Near Term Extinction Morning America [PDF]

Background Correspondence [PDF] 11 Oct 2016 – 26 Nov 2016 [PDF]

Correspondence To, or CC: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, US Political Parties, US Senate, Commission on Presidential Debates, FEC: Federal Election Commission, Hamilton Electors.

11 Oct: → Michael Flynn: EoP Strategic Intelligence Thinking and Decision-Making Info. CC: , Dir National Intelligence, Dana Priest. 13 Oct: → Breitbart: Erik Prince: Trump Is Right — We Can Work with Putin to Defeat ‘Common Enemy’ of ‘Islamic Fascism’; Erik Prince: Leaked ‘Pay-to-Play’ Clinton Emails Show ‘Everything Is for Sale for the Democrats’; Blackwater Founder Erik Prince: Obama ‘Tilting Toward Islamist or Muslim Brotherhood Approach to Foreign Policy’. CC: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, FEC: Federal Election Commission 14 Oct: → Erik Prince: Transcript: EoP v WiP Neg: US Political Parties, Election Candidates, SA IEC. CC: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, US Political Parties, US Senate, Commission on Presidential Debates, Federal Election Commission. 29 Oct: → Google-GMAIL-Blogger: Eric Schmidt: EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations Unpublished on Blogger. CC: FEC. 03 Nov: → Federal Election Commission: EoP App; CC: FEC: Notice of 07 Nov removal of all Pro WiP Americans as EoP Applicants. 06 Nov: → Telesur English Empire Files: Abby Martin exposes John Podesta. CC: Hillary Clinton. 09 Nov: → Freedom Socialist Party: As homelessness soars in Los Angeles, politicians pretend to care. 13 Nov: → EoP App: Update Re: Notice of 07 Nov removal of all Pro WiP Americans as EoP Applicants. CC: FEC 18 Nov: → Donald Trump: Baphomet Judas Goat Make America Great Again 22 Nov: → Donald Trump Supporters: Rubin Report: : Supporting Donald Trump and Being Politically Incorrect; Thumotic: An Honest Review of Gorilla Mindset; Review of MAGA Mindset: The Best (and Worst) Book About The Ascent of Trump; Will The Real Master Persuader Please Stand Up?; Donald Trump’s First 100 Days. Black Pigeon Speaks: George Soros: One Man Illuminati Machine; Decline of American Empire PetroDollar. CC: Donald Trump 23 Nov: → Red Ice Radio .. Espionage History Archive. CC: Hamilton Electors: Re: Ben Swann: Reality Check Exclusive: How a Plan Underway in the Electoral College May Choose A "Compromise Candidate" for President on December 19th Instead of Donald Trump and why It Is Completely Legal Under the Electoral College. 23 Nov: → EoP MILED Clerk Response to R Casimir at Radix Journal: Long Live the Emperor at: 23 Nov: Red Ice Radio .. Espionage History Archive. 25 Nov: → Confirmation of Trump Supporters Non-Interest in Turning off the Tap: Judgy Bitch: Trump love: the magnificent art of self-delusion. 25 Nov: → Confirmation of Trump Supporter’s Non-Interest in Turning off the Tap: Richard Spencer, Hannibal Bateman, R Casimir, Radix Journal: Long Live the Emperor 25 Nov: → Confirmation of Trump Supporter’s Non-Interest in Turning off the Tap: Alternative Right: The Radically Honest Right; Richard Spencer is not the Alternative Right 25 Nov: → Donald Trump, Donald Trump 2016, Michael Flynn, Donald McGahn, Jeffrey Goldman, Flynn Intel Group, Judgy Bitch, Janet Bloomfield, Radix Journal, Richard Spencer, Alternative Right: EoP Interpretation of Donald Trump Supporter EoP or WiP Answers: Pro WiP America No Los Pepes Rules. 25 Nov: → Jeffrey Lord, Roger Stone, Trump Backers, The Trump Report, Make America Great Again PAC, Infowars, , Diamond & Silk, Mike Cernovic, Black Pigeon Speaks: EoP Interpretation of EoP or WiP Answers: Pro WiP America No Los Pepes Rules. 26 Nov: → D Trump: EoP MILED Clerk Tells Donald Trump to Answer EoP or WiP Q by Dec 5. CC: Michael Flynn, Donald McGahn, Federal Election Commission, Hamilton Electors

11 Oct: Michael Flynn: EoP Strategic Intelligence Thinking and Decision-Making Info. CC: Barack Obama, Dir National Intelligence, Dana Priest.

EoP MILED Clerk: 11 Oct 2016: @GenFlynn: EoP strategic thinking & decision-making info: tiny.cc/EoPMC-MFlynn. CC: @BarackObama, @ODNIgov, @danapriest.

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General Flynn:

Re: “FLYNN: Because we have zero strategic thinking out of our White House. And we have a national security structure that has lost its way when it comes to strategic thinking and strategic decision-making.” – Michael Flynn: Washington Post: Trump adviser Michael T. Flynn on his dinner with Putin and why Russia Today is just like CNN.

The Ecology of Peace culture’s – Ponzi Economy Background and EoP Wealth Transfer Options to shut down Casino Ponzi Economy – EoP strategic thinking and decision making submissions below; updated at EoP Wealth Transfer Option; include excerpts of EoP v WiP New World Order Negotiations correspondence, submitted to national and international courts; political parties of dozens of nations, and citizens of dozens of nations; to enable citizens of all nations to meet their energy needs, while protecting the environment and converting jobs from human factory farming breeding – Story of Your Enslavement, Human Factory Farming: Our Enslavement – and consumption debt slavery freedumb War Economy Jobs to Ecology of Peace responsible freedom sustainable economy jobs. Community Solution: Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil; Doug Tompkins: The Next Economy: Transitions from Globalization to Eco-Localization.

See also: EoP v WiP NWO Neg: 20 Sep: Eeben Barlow Military and Security blog: Dangers of Ignoring Strategic Intelligence; 08 Oct: Mayak Intelligence: Masonic War is Peace collision with Ecological Carrying Capacity Reality Lighthouse; or More UnfuckChecked drunk on EoP cultural intelligentsia Kremlin Conspiracy Theories?

Ecology of Peace communication policies are available at: EoP RH Culture Info.

A copy of this correspondence is documented at: SQSwans PRH: EoP v WiP NWO Neg CC.

EoP Updates pending reinstatement of deleted EoP websites.

Pending reinstatement of EoP accounts on Weebly:

If or when the Tygae and SQSwans websites and account are reinstated: (a) EoP v WiP Negotiations shall again be updated at MILED Clerk Notice; (b) Ecology of Peace New World Order social contract options strategic thinking and decision making will again be documented and updated in detail at EoP NWO social contract options; (c) this correspondence shall be documented at: EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Michael Flynn.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

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Ponzi Economy Background: Re: Deutsche Bank Systemic Chain Reaction Collapse:

Ecology of Peace suggestion options for your consideration for the international collective implementation of Ecology of Wealth Transfer Option; with regard to conversion of the Economy to an Ecology of Peace Sustainable Economy; and mitigating impending Deutsche Bank Systemic Breakdown Might Start a Chain Reaction Collapse.

The lowest current estimates of International Banks derivatives meltdown crisis is $1.4 Quadrillion.

$1.4 Quadrillion is roughly (a) 40 times the worlds stock market; (b) 10 times the value of every stock and every bond on the planet; (c) 23 times world GDP.

So imagine the world derivatives bubble bursts tomorrow; that will reap a financial tsunami that wipes out initially all the banks; but the money the banks have been using to play these derivative casino bets; was not their own money; but the banks clients money. So all the worlds stock markets [ in terms of all the financial transactions, debts and credits on their balance sheets ]; every stock and every bond on the planet; and the entire worlds GDP: BANKRUPT.

At this point a massive wealth transfer will occur.

"What are written about in history books is wealth destructions but they’re not really, they’re wealth transfers, if you look at them the way I do, which is that before and after the Wymar hyperinflation experience they are just as many acres of farmland and buildings around and people and productive property plant and equipment. But what happened was a lot of people got wiped out and who owned those things changed hands rather violently and dramatically." – Chris Martinson; Why Smart Money is so Nervous

Two Wealth Transfer options:

Masonic War is Peace Wealth Transfer: Instead of 50% of the world belonging to the 1%; 90% of the world belongs to them. One percent elite become overt In Your Face Warlord slavemasters; and the rest of the 99% overt slaves. The treatment of slaves, whether they are allowed to live or procreate; or how they are to be slaughtered, is totally dependent on their Warlord slavemasters goodwill.

Ecology of Peace wealth transfer: all bankrupt banks; corporations are nationalized. All individuals owning property greater than the EoP allotted ration footprint have their property nationalized. Families who agree to cooperate by signing EoP cooperator statements; are granted confiscated nationalized property sufficient for their family to sustain their most basic shelter, food and water needs; to engage in the process of rebuilding local cooperative tribal responsible freedom communities.

-- EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence: 01 Oct: X 22 Report; Robin Westenra: Deutsche Bank Systemic Breakdown Might Start a Chain Reaction Collapse.


“The Whole Economy is a Ponzi Scheme.’ – Michael Ruppert: Collapse: End of the Age of Oil.


“What goddamn part of General Stan McChrystal’s ‘root cause problem solving vs wacking a mole’ [..] statement; do Americans not understand?” – EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Chapter 15 [PDF]: 06 May: US Senate via Senator Ben Sasse: Re: Adult Decision-making: EoP or WiP NWO Future?

“How can you win a cyberwarfare battle if it takes you five and a half years to recognize and staff an office? It reminds me of a story of a friend of mine who worked so-called upgrading a Tomahawk missile electronics. He upgraded it from one obsolete system to another obsolete system. It just seems as though perhaps we have too many generals and not enough high school kids and college kids; who can put this stuff together; and recognize A. that there is a problem; and B. that it needs to be addressed; sooner, not five and a half years later. The stand up of a new domain; the standup of a new capability is a hugely difficult issue inside of a culture; absent something like a Pearl Harbour or a 911. So probably the biggest mistake that we made was that we threw all sorts of cash at it. So people were naming some of their kids after cyber, just to get some of that money. We ended up with a lot of people in charge; and all of them had no votes; nobody had a yes vote. I recall when I accepted the job at Strategic Command I had 19 people in the Department of Defense who thought they were in charge of me; who thought they were my direct boss. You can't get anything done that way. So we were pretty brutal in getting that cleaned up; and getting that straight. But there are all sorts of other places where we have the same kind of problem. Some of this is this country and the way we do business; and the incentive structure. Some of it is our own fault and the bureaucracy. If you bottom up something then you are never going to break out; you are going to incrementally improve. If you take someone from the top coming down to actually breakout and do something fundamentally different. The system is not tolerant of that quite frankly. They'll eat their young. Its a very difficult thing to do particularly if everybody hasn't had their identity or property stolen; then they go 'why do i have to do this?'. I am doing just fine the way I am. …. Don't let this desire for a unique vocabulary be taken over because the young lance corporal that is out there in the field, needs it to be as straight-forward as possible. They need to be able to speak the language. ... we have to keep it simple; so that everyone that can or needs to use it, can use it. Inside the inner agency of government there is the question who should be in charge of it. …. In China; we can make sure they know when we are not happy. .. We have enough capability to do that. They may have a lot of money, but they are operating on a thinner margin than we are for too many of their people being unemployed. The more they get; the more dangerous things become. They have more unemployed than we have citizens. So that is a huge problem for them, so if they start slowing down their economic machine they have a lot of people that get out of work and it starts to get a significant problem for them. So there is more than one kind of tool to be used here. You don't want to use them capriciously and you don't want to use just economic tools. ….. Are we really going to get an opportunity for a peace dividend, so to speak? Where we all just go home for a couple of years and get better and all those types of things? Not likely? The demographics go against it. The world population demographics. The energy demographics. The water demographics. The food demographics. All are against it. ... So we have a long term problem infront of us. The question is what do we want to be as a nation; as we look at that? ... So the question is at this inflection point; which way do we want to go as a country; and more importantly which way do we want to take this country for our children; because that is the decision that we are really making? We have to think about that. Right now we are doing a budget drill; we are just trying to figure out; what we can afford with the money we have. The reality is that we ought to be doing an inward look here: what do we want to be and what do we want this country to be for our children? Because that is the more important question right now. …. Many people in our society have not had something stolen from them. So when you talk to them. I need you to give up some of your privacy so I can go and find these viruses. They say No. I don't see the value in it. I don't see why I would do that. Historically we are a nation that requires something like a Pearl Harbour before we get our act together and go after something and we are willing to give up.” -- James E. Cartwright - Cyber Warfare and Special Ops: A General Weighs-In.

“General Mike Flynn: You can’t defeat an enemy you don’t admit exists. Any form of capitalism that allows citizens to procreate and/or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits; cannot – according to Tragedy of the Commons principles – do anything else but degenerate into predatory capitalism aka fascism. Of interest regarding the future impending consequences of planetary predatory capitalism: Real News: Paul Jay’s Reality Asserts Itself: Who Makes US Foreign Policy interview of Lawrence Wilkerson; particularly the predatory capitalism part; which deals with the necessity of the great powers cooperating to implement a new economic order; to address the massive impending planetary social conflict problems resulting from climate change, peak food, peak water, peak oil, including how and where to bury 6 billion people.” -- EoP Axis: Ft Bragg [PDF]: 25 January 2016: Ft Bragg: Leaders Shrinking Lifeboat Course Activity creates biases awareness; 01 Sep 2016: Jamie Atherton; Critical Legal Thinking; U Le Guin; Real News; Diem 25; ACLU v Clapper: Crisis of the Masonic War is Peace left.

RT: Keiser: Deutsche Bank ‘technically insolvent’, running a ‘ponzi scheme’; Bloomberg: Deutsche Bank Paranoia Crosses Atlantic; Activist Post: Run On Banks Begins — Deutsche Bank Clients Begin Withdrawing Excess Cash; Zero Hedge: Deutsche Bank ’s Problems Could Snowball... As Soon As Next Week!; Zero Hedge: About That Deutsche "Settlement" Rumor: Cryan Hasn't Even Started Negotiations With The DOJ; Bloomberg: Ten People Who Will Be Key in Deciding Deutsche Bank’s Future; Cryan Defends Deutsche Bank as Some Clients Pare Back Exposure; Bloomberg: A Russian Tragedy: How Deutsche Bank’s Wiz Kid Fell to Earth; Russia Today: German politician accuses US of waging ‘economic war’ against Deutsche Bank.

The Casino Ponzi World Economy:

John Stossel: Governments Ponzi Scheme. Chris Smith: Collapse: End of the Age of Oil. 2008 Economic Collapse: Al Jazeera: Global Financial Meltdown; The Corporation: Then and Now: The Corporation: Trailer. Ponzi on Steroids Traders & Corporations: Nick Leesom: Inside Story Special: £830,000,000 - Nick Leeson and the Fall of the House of Baring; Capital Films: Rogue Trader: The story of Nick Leesom; Nick Leeson: Lessons from Nick Leeson. Bernie Madoff: PBS: The Madoff Affair; Eye Too Productions: Ripped Off: Madoff and the Scamming of America; Jordan Belfort & Dana Giachetto: Wolf of Wall Street; Real Wolf of Wall Street. Enron: Magnolia Productions: Enron: Smartest Guys in the Room: Trailer; The Crooked E: The Truth about Enron; Accountants & Regulators: Frontline: Bigger than Enron.

Resource Limits to Economic and Population Growth

Another City: Masterslavl Master Town: Where Money Comes From: Mathew Simmons Review: Great Change: Revisiting The Limits to Growth: Could The Club of Rome Have Been Correct, After All? by Matthew Simmons. Matthew Simmons was founder of Simmons Intnl worlds largest energy investment bank; a member of Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force which was extensively interested in Iraqi oil fields; outspoken about causes of the 2003 North East blackout; whose thoughts on the economic collapse of world economy from peak oil is detailed in Peak Oil documentaries: Crude Impact: Trailer. A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash: Trailer.

PNG: 16-10-04_LastTree_CreeIndian-JPriestley-VdeThezier-GMcPherson PNG Info: Cree Indian Prophecy: Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned; and the last fish caught; will we realize we cannot eat money. Vladimir de Thezier: Last Tree art. Joseph Priestley Center: Bell Jar experiments. Guy McPherson: “If you think the economy is more important than the environment, try holding your breath while counting your money.

Other Peak Oil documentaries: Crash Course, Oil Smoke & Mirrors, Blind Spot, End of Suburbia, What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire, Peak Oil Solutions documentary: The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil. Population: The Population Elephant in the Room: concludes: "The final graph is the outcome of the full simulation. It starts from our current population and shows the combined effects of a declining net birth rate and the excess death rate due to falling carrying capacity as described above. The goal of the model has been met: it has achieved a sustainable world population of one billion by the year 2082. The human cost of such an involuntary population rebalancing is, of course, horrific. Based on this model we would experience an average excess death rate of 100 million per year every year for the next 75 years to achieve our target population of one billion by 2082. The peak excess death rate would happen in about 20 years, and would be about 200 million that year. To put this in perspective, WWII caused an excess death rate of only 10 million per year for only six years."

Ecology of Peace De-industrialization and Depopulation:

EoP submissions regarding orderly and humane deindustrialization and de-population; can be found in among others: EoP NWO Options: EoP Axis Admin: Ft Bragg [PDF]: Revolution in Military Ethics: Defining just and unjust actions in war and military conflict: the operative question: Whom should the military kill? Who should be removed from the planetary genepool, how should they be removed, how many should be removed, by whom and when should they be removed?

[II] EoP Wealth Transfer Options to shut down Casino Ponzi Economy:

EoP Axis Nationalization of Individuals Property:

All individuals owning property greater than the EoP allotted ecofootprint ration – as detailed under: Ecology of Peace New Economy Sustainability Definition paragraphs – will have their property nationalized.

An EoP allotted ecofootprint ration of nationalized property shall be provided to any citizen who has no property; who has signed a Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration; for their use; to enable them to sustain their most basic shelter, food and water needs; and engage with neighbours into local food production cooperatives; to begin the process of rebuilding local cooperative tribal responsible freedom communities.

EoP Axis Nationalization of Banks & Corporations:

All Banks from Bank of International Settlements; Inter-American Development Bank; APRACA: Asia-Pacific Rural to the Agriculture Credit Association; to traded and privately owned corporations shall be nationalized. The Derivatives Market will go through bankruptcy proceedings and both the Derivatives Market and Stock Exchanges will be shut down.

The ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses of the Masonic War is Peace social contract shall be removed and replaced with Ecology of Peace clauses that restrict all the worlds citizens of all races, religions and classes to procreating and consuming below ecological carrying capacity limits; relating with others in accordance to fully informed consenting agreements; and violaters shall be eliminated from the planetary genepool. For more info on transforming the planetary economy to a sustainable economy: see: Community Solution: Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil; Doug Tompkins: The Next Economy: Transitions from Globalization to Eco-Localization.

The EoP Economy shall be based upon already mined gold and ultimately a resource mix based currency standard; where all lending / borrowing and/or bartering is to be limited to consumption and production of non-renewable and renewable natural resources below Ecological Carrying Capacity limits.

Banks and/or Corporations may avoid coercive nationalization by voluntarily choosing to engage in the conversion of their corporations to EoP cooperative corporations; by giving employees the opportunity to vote whether they wish to (a) remain with the corporation and convert their former corporation to be managed in accordance to cooperative ownership principles and agree to sign an Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration; (b) leave the corporation in accordance with with six months salary retrenchment package.

All nationalized corporations shall undergo the same employee vote process. Only individuals who have signed Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration may be considered for Cooperative Management positions.

All Corporate Pensions for all employees who have not yet retired; whether they sign Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration, vote to remain with the corporation or be retrenched; are immediately cancelled. All Corporate Pensions for individuals who have already retired shall be notified that such pensions shall be cancelled within twelve months.

All corporate employees, including current or former pension holders; who do not own any property; who sign an Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration shall be provided with an EoP allotted ecofootprint ration of nationalized property; for their use; to enable them to sustain their most basic shelter, food and water needs; and engage with neighbours into local food production cooperatives; to begin the process of rebuilding local cooperative tribal responsible freedom communities.

Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Energy Facilities:

All IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency member states are to immediately draw up a report detailing how they commit to the decommission of all their Nuclear Weapons and Energy facilities; within five years.

World Coal Association: All member corporations are to immediately draw up a report detailing how they intend to support the orderly termination and closure of all coal mining and energy production with a Production Footprint above ecological renewable/non renewable carrying capacity limits; i.e. all future coal exploitation and production of non-renewable and renewable natural resources must be limited to below Ecological Carrying Capacity limits.

Breeding & Consumption Crimes of Aggression:

“Any individual who is found guilty of advocating on behalf of, legislating, enforcing, or obeying any – cultural, religious, common, statutory, constitutional, or international – ‘scarcity combatant’ social contract; which enables or advocates on behalf of human procreation, consumption or production of resources that transgress ecological carrying capacity limits, is guilty of the ‘crime of aggression act of war’.”

Crimes of Aggression Acts of War Convictions & Sentencing:

Consumption Violation Sentences:

Individuals found negligently guilty of violating consumption social contract limits; would be required to (a) relinquish their excess consumed products; and provide community service labour; to the extent of the infraction.

Individuals found intentionally guilty of violating consumption social contract limits; shall be provided the opportunity to (a) choose their preferred method of state assisted suicide; (b) be granted the opportunity to say goodbye to loved ones and (c) be eliminated from the planetary genepool by their preferred method of state assisted suicide.

Procreation Violation Sentences:

Individuals found guilty of negligently violating procreation social contract limits; would be required to be permanently sterilized.

Individuals found guilty of intentionally violating procreation social contract limits; would be required to (a) relinquish said child for adoption - if wanted to be adopted by a family - and be given their choice as to how they prefer to be humanely executed; (b) if no adoptive family is found; parents and child are to be given their choice as to how they prefer to be humanely executed.

EoP Axis Nation State Employees:

Every employee from the President down to the school janitor who is an employee of a federal, state, city or local government; is given one month to sign their Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration; and submit it to appointed Federal, National and Local Ecology of Peace Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration Ombudsman.

All State employees who refuse to sign Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration are retrenched; with six months salary retrenchment package.

All Government Pensions for all employees who have not yet retired; whether they sign Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration or not; are immediately cancelled. All Government Pensions for individuals who have already retired shall be notified in writing; that such pensions shall be cancelled within twelve months.

All Government employees, including current or former pension holders; who do not own any property; who sign an Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration shall be provided with an EoP allotted ecofootprint ration of nationalized property; for their use; to enable them to sustain their most basic shelter, food and water needs; and engage with neighbours into local food production cooperatives; to begin the process of rebuilding local cooperative tribal responsible freedom communities.

Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration.

A citizen’s signed Ecology of Peace Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration will declare that the particular citizen understands and legally agrees to the following:

I hereby declare that I understand Responsible Freedom to mean: 1. Earth is not flat. 2. Resources are finite. 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in ecological overshoot, resource depletion and resource conflict. 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to (a) sustainably protect natural resources for future generations; and/or (b) reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; and/or (c) enable honourable, transparent and humane international cooperative de-industrialization and depopulation of the planet to return to living in accordance to ecological carrying capacity limits; they should (d) cooperate to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract that restricts all the worlds citizens to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; to sustainably protect and conserve natural resources. 5. The root cause of humans breeding and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits and consequently Nation States failure to (a) avoid resource depletion and sustainable protection of national renewable and non-renewable resources for other species and future generations; and/or (b) reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; and/or (c) enable honourable, transparent and humane international cooperative de-industrialization and depopulation of the planet to return to living in accordance to ecological carrying capacity limits; are the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract’. 6. I request – and commit to support – the President and all supporting Political Party leaders; to officially and publicly begin legal International negotiations – by adopting any of the Ecology of Peace New World Order Negotiations social contract options used individually or in select combination or collectively; or other more suitable options – to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; that shall (i) abolish the root ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract’; and (ii) replace them with Ecology of Peace clauses that require all of the worlds citizens from all races, classes and religions to procreate and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; and anyone convicted of breeding and/or consumption violations shall be eliminated from the planetary genepool.

I hereby declare that I understand Honourable Reason & Logic Problem Solving Communication Policy Discourse values to mean:

7. If I am committed to honourable discourse; and I am giving someone else the benefit of the doubt that they are committed to honourable truthseeking discussion: A. I clarify my preferences; to enable people being communicated to, to clearly know what I want; and whether they are willing to engage me in entering into an agreement; to help me get what I want; and reciprocally whether I can help them to get what they may want. B. I always respond to verbal and written correspondence, with a sincere honest response. If I don't have time to respond; I inform them by when they can expect a response. C. I sincerely and actively listen to the evidence from any individual, irrespective of their political ideology – i.e. right wing to left wing – religion, race or culture. Active listening means you verify that your interpretation of their statements is accurate; before concluding that you have ‘heard their argument’. D. I focus on simplifying the issue discussed, using as much as possible descriptive words; as opposed to abstract concepts. If or where I include reference to abstract concepts; I am willing to define my meaning of that abstract concept within that circumstance. E. I evaluate their argument based upon the evidence they present, not their race, religion or political ideology; etc. F. If I am not convinced by the quality of their evidence on any particular issue; I am willing to agree to disagree on that particular issue, and cooperate if they are willing to engage in cooperative truthseeking to get better quality evidence; so that a stronger beyond reasonable doubt conclusion can be drawn on the particular issue in dispute. G. I remain in the conversation until we find agreement; so as to support each other on other issues that we do agree upon, which are based upon more conclusive buck stops here evidence. H. If or where sincere conflict arises in the discussion about the issue in dispute; I am committed to remaining in the conversation and finding a way to resolve the conflict, by allowing myself, them or both of us to get over our anger; as opposed to requiring them to suppress their anger for political correct ‘lets pretend we are getting along’ reasons. Once the emotional steam has been released through the conflict resolution process; both parties will find themselves in a more calm neutral space where the truthseeking conversation can proceed. I. If either of us decide that we are unable to resolve the conflict between us: 1. If none of us are employed by the State and/or legally obligated to help each other on the particular issue of preference in dispute; we honourably terminate discussions and approach others for help to get what we respectively want. 2. If one or both of us are employed by the State and/or an organization or profession legally obligated to provide support to enable resolution of the particular requested preference; we cooperatively refer the matter to an honourable discourse truthseeking arbitrator for impartial dispute resolution. J. If at any point during discussion; or arbitration proceedings; their evidence proves any of my evidence for any of my ideological, racial or religious working hypothesis theories or beliefs to be inaccurate; I love reason and logic more than my ego-identity and hence I am willing to publicly change my mind, on that particular subject and amend my ideological working hypothesis or belief with the new evidence provided; and if necessary to apologize.

Honourable Discourse principles are excerpted from: EoP RH culture info.

Naturally anyone who refuses – without reasonable justification – to engage in aforementioned honourable discourse; is not remotely interested in peace, anti-war, or non-violent root cause problem solving of socio-economic resource war conflict; and depending on the circumstances; may consciously or unconsciously be providing their informed consent justification for the issue in dispute to be resolved by means of violence. Although honourable discourse would recommend that they be consciously made aware of how their refusal to engage in honourable discourse root cause problem solving of the issue in dispute; demonstrates their lack of commitment and sincerity to non-violent root cause problem solving.

Deception Communication Crimes of Aggression:

Fully Informed Consensual Relating Violation Sentences:

Individuals found guilty of negligently violating ‘Fully Informed Consenting Honourable Discourse’ as part of their inter-relating agreements; shall be required to attend and graduate from a Fully Informed Consenting Honourable Discourse’ communication values class; where they would learn how to communicate their preferences and relate to others in accordance to Fully Informed Consenting Communication values; and sign a Fully Informed Consenting Agreement Responsible Freedom Declaration to graduate.

Individuals found guilty of intentionally violating ‘Fully Informed Consenting Honourable Discourse’ as part of their inter-relating agreements; shall be provided the opportunity to (a) choose their preferred method of state assisted suicide; (b) be granted the opportunity to say goodbye to their loved ones and (c) be eliminated from the planetary genepool by their preferred method of state assisted suicide.

Ecology of Peace New Economy Sustainability Definition:

A Sustainable society practices Sustainable Procreation and Sustainable Natural Resource Utilization Behaviour; i.e. all of its citizens consume and procreate below carrying capacity. Sustainable Natural Resource Utilization Behaviour behaviour involves the utilization of renewable natural resources—water, cropland, pastureland, forests, and wildlife—exclusively, which can be depleted only at levels less than or equal to the levels at which they are replenished by Nature. The utilization of non-renewable natural resources (NNR's)—fossil fuels, metals, and minerals—at any level, is not sustainable1.

Carrying Capacity Sustainability: I=PAT Equation:

For activities to be genuinely sustainable it must be possible for them to continue indefinitely. The impact of humanity on the environment and the demands that people place on the resources available on the planet can be summarised by what is known as the Ehrlich or IPAT equation, I=PAT. I = impact on the environment or demand for resources, P = population size, A = affluence and T = technology. The two most important conclusions deriving from this IPAT footprint2 relationship are that: (i) the Earth can support only a limited number of people, at a certain level of affluence, in a sustainable manner; and (ii) Population and Consumption must be reduced to below carrying capacity.

Carrying Capacity aka Biocapacity Limits:

“The maximum number of individuals that can be supported sustainably by a given environment is known as its ‘carrying capacity’. Worldwide the total amount of biologically productive land and sea amounts to 12 billion global hectares (gha); or 1.8 gha each if divided by 6.7 billion each. Guerrylla Laws are drawn up in accordance with the proactive conservation policies of Bhutan3, who set aside 40% of their biologically productive to be returned to its natural state, for other species and wildlife conservation purposes; then that means that the total amount of biologically productive carrying capacity land available to humans is 60% of 12 billion; which amounts to 7.2 billion gha total; or 60% of 1.8 gha, which is 1 gha each. Population factor is relevant, because the more humans there are, the less biologically productive land there is for everyone else. For example:

Biocapacity limits of 6.7, 3.5, 1 Billion, 500, 250 & 100 Million:

1 Sustainability Defined, Chris Clugston, WakeUpAmerika 2 EcoFootprint: The difference between the biocapacity and Ecological Footprint of a region or country. A biocapacity deficit occurs when the Footprint of a population exceeds the biocapacity of the area available to that population. If there is a regional or national biocapacity deficit, it means that the region is importing biocapacity through trade or liquidating regional ecological assets. Global biocapacity deficit cannot be compensated through trade, and is overshoot. 3 Bhutan Proactive Conservation: Bhutan is seen as a model for proactive conservation initiatives. The Kingdom has received international acclaim for its commitment to the maintenance of its biodiversity. This is reflected in the decision to maintain at least sixty percent of the land area under forest cover, to designate more than 40% of its territory as national parks, reserves and other protected areas, and most recently to identify a further nine percent of land area as biodiversity corridors linking the protected areas. Environmental conservation has been placed at the core of the nation's development strategy, the middle path. It is not treated as a sector but rather as a set of concerns that must be mainstreamed in Bhutan's overall approach to development planning and to be buttressed by the force of law. - "Parks of Bhutan". Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation online. Bhutan Trust Fund. 7.2 billion global hectares of biologically productive land and water divided by (a) 6.7 billion humans, equals: 1.07 gha each; (b) 3.5 billion equals 2.05 gha each; (c) 1 billion equals 7.2 gha each; (d) 500 million equals 14.4 gha each; (e) 250 million equals 28.8 gha; (f) 100 million equals 72 gha each.

