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Herberth E. Herlitschka RUL MS 1409


Summary of classes:

1 Translations: Essays and short stories

2 Translations: Poems

3 Translations: Plays

4 Biographical and critical material

5 Correspondence

6 Press cuttings

7 Publications

8 Sundry papers

1 Translations: Essays and short stories

6 Typescripts with corrections, some in several versions, of H.E.H.’s German translations of essays and short stories by W.B. Yeats from Mythologies and Essays and Introductions

6/1 Prolog [from Per amica silentia lunae]

6/2 [from Per amica silentia lunae]

6/3 Anima hominis [from Per amica silentia lunae]

6/4 Anima mundi [from Per amica silentia lunae]

6/5 Hanrahean und Cathleen, die Tochter von Hoolihan [Hanrahan and Cathleen, the daughter of Houlihan, from Stories of Red Hanrahan]

6/6 Hanrahans Gesicht [Hanrahan’s vision, from Stories of Red Hanrahan]

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6/7 Ein Geschichtenerzähler [A teller of tales, from The Celtic Twilight]

6/8 Glaube and Unglaube [Belief and unbelief, from The Celtic Twilight]

6/9 “Helenas Auge schloss der Staub” [“Dust hath closed Helen’s eye”, from The Celtic Twilight]

6/10 Die alten Männer des Zwielichts [The old men of the Twilight, from The Secret Rose]

6/11 Louis Lambert [from Essays and Introductions]

6/12 Ein Geschichtenerzähler [A teller of tales]; Glaube und Unglaube [Belief and Unbelief]; Sterbliche Hilfe [Mortal help] [first three chapters of The Celtic Twilight]

13 Manuscript and typescript drafts with corrections and MS notes of German translations, some in several versions, by H.E.H. of essays and extracts from essays by W.B. Yeats

13/1 Noble plays [Certain noble plays of Japan]

13/2 In Stratford-on-Avon [At Stratford-on-Avon]

13/3 Gemütsbewegung der Menge [Emotion of multitude]

13/4 Das Theater [The theatre]

13/5 Extracts from Literatur und lebendige Stimme [Literature and the living voice]

13/6 Extracts from Ein Volkstheater: Ein Brief an [A People’s Theatre: a letter to Lady Gregory]

13/7 Was Gegenstand des Dramas ist [The subject matter of drama – extract from Discoveries]

13/8 Warum in alter Zeit der Blinde zum Dichter wurde [why the blind man in ancient times was made a poet – extract from Discoveries]

13/9 Persönlichkeit und die intellektuellen Wesenheiten [Personality and the intellectual essences – extract from Discoveries]

13/10 Im Munde der Schlange [In the serpent’s mouth – extract from Discoveries]

13/11 Das moderne Gesellschaftsstück (Sittenstück) [The play of modern manners – extract from Discoveries]

13/12 Hat das moderne Gesellschaftsstück eine eigene Wurzel? [Has the drama of contemporary life a root of its own? – extract from Discoveries]

13/13 Vorbemerkung oder Nachbemerkung zu Der Kater und der Mond [Preface or postscript to The cat and the moon]

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13/14 Introduction to Der Kater und der Mond [The cat and the moon]

13/15 Anmerkung zu Golgotha (Calvary) [Observation on Golgotha]

13/16 Vorwort zu Vier Spiele für Tänzer [Preface to Four plays for dancers]

14 Typescripts with corrections of German translations (several versions) by H.E.H. of essays by W.B. Yeats

14/1 Wäre Ich Vierundzwanzig [If I were four-and-twenty]

14/2 Swedenborg, Medien und die wüsten Orte [Swedenborg, mediums and the desolate places]

16 Typescripts with corrections of German translations, some in several versions, by H.E.H. of essays by W.B. Yeats

16/1 Die Philosophie der Dichtungen Shelleys [The philosophy of Shelley’s ]

16/2 Bischof Berkeley [Bishop Berkeley]

16/3 Die Mandukya-Upanischade [The Mandukya Upanishad]

16/4 Moderne Dichtung: Ein Rundfunkvortrag [Modern poetry: a broadcast]

16/5 Der heilige Berg [The holy mountain]

20 Four typescript versions with notes and corrections of H.E.H.’s German translation Blätter aus einem Tagebuch von 1930 [Pages from a 1930 diary] by W.B. Yeats

28 Typescripts with corrections of German translations, several versions of most titles, by H.E.H. of stories by W.B. Yeats from Stories of Red Hanrahan, Rosa Alchemica and The Secret Rose, being vol. 1, p 1-179 of H.E.H.’s edition of W.B. Yeats – Erzählungen und Essays [Stories and essays], prepared for publication by Herman Luchterhand Verlag

28/1 Preliminary pages

28/2 Eine allegemeine Einführung in mein Werk [A general introduction to my work]

28/3 Vorbemerkung [Preface to Mythologies]

28/4 Rot-Hanrahan [Red Hanrahan]

28/5 Wie das Seil gedreht wurde [The twisting of the rope]

28/6 Hanrahan und Cathleen, die Tochter von Hoolihan [Hanrahan and Cathleen, the daughter of Houlihan]

28/7 Hanrahans Fluch [Red Hanrahan’s curse]

28/8 Hanrahans Gesicht [Hanrahan’s vision]

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28/9 Hanrahans Tod [The death of Hanrahan]

28/10 Rosa Alchemica

28/11 Die Gesetzestafeln [The tables of the law]

28/12 Die Anbetung der drei Weisen [The adoration of the Magi]

28/13 An die geheime Rose [To the secret rose]

28/14 Die Kreuzigung des Geächteten [The crucifixion of the outcast]

28/15 Aus der Rose [Out of the rose]

28/16 Der weise König [The Wisdom of the king]

28/17 Das Herz des Frühlings [The heart of spring]

28/18 Der Fluch der Feuer und der Schatten [The curse of the fires and of the shadows]

28/19 Wo nichts ist, dort ist Gott [Where there is nothing, there is God]

28/20 Die alten Männer des Zweilichts [The old men of the twilight]

28/21 Von Costello, dem stolzen, von Una, der Tochter MacDermots, und von der bösen Zunge [Proud Costello, MacDermot’s daughter, and the bitter tongue]

28/22 Short extracts from several stories

30 Typescripts with corrections of German translations by H.E.H., some in several versions, of essays by W.B. Yeats, being vol. 1, p 533-702 of H.E.H.’s edition W.B. Yeats – Erzählungen und Essays

30/1 Per amica silentia lunae (Prolog; Ego domius tuus; Anima hominis; Anima mundi)

30/2 Wäre ich vierundzwanzig [If I were four-and-twenty]

30/3 Blätter aus einem Tagebuch von Neunzehnhundertdreissig [Pages from a diary written in 1930]

30/4 Louis Lambert

30/5 Aus “Auf dem Kessel” [from On the boiler]

30/6 Irland nach der Revolution [Ireland after the revolution]

37 Manuscript drafts of H.E.H.’s German translations of chapters from The Celtic Twilight by W.B. Yeats

37/1 Ein Ritter von den Schafen [A knight of the sheep]

37/2 Eine Stimme [A voice]

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37/3 Das Schwein der Götter [The swine of the Gods]

37/4 Ein standhaftes Herz [An enduring heart]

37/5 Wunderbare Geschöpfe [Miraculous creatures]

37/6 [Aristotle of the books]

37/7 Die Zauberer [The sorcerers]

38 Typescripts with corrections and notes of H.E.H.’s German translations, some in several versions, of stories and essays by W.B. Yeats from The Celtic Twilight and Explorations, being vol. 1, p 181-303 and 487-532 of H.E.H.’s edtion of W.B. Yeats – Erzählungen und Essays

38/1 Ein Geschichtenerzähler [A teller of tales]; Glaube und Unglaube [Belief and unbelief]; Sterbliche Hilfe [Mortal help]

38/2 Ein Visionär [A visionary]

38/3 Dorfgeister [Village ghosts]

38/4 “Helenas Auge schloss der Staub” [“Dust hath closed Helen’s eyes”]

38/5 Ein Ritter von den Schafen [A knight of the sheep]

38/6 Ein ausdauerndes Herz [An enduring heart]

38/7 Die Zauberer [The sorcerers]

38/8 Der Teufel [The devil]

38/9 Glückliche und unglückliche Theologen [Happy and unhappy theologians]

38/10 Der Letzte fahrende Sänger [The last gleeman]

38/11 Regina, regina, pigmeorum, veni

38/12 “Und hehre, herrliche Frauen” [“And fair, fierce women”]

38/13 Verzauberte Wälder [Enchanted woods]

38/14 Wunderbare Wesen (Geschöpfe) [Miraculous creatures]

38/15 Aristoteles mit seinen Büchern [Aristotle of the books]

38/16 Die Schweine (Das Schwein) der Götter [The swine of the Gods]

38/17 Eine Stimme [A voice]; Entführer [Kidnappers]

38/18 Die Nimmermüden [The untiring ones]

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38/19 Erde, Feuer und Wasser [Earth, fire and water]

38/20 Die alte Stadt [The old town]

38/21 Der Mann und seine Stiefel [The man and his boots]; Ein Feigling [A coward]

38/22 Die drei O’Byrnes und die bösen Elfen [The three O’Byrnes and the evil faeries]

38/23 Drumcliff und Rosses

3824 Der dicke Schädel des Glücklichen [The thick skull of the fortunate]

38/25 Die Religion eines Seemanns [The religion of a sailor]

38/26 Wie nahe beieinander Himmel, Erde und Fegfeuer sind [Concerning the nearness together of heaven, earth and ]

38/27 Die Edelsteinesser [The eaters of precious stones]

38/28 Unsre Liebe Frau der Berge [Our Lady of the Hills]

38/29 Das goldene Zeitalter [The golden age]

38/30 Den Schotten zum Vorwurf, dass sie die Veranlagung ihrer Geister und Elfen versauert haben (Ein Verweis für die Schotten, weil sie ihre Geister und Elfen vergrämt haben) [A remonstrance with Scotsmen for having soured the disposition of their ghosts and faeries]

38/31 Krieg [War]

38/32 Die Königin und der Narr [The queen and the fool]

38/33 Die Freunde des Elfenvolks [The friends of the people of faery]

38/34 Träume, die keine Moral haben [Dreams that have no moral]

38/35 Am Strassenrand [By the roadside]

38/36 Swedenborg, Medien und die wüsten Orte [Swedenborg, mediums and the desolate places]

40 Typescripts with corrections of H.E.H.’s German translations, some in several versions, of essays by W.B. Yeats from Essays and Introductions

40/1 Einleitung [Introduction]

40/2 Was ist “volkstümliche Dichtung”? [What is “popular poetry”?]

