Fatal Motor Ciu- Accident Weirs Oestrovedi Indian Linds Cowichan Polo Clnh (ivmkiiana Mr. \. V. Mnrpliy Killed Xeiv Fisliiiijr Knles ('oiuinission Sits Again 1 t?rv Fail* (ioiid Sport It will be a Miurce r»f grniification fhe final ses'lon in this district of A fat&] motor car acctriciu occurred On tho heamo were many bunuti- ..... • ...... to»o manyiimiiy cnihusinsliceninusmsiic fidiermenti^herm in ftt what it known an Shermau’e cro«s- Royal Commission on tho Imliau A gviiiklmna was hchl at tho Pi»lo Tcaths, among them bating this district to learn that the Duuenu I'ett l^•.Mll-. Am»tlier gv’iii- tog, abont ono and a (|uartor miles affairs wjw hrltl at the B««anl of grnutids Koksitttli »ni Thnralar June from the Cowichan Cricket Club, on the Cowichan River have been khana will pr..l«My Imt hel.l i,y*thc from Duncan on the McKinnon Road Trade rooms on Friday evening the which was in the f»irm of a cricket 8th. The pietura-que ground of the club during .\ngu*t. destroyed daring the last week by fitli inst. on Monday morning last. Capt&in 'bat, tied with the Club colours; the Cowichan club presented a very order of the Dominion Government, Thera were hut (rw witnesses to Clifton was approacliing Duncan in Oiik Hay Cricket Club, Mr. and Mrs. pretty spectacle during the afternoon. an<l the following restrictions have appear liefore tho cuiumissiun at this his car, having as pa.saenger Mr. V. W. II. Haywanl, Mr. oml Mrs. Clog- Thero were alxiut two huudr«sl npec- The Cowichan Pulo club ;^aM- a been laid np<>n the Indians: sittiuc, almost all tho necessary data V. Mnrphj. Captain Clifton was stonn, Mr. and Mrs. Bandock. lator* present ami -mio \ei-y pretty very enjoyanle dance in the K. of P. “No wotrs oi nets of any kind to be haring l*een laid before them in a driying the car which is a 30 H. P. Dr. and Mrt. Barcrr>ft, Mr. go«-ns were noticnl. Unfortunately, Hall Duncan on ThursiJay evening. placed in the river above the comprehenKivo memorandum drawn Everett roadster for two passengers. and Mrs. Charter, Miss Holmes, several membcis of the Victoria Poio Tho hall was not over crowdo<l and bridges in lino with the old Stone up by the Duncan Boanl of Trade. As the car roacl'jd the crossing Co)on<l Hobday and sons. Mr. club were nnable to compete oo those present liod a thoroughly g..o*i Church. Mr. Alec. Herd, President of the travelling at about 10 miles per hour, H.n. B.u. Hayward,Uayward, Messrs.Messrs, Hills arcount of their ponies not arriving. lime. An excellent supper «-as very “That only seine nets he used below Cowiclron Agricnltnral Bocicty, ap- the northbound passenger train, leav- and Perkins, tho C. N. R. Engineer- In this connection it seems a pity kindly provided by tho ladies of the tlic line indicated, and that their pearerl to give evidence on behalf of that the railway company should not district. use be restricted to two days in the Society. He outlined tho present r each week between the hours of position with regard to the five acres 9 a.m., and 4 p. m. of land which are used as dhow If these regulations are observed grounds, suting that the land is at there will bo an improvement in the present hold by the Society nmler a flshinll immediately, and in tho course 99 year lease. Mr. Horrl uid that of a few years tho river should re­ the Society earnestly dosirerl to have cover its old time repuUtion as one this leoM changfsl to ponuaueut of the finest angling rivers in British ownership if p(»ssihle. Ho brdievod Colnmbia. that it was the original intention of These new restrictions will probaK- the Indian Department at Ottawa to ly be unpopular with the Indians but give the ducietv a |>ermanent title to WIM it U to be hoped that they will un- this land Imt it was fouml that there dorsUnd that these regulations will n'erc complications owing to the work to their own ultimate advant ­ reversionary interest claimed by the age as well as to tho advanuge of Provincial Government. the white man. The Indiana admit Tho speaker said that they had that there am not nearly so many funnd the old short lease an impam- salmon as there used to be, and it able obstacle in the way of getting CAITAIX CLItTON'S CAR AFTER THE ACCIDENT should be impressed on them that money fur permanent buildings, and they have been gradually destroying that tho present 99 year lease was COWICHAN PULO TEAM aKo inconvenient in this way. A From left