
LChapter 12 TIEN H. Wu


1. INTRODUCTION a = normal on rupture surface, c = , and ethods of limiting equilibrium are fre- 4) = angle of internal . quently used to analyze the stability of a M In terms of principal stresses, the Mohr-Coulomb mass (see Chapter 13). In such analyses, the of the material is assumed to be criterion becomes

fully developed along the rupture surface at fail- 2 a1 = a3 tan +2ctan[(.!) + A()] (12.2) ure. In this chapter the basic principles that gov- [(a 4 + (!t' 2 )] 4 2 ern shear strength and the methods that may be where is the major principal stress and a3 is the used for its measurement are outlined. Brief a1 minor principal stress. descriptions of the properties of some common A more general formulation, which combines are provided. failure with stress-strain behavior, is the yield sur- face (Drucker et al. 1955) and the critical state 2.GENERAL PRINCIPLES (Schofield and Wroth 1968). The is especially useful when evaluation of The basic principles in the description of strength is required. For limiting equilibrium analysis, the properties are the failure criterion and the effective Mohr-Coulomb criterion is still the most conve- stress principle. '(lhen a failure criterion derived from testdata is used to estimate in situ strength, nient failure criterion. appropriate attention should be given to possible differences between the stress state of the test and 2.2 Versus Total Stress that of the in situ soil when subjected to the Analysis expected load. Because the shear strength of soils is strongly influ- enced by conditions during loading, those 2.1 Failure Criterion conditions must be properly accounted for in the use of shear strength in design. A fundamental The Mohr-Coulomb criterion is widely used to principle in soil is the use of effective define failure; it states that the shear strength (s) is stress a', which was first defined by Terzaghi s=c+atan4) (12.1) (1936a) as where a'=a— u (12.3)

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where a is the total stress and u is the pore pres- pressibility and degree of saturation. For saturated sure. The shear strength can be expressed consis- soils, B = 1. For an elastic material, A = 1/3. For soils tently in terms of effective stress: that compress under shear, A > 1/3, and for soils that dilate under shear, A < 1/3 s=c'+a'tan4)'=c'+(a—u)tan4)' (12.4) Under the fully drained condition, the excess pore is zero, and pore pressure in satu- where c' and 4)' are the strength parameters for rated soils caused by flow can usually effective stress. For a partially saturated soil, the be evaluated without serious difficulty. Hence, shear strength can be expressed as (Fredlundet al. analysis with the effective stress description of 1978) shear strength (Equation 12.4) is most useful. For partially, drained and undrained conditions, the s = c' + (a - u) tan4)' + (u - u0 ) tan4)" (12.5) evaluation of excess pore pressure is often diffi- cult. In some cases, a total-stress description of where shear strength may be used. One important case is the undrained loading of saturated soils, for U0 = pore-air pressure, which the undrained shear strength (s = s) can u,1, = pore-water pressure, and be used. This is the common = 4 = 0 analysis 4)" = soil property that reflects influence of suc- 4) (Skempton and Golder 1948). The shear strength tion (u - Ua ) on strength. usually changes as the changes with drainage. If the change results in a higher strength, When the soil is saturated, u = 0 and u u . For the short-term, undrained stability is critical and saturated soils, pore pressure consists of the hydro- the stability can be expected to improve with time. static pore pressure related to groundwater level On the other hand, if drainage produces a and the excess pore pressure due to applied loads. decrease in strength, the long-term, drained sta- When soils are loaded under undrained or par- bility is critical; the undrained shear strength can tially drained conditions, the tendency to change be used only for short-term or temporary stabil- volume results in an excess pore pressure, which ity. For partially saturated soils, the prediction of may be positive or negative depending on the type pore-air and pore-water is more diffi- of soil and the stresses involved. General relations cult. Currently, the only reliable method is in situ between pore pressure and applied stresses have measurement. been suggested. For example, Henkel (1960) pro- posed that 2.3 Common States of Stress and Stress LU= B(a+azt,,ct ) (12.6) Change

where The Mohr-Coulomb criterion does not indicate a = empirical coefficient, any effect of the intermediate principal stress (a21 ) on the shear strength. In practical problems, a2' = 1/3[(a1 -0 2 )2 + ( a2 - a3 )2 + (a3— a1)2]'12, may range from a3' to a1 ' , depending on the geom- etry of the problem. The direction of the major = 1/3(a1 + a2 + a), and 01) 021 03 = major, intermediate, and minor prin- principal stress also changes during loading. cipal stresses. Experimental studies show that the value of a2' relative to a3' and a1 ' has an influence on the For soils tested in the triaxial apparatus or shear strength. loaded so that ia2 = ia3, Skempton (1954) pro- Several common states of stress are shown in posed that the excess pore pressure be given by Figure 12-1. In the initial state (a), a' is the effec- tive , a' = K a ' is the radial or Lu = B[iia3 + AE (a1 - a3 )] (12.7) lateral pressure, and K. is the coefficient0 of pressure at rest. In the stress state beneath the cen- where A is an empirical coefficient related to the ter of a circular loaded area [Figure 12-1(b)], the excess pore pressure developed during shear and B vertical stress is the major principal stress and the is an empirical coefficient related to the soil's corn- radial stress ar is the minor principal stress. The

