Reading Univeristy Library Section name Librar y Special Collections Service Herberth E. Herlitschka RUL MS 1409 Handlist Summary of classes: 1 Translations: Essays and short stories 2 Translations: Poems 3 Translations: Plays 4 Biographical and critical material 5 Correspondence 6 Press cuttings 7 Publications 8 Sundry papers 1 Translations: Essays and short stories 6 Typescripts with corrections, some in several versions, of H.E.H.’s German translations of essays and short stories by W.B. Yeats from Mythologies and Essays and Introductions 6/1 Prolog [from Per amica silentia lunae] 6/2 Ego dominus tuus [from Per amica silentia lunae] 6/3 Anima hominis [from Per amica silentia lunae] 6/4 Anima mundi [from Per amica silentia lunae] 6/5 Hanrahean und Cathleen, die Tochter von Hoolihan [Hanrahan and Cathleen, the daughter of Houlihan, from Stories of Red Hanrahan] 6/6 Hanrahans Gesicht [Hanrahan’s vision, from Stories of Red Hanrahan] ©University of Reading 2007 Wednesday 24 October 2007 Page 1 Special Collections Service Library 6/7 Ein Geschichtenerzähler [A teller of tales, from The Celtic Twilight] 6/8 Glaube and Unglaube [Belief and unbelief, from The Celtic Twilight] 6/9 “Helenas Auge schloss der Staub” [“Dust hath closed Helen’s eye”, from The Celtic Twilight] 6/10 Die alten Männer des Zwielichts [The old men of the Twilight, from The Secret Rose] 6/11 Louis Lambert [from Essays and Introductions] 6/12 Ein Geschichtenerzähler [A teller of tales]; Glaube und Unglaube [Belief and Unbelief]; Sterbliche Hilfe [Mortal help] [first three chapters of The Celtic Twilight] 13 Manuscript and typescript drafts with corrections and MS notes of German translations, some in several versions, by H.E.H. of essays and extracts from essays by W.B. Yeats 13/1 Noble plays [Certain noble plays of Japan] 13/2 In Stratford-on-Avon [At Stratford-on-Avon] 13/3 Gemütsbewegung der Menge [Emotion of multitude] 13/4 Das Theater [The theatre] 13/5 Extracts from Literatur und lebendige Stimme [Literature and the living voice] 13/6 Extracts from Ein Volkstheater: Ein Brief an Lady Gregory [A People’s Theatre: a letter to Lady Gregory] 13/7 Was Gegenstand des Dramas ist [The subject matter of drama – extract from Discoveries] 13/8 Warum in alter Zeit der Blinde zum Dichter wurde [why the blind man in ancient times was made a poet – extract from Discoveries] 13/9 Persönlichkeit und die intellektuellen Wesenheiten [Personality and the intellectual essences – extract from Discoveries] 13/10 Im Munde der Schlange [In the serpent’s mouth – extract from Discoveries] 13/11 Das moderne Gesellschaftsstück (Sittenstück) [The play of modern manners – extract from Discoveries] 13/12 Hat das moderne Gesellschaftsstück eine eigene Wurzel? [Has the drama of contemporary life a root of its own? – extract from Discoveries] 13/13 Vorbemerkung oder Nachbemerkung zu Der Kater und der Mond [Preface or postscript to The cat and the moon] ©University of Reading 2007 Wednesday, 24 October 2007 Page 2 Special Collections Service Library 13/14 Introduction to Der Kater und der Mond [The cat and the moon] 13/15 Anmerkung zu Golgotha (Calvary) [Observation on Golgotha] 13/16 Vorwort zu Vier Spiele für Tänzer [Preface to Four plays for dancers] 14 Typescripts with corrections of German translations (several versions) by H.E.H. of essays by W.B. Yeats 14/1 Wäre Ich Vierundzwanzig [If I were four-and-twenty] 14/2 Swedenborg, Medien und die wüsten Orte [Swedenborg, mediums and the desolate places] 16 Typescripts with corrections of German translations, some in several versions, by H.E.H. of essays by W.B. Yeats 16/1 Die Philosophie der Dichtungen Shelleys [The philosophy of Shelley’s poetry] 16/2 Bischof Berkeley [Bishop Berkeley] 16/3 Die Mandukya-Upanischade [The Mandukya Upanishad] 16/4 Moderne Dichtung: Ein Rundfunkvortrag [Modern poetry: a broadcast] 16/5 Der heilige Berg [The holy mountain] 20 Four typescript versions with notes and corrections of H.E.H.’s German translation Blätter aus einem Tagebuch von 1930 [Pages from a 1930 diary] by W.B. Yeats 28 Typescripts with corrections of German translations, several versions of most titles, by H.E.H. of stories by W.B. Yeats from Stories of Red Hanrahan, Rosa Alchemica and The Secret Rose, being vol. 1, p 1-179 of H.E.H.’s edition of W.B. Yeats – Erzählungen und Essays [Stories and essays], prepared for publication by Herman Luchterhand Verlag 28/1 Preliminary pages 28/2 Eine allegemeine Einführung in mein Werk [A general introduction to my work] 28/3 Vorbemerkung [Preface to Mythologies] 28/4 Rot-Hanrahan [Red Hanrahan] 28/5 Wie das Seil gedreht wurde [The twisting of the rope] 28/6 Hanrahan und Cathleen, die Tochter von Hoolihan [Hanrahan and Cathleen, the daughter of Houlihan] 28/7 Hanrahans Fluch [Red Hanrahan’s curse] 28/8 Hanrahans Gesicht [Hanrahan’s