loriirSitt Messrs. IL Oore Langton, E. E. Koigot, A. Keoniogton ing Duncan at 11.18 crashed into it ing Department, Uessra. F. Orr. the “goose that lays the golden egga” clear title to the property would do (Csptaini and J. R. Itwtliby. The car was apparently struck just in Pegler, H. R. 8uUi«'an and others. The fishing in the Cowichan River front of the rear wheels. Mr. Murphy, has for some years attracted many away with all these diflicoltieH of make some efiort fur tho eonvenionco who was Bitting on the left side visitors to this district, and also a financing. of their patrons. Tho Victoria ponies ■* aIIITCII nearest the engine, wm stmek by it The Inquest. certain proportion of people mate Mr. Herd said that tho Society were at the E. and N. depot at On Friday, Juno fiih, the first i*oIo and carried some distance along the their permanent resideoee hero large­ was also desirioos of extending their The inquest to inquire into the Victoria at 7 a. m. They were not match ever witnesstsi in Cowichan track. Fearful njuries were inflicted ly on account of this aUraetioa. land slightly on the West nml South circnmstances surrounding the death shipped until 9.30 and did not arrive took place at Koksilah. It will bo on his bead and body, his skull being The Ashing of lato years has detei sides. He said that unless they were of Mr. V. V. Murphy on Monday, the in Duncan until after the gymkhana. rciocmlierod tliat on .May 31»t tho fractured and his left leg broken in iorated from various causes, one of able to get their boundaries extemlod, 9th inst., took place at the Municipal Despite this fact there was a good Cowichan Club playcsl its firet match two places. Ho was killed instan- the most important being tho run­ it would undoubtedly be neceinarv to Council Chamber on Tuesday, 10th, entry list for each event. in Victoria against tho Club there, taneonsly. Captain Clifton seems to ning of logs which swept away the move the ground altogether at some at 5 p. m. In tho hnnlle race the ponies and was beaten after a close game— have had a very narrow escape from redds and spawning beda This prac- fntnro date. The area they needed Dr. Stephens R. N., district jumped very well considering the 6 goals to 3. Last week on their death. The ear was span completely tic has been abandoned for some time to odd to the present grounds con­ coroner was in charge of the enquiry little schooling they had had, Mr. M. own grounds tho local clnb hail its round by the impact and Captain past, however, but the weirs and nets sisted of ono acre on the West side while the jury conusted of Measra. Gore-Langton was 1st. revenge and defeated the visitor* by Clifton fell very near the rails, the on the Indian reserves still remained. and two acres on the Sooth side. The W. Herd, foreman, J. H. Whitt^tme, The lug of war wliich was decided 7 goals to 3. steps of the coaches passing over him SeriooB damage has been done to tho Society would be quite satisfied ii J. I. Mutter, H. W. Bevan, Carr by the best of three pulls affortlcd The Victoria team were slightly as he lay. Ashing by those practices, not only to the land was put on the market so Hilton and J. T. Boll. considerablo amusement. Tho win­ rcakcr being without one of their The car was smashed to matchwood, tho fishing in the river, but also to that they might have an opportunity The jury, after having viewed the ning team was compuse<] of Mewtrs. besv men. parts of it being found 30 yards or tho salmon fishing in Cowichan and of acquiring it at a fair figure. remain\ inspected tho scene of the A. Kennington, il. Gore-Langton, E. Considering the fact that with i more op the track, but a curious part other Bays oo the East coast. Mr. David Ford, Postmaster at accident. Parry and J. R Boothby. few except ions all the players were of the accident is that the engine of At two years old tho Fry or Par Duncan pointed ont to the Com Bending rreo in and out among the car appears to be more or less Mr. J. F. Murphy, brother of the missionura that there was a good beginners, the showing moile by Imtii leave tho river bed where they uro itakes, 1st A. Kennington. deceased, gave evidence of having sides was highly creditable, and the uid>m.iKed. batched and the survivals invariably clay bank near at hand oo the Indian identifled the body as that of his Stick and ball, J.
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