Procreation Factor:

As noted, the more people there are; the less biologically productive land there is available for everyone else. According to the research of Paul Murtaugh, the procreation factor that should be added by ecology footprint organisations to their Consumption footprint calculators, is 20 per child. [Each Child increases a parent’s cumulative consumption footprint by factor of 204]

Difference between Sustainable (Leaver Eco-Innocent) v Unsustainable (Taker Scarcity Combatant):

An individuals IPAT footprint is a result of: (A) Consumption Footprint multiplied by (B) Procreation Factor (Every child increases 20 Child Factor). If their IPAT footprint is below carrying capacity limits, they are an Eco-Innocent Leaver; if their IPAT footprint is above carrying capacity limits, they are a Scarcity Combatant Taker.

Total Footprint = Consumption x Procreation Factor.

To work out your Consumption footprint; you will need to use a Consumption Footprint calculator. Current online footprint calculators: Global Footprint Network5 (copy available at Earth Day6; Center for Sustainable Economy7; EcoCampus8. See more at Global Footprint’s Application Standards9, where they detail how their calculators calculate Consumption footprints. The quiz will ask you various questions about your consumption habits, and provide you with a final consumption footprint in global hectares which is your ‘consumption footprint’. For the purposes of this calculation; avoid footprint calculator quizzes that do not provide you with your final gha consumption footprint amount, such as for example: World Wildlife Fund’s footprint calculator10 or Stanford International Students11 (which is excellent and has great detail; but does not provide you with a final footprint in gha terms). Multiply your consumption footprint gha amount by your Procreation Factor: the number of children you have procreated multiplied by 20. The total amount is your Total Footprint.

4 Paul Murtaugh (7-31-09): Family Planning: A Major Environmental Emphasis, Oregon University http://sqswans.weebly.com/child--ecofootprint-x-20.html 5 http://footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/calculators/ 6 http://www.earthday.org/footprint-calculator 7 http://www.myfootprint.org/ 8 http://ecocamp.us/eco-footprint-calculator 9 http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/application_standards/ 10 http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/ Other Green Footprint calculators: http://greenschools.net/article.php?id=271 11 http://footprint.stanford.edu/index.html

13 Oct: Breitbart: Erik Prince: Trump Is Right — We Can Work with Putin to Defeat ‘Common Enemy’ of ‘Islamic Fascism’; Erik Prince: Leaked ‘Pay-to-Play’ Clinton Emails Show ‘Everything Is for Sale for the Democrats’; Blackwater Founder Erik Prince: Obama ‘Tilting Toward Islamist or Muslim Brotherhood Approach to Foreign Policy’. CC: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, FEC: Federal Election Commission

EoP MILED Clerk: 13 Oct 2016: Ed: ProEoPApp or ProWiPAmerican corr 2 Erik Prince re @BreitbartXM @AlexMarlow interviews avail at http://tiny.cc/BBAMarlow. CC: @Timothy4316.

______From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 5:31 PM Subject: Erik Prince: Adult Decision-making: Pro EoP Applicant or Pro WiP American? CC: Breitbart, FEC, Trump & Clinton, EoP App's, FSB-NSA To: "Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group" , "GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe" , "Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell" Cc: "FEC: Federal Election Commission" , "Inspector General: Lynne McFarland" , Donald Trump 2016 , "Donald Trump: Donald J. Trump" , "Counsel: Donald F McGahn" , Jeffrey Lord , Adam Tebrugge , Jeffrey Goldman , Roger Stone , Trump Backers , The Trump Report , Make America Great Again PAC , "Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine" , Diamond & Silk , Nathaniel Koloc , Rebecca Keate , N Budzinski , Lindsay Lassman , Jen Berg , Press , Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi , "US Army: Gen Paul Kern" , "Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan" , "US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald" , "US Amb in Pretoria: Amb Patrick Gaspard" , Timothy McVeigh , "DOJ-NSD Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco" , "Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta" , David Petraeus , Raymond Odierno and John Mulholland via US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff , Stan McChrystal , Brigadier General Steven Anderson , "Admiral Bobby R. Inman U. S. Navy Ret." , "General James Cartwright USMC Ret." , "General Charles H. Jacoby Jr." , "General Joseph W. Ralston" , Daniel William Christman , Admiral Steve Abbot USN , Robert Tyrer , James M Bodner , "Robert L. Grenier" , Ralph Schneider , Andrew Holland , "Judith A. Jami Miscik" , Jonathan Allen , Daniel J Smith , Francis A Branch CIV OSD OUSD INTEL , Wilma J Atkins CIV US , Lawrence Fowler C CIV US , Thomas Moorman , "General Anthony Charles Zinni USMC Ret." , LtCol Thomas Brown USAF , LtCol Emanuel Cohan USAF , Col Frank Battistelli , "LtCol Peter F. Olsen USAF" , David Coombs Office , Zbigniew Brzezinski , Major General Dana Pittard , Major General Herbert Raymond McMaster , "John W. Whitehead" , Donald Rumsfeld , "USMC JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn" , "Supreme Court Justices via DoJ: SupremeCtBriefs" , Holy See in London – Nuntius , "Grand Lodge of TX: Grand Secretary" , Arif Hasan Akhundzada , "USMC General Mattis via Dep Comm: Col James Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base" , "NSA: Adm Mike Rogers" , "FSB: Gen Bortnikov"

Erik Prince EoP Applicant; possibly future former EoP Applicant?

CC: Breitbart & FEC CC: Donald Trump & Hillar Clinton CC: EoP Applicants & Observers

Erik Prince Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group ([email protected]); GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe ([email protected]); Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell ([email protected]);

Breitbart & FEC: Breitbart Editor: Alex Marlow via @AlexMarlow; FEC: Federal Election Commission ([email protected]); Inspector General: Lynne McFarland ([email protected])

Donald Trump: Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Donald Trump: Donald J. Trump ([email protected]); Counsel: Donald F McGahn ([email protected]); Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Jeffrey Lord ([email protected]); Adam Tebrugge ([email protected]); Jeffrey Goldman ([email protected]); Roger Stone ([email protected]); Trump Backers ([email protected]); The Trump Report ([email protected]); Make America Great Again PAC ([email protected]); Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine (Katharine@.com); Diamond & Silk ([email protected]);

Hillary Clinton: Hillary Clinton via Nathaniel Koloc ([email protected]); Rebecca Keate ([email protected]); N Budzinski ([email protected]); Lindsay Lassman ([email protected]); Jen Berg ([email protected]); Press ([email protected])

Ecology of Peace Applicants and Observers: Applicants: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi ([email protected]); VADM Dennis McGinn via CNA Military Advisory Board Members: US Army: Gen Paul Kern ([email protected]); Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan ([email protected]); US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald ([email protected]); US Amb in Pretoria: Amb Patrick Gaspard ([email protected]); Timothy McVeigh ([email protected]); via DOJ-NSD Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh ([email protected]); Copy to: NSA: Adm Mike Rogers ([email protected]); Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta ([email protected]); David Petraeus ([email protected]); Raymond Odierno and John Mulholland via US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff ([email protected]); Stan McChrystal ([email protected]); Brigadier General Steven Anderson ([email protected]); Admiral Bobby R. Inman U. S. Navy Ret. ([email protected]); General James Cartwright USMC Ret. ([email protected]); General Charles H. Jacoby Jr. ([email protected]); General Joseph W. Ralston ([email protected]); Daniel William Christman ([email protected]); Admiral Steve Abbot USN ([email protected]); Robert Tyrer ([email protected]); James M Bodner ([email protected]); Robert L. Grenier ([email protected]); Ralph Schneider ([email protected]); Andrew Holland ([email protected]); Judith A. "Jami" Miscik ([email protected]); Jonathan Allen ([email protected]); Daniel J Smith ([email protected]); Francis A Branch CIV OSD OUSD INTEL ([email protected]); Wilma J Atkins CIV US ([email protected]); Lawrence Fowler C CIV US ([email protected]); Thomas Moorman ([email protected]); General Anthony Charles Zinni USMC Ret. ([email protected]); LtCol Thomas Brown USAF ([email protected]); LtCol Emanuel Cohan USAF ([email protected]); Col Frank Battistelli ([email protected]); LtCol Peter F. Olsen USAF ([email protected]) Observers: David Coombs Office ([email protected]); Zbigniew Brzezinski ([email protected]); Major General Dana Pittard ([email protected]); Major General Herbert Raymond McMaster ([email protected]); John W. Whitehead ([email protected]); Donald Rumsfeld ([email protected]); USMC JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn ([email protected]); Supreme Court Justices via DoJ: SupremeCtBriefs ([email protected]); Holy See in London – Nuntius ([email protected]); Grand Lodge of TX: Grand Secretary ([email protected]); Arif Hasan Akhundzada ([email protected]); USMC General Mattis via Dep Comm: Col James Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base ([email protected])

NSA Adm Mike Rogers & FSB: Gen Alexander Bortnikov: NSA: Adm Mike Rogers ([email protected]); FSB: Gen Bortnikov ([email protected])

Erik Prince:

Erik Prince: EoP Adult Decision-making: Pro EoP Applicant or Pro WiP American?

Re: Breitbart: Erik Prince: Leaked ‘Pay-to-Play’ Clinton Emails Show ‘Everything Is for Sale for the Democrats’: “For the weak-kneed Republicans that cry crocodile tears about some stupid private conversation that occurred eleven years ago, and, instead, want to be embraced, or to embrace a Hillary presidency, is flat-out disgusting. If nothing else, it will make America, it will make patriots realize who is pro-America and who is pro-political establishment.”

If I am interpreting you accurately:

I think you are conflicted about whether you are Pro EoP Applicant; or Pro WiP American.

If Pro EoP Applicant: verbally or in writing ask your candidate Donald Trump if he is willing to (a) publicy confirm in buck stops here black and white for you where the fuck he stands on implementing an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; and (b) answer questions from EoP MILED Clerk and EoP Applicants; about his buck stops here statement from EoP Applicants.

If he refuses and your consider a substitute candidate; ask them the same questions: if none are willing to respond to your aforementioned EoP request; notify the American version of the Independent Electoral Commission – as I notified the South African IEC on 15 April 2016 – that you shall not be voting in the American election; due to the absence of any Ecology of Peace political parties.

If you think Timothy McVeigh wants to be President of Pro-Gutless Wonder Fuck Honour- America:

My interpretation of Timothy McVeigh’s answer – I could be wrong – is paraphrased:

‘Thanks, but no thanks. I am not interested in being president of a country of cockroach kaffirs pretending to be humans; who don’t even have the self awareness they are not humans but cockroach kaffirs. Definition of kaffirs as per EoP submission to Concourt in CCT 06-11: Alien on Pale Blue Dot v SANEF; copy in among others: 27 Jul correspondence to MWeb.

If there are any individuals who are American citizens who give a fuck about responsible freedom to support committed EoP Applicants to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; sign your Responsible Freedom Plaintiff declarations – most recent draft can be found at EoP Wealth Transfer Options – and submit them to the EoP MILED Clerk; for her to publicly document; and provide copies to your Nation’s President.

If not: Find an American (i) President to answer Lara’s questions whether the terms of my pardon allow her and me to spend a few years together in the Siberian Wilderness so we can depart this fuck honour kaffir planet together.; or (ii) a Judge and/or prosecutor willing to agree to the ‘Justice Quartus de Wet & Jury Percy Yutar mercy guarantee’ prior to the start of proceedings; should we be found guilty.

If you intend voting for any of the left or right Pro-Gutless Wonder Fuck Honour-Americans: I suggest you honourably notify me that you are withdrawing from being an Ecology of Peace applicant; and I can list you with the other former EoP applicants.


Re: Breitbart: Erik Prince: Trump Is Right — We Can Work with Putin to Defeat ‘Common Enemy’ of ‘Islamic Fascism’: “Trump is right, in at least that we can work with Putin, because we have a common enemy, and that is Islamic fascism. …. Russian special forces, before ISIS even erupted, was doing hundreds of kill/capture missions every year, inside of Russia, because they have a real problem in Chechnya, Dagestan, and those regions. ….. Having Islamic fascism creep out of the Middle East and up into those countries directly affects Russia, and that’s why it matters to Putin,” Prince said. “And that’s actually something we could work together with them, and even with the Chinese – they have a problem with radical Islam in the west of their country, in the northwest, in Xinjiang province as well. … Do we agree with them on everything? No way. Russia is wrong on Ukraine, and Crimea. But working with them to defeat Islamic radicalism is something we should do.”

EoP Acting Clerk interpretations – don’t forget caveat:

If my interpretation of President Putin and the Kremlin’s Ecology of Peace motives are accurate; then (a) the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses – aka policy – of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract is their primary enemy; (b) anyone whether Russian, American, Muslim, Christian, rich or poor, black or white; who supports cooperating to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract is an ally; and everyone – irrespective of race, class or religion – who obstructs the implementation of an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; would be Masonic War is Peace extremists upholding the ‘right to breed and consume’ international law clauses that are the source of overpopulation and overconsumption’s collision with finite resources; which manifest as: economic inequality; psycho-social resource conflict conformity pressures; climate change, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, corporate and political corruption; nation states standing army or dissident guerrilla army ‘terrorism’ resource war military aggression, etc.

If ‘Sunni and Shia Islamic fascists’ decide tomorrow that they are no longer each other’s enemies; and that the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract is their primary enemy; the Kremlin would welcome their willingness to cooperate towards implementing an Ecology of Peace international law social contract.

If conversely Donald Trump’s Make America – gangrape and buttfuck the rest of the planets resources; so Fuck Honour Americans can live like Slavemasters -- Great Again Americans insist that ‘your consumption war lifestyle’s are not negotiatiable’ and ISIS Islamic fascists insist that ‘their breeding war lifestyle’s are not negotiatiable’; then quite frankly fundamentally ideologically there ain’t any difference between Donald Trump’s America and ISIS; and you should probably unite and you can all have a big buttfuck – perhaps nuclear – orgy with Russia, China and Israel.

“Investigation shows that whenever two nations have become engaged in warfare they have been advancing on converging lines of (resource acquisition for growing consumption or procreation) self-interest and aggrandizement. When the contact takes place, the struggle for supremacy, or even survival is at hand. This inevitable hour is approximately fixed and determined by the angles of convergence plus the sum of the relative (consumption / breeding war) speed by which the nations are moving along their respective lines. Thus it is that, when the angle of (breeding / consumption war) convergence of both or even one of the nations is acute and the speed or progress along one or both of the converging lines correspondingly great, war results in a few years or decades.” - Homer Lea, Valour of Ignorance; Military Gospel according to Martial Monk: Homer Lea

I imagine the ‘middle people’ as you call them would go along with whichever side they thought appeared to be the winning side; although considering Ecology of Peace’s scientific based – as opposed to racial, religious or class based – principles that are and have been clearly and simply clarified; as per Attaturk’s suggestions; individuals whom may be ‘middle people’ but are also fairness minded, would tilt towards the Ecology of Peace option.

"In any kind of effort like that its kind of a broad special operations mission where you have multiple targets at the same time and you have to coordinate your assault and focus your objective. The first minutes to hours of an effort like that are crucial; and if you don't achieve initial success in achieving those phase one goals you lose momentum very quickly and thats exactly what happened. Because all the middle people, the elements in the middle that could tip either way; will tend to tip towards the winning side. So if you don't with shock and speed and surprise achieve those initial goals, the momentum tips against you very quickly.

"The plate tectonics of all of these forces crushing against each other spinning off all kinds of radical cancer cells which are popping up in Orlando and San Bernadino and Paris and Brussels and nobody's done anything to the primary tumour sites; and until we do that, the metastisis of problems are going to grow worse and worse. [Why haven't we done anything] Ultimately warfare is a battle of wills; and it is not just what happens kinetically on the battlefield; it is what happens in the communications and propaganda and belief space and ... moral leadership first, backed up by kinetic capability on the battlefield, we also have a very bureaucratized military; we have allowed lawyers to really become what political officers were in the Soviet Union, that are constantly undermine, second guessing and limiting the freedom of maneuver and decision-making by our battlefield commanders; so its made for a very risk averse military thats entirely too expensive. So a combination of a lack of will and a lack of effective tools in the toolbox. So there is definitely some cleanup work to do. I don't think its that hard to do, if you have a leader that will make clear decisions and make things happen. ... Well I talked to you earlier about the Caliphate having ended when Attaturk took over and the secularization of Turkey occurred." -- Erik Prince; Breitbart: Blackwater Founder Erik Prince: Obama ‘Tilting Toward Islamist or Muslim Brotherhood Approach to Foreign Policy’.

Moral leadership First? Indeed? What is your clear decision definition of ethics? Where have you practiced it?

Do you want to cooperate to do something to the primary tumour ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ Masonic War is Peace clauses of intenational law tumour sites or not?

If yes: follow EoP Applicant advice above. If not: Follow Pro-Gutless Wonder Fuck Honour- Americans above.

If you – or your Pro-Gutless Wonder Fuck Honour-Americans candidates – have any questions; feel free to email them to me.


“Attaturk knew that for his movement to succeed and be permanent. He had to create a struggle that was initiated and supported by the people. Everything had to be legitimate and ideologically well-founded. A revolutionary ideal at the time it was announced to the whole country from the city of Amasia.” -- Mustafa Kemal Attuturk: Attaturk the Feminist Warrior.

Gallipoli Anzac Cove Memorial Inscription by Ataturk: "Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives.... You are now living in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours... You, the mothers, who sent their sons from far away countries; wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace; after having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well." - Attaturk, 1934

-- EoP v WiP NWO Neg CC [PDF]: 25 May: Good Men Project and 31 Jan: Sam Culper .. Kings Co Sheriff’s Office 911.

EoP Updates pending reinstatement of hacked deleted EoP websites.

EoP v WiP negotiations were – and if the hacked and deleted EoP account is reinstated; prior to termination of EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations, as a result of Planetary elite’s preference for Masonic War is Peace orgy of violence; will again be – updated at: MILED Clerk Notice.

Pending reinstatement of EoP accounts on Weebly: A copy of this correspondence is documented at: (A) SQSwans PRH: EoP v WiP NWO Neg CC and/or EoP Axis; (B) EoP Applicants: All [PDF]; Erik Prince [PDF]; FSB-NSA: EoP Applicant Removal [PDF]; EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Breitbart, FEC: Federal Election Commission.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

14 Oct: Erik Prince: Transcript: EoP v WiP Neg: US Political Parties, Election Candidates, SA IEC. CC: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, US Political Parties, US Senate, Commission on Presidential Debates, Federal Election Commission.

From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 1:59 PM | 2:10 PM | 2:26 PM | 2:27 PM TO: Erik Prince [PDF] CC: Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton; US Political Parties & US Senate; Commission on Presidential Debates; FEC: Federal Election Commission; SA: Independent Election Commission [PDF]; Lockheed Martin Board of Directors [PDF]; UNFCCC: UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; GMACCC: Global Military Advisory Board on Climate Change [PDF]; NSA Adm Mike Rogers & FSB: Gen Alexander Bortnikov [PDF] Subject: Erik Prince: Transcript: EoP v WiP Neg: US Political Parties, Election Candidates, SA IEC.

______From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 1:59 PM | 2:10 PM | 2:26 PM | 2:27 PM Subject: Erik Prince: Transcript: EoP v WiP Neg: US Political Parties, Election Candidates, SA IEC. To: "Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group" , "Counsel: Victoria Toensing" , "GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe" , "Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell" Cc: Donald Trump 2016 , "Donald Trump: Donald J. Trump" , "Counsel: Donald F McGahn" , Jeffrey Lord , Adam Tebrugge , Jeffrey Goldman , Roger Stone , Trump Backers , The Trump Report , Make America Great Again PAC , "Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine" , Diamond & Silk , Nathaniel Koloc , Rebecca Keate , N Budzinski , Lindsay Lassman , Jen Berg , Press , "CPD Exec Dir: Janet H. Brown" , "Longwood Univ: Mathew McWilliams" , "Washinton Univ: Deborah Vasel" , "Nevada Univ: Gina Galvan" , "FEC: Federal Election Commission" , "Inspector General: Lynne McFarland" , "IEC: Independent Electoral Commission: Chair: Mr. Glen Mashinini" , "IEC WC: Trevor Davids" , "IEC George: Keith Muller" , "Lockheed Martin: Chair: Marillyn Hewson" , "VP Space: Richard Ambrose" , "VP Info: Sondra Barbour" , "VP Missiles: Richard Edwards" , UNFCCC General Enquiries , INet Info & Support , FTC Environment Facility , FTC National Comm , UNFCCC Statements , "GMACCC: RNLMC Kees Homan" , "NL: Maj. Piet Wit" , "BIPSS: Maj.Gen. ANM Muniruzzaman" , "USMC: F.Brig.Gen Stephen A. Cheney" , GMACCC Press , "NSA: Adm Mike Rogers" , "FSB: Gen Bortnikov" CC: America First Party , American Beer Drinker’s Party , American Heritage Party , American Nazi Party , American Patriot Party , American Patriot Party , America’s Founding Fathers Party , Christian Falangist Party of America , Communist Party USA , Constitution Party , Freedom Socialist Party , , Office , Independence Party , Independent American Party , The Labor Party , Libertarian Party , Light Party , National Socialist Movement , Neo Whig Party , Republican Party , Republican National Committee , Socialist Action , Socialist Equality Party , Education , Detroit , "Canada: Socialist Equality Party" , Britain Socialist Equality Party , Australia Socialist Equality Party , Germany Partei für Soziale Gleichheit , Sri Lanka Socialist Equality Party , Socialist Labor Party , Thermodynamic Law Party , Unity Party of America , "U.S. Marijuana Party" , "U.S. Pacifist Party" , We The People Party , Workers World Party , Green Party of , Libertarian Party of Texas , Reform Party of Texas , Republican Party of Texas , Texas Communist Party , , Texas Patriot Party , Workers World Party CC: "NE: Ben Sasse: Eric Green" , Raven Shirley , Chris Barkley , Derrick Morgan , Patrick Lehman , Alyene Senger , "TN: Lamar Alexander: David Cleary" , "NH: Kelly Ayotte: Dan Auger" , "WY: John Barrasso: Amber Bland" , "CO: Michael Bennet: Juliana Herman" , "MO: Roy Blunt: Tracy Henke" , "NJ: Cory Booker: Will Cunningham" , "CA: Barbara Boxer: Jackson Droney" , "OH: Sherrod Brown: Kia Hamadanchy" , "NC: Richard Burr: Chris Toppings" , "DC: Maria Cantwell: Nico Janssen" , "WV: Shelley Moore: Adam Tomlinson" , "MD: Ben Cardin: Joel Cohen" , "DE: Tom Carper: Michael Santora" , "PN: Robert Casey: Jared Solomon" , "LA: Bill Cassidy: Pamela Davidson" , "IN: Dan Coats: Nancy Richardson" , "MS: Thad Cochran: Constance Payne" , "ME: Susan Collins: Jill Carney" , "DE: Chris Coons: Jacqueline Thomas" , "TN: Bob Corker: Daniel Vajdich" , "AR: Tom Cotton: John Martin" , "ID: Mike Crapo: Kellie McConnell" , "TX: Ted Cruz: Courtney Asbill" , "MT: Steve Daines: Dan Gerig" , "IN: Joe Donnelly: Katie Campbell" , "IL: Dick Durbin: Brad Middleton" , "WY: Mike Enzi: Tara Shaw" , "IO: Joni Ernst: Ryan Berger" , "CA: Dianne Feinstein: Jennifer Duck" , "NE: Deb Fischer: Sharon Burd" , "AZ: Jeff Flake: Adam Kazda" , "ND: John Hoeven: Shawn Affolter" , "OK: James Inhofe: Jennifer Bowman" , "GA: Johnny Isakson: Michael Black" , "WI: Ron Johnson: Lydia Westlake" , "VA: Tim Kaine: Karishma Merchant" , "ME: Angus King: Aisha Woodward" , "IL: Mark Kirk: Cade Clurman" , "OK: James Lankford: Katherine Mayne" , "VT: Patrick Leahy: Kathryn Toomajian" , "MN: Al Franken: Gohar Sedighi" , "CO: Cory Gardner: Curtis Swager" , "NY: Kirsten Gillibrand: Maria Price" , "SC: Lindsay Graham: Jessica-Phillips Tyson" , "IA: Chuck Grassley: James Rice" , "UT: Orrin Hatch: Katie Neal" , "NM: Martin Heinrich: Elizabeth Hill" , "ND: Heidi Heitkamp: Tracee Sutton" , "NV: Dean Heller: Ryan McBride" , "HI: Mazie Hirono: Jonathan Elkin" , "UT: Mike Lee: Jordan Hess" , "WV: Joe Manchin: Katherine Cassling" , "MA: Ed Markey: John Phillips" , "AZ: John McCain: David Cole" , "MO: Claire McCaskill: Kyle Simpson" , "KY: Mitch McConnell: Jen Kuskowski" , "NJ: Robert Menendez: Kirby Mayo" , "OR: Jeff Alan Merkley: Susan Lexer" , "MD: Barbara Mikulski: Brent Palmer" , "KS: Jerry Moran: Brian Perkins" , "AK: Lisa Murkowski: Karen McCarthy" , "CT: Chris Murphy: Emily Smith" , "WA: Patty Murray: Sarah Bolton" , "FL: Bill Nelson: Matt Williams" , "KY: Rand Paul: Natalie Burkhalter" , "GA: David Perdue: John Eunice" , "OH: Rob Portman: Megan Harrington" , "RI: Jack Reed: Moira Lenehan-Razzuri" , "NV: Harry Reid: Jason Unger" , "ID: James Risch: Rachel Burkett" , "KS: Pat Roberts: Joshua Yurek" , "SD: Mike Rounds: Gregg Rickman" , "FL: Marco Rubio: Emily Bouck" , "HI: Brian Schatz: Melika Carroll" , "NY: Chuck Schumer: Veronica Duron" , "SC: Tim Scott: Chuck Cogar" , "NH: Jeanne Shaheen: Alison MacDonald" , "AL: Richard Shelby: Dayne Cutrell" , "AL: Dan Sullivan: Kate Wolgemuth" , "MT: Jon Tester: Hannah VanHoose" , "SD: John Thune: Jon Abdnor" , "NC: Thom Tillis: Joe Nolan" , "PN: Pat Toomey: Dimple Gupta" , "NM: Tom Udall: Fern Goodhart" , "LA: David Vitter: Emily Wilkinson" , "VA: Mark Warner: Marvin Figueroa" , "MA: Elizabeth Warren: Julie Morgan" , "RI: Sheldon Whitehouse: Brenna Barber" , "MS: Roger Wicker: Sarah Lloyd Allred" , "OR: Ron Wyden: Laura Berntsen" , "CT: Richard Blumenthal: David Carpman" , "WI: Tammy Baldwin: Brian Moulton" , Dan McCarthy

TO: Erik Prince CC: Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton CC: US Political Parties & US Senate [sent separately] CC: Commission on Presidential Debates & FEC: Federal Election Commission CC: SA: Independent Election Commission CC: Lockheed Martin Board of Directors CC: UNFCCC: UN Framework Convention on Climate Change CC: GMACCC: Global Military Advisory Board on Climate Change CC: NSA Adm Mike Rogers & FSB: Gen Alexander Bortnikov:

Erik Prince Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group ([email protected]); Counsel: Victoria Toensing ([email protected]); GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe ([email protected]); Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell ([email protected])

Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Donald Trump: Donald J. Trump ([email protected]); Counsel: Donald F McGahn ([email protected]); Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Jeffrey Lord ([email protected]); Adam Tebrugge ([email protected]); Jeffrey Goldman ([email protected]); Roger Stone ([email protected]); Trump Backers ([email protected]); The Trump Report ([email protected]); Make America Great Again PAC ([email protected]); Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine ([email protected]); Diamond & Silk ([email protected]); Hillary Clinton via Nathaniel Koloc ([email protected]); Rebecca Keate ([email protected]); N Budzinski ([email protected]); Lindsay Lassman ([email protected]); Jen Berg ([email protected]); Press ([email protected])

US Political Parties: America First Party ([email protected]); American Beer Drinker’s Party ([email protected]); American Heritage Party ([email protected]); American Nazi Party ([email protected]); American Patriot Party ([email protected]); American Patriot Party ([email protected]); America’s Founding Fathers Party ([email protected]); Christian Falangist Party of America ([email protected]); Communist Party USA ([email protected]); Constitution Party ([email protected]); Freedom Socialist Party ([email protected]); Green Party ([email protected]); Office ([email protected]); Independence Party ([email protected]); Independent American Party ([email protected]); The Labor Party ([email protected]); Libertarian Party ([email protected]); Light Party ([email protected]); National Socialist Movement [email protected]); Neo Whig Party ([email protected]); Republican Party ([email protected]); Republican National Committee ([email protected]); Socialist Action ([email protected]); Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Education ([email protected]); Detroit ([email protected]); Canada: Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Britain Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Australia Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Germany Partei für Soziale Gleichheit ([email protected]); Sri Lanka Socialist Equality Party ([email protected]); Socialist Labor Party ([email protected]); Thermodynamic Law Party ([email protected]); Unity Party of America ([email protected]); U.S. Marijuana Party ([email protected]); U.S. Pacifist Party ([email protected]); We The People Party ([email protected]); Workers World Party ([email protected]); Green Party of Texas ([email protected]); Libertarian Party of Texas ([email protected]); Reform Party of Texas ([email protected]); Republican Party of Texas ([email protected]); Texas Communist Party ([email protected]); Texas Democratic Party ([email protected]); Texas Patriot Party ([email protected]); Workers World Party ([email protected])

