Office Dkfezd Fohkkx] Fcykliqj Eamy @Deptt.Of Personnel, Bilaspur Division Nf{K.K Iwoz E/; Jsyos @ South East Central Railway
File No.SECR-BSP0PERS(NOTE)/62/2021-O/o Sr.DPO/BSP/SECR dk;kZy;@Office dkfeZd foHkkx] fcykliqj eaMy @Deptt.of Personnel, Bilaspur Division nf{k.k iwoZ e/; jsyos @ South East Central Railway nw-Hkk QSDl -@ Tele : 62430 (Rly), 07752-247030 (DOT) @Fax : 62934 (Rly), 07752-247030 (DOT) No: E/147/OPTG/CSM-SM/Seniority/2021 Date:09-02-2021 Provisional Seniority List of CHIEF STATION MANAGER, STATION MASTER To, All Concerned, SECR/Bilaspur Division Sub: Provisional seniority list of CHIEF STATION MANAGER & STATION MASTER working at Sr.DOM/BSP. Provisional seniority list of CHIEF STATION MANAGER in GP-4600/L-7 & STATION MASTER in GP-4200/L-6 working in OPERATING Department, OPERATING Sub Department at Sr.Divisional Personnel Officer/BSP is sent herewith for the information of the staff concerned. This should be got noted from the staff shown in this seniority list. In case there is any objection from any of the staff regarding the seniority allotted to them, the same may please be sent to the undersigned with in one month from the date of receipt of this seniority list. In case no objection is received within this period, the seniority list will be taken as FINAL. (A.V.S.Nehru) Divisional Personnel Officer-II For Sr.Divisional Personnel Officer Copy forwarded for infomation and necessary action: Sr.DOM/BSP, DC/SECRMC/BSP, DS/SECROBCEA/BSP, DS/AISCSTREA/BSP, CSM/Plg./BSP, CSM/(Yard Office)/BSP,CSM/(Traffic Movement Office)/CPH, KRBA, RIG, BPH, PND, SDL, UMR, BJRI, BRH, Concerned File File No.SECR-BSP0PERS(NOTE)/62/2021-O/o Sr.DPO/BSP/SECR dk;kZy;@Office dkfeZd foHkkx] fcykliqj eaMy @Deptt.of Personnel, Bilaspur Division nf{k.k iwoZ e/; jsyos @ South East Central Railway nw-Hkk QSDl -@ Tele : 62430 (Rly), 07752-247030 (DOT) @Fax : 62934 (Rly), 07752-247030 (DOT) 01-01-2021 िक मु奍य टेशन प्रबंधक की अनंनिम वरिष्ठिा सूची I PROVISIONAL SENIORITY LIST OF CHIEF STATION MANAGER AS ON 01-01-2021 नवभाग/ Department परिचालन/OPERATING पद/Designation मु奍य टेशन प्रबंधक, ग्रेड/Grade GP-4600/L-7 CHIEF STATION MANAGER मंडल/Division नबल इकाई सं奍या/Bill Unit No.
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