Soil Strength Properties and Their Measurement 321

FIGURE 12-1 (a) INITIAL AT-REST STATE (b) BENEATH A LOADED AREA Common states of stress.

f//f/f/If / f//If//f


S af cld,S o. a l


intermediate principal stress ((;2 ) is equal to the 2.4 Stress-Strain Characteristics minor principal stress (a3' ). In the stress state below the center of a circular excavation [Figure Two stress-deformation curves are shown in Figure 12-1(c)], the vertical stress is the minor principal 12-3. A soil sample is sheared under a normal stress stress and the radial stress a,' is the major princi- a and a t. The shear displacement is A. pal stress. The intermediate principal stress ((Y2t) In common practice, the strength of the soil is is equal to the major principal stress (a1 ). Slopes defined as the peak strength (Points a and b in and retaining structures can be approximated by Figure 12-3) measured in the test. When this is FIGURE 12-2 the plane-strain condition in which the interme- used in a stability analysis, the tacit assumption is Directions of principal stresses (E2) is zero. Then the inter- that the peak strength is attained simultaneously diate principal strain in a slope. mediate principal stress (a2') is a,', oriented as along the entire rupture surface. shown in Figure 12-1(d), and has a value between a1' and a- Another important feature in many stability problems is the rotation of the principal during loading or excavation and its effect on the shear strength of soft clays (Ladd and Foott 1974). The rotation of principal axes is shown in Figure 12-2. Before the excavation of the , the state of stress is represented by that shown in Figure 12-1(a). After excavation, the major principal stress is in the horizontal direction at the toe (Point A, Fig- ure 12-2). Thus, the principal axes are rotated through an angle of 90 degrees; at Point B, a rota- tion of approximately 45 degrees occurs. At Point C, the original principal stress directions remain unchanged although the values of the stresses change. 322 Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

Many soils demonstrate strain-softening behav- consolidation, may be significant. In general, the ior, as illustrated by Curve A in Figure 12-3. Any of undrained strength of soils increases as the rate of several mechanisms may be used to explain the loading increases; however, this effect depends on strength decrease, but it is important to account for the specific material and varies over a wide range this decrease in design. For strain-softening soils, it (Casagrande and Wilson 1951; Skempton and is unreasonable to assume that the soil reaches its Hutchinson 1969). peak strength simultaneously at all points along a failure surface. In fact, the soil at some points on 3. LABORATORY MEASUREMENT OF the rupture surface will suffer displacements greater SHEAR STRENGTH than A0 before the soil at other points reaches this deformation. This phenomenon was called "pro- Various methods are available for laboratory mea- gressive failure" by Terzaghi and Peck (1948). In surement of shear strength. The simple methods the limit of large deformation, the strength at all are designed to determine the shear strength of a points will be reduced to that represented by Point sample in a particular state, such as the water con- c in Figure 12-3. This strength is called the residual tent of the soil in situ. These methods are most strength. often used to determine the undrained shear strength (sn) of saturated cohesive soils. More elab- orate laboratory tests allow combinations of nor- 2.5 Effect of Rate of Loading mal and shear stresses to be employed and pore The difference between the rate of loading applied pressures to be measured or controlled. Then it is in a laboratory shear test and that experienced in possible to establish the shear strength relation the slope is usually substantial. Most laboratory and defined by Equation 12.4. The most elaborate tests in situ tests bring the soil to failure within several allow simulation of the field stress or deformation hours or at most a few days. For most slopes the conditions. For example, triaxial compression tests load is permanent, although some dynamic loads simulate the stress state in Figure 12-1(b), and tn- may be applied for short durations. The effect of axial extension tests simulate the stress state in rate of loading on soil strength, excluding effects of Figure 12-1(c) (see Section 3.2). Plane-strain com- pression and extension tests and simple shear tests can provide better simulation of the stress states in Figure 12-2 (see Section 3.3). A comprehensive summary of stress states in various laboratory tests and constitutive relations that can be deduced from test results was given, by Desai and Siriwardane (1984).

3.1 Simple Shear Tests

Three types of simple shear tests are the uncon- fined compression, cone, and vane shear tests. 0 The unconfined compression test is usually per- formed on a cylindrical sample with a diameter- to-length ratio of 1:2. The sanple is compressed axially [Figure 12-4(a)] until failure occurs; the shear strength is taken as one-half the compressive strength. In the cone test, a cone with an angle 0 is forced into the soil [Figure 12-4(b)] under a force (Q), FIGURE 12-3 which may be its own weight. The shear strength is Typical obtained from the relation stress- KQ deformation A0 (12.8) curves. su--i— Soil Strength Properties and Their Measurement 323

FIGURE 12-4 (a) UNCONFINED Simple tests for COMPRESSION (b) CONE (c) VANE SHEAR measurement of soil strength.