US Senate: NE: Ben Sasse: Eric Green ([email protected]); Raven Shirley ([email protected]); Chris Barkley ([email protected]); Derrick Morgan ([email protected]); Patrick Lehman ([email protected]); Alyene Senger ([email protected]); TN: Lamar Alexander: David Cleary ([email protected]); NH: Kelly Ayotte: Dan Auger ([email protected]);WY: John Barrasso: Amber Bland ([email protected]); CO: Michael Bennet: Juliana Herman ([email protected]); MO: Roy Blunt: Tracy Henke ([email protected]); NJ: Cory Booker: Will Cunningham ([email protected]); CA: Barbara Boxer: Jackson Droney ([email protected]); OH: Sherrod Brown: Kia Hamadanchy ([email protected]); NC: Richard Burr: Chris Toppings ([email protected]); DC: Maria Cantwell: Nico Janssen ([email protected]); WV: Shelley Moore: Adam Tomlinson ([email protected]); MD: Ben Cardin: Joel Cohen ([email protected]); DE: Tom Carper: Michael Santora ([email protected]); PN: Robert Casey: Jared Solomon ([email protected]); LA: Bill Cassidy: Pamela Davidson ([email protected]); IN: Dan Coats: Nancy Richardson ([email protected]); MS: Thad Cochran: Constance Payne ([email protected]); ME: Susan Collins: Jill Carney ([email protected]); DE: Chris Coons: Jacqueline Thomas ([email protected]); TN: Bob Corker: Daniel Vajdich ([email protected]); AR: Tom Cotton: John Martin ([email protected]); ID: Mike Crapo: Kellie McConnell ([email protected]); TX: Ted Cruz: Courtney Asbill ([email protected]); MT: Steve Daines: Dan Gerig ([email protected]); IN: Joe Donnelly: Katie Campbell ([email protected]); IL: Dick Durbin: Brad Middleton ([email protected]); WY: Mike Enzi: Tara Shaw ([email protected]); IO: Joni Ernst: Ryan Berger ([email protected]); CA: Dianne Feinstein: Jennifer Duck ([email protected]); NE: Deb Fischer: Sharon Burd ([email protected]); AZ: Jeff Flake: Adam Kazda ([email protected]); ND: John Hoeven: Shawn Affolter ([email protected]); OK: James Inhofe: Jennifer Bowman ([email protected]); GA: Johnny Isakson: Michael Black ([email protected]); WI: Ron Johnson: Lydia Westlake ([email protected]); VA: Tim Kaine: Karishma Merchant ([email protected]); ME: Angus King: Aisha Woodward ([email protected]); IL: Mark Kirk: Cade Clurman ([email protected]); OK: James Lankford: Katherine Mayne ([email protected]); VT: Patrick Leahy: Kathryn Toomajian ([email protected]); MN: Al Franken: Gohar Sedighi ([email protected]); CO: Cory Gardner: Curtis Swager ([email protected]); NY: Kirsten Gillibrand: Maria Price ([email protected]); SC: Lindsay Graham: Jessica-Phillips Tyson (jessica- [email protected]); IA: Chuck Grassley: James Rice ([email protected]); UT: Orrin Hatch: Katie Neal ([email protected]); NM: Martin Heinrich: Elizabeth Hill ([email protected]); ND: Heidi Heitkamp: Tracee Sutton ([email protected]); NV: Dean Heller: Ryan McBride ([email protected]); HI: Mazie Hirono: Jonathan Elkin ([email protected]); UT: Mike Lee: Jordan Hess ([email protected]); WV: Joe Manchin: Katherine Cassling ([email protected]); MA: Ed Markey: John Phillips ([email protected]); AZ: John McCain: David Cole ([email protected]); MO: Claire McCaskill: Kyle Simpson ([email protected]); KY: Mitch McConnell: Jen Kuskowski ([email protected]); NJ: Robert Menendez: Kirby Mayo ([email protected]); OR: Jeff Alan Merkley: Susan Lexer ([email protected]); MD: Barbara Mikulski: Brent Palmer ([email protected]); KS: Jerry Moran: Brian Perkins ([email protected]); AK: Lisa Murkowski: Karen McCarthy ([email protected]); CT: Chris Murphy: Emily Smith ([email protected]); WA: Patty Murray: Sarah Bolton ([email protected]); FL: Bill Nelson: Matt Williams ([email protected]); KY: Rand Paul: Natalie Burkhalter ([email protected]); GA: David Perdue: John Eunice ([email protected]); OH: Rob Portman: Megan Harrington ([email protected]); RI: Jack Reed: Moira Lenehan-Razzuri ([email protected]); NV: Harry Reid: Jason Unger ([email protected]); ID: James Risch: Rachel Burkett ([email protected]); KS: Pat Roberts: Joshua Yurek ([email protected]); SD: Mike Rounds: Gregg Rickman ([email protected]); FL: Marco Rubio: Emily Bouck ([email protected]); HI: Brian Schatz: Melika Carroll ([email protected]); NY: Chuck Schumer: Veronica Duron ([email protected]); SC: Tim Scott: Chuck Cogar ([email protected]); NH: Jeanne Shaheen: Alison MacDonald ([email protected]); AL: Richard Shelby: Dayne Cutrell ([email protected]); AL: Dan Sullivan: Kate Wolgemuth ([email protected]); MT: Jon Tester: Hannah VanHoose ([email protected]); SD: John Thune: Jon Abdnor ([email protected]); NC: Thom Tillis: Joe Nolan ([email protected]); PN: Pat Toomey: Dimple Gupta ([email protected]); NM: Tom Udall: Fern Goodhart ([email protected]); LA: David Vitter: Emily Wilkinson ([email protected]); VA: Mark Warner: Marvin Figueroa ([email protected]); MA: Elizabeth Warren: Julie Morgan ([email protected]); RI: Sheldon Whitehouse: Brenna Barber ([email protected]); MS: Roger Wicker: Sarah Lloyd Allred ([email protected]); OR: Ron Wyden: Laura Berntsen ([email protected]); CT: Richard Blumenthal: David Carpman ([email protected]); WI: Tammy Baldwin: Brian Moulton ([email protected]); Dan McCarthy ([email protected])

Commission on Presidential Debates & FEC: Federal Election Commission: Exec Dir: Janet H. Brown ([email protected]); Longwood Univ: Mathew McWilliams ([email protected]); Washinton Univ: Deborah Vasel ([email protected]); Nevada Univ: Ashley Keasey (Univ); Gina Galvan ([email protected]); FEC: Federal Election Commission ([email protected]); Inspector General: Lynne McFarland ([email protected])

SA IEC: Independent Election Commission: IEC: Independent Electoral Commission: Chair: Mr. Glen Mashinini ([email protected]); IEC WC: Trevor Davids ([email protected]); IEC George: Keith Muller ([email protected])

Lockheed Martin Board of Directors: Chair: Marillyn Hewson ([email protected]); VP Space: Richard Ambrose ([email protected]); VP Info: Sondra Barbour ([email protected]); VP Missiles: Richard Edwards ([email protected])

UNFCCC: UN Framework Convention on Climate Change: General Enquiries ([email protected]); Secretariat ([email protected]); INet Info & Support ([email protected]); FTC Environment Facility ([email protected]); FTC National Comm ([email protected]); UNFCCC Statements ([email protected]);

GMACCC: Global Military Advisory Board on Climate Change: RNLMC Kees Homan ([email protected]); NL: Maj. Piet Wit ([email protected]); BIPSS: Maj.Gen. ANM Muniruzzaman ([email protected]); USMC: F.Brig.Gen Stephen A. Cheney ([email protected]); GMACCC Press ([email protected])

NSA Adm Mike Rogers & FSB: Gen Alexander Bortnikov: NSA: Adm Mike Rogers ([email protected]); FSB: Gen Bortnikov ([email protected])

Erik Prince: Transcript: EoP v WiP Neg: US Political Parties, Election Candidates, SA IEC.

Attached please find 27 Sep 2015 – 13 Oct 2016 EoP v WiP New World Order Negotiations correspondence to US Political Parties, US Election Candidates & SA Independent Election Commission [PDF]; which documents the EoP Acting Clerk’s correspondence to: 1. US Political Parties candidates running for election as well as formerly elected individuals currently in executive, legislative official federal, state or local government positions; 2. SA Independent Election Commission officers notifying them that EoP Acting Clerk would not be voting in the recent South African elections as a result of an absence of any Ecology of Peace political parties; which included Ecology of Peace Cop 21 Simple Root Cause Problem Solving Recommendations submitted to UNFCCC, Cop 21 and GMACCC; of direct relevance to Electoral Commissions licensing of political parties. 3. EoP Applicant: Erik Prince notifying him to decide whether he wants to be a Pro EoP Applicant; or Pro WiP American.

EoP Updates pending reinstatement of hacked deleted EoP websites.

EoP v WiP negotiations were – and if the hacked and deleted EoP account is reinstated; prior to termination of EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations, as a result of Planetary elite’s preference for Masonic War is Peace orgy of violence; will again be – updated at: MILED Clerk Notice.

Pending reinstatement of EoP accounts on Weebly: A copy of this correspondence is documented at: (A) SQSwans PRH: EoP v WiP NWO Neg CC and/or EoP Axis; (B) EoP Applicants: Erik Prince [PDF]; FSB-NSA: EoP Applicant Removal [PDF]; EoP Axis: Military Industrial Complex [PDF]; Cop 21 [PDF]; EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, US Senate, US Political Parties, SA IEC, FEC: Federal Election Commission, Commission on Presidential Debates.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

29 Oct: Google-GMAIL-Blogger: Eric Schmidt: EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations Unpublished on Blogger. CC: FEC, ICANN, IAP: Intnl Assoc of Prosecutors, JCS: Joint Chiefs of Staff.

EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations blog posts at SQSwans PRH, EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations, EoP Axis & UJMC SF44 unpublished as of 29 October 2016; pending GMAIL clarification of reasons for blocking of EoP MILED Clerk [email protected] email account from on our about 29 to 30 October 2016.

Screenshot of blocking of [email protected] between from 29 to 30 Sep 2016

Last verification of blocking of eop.miled.clerk email account: 31 Oct: 11:41 AM GMT+2. The block had been removed.

30 Oct 2016: 20:17 PM [Last Updated: 31 Oct 2016] Although the [email protected] account's block has been removed; GMAIL/Blogger have not provided any reasons for the 29-30 Oct blocking of EoP MILED Clerk gmail account.

EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations are consequently unpublished pending clarification from GMAIL/Blogger Board of Directors; that their blogging and/or email services are for Ecology of Peace and Masonic War is Peace customers. If GMAIL/Blogger have a Masonic War is Peace only customer policy; EoP Acting Clerk shall personally voluntarily remove EoP v WiP Negotiations correspondence and documentation from Blogger and GMAIL and close the accounts.

Acting EoP Clerk notifications to Google CEO: Eric Schmidt:

31 Oct 2016: @ericschmidt: EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations unpublished; statement; copy at archive.is/B6bTb CC: @icann_president, @han_moraal.

31 Oct 2016: @archiveis: Temp archive of EoP V WiP NWO Neg stmnt archive.is/B6bTb; pending EoP & WiP; or WiP only confirmation from @ericschmidt.

03 Nov 2016: @ericschmidt, @StanMcChrystal: EoP corr via gmail to all EoP App CC: @FEC blocked. Copy at: archive.is/Jcvt1 TC: @thejointstaff.

03 Nov: Federal Election Commission: EoP App; CC: FEC: Notice of 07 Nov removal of all Pro WiP Americans as EoP Applicants.

EoP MILED Clerk:

03 Nov 2016: @Timothy4316; Vladimir Putin via @KremlinRussia_E; NB EoP corr to all EoP App blocked. Copy at: http://archive.is/Jcvt1

03 Nov 2016: Ray Odierno via @jpmorgan; John Mulholland via @CIA. NB EoP corr to all EoP App blocked. Copy at: http://archive.is/Jcvt1

03 Nov 2016: Erik Prince & David Petraeus via @BreitbartXM @SiriusXMPatriot; @KKR_Co NB EoP corr to all EoP App blocked. Copy at http://archive.is/Jcvt1

03 Nov 2016: Nan Derenzi via @JCG_GovCon, @julie_jcg; Dennis McGinn via @USNavy: NB EoP corr to all EoP App blocked. Copy at: http://archive.is/Jcvt1

03 Nov 2016: @ericschmidt, @StanMcChrystal: EoP corr via gmail to all EoP App CC: @FEC blocked. Copy at: http://archive.is/Jcvt1 TC: @thejointstaff.

______From: EoP MILED Clerk To: EoP Applicants [PDF] CC: Federal Election Commission [PDF]; EoP v WiP Negotiations Observers [PDF]; NSA & FSB [PDF] Date: Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 11:08 AM Subject: EoP App; CC: FEC: Notice of 07 Nov removal of all Pro WiP Americans as EoP Applicants. ______

From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 11:08 AM Subject: EoP App; CC: FEC: Notice of 07 Nov removal of all Pro WiP Americans as EoP Applicants. To: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi , "VADM Dennis McGinn via CNA Military Advisory Board Members: US Army: Gen Paul Kern" , "Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan" , "US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald" , "Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group" , "Counsel: Victoria Toensing" , "GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe" , "Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell" , David Petraeus , "Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co: Henry Kravis" , "Williams & Connolly LLP: Robert Barnett" , Raymond Odierno and John Mulholland via US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff , Stan McChrystal , Brigadier General Steven Anderson , "Admiral Bobby R. Inman U. S. Navy Ret." , "General James Cartwright USMC Ret." , "General Charles H. Jacoby Jr." , "General Joseph W. Ralston" , Daniel William Christman , Admiral Steve Abbot USN , Robert Tyrer , James M Bodner , "Robert L. Grenier" , Ralph Schneider , Andrew Holland , "Judith A. Jami Miscik" , Jonathan Allen , Daniel J Smith , Francis A Branch CIV OSD OUSD INTEL , Wilma J Atkins CIV US , Lawrence Fowler C CIV US , Thomas Moorman , "General Anthony Charles Zinni USMC Ret." , LtCol Thomas Brown USAF , LtCol Emanuel Cohan USAF , Col Frank Battistelli , "LtCol Peter F. Olsen USAF" , President Vladimir Putin via Kremlin Press Office , "Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb- Pta" , Timothy McVeigh , "DOJ-NSD Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh" Cc: "FEC: Federal Election Commission" , "Inspector General: Lynne McFarland" , David Coombs Office , Zbigniew Brzezinski , Major General Dana Pittard , Major General Herbert Raymond McMaster , "John W. Whitehead" , Donald Rumsfeld , "USMC JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn" , "Supreme Court Justices via DoJ: SupremeCtBriefs" , Holy See in London – Nuntius , "Grand Lodge of TX: Grand Secretary" , Arif Hasan Akhundzada , "USMC General Mattis via Dep Comm: Col James Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base" , "NSA: Adm Mike Rogers" , "FSB: Gen Bortnikov"

TO: EoP Applicants to be removed as PER Pro WiP American decisions: Former EoP Applicants: Nanette Derenzi, Dennis McGinn, Erik Prince, David Petraeus, Raymond Odierno, John Mulholland, Steven Anderson, Bobby Inman, James Cartwright, Charles Jacoby, Joseph Ralston, Daniel Christman, Steve Abbot, Robert Tyrer, James Bodner, Robert Grenier, Ralph Schneider, Andrew Holland, Judic Miscik, Jonathan Allen, Daniel Smith, France Branch, Wilma Atkins, Lawrence Fowler, Thomas Moorman, Anthony Zinni, Thomas Brown, Emanuel Cohan, Frank Battistelli, Peter Olsen

TO: Remaining EoP Applicants as per Pro EoP Applicant decisions: Timothy McVeigh, Vladimir Putin

CC: Federal Election Commission CC: EoP v WiP Negotiations Observers CC: NSA Adm Mike Rogers & FSB: Gen Alexander Bortnikov

EoP Applicants to be removed as per Pro WiP American decisions: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi ([email protected]); VADM Dennis McGinn via CNA Military Advisory Board Members: US Army: Gen Paul Kern ([email protected]); Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan ([email protected]); US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald ([email protected]); Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group ([email protected]); Counsel: Victoria Toensing ([email protected]); GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe ([email protected]); Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell ([email protected]); David Petraeus ([email protected]); CC: Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co: Henry Kravis ([email protected]); Williams & Connolly LLP: Robert Barnett ([email protected]); Raymond Odierno and John Mulholland via US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff ([email protected]); Stan McChrystal ([email protected]); Brigadier General Steven Anderson ([email protected]); Admiral Bobby R. Inman U. S. Navy Ret. ([email protected]); General James Cartwright USMC Ret. ([email protected]); General Charles H. Jacoby Jr. ([email protected]); General Joseph W. Ralston ([email protected]); Daniel William Christman ([email protected]); Admiral Steve Abbot USN ([email protected]); Robert Tyrer ([email protected]); James M Bodner ([email protected]); Robert L. Grenier ([email protected]); Ralph Schneider ([email protected]); Andrew Holland ([email protected]); Judith A. "Jami" Miscik ([email protected]); Jonathan Allen ([email protected]); Daniel J Smith ([email protected]); Francis A Branch CIV OSD OUSD INTEL ([email protected]); Wilma J Atkins CIV US ([email protected]); Lawrence Fowler C CIV US ([email protected]); Thomas Moorman ([email protected]); General Anthony Charles Zinni USMC Ret. ([email protected]); LtCol Thomas Brown USAF ([email protected]); LtCol Emanuel Cohan USAF ([email protected]); Col Frank Battistelli ([email protected]); LtCol Peter F. Olsen USAF ([email protected])

EoP Applicants to remain as per Pro EoP Applicant decisions: President Vladimir Putin via Kremlin Press Office ([email protected]); CC: Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta ([email protected]); Timothy McVeigh ([email protected]); CC: DOJ-NSD Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh ([email protected]);

Federal Election Commission: FEC: Federal Election Commission ([email protected]); Inspector General: Lynne McFarland ([email protected])

EoP v WiP Neg Observers David Coombs Office ([email protected]); Zbigniew Brzezinski ([email protected]); Major General Dana Pittard ([email protected]); Major General Herbert Raymond McMaster ([email protected]); John W. Whitehead ([email protected]); Donald Rumsfeld ([email protected]); USMC JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn ([email protected]); Supreme Court Justices via DoJ: SupremeCtBriefs ([email protected]); Holy See in London – Nuntius ([email protected]); Grand Lodge of TX: Grand Secretary ([email protected]); Arif Hasan Akhundzada ([email protected]); USMC General Mattis via Dep Comm: Col James Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base ([email protected])

NSA Adm Mike Rogers & FSB: Gen Alexander Bortnikov: NSA: Adm Mike Rogers ([email protected]); FSB: Gen Bortnikov ([email protected])

EoP App; CC: FEC: Notice of 07 Nov removal of all Pro WiP Americans as EoP Applicants.

Nanette Derenzi, Dennis McGinn, Erik Prince, David Petraeus, Raymond Odierno, John Mulholland, Steven Anderson, Bobby Inman, James Cartwright, Charles Jacoby, Joseph Ralston, Daniel Christman, Steve Abbot, Robert Tyrer, James Bodner, Robert Grenier, Ralph Schneider, Andrew Holland, Judic Miscik, Jonathan Allen, Daniel Smith, France Branch, Wilma Atkins, Lawrence Fowler, Thomas Moorman, Anthony Zinni, Thomas Brown, Emanuel Cohan, Frank Battistelli, Peter Olsen:

According to my interpretation of your statements and/or actions; your preference between being a Pro EoP Applicant; or Pro-WiP American; is to be a Pro WiP American.

If my interpretation of your preference to be a ‘Pro WiP American’ is accurate; I shall remove you as an EoP Applicant on 07 November 2016. Thank you for your willingness to have considered being an EoP Applicant; hopefully it was helpful in helping you to clarify for yourself what exactly your true preference is with regards to an EoP or WiP Future.

If my interpretation of your preference to be a ‘Pro WiP American’ is inaccurate; kindly let me know in writing by midnight on 06 November 2016; and I can cancel your removal as an EoP Applicant’ and you can remain as a Pro EoP Applicant.

If I do not hear from you informing me that my interpretation of your preference to be a ‘Pro WiP American’ is inaccurate; I shall conclude it is accurate; and shall provide you with a final email correspondence notifying you that you have been removed as an EoP Applicant; including a transcript of all Acting EoP Clerk correspondence sent to you; for your records.


Timothy McVeigh, Vladimir Putin:

According to my interpretation of your statements and/or actions; your preference between being a Pro EoP Applicant; or Pro-WiP American/Russian; is to remain a Pro EoP Applicant.

If my interpretation of your preference is accurate; you remain as an EoP Applicant.

If my interpretation of your preference to be a Pro EoP Applicant is inaccurate; kindly let me know; and I can amend it, apologize and remove you as a Pro EoP Applicant.


EoP v WiP Neg updates pending reinstatement of deleted EoP weebly websites.

EoP v WiP negotiations were – and if the hacked and deleted weebly account is reinstated; prior to termination of EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations, as a result of Planetary elite’s preference for Masonic War is Peace orgy of violence; will again be – updated at: MILED Clerk Notice.

Pending Weebly and/or Google Board of Directors decision as to whether Weebly and/or Blogger accounts are for EoP and WiP customers; or WiP Only customers; a copy of this correspondence is documented at: (A) SQSwans PRH: EoP v WiP NWO Neg CC and/or EoP Axis; (B) Archive Today; link available at EoP v WiP NWO Neg Corr Updates; (C) EoP Applicants [PDF]: All; EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Federal Election Commission.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

06 Nov: Telesur English Empire Files: Abby Martin exposes John Podesta. CC: Real News, Wikileaks, Radical Honesty, Hillary Clinton

______From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Sun, Nov 6, 2016 at 2:50 PM Subject: Abby Martin; CC: Julian Assange & Brad Blanton: Hillary’s Clinton’s Private & Public Positions. To: Empire Files: Abby Martin Cc: Real News Network, Julian Assange, Brad Blanton ______

From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Sun, Nov 6, 2016 at 2:50 PM Subject: Abby Martin; CC: Julian Assange & Brad Blanton: Hillary’s Clinton’s Private & Public Positions. To: "Empire Files: Abby Martin via Mike" Cc: Sharmini Peries , Paul Jay , Julian Assange via Free Julian Assange , Brad Blanton , Hillary Clinton via Nathaniel Koloc , Rebecca Keate , N Budzinski , Lindsay Lassman , Jen Berg , Press

Empire Files: Abby Martin via Mike ([email protected]) CC: Real News, Julian Assange, Brad Blanton, Hillary Clinton

Real News, Julian Assange, Brad Blanton: Sharmini Peries ([email protected]); Paul Jay ([email protected]); Free Julian Assange ([email protected]); Brad Blanton ([email protected])

Hillary Clinton: Hillary Clinton via Nathaniel Koloc ([email protected]); Rebecca Keate ([email protected]); N Budzinski ([email protected]); Lindsay Lassman ([email protected]); Jen Berg ([email protected]); Press ([email protected])

Abby Martin; CC: Julian Assange & Brad Blanton: Hillary’s Clinton’s Private & Public Positions.

I watched your Telesur English Empire Files: Abby Martin exposes John Podesta; via Wikileaks, Wikileaks 2 and Project Censored Masonic War is Peace ‘fuck informing my readers about ecological reality carrying capacity root causes of resource conflict events I report about’ propaganda report.

Lots of good facts about history of John Podesta; interesting ‘emotional whining ‘war profiteer’ statements about military contractors; but sweet fuck all root causes of military, racial, economic, religious, economic, legal, political resource conflict context.

In military intelligence information operations there is a concept known as the 80/20 rule; which means that 80% of what you say is true; 20% is true, but withheld. The particular 20% that is chosen to be withheld; if shared; would totally completely alter the context and message.

Put differently if Abby Martin chose to share the 20% of the message she withheld; her ultimate message to her readers would be very, very different; if not opposite; than when she chooses to withhold that 20%; more like Buck Stops Here Abby Martin finally finds her balls to expose fuck honour and fuck ecological carrying capacity Abby Martin.

Re: Hillary’s private and public positions:

“Politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.” – Hillary Clinton; as detailed in Wikileaks Podesta Files; reported on by Abby Martin in Telesur English Empire Files: Abby Martin exposes John Podesta.

I don’t see how anyone – including Abby Martin, Julian Assange, or Dr. Truth Brad Blanton -- whom themselves has a private position that is different from their public position – cause they are terribly, terribly white guilt nervous about being buck stops here honest with the rednecks, crackers, niggers, spicks, kikes, coolies, pakkies; etc; they are Masonically buttfucking with their Yum Yum Cannibal Economic and Population Growth human sacrifice factory farming private positions -- can credibly criticize Hillary Clinton for her statements that she has a private position that is different from her public position.

Only an individual whom has fuck all difference in terms of their private and public position; who has fuck all nervousness about being buck stops here honest with anyone from any race, class, religion or ideology; has any credibility in criticizing Hillary for her different public and private positions.

Do you know one mainstream or alternative news journalist or editor who has fuck all difference in terms of their private and public position; who has fuck all nervousness about being buck stops here In Your Goddamn face honest with anyone from any race, class, religion or ideology; who is not addicted to cheap nigger, spick, coolie, pakkie cheap labour?

If not: how credible are your criticisms of Hillary Clinton; who at least has the self awareness and honesty to inform her inner circle in black and white; including a significant number of her supporters; to their face; that she has different public and private policy positions; and her vulnerability reasons for her different public and private policy positions.

Did Donald Trump, or Bernie Sanders, or Gary Johnson or have that self awareness and honesty to inform their inner circle and some of their financial supporters; to their face; about their subjective reality of having a different public and private position on various issues?

If not: whom is more self aware, and more honest, including about their vulnerabilities; to their inner circle and at least some of their supporters?

Do readers/voters/soldiers/citizens with a a ‘fuck honour and fuck ecological reality context’ private policy position; in terms of what newspapers they choose to read/political parties they choose to vote for; and a ‘pretend I care about politicians being honest with their followers and having the same public and private policy positions’ public policy position; have any credibility criticizing Hillary Clinton for her honesty about her different private and public policy positions; or for that matter whining about being converted into sausage; by their chosen Masonic Yum Yum Cannibal Economic and Population Growth human sacrifice factory farming Political Slave Masters?

No. But sincere buck stops here credibility is not what matters to Masonic War is Peace political masters or their sausage human factory farmed cattle pretending to be citizens and humans.

What matters to Masonic War is Peace political masters or their sausage human factory farmed cattle pretending to be citizens and humans – of whatever Masonic War is Peace race, class, religion or ideology – is bullshitting themselves, their families, communities, members of their race, religions and classes that their bullshit the public relations public policy position; not their private policy position; is their identity; who they are.

Their entire lives are nothing but a fuck honour lie!

EoP v WiP Neg updates pending reinstatement of deleted EoP weebly websites.

EoP v WiP negotiations were – and if the hacked and deleted weebly account is reinstated; prior to termination of EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations, as a result of Planetary elite’s preference for Masonic War is Peace orgy of violence; will again be – updated at: MILED Clerk Notice.

Pending Weebly and/or Google Board of Directors decision as to whether Weebly and/or Blogger accounts are for EoP and WiP customers; or WiP Only customers; a copy of this correspondence is documented at: (A) SQSwans PRH: EoP v WiP NWO Neg CC and/or EoP Axis; (B) Archive Today; link available at EoP v WiP NWO Neg Corr Updates; (C) EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Comments Correspondence [PDF]: Real News Network, Empire Files, Radical Honesty, Wikileaks, Hillary Clinton.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

09 Nov: Freedom Socialist Party: As homelessness soars in Los Angeles, politicians pretend to care.

09 Nov: Mushtaq Ur Rehman: 10 Things You Must KNow how Hitler Came to Power. Black Star: 6 startling things about sex farms during slavery you may not know. Salon: Clarence Thomas thinks Washington is broken, institutions have not earned citizens trust. Mike Rowe: Somebody’s got to do it. Regressive Antidote: The Dismantling of Civilized Society. Yes: The White Horse and the Humvees—Standing Rock Is Offering Us a Choice. Freedom Socialist: As homelessness soars in Los Angeles, politicians pretend to care. The Reputation Doctor: Reputation Management Tips for Small Businesses. Heart of Texas Balloon Rides: Suspension of Service. Everlasting GOP stoppers: James Baldwin on hate and pain. Time to Wake Up: Lao Tzu; Doing nothing or being busy doing nothing. Tea Party: Black Trump Fan Delivers Epic Plantation Lesson to Anchor Asking About Race. William Flynn: Make Germany Great Again Beer Hall Putsch. Anniversary of Nazi Beer Hall Putsch – Greg Posser, Chris Picchi, Geeks who drink pub quizzes, Slow Travel Berlin. Haaretz: Trump's Victory: The Revenge of ; How do I tell my children about Donald Trump. 24/7 Comedy: Doug Stanhope Beerhall Putsch. The Listening Post: 90% of US media controlled by six companies: who is responsible for state of American today? Great Thinkings, Grade Saver, Ishmael, EcoFuture: The Law of Limited Competition. * Updated: John Zerzan: Good Ship Lollipop poem posted by Kitsch Sync to John Zerzan's Eerie photos show interior of shipwrecked Costa Concordia; prior to being sent to ship breaking yard in Genoa; and Prepare to Die, Eschaton Human - The End of More 'prepare to die; we're screwed; humans have less than 30 years remaining, before they become extinct posted by Gordon Sturrock to John Zerzan. World Maritime News: MIT Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport release Costa Concordia Disaster Report. Michael C Ruppert: Grandma Koko: Playing with the Light. See More Rocks: Mike Ruppert and Guy McPherson: Going Dark. Rumsfeld Foundation: Concordia Summit Report. Democracy Now: Pakistan 18 Die after Oil Tanker Exploded; Dozens more trapped. Top Documentary Films: Surplus: Terrorized Into Being Consumers; The Fuck It Point. High Country News: Jury finds occupiers of Oregon wildlife refuge not guilty. Awesome World: Cutie bucket bathing. DoD: How to stop using alcoholic substances to relax. Rutherford Institute: Light bulbs flash SOS in scary Internet of Things hacker attack. Political View: Stand and Be Counted: Steve Peichenick Lolita Express Counter Coup. DailyWire: Both Trump And Clinton Went To Jeffrey Epstein's Sex Slave Island. Elite Daily: Trump on Lindsay Lohan in 2004: 'Deeply troubled' women are 'always the best in bed'. David Icke: Talinn Estonia mainstream media tv interview. UNZ Review: The Rape of Russia explained by Anne Williamson. Birdman: Testimony of Anne Williamson Before the Committee on Banking and Financial Services of the United States House of Representatives, September 21, 1999. Ardent / Crowley / Titan Salvage: Raising the Costa Concordia. GCaptain: Titan salvage; Crowley: Raising the Costa Concordia – The Full Story Behind the Largest Maritime Salvage in History. Another City: Masterslavl Master Town: Where Money Comes From. World News Trust: Yes, Of Course They're Brownshirts. What The Hell Did You Expect? (David Michael Green). Regressive Antidote: The Dismantling of Civilized Society. Heavy: Skip Nichols: Five Facts You Need to Know. St Louis Post-Dispatch: Pilot of crashed Heart of Texas Hot Air Balloon rides in Texas had long list of business complaints in St. Louis. Center for Guerrilla Law: Black Rage Confronts the Law, by Paul Harris. Catherine Austin Fitts: Red Button & Popsicle Index. Sajjan Poovayya: Common Myths about Indian lawyers. Bloomberg: Inside the Secret Society of Wall Street’s Top In-House Lawyers. Sebastian Ronin: Masonic Challenge, Anschluss. BBC2: Masters of Money: Karl Marx. Nikolai Starikov on Corruption in Russia via Nikolai Starikov: Stalin and the Fools. * Updated: Masonic War is Peace Treaty Fraud; Simple Root Cause Problem Solving Recommendation to Masonic Right & Left Extremist elite.

Last Updated: 20 Nov 2016: Carroll Quigley: Tragedy and Hope quote.


EoP Interpretations are subject to EoP RH IQO caveat [archive.is/JMnEp]: EoP interpretations of possible Military Intelligence use of Gov Mind Control Technologies to psychotronically compose Glass harp-toccata and fugue in D minor-Bach-BMW 565 geopolitical orchestra / Kelsey opera – Civilized Sausage fodder [archive.is/vo1kT]? What do you want? - message’s.

Sputnik: Putin send telegram to congratulate Trump on victory; hopes for cooperation on international global security challenges. Age of Stupid: Breeding and Consumption War co- operation and competition weightloss scales. ASPO Al Bartlett: China one child population policy climate change weightloss scale cooperation. Sputnik: Markets Tumble as Trump Triumphs in US Presidential Election.

"What are written about in history books is wealth destructions but they’re not really, they’re wealth transfers, if you look at them the way I do, which is that before and after the Wymar hyperinflation experience they are just as many acres of farmland and buildings around and people and productive property plant and equipment. But what happened was a lot of people got wiped out and who owned those things changed hands rather violently and dramatically." – Chris Martinson; Why Smart Money is so Nervous

Two Wealth Transfer options:

Masonic War is Peace Wealth Transfer: Instead of 50% of the world belonging to the 1%; 90% of the world belongs to them. One percent elite become overt In Your Face Warlord slavemasters; and the rest of the 99% overt slaves. The treatment of slaves, whether they are allowed to live or procreate; or how they are to be slaughtered, is totally dependent on their Warlord slavemasters goodwill.

Ecology of Peace wealth transfer: all bankrupt banks; corporations are nationalized. All individuals owning property greater than the EoP allotted ration footprint have their property nationalized. Families who agree to cooperate by signing EoP cooperator statements; are granted confiscated nationalized property sufficient for their family to sustain their most basic shelter, food and water needs; to engage in the process of rebuilding local cooperative tribal responsible freedom communities. -- EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: EoP Wealth Transfer Option.


