~ I ' Sarracenia Summer2001 Newsletter of the Wildflower Society ofNewfoundland and Labrador. c/o Botanical Garden, Memorial University, StJohn's, NF, AlC 5S7 being. The excecutive will accept collective responsibility for running the society. (One of the advantages of not having a formal constitution!) Articles from members would be most welcome, Contents and may be sent via email to
[email protected] or via regular mail to Deptford Pink (Dianthus armeria L.) In Western Newfoundland Todd Boland by Henry Mann p. 22 81 Stamp's Lane St. John's, NF A winter's find, John Muir AlB 3H7 by Carmel Conway p.25 Summer Program Summer Field Trip Schedule p. 27 Besides our more extensive summer field Check list of the More Common Plants of trip, to be held between July 21-27 (see p.27), we the Avalon Peninsula (cont.) will once more have a specific location that we by Howard Clase p. 28 will visit on a monthly basis. This year we have chosen the section of the East Coast Trail Rare Newfoundland Wildflowers: Erigeron between Blackhead and Cape Spear. This route compositus (Cut-leaved Daisy) and Dryas is along a high bluff and contains varied habitats. drummondii (Yellow Mountain Avens) We will meet at the lower parking lot of Cape by Humber Natural History Society p. 31 Spear at 2:00pm and the walk will be approximately 2 hours. The leaders will be Leila and Howard Clase. The dates of the walks are as 2001-02 Executive follows: Sunday,JunelO Todd Boland Editor 753-6027 Sunday, July 1 Carmel Conway Treasurer 722-0121 Sunday August 5 Maggie Piranian Secretary 895-3904 Sunday Sept.