An Honor Roll Containing a Pictorial Record of the Gallant And
wmM, f J ,' Jl I f \ / ! ,7 .^ 1 ( l&^fiiBAiaB^v y/zp/zSorvoc/ fo AoGp t/ie/paf/on 9/„.'-%„or9?o/? s\ 1917'" 1918- 1919 [o '^CxCC ))ooo o PUBLISHED BY The Leader Publishing Company Pipestone, Minni^sota 1^ ^ HAY J* I9M ^ 1 A =_>< .25 Pipestone County^s Honored Dead PDiss ! CARI^ETON ASHTON — Pipe- m stone, Minn. Private, ist Co., ml Coast Defense Artillery. Entered service dis- I SSI November 30, 1914; cliarg^ed 191 7 because of physical disability. Died March 7, 1919. im\ PETER BARKER — Holland, Minn. Private, Infantry. En- tered service Oct. 23, 191 8; train- ed at Camp Cody, N. M. Died November 3, 1918, at Camp Cody, N. M., of influenza. I I! I li WALTER EDWARD BREI- IIOLZ—Holland, Minn. Pri- vate, Co. M, 53rd Inf. Entered service May i, 1918; trained at Camp W'adsworth, S. C. ; depart- ed overseas July, 1918; battles, Meuse and Argonne. Died De- cember 18, 1918, at Recy-Sur- Oise, France, peritonitis. '"^-"':g^MlMMlii^ili1 ; aummmiii fail Pipestone County's Honored Dead Hill IRVING BENJAMIN ENGEL- BART—Pipestone, Minn. Cor- poral, Co. B, 119th Inf. Entered service Feb. 28, 1918; trained at Camp Dodge ; departed overseas May 15, 1918. Killed in action September 29, 191 8. .:;ii VICTOR ELMER IIURD—Re- gina, Canada. Private, Infantrj'. Entered service Jnly, 1918; train- ed at Cam]:) Wadsvvorth, S. C. departed overseas Sept., 1918. Died October 10, 1918. in France, of pnenmonia. OLIVER SMITH HUVCK—Jas- per, Minn. Seaman, second class, U. S. S. Transport Bridgeport. Entered service Ma\', 1917; train- ed at Great Lakes Naval Train- ing Station.
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