PM Imran Slams Indian Occupation

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PM Imran Slams Indian Occupation Soon From LAHORE & KARACHI A sister publication of CENTRELINE & DNA News Agency ISLAMABAD EDITION IslamabadTuesday, July 14, 2020 Pakistan’s First AndP Only DiplomaticO Daily STPrice Rs. 20 PM Imran Khan Parliament, RCCI to hold slams Indian provinces under Virtual Trade occupation in IoK attack: Sherry Forum: Saboor Briefs PM Imran Kashmiri struggle ‘destined slams Indian to succeed’: DG ISPR occupation shujAAt hAMzA RAWALPINDI: Direc- The shuhada of 13 July 1931 were the tor-General (DG) Inter forefathers of today’s Kashmiri resistance Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Babar Iftikhar has said that Kash- No one can A.M.BhAtti Shibli praises mir Martyrs Day is reminis- cent of utmost price paid for subjugate ISLAMABAD: Prime Minis- Kashmiris freedom by brave Kashmiris. Kashmiris: FM ter Imran Khan paid tribute struggle In a statement shared on ISLAMABAD: Foreign to the people of Kashmir ISLAMABAD: Minister his Twitter account, the Minister Shah Mahmood Monday for laying down for Information and Pakistan Army’s spokesper- Qureshi on Monday has their lives “for freedom Broadcasting Senator son said:”Every single drop said that no occupation and today they continue to Shibli Faraz said on ISLAMABAD: Ambassador Kwak Sung-Kyu of Republic of Korea handing over support fight and defy a Hindutva su- of blood shed shall not be can subjugate spirit of Monday that Kashmir documents to Chris Kaye WFP Pakistan Representative and Country Director. – DNA forgotten nor be forgiven. brave people of Indian premacist regime” which is Martyrs’ Day was a Decades of Indian atrocities occupied Kashmir. adamant on wiping out the bright chapter in the failed to suppress insur- In a post on social-net- Kashmiri people. history of Kashmiris’ Kashmir mountable spirit and legiti- working website on the The prime minister in his struggle against op- message on Kashmir Mar- Korea extends mate freedom struggle, des- occasion of 89th Kash- pression. Martyrs’ tined to succeed, Inshallah.” mir Martyrs Day, the tyrs’ Day, while saluting the In a tweet, he said that Hundreds of people in oc- minister paid tribute to Kashmiris for their contin- this is the day of remem- Day cupied Kashmir have been courage of 22 sons of ued struggle against the ille- brance of the sacrifice support for staging protests against the the valley who rendered gal and barbaric Indian occu- of the great sons of the observed Indian government. The their lives on this day in pation of occupied Kashmir soil who bravely gave up Muslim-majority region has 1931 in the face of brutal said, “The shuhada of 13 July their lives in the face of 1931 were the forefathers of DNA been under a brutal siege Dogra forces. – DNA oppression. – DNA locusts control for almost a year, after India Continued on Page-06 MUZAFFARABAD: Kash- scrapped its special status miris living on both sides We hope that the additional support we provide on August 5, 2019, and im- of the Line of Control as posed a communications well as rest of the world will help effectively control the ongoing spread and media blackout. Pak to resume Afghan observed the Kashmir Mar- of locust swarms in Pakistan: Ambassador Kwak tyrs Day on Monday with CGGC sends a pledge to continue their meeting with Chris Kaye, struggle for achievement A.M.BhAtti Locust swarms WFP Pakistan Representa- third batch exports via Wagah of their birthright right to tive and Country Director in self-determination and free- ISLAMABAD: The Korean attack feared Islamabad on Friday. of techs Pakistan remains fully committed to further dom of Kashmir from the Government is rolling up ISLAMABAD: Offi- “The additional support Indian yoke. its sleeves and contribut- cials warned that the from the Government of strengthening its bilateral relations with ing additional support of Korea is very timely as DNA Kashmir Martyrs’ Day has next few weeks could Afghanistan in all areas including trade, and to been commemorated annu- $200,000 to help the Gov- be crucial in the fight WFP and FAO are expand- ISLAMABAD: A total of 215 ally on July 13 to mark the in- ernment of Pakistan combat against desert locust ing their collaboration to Chinese technicians arrived facilitate Afghanistan’s transit trade under APTTA cident of July 13, 1931, when desert locusts. infestation with major protect those rural commu- here on Monday by a char- 22 Kashmiris were martyred Korea’s additional support swarms expected to be nities whose lives and liveli- decision was taken on the border crossing terminals is a follow-up to its previous hoods are most at risk from tered plane which is the third AdnAn YousAf special request of the gov- to pre-COVID-19 status, the in their attempts to complete reaching here later this batch of builders sent by the call for prayer outside support of $200,000 pro- month from the Horn