plan profile

where h is the penetration and K is the constant from which the sample is taken. The state of stress that depends on the angIe 0 and the weight Q. is another factor that should be considered. The Calibration curves for K were published by directions of the principal stresses and the orienta- Hansbo (1957). tions of rupture surfaces in these simple tests are In the laboratory vane test (Cadling and Oden- not the same. They may also be quite different from stad 1950), a vane is pushed into the soil specimen, directions of the principal stresses and the orienta- and a torque is applied to the stem to produce shear tion of the failure surface in a slope. Hence, caution failure over a cylindrical surface [Figure 12-4(c)]. should be exercised when the results of these sim- The shear strength is obtained by equating the ple strength tests are applied to slope-stability prob- torque measured at failure to the moment produced lems (Bjerrum 1973). by the shear stresses along the cylindrical surface. According to Cadling and Odenstad, the shear 3.2 Triaxial Test strength for vanes with a diameter-to-height ratio of 1:2 is The triaxial test is highly versatile; a variety of stress and drainage conditions can be employed (Bishop =-(--3) (12.9) and Henkel 1962). The cylindrical soil specimen is enclosed within a thin rubber membrane and where M is the torque and D is the diameter of placed inside a triaxial cell, as shown in Figure the vane. 12-5(a). The cell is then filled with a fluid. As pres- Application of the results of these simple tests to sure is applied to the fluid in the cell, the specimen the analysis of slope stability should include con- is subjected to a hydrostatic stress ((Y3). Drainage sideration of the type of soil and loading condi- from the specimen is provided through the porous tions in situ. The test results are expressed in terms stone at the bottom, and the volume change can be of total stress because pore pressures are not mea- measured. Alternatively, if no drainage is allowed, sured. When the soil is brought to failure rapidly the pore-water pressure can be measured. For par- under undrained conditions, the shear strength is tially saturated soils, the pore-water pressure is defined by s = s. Hence, the application of these measured through a fine stone that pre- test results is commonly limited to saturated cohe- vents air entry. The pore-air pressure is measured sive soils under undrained conditions. through a screen that permits free air entry. Details It is usually assumed that the measured strength on testing of partially saturated soils were given by is equal to the in situ strength. However, a major Fredlund and Rohardjo (1993, 260-282). uncertainty is the effect of sampling disturbance on In triaxial compression, the axial stress ((Y) is strength. Even "good" samples may suffer strength increased by application of a load through the load- losses as great as 50 percent (Ladd and Lambe 1964; ing ram. From the known stresses at failure (a1 = 02 Clayton et al. 1992; Hight et al. 1992). The effect and a2 = 03 = (Y,.), Mohr circles or other stress plots of sample disturbance is most severe in soft sensi- can be constructed. Results from several triaxial tive soils and appears to increase with the depth tests, each using a different cell pressure ((;), are

324 Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

FIGURE 12-5 (a) EQUIPMENT Triaxial test. (b) STRESS Triaxial cell CONDITIONS

Gouge Cop I Membrane Cell . cr Pressure Specimen • VoIum change gouge

Pore pressure transducer


o-,3' = 300


b I300

used to obtain the failure envelope. Typical plots of Tests with the following drainage conditions the principal stress difference versus axial strain are can be performed with the triaxial apparatus. Tests shown in Figure 12-5(c). The stress-strain behavior on saturated soils are considered first. is influenced by the confining pressure, the stress In the consolidated-drained test (also called a history, and other factors. The sample can also be drained test or slow test), the soil is allowed to con- loaded to failure in triaxial extension by increasing solidate completely under an effective cell pressure the radial stress while maintaining the axial stress (a ). In the triaxial compression test, the axial constant; then a1 = 2 = a and a3 = a. Triaxial stress is increased at a slow rate, and drainage is compression and extension simulate, respectively, permitted. The rate should be slow enough that no the stress states beneath a loaded area, as shown in excess pore pressure is allowed to build up. Since Figure 12-1(b), and beneath an excavation, as shown in Figure 12-1(0. Principal stresses and pore pressure at failure are used to construct Mohr circles and to obtain the failure envelope. Figure 12-6 shows a series of fail- ure envelopes. The horizontal axis is a - u,, which is the familar pore pressure for saturated soils. For