There is likely no true conspiracy here; it’s just The Powers That Be working to their own economic advantage. The oil industry loves – and is primarily comprised of – Republicans, and it wants to see as many of them in Washington as possible. Wall Street is the same, and there is a revolving door between the Whitehouse and Goldman Sachs. If all the birds flying in V-formation turn the same way at the same time, is it a conspiracy or do the birds simply know what direction benefits them all the most? ... give Republicans a desperately-needed electoral boost, and feed another dose of valium to the increasingly worn out American consumer. .... There is no telling precisely what form the bumpy plateau of oil production will morph into or out of, but the evidence suggests we are precariously navigating a very unstable plateau in a way that can only hasten our arrival at the precipice. -- From the Wilderness: Market Manipulations Help Republicans: The Markets React to Peak Oil: Industrial Society Rides An Unstable Plateau Before the Cliff.

A recently declassified 1977 CIA study on Peak Oil in the Soviet Union is a telling indicator that Peak Oil issues have been of secret concern to policy makers in the US for a long time. .. Did the Reagan administration base its Cold War strategy on the CIA study, in the expectation that a Soviet Union economically weakened by oil depletion would collapse if pushed hard on other fronts? ... This begs the questions: Does the Agency have a strategy for dealing with this impending mega-event? Or is the Agency's job merely to provide information, and allow the current Administration to formulate policy? -- From the Wilderness: Smoking Gun: The CIA's Interest in Peak Oil

When the Soviet Union cracked up, American journalist Anne Williamson was a popular freelancer on all things Russian for the Wall Street Journal and other prestigious outlets. A major New York publisher signed her to a contract for a book on Russia in 1993. But when she finally delivered a manuscript in 1997 predicting that the Russian bond market would crash in 1998 (which it did), nobody in the publishing world would touch it. Williamson believes that her criticism of the Clinton Administration and, especially, of George Soros made it radioactive.

Yet to curse the speculators is useless; since the 1972 collapse of Bretton Woods that broke the international link between the dollar and gold, the fear of the syndrome described above is the only remaining bit of discipline in the international system. How much better, the globalists reason, if there were to be one central bank and one fiat currency for everyone so that then national leaderships (and the financial oligarchies they sustain) could inflate and rob their own populations in unison. … But where, in a land in which today more of the people die each year than are born, lies the gain? History’s yardstick will measure out the answer, and I suspect it will not suit us. – UNZ Review: The Rape of Russia explained by Anne Williamson; Birdman: Testimony of Anne Williamson Before the Committee on Banking and Financial Services of the United States House of Representatives, September 21, 1999.

"Oil experts have decried the prospect that the U.S. might privatize Iraqi oil assets. That would be a replay of the nightmare scenario inflicted on Russia by Goldman Sachs, The Harvard Endowment and the U.S. Treasury in the 1990s. That media-hyped effort to show the Russian people how to be capitalists resulted in the looting of Russian wealth and a financial debacle which the Congressional Cox Committee characterized as "three times worse than the great depression" in terms of what it did to the Russian people."

The same Pug Winokur is on the board of Harvard Endowments which had a behind the scenes hand in destroying the economic research conducted by former Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts in 1996. That research was beginning to illuminate how the drug trade generates profits for Wall Street through the subsidized HUD housing market where Harvard is a heavy investor. -- Michael Ruppert: From the Wilderness: Crunching Numbers; The Perfect Storm; Hostages, When the Children of the Bull Market Begin to Die.

"Only when arbitration is able to unravel the tangled skein of crime and hypocrisy among individuals can it be extended to communities and nations. Thence will International Arbitration come of its own accord as the natural outgrowth of national evolution through the individual. As nations are only man in the aggregate, they are the aggregate of his crimes and deception and depravity; and so long as these constitute the basis of individual impulse, so long will they control the acts of nations." -- Homer Lea, Valour of Ignorance; EoP v WiP NWO Neg: 24 Oct: Homer Lea Research Center, Homer Lea Site [archive.is/8GuWX]

“The overnight gathering ended with a traditional group stroll outside.” “We ate and then took a walk in the grounds, all the while on the record” -- Bloomberg: Inside the Secret Society of Wall Street’s Top In-House Lawyers, via Cryptogon. Wikileaks: Google is not what it seems via Wikileaks2: HouseofCards: When Pollyhop met Wikileaks.

"Be careful of that capo. He's Estonian. They hate Jews more than the SS." -- Pursuit aka Twist of Fate


Since the advent of European / Jewish Military and Financial World Domination:

Do you know of any Non-European: African, African American, Latino, Muslim etc; who has: personally or legally directly approached European / Jewish Human Factory Farming Slave Master Oppressors; requesting them to engage in a public political and/or legal conversation that has never been had before; a conversation about abolishing the Masonic Left/Right Wing Human Factory Farm; a conversation about cooperating to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; that requires all the worlds citizens to procreate and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; or be exterminated from the planetary genepool?

Do you know of any ‘progressive’ Non-European: African, African American, Latino, Muslim lawyer, religious, philosophic advisor who has advised ‘progressive’ Non- European or European ‘Progressive’ political leaders to: personally or legally directly approach ‘conservative’ European / Jewish Human Factory Farming Slave Master Oppressors; requesting them to engage in a public political and/or legal conversation that has never been had before; a conversation about abolishing the Masonic Left/Right Wing Human Factory Farm; a political and legal conversation about cooperating to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; that requires all the worlds citizens to procreate and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; or be exterminated from the planetary genepool?

“He was quite withering in his critique of the liberal left which, he thought, excelled in the extreme hypocrisy of championing the cause of groups it thought to be inferior in order to oppress all of society through oversocialization, feminization and the imposition of political correctness. This was mostly the work of heterosexual white males, for nothing much can happen without their approval and support: "The guardians of political correctness (mostly white, upper-middle-class heterosexuals) identify with groups of people they see as weak or inferior while denying (even to themselves) that they consider them to be such."” – Dmitry Orlov on Ted Kaczynski -- EoP Axis: 02 Mar 2016: Van Jones: Req for Slavery/Racism Abolition Info with regard to your KKK Donald Trump CNN Discussion with Jeffrey Lord. [archive.is/NApsN]

David Icke: Talinn Estonia mainstream media tv interview; Lightbulb tour of David Icke’s mansion on Isle of Wight. Tea Party: Black Trump Fan Delivers Epic Plantation Lesson to Anchor Asking About Race. Sputnik: Mainstream Media proven to be lapdog of power elite. The Listening Post: 90% of US media controlled by six companies: who is responsible for state of American journalism today?

DoD: How to stop using alcoholic substances to relax.

Its not the drugs that make a drug addict; its the need to escape reality. Steven Seagull Bar Truck Swerve Killing Times are here Galway barman in Nice saw terrorist's truck swerve from side to side to hit Bastille Day revellers. -- 16-08-16_CraigFuller-DrugWar-PutinEoPWiPSocialContract [Info | archive.is/ie3xL]; -- 16-10-05_JCS-SteinHarnitchek-EoPWealthTransferOption [Info|archive.is/plEwP]

Fraud of UN ‘Peace’ and ‘War’ Treaties: Any United Nations endorsed international treaty related to ‘war’ or ‘peace’ that ignores specifically addressing the breeding war and consumption war violation of carrying capacity limits root causes of ecological overshoot, which subsequently manifests as cannon fodder standing armies and their creation of military chemical, biological, technological, electronic and other related warfare ingredients, is based upon deception and fraud. -- Excerpts of: GMC 2473 Applicants 11 September 2014 DRAFT Referral and 03-14 December 2013 Submission Brief of Revision of Geneva Convention (PDF). -- EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: 11 May: Salon, Dre Jordan | archive.is/O6rP4 .

Mushtaq Ur Rehman: 10 Things You Must Know how Hitler Came to Power. William Flynn: Make Germany Great Again Beer Hall Putsch. Anniversary of Nazi Beer Hall Putsch – Greg Posser, Chris Picchi, Geeks who drink pub quizzes, Slow Travel Berlin. Haaretz: Trump's Victory: The Revenge of White Supremacy; How do I tell my children about Donald Trump.

Concordia: Good Ship Lollipop poem posted by Kitsch Sync to John Zerzan's Eerie photos show interior of shipwrecked Costa Concordia; prior to being sent to ship breaking yard in Genoa.

The cruise ship Costa Concordia capsized and sank after striking an underwater rock obstruction off Isola del Giglio, Tuscany, on 13 January 2012, with the loss of 32 lives. The ship, carrying 4,252 people, was on the first leg of a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea, starting from Civitavecchia in Lazio, Italy, when the Captain deviated from her planned route at the Isola del Giglio, to do a 'sail-past salute' to the Island; and struck a rock formation on the sea floor. The impact could be heard by passengers on board, and caused a temporary power blackout when water flooded the engine room. Coincidentally, when the ship first made impact with the rock, it was claimed that Titanic's theme song "My Heart Will Go On" was playing in a restaurant.

On 21 April 2012, it was announced TITAN, with its partner company, Micoperi, an Italian firm specializing in subsea engineering solutions, had been awarded the contract by Costa Crociere to refloat and tow away the Costa Concordia to the port of Genoa to be scrapped.

On 16 September 2013, the parbuckle salvage of the sunken Costa Concordia ship began. The operation started late that day due to bad weather, and by the early hours of 17 September 2013 the wreck was set upright on its underwater cradle. In July 2014, the ship was refloated by large caissons (metal tanks) attached to its sides and was towed 320 kilometres (200 miles) to its home port of Genoa. There the ship will be dismantled and materials from the ship will be recycled.

Kitch Sync to John Zerzan: Good Ship Lollipop poem posted by Kitsch Sync to John Zerzan's Eerie photos show interior of shipwrecked Costa Concordia; prior to being sent to ship breaking yard in Genoa. Wikipedia: Costa Concordia disaster. World Maritime News: MIT Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport release Costa Concordia Disaster Report. Ardent / Crowley / Titan Salvage: Raising the Costa Concordia. GCaptain: Titan salvage; Crowley: Raising the Costa Concordia – The Full Story Behind the Largest Maritime Salvage in History.

Michael C Ruppert: Grandma Koko: Playing with the Light. See More Rocks: Mike Ruppert and Guy McPherson: Going Dark. Gordon Sturrock 'prepare to die; we're screwed; humans have less than 30 years remaining, before they become extinct; to John Zerzan: Prepare to Die, Eschaton Human - The End of More. Rumsfeld Foundation: Concordia Summit Report. Democracy Now: Pakistan 18 Die after Oil Tanker Exploded; Dozens more trapped. Mike Rowe: Somebody’s got to – date plastic tits and ass sluts – do it. Top Documentary Films: Surplus: Terrorized Into Being Consumers.

American Lolita Express Pacific Sun New Zealand Slavery Sex Farm TPP Lollipop Popsicle Index Election

Pacific Sun New Zealand TPP Election: Radix Channel: CCTV Cruise ship Pacific Sun hit by tropical storm near New Zealand -- EoP v WiP NWO Neg: Russia Fed .. Russia Insider [ archive.is/6sOnm ]

Putin slams Europeans for upholding swimming pool child rape by a migrant – Russia Insider.

“I have to do it,” he reportedly said as he reloaded his gun five different times. “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country and you have to go.” -- Telegraph: 'You rape our women and are taking over our country,' Charleston church gunman told black victims.

"Hasan Akbar is quoted as saying, "You guys are coming into our countries, and you're going to rape our women and kill our children."" -- From the Wilderness: [Masonic WiP] Dialetics on Meth: The South West Asian Debacle.

“Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women… I felt I was getting revenge. From the site of the act of rape, consternation spread outwardly in concentric circles. I wanted to send waves of consternation throughout the white race.” -- Eldridge Cleaver; Soul on Ice -- IGN: The Malthusian Tragedy of the Kaffir Lily Riddle Commons: Understanding Masculine Insecurity Poverty Pimping: Population Production of Poverty & Violence Breeding Wars.

Atlanta Black Star: 6 Startling Things about Sex Farms During Slavery that you may not know. Evil Prince: Cruise ship in hurricane. Political View: Stand and Be Counted: Steve Peichenick Lolita Express Counter Coup. DailyWire: Both Trump And Clinton Went To Jeffrey Epstein's Sex Slave Island. CNN-Elite Daily: Trump on Lindsay Lohan in 2004: 'Deeply troubled' women are 'always the best in bed'. Timothy Truthseeker: Flying Dutch on the Hegelian Dialectic of Economic Systems; via Colin Kapaernick just started a ‘fuck ecological reality accounting rule of law’; pretend we give a fuck about black people’s oppression; while doing sweet goddamn fuck all about the root – right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits clauses of international law -- cause of all people’s oppression Black Panther inspired youth camp


Defining -- Corruption Red Button Popsicle Index -- Dialectics

“The creators of the Masterslavl project wanted visitors to understand from their own experience where money comes from, how important education is, and what occupations are actually out there.” -- Another City: Masterslavl Master Town: Where Money Comes From; via EoP Wealth Transfer Option.

Nikolai Starikov on Corruption in Russia – Russia Insider. Red Button -- Solari Report. Popsicle Index – Solari; From the Wilderness.


When you lie to your -- ‘pretend we care about rule of law [sic should read: rich white, black, asian etc ‘rule of My Ego and Penis Rights to Fuck without consequences law’]; when all we give a fuck about is getting a paycheck and pension to be murderers and hitmen for racial, religious or ideological Masonic elite oligarchs’ -- soldiers and/or -- ‘pretend we give a fuck about non-violent revolution, peace, ending war blah, blah’ -- peacenik veterans; or dumber than dumbfuck – thanks to being brainwashed educated by fuck ecological reality schools, universities and media -- civilians about what they are fighting, breeding, working, living, talking, breathing, reading for..

[When Stan Goff is about to speak, I don't want to say much. Just this: may all the bereaved find recovery, and the repentant find forgiveness, and the cruel find punishment. Even if they're all the same person. -JAH]

[..] Then, of course, there is the more sweeping historical backdrop of the war, which I have described in these pages before. Political Islam collaborated with imperialism when it had secular nationalism as its common enemy. Now it is objectively anti-imperialist, and it has both Islamic and nationalist content.

Hegel's dialectic is a temporal process, bound to the velocity of change. If he saw the turbulence inhering in the almost stately pace of things at the turn of the 19th Century, imagine how he might react if he were yanked through time and deposited in the present. Not only in a world connected by digital light-speed communications and digital light-speed disruptions, but one with six times as many people, fed with a diminishing fuel, and that includes day traders swapping derivatives while they are amplified on caffeine and sugar.

For Hegel, this would be the dialectic in a never-ending succession of fractals at every scale, running on crystal meth; a people with its "fruit ripening" like time-lapse photography, compressing whole seasons into a frenetic ten-second scene, its rulers gulping down the toxic draft with the urgency of a fraternity initiation beer chug.

-- From the Wilderness: [Masonic WiP] Dialetics on Meth: The South West Asian Debacle


“For another thing, not only does everybody do it, but now complete idiots who couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel are doing it too, and of course they're too dumb to even use the term properly. You can't foam at the mouth about what a freaking socialist Barack Obama is and then call him a Nazi at the same time. Unless, of course, you happen not to mind looking like a moron. Which, of course, all too many Americans don't anymore. But here's a hint to all y'all in the ganglion-cyst- where-there's-supposed-to-be-an-actual-brain crowd: Nazis hate socialists. Indeed, they murder them, along with Jews and Gypsies and homosexuals. Get it?”

“The right hasn't got the slightest plan for solving the country's problems. That's because they haven't got the slightest interest in doing so. That is not their function, and has not remotely been their function for thirty years now. They are here to rape the maiden called America and steal from her everything of value. Once they have done so, they will leave her body in the gutter, damaged, defiled and degraded. Erik Prince has shown the path for others to follow. His mercenary company, Blackwater Worldwide, which has grown unbelievably rich helping the Bush and Obama administrations fight two wars while avoiding a draft, is for sale and its former top managers are facing criminal charges. The appropriately-named Prince himself has left the United States and moved to Abu Dhabi. Noted a friend of his, "He needs a break from America". Yeah. Just like a chronic thief needs a break from courtrooms.” -- World News Trust: Yes, Of Course They're Brownshirts. What The Hell Did You Expect? (David Michael Green)


It’s no accident, either, that the near-complete obsession of the tea party right and their followers is taxes. It’s naked greed, it’s more infantile than the politics of a kindergarten sandbox, and it’s as corrosive as can be. Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote “Taxes are what we pay for civilized society”. He meant it, too. When he died, he donated his estate to the US government.

What is happening to America today is nothing short of the dismantling of such civilized society. Does anyone think the country is economically better off today than in the 1950s or 1960s? Does anyone seriously think that the Millennial Generation will be better off than their parents? Would anyone seriously bet on America today, as an economic comer? Does anyone think that the next hundred years will be the American century?

There is so much tragedy to this story that it is hard to know where to start. Perhaps the greatest ugliness of the whole affair is the self-inflicted nature of our demise, and, therefore, the complete lack of necessity for all the pain and suffering already endured and the vastly greater amounts still to come. It never had to be this way, which just makes it all the more pathetic. -- Regressive Antidote: The Dismantling of Civilized Society


Put simply: Europe, Africa, Eurasia, America: All of humans on Planet Earth’s choices are between Ecology of Peace humane, orderly and relatively non-violent deindustrialization and depopulation; and Masonic War is Peace extremely violent Mad Max race wars, religious wars, four horses of the apocalypse Armageddon deindustrialization and depopulation.

It is true that when the European Union and World economy collapses; perhaps together; perhaps subsequent to each other by a few years [Meltdown]; the socio-economic conditions shall result in the rise of either Masonic ‘left: communist’ or ‘right: national socialist’ wing War is Peace populist extremist political parties. Irrespective of whether the extremist populist party in any particular nation is ‘left’ or ‘right’; that Masonic War is Peace populist extremist party shall need to engage in culling of the populace; to reduce the nations populace to levels closer to ecological carrying capacity limits. Both left and right wing Masonic War is Peace extremist populists shall have their respective ‘racial, cultural or religious trash’ [Soviet Story] whom they shall cull from their national genepool; whether via Stalinist Ukraine like famine; or Siberian concentration camps [Soviet Story]; or Nazi-like concentration camps [Jesuit Nazi Final Solution]; or American version Fema camps; or simply quickly and brutally Hutu-Tutsi style [Hutu- Tutsi]. There shall be mass culling. The decision-making about whom should and should not be culled; will not be based upon any racial, cultural, religious impartial ‘rule of culling law’ principle; but on the emotional hatred zeal of those in power; against perceived racial, religious or cultural group enemies; with no consideration whether individuals within that racial, religious or cultural group are guilty of the crimes; that some of their fellow racial, religious or cultural members are perceived to be guilty of by the respective Masonic Right/Left Extremist elite.

“Left right or right wing Capitalist WiP economic and population growth destroys the environment decreasing the nation’s resources. Left or Right wing Communist or National Socialist WiP economic and population growth destroys the environment decreasing the nation’s resources. The only difference is that Left or Right wing Capitalist growth does it faster and with greater economic inequality. When nations choose to follow a Masonic capitalist, communist, socialist, libertarian, Stalinist, nazi ‘right to breed/consume above ecological carrying capacity limits’ economic growth or population growth plan; they are buying a ticket on the Titanic. Whether they purchase a Left or Right Wing Neo Conservative/Liberal capitalist first-class or Left or Right wing Extremist Marxist/Nazi communist/national socialist third class steerage Titanic ticket is irrelevant. They are purchasing a ticket on the Titanic where the end sinking of the WiP capitalist/communist titanic economy; and mass covert or overt culling of ‘racial trash’ result is the same.” – amended quote of Albert Bartlett; Arithmetic, Population and Energy.

“The teachings of Marx and Engels were carefully studied by Lenin; the man who established the first Marxist country on Earth. One year after Lenin’s death in 1924, published a small article, which at the time went almost unnoticed: "Hitlerite Riot In Berlin: Bear Glasses Fly When Speaker Compares Hitler and Lenin. It was about some newly established party in Germany. Berlin, Nov 27: The National Socialist-Labor Party, of which Adolph Hitler is patron and father, persists in believing Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted in a party meeting. Two weeks ago an attempted discussion of this subject led to one death, sixty injuries and GBP 3,000 damages to beer glasses, tables, chairs, windows and chandeliers in Chemnitz. Last night Dr Goebels tried the experiment in Berlin and only police intervention prevented a repetition of the Chemnitz affair. On Dr. Goebels assertion that Lenin was the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith were very slight, a faction war opened with whizzing beer glasses." Amazing. A Future Nazi propaganda minister Goebels was openly declaring that the difference between Lenin's communism and the Hitler faith was very slight.” -- The Soviet Story. -- EoP Axis: 12 Feb: Diem 25: EoP Simple Root Cause Problem Solving Recommendation | archive.is/CpSLu


"I profited from hatred. I won a small measure of notoriety from it, once as a soldier, again as a kind of semi-professional leftist. During the build-up for the Bush II invasion of Iraq, I penned an angry response to the intemperate remark, "Bring it on," by George W. Bush which went viral. Suddenly I was being invited to speak - getting paid to speak - all over the country, and even as far afield as Sydney, Australia. What people responded to with the greatest enthusiasm was not my recounting of the costs of war, but when I channeled their rage."

"I worked for a time with veterans 'peace' groups, within which there were genuine pacifists, but also many like me - who were against imperialism, and whose pacifism only extended to our own imaginary borders. At the endgame of my leftist schema was revolutionary civil war, imagined as a great rising and cleansing."

If your socio-cultural or religious ‘peace advocacy’ does not clearly, simply and explicitly educate on behalf of an international law social contract that requires all the worlds citizens, from all races, classes, cultures and religions to procreate and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits:

 You are monumentally bullshitting yourself – not an act of love or honour to yourself; and your fuck honour dumbfuck fanclub – that you give a fuck about peace.

 You are not an advocate for genuine peace based upon living – procreating and consuming below ecological carrying capacity limits – peaceful racial, cultural or religious co-existence.

 You are a Masonic War is Peace whore addicted to a dumbfuck fancblub believing the ‘peace’ bullshit you spew to yourself and them.

If ‘hatred’ is defined as lying and deceiving another to manipulate them for socio-psychological ‘attention’ or economic profit; you are still PROFITTING FROM HATE.

-- EoP v WiP NWO Neg: 25 Feb: Chasin Jesus [ archive.is/JRGJG ]


How many United States soldiers have fought for a better future for anyone outside of America’s Fortune 500 Wall Street capitalist war profiteers and their tits and ass slut trophy wives?

Number of US soldiers between 1775 to 2011; who fought for:

 An Ecology of Peace international law social contract for the benefit of anyone from any gender, race, class or religion interested in a responsible freedom future → 1: Timothy McVeigh OKC bombing.  Masonic War is Peace Fortune 500 – Wall Street – Federal Reserve corporate profits for the bank balance benefits of predominantly white male capitalists and their tits and ass slut trophy wives War is Peace Debt Slave Master future → 42,360,492: 1775-2011 US Wars -- America’s Wars US Casualties and Veterans.

-- EoP v WiP NWO Neg: 11 Nov: McChrystal Group [ archive.is/fCvpz ]


“22 Apr Earth Day Local Events: Berry Branch broke off & fell on my guano compost box: While walking the dogs thoughts about Hegel’s theses, anti-thesis, synthesis occurred in my consciousness. My response was; I don’t think that works with facts. If there is a finite amount of resources; you can suck your dummy-pacifier for this or that fucking thesis; or this or that anti-thesis; to manipulate the position of the final synthesis on the Masonic War is Peace left or right; or white vs black chessboard; but I don’t think Mother Nature gives a flying fuck what your political, religious or class thesis and anti-thesis are; and where your resource synthesis ends up; and if your synthesis does not end up at resource reality; you can remain addicted to that synthesis until you are blue in the face; but resource reality is not going to alter; cause you got your cock in Hegel’s Capitalist Ego-Mindfuck Till.” -- FSB & NSA: Ecology of Peace Interpretation Forensic Data [PDF]: 23 April 2016: Subject: NSA & FSB: EoP Int: 22 Apr Earth Day Local Events: JAG Steel Law & Stan McChrystal ‘root cause problem solving vs wacking a mole’ blackout.

Keeping Up Fuck It Bucket Appearances: Chinese Nuremberg Takeaway.

Here, on a highway stretching across trampled prairie grass, the fundamental contest of our time is playing out.

It’s a confrontation not only between two groups of people, but between two world views. The space between the lines vibrates with tensions of race, historical trauma, broken treaties, money and politics, love and fear. But the underlying issue that charges the air, mixing with the smells of tear gas and sage, is the global contest between two deeply different ideas about the true meaning of land.

On one side is the unquestioned assumption that land is merely a warehouse of lifeless materials that have been given to (some of) us by God or conquest, to use without constraint. On this view, human happiness is best served by whatever economy most efficiently transforms water, soils, minerals, wild lives, and human yearning into corporate wealth. And so it is possible to love the bottom line on a quarterly report so fiercely that you will call out the National Guard to protect it.

On the other side of the concrete barriers is a story that is so ancient it seems revolutionary. On this view, the land is a great and nourishing gift to all beings. The fertile soil, the fresh water, the clear air, the creatures, swift or rooted: they require gratitude and veneration. These gifts are not commodities, like scrap iron and sneakers. The land is sacred, a living breathing entity, for whom we must care, as she cares for us. And so it is possible to love land and water so fiercely you will live in a tent in a North Dakota winter to protect them.

It may turn out that the cracks in that stretch of two-lane highway mark a giant crack in time, when one set of assumptions about reality snaps and is replaced by another. This, like all times of paradigm shift, is an unsettled time, a time of shouting and police truncheons, as privileged people defend the assumptions that have served them royally. -- Yes: The White Horse and the Humvees—Standing Rock Is Offering Us a Choice

** “The working class in the United States is much smaller than we might assume, since most American workers are seeking to rise socially, to help their children to rise socially, and are considerably concerned with status symbols. Such people, even if laborers, are not working class, but are rather petty bourgeoisie. The real working class are rather relaxed, have present rather than future preference, generally worry very little about their status in the eyes of the world, enjoy their ordinary lives, including food, esex, and leisure, and have little desire to change their jobs and positions. They are generally relaxed, have a tastef or broad humor, are natural, direct, and friendly, without large basic insecurities of personality. The world depression, by destroying their jobs and economic security, much reduced this group, which was always proportionally smaller in America, the land of aspiration for everyone, than in Europe.

“The second most numerous group in the United States is the pretty bourgeoisie, including millions of persons who regard themselves as middle class and are under all the middle-class anxieties and pressures, but often earn less money than unionized laborers. As a result of these things, they are often very insecure, envious, filled with hatreds, and are generally the chief recruits for any Radical Right, Fascist, or hate campaigns against any group that is different or which refuses to conform to middle-class values. Made up of clerks, shopkeepers, and vast numbers of office workers in business, government, finance, and education, these tend to regard their white-collar status as the chief value in life, and live in an atmosphere of envy, pettiness, insecurity, and frustration. They form the major portion of the Republican Party's supporters in the towns of America, as they did for the Nazis in Germany thirty years ago." -- Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In Our Time.


Hillary Clinton Reed Basket – Wikileaks Forum.

‘My dad was breathing via a reed in a swamp while the Nazis passed by, just a few steps away’.

"There was not a family where someone was not killed, and of course, grief, trouble, tragedy struck all. That they had no hatred for the enemy, that's what I find amazing. I cannot to this day, frankly, understand their goodness. My mother, she was so very gentle, so kind.... And she told me, 'Why should we hate those soldiers? They are simple people too, and we also killed them in the war.' It's utterly amazing. We were brought up with Soviet books, and movies... And there was hatred. But in my mother this somehow did not exist. Her words I’ll always remember: 'What can we do? They are just as hardworking as we are. They were just driven to the front to fight.'" -- Russia Today: My breathing mom was among corpses; Putin recalls his parents WWII ordeal; Russia Insider: The Vladimir Putin the World Doesn’t Care to Know.


"Because he's a stupid uneducated savage; who just fell out of a tree. If he didn't kill him, what difference does it make how he speaks Russian?" -- 12 Angry Men

“One shot, one kill ... 74 kills... Its not about numbers. The only one that really mattered was the first one. You put their faces in the back of your mind, and you just keep on going. Sitting in an office, giving other men orders to kill.. ain't no different than putting a bullet in a man's heart. Let me tell you something. Its the same goddamn thing” -- Thomas Beckett 2 Richard Miller; Sniper.

Cutie bucket bathing – Awesome World.

"No I do not have a special offer on Spicy Prawn Balls" - Hyacinth Bucket; Keeping Up Appearances: This is not the Chinese takeaway. 24/7 Comedy: Doug Stanhope Beerhall Putsch. Deed Elvis: Doug Stanhope on Overpopulation.

Putin: What if Grandma had balls? – Russia Insider; quoted in EoP v WiP NWO Neg: 28 Oct: A General Theory of Love .. We are Change [archive.is/ol9QD]

“While speaking to an audience at the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation on Thursday, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas acknowledged that Washington is “broken.” “This city is broken in some ways,” Thomas admitted. “At some point, we are going to have to recognize that we are destroying our institutions.” Thomas went even further then that, accepting that the Supreme Court itself may have played a role in the loss of faith people feel in their institutions. “What have we done to gain their confidence? Perhaps we should ask ourselves what we have done to not earn it or to earn it.” -- Salon: Clarence Thomas thinks Washington is 'broken'

“When you have had enough. When you decide to take matter into your own hands and don't care what's going to happen to you. When you know that from now on you will resist with whatever tactic you think is most effective. A film about the dark side of civilization, why we should bring it down and why most civilized people don't.” – Top Documentary Films: The Fuck It Point.

"I think they started calling me 'noodle Mcveigh, chicken Mcveigh'. Noodle because I was thin as a noodle." -- Journey from Genesis to Genocide: Hate, Empathy and the Plight of Humanity; by Peter J DidDomenica, Thomas G Robbins

“Tung Yin, a law professor at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon, said the verdict was surprising and may reflect the broader political environment. He drew a parallel to pollsters' failure to identify Donald Trump as a viable candidate during the Republican primaries. Yin said the Malheur verdict “suggests that there’s something going on that most of the observers like me must be missing.... The mood of the electorate was some kind of simmering anger that Trump was able to channel. Maybe something like that is resonating at a level that is subconscious to the legal doctrine.” -- High Country News: Jury finds occupiers of Oregon wildlife refuge not guilty

“The entire civilized world will follow closely what we do here. For this is not an ordinary trial by any means of the accepted, parochial sense. The avowed purpose of this tribunal is broader than the visiting of retribution on a few men. It is dedicated to the reconsecration of the temple of justice. It is dedicated to finding a code of justice the whole world will be responsible to. How will this code be established? It will be established in a clear honest evaluation of the responsibility for the crimes in the indictment stated by the prosecution. In the words of the great American jurist, Oliver Wendell Holmes: "This responsibility will not be found only in documents "that no one contests or denies. It will be found in considerations of a political or social nature. It will be found, most of all in the character of men." ..... Should Ernst Janning have carried out the laws of his country? Or should he have refused to carry them out and become a traitor? This is the crux of the issue at the bottom of this trial. The defense is as dedicated to finding responsibility as is the prosecution. For it is not only Ernst Janning who is on trial here it is the German people." – Judgement at Nuremberg: Wikipedia; Wesley Chang, Script O Rama.