40/3 Magie [Magic]

40/4 Anmerkungen des Übersetzers [Remarks on translators]

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40/5 Wiliam Blake und die Imagination

40/6 William Blake und seine Illustrationen zur Göttlichen Komödie [William Blake and his illustrations to the Divine Comedy]

40/7 Symbolismus in der Malerei [Symbolism in painting]

40/8 Symbolismus in der Dichtkunst [The symbolism of poetry]

40/9 Das keltische Element in der Literatur [The Celtic element in literature]

40/10 Der Herbst des Leibes [The autumn of the body]

40/11 Die Stimmungen [The moods]

40/12 Der Leib Vater Christian Rosencrux [The body of the Father Christian Rosencrux]

40/13 Irland und die Künste [Ireland and the Arts]

40/14 Die Ebenen von Galway [The Galway plains]

40/15 Dichtung und Tradition [Poetry and tradition]

40/16 Entdeckungen [Discoveries]: Prophet, Priester und König [Prophet, priest and king]; Persönlichkeit und geistige Wesenheiten [Personality and the intellectual essences]; Der Musiker und der Redner [The musician and the orator]; Eine Gitarrespielerin [A guitar player]; Der Spiegel [The looking glass]; Der Baum des Lebens [The tree of life]; Zum Lob der Altweibergeschichten [The praise of old wives’ tales]; Warum in alten Zeiten der Blinde zum Dichter wurde [Why the blind man in ancient times was made a poet]; Von Heiligen und Künstlern [Concerning saints and artists]; Gegenstände des Dramas [The subject matter of drama]; Die zwei Arten des Asketentums [The two kings of asceticism]; Im Munde der Schlange [In the serpent’s mouth]; Die schwarzen und die weissen Pfeile [The black and the white arrows]; Seiner Liebsten Augenbrauen [His mistress’s eyebrows]; Die Flechten des Haars [The tresses of the hair]; Ein Turm auf dem Apennin [A tower on the Apennines]; Das Denken des Leibes [The thinking of the body]; Religiöse Kunst braucht religiösen Glauben [Religious belief necessary to religious art]; Die Heiligen Orte [The holy places]

40/17 Kunst und Ideen [Art and ideas]

43 Typescripts with corrections of German translation by H.E.H. and Dr Paul Sock of parts of Cuchulain of Muirthemne by Lady Gregory

43/1 Lady Gregory’s Widmung der Ausgabe von “Cuchulain of Muirthemne” in irischer Sprache an die Bevolkerung von Kiltartan (Teil von West-Irland) [Dedication of the Irish edition to the people of Kiltartan]

43/2 Aus der Vorrede von W.B. Yeats zu “Cuchulain of Muirthemne” [from the preface by W.B. Yeats]

43/3 Cuchulain’s Geburt [Birth of Cuchulain]

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43/4 Cruachan

43/5 Die beiden Stiere [The two bulls]

43/6 Emers Eifersucht [The only jealousy of Emer]

43/7 Die Söhne Doel Dermait’s [The sons of Doel Dermait]

43/8 Aoifes einziger Sohn [The only son of Aoife]

44 Typescripts with corrections of German translation by H.E.H. and Dr Paul Sock of Gods and fighting men by Lady Gregory

44/1 Vorrede [Preface by W.B. Yeats]

44/2 Der Kampf mit den Firbolgen [The fight with the Firbolgs]

44/3 Die Koenigsherrschaft des Bres [The reign of Bres]

44/4 Die Ankunft Lugh’s [The coming of Lugh]; Die Soehne Tuireann’s [The sons of Tuireann]; Die grosse Schlact von Magh Tuireadh [The great battle of Magh Tuireadh]; Das verborgene Haus Lugh’s [The hidden house of Lugh]

44/5 Die Landung [The landing]

44/6 Die Schlacht von Tailltin [The battle of Tailltin]

44/7 Bov Derg [Bodb Dearg]

44/8 Der Dagda [The Dagda]

44/9 Aengus Og [Angus Og]

44/10 Die Morrigu [The Morrigu]

44/11 Aine

44/12 Aoibell [Aoibhell]

44/13 Midhir und Etaine [Midhir and Etain]

44/14 Manannan; Manannans Streiche [Manannan at play]; Bran’s Meerfahrt [Bran’s voyage (His call to Bran)]

44/15 Cormac in Lande Manannans [Cormac in Manannan’s country (His three calls to Cormac)]

44/16 Cliodna’s Woge [Cliodna’s wave]

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44/17 Connla’s Meerfahrt [Connla’s voyage (His call to Connla)]; Taig auf Manannan’s Inseln [Tadg in Manannan’s islands]; Legaire in der Glücklichen Ebene [Laegaire in the Happy Plain]

44/18 Das Schicksal der Kinder Lirs [The fate of the children of Lir]

44/19 Wie Bran geboren ward [Birth of Bran]

44/20 Oisin’s Mutter [Oisin’s mother]

44/21 Der grosse Kampf (Schluss) [The great fight (conclusion)]

44/22 Credhe’s Totenklage [Credhe’s lament]

44/23 Katzenkoepfe und Hundekoepfe [Cat-heads and dog-heads]

44/24 Lomna’s Kopf [Lomna’s head]

44/25 Das Jagen von Slieve Cuilinn [The hunt of Slieve Cuilinn]

44/26 Die Flucht aus Teamhair [The flight from Teamhair]

44/27 Der Streit [The quarrel]

2 Translations: Poems

8 Typescripts, some with corrections and some in several versions, of H.E.H.’s German translations of poems by W.B. Yeats

8/1 Ins Zwielicht [Into the twilight]

8/2 Der kalte Himmel [The cold heaven]

8/3 Rot-Hanrahans Lied über Irland [Red Hanrahan’s song about Ireland]

8/4 Der Kater und der Mond [The cat and the moon]

8/5 Die vier Zeitalter des Menschen [The four ages of man]

8/6 Der Liebende erzählt von der Rose in seinem Herzen [The lover tells of the rose in his heart]

8/7 Die alten Männer bewundern sich im Wasser [the old men admiring themsevles in the water]

8/8 Fahrt nach Byzanz []

8/9 Drei Dinge [Three things]

8/10 Lapis Lazuli

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8/11 Langbeinige Fliege [Long-legged fly]

8/12 Ein Leben in grossen Häusern war meins... [The statesman’s holiday]

8/13 Warum sollt ein alter Mann zornig nicht sein? [Why should not old men be mad?]

15 Typescripts of German translations of poems by W.B. Yeats, not translated by H.E.H.

15/1 Mutter Gottes [The mother of God] tr. by Richard Exner

15/2 In Taras Saal [In Tara’s Halls] tr. by Richard Exner

15/3 Byzanz [Byzantium] tr. by Richard Exner

15/4 Meerfahrt nach Byzanz [Sailing to Byzantium] tr. by Richard Exner

15/5 Alte Männer bewundern sich im Wasser [The old men admiring themselves in the water] tr. by Johannes Piron [?] Letter attached (1951)

15/6 Das Mitleid der Liebe [The pity of love] tr. by Johannes Piron [?]

15/7 Aedh wuenscht sich des Himmels Gewänder [He wishes for the cloths of Heaven] tr. by Georg Schneider

15/8 Die Torheit sich zu troesten [The folly of being comforted] tr. by George Schneider

15/9 Ins Zwielicht hinein [Into the twilight] tr. by Georg Schneider

15/10 Traum eines seligen Geistes [Dream of a happy soul ( in Paradise)] tr. by Georg Schneider

15/11 Ein alter Gesang neu gesungen [An old song sung again (Down by the salley gardens)] tr. by Georg Schneider

15/12 Wenn du von Schlaf und Alter voll [When you are full of sleep and age (When you are old)] tr. by Georg Schneider

15/13 Tod [Death] tr. by Georg Schneider

15/14 Meru [Supernatural songs, XII] tr. by George Schneider

15/15 Der Geiger von Dooney [] tr. by Georg Schneider. Two letters attached (1947)

15/16 Wenn Du einst alt sein wirst [When you are old] tr. by Otto Hofmann. Letter attached (1931)

15/17 In das Zweilicht [Into the twilight] tr. by L. Goldscheider

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18 Notebook containing manuscript notes on literature and typescripts with annotations of H.E.H.’s German translations of poems by W.B. Yeats. Several versions of some poems

18/1 Das gestohlene Kind []

18/2 Auf ein Eiland im Wasser [To an isle in the water]

18/3 Die Rose am Stock der Zeit [To the rose upon the rood of time]

18/4 Ein Elfenlied [A faery song]

18/5 Die Rose der Welt [The rose of the world]

18/6 Innisfree, die Insel im See [The lake isle of Innisfree]

18/7 Ein Wiegenlied [A cradle song]

18/8 Wenn du einst alt [When you are old]

18/9 Die weissen Möven [The white birds]

18/10 Ein Traum vom Tod [A dream of death]

18/11 Die Ballade vom Pater Gilligan [The ballad of Father Gilligan]

18/12 Die zwei Baeume [The two trees]

18/13 An das Irland der Zukunft [To Ireland in the coming times]

18/14 Die Heerfahrt der Sidhe [The hosting of the Sidhe]

18/15 Die Geister der Luft [The host of the air]

18/16 Der Fischer [The fish]

18/17 Die nimmerruhende Schar [The unappeasable host]

18/18 In die Daemmerung [Into the twilight]

18/19 Der alten Mutte Lied [The song of the woman]

18/20 Das Herz des Weibes [The heart of the woman]

18/21 Er klagt um verlorene Liebe [The lover mourns for the loss of love]

18/22 Er trauert über seine und seiner Liebsten Verwandlung und ersehnt das Ende der Welt [He mourns for the change that has come upon him and his beloved, and longs for the end of the world]

18/23 Er beruhigt seine Liebste [He bids his beloved be at peace]

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18/24 Er gedenkt vergessener Schonheit [He remembers forgotten beauty]

18/25 Er heisst sein Herz keine Furcht haben [To his heart, bidding it have no fear]

18/26 Die Schellenkappe [The cap and bells]

18/27 Widmung [Dedication (He gives his beloved certain rhymes)]

18/28 Im Tale des schwarzen Ebers [The valley of the black pig]

18/29 Er hoert den Wind im Schilf [He hears the cry of the sedge]

18/30 Die Seligen [The blessed]

18/31 An die geheime Rose [The secret rose]

18/32 Die Wehen der Leidenschaft [The travail of passion]

18/33 Der Liebende spricht zu denen, die seine Lieder hören werden in kommenden Tagen [The lover speaks to the hearers of his songs in coming days]

