LINCOLN LOR£. Bulletin of the National Li!e Foundation ------Dr. Louia A. Warren, Editor. Publabed each week by The Lincoln National Life lnao.ra.uce Company, of Fort Wayne, . No. 256 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA March 5, 1934

SHRINES OF LINCOLN ance Company building. Uniting both Chicago Historical Sodety, Chicago the Fish and Griffith collections of Lin­ DIRECTORY colniana, it ha:i assembled the largest The number of Lincoln memorials In the new building of the Chicago collection of Lincoln literature extant. open to the public is continually in­ Historical Society in thoro has been restored rooms similar creaelng and it appears that a direc­ to one in the Lincoln home in Spring­ , fiodgenville tory of these treasure houses would bo field and the one in which he died in A beautiful temple here enshrines of interest. Only those places are men­ Washington. The society has gathered the log cabin in which Abraham Lin­ tioned where a separate room has been some of the most valuable curios asso­ coln was born, the best known home in set apart. ns an exclu~h·e Lincoln ciated with the life of Abraham Lin­ all the world. It is now the property of shrine. The many valuable and exhaus­ coln. the Government. tive collections of Lincolniana located Marriage Temple, Harrodsburg in private homes and offices are not in­ Court House, Metamora The reproduction of an old Ken­ cluded in Ibis list. The court room where Lincoln prac­ tucky church encloses the cabin in ticed law at Metamora has become a which the parents of CALIFORNIA historical shrine and has been restored are said to have been married. Mrs. Buntin&lon Library, San Marino by the Slate of Illinois to its original Edmund Burk Ball of Muncie, Indiana, condition. wns the donor of the temple. The Lincoln section of this library Is well known to all Lincoln students, as Lincoln Museum, New Salem it contains the Judd Stewart collection A stone structure built at New Lincoln Cabin, ~tilton of Lincolujana and much from the Salem, where Lincoln lived as a young Mary Bowditch Forbes of Milton, Lambert collection. It is especially man, contains many valuable curios Massachusetts, has a unique building rich in manuscripta and collateral a.•sociated with Lincoln during the to house her collection of Lincolniana. data. years in which he lived there. The It is a replica of the Lincoln cabin at building was dedicated May 20, 1921, Hodgenville, Kentucky. Lincoln Shrine, Redlanda and since that time many of the log MICHIGAN An impressive limestone buildin& cabins of New Salem have been re­ Lincoln Court Bouse, Dearborn designed as a tribute to Abrnham Lin­ stored. This old court house in which Lin­ coln was presented to the City of Red­ Lincoln Tomb, Springfield coln formerly practiced in Logan lands by lllr. and Mrs. Robert Watch­ The tomb of Abraham Lincoln at county, Illinois, was moved in 1929 to orn in memory of their son, Emory. Springfield, Illinois, is one of the best the bistoricnl community developed by Lincoln in sculpture, murals, and lit-­ known Lincoln shrines in America. It Henry Ford at Dearborn, Michif(1ln, and is one of the many interesting erature is featured within the buildin&. was remodeled and rededicated on Lincoln relics which has been acquired DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA June 17, 1931. Several statuettes of Lincoln are to be observed in the beau­ by ~ir. Ford and is used as a museum Ford's Theatre Museum, Waehincton tiful corridors, and the atmosphere ot for his Lincoln collection. The old theatre on tenth street in this shrine is one of profound rever­ which Lincoln was assassinated con­ ence. Newark Athletic Club, Newark State IIistoricnl Society, Springfield A spacious room in the building of tains the famous Oldroyd collection of the Newark Athletic Club has been set portraits and curios. Much attention The Centennial Building at Spring­ apart as a shrine and the colJection of bas been given to items connected with field houses tbe Lincoln collection of Lincolniana gathered by Valentine the assassination. the State Historical Society of Illinois. Bjorkman has been placed on display. One large room is set apart !or Lin~ Library of Congress, Washington colniana and in it is a choice collection OHIO Lincoln is one of the few subjects in of portraits and manuscripts relating W nddell Bouse, Cleveland the Library of Congress which bas re­ especially to the Illinois years of Lin­ The room in which Lincoln spent the quired a special section for the books coln. night of February 16, 1861, bas been set apart as a shrine and includes a classified in the bio&raphical archives. Lincoln Home, Spring8eld Here are to be found all of tbe copy­ fine collection of Lincolninna. The righted volumes written about Abra­ The home which Abmham Lincoln Lincoln Association of Cleveland ham Lincoln. owned in Springfield and in which he meets in this room. and his family lived has now become RHODE ISLAND Petersen Honse, Washington the property of the state. The rooms Brown University, Providence The building at 516 Tenth St., N. W. have been restored, as nenrly as pos­ One of the most comprehensive col­ to which Abraham Lincoln was ,.... sible, with the original furniture or lections of Lincolniana in America, moved at the time of his assassination similar pieces. which was gathered by Charles W. Mc­ and in which be died has now been re­ University of Chicago, Chicago Lellan, is housed in the well-designed stored, as far as possible, to its orJ ... The collection of Lincolniana gath­ rooms set apart for the collection in gina! condition. The Oldroyd Lincoln ered by the late Dr. W. E. Barton is the library of Brown University. This library is still retained there. now in possession of the University of shrine has been ruudc possible by the Chicago. It is especially noted for its generosity of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Lincoln Memorial, Washington fine collection of original books once in TENNESSEE The nation's outstanding memorial the library of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln Memorial University, is situated in West Potomac Park near INDIANA Harrogate the Potomac river. It was designed by One of the most impressive Lincoln Henry Bacon and contains the colossal Lincoln National Life Foundation, rooms set apart as a sbrjne is to be statue of Lincoln by Daniel Chester Fort Wayne found in the Lincoln Memorial Univer­ French. The and The museum and library of the sity at Harrogate, Tennessee. It con~ the Second Inaugural Address are en­ Foundation occupies the fourth ftoor tains Lincoln items gathered by Dr. graved on its interior waUs. of the Lincoln National Li!e Insnr- John Wesley Hill.