“I’d rather lose every penny than have Trump as President” – Mark Cuban;

“It been years since he started writing about the world. But you know what? If you are looking for an explanation for the Global Economic Crisis. He's a surprisingly good place to start. With everything going so wrong; you have to wonder; is Karl Marx turning out to be right? Most people know Marx as the father of communism. You might be surprised to hear that most of what he wrote about was about capitalism. And today his ideas about that are being taken seriously; right at the heart of global business. His Analysis was pretty much on the button and explains alot about some of the things we see going on around our economy today. ... This bucket is what Marx would have called the industrial reserve army of the unemployed ... So, you can see why Marx thought the capitalists were in trouble, no matter what they do. They never want to pay the workers more money. They always need to make more profit. But in seeking out profit, they end up eroding the basis on which its made. They've forgotten, if you like, where money ultimately comes from. The punch line, as ever with Marx; is that capitalism is doomed. … what the bourgeoisie produces afterall is its own gravediggers… a recipe for constant crisis …. Its fall, and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.” – Stefanie Flanders; Masters of Money: Karl Marx.

“Solidarity was a threat; because it gained the support of over three quarters of the working class; even in the communist power base of the Silesian coal fields. Everything had come to the boil. There was discontent and bitterness towards the government. There were stories about all the special privileges, that our masters had fixed up for themselves; and all we were asked to do was work, work, work. .... The old mole of revolution is still at work. Or to put it another way: Though the Marxists in the Kremlin may be finished with Marx; Marx is not finished with them.” – Karl Marx & Marxism. Freedom Socialist: As homelessness soars in Los Angeles, politicians pretend to care; via Truthseeker.


Fusing Ecofascist carrying capacity limits and control of police and army to keep Masonic War is Peace elite’s human factory farmed economic and military cannon fodder subservient so as to socio-political and economically profit from their welfare vote farm votes and/or cheap labour; is the challenge for fuck honour & fuck ecological carrying capacity social contract Masonic elite – Sebastian Ronin: Masonic Challenge, Anschluss.

“Following Lenin Statin proclaimed, the party plus electrification equals communism: We produce 3500 lamps per shift. Thats a lot. We aim to catch up to America. We'll produce 7,000 lamps per shift. We have mastered the technology and we have published our own manual. Its called "How to make an Electric Lamp" - Read it!" Now you'll see our work.” – Karl Marx & Marxism

Hackers used a drone to target a set of Philips light bulbs in an office tower, infecting the bulbs with a virus that let the attackers turn the lights on and off, and flash an “SOS” message in Morse code. The attack...relied on a weakness in a common wireless radio protocol called ZigBee that Philips PHG -1.04% uses to make its Hue light bulbs part of an online network. .. As the researchers explain, ZigBee contains a flaw that can allow hackers to infect a lightbulb with a virus, which then spreads to other bulbs in the network. Their research includes a video of a drone with a USB stick that hovers near Philips light bulbs in order to take control of them, and forces them to blink on and off. - Rutherford Institute

Hackers are using Mirai IoT botnet to Shut Down internet for Liberia, a small African country, with a massive DDos attack. - Hacker News

“In 1980, tribal rebels led by Sergeant Samuel Doe from the Liberian Army, staged a coup and took control of the country, after 70 people were shot by government troops during a riot over rice prices. President William R. Tolbert Jr., who was also Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Liberia, was murdered and disemboweled in his bed, and thirteen members of the Cabinet, almost all Freemasons, were executed three days later. The fraternity was banned by the Doe regime, and it was open season on Freemasons. Many were executed, and hundreds more were imprisoned or fled the country. The descendants of the free black settlers from America were seen as a hated, elite minority, and the indigenous majority ruled the country for the first time in over 130 years. - Freemasons for Dummies: Tragic History of Freemasonry in Liberia

Ecology of Peace culture objective buck stops here honesty for anyone remotely interested in sincere relationships, is based upon a preference for reciprocity not parasitical deception, control and domination; whether with themselves, their family, their race, their class, their religion, their followers, their readers, is summarized in: Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality, as detailed at EoP RH Culture Info:

“History of Law of the Sea in 20th century one of both codification: placing existing rules in writing; and progressive development: negotiating new rules. Law of the Sea of the 20th Century: Reciprocity plays a role: You only propose rules you are prepared to be bound by.” – US Navy JAG: Bruce McDonald; Navy JAG on the Law of the Sea Convention; UN Convention on the Law of the Sea; quoted in: 15-05-22-TT-McDonalds- EcologistCookiesEarthFirst-JAGBruce [Info].


Reciprocity as a form of social-currency; particularly where other forms of currency have collapsed due to economic collapse. Reciprocity builds stronger relationships; even some animals practice reciprocity such as when a cat that is taken care of by its owner, it will bring it a dead mouse to say thank you. -- Dmitry Orlov Twilight of the Antipodes speech at Green Life Eco Fest; The Six Stages of Collapse.


Once an individual knows themselves; they are capable of being honest with others and entering into relating experiences that are based upon honest frank relationships; clearly clarifying what they want and what they are capable of giving; to enable honest reciprocity; leading to stronger and more intimate relationships based upon mutual honesty and trust; or enemies who know where they stand with each other.

Better to be slapped with the truth, than kissed with a lie. – Russian Proverb

I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies. -- Pietro Aretino, Catholic Church

Better an honest enemy than a false friend. - German Proverb

An enemy, who is honest and shows his/her hate openly is better than a friend who is liar and putting you down secretly. – Unknown

I'd rather have honest enemies than fake friends. – Unknown

Better to be an honest open sinner, than a false saint - Unknown

Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy. - Proverbs 27:6

The ultimate outcome of an individual who led an honest or reasonably honest life; may be an individual with few friends; whose relating experiences are to them at least – priceless – in terms of their honesty and sincerity. -- EoP v WiP NWO Neg: 03 Sep: Daniel Cloud .. CA Soc for Philosophical Practice [archive.is/5qHs8]; 15 Oct: Vox .. Thinking in Public [archive.is/50n8K]


“A reputation that took decades to build can be threatened by a single event”. -- The Reputation Doctor: Reputation Management Tips for Small Businesses

I’m sorry, but surveying the landscape, it just feels so over now in America. We seem like little more than a popped balloon, with only the faux blustering fart noises of rapid deflation remaining where once there was an empire and once there were truly revolutionary and truly valuable ideas. -- Regressive Antidote: The Dismantling of Civilized Society

“He was a hippie. He loved people, he loved the earth, he loved what he did, he just loved. He was optimistic. Everything turned good for him, in his mind. …. Eight years ago, the Better Business Bureau issued its third warning within a decade to consumers: Beware of booking hot air balloon flights with Alfred “Skip” Nichols. Nichols, 49, who was piloting the balloon that crashed in central Texas on Saturday, killing him and 15 passengers, had been a source of nearly 50 complaints in the St. Louis region going back to at least 1998.” – Heavy: Skip Nichols: Five Facts You Need to Know; St Louis Post- Dispatch: Pilot of crashed Heart of Texas Hot Air Balloon rides in Texas had long list of business complaints in St. Louis. Heart of Texas Balloon Rides: Suspension of Service.

“In the arena of public relations, the U.S. military understands all too well something that environmentalists completely fail to grasp: How many recruiting ads have you seen selling the military as fun and sexy? None. An adventure, yes. Service to the community, yes. The few, the proud, yes. All of which, by the way, could and should be said about activism. Recruitment based on fun and sex will attract those who are in it for the fun and sex. Which means that either there will be a very high rate of attrition among such recruits or, far worse, the activism itself will become superficial enough to retain them. It ought to be obvious but in case it’s not: You can’t build a serious movement on superficiality.” – Deep Green Resistance: Derrick Jensen: Not In My Name.

It is of course everyone whether lawyer, judge, journalist, editor, pope, politician’s prerogative whether they choose to reject honest reciprocity in favour of covert passive aggressive or overt parasitic control and domination; via bullshit public relations image management; economic, political and military coercion.


Sicilian Princess Bride Battle of Wits: 1. Never Get involved in a Land War in Asia; 2. Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line Dinner Drinks with Andre. -- EoP v WiP NWO Neg: Russia Fed .. Russia Insider [ archive.is/6sOnm ]

I imagine it shall be far cheaper and easier for a prosecutor to prove ‘overbreeding’ and/or ‘overconsumption’ in a court of law; or overbreeding / consumption bribery; than it currently is to prove current multiple different definitions of ‘corruption’ etc; that not only confuse citizens; but in and of such citizen confusion is the seed of the citizens distrust of the legal systems impartiality, honesty and integrity; and the source in citizens and lawyers that a bundle of lies is the edifice upon which the legal establishment is built; that courts are not courts for the clear fair and honest resolution of disputes in simple village idiot language understood by the common man; but religious psychological warfare battle of wits temples. [Sajjan Poovayya: Common Myths about Indian lawyers] -- EoP Axis: EoP App & Lawyers: Summary of EoP ICC Complaint [ archive.is/Bdj1V ]

“I know who you are. You are the Dread Pirate Roberts. Admit it. With Pride. What can I do for you? .... Hardly complimentary. Why show your venom on me. You killed my love. Its possible; I've killed a lot of people. Who was this love of yours; another prince like this one? Ugly, rich and scabby? No, a farm boy, poor, poor and perfect, with eyes like the sea after a storm. On the high seas your ship attacked and the dread pirate roberts never takes prisoners. I can't afford to make exceptions. I mean once word leaks out that a pirate has gone soft; people begin to disobey him and its nothing but work, work, work, work all the time. You mock my pain. Life is pain; anyone who says differently; is selling something” – emonsther: Princess Bride: Buttercup and Wesley Reunited;

“I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.” - James Baldwin; Everlasting GOP stoppers

“Doing nothing; is better than being busy doing nothing.” – Lao Tzu; Time to Wake Up


Juror 4 vigorously defends the across-the-board acquittals of Ammon Bundy and his six co- defendants, calling the rulings a "statement'' about the prosecution's failure to prove the fundamental elements of a conspiracy charge.

The full-time Marylhurst University business administration student was the juror who had sent a note to the judge on the fourth day of the initial jury's deliberations in the case, questioning the impartiality of a fellow juror, No. 11, who the judge bounced from the jury a day later.

"It should be known that all 12 jurors felt that this verdict was a statement regarding the various failures of the prosecution to prove 'conspiracy' in the count itself – and not any form of affirmation of the defense's various beliefs, actions or aspirations,'' Juror 4 wrote Friday in a lengthy email to The Oregonian/OregonLive.

Juror 4 noted the panel couldn't simply rely on the defendants' "defining actions'' to convict.

"All 12 agreed that impeding existed, even if as an effect of the occupation,'' he wrote.

"But we were not asked to judge on bullets and hurt feelings, rather to decide if any agreement was made with an illegal object in mind,'' the Marylhurst student wrote. "It seemed this basic, high standard of proof was lost upon the prosecution throughout.''

Juror 4 plainly stated that fellow Juror 11, during the initial round of deliberations, "had zero business being on this jury in the first place.''

Juror 11 had worked for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management as a ranch tech and firefighter "more than 20 years ago,'' he had said during jury selection. Asked by the judge during voir dire if that experience would impede his ability to be a fair and impartial judge of the facts, he said, "Not really.''

Juror 4 explained why he didn't alert the court immediately after he had heard Juror 11, on day one of deliberations reportedly say, "I am very biased.''

It wasn't until the fourth day into deliberations that Juror 4 sent a note to the court, asking if a juror who had worked previously for the federal land management agency and outright told the panel he was "very biased'' could be an impartial judge. The court, flummoxed by the development, a day later dismissed Juror 11 for "good cause,'' after the prosecution and defense teams agreed to the dismissal. At the time, parties to the case weren't sure which way Juror 11's alleged bias fell.

Juror 4 said he "resisted the impulse'' to send the question sooner in an effort to give his fellow juror a chance to explain himself.

The Marylhurst business student said he is "baffled'' by what he described as observers' "flippant sentiments'' in the wake of the jury's acquittals.

"Don't they know that 'not guilty' does not mean innocent?'' he wrote. "It was not lost on us that our verdict(s) might inspire future actions that are regrettable, but that sort of thinking was not permitted when considering the charges before us.''

-- Oregonian: Oregon standoff prosecutors failed to prove 'intent' to impede federal workers


James Johnson and Steven Robinson went to trial, respectively, in the spring and summer of 1971. In both trials the political reality of what it means to be black in America became an essential part of the defense. These trials marked the modern development of the black rage defense.

"Black rage" is the term commentators and the media have used to describe a defense strategy that attempts to bring a very particular social reality into the courtroom. But while the term evokes violent, aggressive images, the black rage defense encompasses a broader view of African American life than just rage and violence. It includes pride in one's heritage. It explains hopelessness and sheds light on the darkness of fear and abuse. Most of all, it says to the American legal system: You cannot convict me without hearing who I am and what shaped me. I was not born with an M-1 carbine in my hands. My childhood dreams did not include robbing a bank....

[..] The judge began to take Steven's guilty plea: "You know you have a right to remain silent and not incriminate yourself", he said. "Do you waive that right?"

"Yes, I do," answered Steven.

"You have a right to call witnesses in your behalf. Do you waive that right?"

"Yes, I do.

"You have a right to confront and, through your lawyer, cross-examine all witnesses. Do you waive that right?"

"Yes, I do."

"You have a right to a jury trial, a jury of your peers. Do you understand that right?"

"If I had a jury of my peers, I would be found not guilty," replied Steven.

There was a pause as the judge stared at the defendant. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"If I had twelve people who were really my peers they would understand my action," Steven answered.

The Judge leaned forward, his eyes piercing into mine. "This is not a guilty plea. Counsel, I thought you told the court this was a guilty plea?"

I had been taken completely off guard by Steven's statements. I quickly asked for some time to confer with my client. The judge motioned to the US. marshals. "Take the defendant and his lawyer, and put them in the holding cell until they straighten things out."

For half an hour Steven and I sat in the cell behind the courtroom as once again I explained my idea of a political, psychiatric defense. Once again he refused, feeling it was hopeless. He said he would plead guilty and answer all the judge's questions the way the judge expected. We returned to court and went through the litany of rights one waives when one pleads guilty. But when the judge got to the part about a jury of peers, there was only silence. Then Steven spoke out clearly and strongly. "If I had a jury made up of people from Ellis and Fillmore Streets I would be found not guilty!"

Judge Weigel was seconds from exploding. "This is not a guilty plea. I refuse to accept the plea. You are going to trial!"

At the time, none of us expected that a new defense would be the consequence of Steven's pride and stubborn refusal to accept the legitimacy of a white legal system.

[..] "In American law you cannot sue anyone unless they own you what the law calls "a duty". Drivers on the highway owe a duty to other people to drive safely. But in our country, an individual owes no legal duty to another individual solely because the two people live in a society together. Therefore, if you are at a public swimming pool and see a child drowning, you do not have to jump in to try to save him. Since you do not have a legal duty to this child, you do not even have to pick up the life preserver lying at your feet and throw it in the pool. You may have a moral obligation, but in America you have no legal obligation. If a lawyer brought a suit against someone at the pool for not throwing a life preserver to the child, the suit would be dismissed, probably without even a hearing in court. The law doesn't have to be that way. We could have a society where people do not see themselves as atomized, isolated individuals, In many countries a person would have a legal duty to try to save the child.

In China there can be actual criminal penalties for failure to help a fellow citizen in a life- threatening situation. In 1995, a motorist was sentenced to two years in jail when he refused the pleas of a man whose wife was dying. The motorist was flagged down by the woman's husband, who said she was gravely ill and pleaded with the driver to take her to the hospital. The motorist rejected the request and drove away. Under American tort law the motorist could not be sued, nor could he be prosecuted. In most law schools this example would not be discussed because our legal reasoning equates the isoloaged, nonresponsible human being with human nature.

Real property law affords another example of how legal reasoning presupposes the justice of existing societal relations. This area of law presupposes the unequal distribution of property, which is justified by the philosophical notions that in America everyone is free and that if a person has enough talent he or she can acquire property. If an individual fails to "make good," it is his or her own failure based on lack of merit. What is fascinating about the law is that it incorporates the existing system of inequality, but then the law itself is used as a rationale for legitimating the very system that is imbedded within it. In other words, the law enforces rules as the natural order, when in fact those rules have already assumed one set of philosophical tenets and rejected the alternatives.

The term real property refers to houses, buildings, and land, as contrasted to personal property, which includes most other things one owns. Real property law in the United States allows one to own all the houses, buildings, and land one can afford. A person can make a living sitting in his home and collecting money from other people living in their homes, which he owns. An individual can own a tree or a beach. This arrangement is called capitalism. If a lawyer brought a lawsuit in an American court on behalf of neighbours who wanted occassional access to a "private" beach, the lawsuit would be dismissed immediately. A judge would not allow legal arguments regarding the public nature of a beach and whether it should or should not be owned by an individual.

This legal result is not common to all societies. Historically, among many Native American tribes land could not be owned by an individual. There was no proprietary interest in the environment. One could no more own a beach than one could own the ocean. People made fun of the Indians for allegedly selling the island of Manhattan for a few beads. But in Native American legal thought people could not own Manhattan Island, and therefore they could not sell it.

In modern-day America a tenant cannot refuse to pay rent on the grounds that the landlord owns more homes than she needs. But in Cuba one could raise such an argument and win. The Cuban General Law on Housing adopted in 1988 provides as follows: "Personal property in housing must be understood .. essentially as a right to enjoyment of the house by the owner and his/her family, without having to pay anything after paying its price, but in no case can this right of personal property in the house become a mechanism of enrichment or exploitation." In her 1994 book on Cuban law and society, Revolution in the Balance, Debra Evenson notes that the official interpretation of the Housing Law is that a person's home is to live in, not to make a living from. Cuban citizens may own a primary residence and a vacation home, but no more.

In the United States you have a Fourth Amendment constitutional right to have your home free from searches without a warrant. But you have no right to a home. Which right would the man sleeping under a Los Angeles freeway prefer? In Cuba, the Constitution states that the "socialist state strives to provide each family a comfortable place to live." Decent housing for all is a goal of the society, and that goal is expressed in the Constitution as a legal obligation of the government. This would raise an interesting legal question if the Cuban state tried to prosecute a homeless person for sleeping in a park. That person's lawyer should be able to defend the case on the grounds that the state failed to strive to provide a decent place to live according to Article 8(c) of the Constitution. Actually, the parks and streets of Cuba are not filled with homeless people, even under its present economic crisis. But if they were, the legal system would provide a possible defense for the homeless.

The result in America is totally different, because our legal reasoning presupposes that there is no legal obligation for a government to provide housing for its people. In fact, what is taking place in America is the criminalization of homelessness.

[..] The black rage defense refutes the idea that there is a lower class of people who are inherently criminal and can be written off by society. It tries to educate people about the oppressive structures and behaviors in society that produce and increase criminality. It has been said that ignoring race is a privilege that only white people have. This defense forces whites, for a critical moment in time, to give up that privilege and think about the consequences of a system of white supremacy. The black rage defense is not based on race hatred. Rather, it is an antiracist defense, and those who use it should shape their strategies to embrace all people and to teach that society must share the responsibility for crime.

-- Black Rage Confronts the Law, by Paul Harris; Guerrilla Law; Google Books.


I wish to testify about the Feldenstein case because it was the most significant trial of the period. It is important not only for the tribunal to understand it but for the whole German people. But in order to understand it one must understand the period in which it happened. There was a fever over the land. A fever of disgrace, of indignity, of hunger. We had a democracy, yes. But it was torn by elements within. Above all, there was fear: Fear of today, fear of tomorrow, fear of our neighbors and fear of ourselves. Only when you understand that can you understand what Hitler meant to us. Because he said to us: "Lift your heads. Be proud to be German. There are devils among us: Communists, liberals, Jews, Gypsies. Once these devils will be destroyed, your misery will be destroyed." It was the old story of the sacrificial lamb. What about those of us who knew better? We who knew the words were lies, and worse than lies? Why did we sit silent? Why did we take part? Because we loved our country. What difference does it make if a few political extremists lose their rights? What difference does it make if a few racial minorities lose their rights? It is only a passing phase. It is only a stage we are going through. It will be discarded sooner or later. Hitler himself will be discarded sooner or later. The country is in danger. We will march out of the shadows. We will go forward. Forward is the great password. And history tells how well we succeeded, Your Honor. We succeeded beyond our wildest dreams. The very elements of hate and power about Hitler that mesmerized Germany mesmerized the world. We found ourselves with sudden, powerful allies. Things that had been denied to us as a democracy were open to us now. The world said, "Go ahead, take it. "Take it. Take Sudetenland, take the Rhineland, remilitarize it. Take all of Austria. Take it." And then, one day, we looked around and found that we were in an even more terrible danger. The ritual began in this courtroom swept over the land like a raging, roaring disease. What was going to be a passing phase had become the way of life. Your Honor I was content to sit silent during this trial. I was content to tend my roses. I was even content to let counsel try to save my name. Until I realized that in order to save it, he would have to raise the specter again. You have seen him do it. He has done it here in this courtroom. He has suggested that the Third Reich worked for the benefit of people. He has suggested that we sterilized men for the welfare of the country. He has suggested that perhaps the old Jew did sleep with the 17-year-old girl, after all. Once more, it is being done for love of country. It is not easy to tell the truth. But if there is to be any salvation for Germany we who know our guilt must admit it whatever the pain and humiliation. I had reached my verdict on the Feldenstein case before I ever came into the courtroom. I would have found him guilty, whatever the evidence. It was not a trial at all. It was a sacrificial ritual in which Feldenstein, the Jew, was the helpless victim.

Your Honor, I must interrupt. The defendant is not aware of what he is saying. He is not aware of the implications...

I am aware. My counsel would have you believe we were not aware of the concentration camps. Not aware. Where were we? Where were we when Hitler began shrieking his hate in the Reichstag? Where were we when our neighbors were being dragged out in the middle of the night to Dachau? Where were we when every village in Germany has a railroad terminal where cattle cars were filled with children being carried off to their extermination? Where were we when they cried out in the night to us? Were we deaf? Dumb? Blind?

Your Honor, I must protest.

My counsel says we were not aware of the extermination of the millions. He would give you the excuse we were only aware of the extermination of the hundreds. Does that make us any the less guilty? Maybe we didn't know the details. But if we didn't know, it was because we didn't want to know.



Put that man back in his seat and keep him there.

I am going to tell them the truth. I am going to tell them the truth, if the whole world conspires against it. I am going to tell them the truth about their Ministry of Justice. Werner Lammpe, an old man who cries into his Bible now. An old man who profited by the property expropriation of every man he sent to a concentration camp. Friedrich Hoffstetter the good German who knew how to take orders who sent men before him to be sterilized like so many digits. Emil Hahn the decayed, corrupt bigot obsessed by the evil within himself. And Ernst Janning worse than any of them because he knew what they were and he went along with them. Ernst Janning who made his life excrement because he walked with them.

Your Honor it is my duty to defend Ernst Janning. And yet, Ernst Janning has said he is guilty. There is no doubt he feels his guilt. He made a great error in going along with the Nazi movement hoping it would be good for his country. But if he is to be found guilty there are others who also went along who also must be found guilty. Ernst Janning said: "We succeeded beyond our wildest dreams." Why did we succeed, Your Honor? What about the rest of the world? Did it not know the intentions of the Third Reich? Did it not hear the words of Hitler's broadcasts all over the world? Did it not read his intentions in Mein Kampf published in every corner of the world? Where is the responsibility of the Soviet Union who signed the pact with Hitler enabled him to make war? Are we now to find Russia guilty? Where is the responsibility of the Vatican who signed in the concordat with Hitler giving him his first tremendous prestige? Are we now to find the Vatican guilty? Where is the responsibility of the world leader Winston Churchill who said in an open letter to the London Times: "Were England to suffer a national disaster, I should pray to God to send a man of the strength of mind and will of an Adolf Hitler." Are we now to find Winston Churchill guilty? Where is the responsibility of those American industrialists who helped Hitler to rebuild his armaments, and profited by that rebuilding? Are we now to find the American industrialists guilty? No, Your Honor. Germany alone is not guilty. The whole world is as responsible for Hitler as Germany. It is an easy thing to condemn one man in the dock. It's easy to condemn the German people to speak of the basic flaw in the German character that allowed Hitler to rise to power, but also comfortably ignore the basic flaw of character that made the Russians sign pacts with him, Winston Churchill praise him American industrialists profit by him. Ernst Janning said he is guilty. If he is Ernst Janning's guilt is the world's guilt. No more, no less.

Arizona Employers for Immigration Reform: For Love of Country; excerpt: Judgement at Nuremberg: Wikipedia; Wesley Chang; Script O Rama.


“A state with fuck all interest in ‘honour credibility’ – i.e. no interest in basing its laws upon the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, based upon the evidence, the whole evidence, and nothing but the evidence; is like an engineer building a bridge for 50 million tonne train crossing; who builds his bridge with matchsticks instead of cement and steel; because his ‘fuck honour engineering gods told him that he can build bridges based upon ‘fuck gravity legal principles’; with matchsticks; and he does not need millions of tones of concrete and steel to hold that 50 million tonne train in the air; to enable it to cross from one cliff to another. When that 50 million tonne train begins to cross that matchstick bridge; both the train and matchstick bridge are going to crash down the cliff.

Engineers who build bridges based upon honour factual reality; that include public recognition that the bridges they build must make buck stops here recognition of gravity laws; build bridges for a 50 million tonne train; which can probably hold up a 70 or 80 million tonne train. The train driver has very high trust; that he can drive his train over a bridge built by an engineer who built bridges based upon honour factual reality that include public recognition that the bridges they build must make buck stops here recognition of gravity laws.

An engineer that ignores scientific -- gravity, steel strength etc -- rules; when building his bridge; because his 'political correct' or 'conservative' or 'liberal' or 'muslim' or 'christian' or 'buddhist' gods don't like, or are offended by scientific -- gravity, steel strength rules -- is going to be the builder of a collapsing bridge.

Lawyers, legislators, prosecutors and judges who give a fuck about the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, based upon the evidence, the whole evidence, and nothing but the evidence; build high trust steel bridge societies; where a citizen knows they can go to the court; to find an impartial arbitrator on any issue in dispute; that will help both parties to find the truth, and nothing but the truth; based upon the evidence.

Citizens, Lawyers, legislators, prosecutors and judges who do not give a fuck about the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, based upon the evidence, the whole evidence, and nothing but the evidence; build low or no trust societies. In a low or no trust society; every court – whether official juridical court; or the media court of public opinion – is effectively a legal ‘fuck ecological carrying capacity gravity laws’ ‘matchstick bridge’.

-- EoP RH Culture Info


This system of laws has been called among other things, "the peacekeeping law" and "animal ethics." The Law of Limited Competition promotes diversity.

Quinn argues that the people of our culture believe the law does not apply to humans. Quinn further argues that this thinking is incorrect, that the laws do apply to man, and that by our civilization being built in a way which flouts the law, the stability of the community of life has been compromised, and that we are in the process of eliminating ourselves.

As an analogy, Quinn presents the idea of someone trying to build an airplane, but whose craft is not in accord with the laws of aerodynamics. He drives it off the edge of the cliff, and for some time is in free-fall. During this time he says "look, I am flying! Gravity does not apply to me!", but shortly he will discover that gravity does apply to him, and in a most drastic manner.

Similarly, says Quinn, the people of our civilization are not living in accord with the Law of Limited Competition and are therefore facing a crash. -- The Law of Limited Competition – Great Thinkings, Grade Saver, Ishmael, EcoFuture.

Possible way in which individuals who professionally consider themselves social conflict problem solvers; namely: police, lawyers, judges, psychologists, psychiatrists, priests, journalists, editors, charity workers, anti-war, peace, civil rights, anti-racism, family values, poverty, homelessness, environmental degradation, etc activists & politicians; citizens who care about the popsicle index of their communities; etc can begin to earn others trust is to follow a sincere truthseeking communication policy with those they relate to: practice an honourable discourse communication policy and focus on root cause problem solving the social conflict problems they pretend to be concerned about: inform and educate friends, family and community about Ecology of Peace Factual Reality principles:

Honourable Discourse:

If they are committed to honourable discourse; or you are still giving them the benefit of the doubt that they are committed to honourable truthseeking discussion:

Clarify your preferences; to enable people being communicated to, to clearly know what you want; and whether they are willing to engage you in entering into an agreement; to help you get what you want; and reciprocally whether you can help them to get what they may want.

Always respond to verbal and written correspondence: from honourable communicators, with a sincere honest response. If you don't have time to respond; inform them by when they can expect a response.

You sincerely and actively listen to the evidence from any individual, irrespective of their political ideology (right wing to left wing), religion, race or culture. Active listening means you verify that your interpretation of their statements is accurate; before concluding that you have ‘heard their argument’.

You focus on simplifying the issue discussed, using as much as possible descriptive words; as opposed to abstract concepts. If or where you do use abstract concepts; you are willing to define your meaning of that abstract concept within that circumstance.

You evaluate their argument based upon the evidence they present, not their race, religion or political ideology; etc.

If you are not convinced by the quality of their evidence on any particular issue; you are willing to agree to disagree on that particular issue, and if they are wiling to engage in cooperative truthseeking to get better evidence so that you are both able to get more quality evidence; so that a stronger beyond reasonable doubt conclusion can be drawn on the particular issue in dispute.

You remain in the conversation until you find agreement; and support each other on other issues that you do agree upon; based upon more conclusive buck stops here evidence.

If conflict sincerely arises in the discussion about the issue, you are committed to remaining in the conversation and finding a way to resolve the conflict, by allowing yourselves to get over your anger; as opposed to requiring yourself or others to suppress their anger for political correct ‘lets pretend we are getting along’ reasons.

If or where sincere conflict arises: if sincere about resolving the disagreement; engage each other to find a fair ‘buck stops here’ arbitrator; whose arbitration values are based upon the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, based upon the evidence, the whole evidence and nothing but the evidence. Once the emotional steam has been released through the conflict resolution process; both parties will find themselves in a more calm neutral space where the truthseeking conversation can proceed.

If at any point during discussion; or arbitration proceedings; their evidence proves any of your evidence for any of your ideological, racial or religious working hypothesis theories or beliefs to be inaccurate; you love reason and logic more than your ego-identity and hence you are willing to publicly change your mind, on that particular subject and amend your ideological working hypothesis or belief with the new evidence provided; and if necessary to apologize.


