Vegetation Zones of the Canary Islands

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Vegetation Zones of the Canary Islands Vegetation zones of the Canary Islands © Wolfgang Borgmann In the subtropics, 8 volcanic rocks rise La Graciosa from the Atlantic Lanzarote Ocean off the west La Palma coast of Africa. Tenerife Fuerteventura (Until November 2018 there were only La Gomera Gran Canaria 7 islands: La Graciosa was not regarded as an independent, inhabited island until then). El Hierro Jeff Schmaltz LANCE/EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team, GSFC For most of the year, trade winds from the north-northeast bring sometimes more, sometimes less humidity. The southern sides of the islands are much drier due to down winds and the intense sun. The peculiar "flags" in the south of the islands are created by their slipstreams. Here the calmer water surface reflects the sunlight differently than the rest of the sea. Jeff Schmaltz LANCE/EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team, GSFC The Pico del Teide on Tenerife is the third highest island volcano in the world at 3,715 m. The other islands reach heights between 671 m (Lanzarote) and 2,426 m (La Palma). It should come as no surprise that "eternal spring" is not everywhere here. According to the temperature conditions at different altitudes and the distribution of humidity, very different vegetation zones have evolved. In addition, there are small-scale growth areas with special microclimates, e.g. deeply incised gorges and rocky cliffs. The result is a very varied landscape, which you normally only get to see when travelling through whole continents. We start at sea level: Whether rocky cliffs or natural sandy beaches - intensive sunlight and constant wind ensure high evaporation. Salty spray makes plant growth even more difficult. These are conditions for specialists! These include halophytes, i.e. plant species that are particularly salt- tolerant, e.g. sea- lavender / statice (Limonium sp.). sea-lavender / statice (Limonium sp.) Some halophytes look like succulents because they too have water-storing leaves or shoots. For them, however, this is not a reserve for dry periods, but protects the plant from excessive salt concentrations. Zygophyllum gaetulum Looks like a succulent, but is a "deceptive package": The apparently thick leaves actually only have rolled down leaf edges. Senecio leucanthemifolius It's in the name of the sea spurge that its preferred place of growth is close to the water. It is a xerophyte (adapted to drought) and closely related to the myrtle spurge, which we like to cultivate in rock gardens. Sea spurge (Euphorbia paralias) Astydamia latifolia, a relative of carrot, fennel, parsley: also thickened leaves and in the soil a beet - or a caudex? Astydamia latifolia But here we also find the first true succulents, especially the annual or biennial midday flower Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. It stores salt in high concentrations in its cells and was formerly used for soda extraction. Ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum) The more succulent Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum has much smaller flowers, but usually occurs in such large masses that its intensely coloured leaves are simply impossible to miss. Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum As a great rarity, a third Mesembry- anthemum occurs at the southern tip of Fuerteventura (I only found one young plant). Mesembryanthemum (Opophytum) theurkaufii All Mesembry- anthemum species shown above are actually native to the African continent. This midday flower, however, is a Canarian indigenous. Aizoon canariense The very simple flowers show that it is one of the most original midday flowers. Aizoon canariense It is an annual as well, but the lignified branches and seed capsules remain as skeletons for a long time. Aizoon canariense Above the coastal zone follows the succulent bush. It begins at about 50 m above sea level and reaches up to heights Euphorbia canariensis + Opuntia dillenii of about 400 m on the more humid northern sides of the islands and about 700 m on their southern sides. Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum As the name of this zone suggests, succulents are the most striking plants here. Therefore, it is worthwhile for every succulents enthusiast to search for plants here. There are several species of spurges with bonsai-like growth that can form large stands here. Remarkably, these are usually not mixed stands, but only one of these species dominates at any given growing site. Euphorbia aphylla The inflorescences, which are relatively inconspicuous up close, have an amazing luminosity from a distance. This is especially true for Euphorbia regis-jubae, which grows on the eastern islands of Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. Euphorbia lamarckii Euphorbia regis-jubae The 'Tabaiba dulce' (sweet spurge) shows very different growth forms depending on the growing environment: Up to 3 m high in sheltered places, almost creeping in places exposed to strong winds. Euphorbia balsamifera Probably the best known spurge in this area is the 'Cardon', the