18/34 Der Liebende haelt Fuersprache bei seiner Freundin fuer alte Freunde [The lover pleads with his friend for old friends]

18/35 Der Dichter haelt Fuersprache bei den Elementarmaechten [The poet pleads with the elemental powers]

18/36 Er wünscht, seine Liebste wäre tot [He wishes his beloved were dead]

18/37 Er wuenscht sich des Himmels Tuch [He wishes for the cloths of heaven]

18/38 Er gedenkt seiner entschwundenen Herrlichkeit und der Zeit, als er noch Teil hatte an den Konstellationen des Himmels [He thinks of his past greatness when a part of the constellations of Heaven]

18/39 Der Pfeil [The arrow]

18/40 Vergeblicher Trost [The folly of being comforted]

18/41 Gieb nie dein ganzes Herz [Never give all the heart]

18/42 Das Welken der Zweige [The wihering of the boughs]

18/43 Hanrahans Lied auf Irland [Red Hanrahan’s song about Ireland]

18/44 Hanrahans Fluch [Hanrahan’s curse]

18/45 Die alten Maenner bewundern sich im Wasser [The old men admiring themselves in the water]

18/46 Im wilden Wald [The ragged wood]

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18/47 O, lieb du nicht zu lanf [O do not love too long]

18/48 Hanrahans Vision [The happy townland]

18/49 Worte –Words]

18/50 Gegen unwuerdig Lob [Against unworthy praise]

18/51 Ein Trinklied [A drinking song]

18/52 Einem Dichter, der wollte, dass ich seine und meine schlechten Nachahmer loben sollte [To a poet, who would have me praise certain bad poets, imitators of his and mine]

18/53 Auf die Krankheit eines Freundes [A friend’s illness]

18/54 Die Maske [The mask]

18/55 Dies sind die Wolken [These are the clouds]

18/56 Des jungen Mannes Lied [The young man’s song (Brown Penny)]

18/57 Einem Freunde, dessen Werk zunichte wurde [To a friend whose work has come to nothing]

18/58 Als Helena lebte [When Helen lived]

18/59 Bettler zu Bettler sprach [Beggar to beggar cried]

18/60 Auf dem Weg ins Himmelreich [Running to Paradise]

18/61 Das Lied der Komoediantenkoenigin [A song from “The player queen”]

18/62 Die Realisaten [The realists]

18/63 Dass kommen moege die Nacht [That the night come]

18/64 Ein Kleid [A coat]

18/65 Ein irischer Flieger sieht dem Tod entgegen [An Irish airman foresees his death]

18/66 Weisheit kommt mit der Zeit [men improve with the years]

18/67 Unter dem Rundturm [Under the round tower]

18/68 Einer jungen Schoenen [To a young beauty]

18/69 Schulfuechse []

18/70 Tom O’Roughley

18/71 Der Angler [The fisherman]

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18/72 Erscheinungen [Presences]

18/73 An ein Eichkaetzchen [To a squirrel at Kyle-na-no]

18/74 Gebet beim Betreten meines Hauses [A prayer on going into my house]

18/75 Der Kater und der Mond [The cat and the moon]

18/76 Der Bucklige und der Heilige [The saint and the hunchback]

18/77 Zwei Lieder eines Narren [Two songs of a fool]

18/78 Noch ein Lied eines Narren [Another song of a fool]

18/79 Michael Robartes und die Taenzerin [Michael Robartes and the dancer]

18/80 Sechzehn Tote [Sixteen dead men]

18/81 Im Dämmerlicht vor Tag [Towards break of day]

18/82 Als Inschrift in einen Stein von [To be carved on a stone at Thoor Ballylee]

18/83 Fahrt nach Byzanz [Sailing to Byzantium]

18/84 Der Tod [Death]

19 Notebook containing typescripts of H.E.H.’s German translations of poems by W.B. Yeats, corresponding to MS 1409/18/1-83, with two additional sections: typescript transcripts of twelve poems, with variants, by Georg Rudolf Weckherlin; German translations, not by H.E.H. of poems by various writers

19/1 Seltsame Begegnung (Strange meeting) by Wilfred Owen tr. by Hennecke

19/2 Apologia pro poemate meo by Wilfred Owen tr. by Hennecke

19/3 Heut sah ich einen alten Mann (I saw an old man sitting still) by Jeffrey tr. by Hennecke

19/4 Die alten Kanonen... [The old canons] by Herbert Read tr. by B.J. Morse

19/5 Die Schildwache [The sentinels] by Alun Lewis tr. by Felix Braun

19/6 Die Kraft, die durch den gruenen Halm... [The force that through the green fuse drives the flower] by Dylan Thomas tr. by B.J. Morse

24 Typescripts with corrections of H.E.H.’s German translations, each in several versions, of poems by W.B. Yeats

24/1 Das gestohlene Kind [The stolen child]

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24/2 Auf ein Eiland im Wasser [To an isle in the water]

24/3 Dort bei den Uferweiden [Down by the salley gardens]

24/4 Ein Elfenlied [A faery song]

24/5 Innisfree, die Insel im See [The lake isle of Innisfree]

25/6 Ein Wiegenlied [A cradle song]

24/7 Die weissen Vögel [The white birds]

24/8 Die Ballade vom Pater Gilligan [The ballad of Father Gilligan]

24/9 An das Irland der Zukunft [To Ireland in the coming times]

24/10 Die Geister der Luft [The host of the air]

24/11 Die Fische [The fish]

24/12 Der alten Mutter Lied [The ]

24/13 Das Herz des Weibes [The heart of the woman]

24/14 Er trauert über seine und seiner Liebsten Verwandlung und ersehnt das Ende der Welt [He mourns for the change that has come upon him and his beloved, and longs for the end of the world]

24/15 Er beruhigt seine Liebste [He bids his beloved be at peace]

24/16 Er gedenkt vergessener Schönheit [He remembers forgotten beauty]

24/17 Er heisst sein Herz keine Furcht haben [To his heart, bidding it have no fear]

24/18 Die Schellenkappe [The cap and bells]

24/19 Im Tal des schwarzen Ebers [The valley of the black pig]

24/20 Er hört den Wind im Schilf [He hears the cry of the sedge]

24/21 Die Seligen [The blessed]

24/22 Die Wehen der Leidenschaft [The travail of passion]

24/23 Die Liebende hält Fürsprache bei seiner Freundin für alte Freunde [The lover pleads with his friend for old friends]

24/24 Der Dichter hält Fürsprache bei den Elementarmächten [The poet pleads with the elemental powers]

24/25 Er wünscht, seine Liebste wäre tot [he wishes his beloved were dead]

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24/26 Er wünscht sich des Himmels Tuch [He wishes for the cloths of Heaven]

24/27 Er gedenkt seiner entschwundenen Herrlichkeit, als er teilhatte an den Konstellationen des Himmels [He thinks of his past greatness when a part of the constellations of Heaven]

24/28 Der Fiedler von Dooney [The fiddler of Dooney]

24/29 Der Pfeil [The arrow]

24/30 Vergeblicher Trost [The folly of being comforted]

24/31 Gedanke, flieg zu ihr... [O thought, fly to her (Old memory)]

24/32 Adams Fluch [Adam’s curse]

24/33 Im Wilden Wald [The ragged wood]

24/34 Eine, die Homer besungen [A woman Homer sung]

24/35 Worte [Words]

24/36 Gegen unwürdiges Lob [Against unworthy praise]

24/37 Die Maske [The mask]

24/38 Dies sind die Wolken [These are the clouds]

24/39 Beim Rennen in Galway [At Galway races]

24/40 Ein jedes Ding vermag mich untreu zu machen [All things can tempt me]

24/41 Eine Freundin, deren Werk zunichte wurde [To a friend whose work has come to nothing]

24/42 Als Helena lebte [When Helen lived]

24/43 Bettler zu Bettler sprach [Beggar to beggar cried]

24/44 Auf dem Weg ins Himmelreich [Running to Paradise]

24/45 Die Realisten [The realists]

24/46 Ein Kleid [A coat]

24/47 Die wilden Schwäne von Coole []

24/48 Ein irischer Flieger sieht dem Tod entgegen [An Irish airman foresees his death]

24/49 Weisheit kommt mit der Zeit [Men improve with the years]

24/50 Unter dem Rundturm [Under the round tower]

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24/51 Einer jungen Schönen [To a young beauty]

24/52 Schulfüchse [The scholars]

24/53 Tom O’Roughley

24/54 Der Angler [The fisherman]

24/55 Ihr Lob [Her praise]

24/56 Erscheinungen [Presences]

24/57 An ein Eichkätzchen [To a squirrel at Kyle-na-no]

24/58 Gebet beim Betreten meine Hauses [A prayer on going into my house]

24/60 Zwei Lieder eines Narren [Two songs of a fool]

24/61 Noch ein Lied eines Narren [Another song of a fool]

24/62 Die Fuehrer der Menge [The leaders of the crowd]

24/63 Bevor es Tag [Towards break of day]

24/64 Die Wiederkunft []

24/65 Als Inschrift auf einen Stein von Thoor Ballylee [To be carved on a stone at Thoor Ballylee]

24/66 Zwei Lieder aus einem Stück [Two songs from a play]

24/67 Leda und der Schwan [Leda and the swan]

24/68 Der Tod [Death]

24/69 Das neunzehnte Jahrhundert und nachher [The nineteenth century and after]

24/70 Dreierlei Fische [Three movements]

24/71 Der grosse Tag [The great day]

24/72 Der Sporn [The spur]

24/73 Byzanz [Byzantium]

24/74 Ich war schon mehr als fuenfzig Jahr... [My fiftieth year had come and gone... (extract from Vacillation)]

24/75 Seele und Herz [Soul and heart (extract from Vacillation)]

24/76 Ein Weib, jung und alt [A woman, young and old (Before the world was made)]

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24/77 Ein letztes Geständnis [A last confession]

24/78 Ein Gebet für hohe Alter [A prayer for old age]

24/79 Die vier Lebensstufen (Zeitalter) des Menschen [The four ages of man]

24/80 Woher? [Whence had they come?]