Ecology of Peace Factual Reality:

1. Earth is not flat. 2. Resources are finite. 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in ecological overshoot, resource depletion and resource conflict. 4. Some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources include: poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc. 5. The root cause of humans breeding and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits is the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract. 6. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, political parties, corporations and/or nations want to (a) sustainably protect natural resources for future generations; and/or (b) reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; and/or (c) enable honourable, transparent and humane international cooperative de-industrialization and depopulation of the planet to return to living in accordance to ecological carrying capacity limits; they should (d) cooperate to nullify the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses and replace them with Ecology of Peace clauses that restricts all the worlds citizens to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; or be humanely eliminated from the planetary genepool. -- EoP RH Culture Info

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Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

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______The article --- Mushtaq Ur Rehman: 10 Things You Must Know how Hitler Came to Power. Atlanta Black Star: 6 startling things about sex farms during slavery you may not know. Salon: Clarence Thomas thinks Washington is broken, institutions have not earned citizens trust. Mike Rowe: Somebody’s got to do it. Heart of Texas Balloon Rides: Suspension of Service. Freedom Socialist: As homelessness soars in Los Angeles, politicians pretend to care via Contact.Everlasting GOP stoppers: James Baldwin on hate and pain. Time to Wake Up: Lao Tzu: Doing nothing or being busy doing nothing. Tea Party: Black Trump Fan Delivers Epic Plantation Lesson to Anchor Asking About Race. William Flynn: Make Germany Great Again Beer Hall Putsch. Anniversary of Nazi Beer Hall Putsch – Greg Posser, Chris Picchi, Geeks who drink pub quizzes, Slow Travel Berlin. Haaretz: Trump's Victory: The Revenge of White Supremacy; How do I tell my children about Donald Trump. 24/7 Comedy: Doug Stanhope Beerhall Putsch. The Listening Post: 90% of US media controlled by six companies: who is responsible for state of American journalism today? Great Thinkings, Grade Saver via Contact, Ishmael via Daniel Quinn, EcoFuture: The Law of Limited Competition. DoD: How to stop using alcoholic substances to relax. John Zerzan: Good Ship Lollipop poem posted by Kitsch Sync to John Zerzan's Eerie photos show interior of shipwrecked Costa Concordia; prior to being sent to ship breaking yard in Genoa; and Prepare to Die, Eschaton Human - The End of More 'prepare to die; we're screwed; humans have less than 30 years remaining, before they become extinct posted by Gordon Sturrock to John Zerzan. World Maritime News: MIT Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport release Costa Concordia Disaster Report, via Contact. Michael C Ruppert: Grandma Koko: Playing with the Light. See More Rocks: Mike Ruppert and Guy McPherson: Going Dark. Rumsfeld Foundation: Concordia Summit Report. Democracy Now: Pakistan 18 Die after Oil Tanker Exploded; Dozens more trapped. Top Documentary Films: Surplus: Terrorized Into Being Consumers; The Fuck It Point. High Country News: Jury finds occupiers of Oregon wildlife refuge not guilty, via Contact. Awesome World: Cutie bucket bathing. Rutherford Institute: Light bulbs flash SOS in scary Internet of Things hacker attack. Political View: Stand and Be Counted: Steve Peichenick Lolita Express Counter Coup. DailyWire: Both Trump And Clinton Went To Jeffrey Epstein's Sex Slave Island. Elite Daily: Trump on Lindsay Lohan in 2004: 'Deeply troubled' women are 'always the best in bed'. David Icke: Talinn Estonia mainstream media tv interview. Nikolai Starikov: Corruption in Russia via Nikolai Starikov in English: About & Nikolai Starikov: Stalin and the Fools --- is referenced as a possible military intelligence psychotronically manipulated EoP observation; and/or background information related to a possible military intelligence psychotronically manipulated event; in EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: 09 Nov: Mushtaq Ur Rehman .. Ecofuture [ http://archive.is/F0teP ].

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TO: Yes Mag, Synergist Party of North Canada et al TO: Robert Mundheim’s Wall Street Banker General Counsel Secret Society [Sent separately]

Yes Mag, Synergist Party of North Canada et al: Yes Magazine ([email protected]); Editors ([email protected]); Freedom Socialist: Claudia Brick ([email protected]); UNZ Review Editors ([email protected]); John Birdman ([email protected]); Ardent Global ([email protected]); Media ([email protected]); G Captain ([email protected]); Mike Schuler ([email protected]); Mike Mcdonald ([email protected]); Another City ([email protected]); Masterslavl: Prazdnik ([email protected]); Prodlenka ([email protected]); Hofstra Univ: David Michael Green ([email protected]); Heavy: Edor: Aaron Nobel ([email protected]); Sam Prince ([email protected]); St Louis Dispatch: Doug Moore ([email protected]); Oregonian: Maxine Bernstein ([email protected]); Center for Guerrilla Law: Paul Harris ([email protected]); Nikolai Starikov ([email protected]); CC: JV Kopenhagen ([email protected]); Solari: Catherine Austin Fitts ([email protected]); Poovayya & Co: Sajjan Poovayya ([email protected]); National Synergist Party of North Canada ([email protected]); Sebastian Ronin ([email protected])

Robert Mundheim’s Wall Street Banker General Counsel Secret Society: Shearman & Sterling: Robert Mundheim ([email protected]); JPMorgan: Stephen Cutler ([email protected]); Bank of America: Gary Lynch via Lawrence Grayson ([email protected]); Scott Silvestri ([email protected]); Goldman Sachs: Gregory Palm ([email protected]); David Viniar ([email protected]); UBS Group AG: Markus Diethelm ([email protected]); Deutsche Bank: Emma Slatter ([email protected]); DBACE ([email protected]); Barclays: Robert Hoyt via Corporate Communications ([email protected]); CC: SA Barclays ([email protected]); Absa ([email protected]); Credit Suisse Group AG: Romeo Cerutti ([email protected]); Media Relations (media.relations@credit- suisse.com); Investor Relations ([email protected]); Standard Chartered Plc: David Fein via Sarah Lindgreen ([email protected]); Julie Gibson ([email protected]); Simon Kutner ([email protected]); HSBC Holdings Plc: Stuart Levey ([email protected]); Samir Assaf ([email protected]); Pam Kaur ([email protected]); BNP Paribas SA: Georges Dirani via Carine Lauru ([email protected]); Greater China: Tan Feng Cheng ([email protected]); Japan: Ryohei Shimazaki ([email protected]); Singapore: Lit Tan Puay ([email protected]); Group Networks: Marianne Demarchi ([email protected]); Media Relations: Sandrine Romano ([email protected])

Yr Article &/or actions ref’d in EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: 09 Nov: Mushtaq Ur Rehman .. Ecofuture

Article's authored or published by you or about you --- Yes: The White Horse and the Humvees— Standing Rock Is Offering Us a Choice. Freedom Socialist: As homelessness soars in Los Angeles, politicians pretend to care. UNZ Review: The Rape of Russia explained by Anne Williamson. Birdman: Testimony of Anne Williamson Before the Committee on Banking and Financial Services of the United States House of Representatives, September 21, 1999. Ardent / Crowley / Titan Salvage: Raising the Costa Concordia. GCaptain: Titan salvage; Crowley: Raising the Costa Concordia – The Full Story Behind the Largest Maritime Salvage in History. Another City: Masterslavl Master Town: Where Money Comes From. World News Trust: Yes, Of Course They're Brownshirts. What The Hell Did You Expect? (David Michael Green). Regressive Antidote: The Dismantling of Civilized Society. Heavy: Skip Nichols: Five Facts You Need to Know. St Louis Post-Dispatch: Pilot of crashed Heart of Texas Hot Air Balloon rides in Texas had long list of business complaints in St. Louis. Center for Guerrilla Law: Black Rage Confronts the Law, by Paul Harris. Russia Insider: Nikolai Starikov on Corruption in Russia. Catherine Austin Fitts: Red Button & Popsicle Index. Sajjan Poovayya: Common Myths about Indian lawyers. Bloomberg: Inside the Secret Society of Wall Street’s Top In-House Lawyers. Sebastian Ronin: Masonic Challenge, Anschluss. --- is referenced as a possible military intelligence psychotronically manipulated EoP observation; and/or background information related to a possible military intelligence psychotronically manipulated event; in EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: 09 Nov: Mushtaq Ur Rehman .. Ecofuture [ http://archive.is/F0teP].


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF] PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

13 Nov: EoP App: Update Re: Notice of 07 Nov removal of all Pro WiP Americans as EoP Applicants. CC: FEC

______From: EoP MILED Clerk To: EoP Applicants Former & Current; CC: EoP v WiP Neg Observers; Federal Election Commission; FSB & NSA Date: Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 12:18 AM Subject: EoP App; CC: FEC: Update Re: Notice of 07 Nov removal of all Pro WiP Americans as EoP Applicants. ______

Reasons given for Returned Undeliverable Notices: Technical details of permanent failure: Message rejected. See https://support.google.com/mail/answer/69585 for more information.

From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 12:18 AM Subject: EoP App; CC: FEC: Update Re: Notice of 07 Nov removal of all Pro WiP Americans as EoP Applicants. To: VADM Nanette Derenzi , "US Army: Gen Paul Kern" , "Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan" , "US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald" , "Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group" , "Counsel: Victoria Toensing" , "GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe" , "Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell" , David Petraeus , "Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co: Henry Kravis" , "Williams & Connolly LLP: Robert Barnett" , Raymond Odierno and John Mulholland via US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff , Stan McChrystal , Brigadier General Steven Anderson , "Admiral Bobby R. Inman U. S. Navy Ret." , "General James Cartwright USMC Ret." , "General Charles H. Jacoby Jr." , "General Joseph W. Ralston" , Daniel William Christman , Admiral Steve Abbot USN , Robert Tyrer , James M Bodner , "Robert L. Grenier" , Ralph Schneider , Andrew Holland , "Judith A. Jami Miscik" , Jonathan Allen , Daniel J Smith , Francis A Branch CIV OSD OUSD INTEL , Wilma J Atkins CIV US , Lawrence Fowler C CIV US , Thomas Moorman , "General Anthony Charles Zinni USMC Ret." , LtCol Thomas Brown USAF , LtCol Emanuel Cohan USAF , Col Frank Battistelli , "LtCol Peter F. Olsen USAF" , Kremlin Press Office , "Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta" , Timothy McVeigh , "DOJ-NSD Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh" Cc: "FEC: Federal Election Commission" , "Inspector General: Lynne McFarland" , David Coombs Office , Zbigniew Brzezinski , Major General Dana Pittard , Major General Herbert Raymond McMaster , "John W. Whitehead" , Donald Rumsfeld , "USMC JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn" , "Supreme Court Justices via DoJ: SupremeCtBriefs" , Holy See in London – Nuntius , "Grand Lodge of TX: Grand Secretary" , Arif Hasan Akhundzada , "USMC General Mattis via Dep Comm: Col James Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base" , "NSA: Adm Mike Rogers" , "FSB: Gen Bortnikov"

TO: EoP Applicants to be removed as PER Pro WiP American decisions: Former EoP Applicants: Nanette Derenzi, Dennis McGinn, Erik Prince, David Petraeus, Raymond Odierno, John Mulholland, Steven Anderson, Bobby Inman, James Cartwright, Charles Jacoby, Joseph Ralston, Daniel Christman, Steve Abbot, Robert Tyrer, James Bodner, Robert Grenier, Ralph Schneider, Andrew Holland, Judic Miscik, Jonathan Allen, Daniel Smith, France Branch, Wilma Atkins, Lawrence Fowler, Thomas Moorman, Anthony Zinni, Thomas Brown, Emanuel Cohan, Frank Battistelli, Peter Olsen

TO: Remaining EoP Applicants as per Pro EoP Applicant decisions: Timothy McVeigh, Vladimir Putin

CC: Federal Election Commission CC: EoP v WiP Negotiations Observers CC: NSA Adm Mike Rogers & FSB: Gen Alexander Bortnikov

EoP Applicants to be removed as per Pro WiP American decisions: Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi ([email protected]); VADM Dennis McGinn via CNA Military Advisory Board Members: US Army: Gen Paul Kern ([email protected]); Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan ([email protected]); US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald ([email protected]); Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group ([email protected]); Counsel: Victoria Toensing ([email protected]); GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe ([email protected]); Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell ([email protected]); David Petraeus ([email protected]); CC: Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co: Henry Kravis ([email protected]); Williams & Connolly LLP: Robert Barnett ([email protected]); Raymond Odierno and John Mulholland via US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff ([email protected]); Stan McChrystal ([email protected]); Brigadier General Steven Anderson ([email protected]); Admiral Bobby R. Inman U. S. Navy Ret. ([email protected]); General James Cartwright USMC Ret. ([email protected]); General Charles H. Jacoby Jr. ([email protected]); General Joseph W. Ralston ([email protected]); Daniel William Christman ([email protected]); Admiral Steve Abbot USN ([email protected]); Robert Tyrer ([email protected]); James M Bodner ([email protected]); Robert L. Grenier ([email protected]); Ralph Schneider ([email protected]); Andrew Holland ([email protected]); Judith A. "Jami" Miscik ([email protected]); Jonathan Allen ([email protected]); Daniel J Smith ([email protected]); Francis A Branch CIV OSD OUSD INTEL ([email protected]); Wilma J Atkins CIV US ([email protected]); Lawrence Fowler C CIV US ([email protected]); Thomas Moorman ([email protected]); General Anthony Charles Zinni USMC Ret. ([email protected]); LtCol Thomas Brown USAF ([email protected]); LtCol Emanuel Cohan USAF ([email protected]); Col Frank Battistelli ([email protected]); LtCol Peter F. Olsen USAF ([email protected])

EoP Applicants to remain as per Pro EoP Applicant decisions: President Vladimir Putin via Kremlin Press Office ([email protected]); CC: Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta ([email protected]); Timothy McVeigh ([email protected]); CC: DOJ-NSD Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh ([email protected]);

Federal Election Commission: FEC: Federal Election Commission ([email protected]); Inspector General: Lynne McFarland ([email protected])

EoP v WiP Neg Observers David Coombs Office ([email protected]); Zbigniew Brzezinski ([email protected]); Major General Dana Pittard ([email protected]); Major General Herbert Raymond McMaster ([email protected]); John W. Whitehead ([email protected]); Donald Rumsfeld ([email protected]); USMC JCS: Dir Joint Force Dev: Lt Gen George Flynn ([email protected]); Supreme Court Justices via DoJ: SupremeCtBriefs ([email protected]); Holy See in London – Nuntius ([email protected]); Grand Lodge of TX: Grand Secretary ([email protected]); Arif Hasan Akhundzada ([email protected]); USMC General Mattis via Dep Comm: Col James Clark: Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base ([email protected])

NSA Adm Mike Rogers & FSB: Gen Alexander Bortnikov: NSA: Adm Mike Rogers ([email protected]); FSB: Gen Bortnikov ([email protected])

EoP App; CC: FEC: Notice of 07 Nov removal of all Pro WiP Americans as EoP Applicants.

Nanette Derenzi, Dennis McGinn, Erik Prince, David Petraeus, Raymond Odierno, John Mulholland, Steven Anderson, Bobby Inman, James Cartwright, Charles Jacoby, Joseph Ralston, Daniel Christman, Steve Abbot, Robert Tyrer, James Bodner, Robert Grenier, Ralph Schneider, Andrew Holland, Judic Miscik, Jonathan Allen, Daniel Smith, France Branch, Wilma Atkins, Lawrence Fowler, Thomas Moorman, Anthony Zinni, Thomas Brown, Emanuel Cohan, Frank Battistelli, Peter Olsen, Timothy McVeigh, Vladimir Putin:

I did not receive a response from anyone informing me that my interpretation as to their Pro WiP American or Pro EoP Applicant was inaccurate. So until I am informed otherwise; or my interpretations based upon my observations change; I shall conclude they were correct; and based upon that working hypothesis conclusion shall change everyone’s EoP Applicant status to former EoP Applicants; excluding Timothy and Vladimir.

Anyone wanting an updated copy of the Acting EoP Clerks correspondence; shall be able to download the documents from EoP NWO Social Contract Options for EoP Axis, ICC Complaint etc documents; EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations for EoP v WiP NWO negotiations and comments correspondence documents; soon as they are finalized and uploaded. EoP Applicants – including former EoP Applicants – documents shall probably be checked, and uploaded in a few days or week or two at most. The correspondence to San Francisco District Attorney is available at SQSwans EoP Legal Submissions correspondence.


A copy of this correspondence shall be documented at: (i) EoP NWO Social Contract Options: EoP Applicants: Current and Former; FSB & NSA; (ii) EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: Federal Election Commission.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

18 Nov: Donald Trump: Baphomet Judas Goat Make America Great Again, Alternative Right: The Radically Honest Right [archive.is/eCIsL];

Updated: 18 Nov: 22:45 hrs

I imagine if the Flat Earth Baphomet Judas Goat addicted Radically Honest Right or Left were sincere about being Radically Honest, they would call themselves the Masonic War is Peace Alternative Right Radically Honest Right or Left.

US Army WTF Moments: Trumps 100 Days. -- EoP v WiP NWO Neg: 15 Nov: Washington Post .. Russia Truth.

A group formed for the purpose of eradicating individual and social lies, whose members were bound to each other by shared experience of the truth, would be a considerably more durable thing than a political party organised around common assent to certain tactics and programmes: not only would its members possess a stronger sense of camaraderie, but they would also feel themselves sharply defined against the rest of the world whenever they plugged themselves back into the Matrix and went among the sleepwalkers, creating the self-consciousness of a cult, religious congregation or proto-aristocracy.

They would be motivated to action against this Matrix not by lamentations of impending civilisational doom (which inspire most people to nothing but impotent despair), but by the strong internal desire to create more and more spaces free from the burden of constant lying; and this is the very opposite of the degenerate SJW’s own powerfully motivating desire to sniff out and cover up any truths that might shatter his delusions. Splittism arising from petty infighting and egotism, which always spells death for Rightist political parties, would only work to the advantage of such groups: if one man left a group because of personal differences with its members, he would only go off and find enough people to start another group elsewhere, blowing another hole in the wall of lies and reclaiming another space. -- Alternative Right: The Radically Honest Right

Masonic War is Peace Baphomet Judas Goats:

“A Judas Goat is a term used to describe a trained goat used at a slaughterhouse and in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and onto trucks. The term Judas Goat is derived from a biblical reference to Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus Christ to the Pharisees.

“The phrase has also been used to describe a goat that is used to find feral goats that are targeted for eradication. The Judas Goat is outfitted with a transmitter, painted red and then released. The goat then finds the remaining herds of wild goats, allowing hunters to exterminate them. —From Wikipedia, the Internet encyclopedia.

“. . .Lambs were being led by a Judas goat into the chute. Two workers stood at the end, jolting the animals with enough electricity to render them brain dead. In an instant, prongs at the sheep's brains and in the fleece near their hearts delivered a zap that collapsed them, after which they were handed through . . . to the kill floor. The Judas goats . . . then returned to the pens, where they collected another batch of sheep.” — From:“A Slaughter House Tour” at karlschatz.com -- EoP v WiP NWO Neg: 03 Aug: Zero Hedge: Domination of Government and Decline of Self Reliance and Community.


Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality:

1. Earth is not flat. 2. Resources are finite. 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in ecological overshoot, resource depletion and resource conflict. 4. Some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources include: poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc. 5. The root cause of humans breeding and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits is the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract. 6. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, political parties, corporations and/or nations want to (a) sustainably protect natural resources for future generations; and/or (b) reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; and/or (c) enable honourable, transparent and humane international cooperative de-industrialization and depopulation of the planet to return to living in accordance to ecological carrying capacity limits; they should (d) cooperate to nullify the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses and replace them with Ecology of Peace clauses that restricts all the worlds citizens to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; or be humanely eliminated from the planetary genepool.

-- EoP MILED Clerk

*~~~~~~~* *~~~~~~~*

Transparency Notices:

The article -- Donald Trump: Baphomet Make America Great Again, Alternative Right: The Radically Honest Right -- is referenced as a possible military intelligence psychotronically manipulated EoP observation; and/or background information related to a possible military intelligence psychotronically manipulated event; in EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations correspondence: 18 Nov: Donald Trump .. Alternative Right; James Lawrence.

From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 8:52 PM Subject: Club Orlov, CC: GGI: EoP question re: Fact Resistant Humans To: Dmitry Orlov , Guadelajara Geopolitics Institute

Dmitry Orlov ([email protected]) CC: Guadelajara Geopolitics Institute ([email protected])

Club Orlov, CC: GGI: EoP question re: Fact Resistant Humans

Regarding your quote about ‘fact resistant humans’:

"There are all sorts of people; allot of them simply don't think. There is alot about their schooling in Western Countries and the United States especially that basically teaches people to not think. So what they do is recite platitudes that they've heard before. The other thing is that they are very resistant to facts. They are fact resistant humans, if you will; because their identity is bound up with a belief in certain falsehoods. So if you destroy these falsehoods; you destroy them personally and they take personal affront to that. So they have no choice but to continue to believe in a large set of lies about themselves and the world; and so allot of them are completely unreachable." -- Dmitry Orlov; Trump, Financial Crisis and the New Cold War; Guadalajara Geopolitics Institute; Club Orlov.

Constructive Criticism Request: Could you clarify whether you consider any of the Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality points to be factually erroneous; and/or alternatively if not; but editing could enable the points to be more succinct and clear; such constructive criticism editing would be appreciated:

Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality:

1. Earth is not flat. 2. Resources are finite. 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in ecological overshoot, resource depletion and resource conflict. 4. Some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources include: poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc. 5. The root cause of humans breeding and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits is the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract. 6. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, political parties, corporations and/or nations want to (a) sustainably protect natural resources for future generations; and/or (b) reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; and/or (c) enable honourable, transparent and humane international cooperative de-industrialization and depopulation of the planet to return to living in accordance to ecological carrying capacity limits; they should (d) cooperate to nullify the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses and replace them with Ecology of Peace clauses that restricts all the worlds citizens to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; or be humanely eliminated from the planetary genepool.

-- EoP MILED Clerk


A copy of this correspondence shall be documented at: EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: 18 Nov: Club Orlov, Dmitry Orlov, GuadalajaraGeopolitics Institute.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

22 Nov: Rubin Report: Mike Cernovich: Supporting Donald Trump and Being Politically Incorrect; Thumotic: An Honest Review of Gorilla Mindset; Review of MAGA Mindset: The Best (and Worst) Book About The Ascent of Trump; Will The Real Master Persuader Please Stand Up?; Donald Trump’s First 100 Days. Black Pigeon Speaks: George Soros: One Man Illuminati Machine; Decline of American Empire PetroDollar. CC: Donald Trump

Last Updated: 22 Nov 2016 12:46 PM

*~~~~~~~* *~~~~~~~*

From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 1:22 AM Subject: Trump Supporters: TC of EoP Wealth Transfer Option submitted to Donald Trump & Gen Michael Flynn To: Black Pigeon Cc: Donald Trump 2016 , "Donald Trump: Donald J. Trump" , "Counsel: Donald F McGahn" , Jeffrey Lord , Adam Tebrugge , Jeffrey Goldman , Roger Stone , Trump Backers , The Trump Report , Make America Great Again PAC , "Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine" , Diamond & Silk , "Michael Flynn: Flynn Intel Group: General" , Media

Mike Cernovic: @Cernovich Thumotic via Comment Black Pigeon ([email protected]) CC: Rubin Report via Contact CC: Donald Trump: Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Donald Trump: Donald J. Trump ([email protected]); Counsel: Donald F McGahn ([email protected]); Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Jeffrey Lord ([email protected]); Adam Tebrugge ([email protected]); Jeffrey Goldman ([email protected]); Roger Stone ([email protected]); Trump Backers ([email protected]); The Trump Report ([email protected]); Make America Great Again PAC ([email protected]); Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine ([email protected]); Diamond & Silk ([email protected]) CC: Michael Flynn: Flynn Intel Group: General ([email protected]); Media ([email protected])

TC of EoP Wealth Transfer Option submitted to Donald Trump & Gen Michael Flynn

I am contacting you cause (a) it is my interpretation from reading/viewing various articles interviews detailed below; that you are Donald Trump voters and/or supporters; (b) to provide you a transparency copy notice of Ecology of Peace culture submissions made to Donald Trump campaign officials.

I am not a Donald Trump supporter. As noted in EoP correspondence to Erik Prince and David Petraeus; and EoP Applicants: 22 Oct: D Petraeus, E Prince: EoP App strategic path foundation of Pro-EoP Applicant or Pro WiP American; I am a member of an Ecology of Peace culture; I do not vote or support left or right wing, black or white wing, secular or theological, green, pink, feminist, patriarchal, LGBT, etc Masonic War is Peace political candidates; and their Masonic War is Peace human factory farming of brood sows and sperm donor economic and military cannon fodder consumer cattle tax farms.

The EoP Applicants – ‘strategic path’ as such – as I interpret it – is to do what we can to provide impartial and bipartisan support to all political parties, religions, corporations, etc; their leaders and their followers enabling preferably not one but a few nation’s Minister of Defence – or courts – to collectively inform their President/s of the national security military necessity of embarking on domestic and foreign policy education and negotiations to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract.

The Ecology of Peace Wealth Transfer Option – which is one of the Ecology of Peace New World Order social contract options -- was submitted to Donald Trump and Nigel Farage on 09 October: UKIP: Nigel Farage: EoP Response to Nigel Farage: Donald Trump’s ‘grab them by the pussy’ is ‘alpha male boasting’; and General Michael Flynn on 11 October 2016: EoP Strategic Intelligence Wealth Transfer Option.

If you find it worthy of further enquiry, discussion or constructive criticism amendment; let me know; CC: General Flynn or Steve Bannon. If you want Donald Trump to consider implementing it; or giving Americans the options of voting on an EoP Referendum or similar; let General Flynn or Mr. Bannon know; CC: myself.

Succinctly: EoP principles include Ecology of Peace perspective answers to the following issues:

Rubin Report: Mike Cernovich: Supporting Donald Trump and Being Politically Incorrect

“There is no issue other than your narrow slice of experience and I don't think that is a fun way to live. I don't know why anyone would want to live that way. It’s a very narrow narcisstic view of the world. What you want to do is you want to think there is allot of us, we live in a pluralistic society. We got gays, jews, muslims, blacks, whites, everybody else, why don't we just figure out how to get along; cause we're stuck here together.” - Mike Cernovich

Thumotic: An Honest Review of Gorilla Mindset; Review of MAGA Mindset: The Best (and Worst) Book About The Ascent of Trump; Will The Real Master Persuader Please Stand Up?; Donald Trump’s First 100 Days.

How can Trump end factory farming? Simply, by mandating that all food produced or consumed in America adheres to a high standards of humane care and slaughter. We could also impose a maximum annual revenue per farm ($50 million or so) to end industrial farming practices and promote a return to farms run by families and small business owners. New regulations could also include requirements to minimize use of antibiotics, grain feed, and other practices that contribute to the destruction of our environment and our health.

In fact all Ecology of Peace culture New World Order social contract options include humane and orderly elimination from the planetary genepool options for human cattle also: namely breeding war, consumption war or violation of fully informed consenting relationships cheaters; as detailed in correspondence to General Flynn.

General Mike Flynn: You can’t defeat an enemy you don’t admit exists.

Any form of capitalism that allows citizens to procreate and/or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits; cannot – according to Tragedy of the Commons principles – do anything else but degenerate into predatory capitalism aka fascism. Of interest regarding the future impending consequences of planetary predatory capitalism: Real News: Paul Jay’s Reality Asserts Itself: Who Makes US Foreign Policy interview of Lawrence Wilkerson; particularly the predatory capitalism part; which deals with the necessity of the great powers cooperating to implement a new economic order; to address the massive impending planetary social conflict problems resulting from climate change, peak food, peak water, peak oil, including how and where to bury 6 billion people. - EoP Axis: 25 Jan: US Army Reserve Command: Ft Bragg: Leaders Shrinking Lifeboat Course Activity creates biases awareness.

Re: Black Pigeon: George Soros: One Man Illuminati Machine; Decline of American Empire PetroDollar. George Soros is referenced in Ecology of Peace v Masonic War is Peace New World Order Negotiations: 20 Nov: Jon Rappoport .. Real Angry Liberal.

A copy of this correspondence shall be documented at EoP v WiP NWO Neg: Mike Chernovic, Thumotic, Black Pigeon Speaks, Rubin Report, Donald Trump, Michael Flynn.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

*~~~~~~~* *~~~~~~~*

EoP MILED Clerk Twitter Notice:

EoPMILEDClerk tweet sent 22 Nov 2016: 1:29 AM GMT+2; 21 Nov 2016: 18:29 PM EST:

EoP NWO Wealth Transfer Corr to @Cernovich; @RubinReport, @FreedomTwenty5 CC: @GenFlynn, @realDonaldTrump at: http://eop-v-wip.tygae.org.za/2016/11/22-nov-rubin- report/

*~~~~~~~* *~~~~~~~*

Possibly Related Observation:

Real Donald Trump tweet sent 21 Nov 2016: 21:22 PM EST; 22 Nov 2016: 4:22 AM GMT+2:

Many people would like to see @Nigel_Farage represent Great Britain as their Ambassador to the United States. He would do a great job!

Nigel Farage Response to Donald Trump tweet:

Nigel Farage response tweet sent 22 Nov 2016: 11:40 AM GMT+2:

I have known several of the Trump team for years and I am in a good position with the President-elect’s support to help.

*~~~~~~~* *~~~~~~~*

Observation of News Reports re Donald Trump 21/22 Nov tweet to Nigel Farage:

UKIP: FARAGE: I am prepared to help Britain Work with President Trump; via Breitbart London. Telegraph: Donald Trump Recommends Nigel Farage for British Ambassador to US; via Traditional Britain Group. : Nigel Farage would be 'great' UK Ambassador to US, says Donald Trump, via Leave.EU. The Spectator: Donald Trump's Undiplomatic Move. The Mashable News: Donald Trump floats Nigel Farage for ambassador post but there's a catch. Sky News: Trump: Farage would 'do great job' as ambassador. The Scotsman: Donald Trump: Nigel Farage would be great UK's US ambassador. Daily Mail: Donald Trump: Nigel Farage would do great job as Britain's US ambassador. HuffPost UK Politics: Donald Trump Says Nigel Farage would make 'great' Ambassador to the US. The Quint: Britain Tells Trump: 'No Vacancy' for Nigel Farage as Ambassador. CNN: UK rejects Trump call for Farage as US envoy.

*~~~~~~~* *~~~~~~~*

EoP MILED Clerk Twitter Notice to Nigel Farage:

EoPMILEDClerk tweet sent 22 Nov 2016: 13:42 PM GMT+2:

Obs of News Reports re @realDonaldTrump 21/22 Nov tweet to @Nigel_Farage at: http://eop-v-wip.tygae.org.za/2016/11/22-nov-rubin-report/ CC: @GenFlynn, @StephenBannon.

Transparency copy:

EoP MILED Clerk tweet sent 22 Nov 2016: 15:45 PM GMT+2:

TC: @angeladewan, @georgebowden, @Number10press, @BorisJohnson, @CorbynFor_PM, @KimDarroch, @UKinUSA CC: @Kremlin_E @mfa_russia @WhiteHouse

22 Nov 2016: 13:42 PM: Obs of News Reports re @realDonaldTrump 21/22 Nov tweet to @Nigel_Farage at: http://eop-v-wip.tygae.org.za/2016/11/22-nov-rubin-report/ CC: @GenFlynn, @StephenBannon.

*~~~~~~~* *~~~~~~~*

Transprency Notices Re: -- PRAAG: Mike Cernovich against the World, via Dan Roodt; Africheck: Spot Check: Claims about ‘white genocide’ in South Africa unsupported -- re: Mike Cernovich White Genocide in SA Ambassador TweetS.

Mike Cernovich:

17 Nov 2016 6:02 AM: White genocide in South Africa is real. Said that for years, and I'll say it now. If nominated for ambassadorship, I'll say it to Congress.

17 Nov: 6:03 AM: The most slaughtered people in South Africa are white farmers. This isn’t even subject for debate. Anyone denying this denies reality.

17 Nov: 9:12 PM: Soros owned bloggers are attacking me for these Tweets. This is powerful stuff. I will continue telling the truth about South Africa.

18 Nov 07:42 AM: "Journalists" from South Africa have been all day telling me there are no laws censoring free speech. Fake news is a worldwide epidemic!

18 Nov: 07:42 AM: Hint! If you want to tell me I'm wrong about white genocide in South Africa, don't tell me provable lies about free speech in SA.

22 Nov: 6:29 AM: People can't decide if I'm a 'cuck' who is virtue signalling, or a racist making headlines in South Africa. Monday praag.co.za/?p=41871

EoP MILED Clerk: 22 Nov 2016: 21:21 PM transparency copy retweet of 22 Nov 2016: 1:29 AM:

TC: @RadioVryheid @pro_afrikaans @RanjeniM @Eusebius @brodiegal @danroodt @steve_hofmeyr @africacheck @BS_Intolerant @USEmbassySA:

EoP NWO Wealth Transfer Corr to @Cernovich; @RubinReport, @FreedomTwenty5 CC: @GenFlynn, @realDonaldTrump at: http://eop-v-wip.tygae.org.za/2016/11/22- nov-rubin-report/

23 Nov: Red Ice Radio .. Espionage History Archive. CC: Hamilton Electors: Re: Ben Swann: Reality Check Exclusive: How a Plan Underway in the Electoral College May Choose A "Compromise Candidate" for President on December 19th Instead of Donald Trump and why It Is Completely Legal Under the Electoral College.