vision] ©University of Reading 2007 Wednesday, 24 October 2007 Page 3 Special Collections Service Library 28/9 Hanrahans Tod [The death of Hanrahan] 28/10 Rosa Alchemica 28/11 Die Gesetzestafeln [The tables of the law] 28/12 Die Anbetung der drei Weisen [The adoration of the Magi] 28/13 An die geheime Rose [To the secret rose] 28/14 Die Kreuzigung des Geächteten [The crucifixion of the outcast] 28/15 Aus der Rose [Out of the rose] 28/16 Der weise König [The Wisdom of the king] 28/17 Das Herz des Frühlings [The heart of spring] 28/18 Der Fluch der Feuer und der Schatten [The curse of the fires and of the shadows] 28/19 Wo nichts ist, dort ist Gott [Where there is nothing, there is God] 28/20 Die alten Männer des Zweilichts [The old men of the twilight] 28/21 Von Costello, dem stolzen, von Una, der Tochter MacDermots, und von der bösen Zunge [Proud Costello, MacDermot’s daughter, and the bitter tongue] 28/22 Short extracts from several stories 30 Typescripts with corrections of German translations by H.E.H., some in several versions, of essays by W.B. Yeats, being vol. 1, p 533-702 of H.E.H.’s edition W.B. Yeats – Erzählungen und Essays 30/1 Per amica silentia lunae (Prolog; Ego domius tuus; Anima hominis; Anima mundi) 30/2 Wäre ich vierundzwanzig [If I were four-and-twenty] 30/3 Blätter aus einem Tagebuch von Neunzehnhundertdreissig [Pages from a diary written in 1930] 30/4 Louis Lambert 30/5 Aus “Auf dem Kessel” [from On the boiler] 30/6 Irland nach der Revolution [Ireland after the revolution] 37 Manuscript drafts of H.E.H.’s German translations of chapters from The Celtic Twilight by W.B. Yeats 37/1 Ein Ritter von den Schafen [A knight of the sheep] 37/2 Eine Stimme [A voice] ©University of Reading 2007 Wednesday, 24 October 2007 Page 4 Special Collections Service Library 37/3 Das Schwein der Götter [The swine of the Gods] 37/4 Ein standhaftes Herz [An enduring heart] 37/5 Wunderbare Geschöpfe [Miraculous creatures] 37/6 [Aristotle of the books] 37/7 Die Zauberer [The sorcerers] 38 Typescripts with corrections and notes of H.E.H.’s German translations, some in several versions, of stories and essays by W.B. Yeats from The Celtic Twilight and Explorations, being vol. 1, p 181-303 and 487-532 of H.E.H.’s edtion of W.B. Yeats – Erzählungen und Essays 38/1 Ein Geschichtenerzähler [A teller of tales]; Glaube und Unglaube [Belief and unbelief]; Sterbliche Hilfe [Mortal help] 38/2 Ein Visionär [A visionary] 38/3 Dorfgeister [Village ghosts] 38/4 “Helenas Auge schloss der Staub” [“Dust hath closed Helen’s eyes”] 38/5 Ein Ritter von den Schafen [A knight of the sheep] 38/6 Ein ausdauerndes Herz [An enduring heart] 38/7 Die Zauberer [The sorcerers] 38/8 Der Teufel [The devil] 38/9 Glückliche und unglückliche Theologen [Happy and unhappy theologians] 38/10 Der Letzte fahrende Sänger [The last gleeman] 38/11 Regina, regina, pigmeorum, veni 38/12 “Und hehre, herrliche Frauen” [“And fair, fierce women”] 38/13 Verzauberte Wälder [Enchanted woods] 38/14 Wunderbare Wesen (Geschöpfe) [Miraculous creatures] 38/15 Aristoteles mit seinen Büchern [Aristotle of the books] 38/16 Die Schweine (Das Schwein) der Götter [The swine of the Gods] 38/17 Eine Stimme [A voice]; Entführer [Kidnappers] 38/18 Die Nimmermüden [The untiring ones] ©University of Reading 2007 Wednesday, 24 October 2007 Page 5 Special Collections Service Library 38/19 Erde, Feuer und Wasser [Earth, fire and water] 38/20 Die alte Stadt [The old town] 38/21 Der Mann und seine Stiefel [The man and his boots]; Ein Feigling [A coward] 38/22 Die drei O’Byrnes und die bösen Elfen [The three O’Byrnes and the evil faeries] 38/23 Drumcliff und Rosses 3824 Der dicke Schädel des Glücklichen [The thick skull of the fortunate] 38/25 Die Religion eines Seemanns [The religion of a sailor] 38/26 Wie nahe beieinander Himmel, Erde und Fegfeuer sind [Concerning the nearness together of heaven, earth and purgatory] 38/27 Die Edelsteinesser [The eaters of precious stones] 38/28 Unsre Liebe Frau der Berge [Our Lady of the Hills] 38/29 Das goldene Zeitalter [The golden age] 38/30 Den Schotten zum Vorwurf, dass sie die Veranlagung ihrer Geister und Elfen versauert haben (Ein Verweis für die Schotten, weil sie ihre Geister und Elfen vergrämt haben) [A remonstrance with Scotsmen for having soured the disposition of their ghosts and faeries] 38/31 Krieg [War] 38/32 Die Königin und der Narr [The queen and the fool] 38/33 Die Freunde des Elfenvolks [The friends of the people of faery] 38/34 Träume, die keine Moral haben [Dreams that have no moral] 38/35 Am Strassenrand [By the roadside] 38/36 Swedenborg, Medien und die wüsten Orte [Swedenborg, mediums and the desolate places] 40 Typescripts with corrections of H.E.H.’s German translations, some in several versions, of essays by W.B.
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