24/81 Ein Juchart von Gras [An acre of grass]

24/82 Politik []

24/83 Der Mann und das Echo [The man and the echo]

24/84 Der schwarze Turm [The black tower]

24/85 Am Fuss von Ben Bulben [], II, V, VI

25 Manuscript and typescript drafts of German translations by H.E.H., most without German titles, of poems by W.B. Yeats

25/1 Unter Schulkindern [Among school children]

25/2 Lapis lazuli

25/3 Jene Bilder [Those images]

25/4 Langbeinge Fliege [Long-legged fly]

25/5 Drei Dinge [three things]

25/6 Die desertierten Zirkustiere [The circus animals’ desertion]

25/7 Die tolle Hanne auf dem Berg [Crazy Jane on the mountain]

25/8 Extract from Crazy Jane talks with the Bishop

25/9 Extracts from Crazy Jane and Jack the Journeyman and I am of Ireland

25/10 Crazy Jane and the Bishop

25/11 Vacillation, I, II and III

25/12 The Gyres

25/13 Nineteen hundred and nineteen

25/14 Solomon to Sheba

25/15 Solomon and the witch

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25/16 News for the Delphic oracle

25/17 In memory of Eva Gore-Booth and Con Markiewicz

25/18 Consolation

25/19 After long silence

25/20 Chosen

25/21 Parting

25/22 The gift of Harun Al-Rashid

25/23 Meditations in time of civil war, II, V, VI, VII

25/24 The Countess Cathleen in Paradise

26 Typescripts with corrections of H.E.H.’s German translations, some in several versions, of poems by W.B. Yeats

26/1 Sechzehn Tote [Sixteen dead men]

26/2 Michael Robartes und die Tänzerin [Michael Robartes and the dancer]

26/3 Ostern 1916 [Easter 1916]

26/4 Das Welken der Zweige [The withering of the boughs]

26/5 Die Heerfahrt der Sidhe [The hosting of the Sidhe]

26/6 Wenn du einst alt [When you are old]

26/7 Die zwei Koenige [The two kings]

26/8 Versöhnung [Reconciliation]

26/9 Friede [Peace]

26/10 Gespenster [The apparitions]

26/11 Der Mann, der vom Feenland träumte [The man who dreamed of Faeryland]

31 Manuscript drafts of German translations by H.E.H. of poems by W.B. Yeats; most unidentified, but the following titles or page references

31/1 What then?

31/2 The old men admiring themselves in the water

31/3 Extract from “I am of Ireland”

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31/4 Ein Kleid [A coat]

31/5 Worte [Words]

31/6 The two trees

31/7 The unappeasable host

31/8 The king of the Clock Tower

32 Typescripts with corrections of German translations by H.E.H., some in several versions, of poems by W.B. Yeats

32/1 Der Liebende spricht zu denen, die seine Lieder hören werden in kommenden Tagen [The lover speaks to the hearers of his songs in coming days]

32/2 Bitte (alternative title to Der Liebende spricht…)

32/3 Die zwei Baeume [The two trees]

32/4 Traumstücke [Broken dreams]

32/5 Freundinnen [Friends]

32/6 Die ewigen Stimmen [The everlasting voices]

32/7 Der Liebende spricht

32/8 Er denkt derer, die schlecht von seiner Liebsten gesprochen [He thinks of those who have spoken evil of his beloved]

32/9 Die Rose der Welt [The rose of the world]

35 Manuscript drafts of German translations by H.E.H. of poems by W.B. Yeats; most unidentified, but the following have titles or page references

35/1 The statesman’s holiday

35/2 The three bushes

35/3 Extract from The Statues

35/4 Nineteen hundred and nineteen


35/6 Extract from Among school children

35/7 Warum sollt ein alter Mann nicht zornig sein? [Why should not old men be mad?]

41 Manuscript and some heavily corrected typescript drafts of German translations by H.E.H. of poems by W.B. Yeats

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41/1 Extracts from Am Fuss von Ben Bulben [Under ben Bulben]

41/2 Eine, die Homer besungen [A woman Homer sung]

41/3 Das gestohlene Kind [The stolen child]

41/4 Der Mann und das Echo [The man and the echo]

41/5 Die Schellenkappe [The cap and bells]

41/6 Er hört den Wind im Schilf [He hears the cry of the sedge]; Der Liebende hält Fürsprache bei seiner Freundin für alte Freunde [The lover pleads with his friend for old friends]; Er gedenkt seiner entschwundenen Herrlichkeit und der Zeit als er noch teilhatte an den Konstellationen des Himmels [He thinks of his past greatness when a part of the constellations of Heaven]

41/7 Innisfree, die Insel im See [The lake isle of Innisfree]

41/8 Ein letztes Geständnis [A last confession]

41/9 Bevor es Tag [Towards break of day]

41/10 [A prayer for old age]

41/11 Leda und der Schwan [Leda and the swan]

41/12 Die wilden Schwäne von Coole [The wild swans at Coole]

41/13 Der Angler [The fisherman]

41/14 Ihr Lob [Her praise]

41/15 [Whence had they come? (part VIII of Supernatural songs)]

41/16 Gegen unwuerdiges Lob [Against unworthy praise]

41/17 Einem Freunde, dessen Werk zunichte wurde [To a friend whose work has come to nothing]

41/18 The falling of the leaves

41/19 [An acre of grass]

41/20 [Crazy Jane on the mountain]

41/21 The apparitions

41/22 Adams Fluch [Adam’s curse]

41/23 An das Irland der Zukunft (kommenden Zeit) [To Ireland in the coming times]

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41/24 [The black tower]

41/25 [Byzantium]

41/26 Die Fuehrer der Menge [The leaders of the crowd]

41/27 Die Wiederkunft [The second coming]

41/28 [Vacillation, part VIII]

41/29 [Politics]

41/30 [Before the world was made]

46 Notebook containing handwritten fair copies of poems in English and German by H.E.H., some being German translations of poems by W.B. Yeats (indexed)

48 Six notebooks containing handwritten and typewritten poems in English and German by H.E.H. Two books devoted to German translations of poems by W.B. Yeats, two to German translations of poems by British writers, one to transcriptions of poems by British writers and one to transcriptions of poems by German writers

53 Manuscript drafts of German translations by H.E.H. of poems by W.B. Yeats

53/1 Youth and age

53/2 Extract from The meditation of the old fisherman

53/3 The Indian upon God


53/5 The lover mourns for the loss of love; A coat

53/6 The song of wandering Aengus

53/7 On being asked for a war poem

53/8 To a poet, who would have me praise certain bad poets, imitators of his and mine

53/9 The Magi

53/10 To a child dancing in the wind

53/11 The dolls

53/12 The lover tells of the rose in his heart

53/13 The people

53/14 Der Fiedler von Dooney

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53/15 When you are old

53/16 Extract from Among school children

53/17 The tower

53/18 The two trees

53/19 The lamentation of the old pensioner

53/20 The white birds

53/21 Cuchulain’s fight with the sea

53/22 The wild old wicked man

53/23 The circus animals’ desertion

53/24 Her triumph (part IV of A woman young and old)

53/25 Consolation (part V of A woman young and old)

53/26 The secrets of the old (part X of A man young and old)

53/27 The gyres

53/28 On a political prisoner

53/29 Extracts from Under Ben Bulben

53/30 Solomon and the witch

53/31 Extracts from Coole Park, 1929

53/32 Why should not old men be mad?

53/33 News for the Delphic oracle

53/34 Those images

53/35 Lapis lazuli

53/36 Three things

53/37 An acre of grass

53/38 Byzantium

53/39 Sailing to Byzantium

53/40 Langbeinige Mücke [Long-legged fly]

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54 Manuscript drafts of German translations by H.E.H. of unidentified poems by W.B. Yeats, with notes, lists of poems and some transcriptions of poems

55 Typescripts of German translations by H.E.H. of poems by W.B. Yeats. The poems at this number are duplicates corresponding to the following numbers at MS 1409/24; 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 37, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 61, and 68

3 Translations: Plays

11 Typescripts with corrections of German translations by Ernst E. Stein of plays by W.B. Yeats. With manuscript notes

11/1 Am Strand von Baile [On Baile’s strand]

11/2 Die Sanduhr: ein Mysterienspiel [The hourglass]

11/3 Cathleen ni Houlihan

12 Typescripts with corrections of German translations by H.E.H. of plays by W.B. Yeats

12/1 Das Einhorn von den Sternen [The unicorn from the stars]

12/2 Das Studenglas [The hourglass]

12/3 Golgotha (Calvary) [also MS draft]

12/4 Die Worte auf der Fensterscheibe [The words upon the window pane]

12/5 Das Land der Sehnsucht [The land of heart’s desire]

12/6 Mutter Irland (Cathleen ni Houlihan)

12/7 Fegfeuer [Purgatory]

12/8 Der Kater und der mond (Der Blinde und der Lahme) [The cat and the moon (The blind man and the cripple)]

12/9 Die Auferstehung []

12/10 Die Komödiantenkönigin [The player queen]

29 Typescripts with corrections and notes of H.E.H.’s German translation of Das Einhorn von den Sternen, ein tragisches Spiel in drei Akten, von W.B. Yeats [The unicorn from the stars, a tragedy in three acts]. Five full versions, one other version of act one, another of acts one and two, and two other versions of act three

57 Typescript of German translation by Marie M. Kroug of Das Meer ist ihr Schicksal [Riders to the sea] by John M. Synge

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4 Biographical & Critical Material

7 Scripts for two radio programmes of the BBC German Service, by S. S. Sullivan

7/1 Yeats centenary (June 1965)

7/2 Yeats programme – Der Dichter im Turm von Ballylee [The poet in the tower of Ballylee] (March 1958)

27 Typescripts of essays in German by H.E.H. about W.B. Yeats, biographical and critical. Several versions, drafts and notes with various titles – Nachwort; Yeats al Lyriker; Lebenslauf

33 Manuscript notes in German and English preparatory to a German translation of Lady Gregory’s Gods and fighting men, with an annotated typescript of a German translation of the Preface by W.B. Yeats, and related correspondence in German and English about the translation rights, 1950-61

34 Biographical and critical notes, transcripts and translations in manuscript and typescript

34/1 Typescript with corrections of Plan für eine deutsche Ausgabe ausgewählter Werke von W.B. Yeats [Plan for a German publication of Selected works by W.B. Yeats]

34/2 Typescript of a brief biography of W.B. Yeats in German – untitled, and probably a transcript of an obituary notice

34/3 Typescripts of Die dramatischen Werke von William Butler Yeats. List in German of plays with brief descriptions, dates of first performances, notes of German translations &c. Several copies, one annotated

34/4 Typescript with corrections and annotations of Ubersetzung der Verse, die in den Text des Kommentators zum Film “W.B. Yeats” eingeschaltet sind

34/5 Typescript of W.B. Yeats’s criticism of Ezra Pound by H.V. Häusermann (transcript from English Studies vol. 29/4, 1948)

34/6 Typescript headed W.B. Yeats, apparently a radio script for two readers (Lyrik and Kommentar) about the life and work of W.B. Yeats