saturated soils (U,, - Uw) = 0. When the soil is partially saturated, (Ua - u) is not zero. A series of failure envelopes is obtained for different values FIGURE 12-6 Of(U - U), such as those shown in Figure 12-6 for Failure envelopes. values of (u,, - u) equal to a and b. Soil Strength Properties and Their Measurement 325 the excess pore pressure is zero in the drained test, ing consolidation. Experimental results that show effective stresses are known throughout the test and the effect of stress state on strength properties were at failure. The results of a series of drained tests reviewed by Ladd et al. (1977). can be used to evaluate the effective stress strength parameters in Equation 12.4. 3.3 Plane-Strain Test In the consolidated-undrained test with pore- The geometry of many geotechnical problems can pressure measurement (also called the consolidated- be approximated by the condition of plane strain, quick test), the drainage valves are closed after the in which the intermediate principal strain (;) is initial consolidation of the sample. The axial stress zero. To simulate this condition, plane-strain tests is increased without drainage, and the excess pore have been developed (Henkel and Wade 1966) in pressure is measured. The pore pressure is sub- which the sample is consolidated anisotropically tracted from the total axial and radial stresses to with zero lateral strain (E = = 0). Then the sam- give the effective stresses. The effective stresses at ple is loaded to failure by incr3easing either a or failure from a series of tests are used to define the and maintaining = 0 to simulate, respectively, failure criterion, as in the drained test. The the stress conditions at Points A or C of Figure consolidated-undrained test is sometimes per- 12-2. Plane-strain tests can be conducted under formed without pore-pressure measurement. Then undrained, consolidated-undrained, or drained the effective stresses at failure cannot be deter- conditions as described for triaxial tests. mined. The results could be used to estimate the undrained shear strength after consolidation 3.4 under o. In the unconsolidated-undrained test (also The direct shear test is shown in Figure 12-7. The called the undrained test or quick test), no drain- soil specimen is enclosed in a box consisting of age is allowed during any part of the test. When upper and lower halves; porous stones on the top the cell pressure is applied, a pore-pressure change and the bottom permit drainage of water from the occurs in the soil. When the axial stress is applied, specimen. If the loading is carried out slowly, no ex- additional pore-pressure changes occur. If these cess pore pressure develops and the drained condi- pore-pressure changes are not measured, the test tion is obtained. The potential plane of failure is FIGURE 12-7 Direct shear test. results can only be interpreted in terms of total a-a. A normal stress ((Yz') is applied on plane a-a stress. At failure, the undrained shear strength (sn) is taken to represent the strength at the in situ . The unconsolidated-undrained test (b) STRESS STATE is then similar to the simple shear tests defined in (a) SHEAR BOX AT POINT b Section 3.1. The same three types of triaxial tests can be per- formed on partially saturated soils. However, because the air voids can be compressed even when there is no drainage, the simplifications derived — +—GXI above for undrained loading do not apply to par- C] tially saturated soils. For such soils, the pore-air and pore-water pressures must be measured in all tests in order to construct the failure envelope in (c) ORIENTATION OF PRINCIPAL STRESSES terms of effective stress. (d) MOHR CIRCLE Triaxial tests are usually begun by increasing the cell pressure ((53) to the desired stress level, thus applying an isotropic or hydrostatic stress to the sample. This initial condition may differ from the initial in situ condition [see Figure 12-1(a)], in which the vertical and horizontal principal stresses are different. In situ stresses can be simulated in a triaxial test by using an anisotropic stress state dur- 326 Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

FIGURE 12-8 through a loading head, and the shear stress is (a) INITIAL STATE Simple shear test. increased until the specimen fails along plane a-a. OF STRESS A stress-deformation curve is obtained by plotting the shear stress versus the displacement. Because the thickness of shear zone a-a is not precisely known, the shear strain cannot be determined. The at failure. The average ver- j4 rKo0 test gives the value of xz 'l tical stress (a') and shear stress (pr) are known, but is not known. The directions of the princi- pal stresses for Point b [Figure 12-7(b)] are approx- imately as shown in Figure 12-7(c). Assuming that (b) DEFORMATION Point a [Figure 12-7(d)] represents the conditions at CONSTRAI NT failure, a Mohr circle can be constructed. The fail- TXf ure envelope is obtained from several tests, each using a different effective normal stress, performed 'I- on specimens of the same soil. The values of xz at failure are plotted against the values of a. The foregoing represents the common interpretation of the direct shear test. More elaborate analyses were presented by Hill (1950), Morgenstem and tions. At failure the horizontal plane becomes the Tchalenko (1967), and Jewell and Wroth (1987). plane of maximum shear strain. This condition ap- In saturated clays the direct shear test can be per- proximates that at Point B of Figure 12-2. formed at a rapid rate so that the test duration is too short for any appreciable amount of water to flow 4. IN SITU MEASUREMENT OF SHEAR into or out of the sample. This is an undrained con- STRENGTH dition, and an excess pore pressure of unknown A variety of in situ tests are available for measure- magnitude is developed in the soil. Consequently, ment of shear strength. Several of these are de- this is essentially a simple test, and the shear stress at scribed in Chapter 10. Although theories have failure represents the undrained shear strength (sn). been proposed to interpret the test results, the Test procedures for partially saturated soils were stress state in most in situ shear tests is not pre- given by Fredlund and Rohardjo (1993, 282-254). cisely known. Hence empirical correlation is often relied upon for interpretation of the results. 3.5 Simple Shear Test Various correlations have been published for dif- ferent soils. For a comprehensive review of in situ Several simple shear tests have been developed, but tests, see the discussions by Orchant et at. (1988) the one described by Bjerrum and Landva (1966) and Lunne et al. (1989). is the most commonly used for undisturbed sam- ples. The cylindrical specimen is enclosed in a rub- 4.1 Standard Penetration Test ber membrane reinforced by wire. This enclosure allows the shear deformation to be distributed The standard penetration test uses a split-spoon fairly uniformly through the sample, as shown in sampler, which is driven with a specified energy into Figure 12-8(a). The sample is consolidated aniso- the bottom of a . The number of blows (N) tropically under a vertical stress [Figure 12-8(a)] required to advance the sampling spoon through a and sheared by application of stress [Figure distance of 30 cm may be used to estimate the angle 12-8(b)]. The simple shear test can be performed of internal friction 4' of (Peck et al. 1974). under undrained, consolidated-undrained, and More data are available on the correlation of N with drained conditions. Zero volume change during relative D. (Gibbs and Hokz 1957; Marcuson shear in an undrained test can be maintained by and Bieganousky 1977). Correlation between D1 and continuously adjusting the vertical stress a during was given by Schmertmann (1975). Correlation the test. In the simple shear test, the initial princi- between N and shear strength of cohesive soils is pal axes are in the vertical and horizontal direc- not reliable. Soil Strength Properties and Their Measurement 327