23 Nov: Red Ice Radio: Richard Spencer NPI 2016 Speech. Radix Journal: Long Live the Emperor. Judgy Bitch: Trump Love: The Magnificent Art of Self Delusion. Rolling Stone: Meet the Alt-Right 'Spokesman' Who's Thrilled With Trump's Rise. Eric Draitser: Meet Richard Spencer – Hail Trump – husband of Alexander Duginist translator Nina Kouprianova; via Russia Truth. Concordia Ab Chao: Richard Spencer should be Tarred and Feathered. Mindweapons in Ragnarok: Richard Spencer of the National Policy Institute, and his Russian wife, are on the Russian side against the Western Ukrainian Nazis. One People's Project: A New Building goes up in Montana - Courtesy of White Supremacist Dick Spencer. Alternative Right: Richard Spencer is not the Alternative Right. Ben Swann: Reality Check Exclusive: How a Plan Underway in the Electoral College May Choose A "Compromise Candidate" for President on December 19th Instead of Donald Trump and why It Is Completely Legal Under the Electoral College. CNN Politics: Computer scientists to Clinton Campaign: Challenge Election Results; Chuck Baldwin: Drain the Swamp Cabinet. Espionage History Archive: Death of a Russian Samurai; via Nina Byzantina. Espionage History Archive: Putin’s Path to KGB, via Nina Byzantina.

Trump Farm: New Ecology of Peace or current Masonic War is Peace Los Pepes NWO Social Contract Rules?

I am contacting you cause (a) it is my interpretation from reading/viewing various articles interviews detailed below; that you are Donald Trump voters and/or supporters; (b) to provide you a transparency copy notice of Ecology of Peace culture submissions made to Donald Trump campaign officials.

As noted in 22 Nov 2016 correspondence to Donald Trump supporters: Mike Cernovic, Thumotic, Black Pigeon Speaks, CC: Donald Trump, Michael Flynn and Steven Bannon:

I am not a Donald Trump supporter. As noted in EoP correspondence to Erik Prince and David Petraeus; and EoP Applicants: 22 Oct: D Petraeus, E Prince: EoP App strategic path foundation of Pro-EoP Applicant or Pro WiP American; I am a member of an Ecology of Peace culture; I do not vote or support left or right wing, black or white wing, secular or theological, green, pink, feminist, patriarchal, LGBT, etc Masonic War is Peace political candidates; and their Masonic War is Peace human factory farming of brood sows and sperm donor economic and military cannon fodder consumer cattle tax farms.

The EoP Applicants – ‘strategic path’ as such – as I interpret it – is to do what we can to provide impartial and bipartisan support to all political parties, religions, corporations, etc; their leaders and their followers enabling preferably not one but a few nation’s Minister of Defence – or courts – to collectively inform their President/s of the national security military necessity of embarking on domestic and foreign policy education and negotiations to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract.

The Ecology of Peace Wealth Transfer Option – which is one of the Ecology of Peace New World Order social contract options -- was submitted to Donald Trump and Nigel Farage on 09 October: UKIP: Nigel Farage: EoP Response to Nigel Farage: Donald Trump’s ‘grab them by the pussy’ is ‘alpha male boasting’; and General Michael Flynn on 11 October 2016: EoP Strategic Intelligence Wealth Transfer Option.

If you find it worthy of further enquiry, discussion or constructive criticism amendment; let me know; CC: General Flynn or Steve Bannon. If you want Donald Trump to consider implementing it; or giving Americans the options of voting on an EoP Referendum or similar; let General Flynn or Mr. Bannon know; CC: myself.

Succinctly: EoP principles and/or subjective objective interpretations of reality; include Ecology of Peace perspective answers to the following issues of alleged concern to various individuals on the Alt Right:

Of course, those of us on the Alt Right always took President-elect Donald J. Trump and his chances seriously. Unlike everyone else, we weren’t surprised, or at least not that surprised. We knew he could win. Many of us thought all along he would win. The mainstream media, or perhaps we should refer to them in the original German—Lugenpresse—never did.

This was the year when random shitlords on Twitter, anonymous podcast hosts, and dissidents working deep within the Beltway Right proved they objectively understood politics better than the “Republican strategists” and “political consultants” snarking at us every night on MSNBC. It’s not just that they are leftists or cucks. It’s not just that many are genuinely stupid. Indeed, one wonders if those people are people at all, or instead soulless Golems, animated by some dark power to repeat whatever talking points John Oliver said the night before.

But even though we always took Trump seriously, there was still a moment of unreality – or perhaps too painfully intense reality – when the state of Pennsylvania was called for Donald Trump, the moment when we knew Kek had smiled upon us, that meme magic was real. And though these terms are used half-jokingly, they represent something truly important--the victory of will. We willed Donald Trump into office, made this dream into reality. If you will it, it is no dream, a quote I’m sure our friends at the Anti-Defamation League know well. And this is only the beginning.

And if facts are too disturbing, you can always retreat into the 'safe space' of box juice, teddy bears, and endless empathy where reality doesn't matter anymore. – Richard Spencer, NPI 2016 Speech -- Red Ice Radio: Richard Spencer NPI 2016 Speech. Radix Journal: Long Live the Emperor

Red Ice Radio: Richard Spencer NPI 2016 Speech. Radix Journal: Long Live the Emperor. Rolling Stone: Meet the Alt-Right 'Spokesman' Who's Thrilled With Trump's Rise. Eric Draitser: Meet Richard Spencer – Hail Trump – husband of Alexander Duginist translator Nina Kouprianova; via Russia Truth. Concordia Ab Chao: Richard Spencer should be Tarred and Feathered. Mindweapons in Ragnarok: Richard Spencer of the National Policy Institute, and his Russian wife, are on the Russian side against the Western Ukrainian Nazis. One People's Project: A New Building goes up in Montana - Courtesy of White Supremacist Dick Spencer. Alternative Right: Richard Spencer is not the Alternative Right.


Ecology of Peace Subjective Reality and Values Perspective:

If there is any group of individuals whose ‘will’ helped to bring Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, this far; it is various national intelligence agencies working cooperatively; using among others psychotronic technology; to – according to my interpretation as detailed at EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations – ascertain whether sufficient Americans are interested in cooperating with them to implement an Ecology of Peace New World Order international law social contract; by 'turning off the tap': i.e. the right to breed / consume above ecological carrying capacity limits causes of resource wars.

See for example EoP working hypothesis – Radix Channel: CCTV Cruise ship Pacific Sun hit by tropical storm near New Zealand – metaphor conclusion of the US Election as the Pacific Sun New Zealand TPP Election.

I imagine they shall continue to encourage doubt as to the ‘presidential election credibility’ of Trump and/or Hillary; and/or a third neutral candidate –– Ben Swan: Reality Check: How a Plan Underway in the Electoral College May Choose A "Compromise Candidate" for President on December 19th Instead of Donald Trump and why It Is Completely Legal Under the Electoral College CNN Politics: Computer scientists to Clinton Campaign: Challenge Election Results; Chuck Baldwin: Drain the Swamp Cabinet –– as they attempt to ascertain whether there are any Americans interested in cooperating with them to implement an Ecology of Peace New World Order international law social contract; by 'turning off the tap': i.e. the right to breed / consume above ecological carrying capacity limits causes of resource wars.

"The process of [the Electoral College] affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications." - ~ Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers #68 - Hamilton Electors, Youhotnews, KGP TV.

I imagine, if they are unable to find any or sufficient number of American oligarch elite, journalists, politicians, judges, lawyers, citizens willing to non-violently cooperate to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; they shall probably escalate their American Ecology of Peace New Rules or Masonic War is Peace Los Pepes No Rules decision- making efforts -- in whatever military, political, religious, cultural, gender, psychological, or a combination thereof -- direction they consider to be most effective.

V. Putin: New-EoP-Gotit or [current Masonic] No-Los-Pepes Evacuation Rules?

A. Muhrrteyn: Revolution in Military Ethics question: Defining just and unjust actions in war and military conflict: the operative question: Whom should the military kill?

Revolution in Military Ethics: Defining just and unjust actions in war and military conflict: the operative question: Whom should the military kill?

Our dilemma is that of defining just and unjust actions within our wars and conflicts. It is time to reexamine habits that have come to pass for ethics and ask the sort of questions that are as controversial as they are uncomfortable to the man or woman of conscience ... We must reexamine our concepts of the ethical and the legal. .. The whispered warning that we do not condone "assassinations" because we do not want our own leader assassinated is a counsel of unspeakable cowardice. First, if leaders will not risk the fate they ask of their privates, they are not fit to lead their people. Second, if foreign criminals, official or private, knew that retribution would be generally swift and always sure, attacks on US leaders -- or US citizens overall -- would likely decrease wonderfully. And such a policy would return us once again to an objectively moral path.

These issues demand serious debate. Traditionalists who decry even the possibility of attacking these sources of human misery in such a manner generally do so from campuses or comfortable offices. They are out of contact with our citizenry and its needs, as they are phenomenally out of contact with the sheer violence of this world. They will immediately push the issue to absurd extremes, crying out that such a doctrine would amount to giving our military, .. a license to kill. But the purpose of a military is to kill, and if you cannot stomach that, you should not have a military.

The only operative question is whom the military should kill. »» Col Ralph Peters: Revolution in Military Ethics -- EoP NWO SCO: US Army Ft Bragg: Revolution in Military Ethics: Defining just and unjust actions in war and military conflict: the operative question: Whom should the military kill?


If political correctness is defined as some form of left, or right, white or black, rich or poor, secular or religious bullshit the public relations verbal diarrhea parasitic propaganda avoidance of factual reality …

Hence political incorrectness is defined as buck stops here factual reality; irrespective of whom it offends or not.

I don’t know whether Trump will throw out all political correctness during his transition to the White House; or simply replace Obama administration political correctness bullshit the public verbal diarrhea; with Trump administration political correctness bullshit the public verbal diarrhea.

It remains to be seen; if Donald Trump or any of his supporters – or for that matter the majority of Americans addicted to their fuck honour fuck ecological reality bullshit the public relations image management reputations — sincerely want to throw out all forms of right or left, white or black, etc forms of bullshit the public verbal diarrhea political correctness; and confront buck stops here reality. -- EoP v WiP NWO Neg: 22 Nov: Lt Col Peter Lerner .. SOFREP.


Re: If we are being honest: Re: Alpha Male Boasting:

If I am accurately interpreting you: Donald Trump’s ‘grab them by the pussy’ etc behaviour is considered by some to be approved or condoned ‘alpha male’ behaviour.

I am not an alpha male; nor do I pretend to be; and I am no expert on what men who call themselves alpha males; or who pretend to be alpha males do to impress each other.

In fact; according to my reading and interpretation of Robert Ardrey’s opinions and research on alpha males; as described in his book: The Social Contract: A Personal Inquiry into the Evolutionary Sources of Order and Disorder; there is no absolute clear concrete definition of what exactly an alpha male is; that is relevant and applicable to all species and/or human culture’s. Put differently, different animals and species have different meanings and behavioural traits for what they consider ‘alpha male’ behaviour.

Maybe if Vladimir Putin’s life’s goals were fucking every tits and ass slut he remotely found attractive; he may have decided to devote his life to impressing his thug friends with how he would go up to random allegedly attractive women and grab them by the pussy; or refer to them as bleeding out of their vagina’s; when they hurt his fragile ego feelings.

However that is not, and does not appear to have been Vladimir Putin’s existential purpose. His life’s existential purpose – as far as I can tell – has been related to his concern for his country and its people: Russia; to regain some sort of stature for his country within international relations; and subsequent thereto to use such power and influence for the benefit of all; not simply Russians.

If the British Empire and/or the subsequent American Empire had given a fuck about using their power and influence for the benefit of all; by supporting the implementation of an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; then maybe Vladimir Putin may have chosen to devote his life to being a delinquent thug and running around the planet with his dick in his hand, to engage in relating with tits and ass sluts; although I doubt it.

I don’t imagine an alpha male Japanese samurai warrior saying or doing something like Donald Trump said to a random woman whom he may find attractive.

So I guess if we were being honest; we would say ‘Donald Trump was engaged in what one or more, but most certainly not all cultures on earth; consider alpha male boasting.’ -- EoP v WiP NWO Neg: 09 Oct: UKIP: Nigel Farage.


American voters walked into the voting booth on November 8th, many of them likely misunderstanding their own pain tolerance. $2 pints of strawberries in November depend on illegal immigrant labor. Remember when strawberries were a treat you enjoyed in July and August and the rest of the year they were frozen? Those days are coming back. Doing without strawberries is hardly painful, but where is the tolerance line? At what point do voters burst into tears? Voters are celebrating Trump keeping the Ford SUV plant in the US and Apple opening discussions about building iPhones on home turf. That’s great! But those jobs aren’t free. They come with a price tag, and that price will be pain at the check-out. Americans have gotten used to prices that deflate continuously. Those prices were the result of globalism. Sourcing labor around the world allows kids in Malaysia to have jobs making Nikes for fat Americans rather than starve and it allows Nike to capture record profits, but there is a price for cheap Nikes.

Trump is going to punch a hole in that paradigm, and he might temporarily protect American workers from the realization they are not the badass cowboys they think they are, but eventually, everyone is going to have to come to the realization that pain is a real thing, and everyone breaks. Those kids in Malaysia are back to starving. I am not arguing in favor of globalism. Don’t get me wrong. What kids in Malaysia eat is a problem for Malaysia to solve. But let’s not pretend that Trump’s nationalism isn’t going to come with pain. It will. And that’s okay. As long as we are aware that much of our ability to handle pain is a self- inflicted delusion. I am unabashedly overjoyed at the Trump presidency for a number of reasons, but the fact that he is about to lay an ass whoopin’ on the whole world is my main emotional motivator. Trump is going to hurt people. A lot of people. He is going to shatter our great self-delusion that we have any idea what suffering or strength really mean. #BlackLivesMatter and rich white college kids and pampered feminists are about to find out that their ‘suffering’ has been the most enormous privilege. They will soon long to suffer the way they do now. Life is going to get a lot more basic, and consequently, have a lot more meaning. -- Judgy Bitch: Trump Love: The Magnificent Art of Self Delusion.


“Observing the presidential elections over the years has been a lot like watching a television series jump the shark. We've gotten to that point where you watch it for the same reason you can't help slowing down and staring as you pass a wreck on the highway. It's the Jerry Springerfication of politics. A morbid fascination with the decline of western civilization. I know. Some of you are on the train. Some of you are actually inspired by the smoke being blown up your collective backsides. I'm not here to burst your bubble. Not necessary. Reality will set in on its own time. No matter who gets inaugurated in January, the American public is going to come to their senses in a ditch, with a hangover and realize that they have no idea where their pants are. That's an ugly picture, but sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to realize you've got a problem. And there's never been a better time for a rude awakening. All around the world we are witnessing the early stages of a massive social and economic upheaval. Large swaths of the population feel angry, disenfranchised and disgusted with the trajectory we're on. This undercurrent carried Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders to the national stage, it brought Brexit to a referendum, and ready or not there's more to come. (A window of opportunity is opening.) I know, I know... The other candidate is REALLY, REALLY BAD. I agree. Both sides see their opposition's candidate as a fraudster, a liar and a fool. And they're both right. Trouble is, both sides hate their **opponent** so much that they refuse to scrutinize their own candidate. Par for the course. Delusion is the lifeblood of politics. …. As America stumbles around in that ditch trying to figure out what went wrong, more and more people are going to realize that it's time to stop pissing their life away at the RNC and DNC liquor stores. The solution is not going to come from the same system that created the problem. It's not just a few bad apples. It's not just democracy that's broken. We're running on a faulty paradigm. -- Storm Clouds Gathering: Trump v Clinton: The Window of Opportunity. -- EoP v WiP NWO Neg: 15 Nov: Washington Post .. Russia Truth.


The military scout was tried as a spy and sentenced to death. Vasilii Timofeevich met his death with dignity with the name of the Motherland on his lips, while remaining faithful to his military oath. The courage of this Russian soldier made such a deep impression on the enemy that they began to consider him a “Russian samurai.”

A day later, the patrol of the 1st Orenburg Cossack Regiment came across a letter left near a lonely oak tree on neutral territory. The letter read:

Reserve soldier Vasilii Riabov, 33 years old, from the hunting team of the 284th Chembarskii Infantry Regiment, born in the province of Penza, Penza uezd, Lebedevka village, dressed as a Chinese peasant, was captured on September 17, 1904 on the frontlines by our soldiers. According to his oral testimony, it became clear that he was sent to us on a reconnaissance mission to discover the location and actions of our army upon his own wish and made his way toward our troops through Yantai on September 14 following the southeastern direction. After reviewing the case in proper order, Riabov was sentenced to death. The latter was carried out on September 17 with a rifle shot.

In bringing this event to the attention of the Russian Army, our Army cannot but express our sincere wishes to your respected Army so that it rears more of such wonderful soldiers like the aforementioned Riabov, who is worthy of complete respect. Our sympathy for this truly brave man—overwhelmed by his sense duty—and an exemplary soldier reaches the utmost limit.


Staff Captain of the Japanese Army.

There was a note in the Chinese language attached to the letter, which warned local residents against destroying it along with the diagram of the area, where the execution to place, and the hero’s remains rested. -- Espionage History Archive: Death of a Russian Samurai; via Nina Byzantina

Judgy Bitch: Trump Love: The Magnificent Art of Self Delusion. Espionage History Archive: Death of a Russian Samurai; via Nina Byzantina. Espionage History Archive: Putin’s Path to KGB, via Nina Byzantina.


Transparency Notices:

The article –– Red Ice Radio: Richard Spencer NPI 2016 Speech. Radix Journal: Long Live the Emperor. Rolling Stone: Meet the Alt-Right 'Spokesman' Who's Thrilled With Trump's Rise. Eric Draitser: Meet Richard Spencer – Hail Trump – husband of Alexander Duginist translator Nina Kouprianova; via Russia Truth. Concordia Ab Chao: Richard Spencer should be Tarred and Feathered. Mindweapons in Ragnarok: Richard Spencer of the National Policy Institute, and his Russian wife, are on the Russian side against the Western Ukrainian Nazis. One People's Project: A New Building goes up in Montana - Courtesy of White Supremacist Dick Spencer. Alternative Right: Richard Spencer is not the Alternative Right. Ben Swann: Reality Check Exclusive: How a Plan Underway in the Electoral College May Choose A "Compromise Candidate" for President on December 19th Instead of Donald Trump and why It Is Completely Legal Under the Electoral College. CNN Politics: Computer scientists to Clinton Campaign: Challenge Election Results; Chuck Baldwin: Drain the Swamp Cabinet. Judgy Bitch: Trump Love: The Magnificent Art of Self Delusion. Espionage History Archive: Death of a Russian Samurai; via Nina Byzantina. Espionage History Archive: Putin’s Path to KGB, via Nina Byzantina –– is referenced as a possible military intelligence psychotronically manipulated EoP observation; and/or background information related to a possible military intelligence psychotronically manipulated event; in EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations correspondence: 23 Nov: Red Ice Radio .. Nina Byzantina; available at: Red Ice Radio, Radix Journal, Rolling Stone, Eric Draitser, Concordia Ab Chao, Mindweapons in Ragnarok, One Peoples Project, Alternative Right, Ben Swann, CNN Politics, Chuck Baldwin, Espionage History Archive, Judgy Bitch, Nina Byzantina.

EoP MILED Clerk:

23 Nov 2016 6:07 PM: @rediceradio @sarahposner @rollingstone @stopimperialism @BenSwannRealityCheck @NinaByzantina Yr Alt Right art ref @ http://eop-v- wip.tygae.org.za/2016/11/23-nov-red-ice-radio/

24 Nov 2016 00:27 AM: @HamiltonElector, @TuckerCarlson, @brikeilarcnn Hamilton Electors ref'd in: http://eop-v-wip.tygae.org.za/2016/11/23-nov-red-ice-radio/

Notice of Unsubscribing from Comments

Judgy Bitch: Janet Bloomfield ([email protected])

Re: EoP MILED Clerk 23 Nov 2016 Clerk Comment to Judgy Bitch

There was no response from you or any Judgy Bitch readers to the Ecology of Peace v Masonic War is Peace Negotiations informal correspondence EoP MILED Clerk comment: 3016743502; to Judgy Bitch article: Trump love: the magnificent art of self-delusion; to ascertain whether anyone on Judgy Bitch is interested in cooperating to implement an Ecology of Peace New World Order international law social contract; by 'turning off the tap': i.e. the right to breed / consume above ecological carrying capacity limits causes of resource wars.

No offence taken.

If you or any of your Judgy Bitch readers change your mind and wish to respond to EoP MILED Clerk ‘turn of the tap enquiry’ with any questions or constructive criticism exposure of any errors in logic or reasoning; you can do so by email to [email protected]; or by commenting at the EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations report that includes reference to Judgy Bitch article included at: 23 Nov: Red Ice Radio .. Nina Byzantina.

Ecology of Peace culture communication policy is available at Eco & Egological Literacy.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

23 Nov: EoP MILED Clerk Response to R Casimir at Radix Journal: Long Live the Emperor at: 23 Nov: Red Ice Radio .. Espionage History Archive.

EoP MILED Clerk Comment

The article -- Radix Journal: Long Live the Emperor -- is referenced as a possible military intelligence psychotronically manipulated EoP observation; and/or background information related to a possible military intelligence psychotronically manipulated event; in EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations correspondence: 23 Nov: Red Ice Radio .. Nina Byzantina; available at: http://eop-v-wip.tygae.org.za/2016/11/23-nov-red-ice-radio/

R. Casimir: Comment:

I tried to find the interview there but it's a very strange site and I could not get to it. There appears to be a lot of password protected stuff on it. Nina Byzantina is Richard Spencer's estranged wife. It's odd that she's out doing podcasts on his conferences, if in fact that is what you linked to.

EoP MILED Clerk Comment

Excerpts of the speech are quoted, and links to the Red Ice Radio video speech; and the Radix text of the speech are stated as follows "Red Ice Radio: Richard Spencer NPI 2016 Speech. Radix Journal: Long Live the Emperor" at: EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations: 23 Nov Red Ice Radio .. Nina Byzantina - http://eop-v-wip.tygae.org.za/2016/11/23-nov-red-ice-radio/ I never said anything about Nina doing podcasts on his conference.

A copy of this comment shall be posted at EoP v WiP NWO: R Casimir.

25 Nov: Confirmation of Trump Supporters Non-Interest in Turning off the Tap: Judgy Bitch: Trump love: the magnificent art of self- delusion

Ed Note: Info on EoP MILED Clerk interpretation of Los Pepes Rules can be found in among others: EoP NWO SCO: 14 Dec: Steven Filipiak: EoP libertarian ethics Thomas Sankara Response to Peace Corps: Aloha Gambia Natural Farming & Knock Knock Uganda.

From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 1:15 PM Subject: Re: EoP MILED Clerk 23 Nov 2016 Clerk Comment to Judgy Bitch To: "Judgy Bitch: Janet Bloomfield"

Judgy Bitch: Janet Bloomfield ([email protected])

Re: EoP MILED Clerk 23 Nov 2016 Clerk Comment to Judgy Bitch

There was no response from you or any Judgy Bitch readers to the Ecology of Peace v Masonic War is Peace Negotiations informal correspondence EoP MILED Clerk comment: 3016743502; to Judgy Bitch article: Trump love: the magnificent art of self- delusion; to ascertain whether anyone on Judgy Bitch is interested in cooperating to implement an Ecology of Peace New World Order international law social contract; by 'turning off the tap': i.e. the right to breed / consume above ecological carrying capacity limits causes of resource wars.

No offence taken.

If you or any of your Judgy Bitch readers change your mind and wish to respond to EoP MILED Clerk ‘turn of the tap enquiry’ with any questions or constructive criticism exposure of any errors in logic or reasoning; you can do so by email to [email protected]; or by commenting at the EoP v WiP NWO Negotiations report that includes reference to Judgy Bitch article included at: 23 Nov: Red Ice Radio .. Nina Byzantina.

Ecology of Peace culture communication policy is available at Eco & Egological Literacy.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

25 Nov: Confirmation of Trump Supporter’s Non-Interest in Turning off the Tap: Richard Spencer, Hannibal Bateman, R Casimir, Radix Journal: Long Live the Emperor

Ed Note: Info on EoP MILED Clerk interpretation of Los Pepes Rules can be found in among others: EoP NWO SCO: 14 Dec: Steven Filipiak: EoP libertarian ethics Thomas Sankara Response to Peace Corps: Aloha Gambia Natural Farming & Knock Knock Uganda.

From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 2:07 PM Subject: Re: EoP MILED Clerk 23 Nov 2016 Clerk Comment to Radix Journal To: Richard Spencer Cc: "American Renaissance: Henry Wolff"

Richard Spencer ([email protected]) Hannibal Bateman Radix Journal CC: American Renaissance: Henry Wolff ([email protected])

Re: EoP MILED Clerk 23 Nov 2016 Clerk Comment to Radix Journal

EoP MILED Clerk interpretation to the ecological and/or egologically illiterate and/or lack of response from Radix Journal authors and/or readers, to the Ecology of Peace v Masonic War is Peace Negotiations informal correspondence EoP MILED Clerk comment: to Radix Journal: Long Live the Emperor; is as follows:

Radix Journal authors and/or readers have (a) no questions and/or constructive criticism exposing any Ecology of Peace Factual Reality principle to be in error; and (b) do not want to cooperate to implement an Ecology of Peace New World Order international law social contract; by 'turning off the tap': i.e. the right to breed / consume above ecological carrying capacity limits causes of resource wars.

Summary Conclusion: Radix Journal Answer to the Question of New EoP Got It or Masonic War is Peace No Los Pepes Rules; is No Los Pepes Rules.

If accurate: No offence taken.

If partially or entirely inaccurate: Kindly clarify what the accurate EoP MILED Clerk interpretation should be viz a viz Radix Journal authors and readers. You can do so by email to [email protected]; your comment shall be given its own Ecology of Peace v Masonic War is Peace NWO Negotiations post. Ecology of Peace culture communication policy is available at Ecology of Peace Alternative Dispute Resolution: Eco & Egological Literacy.

A copy of this correspondence shall be available at: EoP v WiP NWO Neg: 25 Nov: Radix Journal; available under the Radix Journal tag.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

25 Nov: Confirmation of Trump Supporter’s Non-Interest in Turning off the Tap: Alternative Right: The Radically Honest Right; Richard Spencer is not the Alternative Right

From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 5:38 PM Subject: Re: EoP MILED Clerk Comments to Alternative Right To: Alternative Right

James Lawrence & Andy Nowicki Alternative Right Editor: Colin Liddell, Associated Editor: Keith Preston, Contributing Editor: Bay Area Guy; Contributors: Brett Stevens, Matt Parrott, Matt Forney, Daniel Barge, Alex Fontana, Duns Scotus, Richard Wolstencroft, , Siryako Akda, Daniel Spaulding, Dota, Remi Tremblay, William Solniger, Ryan Andrews, Jack Buckby, Ann Sterzinger, Kevin Scott, Paul Weston, Dave Yorkshire, Dimitrios Papageorgiou, Henry Dampier, Juleigh Howard-Hobson, Gilbert Cavanaugh, Buffalo Jenkins, John Bean, John K. Press, David Hamilton, Gwendolyn Taunton, John Maelstrom, Manuel Ochsenreiter, Mike Newland, Charles Jansen, Rune Lauritzen, Sebastiaan Biehl, Alex Kirillov and readers.

Alternative Right ([email protected])

Re: EoP MILED Clerk Comments to Alternative Right

EoP MILED Clerk interpretation to the ecological and/or egologically illiterate and/or lack of response from Alternative Right editors, contributors and/or readers, to the Ecology of Peace v Masonic War is Peace Negotiations informal correspondence EoP MILED Clerk comments to: Alternative Right: The Radically Honest Right: comment 2698014562 [deleted by Alternative Right editor]; Richard Spencer is not the Alternative Right: Comment 3016662443 is as follows:

Alternative Right authors and/or readers have (a) no questions and/or constructive criticism exposing any Ecology of Peace Factual Reality principle to be in error; and/or (b) do not want to cooperate to implement an Ecology of Peace New World Order international law social contract; by 'turning off the tap': i.e. the right to breed / consume above ecological carrying capacity limits causes of resource wars.

Summary Conclusion: Alternative Right Author and Readers Answer to the Question of New EoP Got It or Masonic War is Peace No Los Pepes Rules; is: No Los Pepes Rules.

Info on EoP MILED Clerk interpretation of WiP No Los Pepes Rules can be found in among others: EoP NWO SCO: 14 Dec: Steven Filipiak: EoP libertarian ethics Thomas Sankara Response to Peace Corps: Aloha Gambia Natural Farming & Knock Knock Uganda.

If accurate: No offence taken.

If partially or entirely inaccurate: Kindly clarify what the accurate EoP MILED Clerk interpretation should be viz a viz Alternative Right authors and readers response to EoP New Rules or WiP No Rules query. You can do so by email to [email protected]; your response shall be responded to in accordance with Ecology of Peace culture Eco & Egological Literacy communication policy.

A copy of this correspondence shall be available at: EoP v WiP NWO Neg: 25 Nov: Alternative Right; available under the Alternative Right tag.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

25 Nov: Donald Trump, Donald Trump 2016, Michael Flynn, Donald McGahn, Jeffrey Goldman, Flynn Intel Group, Judgy Bitch, Janet Bloomfield, Radix Journal, Richard Spencer, Alternative Right.: EoP Interpretation of Donald Trump Supporter EoP or WiP Answers: Pro WiP America No Los Pepes Rules.

From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 8:23 PM Subject: Fwd: Donald Trump: Int of Yr Supporter EoP or WiP Answers: Pro WiP America No Los Pepes Rules To: Lt Gen Michael Flynn , "TC: Michael Flynn Jnr"

Forwarding of correspondence sent to Donald Trump; CC: Lt Gen Flynn via Flynn Intel Group; whose automatic reply response provided the zulutym email address as the accurate email address for Lt Gen Flynn.

______From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 8:10 PM Subject: Donald Trump: Int of Yr Supporter EoP or WiP Answers: Pro WiP America No Los Pepes Rules To: Donald Trump 2016 , "Counsel: Donald F McGahn" , Jeffrey Goldman Cc: "Flynn Intel Group: General" , Media , "Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group" , "Counsel: Victoria Toensing" , "GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe" , "Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell" , "Judgy Bitch: Janet Bloomfield" , Richard Spencer , Alternative Right , "FEC: Federal Election Commission" , "Inspector General: Lynne McFarland" , Kremlin Press Office , "Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta" , Timothy McVeigh , "DOJ-NSD Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh"

Donald Trump: CC: Michael Flynn; Erik Prince; Donald Trump Supporters: Judgy Bitch, Radix Journal, Alternative Right.