candelabra spurge, with its cactus-like appearance. By the way, I don't know many other plants where inflorescences and fruits look that similar... Euphorbia canariensis Euphorbia handiensis also grows in a cactus- like manner, at first sight similar to the previous spurge species. In fact, the occurrence of this species is limited to two valleys at the southern tip of Fuerteventura. It is therefore highly endangered and is on the Red List. Euphorbia handiensis A number of species of the genus Aeonium also grow in this zone of the succulent bush. Some of them can form large stands, similar to the euphorbias already presented, especially on rocky ground. Aeonium lindleyi var. lindleyi Extreme examples of this are Aeonium lancerottense and A. valverdense, which are able to thrive in almost naked lava that has hardly been weathered. Under these conditions, the distance between the individual specimens is naturally much greater than in more favourable growing locations. Aeonium lancerottense Aeonium valverdense Many other succulents find their niches between or among the larger plants. Some are conspicuous, even if they do not appear in such large numbers, others grow quite hidden. Depending on where they grow (north or south side, lower or higher altitudes, exposed or sheltered from the wind, rocky or loose soil...), there are always different species to be found. Euphorbia lamarckii, Ceropegia fusca These include representatives of the genera Aeonium, Ceropegia und Monanthes. Many species have developed here, some of which only occur on a small scale in special Aeonium smithii Aeonium nobile places or in narrowly defined areas. Ceropegia fusca Monanthes pallens The big exception is Senecio kleinia, which is common on all islands. It varies somewhat depending on the growing conditions, but it is always clearly recognizable - at the latest by its flowers. Senecio kleinia Originally ... there is a zone above the succulent bush where Canary date palms, junipers and dragon trees grow. Unfortunately, most of the natural resources have fallen victim to agriculture. However, date palms and dragon trees are often planted. Juniperus turbinatus Phoenix canariensis Dracaena draco ssp. canariensis So far we have remained "under the clouds". Now we are reaching the altitudes that - at least temporarily - lie in the trade wind clouds. On the northern sides of the islands the first more humid vegetation zone is a cloud forest, which is mainly formed by various laurel species. The laurel forests were largely cleared. Today, the main growth here is a forest of tree heather and firetrees / faya. Among the most striking species of this Erica arborea zone are the Canary Islands bellflower and foxglove, both of which are pollinated by birds. Canarina canariensis Isoplexis canariensis It is reasonable to assume that in this humid environment there is no need to continue searching for succulents. Wrong thought: On rock faces, Monanthes laxiflora Aichryson laxum embankments and partly as epiphytes you will also meet different Aeonium, Monanthes and especially Aichryson, which are adapted to the special living conditions. Aeonium canariense var. subplanum Aeonium ciliatum Above the laurel forest (in the south of the islands just above the succulent bush), extensive forests of Canary Island pine are adjacent. Their long needles "milk" the clouds. And when the sun shines, they exude an incomparable scent! Pinus canariense And again, there are special growing places that have been conquered by succulents, especially rocks and lava areas. Aeonium undulatum Aeonium percarneum In particular, various species of Aeonium are found in these drier habitats. Aeonium spathulatum Aeonium aureum Above the tree line the high mountain zone follows. In the Canary Islands it begins at about 2,000 m. This altitude is only exceeded on La Palma and Tenerife. The vegetation here initially consists mainly of different types of broom, here the white flowering and by bees much sought after Teide broom in the Cañadas on Tenerife. Spartocytisus supranubia Perhaps the most spectacular species of the Canary Islands also belongs in this zone: Wildpret's bugloss, also known as the "Pride of Tenerife", stretches its up to 3 m high flowering candles with tens of thousands of flowers in early summer. Echium wildpretii On La Palma there are two intensely fragrant species of broom that colour the slopes below the observatories yellow. Adenocarpus viscosus ssp. spartioides + Genista benehoavensis Only on Tenerife is it possible to go even higher: On the slopes of the Pico del Teide the vegetation becomes more and more sparse, until in the mountainous semi-desert only isolated small plants survive. These survival artists include a small, very rare relative of Wildpret's bugloss and the apparently so delicate Teide violet, which manages to grow at over 3,000 m altitude. Echium auberianum Viola cheiranthifolia In the areas above the trade wind clouds, where it can snow and freeze in winter, succulents no longer grow on the Canary Islands. It is actually amazing: So many different forms have developed on this archipelago from the Crassulaceaean family.
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