34/7 Three typescripts, one with corrections, of an extract from The identity of Yeats by Richard Ellman (p 257 ff), translated into German under the heading Zu W.B. Yeats “Die Wiederkunft” [On W.B. Yeats’s The second coming]

34/8 Three typescripts, one with corrections, of an extract from The lonely tower by T.R. Henn (p 135-7), translated into German under the heading Zu Yeats “Die Wiederkunft”

34/9 Typescript of Notiz über Yeats, probably a transcript of an obituary

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34/10 Typescript in English of L.A.G. Strong on “Autobiographies” by W.B. Yeats, transcribed from The London Magazine, June 1955

34/11 Untitled typescript article in German by H.E.H. on Yeat’s drama, and on Die Gräfin Katlin (The Countess Cathleen) in particular. Three copies, one heavily corrected

34/12 Typescript of Die irische Harfe. Hörfolge [The Irish harp – feature programme] by Philipp Wolff (April 1955). Radio script containing references to Yeats

34/13 Typescript in German of William Butler Yeats (1865-1939): aus Briefen und Gedichten, ausgewählt und übersetzt von H.E.H. [from Letters and Poems, selected and translated by H.E.H.]. Introduction to and extracts from H.E.H.’s German edition. Two copies, both with corrections and notes

34/14 Introductory matter for H.E.H.’s German translation of Yeat’s poems

34/15 Typescript headed Zu: Einhorn von den Sternen. Anmerkung von W.B. Yeats [for The Unicorn from the stars. Remarks by W.B. Yeats]

34/16 Extracts in English from nineteen of Yeat’s poems

34/17 Extracts in English from Dissertations on some aspects of national genius by Osbert, Edith and Sacheverell Sitwell, delivered as the Northcliffe lectures at the University of London in 1937: Edith Sitwell’s Three eras of modern poetry

34/18 Manuscript notes for a bibliography of W.B. Yeats

56 Typescript of a radio broadcast by Osterreichischer Rundfunk: Das Porträt – Einhorn und das Studenglas. Der irische Dichter William Butler Yeats [The unicorn and the hourglass] Manuskript: Paul Wimmer (March 1969)

5 Correspondence

1 Correspondence of H.E.H. with A.P. Watt in English, and with Verlag Jakob Hegner, Leipzig, Stadttheater Basel and others in German, mainly relating to translations and performances of W.B. Yeats’s plays 1928-39

2 Correspondence of H.E.H. with A.P. Watt (in English) and with Verlag der Arche, Zürich (in German) relating to translations of W.B. Yeats’s poems 1956-69

3 Corrsespondence of H.E.H. about the serial rights for translations of the works of W.B. Yeats with German, French, Swiss, Austrian, Dutch and English publishers, the BBC, A.P. Watt, Richard Exner of Princeton University and others (in French, German and English) 1949-68

4 Correspondence of H.E.H. with A. P. Watt (in English), with German and Swiss publishers and theatres, and with Radio Zürich (in German) relating to the plays of W.B. Yeats 1953-66

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5 Correspondence of H.E.H. with Hermann Luchterhand Verlag, Neuwied am Rhein, and lawyers (in German) relating to German edition of the complete works of W.B. Yeats 1960-69

21 Correspondence in English and German of H.E.H. with The Albatross Ltd, Raymond Savage, A.P. Watt, Der Junge Bühnevertrieb, Ralf Steyer Verlag and others relating to the translation of the letters of W.B. Yeats and G.B. Shaw 1946-48

22 Correspondence in English, French and German of H.E.H. with A.P. Watt, Ernst Klett Verlag, Michael B. Yeats and others relating to a conflict about the proposed publication by Luchterhand Verlag of an edition of Yeat’s complete works translated by H.E.H., which translation was not approved by Yeat’s family 1960-67

23 Correspondence in English and German of H.E.H. with A.P. Watt, German, Austrian, Dutch and English publishers and German theatres about the translation of Yeat’s plays and performing rights 1949-58 (with a copy of a letter from W.B. Yeats to H.E.H. 1923)

39 Manuscript and heavily corrected typescript drafts of letters from H.E.H. to A. P. Watt [n.d.]

45 Correspondence of H.E.H. in German, English and Italian, relating to W.B. Yeats 1961-65

51 Correspondence in English and German of H.E.H. and Marlys Herlitschka, relating to W.B. Yeats 1961-70

58 Correspondence in German between Marlys Herlitschka and Hermann Luchterhand Verlag 1970-74

59 Sundry correspondence in German and Englsh 1950-65

62 Letters collected by Herberth E. Herlitschka. Note: with the exception of letters dated immediately before and during the Second World War, when Herberth E. Herlitschka and his wife lived in England as refugees, the letters refer almost entirely to proposed or completed translations

62/1 Agentur Des Rauhen Hauses to Marlys Herlitschka 2 June 1966, Hamburg. 1 leaf

62/2 Richard Aldington to H.E.H. 25 May 1950, Le Lavandou. 1 leaf

62/3 Nigel Balchin to H.E.H. 23 August 1946, Leigh Barton. 1 leaf

62/4 Nigel Balchin to H.E.H. 30 September 1949, London. 1 leaf

62/5 A.T. Bartholomew to H.E.H. 22 May 1929, Cambridge. 1 leaf

62/6 A.T. Bartholomew to H.E.H. 4 November 1930, Cambridge. 1 leaf

62/7 Otto Basler to Frau Wassermann 8 August 1934, Burg. 1 leaf

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62/8 Queenie Baylis, Secretary to Hermon Ould, General Secretary of P.E.N. to H.E.H. 14 August 1939, London. 1 page

62/9 Luigi Bartolini to H.E.H. 15 April 1959, Rome. Postcard

62/10 Luigi Bartolini to H.E.H. 20 May 1959, Rome. Postcard

62/11 Bettina von Bomhard to H.E.H. 24 December 1953, Dusseldorf. 1 leaf

62/12 Bettina von Bomhard to H.E.H. 27 December 1954, Dusseldorf. 1 leaf

62/13 Bettina von Bomhard to H.E.H. 20 December 1955, Dusseldorf. 1 leaf

62/14 Marie Louise Borchardt to H.E.H. 4 November 1955

62/15 Marie Louise Borchardt to Herberth and Marlys Herlitschka 1960? Bremen. 1 leaf

62/16 Elisabeth Borchers to Marlys Herlitschka 13 September 1974, Frankfurt. 1 leaf

62/17 Elisabeth Borchers to Marlys Herlitschka 26 September 1974, Brissago. 1 leaf

62/18 Phyllis Bottomley to Marlys Herlitschka 15 December 1943, London. 1 leaf

62/19 Sir Maurice Bowra to H.E.H. 31 July 1938, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/20 Sir Maurice Bowra to H.E.H. 18 March 1965, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/21 Sir Maurice Bowra to H.E.H. 27 March 1965, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/22 Felix Braun to H.E.H. 25 March 1943, Kendal. 1 leaf

62/23 Felix Braun to H.E.H. 19 April 1943, Kendal. 2 leaves

62/24 ‘Die Unuberwindliche Flotte’: a poem in TS by Ann Bridge. 2 leaves

62/25 Christmas card from Ann Bridge to H.E.H. 1936

62/26 ‘The Passenger’: a poem in TS by Ann Bridge 1940. 1 leaf

62/27 Hans Brunnert to Marlys Herlitschka 26 September 1974, Frankfurt. 1 leaf

62/28 ? Buchardz to H.E.H. 13 March 1962, Frankfurt. 1 leaf

62/29 Rodolfo Celletti to H.E.H. 14 May 1941, Milan. 1 leaf

62/30 Rodolfo Celleti to H.E.H. 9 July 1961, Milan. 1 leaf

62/31 Rodolfo Celletti to H.E.H. 6 October 1961, Milan. 1 leaf

62/32 Neville Chamberlain to Hoare 11 August 1936, Harrogate. 1 leaf

62/33 Janet Chance to H.E.H. 22 December 1938, London. 2 leaves

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62/34 Guy Chapman to H.E.H. 10 February 1939, Reading. 1 leaf

62/35 Guy Chapman to H.E.H. 13 February 1939, Reading. 1 leaf

62/36 Norman Collins to H.E.H. 16 July 1946, London. 1 leaf

62/37 Sully Corsari to H.E.H. 20 march 1948, Amsterdam. 2 leaves

62/38 George Cuthbert to H.E.H. [n.d.]. 1 leaf

62/39 Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GMBH to H.E.H. 7 February 1951, Stuttgart. 1 leaf

62/40 Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GMBH to H.E.H. 8 August 1949, Stuttgart. 1leaf

62/41 Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GMBH to H.E.H. 8 November 1951, Stuttgart. Postcard

62/42 Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GMBH to H.E.H. 27 December 1951, Stuttgart. 1 leaf

62/43 Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GMBH to H.E.H. 30 December 1951, Stuttgart. 1 leaf

62/44 Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GMBH to H.E.H. 11 March 1952, Stuttgart. 1 leaf

62/45 Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GMBH to H.E.H. 20 December 1952, Stuttgart. 1 leaf

62/46 Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GMBH to H.E.H. 12 November 1955, Stuttgart. 1 leaf

62/47 Hedwig Diestel to H.E.H. 28 September 1947, Frieburg. 3 leaves

62/48 Lovat Dickson to H.E.H. 29 March 1963, London. 1 leaf

62/49 Ashley Dukes to H.E.H. 25 February 1949, Berlin. 1 leaf

62/50 Ashley Dukes to H.E.H. 24 March 1946, London. 1 leaf

62/51 Frans Dulberg to H.E.H. 16 May 1934, Berlin. 1 leaf

62/52 Ronald Duncan to H.E.H. 5 February 1946, London. 1 leaf

62/53 R.C. Dunning to Ezra Pound [n.d.]. Postcard

62/54 Thomas Stearns Eliot to H.E.H. 19 February 1946, London. 1 leaf

62/55 Thomas Stearns Eliot to H.E.H. 4 March 1946, London. 1 leaf

62/56 Thomas Stearns Eliot to H.E.H. 13 March 1946, London. 1 leaf

62/57 Thomas Stearns Eliot to H.E.H. 26 March 1946, London. 1 leaf

62/58 W. von Einsiedel to H.E.H. 23 February 1947, London. 1 leaf

62/59 John Ferguson to H.E.H. 9 September, Sandgate. 1 leaf

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62/60 Dr Fiedler to Maria Klob 1 June 1935, Berlin. Postcard

62/61 Greetings card to H.E.H.? 1952

62/62 Brigitte B. Fischer to H.E.H. 20 January 1953, Old Grenwich, Connecticut. 1 leaf