4.2 for expansion of a cylindrical cavity by Gibson and Anderson (1961) and subsequent modifications are In the cone penetration test a cone of specified used to obtain the shear strength and stress-strain diameter and shape is attached to the end of a drill properties of the soil. Consistent results have been rod and advanced at a controlled rate. The force obtained for the undrained shear strength of satu- required is measured. This test can provide a con- rated clays and drained shear strength of cohesion- tinuous record of the resistance. For cohesionless less soils (Wroth 1984). soils, equations can be used to compute 4)' from the penetration resistance. Empir- 4.5 Borehole Shear Test ical correlations between cone resistance and 4)' are also available. Different correlation equations can The borehole shear test is analogous to the direct give very different values of 4)' (Mitchell and Lurine shear test. The two halves of a cylinder, which is 1978; Wu et al. 1987a). The undrained shear split lengthwise, are pressed under a controlled strength of cohesive soils can be estimated from the pressure against the opposite walls of a borehole. cone resistance by the following relation: The cylinder is then pulled vertically, the

q —a soil (Handy and Fox 1967). The failure surface is C V (12.10) N not determined; hence the normal and shear stresses are not accurately known. For cohesionless where soils with high permeability, the test may be con- s = undrained shear strength, sidered a consolidated-drained test. For cohesive = cone resistance, soils, the drainage condition is uncertain. The a = total overburden stress, and borehole shear test was analyzed by Lutenegger and Hallberg (1981) and Handy et al. (1985). Nk = an empirical constant. The value of N,, ranges between 10 and 20 and depends on the overconsolidation ratio and plas- 4.6 Dilatometer Test ticity index (Aas et al. 1986). The dilatometer is a flat blade that contains a flex- ible membrane on one side (Marchetti 1975). The 4.3 Field Vane Test blade is pushed into the soil to reach the desired The field vane test is similar to the laboratory vane depth, and the membrane is inflated by pressure test described in Section 3.1. It measures the shear and pushes back the adjacent soil. The pressures strength along a vertical cylindrical surface and the required to "lift off" the membrane and to displace top and bottom surfaces of the cylinder. An equa- the soil 1 mm are recorded. These pressures are tion similar to Equation 12.9 is used to calculate the used to estimate the horizontal in situ stress. shear strength. The coefficient depends on the Empirical correlation between the horizontal in assumption for stress distribution on the cylin- situ stress and s Ia' is used to estimate the s of dri-cal surface and the top and bottom surfaces clays (Marchetti 1980). The force required to (Donald et al. 1977). Since the rupture surface in a advance the dilatometer is measured and used to stability problem may be quite different from that estimate the bearing capacity and then 4)' of cohe- in a vertical cylinder, the shear strength may also be sionless soils (Schmertmann 1982). different from that measured in the vane test be- cause of stress and material anisotropy. Correction 5. SHEAR STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF factors based on an analysis of the stress state were SOME COMMON SOILS suggested by Wroth (1984), and empirical correc- tion factors were suggested by Bjerrum (1973). The strength characteristics of natural soils are strongly influenced by the geologic processes of soil 4.4 Pressuremeter Test formation. Hence, it is possible to identify strength In the pressuremeter test (Menard 1965; Baguelin characteristics that are common to soils within et al. 1972), the cylindrical instrument is expanded broadly defined groups. Groups with -defined against the wall of the borehole until failure in the characteristics include saturated cohesionless soils, surrounding soil occurs. Elastic- solutions soft saturated cohesive soils, heavily overconsoli- 328 Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

