Yj*" ' 4 Dajrs for the Price Ef 3! 4 9 7 Mm Irhriitrr H Rralii

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Yj* f* -r.MAWCHMTBK HKIIALP. rhanO t t , J t m 4. m i TAG SALE!!! y j*" ' 4 Dajrs for the Price ef 3! ^ PLACE YOUR AD ON TUESDAY, BEFORE NOON, AND YOU^RE ALL SET * FOR THE W EEK. JUST ASK FOR TRACEY OR IRENE IN CLASSIFIED. m m irhriitrr H rralii ) YHnr.hRSlor A City o( VillHflc flhrirni coNWiNiiMce. This a NO RAYMBNTt b td rd e m Colanlal Is Up te 3 veers. KMs your ft- loMfsd nsor thopplns, flonelai a c u itie s t oedbye, SCRANTON TAKE A LOOK tcnoels, bus lint and Aveie fereclesure. Cetch up Friday, JuriaS, 1B87 f O C f n t t rtcrtollonal artas. cMMtM.pirswni en lots poymewts such OS first OHhveiJN exsoume vneoun fermol Llvlnoonddln- Or OVOOno mOrr^OVO Or OTOII AMO setdor usee CMM~. 1986 int rooms) eovtrtd eutstoadlne credh eerd btlls. eewi see NMAMowe Oh leew front porch and o born Keep your home free end LINCOLN Blade J stylo poroot. Pricod clear without liens. Pod •rOOOOIOAfUyAN M4,PM tor Immodlott soft! credit er left payment his­ DAKOTA 'll.e id TOWN CAR tory Is net a problem. Kindly » Ml Jobless rate Blanchard !■ Resstfto. •7 «9TH AVI (I) <t4,2M 3 to choosp from , “Wo Ouorontoo Our colli MOObOIOAlUyAN M0,dMI Whitp/ BluP/ Brown suspected Housos". 440 asaa. o T U B IW IS S Your Cholcp Ct^AAMirJo Rustem ConsdrvBfIyp OrpuB •• 00001 nulwM M1,4M Capo. Bock on tho M IM 4 0 « P r ls n fiT H A y i.« <13,M S •• 00001 see oem. <13,3P« $19,700 morkot. 7 Rooms, plus in crash holds steady porch ond dock. 3 bod- W O H y.U P AN O N <13,4 M rooms, dinino and llv- M 00001ROVAL Ml <10,MS Morlarty Bros, Inp room, don , oot-ln By Andrew Vurkevsky 0 •SLsPARONlOr. •11,8«8 Uaed Car Speolala Harold Reporter kHchon, oulot stroot. hentate ASklno $135,000. B/W •eFLV.yoYAaM <i4,M8 Dollar*Rpnt*A*Car0 Rooltv 047-141». •sn.y,m uANri«. <p,pp8 1905 C O U G A R S S O U T H WINDSOR - Federal lAAMb NM Mstlnalll MhLy.Hom ioNi*. <p,pp8 Whitp-Rpd-Blup Inveatlgetors still have not deter­ at 6.3 percent Statolv I room Colon­ •eoMY.oTg <to,3M mined the cauee of Wednesday's ial, sltuotod on 3.1 •• HOMZON <4,PP6 helicopter crash off Buckland acros In South W ind­ •tVO VA OIK <g,PP8 Rood, But the president of the OENTLBMAN Pre­ •SNISIAN MAXIMA <11,3t8 W By M o tt Yoncev sor. 3 bodrooms, 1.3 ferred. Central, plea­ 04 Maida Flekup •4600 tralnBif school that leased the baths, 3 horso born, 3 •4 FONT, eon TS <|,PP8 The Aeeecloted Frets sant, next to shower, •4n.y.MLIANT <4,M8 SSVW Jette •6006 helicopter said this morning a N tlroplocos, now root, phone, kitchen privi­ stalled mein rotor Blade cut Into the •S Arlea Wapon •0,406 Florida room, booutl- leges, parking. Non •1 HONDA AOOOhO <3,1M Wa sh in g to n - The nation ful location, moonlfl- •tPLYNILIANraw <3,M8 •3 Toyota Oellea •iOOS elrcreft'e tall section. smoker. 649-N01. “That much has Been con­ posted a decade-low Jobless rate of cont landscoplnp. as Colony Perk Wp. •10,400 6.8 percent for the lecond straight •334,100. Jackson B i 'xcel- firmed." Skid Larry Durocher, lent furnished room for I •6 MH. Oelant 4 dr. •11,400 month In May despite an Increase of Jackson Rtol Bstoto. 87 -3311 reeldent o( Northeast Helicopters 46,000 in the rolls of the Jobless, the $47-0400.0 Mntlemon. No kitchen. •6 Morkur XR4TI •10,000 nc. In Ellington. Why the engine of ^Ivlleges. References •6 Oullaas 3 dr. •TOOO S government said today. IT’S FIcnIc Timol 11 What bLOSMOBILB Cutlass the Robinson RIt helicopter stalled Unemploymefit required. 633 weekly. Supereme 73. Oood IS Oatsun lOOSX •4906 The unemployment rate, on the a boautitui yard and 649-4033 or 643-6137. Is a question that remains to Be heels of a dramatic 0.8 percentage PwoeM of we* WHM. •Msewey ##<•«• patio tor 0 summor running condition, 19 QMO Jimmy 40K •7096 answered, he said. needs minor body point drop In April, leveled off as barbocuol Spacious 0 Wishing will not sell any­ •S Lino. Town Oar •11,400 Northeast operates a fleet of so room ovorsittd Rolsod work. Asking •800/best •4 Gran. Marquis L8 •O O M the laBor force grew by a "proBaBly thing ... a low-cost od In offer. $46-3346 ask for Robinson R ll helicopters. Although somewhat exaggerated" 088,000 Ranch on TImord Rd. Cloumed will. Why not •6 liutu D LX P/U •6606 3.3 baths, tlroplaco, Pete. Anytime otter 4. a numBer of proBlems