62/63 S. Fischer Verlag to H.E.H. 6 January 1959, Frankfurt. 1 leaf

62/64 S. Fischer Verlag to Marlys Herlitschka 29 October 1974, Frankfurt am Main. 1 leaf

62/65 E.M. Forster to H.E.H. 26 March 1926, West Hackhurst. 1 leaf

62/66 Dieter Frank to H.E.H. 4 January 1955, Frankfurt. 1 leaf

62/67 - Frankenberg to Insel Verlag 14 May 1973, Berlin. 1 leaf

62/68 - Frankenberg to Marlys Herlitschka 16 November 1973, Berlin. 1 leaf

62/69 Erich Franzen to H.E.H. 19 August 1955, Zurich. 1 leaf

62/70 Erich Fried to H.E.H. 27 January 1948, London. 1 leaf

62/71 L.G. to H.E.H.? 15 July, London. 1 leaf

62/72 Fritz Jaffé to H.E.H. 15 February 1956, Stuttgart. 1 leaf

62/73 P.A. Quarantotti Gambini to H.E.H. 1 September 1959, Venice. 1 leaf

62/74 P.A. Quarantotti Gambini to H.E.H. 10 September 1959, Venice. 1 leaf

62/75 P.A. Quarantotti Gambini to H.E.H. 18 October 1961, Rome. 1 leaf

62/76 P.A. Quarantotti Gambini to H.E.H. 22 August 1960, Venice. 1 leaf

62/77 David Garnett to H.E.H. [n.d.], Huntingdon. 1 leaf

62/78 David Garnett to H.E.H. 26 February 1925, St. Ives. 1 leaf

62/79 David Garnett to H.E.H. 2 July 1929, London. 2 leaves

62/80 David Garnett to H.E.H. 7 May 1929, St. Ives. 2 leaves

62/81 David Garnett to H.E.H. 26 November 1929, London. 1 leaf

62/82 David Garnett to H.E.H. 16 February 1939, Huntingdon. 1 leaf

62/83 Authorization signed by David Garnett for H.E.H. to translate The Grasshoppers Come into the German language 5 June 1932, London. 1 leaf

62/84 David Garnett to H.E.H. 3 March 1939, Huntingdon. 1 leaf

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62/85 David Garnett to H.E.H. 5 March 1939, Huntingdon. 1 leaf

62/86 David Garnett to H.E.H. 14 March 1939, London. 1 leaf

62/87 David Garnett to H.E.H. 16 March 1939, Huntingdon. 1 leaf

62/88 David Garnett to H.E.H. 28 March 1939, Huntingdon. 1 leaf

62/89 David Garnett to H.E.H. 29 August 1939, Edenbridge. 1 leaf

62/90 David Garnett to H.E.H. 23 December 1941, London. 1 leaf

62/91 David Garnett to H.E.H. 25 July 1946, Huntingdon. 1 leaf

62/92 David Garnett to H.E.H. 29 May 1956, Huntingdon. 1 leaf

62/93 David Garnett to H.E.H. 28 February 1957, Huntingdon. 1 leaf

62/94 David Garnett to H.E.H. 4 April 1959, Huntingdon. 1 leaf

62/95 Jean Gebeer to H.E.H. 29 December 1952, Bingdorf. 1 leaf

62/96 Jean Gebeer to H.E.H. 11 December 1951, Burgdorf. 1 leaf

62/97 Margaret Goldsmith to H.E.H. 19 December 1938, London. 2 leaves

62/98 Margaret Goldsmith to H.E.H. 6 February 1939, London. 1 leaf

62/99 Margaret Goldsmith to H.E.H. 23 march 1939, London. 1 leaf

62/100 Grasset to Marlys Herlitschka 10 April 1956, Pully, Vaud (Suisse). 1 leaf

62/101 G.R. Halkett to H.E.H. 28 March 1947, Nurnberg. 1 leaf

62/102 G.R. Halkett to H.E.H. 15 May 1947. 1 leaf

62/103 G.R. Halkett to H.E.H. 14 July 1947. 1 leaf

62/104 David Higham to H.E.H. 15 February 1946. 1 leaf

62/105 Hilda Halkett to H.E.H. 17 December 1947. 1 leaf

62/106 Hilda Halkett to H.E.H. 20 May 1948. 1 leaf

62/107 G.R. Halkett to H.E.H. 26 May 1948. 1 leaf

62/108 G.R. Halkett to H.E.H. 5 June 1948, Nurnberg. 1 leaf

62/109 Hans Hennecke to H.E.H. 6 May 1955, Munich. 1 leaf

62/110 Hans Hennecke to H.E.H. 22 May 1955, Munich. 1 leaf

©University of Reading 2007 Wednesday, 24 October 2007 Page 31 Special Collections Service Library

62/111 H.E.H. to Ezra Pound [n.d.], Vienna. 1 leaf

62/112 [H.E.H.] to W.B. Yeats 8 February 1924, London. 2 leaves

62/113 H.E.H. to David Garnett 16 March 1926, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/114 H.E.H. to W.B. Yeats 12 February 1928, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/115 H.E.H. to Ezra Pound 17 April 1929, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/116 H.E.H. to [David] Garnett 3 May 1929, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/117 H.E.H. to Henry Festing Jones 8 May 1929, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/118 H.E.H. to [David] Garnett 10 May 1929, Liepzig. 1 leaf

62/119 H.E.H. to John Ferguson 15 June 1929, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/120 H.E.H. to Ezra Pound 30 June 1928, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/121 H.E.H. to Ezra Pound 7 August 1928, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/122 H.E.H. to [David] Garnett 20 May 1929, Vienna. 3 leaves

62/123 H.E.H. to [David] Garnett 15 June 1929, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/124 H.E.H. to Henry Holt 19 November 1929, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/125 H.E.H. to John Ferguson 19 November 1929, Vienna. 2 leaves

62/126 H.E.H. to David Herbert Lawrence 19 November 1929, Vienna. 4 leaves

62/127 H.E.H. to David Garnett 20 November 1929, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/128 H.E.H. to David Herbert Lawrence 9 December 1929, Vienna. 3 leaves

62/129 H.E.H. to David Herbert Lawrence 22 December 1929, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/130 H.E.H. to Ezra Pound 24 February 1930, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/131 H.E.H. to David Herbert Lawrence 24 February 1930, Vienna. 1 leaf (incomplete?)

62/132 H.E.H. to [ ] 27 March 1930, Vienna. 2 leaves

62/133 H.E.H. to [ ] 5 April 1930, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/134 H.E.H. to [ ] 3 May 1930, Vienna. 2 leaves

62/135 H.E.H. to [ ] 29 May 1930, Vienna. 2 leaves

62/136 H.E.H. to [ ] 21 July, Vienna. 3 leaves (2 copies)

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62/137 H.E.H. to [ ] 30 July 1930, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/138 H.E.H. to [ ] 30 July 1930, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/139 H.E.H. to [ ] 13 August 1930, Wien IV. 1 leaf

62/140 H.E.H. to Max Mohr 6 March 1931, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/141 H.E.H. to Arthur Waley 29 April 1931, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/142 H.E.H. to Max Mohr 7 May 1931, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/143 H.E.H. to Clemens Graf Podewils 19 February 1932, Berlin. 1 leaf

62/144 H.E.H. to Storm Jameson 29 November [1938], Ockham. 2 leaves

62/145 H.E.H. to Rosamund Lehmann 18 February 1939, Ockham. 1 leaf

62/146 H.E.H. to [David] Garnett 2 March 1939, Ockham. 1 leaf

62/147 H.E.H. to [?Rosamund] Lehmann 8 March 1939, Ockham. 1 leaf

62/148 H.E.H. to [David] Garnett 14 March 1939, Ockham. 1 leaf

62/149 H.E.H. to [?Rosamund] Lehmann 21 March 1939, St. Ives. 1 leaf

62/150 H.E.H. to [?Rosamund] Lehmann 30 March 1939, Hilton. 1 leaf

62/151 [H.E.H.] to Mary O’Malley September 1942, draft in pencil. 2 leaves

62/152 Marlys Herlitschka to Charles Morgan 23 November 1940, Lincoln. 1 leaf

62/153 H.E.H. to Milton Waldman 4 December 1945. 1 leaf (p.2)

62/154 Draft of a letter from H.E.H. to Ronald Duncan c. 1946. 1 leaf

62/155 H.E.H. to Messrs. Faber and Faber Ltd. 5 January 1946. 1 leaf

62/156 H.E.H. to Ronald Duncan 16 February 1946. 1 leaf

62/157 H.E.H. to Thomas Stearns Eliot 16 February 1946. 1 leaf

62/158 H.E.H. to Ashley Dukes 16 February 1946. 1 leaf

62/159 H.E.H. to E.C. Horabin 16 February 1946. 1 leaf

62/160 H.E.H. to Thomas Stearns Eliot 23 February 1946. 1 leaf (2 copies)

62/161 H.E.H. to David Higham 4 March 1946. 1 leaf

62/162 H.E.H. to Thomas Stearns Eliot 11 March 1946. 1 leaf

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62/163 H.E.H. to Ashley Dukes 16 March 1946. 1 leaf

62/164 H.E.H. to Thomas Stearns Eliot 23 March 1946. 1 leaf

62/165 H.E.H. to Norman Collins 13 July 1946. 1 leaf

62/166 H.E.H. to Dr. Anton Kippenberg 2 April 1947. I leaf

62/167 H.E.H. to G.R. Halkett 8 May 1947. 1 leaf

62/168 H.E.H. to Rudolf Steinbock 8 December 1948. 1 leaf

62/169 H.E.H. to Charles Morgan 15 January 1949. 2 leaves

62/170 H.E.H. to Albin Skoda 20 October 1950, Ticino. 1 leaf

62/171 H.E.H. to Albin Skoda 9 May 1950, Ticino. 1 leaf

62/172 H.E.H. to Richard Aldington 20 May 1950, Ticino. 1 leaf

62/173 H.E.H. to Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 5 November 1951, Ascona, Ticino. 1 leaf

62/174 H.E.H. to [Martin] Lang 13 November 1951, Ascona. 1 leaf

62/175 H.E.H. to Gunther [ ] 2 January 1952, Ascona. 1 leaf

62/176 H.E.H. to Martin Lang 5 January 1955, Ascona. 1 leaf

62/177 H.E.H. to Hans Hennecke 8 April 1955, Ascona. 1 leaf

62/178 [H.E.H.] to Fritz Jaffé 10 February 1956. 1 leaf

62/179 TS notes on a contract for the translation of works of Angus Wilson into German by H.E.H. c. 1959. 3 leaves