Donald Trump: Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Counsel: Donald F McGahn ([email protected]); Jeffrey Goldman ([email protected]);

Michael Flynn: Flynn Intel Group: General ([email protected]); Media ([email protected])

Erik Prince Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group ([email protected]); Counsel: Victoria Toensing ([email protected]); GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe ([email protected]); Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell ([email protected])

Donald Trump Judgy Bitch & Alt Right Suppoters: Judgy Bitch: Janet Bloomfield ([email protected]); Richard Spencer ([email protected]); Alternative Right ([email protected])

Federal Election Commission: FEC: Federal Election Commission ([email protected]); Inspector General: Lynne McFarland ([email protected])

EoP Applicants: President Vladimir Putin via Kremlin Press Office ([email protected]); CC: Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta ([email protected]); Timothy McVeigh ([email protected]); CC: DOJ-NSD Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh ([email protected])

Donald Trump: Int of Yr Supporter EoP or WiP Answers: Pro WiP America No Los Pepes Rules

RE: Former EoP Applicant: Erik Prince; now WiP American.

As noted in prior correspondence to Erik Prince; copied to yourself and ; I informed then EoP Applicant: Erik Prince: 13 Oct: Erik Prince: Adult Decision-making: Pro EoP Applicant or Pro WiP American? CC: Breitbart, FEC, Trump & Clinton, EoP App’s, FSB-NSA.

If I am interpreting you accurately:

I think you are conflicted about whether you are Pro EoP Applicant; or Pro WiP American.

If Pro EoP Applicant: verbally or in writing ask your candidate Donald Trump if he is willing to (a) publicy confirm in buck stops here black and white for you where the fuck he stands on implementing an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; and (b) answer questions from EoP MILED Clerk and EoP Applicants; about his buck stops here statement from EoP Applicants.

If he refuses and your consider a substitute candidate; ask them the same questions: if none are willing to respond to your aforementioned EoP request; notify the American version of the Independent Electoral Commission – as I notified the South African IEC on 15 April 2016 – that you shall not be voting in the American election; due to the absence of any Ecology of Peace political parties.

[..] If you intend voting for any of the left or right Pro-Gutless Wonder Fuck Honour- Americans: I suggest you honourably notify me that you are withdrawing from being an Ecology of Peace applicant; and I can list you with the other former EoP applicants.

[..] EoP Acting Clerk interpretations – don’t forget caveat:

If my interpretation of President Putin and the Kremlin’s Ecology of Peace motives are accurate; then (a) the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses – aka policy – of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract is their primary enemy; (b) anyone whether Russian, American, Muslim, Christian, rich or poor, black or white; who supports cooperating to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract is an ally; and everyone – irrespective of race, class or religion – who obstructs the implementation of an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; would be Masonic War is Peace extremists upholding the ‘right to breed and consume’ international law clauses that are the source of overpopulation and overconsumption’s collision with finite resources; which manifest as: economic inequality; psycho-social resource conflict conformity pressures; climate change, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, corporate and political corruption; nation states standing army or dissident guerrilla army ‘terrorism’ resource war military aggression, etc.

If ‘Sunni and Shia Islamic fascists’ decide tomorrow that they are no longer each other’s enemies; and that the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract is their primary enemy; the Kremlin would welcome their willingness to cooperate towards implementing an Ecology of Peace international law social contract.

If conversely Donald Trump’s Make America – gangrape and buttfuck the rest of the planets resources; so Fuck Honour Americans can live like Slavemasters -- Great Again Americans insist that ‘your consumption war lifestyle’s are not negotiatiable’ and ISIS Islamic fascists insist that ‘their breeding war lifestyle’s are not negotiatiable’; then quite frankly fundamentally ideologically there ain’t any difference between Donald Trump’s America and ISIS; and you should probably unite and you can all have a big buttfuck – perhaps nuclear – orgy with Russia, China and Israel.

[..] Do you want to cooperate to do something to the primary tumour ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ Masonic War is Peace clauses of intenational law tumour sites or not?

There was no response from Erik Prince; confirming that he wanted to remain a Pro EoP Applicant; hence he was notified that he is being removed as an EoP Applicant; based on his preference for being a Pro WiP American.

RE: Donald Trump ‘pretend we give a fuck about racial and economic problem solving and friendship with Russia’ supporters:

As noted in recent correspondence to some of your supporters – copied to yourself, General Flynn and Steve Bannon – who, at least to their readers; appear to think that Donald Trump sincerely gives a fuck about solving their woe is me racial and economic resource war problems; I notified them of among others the EoP v WiP Negotiations and that the Ecology of Peace Wealth Transfer Option – which is one of the Ecology of Peace New World Order social contract options -- was submitted to Donald Trump and Nigel Farage on 09 October: UKIP: Nigel Farage: EoP Response to Nigel Farage: Donald Trump’s ‘grab them by the pussy’ is ‘alpha male boasting’; and General Michael Flynn on 11 October 2016: EoP Strategic Intelligence Wealth Transfer Option.

I notified them that if they found it worthy of further enquiry, discussion or constructive criticism amendment; to let me know; CC: General Flynn or Steve Bannon. If they wanted Donald Trump to consider implementing it; or giving Americans the options of voting on an EoP Referendum or similar; to let General Flynn or Mr. Bannon know; CC: myself.

There has been no response from any indicating their interest in sincere problem solving of what they refer to as their racial and economic resource war problems.

I have re-contacted a few of them so far; to confirm my interpretation that their ecological and/or egologically illiterate and/or lack of response to the Ecology of Peace v Masonic War is Peace Negotiations informal correspondence EoP MILED Clerk is that they (a) have no questions and/or constructive criticism exposing any Ecology of Peace Factual Reality principle to be in error; and (b) do not want to cooperate to implement an Ecology of Peace New World Order international law social contract; by 'turning off the tap': i.e. the right to breed / consume above ecological carrying capacity limits causes of resource wars.

Summary Conclusion: Their answer to the Question of New EoP Got It or Masonic War is Peace No Los Pepes Rules; is No Los Pepes Rules.

Info on EoP MILED Clerk interpretation of WiP No Los Pepes Rules can be found in among others: EoP NWO SCO: 14 Dec: Steven Filipiak: EoP libertarian ethics Thomas Sankara Response to Peace Corps: Aloha Gambia Natural Farming & Knock Knock Uganda.

If accurate: No offence taken.

If the EoP MILED Clerk interpretation of their response is partially or entirely inaccurate; they are requested to kindly clarify what the accurate EoP MILED Clerk interpretation should be regarding their ecological and/or egological illiterate response. They can do so by email to [email protected]. Ecology of Peace culture communication policy is available at Ecology of Peace Alternative Dispute Resolution: Eco & Egological Literacy.

I shall contact the others in the next few days; to confirm my interpretation as to their lack of response. I doubt I shall receive a response, let alone anything remotely resembling an ecological or egological literate; but I could be wrong; so I shall give them the benefit of the doubt for a few days.

If you know of any Donald Trump supporters who are remotely ecologically and/or egologically literate sincere about root cause problem solving the racial and economic resource war problems they so endlessly whine about; kindly point them out to me; and I can contact them to ascertain whether your interpretation as to them being sincere root cause problem solvers; is accurate or not. If accurate; they may have more credibility to convince your other fact resistant cattle pretending to be humans capable of logic reason and problem solving non-violent discussion truthseeking; supporters to confront reality; than I would be.

If you do not know of any Donald Trump supporters who are remotely ecologically and/or egologically literate sincere about root cause problem solving the racial and economic resource war problems they so endlessly whine about; then there is no need to waste my and the remaining Ecology of Peace applicants time; attempting to help you and your fuck honour and fuck ecological reality fact resistant cattle supporters to confront reality; by providing you with information and evidence for you and them to enquire into and fact check.

For the Record: Frankly: My personal working hypothesis conclusion about Donald Trump is that you do not give a fuck about anything besides your fuck honour, fuck ecological reality ego. I don’t think you have the faintest fucking clue as to what you mean by ‘Make America Great Again’; and unlike the FSB, NSA, Mossad, etc; I am not able to read your mind. It is quite possible that my working hypothesis conclusion about Donald Trump is wrong; and that somewhere inside Donald Trump there is a sincere Donald Trump who is hidden behind the fuck honour, fuck ecological reality bullshit the public relations Donald Trump. It is possible for some egotistical fuck honour assholes to be slapped through the face with reality; and be capable of changing. I don’t know if you are such a possible candidate for change.

A copy of this correspondence shall be documented at (i) EoP NWO SCO: EoP Applicants: Timothy McVeigh, Vladimir Putin; Former EoP Applicant: Erik Prince; FSB & NSA; (ii) EoP v WiP NWO Neg: Donald Trump, Donald Trump 2016, Michael Flynn, Donald McGahn, Jeffrey Goldman, Flynn Intel Group, Judgy Bitch, Janet Bloomfield, Radix Journal, Richard Spencer, Alternative Right.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

25 Nov: Jeffrey Lord, Roger Stone, Trump Backers, The Trump Report, Make America Great Again PAC, Infowars, Alex Jones, Diamond & Silk, Mike Cernovic, Black Pigeon Speaks: EoP Interpretation of EoP or WiP Answers: Pro WiP America No Los Pepes Rules.

EoP MILED Clerk: 25 Nov 2016: Mike Cernovich EoP Int of Yr Response to Corr to @Cernovich at: http://eop-v-wip.tygae.org.za/2016/11/25-nov-jeffrey-lord/

From: EoP MILED Clerk Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 9:56 PM; To: Jeffrey Lord ; Subject: EoP Int of Response to Corr to Jeffrey Lord || Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 9:57 PM; To: Roger Stone ; Subject: EoP Int of Response to Corr to Roger Stone || Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 9:58 PM; To: Trump Backers ; Subject: EoP Int of Response to Corr to Trump Backers || Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 9:59 PM; To: The Trump Report ; Subject: EoP Int of Response to Corr to The Trump Report || Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 9:59 PM; To: Make America Great Again PAC ; Subject: EoP Int of Response to Corr to Make America Great Again PAC || Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 10:00 PM; To: "Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine" ; Subject: EoP Int of Response to Corr to Infowars, Alex Jones || Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 10:01 PM; To: Diamond & Silk ; Subject: EoP Int of Response to Corr to Diamond & Silk || Date: Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 10:01 PM; To: Black Pigeon Speaks ; Subject: EoP Int of Response to Corr to Black Pigeon Speaks

Jeffrey Lord ([email protected]); Roger Stone ([email protected]); Trump Backers ([email protected]); The Trump Report ([email protected]); Make America Great Again PAC ([email protected]); Infowars: Alex Jones via Katherine ([email protected]); Diamond & Silk ([email protected]); Black Pigeon Speaks ([email protected]); Mike Cernovic: @Cernovich [sent individually]

EoP Int of Response to Corr to Jeffrey Lord, Roger Stone, Trump Backers, The Trump Report, Make America Great Again PAC, Infowars, Alex Jones, Diamond & Silk, Mike Cernovic, Black Pigeon Speaks

As per correspondence to Donald Trump: 25 Nov 2016: Donald Trump: EoP Int of Donald Trump Supporter EoP or WiP Answers: Pro WiP America No Los Pepes Rules. CC Federal Election Commission. CC: EoP Applicants: Vladimir Putin & Timothy McVeigh;

EoP MILED Clerks interpretation of the ecologically and/or egologically illiterate; or no responses to EoP correspondence sent to Donald Trump voters – such as: Alternative Right, Judgy Bitch, Radix Journal – indicates that some or all of Donald Trump voters; are not remotely sincere about root cause problem solving the racial and/or economic problems they whine about.

There has been no response from any Donald Trump voter indicating their interest in supporting Donald Trump to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; to address the root causes of all racial, religious, class and cultural resource conflict.

The Ecology of Peace Wealth Transfer Option – which is one of the Ecology of Peace New World Order social contract options -- was submitted to Donald Trump and Nigel Farage on 09 October: UKIP: Nigel Farage: EoP Response to Nigel Farage: Donald Trump’s ‘grab them by the pussy’ is ‘alpha male boasting’; and General Michael Flynn on 11 October 2016: EoP Strategic Intelligence Wealth Transfer Option.

Donald Trump supporters were notified that if they found it worthy of further enquiry, discussion or constructive criticism amendment; to let me know; CC: General Flynn or Steve Bannon. If they wanted Donald Trump to consider implementing it; or giving Americans the options of voting on an EoP Referendum or similar; to let General Flynn or Mr. Bannon know; CC: myself.

There has been no response from any Donald Trump voter indicating their interest in sincere problem solving of what they refer to as their racial and economic resource war problems.

As I informed Donald Trump I would do in aforementioned correspondence sent today: I am hereby contacting you again to confirm my interpretation that your ecological and/or egologically illiterate and/or lack of response to the Ecology of Peace v Masonic War is Peace Negotiations informal correspondence previously sent to you; is that you (a) have no questions and/or constructive criticism exposing any Ecology of Peace Factual Reality principle to be in error; and (b) do not want to cooperate to implement an Ecology of Peace New World Order international law social contract; by 'turning off the tap': i.e. the right to breed / consume above ecological carrying capacity limits causes of resource wars.

Summary Conclusion: Your answer to the Question of New EoP Got It or Masonic War is Peace No Los Pepes Rules; is No Los Pepes Rules.

Info on EoP MILED Clerk interpretation of WiP No Los Pepes Rules can be found in among others: EoP NWO SCO: 14 Dec: Steven Filipiak: EoP libertarian ethics Thomas Sankara Response to Peace Corps: Aloha Gambia Natural Farming & Knock Knock Uganda.

If accurate: No offence taken.

If the EoP MILED Clerk interpretation of your response is partially or entirely inaccurate; you are requested to kindly clarify what the accurate EoP MILED Clerk interpretation should be regarding your response to EoP correspondence.

You can do so by email to [email protected]. Ecology of Peace culture communication policy is available at Ecology of Peace Alternative Dispute Resolution: Eco & Egological Literacy.

A copy of this correspondence shall be documented at EoP v WiP NWO Neg: Jeffrey Lord, Roger Stone, Trump Backers, The Trump Report, Make America Great Again PAC, Infowars, Alex Jones, Diamond & Silk, Mike Cernovic, Black Pigeon Speaks


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

26 Nov: D Trump: EoP MILED Clerk Tells Donald Trump to Answer EoP or WiP Q by Dec 5. CC: Michael Flynn, Donald McGahn, Federal Election Commission, Hamilton Electors, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Earth Justice; US Army Corps of Engineers; Morton Co N Dakota Sheriff; Energy Transfer Partners; NPR; Yes; EoP Applicants; EoP Axis Officials, FSB & NSA.

EoP MILED Clerk:

26 Nov 2016 13:46 PM: @maoverland; @NPR; Jenni Monet @yesmagazine: CC: @IdleNoMore4, @StandingRockST, @Earthjustice @SDGovDaugaard @USACEHQ @USAEC @thejointstaff copy of 26 Nov 2016: 13:42 PM

26 Nov 2016 13:42 PM: EoP MILED Clerk Tells @realDonaldTrump to Answer EoP or WiP Q by Dec 5. CC: @HamiltonElector, @FEC @GenFlynn: http://eop-v-wip.tygae.org.za/2016/11/26-nov-d- trump/

______From: EoP MILED Clerk * Date: Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 12:50 PM | Subject: NSA, FSB, FEC, D Trump, EoP Axis: EoP MILED Clerk Tells Donald Trump to Answer EoP or WiP Q by Dec 5. To: "NSA: Adm Mike Rogers" , "FSB: Gen Bortnikov" Cc: "FEC: Federal Election Commission" , "Inspector General: Lynne McFarland" , Donald Trump 2016 , "Counsel: Donald F McGahn" , Lt Gen Michael Flynn , "TC: Michael Flynn Jnr" , President Barack Obama , George W Bush Presidential Center , Office of George W Bush , George W Bush Presidential Library , George W Bush Institute , Sec Def Ash Carter , "NATO: Shape: Public Affairs Office" , "Belgium Amb: H E Mr H R G Cooreman BE Emb - Pta" , Kremlin Press Office , "Chinese Communist Party: Peoples Daily" * Date: Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 12:54 PM | Subject: Standing Rock, USACE, Morton Co, Energy Transfer Ptnrs: Fwd: EoP MILED Clerk Tells Donald Trump to Answer EoP or WiP Q by Dec 5. To: "Standing Rock Sioux Tribe: Chelsea Hawkins" , Sue Evans , "Counsel: EarthJustice: Stephanie Tsosie" , "US Army Corps of Engineers: Col John Henderson: Omaha District" , Thomas O'Hara , Roger Roby , Jessica Batterman , "Morton Co N Dakota State Attorney: Allen Koppy" , "Energy Transfer Partners: Vicki Grandado" * Date: Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 1:02 PM | Subject: EoP App: Fwd: EoP MILED Clerk Tells Donald Trump to Answer EoP or WiP Q by Dec 5. To: Timothy McVeigh , "DOJ-NSD Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco" , Kremlin Press Office , "Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta" , Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi , Gen Paul Kern , Gen Gordon Sullivan , "Gen. Charles Chuck Wald" , "Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group" , "Counsel: Victoria Toensing" , "GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe" , "Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell" , David Petraeus , "KKR: Henry Kravis" , "Williams & Connolly LLP: Robert Barnett" , Raymond Odierno and John Mulholland via US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff , Stan McChrystal , Brigadier General Steven Anderson , "Admiral Bobby R. Inman U. S. Navy Ret." , "General James Cartwright USMC Ret." , "General Charles H. Jacoby Jr." , "General Joseph W. Ralston" , Daniel William Christman , Admiral Steve Abbot USN , Robert Tyrer , James M Bodner , "Robert L. Grenier" , Ralph Schneider , Andrew Holland , "Judith A. Jami Miscik" , Jonathan Allen , Daniel J Smith , Francis A Branch CIV OSD OUSD INTEL , Wilma J Atkins CIV US , Lawrence Fowler C CIV US , Thomas Moorman , "General Anthony Charles Zinni USMC Ret." , LtCol Thomas Brown USAF , LtCol Emanuel Cohan USAF , Col Frank Battistelli , "LtCol Peter F. Olsen USAF"

TO: NSA Adm Mike Rogers & FSB: Gen Alexander Bortnikov: CC: Hamilton Electors, Federal Election Commission CC: Donald Trump, Gen Michael Flynn CC: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe & US Army Corps of Engineers et al [sent separately] CC: EoP Axis Officials CC: EoP Applicants: Current and Former. [sent separately]

NSA Adm Mike Rogers & FSB: Gen Alexander Bortnikov: NSA: Adm Mike Rogers ([email protected]); FSB: Gen Bortnikov ([email protected])

Federal Election Commission & Hamilton Electors: FEC: Federal Election Commission ([email protected]); Inspector General: Lynne McFarland ([email protected]); Hamilton Electors: @HamiltonElector

Donald Trump, Gen Michael Flynn: Donald Trump 2016 ([email protected]); Counsel: Donald F McGahn ([email protected]); Lt Gen Michael Flynn ([email protected]), TC: Michael Flynn Jnr ([email protected])

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe & US Army Corps of Engineers et al: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe: Chelsea Hawkins ([email protected]); Sue Evans ([email protected]); Counsel: EarthJustice: Stephanie Tsosie ([email protected]); US Army Corps of Engineers: Col John Henderson: Omaha District ([email protected]); Thomas O'Hara ([email protected]); Roger Roby ([email protected]); Jessica Batterman ([email protected]); Morton Co N Dakota Sheriff: Kyle Kirchmeier via State Attorney: Allen Koppy ([email protected]); Energy Transfer Partners: Kelcy Warren via Vicki Grandado ([email protected]) NPR: Martha Ann Overland: @maoverland; @NPR; Yes: Jenni Monet: @yesmagazine Ref: NPR: Army Corps Of Engineers Tells Pipeline Protesters To Leave Camp By Dec. 5; Yes: Sheriffs Refuse to Send Troops to Standing Rock as Public Outrage and Costs Mount.

EoP Axis Officials: USA: Democratic Party: President Barack Obama ([email protected]); Republican Party: President George W Bush via George W Bush Presidential Center ([email protected]); Office of George W Bush ([email protected]); George W Bush Presidential Library ([email protected]); George W Bush Institute ([email protected]); Sec Def Ash Carter ([email protected]); NATO Member Prime Ministers and Presidents: Via: NATO Military Committee: Chairman: General Petr Pavel: Czech Republic via: (i) NATO: Shape: Public Affairs Office ([email protected]); Belgium Amb: H E Mr H R G Cooreman BE Emb - Pta ([email protected]); * Russia: Kremlin: President Vladimir Putin via Kremlin Press Office ([email protected]); * China: CCP Central Committee: President Xi Jinping via: Chinese Communist Party: Peoples Daily ([email protected])

EoP Applicants: Current & Former: Timothy McVeigh ([email protected]); CC: DOJ-NSD Asst AG-NS: Lisa Monaco: RE: Timothy McVeigh ([email protected]); President Vladimir Putin via Kremlin Press Office ([email protected]); CC: Amb Mikhail Petrakov: RU Emb-Pta ([email protected]); Vice Admiral Nanette Derenzi ([email protected]); VADM Dennis McGinn via CNA Military Advisory Board Members: US Army: Gen Paul Kern ([email protected]); Army: F.Ch.Staff: Gen Gordon Sullivan ([email protected]); US EU Command: F.Dep.Comm: Gen. Charles Chuck Wald ([email protected]); Erik Prince: Frontier Services Group ([email protected]); Counsel: Victoria Toensing ([email protected]); GOP: Brown Ellen – Inhofe ([email protected]); Michigan Republicans: Sam Bissell ([email protected]); David Petraeus ([email protected]); CC: Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co: Henry Kravis ([email protected]); Williams & Connolly LLP: Robert Barnett ([email protected]); Raymond Odierno and John Mulholland via US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff ([email protected]); Stan McChrystal ([email protected]); Brigadier General Steven Anderson ([email protected]); Admiral Bobby R. Inman U. S. Navy Ret. ([email protected]); General James Cartwright USMC Ret. ([email protected]); General Charles H. Jacoby Jr. ([email protected]); General Joseph W. Ralston ([email protected]); Daniel William Christman ([email protected]); Admiral Steve Abbot USN ([email protected]); Robert Tyrer ([email protected]); James M Bodner ([email protected]); Robert L. Grenier ([email protected]); Ralph Schneider ([email protected]); Andrew Holland ([email protected]); Judith A. "Jami" Miscik ([email protected]); Jonathan Allen ([email protected]); Daniel J Smith ([email protected]); Francis A Branch CIV OSD OUSD INTEL ([email protected]); Wilma J Atkins CIV US ([email protected]); Lawrence Fowler C CIV US ([email protected]); Thomas Moorman ([email protected]); General Anthony Charles Zinni USMC Ret. ([email protected]); LtCol Thomas Brown USAF ([email protected]); LtCol Emanuel Cohan USAF ([email protected]); Col Frank Battistelli ([email protected]); LtCol Peter F. Olsen USAF ([email protected])

EoP MILED Clerk Tells Donald Trump to Answer EoP or WiP Q by Dec 5.

If there is no response to EoP correspondence to Donald Trump, General Flynn, Steve Bannon, 25 Nov: Donald Trump et al: EoP Interpretation of Donald Trump Supporter EoP or WiP Answers: Pro WiP America No Los Pepes Rules; indicating that there is anyone in Donald Trump’s cabinet or amongst his voter supporters; who is sincere about addressing the root causes of the racial and economic resource war problems; they endlessly whine about; and if so: who that individual is; and what their root cause problem solving legislative recommendations are; EoP MILED Clerk shall make an EoP President -- David Petraeus and Steven Anderson for EoP US President and Vice President -- submission to the Hamilton Electors; for their consideration on 19 December 2016.

Ecology of Peace President: David Petraeus; Vice President: Steven Anderson; Attorney General: Nanette Derenzi; Secretary of State: Stan McChrystal; Secretary of Defence: Herbert Raymond McMaster; National Security Advisor: James Cartwright; Environmental Protection Agency: Dana Pittard. Other EoP Appointments could include: Anthony Charles Zinni, George Flynn, Dennis McGinn, Paul Kern, Gordon Sullivan, Charles Chuck Wald, Raymond Odierno, John Mulholland, Bobby R. Inman, James Cartwright, Charles H. Jacoby Jr., Joseph W. Ralston, Daniel William Christman, Steve Abbot, Robert Tyrer, James M Bodner, Robert L. Grenier, Ralph Schneider, Andrew Holland, Judith A. "Jami" Miscik, Jonathan Allen, Daniel J Smith, Francis A Branch, Wilma J Atkins, Lawrence Fowler, Thomas Moorman, Thomas Brown, Emanuel Cohan, Frank Battistelli, Peter F. Olsen

A state with fuck all interest in ‘honour credibility’ – i.e. no interest in basing its laws upon the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, based upon the evidence, the whole evidence, and nothing but the evidence; is like an engineer building a bridge for 50 million tonne train crossing; who builds his bridge with matchsticks instead of cement and steel; because his ‘fuck honour engineering gods told him that he can build bridges based upon ‘fuck gravity legal principles’; with matchsticks; and he does not need millions of tones of concrete and steel to hold that 50 million tonne train in the air; to enable it to cross from one cliff to another. When that 50 million tonne train begins to cross that matchstick bridge; both the train and matchstick bridge are going to crash down the cliff. Lawyers, legislators, prosecutors and judges who give a fuck about the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, based upon the evidence, the whole evidence, and nothing but the evidence; build high trust steel bridge societies; where a citizen knows they can go to the court; to find an impartial arbitrator on any issue in dispute; that will help both parties to find the truth, and nothing but the truth; based upon the evidence.

Citizens, Lawyers, legislators, prosecutors and judges who do not give a fuck about the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, based upon the evidence, the whole evidence, and nothing but the evidence; build low or no trust societies. In a low or no trust society; every court – whether official juridical court; or the media court of public opinion – is effectively a legal ‘fuck ecological carrying capacity gravity laws’ ‘matchstick bridge’.

In a nation of low or no trust; where every court is effectively a legal matchstick bridge; you are better off finding an alternative dispute resolution buck stops here steel bridge’ arbitrator – no different to a buck stops here steel bridge policeman; such as for example Dagestan policeman Magomed Nurbaganov [Crime Russia, Russia Today, Kremlin, Kremlin]; Marine California Corrections Officer’s Richard Caruso and Steve Rigg [Prison Legal News, Esquire]; President Thomas Sankara [AfrikaNewsItaly], Mustafa Kemal Attaturk [Mark Campbell], Serpico [Worley Clarence] — if you are sincerely interested in resolving your dispute based upon the truth and the evidence. - EoP Culture Info.


“When the Crimea Berkut officers returned to their Crimea base; they realized that for the first time their duty was not to protect public order; but to guard the peace in Crimea. …. Sergei Shoigu (Minister of Defence of Russian Federation) It was a forced measure, because there were a lot of instigators and agitators.... It was in those days that a real brand -- the "polite people" -- appeared in Crimea. How did this happen? Was it accidental? You know as they say in situations like this: There is nothing accidental in this world...... Alexander Vitko: Admiral Commander in Chief Russia Black Sea Fleet ..... Perhaps the Ukrainian commanders and I were seeking integrity, truth and security. Maybe we just made an attempt to tell the truth. - Crimea the Way Home by Andrey Kondrashev

President Elect David Petraeus Ecology of Peace Good Morning America Policy:

Draft summary of Ecology of Peace military, legal, political and economic actions that shall be taken by General Petraeus and his cabinet; if elected by the Electoral College:

1. Call a meeting with the UN Security Council Members to vote on whether they shall unanimously agree to EoP Axis cooperation to implement an Ecology of Peace international law social contract; by ‘turning off the tap’: i.e. the right to breed / consume above ecological carrying capacity limits causes of resource wars; by confirming their unanimous military, legal, political, economic and religious agreement of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality principles.

A. Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality: [1] Earth is not flat. [2] Resources are finite. [3] When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in ecological overshoot, resource depletion and resource conflict. [4] Some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources include: poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, climate change, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc. [5] The root cause of humans breeding and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits is the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract. [6] If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, political parties, corporations and/or nations sincerely want to (a) sustainably protect natural resources for future generations; and/or (b) reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; and/or (c) enable honourable, transparent and humane international cooperative de-industrialization and depopulation of the planet to return to living in accordance to ecological carrying capacity limits; they should (d) cooperate to nullify the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses and replace them with Ecology of Peace clauses that restricts all the worlds citizens to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; or be humanely eliminated from the planetary genepool.

2. If Security Council EoP Axis vote is No:

A. President Petraeus and his entire cabinet shall resign.

3. If EoP Axis vote is Yes: Security Council EoP Axis Presidents agree: instruct their Secretary of State; Secretary of Defence and Attorney General collectively to:

A. Domestic Policy: 1. Appoint a National EoP Axis Negotiation Domestic Policy Committee to meet with religious, corporate, cultural leaders to ascertain their support or objection to the implementation of an EoP international law social contract. 2. Provide non-violent objectors; whose objective evidence exposes any of the Ecology of Peace Factual Reality principles to be in error; the opportunity to submit their evidence to an independent arbitrator or court; for their enquiry and consideration. If evidence is accurate; to appropriately amend the EoP Factual Reality principles. 3. Provide legal, military and/or economic support to cooperating corporations and/or communities to enable them to transition to EoP Wealth Transfer New Sustainable Economy. 4. If so Required: The Dept of Defence: is to provide ‘polite people peace keeper’ national guard military support for cooperating states, cities or counties; if so requested; by such state officials and their responsible freedom citizens; to enable those states, cities or counties, orderly and humane implementation of an EoP social contract.

B. Foreign Policy: 1. Appoint a National EoP Axis Negotiation Foreign Policy Committee to meet with other Nation States to ascertain their support or objection to the implementation of an EoP international law social contract. 2. Provide legal, military and/or economic support to cooperating nation states. 3. If so Required: The Attorney General to file an appropriately amended version of the EoP PoW v Nobel Laureates et al complaint with the International Court of Justice; EoP Axis Nations v obstructing UN General Assembly Nations; where non-violent obstructing states may submit evidence exposing any of the Ecology of Peace Factual Reality principles to be in error; for their enquiry and consideration. If evidence is proven to be accurate; to appropriately amend the EoP Factual Reality principles. 4. If so Required: The Dept of Defence: to provide ‘polite people peace keeper’ military support for cooperating nation states; if so requested; by such state officials and their responsible freedom citizens; to enable those states orderly and humane implementation of an EoP social contract. 5. Legally enquire from their state and corporate mainstream media – Media: EoP or WiP Rules -- whether they prefer to voluntarily honourably and responsibly cooperate to educate their readers about Ecology of Peace Factual Reality principles; with regard to any resource conflict news story they publish; or prefer other legal coercive – such as loss of licences to those who refuse to cooperate – measures; to coercively encourage them to educate the public about Ecology of Peace Factual Reality principles related to resource conflict news stories they publish?

C. In the event of Obstructing Nation State/s: The Attorney General documentation filed with the International Court of Justice; EoP Axis v obstructing UN General Assembly Nations; shall included notice to such obstructing nation state and its citizens: 1. The only emigration allowed from any obstructing state; shall be legal emigration of any individual who has signed their EoP Responsible Freedom Declaration Oath. 2. All ‘WiP scarcity combatant’ emigration – legal or illegal – from such obstructing state to any other state shall be banned by EoP Axis unconditional agreement; until such state elects cooperating national leaders. 3. Individuals convicted of WiP illegal emigration; are to be given their choice of humane execution; departure from the planetary genepool.

A copy of this correspondence shall be documented at (i) EOP NWO SCO: EoP Applicants: All & Former; David Petraeus; EoP Axis Officials; Request Assistance of Counsel: FSB & NSA (ii) EoP v WiP NWO Neg: Donald Trump, Michael Flynn, Donald McGahn, Federal Election Commission, Hamilton Electors, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Earth Justice; US Army Corps of Engineers; Morton Co N Dakota Sheriff; Energy Transfer Partners; NPR; Yes.


Lara Johnstone, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn PO Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA GMC 4643-13 & 2578-14 Pro Se Applicant Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk