office: ject of the local telephone No- 3, Post ofnee Block R. Qrassie & £on generally liked, trusted and re- would save many accidente and service brought up at the last possibly some lives. General Blacksmiths spected than he. He was best meeting of the Council of the I^eal Estate Horseshoeing a Specialty. known among us as one of the Board of Trade. As we have said foremost ef cur local cricketers, Insurance and Sutton SI., iniNCAN. B. C. W/E ARE sorry to learn that before in these columns, it is Financial Ag'’^nts and there is no game in the Mr. R L. Pickering, local high time that Duncan was wtrld which brings out more manager of the B. C. Telephone brought up to date in telephone A. RALPH ASHBY strongly the finer and nobler Company Ltd., at Duncan F.SJ.. matters. From time to time the Architect and Engineer. characteristics of a man than leaving here on the 15th of this grievances of the people are ex ­ MONEY TO LOAN Offices in WhittomeA Block cricket Mr. Murphy was be­ month. Mr. Pickering, who has pressed, and the result is that ON FIRST MORTGAGE 9j DUNCAN. B. C. loved ameng his fellows on ac­ been in charge for the past three one of the courteous officials of count of those qualities which years, is going to Sidney where the company comes here to "talk WM. DOBSON were brought out in himbythe ,,g „jl, manager, things over. ’’ The matter gen­ PAINTER and PAPERHARCER SIGH WRITER game. He was moreover a good ; Pickering’s period of erally rests there and gets no sportsman and a gentleman, and Pbotxe tbS; Residence Pboise F91 management of the plant de­ further. For a time there may DVMMBsC. DUNCAN. B. C that same fine spirit which he partment of this exchange there be improvements, but before showed on the cricket field he have been great developments long things are in the same old ANDREW CHISHOLM carried into the everyday tasks and extensions in the telephone condition. Cooatle Work Contractor of life. service. We think we are safe One matter complained of at Coutrnctiuii of Septic Tanka The news of the terrible acci­ We are too busy and manafaetnre of foondation in saying that the business of the Board of Trade Council meet­ block© a ©pocialty. dent came as a great shock to the local office must have trebled ing was the out-of-dateness of waiting on our many DUNCAN, • • B. C. everyone and has cast a gloom during that time. the equipment supplied here. It customers to have time to write a monthly list, but have over the whole of Cowichan. As plant manager, Mr. Picker­ was pointed out that the rates just received from the printers’ hands our first catalogue, A. Murray The deepest sympathy is felt ing has always been found ready are by no means low, and should and will mail a copy to all our patrons. Lioiss ’ ADD Uiim’ Ulotbu for his relations in the Old and willing to attend to repairs be sufficient to enable the B. C. Should our mailing clerk overlook anyone, please drop us Country and particularly for his Qeaned. Pressed & Dyed and new installatiins and other Telephone Company to install a post card or phone 48 and receive one by return of mail. Next BAurtu Shop, DUNCAN brother Mf. J. F. Murphy to matters under his control as far the best equipment obuinable. We trust this will be of great use to all our patrons and whom he was greatly attached. as his equipment allowed, We understand that this mat­ it will be our earnest endeavour to improve this first effort marpy houuow harm believe that he has often been ter is to be taken up again by M. w. pr©a. handicapped by the impossibility the Board of Trade at an early in the near future. For amim 'J'HE terrible accident which we RegisUred Jersey© and of carrying out all the work in date and we trust they will not Yours for more business and better service, record elsewhere in this is­ Clamber Spaniela his department Many annoying sue is, we believe, the first fatal rest until there is a great im­ THE BAZETT, BELL CO. delays in the matter of repairs provement in the state of affairs. motor accident which has hap­ and installations have come TZOUHALEM HOTEL PRICE BROS., Propa pened in this district Consider­ our notice, but we are sura ing the large number of cars in DUNCANS STATION this, that the B. C. Telephone "Clifford Denham enjoys Try our Toasted Wheat Biscuits, at...... 16c pkt. Vaecoaver Island. the district and the many highly Company have no more hard the unique distinction of Boiled Ham, sliced to your order, at...... 40c Ib. Slagt Mreta Train sod Uarea far Ibt dangerous corners and crossings being the only Englishman Coviebao Lake Dailv. working servant in their employ in Canada who has made Real English Wiltshire Bacon, at...... 86c lb. on the roads, this speaks well than Mr. Pickering. We wish for the skill of the drivers. himself popular and who has Picnic Hams, at...... **>- QUAMICHAN HOTEL him every success in his new successfully overcome the J.J. BINDS. PrepBBre We are aware of the very great Ridgway ’s Whole Roast Coffee. Ground while you sphere of activity. prejudices of the average wait, at...... 40c lb. Headquarters lor Tourisla and increase in motor traffic which Canadian. ’’- Commercial Men. has taken place during the past Thus, a writerin "The Week. Pure Maple Sugar, per cake, 10c,...... 8 for 25c Bo«U for hire OD SomeDO© Lake. EsccL lent FUbiog aod Huoting. TbU Hotel year or two. This rapid increase 1 "pHE question of moving the Too bad about these Englishmen! Nice Sparkling Cyder, on draught,...... 2Sc hot. ia strictly 6r$t claM aod baa beco 4u«d has meant a huge amount of present school site at Somenos tbroagboBt with all motiero crwiv-olvm-e# W« have the only Eogliab Billiattf Table work on the roads on the Island, to another position, which has SomeOM. P. O. Boi 112 Plioii. ia Dnocan which, although safe enough for recently been much under dis­ DUNCAN, B. C.

ordinary horse-drawn vehicles, cussion, has served to bring to La A, S COLE THE BAZEn, BELL COMPANY Pbohx 31 P. 0. Box as were by no means safe for motor the attention of the public the All kinds heavy teaming, plow­ ing, etc. traffic. A great deal of useful whole question of the arrange­ GENERAL MERCHANTS Blackstock Bros, work has been done by the pro­ ment of the rural schools in this umi u4 stm stain Just below the Methodist Church JOHNT. BELL. vincial government and the Mun­ district. Somenos. Cewieban Lake Stage loare, Dnncan at PHONE 48 MANAGER 1230 on Mondev. Wadna«I.y SaUrdayj icipality of North Cowichan in Wo do not for a moment ques- Very handy for Somenos Brick- ratandng TaaiJay. Thuiwiaj. Sonday. straightening out awkward cor- tion the fact that located as they yard. June 12 191S. THE COWICHAN LEADER

Capiiiiii ami ,\Jr« tLnrr.nrd—SilvtrI>'Hi \\r c* l v l •>-»‘li.hev ^ C. W. SILLHN lE Marriage .Mr. atul Mr«. CMriteltl—lira-- gong. .Mr and Mrj. Wallick—H^a^^ jardiniere PhotoKraplier .Mr. and Mr«. Kiiigscutv—Bra*'* v:i*e* P. O. Hog 4a lo,. , 1.,vr. „ • PbuiM Ho j Quamichan Lake Barton-May I>r. anti Mr<, RoNton —Therniu* l»««tfle. Mr. \V l’aTer-..n—Thermo- hottle. The Gowichao Lake •Mr. and Mr-. \V. I’aterr-tui—Clialing School Lack of space prevented us di'h. Mr. T. Bu*i- —M.trinalaile jar. Private lioarding and Day publistiing a full list of the wed­ TV \V. .Ahrah.Tin—Rose howl. ding presents of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mr-. Itiankviihacli —Sih t-r School for IJoys. sail-. W. S. Barton in our last issue. Mr. C. Ilolmet—Be.niitifitl nak tray. The list is appended: Rev. anti Mr-. Coiiml—Painting...... in KvnminMi'tn lur Nitvnl l.‘ailrl-

The Ft»rre-t B«»y—Ca-e of .-ilver pel* .Mrv Powell—Silver vase. •—r ami -all-. .Mr. Uonihby —itras5 travelling clock. .MS-. LV. Forre-1—Cut gla-t« ro>te howl. Summer Term Commences From the Duncan Garage Mrs. T. Plii|i|)t—Carvetl tray. Mr. ami Mr<. llmlge—Silver frame, Mrs. Reid—Silver sugar Itmgs. .Mr. ami Mi-s May —llatidM>me tnarhle runs cli K'k. Monday, April Tilt Mr. Shaw—Silver traj’. Mr. ami Mr<. Fall an-l Mr-. H. Ceiwge .Mr. and Mr%. Heaven—Silver fr.imc. — Ilaml-t»me carvul talde. Pur t. :rli.-n!.,p. aj*|.|y to P. T. Capt. and Mrs. Lock—Set «if apo-ile Mr. anti Mr-. J. Bi>|-ier—Iri-h limn M.iiih.nire. |l|||..•.||| r. O. EVERY DAY hpotms in cai-e. liamRerchitf-. di-- Bol-ler— i land einhroialered linen as follows: Mrs. and Mi^H Rhndc>—Cut glaist. jug. Mrt. and Mi— Bol-ler—Silver lea -el. l*OWrRA|TS .1. \|. 1,1. lie*, \ Ranch Ki-.'titk-iicc LEAVE DUNCAN Ponltiy Stotk CAMPBELL&BR0WN J!lc , tU\ Contractors For Cdwichan Lake, 11.45 a.m. and Builders Jttst Arrived! K'tilli;ite-> riinii-lie-ei Mil LEAVE COWICHAN LAKE nil kind- eef leuileJilig A Carload of Democrats iiml :ilti-nitioii-. For Duncan ■ - 2.30 p.m. SaJl-f;ictioii gua l iUi- and Buggies I.....I. Diiieruit stylv-; .'iinl st/is. Cimrgi-s re.*i<<..ii:il4i*. in ncvil m .t riv; c.ii; t n Single Fare, - $3.00 Plan- nml •|H-eini*:i* R. H. Whidden. lion- funii-he-el, Return Fare $5.00 ■ »ho:« 34. . Dgnu.1. B. C. Cairnsmore St. Bakery HOffiE^MADS riREAD and A supplementary atege will run when requited, VONFEGTIOMfMY W. M. SQUIRE leaving Duncan at 6.0 p. m. and returning from PasiryA Cakes made toordor Wadding and CirthUay Cakos Queiclclien Like Cowichan Lake at 7.45 a. m. on following day. Toa Oakes, Etc, (omkIs-lli|*|M il In ;.I1\ ,.f All kintli! of Ti;.\.\II.\(: N. Haituiiy, or .l.-lii. : .d «jt|iiri II.AULI.VC. i;ti„ riulius of Diiman. The Ladies of St. Peter’s Church Sewing Circle Mmlirati: will hold their Annual Sale of work and Strawberry C. POTTS, Prenriotor, Fete in the Rectory Grounds, on Rotil Diliw) Ttl. 134 CITY PAKERY Thursday, June 26th II. Pl.A.skt l r. Prorti. Irr There will be a good programe of Sports and Amusements. Prizes will be given for the best babies under 12 months. Bakers and Confectioners Teaming Contracts Articles of plain and fancy work, bric-a-brac, etc., llotiio .Mildc |'>:<-;tii gratefully received. MIL A.M) MILS. W. 8. II.AKTON Pa-lry ami CakcH iiutdi- t-> orii-r Hauling Tea and Refreshments will be provided by SL Andrew's W.sidiiig and IMiilidav Clearing Guild, Cowichan Station, for the benefit of their Church. •Mr Wynitc-Kyion —Ron-Imn di-h. .Mrs. Mar.N’iilly—Silver frame. L'akos. •Mr. .nnd Mrs. K. Price—Cm ghi-Hing. .Mi— W. CainjiluH—'I’alde ceiilre. Heavy Freighting •Mrs. Natlt.inicl Shaw—Bra-* kettle. .Mr. and Mr>. Fox —Silver puddiiiu di-h. store in Masonic Block, FR0H1 STREET mMi'S R. .Maclurc—Silver cake stand. reams /or Hire. .Mr. and Mr». William-—Linen table ({o.Mi- s|ii|i|Hii- |.rotii|dli COWICM AIN BAY •Mr. A. Mellin—Embroidered tray cloth. to any pojIHpoint ..II< 1C, ,v J‘|.i ' Seventh Annual cloth. .Mr. and .Mrs. Knocker—Embroidered JOHN EVANS, Jr. Mr.and Mrs.Cole—Embroidered <|tiill. cti-hnm. Captain and Mrs. and .Mi-s Touker— Mr. and Mrs. Lugnii, Miss Lugriii— DUNCAN, B. C' Scent hutile. Harry C. Evans Candle-licks. Mr. and Mr-. 1| .T«ioker—Sugar tong-. .Mr. and .Mrs, llilt The Forrest Boys —Silver cruet. Culls at Duiicmi twice* a v< :ir. ;:ivf*(i hir liasti'r aii«i I uork No. I io.y. Columbia River SaO BoaU ...... iJoia Jj oo Mr. nnd .Mr.-. Crompton— Silver coffee .M-. Youlc—Hand-pinted fruit b<*wl. set. Leave onlf'rM ut Wlii:tnk<-r .v .I..m- 10,45 Loor DIMnee j^ing Race ...... Cup FieldGluac. •Mr. Barton (England)—Cheque. Mr. A. Dtiuoin—Silver card -land. I'ndcr nilm of Buscomc Cop niliog nic«s 5U.OO 35.00 or write* P. O. Be.v 1:5.-, :. N i.-i.,,,.,. Miss Hickey—Silk tabic cover. Mr. John Swan-ton —Bra— kvillv. ofR.V. Y. C. Rev. and Mr-. Chri-iina—Hair orna Dinghy Sailing Race Mr. and Mrs. H. W. May (Bride's par­ mem. For challenge cup, vAlue $35 00, pmented ents)—Handsome canteen of silver. Mt-- Slilwell—Table centre. hy J. H. Slilwell. Held by Col. Uyord. Mi-s Evelyn May (bride’s sister)— Mrs. Cnppage—'I'ahle napkin ring-. Sailing Dinghy Race Pearl and amethyst car-rings. Mr. ami .Mr-. C Sct*ti Whiting—Silvei fern pot. .Miss E. May— Cold caff links. and Mrs. Ro|-ion —Cream aniJ Finish of Motor Beet Race, Oak Bay to Master T. May —Brass clock nnd snit sugar. Cowichan Bay case. •Mi— Rol-ton —Card ea-c. For challetige cup. .Miss Francis Dutton—Silver scent Mr. B. Rol-ion —Indian table cloth. Is much cheaper than shingles— IMS Men’s Race In ten foot Dinghies...... Cup $10.0 .Mr. and .Mrs. J. K. May —Haml-unie Is now on Sale at Mrs. 500 buttle. -dver vases. 11.30 bi tter than iron— Men’s Double Paddle Canoe Race...... 5.00 Mrs. Elkiiigton—Silver scent IkiuIc. Mr. and .Mrs. Law—Silver catnlle- Fur cup ]>rrM‘iited hy Cowichao Merchaota. more durable than tin-~ Canon nnd Mrs. Leakey —2 volumes slirks. Smith’ Tea Rooms. Motor Speed Boat (Amaicur or Profes- of Tenny-on. Com'tnander and Mrs. Hose—Ame- fjperior in every way Mon.Tl)...... Cup|35.oo ihy-l brooch. [Cowichan Merchants P.lock I to all other brands of roofing. F'ot challenge cup. value $35.00. Miss MacDonald —Silver bread fork. Mr. and Mr-. Barton —Hon-c and lot Men’s Double Sculls (Udy C'oatwain) ..... Mr. and .Mrs. Dry—Salad bowl. Mr. and .Mr-. F. 1-. Ho-e—Silver Why? Crew uiust >« l>oim-fide reiildeiits of a dis­ Mrs. Blizzard—I’incushion dre—ing ea-e. trict. For clialletige cup, value $50 Holder Mr. and Mr.*. Hurd—Brass bridge Mr. Slater-ICntrco dt-h. Because It is the oricinal roofing T. A \Voor twenty-eight years — 1.50 Ten Oar Cutter Race...... 3.00 per man 'Villeit—Char»ng di-h. tray. Mr.s. .and Mi-s MaeDonahl —Cm gla-- To build a house for 3.00 The Paraffine Paint Co. Indian Single Paddle Canoe ...... 4 00 3.00 Mr. and Mrs. Wolfenden—Tablecloth. dish. a.is •Motor Boat Race for Amateurs...... Mr. and Mrs. Stepney—Hand-painted Dr. ami Mrs. Price-Iri-h linen. of San Francisco For cbalieuge cup. Held hy T. Kingscoie. Mr. G. F. Walker on Qua­ bowl. Mr. nnd Mr-. V. Price—Plate. and Chicago Heights. »3 3 30 S 0«r Whaler Kue ...... 18.00 C. and V. Price—Picture. Misses Stepney—Hand-painlc5 indhm Boy Single Peddle Cmo«... 4.00 3.00 satisfaction —and docs, i6 ter dish. Mr. and Mr-. Barclay —Linen. 3.15 Indbo Double Peddle Coao...... 3.50 .Mr. and Mrs. N’cel—Carved spoons. Mr. and Mr-. .-Vverill—Silver fern pot. no matter where it is ‘7 3'30 IndUn UpKt Conoe ...... Mr. and Mr-. Phillips—Silver va-e. Plans and Specifications may Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons—Silver cream u.scd. |8 3.45 Lo* Rolllnr Contest ...... Mrs. Slcw.Tit—Silver mi.-iard p«ii. be seen at J. H. WHITTOME jug. «9 4.UU dressy Pole ...... Master nnd Mi—cs Stewart—Serviette .Mrs. Reid—Sugar tongs. rings. & CO’S office. 30 4 15 Mop Hght...... 10.00 .Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Norie—Bowl. Mr. anil Mrs. Klkingi(»n—Silver seem Cowichan Merchants •By profeionn. i, iiiraiit on. who r.n» his liiHfig with motor bo.M or plic. for bottle. hire, or who ineognycd su Uie muior boat bnsiness. Mr. and Mrs. Toiiper—Silver vase. l)U.\<;.A.\. H. C. Mrs. Fremento—Italian china coffee AH Tenders to be in by H. W. MAY, Secreteiy Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell—Glass .set. flower basket. Misses Fremento—Cm gla-s v.asr. Rales Miss M. Fremento—Cm ida-s howl. Entrance fee for motor and Miling boats. $1.00. Major and Mrs. Moss—Silver va«e. All other events, except Indian, Mrs. .Averill—Sewing hag. June the 15th, 1913 Freight and Stage 50 cents per hesul. exclusive of coxswain. .Mr. and Mrs. Kenninglon-Butter Mrs. H. Holmes—Silver fern poi. Hniries to l»e in the hand* of the SecreUry on or Iwfore the sUrt of previous race. dish. Mrs. Marl.can—Cheque. On payment of entrance fre a lirket will lie givcu by the ScereUry which haa to Mr. and Mrs. Emery—Cut glasi di-h. Mr. and Mrs. Rnh-on, .Mi-- R«*hson— The lowest tender not neces­ Stahles! be ltande____ I \t. sion r-ilo on application. Leave Lane: No Ikmu to rxcee*l l« ft. O. A. and 5 ft. 6 lu. beam. No movable ballast Archbi-hop of Rupert's L;ind and Mr>. sticks. a!!oweil. To be sailed by two men only. Matherson —Guest book. Dr. an«l Mr*. Tomalin —Cheque. NOW OPEN Duncan at 11 a. m.. TUURS- Mr. A. Kingseote and A. Williams- Mr. and Mrs. Harv'ev and family — Dinghv sailing race : Any open boat under 16 ft O. A nsed as a rowing teiling Silver vase. n.AY and S.\TURDAY. or nlea-urc Ixmi ; amateur crew of two, including the owner; centre board allowed Tea set. for thi* l{i*C4*j'li*»n Mrs, .Alexander —Beautiful cut glass Mr and Mrs. Drake—Bmier di-h. and liallast which must remain immovable during the rare. of Boai'ilrr-. Book orders with Boyd & Fur- va-e. - Mr Hill—Painting. The committee reserve themselves the right to refuse entry of any boat thattb^y Mr. and Mrs. Gibson—Entree dish. gUF.son, Sutton Block or to F. C. consider uuqunlifietl to race. Mr. Carey —jardiniere. Misses Gibson—Table cloth. Mrs. Slcven-on —Jardiniere. S. M. DIQHTOIN Holmes. Dunc.in. PboueMqi THE COWICHAN LEADER June 12, 1013.

Poultry Notes CORRESPONDENCE ( The followinft arc the results M. M. SMITH of the CKK-lnyinK contest now in As the result of an unfortunate progress on the Exhibition error in our last issue we have received the following epistle Water is Grounds, and show the total H number of epps laid from Dec­ from the keeper of our local zoo. ember 2nd. 1912, to June 2nd last The phrase to which our corres­ A Saturday Specials Mr. E. Soole ’s pen from Cowi- pondent draws attention should chan, heads the lipht-weiphts, have read "milk yield” 1317 lbs. instead of “butter yield.” Cheap R followed closely by another pen JUNE 14th from the same place owned by To the Editor, Messrs. Norie Brothers, and Cowichan Leader, So why not water your D SCREEN DOORS within forty epps of them comes Dear Sir,—Apropos of your re­ lli'irular $1.50; special. - $1.20 W the loadinp pens of heavy- ference in last week’s issue of g2urden ;1.00; •• • 2.45 weiphts, the Bull Orpinptons of the Leader to the Ayrshire cow 3.75: - 3.00 A Mr. C. E. Robbins, of Chilliwack that was instrumental in the phe­ CAMP STOVES wlio still continue their rccord- nomenal manufacture of 1317 IVe can supply R UiTMilar $(>..50: " - $5.00 makinp career. pounds of tuber In one monlA, it THE HOSE S.50: •• - 7.50 Class 1, Non-Weipht Varieties, may interest you to hear of some SPRINKLERS further instances of precocity E WHEELBARROWS Six Birds to a Pen. NOZZLES amongst domestic animals V OR WHATEVER YOU REQUIRE U.nilar $:’...50: " - $2.05 Pen Owner and Breed Epps In this connection I might cite 4..VC •• - as5 1 0. P. Stamcr, Cowichan, the case of my little wire haired Hose—50 ft. lengths, complete, $5.50 Anconas ...... 628 guinea pig Elizabeth, who, when extra quality. 6.60 WASHING WRINGERS 2 V. Clcevcs, Hapan P. 0. mated to a lop eared Andulasian 7.50 MACHINES Royal Canadian Saanichton, White Leg­ cuckoo nam^ Waiter, laid no “ " Cotton, 9.00 Ui'K. $12..50: special $0.95 l!e«. $-1.50; special $3.15 horns ...... 681 less than thirteen eggs in one •• “ Multipod, 3 R. W. Russell. P. 0. Box week. Lawn Sprinklera, from 25c, up 430, Nanaimo, White Lep- From habits learned from her homs...... 615 irate this intelligent little animal 4 Unsworth, Sardis. White deposited her rggs in the nest of REMEMBER: Lephoms...... 615 a very fine Tamworth mare, who We keep a full stock of seasonable and staple Per Pair 5 E. A. Orr. Chilliwack, W. indue course hatched out the HARDWARE Lephoms...... 514 entire clutch, and could be seen 6 V. H. Wilson, Koksilah. $2.00 at any time leading out her little All sizes Screen Doors and Windows now in stock White Lephoms...... 609 b.'ood of guinea cuckoo pigs with 7 J. Emery. Sidney. B. C., pardonable inatemal pride. White Lephoms...... 603 Voura faithfully, 8 W. Senkbeil. Britcola B. a M. Umb. O. , Black Minorcas . 297 9 F. Preston. 1557 11th Av­ The Bazett, Bell Co. enue, East Vancouver. To the Editor, Phone 48 Duncan Anconas ...... 494 The Cowichan Leader 10 H. Nicholson, Turpoose Su»rar ami Cream Sets, as illustrated. Cr.vstal Glass on Fir.—May I through your col­ P. 0., Saanichton, White umns throw out a suggestion to which a pretty pattern is worked in silver. Come and pet Lephoms...... 606 the Municipal Council of North McADAM MORUEY one before they are all pone. 11 C. N. Borton. Summer- Cowichan? ACCOUNTANTS, INSI^RANCK AND COLLKCTION AGENTS land. White Uphoms...... 406 Tel»h—t Nu. 177 P<»NTOFFICE BLOCK P. O. Bus N*. 223 It seems so ehmentary that, 12 A. H. Anderson, Laity DuuMa. B. C. but for a recent incident, I should Cut Glass Sugar and Cream Sets Road, Port Hammond, S. ttaar«Mntina-aun Lite a«*ursnc« Co.. Atiat Ora Agsuranca O0 . I not have thought it necessary — OuarsfiUa anU Acd««n< Oo.. Mutual Uf* A««uraaea Oe., Hudw Hamburps...... 572 Say Fir* tneuranc* Oempanf. Of these we have a very larpc stock and variety of p.atterns it is as follows: 13 Mrs. Cross. 2138. Belmont in clear crystal plass, iK-autifully cut. That in matters of importance Avenue, Victoria, White to the interests of the public, Prices per pair $3.00 to $12.50. Lephoms...... 639 such as gszetting or cancelling 14 A. Easton, Duncan, B. C. public roads, etc., such proposals M. W. THOMPSTONE Write or call on us for Wcddinp Gifts of every description White Lephoms...... 660 should be published in your col­ Ptoloinpter. Diicai, B. C. in Sterlinp Silver. Silver Plate, Cut Glass, 15 Norie Bros., Cowichan. umns as well as merely comply ­ All kinds of Photographic Work execnied in the best manner White Lephoms...... 728 l)e|)o.sart, etc. ing with the legal requirements 16 J. Amsden, Box 1. Deer- to do so in the B. C. Gazette. holme, P. 0.. White Lep- The last named is merely the homs...... 703 proper legal record of such acta 17 E. Soole, Cowichan, W. and little read by the general H. N. CiLiAGUE Redfem & Son Lephoms...... 737 The diamond Spcdatals public. The Water Act recog­ llrilUh Colombia Laad Sureyor and CivU Eagiaeai 18 Seymour Greene, Duncan, nizes this obvious principle that B. C.. White Lephoms. . .696 Laml, Mina ant Timber Snrreya, ete. 121M213 Douglas St. Victoria, B. C Established 1862 reasonable opportunity should be i-booe 127 DL’NCAN, B. C. 19 J. E. Baines, Saanichton, given those concerned of know­ White Lephoms...... 503 ing what is contemplated. In 20 J.Allen, Box 48, Ft. Lanp the items of council business fre­ ley. Buff Lephoms...... 631 PLANT quently published by you, we GEORGE T. MICHELL E. &N. Rattway Co. Class 2, Weight Varlbties Htirdy Perennial Ploweriny; hear that accounts of certain va­ GENERAL MERCHANT 21 R. Wilson, Lanpley Prai­ lue were passed, etc., which con­ Lands For Sale vey nothing — such items as I Hardware a Specialty. PLANTS rie, Barred Recks...... 422 A?ricultnra1. Tlmlver, and Sub have mentioned above would be A IVrriiniti) (innli-it n linnlrn uf iVn^iminl ]>|pni>nrr<. TIia 22 L. F. Solly. Wcstholme, nrlmn Lands for sale. For prices will romr nji niivery year. 1 willoriid White Wyandottes ...... 552 more profitable, Phone X«8 and locatiun apply to the Land ill *Jii vanptiw (mv fur Sain|i|n diMru. 91.0U. 23 A. C. Lovekin, Glengarry G. E. Barnes. Major. Agent at Victoria, Se*od fur lUt. Mount Sicker S/tf/og Gartfeos. Wenihulme, Farm, Metchosin. Barred COWICHAN STN. V. I.. IJ. V.. Town Lota, and Cleared Snbnr- Rocks...... 451 “TORPEDO” Sole Agent for E. G. Prior & Co ban Acreage for sate at Ladysmith. O. P. TAUTZ = Proprietor 24 0. F. Henning, Mead, [Imported Clydesdale Stod] Agricnliural Implemenu. Apply Land Agent, Victoria, and Nebraska, Black Orpinp­ Townsite Agent. Ladysmith. tons...... 464 P. SAXTOIN WHITE 25 Joseph Arnould. Sardis. Canadian Pedigree FISH! Clinrlwuocl l^oultry l-nrrrip iSomunocip V* !• White Wyandottes ...... 514 4104 • 11217 l! P. O. Addrett-^Duncam B. C 26 J. Wood, 1135, Caledonia Stand at Peml)crton Farm. Cowi* Try the Fish Market, next door to Sutton’s Seeds! cliao. Avenue, Victoria, Buff Murchie & Duncan’s for all kinds From Reading, England. I'RUU RAINQU Orpingtons...... 351 Fees > $20.00 mit 27 Dean Bros., Keatings, of fresh and cured fish. Why pat- Seedsmen to His Majesty the King. S. C. W hite L,es:horns White Wyandottes ...... 490 nmize Chinamen when there are IlMrltiit;; I'i';.'*. l*J»y uM nri«’k«, S«|lv-T«iiranl yoirUnj: lipiia, 28 W. Millar-Higgs. Sooke white men in the busines? A, J. WOODWARD inatrti tu rorkrivlft. TUeiie lirvsdera were rart'fnlly mI- L W. DOWD Wa. near Victoria. White SOLE AGENTS rrtwl fur vitiuri: and I»y ti:ht atwl re|>rMral l>Qt ••NK-Tiiii;ii uf last Contractor for all kinds of Cement Cor. Game...... 349 S12 Granv’ille SU, Vaticna%'er. y»**p'« >T,»M K. for tifteen: $lii |«r uii« liumiroil. D.VV and Concrete Work Win. J. Wrigglesworth, Prop. 615 Port SL, Victoria. 0|.i> PincKH. lit atiy nomIser D|> to •Vhi i>y airanc«m«al. m"U 29 J. J. Dougan, Cobble Hill DUNCAN, a. C. >38 Catalogue on application. iu22 S. C. Pweds...... 439 30 F. North, Sidney, Colour ­ Salt Spring Island ed Wyandottes ...... 480 Chemainus Motor Boat & Olenora Poultry Parm 31 G. Adams, Box 840. Vic­ J. B. GREEN SEA FRONTAGE .'IJ iMileH fn*m Ouncait toria, White Wyandottes.,535 Car Repair Works S|>rriali7in>r in .'4 C. While H-vhoTna for nnr pnaiiiriiun. lAtrat mrlhairie of lirmlinr m ACREAGE mlvu-utisl l» >pi.r ii’oMTiiim nt i xiH-nno nul i>ill« «{t» i»»ui •^•t^on■. FoiirHUdon »to« U of 32 C. W. Robbins. Chilli­ B. C. UND •ouiul viiroroiia hinis liouMti in nmall lldt-ka on free rantft-. Tm|> m-nln m umU «t M«ina Englniin ud Miohlititi exi>crim«-nuil autlon. wack, Buff Orpingtons.....693 IMPROVED FARMS Breeding Stock for sale this Mon(A; SURVEYOR Waterworki and UgbUoK PlanU Initalled Y.«rlinK llrn*...... tA.on rnrh 33 Ferd. Matthews, Kani' All kiadi of mediaoieal repairs under* Two-ymr-oM lime...... II.'ii Ci.m mch loops. Barred Rocks...... 514 Fur particnlari apply to taken from clocks to iraetiuu eogioM. ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET FREE ON APPLICA TION Laonebea aod Boat* fur biro and sale. 34 O. B. Ormond, R. D. 3. P.O.H... J. AMSDEIN De«b.l». OiliccM in Dancan and Vi-^oria. Victoria, R. C. Reds...... 338 Charles Curtis R. B. HALHED & SON P. O. Box IZI T.lipboD. No. IS 35 H. E. Waby, Enderby, Tulepliune 104, Duncan 164a Salt Spring Idaod Barred Rocks...... 544 CHEMAINUS. a. C. HALE, THORNTON & AMSDEN 36 Dr. W. H. Medd. Mount Tolmie, Black Orpingtons2S4 The GARDEN White Wyandottes All kioda of light uxl huvy AUCTIONEERS 37 Mrs. E. McC. Motley, HAULINQ Box 234, DUNCAN, B. C. Kamloops, S. C. Reds...... 529 For Sale PLOWING 38 W. H. Van Arum, 2390 RIPE LAVENDER Order Your Settings tor the com­ Cadboro Bay Road. Vic­ ing season NOW ond sure SCRAPING ( also dlsoppointment toria, White Orpingtons...341 PERENNIALS Etc., etc. E. HOBDAY. F.R.H.S. 39 A. E. Smith. Maywood, Orden are alio tsken for pallets to be Stove Wood for sale. LANOSCAPI-: ARCHITECT AND GARDEN DESIGNER P. 0.. Victoria, S. C. BULBS IN SEASON delivered ia Keptember. Apply Eatatcl .rtiitieGly laid oot in town or runutry. Huff of Skilled Genloier.. Reds...... 659 Postal Address— tor iMuticalon to 40 S. D. Evans, Box 201, MRS. F. LEATHER, Phone I73S UKirei—<13 4M Jonea llaildlns, Fort Street. Mere Side, Duncan, P. LUSCOMBE W. H. Kinney P. O. Bo. I5PI VICTORIA. B. C. Penticton, White Orping­ tons...... 419 Vanconver Island The Cedsn. Covieban Bay. Telephone 152 Duncan, B. C. June 12. 1913. THE COWICHAN LEADER

chance of loss in timothy by Ailsa Craig Motors Market Letter weather conditions Phone 64 P. 0. Box 93 He also found it advisable to These Motors are English plow the clover under every sec- i June 7th. 1913. make and embrace all the ond, third or fourth year. He did H. W. DICKIE latest improvementa. The price of potatoes was a.i not find any difflcutly in dispos-i DllMCAN, B. C. N vanced this week on account Spare parts stocked. ing of his crop. He sold 265 tons ; the government inspectors con­ this past season, and w'ithin the For prices and full particu­ S demning a lot of white potatoes past two or three weeks could Two Cheap Homes lars apply the agents from California because they have sold another 15 carloads if he New 4 Koiim Budi'aImw with nil modern con%‘cniciices were afflicted with “Phtharimea Crofton Motor Boat and Repair Works had had it to sell. He found that oa Lot 60 X 150. Price. #1785 termi U Opercella Zella.” commonly the great thing in successfully known as the potato borer. handling a crop of hay was to l New 4 n*om Hou-e .m Ln 60 x 100, There are still some wintered evolve a system such as he was ! I'rice, #750, enw terran R potatoes in good condition, but using whereby the hay could be other potatoes are scarce. Sraw- put into the baler right from the berries f-om White Salmon and cocks. 1 1-4 Acres A Hood River have been arriving The Agricultural Commission Wiih5in>all Houaocnu. price, #600; e*«*T terms isHBy & wmiMis complain of the prices asked for ful information. The particulars ; N

this fruit, as their plentifulness given by Mr. Hassard are well Boatbuilders and Two Lots under ordinary circumstances worth consideration at this time 80 X 225 each; 10 liiiuutcit walk from lluncao Post C should mean a cut in price. Some of year. But the average wit­ Price, #375 each—termn Designers were sold at a cut of fifty cents a ness eeems convinced of one crate, but generally the whole­ thing and that is that the prob­ E MAPLE BAY, salers are insisting on getting lem of getting money is most vi­ the $5.50 a crate fixed by the aa- tal and is at the root of the pros Specialties: sociation in Washington that is perity or otherwise of agricul­ Tenders for launches designed especially for shipping the berries. Cherries ture in . GOUP LINKS towing. are scarce on account of rains in Much has been said on this SUBDIVISION AT QUALICUM Also sailing dinghies. California, but pricea are not al­ subject in these columns. It is tered. Valencia oranges are difficult to evolve a proper sys­ With two miles of magnificent sandy beach, golf links, All boats built on the premises, copper fastened looking well and have advanced tem perhaps owing to the condi­ station and store on property, first class hotel being built. and best materials used throughout slightly in price. Apples have tions of the country, but it is sat­ Good fishing and shooting. Acreage or large lots. also changed. Cucumbers are a isfactory that there is plenty of little easier and asparagus is de­ material on which to build, and For full particulars apply cidedly cheaper. Other green the experience of other countries vegetables remain about the is well worth consideration. same. Hams and eggs have both The following are the latest HICKEY & THWAITES advanced in price. prices on the Vancouver Market; PARKSVIUL.E, B. C, R* B* Anderson & Son The Agricultural Commission Fresh Vegetables—Cauliflower has been silting at Enderby in dozen, $1.75: cucumbers, 1.50; Sanitary Plumbers the Okanagan. One of the first tomatoes, fancy Flor. per crate witnesses was the acting $7.50; head lettuce, doz.. 75c; mayor. Mr. Worthington. He parsley. 40c: radishes, 30 cents; COMOX DISTRICT Fairbanks - Morse Engines and Pumps pointed out the advantages of mint per doz. 4Pc; green onions, the district for diversified farm per doz. 35c; sweet potatoes per Lorain Ranges ing. and recited the difficulties lb. 4c; Brussels sprouts, per lb. that had been encountered 11c; squash and pumpkin per Ib. For reliable information re choice farm through faulty marketing agen­ 3)c: local rhubarb per lb. 3c; and other lands, and water and river cies and lack of co-operation. He celery per doz. 70; egg plant, frontage in this district, write to the Phone 59 or 128 for Quiok Repairs. mentioned that there was need per plant 15c green corn. 25c per Our Car is at your Service. of assistance to the small fanner dozen; peppers large boxes, oldest established real estate firm. in the matter of clearing land. He $2.00; small boxes 90c; potatoes declared that it was absolutely selected Okanagan white, $18.00; impossible for the small fanner Highland $16.00; locals $14.00; Agents for E. & N. Railway Lands, F. O. BOX 3 TIXEPBONE la to get any assistance from the Ashcroft ex. selected, $12.00; Comoz Diitrict McKay & Truesdale banks or the loan comcanies. onions, Spanish, half crates, PLUMBIINQ while the rate charged on private $2.50; California, Australian loans is ten per cent he be brown, per sack $1.60; pars­ HeatlriK and Tinamlthlns Sole Agents for Station Subdivision on Estimates Wrea Dunssan, B. C. lieved money should be only loan­ nips. scarce, per sack $1.25; gar­ ed to the settler desiring to clear lic. scarce, per Ib. 12>4c; cab­ E. & N. Railway at his land and advanced for a cer­ bage. local, per Ib. IJjc; carrots Courtenay, B.C tain specific purpose and not as a and turnips. 85 cente, beets, new PLIMLEY’S »•« blanket loan to cover various im­ per sack $1; lettuce, local, per Have You Seen provements. crate $1.00. Mr. Little, the next witness, Smoked Meata—Hams. Med. Plimley’s Ajax brand, 22;ic; large, 20-25 Special declared that the greatest need was ready money and a long 20c; boiled, 29c; boned. 221c, BEADNELL & CALLIN Cycle Offer? term lease and not cheap money. picnics, 14>ic; bacon, Med. Ajax If ihe rojul fiat not The three year loan policy in brand, 23c; long rolls, green, 24; Comox and Courtenay, V. I., B. C. brought you Plimley's vogue is useleaa to the average Peameal backs 27c; Ajax hams •peciil cycle offer and and bacon, glazed lljcperlb. ex. the mtureatiug prixe settler on unimproved wild land. ptuxle coDipetitiuo, wad He must have time to protflice Fish—Haddiea, 9c; salt mackrel a poet card and receive the commodity that will sell to bbla, $14.00; salt herrings, bbis. FARM LAND your copy. pay for interest let alone the 5.00; kippers, 20s, 9c; halibut, ______ROLAND A, THORPE. Agent principaL The first marketable per Ib. 18e; salmon, kippered, We have 160 acre tract at Errington with about 50 crop from cleared land is the boxea 14c; codfish, two-pound acres of the finest bottom land on it that can be

THOS. PUIMUEY thiH year. He said that the boxes, per pound. 13c; lob­ cleared in a few weeks or can be used as it is for 7A9 YiATBS ST., VICTORIA. B. C. sters, frozen, dozA 25c; fil­ question of organized marketing grazing purposes. Balance of property is com­ was slready sdjusting itself lets. 1154c.. posed of small swamps and bench land. Two through the Central Selling / g- lard—Wild Rose. 3s, 6s, lOs, ency. He called attention to the 15c; 20a, 14}c; 50a and 80a, 1454 sides of property are well fenced. OPERA HOUSE Rose Leaf, 3s. 5a, 10a, 14c; Price $00 per acre. want of a telephone system. He 20s, 13ic; 50s and 80s, 13ic; Lard DUNCAIN, - B. C. believed many of the problems substitute, 3s, 5s and 10a, lllfc; Terms: — 54 cash, balance in 1. 2 and 3 years. would adjust themselves if the 20a. 1154c; 50s and 80a, llHc; farmers would co-operate and if Tierce. 11; Shamrock, pure firm long term loans were provided 3s, 141; 5a. 145-8; 10a. 1554 c. 20s 14 7-8c; 60a. 15c; 80s. 1554c Hayne & Wilkinson either by the banks or the gov­ Carnation sub. firm, 3s. 1054c; 5s R«al As«nt« ernment l(Hc;10s, 10c;20s. 97-8c;S0s, 91c Station—McBride Junction Park«vllle Moving Pictures Frank Hassard was the next 80s. 954c. witness. He owns a large farm Flour^Patents, local milling, which the eommiasion had in­ : 16.65 per barrel, in 49 ’s cotton; laker’s 6.00 per barrel in 49 ’a spected before commencing the cotton; low grade, 4.40 per bbl., EVERY EVEIMIINO AT 7:30 sitting. He was asked to give in 49'a cotton; rye flour, 6.40 per THE GEM RESTAURANT particulars in connection with barrel, in 49 ’a cotton. G. H. COULTER, Proprietor the handling of this farm. He Butter-Local creamery. 35c; Saturday Matinee, 3:00 Opposite K. of P. Hall______Phone 145 said he had o40 acres, of which Hollybrook, 35c; New Zealand 430 acres were under cultivation prints, 35c, solids, 34c; East­ ern Township prints, 3^ sol­ A re^lar short order bill ot Uro served at all hour* from 15c up and producing a crop. Since tak ids, 311c; Ontario dairy nrints,29 35c DINNER FROM 12 TO 2 35r 1836 THE BANK OF 1913 ing over this property be had cents, solids, 28;4c; Bluenose, 5- cleared 60 acres or more at a cost pound tins. 40c. Finit class cook in ch*«*ge of kitchen. of $35 per acre where he attend­ Milling Wheat—No. 1 north­ Meal tickoU rai^n. ed to the work himself, and $50 ern. 89 54c; No. 2, 8654; Na Qgars Tobacco Confectionery an acre where he had paid others 3, 8354. BritisliM77 Yeara In Buaineaa. Capital and Surplus Over 87,600,00a to do the work. Hay was his Feed — Oats. $29.00; barley, 28.00; bran. 28.00; shorL». 30.00; principal crop. He produced ESQUIMALT AND NANAIMO RAILWAY areissaed in deoominatioos of $io. $30, (all per ton, sacked); oatmeal, from 250 to 300 tons annually in 3.80 per 100 nounds. BOWM Time TABLC ■ KA» WP $50. $100 and $300, with the exact value addition to the 180 tons fed on No. 1 No. .3 No. 2 No. 4 Cheese — Canadian — Melrose 9.W am. Our in the leading forngn currencies stated the farm to his dairy stock, hor- Falls, new solids 1654; Melrose 3'ictoria 12.1.1 1H.4.' 10.30 17.WI Koenig* 1U.M 17.25 plainly on the face. They are pasrable 308, etc. Alfalfa and timothy- Twina, 1654c; Stiltons, 19c. 11.10 17.40 Doocao 10.15 16.41 Travellers ’ without discount, so that you can fealize clover hay are the varieties Poultry —Ducks. 24c; chicken, 12.07 I^HlyimUh 9.15 15.35 milk fed. 28c; chicken, fancy 12.45 19.20 Nanaimo 8.35 14.50 their full value without trouble. Hotels grown. Under irrigation alfalfa aelected. 25c. Cheques goo. thn..gh to and TransporUtion Companies accept will produce 4 tons to the acre to Egga—Hollybrook (in one doz. 2 of timothy. He believed timo­ them as cash. «rtons) 32c.; Fresh Washington Treie U»w Port Alberoi for VirtorU doUy oxropt Soodoy ot 11.00 a. ni. thy-clover was the best variety , Kansas 26c. L. D. CHETBAll, DUtrin I'oauDger Afiont. Doncan Branch — A. W. Hanhatg. Manager* for the mariiet, as there was leas Bay —Per ton $20. THE COWICHAN LEADER June 12.1912.

Ur and Mrs R. Altvn. cot glxM dish. P. O. Bok 28 Telephooe K 178 Marriage Cxton. Oower »•»«. Don't drive your children to practice — Invite them Ned. rgf cop* and itand. ••YB OLDB FIRMS” Percy Roberta, cot gloat J. Green Morley diib. Mainguy-Jones W. H. Hayward, fish carver OhlthePity of the Homes That Bricklayer and and f»rk. Contractor J. H. Wbiuone. lilver tea Buy CHEAP Player-Pianos Owini; to the fact that the •pooni. All kiti EDWIN G. SMITH. Manager Local Representative - - - James A. Owen- PiMfi* 12S P. 0. Box a which was conducted by the serve jar. Rev. S. Ryall, commenced. Mrs. Mainguy, cheque. As the bride entered the ** C. F D. Anketell Jones, salad bowl and toaster. church on the arm of her father, “ Laws, cheque. Victoria Carnival Week, Angnst 4 to 9. 1013 For Purchasing a Carriage or Bicycle the choir sang "The Voice That ** Prevost, 5 silver vases. Breathed O’er Eden” — Mr. C. Hoffman, enamel buckle. The BEST policy is lo get the best make. But unless you are •• an 1 Misses Hills, diver vase. familiar with the goods you are liable to be disappointed. W. Sillence presiding at the organ. The bnde was attired ** B. J. Painter, photo frame. Cricket Get a B. S. A. cycle or McIJmghlin carriage, and you can safely “ Halhed, lingerie. reduce your accident insurance. You have something w'lh the in a costume of white cloth and Compton. Japanese wicker work manufacturer's guarantee in every part under you, and nnll not wore a very becoming hat of vare. Clothes have a repair bill every month. A good assortment to choose white lace with white ostrich “ Edgson, Uble centre. from and more on the way. feathers and she carried a bou­ Monaghan, carrickmacross lace. " Pry, aAerooon tea cloth. HARNESS of all description made at quet of roses and lilies, the gift For Boys *• Howe. ditto of the bridegroom. •• Walton, leather satchel. Long Trousers in white duck and flannel, 83.60 D, R. HATTIE'S, cor. Craig and Station Sts. While the register was being “ S. Anketell Jones,cheqnc. to $1.76. These are made with feet loops and signed the choir gave the hymn “ Ferguson, cheque. "0! Perfect Loye. ” •* Roy, cheque. cuffed hottoms. Amongst the many persons •• Vooght, cheque. Gcni Mainguy, cheque. I’ve got the Shirts to match in all sizes for Island Lumber G)mpany who attended at the church were R. M. Anketell Jones, ailvet tea pot, ages of 7 to 18 years. Mrs. Anketell Jones. Mrs. Main­ cream jny and sugar bawl. Limited guy. mother of the bridegroom, S. Anketell Jones, clock. Mrs. Barbey-Starkey, sister of H. H. Toser. pearl pendant aod cheque. Manufacturers of Lumber, Sash, CapL Clifton, borae and buggy. SAM SCOTT the bridegroom. Mr. E. M. Anke­ R. Barrington Foote, silver photo frame. Mouldings, etc., etc. tell Jones, Mrs. and Miss Hay ­ Dr. Rogers, silver sauce boat. Boys ’ Clothes Specialist ward, Mr. and Mr. dc Gex, Mrs. H. B. Donald, silver jam dish. 736 Yatee St. Opp. Gordon ’s Victoria, B. C. Phone 79 Alexander, Miss Halhed, Miss H. Brazier, silver enamel buckle, buttons Duncan, B. C. Donald, Mr. and Mrs. F. Price. and bat pin. AI«o at Cowichu Ldce-SchoWy A Co, Ageato. Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Whittome, Major and Mrs. Barnes, cruet Col. and Mrs. Greisbach. glass vase. Col. and Mta. Rivett Camac, Col. H. E. Donald, stiver photo frame. and Mrs. Griesbach, Mr. and Mifs Wataou, ent glass vase. Holiday Mrs. Ruscombe Poole, Mr. and Mr. Solly, guts vase. Capital Planing and Saw Mills Co. Mrs. Ainsley Johnston, Mrs. Neel, Miss Edgson. pouJre jar. “Panamas” Dr. Ewing, silver tea spoons. ORCHARD RHD COVERNMENT STS., VICTORIA, 0. 0. Mr. and Mrs. Drake, Mrs. Groves, Every '‘Panama ” we a«U h imported direct Mr. aod Mist Wood, cut glass vase. Doon, SuhM and Woodwork of All Kind, and UeilKn.. Fir, Cedar iroro Hneador, and blocked aod flolsbed to auit Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Johnson, Mr. and Miss Lewis, cut glass bowl. and Spmcc Lathi, Shinilei, Mouldlnel, Etc. individual needs—and every bat It sold at roak- Mrs. Charlesworth, Mrs. H. W. H. Cuff Smart, gold bracelet watch. era’s prkee. $4.;>0, $fi.00, $6.00. $7.W, 8M.50, P.0.8.1363 lemon . QONNASON CO. Ltd. Ph»"«77 Bevan, Miss McBain, Mr. and MissHalheil and Mr C B Rou, brass flU.OU and apwards. When ordering siata kettle and stand. Mrs. Patterson. Mr. Harding your alze. Capt, Mrs and Miss Conway, diver Finlayson, Mr. and Mrs. P. John­ spoons. rHo.s'C lu i’. 0. BOX 136 ston. Capt. Clifton, Mr. J. Mait­ T. Maitland Dougall, silver trast rack. OLD HATS land - Dougall, Mr. and Mrs. K Toreedie, cut glsM rase. made like new aod express paid CHAS. W. PITT Dunne, Mr. Banon. Miss Watson, Mr Vernon, silver salts. one way for ...... SI.50 GENERAL HAULAGE CONTRACTOR Mr. and Mrs. Caton. E M Anketell Jones, aod S A Guilbride. TMiaa tor Hirv The reception, which was held ing machine. SievvwoiMl tor Sale Ingram Street H Bauon, oak writing table and ink stand. Victoria Hat Works parents, was largely attended. Messrs and Miu Halhed, afternoon tea 84-4 view street Victoria, B. G. The bride and groom subsequent­ set. E. WEST & CO. ly lefL amidst showers of rice M M Ancell, cut glass bowl. Col and Mrs Rivet Camac, doilies. and good wishes, by motor for DUNCAN FREIGHTINQ STABLE Mis« Yankowskey. cushion cover. Victoria. Rollo Mainguy, wedgewrood cream jag. Wire for reservation at our expense. Oencral Tawalae ead Ceatractiat P. O. Box 14 The presents were numerous H F Carter, brass flower aland. ItorcM tor Mto FRONT STREET PbOM }«> and costly and among them was Rev S arid Mrs RyslI, prayer book and a handsome silver cake basket silver bon boo dish. Miss Fraser, silver sauce ladle. The Westholme Hotel presented by the members of Miss Monaghan, silver trinket stand. F. F. TROTTER. Manager the Municipal Council of North Q. S. Rothwell Ca Cursenven Miss Rivet Carnac, blotter. Cowichan and the clerk of the Miss White, cushion. The moat eomfortablr, homelike, convenient bostlery in Council. The .present was ac­ D A H Alexander, silver salts and pepper. VICTORIA, B. C. * companied by a congratulatory Mr Kay, lace curtains. Mr Kington, pair brass vases. letter on behalf of the Council The Duncan Coal Depot Min Bee, cheque. Keoaonable Hates. Ex-iellent OriH—with best muao in the City in which reference was made to Miss Donald, flower vase. the happy relations existing be­ H Anketell Jones, silver knife. tween the Reeve of North Cowi­ Mr Blewett, cheque. chan. father of the bride, and Countess Mitaxa, cheque. Capt E W Anketell Jones,cheqne. When vIoKIng VICTORIA etey al the members of the Council. Miss iMexander, uble centre. List of presents; Bride to Bridegroom, dresaing case and The James Bay Hotel signet ring. Telephone 58 P. O. Box 154 SoDlh GoTommonl Slrcol Bridegroom to Biide, dresfsing case. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Anketell Jones to Magnificent Location — Four Blocks from Post Office. Owing to the present coal Bride, canteen of plate, Excellent Cuisine. entree dishes, silver candle J. L. HIRD A First-Class Hostelry run on Old Country Lines. sticks, sauce boat, hot strike, we Iinve been forced water jug. and bouse linen, ES'HMATES GIVEN Moderate Rates. ditto to Bridegroom, Tantalus. to make a slight increase in FnBD C. SMITH Proprietor Members of Conocil and Clerk of the on all kinds of Plumbin(r, Heat­ prices until further notice. Mnnidpaliiy of North Cowichan, silver cake basket. ing, Waterworks and Lighting. Mr. and M>'S. DeGex.silvar, salts, pepper Gasoline Plants installed for and mnstard pots. Lighting or Pumping purposes. Egg Coal, picked and washed, 10.00 per ton Barber Surkey, dinner ser­ vice. When you alight at Drake, salad bowl. Offices: Opposite Cowichan “ ...... BSpersack T. Finlayson, dessert knives and forks. Leader Office, Craig Street Stewart, set of carvers. the E. & N. Depot Prevost, silver photo frame. DUNCAN. B. C A. H. Lomas, cut glass bowl. make direct for the RTTZ. You might as Consray, silver butter dUfa. well get comfort from the start and it Dunne, silver bon bon dith. FREE HAULliVG Plana and Estimates First class costs no more and prohahly less than you Patterson, vase. fumiahed work imagine. Modem Cafe—up-to-date har— Inside City Limits; outside City — according to distance. Lauder, silver photo frame. elevator service — phone in all rooms. D. Alexander, oak ondsilver tea tray. Private or en suite .... Come up and see samples at the office Dry, silver salu. C. W. Johnson, silver pre­ W. H. KINNEY serve jar. Coitnctor Room 3. Post Office Block. C. H. Price, travelling clock HOTEL RITZ Grovea. bat pins aod brooch. aidBilMv Phone 101. where all ordere ehimld be left. S. Lomas, silver preserve Victoria, B. C jar. Phone le Carr HUtou, clock. P. O. Box 1S6 Doimbd,B.C. FmI SbM I. Conor of Pnil,, Jui'.e 12, 1913. the COWICHAN LEADEK

Condensed Adyertisements it, but officials of the cn in First Aid THE DI XCAX Ure^iock AMcwi. work. He was alimM sure the atiuD will lioM t\,r\r fuartli montl.lv (Cuotinuofi from page 1.; A-histIc blew twice lH;IWMt-n the sta­ •ale of Live aa<) Ilewl Karm Stork in tion ami the crosHirig, but could not tho Ainnroltoml (iroamla, Ihinvan. un Wcw twice lictwccQ Duncan Station Satanlay. .lane Sttli. at 2 |». »n. rieoM swear to it. He could not hear the write for Entry Form*. If voa are a ami the cnM^iug. Tho whittle was Special July Cleemng bdl ringing from inside u car mIicii aeller of rowaur impletnenta (t will pay hlo«n and ihe bell begun to ring ut yon to enter llirm in three naleR: ami if the train was iiioving. yoD are a hiiyer of liunie* it Mill he to the sign board, of n mile from the As Ciiptaiu Clifton wan unaMo . - your Intereat to lee what we Jiave to of­ crossing. The 1k*1I continued ring­ fer t>efore yon co any wlirro elite; reRtiUa atleud tho iii<|Uc>st and give his evi­ ha%’e provwl the trinli of Iheao two ing until the crossing mm pnasod. dence «ith reganl to tl;e accident, •latemenu. |,ri aa l.ave your entrira In utiswer to the coroner the wit- ore Meek previcma to Ihe tale ao wr ran Sale at BON TON the Conmer adjtiurnod the inquest >?ire yon free advertiaeinent. nc-« stutiHl that he had unco U-fr.re until a p. III. on Tu-si|«v. the 17tli FUR SAl.E—Smart dojr cart am) tan hail a very near shnvt at this same ; June,when it is liop.s) ih.»t Captain bamen snitahle for |k»1o jm»ov or hoiwe croswing with a horse ami rig. tin foorteon to fifteen haoda. Apidy Hnry, Clifton Mill he able to attend. Fort Street, Virtotia; Fbone 214. this occmthin he hail been going .South. When travelling North it . FOR SAI.E^Fony: «iniel with motora; ffood under the aaddle; price 870; apply WM impoMible to »ee au\thing at all K. Jaekaon, Donean. j'S of the road on tin* right side and he TO LET—From .Inly fimt 8 roomed considered it one of the worst cross. •hack on Salt Snrins: faniiahe*); Urt?e Trains to Lake verandah: 25 minntea from CoM irhan ing« on the line, when northbound. wharf; excellent fiahint; and huatinic: Hu said that it would Uko nlmut milk, batter and etfita within A inirintMi MILLINERY

walk; for particolara apply to K. C. 17 or 18 seconds to roach tlm cross­ Ser\ice Next Week Trench, Cowiehao Hay. jS2 ing from the >^-niile post. The motor BAY OF MAPLES TEA HOUSE- carwos moving forwani at the time of From next Wmlncsday there will' All mealt oo larjte tea verandah over ­ the accident. be a direct train to Cowdehan Lake ‘ looking the aea. Ilathlnit. Itoalinx, And White Wear fiibiog: boau for hire. M. K. Sprins- In answer to Mr. H. A. MacLoan from Victoria three times a week. ett, j-2 K. C. who was representing the Mr. H. E. Bca-sley, general super-i GASOLINE LAUNCII--20 feet, S 1-2 E, and N. railway, the witnem sUted intendent of the E. A- N. Railway has | b. p. engine: very completely fitted: In- tliat tho car was going about 10 Miss Baron is clcarin;| elnding spray hood, reveree gear; fiags, announces) that a schedule has licen Trimmed Hats cothions, tools, etc; jnat been thorongb- miles an hour ami was nearly acniss devidrsid^iidrsl upon which will liel>c maintain-|maintain- Ready To Wear Iv orerbanled and painted; apply P. O. out her entire stock at Box. 140, Daoein. j42 tho track when struck by the engine, 'ed, ct least thrtiughout the summer, all and COCKER SP.VXIEL—Fonr months old; red roan; pedigree parents imiiorted from England; P. O. Box I4U, Don- BELOW COST Untrimmed can. j43 Reduced FUR SALE—30,000 plants, raised from to make room for Fall best English seed; Savoy Cahhsge. Reduced Dmrehead Cabbage. Red Cabbage, 30 Per Cent Goods. Bnttsel SproQts, Canliflo«er and Tbon- 25 Per Cent Terms strictly cash. FOR SAlE_XomS«r. ol IlalT Ujliom hen,. ooeyeu-oM. f,w two 91.25 •od 75c each: J. U. A,b, Gibbon, Ibod: home momiogs. j’6 CHE.A1> B. C. GOVERNMENT LAND SPECIAL in Blouses, - - 85c SPECIAL in Nigtitgowns, 55c jort located —exeeptlonallv good piecespi near growing town on t. P. Party1*...^ going staking: government prices are low, bnt pnrchasiog is considerably re­ stricted and may be prohibited; I know the location of available land; land Corset Covers, SPECIAL 35c sUked: pre-emptions l^atcl: fees mo.1- Boys’Buster Suits, SPECIAL 85c erate; A. K. Sprang©, 1*. O. Box UTS. Victoria, B. C. jS3 LOST—32 Aotomatie Pistol (Savage): finder will be rewarded by retaming See handbillH for complete H n I by retaming tame to Mnnielpal office. Donean. j*7 ^3^ FOR SALE—2 3-6 acres: small honse, 3 rooms; high ground, good view; 1 M imlea from Donean P. U. $I3U0 on terms; Box 118, Dnoean. j60 FOR S.\LE—Fifty Barred Rucks and THE BON TON While Wyandottes: 2 year old hens; JV1ISS BAROIN laying well, but mast clear for yoang •lock: one dollar each; Hrettingbam. Donean. j'5 I XoTIUK FOR SALE—Cray Mare, sbonl lOOO Uw., Church Services 6 year*: $325; apply W. A. Cosier. ; In the Matter of tho INtate of I'dManl Cbemainns. j’)4 Matvey Wronglituti, de«-eaiic>!. TENDERS WANTED for the pnrehase Notice in hereby gi\eo tlist all |iersoni* of over 20 tons hay (1) standing...7 in field; Anglican.oiiKiivmi , liaviiigiiaviH;: anySiiy rUitiiruitii «g:3in«tag^inH thetlie E«tateh«tale ofuf (2) in the cock; olten accepted till end of .fane: apply Captain Locke, Cowl- ! St. John Baptist__Duncas Holv *^'**"* ^*»*»**)' mLu.lie.1 on MR. AND MRS. RICHARD MAIXGUV ICuntntnniun. l.t Nntj...e in utun.hV MATEKXm' NURSING wanted by II a, ni.a 3nl Snndav in month «r Iwfora the 26ili .Uv of .lone. IHIS. to exparieneed lady; apply Mra. R. Wylie, In annwer to n juror tho witne« Donean, P. U. ju and, if passenger traffic warrants, 8.30 a. m.; uioming service, 1st o pro­ he knew that to run up the hill ou 1th4th SandSundne’ nt . :J0 p. in. | „( „,,i, vided on Wcdnosflnys, Sntunlays and FOR SALE—Celery planta: price 26o for second gear he m'uuIiI have to put on IINERVA 2 dozen: rednotioa given for Urge tiaan- 8undaya Tho outgoing trains will 111 any) h.Ul.ytl.ein, duly.er- a fair rate of speed. In answer to bt. Maty a. bumeno- — Morning iHed by statutory do, laratiun. PURE PREPARED titiea: apply Nagano. Noneriea, Reling- leave Victoria at 8 o ’clock, reaching forg Road, Dnoean. j2 the Clerk of tho Municipal Cuoncil Services; 1st; 3rd and 5th Sunday j And nutire is farther lirroby given tL.bt Duncan at 10 o ’clock and arriving at be Htatcd that no inHtructions were at 11 a m. Aftomoan Servicea: 2nd ; ‘hat alter the 26lh day uf .Ion,. ISia. tlie FOR SALE—Mara, 6 yean old, aboot the lake at 11 o'cliK'k or thereabouts 1400 lha: for partienUra apply P. MIeh- Hsued to engine driven to go alow and 4th Sunday nt 3:00 p. m Holy i •‘•'"■"t -‘'I |.rocewl to di-lribnte «Un, Cowiehan Station. jt) Retnming, the train will leave at 5 when approaching dangorousorosMogH Commttttion, .at. mnl 3rd Snnd.y, nt o'clock, reaching Victoria at 7-30 PAINT FOR SALE—Robber tired baggy with but they were limited to 10 miles an only to the rlaima of which (he said exe- Look for thU Trade Mark Umpe, practically new; black horn hour in towns and villages. Tlio color shan then have had notice. with barneea in g^ abape: oott $700 when you buy paint The new service will give tho gen­ And notice is fortlier hereby given that 18 nontba ago: will take $250 oMh; ap­ witness added that they had narrow It iiiMni painting a, it should be- PresbvtonaD all |>erauns owing an uonta to the late K.I- ply P.O. Box 341, Victoria. escapes eveiy day of their lives in eral pnblic an opportunity to spend painling that will look thrE;;t and wanl .Moisey M n>nghtou. are re<)nested wear ihc longest underall wcathen casesises suchsuen as this.tills. i the week-end ai.at one utof methe isiamiIsland'ss St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church WANTED—Vonng man (Seoteh) wanta to puy the aatne to tlie anid exeentur. and hard usage. job on Pooltrv Farm; reply “M V 18 ”. George Foster the fireman on the beautiful Summer resorta- But —Minister, Rev. 8. Lundic, B. A Dalefl this 15th .lay ut .May, A. D.. Thii I radc Mark is Ucked by ;6 e-o Leader Office. m’tM HH:{. .• irs of world wide |iaint experi- engineigino was the next witness. Ho gave ^ P^pfcinlly cheering because Services, 11 n. ni. and 7:30 p. i cncc-lt'8 Ihe sign of FOR SALE—Grade Jeraey Heifer: for evidence corroborating the story ol there is no Muter that furnishes bet­ Sunday schoul; 2:30 p. u. ALE.\. .MACLEAN, particolara apply C. W. Looadale, Don- the engine driver, but thought tho ter sport. ni37 Sulicitor fur 1 ho aaid K.veuotur. can. ,0,9 MiNEav;®».PAmr rvrharn the lavl job blUtered, car must have been about s<|uaro in To those who„„„ ubhave,u ouiuhhtSummer iii*meshomes 3Iothuditt u jckcd or peeled- liccjuse the p.-»irtf ALL MAKES of Eogltah Wheela, new front of tho engine when -truck. He j mt Shawnigan Lake and other point. was not K'tscilv rude. a^ ^ad hand; the loweat prieea at .NuricE. 1 r>’ Minerva !*jin| th.s time. t^he Donean FnmUora Store. Kenneth conld nut swenr that tho bell -a-1 along tho lino it will nl-bo gmtify- Methodist Church Services—Pas- The Fcrfvbt hcor|>oration of the StrMt. .69 la the matter uf the Enate uf Unisa rtill tinging when the craning waa j ing, a-it na-nre-them trampurtation tor. Rev. A. E. Redman. Maple Minerva infrcdieni* produces a Elizalwth Bnrge«ii, deceased. p;dni withrrcjt covering capacity — papassea,—ed, butoat wonldwould swear that thethej[ —alluwingallowing ererj'uneeveiy one aoso inclined to Bay, oQOdaySanday mi»rmng,mi»niing, at II a. FOR SALE-Upright pUoo in exrallent Notice it hereby givm that all |•ereotl< while its eljNtic |>ropcrties pn-xxnt ^ition; for particolara write W. A. whistle was blown at the sign board spenii Satniday away with a guarau- ' "* • Glenora, Sundav scIkmiI, 2 p. ra.: baring any claim against (lieesuie of ibe peeling off. bliftvring or cracking, Stnrrock, Box 44, Dnoean, B. C. J-21 befurobefore this cmsdnip.crosdng. ..r u__•. basinesr Sprv-irfb „ n. • insuring long Lie. thus potting off tee of gutting back ^ Service, 2-45 p. ni.; Duncan, Sunday lale laonisa ElizaWth Bnrgest, whodiol the nricssity of ripainting for the on tbe 2lst day uf .laiinaiy*. Conductor A. H. Bostock was Momlay. I'tchool,------*1 -."V2.30; , r«service, , , 1VV-, l.«W7.30 I'.'U.,p.iu.; «UUand • --a... mw longest time-meaning economy to WANTED^itnation aa atenographer or you. confidential clerk, by young man, ace then called. He said hu was collect ­ •Somenos, V. L, B. are ret|iiire«l on or *». Apply M.Y. 20. V^I.id«dffi,S! M.Bo.„ey.indi-en-it.g the op- i ‘ ;“*■ « Therc'aa M,nrn.> i'aim Kii.mwt « Van* ing tickets in tho Minuking car when ening uf Ihe iii'ir hraiich from Dun- ny, Epuorth Uagiie. 8 by^ regi-tered—po.t |in!|mid. orwi tobu>irin«-r,deliver, I \ pulottb* slticma , FOR KENT-Fnrnialied faoaae, aitnatad he felt tho brakes applied sudileuly. to Henry I.iuucl Bruekrt Bnnlett Bar-' I .,™.near Qaamichan I-ake; u.utngdining rvKtnt.rrwru. Horan out of tho oar and went to cun I"to ^Cowiehun‘'7""" Uko. "'""hotattid that th,-,the | ' ^ ------gess. Dtinrnu. V. 1., a>Iiiiiiii«lnitc>r nf the M. M. SMITH & CO ; ?-rri,r”pH ■‘'dln^i.'Tu'ii; rS ‘ho «ene of tlte ncoi.ienl.. ______Ho found :_ Z'""" ...... Cowiehan Veth..,Moth'fdisi Church- said hlxtate. full p.irlieiilars in Mriting ui BpfICHTK' ______K.uteEstate a„dand iavaraoee.Itisuraiice. al27 Captain CliftonClift4>u -tandingKtnmiing upu{> mtdand th.-(hiv ' u i”? .*'*'* l*l■a..or.“'‘t'»r, Rev.Uov. .1. II»»rdmau. Services, their elnims nii.| statements 4»f it.Hir nei-uonts. aakotl liiui til‘Sm«c if there uns »-.* ?' I^m^slra^^. c\,wichan U|^u'li nt 11: Otwielmn Fur SA Lie—.lersey heifer calf, lev'cn dlaiiyj held l>y ...... duty verilie-i hy mantiisold. irum’' tcsteii row; apply j nnuihersButliur manmull mid...utid«‘i the cur '’ uriir som...soiii'- , ‘ '*h I"- Tw*n* i«eni.-‘ *t life Mennwhil.' ih* ‘ iif« iiitf fneu t!n' i.diniiii.tr.tt.,r will |t.ss..sJ ... .tutrilej e rlioiie uj, or I*. U. l»ox .s, Dutje.-tn, ■ . , thea«-H-(s olti. - id . St tie i.in.a;.- |!,.. B. r. ”* tli4} pulse. -r the h-Jiit. hike i< being- ni il!i.r.*d...... iii a |«rg4-••• uni Ciilli'die. l-'moit* mlil.sl I ,,.re!„, i, ,u,.^ re-,rd He.then n-k«nt ...... to te| >. •* ’*■ *l ‘‘* * ‘i*Ii-| nll;tli..|i ..f It.g.. ..;dy to ...... I,I...... »:,irn .,j,j ; Af’UEAGE UN EAS^ TEKMS-MUh- >1. .\mis, Duamiehiiii— Ilijh ma-.s. phono for n Doctor to in-f» the trnin '•'•v.-ud lumlK i- ev.'t.i t|. are le.iiif^i. tu t‘72’* |H>r lot un nnsy lenns of $‘UiU 4s| tupayiiie nitiomii ui-ii.-ti iudelit-.-i.' QUAMICH.AN HOTEL fiia)i. bnlanee paynMo in S .|iii»rterly in- Captain Clifton and the hody uf .M r. ' MC«s to 1 '.«• sai-i i.-l.iiiiii.! r,t..r, 1 J. J. niM*'-. I'fiiltflcli.r atahnents with interest at 7 per cent. St. Kdwnnr., lliipi-iin— Ma- at 10 lnl.V^*^^ the l.Mu t|..y ..I May. A. D.. Headquarters lor 1 ourisia and U’all and investigate. These are tuiiUIIIMl. .Mirph^. jWIUUlA.M R. LJCHOKSS-j.m. cvciy ^uii.lay, ••xcept on the J. E. Hall. Real Estate. Commercial Men. no-f" Electrical Contr«ctor lir-I .'intplny of ||„. lo.oiHi. wli. li nt 0 AI.KN. Mi.t l i:\N Boats for hitr 4111 Souirtioo Lake. Excel ­ ne« stated that for a v«*ar past pau- ] ____ Fur SALE—Two year oM filly, haher a.iii.; ...... llio l:l.v..-d .'olieiior fur the ;.-Iniii!»-:ritur. lent Fisbiny and llumtng. Tbn. Hotel hruken, dangbtrr of English truUing inoius-ongor .rain, I...Inau c«rri„lcarntsi nn emer-ott.or-!' , IS striviK firM class nii.l has )>era rtteil Savraii.ini nt 7 (..m. i-vi ry .btiudav; lhrougb4>ut with al! mo-lrro eoiir-tnvnces House Wiring a SpeclatO' lioly.lay. of ...... llr-t Kli- ,, M*c have the only Eng]l^^h Table Staiion. 7’in j aoccs. This bt»x had instructions on Ur.NC.kN, II. C. d.vyof thoinouth; ittwi-ai 8 a.m. iAdveiliSG ID TliB Leadof in lluiuMn D U N C A B. C. THE COWICHAN LEADEP June 12, 191.1