62/180 H.E.H. to Angus Wilson 17 January 1959. 1 leaf

62/181 H.E.H. to W.J. Perryman 28 October 1959. 1 leaf

62/182 H.E.H. to Angus Wilson 20 December 1959. 1 leaf

62/183 Marlys Herlitschka to Heide Mersmann 11 November 1973, Brissago. 1 leaf

62/184 Marlys Herlitschka to – Frankenburg 18 November 1973, Brissago. 1 leaf

62/185 Marlys Herlitschka to Heide Mersmann 8 December 1973, Brissago. 1 leaf

62/186 Marlys Herlitschka to Dorothee Lieb 30 August 1974, Brissago. 1 leaf

62/187 Marlys Herlitschka to Suhrkamp – Insel Verlag 23 September 1974, Brissago. 1 leaf

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62/188 Marlys Herlitschka to Suhrkamp Verlag 23 September 1974, Brissago. 1 leaf

62/189 Marlys Herlitschka to Elisabeth Borchers 20 October 1974, Brissago. 1 leaf

62/190 Marlys Herlitschka to Eva-Maria Kipshagen 1 November 1974, Brissago. 1 leaf

62/191 Marlys Herlitschka to S. Fischer Verlag 2 November 1974 [Brissago]. 1 leaf

62/192 Fritz Hochwalder to H.E.H. 28 October 1963, Zurich. 1 leaf

62/193 Fritz Hochwalder to H.E.H. 27 August 1965, Zurich. 1 leaf

62/194 Henry Holt to H.E.H. 12 September 1929, Hythe. 1 leaf

62/195 Henry Holt to H.E.H. 26 November 1929, Hythe. 1 leaf

62/196 Autobiographical note written by Aldous Huxley c. 1926. 1 leaf

62/197 Aldous Huxley to H.E.H. 7 June 1926, San Francisco. 1 leaf

62/198 Aldous Huxley to H.E.H. 9 November 1931, London. 1 leaf

62/199 Aldous Huxley to H.E.H. 10 April 1936, London. 1 leaf

62/200 Aldous Huxley to H.E.H. 8 December 1945, Llano, California. 2 leaves

62/201 G.C. Horobin to H.E.H. 3 February 1946, London. 1 leaf

62/202 Telegram from Aldous Huxley to H.E.H., Hollywood, California. 1 leaf

62/203 Aldous Huxley to H.E.H. 5 March 1948, Wrightwood, California. 1 leaf

62/204 Aldous Huxley to H.E.H. 8 March 1954, Los Angeles. 1 leaf

62/205 Aldous Huxley to H.E.H. 12 March 1954, Los Angeles. 1 leaf

62/206 Aldous Huxley to H.E.H. 13 August 1954, Totnes. 1 leaf

62/207 Aldous Huxley to H.E.H. 15 March 1956, Los Angeles. 1 leaf

62/208 Aldous Huxley to H.E.H. 10 October 1958, London. 1 leaf

62/209 Aldous Huxley to H.E.H. 22 March 1962, Berkeley, California. 1 leaf

62/210 Aldous Huxley to H.E.H. 23 May 1963, Los Angeles. 1 leaf

62/211 Aldous Huxley to H.E.H. 14 July 1963, Los Angeles. 1 leaf

62/212 Insel Verlag to – Frankenburg 29 August 1973, Frankfurt. 1 leaf

62/213 Margaret Storm Jameson to H.E.H. 1 December 1938, Reading. 1 leaf

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62/214 Margaret Storm Jameson to H.E.H. 27 January 1939, Reading. 1 leaf

62/215 Margaret Storm Jameson to H.E.H. 13 February 1939, Reading. 1 leaf

62/216 Margaret Storm Jameson to H.E.H. 4 August 1939, Mortimer. 1 leaf

62/217 Margaret Storm Jameson to H.E.H 28 April 1942, London. 1 leaf

62/219 Henry Festing Jones to H.E.H. 30 August 1927, London. 2 leaves

62/220 Henry Festing Jones to H.E.H. 30 May 1928, London. 3 leaves

62/221 Henry Festing Jones to H.E.H. 23 June 1928, Milan. 1 leaf

62/222 Anton Kippenberg to H.E.G. 30 December 1935, Leipzig. 1 leaf

62/223 Anton Kippenberg to H.E.H. 13 March 1947, Marburg. 2 leaves

62/224 Gustav Kilpper to H.E.H. 22 December 1937, Stuttgart. 1 leaf

62/225 Eva-Maria Kipshagen to Marlys Herlitschka 25 November 1974, Heidelberg. 2 leaves

62/226 Theodor Kramer to H.E.H. 5 December 1945, Guildford. 2 leaves

62/227 Theodor Kramer to H.E.H. 3 February 1946, Guildford. 1 leaf (enclosing a poem, 1 leaf)

62/228 Theodor Kramer to H.E.H. 18 February 1946, Guildford. 4 leaves (enclosing a poem, 1 leaf)

62/229 Theodor Kramer to H.E.H. 17 December 1952, Guildford. 1 leaf

62/230 Michael [ ] to H.E.H. 18 April 1959, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/231 [David Herbert Lawrence?] to Else 12 December 1929, Bandol, Var, France. 1 leaf

62/232 David Herbert Lawrence to H.E.H. 25 November 1929, Bandol, Var, France. 1 leaf

62/232a David Herbert Lawrence to H.E.H. 26 December 1929, Bandol, Var, France. 1 leaf

62/233 David Herbert Lawrence to H.E.H. 14 December 1929, Bandol, Var, France. 1 leaf

62/234 Frieda Lawrence to H.E.H. 13 July 1930, Vence, France. 2 leaves

62/235 Frieda Lawrence to H.E.H. [17 April 1930], Vence, France. 1 leaf

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62/236 John Lehmann to H.E.H. 29 February 1940, London. 1 leaf

62/237 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 1 March 1939, Bourne End. 2 leaves

62/238 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 4 March 1939, Bourne End. 1 leaf

62/239 Frieda Lawrence to H.E.H. [n.d.], Vence. 1 leaf

62/240 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 2 May 1936, Ipsden. 1 leaf

62/241 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 14 May [1936], Ipsden. 1 leaf

62/242 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 25 September 1936, Ipsden. 1 leaf

62/243 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 12 March 1939, Bourne End. 1 leaf

62/244 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 18 March 1939, Bourne End. 1 leaf

62/245 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 30 March 1939, Bourne End. 1 leaf

62/246 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 31 March 1939, Bourne End. 1 leaf

62/247 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 6 May 1939, Ipsden. 1 leaf

62/248 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 25 May 1939, Ipsden. 1 leaf

62/249 Rosamund Lehmann to Marlys Herlitschka 28 July 1939, Ipsden. 1 leaf

62/250 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 28 July 1939, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/251 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. [August 1939], Llyswen, Brecon. 1 leaf

62/252 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 10 August [1939], Oxford. 1 leaf

62/253 Rosamund Lehmann to Marlys Herlitschka 28 May 1942, Aldworth, Reading. 1 leaf

62/254 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 23 June 1942, Aldworth, Reading. 1 leaf

62/255 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 3 July 1942, Aldworth, Reading. 1 leaf

62/256 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 23 July 1945, Aldworth, Reading. 1 leaf

62/257 Rosamund Lehmann to H.E.H. 3 February 1954, London. 1 leaf

62/258 Dorothee Lieb to Marlys Herlitschka 7 January 1974, Frankfurt. 1 leaf

62/259 Elemire Lolla to H.E.H. 2 May 1961, Rome. 1 leaf

62/260 Dorothee Lieb to Marlys Herlitschka 4 September 1974, Frankfurt. Postcard

62/261 Martin Loring to H.E.H. 1 August 1953. 1 leaf

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62/262 Doreen Marston to H.E.H. 15 December 1938, London. 1 leaf

62/263 Carlo Manzoni to Marlys Herlitschka 30 November 1960, Milan. 1 leaf

62/264 Heide Mersmann to Marlys Herlitschka 8 November 1973, Frankfurt am Main. 1 leaf

62/265 Heide Mersmann to H.E.H. 13 November 1973, Frankfurt am Main. 1 leaf

62/266 Friedrich Michael to H.E.H. 23 November 1952, Wiesbaden. 1 leaf

62/267 Friedrich Michael to H.E.H. 28 December 1954, Wiesbaden. 1 leaf

62/268 Naomi Mitchison to H.E.H. 25 November 1929, London. 1 leaf

62/269 Felix Moeschlin to H.E.H. 21 December 1960, Brissago. 1 leaf

62/270 Felix Moeschlin to H.E.H. 20 December 1961, Brissago. 1 leaf

62/271 Felix Moeschlin to H.E.H. 24 December 1958, Brissago. Card

62/272 Felix Moeschlin to H.E.H. 12 May 1963, Brissago. Card

62/273 Felix Moeschlin to H.E.H. 29 March 1964, Brissago. Card

62/274 Felix Moeschlin to H.E.H. 24 December 1964, Brissago. 1 leaf

62/275 Max Mohr to H.E.H. 11 March 1931, Rottach am Tegernsee (Oberbayern). 1 leaf

62/276 Max Mohr to H.E.H. 9 May 1931, Rottach am Tegernsee (Oberbayern). 1 leaf

62/277 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. [n.d.], London. 1 leaf

62/278 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 9 November 1936, London. 2 leaves

62/279 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 29 April 1936, London. 1 leaf plus card

62/280 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 27 December 1937, London. 1 leaf

62/281 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 8 November 1938, London. 1 leaf

62/282 Charles Morgn to H.E.H. 23 November 1938, London. 1 leaf

62/283 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 13 February 1939, London. 1 leaf

62/284 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 10 October 1939, London. 1 leaf

62/285 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 10 March 1940, London. 2 leaves

62/286 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 12 April 1940, Brecon. 1 leaf

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62/287 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 2 December 1940, London. 1 leaf

62/288 Charles Morgan to Marlys Herlitschka 2 December 1940, London. 1 leaf

62/289 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 24 January 1946, London. 1 leaf

62/290 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 10 February 1947, London. 1 leaf

62/291 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 22 January 1949, Letterston, Pembrokeshore. 2 leaves

62/292 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 11 November 1952, Llanfairpwll, Isle of Anglesey. 1 leaf

62/293 Charles Morgan to H.E.H. 11 November 1952, London. 2 leaves

62/294 Hilda Morgan to Marlys Herlitschka December [ ], London. 1 leaf

62/295 Hilda Morgan to Marlys Herlitschka 10 February 1940, London. 1 leaf

62/296 Hilda Morgan to Marlys Herlitschka 20 February 1940, London. 2 leaves

62/297 Hilda Morgan to H.E.H. 17 April 1940, Brecon. 1 leaf

62/298 John Middleton Murry to H.E.H. 19 June 1954, Thelnetham, Diss, Norfolk. 1 leaf

62/299 Das Neue Berlin-Verlag to Insel Verlag 6 November 1973, Berlin. 1 leaf

62/300 C.B. Oldman, British Museum, to H.E.H. 21 October 1948, London. 1 leaf

62/301 Mary O’Malley to H.E.H. 9 July 1936, Ockham. 1 leaf

62/302 Mary O’Malley to H.E.H. 12 April 1938, London. 1 leaf

62/303 Mary O’Malley to H.E.H. 11 May 1938, London. 2 leaves

62/304 Mary O’Malley to H.E.H. 15 February 1939, Neuilly-sur-Seine. Postcard

62/305 Mary O’Malley to H.E.H. 25 February 1939, Neuilly-sur-Seine. Postcard

62/306 Mary O’Malley to H.E.H. 6 May 1939, London. 2 leaves

62/307 Mary O’Malley to H.E.H. 26 July 1939, Castlebar, Ireland. 2 leaves

62/308 Mary O’Malley to H.E.H. 15 September 1942, Edinburgh. 1 leaf

62/309 Mary O’Malley to H.E.H. 2 October 1942, Edinburgh. 3 leaves

62/310 Mary O’Malley to H.E.H. 14 November 1942, Minard. 1 leaf

©University of Reading 2007 Wednesday, 24 October 2007 Page 39 Special Collections Service Library

62/311 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 25 December 1964, Oxford. 2 leaves

62/312 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 13 January 1965, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/313 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 3 February 1965, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/314 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 22 December 1965, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/315 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 16 August 1966, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/316 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 23 August 1966, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/317 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 28 January 1967, Oxford. Postcard

62/318 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 21 February 1969, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/319 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 27 March 1969, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/320 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 1 May 1969, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/321 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 5 June 1969, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/322 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 31 June 1969, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/323 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 8 August 1970, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/324 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 19 November 1970, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/325 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 4 December 1970, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/326 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 7 March 1971, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/327 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 20 April 1971, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/328 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 28 August 1971, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/329 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 7 September 1971, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/330 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 15 September 1971, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/331 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 11 November 1971, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/332 Mary O’Malley to Marlys Herlitschka 28 March 1972, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/333 Mary O’malley to Marlys Herlitschka 6 September 1972, Oxford. 1 leaf

62/334 Gunther Pawelke to H.E.H. 17 September 1959, Ascona. 1 leaf

62/335 Gunther Pawelke to H.E.H. 8 November 1959, Ascona. 1 leaf

62/336 Gunther Pawelke to H.E.H. 18 January 1960. 1 leaf

©University of Reading 2007 Wednesday, 24 October 2007 Page 40 Special Collections Service Library

62/337 Jeffrey W. Perryman to H.E.H. 5 September 1958, Zurich. 1 leaf

62/338 Jeffrey W. Perryman to H.E.H. 23 October 1958, Zurich. 1 leaf

62/339 Erika Mitterer-Petrowsky to H.E.H. 16 March 1946, Kritzendorf. 1 leaf

62/340 James B. Pinker & Son to H.E.H. 25 August 1936, London. 1 leaf

62/341 Klaus Piper to H.E.H. 13 November 1953, Munich. 1 leaf plus printed letter

62/342 C.A. Podewils to H.E.H. 6 March, Berlin. 1 leaf

62/343 Ezra Pound to H.E.H. 27 June, Rapallo. 1 leaf

62/344 Ezra Pound to H.E.H. 16 August, Rapallo. 1 leaf

62/345 Ezra Pound to H.E.H. 22 December, Rapallo. 1 leaf

62/346 C.J. Purnell to H.E.H. 19 November 1949, London. 1 leaf

62/347 Irene Rathbone to H.E.H. 9 March 1940, London. 1 leaf

62/348 Irene Rathbone to H.E.H. 29 August 1941, Campden, Gloucestershire. 1 leaf

62/349 ‘To one banished’: a TS article by Irene Rathbone [n.d.], Campden, Gloucestershire and London. 6 leaves

62/350 Harold Raymond to H.E.H. 14 July 1936, London. 1 leaf

62/351 Harold Raymond to H.E.H. 9 December 1948, London. 1 leaf

62/352 Lutz Reisiger to H.E.H. 1 January 1953, Munich. 1 leaf

62/353 Lutz Reisiger to H.E.H. 10 August 1953, Munich. 1 leaf

62/354 Lutz Reisiger to H.E.H. 1 January 1956, Garmisch. 1 leaf

62/355 William Rose to - Garter 12 June 1928, London. 1 leaf

62/356 - Scevard to H.E.H. [n.d.]. Card

62/357 - Scevard to H.E.H. 6 October 1953, Ascona. Postcard

62/358 - Scevard to H.E.H. 11 May 1959, Ascona. Postcard

62/359 - Scevard to Herberth and Marlys Herlitschka 16 April 1964, Ascona. Postcard

62/360 - Scevard to H.E.H. 26 May 1968, Munich. Card

62/361 Oscar Fritz Schuh to H.E.H. 23 December 1963, Hamburg. 1 leaf

©University of Reading 2007 Wednesday, 24 October 2007 Page 41 Special Collections Service Library

62/362 Oscar Fritz Schuh to H.E.H. 21 December 1964, Hamburg. 1 leaf

62/363 Vincent Sheean to H.E.H. 11 March, New York. 1 leaf

62/364 Vincent Sheean to H.E.H. 19 December 1938, Paris. 1 leaf

62/365 W. Edward Shirley to Marlys Herlitschka 6 December 1937, Vienna. Card

62/366 Ina Siedel to H.E.H. 18 August 1934, Starnberg-am-Sec. 1 leaf

62/367 Albin Skoda to H.E.H. 25 June 1950, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/368 Albin Skoda to H.E.H. 29 October 1950, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/369 Marlis Sors to Marlys Herlitschka 14 October 1974, Darmstadt. 1 leaf

62/370 Rudolf Steinboeck to H.E.H. 18 December 1948, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/371 Else Wolff-Tilmanns to H.E.H. 16 February 1936, Berlin. 1 leaf

62/372 Inscribed from Else Wolff-Tilmanns to H.E.H. 18 July 1936, Berlin. Visiting card

62/373 Else Wolff-Tilmanns to H.E.H. 3 March 1937, Berlin. 2 leaves

62/374 Basil Tozer to H.E.H. 13 May 1929, London. 1 leaf plus two printed advertisments

62/375 Signed greetings card from Jan Tschichold

62/376 John Van Druten to H.E.H. 12 July, Isle of Skye. 1 leaf

62/377 Mais Vehegen to H.E.H. 25 November 1931, Vienna. 1 leaf

62/378 Wladimir Vogel to H.E.H. 13 January 1959. 1 leaf

62/379 Wladimir Vogel to H.E.H. 27 September, Comologno. 1 leaf

62/380 Wladimir Vogel to H.E.H. 7 December 1960, Ascona. 1 leaf

62/381 Valanquin Vogel to H.E.H. 21 July 1962. 2 leaves

62/382 Wladimir Vogel to H.E.H. 25 December 1962. 1 leaf

62/383 Valanquin Vogel to H.E.H. 29 July 1963. 1 leaf

62/384 Wladimir Vogel H.E.H. 27 September 1963, Ascona. 1 leaf

62/385 Milton Waldman to H.E.H. 10 January 1945, London. 1 leaf

62/386 Milton Waldman to H.E.H. 1 January 1946, London. 1 leaf

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62/387 Milton Waldman to H.E.H. 11 February 1946, London. 1 leaf

62/388 Arthur Waley to H.E.H. 6 May, London. 1 leaf

62/389 MS poem in four stanzas signed Jakob Wassermann 1895

62/390 C. Veronica Wedgwood to H.E.H. 21 January, London. 1 leaf

62/391 Postcard from Albert J. Welti inscribed with various signatures 27 June 1951

62/392 Albert J. Welti to Herberth and Marlys Herlitschka 5 April 1958, Geneva. Postcard

62/393 Albert J. Welti to H.E.H. 24 August 1960, Berne. Postcard

62/394 - Werner to H.E.H. 9 December 1952, Padova. Postcard

62/395 Klaus Peter Wieland to H.E.H. 14 June 1947, Ticino. 1 leaf

62/396 Klaus Peter Wieland to [H.E.H.] 1947. Inscribed photograph

62/397 Angus Wilson to H.E.H. 29 December 1958, Bury St. Edmunds. 1 leaf

62/398 Angus Wilson to H.E.H. 24 January 1959, Bury St. Edmunds. 1 leaf

62/399 Werner Wolff to H.E.H. 26 September 1955, Basel. 1 leaf

62/400 Werner Wolff to H.E.H. 23 November 1955, Basel. 1 leaf

62/401 Stefan Zweig to H.E.H. 23 February 1928, Salzburg

6 Press Cuttings

9 Press cuttings in English and German relating to W.B. Yeats and other Irish matters 1957-65

36 Press cuttings in English, German and Italian relating to W.B. Yeats. File also includes a few articles, theatre programmes and related papers 1933-68

42 Press cuttings in English, German and Italian about W.B. Yeats 1957-66

47 Press cuttings in English, German and Italian about W.B. Yeats 1953-74

50 Press cuttings in German about W.B. Yeats 1965-71

7 Publications

52 Offprints from German publications and a pamphlet in English

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52/1 W.B. Yeats by G.S. Fraser, published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green & Co. (Bibliographical series of supplements to “British Book News” on Writers and their work, 50) 1954

52/2 Die Gesetzestafeln [The tables of the law] by W.B. Yeats, translated into German by H.E.H. (offprint from Antaios: Zeitschrift für eine freie Welt [Journal for a free world], bd 1, no. 4 [n.d.])

52/3 Magie [Magic] by W.B. Yeats, translated into German by H.E.H. (offprint from Antaios, bd v, no. 2, Juli 1963)

52/4 Fegefeuer [Purgatory] by W.B. Yeats, translated into German by H.E.H. (offprint from Neue Deutsche Hefte, [n.d.])

8 Sundry Papers

10 Booksellers’ invoices with associated notes, correspondence and accounts, for books mainly about Yeats, purchased by H.E.H. 1945-47

17 Two copies of annotated proofs of H.E.H.’s German edition of Yeats

49 Photogaphs and picture postcards of Ireland, with a guide to Sligo

60 Notebook on Anglicisms

61 Sundry notes and scribblings, postcards and royalty statements

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