African Educational Research Journal Special Issue 8(2), pp. S6-S11, October 2020 DOI: 10.30918/AERJ.8S2.20.027 ISSN: 2354-2160 Full Length Research Paper Islamic education and media in today's Georgia Gülnara Goca Memmedli Department of Georgian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Ardahan University, Turkey. ABSTRACT The aim of the article is to reveal the existence of the religion of Islam in the Republic of Georgia in the Caucasus geography and that the Islamic education has developed in Georgia today. The development process of Islam and Islamic education was followed during the independence period after the Soviet regime in Georgia in 1991, and the activities of formal and distance education madrasas, schools and Koran courses established in the cities, towns, and villages of Azerbaijan Turks and other Muslim communities in the country were also mentioned. Information on Islamic societies and Islamic media was provided. Keywords: Georgia, Islam in Georgia, Islamic education, madrasah, school, Koran courses, Islamic media. E-mail:
[email protected]. INTRODUCTION Today, Islam has been known for centuries as the most administrations in Georgia, and a ban on the notification prevalent religion after Christianity in the Republic of of the religion was also imposed. In spite of this, Georgia, situated in the center of the Caucasus. It was religious lessons were taught secretly to Muslims in determined that the spread of Islam in Georgia began in Georgia. Additionally, the mosques were built in Kasimli the 7th centuries. It was observed that Islam started to in 1926, Karayazı Nazarlı in 1937, Kareli Ahalşen in spread in Georgia from the first years of the Arab 1970, Kareli Aşağı District in 1972, and Msheta Islamic reign, called the Caliphate (Kiknadze, 2008; Mshaldidi in 1981 (İsmailzade, 2010: 90).