iMr. Nvvill .Armstrong mid Mr. DISTRICT NEWS Edgar left last week on a trip to .\orthcrn [Hjints. P. O. BOX 72 PHONE 25 COWICHA.X CAY Mrs. Beresford Hogg and Mrs. .A very serious accident w.as T. A. Dumlas spent the week­ just avoided by a car’s brakes end at Alberiii. refusing to act coming do«n the Capt. and Mrs. Fainveather hdl to the Bay. Several rigs hap­ are the guests of Col. and Mrs. pened to be in the way just as Eanlley-Wilmot at their resi­ Knox Brothers ).H.Wbittomc&Co. the car neared the corner at the dence here. LiMlTCO Post Office, and the driver, in trying to avoid them, collided Mr. Benjamin C. Nicholas, DUNCAN. V. I. with the fence along the road. assistant editor of ’’The Victoria This is a dangerous corner and Daily Times” spent the week­ High Grade Building the road should be widened and end at Shawnigan Lake clearing fences put in the right line. A land. He, was accompanied by Real Estate, Insurance few dollars judiciously spent will Jlr. W. S. Day. prevent risk to both pedestrians Material and and drivers. A committee consisting of Jlessrs N. Armstrong. G. A. Captain Garrard has purchased Financial Agents Cheeke, R. F. Springett and H. Jlr. Irvine’s launch, Bunyip T. Ravcnhill (Hon. Sec.-Treas- (named after a phantom of the urcr) have rented for the season Antipodes). the two wooden tennis courts recently built by Col. Eardley Captain and Mrs. Steel are Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows Mortgages and Investments. Wilmot. They will carry on the now living in Mr. J. B. Green’s Shawnigan Lawn Tennis club house on the promenade. and have arranged for club days Kiln Dried Inside Finish Captain Locke commands The on Wednesdays and Saturdays. , The courts will also be open to Houses To Let Widgeon. members on Mondays and Thurs­ Should we not have a regiment days. The Hon. See. will be stationed here now, there are pleased to furnish particulars as lots of officers. How would ’’The to subscriptions and to receive Bays ” sound. What! Eh? applications for membership. The White’s English Cement opening day was held on June Several nice baskets of fish 7th when Mrs. Eardley-Wilmot Lime were taken on Sunday last gave tea to a large number of members and friends. Fire Brick, Fire Clay Two large sea lions were shot here during the week. They are Pressed Brick and Conunon Brick very destructive and fishermen PERBERTON &S0N will be pleased to know they are SALT SPRING ISLAND Building Papers and Roofing out of the way. The annual general meeting of REAL ESTATE the Ganges football club was held Builders’ Hardware Mr. Kennington’s raft ’’The FmANOAL in Mr. McAfee’s shop last Tues­ Floating Queen,” has again re­ day. There was a very large AND turned to her summer quarters. attendonce which augurs well for We are sole agents for HalTs Sanitary Distemper and Langmuir’s Shingle Stains the success of the ensuing sea­ GENERAL AGENTS Several new and handsome son. Mr. Tom Lang was again launches will soon adorn the bay. re-elected captain and Mr. Long- FIVE ACRES A regatta meeting was held at don again undertook the duties the Buena Vista Hotel on Satur­ of secretary. Practices have already started and on Friday WATERFRONT day last Don’t forget the 1st July; we are preparing lots of sides representing the North End Knox Bros., Duncan enjoyment for the public. and Ganges played a goalless On Cowieban Bay! draw. with New 12 Roomed House. Mr. and Mrs. Langley and T)ii« hna'ic is fitted with rootiera parly arrived on the Island dur­ COWICHAN STATION. plambiDS, acetrleDC to ererr ing the week and intend spend­ Tbit is ibe number of the Pea that has lead eo steadily tbrongb the severe wioter months in the Interaatioaal room, etc. ing a few weeks at their Vesuv­ Laying Contest, Victoria, 1913. 18| Fyr per BIRD for December, and tbe same (or Jannary. Many and varied are the ob­ Thefe birds were taken from a flock of 4SU MAY batched poUeta, and tbe flock has averaM little ebort of This 5 acre plot is almoat free from stacles encountered by the travel­ ius Bay residence. their more (ortonate eietera. 1 have only a few hundred chicks left available lor MAY, wblcn ia tbe beat batob» log month for winter laying. rock, and slopes gently to the water; ling public on the country high­ PROCURE MAY CHICKS very little of the timber luu been ro- ways, but to meet a partially The Island is to have its first Flower Show on the 27th of this Write for Pempbtet with inlormatioo on “Tbe Meet BoiiDets-Like Way of Railing Chicks.** movtsl. overturned car, broadside on. ERNEST H. SOOLE. - - - - Cowichan Station. V. I,. B. C. with Its occupants sleeping month. Mrs. Norman Wilson has A fine boat house goes with the been the prime mover in the property. soundly amongst the wreckage KOKSILAH POULTRY RANCH was the experience of a local idea and has devoted consider­ able time and trouble to make S. C. WHITE LEQHORINS Price and Terms apply owner teamster at 8 a. m. Friday morn­ WfauMre of Vnscouver ExhiMtlofi Brooze Medal In International Uylog Contest in 1911-1912. • ing last, a little over a mile from the affair a success. Flowers, pot Cowichan Station on the Lake­ plants, vegetables and fruit will be exhibited. In the afternoon Pemberton & Son side road. A hurried investigat­ there will be sports and in the Peal Estate, Loans and Insurance. ion however showed that the car evening dancing will take place. Pemberton Block Victoria. B. C. had come In contact with a tree on the roadside. Sufficient evi­ dence was also beside the ear, s I a IS s! giving a silent explanation of LAND KEIilSTKY ACT M. MUTCmiSSOIS the cause of the accident In the matter uf an appUcatioo for a freih Certi6cate of Title to Lot 3, Block t;Usi aiHl Siiro Wnier, iiikler. Etc. A HINT! Tirkett! t^huw Canlt: rosters! 3. Towniite of Koktilab, .Map 341. P. O. lU»x 64. • Doiican, H. C. Notice if hereby given of my Inlentioo at the ex|>iration of ooe calentlnr monib Wo believe that there are still a few business men in Writer to the Trade* SHAWNIGAN LAKE from the first pablicatioo hereof to lisoe frefh Certificate of Title iu lien of the this district who are not aware that we handle every The new Tennis courts at OrtlficRte of Title ittned to M'UIiai Shawnigan were opened last Charles Femeybongh on the 2nd day of description of all kinds of supplies for KELLOW & ROGERS Aegnst. 1907. and noroliered 13616 C. Saturday afternoon, when the hich has been lost. Contractors for Brick Tennis club held its first club day. l)ate«l at Land Registry tMfiee, Victoria, A large attendance of members n. C.. tbU I4tb day of May, 1913. Loose Leaf Book Keeping Systems and Stone Work were present, and a most enjoy ­ S. Y. WUOTON. We will sell you the binder, the ledger sheets, billheads, index and transfer binder—and any able afternoon was spent Tea Registrar lieoeral of Titles. Tiling end Fireplaces a Specialty other supplies you may need at the lowest possible cost. This system is the simplest possible was given by Mrs. Eardley- for every kind of business, and we are prepared to go fully into the matter of your needs in this line Estimates Given. Wilmot in the club pavilion. WATER NOTICE with you and give you the benefit of oyr experience. The Smoking concert and box ­ For a Licenie to take and nie M’ater We are also prepared to handle every description of job printing from pamphlets and embossed P. O. Rox ti.*) Duncan ing and wrestling exhibition 1, Frances Elsie Booth, wife of Sydney I*hoDC L OO ('HMtb, of Cobble Hill. B. C . nve notice notepaper to ordinary commercial letterheads and business envelopes. If you want any printing done given last Saturday night was a ibnt on the 1st day of Joly, 1»I3, I in­ the business in your own district. We will give you good work and a low price. great success and attracted quite tend to apply to the Comptroller of Wa­ ni Biitisli Colunliii Olt Counlij Poblic a large crowd. ter Hi'-'hts at his oUice. Fnriiatnent BnUd- in;;*, Victoria. B. C.. fur a llctrQ*e tu take Scho;l Bo)s' Asstcialloii. The dance given in the S. L. niid nsH une-fifth of une cable ftHit i«r Time and time again it has been proved that A. A. Hall Tuesday evening was scniiid of water out of a Biiittll Rtmam All old boys of Uritisll Public a great .success and a full de­ ri«tiig in Section 15 near tlie North Schools now in . scription of same will appear in Uiandary of the K. 4d acres and tiuwin:; The Cowichan Leader B.C.. arc rcquestetl to communi­ in a N. E. direction thronirb the K. our next issue. ni-rru of Section 16. lUii-.'e I. '^hawniL'an cate tbc following information to is invulunhlc as an advcrtisiiip medium for evco ’ kind of merchandise. Take a look throufrh out the Sktretary oi the Association: l)i*trict. V. 1. H- C.. l•«lon■rink'to me. Mrs. Stuart Robertson spent The water will lie diverle*! at the advertising columns. The larjfe number of firms and individuals who use those columns do not do it I. iiaiiir; i prektrol tuMrc-*"; S. oM the week-end at her summer above decrrilteil point In Sevtiun 15, for FUN. THEY KNOW IT VAYS- Our circulation is still increasing rapidly and the value Krlioul niiy whu h nut alrcvly .May 31st, 1013. A metolwr thereof. Frances Elsie Booth. It if ho}te*I tlift all may join to that a Mrs. Gordon Hunter enter­ Dated May 31st, 1913. eomnlete rejn«t«r ot old poblic achool boy« tained a small party for the The Cowichan Leader Printing & Publishing Co., Duncan, B. C. DOW ia VaocoQver ItUnd may bo obtained. week-end at her charming resi Old memberf who bare not done «o are reqoeated to notify the aecretary of any dence at the lake. Miss Phelan ebaage of addreta. of Vancouver is spending a few Addrett to the Secretary. A. K. Sher- The Leader $1 a year wood. Box 812. Victoria, B.C. weeks here with her.