Enter the Legday
230 2014 HOUSE JOURNAL – 23RD DAY TWENTY-THIRD DAY Thursday, February 27, 2014 Gov. Msg. No. 234, dated February 18, 2014, transmitting the 2013 Report of the Commission to Promote Uniform Legislation, prepared by The House of Representatives of the Twenty-Seventh Legislature of the the Department of the Attorney General. State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2014, convened at 12:09 o'clock p.m., with Vice Speaker Mizuno presiding. Gov. Msg. No. 235, dated February 19, 2014, transmitting the 2011 Tax Credits Report, prepared by the Department of Taxation pursuant to The invocation was delivered by Representative Dee Morikawa, after Section 231-3.4(a), HRS. which the Roll was called showing all Members present with the exception of Representatives Har and Say, who were excused. SENATE COMMUNICATIONS On motion by Representative Cabanilla, seconded by Representative Fukumoto and carried, reading of the Journal was dispensed with and the The following communication from the Senate (Sen. Com. No. 34) was Journals of the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and received and announced by the Clerk: Eighth Days were approved. (Representatives Har and Say were excused.) Sen. Com. No. 34, transmitting S.B. No. 233, entitled: "A BILL FOR AN ACT RELATING TO QUEEN LILIUOKALANI," which passed GOVERNOR'S MESSAGES Third Reading in the Senate on February 19, 2014. The following messages from the Governor (Gov. Msg. Nos. 222 On motion by Representative Cabanilla, seconded by Representative through 235) were received and announced by the Clerk and were placed Fukumoto and carried, the following Senate Bill passed First Reading by on file: title and further action was deferred: (Representatives Har, Nishimoto and Say were excused.) Gov.
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