with the people last month, of whom 012,000 place one todoyl $43-3711. aircraft were reported In the early 7.0 fully applloneod oot-ln- 4 4 4 6 # 4 4 4 4 6 found JoBs. I n r r m ^ kltchon, lots of stor- MORIARTY liaos, Durocher said that those JoBlessness, however, climBed have been resolved and that flying II apt, lorpo utility shod, BROTHERS from 7,000,000 to 7,540,000. the 1 1 11111 m privato yard. Oroat the R13 Is no more hatardous than LaBor Department said. 6.0 condition I $340,900. M l C l H t r m . any other helicopter. He said that I I I I I I I I M I I «IW" ROUTE N , VERNON At 0.8 percent, the unemployment Jackson $ Jackson MBnehBttBT, C T earlier reports that the aircraft ROol Bstoto. $«7-S400.o rate Is 0.9 percentage point Below I I I I I I I I M 5 rooms, heated, 3rd •SPulekLtesbrafer. •7406 »t B exploded Before crashing were not AF photo Its level of a year ago. 'Ilie num W ^ 1111111111 EAbk on iho morkotlll floor. No Pets. Refer­ • • Ohsv. OHsHon 4 dr. •3006 843 8 8 correct. of Jobless Americans Is aBout ^ II Supor i plus room L- ences and security re­ Frank Ohlorsl, chief of the New shoptd ranch In Ho- •ePu)skN40sl4*. 000,000 less than In May 1010. 111111111111 quired. 643-3363 or 646- •4PuleiiL4e4bm4W. •6406 York office of the National Trans­ Stpyp Davis, 30, homaltis for thrso feolings ibout tho plannod pwppp of thp JJASOMOJFMAM bron, 4 bodrooms, 3 6m . In Venice, Italy, where he 1s boths, tlroplaco, lorpo 64«iyh4wk4dr.We •60M portation Safety Board, said that months In downtown Los Angtlss, Skid Row artp Thurodsy by pollop. accompanying President Reagan, 1600 V dock, now wood siding, 4vy A o 6 a^ apartm ent in •4 WWsrs Coups •11,006 any statement aBout the cause of displays b bannar that amphasIZBS hls White House spokesman Marlin 04 /uxatT May*7 Belton. Available July the crash Before the Board com­ unique floor plan, •• Ohsv. apostrum I w. •6700 Fltiwater said, "This is good i ir6.3% h B.0%~i many extras. Beautiful 1st. Steve, refrlpero- 7HR TlloM M lirixT pletes Its Investigation would Be 7.2% tor, washer, dryer, •6 Font. Plsro BItvor •7006 M l offtr. Coll Paul of unemployment news on the eve of lot plus groot location premature. the economic summit. The econ­ Sowea. U S. Mpt «< UDw near Ooy City Park. heat furnished. No S o LTo ir 4 room Ranch. 3 PIBEROLA8 Dlnohys. ■• Ohsv. Osprts# 4 dr. •0406 $<•4340. 9^3. M -P. Durocher said he experienced no •164,900. Jackson $ pets. Ideal for profes- Treed lot. Lake privi­ •••uSsruaLXTOps. •0406 BCTllWTWWIolwboa omy Is functioning smoothly — all slenal couple. (1) afoot and (1)9 foot, proBlems when, for two and a half LA, police serve homeless leges. No pets. Stove both with oars. $300 •SOMsoudspsidr. •0706 pickup In o k c tlle n f run- Indicators show continued growth from April,” the LaBor Department Jackson Real Estate. tiens. Excellent condi­ hours on Tuesday, he flew the same A47-S400.D •600/month plus secur­ and retrleerator In­ each. 649-4610. se Ford LTD 4 dr. •11,406 ninp eondlllon with In the months ahead.” said in a atatament. ity and reterenes. 643- cluded. m onthly. tion. •13,000. Call after helicopter that crashed. The school E A it MarHord. t1i4,f«0. WS •eosvsIlorWp •6706 evsr thotopcop. Many The sharp Increase In the else of The factory workweek, however, 0443. 743-6736. Keep trying. •pm 646-7930. now parts. (Uill 447- was closed Thursday In memory o6 ~ Share expenses In this SSOhovsHsidr. <4706 the civilian laBor force — people at reBounded sharply after felling in Manchesler-bfd floor, 3 AfN/I^LT LeCor tW . OIOS. the Instructor killed In the crasB.X x)/Y work or looking for a JoB — after April due In part to the the Easter well kept 3famtly home WANT ADS are. worth SOOsvtlllorAdr. •0606 Skid Row eviction notice b e d ro o m s ) 6 ro o m 70,(»0 miles. Runs But Durocher sold flights would ' two months of little change had . Each unit with 3 looking Into when you're and Passover holidays. Overtime In bedrooms. Completely apartment, 1 car gar­ 0 O«1-M O O or best offer. continue today. Been expected By many manufacturing rose to an average age, nice yard. Refer­ Iboklng for a place to $49-7057. 872-9111 Police today Identified the two By Jeff Wilson all week they were suBject to sidewalks. separate utilities. ences and security.
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