the second wave of infesta- ernment of Afghanistan and FO stated. vided for a joint project by tion”, said Mr. Kaye. China Gezhouba Group Cor- ISLAMABAD: Pakistan with a view to facilitating The press release further the Srinagar Central jail, by of Africa. poration (CGGC). According soldiers of Dogra ruler Ma- United Nations World Food They are confident that Badly hit by the first wave on Monday has decided Afghanistan’s transit trade. read, “Pakistan remains Programme (WFP) and the of locust swarms earlier this to Gwadar Pro, these techni- to resume Afghan exports With this step, Pakistan has fully committed to further haraja Hari Singh. the country is much cians were sent for various The people rose against Food and Agriculture Or- better prepared to deal year, Pakistan’s agriculture through Wagah border fulfilled its commitments strengthening its bilateral ganization (FAO) in March, sector can be devastated by projects under the frame- crossing from July 15, 2020, under Pakistan-Afghanistan relations with Afghanistan Dogra rule and protested with the short-horned work of the China-Pakistan against the prosecution of this year. grasshoppers, consid- the second wave, seriously after implementing COV- Transit Trade Agreement in all areas including trade, “We hope that the addition- affecting the livelihood of Economic Corridor (CPEC). ID-19 related protocols. (APTTA). Pakistan has re- and to facilitate Afghani- sympathizer of Kashmir ered as one of the most Upon the completion of struggle, Abdul Qadeer Khan al support we provide will voracious insects, this farmers, and triggering hun- According to the press re- stored bilateral trade and stan’s transit trade under help effectively control the ger in Pakistan. quarantine, the 215 Chi- lease of Foreign Office, the Afghan transit trade at all APTTA.” Ghazi. It was the beginning time than the last ma- nese technicians will be dis- of Kashmir freedom struggle ongoing spread of locust jor attack here in 1993, Totalling $4,000,000, the patched to Dasu Hydropow- which has different phases swarms in Pakistan and but the shortage of re- Korean Governmentis pro- er Project, Neelum-Jhelum including political struggle as prevent further damages to sources could impede viding financial support to Hydropower Station, Suki well as civilian protests. Pakistan’s agriculture sec- the effort to contain countriesaffected by locust Kinari Hydroelectric Pro- Bilawal says PM Imran tor.”, said Korean Ambas- the problem. – DNA swarms including Pakistan, ject and Mohmand hydroe- sador Kwak Sung-Kyu in his Yemen, and Ethiopia. lectric project. Due to the Afghan impact of the COVID-19, a ‘danger’ to democracy various projects are gener- forces suffer ally facing tight deadlines. one and will do so in the fu- AthAr sufi ture,” Bilawal said. casualties Pak tally “But this incompetent KARACHI: PPP chairper- prime minister has failed DNA surges past son Bilawal Bhutto said to form national unity on Monday Prime Minister Im- Kashmir cause, he is the KABUL: The Afghan forc- 250,000 ran Khan was a “danger” to prime minister who ran es suffered casualties in democracy, economy, and Modi’s election campaign an attack by Taliban group ISLAMABAD: 69 more the nation as he slammed claiming that if Modi wins, in northern Parwan prov- people died due to compli- the PTI’s foreign policy on the Kashmir issue would be ince of Afghanistan. A cations related to the novel Kashmir. resolved,” he said. spokesman for the Provin- coronavirus (COVID-19) in Addressing a press confer- all these problems, prime The government’s appease- cial government, Wahida the country over the past 24 ence flanked by PPP leaders minister, on the floor of ment policy with Modi must Shahkar, said that a group hours, taking the death toll in the metropolis, he said: the house, said that PTI’s come to an end, Bilawal of Taliban militants at- from the disease to 5,266. “Imran Khan is the first and foreign policy has been the said, adding that the PTI-led tacked the security posts According to the National the last prime minister who most successful.” government’s foreign policy in Shinwwari district on Command and Operation failed to unite the nation on “I am the only politician has damaged Pakistan. Sunday night. Centre (NCOC), the nation- the Kashmir cause.” from opposition and treas- PPP has always been at The attack left at least 4 al tally of cases soared to Every government in the ury benches to oppose the forefront of the Kash- security personnel dead 251,624 with the addition past — dictatorship, dem- Modi. Unlike the appease- mir issue. Zulfiqar Ali and wounded at least 3 of 2,769 new cases detect- ocratic, selected, or elect- ment policy that either of Bhutto had fought the others. She further added ed during the previous 24 ed — was able to unite the the ruling parties has had case of Kashmir and today that the Taliban militants hours.
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