dated clays, sensitive soils, and residual soils and is the difference in the values of 4)' as measured by . More detailed discussions of slopes in- different types of tests. The value of 4)' measured in volving specific soil conditions are given in Chap- triaxial tests, which permit change in the radial ters 19 through 25. strain, is 4 to 5 degrees smaller than that measured in plane-strain tests (Ladd et al. 1977). 5.1 Saturated Cohesionless Soils In ordinary sandy and gravelly soils of high permeability can be considered to be Cohesionless soils, such as , , and non- loaded in the drained condition. Volume changes plastic , have effective stress failure envelopes occur rapidly, and no excess pore pressures are that pass through the origin. This means c' = 0 in developed. Without excess pore pressure, effective Equation 12.4. The value of 4)' ranges from about stresses can be estimated from the groundwater 27 to 45 degrees or more and depends on several levels. Stability analyses can be performed by using factors. For a given soil the value of 4)' increases as effective stress strength parameters. For silty soils the relative density increases. For different soils at the permeability may be sufficiently low that excess the same relative density, the value of 4)' is affected pore pressure will develop during construction. by -size distribution and particle shape. When this is the case, the pore pressure must be The value of 4)' for a well-graded soil may be sev- measured or estimated if an effective stress analy- eral degrees greater than that for a uniform soil of sis is to be performed. the same average particle size and shape. The The undrained response of fine sands and silts is same is true when a soil composed of angular important in some situations. Loose saturated sands grains is compared with one made up of rounded and silts may develop large excess pore pres- grains. The effect of moisture on 4)' is small and sures 'after reaching peak strength. Because of the amounts to no more than 1 or 2 degrees (Lambe large pore pressure, the strength drops and the and Whitman 1969, 147-149; Hokz and Kovacs ultimate strength is well below the peak strength. 1981, 514-519). Large displacements occur as a result of this loss of The failure envelope, which is a straight line at strength. This phenomenon was called lique- low pressures, cannot be extended to high confin- faction by Casagrande (1936). Large pore pres- ing pressures. Tests with effective normal stresses sures may also develop in saturated sands of above 700 kPa indicate that the failure envelope is medium to high density under cyclic loading. In a curved, as shown in Figure 12-9 (Bishop 1966; triaxial test, if an axial stress is repeated for a Vesic and Clough 1968). The high normal stresses number of cycles, the pore pressure may become apparently cause crushing of grain contacts and equal to the confining pressure, thus reducing the FIGURE 12-9 result in a lower friction angle. This factor is par- effective minor principal stress ((y3') to 0 (Seed Failure envelope for ticularly important in uncemented carbonate and Lee 1967). Large strain increments will occur cohesionless soils. sands (Datta et at. 1982). Another important factor with each cycle of stress as the pore pressure approaches a3. If the soil dilates with strain, the pore pressure soon drops and the soil becomes sta- ble. This phenomenon is called cyclic mobility (Castro 1975). The behavior of a sand under cyclic loading may range from liquefaction to cyclic mobility, depending on whether the sand is con- tractive or dilative. Liquefaction and cyclic mobility are important considerations in the evaluation of slope stability under loadings. Lade (1992) and Sladen et at. (1985) formulated conditions for liquefaction in terms of the yield surface and the critical state, respectively. Methods for assessing the potential for liquefaction and cyclic mobility were reviewed by Casagrande (1976), Seed (1979), Poulos et al. (1985), and Seed et al. (1985). Soil Strength Properties and Their Measurement 329

5.2 Normally Consolidated and Lightly relation between strength and water content Overconsolidated Clays and Clayey Silts is shown in Figure 12-10(b). The results of consolidated-undrained tests can also be used to Because of the low permeability of fine-grained obtain the ratio s,Ja3 , which is a constant for nor- soils, undrained or partially drained conditions are mally consolidated soils (Skempton 1948). For common in normal construction. The general lightly overconsolidated soils, sJa3' is a function of characteristics of normally consolidated to lightly the overconsolidation ratio a3 /a' (Ladd and Foott overconsolidated clays are described in this section. 1974). Very sensitive normally consolidated clays are If the load or stress change in the field induces described in Section 5.4. positive excess pore pressures, as may be the case for A soil is considered to be normally consol- a fill, the undrained strength will be lower than the idated if the consolidation pressure before shear is drained strength. A slope based on an initially stable equal to or greater than the preconsolidation pres- design can be expected to increase in stability with sure (a,'). When a series of drained triaxial tests is time as the excess pore pressure dissipates and the conducted on a normally consolidated soil, the fail- strength increases. The increase in strength with ure envelope is a line that passes through the origin consolidation makes possible the construction in [Figure 12-10(a)]; thus, c' = 0. If consolidated- stages of embankments over soft soils. The strength undrained tests are performed on a normally con- gained under each stage of loading permits the addi- solidated soil, positive excess pore pressures tion of the next load increment. The ratio su /a3'is develop. As a result, the undrained shear strength used to estimate the under a given a3'. When a su = 1/( - (;3) will be less than the drained shear slope is made by excavation,s" there is a simultaneous strength of a sample initially consolidated under increase in shear stress due to the slope and a the same stresses. The respective stress paths of the decrease in mean normal stress due to the unload- drained and consolidated-undrained tests are ing of the excavation. In a saturated, normally con- shown as ca and cb in Figure 12-10(a). A typical solidated soil, the increase in shear stress produces a positive excess pore pressure, and the decrease in normal stress produces a negative excess pore pres- sure. The net excess pore pressure in various parts of the slope depends on the relative values of these two effects. If the excess pore pressure is negative, the strength will decrease with time and drainage. In this case, the long-term or drained stability will be critical for a normally consolidated clay. Bishop and Bjerrum (1960) described several examples. Failures of real slopes are good sources of infor- mation on the reliability of theoretical models. In a number of careful investigations, the factor of safety of the slope that failed was compared with the measured shear strength. If the theory and soil properties used are correct, the computed safety factor of a slope at failure should be unity. Results from many case histories show that for normally consolidated or lightly overconsolidated homoge- neous clays of low sensitivity, total stress analysis with undrained shear strength gives a reasonably accurate estimate of immediate stability. For long- term stability under drained conditions, effective stress analysis with c' and 4)' also gives satisfactory FIGURE 12-10 results. Comprehensive reviews and case histories Strength properties were given by Bishop and Bjerrum (1960) and of soft saturated Bjerrum (1973), and more recent examples were clays. 330 Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

