Central Coast & Newcastle

The southern boundary to this area begins at Broken Bay. lt heads west along the , under the Pacific Motorway, then up to the point where the river flows into Mangrove Creek, just below Triangle tsland at Spencer. Here the boundary progresses north then north east up Wiseman's Ferry Road, onto Bloodtree Road then northwest onto George Downes Drive, which it follows right through to Great North Road. Continuing north up Great North Road, then Paynes Crossing Road/ Road and Broke Road, it eventually meets the /Putty Road. Heading east and then north on Putty Road it heads into Singleton along Glenriding Roadilohn Street and then along the Hunter River via the . Following the Hunter River east right through up until it intersects with William River, the boundary then travels south east onto William Street, north east along Adelaide Street and enters the Pacific Highway. lt follows the Pacific Highway through to the Viney Creek Road East exit, then tracks a horizontal line across to the coast, below Myall Lake and above Tea Gardens. The Eastern Boundary then progresses all the way down the coast, to Broken Bay.

Clarification of Boundaries Where a road/street/highway, etc. is used as a boundary, the boundary line is deemed to run down the centre of the road, that is, all properties on the side of the street closest to the territory being defined WILL be part of that territory and all properties on the opposite side of the street WILL NOT be part of that territory.

Franchisees are permitted to service areas which are outside their boundaries, provided that they do not fall into an already franchised area, and with the understanding that they are not strictly in their exclusive territory meaning that if, at a later stage, Henny Penny Hatching should sell a franchise which services these areas, the existing franchisee would be required to relinquish any customers in these areas to the new franchisee within whose area they fall.

The Coast & Newcastle franchisee is currently permitted to service areas directly north of the given boundaries, as well as those which are directly to the west of the given boundaries, but which do not encroach on areas being serviced by the Hills franchisee. #:f, in H-#

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