FIGURE 12-11 presented by Ladd (1991), Pilot et at. (1982), and TYPICAL MOHR FAILURE ENVELOPES Strength Tavenas and Leroueil (1980). For most of the properties of stiff reported failures in these case histories, the dis- overconsolidated crepancy between calculated and observed safety clays. factors is less than 15 percent. Since most of the clays investigated are fairly uniform deposits, an accuracy of ± 15 percent may be the best that can be achieved in practice. It should be noted that earlier studies, such as that by Skempton and Golder (1948), used uncon- fined compressive strengths obtained from samples 1 of small diameter. These conditions would tend to 2 TYPICAL STRESS-STRAIN CURVE underestimate the in situ shear strength because of Peal, strength sample disturbance. By comparison, the study by Duncan and Buchignani (1973) used large- diameter samples and unconsolidated-undrained UIly softened strength

triaxial tests. The computed safety factor was 1.17 bi for the slope that failed. Various factors that could hesidual strength affect. the strength were estimated, and the differ- ence between observed strength and that measured in triaxial tests was attributed to the difference in e strain rate. In cases reported by Ladd . and Foott (1974), strength anisotropy was accounted for by performing triaxial compression and extension tests curved in the low-stress region and passes through and direct simple shear tests. Hence, errors of the origin. different and magnitude are involved in the When loaded in the drained condition, a heav- estimates of undrained shear strength in the differ- ily overconsolidated clay will absorb water, and the ent case histories. absorbed water leads to a softening of the clay. The Soft clays may also develop high pore pressures water content will increase significantly as the under cyclic loading (Thiers and Seed 1969). strength is reduced to the fully softened strength Sangrey et al. (1969) showed that a yield surface in [Figure 12-11(b)]. The failure envelope for fully effective stress space exists for cyclic stresses. When softened strength is shown as Curve B in Figure cyclic stresses reach the yield surface, large strains 12-11(a). The fully softened strength is close to the develop. Measurement and evaluation of strength strength of the same soil in the normally consoli- tosses due to complex. states of static and cyclic dated condition. The strain necessary to develop stresses were described by Andersen et at. (1988). fully softened strength in a heavily overconsoli- dated clay varies from one soil to another, but is at 5.3 Heavily Overconsolidated CIay5 least 10 percent. When much larger shear displacements take Most heavily overconsolidated clays show strain place within a narrow zone, the clay softening in their stress-strain curves (Figure 12-3, become oriented along the direction of shear, and Curve A). The peak strengths of a series of heavily a polished surface, or , forms. In natural overconsolidated clay specimens give an effective slopes, may be developed along rup- stress failure envelope shown by Curve A in Figure ture surfaces of old landslides, bedding surfaces, or 12-11(a). The failure envelope is approximately a zones of deformation caused by tectonic forces. straight line and if extrapolated to the axis at a' = 0 Along these surfaces the shear strength may gives a cohesion intercept (c'). Laboratory tests approach the residual strength. The failure enve- should be performed using normal stresses that are lope, Curve C in Figure 12-11(a), i a line passing- close to the normal stresses in the field because re- through the origin, and the residual angle of inter- search has shown that the failure envelope for the nal friction is 4'. Results of laboratory direct-shear peak strength of heavily overconsolidated clays is tests indicate that 4' is dependent on soil miner- Soil Strength Properties and Their Measurement 331 alogy. As shown in Figure 12-12, "massive miner- drained condition in the field may be several years als," such as , , and calcite, have high (Chandler 1984). values of 4)' that are close to the values of 4)' for In heavily overconsolidated clays and soft , peak strength. However, clay show signif- fissures and other discontinuities have an impor- icant differences between values of 0' and 4)'. The tant influence on strength (Terzaghi 1936b). The largest difference was found in montmorillonitic characteristics of discontinuities in some stiff clays clays, for which 4),.' was less than 10 degrees (Ken- were described by Skempton and Petley (1967). ney 1967). The relationship between mineralogical The shear strength of laboratory specimens of such composition and 4),.' makes it possible to correlate clays is strongly dependent on the number, shape, 4),.' with index properties such as index and inclination of discontinuities in the specimen. (Lupini et at. 1981) or liquid limit (Mesri and The presence of discontinuities is less likely in small Cepeda-Diaz 1986). Because of the importance of specimens, which are often trimmed from intact strain-softening in heavily overconsolidated clays, soil between the discontinuities. Hence, the mea- choice of the strength for a stability analysis of a sured strength of laboratory samples tends to be slope should consider progressive failure as de- higher than the in situ strength. When the clay scribed in Section 2.4. The design strength must be contains discontinuities such as fissures and slick- chosen to represent the average of the strengths ensides, the in situ strength will depend on the fre- along the entire rupture surface. For examples of quency and orientation of the discontinuities. analysis of progressive failure, see studies by Bjerrum Skempton and Petley (1967), Skempton and (1967) and Duncan and Dunlop (1969). Hutchinson (1969), Chandler (1984), Wu et at. For most slopes in heavily overconsolidated (1987b), and Burland (1990) provided examples of clays, the excess pore pressure immediately after the in situ strength of clays with discontinuities. construction is negative. Thus, the undrained strength will be greater than the drained strength. 5.4 Very Sensitive Soils With drainage, the negative pore pressure dissi- pates and water is drawn into the sample. As water Sensitivity is defined as the ratio of the peak content increases, strength decreases. The long- undrained shear strength to the undrained shear term or drained conditions are critical, and there is strength of the same soil after remolding at con- no assurance that an initially stable slope will stant water content. Causes of clay sensitivity were remain stable in the long term. Because of the low reviewed by Mitchell and Houston (1969). The permeability, the time required to develop the fully most dramatic landslides in sensitive soils occur in

120 Quartz, Feldspar, Calcite


_}Muscovife -

60 to U, I- Kool mite


FIGURE 12-12 OL 20 50 100 150 200 250 Residual shear strength of Normal stress (o),kPa minerals. 332 Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

Pleistocene marine clays in the Scandinavian coun- and high permeability. Large changes in tries and in the St. Lawrence River valley of eastern moisture content may occur with dry and wet - . High sensitivity is found in soils sons. The shear strength in terms of total stress has that have been subjected to or natural been found to be strongly influenced by the mois- cementation. ture content (Foss 1977; O'Rourke and Crespo Effective stress failure envelopes for sensitive 1988). Data on shear strength parameters c', 4)', and clays differ from those for soft saturated clays, 4)" are scarce. Tests by Ho and Fredlund (1982) described in Section 5.2. A sensitive clay, consoli- showed that the component c' + (u - Ua ) tan4)" dated under the K condition, has a yield surface Y0 in Equation 12.5 decreases rapidly with decreasing as shown in Figure 12-13. When the stress path for suction, and c' is generally small at saturation. On a point reaches the yield curve, such as at Point P, the other hand, residual soils that are composed of the is destroyed. Then high excess a skeleton held together by cementation pore pressures are produced, and the shear strength may have an undrained shear strength that is unaf- decreases to Point C on the failure envelope for fected by the water content. Such soils may show large strains (Tavenas and Leroueil 1977), which appreciable strength in spite of high water content corresponds to the critical state (Schofield and and high porosity (Wallace 1973). Wroth 1968). In the design of slopes in these soils, Colluvium presents some particular problems. it is necessary to keep the stresses within the yield The extremely heterogeneous nature of the mate- curve. Evaluation of slope stability in very sensitive rial makes sampling and testing difficult. Results of clays is described in Chapter 24. tests on the finer are likely to underestimate the shear strength. 5.5 Residual Soil and Colluvium Failure of slopes on residual soils and colluvium most frequently occurs during wet periods when The of produces residual soil. In there is an increase in moisture content and a the initial stages of weathering, coarse rock frag- decrease in suction. Stability of slopes may be ments are produced; the ultimate product of determined by means of effective stress analysis weathering is clay. Between these extremes is a soil and c', 4)', and 4)". It is necessary to estimate the suc- composed of a of grain sizes. On flat topog- tion u. - Ua (Anderson and Pope 1984). In many raphy residual soil remains where formed. On cases in situ measurement of suction is necessary slopes the weathered material, composed of soil and (Brand 1982; Krahn et al. 1989). If the soil is likely rock debris, may move down the face of the slope to be saturated, an effective stress analysis for the under the force of gravity. The deposit formed by saturated condition provides a conservative esti- this process is called colluvium. Residual soils have mate of the stability. If a total stress analysis is used, a wide range of properties depending on the parent it is necessary to estimate the strength that corre- material and the degree of weathering (Deere and sponds to the in situ moisture content. Patton 1971; Mitchell and Sitar 1982). Residual soils frequently exist in the partially saturated state. Some residual soils have high REFERENCES Aas, G., S. Lacasse, T. Lunne, and K. Hoeg. 1986. Use of In Situ Tests for Design on Clay. In Critical Use of In Situ Tests in (S.F. State Clemence, ed.), Geotechnical Special Publication 6, American Society of Civil , New York, pp. 1-30. Andersen, K.H., A. Kieven, and D. Heien. 1988. Cyclic Soil Data for Design of Gravity Structures. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol.

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